View Full Version : Low sex drive after taking contraceptive pills.
12-06-2006, 06:08 PM
Hello everyone, i have a problem with my gf having low sex drive after taking contraceptive. Doctor prescribed it to her is because of a cyst problem.
Does anyone have any encounter like this before? I'd no idea that contraceptive pills can have this kinda side effect.
12-06-2006, 06:26 PM
Ya, it a true fact.....that why it better to wear condom rather than asking yr wife/gf to consume contraceptive pill.
12-06-2006, 06:49 PM
because of cyrst, no choice.
then taking contraceptive pills also not 100% sperm proof.
big dick
12-06-2006, 07:03 PM
bro, since she now have a low sex drive.. i guess u jus have to bear with it until her condition improved.. in the meantime, u can do other things that might make her high...
eg buying her flowers, going on a trip with her, spending more time with her.. letting her know how much u cherish her.. it may not improved your sex life but will improve the relationship... :D
And i'm sure she will remember the attention u heap onto her when she recover... hehe..
All the best.. bro:cool:
12-06-2006, 07:10 PM
Good advise, big dick bro....CHEERS :)
big dick
12-06-2006, 07:16 PM
Good advise, big dick bro....CHEERS :)
U are welcome.. i guess in many gals heart, i am still a gentleman despite fooling around all the time.. hehe ;)
12-06-2006, 09:50 PM
Thx everyone for your help. Will sure give her more attention now. I just hope the cyst will disappear after 2 months, else doctor suggest operation to remove. Ok, that's my problem then. You guys take care and enjoy the world cup + banging. hehe.
13-06-2006, 12:41 PM
you should really try works!
pre-ejaculation problems solved (
13-06-2006, 03:05 PM
wahh big dick didnt know u so romantic one hahah.. contraceptive pills have lots of side effects, some experience bigger boobs (my cousin heh lucky her), some experience vast pimple outbreaks, guess it differs for woman to woman.
if u wan to make her horny, guess u have to work extra harder! :p
13-06-2006, 06:20 PM
you should really try works!
pre-ejaculation problems solved (
Are you gaining something by posting your links on this forum? And i'm quite sure this topic isn't about me having pre-ejaculation problem leh.
13-06-2006, 06:23 PM
wahh big dick didnt know u so romantic one hahah.. contraceptive pills have lots of side effects, some experience bigger boobs (my cousin heh lucky her), some experience vast pimple outbreaks, guess it differs for woman to woman.
if u wan to make her horny, guess u have to work extra harder! :p
Well her boobs is really slighty bigger, but that isn't the issue. And yupz, i will have to make her more happy until her problem is solved. Also, i guess bigdick must really have a lucky gf huh? Not easy to find romantic guys nowadays. hehe
big dick
14-06-2006, 12:29 AM
Well her boobs is really slighty bigger, but that isn't the issue. And yupz, i will have to make her more happy until her problem is solved. Also, i guess bigdick must really have a lucky gf huh? Not easy to find romantic guys nowadays. hehe
It the other way round la.. I am lucky to have someone that can tolerate my crap.. hehe.. Treat a ger well and she will treat u well...:D
14-06-2006, 09:20 AM
Treat a ger well and she will treat u well...:D
big dick bro,
totally agree with u on this...
makes a gal heart happy, and she'll make our dick happy... :D
25-06-2006, 10:06 AM
bro. i think that is one of the side effects. my gf also suffers from it.
any encounter like this before? I'd no idea that contraceptive pills can have this kinda side effect.
25-06-2006, 11:08 AM
U are welcome.. i guess in many gals heart, i am still a gentleman despite fooling around all the time.. hehe ;)
Mr gentleman pays to treat everyone with respect isn't it?? bet thats how you got into so many panties then :D
25-06-2006, 11:33 AM
bro. i think that is one of the side effects. my gf also suffers from it.
Take care of her then. My gf is better now. I guess we have to have patience in this matter.
25-06-2006, 12:34 PM
Blooder krime8, slowly slowly, mebbies after her medicals cuntditions improves, she wills devours yours kkjs! :D
Alls the bestests :)
25-06-2006, 06:28 PM
I consumed Pills before... But dun think I had low sex drive after.
Had a monogamy r/s wth my ex (den bf) and we had the best sex as we din have to use condoms and I loved the feeling of him ejaculating every drop in me.
From what I noe bout cysts, it is a condition whereby there is residual build-up of 'left-over' tissues as the the cervical opening is too small for the menses to clear completely.
Some docs may suggest childbirth as an alternative (that's why my cousin got married and gave birth).
For a doc to suggest pills, 1st time I ever heard of such thing (maybe I suaku).
Anyway.. After broke up with ex, I stopped taking pills and hormonal imbalance set in.
Results: No menses, Ballooned more den 15kgs and very bad pimple breakouts resulting in horrible complexion.
I suspected it was because of the pills but bo bian, what has been done has been done.
My cycle slowly attuning back to normal but try to get your gf off the pills if she dun need it...
Very adverse results indeed...
Just sharing......
big dick
25-06-2006, 09:19 PM
Mr gentleman pays to treat everyone with respect isn't it?? bet thats how you got into so many panties then :D
bro.. dun pecah my lobang le.. hehe:D
25-06-2006, 09:38 PM
I consumed Pills before...
Doctor had suggested concieving, because by having a child in her body will cause the periods to stop. And thus giving the ovaries a chance to rest for up to 10 months (depending on child's birth). But we aren't ready for it yet, so the only alternative is to take the pill. Same concept, is to stop the periods and let the body rest abit. Hopefully the cyst will be removed with this resting period.
Just hope that she won't have the kinda adverse effects ... don't know how to console her if that happens... :(
25-06-2006, 11:15 PM
Doctor had suggested concieving, because by having a child in her body will cause the periods to stop. And thus giving the ovaries a chance to rest for up to 10 months (depending on child's birth). But we aren't ready for it yet, so the only alternative is to take the pill. Same concept, is to stop the periods and let the body rest abit. Hopefully the cyst will be removed with this resting period.
Just hope that she won't have the kinda adverse effects ... don't know how to console her if that happens... :(
Just curious, if it was meant to stop the period.
Can she actually take those injection? You know those they put a needle in your arm which is a contraceptive... Or does it strictly has to be pills?
26-06-2006, 01:45 AM
Just hope that she won't have the kinda adverse effects ... don't know how to console her if that happens...
Well... Just be there for her lor.. Show lots of care and concern for her.... I'm sure she'll appreciate it very much.... Oh and be prepared for her mood swings and stuff.. Maybe get a hot water bottle for her cramps, Lavender essential oils to ease her mood swings... It's not easy when you are hit by this kind of things out of the blue.....
She's very lucky.. Cos for me, by the time I had this prob.. already broke up with BF.. Had to go checkups and stuff alone.. Really very low morale.. On top of that ppl keep asking me how come I suddenly so fat... And so many pimples... Really very very depressed den....
The only thing I could do was console myself that 'these ppl are shallow'... (Zi qi qi ren)
Just curious, if it was meant to stop the period.
Can she actually take those injection? You know those they put a needle in your arm which is a contraceptive... Or does it strictly has to be pills?
No matter what.. As long as it is artificial hormones... Surely will affect the body and have some kinda effects....
26-06-2006, 01:57 AM
No matter what.. As long as it is artificial hormones... Surely will affect the body and have some kinda effects....
Maybe for my owns personal experience, I dint encounters it...
26-06-2006, 11:38 AM
Those pills do makes people fat. But of coz,different people different effect. Due to each's body system mah... There's this Yasmine in the market,that time when i took i gain abit weight... My friend took,she slimmed down... So,hard to say lah... Regarding that low sex drive,still the saying : 'Different people,different situation' 每个人的体质都不同。。。But it surely got something to do with the hormos. The pill did control the hormos. For contraceptive ways,i thought can use the plaster u stick on the girl's butt one? or inplant the chip into the arm one? Like that no need scare hormo inbalance or turn fat liao mah... :confused:
For details please contact ur GP,SGH,KK,NUH,NCH.... Following legal clinics or hospitals. Thank u. :p
I am just dropping my point of view and dropping by here awhile... Tata~
26-06-2006, 06:25 PM
I will ask her why the doctor never suggest the "injection on the arm" thingy. But i'm sure the doctor have her way of thinking. I think i heard about this before, but never really understood what's the difference. Must likely its for convenient sake. Cause ppl will forget to take medicine some time mah.
26-06-2006, 07:12 PM
I will ask her why the doctor never suggest the "injection on the arm" thingy. But i'm sure the doctor have her way of thinking. I think i heard about this before, but never really understood what's the difference. Must likely its for convenient sake. Cause ppl will forget to take medicine some time mah.
Yeah, maybe check it out or ask. But the needle usually is in the arm, you can feel it one...
27-06-2006, 02:58 AM
Well... Just be there for her lor.. Show lots of care and concern for her.... I'm sure she'll appreciate it very much.... Oh and be prepared for her mood swings and stuff.. Maybe get a hot water bottle for her cramps, Lavender essential oils to ease her mood swings... It's not easy when you are hit by this kind of things out of the blue.....
She's very lucky.. Cos for me, by the time I had this prob.. already broke up with BF.. Had to go checkups and stuff alone.. Really very low morale.. On top of that ppl keep asking me how come I suddenly so fat... And so many pimples... Really very very depressed den....
The only thing I could do was console myself that 'these ppl are shallow'... (Zi qi qi ren)
No worries almond mind over matter, btw you dont look that bad it's how you bring yourself in front of others ultimately ppl can know who you really are when they get to know you better.
Sad to hear people who take pills get all these side effects so better not to take medication otherwise needed, a good health is more important.
27-06-2006, 04:43 PM
No worries almond mind over matter, btw you dont look that bad it's how you bring yourself in front of others ultimately ppl can know who you really are when they get to know you better.
Sad to hear people who take pills get all these side effects so better not to take medication otherwise needed, a good health is more important.
Eh... You think I dun look that bad.. You haven't seen me den....
And i dun think I look good either lor.....
That's why I dun advocate pills or artificial hormones unless absolutely necessary.....
27-06-2006, 05:06 PM
Eh... You think I dun look that bad.. You haven't seen me den....
And i dun think I look good either lor.....
almond dear,
i have seen u and i don't think u look that bad at all. (and i'm not biased ok?) :)
as for the Pill, i do know of ladies who were prescribed them to control their acne problem.
and their complexion really improved when on the Pill. but once off it, as per almond's previous post, the acne came back. :confused:
whether the Pill affected their sex drive, i cannot comment lah.....just friends only....
just my 2 cents worth.....
27-06-2006, 05:12 PM
well guys rather than taking pills or needles, why not try the Family Control Planning... Its very very effective leh ... No pain but the ger have to be very sure of her body...
The contraceptive needle is 3 little white 'stem' implant under your arm. The thickness of the needle is like those mechanical pencil lead. The doctor will do a small cut on the skin and insert the 3 needles. Ur arm will be swollen for 3 - 5 days and u need to change the needle every 3 years. My gynae told me not 100% safe. So my gynae taught me the Family Control Planning...
The ger must have regular mensus. She must know when she is fertilise... Our body show sign when u are fertilise.... 2 weeks after the last mensus, start to keep a look out liao.... when she starts to have mucus (a discharge something like the egg white), normally last for 3 days. Very light on the 1st day on the 3rd day quite a lot . after the 3rd day CANNOT HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX for 3 days....... Thats the danger period......
Its very effective lor.. I have been using this method for 3 years. Me n my hubby-to-be very active and so far nothing happen. Till recently ..... :eek: Kenna liao... (well we plan for it) :D
Hope a useful info for u ....
No point taking medi or needle lor..... If u on medi and u wan to have kid, u must stop the medi for at least 6 mths then u can have kid...
27-06-2006, 05:14 PM
almond dear,
i have seen u and i don't think u look that bad at all. (and i'm not biased ok?) :)
as for the Pill, i do know of ladies who were prescribed them to control their acne problem.
and their complexion really improved when on the Pill. but once off it, as per almond's previous post, the acne came back. :confused:
whether the Pill affected their sex drive, i cannot comment lah.....just friends only....
just my 2 cents worth.....
Hi dear.. How you been?
Yeah.. the Pills to control acne is Diane35.. My gynea recommended it to me too but i dun think I wanna take pills ever....
Anyway right now my hormones are slowly regaining stability as before i went on pills... Hopefully everything will be ok soon...
Somebody i haven't met for a long time (bout 3 months maybe) just commented that I have slimmed down alot, figure getting better and complexione getting better... sibeh happy.. lol
27-06-2006, 05:29 PM
well guys rather than taking pills or needles, why not try the Family Control Planning... Its very very effective leh ... No pain but the ger have to be very sure of her body...
Hello everyone, i have a problem with my gf having low sex drive after taking contraceptive. Doctor prescribed it to her is because of a cyst problem.
:confused: :confused:
27-06-2006, 07:33 PM
Somebody i haven't met for a long time (bout 3 months maybe) just commented that I have slimmed down alot, figure getting better and complexione getting better... sibeh happy.. lol
See you already getting better just need the right encouragement, Gambatte and get better everyday stay happy the key to looking better and feeling great :D
01-07-2006, 05:44 PM
Hello everyone, i have a problem with my gf having low sex drive after taking contraceptive. Doctor prescribed it to her is because of a cyst problem.
Does anyone have any encounter like this before? I'd no idea that contraceptive pills can have this kinda side effect.
This is a side effect of contraceptive pill.To use contraceptive pills for a problem is not a solution. Esp ovarian cysts r so common any girls.. they seldom cause problems..only in few percentage of ppl require intervention.. Any girl who is sexually active can start themselves on contraceptive pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Whether u like it or not the side effect is here to stay, u can always work on other areas that might stimulate her interest in sex.
Side effects includes, dryness, weight gain, hormonal changes, mood swings, depressions,
so i believe u need to be very understanding, gentle and assure ur girl.
02-07-2006, 11:09 AM
This is a side effect of contraceptive pill.To use contraceptive pills for a problem is not a solution. Esp ovarian cysts r so common any girls.. they seldom cause problems..only in few percentage of ppl require intervention.. Any girl who is sexually active can start themselves on contraceptive pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Whether u like it or not the side effect is here to stay, u can always work on other areas that might stimulate her interest in sex.
Side effects includes, dryness, weight gain, hormonal changes, mood swings, depressions,
so i believe u need to be very understanding, gentle and assure ur girl.
No worries for now. She's on her second cycle and is going to the gynae for checks on the cyst. If everything goes well, she'll be off it soon. Thx for advising.
02-07-2006, 11:11 AM
:confused: :confused:
Hehe, i was confused too. But it's ok. Men get misunderstood for being selfish and self-centered most of the time.
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