View Full Version : Skout, Tagged scammed swingers party?

10-12-2015, 07:54 AM
Good morning all, recently I set up both Skout and Tagged. But I have received such pm from some girls that linked up with me.

The first one from Tagged "hi im Keira 23 years old. actually im originally came from the philippines but now here in singapore because i was being referred by our agency to work as an escort girl. i just arrived here few days ago so i wish that to find someone who wants to book me for fun are you up with that ? if you are keen enough, you will be the first guy who i can meet here. let us make each other happy. if you want to enter my fantasies, ill do what ever pleases you"

Message from another girl from Tagged. "hmm thats cool but dont worry, its only 34.95$ to get a membership ID to pass the entrance at the party. you dont mind ?"

Message from this girl from Skout: "but all of our members of the sex party we are going to meet first around 830 in the evening at the Lobby of Hilton Hotel.but we can meet first around 8 in the evening so we can buy dinner.and to become a certified member of the sex party you need to get and pay for your Invitation ID not more than 40$ and it is better for you to get it now because it is limited for 20 people only Okay any question ok?"

"once your really interetsed babe let me know okey then i will send you the affiliated site of the process for you to get your permission ID to meet up where you will get your Invitation ID for you to become a certified member of the sex party. and all you need to do is to follow for the simple instruction so it is easier and faster to get your Invitation ID okay i willsende invitation id you just need to go at the sponsor site of the party you just need to register . to apply the invitation id as a member ok"

The site from this girl of Skout given to me to sign up..http://get.safedatingverified.com/?a=678&c=32&s1=DSCT06

Their message patterns are the same. First ask where am I from. Then ask about your background alittle before asking if you interested in swingers party. Is there a rising of such scams in these apps?

Thanks all.

10-12-2015, 11:36 AM
alot of this so called dating websites are FILLED with bots

u really wont believe it as a normal surfer

10-12-2015, 03:05 PM
Anything asking for your money I sense scam .

10-12-2015, 03:21 PM

10-12-2015, 07:10 PM
Thanks for the warning TS :)

11-12-2015, 01:21 AM
Definitely a scam.

11-12-2015, 08:47 AM
I have also encountered same cases from Tagged. Knew it was scam straight away when the gals mentioned either must pay to get membership or book her through her manager. Must transfer money to her manager who is usually not in Singapore and once verified the money gone through then the gal will give u her contact number and address. Asked her why not i pay you money directly without going through your manager and guess what....haha...she replied me cannot, manager will not let me out of the house if no booking...haha..wtf! they really think we so stupid meh..

11-12-2015, 11:09 AM
Thank you for the warning.

13-12-2015, 12:48 AM
Evening bros, recently from tagged.

Ashley Tan: Will ask how are you, afterwards will say she wants to show you her naked pics and video. Ask you for phone number. Will keeping as you for pin#. Somehow after sending my number, I received msgs from paypal. $28.50 to be billed. When you send the pin# to her, another msg will come and mention that Facebook billed $28.50 to your phone bill. You can call me stupid but I actually went to test it. I not sure if money have gone thru to this scammer anot. Now I checking my accounts.

Msg u will received by Paypal after I give my number to her.

"Paypal: Enter PIN 8506 to proceed. Cost 28.50SGD w/GST. For help, email [email protected] or call +65 3158 2850"

Once that PIN# is send to her, another msg arrived.

"Paypal: Thanks. Facebook billed S$28.50SGD w/GST to your phone bill. Help?
[email protected] or call +65 3158 2850"

I think my $28.50 probably is gone or really being billed. Had email to that help email given. Unsure if its a legit email as well.

List to beware:
1) Ashley Tan
2) Leah M
3) Kiera II
4) Kiera N
5) Bianca H

17-12-2015, 02:19 AM
I kena same from TS. but these time round she used another matter saying she's escort girl and say just came here few days ago n if ibook her i'm her first guy. to book her need to pay to agency to oversea then her manager will contact me. $150 for 4hrs, 250 for 8hrs n 400 for a day included hotel n food....I play along asking then say after book her manager will arrange us meet at Hotel 81....hahaha hotel 81 where got food service n booking of 81 we must two id then can check in where can book by her manager? sure spam/scam us. then I told her why don't we meet first don't tell yr manager I book u I pay u only don't need give yr agency earn. after keep spam her until no respond:D me