View Full Version : needed good divorce lawyers for men

13-11-2015, 05:12 PM
Hi Bros. I need help. My wife wants to divorce me. And she wants the whole bto flat. She ask me to give up my other cpf for child maintence fee.

Need a very good lawyer that will side our man sides.

14-11-2015, 05:53 AM
Wat happen ts
Is not wat she demand she will be awarded
Suggest u talk to ur lawyer Nd for my knowlegde bto flat have to sell back to hdb if less than 5yrs

14-11-2015, 11:22 AM
What did you done wrong to deserve divorce?

14-11-2015, 01:08 PM
Any recommendations???

14-11-2015, 01:10 PM
Sorry not bto flat.

Flat took about 1 year.

14-11-2015, 04:48 PM
On what grounds she want to divorce u?

16-11-2015, 12:59 PM
Untolerable behaviour and verbal abuse. No affairs.

16-11-2015, 02:36 PM
She sounds greedy and wants your cpf. Guess you hurt her too much?

16-11-2015, 04:45 PM
Bros really need ur help for recommending good lawyer whom will fight for guyz..

16-11-2015, 07:10 PM
Hi Bros. I need help. My wife wants to divorce me. And she wants the whole bto flat. She ask me to give up my other cpf for child maintence fee.

Need a very good lawyer that will side our man sides.

yes, get a female lawyer . put condoms in her bag, picture her as a slut .

17-11-2015, 03:33 AM
Sorry not bto flat.

Flat took about 1 year.

1 year old flat must take back by HDB. Both of you will not benefit.

17-11-2015, 03:36 AM
Hi Bros. I need help. My wife wants to divorce me. And she wants the whole bto flat. She ask me to give up my other cpf for child maintence fee.

Need a very good lawyer that will side our man sides.

Come to Malaysia and divorce here. Man has advantages over the woman when divorcing her :D

17-11-2015, 01:39 PM
CPF belongs to CPF. Ask her to have her brain checked.

If it's an HDB flat, it has to be sold during divorce & either party can buy other's share under qualifications including loan etc. It's not so simple as I want the house & you get lost!

Google for lawyers. Speak to a few & ask first on the estimate fee as it can be as cheap as S$5K to half a million & 6 months to 3 years.

If it's a fresh flat then suggest you guys file for separation (technically, both can stay under one roof but different rooms) it lasts for 5yrs? Can't remember exactly but helps to cover the mandatory HDB ruling & prolong the pain. Oh just saw that you guys have a child, this will complicate matters but can be resolved as well by drawing up plans for maintenance & this is the part people fight.

17-11-2015, 01:41 PM
Come to Malaysia and divorce here. Man has advantages over the woman when divorcing her :D

Unless they're registered there.

17-11-2015, 05:31 PM
Ts i had been thru the same and now waiting for 5yrs to sell my flat.
My suggestion is onhav a talk with her to settle out of court amicably.

Bto less than 5yrs will have to sell back to hdb 95% of purchase price or 90% of market value whichever is lower.

U have to be clear minded and not be impulsive like me which will cause alot of complication.

If kids is involve , i would suggest to you to put ur priority on ur kids , money can be earn but the scar on ur child will take every long time to heal

03-12-2015, 09:07 AM

If best reach mutual agreement for divorce settlement. Save money and time

As for selling flat, questions are
1) flat over 5 years or not and are you above 35yrs
2) loan is from hdb
3) can you afford a second loan from hdb or bank

Points 1-3 determine whether you can buy over her share or sell to hdb

Divorce is based on what grounds
1) adultery (if u r guilty party, good luck)
2) unreasonable behavior
3) divorce

Only for point 1 and 2, you can get a straight divorce. If not is separation for 3yrs then divorce. You need to build up your case before you go see lawyer. Lawyer if you dun appoint just go seek advice may charge for first session Liao. And please during pre divorce and divorce, dun get caught doing hanky panky...if not just prepare to pay more. And if you can, pay lump sum for alimony for wife. Maintenance for children you cannot Siam. That will be monthly.

Read up on woman character and divorce in singapore

A mutual agreement divorce provided each party settle own legal fees can cost $2k including paperwork. A drawn one will take up to $5k to $20k depending on how times u go family court.

Most important when the intern judgement is drawn up, read properly each line before signing off. Reason is that if u dun understand, u may end up paying more.

Case in note if you are taking bank loans, each legal department of banks have different views of the wording.

16-01-2016, 11:53 AM
Thanks Bros.

Appreciates the kind help you guys input.

But now she have move back to her parents place with my child.

Haiz Zzzzz

24-01-2016, 10:29 PM
Hi Bros. I need help. My wife wants to divorce me. And she wants the whole bto flat. She ask me to give up my other cpf for child maintence fee.

Need a very good lawyer that will side our man sides.

u are talking COCK!
no lawyer even Senior QV can help u if u have no solid arguimen or if u have shit in her hand.

instead talk to her nicely or see your MP for help.
the way u talk, I know u are also up to no good or have no $ to show the judge u can handle the child.

jobless? security guard for u as I don't want a idiot to work for me

29-01-2016, 10:56 AM
TS, Been there, done it and moved off to higher ground. just note that the flat is only 1 year so has to return to HDB. obviously she is not been sensibly and will like to maintain her lifestyle off you after divorce. The truth is, it is unlikely she can afford to pay off the mortgage herself and since it less than 5 yo, you need to return to HDB according to market valule.she always can apply for 2 rm flat with HDB and get priority queue over it if she awarded child custody.

as for CPF, ask her go visit LKY's grave and ask first. LKY set CPF not for people to split and figh over it, not tot mention you not even dead yet. it is for one retirement so that you need not lived off government when you grow old. if the judge say boleh, ask the judge can you apply for government retirement grant to support you when you old LOL.

29-01-2016, 11:02 AM
TS, also you asked for good lawyer to fight for you. i sure we can always recommend you one. let not discuss the fee first, but you need to realize that you have to strategize and provide "bullet", points with evidence, to your lawyer. SG legal case is not like Tom Hanks movie: "few good men" where they go there start blabbering off thin air. Do remember that they still need to work in the legal industry after your case. not matter how good the lawyer is, if there is no point in your case, there is always a lmit how far they can go and will go for you. their reputation is far more impt compare to the money you pay them.

29-01-2016, 01:45 PM
Dear Guys,

I am asking the below on behalf of my brother as he is asking me but I also don know how to answer.

A is married to a Thai girl for 3exactly years, this time the wife go back and said she does not wan to come back again. because she is stress about money.
A agreed to divorce as this marriage had left him deeply in debt, trust me, the amount is sacredly. 6 digit figure.

He had some concerns as per below, if any brother can help with it please advise:

1) his BTO will be ready end of 2016, if he divorce now, will his deposit get forfeited, (his wife is only an occupant ,not owner, because she is only LTVP+)
can he sell on the first year?

2) Under the woman chapter, do she need to give her maintance fee (no child at all)

3) His wife is a aggressive gambler which left him no choice to put a ban on her entry to casino and left him with a huge amount of debt on A Credit card and bank loan, is this reason good enough for the divorce and don get affect by the woman chapter?

I had arrange my lawyer to meet up with him next week, but hope to have some clue before seeing the lawyer.

If any brother know the answer, please give good advise

29-01-2016, 02:11 PM
Dear Guys,

I am asking the below on behalf of my brother as he is asking me but I also don know how to answer.

A is married to a Thai girl for 3exactly years, this time the wife go back and said she does not wan to come back again. because she is stress about money.
A agreed to divorce as this marriage had left him deeply in debt, trust me, the amount is sacredly. 6 digit figure.

He had some concerns as per below, if any brother can help with it please advise:

1) his BTO will be ready end of 2016, if he divorce now, will his deposit get forfeited, (his wife is only an occupant ,not owner, because she is only LTVP+)
can he sell on the first year?

he will not be able to sell off the flat. the deposit of 2000 will be donation to HDB liao

2) Under the woman chapter, do she need to give her maintance fee (no child at all)

If they marry in singapore then woman chapter apply. But again given his debt situation and she not SG, hgih chance able to succeed to fight for no maintenance fee.3) His wife is a aggressive gambler which left him no choice to put a ban on her entry to casino and left him with a huge amount of debt on A Credit card and bank loan, is this reason good enough for the divorce and don get affect by the woman chapter?

Under unreasonable act yes. but you need to collect the credit slip etc to show that the debt was a result of her implusive gambling addict. but the biggest complication will be that she not in SG, so this will drag the case. best solution is that they both discuss, and once agree on the term, fly over and get her sign the paper work. this help the lawyer to process the divorce faster. the lawyer will be able to guide him and prepare the paper. advice your bro to call and discuss with her. if she agree, just laythe terms to the lawyer and will help to save a few lawyer session and also $ and time
I had arrange my lawyer to meet up with him next week, but hope to have some clue before seeing the lawyer.

If any brother know the answer, please give good advise

please see my comment in red

Kuan Aik Hong
31-01-2016, 05:38 PM
Dear Guys,

I am asking the below on behalf of my brother as he is asking me but I also don know how to answer.

A is married to a Thai girl for 3exactly years, this time the wife go back and said she does not wan to come back again. because she is stress about money.
A agreed to divorce as this marriage had left him deeply in debt, trust me, the amount is sacredly. 6 digit figure.

He had some concerns as per below, if any brother can help with it please advise:

1) his BTO will be ready end of 2016, if he divorce now, will his deposit get forfeited, (his wife is only an occupant ,not owner, because she is only LTVP+)
can he sell on the first year?

2) Under the woman chapter, do she need to give her maintance fee (no child at all)

3) His wife is a aggressive gambler which left him no choice to put a ban on her entry to casino and left him with a huge amount of debt on A Credit card and bank loan, is this reason good enough for the divorce and don get affect by the woman chapter?

I had arrange my lawyer to meet up with him next week, but hope to have some clue before seeing the lawyer.

If any brother know the answer, please give good advise

Foreign bride also so problematic......FA is still the best choice..

31-01-2016, 08:22 PM
Thanks Bros.

Appreciates the kind help you guys input.

But now she have move back to her parents place with my child.

Haiz Zzzzz

She must have solid evidence you did something very wrong.

Good Lawyer?

Ur wife takes ur whole BTO.

Your TOP lawyer takes another half of it.


27-02-2016, 10:04 PM
pardon TS to borrow ur thread.

Anyone can pls recommend a good divorce lawyer? I need one in months time

28-02-2016, 12:21 AM
pardon TS to borrow ur thread.

Anyone can pls recommend a good divorce lawyer? I need one in months time

Why in a months time and not now? :confused:

28-02-2016, 12:34 AM
Why in a months time and not now? :confused:

Need preparation. The plan started months ago actually, some objectives have been achieved. Slow and painful progress

25-03-2016, 07:01 PM
Why not try to see a Counsellor and avoid the divorce?

26-03-2016, 01:07 PM
Hi Bros. I need help. My wife wants to divorce me. And she wants the whole bto flat. She ask me to give up my other cpf for child maintence fee.

Need a very good lawyer that will side our man sides.

Bro my experience, there is no such thing as good lawyer for man, end of the day we still lose...

Secondly, also from my experience, fight all the way, sell the flat split the proceed ask her to apply her own flat...instruct lawyer and insist on it...my experience, ex took over flat, got screwed by familee cock judge make me surrender 50% of what i paid into flat for her and than cpf force me to pay back that 50%.

but i see your major problem will be your eligibility to sell flat now cos only 1 yo...

26-03-2016, 11:16 PM
if MOP is met, why not sell the house away and proceed to divorce. If MOP not met, can apply to HDB for permisson to sell early.

15-04-2016, 01:17 PM
Sorry to hijack this thread, if you are not the biological father of your child, do u need to pay alimony / child maintain fees when you file for divorce?

asking for a friend.

15-04-2016, 02:35 PM
Sorry to hijack this thread, if you are not the biological father of your child, do u need to pay alimony / child maintain fees when you file for divorce?

asking for a friend.

depend on the birth certificate.

15-04-2016, 06:59 PM
Sorry to hijack this thread, if you are not the biological father of your child, do u need to pay alimony / child maintain fees when you file for divorce?

asking for a friend.

The answer is yes cos ever happened before, man found out kid was not his. Divorce wife but court still ordered him to pay child maintenance cos though he may not have been the biological father, but still the paternity bond has been established all the years the child was growing up. So you see, being a man we are screwed from the day you sign those marriage cert.

19-04-2016, 10:14 AM
The answer is yes cos ever happened before, man found out kid was not his. Divorce wife but court still ordered him to pay child maintenance cos though he may not have been the biological father, but still the paternity bond has been established all the years the child was growing up. So you see, being a man we are screwed from the day you sign those marriage cert.

Only in Singapore, when the man are thinking he going to ge lucky and get to screw a girl TONGIHT, the girl is thinking likewise, she is getting to screw up REST OF HIS LIFE. :D

19-04-2016, 08:42 PM
Only in Singapore, when the man are thinking he going to ge lucky and get to screw a girl TONGIHT, the girl is thinking likewise, she is getting to screw up REST OF HIS LIFE. :D

But dun always turn out this way. Recently was reported in the newspaper about a single mother and the struggle she faces. This news was published during the recent parliament debate to propaganda the changes in the law for better benefits for single mothers. But KNN they only publish the lady side of the story and never publish the man side. I knew that guy and I think he made a smart move by leaving SGP and away from the fucking Women's Charter.

This lady was a manager in her 30s earning $7K p/mth living in a condo and has her own car. My friend was an Angmo Expat who started his own local company after some years working for MNC here. One day in a nightspot where he frequents to pick up ONS that he got to know the lady there. Initially he thought she was just another ONS but somehow the lady manage to trace him and keep coming back to him. So he took her as an FB. He was always careful to use condoms as he did not want to have any complications later but somehow she managed to become pregnant a few months later. He told her to abort the child but she wanted a marriage. He knew she had trapped him intentionally by becoming pregnant even though he had made it clear at the beginning of their relationship that it was to be no strings attached sex companion only. He refused to marry her. She refused to abort and pestered him to marry her. As the tummy grew bigger he knew he had to cut her loose or else he will be fucked by the WC when the baby pops out. So he sold his company and relocated back to Europe.
The lady was 7 months pregnant then and the tables were turned on her. :p

She thought she was smart to hook this guy and bear his child hoping to look forward to a life of luxury as a businessman's tai tai but she failed to realize that my friend is all too aware of the draconian Women's Charter we have here and will never ever get married in Singapore. That is what I know of this saga that the newspaper only reported on the lady's side of the story.

19-04-2016, 09:26 PM
Hi Bros. I need help. My wife wants to divorce me. And she wants the whole bto flat. She ask me to give up my other cpf for child maintence fee.

Need a very good lawyer that will side our man sides.

Read my posts on divorce.... it's not what one party ones, but rather what both parties agree to.

If both parties disagree, then the court comes in and depending on your years of marriage, there is a starting point... "norm"... anything beyond the norm, i.e. request for more requires supporting evidences. Judges are not stupid even though most will just quietly sit there for both parties to reach an agreement, and comes in only when the situation ain't getting any better.

Just make sure you keep bugging whichever lawyer you engage or they will forget abt your case like what mine did to me and caused my case to drag and she is a famous lawyer today, appearing on newspapers every now and then....

20-04-2016, 05:19 PM
Only in Singapore, when the man are thinking he going to ge lucky and get to screw a girl TONGIHT, the girl is thinking likewise, she is getting to screw up REST OF HIS LIFE. :D

Hahaha. Another way to summarize: You want to PLAY? You PAY!! :D

20-04-2016, 11:00 PM
Once Again lets remind ourselves : there are no free fucks in this world.;)

21-04-2016, 03:51 PM
But dun always turn out this way. Recently was reported in the newspaper about a single mother and the struggle she faces. This news was published during the recent parliament debate to propaganda the changes in the law for better benefits for single mothers. But KNN they only publish the lady side of the story and never publish the man side. I knew that guy and I think he made a smart move by leaving SGP and away from the fucking Women's Charter.

This lady was a manager in her 30s earning $7K p/mth living in a condo and has her own car. My friend was an Angmo Expat who started his own local company after some years working for MNC here. One day in a nightspot where he frequents to pick up ONS that he got to know the lady there. Initially he thought she was just another ONS but somehow the lady manage to trace him and keep coming back to him. So he took her as an FB. He was always careful to use condoms as he did not want to have any complications later but somehow she managed to become pregnant a few months later. He told her to abort the child but she wanted a marriage. He knew she had trapped him intentionally by becoming pregnant even though he had made it clear at the beginning of their relationship that it was to be no strings attached sex companion only. He refused to marry her. She refused to abort and pestered him to marry her. As the tummy grew bigger he knew he had to cut her loose or else he will be fucked by the WC when the baby pops out. So he sold his company and relocated back to Europe.
The lady was 7 months pregnant then and the tables were turned on her. :p

She thought she was smart to hook this guy and bear his child hoping to look forward to a life of luxury as a businessman's tai tai but she failed to realize that my friend is all too aware of the draconian Women's Charter we have here and will never ever get married in Singapore. That is what I know of this saga that the newspaper only reported on the lady's side of the story.

Sorry, I am a noob when it comes to WC. Under the WC r u rules, u mean the guy has to take responsibility for the baby even when he is not married to the other party?

Cannot be right? Any experienced bros here can enlighten us?


21-04-2016, 05:26 PM
Once Again lets remind ourselves : there are no free fucks in this world.;)

Strongly agree.....wife more expansive..Is life time

21-04-2016, 06:15 PM
There's no such thing as good divorce lawyers for men.....
Simply because we're all fucked by women's charter.....
Suck it up and hope you've done good that your soon to be ex wife is not a vindictive bitch

21-04-2016, 10:47 PM
Sorry, I am a noob when it comes to WC. Under the WC r u rules, u mean the guy has to take responsibility for the baby even when he is not married to the other party?

Cannot be right? Any experienced bros here can enlighten us?


Yup as long as you planted the seed, regardless whether married you have the responsibility to pay for the kid upkeep. Remember that Mediacock actor Terence Cao case?

27-04-2016, 06:59 PM
Sorry, I am a noob when it comes to WC. Under the WC r u rules, u mean the guy has to take responsibility for the baby even when he is not married to the other party?

Cannot be right? Any experienced bros here can enlighten us?


Once proven beyond reasonable doubt, which is not difficult at all.

06-05-2016, 11:29 PM
My wife and I been married for a decade.

A recent business failure that she started had forced me to sell my car and grind to clear my debt.

Question. She was physically abusive but I'm a big man so I don't feel anything. She insults me in public.

She didn't help out in clearing debts. I have to clear my own shit after I helped her find her business which eventually failed. I almost gone bankrupt and the only text she have me was are you bankrupt yet?

We don't have a children except a property in jb under her name.

How do i file for divorce? I'm still clearing my debt which is around $70k. Would divorce add more dent to my debt?

If that is the case can I file for divorce even as a bankrupt?

For the past 6 months I've been grinding in Singapore to clear my debt while she has nothing to help me.

Got family counseling?

07-05-2016, 10:47 AM
My wife and I been married for a decade.

A recent business failure that she started had forced me to sell my car and grind to clear my debt.

Question. She was physically abusive but I'm a big man so I don't feel anything. She insults me in public.

She didn't help out in clearing debts. I have to clear my own shit after I helped her find her business which eventually failed. I almost gone bankrupt and the only text she have me was are you bankrupt yet?

We don't have a children except a property in jb under her name.

How do i file for divorce? I'm still clearing my debt which is around $70k. Would divorce add more dent to my debt?

If that is the case can I file for divorce even as a bankrupt?

For the past 6 months I've been grinding in Singapore to clear my debt while she has nothing to help me.

Got family counseling?
You can file under unreasonable behavior and list all the shit and abuses you had to go through....

07-05-2016, 04:37 PM

So u are a victim of physical abuse by your wife..........

Are u dating now ?

09-05-2016, 08:54 AM
My wife and I been married for a decade.

A recent business failure that she started had forced me to sell my car and grind to clear my debt.

Question. She was physically abusive but I'm a big man so I don't feel anything. She insults me in public.

She didn't help out in clearing debts. I have to clear my own shit after I helped her find her business which eventually failed. I almost gone bankrupt and the only text she have me was are you bankrupt yet?

We don't have a children except a property in jb under her name.

How do i file for divorce? I'm still clearing my debt which is around $70k. Would divorce add more dent to my debt?

If that is the case can I file for divorce even as a bankrupt?

For the past 6 months I've been grinding in Singapore to clear my debt while she has nothing to help me.

Got family counseling?

TS, a few details seen to miss out as since she is the one who started the business, how it ended you paying? registered under your name?

you can file for bankrupt and if you does not have a stable income, likely you need not pay any maintenance. but make sure there no room for appeal in the future cos sometime the court or lawyer will leave a clause in there, like the $1 maintenance.

keep the sms in your phone and save for future use. you will need it to file for unreasonable beahvaiour, which she mentally abused you.

as for the property in JB, if you can find means and ways to prove that you have supported her in the purchase of the property, than you may able to cut a share but the chances are slim and the court case will be numerous and long.