View Full Version : Who is having more sex?
05-04-2006, 12:28 PM
OK guys, this is serious.
i think the teenagers are over-taking us in this department here. the teens are seriously fucking more now!!!
just a couple of days ago, (ok more like last nite) i checked out of our local love hotel and standing right there are 3 teens couple, trying to check in!!!..damn.
and the posting of home made videos are mostly teens too...come on guys, lets buck up here...
i am going to fuck now.
05-04-2006, 12:37 PM
hiaz... long river back wave push front wave (chang jiang hou lang tui chian lang) as the chinese saying goes.....
05-04-2006, 12:43 PM
Yes its true, witness a couple of times while I was there in gl hotel81.
05-04-2006, 12:48 PM
well kids got so much time these days.. all they have to worry about is studies and if they parents are gonna give them enough $$ to spend anot..
while we adults have to slog for a living.. haiz... miss my scool days... :(
05-04-2006, 02:57 PM
i am going to fuck now.
hahaha... bro you are good la...
last time during teen days in the 80s, sian a girl but didnt know where to bring her to fuck. that time not like now got so many budget short-time hotels. go her house or my house got people. go to the beach too far... sigh... :D
05-04-2006, 03:20 PM
now teens so much time , so much choices :D
05-04-2006, 04:08 PM
OK guys, this is serious.
i think the teenagers are over-taking us in this department here. the teens are seriously fucking more now!!!
..come on guys, lets buck up here...
i am going to fuck now.
tat wat i called PREP TALK and initiative.....we need more ppl like u to motivate other to get tings moving .....hehehehehe:D jus got bk frm EHC. (1 up- if ani consolation)....not so SEXTIFYING ...:(
05-04-2006, 04:26 PM
Agree totally with bro castrol...
Last time wanna screw my GF need to have careful planning one... must make sure either her parents are out or mine out before proceeding to either person house... now with all the budget hotels they can screw anytime, no planning required!!!
I remember once was screwing one of my X GF when we heard the sound of door opening... wah KNN... balls shrink man... faster put on pants and act like nothing happened when her mum walked into the room. :p
05-04-2006, 04:40 PM
[ Qoute ] last time during teen days in the 80s, sian a girl but didnt know where to bring her to fuck. that time not like now got so many budget short-time hotels. go her house or my house got people. go to the beach too far... sigh [ quote ]
My time ( 70's ) more stupid ah ! Sian the schoolmate already and got her to go to my house and some more nobody at home but don't know and DARE not to fuck ah ! Just kiss here n there only .
You all say lah , stupid anot . Think of it now , sometime want to knock my own head ah !
05-04-2006, 05:00 PM
nowadays vcd/dvd are so cheap...
Internet got lots of "references"... For sure kids "enjoying" themself more than last time lar.
last time one VHC tape cost how much leh.
Can't blame the teens really. So many options available for them.
Imgine if we are in Sec 4 or JC now, what would we be doing? Sure fail exams.
My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.
Those were the days. Remember?
05-04-2006, 05:57 PM
My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.
hahaha, really those were the days....kinda miss it. dunch ya?
05-04-2006, 06:18 PM
My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.
Those were the days. Remember?[/QUOTE]
Yes bro, I still can recall Fitzpatrick...mmm..during the 70' still innocent n gong gong keekee:D
05-04-2006, 06:21 PM
Can't blame the teens really. So many options available for them.
Imgine if we are in Sec 4 or JC now, what would we be doing? Sure fail exams.
My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.
Those were the days. Remember?
waoh bro bart, u n i same gen....kekeke...:D
Coolest shoes: Remember Bata Badmington Master? Ha! Then came Treton track shoes. Rich kids wear Adidas Roma with blue stripes.
05-04-2006, 06:54 PM
Can't blame the teens really. So many options available for them.
Imgine if we are in Sec 4 or JC now, what would we be doing? Sure fail exams.
My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.
Those were the days. Remember?
I also remember the Kallang Leisure Drome with the roller disco, best place for meeting ah lians, and the Jurong Drive-in with the A&W that serves rootbeer in a cold frosted glass mug. Then gf birthday want to really impress her go to Jack's Place waaaaah damn bigfark man! sure can score one.....
05-04-2006, 07:20 PM
when we only can go walking in orchard rd n ogle @ gals? sianz oreadi oso can kiss but not fuck.... got 2 struggle to take over her bra, et alone her panties!!!... haiz....
last x McDonalds and KFC... now TCC, Coffee Beans etc...
memories.... :D
05-04-2006, 11:21 PM
Haha, still remember Denny's 24hr makan place?
We watch movie also near our house eg. Bedok 1 & 2, Prince and Princess cinema etc.
original esplananade for rubba rubba, original satay club for supper after that.
peppermint club, atlantis, twilight @ dynasty hotel, Rumours, changi europa, reading room.....
06-04-2006, 09:07 AM
Damn i think i'm getting old ... i can actually identify with everything and all the places that's been mentioned so far :o
wah really brings back memories man ... i remember the Kampong Java KFC beside the squash courts ... used to think it was so up class with the white glass plates at cutlery ... actually kapo some of the frosted mugs from A&W before :p ...
anyone remember a short lived franchise called Big Rooster on the ground floor of Orchard Shopping Centre (the building beside the current California Fitness where the sports shop is) used to be Texas Fried Chicken before that ... Last time like got more fastfood choices ... places like Hardees (the last of the older fastfood names to die out) and Chuck&Cheese at parkway with the big amusement area somemore
Wisma used to have a playground upstairs which was kinda deserted and was quite a good make out spot
06-04-2006, 09:11 AM
Damn i think i'm getting old ... i can actually identify with everything and all the places that's been mentioned so far :o
wah really brings back memories man ... i remember the Kampong Java KFC beside the squash courts ... used to think it was so up class with the white glass plates at cutlery ... actually kapo some of the frosted mugs from A&W before :p ...
anyone remember a short lived franchise called Big Rooster on the ground floor of Orchard Shopping Centre (the building beside the current California Fitness where the sports shop is) used to be Texas Fried Chicken before that ... Last time like got more fastfood choices ... places like Hardees (the last of the older fastfood names to die out) and Chuck&Cheese at parkway with the big amusement area somemore
Wisma used to have a playground upstairs which was kinda deserted and was quite a good make out spot
haha... though i not that old but believe i'm not there far away.. these few places i still can recall.. and yah i oso took a few mugs home... now no more A&W liao... haiz...
anyone remember a short lived franchise called Big Rooster on the ground floor of Orchard Shopping Centre (the building beside the current California Fitness where the sports shop is) used to be Texas Fried Chicken before that ... Last time like got more fastfood choices ... places like Hardees (the last of the older fastfood names to die out) and Chuck&Cheese at parkway with the big amusement area somemore
and Wend's with the square beef patties.
white cotton crocodile underwear!
Squash centre next to KK KFC with sec 4 babes sweating, using Ascott or Greys wooden racquets.
Free milk at primary school, milk comes in pyramid shape paper carton.
How bout Wonderland amusement park? The roller coaster with the big lion head in front.
Great world, Gay world. Wrestling matches.
For all the old timmers, with dicks barely functioning. Last time 5 shots a day no problem. Now 2 shots must try hard hard.
lost youth...
Tropicana nite club. Topless review!
06-04-2006, 10:28 AM
Oh man, i also can relate to everything that is mentioned here... i am too getting old.
Dennys was the only 24hrs makan area. Kopitiam, S11 and 24hrs prata shops killed Dennys!!! I used to prefer Texas Fried Chicken to KFC. When I went Taiwan few years back, saw Texas Fried Chicken immediately went there to eat ro relieve the memories...
Some links:
06-04-2006, 11:13 AM
My time, most of us very blurr one. Got playboy magazine like big fuck already. Internet what? Apple IIe very grand. Only 1 McDonalds at Liat Towers. Metro Orchard (now DFS) or Yaohan Plaza Sing hot hang out places. KFC at Specialist Shopping Centre serve chicken on plates with metal knife and fork. Cinema still got Indian man sell Kachang Puteh in roll up Yellow Pages paper, army boys wear uniform can see show at discount. Got Fitzpatrick supermarket. Take bus got conductor to punch hole in your ticket.
Those were the days. Remember?
Yes bro, I still can recall Fitzpatrick...mmm..during the 70' still innocent n gong gong keekee:D[/QUOTE]
Hmmmmm.. Mcdonald's Liat Tower, Work there as part-time crew, 1 hr 50 cent...
06-04-2006, 11:25 AM
I too can relate what you guys mention here... damn...have to admit old man liao... last time really not much choice... have to hide here hide there to have fun...and always scare kenna caught with pants down... haha.... but of course got more thrill also lor...
Nowadays, little gals and boys r having much more Fun n somemore can direct their own MTV clips too! Damn... but we all like...just share on the net hor!
All old man here really have to catch up lor....haha...
06-04-2006, 11:30 AM
peppermint club, atlantis, twilight @ dynasty hotel, Rumours, changi europa, reading room.....
rite.....reading room....a nice place ....cozy corner for members.....
had my pleasure share there with some ONS......
1 of t fav places for "hunting"
06-04-2006, 07:38 PM
everyone sound so old here leh... all 'last time last time' talk
haha, btw its really common to see teens going to motels nowadays hor, btw is there an age limit for booking a short time hotel room? 18???
06-04-2006, 08:04 PM
btw is there an age limit for booking a short time hotel room? 18???
think no limit as long got money can liao.. kekeke :D
woah...such memories...all the places all so familiar and I am just in my mid-30...last time best time to have fun is during holidays with a few nites in chalet. all sleep under the blanket and can only do petting or go to the rocks. Too bad only can pet, no sex....dare not try....knn...such innocence then....
sigh....if i am young again....hahaha.....
08-04-2006, 10:37 PM
anybody remembers the CH8 show, Ping Fen Pa San (Variety 83)?
anybody remembers the CH8 show, Ping Fen Pa San (Variety 83)?
I prefer English: Rado show, Guthrie Hour, Science Quiz, Talent Time, German Tele Match, BIG League football, Man from San Francisco, Space 1999, Dr. Who, Dallas, Barnaby Jones, Combat, Hawaii 5 O, 6 Million Dollar Man, Cheryl Ladd, Deep Throat, Kate Jackson, Little House on the praire, Gunsmoke, Tarzan, Starsky and Hutch.
09-04-2006, 02:06 AM
Bro Bart, all you did in the 70s was watch TV ah? :D
Ah Seng
09-04-2006, 02:34 AM
Who is having more sex???? I think Orang Asli r the ones lor.....everyday do nothing in the jungle then Bonk bonk bonk..... right???;)
Bro Bart, all you did in the 70s was watch TV ah? :D
and masturbate
09-04-2006, 11:10 AM
Coolest shoes: Remember Bata Badmington Master? Ha! Then came Treton track shoes. Rich kids wear Adidas Roma with blue stripes.
Wow... At least yours were bata, I wore 'panda brand' shoes to school because my family was poor back then. I remembered I had to kiwi my 'panda brand' shoes with some white powder liquid with a used toothbrush every weekends. Hahaa... Those were the days... :)
09-04-2006, 11:21 AM
I really missed the 80's. Everything was still so pure and innocent, i.e. the buildings, the people, especially the girls :D , the hawker food, etc etc etc, not like now... Haizz... :(
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