View Full Version : Moving out
10-10-2015, 08:22 AM
I've been reading this forum for a while now and really impressed by the stories. I feel like its now my turn to contribute my own true encounter. Have been wanting to do this for a while now and finally got approval from the sammyboy team. Many thanks for that.
Just a little background info of myself, im currently in my early 20s and stidying in a local university. Im of a mixed parentage descent. I live in a private estate somewhere in the east. People consider me to be born with a silver spoon but my parents were strict and didnt pamper us when growing up. I should say we were above average financially however not super wealthy. Anyways, this unforgettable encouter happened a couple of years back during my long break before the start of uni.
Growing up in my neighbourhood, the people here never had the kampong spirit. Althougn we polite and greeted each other when passing by, that was as far as our communications go. Since people lived in private estates here ( some houses are 3.5 stories), the residents are financially secured , being able to afford cars, expensive trips and luxury goods. My neighbours living two houses next to mine was no exception. This is where my story begins...
Everyday, i would see the couple leave their house in individual cars. The lady in an audi and her husband in a bmw. They were rich i presume. From the way they dressed, i guessed they held high positions in companies. They guy was always in well tailored full suits and a tie on weekdays and occasionally in polo shirts, chinos and golf shoes on sundays. The lady mostly wore a black blazer over a white office shirt with slightly knee length skirts on weekdays. She wears more casual on weekends. The couple have been living there for almost 2 years now. We rarely spoke to one another as they always seem to give a cold vibe. From the way they dressed and the cars they drove, we presume they were a little arrogant.
One unexpected morning, i remembered a friday, this lady neighbor rang our doorbell. As usual my mum would greet our visitors with a warm smile.
Ms.Thee - hi, mrs. Jordan, i just came by to say hello
Mum - hi mrs.thee, what a surprise, havent spoken to you in a while. How are you?
Ms.thee - dont need to be so formal with me, we've known each other for so long already. Call me yinna.
Mum - hahaha yinna. then you call me caroline. Why dont you come in? I'll make you some tea. We have to catch up.
Yinna - im sorry i cant stay too long. Gotta leave for work soon. I just dropped by to ask you out for a meal someday, theres something i need to tell you.
Mum - sure sure i would love that. You whatsapp me when you wanna meet up ok honey.
And witn that, Yinna left in her audi. Funnily though i never knew her name till that day or that my mum was chummy with her. After eavesdropping on their short conversation, i made way to room to play fifa fut 😎.
10-10-2015, 11:05 AM
Pitching tent .
10-10-2015, 11:11 AM
Camp pitch for some action here.
10-10-2015, 01:59 PM
camping too :)
10-10-2015, 04:52 PM
Waiting with popcorns and coke :)
10-10-2015, 06:19 PM
Thanks for the support guys. More details coming soon. Stay tuned
10-10-2015, 08:38 PM
The next couple of days went normally. I hang out with my friends on saturday and went out with my girlfriend on sunday. My gf and I were together for almost half a year now. She was chinese mix perakan, a year younger than me. She comes from a well off family and was well brought up. Back then she was studying at a private uni. She definitely was the decent good girl type with good morals. The type you can definitely bring home to.
Anyways back to my story. Rountinely, i would hit the gym on mondays in the afternoon and be home by the evening. As usual, i would have to pass by yinna's house to get to mine. While walking home from the bustop that evening, i heard my mum's voice from a distant.
Mum - Zach, honey, can you lend us a hand with the boxes? Its really heavy
I turned towards the porch of yinna's house and saw my mum taping some boxes. Without uttering a word, i head towards her direction.
Mum - honey can you grab those boxes and move it to the sides of the gate
Me - yeah sure. Whats going on? What's with all these boxes?
Mum - well your auntie yinna here is moving out soon
Just then yinna stepped out of her house with a glass of iced tea in her hands.
Yinna - here have some water dear the weather is kinda warm.
With that she handed my mum her drink before turning towards me.
Yinna - oh hi. You must be zachary. Your mum has told me so much about you. Its so nice to finally meet you.
Yinna shoke me warmly by the hand and gave me a little bow. We have never spoken in the two years she was here so this was actually our first formal meet.
Me - hi aunty yinnna. Its nice to meet you too.
Yinna - no need to call me aunty. We are practically the same age!! Hahaha. Just yinna will do.
Her laugh was eccentric. She had a really high pitch laugh which was absolutely adorable. It kinda reminded me of those really young youthful kids laugh. She also had those eye smile when she laughed while covering her mouth. Yinna was an absolute sweetheart with girly charms that any guy would love to protect.
Even though she was my neighbor for over 2 years, i've never actually seen her up close in person. I would normally see her from a distant. She was tall for a lady. I am 175cm, average for a guy. She was close to 170cm, i presumed. She was in her white office shirt and black knee length skirt. She had light make up on with her hair tied in a ponytail with diamond earrings. She must have probably just reached home from work and continued packing her boxes.
10-10-2015, 10:07 PM
Hope got anal gangbang
11-10-2015, 12:01 AM
Please go on.
11-10-2015, 12:07 AM
Please continue :)
11-10-2015, 12:33 AM
camping for more !!
11-10-2015, 12:41 AM
Nice start ...... please continue :)
11-10-2015, 01:08 AM
TS please update soon :)
11-10-2015, 04:57 PM
There was a continuation to my thread but im not sure if its posted or approved yet. I has to seperate due to the word limit. So this may be a duplicate...
Yinna - zach dont mind help move this boxes over there. Thanks a bunch
Me - sure no problem
I shifted the box as instructed. As a layed the box down by the sides of her house, i turned to take a peek at yinna and my mum. They were happily laughing while taping the boxes shut. Occassionally, yinna would bend down to grab the tape or grab the penknife, revealing her cleavage and bra. She had a dark red bra underneath that white shirt. Admiring her ample boobs raised some life in my dick. I tried peeking up her skirt although unsuccessful as it was a little too long.
Yinna - zach there's some iced tea in the kitchen. Help yourself with anything in the fridge ok
I went to the kitchen soon after, not because i was thirsty but because i had to calm my dick down. Didnt want to get caught with a boner while my mum was around. As i walked to the kitchen, i looked around the living room. There were 2 huge leather couch surrounding their antique table facing the 60 inch flatscreen tv accompanied by surround sound system and a huge ceiling fan. They were rich rich rich.
I stayed at the kitchen for a while, calming my thoughts. I poured myself a glass of iced tea while taking small sips before hearing my mum's voice.
Mum - zach im heading home first. Got an early shift tmr. Dont mind help auntie yinna ok
Me - yeah sure
And with that my mum left.I was actually kinda exhausted from my workout but i really wanted to get to know yinna better. I headed out to the porch where yinna was stacking some smal cardboard boxes.
Me - is there anything else i can help you with?
Yinna was squatting and stacking those boxes as i approached her. I didnt miss the opportunity to admire her cleavage. With her slightly unbuttoned shirt, her deep cleavage line was really noticeable under her red bra. She also had really thick hair - straight from the roots withba slight wave jn her ponytail. I could feel my dick rising slowly.
Yinna - yeah help me pack these jars into these boxes. Pack them by size, dont wanna waste the big ones.
Me - ok
I packed the stuff as instructed . The atmosphere was really quiet and i didnt't quite liked it. I had to break the ice now.
Me - so u and mr.thee moving out?
Yinna - yeah. Some things came up and this had to happen.
Me - so where are you guys moving to?
Yinna - well nothings confirmed yet so i'm moving some stuff to our condo in the meantime
She had a condo on top of this mansion she lives in? Wow they must be really wealthy.
Yinna - enough about me. My mum tells me you are going uni. Which course?
Me - im gonna do economics and public policy. School starts in a couple of months time. Really not looking forward to it
Yinna laughed at my response. Her unique high pitch was simply adorable. It sounded so cute and youthful. Accompanied by her sparkling eye smile, she was totally a sweetheart. It was a long time since i was really smittened by a woman's feminine charms.
So the evening went really smoothly as we got to know each other better. She was a really nice and friendly person. She studied in a catholic primary and secondary school before entering an elite junior college. She did well in jc and pursied a business course in a local before working for a private company. She now holds a high position in her firm's advertising department. Surprisingly, she revealed her age during our conversation - 28.
Time flew by quickly and it was getting late.
Yinna - thanks so much for your help today zach. Have a good rest ok. Send my regards to yr family
Me - sure no problem. Good night
And with that i left.
That night i couldn't sleep. So much thoughts was filling my mind. Like how sweet and friendly yinna was and how i should have known her earlier. But mostly it was how sexy she was. Being at her presence that day was like reveling my my sexual fantasy of the sexy secretrary or office lady. Yinna would have fitted that roe perfectly - tall, fair, slim with long shapely legs. Her boobs were not huge but ample, which suited her frame perfectly. She was also dressed right on point - fitting white shirt witj knee length black skirt. And the red bra underneath added extra sex appeal. I suppose she had matching red panties on too, though i never got a chance to see.them. Just thinking about her sent blood rushing to my dick. Yinna's husband was a lucky lucky man, i thought to myself. As i was in my sexual dreamland, my mum stepped in.
Mum - honey its getting late. Get some sleep
My mum could tell i had a lot in my mind ( though she didnt know who it was about )
Mum - so what did you and auntie yinna talk about?
Me - oh, nothing much. Just that she's moving the stuff to her condo
Mum - umm i see....hmmm i don't know if i should be telling you these but i think you should know
My mum gave a dramatic pause.I could tell it was something crucial from the sound of her voice. I braced myself.
Mum - auntie yinna and her husband havr some marital problems and are in the midst of a divorce. careful with what you say to her. Try not to bring up any of those subjects when you see her ok
I was shocked. She seemed so cheerful and chatty while i was with her, i had no clue she was in a difficult situation. I stayed quiet for while trying to absorb the information
Mum - ok thats all i wanna let you know. Try and get some sleep
My mum stepped out of room soon after as i got under the blankets. While reaching for the lights switch, my mum peeled the door open.
Mum - oh ya by the way, auntie yinna needs some help with her packing tmr morning so if you are free, i told her you could help
Me - sure thing. Good night mum
I switched off the lights and tried to sleep. I still had trouble sleeping. Even though i had just heard a devastating news, i still fantasized about yinna and her oozing sex appeal. She was the embodiment of the perfect girlfriend - pretty face, devilish sexy body with a youthful personality. And i was gonna spend more time with her tmr.
To be continued...
11-10-2015, 05:21 PM
Hope got anal gangbang
Normal gangbang enough for me :D
11-10-2015, 05:56 PM
And i was gonna spend more time with her tmr. To be continued...
Bro Cheesebeast, and we'll be spending more time catching your story tmr... please continue...:p
11-10-2015, 06:05 PM
nice start,, more actions pls.. upped u :D
11-10-2015, 06:08 PM
Hope got anal gangbang
Looking forward to it.
11-10-2015, 10:42 PM
camping for more :D
11-10-2015, 11:14 PM
The next morning i woke up to a beautiful sunshine. I looked at the clock on my table - 7.40am. My body was slightly aching from the intense workout yesterday. I crawled out of bed and made way for the bathroom for a shower.
Mum - zach im leaving for work now! Don't forget to help aunty yinna later alright. Love you dear!
For a moment i forgot i was helping yinna with her packing. The thought of her brought memories of our encounter the previous day. What a steaming day it was. I took my beauty shower while feeling excited for the days event. After i got out of the shower, i quickly got dressed. Nothing too fanciful since i was only gonna help her pack so a blue dry fit shirt and black shorts would do. I left for her house.
Her front gate was left unlocked, perhaps she was anticipating my arrival. I invited myself inside, approaching her door slowly. As i stepped closer, i could hear the sound of machines coming from her house. I knocked on the door a couple of times, waiting for a response. After several minutes of no response, i grew tired of waiting and turned the doorknob. Surprisingly it was unlocked.
Me - hi, is anybody home?
As i peered into the living room, i saw yinna running on the treadmill. She had her earpiece on. Yinna paused her treadmill and removed her earpiece when she saw me at the door.
Me - im sorry to disturb your workout. I' ll come back later
Yinna - oh hi zac. Im sorry i didn't hear you. Please come in. Im almost done anyways
I stepped into the living room as yinna approached me. Yinna was clad in a dark blue nike sports bra, black fbt shorts and blue adidas shoes. She definitely looks different without make up on. She didn't have the prettiest face however it was definitely above average. She had really chiselled features- cheekbones, defined jawlines, probablu from all the exercise she did. But what really drew my attention was her toned body. She had a really athletic body with toned muscles. Not like the masculine type of body but the sexy feminine kind. Her toned abs was the ultimate highlight. It was such a sexy and toned V which sort of navigated the way to her sweet love part. Her supple boobs fitted so wel in that sports bra. Wow i thought to myself, a true goddess figure.
Yinna - have a seat first. Let me go get changed first ok
I took a seat at couch while yinna made her way upstairs. While she was walking up the stairs, i tried to peek up her shorts to get a glimpse of her undies but was unsuccessful. I waited at the living room while yinna got changed. I was still in awe at her figure. It was simply breath taking. She could have easily posed for a sports ad with that kind of body. I never expected her to have an athletic figure. I've never seen her exercise before and always thought she was slim because of her genes. Never did i expect her to be the exercising type.
Yinna soon arrived downstairs. She wore a fitting white t shirt with a micky mouse logo and still had the same fbt shorts on. Her yellow bra she had on was quite noriceable underneath that thin white cotton t shirt.
Me - thats a cute t shirt u have on
Yinna - really? You don't think it looks too childish
Me - nonsense! It totally suits your personality. Cute and friendly
Yinna laughed at my response. To be honest, i was quite surprised by my boldness. Her high pitch laugh sent echoes through the living room
Yinna - im sorry i know my laugh is a little annoying
Me - to be honest, i think its really adorable
Yinna smiled at my compliment.
Yinna - your mum warned me about your cheesy comments. You're a real smooth talker aren't you
I smiled and kept quiet. Though my comments were cheesy at times, i really meant every word i said to her. The packing went smoothly that day. As we spoke more and more, we began being more comfortable with one another. Normal conversations led to jokes then teases. She really was a sweet girl. A trophy gal for any guy. I couldn't understand how her husband could divorce someone as sweet as her.
The time was almost 9pm and we were more or less done with the packing. She had to move the items by tonight as her husband will pack his things the next day.
Yinna - ok so now i need to drive my things to my condo and i need your help
Me - its getting late, i dont know if my mum will mind me coming home late
Yinna - dont worry, you're with me. Its gonna be ok
I believed yinna's words and began storing the boxes in the backseat and boot. We then made way for her condo. Througout the car ride, i tried to take our conversation to the next level - sexual flirtation.
Me - so is being sexy a part of your job?
Yinna - you really think im sexy? Hahha. Well i'm in a adverting branch so really important to keep my image
Me - you got any advances from your male colleagues. Caught them staring at you before?
Yinna - they know i was married so nobody approach me that way
Me - Well i would totally make a move on you if were working together
Yinna - huh? You think im that pretty? But im so old already
Me - i think you're really beautiful
Our conversations were along those lines during the ride. We finally arrived at her condo in the south.
To be continued...
12-10-2015, 12:06 AM
nice story...camping....
12-10-2015, 12:16 AM
More please .... :D
12-10-2015, 12:59 AM
carry on TS
12-10-2015, 02:05 AM
Waiting too :)
12-10-2015, 02:25 AM
Happening in the condo? :p
12-10-2015, 07:52 AM
Stay tuned for more details guys
12-10-2015, 04:03 PM
Yinna drove the car to the lobby of the condo, just in front of the guard post. We took out the boxes one by one and went up to the 21st floor which was her unit. There were well over 20 boxes of stuff so it took us a few trips before we were done. Yinna went to park the car as i waited at her condo.
Her condo was really cosy with a nice ambience. It was one of those studio apartments where the bedroom, living room and kitchen were crammed into a small space. There was a queen size bed in the bedroom seperated by a sliding door to the living room. Her living room had little furnitures, just a small L shaped couch surrounding a small coffee table facing a television. The bathroom was across the living room. Her condo had a large window as a wall. Being located at the 21st floor, it had a majestic view of the city. The time was almost 9.30 pm and the moon was in clear view.
The aircon of the condo was at the right temperature, making the room feel cool and the marble tiles chilly. Just then yinna came.
Yinna - how do you find the place? Nice? I know its a little small but it will have to do for now
Me are you kidding? This place is awesome. If i had this place to myself, i would totally convert it into a movie game apartment and never leave!
Yinna giggled at my response. Her sweet high pitch laugh echoed the aparrment. She covered her mouth to control her volume, giving me that cute eye smile. So adorable i thought to myself.
Yinna - its getting late. Cannot make too much noise. Dont wanna wake the neighbors. Wow you really do have some nerd in you huh...
I turned away in embarassment. Her condo gave me a little nerdy imaginations.
Yinna - no need to paiseh, all guys are like that. I think its kinda cute.
I smiled at her compliment. Every compliment from a beauty like her was like sweet melody to my ears. She would have been any guys ideal type i said to myself.
Yinna - okay lets not waste time and get to work
We shifted the furnitures around to make way for her boxes. Lightly dragging the sofa to the sides so that the bigger boxes could fit the living room, strategically making sure the walkway wasnt affected and so on...
As the night was cool, we soon switched off the air con and opened the window to allow in thw cool breeze of the night. We worked hard through the night, even breaking sweat from all the work. With all the sweat piling onto yinna's body, her white mickey mouse shirt got drenched, turning it near invisible and sticking onto her figure. Her athletic figure was really noticeable underneath that drenced figure hugging shirt. Her yellow bra and straps was also clearly at this point of time. She had a nice hourglass figure, a jealousy for any woman and envy of any men. The moonlight accentuated her toned abs, the light shadow cast gave it an extra sexy definition.
Yinna - ok i think we're done for the day. Are you thirsty? I'll get you some drink
I sat on the floor while yinna went to the kitchen. I was admiring her rear view as her hips swayed from side to side while she walked. Its these little feminine actions that really turns me on. As i waites for yinna to get me a drink, all sorts of fantasies filled my head. It was only me and yinna in the whole unit. I imagined myself having sex with her on her queen sized bed in cowgirl position. Her boobs bouncing up and down as i pumped my dick into her sweet vagina. How amazing the sex would be!
Yinna - here you go
Yinna handed me a can of green tea. I was still in my sexual fantasy when she handed my drink. Good thing i was seated on the floor as my erection could not be seen. I gulped a huge load of saliva which piled from my sexual imaginations and took my drink.
Me - thanks
I drank my green tea in silence as yinna looked out the window. I took small sips of my drink while admiring her sexy hour glass figure rear view. Yinna then turned to me.
Yinna - its getting late. Dont wanna to worry your mum. Lets head home now
I sighed to myself. Nothing special was going to happen tonight i guess. We left the condo and yinna sent me home.
To be continued...
12-10-2015, 04:07 PM
Thank you TS for sharing.
12-10-2015, 09:10 PM
Haha come on people show me more love of u want more saucy details!!
12-10-2015, 09:41 PM
Thanks for updating:)
12-10-2015, 09:52 PM
More saucy details please !!!!
12-10-2015, 10:45 PM
TS please continue with story :)
13-10-2015, 08:23 AM
As usual i couldn't sleep that night. I just spent the entire day with yinna and got to admire her beauty. Prior to this day, i was never into women with athletic bodies however yinna has shown me that toned women can also look sexy. In her case, extremely sexy. I tossed and turned through the night, trying to get some sleep. I kept thinking of how great it must have felt if yinna and i had sex in her condo that night. How sweet her moist vagina would have felt wrapped around my cock while i grabbed her supple boobs. Sadly though it never happened.
I looked out into the window, staring at the sparkling stars in the night's sky. Just then the lights to yinna's house switched on. Her 3.5 stories mansion was nearly packed now and her curtains were removed, giving clear view of her room through the windows. Yinna stepped into the room, wrapped with only a white bathroom towel. The towel only covered half her body, from her boobs down to below her waist area. I jumped in excitement at the sight of my goddess clad only in a white towel. I crawled to the edge of my bed, anticipating for her to remove her towel. My eyes were wide open.
Yinna turned around to face her built in cupboard before removing her towel. Darn i whispered to myself. If only she faced the window when she did that. Nonetheless her naked body from the back was still a sight to behold. Milky white skin from head to toe and a really perky butt. It wasn't huge but there was a definite fullness to them. My dick was at full atttention at the moment. Yinna grabbed a pink sports bra and grey sweat pants and slowly got herself dressed. Watching her getting dressed was as delightful as watching a striptease.
Soon after, I frantically searched my room for my binoculars. I couldn't remember the last time i used them. It was probably for my sec 3 school camp, which was almost five years ago. I finally found them at the bottom of my cupboard covered in a layer of dust. Finally i can put them to good use.
My room was dark and there were blinds at my window. Yinna wouldn't catch me watching her i thought to myself. I grabbed a chair and placed it directly in front of my room window. With my binoculars at hand, i watched yinna in her room. Apparantly, she was doing something like yoga that night. I looked at the clock, it was nearly midnight. She was seriously going to exercise at this time? Her job must be really strict about the image part.
I watched in complete silence as yinna streched herself in differing positions. Seeing her toned muscles contracting and stretching was an absolute joy. Little did i realise my mouth was slightly opened with increased secretion of saliva. It was that day on that i had a new preferation for athletic women. Prior to that day, i have always preferred a slim woman above all else.
Suddenly, yinna peered at her window, a slight frown developed as she squinted her eyes. She was looking at my direction! Oh crap i thought to myself. I slowly crept under my table and hid for a while. I took a peek out the window and saw that her lights were off now. Was i caught, i thought to myself. Surely not! My room completely dark and there were blinds on my window. I consoled myself and tried to get some sleep.
I went out with my girlfriend the next day. We catched a movie we have been planning for a while now. Throughout our date, my head was stilled filled with the events of the previous night. My girlfried knew something was bothering my mind.
Tiffany - zac why so quiet? The movie not that good?
Me - its not the movie. Theres something else...
Tiffany - well im all ears. You can tell me anything
I had to come up with an excuse. I can't tell her about what happened last night. But then again i don't want to completely lie to her.
Me - you know my neighbor that lives two floors beside me?
Tiffany - the super rich obnoxious one?
Me - umm yeah them. I just got to know them recently and found out they are moving out soon
Tiffany - oh... So what are they like?
Me - i don't know both of them but i have met the lady. My mum and i have been helping her pack the last few days. She's actually quite nice
Tiffany - really? What's she like? Is she pretty or not?
Me - she looks okay i guess
Tiffany - im prettier than her right?
Me - of course you are dear
I was lying through my teeth. I couldn' t bring myself to tell my girlfriend how yinna actually looks. Don't get me wrong i really cared for tifffany and she was a great girl. But when it comes to girlfriend material, yinna was mountains above all else. The personification of beauty. She wasn't the standard for women but the baseline for perfection.
After our date, i went home and layed in my bed. Yinna's room was still dark. She must still be at work i guessed. Just then my mum walked in.
Mum - dear, i've packed some goodies and treats for auntie yinna. Tomorrow is her last day. I can't give her now as she's not home and i need to catch my flight. Can you pass it to her tomorrow?
I just realised my mum was going on a two-week long business trip to japan. Her flight was later that night. After all that has happened, i was really afraid of seeing yinna. But i couldn't get my mum suspicious.
Me - oh okay. Have a safe trip mum
I gathered my thoughts, trying to come up with several possible excuses should yinna ask but to no avail. Guess i have to face the music.
To be continued...
13-10-2015, 12:11 PM
camping for more !!!
13-10-2015, 12:55 PM
Keep going ts...thanks...
13-10-2015, 01:08 PM
Hey guys if its not too much to ask can u all share some pictures of yr fb or syt u fap to really curious. I'll update the stories in due time 😁
13-10-2015, 04:09 PM
Hey guys if its not too much to ask can u all share some pictures of yr fb or syt u fap to really curious. I'll update the stories in due time
Pictures will be in another section :)
14-10-2015, 05:08 PM
I awoke to my ringing alarm clock next to my bed. It was 10.30am. I sat up on my bed, looking out the window. Yinna's room was in clear view but she was not inside. Today was the day i was going to pass her the basket of goodies my mum prepared. I was nervous, recalling the events that happened two nights ago. If yinna popped the question, im done for! There wae no logical excus
14-10-2015, 06:00 PM
Camping here
14-10-2015, 06:54 PM
I awoke to my ringing alarm clock next to my bed. It was 10.30am. I sat up on my bed, looking out the window. Yinna's room was in clear view but she was not inside. Today was the day i was going to pass her the basket of goodies my mum prepared. I was nervous, recalling the events that happened two nights ago. If yinna popped the question, im done for! There was no logical excuse. However, i could be imagining things. My room was completely dark, she couldn't have seen me. I consoled myself with that possibility.
I took a long relaxing shower and got dressed. I grabbed the basket of goodies from the kitchen table and left my house. I walked slowly to yinna's house, gathering my courage in the process. I heaved a sigh as i pressed the bells to her house. After a while, yinna opened the gates. She was dressed in office wear - white office shirt with knee length blue skirt and black heels. She wore glasses for the first time that day. She must have been preparing to leave for work.
Yinna - oh hi zac. Please come in
Me - my mum packed this for you since it was your last day
I handed the basket of goodies to her, which she happily accepted.
Yinna - oh how sweet of her. Thank you so much. Please send my regards to her
Me - she would have given it to you herself yesterday but she had a flight to catch
Yinna - oh i'm so sorry. Work was really hectic yesterday
There was a moment of silence after her response. The atmosphere was getting awkward so i decided to excuse myself.
Me - you must be leaving for work. Guess i'll make a move first
Yinna - zac hold on. I need some last minute help with my packing. Can you lend a hand?
Me - yeah sure. What do you need?
Yinna - well some of the boxes were wrongly packed. can you help me re-arrange them?
I repacked the boxes as instructed. Up to this point, yinna have made no comments regarding that night's events. i got away i guess. I tried to revert back to our former ways of communication.
Me - you know, I've been helping you with these for the past few days now. Strong and thoughtful guys like me don't come by easy these days you know. So how are you gonna repay me?
Yinna let out a soft giggle.
Yinna - yup rare gems like you are treasures nowadays. don't worry. I never forget to pay my debts
We continued repacking the boxes while making small talk. This might have been the last i will ever see her again. I really wanted to enjoy the moment. We both sat face to face while going about our work. I knew i was going to miss her company once she left.
Yinna - so did you like what you saw that night?
My eyes sprung wide open. I was stunned by her question. She really did catch my dirty deed! I tried to act as if i didn't understand what she meant - my last line of defense.
Me - what do you mean?
Yinna - don't try to hide now. i know you were watching me with your binoculars that night
I knew i was caught red handed. There was no running away or hiding anymore. But how did she know? My room was in total darkness.
Yinna - your binoculars had a red beeping light. A friend of mine also has a night vision binoculars
So that was how i was caught. I totally forgot that my binoculars emitted red beeping lights when on night vision mode. I should have turned them off!
Me - im sorry for what i did. I didn't mean to violate your privacy
Yinna- haha thats okay. You are a young man filled with hormones. i understand
I remained silent in complete embarrassment. There was complete silence in the living room now. The atmosphere got really awkward and I really felt like running away. But if I did, it would make me seem more guilty. I persisted and continued helping. At least I came clean and apologized. Yinna was paying extra attention to my movements now, particularly where my eyes were fixated. There was no way i can stare at her 'that' way anymore as she would definitely notice.
Yinna continued with her packing, smilling happily to herself. She must be enjoying herself watching me in my embarrassed state. At that moment, i was glad she was moving out. Then, at least, i don't have to succumb to this embarrassment anymore.
Out of the blue, yinna bent down to grab some scotch tape, revealing her deep cleavage. She was wearing a dark blue bra underneath that white office shirt. The sight of her ample boobs held by that dark blue bra so close to my face gave life to my dick. I had an instant reaction to that glorious sight. Yinna noticed the rising bulge in my pants and gave a cheeky wide smile.
Yinna - what was that?
To be continued...
14-10-2015, 08:57 PM
Well written TS
Upped you
15-10-2015, 12:01 AM
Awesome story !!!!! :)
15-10-2015, 12:04 AM
Nice story ..... please update soon :)
15-10-2015, 04:35 AM
The sexy details you've been waiting for is comimg. Stay tuned!!
15-10-2015, 10:35 AM
15-10-2015, 10:40 AM
Lai liao! Lai liao!
15-10-2015, 02:32 PM
camp camp for more
16-10-2015, 03:44 AM
Lai liao! Lai liao!
Bo lai leh :(
16-10-2015, 09:45 AM
I stood frozen in embarassment for a moment before cupping my crotch. Yinna burst out in her high pitch laughter, placing her hands on her mouth while doing so. She wiped the tears forming on the tips of ber eyes under her glasses. I didn't know what to do as it was the first time i was caught with an erection. I had to say something.
Me - im sorry you had to see that
Yinna - hahaha it's okay zac. It's seriously fine. If anything else, i consider that a compliment!
Yinna was still laughing when she responded. I looked away in embarassment. I should have left when i had the chance earlier. Could this have been a trap by her to catch me? I thought to myself. If it was, that was really devious.
Yinna - wow you must really have a hard-on for me huh? Cuz your underwear and pants couldn't hold it in hahaha
Yinna was definitely enjoying the moment. My mind was a total blank as i was trying to succcumb to the actuality. Then i realised, yinna didn't seem disgusted or offended by the event. In fact, she seemed really cool by the whole thing. There was no hint of discomfort. It seemed more like a funny moment to her. If it were to happen to other younger women, they would probably have been turned off by the incident, even hinting at pervertness. It must be her age and mentality that resulted in this circumstance.
I returned back to packing the boxes, hoping everything will revert back to normal. Yinna just stood in front of me, staring at me with her cheeky wide smile. Then she stood up and asked me do likewise.
Me - what is it?
Yinna - just stand up. Come on. Its okay just follow me
I did as she wanted. She took me by the hand and guided me by to the sofa of the living room. I sat down, clueless by the whole event. Yinna stood in front of me and flashed a seductive smile before bending to her knees in between my crotch. She slowly pulled my pants down. I was still stunned by the whole incident to react or move. Next, she tried to pull my briefs down before i intervened.
Me - wait what are you doing?
Yinna - just sit back and relax okay. I know what i'm doing. You can trust me
I released my grip on yinna's hands as she slowly pulled down my briefs, revealing my partially erected dick. She took a moment to examine dick before giving me a wink. Was this actually happening? I thought to myself.
Yinna started with a squeeze before giving a long slow wet lick from the base of the shaft to the head. My dick went from partial erection to a complete one in an instant.
Yinna - wow that was quick hahaha
I remained silent, smiling at her. Yinna rubbed my dick from the base right up to the head, increasing in speed gradually. She would give that long wet lick from time to time to add lubrication. My dick became totally hard as yinna gave me a smile while rubbing it. The head of my circumcised dick was shiny now.
Yinna gave me another seductive smile before engulfing my fully erected dick into her sweet mouth. She held my dick in her mouth for several seconds using this technique where she would tickle the shaft using her tongue. Her wet tongue and mouth felt magnificent, a perfect combination of pleasure and tickle. I let out a slight moan in delight.
Yinna - how does that feel?
I simply noded. The sensation was so good i could barely speak. She spread my thighs slightly open while sucking my dick. Her long thick hair would tickle my thighs in the process. Yinna would close her eyes as she sucked and ocassionally open them to see if im enjoying her service.
Of course i was. Come to think of it, yinna gave me my first blowjob. My ex girlfriends never gave me one as they found it disgusting. Essentially, i was giving my oral virginity to yinna. A worthy receiver, i thought to myself.
Yinna began increasing the speed of her suction. Her glasses would sometimes slip down her bridge of her sharp nose and she would readjust them. The sight of that readjustment was simple yet extraordinarily sexy. It felt like i was really in those office settings and the secretary was blowing me. Suddey, yinna stopped for a moment and looked at me.
Yinna - i think this would help
Yinna stood up and unbuttoned another two buttons of her office shirt. Her blue bra was completely visible now. I realised her boobs was bigger than i thought. The office shirt she was actually hiding its real size. Yinna got on her knees again and continued blowing me. Her no-hand technique of blowing was a true masterclass.
Whenever i masturbated, sometimes the feeling of pleasure was so great that i would clamp my thighs. However, knowing that yinna was in between them, i knew i had i couldn't. This loss of control fuelled the pleasure. I brushed yinna's long soft hair as she continued sucking my dick.
How could a man leave a woman like her i asked myself. She gave the best blowjob ever. It could have saved any marriage with that technique!
I looked at the secretary sucking my dick. Yinna had a lot of stamina as she has been sucking it a constant rate for nearly 20 minutes now. I felt an intense pressure building up. I was going to ejaculate.
Masturbation and blowjobs are really different as when you masturbated, you can control when you ejaculated. However, ejaculation during a blowjob is out of your control.
Me - yinna im going to cum
Yinna continued sucking my dick up and down without hesitation. Her eyes closed in concentration as she increased her grips on my thighs. I held my ejaculation as i informed her one more time
Me - yinna im cumming NOW
Yinna engulfed my entire dick into her mouth, massaging my balls in the process. I couldn't control any longer and ejaculated in her mouth. Yinna held that position for several seconds as i unloaded. I came for almost ten seconds, realising that i haven't masturbated for almost a week now. My body froze in that moment of ecstacy before the shiver of pleasure sets in.
Yinna slowly released my dick from her mouth, giving one last suction on the way out. My dick was soft now. Yinna sucked the cum from the head, ensuring there was no leftovers. I sat on the sofa in exhaustion. Yinna wiped her lips before licking her fingers. An entire week of my load was in her mouth now.
She slowly spitted my cum onto her palms, allowing them to flow out of her mouth like a waterfall. My cum slightly overflowed from her hands. Yinna smiled towards me.
Yinna - wow that was a lot of cum. I nearly choked for a moment hahahah
I laid on the sofa in exhaustion. Yinna stood up and went to the kitchen. My head was still dizzy from the whole incident. Yinna soon came out while buttoning her shirt.
Yinna - i hope that settles my debt. Stay as long as you need and help yourself with the fridge okay. i have to leave for work now. Bye dear
With that, yinna left for work. I felt like i just ran a marathon. My first blowjob was a perfection...
To be continued...
16-10-2015, 09:52 AM
Camping for more...
16-10-2015, 10:26 AM
Time to train your girlfriend to blow you as well.
16-10-2015, 10:30 AM
Wish I have such neighbor.:D
16-10-2015, 10:48 AM
Had a hard-on just by reading your story! Keep it coming! :D
16-10-2015, 11:59 AM
nice update from ts, looking forward for more (:
16-10-2015, 03:20 PM
Just wanna let u all know that this was based on actual events and not a fictional make up fantasy. I do have pictures of the parties involved but decided not to post them for privacy reasons. I dont want it to affect her job. Hope u guys understand. Any predictions on what is gonna happen next?
TS still gt continue story ah???
17-10-2015, 02:52 AM
Please continue :D
17-10-2015, 02:56 AM
Waiting for more too
18-10-2015, 08:21 PM
Tiffany - Hello? Were you listening to me?
My girlfriend snapped her fingers in front of me to catch my attention. I turned towards her and flashed a slight smile.
Me - hey Tiff. I'm not feeling so well. Is it okay if we cut the day short? I'll drive you back
Tiffany - Umm...okay. Is everything alright? Are you unwell?
Me - it's nothing serious. Just a slight headache.
Tiffany - alright then. Go home and rest then. But promise me you'll see a doctor if it becomes serious okay
I drove Tiffany home soon after. The journey to her place wasn't very long from where we were, about a 15 minutes drive. There was complete silence in the car throughout the ride. I was completely lost in my thoughts. Tiffany was good at picking up signals like these. She knew me really well.
Tiffany - hey is everything alright? You seem a little quiet today
Me - yeah don't worry about it. My head just hurts a little. I don't think it's too serious. All i need is a good sleep
I flashed a smile to Tiffany to comfort her. She sighed as she looked out the window. I held her hand to reassure her. I was still a little daze from the events of that morning. It was all i could think about!
I finally reached Tiffany's house. I unlocked the passenger doors as she unbuckled her seat belt. Tiffany gave me a kiss on my left cheek as usual before she leaves.
Tiffany - Rest well okay. And keep me posted
I gave her a smile of assurance. I always made sure she safely entered her house before driving off, just a protective instinct. As i drove back home, I was recalling the entire morning incident. Since it happened so soon, it was still fresh in my head - Yinna's ample boobs, hour glass figure, thick and soft hair, office clothes and glasses. I could even recall the sucking sensation on my dick. Wet and passionate with good suction. The entire ordeal just kept replaying over and over again in my head. I couldn't concentrate the whole day today because of that. Even when i was with Tiffany, I kept thinking of Yinna!
Was I cheating on Tiffany? I silently thought to myself. Surely not, i consoled myself. Yinna caught me off guard!
Don't get me wrong, i really cared for Tiffany. She's a really decent girl, with above average looks and a slim body. She comes from a good family and was well-raised. My mum also approves of her. But being with Yinna was something totally different, something i came to enjoy. Yinna had a perfect combination of youth and maturity. Plus she had a body of a goddess with high sex appeal. The perfect girlfriend material, i once mentioned. But she was nearly 10 years older than i am. There was no way anybody would approve of our relationship.
As i reached the gates of my house, I realized being at home wasn't where I wanted to be. There was too much on my mind. I had to go somewhere. I called a good buddy of mine, Kai, to invite him for a gym session.
Kai - hey bro, you okay or not? How come suddenly ask me gym with you? Fight with your girlfriend is it?
Me - no la. I just need a work out now. Trying to clear my head
Kai - okay la since you said so. We do a few more reps of bicep curls before moving on to dead-lifts
Kai and I have been good friends since we were in primary school We did everything together growing up. We were updated on all the childhood tends - Tamiya cars, Beyblades, Crush Gears, Super Yoyo, Yugioh, etc.. We told each other everything - school work, crushes, girlfriends etc.. So i decided to tell him about my encounter that morning.
Me - Kai, You know my neighbors living two blocks next to mine
Kai - the high class rich one?
Me - yeah them. They just moved out
Kai - umm okay...that was kinda random. haha
Me - I actually met one of them recently. Help her move her things
Kai - huh? really? They talked to you? I thought they were arrogant?
Me - Yeah i thought so too. Actually the lady quite nice and friendly. Finally spoke to her for the first time.
Kai - the lady huh? She pretty not?
I knew that question was coming. It's just a guy's thing to ask how a girl looks when the topic arises. I knew i could trust Kai with the true details without him judging me. I had to let it off my chest before it kills me inside. Kai eagerly waited for a response.
Me - okay, whatever i tell you its between us only. No one can know okay
Kai - this is gonna be good. Okay go on
Me - The lady living there. Her name is Yinna and my god she is so hot!!
Kai - really?? How does she look?
Me - she works for an advertising company. She's 28 this year but looks way younger than that. She has a smokin hot figure with nice boobs. Not big but really nicely shaped. She has a pretty face when she apply some make up on but no make up also definitely above average.
Describing how Yinna looks slightly turned me on. I kept recalling how well her office attire fits her and how sexy she looked in them. Kai was actively listening to me, albeit surprised by my words though.
Kai - wow seriously? Got picture not?
Me - No i don't have any. I tried checking facebook and instagram but she doesn't seem to have an account.
Kai - so got anything happen not?
Kai gave me a cheeky smile. I took a slow deep breath before giving him an account of that morning. Kai was in slight disbelief but he knew i had no reason to lie to him. After all, we were honest with each other.
Kai - wah you really lucky. Never before i heard of such things. Your girlfriend don't suspect anything right?
Me - of course not. I told her Tiff i helped Yinna moved some things and that's it. I'm not gonna tell her what happened this morning! She'll kill me!
Kai - don't worry I'll keep my mouth shut. Just take it as a one-time off thing. Since it already happened, just move on and forget about it.
Me - guess you're right. Come let's go. I think we did enough for the day. Cannot over-train if not injured.
Forgetting it was easier said than done. If he was in my position he'd knew what i meant. We made way to the gym lockers to grab our bags. I checked for notifications on my phone and saw a received message. Maybe it was from Yinna i thought to myself. I opened the message.
" Hey love, hope you're feeling better. Call me if you need anything.
- <3 Tiff -
Why was i hoping it was from Yinna?
To be continued...
huh huh... I knw how u feel, these sort stuffs happens, best is move on, else it will jus get deeper until u cant ctrl anymore
20-10-2015, 09:28 AM
Hey guys sorry for the late update. Been really busy with school work the last couple of days. Will be updating the story soon. The next post (10) will be the season's finale so stay tuned for the last and juciest story :cool:
20-10-2015, 09:53 AM
Camping here!
20-10-2015, 07:43 PM
Hey guys sorry for the late update. Been really busy with school work the last couple of days. Will be updating the story soon. The next post (10) will be the season's finale so stay tuned for the last and juciest story :cool:
Bro TS,
Up you my humble 5.
Thanks for sharing.
21-10-2015, 04:54 PM
Waiting for finale
21-10-2015, 05:40 PM
Contd(10) part 1
A week passed since that fateful event. I was slowly recovering from its post-effects and began to think clearly once more. Nothing much happened during the last seven days as i revert back to my normal lifestyle. Yinna has officially moved out and i haven't seen or heard from her since. I was scheduled to meet tiffany and did so to make up for our previous cut-short date.
Tiffany - you know there's this really nice restaurant near bali lane. My friends told me that the steak is heavenly
Me - sounds delicious. Wanna go try it?
Tiffany gave me a smile as she tightened the grip of her hands onto mine. We made way to bali lane, chatting and laughing during the short walk from bugis station. We finally reached the cafe and i was impressed by the place. It replicated the classic coffeeshop with a slight modern twist. The dim lights and wooden flooring gave the place a relaxing and vintage feel. We were ushered to our table by a neatly dressed waiter as he handed us the menu.
Gentleman - welcome to our cafe. The soup of the day is cream of mushroom
Me - thanks. We'll decide before placing our orders
The waiter soon left as tiffany and i examined the menu. Rib-eye steak priced $30.
Tiffany - we have to try the rib-eye steak. Its a must
Me - yeah ok. That was the plan
I called for the waiter and we placed our orders. $30 for steak was definitely a little steep but you shouldn't put a price on quality. While waiting for our food to be served, i received a text.
"Hey zac, something really important came up. I need to speak to you asap. ITS URGENT!! Please call back"
- Yinna-
I was shocked by yinna's message. I really didn't expect her to contact me since that day. I kept my cool and acted as if nothing happened. Today was supposed to be for tiffany and i should give her my undivided attention. Our steaks finally arrived and we ate hungrily. Tiffany was right, they were the best steak i have ever eaten. The texture was soft and the bbq sauce was exquisite. Despite enjoying the steak and tiffany's company, i was still thinking about yinna's message. What was so urgent that she had to text me so randomly?
As the night was over, i drove tiffany back home. Once she has safely entered her house, i gave yinna a call.
Yinna - hello?
Me - hey, its me zac. Whats the emergency?
Yinna - oh zac finally you called back. I need your help now. Its urgent. Hurry come over!
Me - why? What's wrong? You still need help to move some stuff?
Yinna - no it's not that. Its more urgent. I can't tell you over the phone. You have to come and see it for yourself. Please hurry!!
Yinna sounded distressed over the phone. It sounded urgent. I thought yinna was really in trouble. She wouldn't have called me out of randomness and demanded for help. I rushed over to yinna's condo, thinking of what the emergency was along the way.
I went up to the 21st floor and knocked on her door hard. Yinna soon answered the door...
To be continued...
21-10-2015, 06:03 PM
More surprises on the way? :D
21-10-2015, 10:41 PM
*camping for more!!! :D
lai lai lai liao!!! Final Round!
22-10-2015, 12:53 PM
wah ts , u win already , please continue the story :)
22-10-2015, 03:56 PM
Contd(10) part 2
Yinna was dressed in a white pullover and blue denim shorts. Her pullover had a picture of a yellow duck on the pocket. Her hair was tied in a neat/messy combination with certain portions braided. Yinna had a spoon in her mouth when she answered the door. She looked really adorable with her sparkling eye smile. However i was more concerned with the emergency.
Me - yinna are you alright? What happened?
Yinna grabbed my right hand and dragged me in. She pulled me to the sofa and instructed me to seat.
Yinna - there's something really important i need to tell you
Me - okay what is it?
Yinna - wait here
Yinna left and headed to the kitchen, leaving me alone in the living room. I looked around the place. It was slightly messy with all the boxes around. Her living room table was filled with magazines, mails and newspaper apread all over it. I always thought that women were neater but i guess yinna was the exception. I turned towards the tv, she was watching an episode of big bang theory. I guess she liked the series just as much as i do.
Yinna soon came back to the living room with a small tub of ben and jerry's ice cream and handed it to me.
Yinna - here, i think you'll need this too
Me - tell me what's going on
Yinna - i will. But this will make it easier
I took the ice cream tub as yinna sat beside me on the sofa. She placed her long slender legs on the table before heaving a sigh. She sat so close to me that i could smell her scent. Her washed hair had a fresh smell and her light perfume smelled of flowers, so feminine. Yinna paused before breaking the news to me.
Yinna - i don't know how you're going to take this leaving zac
Me - leaving? You already left last week. This is where you left to
Yinna burst in a slight laughter. Her high pitch laugh was so cute that i nearly forget how much i used to adore them.
Yinna - no silly. As in im leaving the country
I was shick for a moment. There was a momentary silence in the living room. I was in disbelief that she was moving although i didn't really know her that well. I had to say something to break the uncomfortable silence.
Me - where are you going to?
Yinna - my company is expanding its businesss and setting up an office in China. My boss needs me and some of us to oversee the operations there
Me - how long will you be gone?
Yinna - i don't know. A couple of years maybe
I didn't know why but i felt devastated by the news. It felt as if i was going to lose a long time friend. I placed a shoulder around yinna to comfort her.
Me - well its for the best. I'm sure you're gonna do great there
Yinna - i hope so. Im gonna miss this place so much
Me - and me too?
Yinna looked up at me and flashed her cheeky smile. Her cute eye smile was so adorable that i melted inside.
Yinna - yes im gonna miss you too. The most!
Yinna placed her head on my chest and hugged me by the stomach. I didn't retaliate. Surprisingly though, i really liked it. I really missed her company. As much as i cared for tiffany, yinna had a better girlfriend feeling.
Me - so what have you been doing thr past week?
Yinna - nothing much. Just lazing around the house. My company gave me a week off to prepare for the trip
Me - oh yeah, when are you leaving?
Yinna - tomorrow morning
Me - HUH? So soon?
Yinna - yeah thats why i called you over tonight. I wanna see you for the last time
Yinna looked up at me and gave me a peck on the lips. I was caught by surprise. I returned the favor and kissed her back. This might be the last time i'm ever going to see her, might as well enjoy the moment while i still can. I really wanted to know what it felt like to have yinna as a girlfriend. I hugged yinna 's shoulder tight as she hugged me by the stomach. Yinna fitted well in my arms, the perfect fit.
Yinna - i know this show is a little geeky. You can change the channel if you want
Me - are you kidding? I love this show!
Yinna - you do? I thought guys only liked sports and action shows
Me - i like them too but once in a while its nice to watch comedy
Yinna - i know sheldon cooper is a little obnoxious. But i think he's kinda cute
Me - i think he's the kind of character i like to observe but not one i like to have for a friend
Yinna - so you must think penny is hot?
Me - yeah i guess she's hot. She has the pretty girl next door looks. Kinda like what you have
Yinna giggled at my compliment. We carried on our conversations in these relaxed and cheesy manner, laughing at the funny scenes of the show.
Towards the end of the show, there was a scene where leonard slept with penny. After the scene ended, yinna looked at me, flashing a seductive smile.
Here we go again, i thought to myself...
To be continued...
22-10-2015, 04:29 PM
Sexciting part coming again :D
23-10-2015, 11:44 PM
Please carry on!
24-10-2015, 02:07 AM
Contd(10) final
Yinna took me by the hand and pulled me into the bedroom. She pushed me to the bed before flashing a seductive smile. Her bedroom had a sweet scent with dimly lit lights. I layed on the bed, still a little shocked by the incident. Yinna came close to me and whispered into my ears.
Yinna - i've really missed you these past few days. I want you to never forget this night my dear
Yinna ran her hands on my chest underneath my shirt before unbuttoning my jeans. She pulled my pants down, revealing my briefs. She carassed the bulge on my briefs before pulling them down as well. Yinna gave my partially erected dick a light squeeze as i hissed a breath inwards from the sensation. She leaned in for a kiss.
Me - wait. I'm seeing someone
Yinna - oh...really? You never mentioned you had a girlfriend
Me - well we've been seeing each other for a while now. But i haven't officially asked her yet
Yinna - so that means you're still single right?
Me - now that you've pointed thag out. I guess...
Before i could finish my sentence, yinna pressed her lips against mine. She had really soft supple lips with strawberry gloss on. Wow her lips and kiss felt great. We passionately kissed for several seconds as yinna stroked my dick.
Yinna - wow your dick is really hard now. Have you been saving up for me? Hahah
Come to think of it, i haven't came since the last encounter which was a week ago.
Me - haven't found the time so far
Yinna laughed at my response. She lowered her head towards my dick and engulfed its entirety. My entire body shivered in pleasure and ecstacy. Her suction was heavenly, just as perfect as the last time.
Yinna - did you miss this?
I was in so much pleasure i could barely answer. Yinna took that silence as an assurance of her service. My dick grew longer and thicker as yinna increased the intensity of her suction.
Me - oh wow
Inside her mouth, i could feel her tongue working on my shaft as she lowered her head to my trimmed pubic hair. She pulled back until only the head was in her mouth, and then she went down on me again. This time, her throat somehow massaged my dick as it went in and out, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout my body.
Yinna went on like this for several minutes, always looking at me as she sucked me off. I was on the edge of release, every muscle tense as i waited for orgasm. Then suddenly yinna stopped. She pulled back, my erected manhood fell from her mouth with a wet pop sound. I looked at her in an almost panic.
Me - no please. Please go on!
Yinna - oh zach. You'll get your sweet release
Yinna gave an evil smile as she looked me deep into my eyes. I sighed, lowering my head onto the pillow. She was just teasing. She was such a good teaser! Then i felt a motion on the bed and looked up again. Yinna squatted over my dick and began removing her pullover, revealing her toned body and ample boobs under her maroon bra. She then unhooked her bra to reveal her boobs. She had a nice set of full b cup breasts with small pink nipples. Yinna gave me a smile before unbuttoning her denim shorts to reveal a matching maroon panties. She then lowered her panties to reveal her trimmed pussy. I stared at yinna standing naked in front of me.
Yinna - is this good enough for you?
My mouth was slightly ajar, staring at yinna's naked body. It has been a while since i saw a woman naked in person. The last time i did was probably during my jc days when i fucked my then girlfriend. Didn't have any luck during my ns days. Tiffany is the conservative good girl type and believed in saving herself for marriage. So it has been nearly 2 years since i last saw a naked female body. Yinna held my erected dick in one hand as she lined the head with her pussy.
Me - wait, stop. You can't
Yinna looked at me in surprise.
Me - don't we need protection?
Yinna - don't worry about that. I give you my word i'm disease free
Me - aren't you afraid of getting pregnant?
Yinna placed her index finger on my lips and shushed me.
Yinna - i said don't worry about it. Let's have our fun tonight and worry about it later
Yinna slowly lowered herself as she looked at me with a seductive smile. I groaned in pleasure. That was the first time i was penetrated a woman raw. I have fucked several girls before yinna but we always made sure i wore a condom. Feeling yinna's raw pussy and woman juices surrounding my unprotected dick was spectacular. Her vagina walls contracting and relaxing was an absolute pleasure. I felt my dick twitching, with precum running out on the tip.
Yinna - i'm gonna give you a night you'll never forget my love
My dick grew longer and thicker in her moist pussy. I've never felt anything so wet and tight in my entire life! As the lips of her pussy met my pelvis, i could feel the head of my dick push against her cervix.
Me - oh god this feels so good...
Yinna - your cock is growing so long i think its reaching my stomach. Hahaha
Yinna began moving up and down, her boobs bouncing with the movements. She moaned over and over again as she came for the first time. Her pussy massaged my dick as she moaned and stopped riding me, her cum leaking out on my shaft and collecting at the base. I reached my arms out to grab yinna's boobs and fondled with her nipples, making her squeal in delight. She started bouncing on me again, each bounce ending with the head pushing against her cervix like an insistent intruder.
I looked down at my dick stretching yinna completely. Everytime she raised up, i saw my shaft glistening with her juices, creamy and white. Yinna looked down as well.
Yinna - oh wow that's my cum all over your cock
The dirty talk was too unbearable for me. I felt precum still leaking from my cock as yinna rode me to the point of no return.
Me - you like my cock don't you
I grabbed yinna by the waist, running my hands up her toned abs towards the line of her cleavage. I was going to fill her with my seed. Feeling pressure built up on my dick, i grabbed yinna by her waist once more and pushed her down hard on my dick, engulfing its entirety into her sweet unprotected pussy.
I forced the head well past her cervix and into her womb. Yinna started rocking back and forth, massaging my dick to its release. I came for well over ten seconds, constantly shooting more and more semen into her pussy. I clossed my eyes as the intense orgasm overwhelmed me.
When i opened my eyes, yinna was looking at the mess i created in her. She gave me a sweet smile before bursting out in laughter.
Yinna - oh my gosh you came so much. I can feel it! Hahahaha
Yinna slowly removed her pussy from my soft twitching dick. Some of my cum spilled from the lips of her pussy. Yinna scooped some of the semen using her fingers and licked them while looking into my eyes. Then, she gave me little kisses from my stomach upwards until my neck before whispering into my ears.
Yinna - thank you for making me feel like a woman once more. Hope you enjoyed my gift to you
Those were the last words i heard before dozing off.
I woke up next morning to a bright sunshine. Yinna wasn't in the condo. She left a small note on the table in the living room
"Thanks for everything zachary. You're a really sweet man. Any girl would be lucky to have you. Hope to see you soon" -Yinna-
The end
24-10-2015, 03:44 AM
Such a well written sexventure :D
24-10-2015, 09:21 AM
End credit:
This concludes my encounter with yinna. Hope you guys have enjoyed reading my story as i much as i have reliving the moments. Thanks for all the support :)
Its been nearly two years now and I haven't seen or heard from yinna since that night. Tiffany and i are no longer together as we decided to go our seperate ways. Hope someday i get to see yinna again. I really missed her company at times.
24-10-2015, 09:29 AM
End credit:
This concludes my encounter with yinna. Hope you guys have enjoyed reading my story as i much as i have reliving the moments. Thanks for all the support :)
Its been nearly two years now and I haven't seen or heard from yinna since that night. Tiffany and i are no longer together as we decided to go our seperate ways. Hope someday i get to see yinna again. I really missed her company at times.
Good Story Bro.
24-10-2015, 10:37 AM
thanks for the great story
24-10-2015, 11:49 AM
Thanks for the great story TS. :)
24-10-2015, 12:50 PM
Thk u TS for the gd write up.
Wish you all the best
25-10-2015, 02:06 AM
End credit:
This concludes my encounter with yinna. Hope you guys have enjoyed reading my story as i much as i have reliving the moments. Thanks for all the support :)
Its been nearly two years now and I haven't seen or heard from yinna since that night. Tiffany and i are no longer together as we decided to go our seperate ways. Hope someday i get to see yinna again. I really missed her company at times.
her condo is still there.. that means she will be returning soon.. remember to make her feel complete as a woman when she is back..
upz you to 40 points.. :)
25-10-2015, 12:42 PM
Thank you for sharing.
25-10-2015, 04:15 PM
Great story with lots of details and amazing build-up! I especially enjoyed the way you always described her attire and underwear.
01-01-2016, 12:00 AM
Happy new year guys!! Remembering the good times!!
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