View Full Version : Does money help you in your sexual lifestyle

06-02-2015, 08:41 PM
any brother or sister thought this before ?

06-02-2015, 09:01 PM
You mean with wife, gf or FL?

06-02-2015, 10:00 PM
One thing the rich don't want you to be rich is, if everybody is rich, the value of money is meaningless. That is y there is something going on telling ppl money cannot buy you happiness type of rubbish. Money can allow you to do many things. No money, you cannot enjoy life. With money, you can enjoy what sex you desire. Without money, you will be treated as pervert. So money definitely can help you in your sexual lifestyle if you want.

06-02-2015, 10:16 PM
any brother or sister thought this before ?

It help. No money no pay sex

06-02-2015, 10:21 PM
Of course... No money, no honey...

06-02-2015, 10:27 PM
Yes, definitely yes. Most of the rich ppl I see have hot girlfriends....

06-02-2015, 11:13 PM
Hi Ts,

Yes, money does help you in this aspect, but I do not think it is what you think it might be. Cause in order to get to find some, you'll need to get to know people - and that means going out, meals, transport, drinks other activities. All things need to be spent, even if the girls go dutch with you. And being a gentlemen do helps in getting what you want in the long run. Treating a lovely girl to a meal or drink, sending them home etc... And it's not that girls are only interested in money, but that everyone - guys and girls, enjoy being treated to a freebie.

Just that the girls who get offered a treat alot more than guys.

07-02-2015, 12:40 AM
money helps not only in sexual lifestyle but modern lifestyle as well as luxury lifestyle. Even you date a woman who cares for your pockets, you still need to spend.

when you are getting high over different lifestyles, always never neglect your number one asset. Your health! :)

09-02-2015, 05:43 PM
thank you all brothers and sister!

Chinese new year is around the corner, let all HENG ONG HUAT AH!!!

10-02-2015, 09:13 AM
I'm not sure about that. But without sufficient money I don't think I'll be able to have a sexual lifestyle.

10-02-2015, 01:43 PM
With money, you can get penis enlargement?

10-02-2015, 01:47 PM
To attain any lifestyle you need money

10-02-2015, 02:02 PM
To attain any lifestyle you need money

The cold, hard truth

10-02-2015, 02:16 PM
your start from a better platform! but does not guarantee your desired outcome!

10-02-2015, 05:37 PM
Of course... No money, no honey...

dis 1 summarise all :p

I Love Boobs
10-02-2015, 06:01 PM
Yup, if u had billions u could be like the Brunei sultan and brother!

10-02-2015, 08:58 PM
Yup, if u had billions u could be like the Brunei sultan and brother!

Wow bro,
Thanks for the link...
What a revelation! I have heard about it from my friends about it but this video narration is another eye opener!
Ups u...

24-02-2015, 01:29 AM
this is a really pointless question..

you said 'sexual lifestyle'. if you said does money help you in your lifestyle, answer would probably be: to a certain extent.

if you're talking about sexual lifestyle, of course money helps you.

girls who are out just to fuck can be divided into 2 categories: money-minded and looks-oriented.

if you have money, you can easily bang the materialistic chicks who only go for guys with big pockets.

if you want to bang chicks who go for good looking guys, guess what: money let's you go for procedures that make you look better physically. do you really think those korean male popstars looked that hot naturally?

also, money lets you buy clothes, accessories, etc. that lets you be well dressed. no fashion sense? no problem: just hire a fashion stylist to help you determine what hairstyle suits you well, what clothes look good on you, etc.

lastly, if you are a poor-broke-student who goes into a club paying cover, while worrying about whether you have enough to buy a couple rounds or take a cab home, let alone pay for a hotel if you get lucky.. how the hell is this going to help your sexual life?

if money isn't a problem, you'd be having a table where you can invite chicks to, no worries about having enough money to get everyone drunk. and if it's a gcp it won't dent your pocket to book a 5* hotel to bang her brains out.. infact, you've probably already pre-booked one for you to crash in if you don't hook anything or to bang some hot chick in if you did.

so yes, of course money makes all the difference when it comes to sexual life.

24-02-2015, 07:54 AM
With money, you can get penis enlargement?

Actually with money, you DON'T need penis enlargement.

With money, even you have a 3 inch small penis when you penetrate a big pussy, that girl will also scream like there is no tomorrow.

The theory for "with money" is you pay to get enjoyment for yourself. Any form of surgery come with risks even for penis enlargement(side effects). So if you have $$$, there is no need to risk. You can continue to poke and poke until you find a hot girl with the perfect pu$$y that fits your penis can already.

24-02-2015, 10:13 AM
Actually with money, you DON'T need penis enlargement.

With money, even you have a 3 inch small penis when you penetrate a big pussy, that girl will also scream like there is no tomorrow.

The theory for "with money" is you pay to get enjoyment for yourself. Any form of surgery come with risks even for penis enlargement(side effects). So if you have $$$, there is no need to risk. You can continue to poke and poke until you find a hot girl with the perfect pu$$y that fits your penis can already.

Well said bro. These Oscar actress will definitely make you feel like the king, but sometimes you may need something to deceive yourself.

Fake penis a safer alternative? :D

24-02-2015, 02:34 PM
camping for more!!!

25-02-2015, 09:48 PM
Well said bro. These Oscar actress will definitely make you feel like the king, but sometimes you may need something to deceive yourself.

Fake penis a safer alternative? :D

Here I can quote an example of "auto and manual gearing on the girl"

With $$, u can invest on a higher quality vibrator to make the girl high and in return the girl will ask u for more. Consistency is there to shorten her period to get high.

Without $$$ , u have to use your fingers manually make her high
Time taken will be longer, no consistency

04-03-2015, 05:53 PM
Nobody has to be a genius to understand why some men with flashy sports cars can score girls on weekends at clubs. Of course having lots of money helps in a man's sexual lifestyle and conquests. The offer of money to a woman to remove her clothes, perform a sexy pose, and sex act happens all too often in the commercial sex industry and even in the model photography industry. I, and I am sure many others too, have seen this money-lure on women happen before our own eyes.

Did not anyone notice in the recently released movie, Fifty Shades Of Grey, that the male lead Christian Grey is super rich? You could wonder if Anastasia Steele was really attracted or lured by his wealth and power that she allowed him to perform BDSM.

This is an article that accounts for most/all of the expensive items Christian has (prices in US dollars).

Bling, not sado-masochism the real pull of Fifty Shades of Grey


04-03-2015, 10:02 PM
It does. However, it depends on what you're looking for. Nowadays, everything is materialistic..

05-03-2015, 11:04 AM
One thing the rich don't want you to be rich is, if everybody is rich, the value of money is meaningless. That is y there is something going on telling ppl money cannot buy you happiness type of rubbish.

The rich want u to know this, so u will work harder for money, which mean they will with people working harder for them too.