View Full Version : XZman is back: finally did my agent
03-08-2006, 02:12 PM
finally did my agent
hi bros & sistas,
apologies for the few months of MIA. Work beckons.
well, new video captures to share here.
to cut to the chase, i finally managed to get between the legs of my 26 yr old agent. it was worth every effort i tell ya. (note: plenty of investment needed! not about money, but lotsa sweet talks, accidental touches of her body and flicks of her hair, deliberate words of assurances and most importantly, friendship).
she's now a close pal. and a fantasy come true in more ways than one.
from her sweet looks i couldn't tell she's the type to seize initiative on bed.
well, have a look and draw your own conclusions.
she rocks oh so softly but purposefully.
and oh, her bj was so raw and gentle, the tingling sensation still lingers!
am gonna take her into my wings and train her from today onwards.
meanwhile, u guys enjoy the pix preview.
video clips to follow.
> PIX A, B and C: single preview shots of our action
> ride.jpg: from BJ to sitting on top of me - with bra and skirt still on
> off.jpg: can't resist snapping off her bra to free her nice, ample boobs
> top.jpg: those who know my style - i'll seize control once she's there for the taking
> front.jpg: finishing the session off with a frontal camera capture
keep f***king on.
the XZman
03-08-2006, 02:14 PM
remaining 2 preview pix
05-08-2006, 01:51 AM
here goes the clips...
a long, sweet tingling blowjob to start the whole session...
her dress is still on... so is her bra... panty's soaking wet... just the way i like to start...
she gets on top of me...
after a nice blow she got right on top of me... rubbing her soaked panty slowly and teasingly over my engorged member, while nibbling and kissing me gently... guess girls like it this way...
a slow & gentle insertion...
then she peeled her panty to the side (always wondered how the girls do it so expertly)... and guided herself oh so gently into me... man, the feeling was absolutely superb! wet, hot and suction tight!
check out how she gets going by rocking me slowly, then picking up the rhythm...
(will stop here for the nite... over 20 more clips to come...(we had a long session ;)) watch this space...
05-08-2006, 08:12 AM
I've seen enought! Points for you!:D
Bro, do you edit your clips to make the file size small? If yes, what program do you use?
I look forward to the next clips!
05-08-2006, 10:49 AM
Bro, do you edit your clips to make the file size small? If yes, what program do you use?
tx for the appreciation.
I use QuickTime Pro. Always a useful tool to have.
However, do mix and match the export/sharing options to get the best results.
If you have QuickTime, u have to purchase an online key from apple to activate it.
05-08-2006, 03:02 PM
starting a long tantalising ride... with dress off, bra on
removed her floral dress, peeled off her panties completely for free roaming, then got her to sit on me for a hell of a ride...
the XZman style is to keep the bra on a little longer... keeps me in teasing suspense. for those who play the game well, u'd know that reaching straight for the bra buckle during foreplay just do not cut it with some ladies... afterall, as gentlemen we all like to stress that we are focusing on their personality and needs, not appear as over-anxious boob-grabbers.
this ride went on for some time... it was slow and steady... always helps to let the lady take the initiative first... to get her used to your manhood inside her... and when she appears totally weak-kneed, that's when we take over as real men (and when we release their tight clasp bras for a full assault. That's when they really want you to take them).
Here's the first of a total of 6 clips for this mini-marathon ride.
I know it's a little blur, but try to catch her lip-biting expression as she adjusts herself to press her own buttons. And for most of it, her eyes were tightly closed.
05-08-2006, 10:18 PM
Yo bro,
u film her secretly or what?
06-08-2006, 11:32 AM
Yo bro,
u film her secretly or what?
well, it was kind of a "by-the-way" filming.
let me explain.
in my view, there is a thin line between sleazy recordings and thrill recordings. the key to it all is context of the shoot.
you have to make your gal comfortable with your cam.
for her, I have always made known my habit of recording everyday happenings. i carry a small video cam wherever i go to archive day-to-day events, sights, sounds, conversations etc. and that's how she grew to know me. (it also helps to be in the creative industry! oops, revealed too much haha.)
so even in normal drinks or dinner sessions i would be filming away, asking her to comment on the food, crowd, teasing her. and i would play it back to get her reaction. so to her, it is almost synonymous with my character to be trigger-happy. the cam and me is part of life.
for the session, i had my cam as usual. to start off, i "tested" the water by turning the cam on her (before the romp) and asking her to comment on the hotel room etc. she seemed receptive.
however, i always make it a point NOT to point cams directly at my partners during the act itself, as it invariably made them self-conscious. (and like i mentioned, it could cross over to the sleaze-line from the thrill-line).
so during our romp my cam was left on the dressing table, a little nonchalantly.
I had since shown her the footage to tease her and while she was surprised at first, it was replaced by giggles and arm-pinching when we sat down to preview the whole action.
Bro, remember i mentioned at the start that i am gonna "train" her? well, this video certainly helps! in this context, it removes lotsa inhibitions for future romps, and will almost certainly guarantee she sticks to you as a sex buddy for some time. Cos u both are in the game of exploring for greater thrills.
06-08-2006, 11:38 AM
riding with bra... continued
2 more clips of her rocking me... the more i see the clips, the more yearning i get... can't wait!
06-08-2006, 12:33 PM
Bro, remember i mentioned at the start that i am gonna "train" her? well, this video certainly helps! in this context, it removes lotsa inhibitions for future romps, and will almost certainly guarantee she sticks to you as a sex buddy for some time. Cos u both are in the game of exploring for greater thrills.
Thats the key, the training, lets see how far you can go.....
07-08-2006, 11:30 AM
Bro, any idea why i dont see any picture when i open with quicktime? i only get audio but the screen is totally white! :eek:
07-08-2006, 04:18 PM
Bro, any idea why i dont see any picture when i open with quicktime? i only get audio but the screen is totally white! :eek:
try updating your QT to latest version.
lemme know if it works. tx.
08-08-2006, 02:39 AM
try updating your QT to latest version.
lemme know if it works. tx.
yeah it happens to me as well. updated my QT already but still can't. it says that my QT is missing a software required but unfortunately it can't be found on the QT server. :confused:
08-08-2006, 12:09 PM
actually i can see just fine now after downloading the latest quicktime v. good stuff! more to cum hopefully? :)
09-08-2006, 10:33 AM
yeah it happens to me as well. updated my QT already but still can't. it says that my QT is missing a software required but unfortunately it can't be found on the QT server. :confused:
mmm... strange...
may i know if anyone else encountered this? If this is a common phenomenon then i'll try to rejig and re-encode my clips, perhaps into an AVI, or 3GP...
mmm... strange...
may i know if anyone else encountered this? If this is a common phenomenon then i'll try to rejig and re-encode my clips, perhaps into an AVI, or 3GP...
I don't encounter any problem with your clips. Nice clips Bro! More more pleasssssssssse...:p
Happy National Day!
09-08-2006, 01:49 PM
national day special
3 more clips of her marathon ride with bra still tightly on.
u guys can see my roaming hands... haha... were so so tempted to free her jiggling boobs from the prison... each time i roamed to her bra clasp i resisted... gotta wait for the right moment dudes... when she's there for the kill (after clip 5, when she plnked herself on top of me, hugging me tight, wet and spent, but wanting me to take over)...
09-08-2006, 01:52 PM
national day special II - OFF COMES HER BRA
ok, the moment u horny bros are all waiting for... time to free her ample boobs... the signal for me to go all out and pump away... time to show her who's the boss.
happy national day everyone.
sammy tan
09-08-2006, 04:21 PM
Yeh - also have probel -new QT has something missing
20-08-2006, 06:01 PM
For those with problems playing, go download VLC player
This is a portable player whose aim is to play all major format under the sky.
20-08-2006, 11:27 PM
thanx bro japavstar for the tip...
continuing my series...
riding me with bra off
3 clips of her sensuous ride... complete with jiggling boobs and very very soft moans...
u guys can all prob tell from the tentative way she rides me that she's still very much an amatuer... and a really tight one i must say!
mmm... well, i'll see that she gets more training!
26-08-2006, 10:38 PM
taking control... laying her down gently and pumping away
well, let her ride all she wants... then show her who's the one in control.
quite a long pumping session here, with her well spread out.
you guys probably can't see it, but she had her eyes tightly closed while i controlled the rhythm... that turned me on more...
20-12-2006, 01:15 PM
hi bros,
am back! long hiatus... been away tooooo long....
cutting the crap short... here are the final few clips to continue the series... leading to the finale. Enjoy. :cool:
continued from PUMPING AWAY...
20-12-2006, 01:22 PM
Riding on me again with her back facing cam
thought i'll vary the angle a little for all you back and butt lovers...
hey.... it's a marathon love-making session and i always like to explore all possibilities.
watching her sweet face tire out and mouth clenched tightly due to intense pleasure (or agony due the long torturing wait for the climax?) just makes it all worth the sweat.
20-12-2006, 01:28 PM
final pump!
...then i lay her down gently again to be ready for another slow, punishing pumping session...
check out my last ounce of energy there (finale clip)... i finally offloaded my throbbing load into her... and she convulsed too (evident of her legs clenching my body tight for 2 glorious secs).
gentlemen... that's the complete series right here.
if anyone find themselves jerking off to this series of clips, then my effort and sweat will be all worth it.
20-12-2006, 01:36 PM
Great wankable series :D Next time are we going to see you CIF ;)
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