View Full Version : How to make a Gal Squirt! - Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions!
28-07-2006, 10:48 AM
令女人潮吹(射水-Squirt)的教學,100% work! (有圖教學)[6P]
首先講左開頭先。潮吹 (squirt) 係女性其中一種高潮既方法。這招係 for 有一定性經驗既人,如果我講既野你地唔識做,讀多 d 書,睇多 d 四仔先再試。
有一樣野要保充,全世界女人,只有 2% 既女人係可以自己潮吹 (經高潮三大辦法)。但係我所教既,係可以用係 100% 既女性身上。其實這種潮吹既方法唔係好多人知,我敢講得小過 1% 既男人知點做。潮吹射出來既,唔係尿,加上出水既位置唔一樣,如果你覺實得核突就唔好睇。潮吹係算高境界, 你唔中意可能係你經驗尚淺。女人高潮有三個辦法,但係唔會每個女人都可以三樣都得:靠刺激陰部上的一垃野, 可以用手或口,最常用既方式。
2) 當做愛的時後,靠陰徑同陰部抽插而取得高潮。
第三種,就係我要講既方法,係利用 G 點,用適量既力度刺激,做得好會有潮吹效果/
4) 最高境界,利用第三種方法,配合全身穴位按摩,可達到更高的高潮境界,識既人係小之有小,我本人都未可以做 到,係最高級技巧!
第四個辦法我唔話係高潮辦法係因為好難做,係真係好高手先做得到,如果我達到個境界時會長細為大家分享。其 實如果做得好,一開始,唔使四秒就以經開始潮吹。但係我會係這個教學教多小小方法係可以令潮吹 率高
註: 我用photoshop 做既,應該會宜明 d 啦
1) 將女性躺在床上,面向上。最好預備毛巾,鋪在女性下體位置。(因為真係會全床都濕晒)
用方法令她下體開始濕透 (KY,手,口,自己簡)
以右手用力既人 RIGHT HANDED - 坐在女性右邊身旁,人大慨係胸部至陰部範位 (總知隻手可以點到個陰部就得啦
4) 放右手中指同無名指入陰部,註意,一定要中指同無名指,開頭唔關係會唔就手,練下就得啦
5) 第二隻手指同尾指向下,有 d 似 sailormoon 個手勢
28-07-2006, 10:49 AM
6) 放左手在女性陰毛,即三國型的那個地方上去(肚下面),用手力輕輕壓下。
7) 右手中指同無名指係向上,即三國毛方向。用輕力,左手手指同陰保內右手手指應該差唔多點到.
28-07-2006, 10:52 AM
8) 兩隻手之間應該感覺到有舊軟淋淋既波。用右手的中指同無名指輕輕按摩那個部位
9) 做到個女性開始覺得好有 feel,或開始好濕,又或者 2-5 分鐘。之後。。。用快而大力,將中指同無名指向 "上" 同 "下" 狂按落那個部位(可以用手腕同手脾來幫助上下都得,即係其實好大動作下架),左手可以幫手做定 位。
10)註意係上同下,唔係出同入。中指同無名指力要夠,唔夠力就要練。記得剪指甲,如果唔係拒會好痛 。
11)手勢其實就好似 spiderman 射網個手勢一樣
12) 力度岩,準度岩的話,4 秒鐘來就會 feel 到有水出,不停繼續就會越出越多
13) 如果無野出,跟著個圖去按摩,令到那塊肌肉鬆弛,再去返 step 4 繼續
P/S : Practice makes Perfect!
28-07-2006, 10:53 AM
Hello, Bro wukong68 ... thanks for sharing :)
Have a great weekend
28-07-2006, 10:55 AM
Bro, do you have the english version??
28-07-2006, 11:02 AM
good explaination, with pic , moroon also will know how to do it
good job:D
28-07-2006, 11:09 AM
Thanks bros!
Actually I've know the How to and ive tried on some of the WLs and my partner and it work magically!
So i was browsing and found this posting, it matches my description and the instructions are good and clear!
Hope you guys will become the sexpert in fingering in no time ya.. haha :D
28-07-2006, 11:09 AM
But u will need to be abit familar with cantonese to fully comprehend the written explanation....Anyway the pics speak a thousand words
28-07-2006, 11:55 AM
Possible for english?
Yo Bro thanks for the guide.. it really help... going to try it tonight....
do send more this type of guide...
28-07-2006, 12:11 PM
good job bro wukong!! you are the MAN!!!
ah rat
28-07-2006, 12:22 PM
Bro wukong68 ,
Thanks for sharing can translate to english words :D
The English Version - The top part I think is no use so I skip it
Straight to method and instruction
The tide blows the method
1) lies down the female on the bed, face on. Best prepares the towel, the shop in the feminine lower part of the body position. (Because really is meets entire bed all wet to expose to the sun) makes her lower part of the body with the method to start to soak (KY, hand, mouth, own Jan)
To the right hand makes an effort already person RIGHT HANDED - to sit right side the female nearby the body, National People's Congress is indignant is (always knows a hand the chest to the genitals Fan position to be allowed to select to genitals
4) puts the right middle finger to enter the genitals with ring finger, the attention, certainly wants the middle finger with the ring finger, begins does not relate meets not while you are at it, practices
5) the second finger with the tail direction under, has d to resemble a sailormoon hand signal
6) puts the left hand on the feminine pubic hair, namely three countries that places come up (under stomach), gently presses with the hand power
7) the right middle finger with the ring finger is upward, namely three countries wools direction. In with the light strength, the left hand finger with cloudyly guarantees the right hand finger to be supposed to miss. are not many to
8) between two hands should feel has old softly drippings already the wave. Gently massages that spot with the right hand middle finger with the ring finger
9) achieves a female to start to think has feel, or starts wet, also or 2-5 minute. Afterwards. . . About with quickly but vigorously, "" crazily according to falls the middle finger with the ring finger to "on with" under that spot (to be allowed to use the skill 同手 spleen to help all to have, is exactly actually very big movement bottom carriage), the left hand may the helper make the localization.
10) pays attention ties with under, is not with enters. The middle finger wants with the ring finger strength 夠, 夠 the strength do not need to practice. Remembered cuts the nail, if is not resists to be able the good pain.
11) the hand signal actually seems spiderman to shoot a net hand signal to be same
12) dynamics crag, the crag speech, 4 seconds come to be able feel to have the water to leave, does not stop continues to be able to exceed many
13) if is not wild, is massaging with a chart, causes that muscle to relax, again returns the step 4 continuations
P/S : Practice makes Perfect!
28-07-2006, 01:37 PM
Haiz not all FL allowed fingering leh. :(
But thanks for sharing! Will wait for my OC tonight. "TGIF" :D
28-07-2006, 01:44 PM
Bro, you're a good man....thanks a million....must try liao....
28-07-2006, 02:46 PM
1 Piont to take note: Not ALL girls will Squirt. :) If you are lucky and right techique the girl will squirt very fast if not it means that she is not a squirters.
28-07-2006, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the info and illustration bro Wukong68. Upped you for it. Bro Ok69 next on my uplist for the damn funny English translation. :D
28-07-2006, 03:17 PM
Not all will squirt but if u can find the G spot, the gal sure can get orgasm after orgasm. How i know? Me expert! :p
28-07-2006, 03:26 PM
Swee lah, Bro!
Got picture for better illustrations!
Thanks alot!
28-07-2006, 03:47 PM
SO happy that this illustrations does help alot of bros here!
I've tried on my partner.. hahaa tell u...
SHe wet the bed sheet! 1 big puddle of it!
And the juice is different from Urine hor..
Go try tonite! dun be too rough..
Things to take note:
AFter u finger the right spot.. u will hear the pussy becoming very juice.. yes! Wet that means!.. then study the gal expression.. ask her shiok bo... if she says yes...
Lai liao!! Chiong ah!!!!! target the spot and "loot" her till u see cunt juice gushing out!
28-07-2006, 04:15 PM
wukong68.... thanks a million....tonight i must try liao....:D
28-07-2006, 06:31 PM
Chum liao, I forsee a lot of injured pussies tonight.
God bless those pussies.
The Hustler
28-07-2006, 07:04 PM
funny english transalation..:D
thanks for sharing
28-07-2006, 07:32 PM
I just tried on my hotwife and she came all over the bed! Twice!Nw my bed is wet. Even mattress is wet.
She tell me she nvr felt this way before. The feeling she describe is like wanting to urine, abit itchy feeling. Bt im quite sure its not urine. (dun smell or taste like) Btw she claims it made her very horny... later give her 2nd round before we go clubbing....
thanks wukong, just upped u
28-07-2006, 07:35 PM
Chum liao, I forsee a lot of injured pussies tonight.
God bless those pussies.
The Hustler
Bear in mind bros....DO NOT FORCE and exert too much strength! if the gal dun feel shiok.. STOP... dun continue liao... explore the fingering still but on different spot..just like fishing.. The G Spot is something abit hard but also soft soft one.. the key is the middle finger.. use the middle finger to rub on that spot.. run and find at the same time.. same time study her impression.. if she enjoys.. then u increase to 2nd gear.. ask her.. shiok or not... like tat shiok or not.. if she say yes.. then exert.. by then u shud be rubbing the pussy up n down.. not in n out of the pussy.. u will notice some juice coming out and the water sound getting louder.. Hope im not confusing.. just use some imagination..bros.. im lousy in describing things like this.. hehe.. so pls.. dun injure the poor innocent PUSSIES hor!
28-07-2006, 07:45 PM
Thanks for the tips!
But too bad my gf doesn't like fingering. :(
28-07-2006, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the tips!
But too bad my gf doesn't like fingering. :(
hey bro... u wana sell a product to yr gf u must convince and slow talk 1st mah... sell little bit by little bit ... 1 day u will achieve liao cheers
28-07-2006, 08:36 PM
must try it out one day
maybe be on the floor:D
28-07-2006, 08:38 PM
tried it but they always say.. the feeling is like going to pee then i continue then still nothing happened until hands become fucking tired.
28-07-2006, 09:50 PM
I think must try tonight..
29-07-2006, 01:00 AM
thanks a lot bros wukong for your effort..... it's really informative and idiot proof! ..... anyway haven't actually seen in real life how a gal squirt.... sure will try and post the result here!!:rolleyes:
also wanna thks bros 69 for his funny english translation!! :D
keep up the good work bros! continue sending more!!
wah liew .. i use translator one leh
I read also want to laff :D
tks for those who find it informative and up me
29-07-2006, 01:11 AM
BROS!! Keep the FR's coming k..
So bros can exhcnage pointers mah! :D
29-07-2006, 01:53 AM
great info. will give it a try if got chance :p
29-07-2006, 07:34 AM
I just tried on my hotwife and she came all over the bed! Twice!Nw my bed is wet. Even mattress is wet.
She tell me she nvr felt this way before. The feeling she describe is like wanting to urine, abit itchy feeling. Bt im quite sure its not urine. (dun smell or taste like) Btw she claims it made her very horny... later give her 2nd round before we go clubbing....
thanks wukong, just upped u
Bro! Good on u! U pass the test liao.. i assure you.. your hot wife next time will ask u to do this everytime u make out liao!
Addiction la bro!! hahaa just like my partner..
Cheers for the ups!
FOr those bros who upped me back.. im very sorry ... have to take some time to up u guys back coz of my miserable power of 1 la.. hope u understand!
Peterpan - Up u back liao!! THANKS!
29-07-2006, 10:57 AM
Great technique! wukong68...
Thanks for the info
Will give it a try when there's a chance...
29-07-2006, 11:01 AM
A nice sex education, and more to come I hope :p
29-07-2006, 11:23 AM
Bro Wukong, That's an interesting skill to master. Wonder if it's Gals' version of juagen? Fingers getting itchy.
Bro ok69, For a moment thought that you were despatched by Chairman Mao to do the translation. Good try. LOL.
29-07-2006, 11:33 AM
Bro Wukong, That's an interesting skill to master. Wonder if it's Gals' version of juagen? Fingers getting itchy.
Bro ok69, For a moment thought that you were despatched by Chairman Mao to do the translation. Good try. LOL.
Go try la... but PLS DUN EXERT FORCE hor.. wait u lose a pussy then u know ah!
Practice makes perfect! hehe
29-07-2006, 03:48 PM
I try it on my gf before this thread is posted... after experimenting for some times... managed to succeed doing it.. not really squirt out but a lot just flow out... the whole floor was wet... i am so amazed... its like urine but its clear liquid...
29-07-2006, 03:51 PM
wow Thanks bro :D
29-07-2006, 04:09 PM
Will try it :D
Shadow Sin
29-07-2006, 05:07 PM
:cool: i tried with my own method but the water dont really shoot out like water hose la.... but my bed sheet was very wet look like baby pissing on it. if the girl use abit strength on her pussy, i think sure can shoot out like merlion fountain. and oh, gentlemen plz cut ur finger nails round and short, not square ok
29-07-2006, 08:18 PM
Wow!!! Thans for all the hard work!!! :cool: :D
31-07-2006, 10:20 PM
here are two video clip abt gspot/Squirt
Siege Walter
01-08-2006, 08:56 AM
Go try la... but PLS DUN EXERT FORCE hor.. wait u lose a pussy then u know ah!
Practice makes perfect! hehe
bro wukong,大老我马子不能容忍说要小尿。停止过程大约2分钟入过程. 这正确吗?:confused:
01-08-2006, 09:47 AM
here are two video clip abt gspot/Squirt
Mind to re post the link missed out this time.
01-08-2006, 10:33 AM
bro wukong,大老我马子不能容忍说要小尿。停止过程大约2分钟入过程. 这正确吗?:confused:
Yes correct, coz too sensitive, she bever had this feeling before thats why she said she wana pee, actual fact is she is cumming!
hehe u r almost there!:D
01-08-2006, 11:05 AM
So much for making a gal cum, now something for the Bros!
01-08-2006, 11:06 AM
01-08-2006, 11:07 AM
01-08-2006, 11:08 AM
01-08-2006, 11:10 AM
Cucumber does gives you a feeling like fucking a pussy and it has cooling effect
01-08-2006, 11:11 AM
01-08-2006, 11:11 AM
Come , i sell this type of vegetable.
3 for $1 .....
thanks bro to increase my business....
01-08-2006, 11:12 AM
01-08-2006, 11:15 AM
P/S : Practice makes Perfect!
Thanks bro for your translation!!!
01-08-2006, 02:06 PM
Wah seh, pah liao with "tee boon" go fry with the "eggs", should be nutritious.
01-08-2006, 02:58 PM
Bro Wukong,
wah koh tee boon also can, since u use tee boon.. let me intro u another fruit, Papaya. Drill a hole onto the papaya as ur didi size then shaft ur didi inside the papaya ..the feeling like screwing a ger feel wet and slippery...:D
After shoot out the sperms inside the papaya dun waste and throw away ..cut into 2 pieces wash it then eat economy hor if u short of vitamin M look for WL, papaya help u to release tension and urge....:D
09-08-2006, 12:44 AM
Bro Wukong,
wah koh tee boon also can, since u use tee boon.. let me intro u another fruit, Papaya. Drill a hole onto the papaya as ur didi size then shaft ur didi inside the papaya ..the feeling like screwing a ger feel wet and slippery...:D
After shoot out the sperms inside the papaya dun waste and throw away ..cut into 2 pieces wash it then eat economy hor if u short of vitamin M look for WL, papaya help u to release tension and urge....:D
hahah bro, facial can la... but not eating my own spermies... eeewwwww
09-08-2006, 01:57 AM
Thanks wukong68 for the great tips :D
09-08-2006, 02:47 AM
Thanks wukong68 for the great tips :D
No problem bro Sakkiop.
For the rest of the bros out there.. what's the latest progress??
SHould have alot of experts in the making already! hehehe:D
09-08-2006, 11:24 PM
I'm curious about this too.. bros who tried it on their gals pls post your results here and let everyone know! I'm trying it on my gal on friday... heheh cant wait
20-08-2006, 04:04 PM
thanks, quite a good thread,
hi, i have read about articles regarding female orgasm in English,
where the explanation, experience and some personal example are shared
may i know where to download chinese version which touch about
female orgasm/ejaculation ? which similar to above one....thanks.
20-08-2006, 04:17 PM
nice dick and nice cum.... hehe..
20-08-2006, 04:20 PM
bro wukong... now only waiting to see if got ppl wanna try it on me... keke...
21-08-2006, 03:38 AM
bro wukong... now only waiting to see if got ppl wanna try it on me... keke...
wow kinky hehe
21-08-2006, 03:48 PM
bro wukong... now only waiting to see if got ppl wanna try it on me... keke...
Can i try?? hehehehe.... kinky leh...:D
21-08-2006, 03:51 PM
bro wukong... now only waiting to see if got ppl wanna try it on me... keke...
You sure you want some bros here to try it on you? :p
21-08-2006, 03:52 PM
:rolleyes: SO far any updates on bros who have tried??
Bo FRs leh...
21-08-2006, 03:59 PM
Can i try?? hehehehe.... kinky leh...
:o paisey la.....
21-08-2006, 04:01 PM
You sure you want some bros here to try it on you?
:p nominate 1 bro who's got good arm power first... kekekekekekeke....
ah rat
21-08-2006, 04:04 PM
:p nominate 1 bro who's got good arm power first... kekekekekekeke....
I nominate big dick :D
21-08-2006, 04:07 PM
:o paisey la.....
AIyo.... lai la... its the fingers that do the working not the arms.. unless we talking about fist fucking.. kekekek
21-08-2006, 04:13 PM
I nominate big dick :D
Tao Yan!...shhsssss... not so loud,
make me pai sey only..
21-08-2006, 04:15 PM
AIyo.... lai la... its the fingers that do the working not the arms.. unless we talking about fist fucking.. kekekek
21-08-2006, 04:24 PM
such a good explanation you provide here bro....... appreciate this, keep up the good job anyway. Too bad i can't up you...... ;)
21-08-2006, 04:36 PM
such a good explanation you provide here bro....... appreciate this, keep up the good job anyway. Too bad i can't up you...... ;)
Small problem.. its not about points all the time..
Understanding the how to is the most impt.. hehe
rem NOT to hurt the pussies.. handle with tender loving care hor..
21-08-2006, 04:44 PM
rem to hurt the pussies.. handle with tender loving care hor..
i can't believe wat i see!
21-08-2006, 04:55 PM
i can't believe wat i see!
Paisay paisay.... corrected liao...
21-08-2006, 05:01 PM
:p nominate 1 bro who's got good arm power first... kekekekekekeke....
Attention ... Gentlemen! I hereby bring on a "Arm Wrestling" contest! The prize at stake is an opportunity to make AngelEye squirts. Anything more than that will depends on her and yourself ... :D
21-08-2006, 05:07 PM
Attention ... Gentlemen! I hereby bring on a "Arm Wrestling" contest! The prize at stake is an opportunity to make AngelEye squirts. Anything more than that will depends on her and yourself ...
bro max, u are making me shy....
21-08-2006, 05:13 PM
:rolleyes: SO far any updates on bros who have tried??
Bo FRs leh...
Bro wukong...thanks for the idiot proof illustrations.
I have been trying it on my gal every time we make out.
She loves it.....and actually asks for it.
She said she feel very shiok, but just does not squirt, not even flow out, like what other bros mentioned.
But it does make her very wet though. Maybe she not squirter...sigh....
21-08-2006, 05:26 PM
Bro wukong...thanks for the idiot proof illustrations.
I have been trying it on my gal every time we make out.
She loves it.....and actually asks for it.
She said she feel very shiok, but just does not squirt, not even flow out, like what other bros mentioned.
But it does make her very wet though. Maybe she not squirter...sigh....
Every gal is a squirter.. just only matter of hitting the right spot!
DUn give up.. but then for yr case its a good result coz this have enhanced both your sexual activities to a higher level.. so work on it bro!
Jia you o!!!
21-08-2006, 05:47 PM
you must be kidding bro.....remember to hurt the pussies. Are you a pussy terminator or what... kekekekeke.
What competition is that?
Attention ... Gentlemen! I hereby bring on a "Arm Wrestling" contest! The prize at stake is an opportunity to make AngelEye squirts. Anything more than that will depends on her and yourself ...
Exclusively brought to you by all bros from sbf here.....finally we move on to the practical part. As we all know, practice makes perfect !! :D :D
21-08-2006, 05:55 PM
bro max, u are making me shy....
Hi Angeleye, what bro Wukong said is correct. It is not the arm muscle that counts in making a gal squirts. I would say it is sheer technic ... :)
21-08-2006, 06:44 PM
Hey bro,
I actually went around looking for a cucumber that I can use to try the cooling method. Finally found one good size in Giant Bedok (hehe, they are not called Giant for nothing) :D
When home, get a knife, go room lock door and started preparing. The funny thing is, I was preparing all this while my pants was down. Suddenly, I look at the knife and look at my didi.... started feeling very scared that even after I finish preapring, my didi cannot react. So had to keep all the tools for later. (kept the tools in the fridge - luck noboby saw)
Later that nite, before going to sleep, I decided to give it another go, this time don't need the knife. he he. Have a semi hard on and slip on the cucumber. Started to imagine all the great sexsion I had and the feeling (very cold in the beginning but as it gets warmer, it gets really slippery)....nice.
After a while, realised that my didi head gets very red, and started to turn purple... then i realised that the "ring" is still too small for my didi and its restricting blood flow...... horror..... didi not cannot go down due to blood stuck..... no choice, pull on pants and go to kitchen to get the "knife" again.
Pull down pants, and slowly aim and try to cut the cucumber off..... suddenly lights went on and I froze there, pants down, knife in my hand......a voice screamed "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!"
The rest, I let you guys imaging.. but I am damm pai seh...........
21-08-2006, 06:47 PM
Hi Angeleye, what bro Wukong said is correct. It is not the arm muscle that counts in making a gal squirts. I would say it is sheer technic ... :)
alright... guys... u've heard wat the bros says here...... quick go practice!
erm... no prize included for being the fastest-make- girl-squirt- hands...
21-08-2006, 06:50 PM
bro moltenwolf....:eek: i am worried for u!
If u have shakey hands... DO NOT... hold any sharps! Not near ur family Jewel!
Is everything ok now??
maybe next time use a sotong la... at least it's expandable....:D
21-08-2006, 08:04 PM
haha... damn good entertainment...
Eh eh.. keep the FRs coming in ya..
Dun need to use alot the strength....its the "technique" :D
big dick
22-08-2006, 01:52 AM
You sure you want some bros here to try it on you? :p
bro max priest.. ae is already spoken for... :D
big dick
22-08-2006, 01:57 AM
Pull down pants, and slowly aim and try to cut the cucumber off..... suddenly lights went on and I froze there, pants down, knife in my hand......a voice screamed "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!"
bro moltenwolf... u ok now? :eek:
ps.. need help pls pm me.. i volunteer to cut the cucumber... :p
big dick
22-08-2006, 01:59 AM
I nominate big dick :D
thank for the nomination .. will try my best to see it thru...
ps.. bro ah rat.. how come never see u at the tcss.. was dying to see your baby rat.. :p
22-08-2006, 10:14 AM
Hi, just wanted to contribute abit and further enforced Bro Wukong well documented tactics.
The demo is also called Yoni Massage (Massage of the vagina). Use the right hand, said for polarity purposes, the middle first and slowly followed by the 4th finger (i take the thumb as first) when the gal is 'ready', will enter the love hole and move backwards, like calling someone to come to u like tat. When u moved backwards, u should entercounter a soft tissure.....thats the G-spot. Some gals enjoy that portion to be massage but some not. Move the middle and 4th finger is circular and up-down motion slow and increase speed co-ordinating with the gal. Your left hand will as described, massage the specified spot on the lower stomach and also the breast. The right hand thumb may slowly move around the clit, masasge in circular motion, going round, and also pressing the cunt lips together, apply a little pressure when pressing together the lips. The last (5th finger), if the gal allows, may after lubricate the anus, allow enters the ass hole slowly and massaging it.
So u got the right hand thumb massaging the clit and lips, the middle and 4th finger in the love hole moving backwards and inside up/down, circular motion....and the last finger slowly inserting in the anus and massage the anus......and your left hand massage the lower stomach and breast. Remember, co-ordinated moment, and not too hard.
Thats Yoni Massage. The gal may experience multiple orgasms or cum non-stop for a while. She may even breakdown and wanting to cry or even cry.....a way of relaxation because this stimulates the gal to the extreme.
Keep your eye contact with her and ask how she feels constantly, give her the comfort level and adjust the strength accordingly.
Cheers Bro
22-08-2006, 10:48 AM
[QUOTE=DTCEPL]The demo is also called Yoni Massage (Massage of the vagina). .......
Glad to see someone finally making that link to Yoni massage.. Good skills to pick up. So far I get 100% RTF from the partners who have tried it. Good for the ego. Sometimes I got carried away 'giving' pleasure and forgot about my own needs.
22-08-2006, 04:16 PM
Every gal is a squirter.. just only matter of hitting the right spot!
DUn give up.. but then for yr case its a good result coz this have enhanced both your sexual activities to a higher level.. so work on it bro!
Jia you o!!!
Hi Bro wukong, I came, I read this thread and thank you for providing the good info. Quote: "Every gal is a squirter.. just only matter of hitting the right spot!" I agree with you, reaching the right spot is essential and she would feel more comfortable and gets highest and multiple Orgasms :)
22-08-2006, 07:16 PM
bro max priest.. ae is already spoken for...
alamak.. u say like this no bros will PM me liao.... :mad: :rolleyes:
22-08-2006, 07:37 PM
alamak.. u say like this no bros will PM me liao....
Hello AE, no need to feel pai seh lah ... Tis is every normal mankind needs ya ... Tonite I PM you huh? :D
big dick
23-08-2006, 01:25 AM
Hello AE, no need to feel pai seh lah ... Tis is every normal mankind needs ya ... Tonite I PM you huh? :D
bro max.. can i PM her as well? 2 pair of hands is better than 1.... :p
23-08-2006, 10:17 AM
bro max.. can i PM her as well? 2 pair of hands is better than 1....
Er ... Huh? I thought you have already made prior appointment with her since you are being nominated earlier? All the while I have the impression that I was in the queue behind you ... If that is the case, yeah, we can consider a tama session for her ... :D
24-08-2006, 04:53 PM
So glad this thread motivates so many bros and sisters here!
Keep the FR cumminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng :D
24-08-2006, 05:18 PM
Bro OK69,
Thank you for the english translation..
Sure helps for 'jiak kantang ppl' like me who cannot even get past the headlines of the chinese papers... :p
24-08-2006, 05:49 PM
Just to add some of my own experience.
din try using fingers, but i tried puting a pillow below my partner and did in missionary, my dick head could feel a piece of meat or area..duno how to say lah..then her reaction was also like peeing..
very very wet leh.. i duno whether is it same as what is shown here with finger..
she told me the sensation diffrent from cumming through clit..very explosive.
hmmmm..any bro to englithen or have similiar experience???
just my 2 dong worth..
24-08-2006, 07:35 PM
Hello AE, no need to feel pai seh lah ... Tis is every normal mankind needs ya ... Tonite I PM you huh? :D
never receive ur PM leh..haha...
25-08-2006, 01:41 AM
never receive ur PM leh..haha...
can i pm u too? :D
25-08-2006, 03:59 PM
Hi, just came across this thread. Just to share my experience with you guys abt making a girl squirt. Tried it on my ex a couple of months ago, and she squirted about 10 times in a row. The whole floor is wet. But accordsing to her, it can be quite tiring. Also, u can feel the squirt coming when her pussy muscle starts to tighten around your inserted fingers.
26-08-2006, 12:15 AM
can i pm u too? :D
u kang or bu?
26-08-2006, 02:32 AM
Bro Wukong68, the pictures yours ar? Can do a bit trimming? Looks neat, tidy and hygiene only if got proper trimming. :) Girls sure appreciate one!
27-08-2006, 03:11 AM
gee.. abt the cucumber stuff... i dont think i can find a cucumber has a bigger diameter than my litte bro.... i dont think i want to get a purple-faced little bro at the end.
eh, bro, wat happened to your story leh? wat happened?:p
ah rat
28-08-2006, 01:13 PM
never receive ur PM leh..haha...
I pm u no reply also,big dick pm u very fast reply :D
28-08-2006, 03:10 PM
I pm u no reply also,big dick pm u very fast reply :D
AH Rat... BIG DICK leh.. of coz fast la.. haha
28-08-2006, 03:57 PM
I pm u no reply also,big dick pm u very fast reply :D
u nv PM me wat.. how to reply u.... anyway...we r Off Topic... so... stick to topic...
28-08-2006, 04:06 PM
never receive ur PM leh..haha...
AE, you want me to submit my resume via PM ah? Do you need a passport size photo and/or full length photo in full monty? :D
Tonite I PM you, you know? :p
28-08-2006, 04:07 PM
gee.. abt the cucumber stuff... i dont think i can find a cucumber has a bigger diameter than my litte bro.... i dont think i want to get a purple-faced little bro at the end.
eh, bro, wat happened to your story leh? wat happened?:p
try bitter gourd... or winter melon... they hv a bigger diameter.
28-08-2006, 04:09 PM
AE, you want me to submit my resume via PM ah? Do you need a passport size photo and/or full length photo in full monty?
Tonite I PM you, you know? :p
send la... no receive tonight i ZAP u.:p
big dick
29-08-2006, 11:07 AM
send la... no receive tonight i ZAP u.:p
so did max priest pm u? ah rat very concerned about this matter... :D
big dick
29-08-2006, 11:08 AM
AH Rat... BIG DICK leh.. of coz fast la.. haha
bro.. stop it la.. u making me blushed.. later no blood flow to my dick how.. :p
29-08-2006, 03:28 PM
so did max priest pm u? ah rat very concerned about this matter... :D
y would ah rat be concern?:confused:
30-08-2006, 11:28 AM
si bei power guide.. confirm will try next time.. lolx
good job bro.
big dick
06-09-2006, 12:56 PM
y would ah rat be concern?:confused:
u go and ask ah rat la.. :p
20-12-2006, 02:07 PM
Again for Ms Wendy
20-12-2006, 02:20 PM
Again for Ms Wendy
bro rainman, thanks the thread...
20-12-2006, 06:38 PM
Wah!!! if I am able to get a guranteed result...wah!! Piang!!! Waterfalls in the making...:D
25-12-2006, 11:36 PM
Tried but failed ... Dam sad man:(
26-12-2006, 01:22 AM
Hey bro,
I actually went around looking for a cucumber that I can use to try the cooling method. Finally found one good size in Giant Bedok (hehe, they are not called Giant for nothing) :D
When home, get a knife, go room lock door and started preparing. The funny thing is, I was preparing all this while my pants was down. Suddenly, I look at the knife and look at my didi.... started feeling very scared that even after I finish preapring, my didi cannot react. So had to keep all the tools for later. (kept the tools in the fridge - luck noboby saw)
Later that nite, before going to sleep, I decided to give it another go, this time don't need the knife. he he. Have a semi hard on and slip on the cucumber. Started to imagine all the great sexsion I had and the feeling (very cold in the beginning but as it gets warmer, it gets really slippery)....nice.
After a while, realised that my didi head gets very red, and started to turn purple... then i realised that the "ring" is still too small for my didi and its restricting blood flow...... horror..... didi not cannot go down due to blood stuck..... no choice, pull on pants and go to kitchen to get the "knife" again.
Pull down pants, and slowly aim and try to cut the cucumber off..... suddenly lights went on and I froze there, pants down, knife in my hand......a voice screamed "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!"
The rest, I let you guys imaging.. but I am damm pai seh...........
Bro, u damn funny...
But hope u are "alright"... heehee...
26-12-2006, 09:32 AM
Thanks to this method, that i try my gf in china, and she moan like in AV. and really cum until, can hear water sound from within. each time my finger go up, the cum will cum more. until my whole hand full of her cum like in AV. we did tat the whole nite and she cum at least 3 x.
Thanks for the tips
26-12-2006, 01:35 PM
i've tried to reached climax and there is no squirt, no water ler why?? :(
26-12-2006, 01:36 PM
i've tried to reached climax and there is no squirt, no water ler why?? :(
You already answer yr questions already what...:rolleyes:
26-12-2006, 01:58 PM
You already answer yr questions already what...:rolleyes:
did i?? my question is why there is no water split off when i squirt??
26-12-2006, 02:04 PM
did i?? my question is why there is no water split off when i squirt??
u still around? wat to put more funny things in my user CP?
i've tried to reached climax and there is no squirt, no water ler why?? :(
tat means u dont noe how to do la....
26-12-2006, 02:19 PM
u still around? wat to put more funny things in my user CP?
are u writing to me? what funny thing do u want?
26-12-2006, 02:20 PM
tks bro wukong for the effort... really feel like trying.. but my wife got baby can still do? any advice from any bros and sister?
26-12-2006, 02:22 PM
tat means u do now how to do la....
bro, i followed the instructions given by wukong68 and it says Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions! anyhow will try it again today, i can reach climax but can't squirt, so sad... :(
26-12-2006, 02:23 PM
tks bro wukong for the effort... really feel like trying.. but my wife got baby can still do? any advice from any bros and sister?
hi tunkudon, u means your wife is pregnant? how many months?
bro, i followed the instructions given by wukong68 and it says Guranteed results with Pics & Instructions! anyhow will try it again today, i can reach climax but can't squirt, so sad... :(
u dun noe how to SONG la....
26-12-2006, 02:37 PM
tks bro wukong for the effort... really feel like trying.. but my wife got baby can still do? any advice from any bros and sister?
No No No...Better to play safe.. you will never know if the baby will be injured..
Wait till she give birth and recover 1st la...
26-12-2006, 02:42 PM
u dun noe how to SONG la....
i tried to reached climax from vagina and clit still no squirting, will try again today... if finger doesn't work i think i'll have to use dildo or vibrator already.
26-12-2006, 02:44 PM
i tried to reached climax from vagina and clit still no squirting, will try again today... if finger doesn't work i think i'll have to use dildo or vibrator already.
Wendy perhaps you didnt locate the spot , its a soft lumpy tissue...
26-12-2006, 02:49 PM
Wendy perhaps you didnt locate the spot , its a soft lumpy tissue...
bro wukong68, i even had used my finger to digged inside but can't find the spot and i felt nothing.. :(
or i'm not a squirter?? thought everywomen with the same organ..
26-12-2006, 02:54 PM
bro wukong68, i even had used my finger to digged inside but can't find the spot and i felt nothing.. :(
or i'm not a squirter?? thought everywomen with the same organ..
Hmm... Wendy... guess not all gals will squirt or rather for your case takes a longer time than normal gals to squirt..
Dun force too much on yrself and dig that pussy of yours... let the MEN do it!
hehehe....maybe the MEN get the spot but not the WOMEN themselves.. *winks*
26-12-2006, 02:59 PM
Hmm... Wendy... guess not all gals will squirt or rather for your case takes a longer time than normal gals to squirt..
Dun force too much on yrself and dig that pussy of yours... let the MEN do it!
hehehe....maybe the MEN get the spot but not the WOMEN themselves.. *winks*
my bf did tried inserting his finger to my vagina but i still feel nothing although i pretend to enjoyed it very much actually it was not, dare not to ask him to try again so i dig myself lor.. hhmmm.. can finger reach the G-spot? or i need something longer than it?
26-12-2006, 03:05 PM
Dun force too much on yrself and dig that pussy of yours... let the MEN do it!
Can i volunteer ?? :p
26-12-2006, 03:34 PM
are u writing to me? what funny thing do u want?
u tell me lor...din u left some words in my cp? why not post out wat u said in my cp?:D
26-12-2006, 03:35 PM
u dun noe how to SONG la....
u should teach him a thing or 2...kekeke
26-12-2006, 04:03 PM
u tell me lor...din u left some words in my cp? why not post out wat u said in my cp?
Bro is it she left the remark "she ask u to up her"? :eek:
Den what ru waiting for? :D
26-12-2006, 04:14 PM
Na Ni Hai Zai Deng SHen Mo Ne??
heheheheh :D
26-12-2006, 04:22 PM
Na Ni Hai Zai Deng SHen Mo Ne??
Bro im also waiting for u leh...
Oops i mean your sms hoh!!!!! Dun think too much & dun worry im straight :p When u goin to jio me for a drink & watch liverpool match with bro jadoo & u?:D
26-12-2006, 04:30 PM
Bro im also waiting for u leh...
Oops i mean your sms hoh!!!!! Dun think too much & dun worry im straight :p When u goin to jio me for a drink & watch liverpool match with bro jadoo & u?:D
Last nite was at J-Dee... lost your number leh.. coz always change handphone for testing... hehe sms me again pls bro..paisay
26-12-2006, 04:32 PM
tks bro wukong for the effort... really feel like trying.. but my wife got baby can still do? any advice from any bros and sister?
Long time Lurker, first time poster.
A pregnant women can enjoy sex up to delivery.
Unless you baby have a "low Placenta" meaning the "placenta" (Your baby's food/oxygen supply thingy) is not at the usual top abdominal position, in this case, it is situated below the abdomen..thus obstructing the delivery of the baby when due.
This is extremely dangerous as the baby may.....well..u get the idea..
How to know where the placenta is? ask the gynae next time u go with your wife for her appointment
26-12-2006, 04:35 PM
Bro is it she left the remark "she ask u to up her"? :eek:
Den what ru waiting for?
he's waiting for a long dildo. :D
26-12-2006, 04:35 PM
Last nite was at J-Dee... lost your number leh.. coz always change handphone for testing... hehe sms me again pls bro..paisay
KNN &^^%$#@$%^&????? Is it the same nos ur having or u have change your nos *&&^^%%$&* :D If u dun says i also dunno mah :p
26-12-2006, 04:37 PM
he's waiting for a long dildo. :D
Wooooooooooooooooooyeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bro!!!!! But my one only 10inches leh scare not long enuff for her leh:p
26-12-2006, 05:09 PM
KNN &^^%$#@$%^&????? Is it the same nos ur having or u have change your nos *&&^^%%$&* :D If u dun says i also dunno mah :p
Yes bro same number.. SMS me again.. thanks ah..
26-12-2006, 05:13 PM
Thanks very much for your tips. Will try.
26-12-2006, 05:19 PM
to wendy , my wife 3 mth. tks all the bro advice..i think i try next year.. cant :o bear to hurt my baby..
26-12-2006, 06:23 PM
i tried to reached climax from vagina and clit still no squirting, will try again today... if finger doesn't work i think i'll have to use dildo or vibrator already.
Aiya, pm me and I will do it for you FOC lah. With my fat fingers, your house will suely flood one. Be prepare for evacution dear Wendy...:D
27-12-2006, 09:23 AM
The following are extract from whitelotuseast site
The goal of the Yoni massage is not solely to achieve orgasm, although orgasm is often a pleasant and welcome side effect. The goal can be as simple as to pleasure and massage the Yoni. From this perspective both receiver and giver can relax, and do not have to worry about achieving any particular goal. When orgasm does occur it is usually more expanded, more intense and more satisfying. It is also helpful for the giver to not expect anything in return, but simply allow the receiver to enjoy the massage and to relax into herself.
The Massage
Have the receiver lie on her back with pillows under her head so she can look down at her genitals and up at her partner (giver). Place a pillow, covered with a towel, under her hips. Her legs are to be spread apart with the knees slightly bent (pillows or cushions under the knees will also help) and her genitals clearly exposed for the massage. This position allows full access to the Yoni and other parts of the body. Before contacting the body, begin with deep, relaxed breathing. Both giver and receiver should remember to breathe deeply, slowly and with relaxation during the entire process. The giver will gently remind the receiver to start breathing again if the receiver stops or begins to take shallower breaths. Deep breathing, not hyperventilating, is most important.
Gently massage the legs, abdomen, thighs, breasts, etc., to encourage the receiver to relax and for the giver to prepare for touching her Yoni. Pour a small quantity of a high-quality oil or lubricant on the mound of the Yoni. Pour just enough so that it drips down the outer lips and covers the outside of the Yoni. Begin gently massaging the mound and outer lips of the Yoni. Spend time here and do not rush. Relax and enjoy giving the massage.
Gently squeeze the outer lip between the thumb and index finger, and slide up and down the entire length of each lip. Do the same to the inner lips of the Yoni/vagina. Take your time. It is helpful for giver and receiver to look into each other's eyes as much as possible. The receiver should tell the giver if the pressure, speed, depth, etc. need to be increased or decreased. Limit your conversation and focus on the pleasurable sensation, too much talking will diminish the effect.
The Crown Jewel
The clitoris is an amazingly complex structure, similar in function to the male's glans, but surprisingly - up to four times more sensitive. The glans portion of the clitoris holds 6,000 - 8,000 sensory nerve endings, more than any other structure in the human body. This hypersensitive node has only one purpose: pleasure. Nothing exceeds its ability to receive and transmit sensations of touch, pressure or vibration. The glans are "crown jewel" of the clitoral system!
Stroke the clitoris with clockwise and counter-clockwise circles. Gently squeeze it between thumb and index fingers. Do this as a massage and not to get the receiver off. The receiver will undoubtedly become very aroused but continue to encourage her to relax and breathe.
Slowly and with great care, insert the middle finger of your right hand into the Yoni (there is a reason for using the right hand as opposed to the left. It has to do with polarity in Tantra). Very gently explore and massage the inside of the Yoni with this finger. Take your time, be gentle, and feel up, down and sideways. Vary the depth, speed and pressure. It is important to remember that this is a massage in which you are nurturing and relaxing the Yoni. With your palm facing up, and the middle finger inside the Yoni, move the middle finger in a "come here" gesture or crook back towards the palm. You will contact a spongy area of tissue just under the pubic bone, behind the clitoris. This is the G-spot or in Tantra, "the sacred spot". She may feel the need to urinate, experience a little discomfort or most hopefully pleasure. Vary the pressure, speed and pattern of movement. You can move side to side, back and forth, or in circles with your middle finger. You can also insert the finger that's between your middle finger and pinky.
Most women should have no problem and will enjoy the increased stimulation from two fingers. Take your time and be very gentle. You may use the thumb of the right hand to stimulate the clitoris as well. An option to try if the receiver wants it is to insert the pinky of the right hand into her anus. [In Tantra, it is said that when your pinky is gently massaging her anus, the next finger and middle finger in her Yoni and your thumb on her clitoris, "You are holding one of the mysteries of the universe in your hand."]
You can use your left hand to massage her breasts, abdomen, or clitoris. If you massage the clitoris it's usually best to use the thumb in an up down motion, with the rest of the hand resting on, and massaging the mound. The dual stimulation of right and left hands will provide much pleasure for the receiver. Continue massaging, using varying speed, pressure and motion, all the while continuing to breathe deeply and looking into each other's eyes. She may have powerful emotions come up and may cry. Just keep breathing and be gentle. Some women have been sexually abused and need to be healed. A giving, loving and patient partner can be of immeasurable value to her. If she has an orgasm, keep her breathing, and continue massaging if she wants. More orgasms may occur, each gaining in intensity. In Tantra this is called "riding the wave."
In ending the massage, slowly, gently, and with respect, remove your hands. Allow her to relax and enjoy the afterglow of the Yoni massage. Cuddling or holding is very soothing as well. As you learn to master the Yoni Massage your sex life will be greatly enriched and you will learn a great deal about feminine sexuality.
27-12-2006, 02:07 PM
Makes one wonder? Bro wukong last nite u got wear liverpool jersy & watch the matches bo?:( :D
27-12-2006, 02:38 PM
Bro is it she left the remark "she ask u to up her"? :eek:
she more open...wants to fuck me...i am still waiting...maybe these few days she ang ang...can do much...:D
27-12-2006, 02:41 PM
he's waiting for a long dildo. :D
dildo? i tot was a D cupper waiting for me? not so eh? :(
27-12-2006, 05:18 PM
she more open...wants to fuck me...i am still waiting...maybe these few days she ang ang...can do much...:D
Bro ur so lucky sia....When i click my cpu i dun see shehe nick at all asking me to to fxxk her except in my pm i saw her nick asking me to up her instead so after my rep power rtn immediately she got zap by me the following day :D
27-12-2006, 05:27 PM
Wooooooooooooooooooyeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bro!!!!! But my one only 10inches leh scare not long enuff for her leh
wow wow wee... twa tiao !!!
dildo? i tot was a D cupper waiting for me? not so eh?
sorry bro, i thought you and wendy want to kiang kiang kiang, so need a standby sword... :D
27-12-2006, 05:33 PM
my pm i saw her nick asking me to up her instead
bro...why u din try to ask for a bbbj from her in exchange for pts...:D
27-12-2006, 05:36 PM
sorry bro, i thought you and wendy want to kiang kiang kiang, so need a standby sword... :D sword only for mei mei to slurp slurp...kiang kiang too violent liao...that i leave it to you my good bro...:D
27-12-2006, 06:40 PM
bro...why u din try to ask for a bbbj from her in exchange for pts...
I scare my one too long for her. She can't engulf my whole shaft:eek: that's why i chose to zap her :p
27-12-2006, 07:33 PM
I scare my one too long for her. She can't engulf my whole shaft:eek: that's why i chose to zap her
hur hur hur... u got how many inches? :eek: !!!
27-12-2006, 08:49 PM
hur hur hur... u got how many inches? !!!
That's not for u to know & just for chio syt mei mei to find out;) :p
27-12-2006, 09:38 PM
hur hur hur... u got how many inches?
hw many inches u going be left? Or shld i check wif bro SexFreak? :p
28-12-2006, 12:14 AM
You watched too much porn lah. You must be those who go to and believe their crap. Take it with a pinch of salt.
Not all girls / ladies squirt. Only a rare percentage do. No such thing as guaranteed. G spot arousal is common since Masters and Johnson shared about them.
The other thing, you will multilate the woman if she is not used to two fingers inserted. You are guaranteed to turn her off sex. Thats a guarantee.
Anyway, anyone wants to try good luck.
28-12-2006, 10:49 AM
I scare my one too long for her.
wow...u like post out u not scare our resident sherine come after u?:D
28-12-2006, 10:56 AM
wow...u like post out u not scare our resident sherine come after u?:D
Bro mai hai wo leh...Later bro castrol will cut off my dick for snatching his old lover how?:D
28-12-2006, 11:02 AM
my gf is not a squirter, so i have nothing much to share just feel sad nia.. anybody can help how to make my girl squirt?? watch from the porn movie some girls can shoot very far.
28-12-2006, 12:00 PM
Bro mai hai wo leh...Later bro castrol will cut off my dick for snatching his old lover how?:D
bro i thought about it and i think you are the best for sherine since you are harvard educated and sherine is going to graduate from nus medicine. my standard is only good enough for factory ipoh girls... :D
28-12-2006, 12:40 PM
Bro mai hai wo leh...Later bro castrol will cut off my dick for snatching his old lover how?:D
okie okie...i will try to convince him to allow u to join him for a 3some with sherine...lidat steady bo?:D
28-12-2006, 12:54 PM
bro i thought about it and i think you are the best for sherine since you are harvard educated and sherine is going to graduate from nus medicine. my standard is only good enough for factory ipoh girls... :D
Hi bro castrol ur also here? What a surprise! Though i graduated from harvard law school but in my heart the spcl place already been taken by a niteclub prc gal eversince "sherine" rejected me for u...Haizz, sigh....Really feel happy for u though she reject me. At least we know "sherine" is in safe hand with u:D
02-01-2007, 06:27 PM
Tried this trick on my new gf 2 nights ago, she was shivering all over, moaning and squirming and her juices flooded the floor!! After a few mins of it I inserted my rod into her and she was on cloud 9!:D Her tight hole was silky smooth with her jucies and I whacked her hard and could hear all the popping sound. She had so much water that my thighs, groin area, pubic hair and dick were all wet! of course her bum, ass hole, thighs and bedsheet were also all wet! After we were done I asked her how was it and she said that was the best orgasm she ever had since her first intercourse!:D and asked me where did I learn this trick?
02-01-2007, 07:04 PM
Tried this trick on my new gf 2 nights ago, she was shivering all over, moaning and squirming and her juices flooded the floor!! After a few mins of it I inserted my rod into her and she was on cloud 9!:D Her tight hole was silky smooth with her jucies and I whacked her hard and could hear all the popping sound. She had so much water that my thighs, groin area, pubic hair and dick were all wet! of course her bum, ass hole, thighs and bedsheet were also all wet! After we were done I asked her how was it and she said that was the best orgasm she ever had since her first intercourse!:D and asked me where did I learn this trick?
Good that u have mastered the art... good on u!
03-01-2007, 02:46 PM
Bro wukong really put in effort into SBF, haha.
One question, will one finger works? Cos i feel 2 fingers will hurt my didi favourite warm n cosy house:)
03-01-2007, 03:06 PM
Bro wukong really put in effort into SBF, haha.
One question, will one finger works? Cos i feel 2 fingers will hurt my didi favourite warm n cosy house:)
1. ENsure your nails are trimmed and not sharp as the membrane is very soft and easily brusied due to friction.
2. 2 Fingers wil be stronger and easier for manning. and also G spot easily hit
10-01-2007, 08:58 AM
Awesome. Will definately try this out while o/s later this month.
Thanks for the info, will let you know what happens.
20-01-2007, 07:36 AM
Any report ?:rolleyes:
20-01-2007, 11:53 AM
Any report ?:rolleyes:
Damn! Just did again this morning! bedheet flooded again! Have to change bedsheet again!! hehe:D
20-01-2007, 12:14 PM
Have up u for your gd recommendation.
20-01-2007, 01:42 PM
anybody tried?
Hav Tried But It Does Not Work For My Girlfriend. She Complain That It Is Painful. Maybe Not Doing It Correctly. Will Try Again And Post Report If It Works. Have A Nice Day Everyone :)
21-01-2007, 02:34 AM
Thanks Wukong bro for this.
have done the digging method b4 and yes, the method works 100%.
22-01-2007, 07:56 PM
Fail again...just can't get the right place...She claimed pain too. So maybe she will not let me do it again. Hope you guys out there has better result.:o
22-01-2007, 08:03 PM
Fail again...just can't get the right place...She claimed pain too. So maybe she will not let me do it again. Hope you guys out there has better result.:o
Ok guys.. some got it right some got it wrong...
So guess i have to upload the movie on the above subject so bros can learn thru by visual ways.. hope this will benefit alot of bros here..
22-01-2007, 09:01 PM
Hi folks, just to update the students here that the file is still in the midst of uploading.
This documentary shows better than pics i gurantee you bros...
File size is 178.60Mb, pls bear with me bros, i promise once its done for uploading i will post it here.
Its worth the wait bros.. thanks and regards
P/S For those who successfully master the skill, pls kindly share with those bros who is not getting it the right way..:)
22-01-2007, 10:12 PM
Bro wukong, i 1st in the bo?
22-01-2007, 10:26 PM
Bro wukong, i 1st in the bo?
Bro... still uploading...once its uploaded the link will be posted here.
So to be fair, 1st cum 1st serve basis la ok?? hehe
To be fair to all bros...2 hrs from now....
Just keep a lookout for this thread la.. hehe
23-01-2007, 12:28 AM
The long awaited video!
Damn.. after waiting for 2 hrs ++++!!!
Finally manage to upload the video!
Bros... grab it while its still hot!
Im sure there will be alot of graduates after watching the video!
Heheh.. enjoy!
The link:
23-01-2007, 10:38 AM
Thanks Bro. The chip sure helps a lot in understanding how to make a gal SQUIRT!!! Hope the rest of the bros here are going to master the technique & have lots of fun using it to make their partners SQUIRT. Hehehe.....!!!:D :D
23-01-2007, 11:07 AM
yes, these info are very useful, thanks brother wukong... but i have not experienced this before think will give a try by following the steps here. ;)
23-01-2007, 12:23 PM
GEART INFO bro wukong :)
too bad i dont have any gals to try it out but this is very DAMN good info.
hope any one else can share about it more :)
23-01-2007, 01:25 PM
hmm anyone with e clip can upload on another site? sendspace really gone case:mad:
23-01-2007, 01:31 PM
GEART INFO bro wukong
too bad i dont have any gals to try it out but this is very DAMN good info.
hope any one else can share about it more :)
hello bro ravenzou, as long as u have money, u can pay to get 1 girl and make her squirt.. dun be sad ;)
23-01-2007, 02:38 PM
ya can any nice bro post it other place cannot see tks very much
The long awaited video!
Damn.. after waiting for 2 hrs ++++!!!
Finally manage to upload the video!
Bros... grab it while its still hot!
Im sure there will be alot of graduates after watching the video!
Heheh.. enjoy!
The link:
cannot DL...
23-01-2007, 04:36 PM
squirt! that's something that i can never get my hoes to do....up to u bro!,
Btw, sendspace is screwed, can repost the file in another webhost?
23-01-2007, 08:12 PM
Just keep a lookout for this thread la.. hehe
bro i just log in....think i miss the bus....:(
23-01-2007, 10:14 PM
Helo bro
Cant download leh any way to repost the link on some other web site? I tried with my GF kana scold leh she complain pain ask me go where lean:P hahah...i just act blur said instinct!:D
i help to repost the video at hope this helps :cool:
24-01-2007, 02:49 AM
i help to repost the video at hope this helps :cool:
Thanks a lot! Up you :D
24-01-2007, 07:43 AM dwn...:(
24-01-2007, 08:06 AM
yeah link has been disabled. Hope to see a repost.
Thanks a lot! Up you
thanks bro... you are in my up list ;)
yeah link has been disabled. Hope to see a repost.
that was fast. i'll try to repost to another host but it will take time... no promises ok :rolleyes:
24-01-2007, 04:24 PM
OK bros.. sorry i just came back to SG from Overseas.
Will upload tonite again.. try another upload server.. sorry for the inconvenience..
ok, here's another upload for the video... it took me half a day! :p
hope everyone can get it now until wukong68 can post another link. cheers! :cool:
24-01-2007, 09:22 PM
Bro can be downloaded leh, keep asking me key in the code after i have key in about twice then a count down timer appear, then when it has finished count down there was a click to download and i click that. Nothing happen then back to keying in the quote number again.
Sad leh.....
Bro can be downloaded leh, keep asking me key in the code after i have key in about twice then a count down timer appear, then when it has finished count down there was a click to download and i click that. Nothing happen then back to keying in the quote number again.
are you refering to my link at its working when i tested it... are you using IE browser? try using Firefox instead of IE ;)
25-01-2007, 01:31 AM
Thanks bro wukong68 for your effort although i did not manage to complete my download. I really think you deserve to up your pt to show my appreciation. By the way i have a stupid question to seek advise here. Does man squirt? Reason i ask is because when my wife bj me 2 days ago, instead of shooting sperm, it's all water should just wonder?:p
25-01-2007, 07:42 AM
Bro can be downloaded leh, keep asking me key in the code after i have key in about twice then a count down timer appear, then when it has finished count down there was a click to download and i click that. Nothing happen then back to keying in the quote number again.
Sad leh.....
yep same here. but nice post :) love to check out the video though. if anyone could use bt (bitorrent seeding) it would be nicer.
25-01-2007, 10:20 AM
Thanks bro wukong68 for your effort although i did not manage to complete my download. I really think you deserve to up your pt to show my appreciation. By the way i have a stupid question to seek advise here. Does man squirt? Reason i ask is because when my wife bj me 2 days ago, instead of shooting sperm, it's all water should just wonder?:p
Bro Bigbird, i believe the so call is yr precum, it also has to do with the food u eat too.
Another main core reason is stress, stress causes pre-mature ejaculation too..
Try eating more nutricious food la.. hehe..
By the way to my bros, i will think of a way to upload to a ftp server, currently looking for a free ftp server where i can store all the good videos.
Beside this squirting video, ive also another video on how to give the best Blowjob!
Hmm.. any suggestions to start a new thread or just stick to this one??
Thanks bros for upping me..
25-01-2007, 11:58 AM
thks bro wukong...finally after 2 days of agony...:D very nice of u
25-01-2007, 06:57 PM
My little contributions to this thread. I have changed the vids to rm format and in 2 parts.
repost links
pt 1
pt 2
25-01-2007, 07:16 PM
Bro Bigbird, i believe the so call is yr precum, it also has to do with the food u eat too.
Another main core reason is stress, stress causes pre-mature ejaculation too..
Try eating more nutricious food la.. hehe..
By the way to my bros, i will think of a way to upload to a ftp server, currently looking for a free ftp server where i can store all the good videos.
Beside this squirting video, ive also another video on how to give the best Blowjob!
Hmm.. any suggestions to start a new thread or just stick to this one??
Thanks bros for upping me..
Thanks wife was so concern that's why she wanted me to ask the bro here.:D
25-01-2007, 08:06 PM
Thanks wife was so concern that's why she wanted me to ask the bro here.:D
Biggie bro.. Better not to let yr spouse know about this forum..not good la..
I also have this problems also especially when im in big stress, sometimes my sperm capacity is less than 5 cent coin also..
So learn to relax which is what im trying hard to cope with..
SLeep early for a start, smoke less, im trying to do that also..
Drinking also must cut.. eat more fibre stuffs and lots of fruits..
25-01-2007, 08:08 PM
My little contributions to this thread. I have changed the vids to rm format and in 2 parts.
repost links
pt 1
pt 2
A big thank you to bro diver5007 for helping to split the file into 2.
Have up you for yr effort. Thanks..
By the way, PM me yr MSN so i can transfer the Blowjob vid to u for distribution if you wana help la.. hehe:D
25-01-2007, 08:21 PM
Helo bro
Cant download leh any way to repost the link on some other web site? I tried with my GF kana scold leh she complain pain ask me go where lean:P hahah...i just act blur said instinct!:D
this site is slow, something is wrong.. :(
25-01-2007, 08:22 PM
Helo bro
Cant download leh any way to repost the link on some other web site? I tried with my GF kana scold leh she complain pain ask me go where lean:P hahah...i just act blur said instinct!:D
hahaha bro, u must have cucuk the wrong side till she gets pain, from the pictures and steps posted by bro wukong68 is clear enough to locate it, try again and never give up wor.. ;)
25-01-2007, 10:41 PM
By the way, PM me yr MSN so i can transfer the Blowjob vid to u for distribution if you wana help la.. hehe:D[/QUOTE]
hi WuKong ,
thanks for the offer, is your vid title "The Lovers Guide - How To Give A World Class Blowjob"
I will help , if I am able to.
25-01-2007, 11:43 PM
Biggie bro.. Better not to let yr spouse know about this forum..not good la..
I also have this problems also especially when im in big stress, sometimes my sperm capacity is less than 5 cent coin also..
So learn to relax which is what im trying hard to cope with..
SLeep early for a start, smoke less, im trying to do that also..
Drinking also must cut.. eat more fibre stuffs and lots of fruits..
Why don't let her ? would u want to share your concern? Anyway, she already know liao and sometime she read also.
I was trying to hold back ejection but couldn't control and then just shoot out.Could that be a cause too? Because i really wasn't that stress recently. and i also have very healthy lifestyle too.
26-01-2007, 12:59 AM
Why don't let her ? would u want to share your concern? Anyway, she already know liao and sometime she read also.
I was trying to hold back ejection but couldn't control and then just shoot out.Could that be a cause too? Because i really wasn't that stress recently. and i also have very healthy lifestyle too.
erm..well..maybe her blowjob is out of this world la.. hehe..cannot control means too shiok liao..means shes good la!
Good on ya..
26-01-2007, 01:01 AM
By the way, PM me yr MSN so i can transfer the Blowjob vid to u for distribution if you wana help la.. hehe:D
hi WuKong ,
thanks for the offer, is your vid title "The Lovers Guide - How To Give A World Class Blowjob"
I will help , if I am able to.
Good rite??? heheh :D
26-01-2007, 05:16 AM
miss the train again. only 20 download limit.
waits patiently
26-01-2007, 11:09 AM
dear bro...
just to share...i was in manila recently...and managed to try it with a gal....she didnt squirt as much as some bro have mentioned...but she was damn horny....could feel her gripping my hand with her thighs....then after that...rode on me... i think i did her twice dat night! both equally sextisfying... :p
26-01-2007, 12:35 PM
My little contributions to this thread. I have changed the vids to rm format and in 2 parts.
repost links
pt 1
pt 2
Bro, was trying to download the video but always kanna message saying download limit of 20 reached.
Is this limit reset everytime? Or once the file has been downloaded 20 times, can't download anymore?
26-01-2007, 01:05 PM
Hmm, I've tried, but guess I didn't hit the right spot... Will try again on my OC during the weekend... No FB to try on weekdays... AngelEye... can I try on ya... :P
27-01-2007, 12:08 AM
erm..well..maybe her blowjob is out of this world la.. hehe..cannot control means too shiok liao..means shes good la!
Good on ya..
To be honest bro, she love bj and she feels horny when she give me bj. And if i get very shiok and like cannot control, she will blow even harder....hehe.
27-01-2007, 12:24 AM
By the way, PM me yr MSN so i can transfer the Blowjob vid to u for distribution if you wana help la.. hehe:D
hi WuKong ,
thanks for the offer, is your vid title "The Lovers Guide - How To Give A World Class Blowjob"
Bros, I found the BT file for the above vid. Just DL from this link and follow up with it
Disclaimer: This is not the actual vid file. Just the bitorrent file to link you up and download it (for all the BT users). If the above link doesnt work pls tell me k.
The BT health looks good when I searched for it...haha so lets have more ppl here to download and share it
27-01-2007, 09:36 PM
sorry bros. not very related. :o
May i know where i can download free chinese display or explorer so that i can read chinese on my yahoo mail. ? tried a few but still cant read...
cant see chinese display on SBF too only see ???????????? .
thx u in advance.
29-01-2007, 12:49 PM
Hi Bros,
Tried it last night, it worked like a charm! Though we did not do the massage steps, and my wife did not squirt....but her whole body was in spasm! Incredible!:eek:
To me, most important is to make her see "stars" than I seeing jets of liquid.:D
However, I was following the method in the Video (less fingers, more arm motion).
Bro Wukong68, I think you have revived my sex life, thank you so very much!!!!
30-01-2007, 12:00 AM
Hmm, I've tried, but guess I didn't hit the right spot... Will try again on my OC during the weekend... No FB to try on weekdays... AngelEye... can I try on ya... :P
hehe.... if time permits....... "wink"
30-01-2007, 12:15 AM
Hi Bros,
Tried it last night, it worked like a charm! Though we did not do the massage steps, and my wife did not squirt....but her whole body was in spasm! Incredible
To me, most important is to make her see "stars" than I seeing jets of liquid.:D
However, I was following the method in the Video (less fingers, more arm motion).
Bro Wukong68, I think you have revived my sex life, thank you so very much!!!!
O no... dun say that bro.. you owe it to yrself..
Sex is not just physical, but also very MENTAL..
Yes i think u have achieved the highest, which is spasm after spasm of vibrations..
Good on ya..
Kow tow to u!:D
31-01-2007, 11:50 PM
ok, here's another upload for the video... it took me half a day! :p
hope everyone can get it now until wukong68 can post another link. cheers! :cool:
Wah! Saw the video. Is the girl exaggeration, overstating the action or it is true? So big reaction from the girl. Has any of the brothers succeed in doing like the videos?
01-02-2007, 12:03 AM
Hey Bro
Why i cant download? It says the files has expire can someone kindly send me the link, thanks bros.!
01-02-2007, 12:09 AM
The link is:
I just downloaded it yesterday.
My question: Is it real or fake?
01-02-2007, 01:30 AM
The link is:
I just downloaded it yesterday.
My question: Is it real or fake?
Seeing is believing. You have to test drive yrself.
See the threads and FRs from our bros here..
You are always free to ask questions if you didnt do it correctly :)
SUre there will be bros sharing their experience with ya..
03-02-2007, 09:30 PM
The link is:
I just downloaded it yesterday.
My question: Is it real or fake?
bro, appreciate if the clip can be posted again. click on to it and it said download limit exceeded.
Thank you! :D
05-03-2007, 04:37 PM
this thread is still very much alive after so long.. a pity i dun get to try it till now..
05-03-2007, 05:14 PM
this thread is still very much alive after so long.. a pity i dun get to try it till now..
u need help? :p
05-03-2007, 06:55 PM
u need help? :p
u here to help? hehe
05-03-2007, 08:08 PM
the video shows that the fingers aren't doing anything and it's just using the wrist and arm power to go up and down. anyone who succeeded would like to add on to this observation?
05-03-2007, 08:46 PM
Just 1 question: do have to do it at fast pace or slow,fast,slow,etc??? I try that but seems the girl won't squirt.
06-03-2007, 12:53 AM
Just 1 question: do have to do it at fast pace or slow,fast,slow,etc??? I try that but seems the girl won't squirt.
not all ger will squrt. If too fast, wrist feel cramp n tired
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