View Full Version : WL pregnant
26-01-2015, 11:12 PM
I know this is a stupid question and discussion. Any bro ever creampie and make a WL pregnant before? If WL pregnant with your child, what should you do? Should ignore or take responsibility because u pay money for bonk, not a real relationship.
26-01-2015, 11:26 PM
How you know the baby is yours? DNA test? But why you go raw with wl? Or you saying she is wl last time now she is your woman, then she is not wl anymore. What respobsibility you want to take? Married her? You sure will not divorce?
26-01-2015, 11:50 PM
Aiyo..i said this of course is raw when fuck a WL, if not how to creampie. No need to ask "why", done is done..
i mean creampie her when she is WL because she is my regular, if u are the type determined never raw and creampie a WL..then no point ask "why"
How you know the baby is yours? DNA test? But why you go raw with wl? Or you saying she is wl last time now she is your woman, then she is not wl anymore. What respobsibility you want to take? Married her? You sure will not divorce?
27-01-2015, 12:01 AM
How sure are you that its your child she is carrying?
An if can let you have it RAW,
Wat makes you think that you are the only one???
27-01-2015, 12:06 AM
Can you confirm you're the only customer that she gave raw to?
If yes, how sure are you that she's not lying to you.
If no, how sure are you that you're the lottery winner?
I would visit the doctor for a blood test if I were you. It's more important that the thread topic that you posted here.
27-01-2015, 12:19 AM
Aiyo..i said this of course is raw when fuck a WL, if not how to creampie. No need to ask "why", done is done..
i mean creampie her when she is WL because she is my regular, if u are the type determined never raw and creampie a WL..then no point ask "why"
As what other bros has say, you sure you are the lucky ones? I wonder how it can be tested to proof its yours.
27-01-2015, 12:26 AM
Go for a DNA test to confirm is your child . If yes , take responsibility for your child . Take her out of this line , love her like she love you . WL also human , just be careful don' t get cheated .
27-01-2015, 07:11 AM
Aiyo..some bro ask funny question like "do i think i am the only customer she raw?" " Married her? Sure marriage can last?"
Needless to said, i cannot confirm the child is mine since she is WL without a DNA test. I not posting a KC question about i love the whore because she raw with me.
Once a whore always a whore, only nuts marry them.
What i am asking for opinion is if she is break the news to me that she is pregnant with my child, is it better if
1) just run away and hack care since it is pay sex (should not bother my child or not mine)
2) Send her for DNA test to confirm then decide want give her money for abortion or what.
Apologies for the confusion about what i am trying to ask.
27-01-2015, 09:15 AM
Aiyo..some bro ask funny question like "do i think i am the only customer she raw?" " Married her? Sure marriage can last?"
Needless to said, i cannot confirm the child is mine since she is WL without a DNA test. I not posting a KC question about i love the whore because she raw with me.
Once a whore always a whore, only nuts marry them.
What i am asking for opinion is if she is break the news to me that she is pregnant with my child, is it better if
1) just run away and hack care since it is pay sex (should not bother my child or not mine)
2) Send her for DNA test to confirm then decide want give her money for abortion or what.
Apologies for the confusion about what i am trying to ask.
Siao. She is a prostitute. If she is prepared to allow you to raw she must have been prepared for protection e.g. birth control/morning after pill.
Don't be dumb and allow yourself to be carrothead.
27-01-2015, 09:23 AM
You keep rephrasing your questions...
So what answers are you looking for?
Congratulations for being a laopeh?
But most likely you don't want to keep the child...
So KKJ song and kill a child?
27-01-2015, 10:35 AM
It's actually not easy to make a woman pregnant. Her cycle must be accurate and the timing must be right. Unless she planned for it and trick u into making out with her, then nothing to say.
But on the other hand, if she feels you are the one for her and she is willing to retire and be a good wife to you, will you still kill a child? A child is a blessing from God and it is of great sin to take his or her life away.
27-01-2015, 11:06 AM
What i am asking for opinion is if she is break the news to me that she is pregnant with my child, is it better if
1) just run away and hack care since it is pay sex (should not bother my child or not mine)
2) Send her for DNA test to confirm then decide want give her money for abortion or what.
Apologies for the confusion about what i am trying to ask.
Hahahaha, ok bro I get the picture, in short you did raw with your regular pro, and you worried that you may make a child with her.
I must say this, despite doing this foolish thing, you are actually not that bad since you are thinking about how to deal with it.
Well you can run away, but whether you can hide or not, nobody knows, or you can decide to kill your own child.
Here's my suggestion, if you want to do abortion, don't need to do DNA, what for?
This is a difficult question, because a life maybe at stake, but whatever you do please remember Karma.
27-01-2015, 11:15 AM
As many brothers said, are you sure the child is yours. Secondly, how you want to proceed from here?
As the saying goes, you can marry a pros, but never marry a wife to be a pros.
27-01-2015, 12:06 PM
Been there done that, If you have conscience, always be prepared for consequences like this after doing raw, nothing is for sure, even with condom, pregancies does happens.
Your choice is very clear, either run away and hack care - means being a bastard even if the child is yours (DNA determined).
Or you take the responsibility to help bring the child into this world, work out a plan for the future, like taking full custody if WL still wants to carry on as prostitute.
Or last resort, abortion - just make sure you are paying. Wash hands and you're clear. No need to DNA then abortion for what, to make you a bigger sinner for taking a innocent life?
Think before you act. Raw is always War.
Good luck to you if you're carrot head ready for chopping block - scapegoat for someone else's deeds.
27-01-2015, 12:21 PM
Congrats, bro TS!
You are going to be the father of a jubilee baby! :D:p
27-01-2015, 12:53 PM
Congrats, bro TS!
You are going to be the father of a jubilee baby! :D:p
Got many Jubilee baby gifts also...
Don't give birth will lugi a lot...
27-01-2015, 01:31 PM
What i am asking for opinion is if she is break the news to me that she is pregnant with my child, is it better if
1) just run away and hack care since it is pay sex (should not bother my child or not mine)
2) Send her for DNA test to confirm then decide want give her money for abortion or what.
Apologies for the confusion about what i am trying to ask.[/QUOTE]
If she clever one, she can get the court to make u pay for upbringing the child once she can prove u are the biological papa.
Or she can go to your home, kpkb there, which is worst. Or she give birth and hide, come back 2/3 years later to disturb u.
Best option, let money settle your problem. Go abortion, and pay for damages
May be costly but that's the price to pay for being naughty
27-01-2015, 05:07 PM
I know this is a stupid question and discussion. Any bro ever creampie and make a WL pregnant before? If WL pregnant with your child, what should you do? Should ignore or take responsibility because u pay money for bonk, not a real relationship.
If you fuck a random WL raw, and she seems to allow you to do so with no apprehension, pregnancy is the least of your concern...
27-01-2015, 06:49 PM
Aiyo..some bro ask funny question like "do i think i am the only customer she raw?" " Married her? Sure marriage can last?"
Needless to said, i cannot confirm the child is mine since she is WL without a DNA test. I not posting a KC question about i love the whore because she raw with me.
Once a whore always a whore, only nuts marry them.
What i am asking for opinion is if she is break the news to me that she is pregnant with my child, is it better if
1) just run away and hack care since it is pay sex (should not bother my child or not mine)
2) Send her for DNA test to confirm then decide want give her money for abortion or what.
Apologies for the confusion about what i am trying to ask.
then my advice is if you wanna siam, better siam far far, change your number etc dun let her know your address. because if one fine day.. she comes back to find you while holding a kid's hand.. and the kid calls you papa.. all hell breaks loose, especially if you are married then. lol.. you become the 2nd Terence Cao
27-01-2015, 09:15 PM
I am compelled to say if step into prostitute or WL world, the person shouldn't get pregnant since the job is paid for a good fk and going on with more "clients".
Agree with most of the opinions here. It is either marry if you and her wish to or heck care siam far far away since not obliged to provide for offspring from paid fk.
27-01-2015, 10:47 PM
What i am asking for opinion is if she is break the news to me that she is pregnant with my child, is it better if
1) just run away and hack care since it is pay sex (should not bother my child or not mine)
2) Send her for DNA test to confirm then decide want give her money for abortion or what.
Bro TS, before I answer your question, can I assume that you are married?
28-01-2015, 12:26 AM
Unless you have an verbal agreement with the WL for not using CD and she will have to bear the responsibility if she really got preggy.. or if u are the one who is so itchy that persuaded her to let u raw without telling her the consequences... its all up to you and your guilt by then to either escape or face the responsibility of your wrongdoing..
You may escape the responsibility by using money to settle the faults but you may or won't be able to escape the guilt of killing a innocent life..
28-01-2015, 12:37 AM
Marry her? What if she is Milf?
28-01-2015, 01:11 AM
U ask this question because u still have a conscience . One of my friend encounter this problem x 2 times before , both times he offer the WL go hospital for DNA test , if confirm pregnant and is his child , he will marry her , take care baby . Both times WL reject to go for test , after that auto no more contact from WL . My friend sleep soundly ,cause willing take responsibility . Running away is easy , but depends what kind of person r u .
28-01-2015, 08:10 PM
Well i am single but to marry a whore is a nono, moreover no real feeling, only lust. It is mutual agreement in doing raw by compensation with more money.
As such i feel actually no liability for her pregnancy. She took my money so should take the precaution.
Some bro argue if want abort then no need do DNA test. Well how can ask her to abort straight away without DNA test? if turn out to be other people child? I cannot make such decision for others?
If DNA show not my child then i dont even bother with her. If DNA show my child then i think of ask her abort. Only worry she refuse then gogodi with me.
Wonder any bro encounter such things before, have good solution? What can be the worse case? Can she go court sue me? Court ask me pay more compensation?
28-01-2015, 10:28 PM
28-01-2015, 11:09 PM
I am too addicted to it, worse consequence kana HIV but as of my last blood test after, i am clean :p
Why not give some useful opinion than quote a useless sentence. Same like u tell this to a murderer who been given death sentence, what use have it?
28-01-2015, 11:18 PM
I am too addicted to it, worse consequence kana HIV but as of my last blood test after, i am clean :p
Why not give some useful opinion than quote a useless sentence. Same like u tell this to a murderer who been given death sentence, what use have it?
Options a not it doesn't matter. Since you had already did it and addicted on doing it you should have better options. Why seek so many options? The more the better? :D
28-01-2015, 11:46 PM
Step 1 . check DNA
if confirm , Step 2 marry her and u will be having a good sex life
if not confirm , Step 2 .. Run away !
28-01-2015, 11:46 PM
Get an abortion. BUT, if
a. she can prove the baby is yours through DNA testing, and
b. she refuses to get an abortion,
c. she knows your real identity (maybe via your handphone or your name)
then she can sue you for child support. If she takes the legal route, no amount of "running" is going to help. You are the biological father and you are liable for the child support. Almost certainly, she'll win the case.
The Woman's Charter states:
Duty of parents to maintain children
68. it shall be the duty of a parent to maintain or contribute to the maintenance of his or her children, whether they are in his or her custody or the custody of any other person, and whether they are legitimate or illegitimate, either by providing them with such accommodation, clothing, food and education as may be reasonable having regard to his or her means and station in life or by paying the cost thereof.
Now imagine the worst case scenario of you, her, and the kid all infected with HIV. She is afterall a hooker and she can catch HIV and pass it to you and the baby. A lifetime of expensive HIV drugs for 3 people. If AIDS doesn't kill you, the expenses will.
Still want to fuck her raw? Your reward is a baby and your name on the kid's birthcert and a hellhole of expenses for at least 21 years.
28-01-2015, 11:52 PM
I am too addicted to it, worse consequence kana HIV but as of my last blood test after, i am clean :p
Why not give some useful opinion than quote a useless sentence. Same like u tell this to a murderer who been given death sentence, what use have it?
You're addicted to it.. you only contribute more harm to the WL's health and future although they are willing to do it for money for abortion... also bring bad karma to yourself and family.
If Peggy and born without a proper family.. you might even contribute more harm to the child or the society..
Anyhow by means of doing this.. there is many ways to make you suffer if she met the right person which can consult her to deal with you.. she might even sue you of raping her since there is no proof of mutual consent on papers.. take care and good luck
29-01-2015, 12:38 AM
Not all WLs r bad . Some in this line because of family , for example h72 last time have 1 WL Dad got cancer , so she come sg earn money help treat dad's cancer . Finally dad not able to make it , after that she no more need to work this line . Her greatest regret not able to see dad's last face . . . for weeks she turn from plump to thin ,reason sad and no eat . U can pay money , u can get sex ,but just make sure end of day don't hurt both sides feelings and emotions . If really and seriously like her , find out more about her and family , make her an offer . Abortion is very damaging to woman's body . If all she do is want u to happy , everything think for u , try not be selfish and think of yourself only .
29-01-2015, 12:48 AM
Opinion on ways how to get out of it so i can continue. Why doesnt matter? I am sure there are hidden talent here who have done it better....can share their thoughts...but from a girl perspective, i understand difficult girl to understand this .....:D
Options a not it doesn't matter. Since you had already did it and addicted on doing it you should have better options. Why seek so many options? The more the better? :D
Mr Demonhunter, good suggestion, i did cross the thought of marry her for good sex so every day i come home can have good and raw sex but still seem not practical.
Step 1 . check DNA
if confirm , Step 2 marry her and u will be having a good sex life
if not confirm , Step 2 .. Run away !
hmm..i am thinking of this too...
Get an abortion. BUT, if
a. she can prove the baby is yours through DNA testing, and
b. she refuses to get an abortion,
c. she knows your real identity (maybe via your handphone or your name)
then she can sue you for child support. If she takes the legal route, no amount of "running" is going to help. You are the biological father and you are liable for the child support. Almost certainly, she'll win the case.
The Woman's Charter states:
Duty of parents to maintain children
68. it shall be the duty of a parent to maintain or contribute to the maintenance of his or her children, whether they are in his or her custody or the custody of any other person, and whether they are legitimate or illegitimate, either by providing them with such accommodation, clothing, food and education as may be reasonable having regard to his or her means and station in life or by paying the cost thereof.
Now imagine the worst case scenario of you, her, and the kid all infected with HIV. She is afterall a hooker and she can catch HIV and pass it to you and the baby. A lifetime of expensive HIV drugs for 3 people. If AIDS doesn't kill you, the expenses will.
Still want to fuck her raw? Your reward is a baby and your name on the kid's birthcert and a hellhole of expenses for at least 21 years.
You talking about karma in a sex forum? maybe at the first place u should not be here or the forum should not exist due to karma....should sammyboy himself have karma for running this website to encourage whoring activities?:D
You're addicted to it.. you only contribute more harm to the WL's health and future although they are willing to do it for money for abortion... also bring bad karma to yourself and family.
If Peggy and born without a proper family.. you might even contribute more harm to the child or the society..
Anyhow by means of doing this.. there is many ways to make you suffer if she met the right person which can consult her to deal with you.. she might even sue you of raping her since there is no proof of mutual consent on papers.. take care and good luck
29-01-2015, 01:22 AM
You are right, i used to think like u but later realise more than 90% WL become whore not because they no choice, ie. they have money for basic survival.
Many do for luxurious life, when have money will spend on iphone,. branded clothes and bag or expensive food :) be it local WL or foreign, it is all same.
Not all WLs r bad . Some in this line because of family , for example h72 last time have 1 WL Dad got cancer , so she come sg earn money help treat dad's cancer . Finally dad not able to make it , after that she no more need to work this line . Her greatest regret not able to see dad's last face . . . for weeks she turn from plump to thin ,reason sad and no eat . U can pay money , u can get sex ,but just make sure end of day don't hurt both sides feelings and emotions . If really and seriously like her , find out more about her and family , make her an offer . Abortion is very damaging to woman's body . If all she do is want u to happy , everything think for u , try not be selfish and think of yourself only .
29-01-2015, 03:35 AM
To be frank, you dare to do raw, I'm sure she is not the only WL u fucked raw. If now then u start to worry one of them will pregnant, why not worry about all the WL you fucked might pregnant too?
From your replies to many bros, obviously you not willing to take any responsibility whether they pregnant or not since you mentioned is pay sex. Not even need to mention whether you will accept this woman or admit her pregnancy is resulted by you. Any way I'm sure these woman also wont be so stupid without taking any safety precaution that end them in deep problem when very high risk meeting a guy (customer) like you.
So are you going to be noble and accept this WL as your wife without thinking about her job as prostitute? Obviously you are not. Worse still, marry her for good sex? without feeling? You worse than a beast that only use their dick to think. Simply relay all your answers that you replied at here to this WL. If she got brain, she will wake up and tell you what to do than searching your answer here. Any way is not up for you to decide since is her body. lol.... u better pray hard not really your child if not BINGO! Law will help this WL and the kid (if born) to handle you.... lol
29-01-2015, 10:55 AM
To take responsibility by marrying a girl because she is pregnant is a sure recipe for failed marriage. Moreover sex is done thru transaction.
I am more concern by what she can / cannot do in court if the baby is proven to be mine.
Anyway thanks to those bro who gave useful opinion.
From your replies to many bros, obviously you not willing to take any responsibility whether they pregnant or not
So are you going to be noble and accept this WL as your wife without thinking about her job as prostitute?
29-01-2015, 11:30 AM
To take responsibility by marrying a girl because she is pregnant is a sure recipe for failed marriage. Moreover sex is done thru transaction.
I am more concern by what she can / cannot do in court if the baby is proven to be mine.
Anyway thanks to those bro who gave useful opinion.
Then just tell us your main concern..... Law issues....
By the way, both of you will get into trouble as there are rules to follow if she is a legal House WL. Use CAP/Helmet for all actions. Since both of you didn't use, what do you think the court will do? If she isn't working in any of the legal house and she want you to get into trouble, RAPE she will report you to the police...
29-01-2015, 11:21 PM
test for HIV, bro. really.
zinedine zidane
30-01-2015, 12:04 AM
Addicted? What an excuse! You do wrong things and blame it on your addiction? Worse still, start worrying whether the WL will get pregnant when you creampie her. You may say "at the point of time" cannot tahan, it only tells me you've got poor control over your mind.
If you have that kind of addiction, get a girlfriend. Do your homework well, calculate the timing pop the birth control pills. Creampie all you want....
You come here asking for prevention/escape route, obviously you arent prepare to take responsibilities.
Next, if you prepared to "escape" why even bother ask so many "what if"?
You mentioned, it was a mutually agreed paid transaction. Then why worry?
I guess you are old enough to know that when u creampie a girl, the risk involved is not only STD but pregnancy as well.
If your main concern is going to court, Like what bros/sis here said informed the WL to inform you if she is pregnant then go for DNA. If the child is yours, take custody. I dont agree to abortion, why must the child's life ends when its your fault?
02-02-2015, 05:13 PM
Obviously ts will not be the only person given raw. No such thing as WL giving exclusive raw.
03-02-2015, 12:22 PM
To take responsibility by marrying a girl because she is pregnant is a sure recipe for failed marriage. Moreover sex is done thru transaction.
I am more concern by what she can / cannot do in court if the baby is proven to be mine.
Anyway thanks to those bro who gave useful opinion.
rachgu, now I understand what you are asking, like what other bro say here, legally speaking, it is not easy for the WL to report you for rape since you mentioned you are her regular, the only thing is she can report that you rape her because she refuse to do raw with you. Now that, although not easy, can still land you in a whole lot of trouble with the law.
On the issue of child support I think bros here already explained to you on what are your legal obligations. Last time my colleague divorced his wife, both kids follow the mother, each month he have to give $800x2 to wife for child support. His ex actually made him cuckold (that's why divorced), so now stay with the bf. My colleague is angry as he think she don't spend all $1,600 each month on the kids but what to do? sigh
03-02-2015, 05:58 PM
U ask this question because u still have a conscience . One of my friend encounter this problem x 2 times before , both times he offer the WL go hospital for DNA test , if confirm pregnant and is his child , he will marry her , take care baby . Both times WL reject to go for test , after that auto no more contact from WL . My friend sleep soundly ,cause willing take responsibility . Running away is easy , but depends what kind of person r u .
salute to your friend ... also a good way to counter those fake ones :D
03-02-2015, 06:00 PM
Step 1 . check DNA
if confirm , Step 2 marry her and u will be having a good sex life
if not confirm , Step 2 .. Run away !
for lot married man here, cannot marry her again, what to do :D
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