View Full Version : I Cant Believe My Gf Lilian Lee Two Time Me
17-03-2006, 12:40 AM
Fucking Hell , She Is Hardcore Bitch ... Two Timed Me And Tell Me To Fuck Off .. Tell Me "is She A Lousy Lover Cos She Quarrel With Her Current Bf "and Wat S News - We Just Quarrel Like 5 Days Nia And Din Break Off And She Told Me The Current Prob Is Between Her N Him ... Not Me ... What Happen To Me Now ? Where Am I Now ..? Haha.. 19 Yr Old Bitch .. Sori I Need To Vent My Anger .. She Realli Make Use Of Me .. I Just Want To Make Her Pay ..
Sori , Zap Me If You Tik I Am Revengeful... Yes.. I Am ..
Next Time , I See Her In Fl Industry.. Fucking Bitch
17-03-2006, 12:50 AM
Bro... i know u are pissed la.. but dont need to post 2 times.
Anyway.. sorry to hear your GF left you.. but if old one dun go.. new one wont come ma... Sure you can find a better one next time.
Take care :)
17-03-2006, 12:52 AM
What's your pt bro ? What do you wanna achieve ? Your GF read this forum ? Are you gonna post her pic her ?
17-03-2006, 01:02 AM
Yo Bro England ,
Are You Her Latest Bf ? Why So Concerned ?
Post Pic ? Gp Ttsh And See Her . She Is Pt There ? Very Syt ... Very Chio...
Of Course People Here Forum ... May Know Her .. Just Want Her To Famous,,, She Is Slut ... Haha..
Why Side Her?
Welcome ...
Start A War For Her ? Great ? I Dun Mind ...
I Lost My Mind Alr...
19 Yr Old Birch . Aj , Zhss. And Ntps. Metalic Smile
3 Dinctinctions Becos I Rigged Her Result ? Why I Am Her Superior...
Bastard Bitch/...
17-03-2006, 01:03 AM
She Realli Make Use Of Me .. I Just Want To Make Her Pay ..
Sori , Zap Me If You Tik I Am Revengeful... Yes.. I Am ..
Next Time , I See Her In Fl Industry.. Fucking Bitch
U mean u want to make her become FL? :confused:
17-03-2006, 01:21 AM
cool it bro.. move on..
there's more out there.. ;)
17-03-2006, 01:47 AM
Bro, There no point, kpkb or destroy her rept me, as a gentleman, no matter what, we are guy, No point argue with woman that she two times you. In fact, if she really love u, why should she two times u, can I ask u why? U should ask yrself. U don understand woman, even she bitchy or horny, it her problem. The main thing is, u don understand woman well and did not catch her heart.....she feel insecure with u, so she thinking of having two boat at 1 time to see which boat suit her well, can let her carry on journey with her.
Just like me, I did to get to know a chiobu ger, she did like me, but she did not dare to admit as she already have a bf, but I show respect to her, and did not done any harm for her or make her difficult. And she herself know, that I will wait for her, as she know I'm a better choice than her present bf. In yr eyes, u think she two times her bf, but in my eyes, I don think so. So who is right and who is wrong, there is always a unknown answer from the day it started.
In fact, u should be game enough to contiune the journey with her, advance with her till the very end, have not fight, u already give up liao. Now kpkb and let the whole world know, have u ever ask yrself......if 1 day, another ger appear in front of u, while u have a gf already and u two times her, u can do the same.....why can't the woman? That what nowsadays women thinks, hope u know my meaning and understanding, it not the time in 90s, my frd, u r now landed in 2006. Hope u build up yrself and don be a xiao qi fellow, at this time. Every1 of us here go for a better choice, if we have the potiental. Ppls will climb and advance themselves, not wait for chance to drop from sky. :) C'MON
17-03-2006, 02:25 AM
What's your pt bro ? What do you wanna achieve ? Your GF read this forum ? Are you gonna post her pic her ?
Halo hui-ge u too free recently wanna get involved into others people relationship problem?...:rolleyes:
17-03-2006, 06:56 AM
Halo hui-ge u too free recently wanna get involved into others people relationship problem?...:rolleyes:
Halo NM123, you also come into this thread to kay poh also? :D
17-03-2006, 07:05 AM
Yo Bro England ,
Are You Her Latest Bf ? Why So Concerned ?
Post Pic ? Gp Ttsh And See Her . She Is Pt There ? Very Syt ... Very Chio...
Of Course People Here Forum ... May Know Her .. Just Want Her To Famous,,, She Is Slut ... ......
My point is act like a gentleman. One of my gf 2 timed and finally we broke up. I did not even say a word to smear her reputation or went around talking about it. Just move on in life.
17-03-2006, 07:16 AM
Its called "The Freedom Of Choice". She not happy with you, she finds another one. You not happy with her, you find another one. Its kind of like a circle that goes round and round.
Will you achieved anything by posting that she is a slut? Don't tell me that you have never 2 times your GF or ex GF before. Life stills goes on with or without her.
17-03-2006, 07:51 AM
Well dats the thing about us guys, when we do it its normal, when the gf does it it becomes it may be easy to say "be a gentlemen, lets move on.....", it might not be easy at the moment in time when the situation just happens:o
I empathised with the writer cos the same thing happened to me donkey years back & believe me, it really wasn't easy to move on in the heat of the situation, guess the writer must be just looking for ways to vent his anger, hence his rantings in this thread....
But all the replies here by all the kind brudders have good intentions & good advice, while it may be difficult to move on, its not impossible either, time will definitely heal the pain, try not to do anything silly as no point getting yourself in trouble over such a slut.....
BTW- she sounds like the Lolita gal leh (the one with her own blog in nursing), but I may be wrong....
Cheers brudders & have a happy life.....
17-03-2006, 08:35 AM
wah lao... cool down bro.... i was two timed before... haha she threw this question at me asking if i am the one who told the other guy about i and her, which that guy is the third party... u will be able to move on... cheers have fun bonking...
17-03-2006, 09:06 AM
Yo Bro England ,
Are You Her Latest Bf ? Why So Concerned ?
Post Pic ? Gp Ttsh And See Her . She Is Pt There ? Very Syt ... Very Chio...
Of Course People Here Forum ... May Know Her .. Just Want Her To Famous,,, She Is Slut ... Haha..
Why Side Her?
Welcome ...
Start A War For Her ? Great ? I Dun Mind ...
I Lost My Mind Alr...
19 Yr Old Birch . Aj , Zhss. And Ntps. Metalic Smile
3 Dinctinctions Becos I Rigged Her Result ? Why I Am Her Superior...
Bastard Bitch/...
TTSH so big, which dept? Cool it anyway, this is so not gentleman. Have you thought why she left you for other guy? Maybe it's because you flare easily and act hysterical like how you are behaving now. Try letting this relationship go, find a new gal, treat her better and control that temper of yours. Maybe then Lilian will see the change in you and regret her decision? ^_^ Just maybe...
17-03-2006, 09:50 AM
Get Even.
17-03-2006, 10:27 AM
foolish to do so many tiks for her
quit my job , risk my life , want to better her life ,
now she just told me , erm why must you stoop so low to get wat you want ? haha.. come on , you are low , tat is why i stoop? how to chill, when i realised she date him behind me ..
btw .. i heard from her - that guy is two timing her tooooooo hahah..
should i just act gentleman , and console her ? of course , i am blunt but at least i am very honest to her.
She lied to me she got pregnant and abort it using alcohol ? she told me alot of crap .. which are all lies...
it is true i am giving her security in some senses..
like hur ?
opps ... she is not a nurse ...
buy viagra you will see her..
i am smearing her reputation . yes.. cos he destroyed my life by finding a bf .
in my life , my dad walked out of my life for a gal ... now a gal did it to me.
I cant take it .
I was just 12 yr old and never knew wat is a dad like to me ?another word , i dun know the meaning of a dad ,
now this gal is repeating the history ...
i dun know am i good enuff for her ? i always provide everytik for her.
i just hate her
i will move on , i have to ...
i realise the brothers are very very nice people .
sori for my barking - i drank a bot of ROH( alcohol).. i was sober enuf to slander , but not tik ...
maybe two timing is a trend . ,maybe polygamy is allowed soon ? if gayism is allowed?
haha.. i remember i once told her - she is the last women i love , guess i have to love guy liao ...
17-03-2006, 10:39 AM
i remember i once told her - she is the last women i love , guess i have to love guy liao ...
Bro, if that last sentence is real, you might have better luck in other forums. kekeke..
But seriously, i suppose alot of guys kana two timed b4, but the lesson is, if she can give up a guy who loves her so much, you are really better off without her. cause its better to know her true colors now than later when you are successful and loaded with money. Till then, you wun know if she loves you truly or your money. advise is, get over her. plenty of women out there for the picking. More woman in singapore than guys you know.
On the side, funny coincidence, i also kana two timed by someone working at ttsh b4. damn....
17-03-2006, 10:40 AM
just my account with her
one day i asked her for a date ? she told me she is not free cos she is going out with her parents ? and she comes out with great details and everytik is soo clear .. however i have in mind to follow her home ... i know sometik is wrong with her.. i did follow her , in the meanwhile +++ to her... on the phone , and when she went home , she told she will be eating out with parents and ya i have to end the conversation with her. i went to the other block of her flat and did a survelliance on her house ? she told she went out with her parents ,,, hahah.... gues WAT the fuck ? i saw her mum hanging cloth , dad changing short in his room ... haha.. i expose her straight . she told me - go find a live , and she is even not repentful over wat she did. maybe i spoilt her date with him man... and she has to cancel her date .. haha
tat is one evidence
17-03-2006, 10:43 AM
TTSH - TWO TIMER Suckers holding ground HAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!
17-03-2006, 10:51 AM
be tough and move on..... nowadays if it's not boy two time gal..... it's gal two time boy..... ;)
17-03-2006, 10:55 AM
Fucking Hell , She Is Hardcore Bitch ... Two Timed Me And Tell Me To Fuck Off ..
seems like everytime you come in here, always got breaking news... :D
17-03-2006, 11:01 AM
Yes, do agreed with most of the Bro here, just get on with a new life, whatever happen, life goes on. What I view is that, nowadays guys and gals are equal lor. Over here we worry that our gals two timed us, but have we spare a thoughts that behind her, we our two timed her or maybe go around looking for FL, ONS and so on, so what I can say is that, life is never like as simple as a fantasy land. Well I do understand that some Bro here to fork out alot to their gals but that is what you willing and if she doesn't appreciate, then be with it, be a gentleman, always remember one say - we guys are never at a losing end, relax Bro spytheman, whenever there is a stormy days, it will always follow on the next day with a bright sunny day....
17-03-2006, 11:09 AM
guess nobody like to be two timed by their gf... i ganna once oso... she left me for a boss of a pub.. she went there to work part time.. but then nvr allow me to go up to drink.. dun allow me to pick her up.. thatz when i find something fishy.. was damn pissed when i finally realised what happened.. shot alot of hate sms to her amd call to scold her and lots of other things.. then end up her new bf called me in the middle of night to ask me to wake up to go pee! cant believed a 35yr old man doing such childish things! was so damn angry.. fucked him back by saying he is the 3rd party no right to come disturb me.. ans it was only then both me n him realised that my ex never mention to him about my presence in the 1st place.. duhz.. she was really born a liar.. was so damn angry over the whole thing but now just let go and carried on with life.. now i managed to find a much better gf.. come to think of it i was glad i was two timed last time... it help me grow up in a certain way and let me end up with a much better gf which i feel i deserved..
so bro spytheman just let it go... it takes time but it will pass... no point smearing her reputation.. at the end dun look good on u oso... she is a bitch for two timing u.. trust me... she will end up no good...
cheers bro! :D
17-03-2006, 11:11 AM
Fucking Hell , She Is Hardcore Bitch ... Two Timed Me And Tell Me To Fuck Off .. Tell Me "is She A Lousy Lover Cos She Quarrel With Her Current Bf "and Wat S News - We Just Quarrel Like 5 Days Nia And Din Break Off And She Told Me The Current Prob Is Between Her N Him ... Not Me ... What Happen To Me Now ? Where Am I Now ..? Haha.. 19 Yr Old Bitch .. Sori I Need To Vent My Anger .. She Realli Make Use Of Me .. I Just Want To Make Her Pay ..
Sori , Zap Me If You Tik I Am Revengeful... Yes.. I Am ..
Next Time , I See Her In Fl Industry.. Fucking Bitch
Everything comes full circle. What happened to you may very well happen to her in the future. Think of it that way, and stay positive.
For me, what I do is that I keep a collection of all the women that i have had nude, or in different states of undress whether approved or without their knowledge (when they are asleep and nude) and I store them in CDs in my case logic. This alone allows me to feel a certain level of power over them. Warp I know, but even if they cheated on me or the break up is messy, I can still access those pictures and imagine posting them on the internet or sending them to the current boyfriends... that imagination alone is a power trip that truly satisfies my ego... LOL!!! Just a consideration dude... :)
17-03-2006, 11:11 AM
i expose her straight . she told me - go find a live , and she is even not repentful over wat she did. maybe i spoilt her date with him man... and she has to cancel her date .. haha
tat is one evidence
Well if this bit is true - its all over. u lost the game already, u will never get her back. Shes gone already. I bin in your shoes b4. Dun expose your actions over SBF. Dun talk about this stuff now because in 5 years time you will regret being such a blabbermouth.
Go and have a tarma den think about the fact that there are hundreds of other hot 19 year olds waiting to fuck u. What you really wan fuck fuck and fuck then later on you can try dating another ger
17-03-2006, 12:06 PM
haha... guess what - she smsed me just telling me , tat so called bf already got a gf so what should i do now ?
she told me she is hurt ? haha i told i am too ?
sound like drama , but i sweared it is real and alive
17-03-2006, 12:06 PM
Bro Spytheman,
Agree with bros here who unanimously urged u to forget it and move on!!!
lots of us here have, one time or another, experienced what u r going through now.. and we can emphatise with u.
but dont let this small setback beat u.. go for a tarma like bro Laodi suggested and start your new life..
from the looks of it, it is OVER and she's not worth a moment of yr despair..
17-03-2006, 12:14 PM
but dont let this small setback beat u.. go for a tarma like bro Laodi suggested and start your new life..
mmm Maybe I should patent this as Dr "Heartbreak" Laodi's patented tarma cure. Wish I was having tarmas when I was having the same problems as Bro Spytheman. Might have made things a lot easier
17-03-2006, 12:18 PM
haha... guess what - she smsed me just telling me , tat so called bf already got a gf so what should i do now ?
she told me she is hurt ? haha i told i am too ?
sound like drama , but i sweared it is real and alive
Give her one last good screw and ask her to f off from your life. Alternatively, u can pass me her contact n i 2 time her to give u revenge n ask her to f-off. Deal? :D
17-03-2006, 12:35 PM
Bro Spytheman I can relate to the betrayal and hurt the BITCH have inflicted on you! Most important you are FREE again! Yes! Look around you plenty of Meat to HUNT!
What More can a man ask for when he has all the Bros in Samster World to come to for support and advice!
Yes! You will be find and you must be strong just dun do anything rash though!
Take Care!
Till Then Cheers!
17-03-2006, 12:43 PM
Fucking Hell , She Is Hardcore Bitch ... Two Timed Me And Tell Me To Fuck Off .. Tell Me "is She A Lousy Lover Cos She Quarrel With Her Current Bf "and Wat S News - We Just Quarrel Like 5 Days Nia And Din Break Off And She Told Me The Current Prob Is Between Her N Him ... Not Me ... What Happen To Me Now ? Where Am I Now ..? Haha.. 19 Yr Old Bitch .. Sori I Need To Vent My Anger .. She Realli Make Use Of Me .. I Just Want To Make Her Pay ..
Sori , Zap Me If You Tik I Am Revengeful... Yes.. I Am ..
Next Time , I See Her In Fl Industry.. Fucking Bitch
maybe two timing is a trend . ,maybe polygamy is allowed soon ? if gayism is allowed?
haha.. i remember i once told her - she is the last women i love , guess i have to love guy liao ...
i was like you ... after one yr plus of marriage den we have sex cos my wife scared of pain...
wat to do ? do you love her ?
i love my wife and i need sex ... so how hand , mouth ( by paid gal) or willing party who knows you are married. I manage to find one during that period... but now i am lost cos i got wife and one gal whom i also love. what to do ? man uses small head to think... (
What talking u???? Why are there so many weird people around??? :confused:
17-03-2006, 01:12 PM
Bro Spytheman
Is this true? Are you married and eating ur gf on the side? If so then what you are doing splashing all of her details on SBF is wrong. How would it be if she came onto here and splashed all the details of her bf who has a wife on the side on this forum.
17-03-2006, 01:22 PM
haha.. i remember i once told her - she is the last women i love , guess i have to love guy liao ...
i can sorta understand the kind of anger involved when u realized the woman who u had promised to take care of and love all ur life suddenly turned around and hook up with another guy... i was a catholic then and had even brought her to church and said those things to her, that was how serious i was kekeke. well that happened to me almost 6 years back and boy was i filled with venom and anger, was thinking all sort of evil things to do to her and had even ever thot of dying together with her :eek:
well as they said, time do heal but the scar wil always be there. took me almost 2 years to get over the hurt before i could start going out with people. it was only when one of my fren 'tricked' me into entering my first KTV then i got my self esteem back and started my cheonging and bonking days lol lucky never go and die, if not i will not be able to enjoy the many intimate moments wif gals more chio and nicer than her
ur heart will only start to heal if u cut off any connections with her i.e hp nr, refrain from going to her place just to peek at her (or to see who's she wif, yea i did tat for a while keke), burn all photos together etc. i just decided one day to cut off anything related to this person who gave me the worst hurt in my life and as time goes by, it started to get better. oh u will think of her pretty often still and still get angry when u think of her, but being wif ur frens and doing things that u like will help to distract urself from thinking her tat often.
since u have described her as chio and syt, and u have managed to make her ur gal, im sure u have good qualities in u to attract other equally if not more chio and syt gals than her. took me a while to begin believing in myself again but go KTV more often and let the gals heap their praises of 'shuai ge' on u more often and u will get ur confidence back :D
17-03-2006, 02:26 PM
haha... guess what - she smsed me just telling me , tat so called bf already got a gf so what should i do now ?
she told me she is hurt ? haha i told i am too ?
sound like drama , but i sweared it is real and alive
17-03-2006, 02:39 PM
foolish to do so many tiks for her
quit my job , risk my life , want to better her life ,
Just find any HDB pigeon hole and jump down. You may wish to tag her along if you wish to. :cool:
You are a promising young chap, having a 19 yo ger. Bound to have lotsa tasty meat for you to savor.
17-03-2006, 02:45 PM
i can feel how angry the threadstarter was....but dont think this is the right place for him to vent his anger leh....
i recommendation to you is.....KPKB would not solve your problem... take up with your 'girl friend' if you have the guts to do so... else whats the point to make noise here right?
advise you to stop KPKB...else someone will zap your pts....sooner or later....if they find you irritating.....(of cos...i am talking about myself too..)
17-03-2006, 02:50 PM
What talking u???? Why are there so many weird people around??? :confused:
One hallucinating fellow. :D
17-03-2006, 03:00 PM
After reading his posts i still dunno what his intention is ... i can safely say 90% of us dunno who the fark he is +++ing about and his actions after that r kinda scary ... i mean if it is over ... if u have tried talking to her with no avail ... pls la have the dignity to walk away like a man ... u stalk u bitch incoherently oso like that wat ...
just cool off ... let it go ... things u did for her should have been done unconditionally without any regrets la bro ... u make urself until so cham for wat ... u still got a long life ahead of u la (from the way u post i think ur still quite young ... unless ur like another samster i know whose actions don't really reflect his age) ... put this episode behind u and live ur life well ... that would be the best form of "revenge"
17-03-2006, 03:09 PM
just cool off ... let it go ... things u did for her should have been done unconditionally without any regrets la bro ... u make urself until so cham for wat ... u still got a long life ahead of u la (from the way u post i think ur still quite young ... unless ur like another samster i know whose actions don't really reflect his age) ... put this episode behind u and live ur life well ... that would be the best form of "revenge"
jd, need not be so perturbed lah. Life is short, spare a thought for your trot. You only have 7 hrs left as whether want to bonk hor. :p
17-03-2006, 03:16 PM
Mmm...Don't talk. Action is better post up her nude pics and vidoes :P ..hehe..
17-03-2006, 03:19 PM
Mmm...Don't talk. Action is better post up her nude pics and vidoes :P ..hehe..
Man....You Are so EVIL...........LOL :D
17-03-2006, 03:26 PM
Mmm...Don't talk. Action is better post up her nude pics and vidoes :P ..hehe..
very evil....but i like..:D
17-03-2006, 06:41 PM
Not sure I the appropriate person to say anythin here..i was in a similar situation as you before and i am still tryin to get over the ger even tho it is almost 2 years ago
abt 2 yrs ago..i was with this ger which i love alot and even made plans to get married with her even tho i was with her for abt 4 mths then..she was like the motivation in my life..i work hard..hopin to provide a future for the end..she fall in love with another guy who is attached
i was very angry in the begining tat why did she dump me for another guy who wun make her the end i was rite..she was neva with tat guy..tat guy juz keep hurtin her..i tried to chase her the end i was more like stalkin her...we quarrel many times over this n in the life was a misery.(almost hospitalised becoz of panadol overdose..up to now..i still cant take panadol bcoz my gastric wld hurt if i do so)..
my pt is tat..y make urself so upset over a ger who doesnt care abt u..tat time when i overdosed over panadol..she din even bother to sms me even tho she know abt it...get over her n if u really like there for me..she will appreciate u for it
forget abt revenge or wat...u love her before and therefore why u wan to hurt her now? do everythin for her unconditionally and dun expect anythin in return..u be happier this way
17-03-2006, 07:49 PM
Yo Guys, this is my 1st post here. I feel I had to say something after going thru so many threads....
Well, this is juz for the good of every1 which i hope nobody will follow my footsteps.
I got to know this gal in my army days (xx years ago) and she brought me many "green berets" ....despite all this my heart still follows her (even till 2day!)....being young and rash, and knowing all these behind back activities, i had scheme for an evil plan. i tried to make her pregnant and which she did eventually and went for abortion shortly.
Till now, i'm still paying my "debts" for this stupidity. My point at the end of the day is - if u really love a gal and can't be with her, juz let her be as long as she is happy. No point holding on to her unless you want an empty "meat" Let her be. if she is happy, u should feel it too. Doesnt matter if both have to be together. If both r fated, u don't need to do anything and both will be together.
Let go and move on......there's better things to do (reading SBF????)!!!!!
17-03-2006, 08:48 PM
To the thread starter,
Wake up your fucking childish mindset. Btw, you're the final loser in this game. Relationship is a game of decite, and you loss it by coming into public forum and cry father cry mother say you gonna do this you gonna do that.
I'm no believer of God, but I believe in the term: "God will only help those who help themselves". And for your case, I only got only one thing to say to you: "你去跟蛇睡啦!". :rolleyes:
Cheers (punt intended):rolleyes: ,
17-03-2006, 08:50 PM
What talking u???? Why are there so many weird people around??? :confused:
Another sad fuck in the making? :confused:
17-03-2006, 08:54 PM
haha... guess what - she smsed me just telling me , tat so called bf already got a gf so what should i do now ?
she told me she is hurt ? haha i told i am too ?
sound like drama , but i sweared it is real and alive
Kindly pen it down and find yourself a publisher. :rolleyes:
17-03-2006, 11:30 PM
drama meh??not as drama as mine lay
i was the 4th party in my past relationship and there is a 5th party later on,
so who is more complicated???(really can form a great party liao
since u are in SBF still cannot look open meh?
17-03-2006, 11:44 PM
haha... guess what - she smsed me just telling me , tat so called bf already got a gf so what should i do now ?
she told me she is hurt ? haha i told i am too ?
sound like drama , but i sweared it is real and alive
Call her ask her to come out, say u can comfort her and make her feel better. Take her somewhere like hotel 81 but not yr house, put ur dick inside her pussy and love her long time.
After wards, ask her if she is feeling better, if so, let her go and wait till she ring again, or else repeat last step until one of you feels better and needs to go... :D
18-03-2006, 10:42 AM
Kindly pen it down and find yourself a publisher. :rolleyes:
Since the thread starter's encounters are so drama, I told him to pen it down and find a publisher. ---> Like that I also kanna tio zap, somemore by a hum jhee cyberhero, boh lum par leave behind his nick. :rolleyes:
18-03-2006, 11:12 AM
Bro, There no point, kpkb or destroy her rept me, as a gentleman, no matter what, we are guy, No point argue with woman that she two times you. In fact, if she really love u, why should she two times u, can I ask u why? U should ask yrself. U don understand woman, even she bitchy or horny, it her problem. The main thing is, u don understand woman well and did not catch her heart.....she feel insecure with u, so she thinking of having two boat at 1 time to see which boat suit her well, can let her carry on journey with her. ...................
In fact, u should be game enough to contiune the journey with her, advance with her till the very end, have not fight, u already give up liao. Now kpkb and let the whole world know, have u ever ask yrself......if 1 day, another ger appear in front of u, while u have a gf already and u two times her, u can do the same.....why can't the woman? That what nowsadays women thinks, hope u know my meaning and understanding, it not the time in 90s, my frd, u r now landed in 2006. Hope u build up yrself and don be a xiao qi fellow, at this time. Every1 of us here go for a better choice, if we have the potiental. Ppls will climb and advance themselves, not wait for chance to drop from sky. :) C'MON
Well said... Spoke like a veteran !! Respect to you !!:D
18-03-2006, 12:38 PM
Bro Spytheman, your problem is getting quite confusing.....Whether is sympathy or support we have for you as bros.....You have to understand that if two timing must 拿得起放得下!Revenge is piontless What goes around with come around....! Take care!
18-03-2006, 01:19 PM
Dear Bro Spytheman,
there are 3 possibilities for you,
(a) either u r flaming this girl's rept
or u r (b) a sad and messed up case and need some counseling bad
or (c) u need a psyctriast bad (read split personality disorder)
cheers, and get well soon
18-03-2006, 09:45 PM
It takes 2 hands to clap. Smoke without fire ?
19-03-2006, 10:03 AM
What talking u???? Why are there so many weird people around???
wa lao....u beat me to it.knn. :mad: y u also like me?like to picchai ppl lobang?:D
19-03-2006, 12:11 PM
take it easy man, there is always a better one waiting outside.
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