View Full Version : Greatest temptation period

22-07-2006, 01:16 AM
As bros here are mostly very experienced people, I would like to seek your inputs on something I am feeling right now.

My wife pregnant, so we have not been having sex for 5 months plus. The urge is building up so bad, temptation is very great.

If bros here can share experience is it when wife pregnant period that men lose their "senses" the most and cannot resist temptations? I have not done anything so far, but I don't know how long I can resist. But the will is starting to fail is all I can say.

Sorry if this disturbs bros here, but I just like to share something which is only will not be put down as shameful or immoral in SBF. Bros here I find are more mature when it comes to advising such things. Other "morally upright" forums, all will just scold, but never relate or give advise one.

Thanks bro.

22-07-2006, 01:35 AM
I think sex is allowed during pregnancy, even encouraged by the doctor.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong though.

22-07-2006, 01:47 AM
I think sex is allowed during pregnancy, even encouraged by the doctor.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong though.

Hi bro, just to confirm, yes it is allow. But my baby is in position not suitable or advisable for sex. So we have been celibrate for 5 months plus. So the urge and need now very strong. Not sure bros here been in same situation before? Any advise?

22-07-2006, 02:13 AM
I think sex is allowed during pregnancy, even encouraged by the doctor.
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong though.

u are rite, in most case, doc will advice sex with preg. wife will be good for both wife/baby, becos of blood circulation issue. best take doc advice. :)

The Bund
22-07-2006, 02:25 AM
As bros here are mostly very experienced people, I would like to seek your inputs on something I am feeling right now.

My wife pregnant, so we have not been having sex for 5 months plus. The urge is building up so bad, temptation is very great.

I'd like to share my personal experience but please don't misunderstand - I'm not suggesting that mine was the correct way.

When my wife was pregnant, I kept reminding myself that it was the WORST time to be unfaithful to her. I'm not suggesting there's a "good" time to be unfaithful but it wasn't like she had no reason to refuse me sex on a protracted basis. I saw she was going through an extremely uncomfortable period, with mood swings and all - all because of the little package of love we both longed for and looked forward to cuddling in 10 months' time.

How then could I have been unfaithful to her?

We had to go through it together. I kept myself very busy and made myself very tired. We'd a maid but I did certain things for her myself. Hey, have you been regularly applying baby oil on her body? My wife bathed several times a day, and each time after the bath, I'd apply baby oil on her whole body. This helps to keep the skin supple and reduce stretch lines. It also helped create a wonderful bond for both of us as I could witness on a daily basis the changes to her body. Perhaps you ought to try it.

The Bund
22-07-2006, 02:35 AM
My wife gained 40 kgs during her pregnancy! Her thighs were like huge trunks and her arms were like thighs. But she was still beautiful to me.

I did however something which if she had found out would've hurt her deeply. I'm not going into moralistic arguments over this, so please don't start one. I engaged in phone sex periodically. It all started one evening when I finally succumbed to the countless 1900 ads on cable TV. I went to my car and made the calls.

It was my way of relieving an urge - heck, it cost me a tidy sum!

Bro, the fact that you're asking shows that you're resisting - I hope you're not trying to seek endorsements to go out and find sex. However, at the end of the day, you're old enough to decide for yourself - you're going to be a father in 5 months' time, you should be old enough to think for yourself.

Whatever you decide to do, you've to live with your decision. To me, if you focus on love, there's no evil you can't overcome.

By the way, I'm not a Christian. And I certainly ain't no angel!!! ;)

22-07-2006, 03:43 AM
:D Hi Bro Parkerpenn,
Congratulations to ypu . This must be a greatest joy to you; being a first time father in the near future. There is no greater joy than seeing your first born the first time outside the delivery room.
From your writeup, I cannot conclude whether it is the doctor who advised you to stop having sex or whether it is yours or your wife's personal choice. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the gynae will tell you that it is okay to carry on with having sex regularly.
If I recall correctly, my wife was horny throughout both pregnancies, and we had sex almost daily until the water bag burst on both pregnancies. I was concerned unnecessarily during those months and always told my wife jokingly that it felt like someone tugging at my cockhead with each thrust. But she insisted, so bo pian had to do my daily obligation.
All I can say bro, if all is going well, just carry on and have fun. In the worse case scenario, if the wife loses interest in having sex for fear of injuring the foetus, feel free to discuss the situation with her. I am sure she will understand your needs, and worse come to worse help you to pa chiu cheng lor, for the near future. Have fun:D

22-07-2006, 04:08 AM
Hi bro, just to confirm, yes it is allow. But my baby is in position not suitable or advisable for sex.....Any advise?
First: Congratulation to you.

Second: Wonder who tell you abt your "baby is in position not suitable or advisable for sex"? The doctor or your own assumption? Maybe you need to check with your doctor.

Third: I never stop our sex life during my wife's pregnancy period. At times when she don't feel like having sex and I'm horny, she'll do HJ for me.

All in all, don't feel shy to ask the correct person (be it the doctor, your wife, parents, etc). Especially your wife, this is the period where she experienced great changes to her body and mind (meaning physically and mentally). Communication is the best way to make both of you understand each other better (including your need for sex).

Do your talking and I'm sure you'll find your direction to solve your problem.


22-07-2006, 06:35 AM

If you have not tried commercial sex, then no need to go there. Many of us wish we can stop.

Can try oral, like 69 or anal for alternative to virginal sex. When preg, wife's boobs can grow very big. Try tit fucking, with lots of astroglide. Fun! Always clear any activity with your Gynae.

Buy a nice sex toy, like rubber pussy and ask wife to play with you.

22-07-2006, 07:46 AM
Tired yourself through work is a good thing... Try excercise... If not then continual masturbation should relieve whatever tension left.

22-07-2006, 08:20 AM

when my wife was pregnant the first time - we found joy in mutual masturbation and oral sex. macaam like back to school days :D :D

call me paranoid but the fear of "da pao" something if engage in commercial/cassual sex and passing it on to wife & eventually kid was enough to scare me off being unfaithful...

22-07-2006, 09:50 AM
bro, think on the rite path...

u're wife is sacrificing for you and you shud do something in return for her.

occupy urself with other things which will make u think less on sex...


22-07-2006, 11:18 AM
If bros here can share experience is it when wife pregnant period that men lose their "senses" the most and cannot resist temptations? I have not done anything so far, but I don't know how long I can resist. But the will is starting to fail is all I can say.

Sorry if this disturbs bros here, but I just like to share something which is only will not be put down as shameful or immoral in SBF. Bros here I find are more mature when it comes to advising such things. Other "morally upright" forums, all will just scold, but never relate or give advise one.

I have 2 kids so I know what you are going through. Don't worry what you are feeling right now is perfectly normal. Some brothers say it is ok to have sex during pregnancy but personally I think it all depends as women undergo drastic hormonal changes during this period so don't be surprise by their sudden mood changes. Some women may experience higher sexual urges whereas others get turned off. All I can say is restrain is the highest ideal and you will be proud of yourself that you have remained faithful during this trying period but on the other hand if your will "fails" you, you are just human. Don't judge yourself too harshly.

22-07-2006, 11:26 AM
Can try oral, like 69 or anal for alternative to virginal sex.

bro.. if my wife dun like any sexy moments at all during the 10 months.. siao liao la! :o

22-07-2006, 11:34 AM

First and foremost, congrats on your new addition to the family...

Second, there is no hard and fast rule about what you want to do or what you can do or what you should do. There are many of us who go to WLs for relief, there are also those who use work to tire themselve out. Also there are those who just simple like what bro bart said, HJ,TF, Anal....
Also there are those who use religion to help...

Thus there are no hard and fast rule on what you should do, neither can any of us tell you what you should do....

Do what you think is right. The main thing is, do something which will not render you having guilty conscience.....

Just my 2 cents.....

22-07-2006, 01:22 PM
Hi bro Pen,
Just my own experience. During first trimester, we abstained, cos doc say baby not well placed, not stable..... wife volunteer to help release by BJ. Wife not into BJ cos she thinks its dirty. But did so bcos she say i so 'Khe-Lian"(i purposely act one)

2nd trimester, sex almost every other day.... cos she damn horny.... i not complaining... find her even more sexier with the bump in her tummy..... oso get BJ at the same time....BEST time of my life!!!!

3rd trimester, Back to no sex.... Doc say baby a bit low in position, sex not recommended.... back home.... wife still very horny, cont with the BJ add HJ, she say learned from video(dunno which, but yaiks!!! unfuckinbelievable, involves oil, feathers etc etc)

2 conclusion to my experience, 1) got to get her pregnant again, cos after baby born, she seem not shiok for sex liow

2)when she say i so 'khe lian', i think it is down to 2 things, 1) i really very 'khe lian' or [B]more likely 2) she scared i go bonk some other girl

So, use this situation wisely and u will get ur way.... and congrats bro!!:D

22-07-2006, 01:28 PM
get her to oral for u,
pcc for u
i think she like it also
try not to finger her , may have side effect:D

29-07-2006, 10:58 PM
Yo bros! Thank you for all your selfless sharing. At least I now know that I am not alone. I am still holding it out. Keeping myself busy with work and "self help" as bros here suggested.

I must thank all bros for willing to share with me, and also encourage me along the way. I not a very religious person, but I love my wife very much, I don't want ti hurt her. Though sometimes the need hor is a bit too much lah.

Bros here are the best, willing to share in a non-judgemental way. If go other forums, say even got slightest thought only, sure get condamned until hell also no so deep. Bros thank you!

30-07-2006, 12:20 AM
tell her yr urge. she is yr wife. ask for the professional advise. well this is a test, nv regret. tink wat if u r addicted? tink wat if yr wife caught u

nevertheless she is in part of danger too. Pregnant sometime can lead to unexpectation well thks for the high tech tts y this unexpectacy is min. but u nv do.

my main advise, one time enjoyment might lead to a lifetime regret. did i sound too serious? i hope not... :rolleyes:

30-07-2006, 12:37 AM

sex is still possible between 3 to 7 months. early months not advisable as baby not stable, later in the month becoz the tummy had become so big that she feels quite uncomfortable for sex.

the tough times, i got thru surfing sammyboy and chocking the chicken. hahas..yeah...didnt went for WL as to avoid bad karma. i think you should too avoid goin for WL during this period when ur wife is carrying ur lifeline.


Kyser Soze
30-07-2006, 01:29 AM
the tough times, i got thru surfing sammyboy and chocking the chicken. hahas..yeah...didnt went for WL as to avoid bad karma. i think you should too avoid goin for WL during this period when ur wife is carrying ur lifeline.
That's morally correct. I agree too. :D Hope bro parkerpenn can tahan through this period. Not forgeting... Congrats. :D

30-07-2006, 04:08 AM
bro Parkerpenn, first of all congrats on being a dad-to-be, i can fully understand your situation as I have been there before.
The mood swings and difficulties she is going through for the sake of the child will make you feel so indebted to her. For that, I'll stick with "Mrs Palm" if i were you....

//background music//
** shi shang zhi you ma ma hao, you ma de hai zi xiang ge bao...**


30-07-2006, 10:50 AM
First of all, Congrats on becoming a daddy soon

Second, my suggestion wld be my lovely palm. It is on standby 24/7, no side effect, and its free. :rolleyes:

30-07-2006, 10:56 AM
SBF members esp the lau jiaos never stop to amaze me ... hahaha ...

Really surprised at how matured and understanding the ppl in here are ... n wat a place to get advice (in a sex forum ... hahaha )

Only chiongsters tat tried commercial sex and wat nots ... knws the true values of true companionship and marriage ... n understand the temptations assaulting us everyday ....

Anyway bro, altho I m not married n probably not qualified to giv u any advice ...
I juz feel tat whether or not u use the service of a wl during ur wife's pregnancy or not ... or hav sex wif ur wif ur pregnant wife ... juz relax a bit n try not to be too hard on urself ... best scenario if u +++ to ur wife n sort it out ... she might horny as well ... who knows ?? communication is the key ... juz my 2 cents ...

30-07-2006, 11:18 AM
Discuss with your wife, the doctor would have advise on safe periods and methods to have sex. suggest you use different methods to have sex with your wife. She will love you for it. the most time when a woman feels she is most ugly is when she is pregnant, and if you think and let her know that she is still beautiful even when she is pregnant, she will love you even more.

31-07-2006, 10:34 AM
bros here nvere fail to amaze me with your generousity. And imagine I tell people sammyboy bros telling me to be faithful, how many people out there will believe? Haha the irony of it all.

Anyway bros, thank you for all your well wishes and very good advises. I will stick with Mrs Palm for now. Doctor say my wife is the type who may early birth one, so not good to have sex when have baby. I don't want to cause harm to either baby or mother. This is a "small" sacrfice compared to all the extra housework I have to do!

Bros, thank you all for being so sincere and forthcoming with your sharing!

31-07-2006, 10:50 AM
hmm u can always try to pcc on your part. or ask your wife for hj or bj? dun let your guy friends mislead u to KTVs or paid sex. once u start, u will nev stop:cool:

31-07-2006, 10:58 AM
bros here nvere fail to amaze me with your generousity. And imagine I tell people sammyboy bros telling me to be faithful, how many people out there will believe? Haha the irony of it all.

we want you to be faithful so the queue for FL contact wont get longer... :D

31-07-2006, 11:03 AM
we want you to be faithful so the queue for FL contact wont get longer... :D

hahaha and we wun need to wait for so long for the ang pai at geylang.:D

31-07-2006, 02:49 PM
Hi all,

I am too going to be father within 5 months time (1st child).
But I am not that faithful as the rest of the members here.
Once a month, I will go and find my cewek. hehehe.
From there, can release liao. hahaha.
Not trying to teach parkerpenn bad.

31-07-2006, 03:15 PM

sex is still possible between 3 to 7 months. early months not advisable as baby not stable, later in the month becoz the tummy had become so big that she feels quite uncomfortable for sex.

Congrates in the first place.

Advise given is no sex for first 3 months, and up to 7 or 8th month. If really no choice, ask for HJ, or Tits Fuck or BJ.

Of course, try to let her be in a comfortable postion. DO not let her do the work, you do all of it. Not good if she moves her body too much.

It is your baby inside and you dont want to hurt your child. If the womb is too low, you should be careful and stop all sorts of FJ. The dropping of womb is a dangerous sign. The baby could be born premature.

Also, check for any discharge. If there is any, go to the gyne asap.

Good DAy

02-08-2006, 07:36 PM
hahaha and we wun need to wait for so long for the ang pai at geylang.:D

we want you to be faithful so the queue for FL contact wont get longer...

Haha ok good reasons! Thank you still bros for the moral support, appreciate it lah, you all are well meaning.

Bros, sincerely from my heart, thank you.