View Full Version : Tempt 2 be WL 4 High Income/ Ar Man Uneasy 2 Marry H Income WL
07-03-2015, 10:45 PM
Here is a post on WL’s annual income in Singapore:
Dear Ladies, will you be tempted to be a WL after knowing the annual income they are receiving?
Dear Gentlemen, will you feel uneasy to have a WL gf or wife earnings such unusually high income?
Overcoming Traumatic Sex & Enjoying:
08-03-2015, 01:27 AM
Dear Ladies, will you be tempted to be a WL after knowing the annual income they are receiving?
Nope. Not even tempted at all.
Think some men with high ego will mind when wife/gf earning more than him.
11-03-2015, 11:26 PM
Yup, high income leads to high expenditure.
Tho they can support themselves while they are young and beautiful.
But the inevitable will come, age. She will be used to all the high life and will not be able to tolerate a mediocre life thereby dragging you down with her.
Good luck. Just my 2 cents.
12-03-2015, 09:07 AM
Share a true story...those days where Malaysian gals rule the health centre...many gals earned huge $$$$...a friend of mine used to visits this gal 2-3 times per week...these gals will splurge a bkk trip easilyS$5k-10k for a 3d2n trip...almost everything branded...:)
Most are back in. Malaysia married or still single but in biz...some of them went to Taiwan to work...:)
Will say yes uneasy to marry such gals...:)
19-06-2015, 01:04 AM
I heard that some of them take drug to numb themselves or make them sexually aroused, when they r free, they gamble to kill time......lots of bad habits, all these need a lot of money to maintain. Some man dun mind as long as the girl give them money, use their money spend on younger, prettier syt WL.
Envy them earn so much? Of course, but easy money easy go. Not every one can in this line, only for those vain, pride less, shameless. Why I say shameless? Ask yourself do u dare to strip off all your clothes, show your naked body to stranger before u apply for the job.
19-06-2015, 01:16 PM
Man will zap the WL wife to moderation
Nope. Not even tempted at all.
Think some men with high ego will mind when wife/gf earning more than him.
19-06-2015, 01:28 PM
Unless you have a mess up life or share similar background with one in the right frame of mind will even consider marrying them....:D:D:D
19-06-2015, 01:35 PM
Absolutely correct
Unless you have a mess up life or share similar background with one in the right frame of mind will even consider marrying them....:D:D:D
19-06-2015, 02:00 PM
Unless you have a mess up life or share similar background with one in the right frame of mind will even consider marrying them....:D:D:D
True that. I know couple of hoes pretty well, whenever they face problem (like everyone of us will do), the first solution that will come across their minds is "selling pussy". :confused:
The way a hoe thinks is no way a normal human can comprehend.
20-06-2015, 05:45 PM
How about lady working as taxi driver?
21-06-2015, 07:28 AM
So sad no reply
21-06-2015, 01:41 PM
How about lady working as taxi driver?
taxi driver is a decent job, bro..
why not?;)
21-06-2015, 02:44 PM
Good! Need these lady to take up taxi driver job. Morning hour not enough taxi driver.
21-06-2015, 04:21 PM
How about lady working as taxi driver?
The decision is all yours.
Having said that, soon there will be FT competition in this sector.
I am a big believer in karma/always worry about divine retribution. At the same time though, my physical needs too often dictate that I pleasure myself with WG’s. I think many here will identify with this quandary which many times force us into hypocrisy.
One of the things I never do is to condemn ladies who are/may want to become working gals because it is PURELY her personal choice. IMHO, it’s not up to me or anybody else to give an opinion because it’s only her who is in her shoes. What anybody else may think as being the most idiotic/useless reason for her to become a WG, may be life and death to her.
On the same token tough, I would also never even appear to condone hooking as a profession of choice or as a way to solve any problems. It’s just not good karma to encourage anybody to go into this dark trade. You’ll burn in hell or be reincarnated as a cockroach if you do. LOL!
OK, so I’ll NOT directly opine on the topic at hand – but will instead give you the same suggestions I usually offer WG’s (only when they ask of course) who have befriended me. Hopefully you here discussing this topic will include this consideration into your deliberations.
First, I tell them to figure out what it is that had steered them into this profession/why are they still at it? Are such reasons/aims still valid? If not then it’s easy-peasy, just get out of the trade soonest as earning a buck on one’s back is just not worth it, considering all the long term harm – physical, mental, familial, societal etc. – that this trade drags one into. There’s way better ways to make money that will last longer.
Since I have not come across/cannot think of any other reasons except money for wanting to be a WG, (hmm… perhaps weird things like nymphomania or extreme lack of self-esteem?!) the next part of the discussion would naturally just flow into the topic of money and I would steer her into thinking/ enunciating just how much money she actually needs. Oh, at this point they invariably would ask/hope that I was gonna be her savior and grant her wish – LOL – but which I of course will clearly explain – WRONG!!!
Anyway, IMHO it is important for WG’s to set these monetary goals, figure out a realistic and workable method to reach such within a defined period of time (nothing worse than to still be a WG when the body/looks has already gone) and to just be single-minded to reach this goal
Then I would force her to take a critical look at her life and spending habits. Never mind drugs and gambling which too many WG’s seem to just so easily fall into in their off-time, but also alcohol which is a given in many hooker settings. Then the drain that pimps and boyfriends impose on their earnings - must try to get out of pimp situations and boyfriends are a worse waste of money. WG’s must NOT/can NOT afford to have any romance with anybody who knows their profession – it’s totally useless/never works in the end!
And then their daily spending/lives….how much has it been up-graded from when they were a civvie/do they really need to spend/what are they gonna do when their easy source of income disappears - which it invariably will. Easy money, easy spending – latest telephones, nice clothes/make-up/accessories/ apartment and of course the occasional splurges at hi-end restaurants/beauty salon/spa which soon enough turn into regular visits. Such good food – but is it worth as much as you being squashed under a smelly, sweaty, heaving hulk to pay for? Or to have to suck off his smelly li’l knob? YUCK!
By the way, many of these ladies who I had my talks with are now happily and productively back in civvie life, but it had NOT been an easy road for them. Those of you who are contemplating, is such an arduous path worth taking? Hmmm… am I REALLY unbiased in this discussion? Hmmmm…..!
22-06-2015, 02:25 AM
I believe that anybody would ask someone to be in dark trade will suffer bad karma. The problem is nowadays how many of us still believe in karma or retribution especially the youngster. Most of them will say hey just enjoy first, then suffer later. They dun bother to believe in karma, to them enjoy current life, after death will my soul burn in hell doesn't matter as nobody saw it. Most of them feel that their life now are difficult or miserable, they want just a quick easy way to good or luxury life....or else why some still smuggled drug although they knew if they can caught, they will be hung or life sentenced, why they still take the risk bcos they want quick big buck, enjoy a luxury life....retribution? They dun care or dun bother to care, to them retribution they can't see now may not be exist or just to scare children tale.
Btw, I totally believe in karma & retribution. Hope that we, human being will believe in karma, doing their soul searching before we decide to do anything especially illegal bad thing. Do not lead a luxury, good life on the expenses of other.
Woe betide us mere mortals – knowing what is right and what is wrong and yet be saddled with physical needs!
Therein lay the seeds of us mongers’ quandary and ……hypocrisy.
Oh well, just gotta live the best way I know how to!
And just a short message to TS – be wary of what you wish for, be very wary….!!
22-06-2015, 11:35 PM
I think hypocrisy is merely an issue of acceptance. It is in our human nature to be hypocrites and herein the social construct of 'morals' as a balancing mechanism is often used.
TS, as the saying goes, 'be careful of what you wish for, because you just might get it..'
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