View Full Version : Created for the two of you.
31-07-2015, 06:37 PM
See! Smart a**hole admit he is The Great Pretender cheating newbies.
Due to samster knowing that they are ripped off by him.
Business have dropped drastically. He only can be keyboard hero.
Agreed? The Great Pretender? Lol!
The cuckoo-bird in full flight!
What a sight to behold!!
31-07-2015, 07:49 PM
Always called samsters dummy, but he is the biggest dummy and yet he not aware of it.
Right haha, he can call whoever dummy, fact is no one care his words.
Performing a pitiful show ( with his stupids posts) for samsters, getting his dose of humiliation and act as if he won the war... Thats the daily life of that fucktard :p
pathetic !
sex crusader
31-07-2015, 09:28 PM
Hairy for SISSY SEAJ! Best of all he picked this girl at KTV. Of course being an el cheapo, cheap price for him too. :D
泥妈的! 那死老🐢公的确是重口味的! 不只是喜欢小女孩还是hairy de!:D
31-07-2015, 09:33 PM
泥妈的! 那死老公的确是重口味的! 不只是喜欢小女孩还是hairy de!:D
Miss Hairy Rose?
Hairy cocker SEAJ the underage girl pimp no sound no colour wor. So unlike of him. Must be busy pimping.
31-07-2015, 10:11 PM
haha another dear readers post
Instead of "dear readers", he should write "dear reader" in the best case, but more likely "dear me & my imaginary friends"
31-07-2015, 10:37 PM
Hey boss SEAJ don't let them say you have no readers. If you really cannot find any readers (hehehe) i will always be your only reader.
Your faithfull balls carrier
This…. Is all you useless dummies can come up with? :rolleyes:
All the teaming and ganging up, all the digging up and research, not only on this forum but even on other forums … and this…. is all you useless lot can come up with? :o
Wooo Hoooo….. you dummies are truly …… useless dummies! :D
Oooohhh….. keep on repeating the same old name calling….. some more off-target taunts…. weak invectives….. foul-mouth …… Oooohhhh….. how so hurtful…. Oooohhhh…. how about the juvenile taunts???..... ooohhhh….. oooohhh!!!!
Try again!
You dummies keep on flailing impotently with your totally useless diatribe and I’ll just use your wasted effort to re-direct Samsters!! Woo Hoo! :D
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by these crooks!
Please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
These vermin are IRL even much worse than how they are on this thread.
Totally Disgusting! :mad:
Nobody here to support you? You are stupid ain't you? I thought you can handle us?
Just me by my lonely self and you and your "Team" cain't handle!
And the reason???
Right is right and turd like y'all .... just gets flushed!! :p
Just to bring back your "decade" memories? Who say KTV girls can't bargain! Yes they can, but hairy and stink pussy like you used to bonked before right. :D Just to show how inept you and your "research" is... right after that post was
The reason why I posted the 1st picture of her clothed is that I do want you guys to see the outfit she had on - and how she managed to hide her hirsute self up in it.
Total false advertising I say!!
And a very unpleasant surprise it was when I first un-wrapped the be followed by worse....The Pong!
You useless dummies are .... truly... useless dummies! :p
So many bombarded you, but you only did selective reply?
Answer puerile, inconsequential "bombardment?"
LMFAOYeah walked into my trap again......You are a lousy monger.
Ooooohhhh..... I "walked into your trap" Yeah! oooohh!!
I'm a lousy monger!!
The end of the world is nigh!!!
You trying to make me laugh so hard again that I'll hurt my tummy... again?
01-08-2015, 12:41 AM
Seems that fucktard is looking for his last round of humiliation today haha, cannot deal with the fact he has zero supporter and no one is interested on his stupid crusade.:cool:
Crazy old fucktard cannot do anything beside gesticulating and entertaining us.
01-08-2015, 12:46 AM
But why you spend your time logged into other forum and C+P the content there?!
Because that fucktard want to prove he exists, shaking his tail and hoping everybody looking at him haha.
Some people prove their existence by achieving great things, that fucktard by pissing off everybody on this planet, including his screen. LOL
Yeah! Loser lose for
Seems that fucktard
Ooooh...ouch... crud... breaking my bones!! OUCH!!
Evil Team Monty Python and their merry band of crooks continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade, putting on full display just how stupid and useless these dummies truly are!!
Just too funny! :D
01-08-2015, 12:51 AM
Fucktard SEAJ goes insane, and we love it
01-08-2015, 02:06 AM
Fucktard SEAJ goes insane, and we love it
Me wonders why the fucking retard seaj, likes to talk to himself.
Tiu Nay Lo Mo
01-08-2015, 10:32 AM
haha this idiot seaj vs rest of the world is getting funnier and funnier. I always come here for some comic relief!
dear fictional readers , please look at me please please please
cut and paste cut and paste
cut and paste cut and paste
cut and paste cut and paste
look at me i am idiot seaj look at me or i will hold my breath and cry
cut and paste cut and paste
cut and paste cut and paste
cut and paste cut and paste
look at me look at ME! LOOK AT ME! i am idiot seaj!
LMFAO! I thought you can handle us! What's the C+P again and again and again and again! :rolleyes:
Because that is ALL that is needed to debunk you crooks/loonies' infantile, off-target posts!
You dummies keep on flailing impotently with your totally useless diatribe and I’ll just use your wasted effort to re-direct Samsters!! Woo Hoo! :D
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by these crooks!
Please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
These vermin are IRL even much worse than how they are on this thread.
Totally Disgusting! :mad:
01-08-2015, 02:10 PM
What a cheapskate! Pui!
Arrrrggghhh!!! Aaaarrggghh!!!! Rico Comes
Don't ask me why I wrote that.... I just felt I needed to write it for our Man Rico!!!
OK – here’s a report….on bargains galore in Chang Ping!!!
So here we were, having a merry old time having a celebration for our buddy’s birthday at the Boton behind the cultural center. Great food, great drinks, great company, lotsa laughter and merriment….and before we knew it, it was already 10 o’clock. The Birthday boy had two gals, some others had their single …. And left in the lurch - 3 of us guys without companion…..!!! Yowich!!
WOT???!!! SEAJ without a companion? YUP –true and correctomo – I just sent Bing Bing on her way and felt like just being by my lonely old self. So what? So WOT?? You got a problem with that buddy? You got a Problem???!!
Now what the heck was 3 single lonely guys gonna do - too early to call it a night and yet too late to get a KTV room. Ahhhhh…. Plan B! And NOOOOOO…. Not a sauna….too easy, too plebian, too de-riguer. So we decided to do something which we’d not done in ages. Go to the Peninsula and sit at the Main room!! Ahhhh…. A cheap night!! Why the heck not?
So here we were, 3 guys and the mommies bringing out all the rejects and the ones booted out of the KTV rooms for whatever reason – and guess what??!! Man I’d forgotten how some of these rejects cud actually be pretty good….. and desperate…really desperate to get an “assignment.” And wild…really wild!! In plain sight of everybody in the big room…amazing!! And guess what???!!! Just on a hunch, I asked one of my regular mommies to bring for my ABC friend (who doesn’t speak any Chinese at all) all the English speaking gals in the joint – and PRESTO! 2 gals greeting my friend in English magically appears!!
Just like that!!
And one of them was cute as a button and of course my friend sat this one. Cutey…real cutey who BTW also speaks Cantonese as she is from Guangxi! Top it all off, she’s an ex-footsy gal and only on her third night as a KTV gal….and she’s happy to start massaging my buddy even whilst just sitting with him! Lucky DOG!!
We watched the show, we listened to the singing (HEY….lots better than the off-key singing – mine? -one ALWAYS hears in the KTV rooms!!), participated in the tom foolery…and drank and drank some more!! And then a friend of the cutey English speaker appears; and talk about cuties…. She’s also another li’l cutey….and my friend’s eyes lit up like 2 spot lights!! Man…. he was ……besotted!!
He then asks me: What do I do, what do I do?? MAN… what kind of question is that….”what do I do??” Take both of them of course, Dummy!! So here’s my buddy, with a gal on each of his lap and both hands groping their boobs and comparing and discussing the relative merits of each cutey’s boobies. One second not knowing what to do, another second grabbing boobies and slobbering all over!! Man, these guys!!!
I like both of them, I LOVE both of them, I cain’t decide which one I want to take back to the room and ravage!!! What do I do now…??? Again with the stoooopid question!! Take both of them Dummy!! WHAT???? Both??? Yeah BOTH – what’s wrong with that???!! One to do, the other to translate; switch and do the English speaking one and the other to translate by body language – wot’s wrong with that??? JEEEEEZZZ!!
Hold on, hold on…. Let me make you a deal with them… get you a bit of insurance for you.
OK girls – here’s the deal! You both get to go back with my buddy … and both of you are gonna service him well together. Got it??!!
Yes, yes, of course we’ll take care of your buddy – KTV Girl Scout’s honour, cross our pretty li’l hearts and hope to die!!
Yeah yeah yeah….welll…. here’s the other part of the deal… both of you service him and whoever services better gets to spend the night…and get 800 kwai for the night. BUT the loser is gonna get kicked out AND only get 400 kwai i/o 500. Deal?
Errmmm… errrmmm… yes, OK. YES OK!! DEAL!! We’ll both make your friend’s head…and everything else spin and spun and washed and dried!!
Hooraayyy… SEAJ… You dog you… you went and did another good ‘un – owe you another one!!
And so it was to be!!
And so it was to be that we asked for the bill…which for the 3 of us, drinking as much beer as we could handle in a couple hours (doggone it…I’m bloated!!) only came to 240 kwai!! Really – 80 bucks a piece for a couple hours of fun fun fun!!
And so it was that I now find myself back here typing away (am waiting for my …….. friend gal to get off work and spend the night – a DJ friend mine sat with me for quite a bit of the time and thus I didn’t even have to pay any sitting fee! El cheapo eh?? Gerroff your hi-horse!!).
And so it was…. That I herewith ask the question…did we have a good time or did we have a good time?? And did we do it all on the el-cheapo or did we not do it on the el-cheapo??
And NOooooo… no pictures – not unless my buddy with the double header sends me some of his session tomorrow or ?? Gonna put my pure lousy report-writing skills to the ultimate test….. you guys!!
Muahahah!! Fire AWAY!!!
seaj (in small letters!!)
What a cheapskate! Pui!
PRECISELY the kind of information and knowledge you crook stealth agents do NOT want us regular mongers to know!
You crooks only come out with, even invent FR's about high prices, how it is de-rigeur one must spend lots to enjoy...... which of course balloon up bills AND your extortionate kick-backs.
01-08-2015, 04:20 PM
You crooks only come out with, even invent FR's about high prices, how it is de-rigeur one must spend lots to enjoy...... which of course balloon up bills AND your extortionate kick-backs.
How much cut you received from pimping 2 girls to your customer? 1 stone kill 2 birds. Sneaky bastard!
Are you serious? I don't see any debunking..Not only seriously but factually. :p
What kind of FR? Hairy girl with stink pussy? Yeah of course we doesn't want to know. Only you idiot making fool out of yourself. ..
And so stupidly revealing yourself just how dumb you truly are.
Incredible! :D
For someone who purportedly has no interest in my FR’s, you certainly have an inordinate interest for them!
Even going as far as searching other forums, poring over my reports from 5 years ago, and even assiduously reading to the back pages to zero in on something which only your crooked mind would consider significant. Incredibly!
Incredibly DUMB!! :p
And in that forum, where the likes of you crooks are not around, the following are the comments I got for the above report/the kind of remarks I typically get for my FR’s .:D
mattmatt 6-3-2011 13:52 Acceptance +1 Favorable
Goose 22-2-2011 23:26 Acceptance +10
Goose 22-2-2011 23:26 Karma +10
Rico 10-2-2011 00:23 Karma +8 RICO luw ee Oi pizzed woport
Weelock 7-1-2011 11:59 Karma +3 Interesting
Weelock 7-1-2011 11:59 Acceptance +2 Interesting
bp626 13-12-2010 12:27 Acceptance +1 Excellent
geoduck 6-12-2010 14:57 Karma +5 HOW DID I EVER MISSED THIS ONE?
SkinnyForum 30-11-2010 11:00 Karma +2 Sir is on two jugs of coffee at least.
grantorino2 19-11-2010 08:49 Karma +1 SEAJ is definitely not sober...
javku 14-11-2010 01:47 Karma +1 My first K is for you, very good!
captaincaveman 10-11-2010 13:04 Acceptance +5 SEAJ so funny la
captaincaveman 10-11-2010 13:04 Karma +1 SEAJ so funny la
sirtiger 10-11-2010 05:51 Karma +3 Excellent
bohica 10-11-2010 02:51 Karma +2 Great way to pass the time.
freepeaks 10-11-2010 02:38 Acceptance +2 Way to bargain that!
freepeaks 10-11-2010 02:38 Karma +2 Way to bargain that!
Carry on fool!
Carry on making more of an idiot of yourself.
01-08-2015, 04:41 PM
Are you serious? I don't see any debunking, instead what I read was a rubbish from you.:rolleyes:
That fucktard is just living in his fantasy world where he has just to accuse someone without evidence and everybody will believe him LOL
But in the real world we all just see an old fucktard barking behind his screen everyday, as if he was asking for beeing humiliated ... and man, he really got what he asked for ! haha
Just look at all his posts, LOL and he will keep sayin' he doesn't care what people think of him ... of course ! :P
How much cut you received from pimping 2 girls to your customer? 1 stone kill 2 birds. Sneaky bastard!
Sure.... sure!!
You crook stealth agents DO routinely get kick-backs for KTV girls dontcha?
And even my above report clearly shows that there is AT LEAST 20-25% kickback that you crooks get. Just for girls, never mind the KTV bill. :mad:
At that time, the "established" pricing for KTV gals in Chang Ping was still 2-5-8, and as you can see, I easily negotiated 400 instead of 500 for my friend to have one of the girls ST. :cool:
On top of that, please note how much the 3 of us ended up paying for the KTV session - a total of RMB 240!
Crook stealth agents like TonyCheong at that time already routinely "split bills with friends" and charge EACH of them at least RMB 500; most times more, way more, depending on just how drunk he and his gang manage to make his "friends." :mad:
LMFAO - the more they try, the more they themselves reveal their methods and just how crooked they are.
Carry on fools!
Carry on revealing your crooked ways! :D
01-08-2015, 05:04 PM
Wonder how that fucktard will feel the day he will realize no one took his words seriously on this board? LOL
Somehow, it's better for him to live in his fantasy world with his imaginary friends. Because reality will surely make him more insane than he is :D
Truly pathetic and very entertainin' to see that old dog barking
01-08-2015, 05:06 PM
To you, but not to us. To us it's just a piece of crap, rubbish!
LOL, even if we put his nose in his own shit, that fucktard would still claim it smells good :D
88088 : 12 / SEAJ : 0
… fucktard …. fantasy world ..… old fucktard …barking….
… a piece of crap… rubbish! ……. mad … stupid …..fugly girl …. stink pussy… screw…. Desperado… cheap….Truly stupid…. Idiot….fugly girls …. a hairy … stink pussy…"Throw my waterface… no shame .. pimping…. underage drinking girls…. bastard!Wahhhh…. Such words…. So hurtful…cause so much pain….Wahhhh! :mad:
Cain’t even name call without repeating the same words over and over again!
What next? You gonna hold your breath till you turn blue? Ooooohhhhh….!!!
Evil Team Monty Python and their merry band of crooks continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade, putting on full display just how stupid and useless these dummies truly are!!
Just too funny! :D
01-08-2015, 05:21 PM
Wahhhh…. Such words…. So hurtful…cause so much pain….Wahhhh! :mad:
No, those words are meant to describ you fucktard :), what hurts you and make you embittered are :
1) That we are right when we say you have zero support and no one give a shit about your stupid crusade.
2) That your numerous attempts to promote your shitty link to your stupid thread are total failure. (why? see 1)
3) That 88088 slaps on your face whenever he replies you. If I were you I would stop try to argue with him, unless you love humiliation.
4) That people, mods & boss pointed out your verbal diarrhea and your attempt to act as if the forum belongs to you !
Deal with it old fool ! :D
LMAO (sincerly laughing at you) :D
PS : I can guess what is next, you gonna act as if you don't care, spread bullshit and lies, pretending laughing bla bla bla ..
01-08-2015, 05:22 PM
haha dumb fuck I also know how to cut and paste leh ........ very smart hor?
And in that forum, where the likes of you crooks are not around, the following is (ARE not is you dumb fuck!) the comments I got for the above report/the kind of remarks I typically get for my FR’s .
mattmatt 6-3-2011 13:52 unAcceptance -1 Stupid cut and paste
Goose 22-2-2011 23:26 unAcceptance 110
Goose 22-2-2011 23:26 Karma 110
Rico 10-2-2011 00:23 Karma 18 RICO no good
Weelock 7-1-2011 11:59 Karma -3 Stupid cut and paste
Weelock 7-1-2011 11:59 Acceptance -2 Stupid cut and paste
bp626 13-12-2010 12:27 Acceptance -1 Stupid cut and paste
geoduck 6-12-2010 14:57 Karma -5 HOW DID I EVER MISSED THIS ONE?
SkinnyForum 30-11-2010 11:00 Karma -2 Stupid cut and paste
javku 14-11-2010 01:47 Karma -1 Stupid cut and paste
captaincaveman 10-11-2010 13:04 unAcceptance -5 SEAJ so stupid la
captaincaveman 10-11-2010 13:04 Karma -1 SEAJ so stupidla
sirtiger 10-11-2010 05:51 Karma -3 Stupid cut and paste
bohica 10-11-2010 02:51 Karma -2 Stupid cut and paste
freepeaks 10-11-2010 02:38 Acceptance -2 Stupid cut and paste
freepeaks 10-11-2010 02:38 Karma -2 Stupid cut and paste
BTW you forgot to change this one - grantorino2 19-11-2010 08:49 Karma +1 SEAJ is definitely not sober... , how can you remember the rest but not this one! hahaha kena caught liow! hahaha
Thank for the comedy ............ maybe you've cured me after all
haha dumb fuck I also know how to cut and paste leh ........ ...Yes, obviously!!!
And showing us just how nutso you really are!
Hilarious.....and of course as usual, just weird!
Evil Team Monty Python and their merry band of crooks continue to flail impotently in their now useless tirade, putting on full display just how stupid and useless these dummies truly are!! LMFAO
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by these crooks!
Please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
These vermin are even much worse IRL than how they are on this thread.
Totally Disgusting! :mad:
01-08-2015, 05:48 PM
2) That your numerous attempts to promote your shitty link to your stupid thread are total failure. (why? see 1)
What did I just say? :cool:
01-08-2015, 06:33 PM
Yes, obviously!!!
And showing us just how nutso you really are!
Hilarious.....and of course as usual, just weird!
wow what a great respond!
I like your shorts..............
01-08-2015, 07:16 PM
Sure.... sure!!
You crook stealth agents DO routinely get kick-backs for KTV girls dontcha?
And even my above report clearly shows that there is AT LEAST 20-25% kickback that you crooks get. Just for girls, never mind the KTV bill.
At that time, the "established" pricing for KTV gals in Chang Ping was still 2-5-8, and as you can see, I easily negotiated 400 instead of 500 for my friend to have one of the girls ST. :cool:
On top of that, please note how much the 3 of us ended up paying for the KTV session - a total of RMB 240!
Crook stealth agents like TonyCheong at that time already routinely "split bills with friends" and charge EACH of them at least RMB 500; most times more, way more, depending on just how drunk he and his gang manage to make his "friends." :mad:
LMFAO - the more they try, the more they themselves reveal their methods and just how crooked they are.
Sure.... sure!!
Thanks for sharing how you scam your customers!
You crook stealth agent/underage girl pimp DO routinely get kick-backs for KTV girls dontcha?
And it clearly shows that there is AT LEAST 20-25% kickback that you crooks get. Just for girls, never mind the KTV bill.
Crook stealth agents like SEAJ the underage girl pimp at that time already routinely "split bills with friends" and charge EACH of them at least RMB 500; most times more, way more, depending on just how drunk he and his gang manage to make his "friends." :mad:
LMFAO - the more SEAJ tries, the more he reveals his methods and just how crooked he is.
Carry on fool!
Carry on revealing your crooked ways! :D
01-08-2015, 08:30 PM
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper
April 17, 1954
July 31, 2015
Do not worry SEAJ the underage girl pimp when your time comes all the bros here will hold a memorial (spit on your grave) here for you on this thread.
Stand by for you liao!
"SEAJ" Underage Girl Pimp
Do not worry SEAJ the underage girl pimp when your time comes all the bros here will hold a memorial (spit on your grave) here for you on this thread.
Stand by for you liao!
Yes, I am speechless..... And disgusted that anybody could capitalize on Rowdy dying to make whatever stupid point you're trying to make.
Don't you have ANY decency at all?
Is there nothing that's beneath you?
sex crusader
01-08-2015, 10:30 PM
Before you ask others, ask yourself first. Pimping underaged girls for your entertaiment? Con samsters into luring them to your den and asked them to spend more in Hk? Sharing those pictures just to boost up your virtual ego?
So now my turn to ask you. Don't you have any decency at all? Is there nothing that's beneath you? :rolleyes:
Well said! A crook and a pimp talk about decency? LMFAO!LMFAO!LMFAO!
01-08-2015, 10:47 PM
A crook and a pimp talk about decency? LMFAO!LMFAO!LMFAO!
Yes anything is possible with that fucktard who is mastering the art of hypocrisy. LOL
01-08-2015, 11:09 PM
So now my turn to ask you. Don't you have any decency at all? Is there nothing that's beneath you? :rolleyes:
beneath him ? the 6-year old little innocent, sweet girl, that he raped lor!
… Pimping underaged girls … Con samsters … asked them to spend more in Hk? A crook and a pimp!.. mastering the art of hypocrisy. LOL the 6-year old little innocent, sweet girl, that he raped…
Yeah, sure, expect no less from you lo-lifes. :mad:
Time to talk FACTS about all the lies you so blithely come out with and repeat time and again to try to make them into perceived truths. :cool:
PIMP – explain how it is possible for me to pimp when I NEVER meet Samsters, regularly reply to PM’s publicly, do not even have - as you time and again state - a single friend here, AND always advise Samsters ways to spot and avoid you crook stealth agents/pimps?
OK, perhaps you DO know a way, as you vermin DO have various tactics and manage to always continue your pimping activities on SBF; so do tell us exactly how YOU crooks do your pimping!
Pimp in Hong Kong – HOW? I have outlined that in Hong Kong, there is no such thing:
My exhortations “spend more in Hong Kong?”
Sure, unlike you parasites, I do try to contribute back to my own community and thus my reminder for visitors to spend more and benefit Hong Kong’s economy.
Paedophilia – yeah, sex crusader and Tony Cheong (who I highly suspect is also SEAsiaJoe) are of course experts on this. These two are THE enablers of a self-confessed Paedophile to coerce/use him as their Goon when scamming AND to attack on the forum anytime anybody even hint at their status as crook stealth agents. I have chronicled this on:
DETAILS and links to his own postings on posts # 15980 to 19984
You lo-lifes’ continual and total lies about me on this are just that, TOTAL LIES without any evidence and indeed without ANY basis AT ALL. Blatant Total lies which you crooks concoct amongst yourselves - but that’s nothing new with degenerates like you.
And that latest truly disgusting lie you’re now concocting – raping a 6 year old girl? You must really have a sick mind to be able to just come out so blithely with this.
Way too disgusting - Truly nothing is beneath you cockroaches. :mad:
02-08-2015, 09:00 AM
Ooo..oo..oo Hey boss SEAJ how come didn't tell me about your juicy episode with the 6-year old girl? I thought i was your buddy/confidante/loyal supporter?
Hey boss SEAJ how come didn't tell me about your juicy episode with the 6-year old girl??True to form. You cockroaches TRULY have no sense of decency at all.:mad:Lo lifes? Hey wasn't that you? Who been going around the board accusing innocent samsters? One of them is me. And until now you didn't produce any evidence. FACTS!
Facts and not more of your usual childish twisting and gibberish.
And no evidence about you being a crook? Yeah?
Then where’s your response to the questions - based upon your own words – I’ve posted repeatedly? :p First I shall start with ''CARE''On full display how you always spin, twist, turn even the most stupid, the most irrelevant NOTHING into a mountain in order to divert.
YOU SURE, you didn't meet any samsters in this forum? …So see another lies. ...... How about those PMs that you been replying with the stealth agents …And I’m supposed to know how you and your crook gangs got ANY SUPPOSED facts about me? And I should care? True imbecille!!
And I have to account to you crooks about my PRIVATE messages? Delusional idiot!:rolleyes:….I already pointed out your lies. You are a crook. . No surprises that some may believe, given the volume of lies you crooks bombard us with – which is perfect as it makes more aware of you thieves. :D After giving infos to them. You waiting for them to pm you. After that you will bring them to a few tourist places and not to forget your underage girls den. After all you used to be a tour agent ain't you. So its pretty easy for you to manage them.
''SPEND MORE IN HK'' Means bring more money!! So you can rip them. So simple. You think we cant see this. You probably even believe your own BS don’t you?
The same way that you are always able to bullshit your way in to raid your prey’s wallets... Couldn't be bother to read them all. …On other forum BBS is your favourite hang out right? One sentence saying you couldn’t be bothered, the next revealing just how much you care as to even research other forums. Pathological liar!Wow over 1hr plus thinking how to cover your sick. Edit here and there just to convince samsters? Sorry but we ain't small boy that born yesterday.Amazing how your twisted mind works. And no you certainly are not a small boy, you are a fully grown crook who never manage to grow out of the habit of lying. A shameless pathological liar.
02-08-2015, 04:40 PM
Last edited were at 1.44am. Wow over 1hr plus thinking how to cover your sick. Edit here and there just to convince samsters?
And he pretends he doesn't care of what we are writting on him LOL
I almost forgot :
88088 : 13 / SEAJ : 0
:D :D
…Yeah what evidence you produce so far? Nil. Always harping on stupid questions of yours again and again. Again why should I answer your stupid questions again.
Because, as in your very own words – “…what evidence you produce so far..”
These questions, again based upon your own words, are the evidence. No matter how you continue to act blur :p
Yeah right When I already answered them twice. I thought you good at using the search button. Now suddenly feigning blur. You can searched as far as a year ago posts, why can't search mine. Simply because there is NO such answers/posts!
Twice your ass!!
So where is it?:rolleyes:
And again who the fuck are you that I need to answer your questions again? You just a fucking pimp and fucking crook to me. …..If you want to accuse someone make sure you have facts and evidence before you shoot your mouth off. …..
Who am I?
The one YOU YOURSELF HAD ASKED to provide you evidence.
And these questions based on your own words are the evidence.
You gonna keep on acting blur? :p
Again talking about decency…….. You got no right to talk about it. A crook totally got no decency. BEOFRE you said other imbecile go take a look yourself in the mirror first. Ya if you don't care, why must you go dig a year ago posts. Total about 50-60 stating that you don't care. But over and over again you been eating your words back. Why can't you stick to your words. Be a man who honour their words. Oh I completely forget that you're a SISSY.
I thought you don't care about what others thinks of you. Very contradicting to be SEAJ don't you think so. One moment you preached A the next day you preaching C. Well crook always can't have their final answer. Now I'm trying to adapt how crook works.
Yeah. Liike I said once before. You know why many samsters hates you? Because of you like to accuse things that never happen before. Whenever asked for proof to prove, you start to throw your 1000 words of thesis and yet cant produce any.
Like I told you before. Those facts about you were emailed to me. Why should I bother to research about you old fool. Many hates you and thus they cant tolerate further about your action. Asking me to expose you. So what I said about you is right la So who is Paedophile? You indirectly admitting to it.
Your usual, blah blah blah which means nothing and just shows how you twist and spin everything and the pathological liar you are.
You’re nothing but a cockroach.:mad:
OK cockroach - simple enough for you to also just quote your supposed reply to the questions! :p
Cat got your tongue? :D
OK, since you insist on still acting blur – here are the specific questions based upon your own quite revealing previous statements in bold. Second time I ask you these questions as is, plus at least a couple more times previous, worded differently.
1. Why must blow things out of proportion when he just didn't pay the advertisement fee
Crook agents like you insist on not “outing” yourselves as agent and will refuse to advertise openly. That is all my concern with ad fees.
QUESTION – why are YOU so concerned about being caught doing promotion on here/being forced to pay Ad fees? Is it because then you cannot fool others into thinking that you are just a plain Samster instead of the crook stealth agent that you are?
2. maybe that crook got some good informations to share?
Crooks have the specific purpose of luring their prey into their traps for doing ANYTHING on SBF.
QUESTION – is this what you want? To be able to post anything up without restraint in order for you to lead your unsuspecting prey into your and your cohort’s trap?
3. My previous question: You want the Mod to allow EVERYONE including (and especially??!!) crooks to post without fear of being accused?
Your reply: Yup, why not? my post above explained, you can refer to it
QUESTION – there is absolutely no reason why crooks should be allowed to run rampant on SBF trapping and robbing Samsters - and here you are advocating precisely this. I don’t think I even need to ask this question as it’s quite apparent - Are you one such crook and thus advocating this?
02-08-2015, 06:11 PM
Because, bla bla bla and bla bla bla and bla bla again bla bla bla bla LMAO bla bla bla bla
[IMG]http://w..LMAO :D
For someone who supposedly don't give a damn, totally revealing that you constantly reply to my posts and even post stupid doctored Pixs/GIF files!
You're a cockroach and a dummy!
:mad: Ridiculous! Still twisting and turning. :mad:
You're truly just a cockroach! :(
SEAJMy words. Right. You think I'm like you? A pimp for underaged girls, an agent for HK, a liar, a crook, and latest indirectly you admitting you're a Paedophile.I already did my reasoning with you way back then, its you so stupid to interpreted it differently. If that so, until now there's nobody come to you and say I conned them. But there's samsters who came forward to say you are a pimp for underaged girls? Why there's isn't any evidence that you can produce starting I'm a crook agent?
When one trying to reason out with you labelled them as a crook right. Just see your sig. WHY WHY WHY? YEAH who the fuck are you? You just a pest! You should appreciate that Sam has not yet ban you. Again why the angst? I must hit your nerve? You just too light weight Paedophile.
WASSAMATTER?? Hairy cock caught your tongue? :D:eek:
No, you cockroaches too disgusting
02-08-2015, 09:44 PM
He just making fool out of you dummy! It's us who supposed to have the line.
For an idiot SEAJ who always said that he doesn't give a damn but always have 1000 words of explanation.
Exactly, we are hearing his barking, but we dont listen to him. LOL
As i use to say, his stupid post are just entertaining and it always amazed me how far and deep can go his stupidity haha
sex crusader
02-08-2015, 11:16 PM
:mad: Ridiculous! Still twisting and turning.
You're truly just a cockroach!
You are worst! Being a paedophile is worst than an animal! No matter how you twist the fact that you are pimping underage gal and engage with them , you still can't run away from the law! It's a matter of time that karma will come haunting you! You are a disgrace not only to hongkong but the whole entire animals kingdom!
03-08-2015, 12:03 AM
Tony Cheong (who I highly suspect is also SEAsiaJoe) are of course experts on this.
Bastard where is your evidence?
_|_ understand?
I backed with evidence when I say you are an underage girl pimp. There are at least 3 samsters that can testify.
03-08-2015, 09:27 AM
I backed with evidence when I say you are an underage girl pimp. There are at least 3 samsters that can testify.
this pedophile SEAJ should be behind bars. And should have a bar shoved up his ass.
That’s it? :o
That’s all of you cockroaches?
Where are the rest of your clones? The certifiable loonies? :rolleyes:
And that’s all you can manage?
Just more kiddy name-calling, more twisting and more blatant – and totally obvious - lies? :rolleyes:
Hoookkkkaaaaayyyyy.....!!! Here's back to you!!
You cockroaches are useless! :p
03-08-2015, 04:07 PM
That’s it?
_|_ understand?
"SEAJ" Underage Girl Pimp
03-08-2015, 04:20 PM
Other than pimping underage gals, there is totally nothing
He is capable of. Over estimation by Boss, to name him
"Team SEAJ".
Who would want to be associated with such lowlifes!
[B] understand?
Ahhhh.... sure.... now I understand!!
YOU want to suck me off!!
Get a haircut first! :p
Back to you fucking underage girl pimp!
Too lightweight Sissy SEAJ TOO LIGHTWEIGHT!Errr..... right!!
Other than pimping underage gals, there is.....Wrote too soon!
Right on cue!!
Taaa Taaa....
IMH certifiable Loony!!
03-08-2015, 06:04 PM
Over estimation by Boss, to name him
"Team SEAJ".
Who would want to be associated with such lowlifes!
Boss thought that fucktard had supports, but it turned out it was imaginary friends LOL
Although he promotes his stupid crusade against so called clones and stealth agents, no one give a shit about it. So i understand why he is so embittered and rather live in his fantasy world, full of imaginary supporters. Haha
04-08-2015, 12:30 AM
Boss thought that fucktard had supports, but it turned out it was imaginary friends LOL
Although he promotes his stupid crusade against so called clones and stealth agents, no one give a shit about it. So i understand why he is so embittered and rather live in his fantasy world, full of imaginary supporters. Haha
You are wrong, boss SEAJ has lots of supporters. I am his die hard fan. Even though he has been exposed as a paedophile.
04-08-2015, 12:33 AM
hey look at this pic, Seaj, he has no balls
WASSAMATTER SISSY SEAJ! Hairy cock caught your tongue? AGAIN?Nahhhhh…. you cockroaches’ bile has gotten just way too disgusting for me.
Besides which, you dummies cain’t come up with anything new!
Just repeating the same old tired lies and childish name calling – so I’ll just leave it to you inept thieves to continue to flail impotently whilst I keep on pointing you crooks out to Samsters!
Carry on – you’re doing a fine job exposing yourselves! :p
Boss thought that fucktard had supports....The same stupid old refrain from you.
You are wrong, You too. sigh...:rolleyes:
hey look at this pic, Seaj, he has no ballsAhhh... I see, I see!
You also want to suck my cock huh?! :p
You cockroaches cain't come up with anything worthwhile even using such bile.
Truly useless parasites you lot are!!
04-08-2015, 07:38 PM
Say what? Recently these few days you tend to reply very slow. Wassamatter? Loser lose for words?
Because his mouth was spitting out shit too much recently, so his mouth got hemorrhoid LOL
05-08-2015, 12:55 AM
I suspect he at the verge of giving up as too pressurised after being screws by us daily. :D
Careful. Screw him and you catch his disease. Syphilis.
For past few days after his pictures of having sex were shared here, and many of his things were exposed, can see he slow down at replying, which is unlikely to be him. I suspect he at the verge of giving up as too pressurised after being screws by us daily. :D
Exposed? Yeah, on par with all your other supposed "exposures!"
And shows just how stupid AND delusional you are!
I posted up those pictures and reports myself, you IDIOT!!
05-08-2015, 06:25 PM
And shows just how stupid AND delusional you are!
I faked all pictures and faked all reports myself, you IDIOT!!
Seaj you chow chee bai. Now you admit fake everything? Tiu nay loh moh.
05-08-2015, 09:01 PM
Fucktard's mouth feel itchy again, it recovered from hemorrhoid.
06-08-2015, 12:10 AM
- SEAJ stands for : South East Asian Jerk
- SEAJ thinks I am Ang mo because he thinks my profil picture is me LMAO
- SEAJ is well know for beeing mr verbal diarrhea
- SEAJ cannot deal with the fact no one gives a shit about his crusade against clones / stealth agents.
you can add one more : SEAJ is a compulsive liar
......Of course those picture were originally from you but were shared by me ....And one of the thing were exposed is for being an el cheapo, you bloody fool!
You used to call samsters an el cheapo, so who is el cheapo here now! Everyday some more display of you cockroaches’ desperate idiocy and lies!!! LMFAO!!
Me?? Accuse you of being el-cheapo?
That’s how all this started – when I naively posted up my guide on how to economize at KTV’s and yet still enjoying it all, and your crook brethren started attacking me as such guide crimps the spending and your thieving kick-backs!!
Shared by you?
Too funny …. And stupid.
Yup, that’s you! El stupido!
06-08-2015, 11:37 AM
Pot, my kettle is black!
Only 1 miserable keyboard warrior? Get your gang in?
06-08-2015, 12:35 PM
I googled SEAJ and results for broken records came out!
He is getting boring. Always been a idiot but now he's a boring idiot...................
06-08-2015, 04:19 PM
you can add one more : SEAJ is a compulsive liar
What to expect from an expert of bullshit language ? LOL
06-08-2015, 06:12 PM
Yeah you el cheapo! Bonked 130RMB FUGLY BBS girls is not being economy but a desperate el cheapo.
HAHAHA bang bang !! in that fucktard's head :cool:
88088 : 15 / SEAJ : 0
07-08-2015, 03:20 PM
SISSY SEAJ GIVE UP? :rolleyes:
Finally he threw the white flag AGAIN. :D
Just a matter of time his asshole feel itchy again and coming back on this thread or others to spit his usual bullshit. It's not easy to get ride of a parasite. :cool:
07-08-2015, 03:32 PM
SEAJ the underage girl pimp either busy pimping or trying to get off the radar of Interpol looking for him.
He better quit using the current nick and start afresh.
Everyday …… just some more of the same old bile and stupid off-target invectives. Hilarious. :p
On full display…. crook stealth agents, IMH certifiable loonies and other SBF cockroaches!!:p
To find out more about these vermin and how to avoid them scamming (and even blackmailing/robbing) you, please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
Enjoy your mongering trip – stay away from these crooks, STAY SAFE! :cool:
07-08-2015, 08:19 PM
nothing new from the broken record cut and paste master.
Now business so slow he is pimping car rental service in Phuket! hahaha
07-08-2015, 09:29 PM
Everyday same old shit from the old mofo PIMP SEAJ!
As i said, just a matter of time ... LOL
That fucktard cannot help ridicule himself day after day. All his posts are so predictable and boring.
08-08-2015, 01:44 AM
paedophile! Disgusting Loh ! 老不死的! puki nia mah!:mad:
08-08-2015, 05:58 PM
On full display…. crook stealth agents, IMH certifiable loonies and other SBF cockroaches!!:p
To find out more about these vermin and how to avoid them scamming (and even blackmailing/robbing) you, please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/pimps when Cheonging overseas.
Enjoy your mongering trip – stay away from SEAJ the underage girl pimp, STAY SAFE! :cool:
On full display…. crook stealth agents, IMH certifiable loonies and other SBF cockroaches!!
To find out more about these vermin and how to avoid them scamming (and even blackmailing/robbing) you, please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/pimps when Cheonging overseas.
http://www..... (link to some more lies about me….. Of course! LOL)
Enjoy your mongering trip – stay away from SEAJ the underage girl pimp, STAY SAFE!
LMFAO – you crooks still flailing impotently.
You're all so dumb! :D
These crooks with their strategy of warning readers to watch out for me as I supposedly am also a crook!
Even copying and altering my posts as if it's their own.
Perfect!! :p
I don’t care what others may or may not think about me, all I care about is steering those of you, who may be unaware of how badly cockroaches infest SBF, away from the evil clutches of these crooks! And if anybody thinks that I am also a crook, that’s fine as then they will then instinctively be more wary of ALL the dangers lurking on SBF.
Like I said, PERFECT!! :p
I will continue to highlight their crooked ways, their dirty tactics, how totally disgusting they really are – and the more they bleat/try to silence me, the more they'll expose themselves! LMFAO. :D
08-08-2015, 08:12 PM
These crooks with their strategy of warning readers to watch out for me as I supposedly am also a crook!
Hey you are not just a crook. You have been identified as a paedophile and have raped a 6-year old innocent girl. Don't try to act holy. You retard.
08-08-2015, 09:47 PM
Contradicting again. One moment said don't care, next moment wrote 1000 words of thesis explaining this and that.
LOL that's the fucktard paradox.
He must be really desperate to promote his silly thread everywhere. Sadly for him no one cares and no one listen his stupid advices HAHA !
08-08-2015, 09:57 PM
No more balls for him to lick, go to Phuket threads looking for balls to lick.....:rolleyes:
But dare to to go Indon threads.....bitch have no balls or castrated enuch ......
08-08-2015, 10:18 PM
No more balls for him to lick, go to Phuket threads looking for balls to lick...
LOL Not really surprising from him.
08-08-2015, 11:58 PM
lol not really surprising from him.
Lmao :d
dear readers,
just read my signature.
09-08-2015, 12:21 AM
dear readers,
just read my signature.
LOL it's good to remind all samsters here how all people see him on this board, including boss Sam ...:cool:
... of course all that fucktard can say is we are running to Boss's legs since he cannot deny he is pissing off everybody HAHA!
09-08-2015, 12:38 AM
LOL it's good to remind all samsters here how all people see him on this board, including boss Sam ...:cool:
... of course all that fucktard can say is we are running to Boss's legs since he cannot deny he is pissing off everybody HAHA!
Here is seaj peeing. Ugly retard right?
As Singapore turns 50 today, I wish to contribute something to piss the SISSY SEAJ OFF AGAIN!
Above is SISSY SEAJ's rate oh her.
My turn to rate. Face 0/5. Even she offer me FOC.
Body 0/5, first glance like she got body of a katoey.
:rolleyes: Weird…. The warped thought process of crooked cockroaches. :rolleyes:
Why would I get pissed off when I originally posted up the FR and pictures? :p
Post at 26-4-2011 16:27
** Chang Ping C.I.M. - YEAH!! Swallow Even!!**
Name: Sorry I’ve actually forgotten her name.
My bad, as many times as I’ve had her!
Let’s just call her a Hung
Link: NOPE – no link, she was a BBS gal when I 1st met her – last time, a Mayflower KTV gal
Face: 3/5
Body: 3/5
Overall attraction: 4/5 - she has nice skin, is quite tall and has a nice sunny disposition whilst possessing of a GFE type personality
Estimated age of the girl: 20
Skill: 4/5
Cost: At that time, SWL BBS’s were only charging 200 ST/500 ON – but nowadays, it’s up to 250/600, and just a few months ago, most CP KTV gals were at 2-5-8 - but that pricing is unfortunately, quite rapidly becoming history
Service: 5/5 as far as I was concerned – but a friend rated her 0/5!
Overall score: 4/5
Retry index: 4.5/5 had done her quite a few times!
PREAMBLE:Inspired by how JacktheBat could turn any experience - no matter when it happened - into an amusing and informative thread, PLUS being encouraged by some who saw her pictures in the Idle Chat thread – I am herewith asking for you guys’es open mind when reading this report about A Hung, who I last had at least a few months back.
Besides which - what's hapening here with so much fewer reports these days?
Detailed account of the experience: I was first introduced to A Hung by Xueh-Er (Michelle) – one of the worst, most incapable/incompetent - but friendliest mommies in CP Swan lake area. Michelle never knows how to control her gals, pisses most of us by being totally un-thinking when dealing with us – but is actually a friendly and quite a nice person. In other words, somebody totally unsuited to becoming a good mommie!
Anyway, as per her usual PITA (Pain-In-The-Arse) ways, I saw that she had multiple times been trying to get a hold of me as soon as I turned my China Phone back on when crossing the border (Mistake – I should never have given her my phone number!!) - too eager for me to try out her new gal A Hung when she was still all fresh!! And would you believe it, Michelle was sitting at the lobby with A Hung when I walked into the hotel lobby, even before I checked in!!
OK – SOLD as soon as I saw A Hung as she IS quite a presentable lassy who somehow or another, I just immediately clicked with – even though her Cantonese was bad and my Putonghua even worse! I don’t know how it is with you guys – but there ARE gals I just naturally click with even if I cannot properly communicate with her; and this has happened to me all over the world when I just cain’t manage the local lingo.
The first session with A Hung wasn’t particularly memorable/special – just the usual Shower, Lick, BBBJ, Screw, Arrrgh!! type session. No, at least not until after we’d finished and she had NOT just jumped off the bed; instead, she lingered in bed with me and we were somehow or another having some pretty good GF/BF type of conversation whilst just snuggling. Nice…very nice – and had even then extended to my taking her for dinner before I had to go and meet up with some of my buddies at PP Disco KTV (YUP – its THAT long ago when the re-opened PP was still open!).
A couple days later, I decided to ask her to come out to PP to have dim sum with my friends and right away she was there feeding me, pouring tea, holding my hands under the table and just acting as if she’s my old and comfortable Girl friend. Nice…very nice….So of course dessert was back at my room with lots of snuggling, snoggling and messing about before the main event! And the Main EVENT?? WEllll…. It was….RED!!!! Yuck! Yowich!! She had just started her period…and it was a mess from the word GO…and had to be abandoned PRONTO!
She was all apologetic, all embarrassed and since we both were filthy, we rushed off to the bathroom to get cleaned up –which was when she backed her apologies with ACTION!! She got down on her knees and started blowing me in the shower stall and urging me on to CIM! Whoa Dere Filly! If you is gonna let me CIM, I is gonna truly enjoy it!! So extending the water BBBJ for as long as I could, I stopped her before actually splurting and instead toweled up and got in bed for her to continue her ministrations!
And so it came to pass that I had me a great old time and a great big shuddering orgasm as I came in her mouth…and she actually swallowed!! Now, you guys used to other nationality gals will probably say – what’s the big deal in THAT? Well…..let me tell you, very very few PRC gals would actually swallow!
So anyway, after that session, a friend wanted a full blow by blow account of what all had transpired – and of course I couldn’t help it but give him a blow by blow account of her fabulous Blow job and everything else. And BINGO – a phone call to Michelle and he booked her for 7:00 that same evening! Him all eager and us agreeing to meet after his session for dinner.
Well…at approx 7:15 I get this frantic phone call from my friend, shouting “She won’t blow me!! She won’t blow me!! (YUP – his exact FIRST words to me on the phone). WTF??!! Somehow or another a Hung had totally refused to blow my friend and he was going crazy with me on the Phone. WTF???!! So – friend – what do you want me to do?? Why are you calling me??!
“Tell her to blow me, TELL her to blow me!!” Abso-farking-lutely Incredible!! Can YOU believe THIS??!!
Good God – how some guys go all crazy!! And so I just told him to handle her himself and hung up!
But then 15 minutes later, I had the same guy phoning me from downstairs telling me to come down saying “I’ve got her on recording – you hear it yourself! You HEAR IT YOURSELF!!” The guy’s gone completely nuts and when I went downstairs, he pulled out his video camera and made me listen to what all they were talking about!! KERRRRRIIIST!! The guy I guess was secretly taping her!! OHMIGAWD!! As if I could do anything about it! As if ANYTHING could be done about it!! As if I CARED!! LOL!!
Anyway, I guess its different strokes for different folks and YMMV – and vary a Heckuva LOT!!
OK – sorry guy – if I made you read all the way down here…only for you to find that this is ain’t a report per se – just some more SEAJ rambling!! Sorry!!! So Solly!!
But just to make up for it a bit – please find the following Pix of A Hung – the rest of the pixs, you’re gonna have to go to posts #1261 and 1298 in the
Thread as I don’t want you guys to think I’m just karma whoring by posting up such pictures twice.
Username - Time - Credits - Reason
DaBestHK 26-4-2011 16:37 Karma +6 like JtB, where's your cucumber Joe?
TonyToro 26-4-2011 16:49 Karma +5 +5 for report. -1 for yr foot!
TonyToro 26-4-2011 16:49 Acceptance -1 +5 for report. -1 for yr foot!
ruggers15 26-4-2011 17:25 Karma +3 I really need to get up to CP more often
ruggers15 26-4-2011 17:25 Acceptance +3 I really need to get up to CP more often
Xplayer 26-4-2011 19:04 Acceptance +1 Hahaha. Glad you had fun
JustSeven 26-4-2011 21:46 Acceptance +1 Favorable
MKK 26-4-2011 22:53 Karma +1
MKK 26-4-2011 22:53 Acceptance +1
doghead 27-4-2011 18:54 Karma +2 u didnt tel bud bbbj is bonus, not a giv
sirtiger 28-4-2011 01:38 Karma +1 Excellent
sirtiger 28-4-2011 01:38 Acceptance +1 Excellent
SkinnyForum 28-4-2011 03:33 Karma +5 Excellent
locus58 28-4-2011 11:45 Acceptance +1 Haha. U really crack me up!
twiceAweek 30-4-2011 00:18 Karma +6 Thanks for sharing and the pics !
captaincaveman 30-4-2011 05:03 Karma +1 great stuff seaj
captaincaveman 30-4-2011 05:03 Acceptance +1 great stuff seaj
JackTheBat 1-5-2011 11:24 Karma +3 “She won’t blow me!!" ROTFLMAO!
Just one case and the kind of PM’s I do respond to.
Best to not EVER meet up with strangers via SBF! :cool:
And whilst I do understand you sometimes wanting to be discreet, best that you do ask your questions/request more information publicly and not via PM. These crooks are sooooo very skillful at manipulating any Samster to actually meet them via PM! Watch out! :mad:
i understand the inflating of bills and things and they getting kickbacks out of it
but i was wondering if there are more serious things, like they bringing you to a dark alley and robbing you, or the girl that you bonked took naked pics of you and tries to blackmail you through social media etc. ?
I don't think they have anything on me , so far I didn't receive any blackmail or emails etc.
What kind of scams or blackmail do they do Sia ?
I'm damn scare
Huh ? I don't get what you mean ? What happened to me was I went to bkk to meet this Thai chick that I met in sg , turns out she's a WL , she met me a couple of times in bkk but never during 8pm-1am , which was obvious. So I was really bored and starting messaging people on sbf and I started meeting people from sbf over the next few days , each day meeting a different person . however I felt they all knew each other and I got really paranoid that they somehow were with in on the trap with the girl I was meeting , so I thought this might be the so called kc trap and I quickly left for Singapore , had like 3 more days worth on hotel reservations but I felt unsafe so I booked a last min ticket and went back to sg. Did I do a correct thing or was I just paranoid ?
My latest response: :)
Cannot make any judgment/have any opinions based on what you're telling me - but since you're already safely back in Singapore, why worry? Just report to the Police if anything does happen.
Wouldn't be surprised if indeed you did meet up with crooks because they ARE rife on SBF and especially on the Thai threads. These crooks are always eager to hook up, befriend and scam unsuspecting Samsters.
And no, IMHO you did the correct thing - always best to err on the side of caution, especially when you are in unfamiliar surroundings. Once these crooks get to you, they will squeeze as much out of you as possible using a variety of tactics including extortion, blackmail and even just having their accomplices to physically rob you.
Be very careful when doing research on SBF for an overseas mongering trip.
Be very cautious, stay safe and do enjoy yourself! :D
09-08-2015, 01:19 PM
As Singapore turns 50 today, I wish to contribute something to piss the SISSY SEAJ OFF AGAIN!
Well done 88088!
HAPPY SG50 to all Singapore bros!
Let us show our united front against underage girl pimps like SEAJ. Until now he is still ashame to admit he is Indonesian Chinese. Really buay kan. Indonesia should revoke his citizenship.
09-08-2015, 01:20 PM
As Singapore turns 50 today, I wish to contribute something to piss the SISSY SEAJ OFF AGAIN!
My turn to rate. Face 0/5. Even she offer me FOC. :eek
Body 0/5, first glance like she got body of a katoey. :eek:
It has gone nuts!.... !!!!!!:D:rolleyes::D
Day off from HK RSPCA....
click and read
signature post
Yeah to show the rest that how bad is your taste.?
Since you fancy yourself as being the only arbritrer of WG's looks, how about you favoring us with pictures of the THB 6,000/ST girls you and vbkk try to promote as great deals?! Let us all see for ourselves what "quality" girls you're trying to fool us with?
Or are you just gonna steal some more pictures from the web - something which you ARE very accomplished at doing!
Continuing to LMFAO!
09-08-2015, 01:30 PM
but i was wondering if there are more serious things, like they bringing you to a dark alley and robbing you, or the girl that you bonked took naked pics of you and tries to blackmail you through social media etc.?
This scam is SEAJ the underage girl pimp's forte. He will film his customers in action to blackmail them.
Until now he is still ashame to admit he is Indonesian Chinese. Really buay kan. Indonesia should revoke his citizenship.
Hey dummy - what is there to admit or not admit, be ashamed or not be ashamed of whatever it is you're presuming I am. :D
I'm not American? Or from India? Or how about ISIS?
And hey, I thought you and Tony Cheong (who I'm pretty sure is also you!) can't even got back to Singapore?
You also know how to steal pictures from the web huh?!
You crooked cockroaches really do have warped thought process! :rolleyes:
but i was wondering if there are more serious things, like they bringing you to a dark alley and robbing you, or the girl that you bonked took naked pics of you and tries to blackmail you through social media etc.?
This scam is SEAJ the underage girl pimp's forte. He will film his customers in action to blackmail them.
You crooked cockroaches really do have warped thought process! :p
:) For the full post from which this cockroach stole the above from, please go to:
And WoooHooo!!
GREAT that you're highlighting what crook stealth agents do regularly practice!
GREAT that you've made more are aware..... and will stay away from you crooked cockroaches!
You dummies just continuing to flail impotently whilst the rest of us are laughing our arses off! :D
On full display…. crook stealth agents, IMH certifiable loonies and other SBF cockroaches!!:p
To find out more about these vermin and how to avoid them scamming (and even blackmailing/robbing) you, please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
:)Enjoy your mongering trip, stay away from these crooks and most important - STAY SAFE! :cool:
09-08-2015, 02:26 PM
Wah lau boss SEAJ, how come i did not know your taste in girls so poor? I can't imagine screwing her even after 2 years prison. Boss i really disappoint on you!
So yeah you pissed off! Pissed?
Especially when you then post for everybody to see:
Since when I said 6K฿ for ST? Link that post here like usually I did!
First you said 6K฿ price is ridiculous. But upon reading namelo's price guide which I linked it to you. You altered the 6K฿ to 6K฿/ST.
residing in HK for years, . can't find any decent girl to be your gf .... your hairy dick pic, ..... personal hygiene and appareance.... thus only FUGLY girls stick to you,.. an el cheapo, that's make....why you got no gf/flings.
And this has WHAT to do with the now firmly established fact that you are a pimp?
And one moment you say I got fuglies sticking to me and the next moment I got no gf/flings...... Make up your mind will ya!!!
How easy it is to command anytime I want you crooks and loonies to jump!
09-08-2015, 04:10 PM
This shows you never had any relationship before. :eek:
This is the only relationship SEAJ the underage girl pimp has for the past 60+ years. He can even bring his 'partner' along into his grave when his time comes in 201X!
09-08-2015, 04:58 PM
Until now he is still ashame to admit he is Indonesian Chinese.
Seeing how he likes ridiculing himself everyday, i doubt he knows the word ashame LOL
On the other hand its better for him to live in fantasy and imaginary world, cause if he realises he is such a burden for everyone including his family and friends, he would better jump off from a building.
09-08-2015, 08:25 PM
SISSY SEAJ become noiseless again or busy updating his forum to lure in more those going to HK! :rolleyes:
SEAJ the underage girl pimp must be busy watching Singapore National Day Parade live broadcast. His dream Singapore citizenship application kena rejected many years ago. LL stay in Hong Kong now.
That is why come on SBF and pretend to mingle with Singaporeans for his pimping business.
So where's this karma whore AKA SISSY SEAJ hiding. Like I said he on the verge of giving up. A lil bit more will do. :D
I really applaud u for your effort on putting that crazy dog down. For months u have been doing that. I just can't be bothered with him already. When the day comes when he's put to sleep permanently forever from here, it's time we meet and party like real man yeah? :D:p
10-08-2015, 07:59 AM
I really applaud u for your effort on putting that crazy dog down. For months u have been doing that. I just can't be bothered with him already. When the day comes when he's put to sleep permanently forever from here, it's time we meet and party like real man yeah? :D:p
After reading this thread, here are some of the questions I would like for you to ask yourself is:
- Is it worth it to meet strangers via SBF? How much can I actually benefit from meeting them? Being too kiasu/reckless? :rolleyes:
- So much danger, so many tricks up their sleeves – do I really want to take a chance? :eek:
- I’ve done OK all my life relying on myself, why take chances to meet strangers, even if at new place? :confused:
- Would I become friends with these characters back home? Would I even want to be seen with them? :mad:
The crooks rife on SBF International are the worst kind of affinity scam predators, targeting fellow Singaporeans. Not able to compete with the local crooks and mostly NOT able to go back to Singapore for a variety of reasons, they will ruthlessly scam, steal and rob anyone they manage to get a hold of. Do not be that “one!!!” All alone in a new place, they will not let you off until they squeeze everything out of you.
As skillful and practiced that they are at their crooked trade, I seriously doubt you can actually figure out if the stranger you’re contemplating meeting is a regular guy or a crook. Even poor ole me - let’s face it - after their never ending attacks and various campaigns to discredit, I wouldn’t blame you if you are even suspicious/wary of me! That’s how skillful and dastardly they are! How are YOU gonna differentiate?
Just do NOT meet up with strangers via SBF. And even fellow Samsters you had been “friends” with on SBF for a while, you must also be wary of them unless you have actually met them in person in the past. These crooks have been on SBF for YEARS and they are always nurturing prey for both immediate as well as future use. I know of instances when Samsters got scammed by these crooks who they had thought were harmless as they had previously “conversed” with them publicly and/or on PM’s. Be especially wary when your “friend” recommends you/asks you to contact a “fellow Bro” – That third party gets a hold of you, you’re done!
These cockroaches expertly play “Ping-Pong” among themselves ie. 88088 and vbkk and/or amongst their own clones i.e. SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong/TonyCheong2, sanuuk, ooluois, sex crusader, snacky, babarella osamabinladin, humhum, propertymike 88 etc. and of course love to spur the forum loonies/cyber hooligans into a frenzy i.e. etct88, sgmjplayers, ahtecklim, various xxxxdog,Ixxx etc. PLEASE NOTE that these are only the CURRENT CROP of nicks these crooks/idiots are using/they easily just use another one of their various clones – and if they con/scam you, it will most likely be with them using another clone/nick.
You crooked cockroaches are not only dumb, you’re delusional!
I need to engage you daily?
What for?
You’re doing a fine job exposing your methods and just how dastardly/vile you vermin are! :p
Hilarious… patting yourselves in the back ….. while I just merrily keep on exposing you cockroaches! :D
And Woo Hoo…. your trash-talkin’ all over the forum… nicely sequestered into this section too!! LMFAO :p
sex crusader
10-08-2015, 06:54 PM
You crooked cockroaches are not only dumb, you’re delusional!
I need to engage you daily?
What for?
You’re doing a fine job exposing your methods and just how dastardly/vile you vermin are!
Hilarious… patting yourselves in the back ….. while I just merrily keep on exposing you cockroaches!
And Woo Hoo…. your trash-talkin’ all over the forum… nicely sequestered into this section too!! LMFAO
Hi old pimp! Tia gong you are a pederast as well ah! You damn good la...all the evil descriptions you also involved ah! Why u like to engage children huh? You got a very deprived childhood sibor!:D don't tell you you were sexually abused when you were little !:eek:
hello this is the 7th test
My my my!!
You're so testy!
10-08-2015, 07:10 PM
LOL the delusional here is the one who keep spreading shit every day, hoping that one day someone care of what he has to say although everyone, including boss said him to fuck off.
Delusional and pathetic ... as usual LOL
10-08-2015, 10:05 PM
Hey karma whore, just did a checked you top poster in this thread with 224 posts.
And you only started like 1.5 months ago when you decided to eat back your words.
And only dumb can't read, out of 9 threads your nick were made as the TS.
So many posts from that fucktard, but the needle of the bros care-o-meter for his thread has been stucked to zero for a while LOL (
You’ve seen for yourself how dastardly the SBF crooks are; here are some questions I would like for you to now ask yourself:
- Is it worth it to meet strangers via SBF? How much can I actually benefit from meeting them? Being too kiasu/reckless? :rolleyes:
- So much danger, so many tricks up their sleeves – do I really want to take a chance? :eek:
- I’ve done OK all my life relying on myself, why take chances to meet strangers, even if at new place? :confused:
- Would I become friends with these characters back home? Would I even want to be seen with them? :mad:
The crooks rife on SBF International are the worst kind of affinity scam predators, targeting fellow Singaporeans. Not able to compete with the local crooks and mostly NOT able to go back to Singapore for a variety of reasons, they will ruthlessly scam, steal and rob anyone they manage to get a hold of. Do not be that “one!!!” All alone in a new place, they will not let you off until they squeeze everything out of you.
As skillful and practiced that they are at their crooked trade, I seriously doubt you can actually figure out if the stranger you’re contemplating meeting is a regular guy or a crook. Even poor ole me - let’s face it - after their never ending attacks and various campaigns to discredit, I wouldn’t blame you if you are even suspicious/wary of me! That’s how skillful and dastardly they are! How are YOU gonna differentiate?
Just do NOT meet up with strangers via SBF. And even fellow Samsters you had been “friends” with on SBF for a while, you must also be wary of them unless you have actually met them in person in the past. These crooks have been on SBF for YEARS and they are always nurturing prey for both immediate as well as future use. I know of instances when Samsters got scammed by these crooks who they had thought were harmless as they had previously “conversed” with them publicly and/or on PM’s. Be especially wary when your “friend” recommends you/asks you to contact a “fellow Bro” – That third party gets a hold of you, you’re done!
These cockroaches expertly play “Ping-Pong” among themselves ie. 88088 and vbkk and/or amongst their own clones i.e. SEAsiaJoe, TonyCheong/TonyCheong2, sanuuk, ooluois, sex crusader, snacky, babarella osamabinladin, humhum, propertymike 88 etc. and of course love to spur the forum loonies/cyber hooligans into a frenzy i.e. etct88, sgmjplayers, ahtecklim, various xxxxdog,Ixxx etc. PLEASE NOTE that these are only the CURRENT CROP of nicks these crooks/idiots are using/they easily just use another one of their various clones – and if they con/scam you, it will most likely be with them using another clone/nick.
Could be a 'He'! one forummer by the nick of 'Seaj' is a master of this kind of scam ! he is an okt by the way!
Ha ha ha! :D
Great! Crook stealth agent giving me reason to post here!:p
Dear Readers:
To read more on how these crooked cockroaches prey on unsuspecting samsters when cheonging overseas, please go to: :cool:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas
Just re-read some of my postings here and I THINK I may have misled you and had erroneously suggested to watch out for the wrong nicks/clones! :o
Those on my signature line and who I battle with are just these crooks’ “Assault Crew” which they use to cause chaos/confuse readers anytime ANYTHING unfavorable to their agenda of appears. They are used specifically to do battle while their other nicks/clones post up supposedly sharing information etc. to lull readers into thinking that they are just regular guys. These are the ones you have to watch out for! :mad:
And another thing to watch out for is them referring you to a “good guy/bro” – thus validating himself/his crooked accomplices and making you comfortable in contacting him. :eek:
YES, they have all sorts of tactics – but if you remember to NEVER meet up with strangers via SBF, not even when you have been referred to him, then you should be safe from these vermin. :cool:
Have fun on your trip, but STAY SAFE!!
12-08-2015, 03:24 PM
Wow a few days already since the retard seaj has stopped spewing his shit. Is he dead?
sex crusader
12-08-2015, 04:44 PM
Don't think any graveyard welcome him ! For his perverted sins toward young children , he should burnt in hell!:D
13-08-2015, 12:23 AM
Don't think any graveyard welcome him ! For his perverted sins toward young children , he should burnt in hell!:D
if singapore will not take him, you think hell will?
13-08-2015, 08:45 AM
Finally PEACE! :D
I don't think peace for long. A paedophile like seaj, he cannot keep quiet for too long. Maybe he is busy raping some child now. But soon or later he will come. Stirring shit. You just wait.
Awwww..... How thweet!!
You crooked cockroaches are actually missing li'l ole me!!
13-08-2015, 10:59 PM
Awwww..... How thweet!!
You crooked cockroaches are actually missing li'l ole me!!
I *knew* this shit head could not resist.
13-08-2015, 11:35 PM
Actually he can't take the heat and let it cool down for couple of days. Usually he will rebut back without fail, but lately after I shared his photos and he being an el cheapo, his posting decline tremendously. :D:p
Yup. Took the fucking retard a while to fling his usual shit. Wonder which kid he molested this time.
14-08-2015, 12:16 AM
Yeah miss humiliating you twit! ;)
LOL That fucktard will still pretend it smells perfum although you put his nose in his own shit.
14-08-2015, 01:00 AM
Hey Boss SEAJ! What is this I keep hearing about you molesting young kids? Don't you know its against the law?
sex crusader
14-08-2015, 01:54 AM
Hey Boss SEAJ! What is this I keep hearing about you molesting young kids? Don't you know its against the law?
Don't blame yr boss! He got a deprived childhood! We shd show pity on him!
Hoot! Hoot!
14-08-2015, 12:23 PM
I *knew* this shit head could not resist.
his mother busy mah.........
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (or even worse) by these crooks! :eek:
Please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
Hoot Hoot!
You crooked cockroaches and loonies still flailing impotently with your nitwit comments huh?
Hilarious.... and sooooooooo DUMB!
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (or even worse) by these crooks!
Please go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
15-08-2015, 02:01 AM
"DEAR READERS listen to me ... hello ??? Is anybody there?? Hey look at me ...listen to me ... dear readers ??? hello?"
Pathetic fucktard ... as usual LOL
15-08-2015, 05:39 PM
SEAJ the underage girl pimp is getting his deserved karma from all the vile things he had committed.
Now no balls to even post on other threads except on his own and sub forum. Confirm scare of his precious account getting banned.
Let me C+P (learn from SEAJ) his classic pic here again. As long as he continues to post I will continue to humiliate him.
"SEAJ" Underage Girl Pimp
15-08-2015, 05:50 PM
If you are reading this ..blah blah and fucking blah
You dumb cunt. You really think there are readers giving a flying fuck about your shit? Really?
is it just luck or is there a way to tell a difference from a LB compare to pooying, from wechat?
some LB do look damn chio and they didnt state LB. I unknowingly go book "her" and realise only until "she" appears in front of your hotel door.
if we were to find thru wechat.
I'd say half of the LB's would actually state they were one/give very strong indication of what they are via pictures or what they post. Most of the other half would eventually admit to being one if you press them as they also do not want to waste their time/have hassles. But don't hold me to this as there ARE some nasty LB's around.
I'm also noticing quite a few PRC Chinese girls on "people nearby" but haven't contacted any (no reason why I would want to be with them in Thailand!!).
BTW - the weather since Wednesday has been absolutely brilliant in Phuket; Sunny every day but temperatures VERY mild, even as low as 25C. And since it's low season, everything is slower-paced and lower priced. Brilliant!! Mind you though, my friends tells me that previous couple or so weeks, it had been pissing down rain every day.
listen to me ... hello ??? Is anybody there?? Hey look at me ...listen to me ... dear readers ??? hello?"[/I]
Wellll.... apparently there is you!
Hooookaaayyyyy karma whore!
The International section Pimp got nothing to say!
Hilarious in case you forgotten who is dumb here, just refer to my sig which says SEAJ's stupidity!Your sig line?
Hoot hoot big deal - as if it makes any difference or even sense!
Confirm scare of his precious account getting banned.
Let me C+P (learn from SEAJ) his classic pic here again. As long as he continues to post I will continue to humiliate him.
NO PROBLEM, as I will just follow your crooks' example and create a clone!! What's the big deal. Hell, if even you crooked cockroaches have not been banned, I'd worry??!! Yeah.... right!
And "humiliate" me??? HOW???!!
I put up the picture - so what's there to be "humiliated" about?
LMFAO - what an IDIOT!
You dumb cunt. You really think there are readers giving a flying fuck about your shit? Really?
Hey dummy - very apparent that you and the rest of you crooks DO!
LMFAO - what an idiot!
For a “live” display on how these crook gangs work, please go to: :cool:
88088 is of course the long standing “Assault Clone” (alongside others like SEAsiaJoe, Snacky, Osamabinladin, sanuuk, ooluois, sex crusader, babarella ,various xxxxdoggy etc) who trolls/start fights everywhere with anybody who are against these crook stealth agents gang that I write about in my last post. These “assault Clones” are totally ruthless and don’t care whatever impression they give to anybody, even battling and telling Mods off as they know that if one clone gets banned, they’ll just use another one. Meanwhile, his accomplices/other clones he uses just spew out regular conversations, tempting but incomplete information about places just to engage the unsuspecting Samsters into conversation/eventual meet-up when they will scam the victim. :mad:
Look at vbkk’s postings going back a few pages; Kevin, Calvin or whatever his real name is had been 88088/laojiao’s erstwhile partner/supplier of Coyote girls which they have been getting Samsters to pay THB 6,000 ++ ST. But do note that these are NOT the only clones/nicks they use – they also use others for their Pimp/G-Club scams where they get at least 35% kickbacks on bills and of course on girls that their victim takes out. And oh of course for massage parlors; think about it – even taxi drivers regularly get “commission” for bringing customers .....:p
As above, no problem to chat with them, pump them for more information etc. – but NEVER actually agree to meet up with strangers on SBF; and of course best to not even get into PM exchange with them as they are so skilled/practiced that before you even realize……:eek:
Are you doing your part-time pimping business in Phuket now...
Please pay advertisement fee to sbf if not will recommend to boss to ban you...thank you...
LOL :p
For an "attack clone" you're certainly a weird one! :rolleyes:
LOL :p
And you are? H88 the shit stirrer clone?
Ya SISSY SEAJ just nice one of your supporter come to support you finally. LMFAO
You REALLY are stupid aren't you?!
Cain't even tell can you?!
Sheesh!! :rolleyes:
What a dummy!! :p
I just passing by...non of my business now...
Forgot to feed SEAJ dog food today so he come out bark...
You guys really hooligan gang...
For an "attack clone" you're really a weird one aintcha? :rolleyes:
sex crusader
16-08-2015, 08:35 AM
Ji bye old pimp really is shit stirrer! Bor tai bor ji go Thai section and stir shit! But as usual, Kena fucked left right and center!:D even his 'friend' H88 also didn't help him.
Dear readers,
If you want to see how this old crook pimp got humiliated, ps visit the following link.
16-08-2015, 04:08 PM
Ji bye old pimp really is shit stirrer! Bor tai bor ji go Thai section and stir shit! But as usual, Kena fucked left right and center!:D even his 'friend' H88 also didn't help him.
Dear readers,
If you want to see how this old crook pimp got humiliated, ps visit the following link.
LOL as i always said, that fucktard has zero support although he is gesticulating everyday everywhere on this board.
16-08-2015, 09:15 PM
LOL as i always said, that fucktard has zero support although he is gesticulating everyday everywhere on this board.
Hey Boss SEAJ !! Why do these people always say you have no supporters?
You should create a few clones, to stir up some support. Just like the last times you did!
18-08-2015, 01:09 PM
By the way Boss Seaj I heard you were in Bangkok last nite. Hope none of your limbs got blown off! We will praying for you. Hope you don't molest any more underage girls!
By the way Boss Seaj I heard you were in Bangkok last nite. Hope none of your limbs got blown off! We will praying for you. Hope you don't molest any more underage girls!
One less dog in this world no big deal...:)
I just passing by...non of my business now..
So typical of you cockroaches - to even use such a tragedy with so many people killed and injured for your own sick purpose .
As usual, totally disgusting.
18-08-2015, 05:01 PM
By the way Boss Seaj I heard you were in Bangkok last nite. Hope none of your limbs got blown off! We will praying for you. Hope you don't molest any more underage girls!
haha both also no good la. If his limbs kena blow off , then its too easy death for him la. I wanna ease him down a razor blade slide with his cock as the brake. yes yes yes
18-08-2015, 05:35 PM
By the way Boss Seaj I heard you were in Bangkok last nite. Hope none of your limbs got blown off! We will praying for you. Hope you don't molest any more underage girls!
LOL, he just get kicked out from all threads he is involved...beside his thread thst no one care and this one where he get owned everyday, not much choice for him.
He is such a burden ...
Dear bro,
I'm visiting HK on Oct 2nd. I know it's too early now. But I would like to plan my program. I'm staying in Jordan. Any good recommendation of budget HK300-400 for full package? I don mind MILF But hopefully it's a nice type of MILF not looking at GILF. Not those type. Please advise me. Thank you HK sexpert cheongster, I trust your recommendation and depending on u guys...
Since you still have plenty of time, do read up a few back pages of this forum and do GO to that 141 site; this bilingual site has the largest list of girls and various services catalogued by different areas and type of services etc. Best of all it has prices listed.
Also, the mtr system in Hong Kong is very efficient and you can go to any area easily
19-08-2015, 05:25 PM
So typical of you cockroaches - to even use such a tragedy with so many people killed and injured for your own sick purpose .
As usual, hypocrite words from a child molester. Amos Yee would have a field day.
That's all you crooked cockroaches can come up with?
And getting a big cut from newbies expenses.HOW?
When I refuse to meet anybody from SBF AND I make NO referrals to others whatsoeverRead below!
Read above!
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by these crooks!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
I appreciate the fact that Boss has a lot on his plate with all that has been happening of late on SBF. I also see that in order to build traffic back up, he has allowed pretty much “free-reign” in the Thailand section; but unfortunately, the clone stealth agents are taking full advantage of this and have been stepping up their efforts in setting their traps there. :mad:
Whilst these crooks operate on just about every International thread/place, Thailand does seem to be the destination of choice for many Samsters. So if you are planning a Thai trip and now doing research, please be especially aware of these crooks. :eek:
And remember, do NOT meet strangers via SBF! :o
Have fun on your trip, stay safe! :D
sex crusader
19-08-2015, 06:40 PM
This is all you old perverted pimp can come up with?:rolleyes:
Hoot! Hoot!
19-08-2015, 06:51 PM
As usual, hypocrite words from a child molester. Amos Yee would have a field day.
Yep you got the point, that fucktard is also an hypocrit, tried to twist words and make people think ooluois was moking the death people.
Actually it's him who use that tragedy to spit his hatred on bros here.
Pathetic as usual.
Tiu ! The paedophile survive the bomb attack! Really the sky has no eyes! :eek:
So typical of the kind of Lo-life dog that you are; mocking so many deaths, so many injured, for whatever stupid point you are trying to make.
Disgusting... Totally disgusting.
20-08-2015, 12:02 AM
Yep you got the point, that fucktard is also an hypocrit, tried to twist words and make people think ooluois was moking the death people.
Actually it's him who use that tragedy to spit his hatred on bros here.
Pathetic as usual.
Lately the pompous ass "Seaj" has been pontificating less and less. Seriously, he must be in the terminal stage of his syphilis. Shall we wish him a speedy demise?
20-08-2015, 08:30 AM
Lately the pompous ass "Seaj" has been pontificating less and less. Seriously, he must be in the terminal stage of his syphilis. Shall we wish him a speedy demise?
No see my post above. A speedy death is too good for him..........
So.... Where's your lead pack dog 88088?
Already become another number?
The rest of you bitches... Just useless, meaningless rantings!
Useless!! LOL
20-08-2015, 11:11 AM
Useless!! LOL
just as well as your threads LOL
20-08-2015, 11:15 AM
Lately the pompous ass "Seaj" has been pontificating less and less. Seriously, he must be in the terminal stage of his syphilis. Shall we wish him a speedy demise?
Understand him, he must be so frustrated to see no one support him although he licked ass and balls of everyone so hard LOL
20-08-2015, 11:32 AM
Understand him, he must be so frustrated to see no one support him although he licked ass and balls of everyone so hard LOL
Seaj being an asshole, fun to imagine him licking ass - no wonder there is shit everywhere.
20-08-2015, 11:50 AM
Its good that the animal seaj has been banished to this captive area. When we want to feed the animal, we will buy a bag of nuts and throw them into the cage here.
Aiyo... You all haven't declare winner ah?
Najib also won Liao...
LOL - there's no winning with these cockroaches! You get one, they use more clones! No big deal.
But stupidly they still don't realize I welcome their trolls as it bumps up this thread which has the purpose of making more Samsters aware of crooks thick on/just waiting to pounce on the international threads.
20-08-2015, 07:06 PM
Its good that the animal seaj has been banished to this captive area. When we want to feed the animal, we will buy a bag of nuts and throw them into the cage here.
LOL exactly, and everytime that fucktard fall for it.
My guess is JB will declare u the winner to upset the rest. By the way why are you semi banned?
Huh? What do you mean semi banned?
I've just been traveling and not posting - is this what made you say this?
And as I said, no winning with these cockroaches - just so long as more Samsters know about them and how to avoid them, then all's good!
Ps. Your nick sounded familiar so just checked - you're Mr. Salamander! LOL
How are you?
my first post in a long long time :p
just wanna say thanks for sharing to TS
Thank you for the kind words
21-08-2015, 07:18 AM
can it be that the bangkok bomber is seaj?
22-08-2015, 12:35 AM
Hoot! Hoot!
SEAJ the underage girl pimp is afraid that he will be banned like he did on another sex forum so dare not any how post on other threads.
Dog like him without lanpa so afraid to lose his precious nick.
Also he is trying to open Phuket market for his vile pimping activities!
Just Disgusted!
22-08-2015, 10:55 AM
Hoot! Hoot!
SEAJ the underage girl pimp is afraid that he will be banned like he did on another sex forum so dare not any how post on other threads.
Dog like him without lanpa so afraid to lose his precious nick.
Also he is trying to open Phuket market for his vile pimping activities!
Just Disgusted!
Looks like this "SEAJ" is a really fucked up prick!
22-08-2015, 01:08 PM
Hoot! Hoot!
Also he is trying to open Phuket market for his vile pimping activities!
Just Disgusted!
Now, that mad dog change tactics, goes to Matters of the Hearts to look for new fresh balls to lick......:rolleyes::rolleyes:
22-08-2015, 07:46 PM
Hi SISSY SEAJ, I'm back. Only diff in nick but same person in punching the keyboard. :D:p:D:p
don't punch keyboard. can you go and punch his chee bye face instead
Hi SISSY SEAJ, I'm back. Only diff in nick but same person in punching the keyboard. :D:p:D:p
Precisely - you and the rest of your gang of cockroaches are a total waste of my time.
Cain't be bothered any longer - go knock yourselves out!
Dear Readers:
The more I engage these crooked gang of cockroaches, the more I see that it's a total waste of my time to engage them. Not only will they never give up - as their crooked rice bowl TOTALLY depends on them prevailing on SBF - but they are so many, have so many nicks and clones and have so many tricks and tactics to get to Samsters.
I have pretty well outlined most of what I know of them in the previous posts and I believe it's probably best if I now sit back and only once a while post up a reminder and up-date when I learn anything more about them.
Meanwhile, please remember - DO NOT EVER MEET STRANGERS ON THE INTERNET, ESPECIALLY VIA SBF, where these ethnic scammers targeting fellow Singaporeans are thick on the International section. Also BEST YOU NOT EVEN GET INTO PM contact with them because they ARE that skillful and before you know it, you end up actually meeting them..... and getting scammed.
Enjoy your overseas mongering trip, take the usual safety precautions, and do keep your wits and sensibilities intact. Too easy to forget these when in sensual, exotic foreign destinations with so many nubile young bodies around and especially when your senses are dulled by alcohol.
Don't get too carried away!
sex crusader
24-08-2015, 12:02 AM
Fark serious! This old pimp has admitted he is a sissy! A sissy paedophile !:eek::D no wonder he is a crook !:rolleyes:
24-08-2015, 01:01 AM
Precisely - you and the rest of your gang of cockroaches are a total waste of my time.
Cain't be bothered any longer - go knock yourselves out!
yet he comes and reply to every post, what a retard this "SEAJ" is!
24-08-2015, 03:16 PM
yet he comes and reply to every post, what a retard this "SEAJ" is!
LOL he cannot keep himself from beeing humiliated
24-08-2015, 10:20 PM
LOL he cannot keep himself from beeing humiliated
Once a eunuch's son, always a eunuch's son. "SEAJ". No balls, no brains.
25-08-2015, 11:44 PM
So game over? SISSY SEAJ GAVE UP? Is this for time being or permanently gave up? :rolleyes:
May his prick be chopped into 100 pieces before he gets buried, for all the poor underaged girls he raped.
26-08-2015, 09:14 AM
Boss SEAJ, I heard you got kick out of every forum. Cos everyone sick of you. Why not you create clone and come back again? noboby would know!
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
It doesn't matter whatever lies, whatever they want to portray me as being - all that is important to me is that you readers are aware.
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
01-09-2015, 12:11 AM
SEAJ the underage girl pimp no stamina as old already can kaput any time.
Well done everybody!
The reason for this thread is to inform Samsters about the presence of crooks on the International threads and make more be aware/not get suckered into their traps.
If you are doing research on SBF to plan for an overseas cheonging trip, please first go to the following thread which is an official “Sticky” on the top of the main “International Field Reports” page:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
01-09-2015, 05:59 PM
Better not talk about the pedofile "SEAJ". This is seventh month. That prick may still turn up!
It doesn't matter whatever lies, whatever they want to portray me as being - all that is important to me is that you readers are aware.
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
You dummies are just so dumb!
02-09-2015, 08:48 AM
You dummies are just so dumb!
wow cultured educated reply!
wow cultured educated reply!
Yup - the only kind of reply you cockroaches understand.
Bro, imo any transaction more complicated and confusing than normal should be avoided. To check a company background, you can use services such as Dun and Bradstreet.......Great and precise response.
One that is actually quite de-rigueur/standard operating procedure for most firms.
And do remember that Conmen always target and capitalize on their victim's own greed; IMHO, accepting a free Bangkok trip was not a good idea.
Does James Lee Mansion gate requires access to enter? Was there last night, but couldn't enter as the gate was lock. Would be glad if any brother could assist on this. I stay near Sheraton hotel Kowloon , which is pretty near there. Would love to give it a try again tonight if any brother could advise me how do I get access to the gates.
Do like you previously did but ignore the guard.
If he persists, just give him the room/floor number of the girl you want to visit and don't take any BS from him.
You should also note down a few of the phone numbers listed in the ad by the James Lee girls and phone one to be let in as an alternative.
CP now really feels like a ghost town.
None of the hustle bustle of the past, especially since so many friends now no longer there.
Even SWL area is so quiet. So sad.
02-09-2015, 03:37 PM
Yup - the only kind of reply you cockroaches understand.
You idiot. You wanna bring this again to the other threads? Opps I forgot, you cant! Hahahaha :p
02-09-2015, 03:38 PM
Yup - the only kind of reply you cockroaches understand.
Welcome back you fucking prick!
02-09-2015, 03:57 PM
You dummies are just so dumb!
Yup - the only kind of reply you cockroaches understand.
Wassamatter? Busy traveling as an excuse for your absence or your underage girl pimping business did not work out in Phuket???
02-09-2015, 04:02 PM
So how's your business? Shifting to Phuket? Time to change "SPEND MORE IN PHUKET" I being to wonder your taste is so so bad! Wondering those who work under you must be as bad as what you fucked before right. :D:p
No wonder your business is bad la. Go up your taste and bring in top grade ones la. Maybe you take too much commission out of your chickens la, that's why ugly only willingly to work under you. :eek:
What do you expect from a cockroach that swims in his customer's scumbag like SEAJ???
SEAJ ( has reported a post.
Reason:Continually trolling and harassing - ban him or at least move his posts to the dedicated thread please.
Post: HK Happening (
Forum: International Field Reports
Assigned Moderators: Hurricane88
Posted by: SEAsiaJoe (
Original Content: Does James Lee Mansion gate requires access to enter? Was there last night, but couldn't enter as the gate was lock. Would be glad if any brother could assist on this. I stay near Sheraton hotel Kowloon , which is pretty near there. Would love to give it a try again tonight if any brother could advise me how do I get access to the gates.
The guard may call the police if you trespass!
Do not listen to that idiot who pimps underage girls. He is trying to bait you to try his stable of girls.
Just Warning
Yeah.... sure.... these scam stealth agents and their clones. Sigh...It doesn't matter whatever lies, whatever they want to portray me as being - all that is important to me is that you readers are aware.
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
Staying away from the forum a few weeks, I now notice just how truly thick these crook stealth agents are on SBF.
The Thai threads are basically all totally dominated by them posting up attractive but incomplete FR’s and discussions (designed specifically to elicit contact from the unsuspecting Samsters) and the other International threads with the same as well as attacks against those they even think are against them.
Always campaigns by these crooks to discredit others – many times against each other as they each battle “to protect their turf” - but these days joining up as more of us are becoming aware of their secret, nefarious activities on SBF.
When you read our International threads, do so in askance and with your Spider Man senses fully alert. No, the nicks that these crooks use on the threads are not going to be the one who will do the actual scam on you, they have other clones and/or co-conspirators who will do so.
So do always be on the look-out when doing research for a mongering trip and NEVER agree to meet up with strangers via the internet; especially via SBF as these ethnic scam crooks specifically target good natured/trusting Singaporeans.
Have fun but always play safe!
04-09-2015, 07:48 PM
What do you expect from a cockroach that swims in his customer's scumbag like SEAJ???
As predicted, that fucktard cannot help reminding us from time to time how dumb he is :D
Must be hard for him to see if he doesn't up his stupid thread no one would do it, since no one give a shit about it. :)
05-09-2015, 01:33 AM
He is back to con more samsters. :eek::D
not to mention that he is a confirmed paedofile
Stayed there for one week's time. Not that fantastic.
Seafood is great. If any brother wants to go, try to avoid MAY - early Oct.
You seem to be the latest of the very few who are now still visiting XCD.
How about more details, FR's etc?
Thanks beforehand
Seems to me that the International threads, especially the Thai section ones, are getting more and more dominated by these crook stealth agents, their various clones/nicks/forum loonies.
Watch out doing research for an overseas trip - and most importantly, a reminder, do NOT ever meet strangers via the internet/SBF.
SEAJ ( has reported a post.
Reason:Why allow him to continue to troll and spout off his bile when all I'm doing is just sharing REAL and VALID information without any hidden agenda whatsoever. Do remember this is the guy who you exposed as he had zapped me using foul language. At least move these trolls/spam to the special section - no?
Post: HK Happening (
Forum: International Field Reports
Assigned Moderators: Hurricane88
Posted by: etct88 (
Original Content: "Yeah.... sure.... these crook stealth agents/clones/forum-nutters. Again with their always confusing the issue. Sigh...!
It doesn't matter whatever lies, whatever they want to portray me as being - all that is important to me is that you readers are aware."
LMFAO - Thanks for bumping the thread up and giving it prominence to Samsters who are doing research for an overseas mongering trip.
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
Time for you two certifiable loonies to check back in to IMH and stop disturbing the free flow of information.
When are you two certifiable loonies going to check back in to IMH and stop disturbing the free flow of information?
08-09-2015, 05:53 PM
Whatever, he can gesticulate as much as he wants, the most important thing is no one take his words seriously and no one cares his stupid crusade against so called stealth agent and clones.
Truly nothing is beneath these crook stealth agent cockroaches :mad: and they will still persist to try to discredit me AND my warnings against them - which has been my SOLE objective for still posting here for all practical purposes.
They persist as they have no choice but to always try to prevail, being that their whole crooked rice bowl is dependent on scamming Samsters. Constantly creating new/using all sorts of clones, co-conspirators, dirty tactics just to scam.
Most dastardly in their campaign of misinformation is that I am supposedly an agent.
Please note the following FACTS which totally disprove this.
- I have refused to meet anybody from SBF and/or other sex forums.
- I have NOT referred anybody to ANY agents, even to those who ADVERTISES openly, as these crooked cockroaches accused me of getting kick-backs from one when I told somebody to ask a question of one of them.
- I have not referred anybody to other Samsters, friends, associates, whatever – knowing full well that these crooks routinely “hands off” their intended prey to another co-conspirator/clone to throw off suspicion.
- I have even for the most part NOT gotten into PM exchanges with anybody as PM’s are how these crooks first gets to their victims. I would instead routinely reply publicly on the board when appropriate.
- As is quite apparent, I do NOT have “friends” on SBF and had taken pains to avoid getting to know anybody/have them get to know me, and I have always posted just with this nick (with the exception of a dozen times under SEAJ2 within past 3 or 4 years!).
So how is it even possible that I could be an agent? :cool:
As to their foul/disgusting accusations on my personae – TOTALLY LIES which they repeat over and over again, knowing full well that repeated enough times, even the most blatant lies become perceived truths. To begin with, they don't even know anything about me!
So DEAR READERS – my message remains the same:
-Be aware and be wary that crooks abound on the International threads,
-Do NOT let your guard down reading their postings and get suckered in,
-NEVER agree to meet up with strangers from the Internet, especially via SBF.
-Best you don’t even get into PM contact with strangers. Yes, they will suck you in.
:) Do read the rest of this thread to get a clearer understanding of just how bad these crooked parasites are and how to best avoid them.
Truly nothing is beneath these crook stealth agent cockroaches :mad: and they will always persist to try to discredit me AND my warnings against them - which has been my SOLE objective for still posting here for all practical purposes.
They persist as they have no choice but to always try to prevail, being that their whole crooked rice bowl is dependent on scamming Samsters. Constantly creating new/using all sorts of clones, co-conspirators, dirty tactics just to scam.
Most dastardly in their campaign of misinformation is that I am supposedly an agent.
Please note the following FACTS which totally disprove this.
- I have refused to meet anybody from SBF and/or other sex forums.
- I have NOT referred anybody to ANY agents, even to those who ADVERTISES openly, as these crooked cockroaches accused me of getting kick-backs from one when I told somebody to ask a question of one of them.
- I have not referred anybody to other Samsters, friends, associates, whatever – knowing full well that these crooks routinely “hands off” their intended prey to another co-conspirator/clone to throw off suspicion.
- I have even for the most part NOT gotten into PM exchanges with anybody as PM’s are how these crooks first gets to their victims. I would instead routinely reply publicly on the board when appropriate.
- As is quite apparent, I do NOT have “friends” on SBF and had taken pains to avoid getting to know anybody/have them get to know me, and I have always posted just with this nick (with the exception of a dozen times under SEAJ2 within past 3 or 4 years!).
So how is it even possible that I could be an agent? :cool:
As to their foul/disgusting accusations on my personae – TOTALLY LIES which they repeat over and over again, knowing full well that repeated enough times, even the most blatant lies become perceived truths. To begin with, they don't even know anything about me!
So DEAR READERS – my message remains the same:
-Be aware and be wary that crooks abound on the International threads,
-Do NOT let your guard down reading their postings and get suckered in,
-NEVER agree to meet up with strangers from the Internet, especially via SBF.
-Best you don’t even get into PM contact with strangers. Yes, they will suck you in.
:) Do read my thread which is a sticky on the International section, to get a clearer understanding of just how bad these crooked cockroaches are and how to best avoid them.
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
You parasites are truly disgusting! :mad:
Truly nothing is beneath you crook stealth agent cockroaches :mad: and you will still persist to try to discredit me AND my warnings against you - which has been my SOLE objective for still posting here for all practical purposes.
They persist as they have no choice but to always try to prevail, being that their whole crooked rice bowl is dependent on scamming Samsters. Constantly creating new/using all sorts of clones, co-conspirators, dirty tactics just to scam.
Most dastardly in their campaign of misinformation is that I am supposedly an agent.
Please note the following FACTS which totally disprove this.
- I have refused to meet anybody from SBF and/or other sex forums.
- I have NOT referred anybody to ANY agents, even to those who ADVERTISES openly, as these crooked cockroaches accused me of getting kick-backs from one when I told somebody to ask a question of one of them.
- I have not referred anybody to other Samsters, friends, associates, whatever – knowing full well that these crooks routinely “hands off” their intended prey to another co-conspirator/clone to throw off suspicion.
- I have even for the most part NOT gotten into PM exchanges with anybody as PM’s are how these crooks first gets to their victims. I would instead routinely reply publicly on the board when appropriate.
- As is quite apparent, I do NOT have “friends” on SBF and had taken pains to avoid getting to know anybody/have them get to know me, and I have always posted just with this nick (with the exception of a dozen times under SEAJ2 within past 3 or 4 years!).
So how is it even possible that I could be an agent?
As to their foul/disgusting accusations on my personae – TOTALLY LIES which they repeat over and over again, knowing full well that repeated enough times, even the most blatant lies become perceived truths. To begin with, they don't even know anything about me!
So my message remains the same: :p
-Be aware and be wary that crooks abound on the International threads,
-Do NOT let your guard down reading their postings and get suckered in,
-NEVER agree to meet up with strangers from the Internet, especially via SBF.
-Best you don’t even get into PM contact with strangers. Yes, they will suck you in.
:) Do read my thread which is a sticky on the International section, to get a clearer understanding of just how bad these crooked cockroaches are and how to best avoid them.
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
08-09-2015, 07:59 PM
SEAJ the underage girl pimp cockroach is truly disgusting! :mad:
So my message remains the same: :p
-Be aware and be wary that crooks abound on the International threads,
-Do NOT let your guard down reading their postings and get suckered in,
-NEVER agree to meet up with strangers from the Internet, especially via SBF.
-Best you don’t even get into PM contact with strangers. Yes, they will suck you in.
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
08-09-2015, 08:51 PM
You parasites are truly disgusting! :mad:
- I have refused to meet anybody from SBF and/or other sex forums.
But that has not stopped you from running a vice den, filled with underaged girls young enough to be your grandchildren.
"SEAJ" --- disgusting, truly disgusting!
Too many lawyers and real Estate salesmen outlining how you can fully comply with all the LETTERS of the laws, totally neglecting/not mentioning that the SPIRIT of the law will eventually come to bear.
And the spirit of the land laws in Vietnam is just that they want NO foreigners to own Vietnamese land.
But that has not stopped you from running a vice den, filled with underaged girls young enough to be your grandchildren.
"SEAJ" --- disgusting, truly disgusting!
SURE..... still burying the issue, still with repeating total lies.
Read what I posted up as follows again, you disgusting cockroaches!
You parasites are truly disgusting! :mad:
Truly nothing is beneath you crook stealth agent cockroaches :mad: and you will still persist to try to discredit me AND my warnings against you - which has been my SOLE objective for still posting here for all practical purposes.
They persist as they have no choice but to always try to prevail, being that their whole crooked rice bowl is dependent on scamming Samsters. Constantly creating new/using all sorts of clones, co-conspirators, dirty tactics just to scam.
Most dastardly in their campaign of misinformation is that I am supposedly an agent.
Please note the following FACTS which totally disprove this.
- I have refused to meet anybody from SBF and/or other sex forums.
- I have NOT referred anybody to ANY agents, even to those who ADVERTISES openly, as these crooked cockroaches accused me of getting kick-backs from one when I told somebody to ask a question of one of them.
- I have not referred anybody to other Samsters, friends, associates, whatever – knowing full well that these crooks routinely “hands off” their intended prey to another co-conspirator/clone to throw off suspicion.
- I have even for the most part NOT gotten into PM exchanges with anybody as PM’s are how these crooks first gets to their victims. I would instead routinely reply publicly on the board when appropriate.
- As is quite apparent, I do NOT have “friends” on SBF and had taken pains to avoid getting to know anybody/have them get to know me, and I have always posted just with this nick (with the exception of a dozen times under SEAJ2 within past 3 or 4 years!).
So how is it even possible that I could be an agent?
As to their foul/disgusting accusations on my personae – TOTALLY LIES which they repeat over and over again, knowing full well that repeated enough times, even the most blatant lies become perceived truths. To begin with, they don't even know anything about me!
So my message remains the same: :p
-Be aware and be wary that crooks abound on the International threads,
-Do NOT let your guard down reading their postings and get suckered in,
-NEVER agree to meet up with strangers from the Internet, especially via SBF.
-Best you don’t even get into PM contact with strangers. Yes, they will suck you in.
:) Do read my thread which is a sticky on the International section, to get a clearer understanding of just how bad these crooked cockroaches are and how to best avoid them.
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
SURE..... still burying the issue, still trying to confuse readers, still repeating total lies.
Read again what I posted up as follows, you disgusting cockroaches!
You parasites are truly disgusting! :mad:
Truly nothing is beneath you crook stealth agent cockroaches :mad: and you will still persist to try to discredit me AND my warnings against you - which has been my SOLE objective for still posting here for all practical purposes.
They persist as they have no choice but to always try to prevail, being that their whole crooked rice bowl is dependent on scamming Samsters. Constantly creating new/using all sorts of clones, co-conspirators, dirty tactics just to scam.
Most dastardly in their campaign of misinformation is that I am supposedly an agent.
Please note the following FACTS which totally disprove this.
- I have refused to meet anybody from SBF and/or other sex forums.
- I have NOT referred anybody to ANY agents, even to those who ADVERTISES openly, as these crooked cockroaches accused me of getting kick-backs from one when I told somebody to ask a question of one of them.
- I have not referred anybody to other Samsters, friends, associates, whatever – knowing full well that these crooks routinely “hands off” their intended prey to another co-conspirator/clone to throw off suspicion.
- I have even for the most part NOT gotten into PM exchanges with anybody as PM’s are how these crooks first gets to their victims. I would instead routinely reply publicly on the board when appropriate.
- As is quite apparent, I do NOT have “friends” on SBF and had taken pains to avoid getting to know anybody/have them get to know me, and I have always posted just with this nick (with the exception of a dozen times under SEAJ2 within past 3 or 4 years!).
So how is it even possible that I could be an agent?
As to their foul/disgusting accusations on my personae – TOTALLY LIES which they repeat over and over again, knowing full well that repeated enough times, even the most blatant lies become perceived truths. To begin with, they don't even know anything about me!
So my message remains the same: :p
-Be aware and be wary that crooks abound on the International threads,
-Do NOT let your guard down reading their postings and get suckered in,
-NEVER agree to meet up with strangers from the Internet, especially via SBF.
-Best you don’t even get into PM contact with strangers. Yes, they will suck you in.
:) Do read my thread which is a sticky on the International section, to get a clearer understanding of just how bad these crooked cockroaches are and how to best avoid them.
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
Because the message remains the same and my singular reason/purpose to still post is to convey the following:
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
I will NEVER stop, warning NEWBIES about our great Pretender/Dictator
Scamming their wallets.
At all cost, i will continue to warn all newbies entering south China!
You gonna hold your breath and turn blue too?
Go check back into IMH!
10-09-2015, 09:07 AM
SURE..... still burying the issue, still with repeating total lies.
Read what I posted up as follows again, you disgusting cockroaches!
I thought you cant be bothered anymore? hahaha idiot child pimp ........ we need less of your kind in this world
I thought you cant be bothered anymore? hahaha idiot child pimp ........ we need less of your kind in this world
You're capable of thought?
....It would be great if China, Africa, India and the Middle East were struck by a deadly epidemic that wiped out most of the population. The world would then be a far better place when the dust finally settled.The problem with that thesis is that the populace of a couple or so of those places probably has higher immunity against disease.
Poor hygiene and inadequate medical care results in frequent exposure to various pathogens which are not treated, leaving the patient to fight it off naturally and resulting in him/her having higher levels of natural immunity.
China would be an exception to the above though, as the level of antibiotic overuse there is truly incredible.
10-09-2015, 11:11 PM
I thought you cant be bothered anymore? hahaha idiot child pimp ........ we need less of your kind in this world
LOL his thread sucks so much that he has to promote it everywhere, and even if he put so much effort on it, no one give a shit.
11-09-2015, 01:09 AM
LOL his thread sucks so much that he has to promote it everywhere, and even if he put so much effort on it, no one give a shit.
only one phrase fits the paedofile "SEAJ" - tiu nay ma chow hai.
LOL his thread sucks so much that he has to promote it everywhere, and even if he put so much effort on it, no one give a shit.
Welll.... obviously you and the rest of you crooked cockroaches do give a shit!
As the intentions of my thread to steer Samsters away from you crooks must be crimping your taking!
Good that you idiots confirm its effectiveness.
Keep on continuing to starve!!
The mental patient now with delusions of being a lawyer!
Go check back in to IMH!
But at least the last part is correct - there IS NO ethical pimps!
Already 3rd year NUS medicine and asking others about medication, sexuality and doing so making all sorts of grammatical and spelling mistakes?
On a sex board nonetheless!!
Next time I need to go to a doctor, I really oughta check where the doctor graduated from!
11-09-2015, 05:45 AM
Welll.... obviously you and the rest of you crooked cockroaches do give a shit!
As the intentions of my thread to steer Samsters away from you crooks must be crimping your taking!
Good that you idiots confirm its effectiveness.
Keep on continuing to starve!!
We do give a shit on the fact no one give a shit about the content of ur thread fucktard. :cool:
A total failure since no one is listening to ur stupid advices and we can see samsters don't stay away from people in ur blacklist ... they still can chat freely and discuss in other threads.
The most important is that no one take ur words seriously, no matter what you can pretend.
And yes it's an enjoyment to see no matter how hard you try to promote ur thread, no matter how hard you tried to lick boss and mods ass ... but still no result LOL
11-09-2015, 11:53 AM
Hi SISSY SEAJ. Welcome back. How's your pimping business?
I thought your nick kaput after your indecent pictures were exposed here. Looks like you purposely trying to make thing cool down first, before you start to stir shit again. :rolleyes:
You mean this picture of SEAJ the hairy cocker underage girl pimp? :D
Perhaps a bit of clarification for all and in response/reference to a PM received. :p
No, IMHO it’s perfectly OK to ask any questions and/or try to get more information PUBLICLY from anybody, even if you suspect him to be a stealth agent/clone of one. :D
The unfortunate fact is that many have now stopped posting as these crooks have driven too many regular Samsters off and out. These crooks dominate conversations to steer their intended victims into their crooked hands, suppress other’s good information as it marginalize their own importance (and need for their service), and always confuse and cause chaos on threads.
So much so that for the most part, I’ve also stopped posting information; it’s all become too ridiculous. Nowadays, I just post to highlight this thread and my advice for everybody to watch out for these crooked cockroaches.
If you got questions/need more information about an intended destination and you ask, chances are it’s these crooks who will respond; after all, that IS their motive for posting. So go right ahead and ask – whilst helping SBF to generate needed traffic! And if you genuinely need information, they’d bend backwards to provide such as you ARE then their perfect target.
The thing to remember though is to NOT get into PM exchanges with them. They will send you a PM, but you just respond to it all friendly but PUBLICLY on the board. You may wonder what’s the harm in responding via PM; well….. these crooks are so skillful, so practiced in their ways that before you know it, they will have dragged you deeper and deeper into their den of thieving. That’s how good they are at conning. And besides which, responding publicly will again help out SBF by generating traffic. :p
And do remember to NEVER meet strangers on the internet and especially via SBF. These crooks specifically target good-natured, trusting Singaporeans in their ethnic scams. :mad:
You cockroaches are so clueless.
Certifiable loony AND crooked cockroaches are so clueless!
If you are reading this as you are doing research for a mongering trip to Hong Kong and/or Southern China, protect yourself from being scammed (AND probably worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on the SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
I met a lot of people already. Thanks for promoting me in your sig. :D
But never meet me? Come come let's go pimp! :D
11-09-2015, 10:30 PM
I met a lot of people already. Thanks for promoting me in your sig. :D
LOL as I said his crusade is a totally failure, no one is listening to his advice.
He must really have a shitty life to waste his time to talk to himself here.
But always a pleasure to see him beeing put in his place in all threads he tried to stir shit.
11-09-2015, 10:51 PM
But always a pleasure to see him beeing put in his place in all threads he tried to stir shit.
Also fun to picture a prick stirring shit.
Hebephile, a newly proposed diagnostic classification in which people display a sexual preference for children at the cusp of puberty, between the ages of, roughly, 11 to 14 years of age. Pedophiles, in contrast, show a sexual preference for clearly prepubescent children. There are also ephebophiles (from ephebos, meaning “one arrived at puberty” in Greek), who are mostly attracted to 15- to 16-year-olds; teleiophiles (from teleios, meaning, “full grown” in Greek), who prefer those 17 years of age or older); and even the very rare gerontophile (from gerontos, meaning “old man” in Greek), someone whose sexual preference is for the elderly. So although child sex offenders are often lumped into the single classification of pedophilia, biologically speaking it’s a rather complicated affair. Some have even proposed an additional subcategory of pedophilia, “infantophilia,” to distinguish those individuals most intensely attracted to children below six years of age.
Based on this classification scheme of erotic age orientations, even the world’s best-known fictitious “pedophile,” Humbert Humbert from Nabokov’s masterpiece, Lolita, would more properly be considered a hebephile. (Likewise the protagonist from Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice, a work that I’ve always viewed as something of the “gay Lolita”).
Thanks for keeping this thread prominent!
All that matters is Samsters avoiding crook stealth agents.
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND probably even worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
Hi Bro,
Goin to HK for a week later this mth. Any recommendations for outcall? thks
Replying you on here as others may have their own recommendations.
IMHO, out-calls in Hong Kong are totally not worth it. The Hong Kong market is geared towards the local mongers who traditionally prefer in-call, and out-calls are made available for the tourists who don’t have the time to go out hunting or worried that they cannot manage the language/methods doing so. (in fact, I’d think this applies to many other places too!).
But mongering in Hong Kong is so easy and safe, whether just going to Wanchai for pick-ups at the bars (mostly non-chinese) or scrolling through the websites. But if you really will only settle for in-calls, then phone the number listed on any Honey girl of your choice and tell the OKT what you want. Generally it will cost you triple the listed price plus taxi fares.
Have fun and spend more in Hong Kong!
13-09-2015, 11:08 PM
Also fun to picture a prick stirring shit.
LOL no wonder he is keeping low profil, affraid somebody display his real picture here.
14-09-2015, 12:26 AM
if only there is a Disneyland forum, that stupid dog would stop hunting for cocks and balls to suck and lick in this forum
This thread is starting to becoming a joke. So many arguments.
Yes, agree.
It's these scam stealth agents like SEAsiaJoe, 555055, sex crusader, stupidly joined by the weirdo loonies causing chaos to facilitate their their tactics to lure unsuspecting Samsters.
Makes me and many others to just stop posting.
The last we had some useful info on this thread was approx page 347 - 351
Information about clubs, bars, honey/walk-up girls etc.
So are u one? No need long story ..a yes/no/maybe will suffice.
LOL - You come up with weirder and weirder perversions.
No, I'm just your normal heterosexual male with no perversions, period.
Please remember to protect yourself against scammer Stealth Agents when going overseas:
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
LOL - don't matter what anyone thinks or whatever lies you cockroaches :mad: repeat over and over again (to make such into perceived truths), all that matters is that you
Remember to protect yourself against scammer Stealth Agents when going overseas. :p Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ephebophilia is the primary or exclusive adult sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19.[1][2] The term was originally used in the late 19th to mid 20th century.[2] It is one of a number of sexual preferences across age groups subsumed under the technical term chronophilia. Ephebophilia strictly denotes the preference for mid-to-late adolescent sexual partners, not the mere presence of some level of sexual attraction.
In research environments, specific terms are used for chronophilias: for instance, ephebophilia to refer to the sexual preference for mid-to-late adolescents,[1][2] hebephilia to refer to the sexual preference for earlier pubescent individuals, and pedophilia to refer to the sexual preference for prepubescent children.[2][3] However, the term pedophilia is commonly used in a non-clinical sense to refer to any sexual interest in minors below the legal age of consent, regardless of their level of physical or mental development.[4]
So good that they continue bumping and keeping this thread prominent.
Please remember to protect yourself against scammer Stealth Agents when going overseas.
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
Are you referring to yourself as cockroaches? Aren't you the one keep on repeating? heard that you fought with big Dave again over a booking of ktv in Shenzhen recently ah! Pimping bus. so bad huh!:
Yes - I DO repeat my suggestion to Samsters to watch out for you cockroaches. :p
And about pimping business - LMFAO - you DO know dontcha/glad you're on the ground to report back that you crooks are reeling from my continued warnings here! So..... :p
If you are reading this as you are doing research for an overseas mongering trip, protect yourself from being scammed (AND probably even worse) by crooks/scammer stealth agents rife on SBF International Section!
Please first go to:
Detect/avoid scammer stealth agents/crooks when Cheonging overseas.
Glad to see from you cockroaches’ increasingly shrill and stupid attacks that your pimping business is reeling from my continued warnings to Samsters! :p
So not a wasted effort at all – not when more Samsters now realize just how thick you crooks are on the International threads and how evil you vermin truly are. :mad:
Quite obvious from their increasingly shrill and stupid attacks/tactics that their pimping business IS reeling from the work you decent guys are doing on here. :p
So I hope that you guys do please continue to make more Samsters aware/understand just how thick these crooks are on this and other International threads and how truly evil and devious these vermin are. :mad:
Thank you! :)
This is truly ridiculous AND disgusting. :mad:
Just to set the record straight, Hurricane88 is not only an SBF Moderator, he is a very decent, helpful and honest guy. He is constantly being attacked by these scammers/crook stealth agents for the work he does to TRY to rid our board from these vermin.
MIFAcafe is a friend of Hurricane88 whilst MIFA – together with his other clones/acolytes – are just crooks. But as you can see, they ARE very devious/skillful – to the point that even I started to get confused; and persistent as conning Samsters IS their full time profession. :mad:
So please do not get taken in by these scammers. They’ll probably even try to confuse you further by outwardly attacking me or worse, pretending to side with me to discredit. :cool:
I just repeat my usual warning for Samsters to protect themselves:
Do NOT ever meet strangers via SBF, and best NOT to to even get into PM exchanges with them – these crooks are so skillful at what they do (as evidenced right here) that before you know it, you’ll be face-to-face with them, in a strange new city where they’ve got you at their beck and mercy, opening your wallets to willingly let them rob you.
Hurricane88, others, I and even Sammyboyfor/Boss have been “victimized” by these “look-alike, similarly-named “ clones countless times and it still continues even now. (Please check out my signature line for just some of the most recent plonkers doing this.)
I have now realized that it’s BEST to never address them directly; I would instead just calmly point out TO OTHERS what they are doing, link your post which they have plagiarized, and also highlight passages in their post which reveal their intentions for stalking you. At least you will make others beware of these sinister characters. Yes, I know that it’s hard to stop yourself from attacking back, but you will only find yourself being further manipulated by them – that’s how skillful and practiced they are. I’ve found this out to my chagrin too many times! Sigh….!
The worst of these clones are those operated by crook stealth agents using this method to trap unsuspecting Samsters into their greedy crooked hands. Or even just to cause chaos and confusion to bury any topic which hinders their thievin’ ways.
But to add to the confusion, there ARE always also cyber loonies/hooligans that get attracted like flies to turd, and even some who on purpose put up offensive trolls just to get zapped, which instead becomes Upz’s in this section. How much more bo liao can one get!
When you have gathered enough “evidence” as to their transgressions which adds nothing but harm to SBF, “Report Post” a couple or so of their most recent /offensive posts with your summary (with links to the posts you are reporting).
Do NOT hit that report post button too often as the Mods already have more than enough things to do to keep order on SBF. But if your summary/proof of their harm to SBF is well documented/thought out, you will find that your complaint will be handled fairly.
Just a suggestion.
Please go to:
For a full display at how devious and skillful these crooked cockroaches are. Disgusting! :mad:
Just to set the record straight first, note that Hurricane88 is not only an SBF Moderator, he is a very decent, helpful and honest guy. He is constantly being attacked by these scammers/crook stealth agents for the work he does to TRY to rid our board from these vermin.
MIFAcafe is a friend of Hurricane88 whilst MIFA – together with his other clones/acolytes – are just crooks. But as you can see, they ARE very devious/skillful – to the point that even I started to get confused; :confused: and persistent as conning Samsters IS their full time profession.
So please do not get taken in by these crooks. They’ll probably even try to confuse you further by outwardly attacking me or worse, pretending to side with me to discredit.
I just repeat my usual warning for you to protect yourselves: :p
Do NOT ever meet strangers via SBF, and best NOT to even get into PM exchanges with them – these crooks are so skillful at what they do (as evidenced on that thread) that before you know it, you’ll be face-to-face with them, in a strange new city where they’ve got you at their beck and mercy, opening your wallets to willingly let them rob you.
Well, I guess if you get HIV, the symptoms will show too fever and rash before 1 or 2 month. So with negative conclusive test , and no symptoms. should have no hiv.
unless one is super unlucky in this which still anything can happen.
Please note:
"....Many people have an illness, often called a ‘seroconversion’ illness, soon after they are infected with HIV. Typical symptoms include a fever, sore throat, headache, aches and pains, and a blotchy red rash.
In some people this illness is so mild that it passes without being noticed. Some people mistake it for the flu, but for some people it is more severe and they may need to see a doctor. However, because the symptoms are similar to symptoms of many other conditions, HIV might not be diagnosed at the time...."
And Tanzhou is in the southernmost part of Zongshan and is closest/only about half an hour away from Zhuhai.
On full display.
Soon as I expose their softly-softly devious ways, their "attack clone" comes on the scene to take over with another tactic.
...Hotel in Macau need to pre-book ? I only booked my HK hotel, no book Macau hotel. :o Will probably walk in and get a hotel room on the day itself.Not recommended not pre-booking Macau hotel.
October 1 holidays coming up, unpredictable how many tour groups/individual travelers will come. And IMHO, rates are better if you surf the web for deals instead of walking-in for Macau. These are large International operators who are not as flexible, or willing to lower rates, as the smaller operators in other places.
Yup, 88088=55055's original posts still preserved for all to see!
And the questions I have posted up time and again for months to which he has never replied to! LMFAO
OK, since you insist on still acting blur – here are the specific questions based upon your own quite revealing previous statements in bold. Second time I ask you these questions as is, plus at least a couple more times previous, worded differently.
1. Why must blow things out of proportion when he just didn't pay the advertisement fee
Crook agents like you insist on not “outing” yourselves as agent and will refuse to advertise openly. That is all my concern with ad fees.
QUESTION – why are YOU so concerned about being caught doing promotion on here/being forced to pay Ad fees? Is it because then you cannot fool others into thinking that you are just a plain Samster instead of the crook stealth agent that you are?
2. maybe that crook got some good informations to share?
Crooks have the specific purpose of luring their prey into their traps for doing ANYTHING on SBF.
QUESTION – is this what you want? To be able to post anything up without restraint in order for you to lead your unsuspecting prey into your and your cohort’s trap?
3. My previous question: You want the Mod to allow EVERYONE including (and especially??!!) crooks to post without fear of being accused?
Your reply: Yup, why not? my post above explained, you can refer to it
QUESTION – there is absolutely no reason why crooks should be allowed to run rampant on SBF trapping and robbing Samsters - and here you are advocating precisely this. I don’t think I even need to ask this question as it’s quite apparent - Are you one such crook and thus advocating this?
Ps. His usual stupid replies are: "I've replied you before, you search for it since you're so good at search" - let's see what he writes now! LMFAO
And soon I'm going to expose your pervert pictures also.
Again on full display - how good/practiced these crooks are.
Inferring things to convince, repeating blatant lies over and over again to turn such into perceived truths, and coming up with further lies when their original ones are exposed.
So easy, so natural for these crooked pathological liars; and if one clone is "used up" they'll just whip another one from their army of such.
And yes, I've for the most part stopped battling these crooks as there really is no winning against them as they're just too crooked, persistent and have so many clones/acolytes etc. And the loonies/cyber hooligans are always there to make things worse. But the tragic part of all this is that these crooks have driven so many good contributing Samsters from any longer participating.
The fact is that many have now stopped posting as these crooks have disgusted too many of them. These cockroaches dominate conversations to steer their intended victims into their crooked hands, suppress other’s good information as it marginalize their importance (and need for their service), and always confuse and cause chaos on threads.
And of course AGAIN no replies to the question I've asked multiple times!
Attack clone "flailing impotently" as I am fond of describing these crooked idiot's actions with no substance. Next should come more clones with foul mouthed diatribe or are they gonna launch their team to repeat lies to discredit? Or just a torrent of nonsense posts to bury the topic?
Great that all this is on full display here!
What I now know from being attacked relentlessly by these crooks for so many years - just because my primary aim for posting IS to warn unsuspecting Samsters about them. :p
These crooks are very well organized, skilled and well-practiced in scamming. They form alliances when advantageous (but would periodically battle each other for “territory”), have unlimited number of clones, each with different roles and will never give up as conning Samsters is their only job. :mad:
55055, 88088, snacky, SEAsiaJoe, snacky, osamabinladin etc. are what I term “attack clones” and their role is to attack, discredit others (including their erstwhile partners when “territory” wars break out), and are the ones who have driven many good SBF contributors away by the level of bile and amount of hate they spread. Unfortunately their activities easily attract forum loonies like mjplayer/sgmjplayer, ahtecklim, etct88 etc. and cyber hooligans like the various “…doggy”, “I…..”,”…fish..” and whatever else. Quite easy to spot these, even though new ones get created daily!
MIFA is a clone who pretends to be all noble, just sharing info (usually tempting but incomplete to attract contact), and will make a big deal out of “being attacked” to gain sympathy AND a following. vbkk is another one of these.
Silentreader88, Moderator88 etc. pretends to be fair “middle-persons” – which attracts not only the cyber-hooligans/loonies, but unfortunately, also genuine Samsters.
These clones will then usually “hand-over” their prey to yet another set of clones who will do the actual meeting and scamming. I’ll get so and so to PM you, he’s a good bro, have you contacted so and so? I think this guy is a helpful, honest guy etc.
Do note that these clones and their “functions” are interchangeable and always fluid; my signature line names only a small fraction of these crooks/loonies. Look at sexcrusader who used to always hone his personae as some kind of forum “taikor” but have now become just another attack clone after being totally exposed. Or TonyCheong needing to create Tonycheong2 after his original one was banned.
The above is just how they generally carry on their scamming, but they have so many tactics/tricks/ploys that the above barely skims the surface.
How to handle? :p First my oft repeated suggestions – do NOT ever meet strangers via SBF and best to not even get into PM dialogue. The days when genuine Samsters participate altruistically are long-gone and our threads, especially the International ones, are totally polluted by these crooks now.
And if you, like I, are just so disgusted by these crooks taking advantage of the innocent and want to expose them, then important you NOT engage them point by point; you’ll never have the number of clones or the patience they have. Keep on exposing them at your own pace, ignore taunts, challenges and worst, total lies about you no matter how disgusting; and don’t lose your temper!
Good luck to you, wanting to do your part to rid SBF of these crooked cockroaches.
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