View Full Version : Roy Ngerng considering standing for General Election

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05-08-2015, 02:40 PM
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Quote:SINGAPORE: Blogger Roy Ngerng, who is being sued by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong for defamation, is considering standing in the upcoming General Election.

In a blogpost on Tuesday (Aug 4) titled Should I Run for Election, the 34-year-old mulled over reasons he would contest the GE and asked readers to help him decide in a poll.

The activist said that if he were to run for election, it would not be for “fame, power or money”.

“I want nothing of that,” he said. “I want to be able to enter government, to debate about these issues and allow policies to be passed to protect Singaporeans. This is all I want.”

As of Wednesday afternoon 1pm, he had garnered 592 votes, with 79.56 per cent (471 votes) agreeing that he should run.

Mr Ngerng has previously met with Reform Party secretary-general Kenneth Jeyaretnam. He also announced on Facebook and Twitter that he will be joining the Opposition party on a walkabout at Telok Blangah on Wednesday evening.

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