View Full Version : Thai Massage in the East

31-08-2015, 04:30 PM
Some time back, I was having dinner at my usual spot in the east when I saw an LED sign, "24hrs massage", that caught my attention.

A few weeks ago, managed to find an opportunity to test out that joint.

Went into the shop, was greeted by a Thai lady (based on her accented English, and the fact she was speaking Thai to the massage ladies in the shop).

Paid up for a 90min course @$80.

Taken to a cubicle, and told to put on their short, no need to put on the top that was hanging on the wall. Did so and then sit down on the mattress waiting for the massage lady. The same recep lady came in and told me to lay down front first. This was a change from the typical thai massage where you lay on your back, anyway, I did as requested, and was covered by 3 towels (1 for top, and 1 for each leg). The recep lady then left, and a while later another massage lady entered and greeted me in Thai.

She removed the top towel and started to apply oil and gave a pretty decent massage. Continued on with oil massage till whole body was done, then I think she ran out of things to do, then started massaging "dry-style". Continued on till the 90 mins was up.

Walked out relaxed, but without any release!

Pros: good massage
Cons: felt that it wasn't very hygienic, and before she started the oil massage, I was sweaty and dirty as went straight after work, but yet the massage lady just went straight ahead and massaged.

May return for a massage in the future as its near my place, but may insist on a dry Thai massage instead of oil.

01-09-2015, 01:07 AM
there no plc to shower?
u shld shower before ,n after.
so the shower area is just a small toilet
behind the shop?

lay on yr chest or back?....

01-09-2015, 09:09 PM
I wasnt offered to shower, and I did not ask as well.

Started off by laying on chest, the switch to lay on back.