View Full Version : OT: To east area residents !!
Ah he
05-06-2006, 08:40 PM
On behalf of my friend..I post for him this topic. Please inform ur family menbers..Say No to them!!
我想告诉大家一件事.几个月前我的妈妈遇到一些自称是学生的售货员.他们假装是学生,还告诉我妈妈说她们是 为了要拿分数,希望我妈妈能够帮他们让他们来我家煮.我妈妈好心,就答应了他们来我家煮.刚开始还以为是真 的学生,一到了家门口才发现原来是大人.不疑有诈,就开们让他进来.进来了之后,就开始煮菜.(用他们的锅 煮).煮完了之后.就用各种方法要我妈妈买锅.我妈妈请他走.他还是不走.硬硬要我妈买.结果买了几千块的 锅.那还是刚开始,之后还一直找我妈要我妈买着买那儿.我家人口少,不需买一大套.买了几千快没用,全放在 家里浪费钱.我妈不敢告诉我.但最后还是被我发现到.我想把这事告诉大家.让大家也告诉自己的家人,好让她 们提防提防这些人.
06-06-2006, 01:08 PM
Eh? Can do translation or not?:confused:
06-06-2006, 01:17 PM
English please...........
06-06-2006, 01:30 PM
ang mo dee can?
06-06-2006, 01:40 PM
A rough translation for non chinese bros here since I'm pretty free now.
"I wish to tell everyone about something. A few monthes ago, my mom met a self proclaimed student salesman. They posed as students and even told my mom that they needed to gain "points", hoping my mom would be able to help by letting them into the home and cook. Being kind hearted, she agreed to do so. Initially thinking that they were real students, they turned out to be adults. Not suspecting anything, they were let in. Upon entering, they began cooking (using their own wok). Done with cooking, they use various tactics requesting my mom to purchase the wok. My mom requested they leave but they refused, insisting the sale of the wok. Ended up buying a few thousand dollars worth of wok. That was only the beginning, after that they pushed for sales of other items. As we are a small family, we no not need a whole set of woks, spending the money and not utilizing them, they are left at home wasting money. My mom didn't dare tell me but I found out eventually. I wish to tell everyone, letting them inform their family members, warning them of such people around."
A rough translation for non chinese bros here since I'm pretty free now.
Bro YummyBear,
Nice to see forumers (like yourself) translating postings in chinese to English for the benefits of those who can't read in Chinese. Thanks!
All the Bros of SBF should seriously consider adding points to YummyBear's reputation points to show our appreciation and to encourage other bros to follow his example. Just my 2 cents.
DOM the clown
06-06-2006, 02:21 PM
This crooks modus operandi is not the past it use to be those multi purpose vacuum nearly end up in fight with one of this bastards...motherfucker refuse to leave after demonstration after that he buay song call manager, manager instruct him to empty vacuum back and throw all the dirt back...knnbccb monster nearly fucking punch that son of a bitch...later go make police report against him as he was leaving curse my family and then unborn child..
06-06-2006, 02:53 PM
knnbccb monster nearly fucking punch that son of a bitch...later go make police report against him as he was leaving curse my family and then unborn child..
the vacuum asshole so kwai lan ah? bro you should've thrown a slipper at him so he will remember.
those people are usually hoping to make housewives or old folks buy their fucking products. and their stuff usually cost thousands, knn like every household is loaded or what?
06-06-2006, 02:59 PM
I always using the same tactics. eg. If they sale wok, I will say it is one of my family business and ask them whether they need supply or not, I can quote them cheaper price!!! so far so good! :D
06-06-2006, 02:59 PM
the vacuum asshole so kwai lan ah? bro you should've thrown a slipper at him so he will remember.
those people are usually hoping to make housewives or old folks buy their fucking products. and their stuff usually cost thousands, knn like every household is loaded or what?
sorry bout dis but i think ur friend's mum is a little too guillible.
06-06-2006, 04:47 PM
I always using the same tactics. eg. If they sale wok, I will say it is one of my family business and ask them whether they need supply or not, I can quote them cheaper price!!! so far so good! :DIf they ask me to change this n dat, i will said this place is rented one.
06-06-2006, 04:50 PM
wow....lidat oso can ???:eek:
mkt at a "higher" level..................
beri unscurpulous ley....tkns for t warning...
06-06-2006, 04:51 PM
Personally, my mum has been tricked into buying a few times liao, spent about $4K liao. Nowadays, no approval cannot buy.
Mr Weird
06-06-2006, 04:52 PM
Wah like that jia lat leh..Cannot leave old folks alone in house..later kena ayam my wallet also I heard those people brought those wok from malaysia and sell it in sg.
06-06-2006, 05:03 PM
This crooks modus operandi is not the past it use to be those multi purpose vacuum nearly end up in fight with one of this bastards...motherfucker refuse to leave after demonstration after that he buay song call manager, manager instruct him to empty vacuum back and throw all the dirt back...knnbccb monster nearly fucking punch that son of a bitch...later go make police report against him as he was leaving curse my family and then unborn child..
Knn..what kind of manager is the *******....dowan buy still ask the worker to empty the vaccum and throw all the dirt the hell he got his post???Bro lucky ur at home..if not dont know what they will do..
06-06-2006, 05:37 PM
Knn..what kind of manager is the *******....dowan buy still ask the worker to empty the vaccum and throw all the dirt the hell he got his post???Bro lucky ur at home..if not dont know what they will do..
yeah you would have imagine lightnin wouldn't strike the same tree twice but a few months later down the road the very same idiot came by my place to peddle the same fucking vacuum cleaner..when i opened the door and he recognise me he make the quickest of belakang pusing...
Mr Weird
06-06-2006, 06:18 PM
yeah you would have imagine lightnin wouldn't strike the same tree twice but a few months later down the road the very same idiot came by my place to peddle the same fucking vacuum cleaner..when i opened the door and he recognise me he make the quickest of belakang pusing...
So many cases...In that case really must do something about it. That time my mother also nearly kena..Ah so ..Lu dio lucky draw liao..Ai free gifts dio ai join member.. Knn bullshits sia! Next time must find out where is their company locate at.
06-06-2006, 06:29 PM time, wack first ask questions later...
06-06-2006, 06:55 PM
What does this thread gotta do with Adult Discussion about Sex? :confused:
The only sex involved, or should I say gender: -
* the mother involved = female
* the students/salesmen = male/female :rolleyes:
06-06-2006, 07:09 PM
can complain to case with receipt or make a police report.
06-06-2006, 07:38 PM
What does this thread gotta do with Adult Discussion about Sex?
The only sex involved, or should I say gender: -
* the mother involved = female
* the students/salesmen = male/female
I think it can be related la.... let say his mom didn't cheated by people, then he got more money to spend, to cheong, to drink, to dance..... then more chance to get sex related affair, then he can share more to this thread...
this can consider or not? :D
big dick
06-06-2006, 08:42 PM
What does this thread gotta do with Adult Discussion about Sex? :confused:
The only sex involved, or should I say gender: -
* the mother involved = female
* the students/salesmen = male/female :rolleyes:
maybe a warning not to allow salemans/students into the house... cos they may turn out to be molesters or rapists.. it quite a common ruse for a guy to pretend to be a saleman to gain entry into the house b4 commiting sexual offences...
07-06-2006, 12:04 AM
i rem once i was a kid then one day my parents were woching tv in the living rm n came an angmo +++king eng to them. w/o noeing wtf he is +++king my parents ask me to tk over. when i approached him, he said doing a survey and wanted to come in. i see him harmless, so open the gate. the next mmt, he took out lah not knife but a f*** vacum cleaner and start his mf* business. lucky my parent dunoe ang mo n dunoe wtf he is +++king and i m too young to say anithing but quite dulan over it. thus from that day onwards,
i shut my door even i am at home and don't open door to anione. unless donation to the SYT gals from sec sch arboh i bo chap, wahaha. else quite irritating after a day of work or during off days, these pple come sell things. i believe there are better places than coming to pples' home n niam niam niam.:mad:
Ah he
07-06-2006, 01:31 PM
Justdo our best to inform everybody in east area. Let them know all those bastards are still there.... They also have female sales personal doing all those shits. Few thousand dollars just for those thing..sigh
Ah he
08-06-2006, 11:42 AM
Another victim so call Tan Ah Gao:
'This is the same trick by some salesman selling vacumme cleaners. They call to your home and tell you that you have won a contest for a free house cleaning demo. They then make an appointment for a DEMO and tell you that your house have alot of dust mites. They will not leave your house when the DEMo is over and will persuade you to buy the item. Cost $3000 - 4000. So BE CAREFULL on these kind of sales tactics. Never let a sales person into your house when you are alone"
Mr Weird
08-06-2006, 05:09 PM
In that case , I must inform my mother liao. Tell her to inform her auntie gang about this...Sometimes no money to bonk also need mother to pong chong abit here and there. Worldcup is coming,we also need some cash flow to earn money..heheheh . " Mummy..wa ah gia ka lu kong, mai luan luan buay mi kia,buay dio gui gui ae wallet si beh gan dao ". hehehe
08-06-2006, 08:34 PM
Knn..what kind of manager is the *******....dowan buy still ask the worker to empty the vaccum and throw all the dirt the hell he got his post???
Simple... From hard selling. He is promoted based on sales he generated, not how ethical he is training his staff. Most salesman are like that... There are exceptions but rare...
Ah he
09-06-2006, 12:12 PM
Victim C : Ah Bengz lian hua tou
: "Got 1 day arh..there is 1 super chio lady come and knock my door and says doing school project. My mother see her berry chio,and somemore Im still single so let her ask what she wants. That day heng heng is my off day,so got luck to see this super chio. They talk for more than 1 hr. Then sekali super chio says : Auntie arh ! I drink too much water during lunch time can use ur toilet.?" Of coz my mother trying to matchmake us so let her in loh." COme out from toilet.she asks me..bro today nv work arh ? I told her today is my off day.
Nightmare lai liao..Im so regret of telling her today is my off day..U know why ?? Second day when im not around she comes and look for my mum,this round also need to go toilet.So she has chance to enter my house..My mother pity her want to pang leo no toilet so let her in loh..dio liao. After that she po lo so my mother to buy water filter system from her..kena ayam liao. That water filter cost her $1200++. "
Kena again !!
07-07-2006, 03:00 PM
how chio is she? local or Malaysia? i knew a JB gal who sell water filter who is very chio... but of cos i did not but from her... too ex....
Ah he
07-07-2006, 04:38 PM
how chio is she? local or Malaysia? i knew a JB gal who sell water filter who is very chio... but of cos i did not but from her... too ex....
I dont think she is very chio..from what i heard. Chio bu sure bio ah peh,but this one bio housewives...hehehe. Why dont u leave ur address here ,if we come across her we sure tell her to look for you..lolx Ai mAi ??
07-07-2006, 08:05 PM
actualli according to singapore business law, u can reject the goods in 24hrs times without any qn ask.. they must refund u.. Anyway if u buy from these people, they sure behind ur back say u stupid.
Ah he
07-07-2006, 10:08 PM
actualli according to singapore business law, u can reject the goods in 24hrs times without any qn ask.. they must refund u.. Anyway if u buy from these people, they sure behind ur back say u stupid.
Bro I agree with you. But for what I know those uneducated housewives dont even know that is a purchasing contract before they sign it. They been told that paper is to proof that they allow those sales girl come to her house to do demo or voucher to get discounts bla bla bla..thats the problem. Many many L J tactics lah.
07-07-2006, 10:22 PM
Sigh.. how can it be that till now old folks & housewives still fall prey to such tactics? Their family members & the media should have educated them by now otherwise never allow them in or make sure their grille is always locked.
07-07-2006, 10:30 PM
Just curious.. if we never lock our grille and they come inside, is it tranpassing?
Ah he
09-07-2006, 04:48 AM
Just curious.. if we never lock our grille and they come inside, is it tranpassing?
Bro ! If they come in just like that , U can WHACK them before u make a police report...
Shadow Sin
09-07-2006, 05:11 AM
this reminds me of my mum when a sales man knock our door, she will always get me to take off my clothes and attend the door. as my body has many ''painting'' so i just need to say 1 word ''NO'' and they also say 1 word ''thks'' and walk off :D
Victim C : Ah Bengz lian hua tou
: "Got 1 day arh..there is 1 super chio lady come and knock my door and says doing school project. My mother see her berry chio,and somemore Im still single so let her ask what she wants. That day heng heng is my off day,so got luck to see this super chio. They talk for more than 1 hr. Then sekali super chio says : Auntie arh ! I drink too much water during lunch time can use ur toilet.?" Of coz my mother trying to matchmake us so let her in loh." COme out from toilet.she asks me..bro today nv work arh ? I told her today is my off day. "
Kena again !!
Any door to door chio bo sell vibrator? Can demonstrate.
09-07-2006, 10:17 AM
Knn..what kind of manager is the *******....dowan buy still ask the worker to empty the vaccum and throw all the dirt the hell he got his post???Bro lucky ur at home..if not dont know what they will do..
Charge him for the electricity used ?
$150 per min ? :)
Ah he
09-07-2006, 05:05 PM
this reminds me of my mum when a sales man knock our door, she will always get me to take off my clothes and attend the door. as my body has many ''painting'' so i just need to say 1 word ''NO'' and they also say 1 word ''thks'' and walk off :D
I think ur mun prefer u take off ur short..u know why ?? Mum: " Oh yes ! Im going to have a daughter in law very soon. " Joking arh...lolx
Ah he
01-10-2006, 07:22 PM
Those bastards new playgrounds : Hougang .serangoon. seng kang.
Take care !
02-10-2006, 12:08 PM
Those bastards new playgrounds : Hougang .serangoon. seng kang.
Take care !
bro, thx 4 ur precaution, d plc mentioned especially danger to my family.
agreed wif bro bart, vibrator demo, cool....during d demo, take d pics from her and threaten her to report to police for indecent exposure, selling sex products and damaging sg images......this might chase her away or can get sumting out of tis........(dream on)
Ah he
21-01-2009, 05:44 PM
Phone call scammer is coming back. " Auntie, you kena CNY lucky draw first prize from our company. Those cooking wares... bla bla bla. In teh end you have to pay few k to get ur prize.... zzzz
22-01-2009, 04:28 AM
this type of fuckers ah.. kenna me.. they no need to leave liao... CCB.. limbeh confirm whack till he die.. ni na beh.. you dont want to leave then u dont leave anymore.. fucking CB.>>>
FL Lover
22-01-2009, 10:10 AM
Bros, I also kanna be4. The same old shit of selling expensive vacuum cleaners to us except the person involved is different.
This time round encountered 2 PRCs trying to sell vacuum cleaners to me n my CO. At first, knock on our house and ask us if we can offer drinks to them. See them so pity, sweating like hell, so open door and offer water to them.
KNN, MAJOR REGRET. Our peaceful life turns into Hell. Out from nowhere, one of the prc girls suddenly take out a huge vacuum cleaner WHICH COST ABT $3K++ and start to demo for us despite we objected. Then spend another 3 hours in my house trying to phsyco us into buying... My CO nearly buy knn.... Lucky I managed to hold my stand and ask them to get the fuck out of my house.
CB... Damned thick skinned. Ask them to fuck off and they still dare to ask for more water to quench their thirst.
From that day onwards, as long as any salesmen who knocked on my door, I just told them dont FUCKING BOTHER ME and slammed the door HARD.:D
22-01-2009, 10:33 AM
Actually it's very simple...
Whenever any salesman come, either don't open the door or close the door if it's open and if too late they come already knock on the door, jus say "don't want / bu yao (chiense) and close the door" and don't bother.
22-01-2009, 11:11 AM
Wahlau eh, I stay in hougang leh...must be very carefull about salesmen or saleswomen knocking my door....usually i told them i don't want any tjhing and tell them to fuck off...
22-01-2009, 11:18 AM
yeah you would have imagine lightnin wouldn't strike the same tree twice but a few months later down the road the very same idiot came by my place to peddle the same fucking vacuum cleaner..when i opened the door and he recognise me he make the quickest of belakang pusing...
maybe the salesman "kua tio gui" hehe thats y he run away so fast..:p
22-01-2009, 05:38 PM
maybe the salesman "kua tio gui" hehe thats y he run away so fast..:p
u saying i got a ugly face...:mad::mad:
22-01-2009, 06:48 PM
u saying i got a ugly face...:mad::mad:kidding... dun angry. :p
23-01-2009, 12:34 AM
What does this thread gotta do with Adult Discussion about Sex? :confused:
The only sex involved, or should I say gender: -
* the mother involved = female
* the students/salesmen = male/female :rolleyes:
Got! Got! Got! u want sex, I got sex.
Once a syt called at my door. She wanted to come into my house to show me some woks. I hinted to her that I was alone at home.
She still insisted on coming in. So I told her that I had no mood as I was under a criminal charge for rape. She quickly ja put. (ran away)
23-01-2009, 12:43 AM
Sigh.. how can it be that till now old folks & housewives still fall prey to such tactics? Their family members & the media should have educated them by now otherwise never allow them in or make sure their grille is always locked.
Bro, It is human weakness. It is just like love, hate, greed, etc. etc.
Everyone sure has a weak spot. Just like some bros here whose weakness is sex
23-01-2009, 02:11 AM
since we're at the kitchen already, i'll take the cleaver and chase him out!
Ah he
23-01-2009, 05:28 AM
OK guys, just want to share something with u all. I informed my family old folks , tell them never trust stranger. No matter the stranger talk untill they how bad conditon in their daily life like no money eat lah...parents sick no money....or what ever prize won... tell them go hon gan.
My family old folks cant read, so i get a big cupboard paste famliy members big head photos and write contact number beside it. Some old folks have visual problem so we have to write our phone number very big beside our big head photo. If any of our old folk recevie stranger call, just tell them to call their family member at all cost. Once a while I follow my old folk go market and join the auntie gang for Hi Tea session.Hey dont mess with those aunties... they power in spreading news.I suggest you ppl also do the same thing. COz sometimes auntie will brg their youngest daughter to go market " buay cai " well this is the best chance for those who are still single .As usual lah.. inform those aunties about those scam thing then hint auntie u know how to services computer.The rest I leave it to ur own imgaination . Dont say I teach you all 1 .Nowdays scammer is getting more and more.... So take care guys. Wish all bros and siss there.... HUAT ARH !!
23-01-2009, 08:35 AM
I read from xing ming few nite ago on this latest scam, it work like this; A woman pretending to be a officer from pub will request to come into ur kitchen to do a safety inspection on ur gas connector, after touching here and there for few seconds, she will tell you that ur gas connector is leaking and no longer safe to use.She will insist u to change a new one and that will cost ur a gd 70 bucks. And according to the newspaper, pub do not send their guys out for this kind of inspection and they do not charge ppl if the connector does really need to be replaced.
Seem like conmen r getting more and more these days....
23-01-2009, 11:51 AM
I read from xing ming few nite ago on this latest scam, it work like this; A woman pretending to be a officer from pub will request to come into ur kitchen to do a safety inspection on ur gas connector, after touching here and there for few seconds, she will tell you that ur gas connector is leaking and no longer safe to use.She will insist u to change a new one and that will cost ur a gd 70 bucks. And according to the newspaper, pub do not send their guys out for this kind of inspection and they do not charge ppl if the connector does really need to be replaced.
Seem like conmen r getting more and more these days....
This scam is not new. It has been used time and again. Sometimes they post as officers from HDB or other government bodies. Some ppl, especially the aged and the younger one are intimidated so they let these ppl in. Some even send u a notice before they come. The letterheads carry logos that are quite similar to those government bodies. If u dont look carefully, u will be conned into thinking they are legitimate.
Ah he
23-01-2009, 12:23 PM
This scam is not new. It has been used time and again. Sometimes they post as officers from HDB or other government bodies. Some ppl, especially the aged and the younger one are intimidated so they let these ppl in. Some even send u a notice before they come. The letterheads carry logos that are quite similar to those government bodies. If u dont look carefully, u will be conned into thinking they are legitimate.
Thanks for the info bro. I heard recently 1 is about the Civil defence on the fire safty bla bla bla dont knon what F product.
But I know thsoe kitchen wares are the most heong.. the cost only $150 , they can sell up to $1500.. they said to auntie that induction cooker from germany bla bla bla....
23-01-2009, 12:29 PM
Got! Got! Got! u want sex, I got sex.
Once a syt called at my door. She wanted to come into my house to show me some woks. I hinted to her that I was alone at home.
She still insisted on coming in. So I told her that I had no mood as I was under a criminal charge for rape. She quickly ja put. (ran away)
haha!! so if salesman called at ur door u will say u under a criminal charge of murdering a salesman isit?
Ah he
23-01-2009, 12:34 PM
haha!! so if salesman called at ur door u will say u under a criminal charge of murdering a salesman isit?
Hmmm in that case.. the criminal charge will be " Brokebacking".
23-01-2009, 06:07 PM
haha!! so if salesman called at ur door u will say u under a criminal charge of murdering a salesman isit?
Hahaha, good question. If I say that, don't think he will believe.
I will tell him that I am a gay and is itching for a asshole to fuck!
Like that still involve sex and does not deviate from the original aim of this sex forum.
24-01-2009, 01:22 AM
what if , a syt walks into your home and does the same thing ? :D
24-01-2009, 04:37 AM
A China vacuum cleaner sales woman tried to sell us her $3000 over vacuum cleaner in my house once. It was v big n heavy. Yes, she demonstrated n explained it for a long time. She didn't coerce us into buying it. It's probably an OK product. It was lucky dat we told her dat our Mandarin isn't good. She mumbled dat she couldn't explain her product properly in dat case. We already have 2 vacuum cleaners. So we didn't buy it.
A Buddhist monk who looked like he's from Thailand once came to the gate with his black begging bowl. I gave him some rice but he declined it. He wanted money. I think I gave him some coins. He seemed like he couldn't speak English. He didn't utter a word of thanks. He appeared thankful n he went to another house. I later read in the newspapers dat there're bogus monks from Thailand who beg from door-to-door in housing estates.
Have u seen a local Chinese girl wearing glasses selling packets of tissue paper outside Bedok MRT Station? She's petite n has a thin body. She sits in a wheelchair. Her legs look v thin. She has short, straight black hair. One woman passerby told me dat the tissue paper seller told her dat a kind hearted woman gave the tissue paper seller $10 for a packet of tissue paper n told her to keep the change.
I replied dat I saw this same bespectacled girl who was selling tissue paper, selling trinkets in Lavender Food Cent. She was walking from table to table! I can swear on this. But don't know if her legs gave out on her n now she has to sit in a wheelchair.
Ah he
24-01-2009, 10:50 AM
what if , a syt walks into your home and does the same thing ? :D
ASk her whether know about pc or not ( I guess u guys know whats next move )or purposely creat8 something for her to bend here and there many times. Vacumm 1 best...while she is bending doing the assembly part... Tell her u have eyes sight problem cant see clearly what she is doing... make her re do again. If she sweat... the best is pass her towel tell her she can shower in ur house. Wet her clothing, bo bian she has to wear ur shorts and BF shirt..... Guess whats next !!!:D
Ah he
19-02-2009, 04:14 PM
Ok guys... I read today wanbao page 6 news ,there is 1 old lady staying at Buit panjang..she kena by those kitchen ware sales girl. 4 kitchen wares cost her 3K...... Those ppl coming back again arh ?? Wah lao.
19-02-2009, 04:18 PM
huh?? Me read e chinese vision blur blur already. Has it to do with sex? Cheers
01-03-2009, 01:43 PM
Probably to warn others NOT to get SCREWED by buying over priced kitchen wares....
Related to sex now?? :p
07-03-2009, 04:16 PM
thanks or the info bro. these shit people are always around.
although i live in AMk, not in the east i once got con by a chinaman who goes around telling people fortune with a little bird
thinking back i just dont know why i was so dumb then.
Never trust a chinaman again anymore.:mad:
10-03-2009, 06:06 PM
Probably to warn others NOT to get SCREWED by buying over priced kitchen wares....
Related to sex now?? :p
muahahaha....that's a very nice one bro!
on a more serious note, there are more con men and women out there nowadays who are out to rob us of our precious $$$, so we should exercise more diligence.
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