View Full Version : lucky got Viagra

BKK Kaki
26-06-2006, 08:03 PM
Well this year already 43 years old so the most 1 shot and mati liao.......so happen met my friend who have lobang for Viagra. Heard so much about fake Viagra but since he is my friend tested it and very good, no side effect and very good shot 2 time in 1/2 hour...question is i bought it $150 for 30 tablet.Is it expensive?

26-06-2006, 08:15 PM
Sounds fake, never heard of so cheaps befores. Usually what I heard for these kinda tablets is like 4 - 5 tablets at about 100$. @least, I knows Levitra is about 4 - $100.

All currency - SGD... But agains, corrects me if I am nongs...

BKK Kaki
26-06-2006, 08:31 PM
Sounds fake, never heard of so cheaps befores. Usually what I heard for these kinda tablets is like 4 - 5 tablets at about 100$. @least, I knows Levitra is about 4 - $100.

All currency - SGD... But agains, corrects me if I am nongs...

i agree with you..sound fake to me at first cos like u said 4-5 tablets is about $100 but since he is my good friend i believe him cos i know he got Lobang. He told me cannot get this price in the market....i even let some of my friends try it and all come back asking for more so i dont think is fake.So i think is worth taking from him. thanks

26-06-2006, 08:58 PM
Then seems liek you nong nong ago nose it's cheap and good. Then? :rolleyes: :confused:

27-06-2006, 01:12 AM
Bro, Vigra comes in a standard pack of four - 50mg or 100mg. 50mg costs about S$70 to S$75 per pack and 100mg about $80 to $85 per pack. My advise is not to buy from other sources even if he is your good friend. You can find a lot of fake vigra in China with similar packing and colour. Don't risk your life.:)

27-06-2006, 12:44 PM
Brother RX, that's what I am driving at... Apparently BKK Kaki already has his own answers (but he still post)... :confused:

27-06-2006, 01:37 PM

nevermind, bro BKK will try and then feed back on the result.... then we know whether good or not...

Sensory Sniper
27-06-2006, 01:53 PM
I believe they are fakes. The real ones has got the brandname Pfizer imprinted on the little blue pill. I've also seen look alike blue pills that sells for SGD$20 for 4 pills...think its from China by a company called (Lang no. 1...err...Wolf no. 1 in English).

BKK Kaki
27-06-2006, 02:17 PM
its not fake,,,,,,just that my friend got these lobang and he dont intend to hurt anyone also.This forum is about sharing and why should i hurt people health,,anyway i already said i tried and it work on me.

27-06-2006, 02:34 PM
$150 for a pack of 30 is cheap... whether is fake or not only the one who take can tell. but dun risk ur life for a moment of fun... juz my 2cents worth thot:D

27-06-2006, 03:36 PM
its not fake,,,,,,just that my friend got these lobang and he dont intend to hurt anyone also.This forum is about sharing and why should i hurt people health,,anyway i already said i tried and it work on me.

You ask qns, we gibs you advice, but you keeps insisting it's not fakes, you belibs this, belibs that. Then you asks for wats? You answerings yourselfs wat... Like all the advices from bros here; we are notchs lying, we are notch biased..

I thinks the sexperienced samsters here and any sound men wont risks their libidos with these super lobangs. Also I thinks you no needs me, a greens pea, to tells you all these, cos i'm sures you heard of all these: -

Fake liquor using drain or very dirty water
Super cheap but unhealthy instant noodles using recycled x 10 cooking oil
Tapping into billion dollar medicine industry by making fake pills and medicines
Repeatedly using banned drugs or medical products (like breast implants) to perform procedures

You can also try to read this (https://www.viagra.com/buyRealViagra/avoidingFakeViagra.asp), 4 pages of viagra information.

Viagra pills are blue and diamond-shaped with the words "Pfizer" on one side and "VGR xx" (with xx representing 25, 50 or 100, the dose of that pill in milligrams) on the other.

Maybe you can takes a pigture of your pills? If it's really a real one, then I can roughly knows why so cheaps...

27-06-2006, 04:27 PM
Just a reminder to all brothers here who intend to use or have already used viagra or any male enhancing products to prolong your intercourse or to have two or more shots within 90 mins.

I'm not frightening anyone of you.My good friend used Viagra ( Pfizer) 100 mg.He is only 34 years old. He booked a girl and bonked her twice after using Viagra. That was two months ago. He told me it was great for his didi was like a rod - strong and hard and full.He also told me that the girl came several times.He will never forget that bonk.

Do you know what happened to him now? He is impotent. He can't stand any more. His penis muscles are all stretched out during the last bonking and now his muscles are almost limp.He also told me that the girl literally sucked him dry during the blow job.And after the second bonk, he gave every bit of his sperm left...and that was the last time he could have stand.

He had consulted specialists who advised surgery.All his penis muscles are damaged due to too much stretching from the use of Viagra. Now he told me he has a useless weapon - completely limp and dead. Even a vacuum pump cannot help him. The doctors suggested putting in a stent.But he was too devastated to do anything now.Depressed and suicidal too. He spent most of his time now watching World Cup and travelling to funny corners of the world.

So to those Brothers who are using Viagra or Levitra or Cilias, pls take note.If you can stand naturally, please don't use these drugs. If you're suffering from erectile dysfunction, then you can consult your doctors and ask for advice.Please do not try "faked" or magic bullets given by friends to enchance your performance and to please the girl. It may be your last pleasure! So please take note. Take care Bros as you go about your enjoyment.

BKK Kaki
27-06-2006, 04:33 PM
i rest my case........was just sharing what i had and not wanting to hurt any Bro here.

27-06-2006, 04:46 PM
You ask qns, we gibs you advice, but you keeps insisting it's not fakes, you belibs this, belibs that. Then you asks for wats? You answerings yourselfs wat... Like all the advices from bros here; we are notchs lying, we are notch biased..


Maybe he is trying to sell it here?

27-06-2006, 04:47 PM
Wah, blooder bonkster, that's not frightening, that's sibei frightening!!! :eek:

Blooder BKKKK, of cos share share is good. If not we may not know there are such kinda things. And we won't even know the story from bonkster kor kor.

But at the end of the day, a product has factual information. In order to fartherest plotect ourselves and our KKJ, we need more (own findings and research) than trust, facts and prices...

At the end of the day, if your kkj CMI, nobody can helps you... :(

27-06-2006, 04:48 PM

Do you know what happened to him now? He is impotent. He can't stand any more. His penis muscles are all stretched out during the last bonking and now his muscles are almost limp.He also told me that the girl literally sucked him dry during the blow job.And after the second bonk, he gave every bit of his sperm left...and that was the last time he could have stand.

Your friend should sue the manufacturer and claim compensation.

What do u guys think?

27-06-2006, 05:00 PM
Maybe he is trying to sell it here?

I thinks the sexperienced samsters here and any sound men wont risks their libidos with these super lobangs.

I think cuntpenisation may work, but abit caveat emptor case mans...

Gotch read this? - Man with 10-year erection awarded $400000 (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13509704/)

27-06-2006, 08:22 PM
Has anyone tried these Skyfruit sachets? About $70 for a packet of ten. They say it is all natural stuff. Makes your prick very hard as well.

These should be better than Viagra as it is made of natual fibre/fruit.

Look at this website:


By the way, besides the one from China, there are many from India which is a copy of the real Viagra. But they have the same chemical compoisition as Viagra/Cialas etc. Don't think one should take one tablet anyway. If I take, it would be a quarter of a Viagra or equivalent.

Sensory Sniper
28-06-2006, 09:10 AM
We're always on a constant lookout for some magic pills to prolong our enjoyment when we're young and healthy.... always wanting to be 'Superman'....to f$#k the gal jalat jalat.. I believe most of us are in this stage now.

Personally I've got a friend whom is an elderly and has various old age aliments than caused him to suffer frm Erectile Dysfunction. To us, Viagra, Cialis, Magix, etc. are fun to use. But to him, it is to give him a sense of dignity, a sense of pride that he is a Man again. And as he has nothing to lose, he is all too often willing to try cheaper alternatives... to the extend of literally, 'Die Cock Stand' situation...hahaha

To younger bros whom experiment with such drugs, I always believe in using it in moderation... and be stingy abt it. Tat's my 2 cents worth of thoughts.


28-06-2006, 10:26 AM
Just a reminder to all brothers here who intend to use or have already used viagra or any male enhancing products to prolong your intercourse or to have two or more shots within 90 mins.

I'm not frightening anyone of you.My good friend used Viagra ( Pfizer) 100 mg.He is only 34 years old. He booked a girl and bonked her twice after using Viagra. That was two months ago. He told me it was great for his didi was like a rod - strong and hard and full.He also told me that the girl came several times.He will never forget that bonk.

Do you know what happened to him now? He is impotent. He can't stand any more. His penis muscles are all stretched out during the last bonking and now his muscles are almost limp.He also told me that the girl literally sucked him dry during the blow job.And after the second bonk, he gave every bit of his sperm left...and that was the last time he could have stand.

He had consulted specialists who advised surgery.All his penis muscles are damaged due to too much stretching from the use of Viagra. Now he told me he has a useless weapon - completely limp and dead. Even a vacuum pump cannot help him. The doctors suggested putting in a stent.But he was too devastated to do anything now.Depressed and suicidal too. He spent most of his time now watching World Cup and travelling to funny corners of the world.

So to those Brothers who are using Viagra or Levitra or Cilias, pls take note.If you can stand naturally, please don't use these drugs. If you're suffering from erectile dysfunction, then you can consult your doctors and ask for advice.Please do not try "faked" or magic bullets given by friends to enchance your performance and to please the girl. It may be your last pleasure! So please take note. Take care Bros as you go about your enjoyment.

Sorry to quote all... if not ppl will kbe confused..

Since the damage is at such, what about MAGIX? I've thought of trying though..
Any real feedbacks from Magix users?
if the side efects are as such as what bro bongster mentioned, then i rather not try liao..:confused:

28-06-2006, 11:37 AM
Sorry to quote all... if not ppl will kbe confused..

Since the damage is at such, what about MAGIX? I've thought of trying though..
Any real feedbacks from Magix users?
if the side efects are as such as what bro bongster mentioned, then i rather not try liao..:confused:

You can read here (http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=47790)

Deep Blue
28-06-2006, 01:08 PM
Your friend should sue the manufacturer and claim compensation.

What do u guys think?
Well, in the first place, such medication are prescribed, secondly, he must be able to face tie media and society if go public. Win, good for him, lose, worst than what he is now. :(

28-06-2006, 01:41 PM

Just to share a little of what I know.

His pills might not be fake and indeed it can be that cheap. Because, our dear friend INDIA, they simply couldnt be bothered with any patent rights. They will just manufacture and sell.

If you make a trip to India, you will realise there are numerous type of generic Viagra under different name. Same thing goes for Cialis. ITS CHEAP!

How I know... heheh :D Cos I imported and re-exported by JARS before. Of cause I aint stupid enough to fill up the BIL as Viagra....

I still got like erm.... 20 pills for self use.. hahah

28-06-2006, 02:05 PM
I'm not frightening anyone of you.My good friend used Viagra ( Pfizer) 100 mg.He is only 34 years old. He booked a girl and bonked her twice after using Viagra. That was two months ago. He told me it was great for his didi was like a rod - strong and hard and full.He also told me that the girl came several times.He will never forget that bonk.

Do you know what happened to him now? He is impotent. He can't stand any more. His penis muscles are all stretched out during the last bonking and now his muscles are almost limp.He also told me that the girl literally sucked him dry during the blow job.And after the second bonk, he gave every bit of his sperm left...and that was the last time he could have stand.

He had consulted specialists who advised surgery.All his penis muscles are damaged due to too much stretching from the use of Viagra. Now he told me he has a useless weapon - completely limp and dead. Even a vacuum pump cannot help him. The doctors suggested putting in a stent.But he was too devastated to do anything now.Depressed and suicidal too. He spent most of his time now watching World Cup and travelling to funny corners of the world.

He is lucky that he is still alive, there have been some cases where the user die cock standing or suffer heart failure during bonking. The last thing any man wish is to appear on the newspaper dead on the bed of a prostitute. That's the reason that it required doctor prescription to consume. At $150/50pcs ($3 each), it dont take a genius to figure if it is real or fake.

28-06-2006, 02:06 PM
Sorry to quote all... if not ppl will kbe confused..

Since the damage is at such, what about MAGIX? I've thought of trying though..
Any real feedbacks from Magix users?
if the side efects are as such as what bro bongster mentioned, then i rather not try liao..:confused:

All feedback on Magix are by the user himself and of course it is real. You can PM the feedback poster and confirm with him. If not, attend the monthly samster gathering at geylang and listen to the bros feedback live during the gathering.

28-06-2006, 02:10 PM
Your friend should sue the manufacturer and claim compensation.

What do u guys think?

who should he sue if he bought it from the street peddler in some of the backlane?

07-07-2006, 03:58 PM
Like all the advices from bros here; we are notchs lying, we are notch biased..

Should be.... ".. like all the ADVICE......"

"Advice" is a non countable noun, you do not add an "s" to make it a plural.

"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.

There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to http://a4esl.org/q/j/ck/ch-countnouns.html and take the test.

07-07-2006, 04:57 PM
Has anyone tried these Skyfruit sachets? About $70 for a packet of ten. They say it is all natural stuff. Makes your prick very hard as well.

These should be better than Viagra as it is made of natual fibre/fruit.

Look at this website:


By the way, besides the one from China, there are many from India which is a copy of the real Viagra. But they have the same chemical compoisition as Viagra/Cialas etc. Don't think one should take one tablet anyway. If I take, it would be a quarter of a Viagra or equivalent.

Not everything "natural" is good for you. Sugar is 100% natural extract of sugar cane, take too much, get diabetes. Snake venom is also 100% natural product, as are poison mushrooms, bird shit, and HIV blood. To me, the term natural does not mean anything at all, marketing crap.

08-07-2006, 03:28 AM
Should be.... ".. like all the ADVICE......"

"Advice" is a non countable noun, you do not add an "s" to make it a plural.

"Advice" is like "Rice". You say... "Please pass me the rice." You don't say "Please pass me the rices" because "rice", like "advice", is a non countable noun.

There are many other examples. To test your knowledge of non countable nouns, go to http://a4esl.org/q/j/ck/ch-countnouns.html and take the test.

Sos sorrys... Hehes :P:o

08-07-2006, 11:16 AM

Just to share a little of what I know.

His pills might not be fake and indeed it can be that cheap. Because, our dear friend INDIA, they simply couldnt be bothered with any patent rights. They will just manufacture and sell.

If you make a trip to India, you will realise there are numerous type of generic Viagra under different name. Same thing goes for Cialis. ITS CHEAP!

How I know... heheh :D Cos I imported and re-exported by JARS before. Of cause I aint stupid enough to fill up the BIL as Viagra....

I still got like erm.... 20 pills for self use.. hahah
yup in india they selling viagra under generic name and cheap.
at the moment in sinapore the company pfizer is having promotion at all clinics, buy 5 boxes at $20 a tab and get 1 box free. you can do this over a period of time like progress payment! you register and buy may be a couple of boxes then come back again till you buy 5 boxes then the 6th is free.
have fun.:D

20-06-2007, 01:41 AM
Where's this "pfizer" place and how can i get it? Can help? Sure like to try, in moderate of course...

20-06-2007, 01:33 PM
Where's this "pfizer" place and how can i get it? Can help? Sure like to try, in moderate of course...

I hope you are aware that Pfizer is the name of the drug maker (like Lipitor, Diflucan, Zoloft, etc). they don't just make Viagra, but other kinds of medication as well. from what I heard, they're based in New York City

hell they even make animal medication products (Revolution. great anti-flea medication!)

Listerine, Zyrtec (hay fever medication, very useful during spring and/or pollen season) also made by them.

so. you theoretically can get Pfizer from your local supermarket. ;)

as for Viagra, I would assume that it's not an over-the-counter drug, but I may be wrong. I do know you need to have a prescription to get it over here in Aussie land.... but I can't say the same can be said for Singapore, or wherever you're from hehe. :D

20-06-2007, 06:27 PM
Where's this "pfizer" place and how can i get it? Can help? Sure like to try, in moderate of course...

Pfizer is the name of the manufacturer. They don't sell direct to customer. Another reason being Viagra is a control drug and need to be approve and prescribe by a qualify doc to patient. You can get it easily from most of the GP clinic here in SG. Price about +-$20 per pc. :D Dunno can us medisave 2 buy onot... kekeke:p

20-06-2007, 08:26 PM
The manufacturer for Ciallis have a research centre at Kent Ridge........ if u know anyone in there..... can get the pills at a discount aka "staff" price.:D

ssshhh..... dun say i give this kangtao hor.

bro snakehead

20-06-2007, 08:48 PM
neh..neh...no need to use viagra..

go buy chocalates to eat and tongkat ali

get a vibrator,

use vibrator to whack then go for the real one:D

21-06-2007, 02:04 AM
I just wonder why one would take viagra and go bonk a FL, The FL should be so tempting and service you so well that you would have hard on easily. That is the main reason for going for commercial bonks,

At home then I would use any of these performance drugs to give the home minister a good time, then you can hv your fun outside, ha ha my theory anyway,

for viagra, you can get it locally if you get doc prescription, sure you can get it thru some lobangs here and there thru pharmacy friends, it 75 to 80 for pack of 4 (100mg )

tongkai ali is the alternative for me, take it regularly as a supplement and the girl you bonk would appreciate the natural strength of your didi and best of all the long lasting endurance of love making.

there are many other performance enhancing natural products, like tong chong chao, tien chi etc which when consume in soups can also give good hard on. Wild oats and some other products are also available from GNC, which can in one way or another helps.

just my 2 cents worth.