View Full Version : Letter to a KTV Hostess - Milk Them Dry

05-11-2015, 11:32 AM
From: Mummy Amy Ho (M3)
131 Jalan Bukit Merah
Singapore 344566

Dear Whore,

RE: Please Milk Your Clients Dry

I know that you have spent a lot of money to rent a place here in Singapore, some of you have to leave your village, some of you need to spend thousands of dollars to get a visa, some of you want to buy a limited edition LV bag and some of you are here because you are harvesting money for your dying grandmother. Whatever the reason might be, you are here to earn money. So bloody hell milk my fucking clients dry.

The more you do your best to service my clients, the more that they may tip you. Spend more time with those who have got low self confidence, let them know that they are handsome, those who hold onto the microphone like gold, let them know that they will become the next Singapore Idol, American Idol and the Voice of China champion all added together. Those who are depressed, let them know that you'll be there for them, act like you are their girlfriend - if you put on a perfect act today, you'll get a perfect bank account tomorrow. Those who are spotted drinking alcohol constantly, let them know that they are the best drinkers you've ever seen in your entire career, encourage them to drink more so that I get my 100 SGD commission whenever 1 bottle of hard liquor is opened.

Although my commission alone from customers opening bottles every month is around 10,000 SGD (way better than any university graduate), I still want more - if you service my clients with your body, I can tell them that I've chosen the best hostesses for their room. The host of the room might give me a bigger tip at the end of the night, I can then add another 8,000 SGD to my monthly pay check and keep on wondering why Singaporeans must study so hard when I am earning 8 times more than a fresh grad.

Don't immediately go into the room and flash your boobs, spend some time with them first, allow things to warm up, play hard to get. Put your hands on your customer's lap, talk a little dirty. When things are warmed up, don't just let them touch your boobs, show it to them because men are visual creatures, stuff your assets into their faces and let them know that you are working hard. When it is later into the night, show them your g-string, flash a little bit of your pussy and turn them right on. Only do this closing to the end of the night so that he would want more and also when it is time for him to pay money, he'll feel that the night is worth it - stacks of cash will therefore go to you and come to me. Your pussy can make my world a better place so use it wisely.

If the customer ask you for ST, tell them that you don't go out with customers but you could offer to accompany him for lunch or dinner. If the customer can get sex from you on that very night, he is more than likely not going to look for you anymore (guys like sexual variety), this will cause you to lose a regular customer. Remember, your goal is to milk him dry and make him come back again and again so that I can also earn. While you are out having lunch / dinner with him, walk around a little bit, look at things that you think your customer can easily afford, if he cannot afford a Hermes bag, then go look at Prada, if he cannot afford Prada then go to Zara if he cannot afford Zara, then I don't see why you should be wasting so much time with him. Don't tell him outrightly that you want him to buy stuff for you, just show him that glow on your face when shopping with him, its like a kid indirectly telling his father "ooowww, if only I could own a Prada bag, my world would be a better place to live in".

After 3 excursions with him, do what you are good at, seduce him to fuck you. Let him know that you are exclusive and that you don't go around fucking KTV customers. You are spreading your legs for him because you might be in love with him even though he's already got a wife and 2 children. Tell him that you'll always be his emotional support and that if his family is giving him shit, he can always look for you. HOWEVER, you need to work, but UNLESS if he pays for your sitting fee, you could then freely go out with him, accompany him for dinner and give him a good massage. If he offers to give you a bigger than usual sum of money, tell him to take back half and that you are concerned that he has got not enough money to spend, if he insists, don't be a dumb ass by pushing that stack of cash back to him, keep it, look into his eyes and french kiss him till his dick stands and then walk out of the room so that he would want more from you the next time.

Once you have connected with him fully on this level, share with him a sob story. Let him know that your brother just died in a car accident and you need to go back and administrate his funeral proceedings (your visa is expiring anyways) - he will more than likely give you some money to help you tide past this "difficult" situation of yours. If you are damn good, you could still charm him to visit you at your country - there and then, he will also more than likely give you money because you were not only just a good companion but also the best tour guide and tour guides must be tipped too.

Whatever I have taught you, use it on at least 5 guys and it will make your trip to Singapore worthwhile. Don't be stupid to use to money to gamble, start a business in your home country and try to obtain success. Don't ever let your future husband know that you were once a whore and live your life from there onwards in a happily ever after manner.

What if your business / marriage fails and you need money?
Call me and I will gladly take care of you again, my dear girl.


This article is dedicated to a special friend, Alex. Thanks for that wonderful party session the other night, it was a blast.

05-11-2015, 01:38 PM
interesting where did you get this information

05-11-2015, 02:20 PM
A really interesting article . Worth reading it

05-11-2015, 02:27 PM
hahahaha, an informative letter to all cheongsters..

05-11-2015, 03:16 PM
interesting where did you get this information

From www.MilkYourCustomersDry.com

05-11-2015, 03:49 PM
No money no honey.

05-11-2015, 04:52 PM
From www.MilkYourCustomersDry.com

You, sir, have the winning post of the day.

05-11-2015, 05:15 PM
From: Mummy Amy Ho (M3)
1** Jalan Bukit Merah
Singapore 344566


brudder is dis addy real??? if not some bugger stayin dere might be getting funny stares :p

05-11-2015, 05:38 PM
Wah .. nice letter, but more interested in that party session with Alex :D

05-11-2015, 09:08 PM
interesting where did you get this information

From my years and years of experience and money donated to the various KTVs and Hostesses.

05-11-2015, 09:08 PM
brudder is dis addy real??? if not some bugger stayin dere might be getting funny stares :p

Haha bro, don't worry, I write responsibly.
The above address is not real.

05-11-2015, 09:11 PM
A really interesting article . Worth reading it

Thank you, hope this write up helps.

hahahaha, an informative letter to all cheongsters..

Always wished that I knew this before stepping into my virgin KTV trip.

06-11-2015, 12:37 AM
Really great article bro Notary. Just had an experience almost exactly like what u have described with a gal whom i knew from Crown, now @ Club De Emperor. Already knew something not right pretty early on but was naive and soft hearted, in d end kenna milked for more b4 finally told myself enough is enough. cannot tahan her constant lies n requests for money.

I consider myself an experienced chiongster n yet this still happened haha. Not pissed or anything just take it as a lesson learnt.

06-11-2015, 02:41 AM
Haha good write!!! Support

06-11-2015, 10:02 AM
A real eye opener . Thanks for sharing .:)

06-11-2015, 10:02 AM
Really great article bro Notary. Just had an experience almost exactly like what u have described with a gal whom i knew from Crown, now @ Club De Emperor.

Hello Bro rebeldevil,

Thanks for sharing. Hopefully that girl didn't cause you a big hole in your bank account and also hope that you did at least have a good time with her in bed.

Haha good write!!! Support

Thanks bro xgwei.

A real eye opener . Thanks for sharing .:)

Glad you liked it bro fullofrubbish (:

06-11-2015, 10:49 AM
Haha, good post! Upped you for this interesting read!

06-11-2015, 11:11 AM
Haha, good post! Upped you for this interesting read!

Many thanks bro! :D

06-11-2015, 03:43 PM
Wah .. nice letter, but more interested in that party session with Alex :D

Bro OysterLover,

Maybe we should let bro Alex aka Leakypipes give you some insights on our little session. ;)

06-11-2015, 10:58 PM
Bro, I like the way you put this in the form of a letter from the Mummy to the girls. To all these ladies, SG is really a great place for them to fulfill their monetary needs.

06-11-2015, 11:11 PM
Thumbs up bro ts

06-11-2015, 11:38 PM
Bro, I like the way you put this in the form of a letter from the Mummy to the girls. To all these ladies, SG is really a great place for them to fulfill their monetary needs.

Thumbs up bro ts

Hey bros, thanks for the positive comments :)

07-11-2015, 12:06 AM
in the cheonging world it is really a game of wits and who can bide his/her time and playing the cards right

the women wants to quickly fleece you off as much as possible, asap; but of course the big fish with deep pockets are keepers

the men just want to quickly bed them and perhaps move on, but if he is really smitten by her good looks, figure and skills then she's a keeper for him too

so end of the day, between you and her; how the cards are drawn and play... how much time and money are you willing to invest to get her and of course different tiers of girls have got different entry levels.
those PRC "singers" in night clubs would almost certainly cost you dearly but then again no lack of supporters la

07-11-2015, 11:39 AM
in the cheonging world it is really a game of wits and who can bide his/her time and playing the cards right

It's true and this also takes time and money to execute. We men are interesting, we pay truckloads of money to play a game of wits with a bunch of whores. :p

07-11-2015, 12:11 PM
Interesting letter. support

07-11-2015, 03:56 PM
this is so damm good!!!

07-11-2015, 05:32 PM
ya but why do these bosses, many aged 50s and above like my boss don't mind to spend thousands and tens of thousands a single night.

usually they like all the face and attention not just from the gals, but also from other patrons and all the staff when they starting hanging 5k, 10k to the singer they support.

they spent most of their youth and adult life on their companies, a lot of these old timer bosses they really work from morning till night 6-7 days a week when they were young.
last time not so much entertainment, age is catching up; they can't bring it to their graves; they've earned millions and its ok to spend 4-5 figure a night at nightclub.

my boss's friend sold his company and got 15 mil, at aged 60+ of course anyhow go splurge, he bought an yellow lambo and came to our company but dressed in shorts and old singlet like pork seller.
anyway im in construction industry, so this industry got a lot of such people.

It's true and this also takes time and money to execute. We men are interesting, we pay truckloads of money to play a game of wits with a bunch of whores. :p

07-11-2015, 05:40 PM
hahaha amy ho.... still remember my favourite mummy xiao jie...yummy

07-11-2015, 11:16 PM
yaaa didnt see her for some time ever since they moved to royce/crown. did she get married or something?

used to visit her alot during good ol' xtd days

08-11-2015, 09:00 AM
yaaa didnt see her for some time ever since they moved to royce/crown. did she get married or something?

used to visit her alot during good ol' xtd days

That is a mystery remain to be solved :)

08-11-2015, 01:27 PM
the mummy name so familiar sia.. lol

17-11-2015, 08:34 PM
the mummy name so familiar sia.. lol

Arguably the mummy with the highest earnings in Singaporean, JB and some say Batam :p

18-11-2015, 12:44 PM
Well written as usual

28-11-2015, 03:53 PM
Well written as usual

Thanks bro :)

29-11-2015, 11:40 PM
Just for fun. stories ktv hostess like to use

- family members terminally ill. Need money to operate if not die (degree of truth up to one to believe)
- parent/s sick cannot work
- money was stolen
- handphone dropped and damaged. Need one new preferably i6s plus 64gb rose gold
- boss/ agent chasing for money. No money to give as business bad
- the rest of customers very stingy give little tips
- never been to casino before. Can you bring me?
- never been to sentosa before. Can you bring me?
- I going back soon. Cannot c u Liao. U will help me / go to c me?
- I only go hotel with you. I dun go with other customer
- my handbag/shoe old/damaged/spoilt. Can you bring me to buy

And many more. Above are very common ones.

30-11-2015, 02:07 AM
nicely written letter

02-12-2015, 09:12 AM
Just for fun. stories ktv hostess like to use

- family members terminally ill. Need money to operate if not die (degree of truth up to one to believe)
- parent/s sick cannot work
- money was stolen
- handphone dropped and damaged. Need one new preferably i6s plus 64gb rose gold
- boss/ agent chasing for money. No money to give as business bad
- the rest of customers very stingy give little tips
- never been to casino before. Can you bring me?
- never been to sentosa before. Can you bring me?
- I going back soon. Cannot c u Liao. U will help me / go to c me?
- I only go hotel with you. I dun go with other customer
- my handbag/shoe old/damaged/spoilt. Can you bring me to buy

And many more. Above are very common ones.

Wow bro, this is good. Thanks for sharing!

02-12-2015, 09:13 AM
nicely written letter

Thanks bro levine.

02-12-2015, 10:24 AM
good man......
translated from chinese ba...good translation!

05-12-2015, 09:07 PM
i frequent such night club, one of the charbo i happen to bonk up from Palace 8 Marina  . expensive, yet interesting. she had abortion twice because of me. you can meet good one there, but never be serious about them. afterall, they came here for money and if they can find love here..its a bonus to them.

for us men, it will never be a bonus because afterall, you just need to spend to have access to their body :D

08-12-2015, 10:55 PM
Just for fun. stories ktv hostess like to use

- family members terminally ill. Need money to operate if not die (degree of truth up to one to believe)
- parent/s sick cannot work
- money was stolen
- handphone dropped and damaged. Need one new preferably i6s plus 64gb rose gold
- boss/ agent chasing for money. No money to give as business bad
- the rest of customers very stingy give little tips
- never been to casino before. Can you bring me?
- never been to sentosa before. Can you bring me?
- I going back soon. Cannot c u Liao. U will help me / go to c me?
- I only go hotel with you. I dun go with other customer
- my handbag/shoe old/damaged/spoilt. Can you bring me to buy

And many more. Above are very common ones.

Or even I need money to build my house back in China, can you help me? I will return you. lol

09-12-2015, 06:55 AM
Nice letter bro, thks fr the info

09-12-2015, 10:22 PM
Or even I need money to build my house back in China, can you help me? I will return you. lol

The handphone story is a scam. Kenna from one MILFat People Park Centre. Went with her to buy the phone on the first floor to be sure and some weeks later when I noticed she wasn't using, she said she lost it.

Quite sure she returned it to the shop and they shared the loot!

09-12-2015, 11:21 PM
The handphone story is a scam. Kenna from one MILFat People Park Centre. Went with her to buy the phone on the first floor to be sure and some weeks later when I noticed she wasn't using, she said she lost it.

Quite sure she returned it to the shop and they shared the loot!

Go another shop sell...selling hp very easy. Nothing surprise me.

09-12-2015, 11:22 PM
Wow bro, this is good. Thanks for sharing!

Bro...think u got more stories than me. My experience is compacted

15-12-2015, 06:00 AM
Nice letter bro, thks fr the info

Don't mention it, you're very most welcome :)

18-12-2015, 02:13 PM
From: Mummy Amy Ho (M3)
131 Jalan Bukit Merah
Singapore 344566

Dear Whore,


This article is dedicated to a special friend, Alex. Thanks for that wonderful party session the other night, it was a blast.

Seems mostly everyone experiences same thing with PRC whores. You are word to word right and perfect.

26-12-2015, 10:35 AM
Seems mostly everyone experiences same thing with PRC whores. You are word to word right and perfect.

As long as we know the boundaries, play within our means and stay safe; everyone can have a good time of fun without the element of danger. :)

27-12-2015, 12:19 PM
Seems mostly everyone experiences same thing with PRC whores. You are word to word right and perfect.

Actually applies to all nationalities not just PRC. Let the big head think not small head or heart. Sg men a lot too soft hearted

28-12-2015, 09:25 AM
just read one 24yr old dance lost #140k to a remittance scam also by prc

03-01-2016, 09:29 PM
just read one 24yr old dance lost #140k to a remittance scam also by prc

Contributing to the China economy :)

09-07-2016, 10:09 PM
Actually applies to all nationalities not just PRC. Let the big head think not small head or heart. Sg men a lot too soft hearted

Yeah bro, Singaporeans in general tend to have too soft of a heart. I hope the bros don't take offence on what I am saying here, in fact, it is a compliment. Due to our educated background and upbringing, we tend to be more understanding and compassionate. But unfortunately, this soft heartedness will cause a lot of Singaporean men a big big hole in their wallets.

10-07-2016, 01:17 PM
Take our kindness for weakness. Wait till we lose our jobs to foreign talents, then we stop being cows.

10-07-2016, 04:21 PM
Yeah bro, Singaporeans in general tend to have too soft of a heart. I hope the bros don't take offence on what I am saying here, in fact, it is a compliment. Due to our educated background and upbringing, we tend to be more understanding and compassionate. But unfortunately, this soft heartedness will cause a lot of Singaporean men a big big hole in their wallets.
Yes me 100% agree they ( prc ML, FL)come all the way here only $$$ in mind. Once you cannot full fill their needs you then see their true colour.

10-07-2016, 06:08 PM
Fellow brother who are planning to give so much to such girls

Plz take a step back and reflect , why not consider to give this to your own parents instead?
They have sacrifice so much for u

Just a simple $5000 is sufficent to let your dad and mum to fly to London and enjoy them self

12-07-2016, 10:30 AM
Upped you Bloomc for your advice.

12-07-2016, 11:03 AM
Fellow brother who are planning to give so much to such girls

Plz take a step back and reflect , why not consider to give this to your own parents instead?
They have sacrifice so much for u

Just a simple $5000 is sufficent to let your dad and mum to fly to London and enjoy them self

some like to bring ktv gals, mls out for dinner

wonder how often they bring their own parents out for dinner

22-07-2016, 01:38 PM
some like to bring ktv gals, mls out for dinner

wonder how often they bring their own parents out for dinner

Mankind needs to find balance in life and be grateful for those who have sowed into their lives.

22-07-2016, 04:26 PM
Yeah bro, Singaporeans in general tend to have too soft of a heart. I hope the bros don't take offence on what I am saying here, in fact, it is a compliment. Due to our educated background and upbringing, we tend to be more understanding and compassionate. But unfortunately, this soft heartedness will cause a lot of Singaporean men a big big hole in their wallets.

70% of singaporean men are daft....look at how they support the country system and you know why..

22-07-2016, 05:02 PM
Loved it . Upped it .

Haven't yet tried the KTV scene as I'm not a local and sometimes company is needed to truly get the max out of the session .

However I am curious as well as cautious that it might be addictive and you might commit more than money to find that Gem.

I think maybe worth it but comes at great sacrifice (over a period of time ofc)

Nonetheless loved it .


From: Mummy Amy Ho (M3)
131 Jalan Bukit Merah
Singapore 344566

Dear Whore,

RE: Please Milk Your Clients Dry

I know that you have spent a lot of money to rent a place here in Singapore, some of you have to leave your village, some of you need to spend thousands of dollars to get a visa, some of you want to buy a limited edition LV bag and some of you are here because you are harvesting money for your dying grandmother. Whatever the reason might be, you are here to earn money. So bloody hell milk my fucking clients dry.

The more you do your best to service my clients, the more that they may tip you. Spend more time with those who have got low self confidence, let them know that they are handsome, those who hold onto the microphone like gold, let them know that they will become the next Singapore Idol, American Idol and the Voice of China champion all added together. Those who are depressed, let them know that you'll be there for them, act like you are their girlfriend - if you put on a perfect act today, you'll get a perfect bank account tomorrow. Those who are spotted drinking alcohol constantly, let them know that they are the best drinkers you've ever seen in your entire career, encourage them to drink more so that I get my 100 SGD commission whenever 1 bottle of hard liquor is opened.

Although my commission alone from customers opening bottles every month is around 10,000 SGD (way better than any university graduate), I still want more - if you service my clients with your body, I can tell them that I've chosen the best hostesses for their room. The host of the room might give me a bigger tip at the end of the night, I can then add another 8,000 SGD to my monthly pay check and keep on wondering why Singaporeans must study so hard when I am earning 8 times more than a fresh grad.

Don't immediately go into the room and flash your boobs, spend some time with them first, allow things to warm up, play hard to get. Put your hands on your customer's lap, talk a little dirty. When things are warmed up, don't just let them touch your boobs, show it to them because men are visual creatures, stuff your assets into their faces and let them know that you are working hard. When it is later into the night, show them your g-string, flash a little bit of your pussy and turn them right on. Only do this closing to the end of the night so that he would want more and also when it is time for him to pay money, he'll feel that the night is worth it - stacks of cash will therefore go to you and come to me. Your pussy can make my world a better place so use it wisely.

If the customer ask you for ST, tell them that you don't go out with customers but you could offer to accompany him for lunch or dinner. If the customer can get sex from you on that very night, he is more than likely not going to look for you anymore (guys like sexual variety), this will cause you to lose a regular customer. Remember, your goal is to milk him dry and make him come back again and again so that I can also earn. While you are out having lunch / dinner with him, walk around a little bit, look at things that you think your customer can easily afford, if he cannot afford a Hermes bag, then go look at Prada, if he cannot afford Prada then go to Zara if he cannot afford Zara, then I don't see why you should be wasting so much time with him. Don't tell him outrightly that you want him to buy stuff for you, just show him that glow on your face when shopping with him, its like a kid indirectly telling his father "ooowww, if only I could own a Prada bag, my world would be a better place to live in".

After 3 excursions with him, do what you are good at, seduce him to fuck you. Let him know that you are exclusive and that you don't go around fucking KTV customers. You are spreading your legs for him because you might be in love with him even though he's already got a wife and 2 children. Tell him that you'll always be his emotional support and that if his family is giving him shit, he can always look for you. HOWEVER, you need to work, but UNLESS if he pays for your sitting fee, you could then freely go out with him, accompany him for dinner and give him a good massage. If he offers to give you a bigger than usual sum of money, tell him to take back half and that you are concerned that he has got not enough money to spend, if he insists, don't be a dumb ass by pushing that stack of cash back to him, keep it, look into his eyes and french kiss him till his dick stands and then walk out of the room so that he would want more from you the next time.

Once you have connected with him fully on this level, share with him a sob story. Let him know that your brother just died in a car accident and you need to go back and administrate his funeral proceedings (your visa is expiring anyways) - he will more than likely give you some money to help you tide past this "difficult" situation of yours. If you are damn good, you could still charm him to visit you at your country - there and then, he will also more than likely give you money because you were not only just a good companion but also the best tour guide and tour guides must be tipped too.

Whatever I have taught you, use it on at least 5 guys and it will make your trip to Singapore worthwhile. Don't be stupid to use to money to gamble, start a business in your home country and try to obtain success. Don't ever let your future husband know that you were once a whore and live your life from there onwards in a happily ever after manner.

What if your business / marriage fails and you need money?
Call me and I will gladly take care of you again, my dear girl.


This article is dedicated to a special friend, Alex. Thanks for that wonderful party session the other night, it was a blast.

22-07-2016, 05:24 PM
Must edit . No power to up it yet . But loved it nonetheless.

08-08-2016, 02:55 PM
Tmr is NDay & times are bad, upped thread for gd reminder.

12-10-2016, 11:24 AM
Tmr is NDay & times are bad, upped thread for gd reminder.

lol. Thanks for the support.

12-10-2016, 11:25 AM
Must edit . No power to up it yet . But loved it nonetheless.

Glad that you have enjoyed the write up, Bro Adi19871 :)

06-03-2017, 09:17 PM
Thanks bro for your great write up!

I agree with your write up wholeheartedly.

Yet, ever heard of happy ending with KTV girl?

13-05-2017, 06:46 PM
Thanks bro for your great write up!

I agree with your write up wholeheartedly.

Yet, ever heard of happy ending with KTV girl?

The only happy ending I heard of is a good climax.
Successful marriage and then living happily ever after?

11-09-2023, 06:05 PM
From: Mummy Amy Ho (M3)
131 Jalan Bukit Merah
Singapore 344566

Dear Whore,

RE: Please Milk Your Clients Dry

I know that you have spent a lot of money to rent a place here in Singapore, some of you have to leave your village, some of you need to spend thousands of dollars to get a visa, some of you want to buy a limited edition LV bag and some of you are here because you are harvesting money for your dying grandmother. Whatever the reason might be, you are here to earn money. So bloody hell milk my fucking clients dry.

The more you do your best to service my clients, the more that they may tip you. Spend more time with those who have got low self confidence, let them know that they are handsome, those who hold onto the microphone like gold, let them know that they will become the next Singapore Idol, American Idol and the Voice of China champion all added together. Those who are depressed, let them know that you'll be there for them, act like you are their girlfriend - if you put on a perfect act today, you'll get a perfect bank account tomorrow. Those who are spotted drinking alcohol constantly, let them know that they are the best drinkers you've ever seen in your entire career, encourage them to drink more so that I get my 100 SGD commission whenever 1 bottle of hard liquor is opened.

Although my commission alone from customers opening bottles every month is around 10,000 SGD (way better than any university graduate), I still want more - if you service my clients with your body, I can tell them that I've chosen the best hostesses for their room. The host of the room might give me a bigger tip at the end of the night, I can then add another 8,000 SGD to my monthly pay check and keep on wondering why Singaporeans must study so hard when I am earning 8 times more than a fresh grad.

Don't immediately go into the room and flash your boobs, spend some time with them first, allow things to warm up, play hard to get. Put your hands on your customer's lap, talk a little dirty. When things are warmed up, don't just let them touch your boobs, show it to them because men are visual creatures, stuff your assets into their faces and let them know that you are working hard. When it is later into the night, show them your g-string, flash a little bit of your pussy and turn them right on. Only do this closing to the end of the night so that he would want more and also when it is time for him to pay money, he'll feel that the night is worth it - stacks of cash will therefore go to you and come to me. Your pussy can make my world a better place so use it wisely.

If the customer ask you for ST, tell them that you don't go out with customers but you could offer to accompany him for lunch or dinner. If the customer can get sex from you on that very night, he is more than likely not going to look for you anymore (guys like sexual variety), this will cause you to lose a regular customer. Remember, your goal is to milk him dry and make him come back again and again so that I can also earn. While you are out having lunch / dinner with him, walk around a little bit, look at things that you think your customer can easily afford, if he cannot afford a Hermes bag, then go look at Prada, if he cannot afford Prada then go to Zara if he cannot afford Zara, then I don't see why you should be wasting so much time with him. Don't tell him outrightly that you want him to buy stuff for you, just show him that glow on your face when shopping with him, its like a kid indirectly telling his father "ooowww, if only I could own a Prada bag, my world would be a better place to live in".

After 3 excursions with him, do what you are good at, seduce him to fuck you. Let him know that you are exclusive and that you don't go around fucking KTV customers. You are spreading your legs for him because you might be in love with him even though he's already got a wife and 2 children. Tell him that you'll always be his emotional support and that if his family is giving him shit, he can always look for you. HOWEVER, you need to work, but UNLESS if he pays for your sitting fee, you could then freely go out with him, accompany him for dinner and give him a good massage. If he offers to give you a bigger than usual sum of money, tell him to take back half and that you are concerned that he has got not enough money to spend, if he insists, don't be a dumb ass by pushing that stack of cash back to him, keep it, look into his eyes and french kiss him till his dick stands and then walk out of the room so that he would want more from you the next time.

Once you have connected with him fully on this level, share with him a sob story. Let him know that your brother just died in a car accident and you need to go back and administrate his funeral proceedings (your visa is expiring anyways) - he will more than likely give you some money to help you tide past this "difficult" situation of yours. If you are damn good, you could still charm him to visit you at your country - there and then, he will also more than likely give you money because you were not only just a good companion but also the best tour guide and tour guides must be tipped too.

Whatever I have taught you, use it on at least 5 guys and it will make your trip to Singapore worthwhile. Don't be stupid to use to money to gamble, start a business in your home country and try to obtain success. Don't ever let your future husband know that you were once a whore and live your life from there onwards in a happily ever after manner.

What if your business / marriage fails and you need money?
Call me and I will gladly take care of you again, my dear girl.


This article is dedicated to a special friend, Alex. Thanks for that wonderful party session the other night, it was a blast.

Interesting read.

11-09-2023, 10:36 PM
they are from the same mould! :o

11-09-2023, 10:42 PM
True story! 🤣

12-09-2023, 06:05 AM
Ktv girls, massage girls same teaching, true facts
Mummy taught well Lol!

12-09-2023, 09:28 AM
8yrs ago teaching... and it is still valid now....:D:D

12-09-2023, 10:47 AM
Is common on this scene and most sg guys are easy carrot cause we mostly are nice and most of this wl and ml know. Some random stranger say is market rate 50 plus 30 to roam top then all follow blindly gives an obvious sign. 🙄

12-09-2023, 04:14 PM
Is common on this scene and most sg guys are easy carrot cause we mostly are nice and most of this wl and ml know. Some random stranger say is market rate 50 plus 30 to roam top then all follow blindly gives an obvious sign. 🙄

And such is the circle of life that goes on and on. We aren't immune to their charms, we're just not hardened enough to resist or outright reject them (assuming they're not our cup of tea)

For bros who's got more cash to burn, all these are but a fantasy that continues until they're sick of it. For the rest of us, best not to get caught in this downward spiral, by using the right head to think 😀😀

12-09-2023, 04:20 PM
I've seen so many old threads being dredged up for no reason these past few weeks, this is one thread that I have no issues with, solely for the letter. Great teaching, and I agree, still valid after so many years.

12-09-2023, 06:13 PM
Now the girls due to inflation sit down at joo chiat pubs demand 50, jalan bersar ktv demand 100, go orchard plaza empire need 150. Dabao need 400 minimum. My salary also never inflate that much.

But than again this type of letter or guide can be repeated until the cows come home but I still see alot of guys willing to send vnb home send ATB to malls and I have seen a fellow chiongster, he give the vnb $50k sgd a month lol to support her. She jitao quit ktv and be his xiao San.

I have seen some married man come here with vnb make vnb pregnant send them back vn and send truckloads of money to them. Now Dbs remit feature makes it even easier.

This nightlife scene will never change. I have seen more wild things before but I shall not say.. it's so crazy you will never believe lol.

12-09-2023, 06:44 PM
Classical post. This is so good and deserved to be pinned up. A good reminder to every brothers and newbies

25-12-2023, 01:45 PM
8yrs ago teaching... and it is still valid now....:D:D

It's actually even more valid now :p

Last time the girls not so smart.

Nowadays, it's all about the dollars and cents. They count to the decimal point.

25-12-2023, 01:46 PM
Classical post. This is so good and deserved to be pinned up. A good reminder to every brothers and newbies

Thank you for reading brother! :D

25-12-2023, 01:47 PM
Now the girls due to inflation sit down at joo chiat pubs demand 50, jalan bersar ktv demand 100, go orchard plaza empire need 150. Dabao need 400 minimum. My salary also never inflate that much.

But than again this type of letter or guide can be repeated until the cows come home but I still see alot of guys willing to send vnb home send ATB to malls and I have seen a fellow chiongster, he give the vnb $50k sgd a month lol to support her. She jitao quit ktv and be his xiao San.

I have seen some married man come here with vnb make vnb pregnant send them back vn and send truckloads of money to them. Now Dbs remit feature makes it even easier.

This nightlife scene will never change. I have seen more wild things before but I shall not say.. it's so crazy you will never believe lol.

Share your wild stories leh bro

28-12-2023, 06:38 AM
Now the girls due to inflation sit down at joo chiat pubs demand 50, jalan bersar ktv demand 100, go orchard plaza empire need 150. Dabao need 400 minimum. My salary also never inflate that much.

But than again this type of letter or guide can be repeated until the cows come home but I still see alot of guys willing to send vnb home send ATB to malls and I have seen a fellow chiongster, he give the vnb $50k sgd a month lol to support her. She jitao quit ktv and be his xiao San.

I have seen some married man come here with vnb make vnb pregnant send them back vn and send truckloads of money to them. Now Dbs remit feature makes it even easier.

This nightlife scene will never change. I have seen more wild things before but I shall not say.. it's so crazy you will never believe lol.

Indeed. Fight inflation by sticking to old prices

28-12-2023, 07:18 AM
Indeed. Fight inflation by sticking to old prices

I think the hard part about this is that besides the roberts/carrots, there are also bros who will willingly pay more because they can afford to, and that helps them get more from the girls. They don't need to care about 'playing the game' or 'combating inflation'.

And this affects not just the KTV hostesses, but also the MLs and FLs. It's not great.

28-12-2023, 08:06 AM
Truth is hard to fight then they got deep pocket we also bo pian. Just cherish those worthy ladies or 50 places while it still last. Got ml I know say 50 hard to sustain soon going up. I doubt is true but we know one do other follow. I know of a few 88 places constantly full house on weekend so yeah.

28-12-2023, 12:55 PM
I think the hard part about this is that besides the roberts/carrots, there are also bros who will willingly pay more because they can afford to, and that helps them get more from the girls. They don't need to care about 'playing the game' or 'combating inflation'.

And this affects not just the KTV hostesses, but also the MLs and FLs. It's not great.

A sucker born everyday. Lots of Robert’s/carrots in Singapore.

28-12-2023, 04:31 PM

KTV is a waste of time and money

02-01-2024, 09:03 AM

KTV is a waste of time and money

If you are a shoot and go, straight-to-the point kind of brother, then KTV will be a major waste of money for you.

However, there are really a lot of bros out there where they need the "foreplay" first before they can totally consume the enjoyment from the bang bang. (mind-fuck / heart-fuck)

Unfortunately, the prices of the KTV scene in Singapore has become ridiculous. I'm sad.