View Full Version : Magic Around The Globe

08-12-2015, 01:04 AM
This tread is for everyone to share & discuss magic practices of all kind. The shared information is for viewing pleasure; there’s never a short cut in life or a ticket to go against moral value, law & order.

打力泥Leklai進身體儀式(世界第一等)(Inserting Mineral Stone Amulet into The Body):


17-12-2015, 01:43 AM
红唇佛祖庙~ 躺棺材转运!

Lay coffin change luck ritual:


17-12-2015, 07:15 PM
慧戒师傅分析 2016猴年生肖属鼠运程(cc: Eng Subs) Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (RAT):


慧戒师傅分析 2016猴年生肖属牛运程 (cc: Eng subs) Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (OX):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年 属虎生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (TIGER):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年属兔生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (RABBIT):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年属龙生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (DRAGON):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年属蛇生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (SNAKE):


17-12-2015, 07:15 PM
慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年 属马生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (HORSE):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年 属羊生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (SHEEP):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年 属猴生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (MONKEY):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年 属鸡生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (CHICKEN):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年 属狗生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (DOG):


慧戒师傅 分析2016猴年 属猪生肖运程 Hui Master Year 2016 Chinese Zodiac Predictions (PIG):


18-12-2015, 02:59 AM
捐棺材,积德延寿~ (Donate coffin to accumulate good merit):


30-12-2015, 01:27 AM


30-12-2015, 10:48 AM
advertising ah?

31-12-2015, 02:00 AM
(Lord Ganesh – Responsive to Wealth Request):


16-01-2016, 02:00 AM
[牡羊座] 2016上半年運勢 Aries forecast for the first half of 2016:


[巨蟹座] 2016上半年運勢 Cancer forecast for the first half of 2016:


[獅子座] 2016上半年運勢 Leo forecast for the first half of 2016:


[天秤座] 2016上半年運勢 Libra forecast for the first half of 2016:


[射手座] 2016上半年運勢 Sagittarius forecast for the first half of 2016:


[魔羯座] 2016上半年運勢 Capricorn forecast for the first half of 2016:


16-01-2016, 02:01 AM
[水瓶座] 2016上半年運勢 Aquarius forecast for the first half of 2016:


[雙魚座] 2016上半年運勢 Pisces forecast for the first half of 2016:


[金牛座] 2016上半年運勢 Taurus forecast for the first half of 2016:


[雙子座] 2016上半年運勢 Gemini forecast for the first half of 2016:


[處女座] 2016上半年運勢 Virgo forecast for the first half of 2016:


[天蠍座] 2016上半年運勢 Scorpio forecast for the first half of 2016:


16-01-2016, 02:02 AM


羅一鳴師傅 2016 十二生肖運勢大解析。

鼠00.48 牛02.21 虎03.56 兔05.39 龍07.08 蛇08.35 馬10.07 羊11.45 猴13.15 雞15.00 狗16.35 豬18.14

歡迎出席 17/1/2016 在吉隆坡 KLCC Plenary Hall 的羅一鳴風水大會,以了解更多2016年流年運程!購票請洽網址:

16-01-2016, 03:28 AM
Nice share TS, support from me ;)

01-02-2016, 12:58 AM
泰国赌神二哥丰!(Thailand Gambling Deity Er Ge Fong):


24-02-2016, 01:44 AM
招财象神,有求必应!(Lucky elephant god (Ganseh), responsive!):


03-04-2016, 08:39 PM
What Is Telepathy? | Psychic Abilities:


What is telepathy? It's the most basic way that we all interconnect. It was supposedly, who's to know, the ways humans connected before there was even speech. One could call it mind-to-mind communication.

Let's bring it down to everyday terms. It's the question of, you think of somebody you bumped into in the street. You were on the same wavelength. You're thinking of calling somebody, they're on the phone. And we think, oh, that's very strange! It isn't strange. It's almost the basic way of being in touch. We have all heard stories, surely, of mothers who become aware that their children, be they little or adult, are in some major trouble. Telepathy.

Also, if you share a flat with complete strangers. After a while you will develop telepathy between the two of you. It's not that you particularly care for them or not. I believe that the Aborigines of Australia still use the method. And they can communicate over thousands of miles, mind-to-mind. We, in the more supposedly modern, sophisticated world, have forgotten how to do that, but everyone of us still, whether we know it or not, deals with each other with telepathy.

How to Develop Telepathy | Psychic Abilities:


How to develop telepathy. Well, you've got it. Whether you're conscious of ever using it or not, that is a different matter, but as a human being, you've already got it. How can you learn to, I wouldn't call it develop it, recognize it? Let me give you a little idea of an experiment. Give a great deal of thought to a friend. Now, not somebody who you chat to everyday. Somebody you hear from now and again. I'm not going to give you a time frame, now and again. Give an enormous amount of thought to that person. Thinking about their situation, where they live, what they're going through, and see if, out of the blue, they don't suddenly call you unexpectedly. You have made a mind-to-mind connection.

Now I stress, this is nothing sinister. This is nothing strange. It is the way we all communicate, and to get back to what I just said, it's a question of you recognize something you've already got.

How to Know If You're Psychic | Psychic Abilities:


How do you know if you're a psychic? Well, I suppose the very simple answer
is you know if you are or not. But let me be a little bit more specific.

Now, psychic covers a huge range of abilities. I know because I have very,
very long time in this field that knowledge of the future is very, very
rare. However, there are many other aspects of being psychic per se.

The most common one is, and it startles some people, telepathy. Telepathy
is every human's basic ability to communicate.

How does that manifest in the modern world? Very, very simply. You think
about your best friend and they telephone. And everybody thinks that's quite
extraordinary. Or you hear... you think of somebody who you haven't heard
from a long time. You get a letter the next day.

And that seems to be all very extraordinary. Well, it isn't really. Fits the
bond also that mothers and children have. But it is a basic ability. We have
put it to one side in the modern world. But hat is the most basic.

A lot of people say and I'll come... I'll discuss that point later. A lot
of people say... let's take, for example, 9/11. A great many after the fact
said, 'Oh I saw something like that.' Or not. Now, I don't know if they did
or not because there isn't necessarily documented proof.

There is over the ages though, people who only have say, one psychic
experience. It tends to be a tragedy, a disaster. A plane crash or
something. They get nothing else at all.

Another, should we say ability, is sometimes when somebody has... is very,
very close to you. A close, close relative and they have passed over. Died.
You have not yet heard that news. Some people see that person. They come
and shall we say visit them in some form or other.

They probably don't speak. They might appear at the end of the bed. Or...
people tend not to be as alarmed as one might be about that. And then they
learn the next day at that exact moment the person passed away. Now, I'm not
saying that is a usual aspect. It happens.

So is one psychic or not? I think though as I said, the basic answer is you
probably know if your abilities are a little above average or not.

How to Develop Psychic Powers:


Ever get the feeling you have a paranormal ability? Hone your skills with these tips.

Step 1: Educate yourself
Find out exactly what psychic ability you have by consulting parapsychology books and journals. Some common abilities are: clairvoyance, or perception outside normal human experience; mediumship, or communicating with the dead; psychokinesis, or the manipulation of matter and energy with the mind; and telepathy, or mind reading.

Step 2: Train
Based on your research in parapsychology and meditation, devise tests that can be performed with a partner to learn to focus and consistently use your power.

Step 3: Control your mind
Learn meditation and self-hypnosis to gain greater control over your mind.

Step 4: Keep a journal
Keep a journal of your psychic experiences. Track trends and patterns to be able to better predict when your ability will manifest.

Step 5: Join a group
If you feel your ability stems from something spiritual, like yogic flying or certain forms of faith healing, join a group of like-minded people and seek the guidance of a spiritual teacher.

Stay away from any institution that makes miraculous promises in exchange for large sums of money.

Step 6: Document your ability
Document your ability with credible institutions, like universities and medical institutes that have parapsychology programs. Volunteer to display your ability, or participate in psychic tests.

Did You Know?
Roughly half of all Americans believe in extra sensory perception.

03-04-2016, 08:39 PM
How to Awaken the Third Eye:


Awakening the sixth chakra – known as the third eye – also awakens your sixth sense, and unlocks psychic potential.

Step 1: Achieve emotional stability
Achieve emotional stability by releasing any blockages in your psyche. These are usually past traumas, negative events, or fears you're holding on to. Let them go and heal your psyche.

Step 2: Purify
Purify your body by drinking plenty of water, eating healthy food, and doing yoga or engaging in exercise. Abstain from recreational drugs, alcohol, tobacco, junk food, and caffeine.

Step 3: Meditate
Sit with your back straight, breathe deeply and slowly, and meditate to relax your mind and tune out distracting thoughts. Clearing the mind allows it to tune in to subtle, psychic energy.

Step 4: Visualize chakras
Visualize the seven energy centers in the body, known as chakras, regularly. See their associated colors as a swirling ball of light and focus on each chakra's primary function.

Step 5: Use quartz
Place a clear quartz crystal on your sixth chakra, located between your eyes. Meditate on the energy of the quartz, which will bring clarity to your mind. Concentrate on any insights that come to you.

Repeat the mantra that is the sound associated with the sixth chakra, "sham."

Step 6: Practice astral projection
Practice astral projection by projecting your consciousness or awareness beyond your body and the physical plane into a dimension of higher vibrational energy where psychic perception resides.

Did You Know?
The bindi, a decorative dot worn on the forehead by Hindu women, represents the third eye.

How to Contact the Afterlife | Psychic Abilities:


Is there a surefire way for the average person to contact the afterlife? Not really, no.

How else can one contact the afterlife? The Ouija Board? Sitting, if you got a very strong stomach with, in a darkened room, a mirror, a candle, and you, even I don't have a stomach for that. That is also a way that one could possibly attract or see the dear departed over one's shoulder. And I said, am I recommending this, mm-mm, not really, too strong even for me.

However, it's also a question of perhaps embracing what we do see. As children, we're much more open to these things, the monster under the bed, mommy tells or we're told, there isn't a monster under the bed. So we forget the monster under the bed. Is there still something under the bed? Yes, probably, but we have been trained out of it.

So we've got to, in a way, step back and think, well, not necessarily is there something under the bed, but are we in fact surrounded by entities of a sort, could we be a little more open to saying perhaps there is something there, rather than we've been taught there isn't. And the thing about contacting the afterlife, on some levels it might sound very appealing, very attractive, one doesn't always get from knowledge of the afterlife exactly what you think you want to hear, and I think that's really one of the strongest things I would have to say to you.

In development classes of the Scriptures Association of Great Britain, we were taught it's much more important to be able to close down than to open up. But having opened up, there's many ways of doing that, sitting in meditation in a darkened room, meditation is, I think, perhaps the most common way of being in touch with other planes of consciousness. But again, does that suit you or not? Me, personally, I try to meditate I go off to sleep. So that doesn't work for me, but that doesn't mean to say it doesn't work for you. You need to be in a quiet place.

What Is Channeling? | Psychic Abilities:


What is channeling? That is the ability to be in touch with the dear departed. In traditional terms, it would be called transmediumship, and obviously I come from England where, when I started out, there were, and probably still are, traditional circles, seances, holding hands, darkened room, things moving around. I'm sure in England those things still exist. They bring the part of the circle, can be very powerful, and in traditional transmediumship, the medium will go off into an altered state, and very often afterwards, having brought through whoever he or she has brought through, will have no knowledge of what had happened, very much an altered state. Now, is that always necessary for some mediums to be in an altered state to bring somebody through? Not necessarily.

Let me give you a little example, with the client's permission, I have to say. Now, once in a while, not often, during a regular psychic reading, a relative of the client makes themselves known to me. I remember another incidence in the same sort of situation, where again, off there, my client was Scotts, and I saw a gentleman with her, when they were younger people, and they were on, I can still see it in my minds eye, they were on a big hill behind the town, looking down on it. I very clearly saw his tweed jacket, and quite a few other things about him.

And, I told my client, because again, we were, to all intents and purposes, dealing with a tarot reading of the immediate surroundings, and she said,"Oh, well that was my first husband, that's 40 years ago, not interested in that," and back to where we were. However, whether she was interested or not, he had made himself known. Again, channeling. Was I in an altered state? No. No, I wasn't. But technically that was mediumship. Do I personally go into a trance? No, no. Other people, they may do, but I happen not to.

04-04-2016, 08:05 AM
Thank you for sharing

10-04-2016, 02:08 AM
Kanamara P*nis Festival Exposed ★ WAO✦RYU!TV ONLYinJAPAN #47:


Published on Mar 31, 2016
★ Special Episode ★ This festival will be held on Sunday, April 3rd. Here's a preview with all the background you'll need.
Japan's Kanamara Matsuri as you've never seen it before!

Every now and then something very bizarre from Japan pops up in the news. This time, it happens to be bright pink and carried around the streets of a town near Tokyo. The #Kanamara Matsuri / #Festival is definitely unusual but there is much more to this story including a strong historical backbone and religious significance.

So – WHY #JAPAN ?!?! WHY ?!?
The international media sees the images and write the stories but never ask the questions. Let me do that for you in this episode.

The festival sometimes dubbed the “Penis” festival or the "Utamaro Festival" has a long history going back 200 years.
It was created by a transgender salon in Asakusa called Elizabeth who wanted to bring attention to the issue of STD, HIV / AIDS and the LGBT community. They succeeded in getting a lot of attention but over the last several years, the message has gotten lost in the shock and -- bright pink of their hand made phallus. Whatever you may think about Elizabeth, there is no doubt that it is the most photographed mikoshi in Japan!

Kanamara #Shrine is dedicated to both fertility and a place for prayer for women afflicted by sexual diseases. It's a place women go to today to pray to get pregnant and for a healthy child.
Those who have been unfortunate to contract a STD have been coming here for centuries. The priests approach those afflicted with a lot of compassion. Kanamara Shrine is certainly one that opens its arms to anyone and everyone who is suffering and that compassion is admirable.

In recent years, the worldwide media attention has been overwhelming skewed on the "weird" and the Kanamara Matsuri has become something of a joke and embarrassment in many Japanese eyes. I really hope that this episode can help shed light on the cultural, historical and religious significance of this festival in Japan today. It's more than a gag, a comedy piece.

Parental Guidance suggested:
Because viewers of the shows come from all different backgrounds and ages, I highly recommend anyone under 13 have a parent watch with them. There are no actual body parts shown but I know the material is sensitive for parents; and parents should be the ones making the decision if this should be seen or not. I added a rating at the opening for this purpose.


21-05-2016, 03:21 AM
Scientific Study Shows Meditators Collapsing Quantum Systems at a Distance:


Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment:




Zheng Yi Ritual - Enhancing of New Statues & Spiritual Objects (天師府科儀之開光啟靈):


In here, you all will be watching a video on an Official Taoist Ritual, conducted by the Taoist Priests in China Jiangxi Mt Long Hu Tian Shi Fu.

This is a Ritual to evoke the energies from the Celestial Realm for the Enhancing (or Dotting) of New Statues & Spiritual Objects.

After the Official Reporting, Cleansing of the Premises, Ushering in of the Deities for witnessing, Enhancing of the Dotting Objects, Transformation into Celestial Beings, the Priests will conduct the Enhancing (or Dotting) Ceremony.

Hope you all enjoy.



(Jave Wu 陳李吳大孝 Youtube Channel)

Video Clip on Taoist Ritual on Dotting (天師府開光法事短片):


Video Clip on Taoist Ritual on Dotting (天師府開光法事短片)

(Jave Wu 陳李吳大孝 Youtube Channel)

13-06-2016, 10:21 PM
Better Than Viagra: Colombia's Impotence Home Remedy:


Gold is quickly becoming the new cocaine in Colombia. The precious metal is now the currency of choice for individuals and groups engaging in illicit trade in the South American country. But there are some surprising side-effects to Colombia's new gold rush that locals are reluctant to discuss: erectile dysfunction and brain damage.

VICE News correspondent Monica Villamizar travels to Remedios, Colombia, where a local resident demonstrates how he makes his home remedy to treat erectile dysfunction.


Seeking Immortality:


Blood-curdling stories of man's ongoing hunt for the elixir of eternal life, the cutting edge of cybernetic implants and secrets of an Abkhazian centenarians village discovered in this new documentary.
How long can a man live? Does he use all the resources? How do you extend your life? What's the secret? Travel back in time and learn what crazy things people used to do to look younger in ancient times.
Nowadays, the answer to the everlasting question CAN be found! Meet the scientists, film directors, members of an Abkhazian long-livers choir and find out the recipe of immortality only on RTDoc.

(RT Documentary)



01-07-2016, 08:45 PM
What is Magic? - Taoism and Beyond:


Magic, what is magic in our dictionary? This is your first lesson on Taoism and beyond Taoism. You will be totally amazed by the unique and delicious meal of wisdom in this video. Subscribe and stay tune for more lessons!

Want to learn this ancient Chinese magic? Email us to inquire and get started in learning it for real!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Taoism and Sun Gung Magic Cultivation - Taoism and Beyond:


Taoism might be pretty common but most people don't know the difference between Taoism and Sun Gung magic cultivation, which here we will go into the subject and explain the difference and talk about how we see life!

Want to learn this ancient Chinese magic? Email us to inquire and get started in learning it for real!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

First Thing About Buying a Dizi (Chinese Bamboo Flute) - Dizi Starter Guide:


What is the first thing to look for when choosing your first dizi (Chinese bamboo flute), this is a common question that is often asked, and here we will talk about the major points to look out for. Don't forget to subscribe and keep watching this series to get going on your dizi learning!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Why Magic is Practical? Dealing With Energy Pollution! - Taoism and Beyond:


Daily, our commonly sensed energy pollution is often ignored or not realized, which is why we need to learn and have magic. If you can use magic to deal with these commonly sensed issues, and prove it to yourself that you can avoid these accumulative harmful energy issues, how much will your future change without being affected by these things that is shaving off your potential growth and success?

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Activation of FU Talisman (Chick Fu)- Chinese Magic Academy:


Showing you a run down of how our Talisman (FU) is activated and empowered, the process, even when done fast, takes over 15 minutes for a good powerful energy infusing session. Enjoy the show and don't forget to email us if you want to learn the magic for real!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Daily Incense Magic Work - Chinese Magic Academy:


Showing you how we do our daily work or at least run through our magical routine to use incense as a medium to transfer energy into the altar and strengthen our connection with the altar or to input more elements into the altar for building up the accumulative energy base. If you want to learn for real, email us to get started!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

01-07-2016, 08:46 PM
Sun Gung (Magic) Versus Chi Kung / Qi Gong - Taoism and Beyond:


The difference between learning magic or sun gung versus Chi Kung or Qi Gong is often asked but not answered. Here you will see the most detailed talk on this subject ever and feel free to ask more questions! If you wish to learn the magic we do, feel free to contact us by email!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

The Magic Altar and Cultivation Concept - Taoism and Beyond:


Introducing how our ancient Chinese magic work with the altar, and giving you an idea of our magic cultivation concept. Our magical power is accumulative, and cultivated, to be strengthened by a long period of cultivation. It's definitely not easy, but it is fun and very cool to experience!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Details on Why We Burn Incense - Taoism and Beyond:


What we burn incense and how we burn incense? You might not know how the real magic works and why we burn incense at our altar, but this lesson will bring you into the door of real magic cultivation.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Which KEY Dizi to Buy First? - Dizi Starter Guide:


Chinese flute, DIZI, comes in many "key"s and which one should you start with? This lesson will be talking about some factors you should consider before buying your first dizi. There is no absolute answer, but at least we have some stuff for you to ponder!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

The Theory of 9 - Taoism and Beyond:


This is one of the most important theory of nature, or law of nature, which will be also one of the main concept of our magic. Listen to a super long lecture to get some wisdom pumped into your brain today, enjoy the show!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Why Wear The Magic Robe and Outfit? - Taoism and Beyond:


Why do we wear our robes, the hat and the special outfit when we do magic? This is actually an exposed lesson that was meant for our magic disciples, but I have decided to open it to the public since a lot of fans were asking anyway. If you want to learn Chinese magic for real, email us anytime!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

01-07-2016, 08:46 PM
Daily Magic of Burning Incense - Chinese Magic Academy:


Showing you a run-down of how magic is done with the daily incense burning and a super basic 101 for my disciples. Keep in mind that everyone is welcome to watch and ask questions if you have any. Don't hesitate to email us if you want to learn for real too! We welcome anyone to learn our Chinese magic of Saam Law Sun Gung

(Tin Yat Dragon)

What is Our Religion? - Taoism and Beyond:


Our religion, to be exact, is similar to Taoism but beyond Taoism, which we call Sun Gung, or to be exact, "our religion" is called Tin Yat Saam Law Sun Lung Gaau 天一三羅神龍教

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Basic Daily Food Tribute Work at Altar - Chinese Magic Academy:


Showing you what to do with the food "tribute" at the altar for some daily maintenance and magic doings, which is to infuse the energy into the food and such, then transfer them back into your spiritual bodies and such. Remember not to hesitate to contact us by e-mail if you want to learn the magic for real!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Requirements to Learn Magic? - Taoism and Beyond:


What is the requirements to learn our magic of Saam Law Sun Gung? This is a most commonly asked question, and so we might as well do this video to clear it up for everyone! If you wish to start, email us to get started for real!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Why Charge Money For Magic? - Taoism and Beyond:


Why charge money for magic works, service, products and such? You might not know why Taoism / Taoist or magic lineages charge money for their work, and here is the reason why we charge money for our work and magical power. It's all for the benefit of both parties. Feel free to email us if you want to learn Chinese magic for real!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

02-07-2016, 12:11 AM
May I ask what the purpose of this post is, in relation to 'Adult Discussion about Sex' ?

I fail to see the relation. Please enlighten us. Thank you very much

05-07-2016, 01:33 AM
What is a FU? - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


What is FU 符? What defines a FU in magic and in all things? Does FU really have to be the yellow talisman that we used to see in movies? Or it can be something else? Stay tune for more magic lectures and email us if you wish to learn Chinese magic!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Post-Heaven 5 Elements - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Post-Heaven 5 Elements are the most commonly known version of 5 elements, yet there is more to it. Learn the 5 elements concept to build up a good foundation in Chinese Magic!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Pre-Heaven 5 Elements - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


The Pre-Heaven 5 elements is seldom talked about, and often not known, but here you will have the knowledge! This is actually the foundation of Chinese magic!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret of the Middle Finger - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Do you know the middle finger handsign we use has some secret meanings behind it? With the wisdom in our lineage, you can now decode this wonderful and commonly used handsign today! Do your middle finger properly, correctly!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

08-07-2016, 08:48 PM
請神 Cheng Sun, God Summoning? - Taoism and Beyond:


What is Cheng Sun 請神 in our lineage and our magic? Taoism and beyond series will bring you the answer. Is it some god summoning rituals? Is it really that mysterious? Nope, listen and you will know!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Western Flute to Chinese Flute? - Dizi Starter Guide:


Western flute background and changing or trying to dig into Chinese flute? No worry, it's easy! Here we will talk about some major points you will want to know before digging into the subject!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Three Realms Tin Dei Yun - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


What is the real meaning of the "Three Realms" or Saam Choy - Tin, Dei, Yun, or Sky, Earth and Human? Basically it is as easy as 1-2-3 when you really learn the wisdom behind this concept, let's dig into the wisdom of Chinese magic and decode the stuff!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

The Tarot and How To Use Tarot Cards - Teal Swan-:


Traditionally, since the 1400s, Tarot was a deck of cards much like playing cards. There were 78 cards in the deck. And originally people would play card games with the deck. The original tarot was a lot like the modern day playing cards, which all have specific suits that dictate the way the game is played. Each card of the tarot symbolizes something and based on the symbol drawn the game unfolds in a specific way. But the tarot’s purpose extended far beyond a card game. Symbols are used to represent entire concepts such a spiritual principals, philosophical ideas and societal archetypes. And each card in the tarot does just that. It represents an entire concept. And as such, it is used as a tool of divination.

(Teal Swan)

12-07-2016, 02:04 AM
Nature's Secret Grid and Number Decoding 1-5 - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


There is a secret grid that can be used to decode nature's energy flowing pattern, which means, you can decode any lines and strokes, characters or letters, or even anything in the world to know the secret behind things. Here we will decode some numbers together and start you off with this secret grid.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Nature's Secret Grid and Number Decoding 5-10- Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


There is a secret grid that can be used to decode nature's energy flowing pattern, which means, you can decode any lines and strokes, characters or letters, or even anything in the world to know the secret behind things. Here we will decode some numbers together and start you off with this secret grid.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Dizi Remedy For Inflexible or Injured Fingers - Dizi Starter Guide:


Dizi is a nice instrument, but it is not easy to play if your finger is injured or just not flexible enough for some reason. Personally I have injured my fingers and felt the pain myself. This video I will be talking about some remedies and what to pay attention to when choosing a dizi for yourself if you are on the list!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Decoding Five Elements: Gold - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


The theory of five element is not a belief, but a concept that can be decoded using nature's secret grid system to decode every word and understand it's meaning behind the magical nature. This video we will be decoding the word for gold, Gum.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Origin of Magic Part 2/2 - Taoism and Beyond:


How does magic got invented and what is the origin of magic? As our part 1 of the video introduced the theory and concept, now we are digging into the deeper understanding of how magic works and the logic behind magic.
part 1 - https://youtu.be/jJOyDJytZlU

(Tin Yat Dragon)

EAST or WEST: Chinese Zodiac or Western Horoscope?:


12-07-2016, 02:04 AM
2016牡羊座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Aries forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016處女座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Virgo forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016金牛座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Taurus forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016魔羯座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Capricorn forecast for the second half of 2016:


12-07-2016, 02:05 AM
2016巨蟹座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Cancer forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016射手座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Sagittarius forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016雙魚座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Pisces forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016雙子座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Gemini forecast for the second half of 2016:


12-07-2016, 02:05 AM
2016天蠍座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Scorpio forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016水瓶座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Aquarius forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016天秤座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Libra forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016獅子座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Leo forecast for the second half of 2016:


12-07-2016, 02:11 AM
2016天蠍座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Scorpio forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016水瓶座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Aquarius forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016天秤座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Libra forecast for the second half of 2016:


2016獅子座|下半年運勢|唐立淇|Leo forecast for the second half of 2016:


13-07-2016, 09:36 PM
跋杯求籤 你的方法對了嗎?--蘋果日報20160712:


Published on Jul 11, 2016
許多台灣人對感情、事業或生活大小事有疑惑時,總喜歡到廟裡跋杯求籤,尋求神明的指示,用跋杯來做決定,也 許有些人覺得很迷信,但民俗專家、台中教育大學台文系副教授林茂賢說:「很多人跋杯前心裡已經做過決定、有 了打算,其實透過跋杯方式來加強自信、由神明背書,就能更有信心」。

跋杯得到的結果,有一正一反的聖杯(表示神明認同)、二個凸面向上的陰杯(表示神明不認同)及二個平面向上 的笑杯(神明不置可否)。但每個宮廟的跋杯規矩各有不同,記者來到台中萬和宮,廟方人員解釋,一般求神跋杯 只要得到一個聖杯應允,就可以抽籤,但若遇到重大的決定,例如買房或結婚等,最好以連續三個聖杯做基準,抽 出籤後還後再次跋杯來得到神明認可,才能依籤號取籤詩,不過,切記,跋杯不是萬靈丹,千萬別強求啊。(陳靜 萍╱台中報導)


15-07-2016, 08:51 PM
Decoding Five Elements: Water- Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


The theory of five element is not a belief, but a concept that can be decoded using nature's secret grid system to decode every word and understand it's meaning behind the magical nature. This video we will be decoding the word for water, Sui.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Ching Jing 清淨, Really Just Cleansing? - Taoism and Beyond:


Ching Jing 清淨 is not just cleansing, and is not just to stay clean. Here we will tell you what ching jing is in magic and how powerful this can be when you know the magic of Ching Jing. Many people talk about staying "ching jing" in Taoism, but not many know what these 2 words really means.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

What is a Ghost - Paranormal and Magic:


What is a ghost? Sometimes you think you are seeing your diseased relatives but they are actually not them! You need to understand what is a ghost, and what you are seeing, in order to know how to face these issues. Have ghost problems? We can help you out!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Cheap Dizi Awesomeness - Dizi Starter Guide:


Cheap dizi for $5 or so on amazon works? Let's compare it and test it out together! I think it works, and definitely is going to work for most people as a start up, but just hope all the best and not a cracked or mis-aligned hole on the instrument!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

16-07-2016, 02:32 AM
Thanks for sharing :)

18-07-2016, 01:14 AM
How to Deal With Ghost Problems - Paranormal and Magic:


How to face a ghost problem or what kind of mindset you should have when you are facing ghost problems? You must not bargain, make deals, talk or do any form of communication with them! Let's dig into the lecture and know what is the best method and mindset to have for these situation. Have ghost problems? We can help!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret Magic Behind FU Talisman - Tin Yat Dragon:


All exposed, the secret magic behind a FU Talisman, or Taoism Talisman (Fulu) or Chinese Talisman. Here you will see all the hard work behind it, and what is involved in making this real magical talisman work. It's definitely not easy. Want to learn Chinese magic? Contact us and get ordained today.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

18-07-2016, 12:44 PM
Very interesting thread.

Bro spoonge, may i know why before the medium gain conscious, he has to vomit?

20-07-2016, 05:25 PM
Sum Faat 心法, The Essence of Magic - Taoism and Beyond:


Sum Faat 心法 is the essence of magic, and literally translates to "heart of magic", and it is as important as the heart of your body, and here we will tell you what this really is and why you need to ordain into a lineage to learn the magic, and cannot be learning it through research and books.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Chi VS Magic - Taoism and Beyond:


Chi and magic, is not the same. Post-Heaven energy vs Pre-Heaven energy, they are not the same. But HOW are they different? Here we will talk about the difference and why you should know and what you should beware of when you are choosing your path, or planning to start the journey of magic learning.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Three Realms and Nine Bodies - Taoism and Beyond:


The three realms, tin, dei, yun, or you can commonly find it as "heaven, earth, human" is actually a concept that you must understand in order to know and get a deeper understanding of our nine bodies.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Photo shows moment ‘soul’ leaves motorcycle crash victim’s body – TomoNews:


Published on Jul 18, 2016
STANTON, KENTUCKY — A photo taken just after a fatal accident has gone viral on social media.

The photo, taken following a motorcycle accident in Kentucky, shows emergency responders, police and civilians crowded around what looks like the crash victim. Above the crowd is a green ghostly figure.

Saul Vazquez of Mount Sterling, Kentucky, posted the photo on July 12 on Facebook writing, “I took this picture just few minutes ago from the cab of my truck it was an accident between Campton and Stanton on the service road just off of the mountain parkway, zoom in and pay attention to the shadow just off the top of the state trooper hat. All I say is I hope everyone involved is okay!!”

Officials said the motorcyclist was the only one involved in the accident and that he was taken to a local hospital where he later died.

But the photo has made believers out of many Facebook users. One commented, “God is Real.” Another said, “Simply amazing.”


23-07-2016, 12:53 AM
Very interesting thread.

Bro spoonge, may i know why before the medium gain conscious, he has to vomit?

Yes, most of them do. This depends on the medium’s physical state of health.

界线 // Between Two Worlds (2013 Documentary on Spirit Mediums):


界线 (Between Two Worlds) isn't a documentary about religion or even the supernatural. Rather, it tells a story of struggle, faith, and above all, triumph.

On the surface, 36-year-old Jeffery Sim is just like any other Singaporean. He holds a normal job, has three beautiful children, and possesses a strong religious faith rooted in the concept of goodwill. But this ordinary façade belies a truth that seems stranger than fiction...

23-07-2016, 12:54 AM
True Meaning of Tin Yat Lineage Name - Taoism and Beyond:


Our religion's name or the lineage name is 天一三羅神龍教 Tin Yat Saam Law Sun Lung Gaau (Cantonese) in full form, but what does it mean really? What is the true meaning of learning magic of Tin Yat Lineage? Here we will tell you the whole meaning of this name.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Concept of Correspondance - Taoism and Beyond:


This is a secret concept of how our Chinese magic works, and how we choose a magic tool or do any sorts of magic. This is called the concept of correspondance, which is also the way how herbal medicine works, and so is all other things in this world.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret of the Sword Finger - Taoism and Beyond:


Sword finger, 劍指 is a very common handsign in Taoism and also in Sun Gung, Chinese magic, etc. Here we will expose the true meaning and the real knowledge behind our sword finger and explain how this handsign works to you.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Palmistry Reading : Marriage & Love Hindu Method:


When will you marry ? Learn a unique method Palmistry Video Introducing 'ATTACHMENT LINES', also Known as 'AFFECTION LINES' or 'MARRIAGE LINES' and ' UNION LINES' ! Himalayan Palmistry Institute combines the vedic knowledge of India , Tantric methods of Bhutan & Tibet in Palm reading.


26-07-2016, 02:27 AM
Secret of the Magic Seed - Taoism and Beyond:


The magic seed, 法種 is a very important thing you need to know and understand, and also to cultivate, protect, nourish, upkeep daily. This magic seed is inherited to you when you ordain into our magic lineage. Here is a full lecture on this topic.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Origin of Tin Yat Lineage - Taoism and Beyond:


The origin of Tin Yat Lineage, or to be exact, Tin Yat Saam Law Sun Lung Gaau 天一三羅神龍教 is a long story, but here we will explain it all for those who are interested in knowing about the history and how this lineage of magic started and got into the lineage form today.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret of the Dragon Part 1/6 - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Dragon in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the dragon for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell. Keep watching our lectures and enjoy the other parts of this "Secret of the Dragon" series because they are all related!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

28-07-2016, 02:36 AM
Magic Taoist Alchemy Tai Chi - 天一三羅丹道太極:


This is a demonstration of our chi kung cultivation in the lineage, which is called 天一三羅丹道太極 Tin Yat Saam Law Darn Doe Tai Gick, or translates to Tin Yat Saam Law Alchemy-Tao Tai Chi. This is not a form of martial art or combat style. It is a form for cultivating our magic power / energies with our micro-cosmic circulation. By doing so, it converts the magic energy we accumulated into a form that can be used to nourish our body and our life. This is the foundation of our alchemy cultivation in the lineage. Do not attempt to learn the form by following the video, many critical things are not revealed and only taught to disciples through private teachings. If you just follow the physical movements and attempt doing it, it will have no benefit but might even be harm for you. This video is meant to be an introduction and preview for those who are interested in learning.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret of the Dragon Part 2/6 - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Dragon in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the dragon for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell. Keep watching our lectures and enjoy the other parts of this "Secret of the Dragon" series because they are all related!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

28-07-2016, 04:33 AM
Support, very good thread

29-07-2016, 09:35 PM
Secret of the Dragon Part 3/6 - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Dragon in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the dragon for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell. Keep watching our lectures and enjoy the other parts of this "Secret of the Dragon" series because they are all related!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

02-08-2016, 01:19 AM
Secret of the Dragon Part 4/6 - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Dragon in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the dragon for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell. Keep watching our lectures and enjoy the other parts of this "Secret of the Dragon" series because they are all related!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret of the Dragon Part 5/6 - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Dragon in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the dragon for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell. Keep watching our lectures and enjoy the other parts of this "Secret of the Dragon" series because they are all related!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret of the Dragon Part 6/6 - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Dragon in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the dragon for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell. Keep watching our lectures and enjoy the other parts of this "Secret of the Dragon" series because they are all related!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Focus of Tin Yat Dragon, The Chinese Magic Experts:


(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret of the Tiger - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Tiger in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the tiger for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell. Keep watching our lectures and if you want to learn Chinese Magic for real?

(Tin Yat Dragon)

02-08-2016, 01:24 AM
May I ask what the purpose of this post is, in relation to 'Adult Discussion about Sex' ?

I fail to see the relation. Please enlighten us. Thank you very much

Chinese Lovemaking Secrets:


Chinese Lovemaking Secrets Tantra:


SEX - The Secret Gate To Eden [Full Film]:


03-08-2016, 01:28 AM
Secret of the Phoenix - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Phoenix in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the phoenix for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

05-08-2016, 08:58 PM
Secret of the Lion - Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Lion in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the lion for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

介紹上香基本功概念 - 三羅神功 (國語):


這是我們的第一個國語視頻,由三羅神功傳教雲師傅為大家講解上香的基本功概念和意義,上香基本又分文武香, 而各也有嚴謹的法度講究,為學者打下良好的壇法根基。

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Secret of the Kilin- Wisdom of Chinese Magic:


Kay Lun 麒麟 (Kilin) in Chinese magic has a very deep secret, which is now exposed to you, and bringing you into the world of real Chinese magic, unleashing the secret of the unicorn for you to learn and understand what it is really about inside the shell.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

鬼月保平安 東西方都有招--蘋果日報20160805:


農曆七月因為鬼門大開又被稱為鬼月,雖然是中國流傳千年的習俗傳說,不過不管東方西方都有鬼月避邪妙招。擅 長西洋星座、塔羅的寶靈建議,利用乾燥鼠尾草燃燒產生的煙,在各個空間角落繞三圈,再加上念力,就能達到淨 化的效果。專長是風水命理的蔡上機則說,鹽可以驅邪、加強能量,鬼月期間可在家中放鹽燈保平安。(劉欣欣╱ 台北報導)


09-08-2016, 02:14 AM
Scientist photographs soul leaving body:


Taoist Magic vs Sun Gung Magic Concept - Taoism and Beyond:


The concept of Taoist magic and Sun Gung Chinese magic and the way how we cultivate and the goal of our magic doings is totally different, but similar in a way. We will dig into the details of the two magic practice routes and let you know the internal secrets of magic practice.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

How to Judge an Exorcist - Paranormal and Magic:


How to see if an exorcist is qualify to solve your spiritual issue? There are some red flags to look out for. Watch the video to understand more about it and choose your exorcist wisely. Many can be looking good and legit outside, but they really don't know their stuff!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Learning Magic, Why Ordain in a Lineage - Taoism and Beyond:


There is a very important thing to learning Chinese magic, which is the ordination into a lineage. Why shall you ordain in a lineage to learn magic? Not because you need the materials, but also to inherit the cultivated essence energy that is only accessible by getting into the lineage and being a part of it. Here we will dig into the deeper theory of how it works.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

10-08-2016, 10:56 PM
Most Common Mistakes of Magic Learning - Taoism and Beyond:


Before you get into a lineage to learn magic, you must watch this video to know what you should expect and what mindset you should have in order to really learn magic and how to be a proper disciple in the lineage. Here we will talk about common mistakes in the journey of magic learning that you should beware of.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Chinese Magic, Chemistry of FU Head Talisman - Taoism and Beyond:


Fu Head is a very important cultivation in our lineage of Chinese magic practice. It is the chemistry work behind all things and how you can cultivate for the most pre-heaven and raw elements / spiritual energy to create and accumulate the fuel that fuels your magic doings and work in the later stage. Let's dig into this and understand about it more.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

12-08-2016, 09:25 PM
Learn Chinese Magic Today - www.tinyatdragon.com:


Learn the ancient Chinese magic of Saam Law Sun Gung 三羅神功 today, or browse through our website for talisman (FU), magic services, divination, fortune telling and much more.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Haunted House 101 - Paranormal and Magic:


Theory of what makes a house haunted, what is the reason and things that is happening behind a house that makes it a haunted house? How to deal with a haunted house? We have many years of experience in dealing with haunted house and all others spiritual issues. If you need help with these things, contact us!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Accidental Ghost 101 - Paranormal and Magic:


Talking about accident ghosts or ghosts and spirits that appears after a big disaster or accident, maybe from a plane crash or a bomb or something, why are these spirits all there and what are they really? What to do about it?

(Tin Yat Dragon)

16-08-2016, 02:19 AM
Cleanse and Neutralize Energies - Paranormal and Magic:


Chinese magic for your house and office, cleanse and neutralize the energies of the different dimensions int he same location, which will improves and help with your house's Fung Shui, the energy flow between the 9 dimensions. If you want to have this magic done for you, or you would like to learn it, contact us.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Energy Seals for Home and Spaces - Paranormal and Magic:


Energy seals puts restrictions and filters out negative energy for your house and living space, make sure that you can program and attune your house's energy to a good and healthy state after you cleaned it up with the magic of Chut-Saat,出煞. Need help with space cleansing by distance?

(Tin Yat Dragon)

First Thing to Consider Before Learning - Saam Law Sun Gung Chinese Magic:


Want to learn Chinese magic of Saam Law Sun Gung 三羅神功? Remember to watch this video first and understand what you must do and be expected before you ordain into our magic lineage.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

18-08-2016, 09:18 PM
Why Must Burn Incense - Saam Law Sun Gung Chinese Magic:


Learning Chinese magic is fun, and we must burn incense daily for a special purpose. If you are coming to learn Saam Law Sun Gung 三羅神功, you must know that you have to burn incense for your daily cultivation when you ordain.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Elites Trainer FU to Cultivate Your Energy - Saam Law Sun Gung Chinese Magic:


Introducing the Elites Trainer FU or FU-head of Saam Law Sun Gung 三羅神功 Chinese magic. When you ordain into our lineage to learn Chinese magic, you must know about this and cultivate these magical FU.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Where to Get Magic Supplies - Saam Law Sun Gung Chinese Magic:


When you ordain into our lineage to learn Chinese magic, you must know where you should get your magic supplies from, in order to not take any risk of screwing up your magic cultivation and hard work. Do not ever take those risk and be cheap, our magic is all hard work and is priceless!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

19-08-2016, 09:27 PM
Magical Sleep Music - Immortal Dream in Celestial Stream (Dizi Solo):


Sleep music that has real magical power, yet is only felt by the one who is intended to connect to the melody. Enjoy a relaxing dizi solo music by Jee Sifu, using a bass A key dizi. The track is edited in Adobe Soundbooth to add some reverb effect. Feel free to listen and subscribe for more music!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

【動畫教學】住飯店愛裸睡 小心莫名事發生--蘋果日報20160819:


出門旅遊好開心哇!但住宿飯店或民宿,最怕遇到看不見的朋友來串門子。如何保平安?命理老師曼樺表示,可多 穿紅色衣服、睡覺要留一盞黃燈等,都是自我的保身之道。(賴品伃╱台北報導)


23-08-2016, 12:52 AM
Magical Sleep Music - Magical Cosmic Tour (Dizi Solo):


Sleep music that has real magical power, yet is only felt by the one who is intended to connect to the melody. Cosmic tour magical music, that you might never want it to stop...Enjoy a relaxing dizi solo music by Jee Sifu, using a bass G key dizi. The track is edited in Adobe Soundbooth to add some reverb effect. Feel free to listen and subscribe for more music!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Magical Sleep Music - Transdimensional Transmission Melody:


Sleep music is good, but what's better than a transdimensional melody that beams you out to your spiritual self to get you a deep sleep? Enjoy a relaxing dizi solo music by Jee Sifu, using a western concert flute. The track is edited in Adobe Soundbooth to add some reverb effect. Feel free to listen and subscribe for more music!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Why Open and Close Altar - Saam Law Sun Gung Chinese Magic:


Why do you need to open and close the magic altar at least once a month when you learn the Chinese magic of Saam Law sun Gung 三羅神功? It is a very important thing to do for your own goods. Watch for more details on this and learn magic the smart way!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Magical Sleeping Music - Celestial Transversing Melody:


Transversing between the realms during sleep, getting you deep into your spiritual state, which relaxes your physical body, and making life a perfect balance after a good deep sleep. Enjoy a relaxing dizi solo music by Jee Sifu, using a alto D key dizi. The track is edited in Adobe Soundbooth to add some reverb effect. Feel free to listen and subscribe for more music!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Magical Sleeping Music -Three Pure Energy Alignments Melody:


Alignments of the three pure energies in your spiritual self is not easy, but if you can achieve the pre-heaven state during your deep sleep, it will give you a better and brighter tomorrow. Enjoy a relaxing dizi solo music by Jee Sifu, using a bass G key Dizi. The track is edited in Adobe Soundbooth to add some reverb effect. Feel free to listen and subscribe for more music!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

26-08-2016, 05:52 PM
Magical Sleeping Music -Sleeping Dragon Tune:


Sleeping Dragon Tune, sets the powerful dragon down to sleep, and conceals all the energies for a even more powerful uprising tomorrow. Enjoy a relaxing dizi solo music by Jee Sifu, using a bass A and alto G key Dizi. The track is edited in Adobe Soundbooth to add some reverb effect. Feel free to listen and subscribe for more music!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Magical Sleeping Music -Golden Dragon Energizing Tune:


Golden dragon is a magic term, which means the creation energy being contained and gathers up into one's self, and becoming an essence form that nourishes your own energy, as a result, it energized your spiritual self and your physical body. Enjoy a relaxing dizi solo music by Jee Sifu, using a bass A and alto G key Dizi. The track is edited in Adobe Soundbooth to add some reverb effect. Feel free to listen and subscribe for more music!

Picture tooked by Mariange Charbonneau!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

How to Burn a FU - Saam Law Sun Gung Chinese Magic:


How to burn a FU talisman? With a proper method and standard of burning a FU you can use it properly and make the effect go as you wish, but burning it wrong will result in a totally different outcome.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Magical Sleeping Music -Celestial Crane and Cat:


Crane is celestial enough? But better with a cunning white cat around. Relax, enjoy, laugh, and think about how a funny cat can make your day better, or worse. Life is full of up and downs, but afterall, you are back to your own spiritual town... the bed. Enjoy a relaxing recorder solo music by Jee Sifu, using a sorprano plastic recorder that you used to play in school. The track is edited in Adobe Soundbooth to add some reverb effect. Feel free to listen and subscribe for more music!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

29-08-2016, 11:47 PM
Magic Purpose of Munn and Mo Candles - Saam Law Sun Gung Chinese Magic:


Introduction of the difference between the Munn and the Mo candles and their purpose and usage on the altar, making sure that you use the right candle for the right purpose. Not only that it has different meanings, but it will also create different results.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Magic of Altar Door Opening Candles - Saam Law Sun Gung Chinese Magic:


Introducing you the magical purpose and usage of the two main candles on the altar and their property. Using them right makes your magic flows and do the job right. Make sure you consult us if you have any problems or questions.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Introduction to Saam Law Sun Gung, Start Learning:


This is the introduction to those who want to start learning Saam Law Sun Gung 三羅神功, the ancient Chinese magic. After you ordain, you will be a Saam Law disciple 三羅教弟子, and the second stage is a Sun Lung disciple 神龍教弟子, and the exceptional ones will level up to the Tin Ting Gaau disciple 天庭教弟子.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

求神明保佑無效 原來你拜錯東西了--蘋果日報20160829:


求神明保佑無效 原來你拜錯東西了
跪求神庇 原來土地公最愛吃這個
有拜有保庇 拜對糕粿會更靈


06-09-2016, 12:46 AM
Tin Yat Dragon Website Introduction:


Introducing you to our website of www.tinyatdragon.com, which has all the Chinese magic products and services you need. Talisman (FU) for all sorts of things, distance ceremonies, divination and fortune telling, and even to ordain and learn Chinese magic for real.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Promessa and EcoLegacy turn human remains into plant food with alternative burial process – TomoNews:


GOTHENBURG, SWEDEN — A Swedish and an Irish company have been developing and providing new forms of burial.

Promessa Organic from Sweden, led by biologist Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak, has developed what they’ve called Promession, a method by which the human body is converted into powder, dried and eventually turned into organic matter that converts into soil within a year.

Similar to the process of freeze drying, promession involves a system called the Promator in which the body is first frozen to minus 18 degrees Celsius and submerged in liquid nitrogen. The body is refrozen as the liquid nitrogen evaporates into harmless gas.

The brittle body then is vibrated and transformed into organic powder. The powder is taken to a vacuum-sealed chamber where water is evaporated. Afterwards, mercury, allegan, sodium and over 50 other foreign substances are removed. The remains are packed into an organic coffin and buried at the family’s request. After a year, the remains turn into soil, which can feed a tree.

The company has also developed an improved “clean cremation” where the dry and metal free remains that exit the Promator system are burned. This clean cremation can guarantee Zero Mercury and avoid the production of dioxins.

Irish company EcoLegacy offers a similar burial service. Their process, which they’ve called EcoLation, is similar to Promession, except the energy that is expelled in the process is turned into energy reused in future processes.

Both processes differ and are more ecologically friendly than traditional burial and cremation. In traditional burial, coffins and chemicals (formaldehyde) are introduced into the environment. In cremation, heat energy is consumed and toxins are released to reduce the body into ashes, which are waste products that contain no organic material.


Mother Teresa canonized:


In a ceremony in St. Peter’s Square in Rome, Pope Francis has proclaimed Nobel Prize laureate Mother Teresa a saint. Citing her work in the slums of Calcutta, the pope said she fought against problems caused by the powers of this world.

(DW (English))

07-09-2016, 12:07 AM
Stomper sees 'scariest statue in S'pore' on Carousell -- that apparently has hair of dead woman:


Posted on 06 September 2016

If you are a Carousell user, you'll probably come across some unusual items occasionally.

That's exactly what happened to Stomper Lau Lap.

He saw a figurine called 'Thai pregnant lady ghost' on the online marketplace.

The figurine is black in colour and resembled a woman kneeling down.

According to a description of the item, the figure is made from 'soil taken from nine graveyards and other ingredients that are too extreme to reveal'. It also stated that the hair on the figure is the hair of a dead woman.

Said the Stomper with regard to what he saw:

"I have found the scariest statue in Singapore.

"It is not for sale.

"The owner also shared the story behind the figurine."

See photos of the 'Thai pregnant lady ghost' and find out more about its backstory in the gallery above.


'Scary' amulet with 3 skulls sold on Carousell apparently blesses you with wealth:


Posted on 24 July 2016

Stomper Lau Lup was intrigued to see this humanoid-looking amulet being sold on Carousell for $180.

Called a 'lukrok', the amulet or talisman is believed to bring wealth to its owner.

Said the Stomper:

"On 16 July after dinner, I was assessing the Carousell app using my cell phone.

"I came across this scary and hideous-looking amulet in the antiquities section.

"The ad claimed that this amulet would bless the owner with wealth. I wonder if anyone has become wealthy after wearing it.

"Maybe readers are able to shed some light about this humanoid-looking amulet with three skulls."


Retired couple allegedly con 9 people of $810,000 using talisman ruse:


Would you pay $3,800 for a 'lucky' talisman?

Some people did - after they were taken in by a couple who told them that their talismans could bring them fortune.

Both retirees (above), Ong Choon Lin, 66, a Singaporean, and his wife, Ng Kim Yew, 60, a Malaysian, have been accused of cheating nine people of about $810,000 over 10 years by duping them into buying the supposedly powerful talismans.

It surfaced at the start of their court trial today that their ruse caused three victims to suffer the most losses - a total of nearly half a million dollars for the 'personalised' charms, according to a Shin Min Daily News report

It was reported in the local media earlier this year that the couple managed to allegedly convince their victims into believing that a spiritual master from Thailand or Tibet would personally write the talismans dedicated to them.

In today's trial, Shin Min and Lianhe Wanbao reported they were slapped with more charges - on top of the initial 29 brought against each of them in March. Ng saw her charges jumped to 43, while her husband now faces 38 charges.

Related: Couple cheated 6 of $657,000 by promising personalised talisman

After their case was heard in March, it was reported that six of their victims were allegedly conned of a total of between $11,000 and $308,688 each.

It also emerged today that three more people fell for their ruse, bringing the total number of victims to nine. The alleged offences took place between 2004 and last year.

If found guilty, the maximum penalty for the offence is 10 years' jail and a fine for each charge.

(Asia One)

15-09-2016, 12:28 AM
Saam Law Taoist Magic Cultivation Morning Rites 三羅玄門早課:


Demonstration of our saam law taoist magic cultivation morning rites, performed by Jee Sifu. The purpose of this rites is to absorb the pre-heaven energies from nature and nourish our physical, and spiritual body, which provide us a better health, life, and future. Not only that it pushes positive energies into our body, but also cleanse out the polluted or unpleasant energies out of the system too.

此視頻乃是紫師傅泓經演法的"三羅玄門早課"。此課為修三羅道之日常課頌,其目的是吸收先天三羅之氣,除邪化穢,扶正壯陽,令身心可得先天能量的淨化, 滋養,以達到天清地靈,人明利禎的境界。透過修煉,可令人身心安寧,福祿壽康。

Contact us to learn Chinese magic and Saam Law Taoism today!
Website: http://www.tinyatdragon.com
Email to learn: [email protected]


(Tin Yat Dragon)

16-09-2016, 07:52 PM
中秋擺黑色水果 提升運勢 | 台灣蘋果日報:


中秋節滿月之際,力量飽滿,月亮為太陰,適合女性祈求桃花、姻緣,因此若到月老廟祈求,可以事半功倍。不想 出門在家也可以擺放屬水的擺設,如黑色系食物、鮮花數支均能求桃花。家中小孩身體差,則可以龜殼擺飾提升健 康運。


23-09-2016, 01:56 AM
靈符背後的功夫講解 - 三羅神功 (國語):


靈符並不簡單,也不容易製作,因不只是寫就可以,而是需要勁過恨多的修煉,和製作後也需要經過敕符,開光, 等等的種種加持才可以成爲真正有效的靈符。這個視頻由雲師傅為你講解一下靈符背後的功夫。

(Tin Yat Dragon)

愛台語歌成痴!?泰國誦經團曲包你朗朗上口! 朱學恒 劉燦榮 王瑞德 20160919-6 關鍵時刻:


當身旁物品都已腐爛不堪 九華山肉身菩薩不腐之謎...


A Day in the Life of a Modern American Exorcist:


The ancient rite of casting evil spirits from the possessed is on the rise in the United States. Historically, demonic possessions have been used to describe mental or physical illnesses and even strings of bad luck, but the scientific community has debunked many of the outdated convictions.

With the U.S. being home to 20 percent of the world’s exorcists, VICE investigates why the phenomenon of exorcism is on the rise. We speak to Father Lampert, a member of the International Association of Exorcists and Michael Shermer, a former Evangelical Christian and founder of Skeptic magazine, to see why the modern exorcism is thriving in the West.


不吃不喝六年竟能維持嘴唇紅潤!尼泊爾少年火中打坐的秘密... 王瑞德 劉燦榮 朱學恆 20160921-6 關鍵時刻:




外星人神秘基地曝光!?美國退役海軍在南極的驚人發現... 黃創夏 朱學恆 20160921-7 關鍵時刻:




The hidden meanings of yin and yang - John Bellaimey:


View full lesson here: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-hidden-meanings-of-yin-and-yang-john-bellaimey

The ubiquitous yin-yang symbol holds its roots in Taoism/Daoism, a Chinese religion and philosophy. The yin, the dark swirl, is associated with shadows, femininity, and the trough of a wave; the yang, the light swirl, represents brightness, passion and growth. John Bellaimey explains why we all contain the spirit of yin and of yang -- and how we can achieve a balance of both in our lives.


23-09-2016, 01:58 AM
Chinese Lovemaking Secrets:


Chinese Lovemaking Secrets Tantra:


SEX - The Secret Gate To Eden [Full Film]:


May I ask what the purpose of this post is, in relation to 'Adult Discussion about Sex' ?

I fail to see the relation. Please enlighten us. Thank you very much

An unusual zombie genre JAV (mosaic) tittle ‘[AVOP-279] 護符天誅!幽幻導師列伝’:




26-09-2016, 01:26 AM
4 beliefs about witchcraft found in Asia:


Growing up, most of us have always been incredibly fascinated with witchcraft and the world of magic, be it the supernatural thrillers or the fantasies of Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.

The aspect of magic and rituals always brings a sense of mystery into the realm of reality that we live in, as evident by horror films such as the recently released “Blair Witch”.

The genre is one that story-writers and fimmakers continue to publish and produce. While some of their tales may be made up, the concept of magic and sorcery has always been around, as can be seen from some of the following beliefs still found in Asia.

1) Gong Tau, China and South East Asia

If you’ve ever heard someone say a person has “Tio Gong Tau”, it means that he or she might have been the victim of a supernatural attack.

Gong Tau is the term used in Hokkien, Teochew or Cantonese when someone is suspected of having been attacked by black magic, (called Jiang Tou in Mandarin), and is believed to be a fusion of poison skills which originated in Yunnan, China, and witchcraft seen in South East Asia.

Gong Tau is usually sought to either seek revenge, resolve relationship issues or even to assist with money problems.

It can be practiced in two different forms - non-spiritual or spiritual.

Non-spiritual practices involve having magic potions mixed into the victim’s food or drinks for them to consume. Once the targeted victim either eats or drinks the poison, they enable the sorcerers to control them from afar.

The spiritual practices, on the other hand, require a Taoist sorcerer who can summon ghosts or spirits or even demons. These summoned entities are then sent to possess or harm or disturb the targeted victim.

The catch is that the caster needs to have a couple of details at hand, such as the intended victim’s date of birth, or personal belongings, hair or even fingernails from the victim. According to practitioners, Gong Tau magic can be advanced by combining it with other rituals too.

2) Kulam, the Philippines

Kulam is a form of sorcery that can be found in the Philippines, centring around islands like Siquijor and Talalora.

The witches that practice this magic are called mangkukulam, and they are often feared by people due to their reputation.

Kulam is heavily influenced by voodoo, which involves utilising a doll to target their victims. The witches also have to obtain a personal belonging of their victim for their magic to work.

According to rumours, the more important the item is for the victim, the more powerful the magic will be. For maximum effect, hair, spit or even blood from the victim is supposedly ideal.

Once a witch has obtained the required items, he or she will tie a string around the doll and recite an incantation. This awakens the spirits and allows the witch to have full control over the victim.

Witches then have the power of hurting their victims through the doll. It is suspected that the only method of getting away from this voodoo curse is by either removing the string from around the doll or by killing the witch.

There are also potions such as those seen in the picture, which are from the Siquijor. Some are used to create healing magic, so drinking the potion or rubbing it on one’s body supposedly eases physical pain. Others, such “love” potions, are meant to make the victim fall in love with someone.

3) Bomoh, Malaysia and Indonesia

If you’ve grown up in South East Asia, you’ve probably heard the term “bomoh”.

Definied as a Malay shaman, the original role of a bomoh was to be a healer, an expert on the medicinal herbs that could be found in the region, as well as Malay geomancy.

Bomohs were also known to enter cemeteries to summon spirits to aid them, as spirits have powers beyond a normal person, such as being able to heal or investigate supernatural events.

Supposedly, the bomoh has to make a deal with a spirit before it will follow through with his request. Sometimes the bomoh will pick the spirit he wants, while sometimes the spirit will pick the bomoh. Some bomohs work with different spirits, others choose to work with the same one time and time again.

Bomohs will usually request spirits to either find a missing person, heal someone sick, or discover the reason bad events are happening to a victim.

In one of the more recent incidents, a Malaysian bomoh was seen performing rituals at Kuala Lumpur International Airport after the disappearance of flight MH370 (above).

4) Suangi, West Papua

In the Indonesian province of West Papua, there is a belief that males in the society have the possibility of being possessed and becoming a cannibalistic witch.

An accused male is commonly called a suangi, and is rumoured to have a craving for eating the blood and organs of his chosen victims.

After a suangi is done eating his victims’ insides, he will then stuff the body with grass and leaves.

Supposedly, suangis believe that by consuming their victims this way they also manage to eat the victim’s soul, while the victim returns to his or her family in a zombified state.

If the family of the victim manages to track down the suangi that “ate” their family member, they will hunt him down and kill him (and sometimes eat him) with the belief that the soul of the victim will be released.


26-09-2016, 01:26 AM
Did NASA Change The Zodiac Calendar? No, The Space Agency Works In Astronomy, Not Astrology:



Anyone with a basic understanding of the definition of “astrology” watching for odd celestial news last week may have been a bit confused when it was announced that NASA had rearranged the zodiac calendar. As it turns out, NASA did not completely upend your life by telling you that you are no longer a proud Leo. That’s not really NASA’s thing, media reports noted Monday.

News outlets began reporting that NASA had changed the zodiac to include a thirteenth horoscope sign late last week, causing something of an outrage amongst those around the world who take star signs and horoscopes seriously. But for scientists, the idea was ridiculous: Zodiac signs aren't scientific.

“NASA studies astronomy, not astrology,” Dwayne Brown, a NASA spokesperson, said when Gizmodo asked about the change up.

Brown was actually repeating a similar message to a disclaimer written at the top of the NASA post — meant for children — that seems to be the source of the confusion. In that post, on NASA Space Place, the difference between the two is clearly spelled out. Astronomy is the scientific study of everything in outer space. Astrology, on the other hand, isn’t a science and instead is the remains of a 3,000 year old tradition from the ancient Babylonians who divided the year to correspond with changing constellations visible in the sky. That practice hinges on the idea that the different positions of stars and planets can be used to explain phenomenon in everyday life (and that it has an impact on your own life depending on your birthday).

The NASA post notes there are 13 constellations that the Earth can observe in a year, not 12. And, because of a wobble in the Earth’s axis, the time of year we currently associate with the various constellations isn’t spot on anymore. So, they provided a different, more accurate timeline that included the constellation Ophiuchus as No. 13.

“We didn’t change any Zodiac signs, we just did the math,” Brown told Gizmodo in an email. “The Space Place article was about how astrology is not astronomy, how it was a relic of ancient history, and pointed out the science and math that did come from observations of the night sky.”

(International Business Times)

NASA on whether Zodiac signs are changing:


NASA assured the public that their Zodiac sign has not changed reiterating that they study 'astronomy' not 'astrology.' Chief astronomer and planetarium director Derrick Pitts for the Franklin Institute joins CBSN from Philadelphia to discuss.

(CBS News)



30-09-2016, 05:37 PM
The Rise of Demon Exorcism in Mexico:


VICE travels to Mexico City to explore the rapidly growing Santa Muerte cult and the increasing rate at which exorcisms are being performed by religious leaders throughout the country. We follow pastor Hugo Alvarez as he conducts his exorcism ceremonies and hear from the possessed.




(正宗泰国佛牌 ThaiAmulets2u Youtube Channel)



(正宗泰国佛牌 ThaiAmulets2u Youtube Channel)



(正宗泰国佛牌 ThaiAmulets2u Youtube Channel)

02-10-2016, 02:24 AM
用筷禁忌多 第四點超不吉利 | 台灣蘋果日報:


吃飯用筷子,但拿筷子有許多禁忌,你知道有哪些嗎?有人習慣含著筷子等菜上桌,吸筷子時還會發出聲音,相當 不禮貌;有人等餐時會拿筷子敲碗,但在古代這是乞討時想引起路人注意、獲得施捨的舉動,現在也被認為是不禮 貌的行為。而將筷子插在飯中央,就像在拜拜上香一樣,相當不吉利!


02-10-2016, 08:18 AM
Thank you for sharing.

02-10-2016, 03:31 PM
Thanks for sharing.

09-10-2016, 03:22 AM
The Exorcist Trying to Heal South Africa’s Satanic Murderer:


Altar Swartz beheaded 15-year-old Lee Adams in the back of an abandoned Primary School in Cape Town in 2013. In a strange turn of events, Aljar’s defense in court claimed he was possessed by the devil. After pleading guilty the murder, Aljar’s lawyer requested an exorcism be performed on his client. That's when Reverend Cecil Begbie was called in to the job.




傳說是否真實在於人心,但是大家可以藉由這個影片,了解鄭皇這號人物。鄭皇是驅逐緬甸軍守護泰國的大帝,也 是中國首位在外國成為皇帝的華人,在泰國人心目中幽若神明,因此在泰國佛牌里常常看到他的法相,或者于寺廟 之內見到他的佛像供人膜拜。

(正宗泰国佛牌 ThaiAmulets2u)

泰国最受欢迎的十大寺院 Top 10 Attractive Thai Temples:


(正宗泰国佛牌 ThaiAmulets2u)



(正宗泰国佛牌 ThaiAmulets2u)

09-10-2016, 08:29 AM
Thank you for sharing.

13-10-2016, 05:25 PM
Temple wedding bells are ringing:


PUBLISHED OCT 13, 2016, 5:00 AM SGT

More young Chinese couples getting married in places of worship

Yeo Sam Jo

When Mr Alan Lim and Ms Teo Yen Ting showed up at Kong Hock Keng Temple last June decked out in red robes and golden headdresses, they drew curious looks from devotees, not least because they looked like they had just stepped out of China's Han Dynasty.

The couple were at the Chinese temple in Telok Blangah to tie the knot in front of Taoist deities such as the Jade Emperor, Monkey King and Nezha the Third Lotus Prince.

"I used to help out at this temple for many years. We wanted to get married at some place special, and our faith is important," said Mr Lim, 26, who works as a career coach.

The Taoists met each other during a Taoist Federation (Singapore) youth committee conference in 2013. They share an interest in Chinese history and culture - something they wanted to commemorate on their special day.

Clad in traditional costumes bought from e-commerce site Taobao, Mr Lim and Ms Teo, 23, a part-time tutor, offered fruits and joss sticks to the deities. Their solemniser, Master Adrian Long, 50, then recited religious scriptures before pronouncing them man and wife.

They are among a number of young couples now holding their matrimonial ceremonies at Chinese temples. About 20 to 30 do so each year, said Master Long, who is a deputy registrar of marriages and a special committee member with the Taoist Federation (Singapore). "Some met at these temples, while others simply want to seek blessings for a blissful marriage," he said. "Some also pray to their ancestors whose ashes are in the same temple."

The Singapore Buddhist Federation (SBF) has noticed more couples getting hitched at Buddhist venues, said the federation's president, Venerable Seck Kwang Phing, 63. He is also a solemniser.

While there were 10 to 20 weddings five years ago, there are now at least 100 in temples or at Buddhist institutions each year, he said. They are usually held at the SBF building in Geylang or Bishan's Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery.

"I usually remind the bride and groom to be a good couple according to the Buddhist scriptures. For example, husband and wife must treat each other equally," said Venerable Seck. Depending on the couple's preference, the solemnisation ceremony is accompanied by the chanting of sutra and offerings to Shakyamuni Buddha.

"To do good, the couple can also offer lunch, robes or any daily necessities to the monks."

People of other faiths often get married at their places of worship, such as churches, mosques and Hindu temples.

The Sultan Mosque in Kampong Glam, for instance, hosts about three to four weddings each week. These are officiated by a kadi, who solemnises Muslim marriages.

Mosque manager Zainal Abidin Omar, 47, said more couples have been getting married at the venue since it was restored a year ago.

"Youngsters like to have their weddings here because they want to get blessings from God," he said, adding that they can have their reception at the nearby restaurants.

For some, the venue represents both faith and fate. Software engineer Mah Chun How, 34, and accounts assistant Kang Say See, 29, got married at the Yueh Hai Ching Temple in Raffles Place last month.

Before they met in 2014, they had visited the temple to ask Yue Lao, the elder under the moon deity believed to be a matchmaker, for a partner. "We got to know each other not too long after," said Mr Mah.

"The temple is very special to us. We believe Yue Lao brought us together."

(The Straits Times)

19-10-2016, 07:49 PM
唐立淇遺憾占星扛一條人命 小三從良年劫2000萬 | 台灣蘋果日報:


「星座專家」唐立淇29歲半路出家學占星,曾有人給她占星後自殺,她因此自責1年,不敢幫人算命;她有過一 段婚姻,也曾當過小三,交往2個月後發現對方太太懷孕3個月,當機立斷斬情絲。近來她在網路直播談星座變網 紅,她說原本直播只是和網友閒聊,後來發現只要講到星座,點閱率就會飆高,現在她幾乎每天直播,為此買了5 支不同款的手機因應。她剛開業占星時月入3萬元,現在年收2000萬元,年薪翻55倍。


20-10-2016, 07:50 PM
靈符架構和法度的淺談 - 三羅神功 (國語):


介紹三羅神功的靈符架構,法度,和一些基本知識。靈符有很多種,而也有分了文符,武符,及更多的變化。很多 人覺得靈符只是一個黃色的紙,加上紅筆的字就是了,不過其中奧妙,人多聞所未聞。
欲學三羅神功,請電郵: [email protected]
網頁: http://www.tinyatdragon.com

(Tin Yat Dragon)

22-10-2016, 07:53 PM
Spiritual master from Thailand smuggles animal charms into Singapore with soft toys:


Special Correspondent
The New Paper
Thu, Oct 20, 2016

He proudly poses with his handiwork on Facebook.

Using the name Arjan Pheimrung Wanchanna, he displays for sale items such as snake and animal skin amulets, little monkey skulls, crocodile heads and other charms.

This man is one of the many Thai Arjans, or spiritual masters, who visit Singapore regularly to perform blessings and spiritual tattooing.

However, his use of animal parts in amulets has put him in the crosshairs of counter-trafficking organisation, Global Eye.

What was even more shocking was Arjan Pheim's offer of more powerful charms.

In an exclusive interview, Global Eye operatives told The New Paper that Arjan Pheim had claimed that he could smuggle human foetuses, dead tiger cubs and adult skull fragments into Singapore.

Posing as interested buyers, the operatives met the Thai in a hotel room at Joo Chiat Road in March this year.

They secretly recorded the meeting, during which Arjan Pheim said in Thai: "I can guarantee. I have shipped (contraband wildlife and human parts) to Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and China."

He also showed them pictures of his illegal merchandise on his mobile phone (which has been reproduced in a TNP video clip).

He also had images of a wet-looking tiger cub in a translucent pail and what looked to be a complete leopard skin.

More disturbing were pictures of a dried human-like foetus with the eyes and tiny fingers clearly visible. He later showed other samples of "ready-to-sell" foetuses wrapped in gold leaf.

The trafficking of wildlife and the smuggling of human parts are illegal in Singapore.


Global Eye chief executive officer Fiachra Kearney told TNP that traders such as Arjan Pheim not only destroy animal species, but "also destroy our dignity as human beings".

Mr Kearney said: "The Arjans kill and mutilate beautiful animals in the name of spiritual benefit, and how the drying of human beings benefits our collective spiritual well-being is something I can never understand.

"I imagine many Singaporeans would be deeply disturbed to know that these Arjans are entering their country and selling these items."

TNP learnt of Arjan Pheim's visits to Singapore late last year. Our investigations revealed that some Singaporeans and local amulet shops had promoted his illicit merchandise on their Facebook and Carousell pages.

We also found posts offering to sell dried female genitalia, or what is known as Yoni, and oil purportedly made from a female corpse.

TNP alerted the Singapore authorities, as well as Global Eye when other visiting Arjans were also found to be touting similar banned charms.

Arjan Pheim even told the undercover operatives that his products are illegal in both Thailand and Singapore.

Describing how he would smuggle a dead tiger cub into Singapore, he said: "You pack it with toys. It's all right. Lukok size is small. Not big size."

Claiming to have two dead tiger cubs, also known as tiger lukok, Arjan Pheim said that each would cost 70,000 baht (S$2,700).

The operatives left the meeting with samples of animal skin amulets.

In Thailand, the use of human foetuses for occult purposes is not uncommon, a senior police officer in Chiang Mai told TNP during a telephone interview in June.

Major-General Pacha Rattanapan said he once investigated a case of four dead foetuses found near a temple in 2015 following the arrest of a man.


He said that the foetuses were usually acquired from abortion clinics, adding: "After a woman has an abortion, the remainder (foetus) is then thrown away, and there are people who will purchase them to make Kuman Thongs (child spirits)."

He said the trading of foetuses is "illegal under Thai laws" because it is similar to concealing a corpse and not declaring a death.

The chief abbot of a Thai temple in Singapore said the Arjans' activities are not related to Buddhism.

Said Phrakhru Udom of Uttamayanmuni Buddhist Temple in Choa Chu Kang: "Arjans are not part of the Buddhist Sangha (community). Nowadays, there are a lot of cari makan (Malay for profiteering) Arjans."

Mr Ricardo Choo, who authored The Spirit & Voodoo World of Thailand in 2011, said Arjans come to Singapore because there is a lucrative market.

He told TNP: "The cost price (of a human foetus) is $2,000. Some people are willing to pay $4,000 to $5,000 in Singapore."

TNP understands that during his time in Singapore, Arjan Pheim was preparing four dead tiger cubs to be sold as "good luck charms".

He did not respond to TNP's request for an interview.

Smuggling in human parts is against the law

It is illegal to smuggle human parts into Singapore.

Shipping restrictions exist for human remains, including ashes, which have been classified as prohibited items for import into Singapore, said the Singapore Post website.

A permit is required from the National Environment Agency to transfer human remains from overseas to Singapore for cremation or burial.

But Arjan Pheimrung Wanchanna's purpose for bringing human parts here is not for burial - they are to be used as powerful charms.

He admitted to previously smuggling amulets made from protected wildlife and human parts like foetuses and skull bones into the region, including Singapore.

Doing so is illegal, lawyer S. Balamurugan told The New Paper.

He said: "There is a dearth of cases relating specifically to the smuggling and sale of human body parts, but this has been addressed in the Human Biomedical Research Act 2015, which prohibits the commercial trading of human tissue under Section 32.

"Nevertheless, the buying or selling of human organs or human blood is currently prohibited under section 14 of the Human Organ Transplant Act (Hota)."

Anyone found guilty of breaching Hota can be fined up to $100,000 or jailed up to 10 years, or both.

The snake and supposed "tiger" skin amulets, which Arjan Pheim gave to the two undercover operatives from Global Eye, were surrendered to the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum at the National University of Singapore.

Tests showed that the skin samples were from a leopard cat and a reticulated python. Both are protected species.

Anyone found possessing, selling or advertising endangered species which have been imported without a permit faces a fine of up to $50,000 per specimen (with a maximum of $500,000) and/or a jail sentence of up to two years.

The same penalties apply if netizens are caught advertising or selling illegal wildlife - whether real or fake - on the Internet.

Special Correspondent

What Arjan Pheim said about his amulets

Arjan ("spiritual master") Pheimrung Wanchanna made these claims while speaking in Thai to Global Eye operatives in a hotel room in Joo Chiat Road

Tiger gives you more authority or leadership. Small or big (amulet), it's the same.

I can guarantee. I have shipped (contraband wildlife and human parts) to Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and China.

On how long it takes to 
process and deliver a tiger lukok, 
or encased tiger cub:

From the time I get the tiger, seven days later, I (ship) it out.

Referring to the amulets he had brought in from Chiang Mai, Thailand:

This one (snake and tiger amulet) is also illegal here.

Other Arjans also sell (tiger cub lukok). Other Arjans also do.


24-10-2016, 01:39 AM
靈符火化的法度 - 三羅神功 (國語):


講解火化靈符的心法和知識介紹,把一些簡單的知識介紹。三羅神功的化符法度非常嚴格,且每一個手法都非常獨 到和有理可尋,全都是根據宇宙真理,三羅法則等去做的。

欲學三羅神功,請電郵: [email protected]
網頁: http://www.tinyatdragon.com

(Tin Yat Dragon)

28-10-2016, 01:24 AM
醉後大丈夫?12星座男人大不同 | 台灣蘋果日報:


12星座男喝醉會出現什麼狀況?牡羊座愛追酒,金牛則最穩定,喝醉頂多昏睡,而魔羯座則很少喝醉,會控制酒 量且超級理性,而最瘋癲的就屬無視他人的雙魚座和胡言亂語的處女座,不妨來看看這些喝醉實錄,看看身旁這些 男生是否也中招啦。


28-10-2016, 04:21 AM
Really enjoyed the video, support

28-10-2016, 08:30 AM
Really enjoyed the video, support

Feel the same way too

01-11-2016, 12:47 AM
Casting Curses and Love Spells with the Most Powerful Witches in Romania:


In Romania, the homeland of Dracula and superstition, witches were pretty much spared from the medieval witch-hunts that plagued most of Europe and killed 100,000 women. In fact, witchcraft here is not only alive; it’s thriving, and it’s even feared by politicians. There are hundreds of witches in the country, and they make and break marriages, cure diseases, cast or release people from good and evil spells, and predict the future. Supposedly, one in ten Romanians visits a witch.


02-11-2016, 09:43 PM
Ex-Thai porn actress finds millionaire hubby after converting to Buddhism – TomoNews:


BANGKOK, THAILAND — An ex-adult video star from Thailand gave up her career to follow the path of Buddhism, and she believes that life choice has landed her a millionaire sugar daddy.

The 31-year-old Nong Nat has appeared in many different erotic movies, until she was prosecuted for violating Thailand’s anti-pornography laws

Originally a Christian, the ex-actress reportedly decided to convert to Buddhism and began praying constantly.

In 2012, Nong Nat became a devout Buddhist and married the 70-year-old American millionaire architect Harold Jennings Nesland Jr who is old enough to be Nong Nat’s father.

To explain the new life she is having, she told UK’s South West News Service “prayers and meditation get you a good husband”.

And apart from receiving a monthly payment from her husband, Nat also said he splits his money with her 50/50.

With regard to her current life, Nat said she is taking Buddhism very seriously. She said, “Buddhism changed my mind a lot, it changed the way I lived my life. I'm a lot happier now.”


06-11-2016, 07:18 PM
Will Catholics and Protestants reunite? | DW News:


The vice president of Germany’s Protestants, Petra Bosse-Huber, told DW that Pope Francis and Martin Luther had the same aims: liberation, social justice and a religious message that people would understand but that would also transform their lives.

(DW (English))

08-11-2016, 12:29 PM
How To Detect Negative Energies At Home Using Only A Glass Of Water?:


There are so many techniques that can help you detect negative energies in your home.

Today we’re going to show you the simplest one which will detect negative energies and clear them from your home and maintain the harmony in your family.

We inhabit certain energies wherever we live. Our homes are a space of unity where many energies meet – our feelings, thoughts and emotions emit a certain type of energy, but also attract other energies. Family members, neighbors or visitors in our homes can bring in negative energies which may affect our mood and well-being.

The energy debris can be a result of negative emotions, thoughts, occurrences, and stress that you have experienced in your space.

Your house is like a sponge. Whatever transpires in your environment is absorbed into the walls, furniture, carpet, ceiling, and objects. Frequently, these negative energies accumulate in the corners and tucked away places. Also, if you had a negative event happen recently or a lot of sadness or fear, cleanse your space immediately!

Once they enter your home, negative energies impact your whole life. They can cause your budget to fluctuate, break the relationships between family members and disrupt the harmony in your home. As a result, you will feel anxious, restless and broken, with no will to live. However, the symptoms may not be noticeable early, which is why it’s important to know how to detect the negative energy in your home.

Before starting, it’s important to know the reason for the disharmony – sometimes, even negative energies are not the culprit. However, if you can’t find the underlying problem, try this trick to detect negative energies:

Get a clear (transparent) glass and pour sea salt in it – it should cover about 1/3 of the glass. Top the glass off with 1/3 water and 1/3 white vinegar, then put it in the room where you think the bad vibes are most powerful.

Put the glass in a hidden spot and leave it for a full day. Make sure no one moves it from the spot. After 24 hours, examine the glass – if it’s just like you left it, there are no negative energies in that room. You can try the trick in another room and see what happens.

If the glass has smudges or a lot of bubbles, and is clearly not like you left it, it is a result of energy problems. In this case, repeat the procedure again with a new glass, and repeat until it’s as clean as you left it.

It is important to know that you need to throw away the content from the glass in the toilet, and flush the toilet, which will clear all the negative energy absorbed in your house.

You can do the same the next day if you still feel bad vibes around you. Repeat the procedure until the water in the glass is the same as you left it.

VIDEO: How To Detect Negative Energies At Home Using Only A Glass Of Water?



08-11-2016, 12:30 PM
This 8 Year Old Kid Uses Crystal Grids To Transmute Negative Energy And Explains How It Works:


This amazing 8 year old kid uses crystal grids to transmute negative energy!

Eight-year-old boys are awesome. That is the best way to explain them. I have an 8-year-old, and he gets so excited about the things he is interested in. He loves to read, draw, create things, and play with his Legos. When he gets in a groove, he can be focused for hours, and the outcomes are always amazing.

The little 8-year-old we are talking about here is exactly like my son. He just has a very different interest. He listens to crystals to learn how to use them to dispel or transmute dark or negative energy. This kid uses crystal grids to remove the influence of dark energy around him.

Negative energy is believed to be the spiritual cause of all the trouble in the world. Drug addictions, infidelity, or self-control are all controlled by negative forces found in the spiritual part of our Earth.

The Spiritual Research Foundation explains it like this:


One way to remove the influence of dark energy is with the use of crystals. Some recommended stones or crystals for removing negative or dark energy include Snowflake Obsidian, Apache Tears, Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Black Tourmaline, Smokey Quartz, Hematite, and Rose Quartz. These can be placed either inside or outside of the home in key locations to promote positive energy.

This boy has taken this practice to a whole new level!


The boy says that he can hear the stones talking to him.

His youth and excitement seem to have taught him how to listen to the stones. They tell him where they want to go. And he can hear the big one (the one collecting all the energy) without even touching it.

Understanding crystals is not unheard of. All one has to do is understand the vibrations they are producing. The whole theory behind the practice can be a bit difficult to comprehend, but it is believed to be possible.


11-11-2016, 05:13 PM
Introduction to Cultivation - Saam Law Taoist Magic Ep 1:


First lesson on Saam Law Taoist Magic, teaching you theories and even your first cultivation to learn and practice for building up the power of your heart spell, which is your power spells. This method that you can be doing everyday before bed time, can build up your internal power with the magical heart spell.

(Tin Yat Dragon)



(正宗泰国佛牌 ThaiAmulets2u Youtube Channel)

11-11-2016, 08:00 PM
Sometimes got to believe in some magic really can happen

14-11-2016, 09:44 AM
Sometimes got to believe in some magic really can happen

Fully agreed with you

17-11-2016, 07:21 PM
Magic Body and Practical Magic Boost - Saam Law Taoist Magic Ep 2:


Taoist magic power can help to give you a boost when you are feeling grumpy, crappy or just need a shot of magical power to help you get through a rough day, here is a method that you can try with your newly granted power after the ordain. Don't forget that you will also need to cultivate your heart spells for more powerful magic, and improve the effectiveness of your magic too.

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Gearing Up and Second Heart Spell Cultivation - Saam Law Taoist Magic Ep 3:


Get ready, you will need to gear up for the real deal and in this episode you will be seeing what magic tools you will need to acquire from your Dai Sifu in the lineage, and also learning your second heart spell cultivation that you can do to strengthen your magic power. Remember that nothing is strong without real cultivation and hard work. We must cultivate daily to keep building up our energy and magic power. There is no short cut to real Taoist magic, and here you got the best and most open-teaching online!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

20-11-2016, 07:59 PM
Gearing Up and Second Heart Spell Cultivation - Saam Law Taoist Magic Ep 3:


Get ready, you will need to gear up for the real deal and in this episode you will be seeing what magic tools you will need to acquire from your Dai Sifu in the lineage, and also learning your second heart spell cultivation that you can do to strengthen your magic power. Remember that nothing is strong without real cultivation and hard work. We must cultivate daily to keep building up our energy and magic power. There is no short cut to real Taoist magic, and here you got the best and most open-teaching online!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Making Your Own Talisman - Saam Law Taoist Magic Ep 4:


This episode you will be able to learn how to make your own personal basic "talisman" (not the FU talisman) - which is an object that you can carry with you for daily carry purpose, and now you can infuse your Saam Law Taoist Magic into it and make use of the magic power you have got. When the object sensed the time to unleash it's power, it will do so for you and help you out in a way that you want it to do so. You can use this method for exam, protection, or even any other situation that you just want some extra help with. Your power might not be very strong at this stage, but at least you can do your best to bring magic into your daily life!

(Tin Yat Dragon)

Taoist Magic Robes and Outfit Knowledge - Taoism and Beyond:


The robes and outfit of Taoist magic or our Sun Gung magic is not just a "traditional" clothing, but they are all worn for a specific purposes. They all have to go through a magic empowering and activation to make them usable as a magic outfit, and are very important for the practitioner to have the right outfit for doing their work and cultivaiton. For our new disciples, you must at least get one set of robe to get started.

You can categorize the outfit into 3 groups, one is the underlayer, and one is the "taoist robes" which acts like a power bank to accumulate and steore up energy, and then a "magic robe" on top that programs your output methods. The robe set usually is combined with a hat and a pair of shoes. Different combinations can be chosen according to need and the specific work being done, as long as you do understand what you are doing with them.

(Tin Yat Dragon)