View Full Version : Amber - Aven View
17-07-2002, 03:42 PM
Well, its time for me to contribute after all these years of visiting hc but will only do so if i come across someone special.
Went to Aven View Hc few days ago, and was reccommended by the recep a new gal in this line. and i could say that after the session, i was really glad i took her recommendation. I would not go into full details but will share the positive aspect of the whole experience.
1)She is local and definitely a uni grad.How i know? We both attend the same uni in australia. I am her senior.Very friendly and a good conversionalist.
2)I would rate her figure a 9.5/10. A cup c with a very slim waistline. Her butts is very well proportioned too. Hourglass figure. I am sure many brothers who visit her in future can verify these. Btw, she does have a cfm face.
3)Her hj is damn good for a newcomer. Better than many old birds. Unhurried and very sensous. She even fondled her breast and moan. Just by looking at her like that makes me cum easily. I would say a very different refreshing hj.
I believe that she will leave this line soon after earning enough. Maybe 6 months or at most 1 year.
i will surely visit her again but next time i might be on the waiting list. But by not sharing this info is not being fair to all the brothers here.
Anyway she does not allow fingering and sucking of her nipples. But what the heck, just by looking at her figure is enough for me. Btw, her breast is really soft. Thinking of that makes me horny again.
I paid her $100 for the hj even though we did not discuss about the price. i know its a bit ex but i have to say i gave it willingly.
A hc legend in the making?
17-07-2002, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Well, its time for me to contribute after all these years of visiting hc but will only do so if i come across someone special.
Went to Aven View Hc few days ago, and was reccommended by the recep a new gal in this line. and i could say that after the session, i was really glad i took her recommendation. I would not go into full details but will share the positive aspect of the whole experience.
1)She is local and definitely a uni grad.How i know? We both attend the same uni in australia. I am her senior.Very friendly and a good conversionalist.
2)I would rate her figure a 9.5/10. A cup c with a very slim waistline. Her butts is very well proportioned too. Hourglass figure. I am sure many brothers who visit her in future can verify these. Btw, she does have a cfm face.
3)Her hj is damn good for a newcomer. Better than many old birds. Unhurried and very sensous. She even fondled her breast and moan. Just by looking at her like that makes me cum easily. I would say a very different refreshing hj.
I believe that she will leave this line soon after earning enough. Maybe 6 months or at most 1 year.
i will surely visit her again but next time i might be on the waiting list. But by not sharing this info is not being fair to all the brothers here.
Anyway she does not allow fingering and sucking of her nipples. But what the heck, just by looking at her figure is enough for me. Btw, her breast is really soft. Thinking of that makes me horny again.
I paid her $100 for the hj even though we did not discuss about the price. i know its a bit ex but i have to say i gave it willingly.
A hc legend in the making?
brudder, can say wat's the gal's name?
tks!! :D
17-07-2002, 03:50 PM
17-07-2002, 04:04 PM
Wow ... this is a very very high price for a hj; considering that there are quite a few things you cannot do to her.
Originally posted by AndyGray
Anyway she does not allow fingering and sucking of her nipples. But what the heck, just by looking at her figure is enough for me. Btw, her breast is really soft. Thinking of that makes me horny again.
I paid her $100 for the hj even though we did not discuss about the price. i know its a bit ex but i have to say i gave it willingly.
A hc legend in the making?
17-07-2002, 04:13 PM
any brother has try any other "uni graduate" there?
17-07-2002, 04:43 PM
As i said, it was on my own accord that i paid $100. Cuz i know i will visit her again and thats one way of trying to secure the same level of service. The whole experience is very different from the sop services rendered unto me elsewhere so i think fingering or not fingering is not quite a issue here. But nevertheless, one man's meat might be another's poison.
17-07-2002, 04:51 PM
For other uni grad, i heard thats there are two more. If i could remember correctly. One is marie and the other one belle. When i was on way back walking past the recep, i saw a another young looking gal speaking in a really heavy ang mo slang. Could be one of them? Hope to hear reports on them soon.
17-07-2002, 05:46 PM
AndyGray, hey man, does your GAL do the FULL SERVICE ? or only HJ ? I tell you, I also cannot wait. Thanks in advance.
17-07-2002, 06:19 PM
Whether she does a FJ? I did ask her about it after the hj and the she reply with a smile. I think she does it. Maybe for the right price and to the ones she is comfortable with? As for me, i will try to have a fj the next time i visit her. Come to think of it, you dont get to make love to uni grad with a almost perfect hourglass figure all the time. With her cfm look and moaning.................bua ta han. If any brother has tried her, please contribute too.
17-07-2002, 06:57 PM
It is located on the fifth floor of Novetel Apollo Hotel. It is a newly opened HC. Tel : 67375225.
17-07-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
As i said, it was on my own accord that i paid $100. Cuz i know i will visit her again and thats one way of trying to secure the same level of service. The whole experience is very different from the sop services rendered unto me elsewhere so i think fingering or not fingering is not quite a issue here. But nevertheless, one man's meat might be another's poison.
Bro AndyGray,
Looks like there will be long queue soon.. but
you have set the precedence of $100 for hj for
the rest of us. If she do FJ, it will be $150 or more
like Dragon HC gals. Anyway, uni gals are special
so deserve that value.
17-07-2002, 07:36 PM
I am sorry if i had kind of set a precedence of a rather expensive $100 for hj. But considering her really nice attitude, i am quite sure she would not mind lesser amount. To be frank with you guys, i cheekily ask her whether the amount i gave is too much. I thought i must be the most generous one. But........without sounding arrogant, she told me many of her clients gave her this amount for hj too. Like me, I guess they just paid what they think she deserved.
17-07-2002, 09:08 PM
Wah Lao, Job market that bad meh ? Uni grad now also work in HC.
17-07-2002, 09:18 PM
It's near my office. Let me go check it out one day after work and come back with a second opinion. Bro Andy, how much the entrance?
17-07-2002, 10:04 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
I am sorry if i had kind of set a precedence of a rather expensive $100 for hj. But considering her really nice attitude, i am quite sure she would not mind lesser amount. To be frank with you guys, i cheekily ask her whether the amount i gave is too much. I thought i must be the most generous one. But........without sounding arrogant, she told me many of her clients gave her this amount for hj too. Like me, I guess they just paid what they think she deserved.
U sure or not, she just started and many of clients give $100.
U must be f.... rich and one of those who spoils the f..... market.
If u r kind u can give more it your perogative but please do not advertise here (suspicious...).
Will check her out he he...........
18-07-2002, 10:05 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AndyGray
From your first posting :-
Btw, she does have a cfm face.
From your next posting :-
With her cfm look and moaning.................bua ta han.
Your posting ada betul huh. Sorry huh nothing personal. Just trying to put things straight.
18-07-2002, 10:50 AM
Jus joking,
You don't need a degree to perform well in bed ! Hee Hee Hee !
Ya some of the girls speak very good English.
But that dosen't meant they are Uni grads lah.
My opinion is that for older brothers ( above 35 yrs), better go for lower educated sexy aunties lah.
They will treat you like King for $100 and with real emotion too!
18-07-2002, 10:58 AM
I totally agreed with bro. KingDragon the gals do not have to be
a Uni Grad. but she must be a GRad in HJ, BBBJ, BM n FJ n also
possess beautiful legs n fair complexion plus good attitude that's
the kind of Grads we are looking for in HCs.
18-07-2002, 11:32 AM
What ever She says, She's doing it for the money. How ever She present herself, She doing it for the money. She has made it, in making who ever think She could be their girl. By just holding a dick and make $100.
I never go for HJ cause I'm safing the cash for something better.
And I'm sure no matter how goog the HJ can be, It don't worth $100.00
Yes off cause, I have pay more than normal for a fuck job. But after you come to think about it. The girl must be smiling in side her heart.
18-07-2002, 12:13 PM
Ya, me too, I dun go for HJ.
The HK brothers call it "WAN NAI SAR " in Cantonese meaning playing with sand or Child Play.
I go for a real good massage, followed by Jua Gen, a Health Therapy for my precious Dick, then the real thing. I mean real response with real emotion. This is only possible with a regular HC girl who is happy with my tipping ofcourse.
I have my regular partner but once a while must reward myself with doing it with my favorite HC girl who knows how to pamper me & seduce me in the way I like and which I dare not request from my partner !
Sorry for that !
18-07-2002, 12:17 PM
I am sharing a wonderful lady to you guys yet i am to be suspected of? Of what? I am sure some of the brothers who visit her can either verify what i said or comdemn me for my lies. But until then, lets be cool.
Most of u guys just thought of a lady holding your barrel and jerk you off just like the rest of the gals. I should have share more details, there was a slow unhurried body massage and she finish me off in a standing position while hugging me from behind. I dont want to share the full experience as i believe that surprises can actually be quite shiok.
To kingkongdick89, isnt it normal for these gals to work for money? They are not in this line to get a MBA or any awards. At the end of the day, we are happy and they are happy too.
I do agree that with a degree and yet without good sexual skill is nothing actually. But read my post carefully, i am talking about someone who in my opinion is smart , very very sexy and at the same time has made me very satisfied.
By the way, i have confirm that the one i saw at the recp counter is another uni grad by the name marie. I would say that she has a very innocent pleasant look, look just like a japanese with very smooth complexion. The down side is that she is a bit flat chested to me. Maybe some guys who like gal next door look can try her. Will be glad to read your reports.
Finally, the entrance is $38. Facilities so so only. But the room is spacious and well decorated.
18-07-2002, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
I am sharing a wonderful lady to you guys yet i am to be suspected of? Of what? I am sure some of the brothers who visit her can either verify what i said or comdemn me for my lies. But until then, lets be cool.
Hi Bro,
If it's because of my posting that made you write this, than my apologies. What I'm trying to tell you is, to be consistant in your Fr. Normally inconsistancy in Frs follows by many doubtful questions.
Anyway....sorry huh.
18-07-2002, 03:55 PM
Hi Danny41sg,
I am not angry with you.
Anyway regarding to what you claim as inconsistency, one describe her appearance whereas the other one describe her expression when she holds my barrel. It is just two separate points. Btw, this is not that essential.
I read lots of comment on the $100 hj. Let me explain........she pop the magic question and i said yes to a hj. She did not catergorise like many other gals did. Well, I would say her hj include bm too. And she did not mention the price that i should pay. If any of the brother is not satisfied with her service, i am sure she wont reject lesser amount. As for me, i am very satisfied. Btw, I will visiting her tonight. Many of you guys are fast, she was almost fully booked today. Hope to hear your feedback too.
And finally, i did not post this to impose on you guys what i personally prefer. I for one always respect that different guys have different sexual preferences. To each his own.
18-07-2002, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Hi Danny41sg,
I am not angry with you.
Anyway regarding to what you claim as inconsistency, one describe her appearance whereas the other one describe her expression when she holds my barrel. It is just two separate points. Btw, this is not that essential.
I read lots of comment on the $100 hj. Let me explain........she pop the magic question and i said yes to a hj. She did not catergorise like many other gals did. Well, I would say her hj include bm too. And she did not mention the price that i should pay. If any of the brother is not satisfied with her service, i am sure she wont reject lesser amount. As for me, i am very satisfied. Btw, I will visiting her tonight. Many of you guys are fast, she was almost fully booked today. Hope to hear your feedback too.
And finally, i did not post this to impose on you guys what i personally prefer. I for one always respect that different guys have different sexual preferences. To each his own.
Hi Bro,
How much you pay her is up to you and none of my concern. Just ignore what others have posted. The ultimate thing is, you enjoy yourself. I know where you're coming from, I've been there myself. Believe me, I've paid as much as S$150 for a Bbbbj.
Anyway HC is not my choice for a playgroung.
18-07-2002, 04:18 PM
so what time slot you will be visiting her?
and how we do the booking one huh??
sorri leh..mi din go HC before leh...
Originally posted by AndyGray
Hi Danny41sg,
I am not angry with you.
Anyway regarding to what you claim as inconsistency, one describe her appearance whereas the other one describe her expression when she holds my barrel. It is just two separate points. Btw, this is not that essential.
I read lots of comment on the $100 hj. Let me explain........she pop the magic question and i said yes to a hj. She did not catergorise like many other gals did. Well, I would say her hj include bm too. And she did not mention the price that i should pay. If any of the brother is not satisfied with her service, i am sure she wont reject lesser amount. As for me, i am very satisfied. Btw, I will visiting her tonight. Many of you guys are fast, she was almost fully booked today. Hope to hear your feedback too.
And finally, i did not post this to impose on you guys what i personally prefer. I for one always respect that different guys have different sexual preferences. To each his own.
Cheers. :rolleyes:
18-07-2002, 04:35 PM
Thanks Bro for the excellent leads.. it is indeed nice of u to share here with ppl whom is also into HC espcially been service by a grad. Do help in boosting my ego.
To those with doubt, to each his opinion. Don;t jump the gun and wait for others that tried and a 2nd opinion. Then u decide whether or not to flame.
My point is ..... don't discourage other bro from sharing infor in future.
My 0.00001 rup woth.
Originally posted by AndyGray
Hi Danny41sg,
I am not angry with you.
Anyway regarding to what you claim as inconsistency, one describe her appearance whereas the other one describe her expression when she holds my barrel. It is just two separate points. Btw, this is not that essential.
I read lots of comment on the $100 hj. Let me explain........she pop the magic question and i said yes to a hj. She did not catergorise like many other gals did. Well, I would say her hj include bm too. And she did not mention the price that i should pay. If any of the brother is not satisfied with her service, i am sure she wont reject lesser amount. As for me, i am very satisfied. Btw, I will visiting her tonight. Many of you guys are fast, she was almost fully booked today. Hope to hear your feedback too.
And finally, i did not post this to impose on you guys what i personally prefer. I for one always respect that different guys have different sexual preferences. To each his own.
18-07-2002, 04:41 PM
Hi darcbleu,
Just call the hc at this number 67375225 and ask to book the specific gal you want at the time you prefer.
18-07-2002, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by danny41sg
Hi Bro,
How much you pay her is up to you and none of my concern. Just ignore what others have posted. The ultimate thing is, you enjoy yourself. I know where you're coming from, I've been there myself. Believe me, I've paid as much as S$150 for a Bbbbj.
Anyway HC is not my choice for a playgroung.
Si meh... How about caught drangon at MIKO???
18-07-2002, 04:50 PM
Originally posted by Rainman
Si meh... How about caught drangon at MIKO???
Yang itu lain dong. Tempat itu, tempat perubatan, untuk lemah tubuh....kekekekeke
(KNN, looking for trouble huh?)
18-07-2002, 05:54 PM
Howabout her legs? Are they long? I'm a leg guy, U know??? anyway, perhaps can give some details what did she exactly do to make u so impressed by her??
18-07-2002, 07:25 PM
Just giving my two cents' worth......
Was there today to check out this new place since there has been soooo much hype about it.....
Frankly speaking nothing much to shout about.......the girl i was allocated is a new gal in the business, hence a bit unsure when it came to the "special" bit......
So i will also not reveal her name as i don't think will bother going there again in the near future till things settle down.....
BTW, for bros who are looking for BBBJ, FJ etc activity, can maybe forget this place as most gals i think only do HJ +/- BM.....rates are at $100 for a HJ and BM. Expensive???? Dunno....for me, she must be really good before i pay that kind of money......anyhow, usually i just pay up but will definitely reconsider whether i should go back again very carefully.......
There is a sign behind the doors of the room that says that it is illegal to have "immoral" activity within the premises....i think they are just trying to upkeep their image to avoid AV suspicion.....
18-07-2002, 07:27 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AndyGray
Hi darcbleu,
Just call the hc at this number 67375225 and ask to book the specific gal you want at the time you prefer.
Enjoy. [/QUOTE
U sound like the boss or promoter 4 Aven View.Out of your 11 threads ,all were about Aven View.$100 hj is for a man who had not had sex for decades.Good promotion tactics,but your entrance fee is a bit too xpensive leh.$38 for only a small stream room two bathroom two pangsaikeng.u should consider lowering your price.I had been there once & served by a malay ger & there was nothing to shout about.I had given the standard of your place 2-3 weeks back.
Still dont want to admit,then since u r a lau jiao
in the hc market then recommend others leh,but no
X Spring(same management).
18-07-2002, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Rainman
Si meh... How about caught drangon at MIKO???
in miko no such thing as catch dragon, only catch turtle
or water-fish.
all posting could hv been done by their hc gal's boyfriend
or sugar daddy
18-07-2002, 08:06 PM
Hi supershaft,
Well, she is not exactly tall. So if you are expecting model sort of legs, i think you might be disappointed. i think her ht is abt 162. The nice thing though is that her skin is smooth.
I would say that her bosom is probably one of the nicest i have seen. When i fondled her breast, it was really soft. The next thing i knew........she started fondling her own breast with moaning.My goodness. It is like watching a porn show live.
Through my years of visiting hc, i have seen countless cup c breast. But to have seen one on a really slim waistline. Not many. Normally, big breast hang on a heavy or plump body so to see one different like that is kind of refreshing.
And lastly, she gave a gf warm kind of feeling.
And anyway, i knows she is fully booked today. Hopefully some of the brother can contribute their fr soon.
18-07-2002, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by wolf20002
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AndyGray
Hi darcbleu,
Just call the hc at this number 67375225 and ask to book the specific gal you want at the time you prefer.
Enjoy. [/QUOTE
U sound like the boss or promoter 4 Aven View.Out of your 11 threads ,all were about Aven View.$100 hj is for a man who had not had sex for decades.Good promotion tactics,but your
To think brothers have to challenge each other over an HC gal. Let's cool it off and read more FRs of Amber once our other brothers have visited the place. Only time will tell the truth.
18-07-2002, 08:23 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AndyGray
[B]Well, its time for me to contribute after all these years of visiting hc but will only do so if i come across someone special.
Went to Aven View Hc few days ago, and was reccommended by the recep a new gal in this line. and i could say that after the session, i was really glad i took her recommendation. I would not go into full details but will share the positive aspect of the whole experience.
1)She is local and definitely a uni grad.How i know? We both attend the same uni in australia. I am her senior.Very friendly and a good conversionalist.
yr professor will be very sad to know that her student now is a massage gal in s'pore.
by the way ,wat university is it?
18-07-2002, 08:57 PM
hi wolf20002,
Since i start this thread with a title like Amber - Aven View. Shouldnt i be talking about abt this place only? If i want to share abt other place, i could start a new thread. Doesnt it make sense to you???
This thread is not really all about about Aven View. It is about one gal whom i reccommend to you guys. She just happen to work there.
As i said before, lets wait for other brother's report before acussing me of trying to promote this place. Your average experience with a malay ger has really got nothing to do with my experience with amber.
Anyway, the boss of this place is a lady called lyn.
Btw, guys..........relax. Never know trying to be helpful will allow me to face so much prosecution. Feel kind of discouraged. Guess i should not have praise her that much.
18-07-2002, 09:31 PM
IN the true spirit of sharing AndyGRay has contributed a worthy read on Amber. I seriously do not think that you guys want to continue reading on Jane of Miko, Kat of Dickson, Yuki of Bugis, Gucci of Dragon, Michelle, Chanel, Jenny, Linda etc If Amber is overrated time will tell and she will not last long. I guess only an independent FR on Amber will clear any doubtful minds. Sometimes we have to be more adventureous and try unknown girls. This is in accordance we want our big daddy wants us to do rite ?
My 2 sens.
18-07-2002, 09:39 PM
sounds like this new hc is the most 'in' thing now
i think must stop going to jb next week and check out this place
but i must comment that a hj for $100 is damn f... EX........
even it is heavenly cos i can get a BM at Marina South at $100
18-07-2002, 11:50 PM
Hey Andy.
You said you will be visiting her tonite.
So how was your experiance today?
But i must say 100 bucks for HJ maybe quite steep and that 's why some people are doubting you.
So any thing you can do to her while she HJ?
Like touch her boobs or kiss?or something?
Originally posted by AndyGray
hi wolf20002,
Since i start this thread with a title like Amber - Aven View. Shouldnt i be talking about abt this place only? If i want to share abt other place, i could start a new thread. Doesnt it make sense to you???
This thread is not really all about about Aven View. It is about one gal whom i reccommend to you guys. She just happen to work there.
As i said before, lets wait for other brother's report before acussing me of trying to promote this place. Your average experience with a malay ger has really got nothing to do with my experience with amber.
Anyway, the boss of this place is a lady called lyn.
Btw, guys..........relax. Never know trying to be helpful will allow me to face so much prosecution. Feel kind of discouraged. Guess i should not have praise her that much.
19-07-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by thomasdelarue
in miko no such thing as catch dragon, only catch turtle
or water-fish.
all posting could hv been done by their hc gal's boyfriend
or sugar daddy
Sorry to interupt others having fun at Aven.
U meant to say that all that I read in that thread is bullshit???
Hmmmmm????? So how... I need to retune my rod. Please guided bro.
19-07-2002, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by kenneth1979
sounds like this new hc is the most 'in' thing now
i think must stop going to jb next week and check out this place
but i must comment that a hj for $100 is damn f... EX........
even it is heavenly cos i can get a BM at Marina South at $100
Tried her gold fingers, Big bullshit. Let's boycott this thread Lousy health facilities with no lounge area and got to wait with others on a bench outside steam room, staring to each other si beh sian walau!!!!!
19-07-2002, 03:25 PM
Amber was visibly upset last nite when i visit her. Apparrently one idiot reading this thread was trying mission impossible from her even in hj. He actually asked for about 8 different hj position. After scrutinising her up and down in the beginning, he used his finger,acting as a calliper, and tried to measure the size of her breast and the length of her nipples. Amber was very pissed off with his sicko attidute. According to her, the guy forcefully push her down too. He even offer only to pay only $30 only after forcefully sucking her nipples hard and even stroking his dick against her ass.
She is new in this line and the expectation are too high. She is also a human being so i guess she deserve some respect too. I am sure most brothers who read this forum are not like that. For that minority ones, shame on you. I guess she will be good to those who gave her some minimum respect too.
I have never for once said that the facilities is good. It is only so so. And i admit $38 for the entrance fee is relatively steep. For brothers who like better facilities, there are always places like dragon spa etc.
Well, i will not describe my session with amber anymore. What i do wish is to read some proper report on her. Not a angry post by someone who probably expect too much. (You know who You are.) Her skilll might not be his cup of tea but surely he can verify my description of her body???
Btw, my fren tried Marie last nite too. And this is my advice to all guys here. AVOID her at all cost, even there is no other gal. Her skill sulks big time and worst of all, she Demand high exorbitant price. Yes, demand is the word. Again, according to my fren, AVOID her. I think one of the brother negative report in this thread is describing her.
Another fren tried aiko and was quite pleased overall. Look average but have nice butts. Good jg/hj skill at a relatively much cheaper price.
My third fren tried belle, another uni grad??, find her bj good. But she is a bit on the plump side.
For brothers who like sexy lau chios, honey can be quite a good choice.
Overall, as i saw most of the ladies walking to and fro. (Good business yesterday due to this thread?) i have to say the quality is not as good. To me, it is quite average, just like most hc.........some young and gorgeous whereas other aunty like.
19-07-2002, 04:16 PM
One more thing to hightlight, some brothers here actually told her about this thread. Isnt all this information kept only to ourself only?? By letting her knows too much will only affect her performance, isnt it? I hope the brother here will not use this information to score points with the gals.
And to all those who claim that i am the hc boss or the hc gal bf.......... maybe you are from rival hc setup to sabo and create doubts. Come on guys, the argument can go on and on. If you read reports with a sceptical mind, how can future brother share their future experiences? I might be the only one fully satisfied with amber, so what???? At least i have the gut to share what i personally feel.
19-07-2002, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
One more thing to hightlight, some brothers here actually told her about this thread. Isnt all this information kept only to ourself only?? By letting her knows too much will only affect her performance, isnt it? I hope the brother here will not use this information to score points with the gals.
And to all those who claim that i am the hc boss or the hc gal bf.......... maybe you are from rival hc setup to sabo and create doubts. Come on guys, the argument can go on and on. If you read reports with a sceptical mind, how can future brother share their future experiences? I might be the only one fully satisfied with amber, so what???? At least i have the gut to share what i personally feel.
Bros Andygray,
Cool down, cool down.
yours was a good report, so don't be bothered by some of the
"siow" people posting idiotic comments.
keep up the good work.
19-07-2002, 05:15 PM
yeah cool it andy...
well..i haven been there yet so yet to try.
but that guy realli zho pai hang jeng leh...
spoilt all the mood liao..
think anybody in amber shoes will also get pissed
19-07-2002, 05:18 PM
HI everybody !
The AV raid the place on Wed ( 17 July ) at about 4:30 pm , may be we should avoid this place for the next few weeks !
19-07-2002, 07:40 PM
Well, i can confirm that there was a AV raid on17/7/02.
But everywhere you go, surely that there will still be a risk, isnt it? Just be alert.
Do you think that the AV will raid the same place again and again over a short period of time? Any brother can comment on this question?
19-07-2002, 07:45 PM
From the way your write , I strongly believe you are trying very hard to promote this place, I think , most of the girls are below average ,....sorry, this is my opinion about this place ,..
19-07-2002, 08:32 PM
Overall, as i saw most of the ladies walking to and fro. (Good business yesterday due to this thread?) i have to say the quality is not as good. To me, it is quite average, just like most hc.........some young and gorgeous whereas other aunty like.
This is what i post earlier. Does this sound like promoting this place?? My goodness. I really give up on some of u guys. Read my post carefully before commenting.
19-07-2002, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by PeterTeo
From the way your write , I strongly believe you are trying very hard to promote this place, I think , most of the girls are below average ,....sorry, this is my opinion about this place ,..
From my close scrutiny Andy is the BF of Amber. This is OK but I do not like the way the $100 is raised. Good FR is good for us guys to follow up and enjoy but to write about exhorbitant prices and with such passion is not acceptable wasting our resources at these trying times ke ke ke ........
19-07-2002, 08:49 PM
Nothing great about this place ! The HC is still under renovation and the AV raid the place , I think it is unusual !
19-07-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Antonio
From my close scrutiny Andy is the BF of Amber. This is OK but I do not like the way the $100 is raised. Good FR is good for us guys to follow up and enjoy but to write about exhorbitant prices and with such passion is not acceptable wasting our resources at these trying times ke ke ke ........
Bro Antonio.
Agree with you. AndyGray must have a vested interest in Amber. $100 for hj is too excessive. Hope AndyGray is not getting a cut of it by promoting so much on her ke ke ke....
19-07-2002, 09:55 PM
Really give up on you guys. First im the hc boss, then now amber gf. Kind of tickled by some of the guys strange analysis. If i post a fr on someone i like personally, does that mean i am her bf?? I have more than enough mean to make sure my gf do not have to work in hc. So stop your insult.
Let me put this straight once and for all to those who cant bother to read my post carefully.
The $100 i paid is for a hj which include a bm. Elsewhere we paid a $80 for bm/hj, isnt it? So i paid a extra a $20 more than usual. Is that consider exorbitant? If times are so bad for some of you guys, why not refrain yourself from going to hc? It is always going to be quite ex there.
When some of you guys enjoy a good time because of our fr, will we who post fr get any benefits from you?? I suppose not even a thank you. Somemore get accusation! Should have keep this little secret for myself. Posting a fr is a lose lose situation.
19-07-2002, 10:21 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AndyGray
[B]Amber was visibly upset last nite when i visit her. Apparrently one idiot reading this thread was trying mission impossible from ..............
alright amber again.
last nite phone up the recept for amber, she said was fully booked.
then make a trip down the aven view to try my luck , was lucky tis time that her appt was cancelled, so got chance to book amber.
She came to the room and ask whether want tea, i said no.
she ask again , " sure? no regret?"
was piss off off by the way she ask tis question, she noT that good in pr skill, later she went to get something, not sure wat is was.
then i hv chance to think whether to take her for massage.
later decided and ask the recept, thr' the phone to change for another gal, reason i gave to recept is she too skinny and might not hv the strength.Amber is quite nice looking but bit ah lian and skinny with heavy make up on that day. not my type.
Recept gave a gal call diana, ex holiday inn, ex tropical . short hair , with nice pair of smooth leg, age 30 , abt there.
massage performed, bit soft to medium type.
hand job charge 50, but since not in the mood , and jus want to reward her , bargained for 30. and she allowed fingering her sister. she moan, probably acting for me.
overall: Diana OK,will not try her again.
as for amber, also saw her at the male toilet, neXT To steam bath together with another gal, quite fair and innocent , probABLY MARIE , NOT SURE,.
as for amber she quite chatty , and cheerful.doesn't look like
first time in the trade..
Lyn was there supervising the ah soh to arrange things.
place quite tidy and relative clean.
but one thing dun like , is water cooler inside/near to the toilet.
together with bath room and steam bath.
but tis place got no gym , unlike the former place in riverview.
no tv lounge or tea-coffee bar.
19-07-2002, 11:37 PM
Maybe you should take a break from posting on this subject.
Now ... this is just my PERSONAL advise (so don't flame me if you don't agree).
The more you post, the more it seems like you are doing some A&P exercise for Amber and the HC. Can't blame the other brothers from thinking that way.
Originally posted by AndyGray
Really give up on you guys. First im the hc boss, then now amber gf. Kind of tickled by some of the guys strange analysis. If i post a fr on someone i like personally, does that mean i am her bf?? I have more than enough mean to make sure my gf do not have to work in hc. So stop your insult.
Let me put this straight once and for all to those who cant bother to read my post carefully.
The $100 i paid is for a hj which include a bm. Elsewhere we paid a $80 for bm/hj, isnt it? So i paid a extra a $20 more than usual. Is that consider exorbitant? If times are so bad for some of you guys, why not refrain yourself from going to hc? It is always going to be quite ex there.
When some of you guys enjoy a good time because of our fr, will we who post fr get any benefits from you?? I suppose not even a thank you. Somemore get accusation! Should have keep this little secret for myself. Posting a fr is a lose lose situation.
20-07-2002, 12:12 AM
I agree with bro chjw18.
You posted the FR, fine. Then someone comment on it, you start to defend the girl, getting very worked up it seems. Becoming rather personal from the looks of it. That's why some bro think you seem to have a personal or vested interest.
To each his own. One man's meat....
You are taken with the girl. That's you.
It doesn't mean everyone else should agree or concur. Let them have their own opinion. After all, it's up to them to click with the girl or not, right?
20-07-2002, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by PeterTeo
Nothing great about this place ! The HC is still under renovation and the AV raid the place , I think it is unusual !
You seems to be very surprise for what the AV did. Look at the postings..... if never kena raid, the owner if damn fucking lucky or perhaps the "kui kia" he's keep is damn good.
20-07-2002, 12:05 PM
I am surprise that you have compare the aven view to river view.
First of all,I like the concept. Go straight to the massage (gals), have a good time (HJ, BM,FJ......) and leave.
Why hang around there in a TV lounge or spa?. Most of the time, the Ah Bengs do that. The sight of this piss me off at river view. Some hanging their legs out....., talking so loud on the phone.
As for the gals,
:D try yoko, aiko... give very good massage. After sales services, you can ask and she will provide.
Please give FR .
20-07-2002, 12:14 PM
personally i think after so many flame here flame there the person who benefit is the boss of Aven View.
look so many free advertising of this HC, these few days business must be damn good and the HC boss smile until "bin hai hai"
20-07-2002, 02:34 PM
hand job charge 50, but since not in the mood , and jus want to reward her , bargained for 30. and she allowed fingering her sister. she moan, probably acting for me.
U damn F..ckin CHEAPO. Not in the mood still go this kind of place.
Go to singapore badminton hall lah. If she quote 30, I think you will bargained to 10. No mood still finger her? Just admit that you are a cheapo. Don't contradict yourself lah.
20-07-2002, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by chamant
U damn F..ckin CHEAPO. Not in the mood still go this kind of place.
Go to singapore badminton hall lah. If she quote 30, I think you will bargained to 10. No mood still finger her? Just admit that you are a cheapo. Don't contradict yourself lah.
still dun know, all massage mus be rewarded with 30 dlr,
and all auntie can fingered.
20-07-2002, 05:10 PM
still dun know, all massage mus be rewarded with 30 dlr,
and she allowed fingering her sister. she moan, probably acting for me.
Recept gave a gal call diana, ex holiday inn, ex tropical . short hair , with nice pair of smooth leg, age 30 , abt there.
What nonsense and a load of bullshit! All massage must be rewarded with $30? You set your own rule? If massage is to rewarded with $30, then why proceed with the hj? Dont try to defend yourself with such nonsense! Does that mean that all brothers here must pay the gals $30 even though the brother might not want to have special service(maybe due to her look or size).
Age about 30 cosider a aunty meh? Or maybe you are damn bloody young. And when you say she allowed fingering, dont you know tht you are also saying that it is possible she might not allow you to do so too? Full of condradiction.
You might have visited many hc but that does give you the right to bullshit?
20-07-2002, 05:57 PM
Lyn gave me a rub when I visited the other day. Old friend n customer so ok lor.As for other services inside the room, for me to know n for u all to find out.
20-07-2002, 11:18 PM
Does Lyn provides massage services to ALL or only selected "frequent" visitors ?
Use to see her in Scotts View; but that's a long time ago.
Originally posted by marjojohn
Lyn gave me a rub when I visited the other day. Old friend n customer so ok lor.As for other services inside the room, for me to know n for u all to find out.
21-07-2002, 12:47 PM
Does Lyn provides massage services to ALL or only selected "frequent" visitors ?
Just called and asked. No, she dont do massage to all. Maybe to those she knows only. Can anyone share their experience with her? Seem to be quite popular in the past.
21-07-2002, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by chamant
Just called and asked. No, she dont do massage to all. Maybe to those she knows only. Can anyone share their experience with her? Seem to be quite popular in the past.
many years back in dynasty hotel, in 1985.......
when she was a young gal..............
21-07-2002, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by chamant
What nonsense and a load of bullshit! All massage must be rewarded with $30? You set your own rule? If massage is to rewarded with $30, then why proceed with the hj? Dont try to defend yourself with such nonsense! Does that mean that all brothers here must pay the gals $30 even though the brother might not want to have special service(maybe due to her look or size).
Age about 30 cosider a aunty meh? Or maybe you are damn bloody young. And when you say she allowed fingering, dont you know tht you are also saying that it is possible she might not allow you to do so too? Full of condradiction.
You might have visited many hc but that does give you the right to bullshit?
21-07-2002, 05:48 PM
Used to frequent her at Scotts View. She gave good scrub and sometimes got her in her mood we went further also. To say no penetration is lying lor.
21-07-2002, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by whiteknight
Wah Lao, Job market that bad meh ? Uni grad now also work in HC.
Maybe not that bad, but bad enough for you to get a job that you work like a dog, low pay and stress.
Well, if you are pretty, horny and open enough, these girls sure don't mind to earn fast money.
Honestly, there are a lot of pretty girls, and the pretty girls will work in different lines, but at the end of the day, they can't get rid of sex business. Actresses, models, stewardness, pretty uni girls, all is because of money...
Those ugly women always comment this is not right and how disgraceful are they. F*** if they are prettier they wouldn't say this. You get my point, right.
Originally posted by AndyGray
Well, i can confirm that there was a AV raid on17/7/02.
But everywhere you go, surely that there will still be a risk, isnt it? Just be alert.
Do you think that the AV will raid the same place again and again over a short period of time? Any brother can comment on this question?
any brudders who noes can tell mi wat will happen to those kana caught??? i noe the gers will have their license suspend or confiscated but wat about the customer??? anyone???
22-07-2002, 01:05 PM
There are all kinds of people in tis world so pls do not not be bothered by those who gave negative comments or who try to flame u cos 'mouth is theirs'.
Juz keep fr coming in and I m sure most of the bros out there will appreciate.
Happy Cheonging!:cool:
22-07-2002, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by bteosg
i m just surprise that despite after so many postin & arguments, there isnt any fr of a full svc from her. maybe she just decoy all of you guys n get u all conned for a hj at $100. anyone got a fr for her on a full service package since i assume many have successfully booked & tried her??? looking at the reports that she is fully booked
Or was it alway a story that what our Andy here claimed that she has somebad experience etc that no one actually have that privilege yet???
Any one care to update??? Thanks in advance!
I notice that there are lots of flaming going on here and I do not see a real good FR besides the one by the thread starter, Why I wonder???
I also notice that most of the ppl that post here have less then 30 posts to their credit. Again i wonder whY???
Could we have a proper FR and keep the flaming outside for a while.
22-07-2002, 03:46 PM
Hi bro Dragon,
I totally agree wif u tat besides bro andy's fr, most reply posts aren't tat informative on the quality of the hc girls available.
I do not know of the guys here wif less than 30 posts if they r newbies or whatsoever u may mean in your post, but i have been a hc cheonger 4 abt 10 yrs now n it doesn't mean posting only 8 fr mean what???????????????
Most of the time i hav been a spectator even in the old forum which i did not even post a single fr at all?#@!!!
Juz wanna to tell u tat newbies, lau chiao or whatsoever, this forum is meant to be shared among bros out there. Like I said, 'mouth is theirs' people can hav their own views juz, ignore those reports and keep fr coming in. I m sure most bros out there including u will appreciate.
Your fr might ignite some flaming again which might prove to be infutile and doesn't contribute at all. I m not trying to blame any1 but hope tat good fr will continue to flow irregardlessly.
I sincerely apologise if I hav offended u in any clause. However, I m a regular bugis, dragon n leisure hc cheonger n tis aven hc is new 2 me, i m afraid I can't contribute any fr :rolleyes:
22-07-2002, 05:36 PM
Hi Bro ItchyDICK..
My nic is RAINMAN in case u didn't notice.
As for the quality of the postings here. u could tell for yourself.
As to why I mentioned those with less then 30 postings... It was meant for those who said so many good thing about this Andy or even the place with no solid Fr to their credits thus I wonder if they know one another or they could even be the same person.
Flame me if any of u want.
I am just stating my doubt untill another good FR comes in from some respectable cheongster here.
Freedom of speech loh.
Originally posted by itchyDICK
Hi bro Dragon,
I totally agree wif u tat besides bro andy's fr, most reply posts aren't tat informative on the quality of the hc girls available.
I do not know of the guys here wif less than 30 posts if they r newbies or whatsoever u may mean in your post, but i have been a hc cheonger 4 abt 10 yrs now n it doesn't mean posting only 8 fr mean what???????????????
Most of the time i hav been a spectator even in the old forum which i did not even post a single fr at all?#@!!!
Juz wanna to tell u tat newbies, lau chiao or whatsoever, this forum is meant to be shared among bros out there. Like I said, 'mouth is theirs' people can hav their own views juz, ignore those reports and keep fr coming in. I m sure most bros out there including u will appreciate.
Your fr might ignite some flaming again which might prove to be infutile and doesn't contribute at all. I m not trying to blame any1 but hope tat good fr will continue to flow irregardlessly.
I sincerely apologise if I hav offended u in any clause. However, I m a regular bugis, dragon n leisure hc cheonger n tis aven hc is new 2 me, i m afraid I can't contribute any fr :rolleyes:
23-07-2002, 02:01 AM
Originally posted by marjojohn
Lyn gave me a rub when I visited the other day. Old friend n customer so ok lor.As for other services inside the room, for me to know n for u all to find out.
What F... rubbish you are talking about. I dun belived you. You biggest bullshit. Lynn holds the license, do you think she dare lost her place and take such risk. Especially as a boss and also on the possible bad FR from you.
Check with the front desk and was told that who ever tell you taht must be dun f..... stupid.
Can I suggest you stop wasting our bros time and stop posting rubbish. You should be hang for uttering nonsense.
23-07-2002, 08:13 AM
hey all bros
just an independent audit on Amber, had a session wif her yesterday, she's quite a nice gal but if u are looking for service, she may not be your cup of tea as she only does hj/bm and nothin else.........happy cheonging...
23-07-2002, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by Rainman
Hi Bro ItchyDICK..
My nic is RAINMAN in case u didn't notice.
As for the quality of the postings here. u could tell for yourself.
As to why I mentioned those with less then 30 postings... It was meant for those who said so many good thing about this Andy or even the place with no solid Fr to their credits thus I wonder if they know one another or they could even be the same person.
Flame me if any of u want.
I am just stating my doubt untill another good FR comes in from some respectable cheongster here.
Freedom of speech loh.
Bro Rain,
Ah...yah. Why waste time here huh. Got other area need your attention leh.
BTW, looks like my trip to Jakarta on 16/08 is 75% confirmed leh. Any recommendation for hotels? I believe you'll be in Jakarta by than huh.
23-07-2002, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by danny41sg
Bro Rain,
Ah...yah. Why waste time here huh. Got other area need your attention leh.
BTW, looks like my trip to Jakarta on 16/08 is 75% confirmed leh. Any recommendation for hotels? I believe you'll be in Jakarta by than huh.
KNN, why are u here... Ask the question in the right place and u get your answer...
23-07-2002, 12:24 PM
i think andy already disappointed liao...
kena flame by all left right up down....
23-07-2002, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by Rainman
KNN, why are u here... Ask the question in the right place and u get your answer...
Why am I here? Since the name Lyn , ex Scott View, is mentioned, than I want to know what is/was said about her lor. After all she's an old friend wah. Nice to find out that she's operating a centre of her own.
PS : You've not answer my question leh, of course not here lah. KNN, you think I fucking stupid huh.:D
23-07-2002, 04:45 PM
As to why I mentioned those with less then 30 postings... It was meant for those who said so many good thing about this Andy or even the place with no solid Fr to their credits thus I wonder if they know one another or they could even be the same person. I am just stating my doubt untill another good FR comes in from some respectable cheongster here.
At first, i thought i am only dealing with guys with different sexual preferences. Now i have to deal with some of a different level of mentality.
I cant help but feel that what our old bird here (more than 1000 postings) is implying that to be a respectable cheongster, you got to have lots of posting.Or else, if not, you have to be my fren if you support my view or even become another form of me! I got so much image turnover here that i am pretty confused of myself now. WHO AM I?
Does more postings equate more respectability? If i post 2000 postings with a single word f..k. Does that make me a respectable cheongster? Rather more likely a fu..ker, isn't it? Of if i post 2000 sub standard observation or egoistic remarks, does it make me a respectable cheogster again? Rather more likely a sub-standard arrogant prick, isnt it?
Am i surprised that there are no proper fr on her? Yes and no. Yes considering her daily full booking. But no, cuz i understand that many comes to this forum to browse, gather information and off they go. Gone are the days where by we wait in the room going thru mental visualisation on how the gals might look like and experiencing emotional high and low the moment she walks in. To most of us; hc, geylang, not the center of our life. Just some form of escapism from our daily rountine. But to some here, this forum seem to their bible. Their daily dose of medicine. Seriously, some of them are walking hc or geylang encylclopedia. Maybe thats their way of getting respect??
To all samster who offer their words of encouragement or comfort to me, THANKS. And dont get offended by a some certain old bird. It takes all kind of people to make this world. And of cuz the idiots to make us look smart and the narrow minded ones to make us look magnaminous.
23-07-2002, 05:35 PM
Cheers. [/B][/QUOTE]Originally posted by AndyGray
At first, i thought i am only dealing with guys with different sexual preferences. Now i have to deal with some of a different level of mentality.
I cant help but feel that what our old bird here (more than 1000 postings) is implying that to be a respectable cheongster, you got to have lots of posting.Or else, if not, you have to be my fren if you support my view or even become another form of me! I got so much image turnover here that i am pretty confused of myself now. WHO AM I?
Does more postings equate more respectability? If i post 2000 postings with a single word f..k. Does that make me a respectable cheongster? Rather more likely a fu..ker, isn't it? Of if i post 2000 sub standard observation or egoistic remarks, does it make me a respectable cheogster again? Rather more likely a sub-standard arrogant prick, isnt it?
Am i surprised that there are no proper fr on her? Yes and no. Yes considering her daily full booking. But no, cuz i understand that many comes to this forum to browse, gather information and off they go. Gone are the days where by we wait in the room going thru mental visualisation on how the gals might look like and experiencing emotional high and low the moment she walks in. To most of us; hc, geylang, not the center of our life. Just some form of escapism from our daily rountine. But to some here, this forum seem to their bible. Their daily dose of medicine. Seriously, some of them are walking hc or geylang encylclopedia. Maybe thats their way of getting respect??
To all samster who offer their words of encouragement or comfort to me, THANKS. And dont get offended by a some certain old bird. It takes all kind of people to make this world. And of cuz the idiots to make us look smart and the narrow minded ones to make us look magnaminous.
The point is that you are defending too much on Amber. If she can confide to you the kinky act upon her, I would personally feel that that yo are:
her okt
she herself
or ur r too emontional or
u kenna oredi teo kong tow.....
23-07-2002, 06:30 PM
The point is that you are defending too much on Amber. If she can confide to you the kinky act upon her, I would personally feel that that yo are:
No doubt i did felt a soft spot for her then. No doubt about it cuz i see her as poor gal who was kind of exploited in some ways. Thus maybe the strong reaction.
Seriously, what you guy see me as is not that important. But rather how we can openly share our views here, isnt it? This forum is mostly about sharing our experiences and i have to say most reports will come with a bit of bias. Why not take it in a right spirit? Sometimes our reaction reveal ourselves more than the person who post the report.
Let me elaborate more about sharing infos. Im sure we read many samster looking for a certain gal who just left a certain hc. Then we ask who the hell is that gal?? The answer? His fav hc gal. Why cant that guy share his wonderful experience when the gal is around? Probably keeping to himself this secret? Why only mention her name when she left the establishment? But guess what, he will not get too many flaming.
There are so many hc that are not mentioned in this forum. I seriously believe that there are always going to be some gem here and there. It is for us all to discover and hopefully upon discovery, we can share openly too.
Btw, i have and will stop visiting aven hc. Thanks to a certain idiot who print out the thread for amber. If i come across another discovery, you can be sure i will start another thread. Till then, thanks for a really unique experience from starting this thread.
Cheers and enjoy.
23-07-2002, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Btw, i have and will stop visiting aven hc. Thanks to a certain idiot who print out the thread for amber. If i come across another discovery, you can be sure i will start another thread. Till then, thanks for a really unique experience from starting this thread.
Cheers and enjoy.
Bloody hell, there seems to be a lot of these printing FRs etc to show the gers going on....
Use the forum for your research for the your enjoyment and that's it!!
On the other hand, it might be the gers themselves accessing the forum, its not hard to get the URL from GOOGLE or easier from a bro with his dick in their hands:D
Bro Gray, possibly some details is better left between you and your fav HC ger, much between enjoyed by 2 then with the a whole division of horny samsters
23-07-2002, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by ChaCha
What F... rubbish you are talking about. I dun belived you. You biggest bullshit. Lynn holds the license, do you think she dare lost her place and take such risk. Especially as a boss and also on the possible bad FR from you.
Check with the front desk and was told that who ever tell you taht must be dun f..... stupid.
Can I suggest you stop wasting our bros time and stop posting rubbish. You should be hang for uttering nonsense.
when a gal left the place her licence will be cancelled by licensing unit.
23-07-2002, 10:34 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by AndyGray
No doubt i did felt a soft spot for her then. No doubt about it cuz i see her as poor gal who was kind of exploited in some ways. Thus maybe the strong reaction.
Dearest Andy,
Agree with everbody that you definitely have a emotional attachment with her. Anyway I tried her on Sunday.
Here's the FR. Looks and disposition cannot beat Marie. Boobs bigger than Marie. Good educated English but loose to Marie with her fluent Australian English Accent.
Normal Massage then the golden question, $50 for H/J and neh neh mamography $80 for BM and to lick the nipples another $20. Wow this is getting out of hand, very calculative.
Poor Andy hope you r not the B/F because you will be so frustrated and difficult to control if the next stage is crossed, unless you are the Slipper Rice Man. Ke Ke.
So Andy stop defending youself and making a fool of yourself.
All cheongster out there if u like educated babes for that sense of groping a so called lady of substance, try her (bring a little more money).
For a better one try Marie ! Will start a thread on her soon.................. she is one babe that can stand beside me for a function to attend to ke ke ............ in my dreams ......!ke ke ...
24-07-2002, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by thomasdelarue
when a gal left the place her licence will be cancelled by licensing unit.
I was referring to the operating licence of the place and not the masseuse 'working card'. The licencee cannot be the masseuse, else will lose licence and get fine. Knowing that Aven View is new settle up, which licencee will take the risk.
Therefore it is MARJOJOHN is a biggest liar when he posted that the licencee massage him.
By the way, the masseuse can now get up to 3 'working cards' to 3 separate HC from the licensing unit. Hence she can move around 3 places.
Also, the 'working cards' are now signed by the licencee. I have friends in the licensing unit.
24-07-2002, 02:28 AM
yo bros,
no need to go to all those trouble talking about lyn's massage. she don't do it anymore. that fella's just talking cock.
btw, just to share with you bros, if you're keen about Aven view,
there's someone new coming soon, (and according to lyn, she's gorgeous....) will write something about that in the weekend when she's arrived.
won't go into the debate about amber, too heated up.
since there are some who know about lyn and scott's view..., anyone remember this lovely girl called christie (or something like that..) worked a while there, and was from ermm... ana?
slightly small, tanned and like a bit mixed?
24-07-2002, 10:05 AM
not to imply who is right & who is incorrect but to separate facts from figures, bros here could personally do a search on bro rainman and some other senior contributor here. i had found a very decents amount of posts from rainman to be infomative, concise, easy and is of quite a good read.
i would also like to thank bro thomas and ChaCha for the infomation on hc license and working cards although they had few post but i find it to be very good in the sense that true facts were being shared.
24-07-2002, 09:34 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ChaCha
I was referring to the operating licence of the place and not the masseuse 'working card'. The licencee cannot be the masseuse, else will lose licence and get fine. Knowing that Aven View is new settle up, which licencee will take the risk.
Therefore it is MARJOJOHN is a biggest liar when he posted that the licencee massage him.
By the way, the masseuse can now get up to 3 'working cards' to 3 separate HC from the licensing unit. Hence she can move around 3 places. :
yeah for s'porean only.
these is wat mos s'porerean hc gal like to boast about.
no wonder eve of miko , always work partime .
so is honey of dorris
yeah licencee has to sign, if you go to k i hc , all gal white badge,
will hv the signature, signed in chinese as" xxx, xxx chen"
but she is not the real boss, jus a nominee only , but she hv to be there in the hc, jus in case checking,
25-07-2002, 06:28 PM
Here's the FR. Looks and disposition cannot beat Marie. Boobs bigger than Marie. Good educated English but loose to Marie with her fluent Australian English Accent.
Poor Andy hope you r not the B/F because you will be so frustrated and difficult to control if the next stage is crossed, unless you are the Slipper Rice Man. Ke Ke.
All cheongster out there if u like educated babes for that sense of groping a so called lady of substance, try her (bring a little more money). For a better one try Marie ! Will start a thread on her soon.................. she is one babe that can stand beside me for a function to attend to ke ke ............ in my dreams ......!ke ke ...
Dear Antonio,
No wonder you prefer marie. With your hard to fathom kind of english, you need her to be your tutor too. Please dont jumble your words in one sentence and hope we can figure it out what you are trying to say. Your command of the language is a simply a joke.
As for marie, i have a most conflicting report on her. Start a thread on her at your own risk. Her hj? Lets put it this way, my dick almost bleed with her hj. She stroke with her finger and her nails too!!! I hope by now she has improve her skill or else i think we need a medic on standby all the time outside her room.
Antonio, maybe you have a fetish for the flat chested ones. Are you one who aspire to be a pilot when you are young but did not make it, so seeing a airport turns you on tremendously? Changi terminal 3 is located in aven hc. Haha.
My rating for her :
Look - 7.5/10 sweet look
Attitude - 7/10 friendly but i would prefer her to cut down on her heavy accent. Hokkien soldier need not apply. Her heavy accent can drown any attempts of yours to strike a conversation.
Body - 5/10 flat on the front, flat on the back so the five points is for whatever she has left.
HJ - 1/10 At the end, i have to diy.
Price quoted. $50 for HJ. $100 for HJ with fingering.
25-07-2002, 10:13 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by chamant
Dear Antonio,
No wonder you prefer marie. With your hard to fathom kind of english, you need her to be your tutor too. Please dont jumble your words in one sentence and hope we can figure it out what you are trying to say. Your command of the language is a simply a joke.
As for marie, i have a most conflicting report on her. Start a thread on her at your own risk. Her hj? Lets put it this way, my dick almost bleed with her hj. She stroke with her finger and her nails too!!! I hope by now she has improve her skill or else i think we need a medic on standby all the time outside her room.
Antonio, maybe you have a fetish for the flat chested ones. Are you one who aspire to be a pilot when you are young but did not make it, so seeing a airport turns you on tremendously? Changi terminal 3 is located in aven hc. Haha.
My rating for her :
Look - 7.5/10 sweet look
Attitude - 7/10 friendly but i would prefer her to cut down on her heavy accent. Hokkien soldier need not apply. Her heavy accent can drown any attempts of yours to strike a conversation.
Body - 5/10 flat on the front, flat on the back so the five points is for whatever she has left.
HJ - 1/10 At the end, i have to diy.
Price quoted. $50 for HJ. $100 for HJ with fingering.
Hee Hee Chamant,
Yes I am her boyfriend and you are Amber Hee Hee anyway you fell for this lobang and had to visit her.
Oh you poor little dicky so easy to be conned si beh sien lah.
Boh Sia Boyfriend. Hee Hee Hee Hee.........
26-07-2002, 01:38 AM
the new girl that's in today is cryst*l. formerly riverview, formerly boulevard.... (prob some of you know her)
looks lovely, pretty. average height. not as 'big' as amber.
but more flesh than amber. (not plump. u people know what i mean.)
friendly and all... :)
best of all, for a pretty girl, she has good massage skills! (for those that like rather hard massage)
well well, seems like her regulars liked her pretty much, cos fully booked first day of work. hmm.....
26-07-2002, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by easyeasy
not to imply who is right & who is incorrect but to separate facts from figures, bros here could personally do a search on bro rainman and some other senior contributor here. i had found a very decents amount of posts from rainman to be infomative, concise, easy and is of quite a good read.
i would also like to thank bro thomas and ChaCha for the infomation on hc license and working cards although they had few post but i find it to be very good in the sense that true facts were being shared.
Thanks Bro and in case we have another heated and unnecessary explanation from our friend.
I confirm I have not met easyeasy and do not know him.
Thanks again and as suggested by danny. Leave andy alone.
26-07-2002, 04:07 PM
Thanks Bro and in case we have another heated and unnecessary explanation from our friend.
Bro Rainman,
I apologise if you think i have imply that you are of no good. And i believe that easyeasy is not one of your creation. Likewise, I do not not know anyone who has supported me. As i said, the qualty of all our posting reflect the quality of the one who post it, I am more than happy to acknowledge that you are one of the best in these areas. Thus, you qualified to be one of the respectable cheongster. So keep up the good works. Cheers.
Yes I am her boyfriend and you are Amber Hee Hee anyway you fell for this lobang and had to visit her.
Oh you poor little dicky so easy to be conned si beh sien lah.
Bro Rainman,
What i cannot condone are lies by this certain antonio, who has admitted to conning anyone who can be conned. What should we do to such a idiot? Please advise.
26-07-2002, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Bro Rainman,
What i cannot condone are lies by this certain antonio, who has admitted to conning anyone who can be conned. What should we do to such a idiot? Please advise. [/B]
Hi Andy,
If you don't mind, I like to answer your question.
Do nothing. Yes, do nothing and leave them alone. This forum is free for all, I think. Do you notice that, by nature, if you give others a cold shoulder, they'll just move on?
I feel that what you need to do is to post your true personal encounters. So what if others start calling you a liar. As long as your posting is true, you don't owe anyone an explanation. As the saying goes, "One mans meat is another's poison".
Cheers bro.
PS : Bro Rain, sorry huh. Just feel like being a busybody today lor. Not happy just flame me lor.;)
26-07-2002, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Bro Rainman,
What i cannot condone are lies by this certain antonio, who has admitted to conning anyone who can be conned. What should we do to such a idiot? Please advise.
I don't know about him either and I think he is just being funny. An eye for an eye maybe. Hope to meet u on the 2nd Aug . Leave to find out where and when we are meeting.
26-07-2002, 04:37 PM
Bro... Flame u for what... all I need is to make u gain.. that's better then words... Action man.
See u... and take good care.
Originally posted by danny41sg
Hi Andy,
If you don't mind, I like to answer your question.
Do nothing. Yes, do nothing and leave them alone. This forum is free for all, I think. Do you notice that, by nature, if you give others a cold shoulder, they'll just move on?
I feel that what you need to do is to post your true personal encounters. So what if others start calling you a liar. As long as your posting is true, you don't owe anyone an explanation. As the saying goes, "One mans meat is another's poison".
Cheers bro.
PS : Bro Rain, sorry huh. Just feel like being a busybody today lor. Not happy just flame me lor.;)
26-07-2002, 05:32 PM
Dear danny41sg,
i guess its just my nature to speak up against accusations and lies. But i believe i have try to reason logically most of the times even though at times it is accompanied with a bit of anger. Trust me, i have try to remain silent but at times i cant really stand some inept postings. I think I am a bit protective of my own thread. (Afterall, i am the one who start this thread.) I guess it is just a newbie growing up phase for me. HAHA.
On the otherhand, i have many pm from many new found frens. Got many recommendations from them. Will try and post if i found them special.
26-07-2002, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Dear danny41sg,
i guess its just my nature to speak up against accusations and lies. But i believe i have try to reason logically most of the times even though at times it is accompanied with a bit of anger. Trust me, i have try to remain silent but at times i cant really stand some inept postings. I think I am a bit protective of my own thread. (Afterall, i am the one who start this thread.) I guess it is just a newbie growing up phase for me. HAHA.
Well...the decision is yours. Ultimately you'll end up a frustrated loser. As I've said, the forum is free for all.
26-07-2002, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Dear danny41sg,
I think I am a bit protective of my own thread. (Afterall, i am the one who start this thread.)..........
Guess you are very proud to be the one who started (or owns) this thread. Just wonder if you actually feel shiok from all the attention and flaming...kekeke.
Silence Is Gold
27-07-2002, 03:08 PM
Guess you are very proud to be the one who started (or owns) this thread. Just wonder if you actually feel shiok from all the attention and flaming...kekeke.
Not really.........just as our good brother danny41sg advised, this is a forum for all. Feel shiok? Only when im with a naked gorgeous looking lady, fondling her breast..................
27-07-2002, 03:45 PM
I suggest We stop Advertising for Aven View HC, I was there a few times , My comment is : Most of the girls are below average, I think the boss of the HC is trying very hard to advertise the girls in this forum here.
Any of the Drangon girls is better than the Crystal, Maria, Amber ,...
Sorry to state the true fact here !
27-07-2002, 05:37 PM
I suggest We stop Advertising for Aven View HC, I was there a few times , My comment is : Most of the girls are below average, I think the boss of the HC is trying very hard to advertise the girls in this forum here.
Any of the Drangon girls is better than the Crystal, Maria, Amber ,...
You again. You are so cute i want to pinch your cheek.
Poor must have been tramatised in aven. Not long ago, you have been telling us not to go aven cuz it has been AV raided before. Now you tell us about dragon gals. Do you know how many times are they AV raided? So many times it will scared you to death. Yes i believe that the general quality of the dragon gal is better than aven, in fact all others hc in singapore too. No, I dont agree that all dragon gal are exceptional and better than the ang pais in aven.
You did tell us not to go to aven a couple weeks ago yet still go there a few times? If you saw crystal, that means you have been there just not long ago. What more can i say about you?
Before you go into another of your rage, relax lah........ok?
28-07-2002, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Not really.........just as our good brother danny41sg advised, this is a forum for all. Feel shiok? Only when im with a naked gorgeous looking lady, fondling her breast..................
Or also when with a lady in a black leather jacket who gives u the shiokness of the whip. The point is that you are too defensive. How not to get more supicious of your motive. Shiokness can be on any form and free for all as you agree.
30-07-2002, 03:42 PM
Man, this place is like the worst in the entire singapore.
and WHAT $100 bucks for HJ!!!!!?????
For $80 i can get a good fuck in GL.
i wanted to give her $200 and go wank the dog!!!
with a face like that want to earn my hard earn money.
Somemore, paid entrance fees to use the toilet, damn shitty siah......
ANDY, thanks for your recommendation but i am avoiding that place for good. I rather go to hougang de suana than step into that shit hole again.
30-07-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Criminalz
Man, this place is like the worst in the entire singapore.
and WHAT $100 bucks for HJ!!!!!?????
For $80 i can get a good fuck in GL.
i wanted to give her $200 and go wank the dog!!!
with a face like that want to earn my hard earn money.
Somemore, paid entrance fees to use the toilet, damn shitty siah......
ANDY, thanks for your recommendation but i am avoiding that place for good. I rather go to hougang de suana than step into that shit hole again.
try newer hc , at cecil st, 33 dlr entrance.
include snacks!
ex prince ,
05-08-2002, 01:08 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Criminalz
[B]Man, this place is like the worst in the entire singapore.
and WHAT $100 bucks for HJ!!!!!?????
For $80 i can get a good fuck in GL.
i wanted to give her $200 and go wank the dog!!!
with a face like that want to earn my hard earn money.
Somemore, paid entrance fees to use the toilet, damn shitty siah......
ANDY, thanks for your recommendation but i am avoiding that place for good. I rather go to hougang de suana than step into that shit hole again.
Hello all brothers,
After all the big hoo-hah about Amber and Andy, I decided to try Amber and give a fair and accurate opinion. My OPINION of Amber is as follows:-
Looks/face - Lousy, very flat face. not pretty at all, teeth need to go for surgery
massage - no strength
hj - pretty standard nothing to shout about
bm - a few fake groans here n there
attitude - Very friendly, will treat you like her bf
language - agree with Andy that Amber speaks very good English
breast - about 'B' cup size
skin - not the smooth type
damage - $80 for hj and bj
fat/skinny - skinny
tall/short - normal girl height
Uni grad ? - don't know, did not ask but does it matter ?
conditions by Amber - cannot take off shirt. only pull up shirt and bra. no fj. no taking off of panties, cannot touch/rub pussy. according to her, she scared of AV raid.
So, this is my honest and independent opinion and hope it will be helpful for all brothers.
05-08-2002, 08:29 PM long honest FR of the illusive Amber....
I have been there (Aven View) once, personally felt it was a terrible let down......massage was crap, the girl was obviously afraid of AV and did not dare to do anything more than just a simple HJ but demanded for the sky.....
One word says it all "OVERRATED" place....
06-08-2002, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by Ah_Beng_Kia long honest FR of the illusive Amber....
I have been there (Aven View) once, personally felt it was a terrible let down......massage was crap, the girl was obviously afraid of AV and did not dare to do anything more than just a simple HJ but demanded for the sky.....
One word says it all "OVERRATED" place....
In my opinion, the place is quite ok, quite clean and new but the girl Amber is definetly overrated. Agree with you that massage was crap. Special service also crap.
I also found out that she is quite internet savy, so I have a feeling she's the one who post SOME the good FR about herself. To try her or not is your choice but one thing os for sure, after the hoo-hah dies down and settle down, after all the bros kena "tua", then she will have no more business, in fact more angry bros. I mean, with a flat face like that (not to mention a teeth that needs surgery) how to be ang pai without "tua" all the innocent bros like us.
Anyway, above is only my personal opinion
06-08-2002, 03:43 PM
damage - $80 for hj and bj
Sure or not? She does bj???? All brudders who tried her knows she does not do it. I cant help but get suspicious of your intention.
Being internet savvy cause you to suspect that she post the fr herself? How do you derive to that?? So all hc gals should know nuts about internet? What generation are you living in?
Are you sure that she is that ugly? I understand that she is not a looker which i never claim to be anyway. Just a cfm look in my opinion. But one thing for sure, she is never that ugly as you claim to be. Lets ask brother thomasdelarue to verify.
Honest and independent opinion? Whether yours is fair, accurate, honest or independent is not for you to claim but for others to judge. I have posted more than a few fr and i dont go around saying mine is a fair, accurate....................
To the other guy who claim that $80 or even $100 is the sky, well i guess my sky is definitely higher than yours.
What i like about amber is that she very friendly, being able to converse well in english, have a good figure, and not hurried in her approach. She is new, what do you expect? Even gals like the great Tiffany of ip is green when started out.
Scared of AV raid? It is understable that she is scared as she has experience the raid after only two weeks in this line.
At first you say that her hj is standard, nothing to shout about. Second posting you say it is crap. Standard does not equate craps. Your inconsistencies and contradiction isnt exactly honest and accurate, isnt it????? It is obvious your main intention is to bring her down.
I have refrain to reply to some postings but to this inept posting that professes to be "honest and accurate", it makes me boil to read that i may be amber myself. I dont give a damn whether any one say that i am too defensive. Just piss off with the same accusation again. I am a full blooded hc guy who can chiong as much as 4-5 times a week. Give me any name of any gal of any hc, and i can give you a fr within 3 days. For me to sabo the readers here is the furthest thing from my mind. Your insinuation and defamtion always end with a 'this is my personal opinion', so likewise it is my personal opinion that you should be more careful with your words.
06-08-2002, 03:47 PM
Hi all,
I am not here to flame anyone or otherwise....
just to share my 1/4 cent view...
1) Gals do use interent...
2) I know HC gals or GL gals or FL or even Changi Ladyboy use internet and THEY Definately know sammyboy forum..
3) I get to know sammyboy because of 1 chat line gal who introduce me.. and boy she is a hot bitch... A GAL introduce me to the forum
3) Sammy boy forum is a good advertisment place for HC/FL/GL any sex service u can think of..
4) Seriously there is some OKT in here.. and provides contacts..
5) It is not suprise that a gal use guy's nick here and do some *thing* promot herself... promot a place.. get to chit chat.. blah blah blah..
6) S$100 is fucking high for a HJ
7) some FR about amber is skinny.. average looking.. and andy says like she looks like princess.. ponder...
8) its easy to fake aussie acent.. cant u see MOST SPG girls speaks fake Aussie accent! and she might just be one local ah lian who tries to up market herself by speaking Aussie accent.. dont need to go aussie to learn.. just twise and curl the tongue.. i also can do it mate!!
9) lets let this threat rest.. i read thr 8 pages.. and conculsion.. andy might be amber herself.. as he keeps on defending.. like girl like that...
10) sorry just my view point.. GO AHEAD flame me.. kekeke...
06-08-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by lawry
Hi all,
I just to share my 1/4 cent view...
1) Gals do use interent...
3) I get to know sammyboy because of 1 chat line gal who introduce me.. and boy she is a hot bitch... A GAL introduce me to the forum
06-08-2002, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
......I am a full blooded hc guy who can chiong as much as 4-5 times a week. Give me any name of any gal of any hc, and i can give you a fr within 3 days..........
Wah liao, in no time, the forum will be flooded with your new threads on every single hc gal you have a hand on or have a personal interest in. You have already started on at least three. Dun get carried away please.
07-08-2002, 01:05 AM
Originally posted by AndyGray
Sure or not? She does bj???? All brudders who tried her knows she does not do it. I cant help but get suspicious of your intention.
Being internet savvy cause you to suspect that she post the fr herself? How do you derive to that?? So all hc gals should know nuts about internet? What generation are you living in?
Are you sure that she is that ugly? I understand that she is not a looker which i never claim to be anyway. Just a cfm look in my opinion. But one thing for sure, she is never that ugly as you claim to be. Lets ask brother thomasdelarue to verify.
Honest and independent opinion? Whether yours is fair, accurate, honest or independent is not for you to claim but for others to judge. I have posted more than a few fr and i dont go around saying mine is a fair, accurate....................
To the other guy who claim that $80 or even $100 is the sky, well i guess my sky is definitely higher than yours.
What i like about amber is that she very friendly, being able to converse well in english, have a good figure, and not hurried in her approach. She is new, what do you expect? Even gals like the great Tiffany of ip is green when started out.
Scared of AV raid? It is understable that she is scared as she has experience the raid after only two weeks in this line.
At first you say that her hj is standard, nothing to shout about. Second posting you say it is crap. Standard does not equate craps. Your inconsistencies and contradiction isnt exactly honest and accurate, isnt it????? It is obvious your main intention is to bring her down.
I have refrain to reply to some postings but to this inept posting that professes to be "honest and accurate", it makes me boil to read that i may be amber myself. I dont give a damn whether any one say that i am too defensive. Just piss off with the same accusation again. I am a full blooded hc guy who can chiong as much as 4-5 times a week. Give me any name of any gal of any hc, and i can give you a fr within 3 days. For me to sabo the readers here is the furthest thing from my mind. Your insinuation and defamtion always end with a 'this is my personal opinion', so likewise it is my personal opinion that you should be more careful with your words.
Hi bros,
First of all apologize to all bros for typo error, damage $80 for hj and bm (not bj as typed earlier). Thanks to bro Andy for pointing out.
Hey Andy, you're back to defend, huh !! You mentioned that "it makes me boil to read that i may be amber myself" but since when did I specially say that you are Amber ? I only mentioned that "..SOME of them ...may be Amber herself....." but then why is it that you think it is you ????? The Malay proverb says "Siapa makan cabai dia rasa pedas" (ie those who eat the chilly will feel hot) So, let all bros be judge for themselves.
As I said I agree that she speaks good English but other than that, I think she is overrated. You see, most bros have no problems with you having a positive opinion of her but then you have so much problem with other bros having negative opinion of her.
If you think she is worth your money, then good for you. But for some of us, we think she is overrated and definitely not worth the money. And I personally think she is DEFINITLELY OVERRATED !!! As for the AV raid, you think other girls not afraid ? They afraid also what ? But some are willing to take off everything for the same amount of money. But, Amber, not only she won't take off but a lot of conditions, cannot do this, cannot do that !!
Also, if you think your sky is higher than "the other guy", then so be it. But others want to have value for their money. This also you have problem with ? You know what ? the problem is with you. Stop being a problem child and let other bros listen to all onion, NOT YOURS ALONE.
I do not have intention to bring her down but my intention is let all bros know that my ratings of her is she is OVERRATED, some of the postings agreed with that opinion. But you seemed to have problems with that and defended her as if she is your wife !!! As proved earlier, you have eaten the chilly and now feels the heat. I'm not surprised if you go on and defend her again.
07-08-2002, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by xgwei
YES she is definitely overrated !!!!!!
n andygray must have fallen for her...
or andygray is OKT...
or andygray is amber herself !!!!!
speaking english doesn't turn most of us on.
acting educated doesn't turn most of us on too !!
paying $100 for HJ doesn't turn anyone on !!!!!!!!!
so pls andygray stop promoting/defending this overrated girl.
AndyG is now trying to tell us that he is the boss. Not the boss of Amber or Aven but the boss of this thread after all he is damn proud to be one who started this thread.
07-08-2002, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by lawry
Hi all,
I am not here to flame anyone or otherwise....
Hey bro,
KNN, WTF you're here for? You got nothing better to do huh. Go get busy surveying the FL market and report lah. Why bother with child's fight? Afterall HC is not our playground mah.:o
07-08-2002, 09:32 AM
I am 200 % sure that Andygray is Amber ,..AndyGray is a lady ,....
from the way she writes , it is easy to see ,.. AndyGray is Amber herself !
07-08-2002, 10:57 AM
Dear bros,
There is enuff flaming in this thread. To clarify a point, the girl I tried at Aven View is not Amber but I gave a simple straightforward description of how I felt regarding the quality of the girl and her package of $100 hj and bm. Can't even remember the name of the girl (usually dun make an effort to remember names if they are below standard.
There are actually quite a few girls in the HC market that do a hj or bj and bm for $100 but the quality of their service is excellent. So I think although Andy Gray says that he has been chionging regularly.....somehow you probably haven't had the luck to meet really good ones who can provide you with quality and value for money service.
Stick to football commentary......might be better.....=)
07-08-2002, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by PeterTeo
I am 200 % sure that Andygray is Amber ,..AndyGray is a lady ,....
from the way she writes , it is easy to see ,.. AndyGray is Amber herself !
It that so.
The last time I invited HIM for coffee via PM. HE told me he is going for incamp training leh....
07-08-2002, 03:22 PM
Wah liao, in no time, the forum will be flooded with your new threads on every single hc gal you have a hand on or have a personal interest in. You have already started on at least three. Dun get carried away please.
Hehe......... Its just a interesting pastime activity. Trying hc gal, posting fr and of cuz all the flaming. My interest in this will die soon though. Till then, another fr coming up soon.
To others brudders,
enough flaming liao..........haha.........i kena burned to the point of no returns. If you say that im amber, let me put on my rubber dick first before venturing into another hc.
Now, i remember........before i step into aven hc that first day, i fell into a pile of shit. i cleansed every part of my body except my eyes. No wonder my judgement is clouded with shit...........haha.
But i still believe she is not that downright ugly that need teeth surgery...........haha.
07-08-2002, 03:54 PM
Why keep doing this? Every negative report will get a rebuttal.
Everytime someone says something not nice, you respond.
Must be either very protective of this thread, or very protective of Amber.
So what are we to conclude from this?
It's obvious, ain't it?
07-08-2002, 06:54 PM
Hee Hee, Brother Latebloomer, you are like a policeman patrolling every forum !
Very interesting , man
07-08-2002, 07:20 PM
Bro .... ouch,,,, Should I call u SISTER.
Thanks for your PM... Replied but your PM box full... Why har... Too many guys out there trying to date u or what???
Anyway... Gathering on 5th Sep... Check out on the outing area.
Originally posted by AndyGray
Hehe......... Its just a interesting pastime activity. Trying hc gal, posting fr and of cuz all the flaming. My interest in this will die soon though. Till then, another fr coming up soon.
To others brudders,
enough flaming liao..........haha.........i kena burned to the point of no returns. If you say that im amber, let me put on my rubber dick first before venturing into another hc.
Now, i remember........before i step into aven hc that first day, i fell into a pile of shit. i cleansed every part of my body except my eyes. No wonder my judgement is clouded with shit...........haha.
But i still believe she is not that downright ugly that need teeth surgery...........haha.
07-08-2002, 07:21 PM
Dear Kingdragon133,
Cool ,................
You tried so hard to promote Jane. I think you should stop that ,... many of us are sick of that !
Are you the lady Jane ,.....????
07-08-2002, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by PeterTeo
Dear Kingdragon133,
Cool ,................
You tried so hard to promote Jane. I think you should stop that ,... many of us are sick of that !
Are you the lady Jane ,.....????
Hi brother Teo
U love talking about people, don't U know Jane is from Miko Hc.
Why do U bring her up in Aven View forum ?
Why don't U do your homework well & recommend some good girls instead of talking bad about them .:confused:
07-08-2002, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by fangs
Hi brother Teo
U love talking about people, don't U know Jane is from Miko Hc.
Why do U bring her up in Aven View forum ?
Why don't U do your homework well & recommend some good girls instead of talking bad about them .:confused:
Peter was apparently responding to the posting by kingdragon in this thread. No big deal lah.
07-08-2002, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by kingdragon133
Hee Hee, Brother Latebloomer, you are like a policeman patrolling every forum !
Very interesting , man
I just feel that all these fighting over how each individual feel about a certain girl is so counter productive.
I do post FRs too. Then others can go right ahead and post theirs, when they try the place or the girl. How they feel and write about them is their right. I may clarify matters if necessary, but I don't defend my postings.
By all means, stand by your words. Let others stand by theirs.
08-08-2002, 01:46 PM
Thanks brother Fangs, good comment !
Yes all of brother Peter Teo's posting are on attacking other brothers. What is his motive ?
And Brother Bestbest is now defending peter teo so quickly.Why ?
08-08-2002, 01:54 PM
Hi, brother ,
Can all of us stop posting under this subject ?
I am just trying to state some facts here. Not trying to attact anybody here. If you are smart enough, you should know how to behave , just can not try to post Jane in everywhere in this forum !!
take it easy !!
08-08-2002, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by PeterTeo
Hi, brother ,
Can all of us stop posting under this subject ?
I am just trying to state some facts here. Not trying to attact anybody here. If you are smart enough, you should know how to behave , just can not try to post Jane in everywhere in this forum !!
take it easy !!
.................................................. ..................
Heard that Daisy in Aven View HC has big breast, any bro can testify ?
09-08-2002, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by kingdragon133
Thanks brother Fangs, good comment !
Yes all of brother Peter Teo's posting are on attacking other brothers. What is his motive ?
And Brother Bestbest is now defending peter teo so quickly.Why ?
Bestbest = Peter Teo, are you implying? Haha, noti noti boy, never do your homework. Never mind lah, auntie Jane is going to sayang you a lot..hehe. Or am I being confronted by Aunite Jane herself???????
09-08-2002, 01:10 AM
Hur ?, if Kingdragon is really aunty Jane, then I must say I like your sexy massage especially when I am in doggie position.
I hope next time you don't tickle my little head for so long , I can not tahan man ! :eek:
09-08-2002, 01:12 AM
09-08-2002, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by fangs
Hur ?, if Kingdragon is really aunty Jane, then I must say I like your sexy massage especially when I am in doggie position.
I hope next time you don't tickle my little head for so long , I can not tahan man ! :eek:
Aunty Jane will say "noti boy, so messy leh". So comes another equation kingdragon = fangs....wah lao, no end to it..hehe
09-08-2002, 01:41 AM
Hey, Noti Noti har !
I think bestbest = kingdragon
So fangs = bestbest ?
Alamak, I am confused lah, who am I ?
09-08-2002, 09:38 AM
Heard from the counter girl that Daisy of Aven View HC has big breast. Any bros out there who happen to patronize her can confirm and provide a FR? Is she young ?
11-08-2002, 12:01 AM
AndyGray - since you mentioned this Tiffany at IP, what is so legendary about her ? Any FR to share please ?
17-10-2002, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by fangs
Hey, Noti Noti har !
I think bestbest = kingdragon
So fangs = bestbest ?
Alamak, I am confused lah, who am I ?
mus try jane to confirm
31-10-2002, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by AndyGray
I am sharing a wonderful lady to you guys yet i am to be suspected of? Of what? I am sure some of the brothers who visit her can either verify what i said or comdemn me for my lies. But until then, lets be cool.
Most of u guys just thought of a lady holding your barrel and jerk you off just like the rest of the gals. I should have share more details, there was a slow unhurried body massage and she finish me off in a standing position while hugging me from behind. I dont want to share the full experience as i believe that surprises can actually be quite shiok.
To kingkongdick89, isnt it normal for these gals to work for money? They are not in this line to get a MBA or any awards. At the end of the day, we are happy and they are happy too.
I do agree that with a degree and yet without good sexual skill is nothing actually. But read my post carefully, i am talking about someone who in my opinion is smart , very very sexy and at the same time has made me very satisfied.
By the way, i have confirm that the one i saw at the recp counter is another uni grad by the name marie. I would say that she has a very innocent pleasant look, look just like a japanese with very smooth complexion. The down side is that she is a bit flat chested to me. Maybe some guys who like gal next door look can try her. Will be glad to read your reports.
Finally, the entrance is $38. Facilities so so only. But the room is spacious and well decorated.
sorry but i am quite new to hc scene. does the 100 include 38 entrance?
pls enlighten thanks
17-01-2003, 10:28 PM
" 1)She is local and definitely a uni grad.How i know? We both attend the same uni in australia...."
DAMN! Why wasn't she doing this when she was in Australia? (Where I live!) I would love to meet
a cute asian student who needs help with their 'tuition fees'! Besides...she probably would have been cheaper when still at Uni because undergraduates get paid less than graduates, right?
18-01-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by icarex
" 1)She is local and definitely a uni grad.How i know? We both attend the same uni in australia...."
DAMN! Why wasn't she doing this when she was in Australia? (Where I live!) I would love to meet
a cute asian student who needs help with their 'tuition fees'! Besides...she probably would have been cheaper when still at Uni because undergraduates get paid less than graduates, right?
All Bros,
You have been warned, this Amber is not worth the money. Please read all the thread before jumping into it.
20-01-2003, 08:22 AM
Originally posted by gedangsa
All Bros,
You have been warned, this Amber is not worth the money. Please read all the thread before jumping into it.
Hi bro gedangsa
i guess she's not really your type......but cheers man....however i tried her when she was 2 weeks into the job...still quite green and i like fetish for green gals......anyway....any kind bro able to confirm whether she is still there??? she's still doing only HJ??? or did she get into the BJ & FJ liao???....thanks for any latest info as i have not been there since then.........cheers
19-09-2003, 09:24 PM
new gal at aven view:
Joyce and christine
19-09-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by chukeliang
new gal at aven view:
Joyce and christine
mkt real bad, many jobelss ppl become hc gal .
this place used to hv uni gal , graduated from AustraLIA,
21-09-2003, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by chukeliang
mkt real bad, many jobelss ppl become hc gal .
this place used to hv uni gal , graduated from AustraLIA,
Wat's use is there to have a Uni grad ? We go there to fuck not to talk about theories of relativety or Newton's Law of Motion, are we ?
22-09-2003, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by gedangsa
Wat's use is there to have a Uni grad ? We go there to fuck not to talk about theories of relativety or Newton's Law of Motion, are we ?
IN FACT those LOWER EDUCATED OR EVEN NOT EDUACATED AT ALL gals ARE THE BETTER ONES...........just like a wife.........?? maybe?
22-09-2003, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by AVIATION
IN FACT those LOWER EDUCATED OR EVEN NOT EDUACATED AT ALL gals ARE THE BETTER ONES...........just like a wife.........?? maybe?
of course, looks is important but, i also believe in chemistry. For example, ktv many pple would find it's more fun or interesting if the hostess you sitting with were uni gals even though she might not be the pro-active type.
well.. it is easy to understand if you wonder why pple do pay 40 dollars for thais, yet 150 for malaysians. I'd dare say it's not just about the physical thingy, but also the emotionally aspect that pple go for.
22-09-2003, 01:06 PM
Friends out there,
Have been reading your posts, wondering why you all like Aven View? I been there a few times, my comments:-
1. The girls there are old (Early 30s). Unfriendly, if you say their rate are expensive or try to bargain (Economy is bad).
2. Always rush the massage and ask for special within 20 mins.
3. One thing good about this HC is that it is new. But still quite small.
Overall, unless they have new girls if not you can avoid lah.
Anyone try the 2 new girls,
new gal at aven view:
Joyce and christine
22-09-2003, 02:58 PM
Tried one gal called Bella there. She is slightly large. She speaks good English but is service is very average but wanted $150 for the works!!!
22-09-2003, 08:50 PM
Is Lynn still there?? think she say she now proprietor?? miss her good massage & f... job.
22-09-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by marjojohn
Is Lynn still there?? think she say she now proprietor?? miss her good massage & f... job.
u r wrong, think u never call Lyn service before.
Lyn never do Fj , only hj.
22-09-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by marjojohn
Is Lynn still there?? think she say she now proprietor?? miss her good massage & f... job.
u r wrong, think u never call Lyn service before.
Lyn never do Fj , only hj.
obviously a poison pen report from maradonna. so, he's not happy with Lynn for wahtever reason and wants to poision her reputation. i dun belive his bullshit for one second. what a dick!
23-09-2003, 11:02 AM
yup. you are right. she does not do that.
this dude has been posting the same stuff since long ago.
but yeah, she's still the boss.
23-09-2003, 03:36 PM
Does Lynn offer massage services even though she is the boss now ??? Please enlighten me as I am a huge fan of hers !
23-09-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by marjojohn
Is Lynn still there?? think she say she now proprietor?? miss her good massage & f... job.
lyn is not hard up, not even for massage , she advise ppl to call other gals if she is not free and going back.( she was once a partner with another HC Big boss). Ever met her in the lift in Holiday inn scott rd before, while she on the way back.
And also Lyn dun work on Weekend during her time in scott view.
25-04-2004, 06:43 PM
lyn is not hard up, not even for massage , she advise ppl to call other gals if she is not free and going back.( she was once a partner with another HC Big boss). Ever met her in the lift in Holiday inn scott rd before, while she on the way back.
And also Lyn dun work on Weekend during her time in scott view.
25-04-2004, 09:57 PM
tis thread ought to be deleted since the last post was more than 1/2 year ago. i m jus asking for latest recommendations from bros here, n not wanting to bros to read old post n look for the wrong gals who might have left.
26-04-2004, 12:41 AM
tis thread ought to be deleted since the last post was more than 1/2 year ago. i m jus asking for latest recommendations from bros here, n not wanting to bros to read old post n look for the wrong gals who might have left.
Totally agree. This thread was started by Andy Gray who keeps promoting & post false info, especially also promoting a girl name Amber & post faalse fr on her, probably Andy has a share in that place or that girl !!
Andy may have changed nick name liao
15-06-2004, 02:10 AM
interesting. is she still working there? any other girls u guys can recommend? i'm not that fussy but would definitely prefer a young sexy thing. apollo n riverview hotel the only hc near my workplace lah.
16-04-2008, 11:41 PM
Is Amber still around in the HC circle?
17-04-2008, 11:16 AM
Is this place still in operation? anyone been there lately?
17-04-2008, 12:12 PM
Yups she's back at zen at golden landmark... using the name erica now
17-04-2008, 09:43 PM
Yups she's back at zen at golden landmark... using the name erica now
Thanks Brother KuayYong,
Have you recently tried her? Is her service as good as before and still wearing high heels?
18-04-2008, 10:20 AM
yups still the same man altho i think her tits r getting more saggy these days....
20-04-2008, 09:49 PM
yups still the same man altho i think her tits r getting more saggy these days....
Is Erica still there? I thought she has been out of the scene for awhile now?
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