View Full Version : SG KTV Ger From Joo Chiat (anybody interested in piercings?)

04-08-2006, 04:29 AM
bros i am back from a long time . due to busy work scedules and collecting for pics for u guys . :D pls forgive me

heres the story . i went to a ktv at joo chiat cause my fren mentioned dat there is sg gers working there can OTS BJ for oni $50 or tao bao out . so go n gib a shot. got vietnam gers working n sg chinese n sg minahs too . hehe~
this sexy chinese sg ger sat wif my fren but in the end i pontong jalan . haha. she 20+ . tall wif big boobs n curvy butts . plus she can tease ~ wat more we guys can die for . lol

pics are posted in reverse order to tease u bros . lol

Pic 1: kneeing down in front of me in a submissive post
Pic 2: Top Off~! REd Bra
Pic 3: Shy~ wanna run away .
Pic 4: Trying to hide from the cam
Pic 5: Mirror effect

04-08-2006, 04:33 AM
continued ....

Pic 6: Helicopters view
Pic 7: transparent bra strap . look at those mountains
Pic 8: sorry for the blur image . i still using VGA cam phone :p
Pic 9: Here comes the back view
Pic 10: Bra Off ~! ULTRAMAN???

04-08-2006, 04:38 AM
continued ....

Pic 11: looks more like Miss BeeGees lol. wonderful curves
Pic 12: Spreading her legs wide woo~
Pic 13: getting ready to take off the panties
Pic 14: Cute tattoo of a rose on her waist makes her so sexy
Pic 15: the cute bud ready for entry ( i did her anal too hehe~ )

04-08-2006, 04:42 AM
continued .....

Pic 16: Nice Round Butt
Pic 17: Look At Tat PIERCED NIPPLE :D
Pic 18: The unpierced 1 . hehe~
Pic 19: Shaven Pussy leh
Pic 20: Another view of her body

04-08-2006, 04:46 AM
continued ....

Pic 21: not only pierced nipple . it PINK too .
Pic 22: Squeezed breasts
Pic 23: relaxed breasts lol
Pic 24: Pierced CLit no.1
Pic 25: Pierced clit no.2 (pls note dat she has naturally veri little pubic hair)

04-08-2006, 04:48 AM
bros i haf enjoyed her . i find her a cheap fuck + exciting 1 . so if any bros out there wanna go to this ktv can msg me . btw sorry for the poor quality of the pic n narration . pls do encourage me by upping my points . looking for to bring more pics to u all . hehe~

04-08-2006, 10:58 AM
damn fucking yummy curves! plus she looks chio too! im sure u had a slippery good time bro. too bad in office now... if not will PCC on the spot! haha. thanks for sharing.

04-08-2006, 12:40 PM
btw what the damage of your cheap fuck? What the Ktv Name ?

04-08-2006, 05:38 PM
damage of the fuck is $50 oni . hee~ but got use tactics to sweet talk her la . but she charge $100 for a shot , $200 for overnight . for the name of the ktv , u haf to pm me . i think itz unwise to type it out here. :)