View Full Version : how to get this massuer to offer sex

27-05-2006, 12:40 AM
in bukit ba+++ (pm me if u wish to know location), there is this place that offers $40 confirmedclean massage and i m a regular there, twice a month.

i always ask for xiao hong, she is born 1969 as her massage is good. She is tall, breast is confirm good, smiling personality etc

Because i've been regular for past 1 year and she knows my body well (only clean massage) and sometimes we talk, we more like friends.

i at times , feel like asking her for *special*, but i afraid that will destroy our good relationship built in the past. U know lah, sometimes massage so long and because her clean massage skills are damn f***ing good, u just want to have special with her.

i don't intend to ask her for sex, but at least i want to determine where she knows how to "jua gen". i really don't know how to put across her.

bros out there, with your experiencs, how shld i approach the problem of starting to have "jua gen" first by *hinting* ?

27-05-2006, 01:06 AM
in bukit ba+++ (pm me if u wish to know location), there is this place that offers $40 confirmedclean massage and i m a regular there, twice a month.

i always ask for xiao hong, she is born 1969 as her massage is good. She is tall, breast is confirm good, smiling personality etc

Because i've been regular for past 1 year and she knows my body well (only clean massage) and sometimes we talk, we more like friends.

i at times , feel like asking her for *special*, but i afraid that will destroy our good relationship built in the past. U know lah, sometimes massage so long and because her clean massage skills are damn f***ing good, u just want to have special with her.

i don't intend to ask her for sex, but at least i want to determine where she knows how to "jua gen". i really don't know how to put across her.

bros out there, with your experiencs, how shld i approach the problem of starting to have "jua gen" first by *hinting* ?

u give me $40 + $30(will only be used if she do JG), an hour later I can tell u does she do JG or not. :D

big dick
27-05-2006, 01:25 AM
i don't intend to ask her for sex, but at least i want to determine where she knows how to "jua gen". i really don't know how to put across her.

hehe.. bro i can do a recce mission but u must foot all the bill...:D
then u will know the answer...

27-05-2006, 01:44 AM
tot no need to ask such things?? if she got provide she will ask u whether u want. Somemore u are a regular for 1 year leh! :rolleyes:

piangs eh all this nonsense during sch holidays..

27-05-2006, 05:36 AM
... She is tall, breast is confirm good, smiling personality etc...

i don't intend to ask her for sex, but at least i want to determine where she knows how to "jua gen". i really don't know how to put across her.

bros out there, with your experiencs, how shld i approach the problem of starting to have "jua gen" first by *hinting* ?

You are a fucking clown :D

Just because you are a regular-twice-a-month massage customer, you can tell her breast is confirm good? Fuck off lah...

Ask her for jua gen you scared what? Scared that she don't friend you anymore ah? Scared that she go and tell your mother that you are one bloody hum sub loh is it?

Uncle here teach you how to hint to her that you desire for her to wank you off since you so fucking politely asked... after your $40 clean massage, remove your shorts, start to stroke yourself silly and then with your best CFM face, smile at her and ask "Xiao Hong, you want to try and make me happy?"

If she smile back, good for you. If she doesn't, just put your shorts back on and pray she doesn't call the Newpaper or wanbao.

Fucking wanker man, you... :rolleyes:

27-05-2006, 10:53 AM
in bukit ba+++ (pm me if u wish to know location), there is this place that offers $40 confirmedclean massage and i m a regular there, twice a month.

You are quite a experience chap. But why open such unproductive thread, since you are a twice-a-month regular there, be patient lor.



27-05-2006, 02:34 PM
socialsg , man if she got service to offer sure ask 1 no need chemistry 1, you think what bf /gf tan gugu it's a realistic world, they are here to make as much buck$$$ as they can during the time they are here.

From my past experience and this is strictly my opinion only, there are 3 kinds who do not partake in sex, 1) is married with either S'pore man or China man HERE in S'pore ( check out thread below of china mei mei married to S'pore man)
2) has either S'pore or China man lover/bf here in S'pore (hu lan cheow kor)
3) really clean and green with upheld principles


I know of some bros who tell the girls that they are only here for the money and ask them to just name a price don't pretend to be innocent, what a fuck some people think money can buy everything, at least give people some respect right, this is my 2 cents worth I thought I should contribute.

Keep on trying, socialsg like the song goes.... Keep on trying dont stop trying you gonner SCORE someday........hahhaahah

27-05-2006, 02:53 PM
Because i've been regular for past 1 year and she knows my body well (only clean massage) and sometimes we talk, we more like friends.

Just ask her directly lor, since u have been her regular for a yr liaos, no need scare 1 lar... have special then take lor, if dont have then dont force lor,
U scare her impression towards u change issit? hahaaa....
Dont need scare lar afterall u are not going after her right?:)

27-05-2006, 03:38 PM

Just show her some "dead president" she will know what you want.

27-05-2006, 03:46 PM
A woman who provides massage service is a
Unless you fancy a massuer to screw your arse.

27-05-2006, 04:08 PM
bros out there, with your experiencs, how shld i approach the problem of starting to have "jua gen" first by *hinting* ?[/QUOTE]

Bro why dont u try by talking dirty wif her...see how she respond to it...u judge after that...to continue wif ur fantasy or forget it...

27-05-2006, 04:35 PM
wah lau...simple lah...after massage, show her your steamed cock...see how she responds and reacts... :D