View Full Version : To all bros... (dick head)

23-04-2006, 04:37 AM
Hi bros.. wonder any one of u all ever try to cut off dick head skin(forgotten the eng name) during ur sex life time. wanna know the diff before and after removed. better sex life? :confused:

23-04-2006, 08:54 AM
any one of u all ever try to cut off dick head skin(forgotten the eng name)

Its called "circumcision". :D Nope, never had mine cut. Never will..


23-04-2006, 08:59 AM
Hi bros.. wonder any one of u all ever try to cut off dick head skin(forgotten the eng name) during ur sex life time. wanna know the diff before and after removed. better sex life? :confused:

Its called the "foreskin". sigh.........

23-04-2006, 10:25 AM
well if ur skin is too long and cover ur dick head its better to cut off..for more better sex and hygiene....

well mine can open...and din cover...so wont think of circumsion...

but i heard now the tecnology very good....within 1 day can finish and don really feel the pain....

23-04-2006, 11:29 AM
oic.. coz i heard can help to improve better sex... thanks bro..

24-04-2006, 02:05 PM
Hi bros.. wonder any one of u all ever try to cut off dick head skin(forgotten the eng name) during ur sex life time. wanna know the diff before and after removed. better sex life? :confused:
Hell NO!
You sick or wat??
besides..dick head skin is not the foreskin..
foreskin is foreskin..
get it..:p

24-04-2006, 02:57 PM
lol...funny sia..lol

24-04-2006, 03:00 PM
Personally, I dont think it'll help in any way.

24-04-2006, 07:21 PM
Removing the foreskin actually desensitises the dickhead and takes AWAY sensation. With the foreskin on, the dick head is protected most of the time and thus more sensitive during sex. There are many nerve receptors on the foreskin that you are cutting off too.

Also, another big misconception is that it makes ur dick bigger. IT DOES NOT. The only surgical procedure avaliable is one that enlongates ur dick. Ur dick travels into your body quite a distance and it is possible to literally "pull" it out of your body but this comes with many long term consequences so I do not advise it.

Circumcision is done for religion, hygene and erectile inhibitions by foreskin, (Phimosis). Certain religions promote circumcision.

On hygene, although urine is sterile, moisture is trapped under the foreskin and bacteria can grow, although this is not a problem with most people with proper hygene.

A person with Phimosis has an extra tight foreskin opening and this will inhibit his erection and make erections painful experiences in some cases. Depending on the serverity of phimosis, one can choose to under go circumcision or a procedure that makes small cuts on the foreskin to "open" the hole.

My advice is that circumcision is a surgical procedure and should not be done for the sake of "better sex".

24-04-2006, 07:24 PM
Fully agree with you brother Hornie:D ..think that with the foreskin will made our dick less sensitive and thus i will never advise to do it..unless the doctor say so!;)