View Full Version : How to make your Girl Cum in Mandarin.
19-07-2006, 04:52 PM
I read this from other Forum and I find it useful for Bro who does not have good understand of English. I copy it and past it here for all to read, and hope it will help bro to achieve the goal of making your girl friend cum.
如何使自己的女人能常常達到高潮卻又不會勞心費神的去翻新花樣技巧,煙灰在此間做一個簡單的介紹,如要追求 更高質量的性生活享受,卻只能是靠你自己和你的另一半共同研究與摸索了。
“先講講我最討厭男生的幾件事,有些男生從來不幫女生口交,但卻會要女生幫他吹, 或是會舔一下,舔濕就好,甚至是吐口水在手上,把他抹在妹妹上,然後濕了就 插進去,拜托,那個濕是口水濕,而不是女孩子自然分泌的愛液,太不體貼了。 這種就算抽插很久我也很難有感覺,第一心理上就不舒服了,第二陰蒂沒有稍微刺激一下,陰道的敏 感度不夠。
多男生會說他們的女朋友不喜歡被舔或是不喜歡刺激陰蒂,第一種是女生覺得髒,心里因素。這要很多的溝通,或 是誘拐一下。很多男生說,女生不願意幫你吹,其實你真的弄得他很舒服,他會回報的。
若是光用陰睫抽插,女生是永遠不會高潮的,最好的方法是,一邊抽插,一邊用手摩插他的陰核,後後在他快要高 潮時加快速度,過一會他將不再需要你的手,因為 己經高潮了,就不要再摩插陰核,否則他只是會痛苦而已,這時候原本早就在加快抽插的陰睫若能夠再他高潮中加 快速度(如何辨斷他是否高潮,太簡單了,會叫是 大聲的,身體會不由自主的動 )這是就是他在高潮,這時候手摩插他的陰核要加快,陰睫抽插的速度中上就好了(以免待會射出來或沒力)等他 高潮完了,放心不用你講,他自動會把你的手移 開,這時候,若你還不會射,那就請加快百分之二百的速度抽插,保證他會愈叫愈大聲,所以光是用陰睫抽插永遠 也不會高潮。
剛剛說的是一種讓女生高潮的方法,保證他會愛上你,另一種是用舌頭黏他的陰核,黏的方法就有點技巧,教一個 最好的,從陰道口往上黏到陰核,因為陰道口也會有感覺,但若是要讓他高潮,就要把舌頭轉移集中攻集陰核(輕 重請自行拿定);
舔陰蒂的方式,不要直接舔下去,如果我一開始就直接把包皮拉下來,舔馬眼,很多男生會哀嚎吧!一樣的,太敏 感了。所以先舔陰蒂的左右,間中掃過陰蒂,小心 牙齒,或是含一點口水,整個嘴唇覆蓋在陰蒂,用濕潤的嘴唇像魚一樣開關閉合,或用舌頭按住陰蒂,一壓一壓的 ,不要用舌尖,用舌腹放松來舔弄(因為我只能感 覺,有實地操作經驗的男性請分享),規律的上下摩擦陰蒂的兩側,很奇怪我的右側比左側敏感。我自慰時都會用 手不斷摩擦陰蒂的右側,而不是直接摩擦陰蒂。
可以請你的女朋友在你面前自慰一次,你和她一起自慰給對方看,這樣你可以解他哪里舒服,因為有些用問的,真 的說不出來。
我對于用舌頭舔陰蒂是否能達到高潮是持肯定的,但就像女生光用嘴把男生吹出來一樣,蠻累的。但女生用手把男 生打出來,或是用嘴吸出來,那個舒服?
我曾經遇過一個磨人精,吹了40分鐘才吹出來。我敢發誓,我口交的技術不會太差,他是個很怪的人,光抽插可 以抽插兩個鐘頭還射不出來,據他說他交往的女友 里,三年中,他只用抽插妹妹的方式射出來三次。他的很大,籃球隊的,體力很好,但就是出不來,和他做到最後 是一場耐力賽,從剛開始的舒服到痛苦,到無力, 到沒有感覺,超級沒成就感的,所以真的不是久就好。而且很無聊,做到後來,他說肚子餓,還叫我去煮泡面,讓 我涼到不行。
如果手有空,請愛撫乳房,或是拿出兩指神功,但兩指插入之前,請先用一只手指頭讓陰道習慣。我最喜歡,男生 一邊舔一邊將手指頭在陰道里攪動,像打蛋機一樣。或是手掌朝向,做腳踏車運動,刺激G點。G點的敏感度,超 乎想象,請男生要調整手指的力度。
當陰蒂被挑起感覺時,整個陰道口都會敏感起來,這時可以降低刺激,免得女生受不了,將手掌覆蓋在陰道口,震 動。我的潮吹這樣刺激也會來。
或是拿小弟弟在洞口摩擦,尤其是男生快出來時,拔出來就可以這樣弄,降不會讓女生覺得你快出來了,又能讓女 生很舒服。
很多人說,女生會叫停,我想過很多原因,基本上我知道大部分的女生在高潮時會想尿尿,或是做完後會去尿尿。 這些女生可能都有潮吹的實力但重點是,他們沒辦法撐過那個過份敏感的感覺,或者覺得自己是想尿尿而壓抑著。 這種感覺可能就像是男生勃起想尿卻尿不出來。
那種感覺對于承受不起的人來說,可能會不太舒服,就好向有的男生做完之後踫小弟弟,會痛,有的 不會。
所以女生太刺激的時候喊停,可是停的時候,可以只是停止抽插,但照著我剛剛說比較不刺激的辦法試試看,這時 不要再弄陰蒂了,會不舒服的,但陰道口是可以的。還有乳房的G點(不懂的去看我的潮吹女自述),這時本來不 是主要敏感帶的地方都會變的很敏感。
還有讓我最難忘的差勁經驗,是男生說︰ㄟ,你還沒濕耶,你幫我舔濕再放進你里面。 個男的我印象深刻,本來要繼續交往的,但他的行為讓我覺的是個非常自私的男生。女生沒有濕,是男生努力不夠 ,哪有還要我服務到家的?所以沒多久就分手了, 不是床功不行,雖然真的不怎樣,但我覺的是沒禮貌是主因。
還有射精前完全無預警,雖然也許我還沒高潮,我也知道男生想射不見得忍的住但說一聲,會讓女生覺得比較有參 與感,而不是只是泄欲的容器吧我喜歡男生射之 前,會說我要射了,你要跟我一起高潮唷我要把滿滿的精子送給你嚕這讓我非常的亢奮,跟MAGGIE說喜歡男 生呻吟是一樣的我也超愛听,但別罵髒話(記得不 管女生在多興奮的情況下說可以射在里面,都不可以,除非他在安全期,尊重和平等對待是兩個人關系的基礎,也 是下一次完美性愛的契機。)
我遇過183公分,可是鳥只有拇指頭長度,美工用小膠水瓶,這樣了解嗎?所以身高和小弟弟真的沒關系,確實 大粗很重要,但我遇過大粗卻沒讓我很舒服的例子,所以技術還是最重要的,你期待你30~40還有超人的體力 嗎?
男生過了25歲就開始下滑了,可是女生才是欲望越來越強的時候呢最討厭有些男生喜歡強調自己天賦異稟,但技 術爛到不行,覺得這種人只會插插插,而且覺得自己天分好,不需後天努力。
讓我潮吹的男生都沒有很大,不過他們的確也不是完全靠小弟弟抽插來讓我潮吹的。這兩個男生的尺 寸都是12-13左右,粗細正常。有一個大一點,是15公分。他光是抽插就能讓我潮吹的,跟他的前戲也不長,但若要比起 來,下面提到那個技術高超的還是讓我比較舒服。
講其中一個技術超好的,他的天賦普通,時間很短,甚至沒辦法做很快的抽插,只能很快的抽插幾十秒左右,我想 如果他不停的話,可能十分鐘不到就射了吧但他厲 害的地方就是他知道他要射了,會拔出來磨我的妹妹,我不知道別的女生會不會,但我在被插的時候,我的妹妹會 不停的往外擠,會把男生推出去一樣。他突然拔出 來,因為往外擠的力量突然失去抵抗的力量,我的水就噴出去了。當我潮吹之後,我的陰道會變的很緊很緊。常听 人家說女生在做愛時,會越插越松,或是水太多, 太滑而減少摩擦力。我不知道是不是,但我的不會,水是已經滿床都是了,曾經我男朋友被我夾到擠出來過,還軟 掉了,真是抱歉。所以這時不算粗不算大的陽具, 對我而言,也是超有感覺。
我很喜歡背後的姿勢,讓女生把身體整個壓低,臀部翹高,比較容易踫撞到G點,而且背後的姿勢可以很深,很用 力,也可以很快。傳教士的體位,可以試試看讓女生側躺,一條腿放在男生肩膀上,一條腿壓在男生的腳下,這樣 也可以很深,而且很容易撞擊G點。
女生的性感帶和敏感度是需要開發的,我很多朋友在初嘗性愛的時候,甚至頭幾年,都不曾有過高潮,不見得是男 生的技巧或是天分不好,只是身體是需要習慣某些感覺的。
再來就是講到六九體位了,六九當然很好,但說真的很多女生未必喜歡,因為通常六九是女生在上面,當小妹妹被 刺激的時候都已經全身無力了,別說是保持趴著的 姿勢,都很困難了,更何況還要幫男生口交。這樣根本沒辦法專心享受。比較喜歡男生先幫女生好好的服務一下, 在換過來。插進來前,有些女生可能已經干了,這 是在拿陰睫沾著剛剛女生的口水在陰道口好好的磨一下,在開始抽插。
這樣雙方的口交品質都會比較好。的確有時女生的味道比較重,所以不喜歡可以去洗澡,同時開始前戲。男生的性 器雖然在外面,但不見得就沒味道。所以同理心唷 (但我的確遇到過一個很臭的,臭的不是鳥,是毛的部分會有像狐臭的味道,真的差點要吐,但還是幫他吹了,雖 然不喜歡那個味道,但不能太自私壓,只是後來就 比較少幫他吹了)
最後,大家真的別介意尺寸和時間,好好的對女朋友,體貼關心他的感受,讓他愛死你,比起技術很好天賦異稟到 處一夜情,還覺得自己是女人救星的種馬要好太多 了。因為愛是女人最好的催情劑。當我幫我心愛的男人口交時,光是他滿足的聲音,欲先欲死的表情,我就濕的一 塌糊涂了。連接吻,愛撫都沒有唷~ 光用愛,是無法讓肉體高潮的,但在做愛的過程里,讓對方感受到你的愛,隨時都能很高潮。有一次我月經來了, 要做的時候,對方要幫我舔,我說我那個來了,可 是他說這樣你干干的會痛,還是幫我舔了陰蒂和外圍四周,那時我嚇呆了,雖然舔的時間只有幾分鐘,但他插進來 我馬上就高潮了。這個例子很多人可能很難接受, 甚至我自己都覺得很奇怪,不是要你們照著做,但這種就是一種體貼,體貼的話語,溫柔的動作,讓人很開心。記 住技術的層面是有極限的。
第二步,用俯臥的姿勢騎在她身上手握陰睫在陰部外面輕撫幾下,讓潤滑液粘到陰睫上,你就可以慢慢插進去,不 要急,插道底以後,抱著她在她耳邊說一些情話, 然後問她要不要抽動幾下,她說要你就可以行動了,你的表現機會也來了,請記住別讓自己太激動,要不然沒下文 了,一定要控制自己。
第三步,把她的大腿用她自己的手向兩邊舉起分開,你用跪的姿勢,告訴你姿勢很重要,要不然女人享受不到 高潮,也別插的太深,淺插即可,一下一下,形成規律,別猛插,沒意思,而女人也不會喜歡。
第四步,也是最關鍵的,通過以上淺插,女人肯定不過癮,你就用手摸陰蒂,邊插變摸,記住用口水潤滑手指 去摸陰蒂,這里有兩種技巧,而對每種女人的方法都不一樣︰
第一種就是輕輕的插進去,在插進去的過程時撫摸陰蒂,一定要摸,插進去很慢的,插到底之後,頂住,然後 又摸陰蒂,再輕輕的慢慢的退出來反復此過程,此 時女人已到最佳狀態,你就可以繼續抽送,輕重由你把握,時間控制的長一點,也是最難控制的時候,因為女人已 到高潮陰道你會感到有收縮,如在感到有陰道收縮 時,你就不停的繼續插入,要插得深,時間長點一直到射精時,那女人這輩子是不會忘記你了。如你控制不了你就 停一停再繼續,反復幾次。這是第一種。
第二呢,就是在速度上加快,邊插邊摸,不到女人高潮時不要深插,只有到女人高潮時你才可以有力深插,因 為女人高潮沒到時太深了會疼,還有就是太深了你會控制不住射精。關鍵有以下幾點︰
3)要有足夠的陰睫在陰道里停留的抽擦時間,從開始到結束估計要40分鐘。你能堅持到嗎?相對于輕微性 冷淡的女性在性生活中的建立自信如果女性朋友對自己缺乏自信,相信下面的方法對你會有幫助。
‧學會“性的自私”︰傳統上女人總把別人的快樂放在首位,你應該試著在做愛的時候專注于自 己的感受。
‧發現自己的偏好︰通過性幻想、手淫和嘗試發現自己喜愛的做愛方式。拒絕你所不喜歡的方式,接受你所喜 歡的方式。
shchen :D
19-07-2006, 09:22 PM
wow....very long ah...i read halfway i gave up le...thanks anyway
Kyser Soze
19-07-2006, 09:39 PM
Wow, need to print it out to read. I almost strained my eyes. Anyway, very informative indeed. :D
Wow, need to print it out to read. I almost strained my eyes. Anyway, very informative indeed. :DThe font size too small, read already eyes buay tahan.....getting old liao. :(
19-07-2006, 10:07 PM
Wow lua!!! someone already posted this... pls dont be a copycat...:rolleyes:
19-07-2006, 10:44 PM
mandarin can make your girl cum ?:)
19-07-2006, 11:01 PM
mandarin can make your girl cum ?
Bro salah. 1st step u got to make your girl very high. Once u got it den go into the 2nd step shout my "name in mandarin". Got it?:D
Threadstarter paiseh din finish reading your post as the word it's too "long & small". Unlike our dick so "thick & big"!
Paiseh joking nia! :p
19-07-2006, 11:17 PM
bro can translate to english or not? lazy to read...
For those who read english .. I just translate by a translator by after I read.
I think the English not really perfect but I think still can understand :D
Let the female student high tide the method (woman's moral nature speech)! MM personally writes oh * How does the simple effective maidservant person fast high tide * — how enable own woman frequently to reach high tide actually cannot work with the heart takes the trouble to renovate the pattern skill, the cigarette ash makes a simple introduction, if must pursue the high grade sex life to enjoy, actually only could be depends on you and you another one half studies together with tries to find out.
"First discusses my most repugnant male student's several matters, some male students always do not help the female student the mouth junction, but actually the institutional records of a reign female student helps him to blow, perhaps can lick, licks wet good, even is spits the saliva in the hand, wipes him on the younger sister, then wet inserted, asks, that wet is the mouth is wet, but is not the girl naturally secretion love fluid, too does not sympathize.
This kind calculated pulls out inserts is very long I very to be also difficult to have the feeling, in the first psychology has been uncomfortable, the second clitoris not slightly stimulates, the vagina sensitivity not 夠. The multi- male students can say they the girlfriend does not like licking perhaps not liking stimulating the clitoris, the first kind is the female student thinks the internal organs, in the heart the factor. This must very many communications, perhaps abducts.
Very many male students said that, the female student is not willing to help you to blow, actually you really made he is very comfortable, he can repay. If the light pulls out with the cloudy eyelash inserts, the female student never meets the high tide, the best method is, at the same time pulls out inserts, at the same time touches with the hand inserts him 陰核, after latter when his soon high tide speeds up the speed, as soon as has met him no longer to need your hand, because of the oneself after the high tide, have not had again to touch inserts 陰核, otherwise he only will be meets the pain, this time originally already in speeds up the cloudy eyelash which pulls out inserts how if can 夠 again in his high tide speed up the speed (to distinguish breaks his whether high tide, too has been simple, can call is loud, The body realized cannot help but moves) this is he in the high tide, this time touches inserts him 陰核 to have to speed up, the cloudy eyelash pulled out in the speed which inserted in good (in order to avoid treated can project or does not have strength) to wait for his high tide, felt relieved did not need you to say, he was automatic can put aside yours hand, this time, if you could not shoot, that please sped up 200% speed to pull out inserts, guaranteed he could call loudly, therefore the light was pulls out with the cloudy eyelash inserts forever cannot the high tide.
Just said was one kind lets the female student high tide the method, guaranteed he could fall in love with you, another kind was mounts him with the tongue 陰核, mounted the method a little was skillful, teaches well, upward mounted from the cloudy road junction 陰核, because the cloudy road junction also could have the feeling, but if had to let his high tide, had to shift the tongue the centralism to attack the collection 陰核 (weight please voluntarily to settle on); Licks the clitoris the way, do not have directly to lick, if I as soon as start on directly to lag behind the wrapper, licks 馬眼, very many male students meet the sorrow to be howling! Same, too was sensitive.
Therefore first licks the clitoris about, center has swept the clitoris, the careful tooth, perhaps contains 1. saliva, the entire lip covers covers in the clitoris, likes the fish same switch with the moist lip closed, or holds down the clitoris with the tongue, as soon as presses, do not have to use the tip of tongue, with 舌腹 relaxes licks makes (because I only can feel, has reality to operate experience male please to share), rule about rubs the clitoris two sides, felt strange very much my right flank is more sensitive than left side. I console oneself when can use the hand unceasingly to rub the clitoris right flank, but is not the direct friction clitoris.
May ask you the girlfriend to console oneself a time in front of you, you and she consoles oneself together to opposite party looked, where like this you may solve him to be comfortable, because somewhat with asks, really says. I regarding use the tongue to lick the clitoris whether can reach high tide is holds firmly, but likes the female third contact to blow out with the mouth the male student is same, tired. But the female student splits out with the handle male student, perhaps comes with the mouth aspiration, that comfortable? I met to rub the worldly person, blew 40 minutes only then to blow out.
I dare to pledge that, my mouth junction technology cannot too be bad, he is a very strange person, the light pulls out inserts may pull out inserts for two hours not to be able to shoot, according to him he associates in the girlfriend, in three years, he only uses to pull out inserts younger sister's way to project three. He very big, basketball team, physical strength very good, but is cannot come out, achieves with him finally is an endurance match, from just started as comfortably as the pain, to incapable, to did not have the feeling, super not achievement feeling, therefore really was not long is good. Moreover very bored, achieved afterwards, he said the belly was hungry, but also was called me to boil soaks the surface, let me to not be coolly good.
If the hand has spatial, please caress the breast, perhaps puts out two figure of marvelous abilities, but before two figure of insertions, please first uses a finger to let the vagina custom. I most like, the male student licks while mixes the finger in the vagina, the picture hits the egg machine to be same. Perhaps the palm of the hand faces, makes the bicycle movement, stimulates G. G sensitivity, the ultra imagination, asks the male student to need to adjust the finger dynamics. When the clitoris is shouldered the feeling, the entire cloudy road junction can be sensitive, by now was allowed to reduce stimulates, so as to avoid the female student cannotted bear, covered the palm of the hand covers in the cloudy road junction, the vibration. My tide blows stimulates like this also can come.
Perhaps takes the kid brother to rub in Dongkou, when the male student quickly comes out in particular, draws out may make like this, falls cannot let the female student think you quickly came out, also can let the female student be very comfortable. Very many people said that, the female student can call to stop, I had thought very many reasons, basically I knew majority of female students when high tide the meeting wants to urinate, after perhaps completes can go urinates.
These female students possibly all have the strength which the tide blows but the key point are, they do not have the means to support that too sensitive feeling, or thought oneself is wants to urinate constrains. This kind of feeling possibly is the male student erects on the picture wants to urinate actually cannot urinate. That kind of feeling regarding cannot withstand the person said that, possible meeting not too comfortable, is good completes after some male students 踫 the kid brother, meets the pain, some cannot. Therefore the female student too stimulates time shouts stops, but stops, may only be stops pulling out inserts, but according to me just was saying the comparison does not stimulate the means try to look, by now did not have again to make the clitoris, met not not comfortably, but the cloudy road junction was may.
Also has the breast G (not to understand looked my tide blows female account in own words), by now originally was not the main sensitive belt place can change is very sensitive.
Also has lets I most unforgettable disappointing experience, is the male student said ︰ ㄟ, you do not have wet Ye, you help me to lick wet admit inside again you. The male my impression is profound, originally must continue to associate, but his behavior lets me sense is an extremely selfish male student. The female student has not been wet, is the male student diligently not 夠, where has also wants me to serve proficiently? How long therefore didn't have has bid good-bye, was not the bed merit is not good, although really not how, but I sense was does not have politeness is the principal factor.
Also has 射精 front completely does not have the early warning, although perhaps I do not have the high tide, I also knew the male student wants to shoot not necessarily endures to live but said, can let the female student think the comparison has the participation feeling before, but is not vessel I which only is releases wants likes the male student shoots, can say I must shoot, you had to have to give you together with my high tide oh me completely the spermatozoon loo this to let my unusual stimulated, with MAGGIE said liked the male student groan is the same my also ultra love listens,
But do not scold the bad language (to remember no matter female student in excited situation said may shoot in inside, all may not, only if he in safe period, respect and equality of treatment is foundation which two people relates, also is next perfect sextual affection turning point.) I have met 183 centimeters, but the bird only has a thumb length, the art designing with the small rubber thermos, like this understands?
Therefore the height and the kid brother really have not related, truly greatly thick very important, but I meet oversized am thick have not actually let I very comfortable example, therefore the technology is most important, you anticipated your 30 □40 also have superhuman's physical strength? The male student 25 years old had started to glide down, but the female student is the desire more and more strong time most repugnant some male students likes emphasizing the oneself talent different reported, but the technology to is not rottenly good, thought this kind of person only can inserts, moreover thought the oneself talent is good, will not need the day after tomorrow diligently.
Lets the male students which my tide blows not very be all big, but they indeed are not depend entirely on the kid brother to pull out insert let my tide blow. These two male students' size all is about 12-13, thick thin is normal. Some big 1., is 15 centimeters. He only is pulls out inserts can let my tide blow, is not long with his front play, but if compares, below excellent mentions that technology or to let me quite be comfortable.
Speaks technology ultra good, his talent ordinary, the time is very short, even does not have the means to do very quickly pulls out inserts, only can very quick pull out inserts about for several dozens seconds, I thought if he does not stop, the possible ten minutes to not to shoot but his fierce place are he knew he must shoot, could draw out rubs me the younger sister, I did not know other female student to be able, but I in inserted, my younger sister meets does not stop toward outside crowds, could promote the male student is same. He suddenly draws out, because crowds toward outside the strength suddenly loses the resistance the strength, my water 噴出去. After my tide blows, my vagina can change very tightly is very tight. Often listens to others to say female student when making love, can more insert loosely, perhaps the water too are many, too slides reduces the friction force.
I did not know is, but I could not, the water be already Man Ch'uangtu was, my boyfriend is clamped by me squeezes out, but also softly has fallen, really was the regret. By now therefore did not calculate thick does not calculate the big male genitals, as it concerns me, also was ultra has the feeling. Behind I like very much the posture, entire lets the female student pull down the body, the buttocks curl upwards high, compared with is easy 踫 to hit to G, moreover the behind posture may be very deep, makes an effort very much, also may be very quick.
tbc ..
Last Part
Missionary's body posture, may try to look lets the female student side lie down, a leg puts on the male student shoulder, a leg presses under male student's foot, like this also may very deep, moreover is very easy to hit G. Female student's sexy belt and the sensitivity are needs to develop, my very many friends initially are tasting the sextual affection time, even the first several years, all not once have had the high tide, not necessarily were male student's skill perhaps the talent are not good, only are the body are need to be familiar with certain feelings.
Again came is talks about to 69 body posture, 69 certainly very good, but said really very many female students not necessarily liked, because usual 69 was the female student in above, when the little younger sister is stimulated time all already whole body incapable, let alone was the maintenance lay prone a posture, very has been all difficult, much less also had to help the male student the mouth junction. Like this does not have the means wholly absorbed to enjoy. Compared with likes the male student first helping the female student well service, is trading. Inserts front, some female students already have possibly done, this was is taking the cloudy eyelash to moisten just female student's saliva well to rub in the cloudy road junction, is starting to pull out inserts.
Such bilateral mouth junction quality can quite be good. Indeed sometimes female student's flavor quite is heavy, therefore does not like being allowed to go takes a bath before, simultaneously starts to play. Male student's sex organs although in outside, but not necessarily does not have the flavor. Therefore the same principle heart oh (but I indeed have met very smelly, is smelly is not a bird, is a wool branch has picture body odor flavor, really almost feels nauseated, but or helped him to blow, although did not like that flavor, but could not too selfish pressure, only be afterwards little helps him on comparison to blow) Finally, everybody really did not mind size and time, well to girlfriend, sympathizes cared about his feeling, lets him like dying you, compares the technical very good talent different to report everywhere a night of sentiment, but also thought oneself was the woman liberator's stud horse wants too to be many well.
Because the love is the woman best urges the sentiment medicinal preparation. When I help I the beloved male population hands over, the light is his satisfied sound, wants expression which first wants to die, I was wet in a complete mess. Including kisses, the caress all does not have oh □the light to use the love, is unable to let the human body high tide, but in the process which makes love, lets opposite party feel your love, all can as necessary very the high tide. Some my menstruation has come, must do, opposite party wants to help me to lick, I said my that has come, but he said like this you meeting pain, or helped me to lick the clitoris and the periphery all around, at that time I have been scared, although licked the time only had several minutes, but he inserted me immediately on the high tide.
This example very many people very are possibly difficult to accept, even I all thought very strangely, not wants you according to do, but this kind is one kind sympathizes, the words which sympathizes, the gentle movement, lets the person be very happy. Remembers technical the stratification plane to have the limit. The female student can remember lets his high tide the male student, simultaneously also can remember the very rotten male student, which one kind does want to make, looked oneself diligently!
The second step, with the posture which lies face downwards rides in her body seat of honor grasps the cloudy eyelash lightly to caress several outside the genitals, lets 潤滑液 stick to the cloudy eyelash on, you may slowly insert, do not have to be anxious, inserts after a bottom, hugs her nearby her ear to say some talk between lovers, then asked she must twitch several, she said wanted you to be allowed to move, your performance opportunity has also come, please remembered do not let oneself too be excited, otherwise did not have as follows, certainly had to control oneself.
The third step, lifts hers thigh with she hand to two nearby separates, you use the posture which kneels, tells you the posture very importantly, otherwise the woman does not enjoy the high tide, also do not insert too is deep, shallowly inserts then, 一下一下, forms the rule, don't fiercely inserts, does not have the meaning, but the woman is not sure to like. Fourth step, also is most essential, through above shallowly inserts, the woman definitely does not satisfy a craving, you use the hand to trace the clitoris, inserts changes traces, remembers with the saliva lubrication finger traces the clitoris, here has two skills, but is all dissimilar to each woman's method ︰
The first kind is gently inserts, in inserts when process strokes the clitoris, certainly must trace, inserts very slowly, after inserts, withstands, then traces the clitoris, gently slowly withdrawal repeatedly this process, this time the woman to the optimum condition, you has been allowed to continue to pull out delivers, the weight grasps by you, the timing control is long 1., also is most difficult to control, because the woman to the high tide vagina you has will feel has the contraction, if in felt has when the vagina contracts, you do not stop the continuation insertion, must insert deeply, When the time long spot continuously arrives 射精, that woman this whole life could not forget you.
If you could not control you to stop continue again, repeatedly several. This is the first kind. Second, is speeds up in the speed, inserts while traces, not to woman high tide when do not have deeply to insert, only has to the woman high tide when you only then may powerful deeply insert, because the woman high tide not at the appointed time too was deep has been able to hurt, but also had is too deep you has been able to control 射精.
The key has following several ︰ 1) open woman's thigh opens 1., the upper body toward 上弓, to high tide when may use the hand hook to live your neck, you may make an effort deeply to insert. 2) traces when the clitoris the finger certainly must lubricate, then the coordination pulls out the speed which scratches lightly to trace, must lightly trace. 3) must have the foot 夠 cloudy eyelash to pause in the vagina pulls out scratches the time, from starts to take 40 minutes to the conclusion estimate. You can persist? Is opposite to the slight desolate female's in sex life establishment is self-confident if the feminine friend lacks self-confidently to oneself, under believed the method can have the help to you. □the academic society deeply loves own body, in particular these out of the ordinary characteristics hair, hand, eye paper mulberry, breast, leg and so on. □own 性征 regards as the normal matter ︰ You live have the nature, this is most naturally the only matter. □honestly treats with the companion ︰ Promotes your relations, publicizes your barrier to him, you with difficulty accept in particular part. □academic society "natural selfish" ︰ In the tradition the woman always joyfully puts the others on the first place, you should try the time which makes love concentrates to own feeling. □expresses own feeling ︰ Is making love time allows oneself to move, to speak even groans. □believes contraceptive the validity ︰ Chooses one kind of you to be able completely to trust and feels the comfortable contraceptive method. □full exchange ︰ Forms the exchange way and the terminology between you and the companion which each other all can accept. □discovers own by chance ︰ Through the natural fantasy, the masturbation and the attempt discovered oneself likes makes love the way. Resists way which 絕 you does not like, accepts way which you likes
20-07-2006, 12:39 PM
Wow lua!!! someone already posted this... pls dont be a copycat...:rolleyes:
Pls lah, I already mentioned I read it from other forum. You can search it via so If you do not read pls do not any how comment.
20-07-2006, 12:51 PM
Threadstarter paiseh din finish reading your post as the word it's too "long & small". Unlike our dick so "thick & big"!
Paiseh joking nia! :p
Ok this is the big font version that I have break it to few portions. Part one
如何使自己的女人能常常達到高潮卻又不會勞心費神的去翻新花樣技巧,煙灰在此間做一個簡單的介 紹,如要追求 更高質量的性生活享受,卻只能是靠你自己和你的另一半共同研究與摸索了。
“先講講我最討厭男生的幾件事,有些男生從來不幫女生口交,但卻會要女生幫他吹, 或是會舔一下,舔濕就好,甚至是吐口水在手上,把他抹在妹妹上,然後濕了就 插進去,拜托,那個濕是口水濕,而不是女孩子自然分泌的愛液,太不體貼了。 這種就算抽插很久我也很難有感覺,第一心理上就不舒服了,第二陰蒂沒有稍微刺激一下,陰道的敏 感度不夠。
多男生會說他們的女朋友不喜歡被舔或是不喜歡刺激陰蒂,第一種是女生覺得髒,心里因素。這要很 多的溝通,或 是誘拐一下。很多男生說,女生不願意幫你吹,其實你真的弄得他很舒服,他會回報的。
若是光用陰睫抽插,女生是永遠不會高潮的,最好的方法是,一邊抽插,一邊用手摩插他的陰核,後 後在他快要高 潮時加快速度,過一會他將不再需要你的手,因為 己經高潮了,就不要再摩插陰核,否則他只是會痛苦而已,這時候原本早就在加快抽插的陰睫若能夠 再他高潮中加 快速度(如何辨斷他是否高潮,太簡單了,會叫是 大聲的,身體會不由自主的動 )這是就是他在高潮,這時候手摩插他的陰核要加快,陰睫抽插的速度中上就好了(以免待會射出來或 沒力)等他 高潮完了,放心不用你講,他自動會把你的手移 開,這時候,若你還不會射,那就請加快百分之二百的速度抽插,保證他會愈叫愈大聲,所以光是用 陰睫抽插永遠 也不會高潮。
20-07-2006, 12:54 PM
Part Two.
剛剛說的是一種讓女生高潮的方法,保證他會愛上你,另一種是用舌頭黏他的陰核,黏的方法就有點 技巧,教一個 最好的,從陰道口往上黏到陰核,因為陰道口也會有感覺,但若是要讓他高潮,就要把舌頭轉移集中 攻集陰核(輕 重請自行拿定);
舔陰蒂的方式,不要直接舔下去,如果我一開始就直接把包皮拉下來,舔馬眼,很多男生會哀嚎吧! 一樣的,太敏 感了。所以先舔陰蒂的左右,間中掃過陰蒂,小心 牙齒,或是含一點口水,整個嘴唇覆蓋在陰蒂,用濕潤的嘴唇像魚一樣開關閉合,或用舌頭按住陰蒂 ,一壓一壓的 ,不要用舌尖,用舌腹放松來舔弄(因為我只能感 覺,有實地操作經驗的男性請分享),規律的上下摩擦陰蒂的兩側,很奇怪我的右側比左側敏感。我 自慰時都會用 手不斷摩擦陰蒂的右側,而不是直接摩擦陰蒂。
可以請你的女朋友在你面前自慰一次,你和她一起自慰給對方看,這樣你可以解他哪里舒服,因為有 些用問的,真 的說不出來。
我對于用舌頭舔陰蒂是否能達到高潮是持肯定的,但就像女生光用嘴把男生吹出來一樣,蠻累的。但 女生用手把男 生打出來,或是用嘴吸出來,那個舒服?
我曾經遇過一個磨人精,吹了40分鐘才吹出來。我敢發誓,我口交的技術不會太差,他是個很怪的 人,光抽插可 以抽插兩個鐘頭還射不出來,據他說他交往的女友 里,三年中,他只用抽插妹妹的方式射出來三次。他的很大,籃球隊的,體力很好,但就是出不來, 和他做到最後 是一場耐力賽,從剛開始的舒服到痛苦,到無力, 到沒有感覺,超級沒成就感的,所以真的不是久就好。而且很無聊,做到後來,他說肚子餓,還叫我 去煮泡面,讓 我涼到不行。
如果手有空,請愛撫乳房,或是拿出兩指神功,但兩指插入之前,請先用一只手指頭讓陰道習慣。我 最喜歡,男生 一邊舔一邊將手指頭在陰道里攪動,像打蛋機一樣。或是手掌朝向,做腳踏車運動,刺激G點。G點 的敏感度,超 乎想象,請男生要調整手指的力度。
20-07-2006, 12:56 PM
Part Three.
當陰蒂被挑起感覺時,整個陰道口都會敏感起來,這時可以降低刺激,免得女生受不了,將手掌覆蓋 在陰道口,震 動。我的潮吹這樣刺激也會來。
或是拿小弟弟在洞口摩擦,尤其是男生快出來時,拔出來就可以這樣弄,降不會讓女生覺得你快出來 了,又能讓女 生很舒服。
很多人說,女生會叫停,我想過很多原因,基本上我知道大部分的女生在高潮時會想尿尿,或是做完 後會去尿尿。 這些女生可能都有潮吹的實力但重點是,他們沒辦法撐過那個過份敏感的感覺,或者覺得自己是想尿 尿而壓抑著。 這種感覺可能就像是男生勃起想尿卻尿不出來。
那種感覺對于承受不起的人來說,可能會不太舒服,就好向有的男生做完之後踫小弟弟,會痛,有的 不會。
所以女生太刺激的時候喊停,可是停的時候,可以只是停止抽插,但照著我剛剛說比較不刺激的辦法 試試看,這時 不要再弄陰蒂了,會不舒服的,但陰道口是可以的。還有乳房的G點(不懂的去看我的潮吹女自述) ,這時本來不 是主要敏感帶的地方都會變的很敏感。
還有讓我最難忘的差勁經驗,是男生說︰ㄟ,你還沒濕耶,你幫我舔濕再放進你里面。 個男的我印象深刻,本來要繼續交往的,但他的行為讓我覺的是個非常自私的男生。女生沒有濕,是 男生努力不夠 ,哪有還要我服務到家的?所以沒多久就分手了, 不是床功不行,雖然真的不怎樣,但我覺的是沒禮貌是主因。
還有射精前完全無預警,雖然也許我還沒高潮,我也知道男生想射不見得忍的住但說一聲,會讓女生 覺得比較有參 與感,而不是只是泄欲的容器吧我喜歡男生射之 前,會說我要射了,你要跟我一起高潮唷我要把滿滿的精子送給你嚕這讓我非常的亢奮,跟MAGG IE說喜歡男 生呻吟是一樣的我也超愛听,但別罵髒話(記得不 管女生在多興奮的情況下說可以射在里面,都不可以,除非他在安全期,尊重和平等對待是兩個人關 系的基礎,也 是下一次完美性愛的契機。)
20-07-2006, 12:57 PM
Part Four.
我遇過183公分,可是鳥只有拇指頭長度,美工用小膠水瓶,這樣了解嗎?所以身高和小弟弟真的 沒關系,確實 大粗很重要,但我遇過大粗卻沒讓我很舒服的例子,所以技術還是最重要的,你期待你30~40還 有超人的體力 嗎?
男生過了25歲就開始下滑了,可是女生才是欲望越來越強的時候呢最討厭有些男生喜歡強調自己天 賦異稟,但技 術爛到不行,覺得這種人只會插插插,而且覺得自己天分好,不需後天努力。
讓我潮吹的男生都沒有很大,不過他們的確也不是完全靠小弟弟抽插來讓我潮吹的。這兩個男生的尺 寸都是12-13左右,粗細正常。有一個大一點,是15公分。他光是抽插就能讓我潮吹的,跟他的前戲也不長,但 若要比起 來,下面提到那個技術高超的還是讓我比較舒服。
講其中一個技術超好的,他的天賦普通,時間很短,甚至沒辦法做很快的抽插,只能很快的抽插幾十 秒左右,我想 如果他不停的話,可能十分鐘不到就射了吧但他厲 害的地方就是他知道他要射了,會拔出來磨我的妹妹,我不知道別的女生會不會,但我在被插的時候 ,我的妹妹會 不停的往外擠,會把男生推出去一樣。他突然拔出 來,因為往外擠的力量突然失去抵抗的力量,我的水就噴出去了。當我潮吹之後,我的陰道會變的很 緊很緊。常听 人家說女生在做愛時,會越插越松,或是水太多, 太滑而減少摩擦力。我不知道是不是,但我的不會,水是已經滿床都是了,曾經我男朋友被我夾到擠 出來過,還軟 掉了,真是抱歉。所以這時不算粗不算大的陽具, 對我而言,也是超有感覺。
我很喜歡背後的姿勢,讓女生把身體整個壓低,臀部翹高,比較容易踫撞到G點,而且背後的姿勢可 以很深,很用 力,也可以很快。傳教士的體位,可以試試看讓女生側躺,一條腿放在男生肩膀上,一條腿壓在男生 的腳下,這樣 也可以很深,而且很容易撞擊G點。
女生的性感帶和敏感度是需要開發的,我很多朋友在初嘗性愛的時候,甚至頭幾年,都不曾有過高潮 ,不見得是男 生的技巧或是天分不好,只是身體是需要習慣某些感覺的。
20-07-2006, 12:58 PM
Part Five.
再來就是講到六九體位了,六九當然很好,但說真的很多女生未必喜歡,因為通常六九是女生在上面 ,當小妹妹被 刺激的時候都已經全身無力了,別說是保持趴著的 姿勢,都很困難了,更何況還要幫男生口交。這樣根本沒辦法專心享受。比較喜歡男生先幫女生好好 的服務一下, 在換過來。插進來前,有些女生可能已經干了,這 是在拿陰睫沾著剛剛女生的口水在陰道口好好的磨一下,在開始抽插。
這樣雙方的口交品質都會比較好。的確有時女生的味道比較重,所以不喜歡可以去洗澡,同時開始前 戲。男生的性 器雖然在外面,但不見得就沒味道。所以同理心唷 (但我的確遇到過一個很臭的,臭的不是鳥,是毛的部分會有像狐臭的味道,真的差點要吐,但還是 幫他吹了,雖 然不喜歡那個味道,但不能太自私壓,只是後來就 比較少幫他吹了)
最後,大家真的別介意尺寸和時間,好好的對女朋友,體貼關心他的感受,讓他愛死你,比起技術很 好天賦異稟到 處一夜情,還覺得自己是女人救星的種馬要好太多 了。因為愛是女人最好的催情劑。當我幫我心愛的男人口交時,光是他滿足的聲音,欲先欲死的表情 ,我就濕的一 塌糊涂了。連接吻,愛撫都沒有唷~ 光用愛,是無法讓肉體高潮的,但在做愛的過程里,讓對方感受到你的愛,隨時都能很高潮。有一次 我月經來了, 要做的時候,對方要幫我舔,我說我那個來了,可 是他說這樣你干干的會痛,還是幫我舔了陰蒂和外圍四周,那時我嚇呆了,雖然舔的時間只有幾分鐘 ,但他插進來 我馬上就高潮了。這個例子很多人可能很難接受, 甚至我自己都覺得很奇怪,不是要你們照著做,但這種就是一種體貼,體貼的話語,溫柔的動作,讓 人很開心。記 住技術的層面是有極限的。
第二步,用俯臥的姿勢騎在她身上手握陰睫在陰部外面輕撫幾下,讓潤滑液粘到陰睫上,你就可以慢 慢插進去,不 要急,插道底以後,抱著她在她耳邊說一些情話, 然後問她要不要抽動幾下,她說要你就可以行動了,你的表現機會也來了,請記住別讓自己太激動, 要不然沒下文 了,一定要控制自己。
20-07-2006, 12:59 PM
Part Six.
第三步,把她的大腿用她自己的手向兩邊舉起分開,你用跪的姿勢,告訴你姿勢很重要,要不然女人 享受不到 高潮,也別插的太深,淺插即可,一下一下,形成規律,別猛插,沒意思,而女人也不會喜歡。
第四步,也是最關鍵的,通過以上淺插,女人肯定不過癮,你就用手摸陰蒂,邊插變摸,記住用 口水潤滑手指 去摸陰蒂,這里有兩種技巧,而對每種女人的方法都不一樣︰
第一種就是輕輕的插進去,在插進去的過程時撫摸陰蒂,一定要摸,插進去很慢的,插到底之後 ,頂住,然後 又摸陰蒂,再輕輕的慢慢的退出來反復此過程,此 時女人已到最佳狀態,你就可以繼續抽送,輕重由你把握,時間控制的長一點,也是最難控制的時候 ,因為女人已 到高潮陰道你會感到有收縮,如在感到有陰道收縮 時,你就不停的繼續插入,要插得深,時間長點一直到射精時,那女人這輩子是不會忘記你了。如你 控制不了你就 停一停再繼續,反復幾次。這是第一種。
第二呢,就是在速度上加快,邊插邊摸,不到女人高潮時不要深插,只有到女人高潮時你才可以 有力深插,因 為女人高潮沒到時太深了會疼,還有就是太深了你會控制不住射精。關鍵有以下幾點︰
3)要有足夠的陰睫在陰道里停留的抽擦時間,從開始到結束估計要40分鐘。你能堅持到嗎? 相對于輕微性 冷淡的女性在性生活中的建立自信如果女性朋友對自己缺乏自信,相信下面的方法對你會有幫助。
‧學會“性的自私”︰傳統上女人總把別人的快樂放在首位,你應該試著在做愛的時候專注于自 己的感受。
‧發現自己的偏好︰通過性幻想、手淫和嘗試發現自己喜愛的做愛方式。拒絕你所不喜歡的方式 ,接受你所喜 歡的方式。
20-07-2006, 03:27 PM
Step 1 - Spend 100 years developing a mandarin that is the size of two people.
Step 2 - Cut mandarin in half using a chain saw
Step 3 - Use a shovel to scoop out the inside of mandarin
Step 4 - You and your girl go inside mandarin
Step 5 - Get your friend to put the two halves of mandarins together using scotch tape
Step 6 - Have sex with your girl inside mandarin
Step 7 - Your Girl Cum in Mandarin
20-07-2006, 03:49 PM
Step 1 - Spend 100 years developing a mandarin that is the size of two people.
Step 2 - Cut mandarin in half using a chain saw
Step 3 - Use a shovel to scoop out the inside of mandarin
Step 4 - You and your girl go inside mandarin
Step 5 - Get your friend to put the two halves of mandarins together using scotch tape
Step 6 - Have sex with your girl inside mandarin
Step 7 - Your Girl Cum in Mandarin
This is good, haha.
27-07-2006, 01:01 AM
Pls lah, I already mentioned I read it from other forum. You can search it via so If you do not read pls do not any how comment.
Pls lah!!! I read it in here (SB) not other forum as someone already posted since couple months ago but anyway apppreciate your hard work :D
27-07-2006, 09:52 AM
phewwww, read till eyes pop out :eek: Thk
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