View Full Version : Indonesia - All Chinese Girl Victim
18-06-2006, 01:37 PM
18-06-2006, 03:38 PM
maybe you are right afterall..... the people up there are punishing these ppl....
18-06-2006, 03:38 PM
Didn't I just quote this story in the alfresco coffee shop a few weeks ago? Same story, little girl kena killed cause she spit at them? Can't read chinese, but I was there just before the riots, now they want our help, before, they would have slit our throats. Why bother?
18-06-2006, 03:41 PM
it has been widely spreaded over the net that the first photograph (Gal gotten banged by few) was actually from a J-Porn clip. They had actually 'blurred' the images so that it will look real.. Just like the Indo-Riot....
18-06-2006, 04:03 PM
Rape alone is fxxked up enough but look at the gruesome dead the girls suffered..
They country is poor due to the losuy government.. Now they wanna us to help when in shit..
Fxxk them! :mad:
18-06-2006, 04:17 PM
why then is our goverment helping all this idiot?? why the US helping them? f#$@
c the pics alr also dun feel good... all the F@#!ing indonesian!!!! :mad:
18-06-2006, 04:22 PM
why then is our goverment helping all this idiot?? why the US helping them? f#$@
c the pics alr also dun feel good... all the F@#!ing indonesian!!!! :mad:
The only country in which I would never support singapore to help is Indonesia. I rather give Malaysia some help.
The malays in Indonesia responsible for the death and rape of countless young girls deserved to be striked by lightning and their allah is angry and sent them the tsunamis which swept 300,000 of the malays.
18-06-2006, 04:24 PM
i tot those were fake? i tink it's been discussed b4 rite..
18-06-2006, 04:46 PM
i tot those were fake? i tink it's been discussed b4 rite..
fake? these are from international organisations :)
18-06-2006, 05:21 PM
The only country in which I would never support singapore to help is Indonesia. I rather give Malaysia some help.
The malays in Indonesia responsible for the death and rape of countless young girls deserved to be striked by lightning and their allah is angry and sent them the tsunamis which swept 300,000 of the malays.
knowing our own shrewdness.... we will not do it if there are no "gains"...maybe just that we can't see it from our normal citizens point of view... I am sure we have some political gains from all these...
18-06-2006, 06:16 PM
as much sickening it may be, we should not brand all of them bros.
every country has its blacksheep......just relax....:cool:
18-06-2006, 06:47 PM
Every country has its black sheeps. We have our own as well, remember Adrian Lim? Japan's Armies raped and killed thousands or millions of Chinese including some of our foremothers during WW2. Germany's armies killed and murdered millions of Jewish in WW2.
At the end of the day, we will still have to meet our maker and answer to him for for our actions. Its up to the BIG MAN to judge, not us.
18-06-2006, 06:54 PM
saw someof these pics a few yrs back, think probably suharto time when there were some racial riots.
accounts for some pics which are fake....
was 'lucky' enough to see asiadragons site b4 it got banned, i think link was provided during the sammy delphi days
18-06-2006, 10:52 PM
The real world is ruled by power politics. I think the government does the right thing as we should not be known in Indonesia and the region as the arrogant red dot but a little country that is free, fair and kind to all.
While I hated the evil deeds of the evil doers, we will have to leave it to providence to catch up with them for their crimes. Instead of expending energies to hate them, let us forgive and win them over by our kindness as a nation without racial divide.:)
Lets say a little prayer to the victims in our own private time and space, wishing them happiness and peace in the next stage of their journey after life on earth.
why then is our goverment helping all this idiot?? why the US helping them? f#$@
c the pics alr also dun feel good... all the F@#!ing indonesian!!!! :mad:
19-06-2006, 01:05 AM
I believe not all Indonesians are bad but those who commit atrocities will definitely suffer retribution one way or another...its just a matter of time...
Fellow Singaporeans, especially the Chinese ones...see what happen when we are unable to defend ourselves...should Singapore fall our women folk will definitely suffer like what rioters did in Indonesia! If they can do this to their fellow Indonesian Chinese i don't see why they can't do it to us! We must never allow such things from happening to us!
19-06-2006, 01:17 AM they are i got wrong the bro who zap me..i'm chinese btw :cool:
19-06-2006, 01:35 AM
Every country has its black sheeps. We have our own as well, remember Adrian Lim? Japan's Armies raped and killed thousands or millions of Chinese including some of our foremothers during WW2. Germany's armies killed and murdered millions of Jewish in WW2.
At the end of the day, we will still have to meet our maker and answer to him for for our actions. Its up to the BIG MAN to judge, not us.
Do you know that some old folks still refuse to buy Japanese things? I takes alot of persuading to get them to agree, most of them are dead now, but in the 60s, 70s and even 80s, European brands were still popular because of this. Even China now, many Chinese still boycott Japan. But Japan now got money, pump into China/Asia, not so bad, Germany apoligized. Indonesia? They still deny it happened.
19-06-2006, 01:53 AM
Do you know that some old folks still refuse to buy Japanese things? I takes alot of persuading to get them to agree, most of them are dead now, but in the 60s, 70s and even 80s, European brands were still popular because of this. Even China now, many Chinese still boycott Japan. But Japan now got money, pump into China/Asia, not so bad, Germany apoligized. Indonesia? They still deny it happened.
yes...hatred is still a hatred ! indonesians....only consists a small percentage
of the world!Look everywhere in this part of the...there are bound to be chinese
even usa...has its chinatown...chinese ppl are good in profit making......chinese has its culture and rich tradition history............!those...."indon...haiz...."you know i know.......!
19-06-2006, 02:52 AM
Is this thread meant to start a racial hatred?
There are abt 250 million people in Indonesian with diverse racial background eg javanese, balinese,baweanese, bugis, batak, dayak, malay, chinese, ambun, sundanese, timor, menado just to name a few. All have their own language and culture and tradition.
They are all ruled by one government and therefore called Indonesians. Many Indonesian has diverse foreign ethnic origin, Indian,chinese, japanese, malay, dutch middle eastern etc. So which particular ethnic or racial group is mentioned here.
Every riot was typically instigated by a few culprits with ulterior motives. Look at what happenned to Singapore in the 60s. I think this thread should stop here lest it goes overboard.
19-06-2006, 02:56 AM
my ex gf's an indonesian chinese ethnic, luckily at that time she was with me in sg, cos her dad forbid her from returning during school holiday in jc time. her dad says that even if you walk on the street, u can see heads of chinese ethnics everywhere... and the most astonishing news from her dad was, a group indonesians raided a house where there were 2 under age chinese sibling, 1 of them is not more then 12 yrs old, who were both gang-banged and they set the chinese siblings' home on fire, letting them to be burn alive... those poor gals... it still sadden me whenever i thought of it...
19-06-2006, 03:05 AM
Remember the chinese gal tht got raped and killed while jogging with her sis in Malaysia. Those brown color is the cause. Whos to care about racism when always chinese gals kena hit!
19-06-2006, 06:02 AM
Any evidence 2 support ur claim?
it has been widely spreaded over the net that the first photograph (Gal gotten banged by few) was actually from a J-Porn clip. They had actually 'blurred' the images so that it will look real.. Just like the Indo-Riot....
19-06-2006, 07:09 AM
I wonder who's the dumbass that zap me and did not reveal himself...anyway the points do not bother me at all.
And I strongly believe this thread should not continue if racial discrmination is discussed with the wrong objective.
This is Adult discussion abt sex and not to instigate racial hatred.
I am a Singaporean and I have Chinese, Indian and european blood.
19-06-2006, 08:16 AM
poor victims........ i guess there are at least to many more that aint photo to the world...........
btw, the first pic is cfm porn not from the actual event......
19-06-2006, 08:41 AM
SIgh. Even though some of these pictures were doctored, the sad truth is that Indonesian natives did many acts of atrocities towards Chinese indonesians whenever there is an excuse for riots. Worse is that the army can stand idly by and DO NOTHING in the face of such violence.
Indonesia is the sick man of Asia. They have no love for Singapore (remember - they tried to screw us many years back in the early 60's), and these bunch of idiots can release a known terrorist like Abu Bakar Bashir from jail despite knowing that he planned and supported the Bali bombings! What worries me is that these jerks are planning to build a Nuclear plant. Imagine these assholes trying to keep this plant running. We will have another Chernobyl on our hands if this goes through. Worrying isn't it. Anyway - the only thing good about this place is the SEX industry - even that is quite crappy compared to Thailand!
19-06-2006, 10:22 AM
[QUOTE=SilverSurfer88]SIgh. Even though some of these pictures were doctored, the sad truth is that Indonesian natives did many acts of atrocities towards Chinese indonesians whenever there is an excuse for riots. Worse is that the army can stand idly by and DO NOTHING in the face of such violence.
Indonesia is the sick man of Asia. QUOTE]
I agree, but the riot of 1998 is a staged one. BY THE MILITARY. Some who paid $$$ to the military got tipped off, and they ran away before it happens. Chinese indonesians always get the rap.
Not many people know that this year May 11, or 12, there is nearly another mass killing of chinese in sulawasi. Lucky it was pressed down.
19-06-2006, 10:36 AM
Guys... I was here during the Riot and I have seen all..... Let forgive and forget what happened then as it was a corp by the military (Suharto's son in law) to size power but failed.
This picture have been circulating again since last year to incite racial hatred amongst the Chinese and Pribumi here, Hatred SMS have also been sent to Pribumi to burn and kill Chinese and some houses of the Chinese were Burned down in Sumatra last year.
Thus the government of Indonesia has issue a new decree that all prepaid card for HP MUST be register and the deadline was last month..
Please do not respond anymore to this thread...
Let the case rest....
I will zap whoever that reply negatively here....
[QUOTE=SilverSurfer88]SIgh. Even though some of these pictures were doctored, the sad truth is that Indonesian natives did many acts of atrocities towards Chinese indonesians whenever there is an excuse for riots. Worse is that the army can stand idly by and DO NOTHING in the face of such violence.
Indonesia is the sick man of Asia. [QUOTE]
I agree, but the riot of 1998 is a staged one. BY THE MILITARY. Some who paid $$$ to the military got tipped off, and they ran away before it happens. Chinese indonesians always get the rap.
Not many people know that this year May 11, or 12, there is nearly another mass killing of chinese in sulawasi. Lucky it was pressed down.
19-06-2006, 10:37 AM
fully agreed tsunami is a divine act of punishment they fully deserved
19-06-2006, 10:45 AM
fully agreed tsunami is a divine act of punishment they fully deserved
Your post is one sec after mine hence I presume u had yet to read what I mentioned.
Nobody deserve to die due Tsunami or 9/11..... Let me remind u that a quarter million people die during the Tsunami.... Do u feel happy about it?
19-06-2006, 04:27 PM
Do you know that some old folks still refuse to buy Japanese things? I takes alot of persuading to get them to agree, most of them are dead now, but in the 60s, 70s and even 80s, European brands were still popular because of this. Even China now, many Chinese still boycott Japan. But Japan now got money, pump into China/Asia, not so bad, Germany apoligized. Indonesia? They still deny it happened.
my mother is 1 of such example!!!
19-06-2006, 04:38 PM
Hi to all,
i just want to add my 2 cents worth..
in indonesia, the ethnic-chinese minority make up about 2-3% of the entire population , yet account for 98% of monetary exchanges ( Live stock exchange ) . the ethnic indonesians are very jealous, yet dun make an effort to change things , either by working or making money. Was in batam last year september ( hehehe ) and i could feel the stares coming my way when me and my friend were at this village to choose our gals.
I dun feel its right to say that tsunami was "God's Intervention" or revenge from the higher powers. However it does seem coincidental that the tsunami and south asia earthquakes hit mostly the Muslim Majority. I am not being racist, i am just saying that these people do deserve our sympathy, come on, they did not ask for this... neither did the victims of 9/11 ...
lets just say a prayer for all , hug our loved ones, and hope that this does not happen to any innocent anymore...
19-06-2006, 05:47 PM
Hi to all,
i just want to add my 2 cents worth..
in indonesia, the ethnic-chinese minority make up about 2-3% of the entire population , yet account for 98% of monetary exchanges ( Live stock exchange ) . the ethnic indonesians are very jealous, yet dun make an effort to change things , either by working or making money. ...
What you mentioned above is true, sadly. Poverty is very much prevailing in Indonesia. There is a certain culprit in Indonesia that instigated hatred towards the Chinese. Due to their lack of education, poverty and distorion of information, these people were lured into believing that the ethnic chinese are the culprit for their poverty. Just like Hitler instilled hatred amongst the Gemans towards the Jews. The Jews, then ,were mostly prosperous because of their control in economy and trade.
19-06-2006, 06:36 PM
What you mentioned above is true, sadly. Poverty is very much prevailing in Indonesia. There is a certain culprit in Indonesia that instigated hatred towards the Chinese. Due to their lack of education, poverty and distorion of information, these people were lured into believing that the ethnic chinese are the culprit for their poverty. Just like Hitler instilled hatred amongst the Gemans towards the Jews. The Jews, then ,were mostly prosperous because of their control in economy and trade.
Though those photos may not be authenticated but there have been reportings on newspaper and TV showing chopped off and hanging of chinese's head. The images were really disturbing.
Guess that's is the problem when you have too much imbalance between races or group. When the poorer group will always blame the others but themselve for being lazy and sit on their ass doing nothing. In anyway, it should not be an excuse for rioting, looting and mass raping. In additional, the government and law enforcement dont seems to care to control the situation. That just reflect poorly on the government.
The Chinese has also got themselve to blame for their selfishness. If they are united with a economy control of 80% is a tremendous power which could even form its political power instead of each trying to escape and protect their own interest only. So, with a minority etnic of a few % become an easy and convenient victim.
Just as Singapore is surrounded with mostly poorer neighbours and mostly radical minded political groups, similiar risk present as well if not well managed.
20-06-2006, 04:59 AM
What you mentioned above is true, sadly. Poverty is very much prevailing in Indonesia. There is a certain culprit in Indonesia that instigated hatred towards the Chinese. Due to their lack of education, poverty and distorion of information, these people were lured into believing that the ethnic chinese are the culprit for their poverty. Just like Hitler instilled hatred amongst the Gemans towards the Jews. The Jews, then ,were mostly prosperous because of their control in economy and trade.
Yes true, poverty is rampant and its a sad reflection of the economy. But come on, you are poor so thats an excuse ? I pity those indonesians, actually, but can you just imagine, if singapore were like that ? I doubt so we will see any group of people going around targeting "other races" ...
20-06-2006, 05:24 AM
'WE' Singaporeans must 'zhi-qiang' - strenghten ourself. I hate the NS when im serving, even up till now when i go back for reservist. But if Singapore were to have no means of defence, THIS COULD HAPPEN TO US :eek: !!!
I love my country, I love my people. I pray to god nothing like this happen in Singapore. So, after knowing about this shit... I will not 'siam' reservist anymore :o
Peace to the world!!! haha, sounds like miss universe rite.
20-06-2006, 01:50 PM
Yes true, poverty is rampant and its a sad reflection of the economy. But come on, you are poor so thats an excuse ? "other races" ...
THeir ancestors have the good luck of living in a soil rich country where food is everywhere. They do not need to work and they can survive on the plants also.
Thus it become their habit of "taking for granted". THey need not work hard yet they can pass by their days.
THe world is not static, it changes. Industralization brings about wealth and items that are not seem before.
It is said that with 10k rupiah, a family can survive on it for a day. Basically, there is no need to work. But with items like handphones and cars and so on items, they want these items. So what they do? Work for money.
Sad to say, given a good land where they can eat and do not need to think where their next meal is coming from, they tend to be lazy, and cannot tahan hard work.
Chinese have been working hard, given the hard life they had in China, so when they reach Indonesia, it is a land of GOLD. Chinese work hard, when they come to indonesia, they have nothing other than their bare hands. In the end, they have the wealth because they work for it.
As a result, the locals are jealous. Because they do not have what the chinese have. THe main thing with their mentallity is that
" I do not have it, but I am scared that others can will take away my things, when they come here to work for it. This is my land, what ever you make out of it, I must have a share also. Even if you work for it, and I dont work"
Residing here for some time, this is my option of them. My workers have these attitude problems as well. In singapore, they will never make it. No one want to hire them. After pay day, they disappear, until they finish their $$$, then they come back to work.
Lets face the truth, it is about the local people here, who can never get their attitude right about working.
Everyone is born equal, and you have to work for what you want. Some are born rich because they did good deeds in their previous life. So they are rewarded in this life. So are born poor, because of what they did in the past too.
Be it Yojakarta Earthquake or Tsunami, everyone is equal in a disaeter. Water and fire do not take into account if you are rich or poor, they will strike you equally.
Good DAy
20-06-2006, 04:07 PM
" I do not have it, but I am scared that others can will take away my things, when they come here to work for it. This is my land, what ever you make out of it, I must have a share also. Even if you work for it, and I dont work"
Be it Yojakarta Earthquake or Tsunami, everyone is equal in a disaeter. Water and fire do not take into account if you are rich or poor, they will strike you equally.
Good DAy
How true are these words, typical those pribumi and bumiputra mentality. Expecting that they are spoon fed right to their mouth, that's why you could see that the neighbour countries economy are mainly built by Chinese. Wealth dont drop from the sky, it's several decades of hard work.
20-06-2006, 04:33 PM
Dont take NS training for granted. We must have a strong military. This is the only way to protect our family and love ones. We only can count on ourselves and dont even think of others coming to our rescue. As long as we are united and strong, No one will f*#! wth us.
20-06-2006, 04:34 PM
repeated posts
20-06-2006, 05:36 PM
What happened is during the riot is a sad episode of how cruel human beings can be.
Let’s not bring out this anti- racists thing again.
As for the tsunami is another sad tragedy by the act of mother natural. This again proves how variable we human are.
There is nothing to do with race or reglion. Is just pure coincident
20-06-2006, 05:37 PM
Chinese have been working hard, given the hard life they had in China, so when they reach Indonesia, it is a land of GOLD. Chinese work hard, when they come to indonesia, they have nothing other than their bare hands. In the end, they have the wealth because they work for it.
As a result, the locals are jealous. Because they do not have what the chinese have. THe main thing with their mentallity is that
100% agreed. Just hope that no one will try to mess with us ever. Else no one in this region will ever have peace again.
20-06-2006, 09:37 PM
Remember the chinese gal tht got raped and killed while jogging with her sis in Malaysia. Those brown color is the cause. Whos to care about racism when always chinese gals kena hit!
Being a Chinese myself, I find it alarming that racial issues are routinely being drummed up nowadays simply to strengthen a certain presumption that may or may not be factually accurate.
Listening to the elder generations' stories on how Chinese women were rampantly violated during the Japanese occupation period made me tremble with anger. I was consumed with extreme anger and hatred for quite some times. In Singapore and Malaysia back then, Chinese women were raped like animals on the streets; during daylight; and with their family members watching!
Imagine your sister's or mother's legs held wide apart; and she's fucked right in front of you; crying in pain; while you're rendered helpless by the overwhelming Japanese Imperial Army forces. Highly traumatic scene I'd say.
Now that was the Japanese. Yellow-skinned groups of people.
Next, Vietnam. Should the course of history turned out to be one where Soviet-supported Vietnam emerged victorious in all sense of the words, there was no doubt at all that Thailand, Malaysia as well as Singapore would have been immediately slated to be next on the former's list of nations to be conquered.
SAF's development and establishment was itself hastened by the concerns of such events taking place. In other words, the forefathers of Singapore in those days were worried of imminent threats emanating from the Indochinese themselves (ie. Vietnamese) apart from the so-called brown-skinned ethnic groups.
Should the fact slips anyone's mind, the Vietnamese are yellow-skinned people. They may be tanned; but they certainly are not brown!
All in all, what I am saying is that, to pin the blame squarely on a selected ethnic group merely because a fraction of individuals who originally belong to that group has committed horrendous injustices towards others isn't exactly a mature & wise way of thinking.
Who is to say with utmost confidence that a decade or two from now, there won't be any other yellow-skinned groups of individuals who happen to believe that they are the most gifted, talented, smart, deserving and dominant ethnic groups ever to be around?
Will we then still be adamant in using the color of the skin as the perfect indicator as to who might be causing troubles to others in the future?
Be it yellow, brown, white or black. History has proven with crystal clarity that all have the innate potential to cause disasters should they allow themselves to be deluded with the belief that they are ultimately superior than others.
In short, an immense superiority complex and an uncontrollable arrogance are the real reasons why people go against one another.
20-06-2006, 09:51 PM
Though those photos may not be authenticated but there have been reportings on newspaper and TV showing chopped off and hanging of chinese's head. The images were really disturbing.
Man head chopped, woman raped n killed, sibei jialat leh.:mad:
20-06-2006, 09:59 PM
20-06-2006, 11:21 PM
Your post is one sec after mine hence I presume u had yet to read what I mentioned.
Nobody deserve to die due Tsunami or 9/11..... Let me remind u that a quarter million people die during the Tsunami.... Do u feel happy about it?
people want to post , let them be. who the fuck are you to impose restiction:mad: u can zap my ass
21-06-2006, 11:32 AM
Retribution or not, Indonesia is a nation headed for the dumps unless someone in the country wises up and stop the corruption. The place is rife with oil money yet the country is so damn poor. NOw they want to build a nuclear plant! Imagine if there is a meltdown (which I am sure there will be due to shoddy construction as money is pocketed), how can they contain a meltdown when they cannot do a simple earthquake recovery!?! Scary
21-06-2006, 05:51 PM
Retribution or not, Indonesia is a nation headed for the dumps unless someone in the country wises up and stop the corruption.
I have to note that currouption is a way of life here. Read my previous contribution in this thread.
During the Suharto times, he is ruthless, but the nation prospered. After 32 years of absolute rule, every thing crumbed because there is a power vaccum. Even today, there is a power vaccum.
Yes, it is true, rumors has been going on that the top man and his 2nd is not on good terms. And with 2 1/2 years to go before elections, things can turn any way.
Another thing to note. Chinese here in Indonesia are not 100 % rich. there are poor chinese here too. I have encountered a few who have to resort to vice for a living.
No point zapping people here, who tries to give their thoughs across. WE can be more constructive by giving points.
22-06-2006, 12:11 AM
22-06-2006, 12:13 AM
I wonder who's the dumbass that zap me and did not reveal himself...anyway the points do not bother me at all.
And I strongly believe this thread should not continue if racial discrmination is discussed with the wrong objective.
This is Adult discussion abt sex and not to instigate racial hatred.
I am a Singaporean and I have Chinese, Indian and european blood.
i'm confused:confused: so your mum's chinese and 1 of your dad's indian another european? european = england, france, germany etc etc...
man... DNA cloning is so advanced nowadays... didn't know that they can mix so many together... or is it not DNA cloning?:eek:
ok... i dun think i can bring myself to think otherwise...
22-06-2006, 12:53 AM
i'm confused:confused: so your mum's chinese and 1 of your dad's indian another european? european = england, france, germany etc etc...
man... DNA cloning is so advanced nowadays... didn't know that they can mix so many together... or is it not DNA cloning?:
ok... i dun think i can bring myself to think otherwise...
Dont crack your brain too much la bro...ok since you wanna know-- My father's father was chinese and my fathers mother is North Indian and Nepalese mix. My mother's father is Norwegian and my mum's mother is korean.
So rojak lah.. My features is so mixed that people dont know whether I am good looking or just weird looking :o
22-06-2006, 08:59 AM
Mixed breed. :p
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