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20-12-2015, 12:14 AM
This story is purely friction, any similarities is due to coincidence.

Bros, this is going to be quite a complicated story. So updates may take some time. And there could be edit on the story. Please bear with me.

Hopefully you will enjoy the story at the end of it.


My name is Samuel, Sam for short. I am a 1.65m tall, 32year old, bespectacled guy, not fat, but not athletic. I do not look ugly. I am just another guy that is working in the rat race.

I work as an auditor for a company in Shenton way. I had been with the company since I graduated. Although there were some sexy and hot ladies in my company but they belong to other departments, thus I seldom get in contact with them due to the nature of my job. Even if I am attracted to them, I do not know how to start a conversation running.

My department consists of 3 other person, 2 guy and 1 women. The guys are 40 (Eric) and 45 (Dave) and they were married with kids. The only woman (Mary) was 39 and married as well.

As such, I do not have much chances to meet new girls.

I lived alone in the 4 room HDB that my parents left for me. They had passed away when I was a teenager in an accident.

I worked everyday from 9am to 10pm daily. As I have no one, I worked for myself. I was very hardworking and was looking for a chance for a promotion.

The nature of my job allows me little time to have spare time for myself, like the rest of the Sinkies. Although the government is talking about having more kids, I do not even have time for a girlfriend. The last girlfriend that I had was 5 years ago.

Most of the time, I surf JAV to satisfy myself as I normally after work, I would be exhausted to even go out.

20-12-2015, 12:25 AM
My name is Ricky. I am 30 and had been living with a silver spoon all my life. My dad is the CEO of a listed company, and he had bought a company for me to manage, as a MD in my own company. I am 1.75m tall and is athletic as I have a gym in my room.

Of course, I lived in a condo in Bukit Timah. I drive a Porsche around, and wears branded clothing. I have never went to a hawker centre, and the minimum is a restaurant in a shopping mall. I felt hawker centres are too dirty , smelly, unhygienic, and only the poorer folks patronize it. As such, I do not stepped into one.

I have countless girl friends, as long as I like a girl, I would shower her with gifts and normally after a week, she would become my girl. It's easy as girls are materialistic. Once they have a feel of my wealth, they succumb to my charms. Bedding them is even easier. I just need to bring them to a high class restaurant, provide a romantic setting, and that night, I would get to fuck them.

I feel bored with them within 1 month, and normally would dump them after that. Models, upcoming actresses, OL, pageant girl, etc basically they are all the same to me. My current girlfriend is a ex Miss Singapore and she had been with me for 2 weeks. I had already fucked her countless times during the short period we were together.

Sensory Sniper
20-12-2015, 12:30 AM
Reporting strength

20-12-2015, 12:32 AM
Another great story I anticipate

20-12-2015, 12:57 AM

We had been requesting for additional headcount for our department for about a year. FInally, our manager, Felix, told us that there will be a new hire for us. We were relieved as there will be someone to share our workload.

Normally, my co-workers left home earlier, and so the night before, I stayed late to clean up the cubicle besides me as that was the allocated slot for the new person. Felix had placed me as the mentor. Even though my workload would be more, juggling between my own job and training the new person, I did not complained about it. I was looking for the day that I could offload some of my stuffs so that I could have a little more time for myself.

The next day, I was early in the office, about 8am. I looked forward to the new person as I need to bring him/her around the office, basically orientation. So at 8am, I could clear some of my stuffs first, while waiting.

At 9am, the HR brought the new person to the desk besides me.

HR: Hi Sam, good morning. This is your new colleague, Clare.
Clare: Hi Sam, nice to meet you.

I looked up from my stuffs, and was stunned for a moment, unexpecting a girl, and such a young one.

Standing in front of me was a girl, about 1.58m, wearing a full dark blue dress, with a grey cardigan. She does not wear any specs. she had highlighted brown shoulder length hair and Her fringe was tucked behind her ear. I am not sure, but she looked like having a 24 inch waist and was slim with porcelain flawless skin tone, and probably a B Cup. She looked like 25 or 26 years old and had the girl next door look.

Me: Hi Clare, I am Sam. I am allocated to be your mentor. Give me 5 mins and I will show you around.
HR: ok, Sam, I'll leave her with you then.

She nodded and left.

Me: Clare, your seat is here. Perhaps you can have a look at the stationary first and if there are any missing items, we can get it when I show you around later.
Clare: Sure, don't worry about me. We'll go when you are free.

I went back to complete my report.

20-12-2015, 01:12 AM
camping with my pop corn and diest coke :D

20-12-2015, 01:20 AM
When I complete my report, I brought Clare to first meet up with Felix, and then followed by Mary, Dave and Eric. After that I brought her to familiarize with the different departments and facilities.

Only about 10am, we were back at our desk. Her notebook is already set up, and she is able to login to her emails and the intranet. I got her to have a look at the company stuffs on the intranet as I got back to work.

Soon it was about lunch time. Normally, I would go down and order a take-away before coming back to the office. Shentonway is well known for the huge crowd during lunch time. The others decided to do their normal take-away and since I am Clare's mentor, they left her with me.

Me: Clare, we can go for lunch now.
Clare: oh. ok. That's early.
Me: oh we need to go early, if not it's impossible to get a seat. You ready?
Clare: sure.

We took the elevator down and I brought her to Lau Pa Sat for lunch. The crowd had just started to stream in and we were lucky to get a 2-seater in the corner.

Me: We can put our badges here and we go and order. No one will take our seats.
Clare: It's ok. I'll wait here first. You go order.
Me: In that case, what do you want? I help you to order.
Clare: oh, thanks. I would like fish soup.
Me: ok.

I went off to order. While waiting in the queue, I thought about Clare. She looked very demure and soft spoken. She is quite pretty and desirable. I noticed some of our colleagues from other departments looked overly interested when I introduced her. I am sure that she will have a lot of admirers. Definitely an unattractive guy like me will not have any chance with her. but I wondered if she had a boy friend.

I bought our lunch and went back to look for her. She was sitting there, looking at the crowded. She definitely look pretty. I stared at her slender long legs as I made my way to our table.

We started our meals and I started with the explanation of our company, just to get started. Soon, as I put it to her, I would like to know her better as a colleague.

Me: so where do you stay?
Clare: oh, I stay in Serangoon Central area. You?
Me: I stay in Hougang. Quite nearby. Are you a fresh grad?
Clare: oh, no. After I graduated, I stayed in my last company for 4 years before joining.

My estimates were correct. She was about 25.

Me: oh I see. I am with the company for 7 years already.
Clare: How is the job?
Me: It's long hours. My ex-girlfriend left me because of it.
Clare: Oh, sorry.
Me: It's ok. Do you have a boyfriend?

She paused.

Clare: errmmm.....
Me: oh, sorry. I am asking because you will need to get him prepared if you are attached. The hours are really long here.
Clare: oh. I see. No. I am single now.

That is how I got the information from her.

The conversation continued on about the job scope, expectations, and many other boring stuffs. Soon, we finished our food and made our way back to the office.

20-12-2015, 03:10 AM
Although Clare came to me for questions during the first week, it dwindled down to almost naught after that. We do have our occasional lunches together, but most of the time, she would follow the rest of the colleagues and did the take-away. This left me no chance to get to know her better.

Work was piling up, but because she is new, I just passed her 1 project so that she could get started somewhere. I still have to handle the remaining of the projects on my own. The rest of the colleagues were also anxious to pass her some of their stuffs. WIth the additional work load of coaching her, I have to put in extra hours daily.

Although work was busy, I took note of her schedules and habits. For example, she would come in daily at about 8.55am, then get to the pantry to top up her water, before settling down for work.

At about 10.30am, she would relieve herself, and then disappear at 11.45 to get her take-away. In the afternoon, she would again refill her bottle and then leave about 6pm. Also, without fail, she would bring a duffle bag every Monday and then leave with the bag on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the duffle bag would appear again and disappear on Thursday.

I took a mental note of her habits. I do not know how knowing about all these will help me to get closer to her, but I just take note of them.

5th May.

On that Monday morning, 1 month after Clare joined the company, Felix called me into his room.

Felix: Sam, I need you to have a look at this project. Eric need to take urgent leave for personal matters, but he had already done the audit. We just need to submit the report to the other department by Wednesday.
Me: Wednesday? That's 2 days from now. It's impossible.
Felix: You can ask Clare to help you. This is an important project and have the instruction from the CEO. We cannot missed out on this.
Me: Looks like that is no choice. Even CEO is involved.
Felix: THanks.

I nodded and went out of his office, grumbling deep down. Looked like I will have to put in extra over time for the next 2 days.

20-12-2015, 03:28 AM
setting up a camp here...

20-12-2015, 09:07 AM
Bump bump bump

20-12-2015, 09:13 AM
Bro Pusslover,

Camping here for more.
You have a nice weekend.

ah rat
20-12-2015, 09:24 AM
Ts,before you reach your teh neh neh & piak
story.Able to share her neh neh & pussy pixs :p

20-12-2015, 10:42 AM
Another juicy story from bro pusslover :)

20-12-2015, 11:03 AM
yes, a new story from bro pus lover.....waiting patiently for the story.....cheers:):)

20-12-2015, 12:17 PM
Ts,before you reach your teh neh neh & piak
story.Able to share her neh neh & pussy pixs :p

Ah rat bro. Read t very first line of this story. Cheers

ah rat
20-12-2015, 12:27 PM
Ah rat bro. Read t very first line of this story. Cheers

Miss the word 'Friction',so no neh neh & pussy pixs :D

20-12-2015, 02:17 PM

I woke up this morning and travelled to shenton way to meet my business partner. i was driving along telok ayer street abit too fast when suddenly a woman stepped off the pavement. I depressed my brakes.


I came to a stop, but she fell on the ground. I quickly came out to see if she is fine. She was wearing a black dress sitting on the ground. She was pretty and her fair skin caught my attention. I went besides her and looked at her.

Me: are you ok?

She nodded, looking to be in a state of shock.

Me: are you injured?

She shake her head. I could see abrasions on her knee.it was bleeding. By now a crowd had gathered around us. I helped her to her feet, carrying her bag for her.

Me: let me bring you to a doc.

I guided her to the passenger side and opened the door for her. She went into the seat, her skirt raking up showing alot of her leg, but the bruises had tainted those flawless legs.

I went into the driver seat, called my counterpart and drove her to mount elizabeth hospital.

Me: whats your name?
Girl: clare.

20-12-2015, 02:22 PM

I received a message from clare to state that she was on medical today as she had gotten into an accident. I was worried about her.

Me msg: are you ok?
Clare msg: yes.
Me: are you at a doc?
Clare: yes.
Me: which hospital?
Clare: its ok. Please inform felix. Thanks

I do not know how to follow up. I wanted to visit her but her reply did not state where she was. Furthermore i have the reports to submit.

I decided to focus my attention on the job, as there was no one to assist me.

20-12-2015, 05:39 PM
Good build-up TS .... please continue :)

20-12-2015, 06:18 PM
Y do I have the feeling that Clare is an FL and Ricky was her target... Camping here to find out more.

20-12-2015, 09:28 PM

After consultation at the hospital, it was confirmed that there was no broken bones and just abrasions. I heave a sigh of relief. If there is more serious injuries, I would be in the traffic police department.

Normally, I would just leave anyone there, after confirming that there is no issue, and most probably, I would not even take them in my car to the hospital. However, she is very pretty and I would like to get to know her. I would also like to impress her with my Porsche as I believed that she had not sat in one before.

Me: where do you stay?
Clare: Serangoon Central
Me: Let me send you home.
Clare: It's ok. sorry to cause you trouble.
Me: no trouble at all

I knew it was my fault, but since she mentioned that it's hers, I gladly accept it.

Me: come, you are injured. Let me send you home. It's not convenient at this time to take a train.
Clare: Ok. Let me inform my office first.

She meddled with her phone and then nodded. She was limping, and taking the opportunity, I offered my arm for her to support as we went to the carpark. Initially she did not accept, but she was in heels, and the pain got to her. She held onto my fore arm with her hand, just nothing physical or seductive about that, but I felt a sense of triumphant, getting some physical touch an unknown girl from the street, and not in a pub or ktv.

When we arrived at the car, I opened the door for her to enter. As my car is so low and with the bucket seats, she would need to spread her legs wide before entering. I hoped to see some upskirt from her. So far every girl that I had ferried the first time, I managed to have a look at the design in their undergarment. However, when Clare entered the car, she put her backside on the seat first, before lifting both legs closed into the car. She was also pressing down on her skirt, leaving me with absolutely nothing to look at.

I was disappointed, but to me, this is one special girl. I decided that I would Need to get her. Need to bed her. The NEED that I felt is strong.

I entered the car, and started driving.

Me: I really hoped you are fine. If you need me to call your office to explain, I can do it.
Clare: It's ok.
Me: So where do you work?
Clare: xxx company.
Me: oh I see.

I had never dealt with them before. I saw her looking out the window, but I do not want to stay in awkward silence, and I decided to continue to ask her questions.

Me: Have you been working there for a long time?
Clare: Nope. I just started work for a couple of months.

Her English is crisp, without some of the ex girlfriends of mine, punctuating sentences with all the "wah", "La", etc. I tried to gather some additional information.

Me: You studied in Australia previously?
Clare : Nope. why?
Me: Because you speak proper English.

She smiled.

Clare: Not exactly proper.
Me: At least to me.
Clare: Perhaps it's because my parents converse in English at home.
Me: With you and your siblings?
Clare: I am the only child.
Me: oh. you must be the apple of your parents eye.
Clare: I guess so.

She wasn't rude when she answered me, and she did not sound impatient. Soon we arrived at her place. She wanted to get home on her own, but I insisted to send her up. As she was still limping, she relented.

We walked slowly, with her still holding onto my forearms. When we arrived at her place, I asked for her number.

Me: Could I have your number?
Clare: is there a need?
Me: yup. I need to know that you are fine.
Clare: I'll be fine. Thank you.
Me: I insist if you don't mind.

She smiled again at my persistence. I noticed for the first time that she had dimples on both of her cheeks when she smiled.

Clare: since you are so insistence. my number: XXXXXXXX
Me: Ok. Have good rest. I'll text you to check again if you are better.
Clare: Thanks

I took note of her unit number as well as her block. She was actually not staying at Serangoon central, but on Ave 2, on a block opposite NEX and behind the Caltex.

I called my secretary and told her to order 50 stalks of roses for Clare. I gave her the address and also what to write in the card. She was also to include a bear in the bouquet. I also told her to make sure that the flowers arrived before 3pm today.

I left for my Business Partner's office since earlier I was the one who cancelled it.

20-12-2015, 10:02 PM

Later in the day, I realised that I needed to access to a document that Clare's has. I looked for it on her desk but could not find it. I suspect that it may be in her drawer. But it is locked. I went over to Felix for the keys to her drawer.

Once I got the keys, I opened the drawer to look for the document. I could not find it, but there were some paper bags that contained some bras, clothes and other stuffs which I did not have time to browse through.

I checked Felix room. He was not around, I guess he had went for his afternoon coffee session with the other manager from the Finance department. I quickly went down to the locksmith and got the keys duplicated. I got back to my seat just in time to see Felix entering the office.

He walked towards my desk.

Felix: Sam, you found the document?
Sam: I cant find it.
Felix: Shit. Are you able to do the report without that?
Sam: Yes, but it will take a lot longer. I think I have to stay back the whole night to do it.
Felix: Try to get it done.

He walked back into his room, not too pleased.

I looked forward to this evening when I am alone in the office.

21-12-2015, 01:08 AM
Can sense a good story coming .... :)

21-12-2015, 10:40 AM
I continued with my report. When i stopped, it was 8pm. My stomach was growling. I quickly went down to get some takeaways before the eatery is closed. When i arrived back in the office, i could see only 1 other colleague seated at the far end of the office. Everyone had left for the day.

I had a quick dinner, went to the pantry to throw my stuff and try to see if the colleague was still there. All lights were already switched off in that area. I stood there and listen. The airconditioned of the building was switched off for the day and the only thing i could hear was dead silence. There no one in the office except myself.

I went back to clare's desk. My palms were sweaty and i wiped them on the side of my pants. I sat on her chair and pull her movable drawer towards me, and inserted the keys that i had duplicated earlier today.

Some times duplicate keys are not properly made and could not work. I held my breath and prayed that this will not be the case.

I turned the keys and viola! The drawer became unlock easily. I realised i had held my breathe. Now with the ordeal passed, i slowly let out the used air from within.

Earlier, as i was searching for a document, i did not looked into everything in the drawer. Now i had time to my convenience.

I opened the top drawer quietly, so that if there are anyone entering the office, i could still hear.

I looked into the first drawer. There were hand lotions, pens, sticky pads and some receipts. The receipts were from a gym and a spa. I took a mental note of the locations. I guess thats where she went after office hours whenever she brought her bag.

I considered masturbating into her hand lotion but i decided against it.

I knew that her clothes is in the bottom drawer, i left it for later and opened the middle drawer.

There was a packet of opened sanitary pad. Not those long type for night use but mainly for day usagr. I have an urge to know how her pussy feel on the material. I know from my ex girlfriends that each brand felt different. I took a piece out and felt the material. Having the thoughts of sharing her intimate usage gave me a hardon. I replaced the napkin in to the bag.

There was another opened packet of tampons. I was a little surprise. But i guess she uses it when she goes to the gym. I took out a piece and held it in my hands. I unzipped my pants and rubbed the item against my manhood, imagining when she uses it to insert it into her pussy. Satisfied, i put it back in the bag.

I felt sick of myself, and i contemplated of closing the drawer and going back to my work, but her clothes waited.

I oped the bottom drawer and took out the brown paper bag, putting it on my desk. My pants was still unzip. I am taking a chance. If there is anyone coming into the office, the person would see what i was doing.

I took out the first item. It was a sports bra. The price tag was still on it. I just felt the cups and put it aside. Next, i took out a spagetti top. I had seen her wearing it in the office, obviously a used but washed item. I put it to my nose and smell the frangrance from her.

Finally after the last few months, from smelling her from the air, i managed to get into close contact with her fragrance.

There were still some items in the bag. I took out a tights, again the price tag was on it. I imagined how she will look when in the gym. I wondered if she will wear any undies while in the gym. Then again, this is new, i put it aside.

Lastly, i took out a lacy black G string. Many times in the office, while looking at her butt, i could not spot her VPL. Finally i know the type of undies she wore. It was a small piece that is see through with patches of opaque flowers covering it. There was no price tag on it. I put it to my face and there was no fabric smell. It is a used piece.

My hands trembled as i covered my face with it, taking in all the essence of her smell. Thinking that she will used it one day, i took it and wrapped it around my dick, masturbating myself. I felt the soft material against my flesh.

Soon i quivered and cum. However, sitting and wanking is quite troublesome, my load exploded on her desk and chair. Luckily i let the panties go when i was coming and did not dirty it.

I quickly clean up the mess and replaced the item. My pants was still around my ankles when i heard the lift door opened at the lobby.

21-12-2015, 11:25 AM
I quickly put everything in clare's drawer and locked it, just in time to hear the office door card being tapped.

However, my pants is still around my ankles and i had no time to wear it. My heart beat faster, frightened that i be caught. Panic almost set in.

I saw the door opened. I saw a finance lady walked in. She was surprised that she found someone around. She was about 28 and those studious typed. She walked to the front of my desk, and i hide my legs and bottom underneath it. I could smell her perfume from my seat. I wonder if she could smell the stale smell of my semen.

Finance: wow you are still here.
Me: yup. Have a report to rush. You?
Finance: oh i left some stuffs in the office. Came back to collect.

I felt my manhood straighten up again. It is not everyday that you speak to your colleague without your pants on and without her knowing. Furthermore the prospect of being caught by her was very exciting. She would see my expose bottom of she just took 2 more steps to the right. I slowly stroke my manhood as we speak.

Finance: ok. I got to go. See you.

She walked off and i stared at her perky bottom. Once she left, i wore my pants and dropped a message to clare, asking her condition, but she did not reply. Felix would be waiting for the report soon. I went back to my work.

The next morning came. I was still in my yesterday clothes. Somehow people from my department was not surprised as i have done this a few times prior.

There was still no news from clare.

21-12-2015, 12:15 PM

Just as i was leaving my business partner office, my phone rang.

Clare: hi. Thanks for the bouquet.
Me: glad you like it.
Clare: its nice.
Me: hows your leg?
Clare: still painful. But better.
Me: i'll come over with dinner later.
Clare: oh no. Its ok.
Me: i got you into this, let me do my part.
Clare: my parents will grab dinner for me
Me: tell them not to. I get for everyone.
Clare: its too troublesome.
Me: what do you eat?
Clare: really its ok.
Me: chinese food ok?
Clare: errrmmm... ok. But not too much. We are small eaters.

I knew that she'll give in. She seemed like those girls that have trouble rejecting others.

Me: i'll be there at 6pm
Clare: sorry to trouble you again.

I went back to the office and did some work. I got my secretary to do some takeaways from crystal jade, before making my way down to clare place.

She was wearing a tshirt and a faded pair of shorts when she opened the door. Her knees still plastered. There was no one at home.

Clare: my parents are still out. Please come in while i get change.

I passed her the food and took a seat in the living room. While she was changing, i snooped around. I saw that she has a substantial collection of shoes. There was no laundry in the kitchen and nothing much for me to find out. Her house was the normal small HDB along the common corridor. I took a seat on the sofa back in the living room.

She came out of her room, wearing a spagetti blouse and a newer pair of shorts.

She took a seat on the armchair and crossed her legs. Her legs were slender, just the type that i like. We sat there chatting, with me asking leading and probing questions.

I found out more about her.

21-12-2015, 01:09 PM
I found out that she does not have a boyfriend currently and her last one was about 3 years back, whom she broke up because he had to move overseas for work.

She had just started work not too long ago in a new company as an auditor and she was worried if her superiors would view her medical leave as otherwise.

Me: do you need me to explain to them?
Clare: haha. If needed to be, i'll inform you.

I did not tell her about my background as i want to keep it as private with girls. I do not want them to drop by my office or hiuse to create a scene. So i told her that i am working in sales for a small company.

Her parents arrived home and we had dinner together. I was trying to peep down her blouse the whole evening but could not catch a glimpse of her inner beauty. End up i have to settle for her legs. I wonder how they taste like when i suck them.

I made my way back after dinner as i did not want to seem to imposing. I know that since she already allowed me to her place, and she is single as well, i am confident of my chances.

The next day, she was still on medical leave. I called her in the morning and she picked up the phone after many rings. Obviously she was still in slumber.

Me: hey good morning.
Clare: hmmmmm... good morning...
Me: haha... are you still sleeping?
Clare: mmmmm....

She sounded very sexy in her "out of bed" voice. She was purring and i got a jardon just from hearing that. I imagine her giving me a blowjob in the morning.

Me: i am downstairs with your breakfast.
Clare: mmmmm....
Me: i am coming up.
Clare: ok...

Suddenly her voice changed from sleepy yo astonished.

Clare: huh??!
Me: haha.... open the door. I am at your doorsteps.
Clare: i havent even brushed my teeth.
Me: its ok. I just pass you your food and i have to leave for office.
Me: i am getting late.

I used this trick as i wanted to see her out of bed look.

Me: faster....
Clare: errrmmm... ok.... coming...

I heard the footsteps in her hall and i hung up the phone. The door opened and clare peek through the gates. Her hair was a little messy, i could tell that she tried straightinf them out with her fingers when she was walking to the door.

Me: open the gate so that i could pass you the food.

She opened the gate. She was wearing an old white tshirt and a very short and baggy shorts. I could see her pokies from the white tshirt poking through. I wanted to see more so i squeeze myself into the opened gate.

She covered her mouth as she spoke. I could see her side boobs through the sleeves of her raised arm.

Clare: why are you coming in?
Me: i need to borrow the washroom.

And i pretended to rush to the toilet. When i came out, she was still standing behind the closed door. She opened it as i walked towards her. Her hand was no longer covering her mouth and was at her side. My eyes dropped down to her pokies. She saw it and automatically covered herself.

Clare: oh....

I saw her blushed.

Clare : sorry... i was rushing to open the door.
Me: haha... it's ok...

Once outside the gate, i squatted down to wear my shoes. She was standing in front of me, my head at her shorts level. I looked up and noticed that her shorts was slightly opened at the exit for her legs. I could see a wisp of her pubic hair. I took my time to wear my shoes and stood up.

Me: hows your knee?
Clare: much better. Its not painful anymore.
Me: thats good. Remember to have your breakfast.
Clare: thanks
Me: dinner later?
Clare: errmmm should be ok. I'll let you know
Me: sure. Bye

I left her place and went to office. Again, i got my secretary to send her another bouquet of pink roses.

21-12-2015, 01:45 PM
I received a call from clare later that afternoon.

Clare: thanks for the flowers. You dont have to go through such expenses.
Me: its not that expensive. And i think it's worth it for you.

She kept quiet. I wonder whats her expression, but i guessed that she was smiling.

Clare: you mentioned dinner earlier. I am fine.
Me: ok. I'll pick you up later at 6pm. Wear something nice.
Clare: where are we going? Something simple will do.
Me: just wear something nice, eg. A dress.
Me: see you later.

I hung up, leaving her wondering. I got my secretary to book the entire restaurant at Il Lido at sentosa golf club and help me prepare a small prada bag as a gift.

At 5.30pm, i made my way to her place. She was waiting in the carpark when i arrived. I stopped the car and opened the door for her. She was wearing a conservation dress that covered her shoulders and it came down to knee length. She entered the car with the same skills, offering nothing to see.

I drove off.

Me: sorry i am late.
Clare : haha you are not late. I was early.
Clare: where are we going?
Me: later you'll know.

I drove in the heavy traffic, irritated with the slow and inconsiderate drivers who hog the first lane. However as i was trying to impress clare, i controlled myself and continued to drive at a slow and steady speed.

Finally we arrived. I offered my hand as she got out the car, and she took it. But i let her hand go once she is standing outside. We walked along the small paveway towards the restaurant.

Clare: i have not been here before.
Me: the food is not bad. I hope you take italian.
Clare: i never tried italian before. Hopefully i'll like it.

The waiter showed us to our seats. I decided to seat indoors rather than alfresco due to the jungle mosquitoes that could be quite a nuisance in the humid rainforest backdrop.

Clare: wow, is this very expensive?
Me: the price is reasonable.
Clare: really? There are no other diners.
Me: i booked the wholeplace.
Clare: what? Wow...... you really dont have to go through the expense.

I was looking at the menu and ordered a barramundi for her and steak for myself. I passed her the prada bag.

Clare: whats this for?
Me: just a little gift for you.
Clare: its too expensive. I cannot accept.
Me: if you return me, what am i supposed to do with it?
Clare: give it to your girl friend?
Me: i dont have one.
Me: just take it. Ok?
Clare: thanks.... its nice.

The food came and we ate slowly. The sun outside was setting and by the time we completed our courses, it was already dark.

Me: you ok?

She nodded. Just before she stood up, a waiter pass her a rose.

She smiled at me very sweetly.

Clare: thanks for the dinner, and the bag. I am very happy today, but yet feel bad to make you spend so much.
Me: it's really nothing.
Clare: it's my first time to eat in a place with all the waiters serving only us. I felt like a princess. Thanks.
Me: haha.... if you want we could do it again.

She shook her head delicately, very ladylike.

Clare: no... its too expensive.... dont waste so much money....
Me: for you its worth it....

I saw her blush in the dim lights. We arrived at the car. There was no other cars there tonight. Mine was the only vehicle and the place look deserted.

I opened the car door for her. Before she entered, she held my forearms, lean forward and gave me a peck on my cheek.

Clare: thanks for the trouble. I enjoyed it...

I did not bother to hold her. I know that with that kiss, she will be mine sooner or later. I bided my time as i wanted more, rather than just a peck on my cheek.

Me: i am just glad to be able to have dinner with a pretty girl like you.

I saw her blushed in the dark night.

I drove her home. Her skirt was high up in her thighs, but i controlled myself. The time is coming, but not now. Not yet.

21-12-2015, 02:28 PM
I dropped clare under her blk and send her up to her place. The main door was opened and i did not anticipate another kiss from her. Her parents invited me into her place but i declined politely and made my way home.

Just when i got into my car, i received a call from my girlfriend. She had just finished her modelling assignment. I told her to wait for me at the lobby of ritz carlton.

She was basically a plaything to me. I got to know her from a function and already managed to fuck her that night. She posed no challenged to me and i was already planning to dump her soon, after i got to know clare. Although she was pretty, but i already have tens of girlfriend that is her type, materialistic.

Clare intridge me. Mainly because she is pretty in her own way and especially not coming from the entertainment industry.

She reminded me of my very first girlfriend. The sense of innocent and naivetivity arouse my predator thoughts.

I met up with my girlfriend, ordered room service and bonk the daylights out of her, all the while imagining that she was clare.

After the deed was done, i send her home and passed her a cheque of 10k, initiating a break up. She wasnt too happy but i shouted at her. She got off my car swearing at me saying that she will take revenge and that she is not a prostitute.

I ignored her and went home.

21-12-2015, 02:45 PM
I looked at my phone when i got home. There was a message from clare, citing her thank you. I decided to call her instead.

Me: hi you sleeping?
Clare: about to. Did you received my message? Cause you did not reply.
Me: yes. That's why i called. I was in a business call earlier.
Clare: sorry to take up so much of your time.
Me: its saturday tomorrow. Are you available?
Clare: should be ok.
Me: shall we catch a movie?
Clare: sure. I'll grab the tickets later.
Me: it's ok. You have your rest. I already got the tickets for 50 shades of grey.
Clare: oh!
Me: is there any issues?
Clare: errmmm.... no... just that... errrmmm.. i saw on FB that it is a steamy movie....
Me: if you are not comfortable, then we watch others.
Clare: errmmm.. nevermind since you already got the tickets. Dont waste money.
Me: ok. Good night.
Clare: good night.

I chose that movie on purpose. I wanted to better guage her reactions before i make my move. She seemed shy but i wanted her to be less inhibited with me before going further. The movie will be a first step.

I lay on bed, thinking about my plans. How to get this demure girl into bed. I like this challenge.

21-12-2015, 02:45 PM
Wow.... is anybody reading my lengthy story? Lol

21-12-2015, 02:50 PM
Wow.... is anybody reading my lengthy story? Lol

Yes... I am reading...:)

21-12-2015, 02:53 PM
Yes bro... me too still readung

21-12-2015, 03:03 PM
Wow.... is anybody reading my lengthy story? Lol

Yes we are. please go on!:D

21-12-2015, 03:05 PM
Thanks guys. Glad to know someone reading. Dont worry. Actions coming soon.

21-12-2015, 03:07 PM
Yes! I am reading! cant wait for more!:D

21-12-2015, 03:13 PM
Good read! Office action is always kinky!:D

21-12-2015, 03:15 PM
Nice story TS ...... will be camping here :D

21-12-2015, 03:19 PM
Good start! But I still prefer Sam's side of story. Ricky is too bossy!

21-12-2015, 03:35 PM
I picked clare up about 11am on saturday at her carpark. She was waiting for me and was wearing a spagetti cotton dress, with a flare skirt that came to her knees. She had a black cardigan across her shoulders. Even though she is pretty, i noticed that she dress very conservatively. I felt at times that she was from a nunnery.

I opened the door for her and as usual, nothing for me to see. I drove to marina square as our movie was at 1 plus pm.

This was my first outing with her in the day. Even though this is only the 3rd day, i felt that i was making progress. To be honest, normally i do not have patience and within the 1st 2nd or 3rd meetings, i would get to bonk the girl. For clare, i am taking it slow. I am careful as i did not want to frightened her away.

As we made our way up from the carpark, even though i was standing behind her, blocking off anyone who may take a peek up her skirt, she was holding onto it. Furthermore, it was so long that to take a peek, the person have to be behind her at her knees level. She was careful about it. Maybe too careful.

We had lunch at ministry of food before making our way to the cinema. I got popcorns and drinks and we made our way in. It was a couple seat, and she did not object.

The show started and about 1/4 of the show, i saw her hugging herself and i whisperd to her.

Me: cold?

She nodded. i put my hand across her shoulders and started to rub her arm. She did not moved away. I hug her closer to me. She put her head on my shoulder and we continued to watch the movie.

During the bondage scene, i could feel her body tense and her breath was more rapid. Obviously it was causing a reaction on her. I took the opportunity and smell her hair, absorbing her shampoo smell. She snuggled closer and put her hand on my thigh. My manhood rose and form a tent. It was mighty uncomfortable but i did not adjust.

Probably she felt the tension in my berms, as i saw her lowered her head briefly and a small giggle escaped her. Otherwise, she gave no indication that she knew. I started to draw small circles on her free arm.

Soon the movie ended and we made our way out.

Me: how is it?
Clare: not bad.
Me: is it erotic?
Clare: yes....
Me: haha.... i dont think it is erotic.
Me: Have you seen one before?
Clare: not really....
Me: really?
Clare: haha...no one showed me
Me: ok good. next time if there is a chance, i'll show you what is erotic.
Clare: haha... dont want. I had enough for today.
Me: i didnt say now. Haha...
Clare: oh....

And she blushed.

From her answer, i gathered that she is ok for an erotic movie, mayb tomorrow, maybe next week, but not today.

We went for a walk around the shops. I bought her a bear and icecream. When i believed that i had broken down her defences, i took the opportunity to slip my fingers between hers when we were walking. She did not reject my advances.

21-12-2015, 04:10 PM
Holding hands is a sign of my progression with clare. However, i felt that she does not have any proper sense of dressing and decided to buy her some stuffs. Firstly, i felt that the clothes combination was overly conventional. Next the pieces by themselves was too conservative.

We walked in to a high end shop selling women clothes. The salesgirl hovered around us as i selected a few sets for her.

Clare: wow. They are too expensive.
Me: its ok.
Clare: dont spend so much on me.
Me: i just want you to look pretty.
Me: quick go and try.

I passed the few sets to her and ushered her into the dressing room.

First piece: halter neck, that is body hugging, enabling me to see her curves. The skirt was half way up her thigh.

Me: nice
Clare: its too short.
Me: no. Its nice. Try the next

2nd piece: sleeveless, flare skirt, also half way up her thighs.

3rd piece: tight low V neck cut with a thigh skirt half way down her thighs.

Clare: why are all so short?
Me: i like to see your long legs. They are beautiful and sexy

She laughed

4th piece: a short denim shorts that only cover half her butt cheeks and a tube top.

Clare: i cant wear this.
Me: haha... who says

5th piece: a tight stretchable very short skirt and a white translucent blouse.

Clare: this is also impossible.
Me: you look nice in all of them.

She went in changed and came back out. I told the sales girl that we will take all the items. The price came to about 3k.

Clare: they are too expensive.
Me: ya. So make sure you wear them.
Clare: some are really too short and tiny.
Clare: they make me feel fat.
Me: you really look good in them. Dont worry.

By the way i noticed that she was wearing safety shorts under her dress while she was trying out the clothes.

Me: why are you wearing a safety shorts?
Clare: oh... thats because i am wearing a skirt.
me: it's not glam.
Clare: ya but i dont want to expose myself.
Me: dont worry. You wont. Just dont wear that. Its very ugly.

She wanted to further explain, but i ignored her. I hope she gets the message.

After that we had dinner and i send her home. As i dropped her off at the carpark, she released her seatbelt, leaned across and kiss me on my lips. It was a brief one, but i could see the progression.

I know her defenses is getting breached

21-12-2015, 07:34 PM
I called clare when i arrived home. She picked up her phone on the 1st ring, obviously waiting for my call.

Me: sleeping soon?
Clare : on my bed.
Me: hope you enjoyed youself today.
Clare: yes i did
Me: free tomorrow?
Clare: yup

She answered swiftly.

Me: ok. I pick you at 10am
Clare: where are we going?
Me: we'll go shopping.
Clare : nope. You are going to spend alot again.
Me: not that much.
Clare: its alot to me.
Me: see you tomorrow.

I ended the conversation as i did not like to keep repeating myself.

The next morning, i arrived at her place at 10am. She was wearing the tube top and the denim shorts that i bought her. She was wearing a pair of heels, pushing up her butt, making it very perky.

Her flat tummy was also on display. I could see that she was wearing a strapless bra

I stared at her butt peeking from beneath her shorts. They look firm to me. I have a hardon looking at her dressing.

Clare: i told you they are too short.
Clare: half my butt is on parade
Me: haha... you looked damn sexy. Wheres the cardigan?
Clare: inside my bag.

With that we first had breakfast at wild honey. Then we walked around. I could see that almost every guy turned their heads and looked at her. She was very different from her dressing yesterday. She was a nun yesterday. Today she is a sex siren. I have a hardon all the way that we were shopping. I have decided that today will be a good day to bed her.

I bought her a sunglass and and diamond nexklace. She was again rejecting me, complaining about the amount i spend on her. To me, these are just small change.

After lunch, i took the opportunity to test her.

Me: i am feeling a little tired.
Clare: shall we go home?
Me: but i want to spend more time with you. You?
Clare: me too but you are tired.
Clare: how about going to my place?
Me: i cant rest there.
Clare: your place?
Me : my parents are very strict. I cant bring you along.
Clare: oh...

She sound disappointed.

Me: have you been to the ritz carlton?
Clare: no. Why?
Me: i got corporate discount. After i take a rest, we can go for dinner. That way, we can spend more time together.
Clare: errmm... is it expensive?
Me: not really...
Clare: i am not sure....

I ignore her and drove us to ritz carlton. I made her took a seat as i got us a room. I did not want her to be at the counter as i often come here to bonk my girlfriends and the staffs know me.

Me: ok. I got us a room.
Clare: lets go...

I saw the bellboys looking at her butt and felt a sense of achievement. This is one of the longest time i took to bed a woman. I hope i enjoy it.

21-12-2015, 09:32 PM
In the room, she acted like a little girl. Looking out at the scenery, from the huge window.

Clare: wow. The view is beautiful. I can see the flyer from here.

I hug her from behind, holding her waist. She did not resist, but held onto my hands, at her waist band. I leaned my body into her, smelling her hair. When I push my manhood on her butt, I felt her tensed before relaxing again.

I released one of my hand from her waist and with my finger, curl her hair behind her ear, to enable me access.

I spoke softly into her ear.

Me: Glad you like it.....
Clare: Thanks.... thanks for everything.

She shifted her body, and we were facing each other, with both my hands holding the curve of her back. I looked into her eyes and she looked at me. She closed her eyes, as I pulled her gently towards me, letting her pelvic feel the stiffness of my erected manhood. I planted a few kisses on her lips lightly. She open her mouth to allow me access. I waited for her tongue.

Our tongues met and explored each other mouths, touching, pushing each other. My hands started its autoroam mode. First I cup her butt, then stroke the outside of her thighs, feeling every bit of her smooth flawless skin.

Her eyes were still closed, and we were still standing by the window, when I moved my hands upwards, touching her flat tummy. She did not cringed and I continued my exploration.

I arrived at the bottom of her tube, I paused a short while, letting her get used to both of my hands, before I buried them underneath her top. I moved underneath her top like a mole underground, from her side, to her back and felt for her clasp. In a swift motion, I unbuckle her, freeing the bra. I let it fall freely to the ground.

Slowly, I used my index fingers and moved slowly from her back to her ribcage, directly underneath her boobs. Sensing no rejection, I moved upwards. opening my palm ,I slowly cupped both her B cups, and felt her erected nipples. They were small, about the size of the nail on my pinkie. I used my thumb and rubbed them sensually. Even though our tongues were still locked in combat, she purred softly.

Clare: uuuuuummmmmm..............

I still hands on her breasts, I left her lips, and slowly lifted the tub top over her head, leaving her breasts exposed freely to me. I watched the goosepimples forming on her pinkish areolas, and put my mouth over them, softly touching them with the tip of my tongue.

Clare: Ohhhhh............

With my hands free, I unbuttoned her shorts, and let it dropped to the ground, leaving her only in a pair of white G-String. I could see her pubic hair fraying from the side of her undies, and I could tell that she is not shaved or trimmed.

I felt her hands on my shirt and she lifted it over my head. I led her to the bed.

Clare: Close the blinds.... close the blinds....
Me: No one can see.... don't worry....
Clare: No... close the blinds....

With her continuous pleading, I pressed the controller and the blinds came down. In the process, she had removed her undies and was lying on the bed, looking at me. I removed everything and went over to her.

I went down to her southern most point, and she opened her legs to accommodate me. I looked at her folds and she was already wet with the transparent juices. I opened up her labia, and touched her clit with my tongue.

Clare: ahhhhhh..........

However, as she was not shaved, her hair was tickling my nostrils. I don't feel that I like it very much. I left my post, and knelt down in front of her face. She opened her mouth to accommodate me, but I held her head and shoved my member into her mouth. She gagged, but I continue the motion. She finally caught on and gave me a few sucks. It was either lack of practise or she had little experience, but it did not feel good at all.

I decided that I need to train her further, but not now. I left the bed, went to get a condom and went back to the bed. As I capped myself, she opened her legs, as if to welcome me. Slowly I position myself on top of her, in missionary style. One hand holding on the base of my cock, I rubbed against her pussy.

Clare: ummmm.......

Without waiting to enter her slowly, I plunge myself into her.

Clare: Ouchh.....

I heard her pain, but I wanted to come, I needed to let go of my trapped sperm. I continued ramming into her. She was biting her lips and her eyes were closed. Only soft and muffled moans escaped from her.

Clare: ummmm.... ummmm.....

My fingers found her breasts, massaging and milking them. I continued my assault on her. Soon I felt the quiver of my balls and without a change in my rhythm, I released my load in the condom.

Spent, I lay down besides her on the bed. She bended over me and kissed my mouth.

Me: could you help to remove the condom and clean me up?

SHe nodded and like a servant, she did as she was told. After she cleaned me, I covered myself with the blanket and went to sleep. I felt her snuggle against me and she put an arm on my chest.

We took our afternoon nap.

21-12-2015, 09:46 PM
After we woke from our slumber, we checked out and went for dinner before sending her home. I decided to speak to her in the car.

Me: Have you ever shaved before?
Clare: You mean my chin? No.....
Me: Nope. I mean your privates
Clare: oh.... never...
Me: ok, tomorrow we will get a Brazilian package for you.
Clare: I heard it's painful.
Me: It's too hairy down there. I don't like.

She thought for a while, before replying happily

Clare: ok, since you like it shaved.
Me: ok.

We remained silent for a while.

Me: have you ever sucked a guy before?
Clare: Only my ex boyfriend. You are the second guy.
Me: Ok. I think you need to get better.
Clare: sorry....
Me: it's ok. Maybe I get something for you to practise on.

I was thinking of a dildo.

Clare: I can try it on a banana first.
Me: No. I will get something.
Me: can you go do some reading on how to do it first?
Clare: ok..... sorry....

I wanted her to know that I wasn't satisfied.

Me: Next time hopefully will be better.
Clare: sorry....

I spoke no more until we arrived at her block.

Me: I'll pick you up after work tomorrow. Wear something nice.
Clare: errrm.... you mean those clothes that you bought me?
Me: Yes.
Clare: but they are not dried.
Me: get them dry. I want to see you in them tomorrow. You look very pretty in them. ok?
Clare: ok.... I try.....
Me: good night.
Clare: good night.... love you.....
Me: ok. Bye.......

I left her to open the door by herself, not offering to help. Basically, I wanted her to feel that the sex was very lousy. To be honest, it wasn't good and I did not enjoyed myself. I just hoped the next time would be better, else I would be wasting time on her.

21-12-2015, 10:09 PM
more more more!

21-12-2015, 10:15 PM
So fast got updates :D

21-12-2015, 10:25 PM
Good story .... camping for more :)

21-12-2015, 10:27 PM
Give us more!!

22-12-2015, 01:05 AM
Whew so hot steamy lol. Can't wait for the next action.

22-12-2015, 01:06 AM
What's next

22-12-2015, 01:57 AM
Another blockbuster by bro pusslover :D

22-12-2015, 03:22 AM
Bro Pusslover,


22-12-2015, 03:49 AM
very disappointed with Clare

thought she going to be more prune, end up bang by a guy who know for 3 days

non virgin somemore

22-12-2015, 09:56 AM

I managed to submit my report on friday. It was tough but well worth my effort. Felix was pleased and he had a meeting today with the top management. He invited me to it a i received praises for the quick turnaround.

When i got back to my desk, I finally saw clare in the office today, since last wed. She looked different. She was wearing heavier makeup. Her dressing was different. Her skirt was shorter now and she looked even more desirable. Normally she would speak to me a little more, but today she just mouthed the morning greetings and went back to her computer. She looked fine and i wondered what happened to her.

I knew her habit and timed myself to the washroom just before her. I waited in the washroom until i heard the door to the ladies opened. Counting the minutes, i opened the door just as she did. She still maintained the same habits.

Sam: oh... its you. Are you fine? I was worried.
Clare: thanks. I am fine. Just got into a small accident. Nothing much.
Sam: glad to hear that. Want to have lunch later?
Clare: sorry i cant. I need to go somewhere.
Sam: oh its ok....

We went back to our seats. She wasnt unfriendly but a slight change in her, amit subtle, but definitely a change. I wondered what happened over the past few days.

I decided to find out more.

I waited for lunch time. Around lunch time, i saw her started to pack her small prada bag. It looked new to me.

I left the office and waited at a small distance away from the entrance to my building where i can see the people entering and exiting. Not long after, i saw clare came out and walked towards the mrt station. I followed, keeping a safe distance. I did not want to be seen by her.

I followed her into the train in an adjacent carriage. She exited at sommerset, and walked to taka. In the building it was a little more difficult to tail her. Luckily she did not take the elevator but the escalator.

I allowed her to get to the next level before i start my ascend. At the 4th level, she moved away from the escalator, i followed still a safe distance behind, careful about the shops window panels which could show my reflections. Finally she entered a shop.

I waited for 5mins, but she did not appear. I casually walked pass it. It was a waxing boutique.

I find it strange that she was doing it on a monday, especially during lunch hours. Normally my guess is that all these will be done over the weekend.

I decided not to wait and went back to the office after getting my lunch. Something is strange about clare. I am determined to find out what it is.

22-12-2015, 10:31 AM

I watched as clare made her way back to her seat after lunch. I cant helped but to stare at her legs whenever she walked pass me. On her seat, her skirt rake up to 3/4 above her knees. I am sure if i were to squat in front of her legs, i could clearly see the contours of her undies. I wondered how her brazilian went. Would it be painful? Would her skin be red now? Now i know that she is clean shaven. Thinking of it made me even more curious about her.

She looked busy trying to catch up on her emails and i did not speak to her since she came back. I continued to settle my work as well until it was about 5.55pm. I saw her texting on her mobile and i knew it was time.

I bade her goodbye and again went down to my strategic location near the lobby, waiting for her to appear.

Soon i see her exiting the door and she stood there, seemingly waiting for someone. A black Porsche stopped in front of her and she got into the vehicle. I saw a youngish looking guy in the driver seat and she leaned across to give him a peck on the cheek. This must be the reason of the changes in her.

More questions came into my head as i took the train home.

22-12-2015, 10:43 AM

I watched her getting into the car and she gave me a peck on the cheek. I did not respond and drove off.

Me: how? Did you do the waxing?
Clare: yes i did. It was painful.
Me: ok.
Clare : where are we going?
Me: dinner. Remove your undies.
Clare: huh?
Me: you heard me
Clare: what for?
Me: i want to buy new undergarments for you.
Clare: but also no need to remove. Right?

I held her wrists and brought her hand to my crotch.

Me: you see, i imagine you without your undies and i am now hard.

She kept quiet

Me: faster. Remove it.
Clare: here?
Me: yes. Leave it in the car.
Clare: but there are vehicles around.
Me: they wont see.
Clare: but... but...
Me: are you going to remove?

I sounded impatient and i think she got the message. She shifted in her seat, pulling up her skirt further up her thighs and pulled down the black g String. Just when she was about to pull down her skirt, input my hands between her legs, stopping her.

I felt her smooth bottom, and put my finger on her clit.

Clare: there are cars around. Please dont do this.
Me: i like to touch your clean shaven pussy.
Clare: but... but....
Me: will you let me touch?

She stopped protesting and allowed my hands to stay there, exploring her. I pulled the front of her skirt higher up, exposing her pussy to the cold air in the car. She looked out the window quietly.

We arrived at vivocity and i parked my car. I did not open the door for her and watched her made her way out. As the skirt was shorter and it was tight, she could not press it down when she exited. I got a good open look of her exposed shaven pussy.

We made our way to the mall.

22-12-2015, 01:04 PM
Nice update ..... pls continue bro :)

22-12-2015, 01:14 PM
The mall was not crowded as it was a weekday evening. I made sure she walked next to the glass panels along the corridor. I could tell that she was uncomfortable with the emptiness she felt between her legs. I am not sure how much she showed, but i am not bothered. To me, she is just another plaything that i have. A toy to me.

We had dinner first. I selected a restaurant that has an elavated seat facing the window panel. I sat next to her instead of in front

I ordered some food and put my hand between her legs,spreading them. She resisted and tried to close it. But with my hand there, she was obstructed. I made sure that my her skirt is forming a cavern and my hand is not blocking any view. She was like a manequine on display. I was aroused just thinking of it, parading her to anyone who has the courage to look.

We finished our meal and went to the shops. We shopped for lingerie, not because i felt like getting something for her. But because the salegirl was cute. I got 5 sets of undergarments for her, with all of the bras without padding type and everything was lacy and see through.

As we went up the escalator, i held her waist, pulling up her skirt a little higher, but she pulled in down again. Her character is of the conservative nature and i am trying to break it slowly. Any time that i felt she had become a slut, it would be time to dump her.

Still walking around, i decided to bring her to a shoe shop. I know that she likes shoes and would not reject this offer. I purposely selected one which have a guy on duty. We went in and waited for him to serve us.

She was browsing the shoes, not trying on them. As i walked behind her, i noticed that the overhead lights were bright and the floor was well polished. Even standing a distant away, i could see her shaven pussy from the reflections on the floor.

The sales guy came over. I selected some heels and asked her to try. However, she was too conscious of it and kept her legs closed as she squatted down to remove her existing ones. As she stood, i saw the guy look down and took a 2nd look. But he got back his composure instantly. Obviously he had seen her exposed bottom.

As she continued trying on the shoes i selected, he hang around her, occasionally taking glances at the floor. She did not noticed his roaming eyes.

I got 4 pairs of shoes for her and then we made our way to the car.

The next destination was a sex shop along orchard. At the shop, she was reluctant to enter it.

Clare: can i not go in?
Me: no... come in with me

I held her hand and brought her into the shop. The sales guy came over to serve us.

Guy: anything i can help?
Me: get me these items. A large dildo, a vibrating dildo, a strap on vibrator, collar and handcuffs.

Clare looked at me. She had a horrified look on her face. Still holding her hand, i gave it a squeeze. I wanted her to feel assured. But seeing her looked made me horny. Instead of stopping, i requested more.

Me: i also need anal beads and nipples clips as well. Also get me a bottle of lub.

The guy was professional and did as he was told. he got the items and amass them on the counter.

Guy: will these do?

The large dildo was huge. Much bigger than me.

Clare: its not going to fit.
Me: Show us some other models.
Guy: its all there

He pointed to a shelf full of dildo. Hands on clare's waist, i pushed her forward.

Me: select one that you think can fit. Make sure its large.

The guy was still at the counter. I noticed that he was looking at his phone. Clare was in front of me with my hands on her waist. I slowly lifted her skirt from behind. She felt it, and tried to hold it down. I brushed her hand aside and lifted her skirt, exposing her butt.

Me: squat down.

I hissed.

She did as she was told obediently. as she squatted. Her skirt came up to her waist. The fair colour of her V shape mould between her legs was very visible against the dark backdrop of her black skirt.

Me: can you come over?

I called to the guy. He put down his phone and walked towards us.

Me: can you help her? She doesnt know what to get.

He looked at her squatting form. I heard a gasp from him. Obviously he saw her exposed bottom. But to make sure, pointed to her private region.

Me: make sure something will fit there.

He was staring at her. Clare was uncomfortable and tried to get up, but i put my hands on her shoulder, restricting her movement. She had no choice but to squat there while the guy continued to scrutinize her. She looked on the floor.

Finally i released my hand and she got up, giving the guy another eyeful of her shaven pussy, while pulling down her skirt. The trance was broken and he came to life.

He got us a smaller one and without clare's approval, i paid and bought everything. Once in the car, i pass her the large dildo.

Me: bring this back and learn how to suck.
Clare: why did you do that in the shop?

She did not sounded too pleased. Her voice was soft and i could tell that she was about to cry.

Me: it gets me very horny for you.
Clare: but you are showing me off to others. I do not like it.
Me: if i gives us better sex why not?
Clare: but i do not like it.
Me: try to like it. Our first time was lousy. Lets make the 2nd time better.

She kept quiet and looked out the window. I reached between her legs and touched her unprotected vagina. I managed to feel the dampness before she clamp her legs shut and pull my wrist away.

Me: haha... you see, you are wet.
Me: this meant that deep down you enjoyed it.
Me: learn to try to accept and enjoy it.

She just kept quiet.

I drove her back to her blk.

Me: can you not wear undies tomorrow? Also wear the tight skirt that i bought.
Clare: why?
Me: i'll pick you in the morning to make sure.
Me: remember to practise on that tonight.

I leaned over and kiss her mouth. She opened her mouth and we french for a while in the car. She looked better after that, not so distant from me.

Me: ok. Good night and sweet dreams.
Clare : good night. Love you.
Me: bye.

She went out the car.

22-12-2015, 02:30 PM
I dont like Clare at this point in time. Dont think i'm gonna feel sorry for her when she gets dumped.

22-12-2015, 03:32 PM
The next morning when i arrived at her place, she was already waiting for me at the carpark. She was wearing the white top and short mini skirt that i bought.

Me: morning.
Clare: hi... morning...
Me: did you do as per my wishes

She kept quiet. I just reached down to her skirt and pull it up before she can react. I saw her undies and i started to shout at her.

Me: why are you wearing your undies? I thought i told you not to?!
Clare: sorry... i cant do it.
Me: what you mean you cant! Just do it.
Clare: i dont like it...
Me: NO! You need to obey!

I continued to shout at her, not listening to her explainations.

She looked scared, and as i have not started to drive, she opened the door and exited the car suddenly, running away.

I did not give chase as i was too angry. I will slap her if i caught up with her. Fuming, i drove off.

I cooled down when i arrived at my office. I have not gotten what i wanted. I decided to get some flowers personally. I went to the florist and wrote a sorry card to her.

22-12-2015, 03:37 PM
Silly little girl. I am beginning to see how maybe Sam will rescue her and get back at Ricky, all while enjoying what Ricky trained her to become

22-12-2015, 03:52 PM

It was already 930am when i saw clare coming into the office. Her dressing was eye boggling for me. First time i saw her in a sleeveless top and her skirt was a tad too short for the office setting. And also For the first time, she was late in her short tenure. She doesnt looked happy and did not even greet me for the morning. I knew something was wrong.

I went to the pantry and waited for her. Without fail, she made her entrance to the pantry to top up her water.

Me: hi morning....
Clare: hi....
Me: you ok?
Clare: ya. It was a bad morning...
Me: luckily no one look for you except me. I gave myself your excuse that the train was late.

She smiled to my lame joke.

Me: glad to see you smile. Anyway, hows your schedule today?
Clare: huh?
Me: if not too many urgent stuffs, want to have lunch?

She shook her head.

Me: ok. No worries

I went out. Short while later she came out of the pantry.

Clare: i think lunch is ok.
Me: sure. Lets go later.

I was busy this morning and quickly cleared my stuffs. Lunch time arrived and we went to a nearby restaurant. It was a little more quiet, but still crowded. We ordered our food and i decided to satisfy my curiousity.

Me: hey, you ok?
Clare: ya.
Me: you seemed different ever since you came back
clare: its nothing much.
Me: i have a good listening ear.

I pulled my ears and she laughed.

Clare: haha... but i am not sure if i should tell you.
Me: dont worry, my mouth i sealed after listening.

This time i made a sewing motion across my mouth. She laughed again. Then she nodded and begin to tell me the story.

Basically she got into an accident and got to know a guy. She felt that he was very caring and he showered lots of love to her. She had not met someone like him before and she was surprised that she recipocrate so easily. It was not something that she experienced before. He made her feel like a princess and at the same time extremely confused. He made some requests and she was unsure why she even did so to comply with him.

As she felt so confused, she thought that she had fallen for him that quickly. But this morning, he shouted at her for the first time in their short time together. She was shocked and started to question herself, even more confused now.

Me: but surely you cant fall in love within such a short time?
Clare: i dont know. I am not sure of it nyself. But i felt that he is a nice guy and he showed me so much concerns.
Me: i guess you have to think carefully.
Clare: seriously i dont know now. I dont know what to think.

We ended the discussion as our food arrived.

Later in the afternoon, she receieved a bouquet of flower and she started texting on the phone.

I am not too sure of what to think.

22-12-2015, 03:56 PM
Please continue TS .... :)

22-12-2015, 04:44 PM

At about 4pm, i text clare.

Me msg: did you received the flowers? I am sorry about this morning.
clare msg: yes. Thanks.
Me msg: i hope you are not angry any more.
Clare msg: its ok.
Me msg: you ok to meet tonight?
Clare msg: i am tired. I guess not.
Me msg: i send you home later?
Clare msg: it's ok. Not today.
Me msg: ok. Remember your dinner

I think i may have pushed her too much. I forgot that she is not the type of girl where i am used to, where they are more open to my suggestions.

I decided to send her another bouquet tomorrow morning.

22-12-2015, 04:54 PM

I noticed that she did not looked happy even after receiving the flowers. I was quite surprised at that. Normally women melts when they see flowers. But this is unusual time for clare.

I decided to tail her again this evening. I went to my usual hidding spot at the end of the work day, waiting for her to appear from the lobby. When she exited, she did not stood there waiting but walked in the direction on the station.

I tailed her from a distance. It was a little crowded as it was knock-off time and i followed a little closer, risking to be caught by her. She entered the carriage and i hop to the adjacent one, not letting her out of sight. She changed train and i followed as well. I think she was playing some games on her phone as she did not look up.

Finally she arrived at Nex. I guess she was going home. I continued to follow a safe distance behind, watching her cross the road before crossing it myself. I watched her got into the lift and i waited at the lobby, looking at the final level that it stopped at. I quickly rush out and look upwards. I saw her walking along the corridor and then disappeared. She did not appear on the stairs on the lower floor. I guess her unit and decided to confirm it later tonight.

I walked back to nex and have my dinner while waiting for the my time to visit the unit.

22-12-2015, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the great story. Looking forward how the plot unfolds....

22-12-2015, 05:53 PM
Pls.update back ha-ha, I really like your stories!

22-12-2015, 05:55 PM
Nicely written. The perspective is very different! Shows the thought processes behind the characters and adds depth to the story. Would it be better to include Clare's thoughts as well?

22-12-2015, 06:12 PM
great story. keep it up!

22-12-2015, 06:32 PM
As i finished my dinner, i sat and contemplated what i am about to do. I moved too fast without really thinking.

Did i stalked her on purpose? Wat is the purpose? Am i a pervert?

I decided that its because i cared about her. Although she had a boyfriend now, but they just started and she was still confused. I decided that she is still fair game as its not as if they were about to get married or had been long together. I felt that it was fine based on my concerns for her.

I waited till its about 1am. I believed that it is quiet enough. I went back to her blk. From the ground floor i looked up at her level. Everyone of the units were dark. So as not to arouse suspicions, i walked casually to the lift and went one level up from her floor. As i strolled down the stairs, i looked at the opposite blk, most lights were off. Those that were switched on were at the far end of the blk.

As i reached her level, i stood listening. Only silence greeted me. I felt safe and proceed to walk to her unit. I looked around and waited. It seemed that the unit itself was sleeping. The crickets around the area were not even chirping.

I looked at the door steps trying to recognise her shoes. But there were none. I decided not to peep into the living room as i am sure there was no one there.

I went to the next window. I believed this is a room. It was slightly opened. Luckily the corridor lights were not directly in front of the window. But it was near the neighbour house. I squatted down and listen for noise from the corner unit. There were none.

I got up, and slowly opened the window bigger. I looked inside and could see a sleeping form on the bed. If the person is not sleeping, he or she would see my face peeping in and would scream. Without any reaction, i was confident that i am still unseen.

I opened the window bigger. The pale lights of the corridor shone into the walls, brightening the room a little. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness.

The room was pink, with various stuffed toys. It was a girl's room. I focused on the sleeping form and finally i saw her face. It was clare. My eyes roamed her body. She was wearing a tshirt and shorts. There seemed to be an opening to her shorts.

With anticipation, I decided to open the window bigger. The lights illuminate her legs and the area around it. I could see that she was not wearing any undies. Although her crotch was still partially covered by her shorts, i could see the hairless pubic area. My cock strained against my pants.

I looked at the adjacent blk again. Once confident that there was no movement, i unzipped my pants and held my stiff cock in my hands. If they neighbour open the door now, i am fucked.

I willed her to adjust her position silently. And as if she heard me, she shifted her position and her pussy lips came into view. Although it was still dark, but i could see the darker colour of her lips against the fairer colour of her legs. I drew my strokes harder and came on the floor outside her window.

Without cleaning up, i stuffed my member back into my pants and closed the window.

I took a cab back but her pussy was still on my mind. I just hope that i will get an opportunity to explore it further.

22-12-2015, 07:20 PM
Excellent!!!!! Pls continue TS :)

22-12-2015, 07:54 PM
camping for updates :)

22-12-2015, 08:17 PM
camping camping :D

22-12-2015, 09:22 PM
The next morning, I arrived early at work. at 855am, Clare arrived in the office. She was wearing the conservation style clothes again. we exchanged greetings and she went to her seat.

I could tell that her mood was lifted slightly compared to yesterday. She clamped up again once she was in her seat.

I did not speak to her after that. At around 10am, she again received a large bouquet of tulips, accompanies with chocolates and a bear. It was larger than yesterday, and the colleagues were asking who it was for. Once she was back in her seat, she started text again, this time with a smile on her face.

For sure, I could tell that it was from her boyfriend. I guessed that they have made up. I guess women are suckers for such things. Yesterday she was just complaining about him. Today, she was happy to receive his gifts. I went back and concentrated on my work.

Just before lunch, she called to me.

Clare: Sam, are you free to have lunch?
Me: sure. You are not going to do the take-away?
Clare: I guess I just have to stay a little later today.
Me: ok.

We went for lunch at Raffles place. After that, she wanted me to accompany her to shop for clothes.

Clare: You have time?
Me: why?
Clare: can you accompany me to shop for clothes?
Me: Now?
Clare: oh.... if you are not available, it's ok.
Me: errrm.... ok....

We went into a shop along the xChange. she choose a few and went into the changing room. She wanted me to wait for her outside.

When she came out, she was dressed in a off-shoulder dress, and a mini skirt, her white bra strap obviously was hanging on her shoulders, visible.

Clare: Is this nice?
Me: not bad.... but if you wear such things, you will need to remove the straps.
Clare: oh.... haha... ya of course....

She went back into the changing room.

Next she came out with a tube top and a black shorts. I did not notice the bra straps.

Clare: how is this?
Me: not bad.... but where's the bra strap?
Clare: oh, I removed the bra.....

Automatically, I looked down at her breasts, trying to find the pokies, but it was frilly, and I could see nothing. She saw me looking and her hands moved across her chest and cover up, and hitting my arms with the other playfully.

Clare: Hey! stop looking. I am asking opinion on the dress.
Me: Sorry... normal reaction..... anyway, don't worry. cant see anything with the design.

She looked down and realised what I said was true. She removed her hands.

Clare: so how is it?
Me: I think the first dress work better with the shorts.

I said as a matter of fact. I find her dress sense kind of old fashioned.

Clare: oh ok. Then I'll get the one you said.

She went in and changed, coming back in her own outfit. She made payment and we walked back to the office.

Me: Why is it that you seemed urgent to get the clothes?
Clare: Oh, he is meeting me tonight and he wont like my current dressing.

We continued to work and soon it was 8pm. There was no one left in the office except the 2 of us. Without a word, she took her plastic bag and went into the toilet. I presume that she is changing into her clothes.

I heard the toilet door reopened and I looked up as she walked pass me. As my eye was on the same level as her chest, I saw it. No question about it. There were 2 sharp points on her blouse. Her pokies were staring back at me.

She saw me looking and she blushed, covering her chest with her hands.

Clare: You said that the bra straps were ugly. I am sure he would not like to see the bra strap as well.
Me: oh.... I was just saying.....

In the office, she always removed her heels and wore a pair of sandals so as to rest her legs. She bend down facing me to wear her heels, holding the top of her blouse. I was staring and hoped that she forgot about my presence. But she did not.

Once she was done wearing, she got up, hugged her bag across her chest, and bade me good bye and good night.

I did not follow her as I know that he is fetching her. I cant tail her without a car.

I continued my work before heading home.

22-12-2015, 09:44 PM

I received a message from her.

Clare msg: thanks for the gifts.
Me: glad you like it.
Me: want to have lunch?
Clare: Nope. I have work to do.
Me: ok. what about dinner?
Clare: ok. but have to be a bit later. About 8.30pm ok?
Me: ok. I'll pick you later.

I knew that once she text me, she had already forgiven me. Understanding women, this is not the time to strike. I have to wait for another few days, to gain back her trust.

I have to play the part of a nice boyfriend again. Wasting time. If all women can just allow sex without all these nonsense, the world would be a better place for me.

I waited until 8.30pm before picking her up from her workplace. She was wearing something nice, at least not her old boring style. Her little shoulders and long legs were nice to look at, and that's when I realised that she was not wearing a bra.

I saw her pokies through her top. Unfortunately her top was not translucent. I could just see the shape of her nipples, trying to pierce through the fabric, but nothing else.

Once she closed the door, I drove off, and automatically my left hand reached across the passenger seat, grabbing her breasts.

Me: Nice.
Clare: glad you like it.
Me: Like? I love it. haha.....

She smiled. I released her. I am not into breasts, but as long as she exposed herself in some ways, I am happy. I assume that she was without bra the whole day in the office and that made me horny. But I control myself. Today is not the day.

Me: Anything you would like to eat?
Clare : Why not you decide?
Me: Its late.... I think we have to eat nearby....
Clare: ok.

I parked the car at UOB plaza, and we walked to boat quay. She seemed to be uncomfortable without a bra as I noticed her crossing her arm across her chest a few times. But how could that be when she was without it the whole day in the office? I guessed she must have wore her cardigan there as the aircon must be cold. Anyway, it's good enough for me.

After dinner, I send her home. I frenched her and grab her boobs, lifting her blouse in the car under her block, but she did not resist my groping and the possibility of someone walking pass my car. I guess she was coming to terms with my requirements.

22-12-2015, 09:49 PM
thanks guys for your support.

Without you, there would be no thread. And I would stop writing the story.

This may not be as interesting to some as my other story, whereby our SIL are normally part of most of our fantasies, but I am still thankful of your support.

22-12-2015, 09:55 PM
Thanks for updating so often :)

22-12-2015, 10:03 PM
When I arrived home, I dropped her a message.

Me msg: I have dinner and then drinks with a few clients tomorrow. I would like you to join.
Clare msg: I think I better not go. I wont know how to entertain them.
Me msg: It is essential for you to be present.
Clare msg: I don't know what to wear.
Me msg: Just wear the V neck one, and the tight skirt.
Clare msg: ok
Me msg: Pick you at 6pm.
Clare msg: oh... I cant.... is 8pm fine?
Me msg: ok. grab your dinner first. I'll pick you for the drinks session.
Clare msg: oh ok....
Me msg: good night. Miss you......
Clare: miss you too.....

THough I did not miss her, but adding that sentence works wonder. I am confident that she will wear what I requested for tomorrow.

22-12-2015, 10:04 PM
Thanks for updating so often :)

I try to do so when I am available so that everyone do not need to wait so long :)

thanks for your support.

22-12-2015, 10:18 PM

It was already Thursday morning. I looked at my watch and at 8.54am, Clare walked into the office, and we exchange greetings. She was in her conservative clothes, but she was carrying an additional paper bag. I am curious, but I did not asked her what was inside.

I made my way to the pantry before her, and waited for her to appear.

Me: How was your dinner?

I have the thinking that she would have sex with her boyfriend.

Clare: Oh, nothing much. We just had dinner at boat quay and then he sent me home.
Me: I see. must be because it's too late.
Clare: Ya. no other place to go.
Me: I warned you about our profession remember?
Clare: haha.... yup.... I remember...
Clare: see you for lunch ok?

I nodded and she left the pantry. I realised that it was an invitation for lunch. and I smiled happily to myself until the pantry aunty came in. She asked if I was ok, and after giving her some nonsensical answer, I went back to my desk.

Lunch time came, and we had lunch nearby. Instead of going back to the office, she wanted to go for coffee, which I agreed. I guess she wanted to speak to me.

Clare: Sam, when was your last girlfriend?
Sam: oh long time back....
Clare: Were you demanding to her?
Sam: huh? In what aspect?
Clare: any.
Sam: well, we were together for some time, there were some expectations, but not demands.

She looked lost in thoughts. I kept quiet.

Clare: you know, both my boyfriend and ex are very demanding of me.
Clare: Some times, I wonder if its my fault.
Me: Why is it your fault?
Clare: I cannot cater to their requirements.....
Me: huh?

She caught me there. I am not sure what she meant.

Clare: so I tried to change. Try to meet their demands even if it is against my liking or against my belief.
Clare: Some times it is so tiring.
Me: I don't get what you are trying to say.
Clare: It's ok. I am just complaining. haha...... Let's go......

Seriously she lost me there, and since she already stopped speaking about it, I did not want to probe further.

22-12-2015, 10:23 PM
Good read! Office action is always kinky!:D

Thanks for upping, up back.

22-12-2015, 10:41 PM
Why do I have this feeling Clare going to be gang bang.... TS please continue...

22-12-2015, 10:53 PM
more more more!

22-12-2015, 11:11 PM
Bro Pysslover,

Thanks again for the great job.
Camping here for more.

22-12-2015, 11:59 PM
bro your stories are the best

23-12-2015, 01:15 AM
Bro dont stop! Don't sleep haha

23-12-2015, 01:54 AM
Well written :D

23-12-2015, 07:53 AM
Hey TS, great story. Like the narration. Some seduction n sexual grooming. Never had this combo before in the forum, at least in a long while.

Keep it coming.... don't be too hard on claire, but than again it won't be a blockbuster if she don't suffer... how kinky ou us. Cheers to your work.

23-12-2015, 11:10 AM
I concentrate on work and did not realised that it was already 630pm when clare spoke to me.

Clare: i am going to get some take aways. You want any?

Since i have not eaten, i agreed.

Me: you want me to accompany you?
Clare: its ok. I be back quick.

She went out and was back soon. So we proceed to the pantry. The office was already empty. I wonder if i am slow in my work or was it that i have too much work to do since i am always staying back.

Sam: you still have stuffs to clear?
Clare: not much. I am waiting for him.
Sam: not going for dinner?
Clare : oh. Meeting his clients for drinks.

Ding ding.

Her phone beeped. And she returned the text. She was frowning.

Me: you ok?

She contemplated for a moment before speaking.

Clare: ask you something.
Me: yup?
Clare: errrmmm...

I could tell that she is having some difficulty to explain herself.

Clare: ermmm... do you ask your girlfriend to expose herself?

I wasnt sure of the context of her question.

Me: expose? As in?
Clare: i mean... ermmm... like... asking her to go without ..... errmmm inner wear?

I thought for a moment.

Me: for me, if in the bedroom its ok. But its always nice to see a girl without a bra.
Clare: oh... ok... i guess all guys are loke that.

She got up and dispose of her half emptied box.

Clare: i'll go and change first.

She went out of the pantry. I tried to form the puzzle and i gathered that her boyfriend is asking her to go without bra again. Perhaps he got turned on yesterday. The image of her hairless pussy came back into my mind. I sat there alone for a moment engrossed in my thoughts before going back out to my seat.

I hoped that she is without her bra later.

23-12-2015, 11:25 AM
Nice update ..... support x3 :D

23-12-2015, 11:32 AM

I was on my way to the dinner and decided to drop a message to clare.

Me msg: you had your dinner?
Clare msg: ya. Eating with my colleague now.
Me msg: ok. Could you come over on your own later?
Clare msg: you are not coming?
Me msg: i cant disappear. They are my big clients.
Clare msg: ok. Then i'll flag a cab there
Me msg : what are you wearing today?
Clare msg: i brought the halter neck
Me msg: i thought i asked for the other one.
Clare msg: i think i prefer this.
Me msg: ok then. Make sure you come without any thing underneath.
Clare msg: why? I am already wearing the g string that you bought. It wont show up.
Me msg: no. The halter neck is very tight. If you wear something, it will show. And wont be nice.
Clare msg: is that necessary?
Me msg: yes.
Clare msg: can i just go without bra? The skirt is very short.
Me msg: no. I got to go. See you later.

I am not sure if she will do as requested. But i hope she will.

23-12-2015, 12:00 PM

It was about 7pm. And i waited for clare to return to her seat. I heard the toilet door opened and close. Then i heard her slippers across the carpetted floor.

I looked up and she was gorgeous. She had bun up her hair, and was wearing a halter neck dress that wrapped tightly across her body. It was rather short and i could see alot of her thighs.

Her boobs was bouncing as she walked towards me, and only when she was 2 desks away, she put her carrier in front of her hugging it.

Me: wow... you look stunning...

She laughed and hit me playfully on my shoulder.

Clare: thanks... but i think its too short.
Me: well, it show off your beautiful legs. Nice.

I could see her blushing. She turned away and face the desk, putting the carrier on the floor. She took a small mirror and some kit from her bag and started to touch up her makeup. From the side, i can see her nipples straining against the fabric, trying to break loose.

I went back to my screen but it was difficult to concentrate. I kept stealing glances at her, looking at her legs, her bosom.

About 730pm, she started packing her stuffs. I turned my seat and face her. I know that she will turn her seat to my direction to wear her heels as the other side has some stuffs there and obstruct her movements.

Me : going off?
Clare: ya. I need to call a cab or i'll be late.

She turned her seat towards my direction and bend down. I could see her skirt move up her silky legs. As it was a tight short skirt, the hem was a horizontal line across her thighs. I looked into the cavern formed.

I thought i saw her pussy, underneath her skirt, waiting for me to stick something in. I blinked and looked again and confirmed that she was not wearing anything underneath. Her legs parted a little as she buckle the straps on her heels, offering me an even better view, not realising her folly.

She stood up and look at me.

Clare : ok, i'm going off. Dont stay too late.
Me: enjoy yourself.

She did not cover up as she only took her handbag with her, offering me for the first time the full frontal view of her pokies without any obstacle in front.

Clare: bye...

She went off. I was all alone in the office. I thought about it. She only brought along her small bag. She left her paper bag in the office. Obviously her clothes are in there.

I waited for 15mins before starting my exploration. I took her paper bag and took out the clothes that she wore today. Then i took out her bra. It was a half cup bra with laces around it. It does not have any padding and i found out that that was no pokies because of the opaque flowers at the strategic location.

Hands shivering with excitment, i brought it to my nose, taking a deep sniff of her perfume. I bury my face in her cup, and licking the part where i expect her nipples will rest on.

I took out my dick from my pants and started to stroke myself.

Next, i looked for her undies. It was a very tiny and light piece. I wondered why she did not wear it as i am sure that it will not show from underneath her clothes.

I felt it between my fingers on the part where it sits between her legs. It was not moist or anything. I lifted it to my face, imagining of her inner most skin that had just departed the fabric. A slight fragrance of her perfume lingered but nothing else.

I masturbated to it. After i cum, i suddenly felt a sense of sadness. Her boyfriend is going to get her body tonight. I am just here with her used clothings. I felt like a pervert.

23-12-2015, 01:57 PM

My phone rang and clare told me she is outside the club. I excused myself and went out to look for her.

Me: nice. Very pretty today.
Clare: thanks.

I held her hand and brought her aside.

Me: i need your help.
Me: i told them that you are my secretary.
Me: they are my potential customers for a big deal. I need to win this or my boss will sack me.
Clare: oh. Sorry i am late...
Me: its not that. I need your help to mingle with them.
Clare: but i dont know them
Me: just accompany and drink with them.
Clare: ok.
Me: they may get touchy, but i need you to maintain your cool.

She kept quiet.

Me: i cant afford to lose the deal. Please help me.

I look like i am pleading with her, as if my rice bowl depends solely on her.

Clare: what deal is it? I cant speak their lingo.
Me: its 15mil. Dont worry they wont ask you about it.
Me: just need to make them happy.

She seemed hesitant.

Me: i am sure you wont want me to lose my job. I'll get a big commission if i closes the deal.
Me: remember all the stuffs i got you?

She nodded

Me: i need the commission to pay off my credit cards. If i default, the interest will kill me.
Me: i really need your help. Please.

Clare: i am not wearing anything underneath. If they go overboard, you need to stop them. Ok?
Me: of course. Only if it is overboard.

She seemed convinced by my story.

Me: come. Lets go.

We entered the club and i brought her to the business associates. Truth is, they are already working with me on a project. And i just want to show off my new plaything.

They are a bunch of 50s year old guy and the last time i went to a ktv with them, they are quite wild. I hoped that she will not embarassed me in front of them.

23-12-2015, 03:36 PM
As i brought her to the table, she looked at the 3 guys, 2 white haired, 1 balding, with big bellies and they looked like dignified businessmen to her. I could feel that she relaxed a little, but was still uptight

I introduced her as my secretary to peter, john, michael. They offered her a seat between peter and michael.

They were staring at her pokies and definitely know that she was not wearing a bra.

I took a seat besides john and peter. They started to make small talks with clare, asking about her age, her hobbies, etc. Of course they were also filling up her glass whenever it was empty.

I thought that she felt safer and more at ease, and started to relax, smiling more at their jokes and laughing at some of the stuffs. They were also telling her about some of the business that they had done and she was interested in those.

Michael: haha... i was with peter on one occasion, when the customer farted in the room. It was so smelly. Haha....

Everyone laughed and i saw michael place his hand on her thigh. She did not reject his hand and he left it there.

Peter noticed it and also placed his hand on her other thigh and started to stroke her thigh between her knee and the hem of her skirt.

She cast me a look and i nodded slightly. She went back to her conversation with them.

In the meantime, both michael and peter shifted their positon discretely as well, until their thighs were touching hers. She did not realised but i caught their movements. With their hands on her thighs and clamping her between them, she could not get her drinks without brushing her breast against their arms.

I can see that they started to get her to reach for her glass more often. Before long, i could tell that she was a little tipsy, with peter toasting her and then followed by michael continously.

She leaned back on her chair more often, instead of sitting upright. When she did that, her skirt travelled higher up her thighs and the 2 guys have more skin to rub against.

John was passive and was speaking to me throughout. But he have to make a move first as he had a flight out early next morning. He bade us farewell and left.

Peter and michael were not interested in engaging in conversation with me. They were more interested in the young thing between them. I just sat there sipping my whiskey and watched the show.

By now, clare had lost her inhibition. She was tipsy and was just sitting there listening to them and laughing. Her eyes were starting to close. I saw their hands continue to stroke her thighs, and slowly but surely, they were lifting her skirt inch by inch upwards. She was quite drunk to notice.

I watched them expose her pussy. Peter motioned to michael and myself to look. They stared at her hairless pubic region.

Peter: wow. She is not wearing anything.
Michael: look nice. I like clean shaven.

They look at her. Her eyes half opened and lean back against the high back rest of the sofa that they were sitting on. She seemed not to hear them speak.

Peter: hey rick, you think i can touch it?
Me: i dont know. Haha....
Michael: i think should be ok. She seemed gone.

They looked at each other, and peter decided to take the first touch. His hand was still rested on the junction between her thigh and body. To make it not obvious, in case she react, he stick his last finger out, and briefly touch her pubic area, very gently, stroking it.

She did not react.

They looked at each other, and pull on both sides of her thighs. Her legs opened, and her skirt was bundled on her waist, her pussy in plain sight to 3 of us. Luckily the table was covering this and only if someone walk besides the table then they could see what was happening.

Looking at her unprotected vagina, michael uses the finger of his free hand and open up her folds, exposing her pinkish flesh hidden underneath. Both of them were still holding to her thighs keeping it open.

Still she did not moved.

Peter decided to take opportunity of the spreaded lips and inserted his middle finger slowly into her love hole. She stirred, but still eyes not opened and attempted to close her legs, probably a sub conscious reaction. But they held her tightly.

With her body losing strength, she started to lean against michael and he allow her lifeless body to fall into the sofa. Her unconscious body was lying there with an exposed bottom, hidden by the table.

Peter finger was still inside her, but michael had no access now. So he unfastened the knot behind her halter neck and exposed her breasts. He started to fondled her nipples and peter started fingering her.

She tried closing her legs, but peter held firm. Looking at her unconscious form, i suspected that its a natural reaction rather than she knew what was happening.

Peter removed his fingers and it was coated with her honeyed juices. Although she was wet, there was no further reaction from her. She was oblivious to the world.

Satisfied, they left her half naked body on the sofa and we started drinking again. Soon we asked for the bill. The waiter came and had an eyeful, but he did not say anything.

I got her back in proper and half carry half dragging her out of the club.

Instead of sending her home, i check us in to a nearby hotel along robertson quay and undressed her. As i had brought my toys, i strapped her up, tied her, inserted different dildos in her nether region and took some photos.

I have used for these photos later. I did not try to fuck her. She was still sleeping when i left the hotel.

23-12-2015, 03:40 PM
Want more updates?

23-12-2015, 03:46 PM
Want more updates?

yess boss :D

23-12-2015, 04:16 PM
Just came across this thread.
Well written..pls give us more updates.

23-12-2015, 04:22 PM
hey TS, I am waiting for your update... Nice story...

23-12-2015, 04:46 PM
Bump up this thread

23-12-2015, 05:12 PM
Following closely.. dun stop TS.
thumbs up

23-12-2015, 07:37 PM
Yes please update again :)

23-12-2015, 09:44 PM
The next morning, I received a text from Clare at 6am. I was already up as I normally wakes up early.

Clare msg: Did you send me to the hotel?
Me msg: yes.
Clare msg: why did you left me here alone?
Me msg : I wasn't feeling well. I went home to get my med, and I cant drive back to find you.
Clare msg: oh ok.
Me msg: I think you need to make your way home before your work.
Clare msg: Did anything happened? I cant remember.
Me msg: nothing happened. Don't worry.
Clare msg: ok. I am going home now before going to work.
Me msg: ok.

I am not going to tell her about the photos yet. There will be some use for them. Not yet.

23-12-2015, 10:07 PM

I kept a look out for Clare. But she was late today, rather usual. I guess she got lucky with him and stayed out for the night.

When she arrived, she was in a Tshirt and jeans and she looked tired.

I went to the pantry to wait for her, and she came in to top up her waterbottle.

Me: Hi.... did you have a good time last evening?
Clare: nope. I actually got drunk and cant remember what happened.
Me: oh..... you ok? you look tired.
Clare: Yes I am. He dropped me off at a hotel, but he left as he wasn't feeling well. I woke up alone this morning and have to rush home and get change.

I thought about it. It seemed strange that her boyfriend left her alone in the hotel. A normal guy would have taken the opportunity and spend the night with her. I must have looked as if I was in a daze.

Clare: You ok?
Me: oh... I am....
Clare: ok, let me clear some work first. We have lunch later.

She went out and again invited me for lunch.

I sat there thinking about the reason, but it's beyond me. She went out without undergarments, and then she got drunk and woke up at the hotel alone. The alone part does not make sense to me.

Unless, she was raped without her knowledge, when she was drunk. I thought about how to bring this up to her.

Lunch came soon enough. We went down early and had our lunch. I suggested to have coffee at coffee club, which offers a little more privacy with regards to the questions that I am about to ask her.

Me: Clare, look, you got drunk last night with his associates, and you woke up alone in the hotel. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Clare: why not? He already explained.
Me: No. You were dressed to kill last night. I believed they got you drunk on purpose. But you woke up at the hotel alone does not make sense.
Clare: I checked with the lobby, they said that it was booked under his name and he made the payment.

I thought if I should put it more direct.

Me: What I am going to ask is because I am concerned about you. I hope you are not offended.
Clare: ya?
Me: did you feel yourself?
Me: I mean do you think you are raped?
Clare: haha.... nope. I don't feel anything out of the ordinary this morning.
Clare: Don't worry. I am not raped..... haha....

She found it funny, but knowing how guys worked, I am concerned about her. She quelled the thirst for my question, but somehow, it still doesn't seemed right.

Because I still have my concerned expression on my face, she stopped laughing.

Clare: Sam.... Don't worry. I don't feel sore and I don't have any marks that I find usual. I am not raped. I know about it. So quit worrying ok?
Me: ok......

We talk about other light hearted stuffs before I asked her how she got drunk.

Clare: nothing much. His associates were giving me drinks after drinks. and even before I knew it, I was already drunk....haha....
Me: ok....

We went back to office after that.

In the late afternoon, Clare came to me and asked me for dinner. I was surprised.

Clare: Sam, you free to have dinner together?
Me: Take away?
Clare: no. I mean go out for dinner if you are free.
Me: Your boyfriend?
Clare: I guessed he is busy working on his deal. He did not look for me.
Me: Oh...ok... I can leave at 6pm. you?
Clare: ok. Let me finish this email and we can go.

We left at 6pm sharp. As it was a Friday, everywhere was crowded. We decided to have dinner in town as there was more choices.

As we were about to cross the road outside Mandarin to H&M, I saw a familiar car at the junction. It was the Porsche that her boyfriend was driving. There was a girl sitting on the passenger seat and they were talking and smiling. They did not behave like friends or siblings as I saw the girl feeding him with some snacks and then cleaning his mouth for him. Clare did not see the car, because the crossing was very crowded and she was avoiding banging into the crowd.

Once we crossed over, the lights turned green and the vehicle was gone. I looked at her and she absolutely had no idea of it.

I decided to find out more about the guy.

23-12-2015, 10:14 PM
more more!!

23-12-2015, 10:18 PM
Bro Pusslover,

Thanks again....
Camping here for more...

23-12-2015, 10:34 PM
Ha ha TS thanks for the great description. Reminded me of another great story that didn't get completed. The invitation by Hardaway1818.

At least for today i can get my reconsiliation.

23-12-2015, 10:38 PM
Wonderful story .... camping here :)

24-12-2015, 12:42 AM
It was not easy to look for him with just his number plate. I decided to find out a little more from Clare during dinner at Ootoya.

Me: Clare, mind to tell me more about your boyfriend?
Clare: why?
Me: I would like to find out what girls like about guys.

I lied.

Clare: haha... you are not too bad yourself.
Clare: caring and patient.....
Me: haha... you are making me blush.... tell me more about him....
Clare: hmmm... what do you want to know?
Me: Maybe like his name?
Clare: oh, he is Ricky....
Me: So what does he work as?
Clare: I think he is a banker. If not he wont be so rich..... haha....
Me: what do you mean you think he is a banker? You are not sure?

Puzzled, I continued to question her.

Clare: Actually I never asked and he never said....
Me: oh.... so where does he stay?
Clare: I have never been to his house. I think Bukit Timah or something like that...

Apparently she doesn't know a lot about him. I find it strange. Anyway, now I have his name, as well as his car number. I could find out a little more.

I stopped asking her just in case she got suspicious of my questioning, and continued to have our dinner. It also did not escape my attention that she did not check her phone once since we left office. Obviously she was not expecting him to look for her.

Me: You want to catch a movie or back home after dinner?
Clare: Perhaps you accompany me for shopping? haha....
Me: errrmmm... ok....

I wasn't too keen, but if I could spend more time with her, I don't mind. So we walked around Orchard and went into a few shops. I noticed the clothes that she was looking at were similar to those that she had been wearing recently. However, she did not make any purchase or even tried on them.

We walked to a shop in Taka, one which was less crowded. She selected a few pieces, and told me not to go off as she wanted my opinion.

She selected a pink a halter neck dress and went into the fitting room. Unlike the previous one she wore last evening, this was tight on the top, but flared around the short skirt. Not as short as the previous one, but still short.

After a while she came out and showed me her dress. I looked at her cleavage on show, noticed her pokies and stared at them. She wasn't wearing a bra. She saw me looking at slap my hand playfully, but for the first time, she did not try to cover up when she caught me looking.

Clare: Look at the dress.... Not other things.
Me: eerrrmmm... nice.... why aren't you wearing anything inside?
Clare: You said it's not nice with the straps, and I was wearing something with straps today.

She turned a full circle to show me the dress.

Me: haha.... oh... ok.... it's nice...
clare: ok....

She went back into the fitting room. Next she came out in a spaghetti strap baby doll dress, and I could see that she had put on her bra.

Clare: how is this?
Me: nice, but I prefer the previous one.
Clare: oh... ok.

She tried on a few other pieces, but she did not removed her bra again. She finally got the halter neck dress.

As the shops are starting to close for the day, we took the train back. I offered to send her back and she did not reject.

As we reached NEX, I walked the familiar route that I had walked previously, but did not show her that I knew where she stayed. Once under her blk, I bade her good bye and she went up.

I was walking to the bus stop when I received a message from her.

Clare msg: I am home. Thanks for spending the evening.
Me msg: no worries. hope you had a good time. Good night.
Clare msg: good night.

I started to think about how I could find out more about Ricky.

24-12-2015, 12:51 AM
When I was home, I surfed the internet after I settled down.

I entered his name and his car plate, multiple hits came up, but there were too many.

Next, I entered his name and car plate and model of car. The hits were less. I tried including banker, bukit timah, and the hits did not changed. So I have to go through each and everyone of the link.

The first 10 links did not get me anywhere. On the 11th, there was an article on him, as well as his picture. I read and found out that his dad is one of the millionaires in Singapore and owns a few businesses. Ricky had his own business as well. I did more search and found out what he was doing.

It helped because he was a rich person. If he is a normal person like me, then it would like searching for a needle in a haystack.

But then because he was rich, I am sure that he would know lots of important and powerful people as well. I have to be really careful when dealing with him.

I took down his company's address and decided my next course of action.

I called up an army buddy and checked if I could borrow his bike on next Tuesday and he agreed as he would be away on holiday. In fact, he will pass me his bike tomorrow and I could use it for the whole week.

I did not want to confront Ricky, but perhaps able to get some pictures and show it to Clare about his infidelity. Nothing much, but I wanted to protect her from such scum.

24-12-2015, 01:11 AM
I love pokies too!

24-12-2015, 01:24 AM
I love pokies too!

Which guy doesn't? :D

24-12-2015, 10:44 AM


I text Clare at 8am. I felt that after spending such a substantial amount on her, it would be time to get back what I want.

Me msg: Are you free today?
Clare msg: Yes....
Me msg: ok. I'll pick you up at 10am.
Clare msg: ok

She gave me one word answers. I am feel quite strange. but anyway, I started to pack the bag with the items that I felt that I require.

At 10am, I reached her place. She was not at the carpark and was late for the first time.

She appeared in a white spaghetti blouse and the small denim bottom. She was carrying a small bag.

Me: you are late
Clare: I was rushing already.
Clare: where are we going?
Me: Breakfast?
Clare: ok.

24-12-2015, 11:51 AM
It started raining heavily when we arrived at a hotel in Bencoolen after lunch. It was not even as good as Fragrance or 81, but I had been here before and the structure of the beds cater to my requirements.

Clare: why here?
Me: For a change.
Clare: what's in the bag?
Me: Your toys.

We held hands as we walked to the counter. I planted a kiss on her lips and she kissed me back. I did so and ensured that the guy saw her kissing me back, and also for the benefit of the security camera, if there was one.

The guy at the counter wasnt too interested in me. He kept looking at Clare, at her boobs and her butt. I got the keys and went up. The room was sparse. Just a bed and a tiny table and the bathroom. There wasn't even bottled water available.

Once inside, I reached for Clare. She was walking into the room, when I pulled her hand and turned her around, dropping the bag in the process. I kissed her hard on the lips. She kissed me back.

My hands went to her back and search for the clasp for the bra. I released it. As it was a strapless bra, it fell from her top. She caught it and held it in her hand. I lifted her blouse and she allow me to remove it.

I took out a leather strap that looks like a rope, from my bag. She looked at it and shook her head. She walked swiftly into the room, trying to get away from me. I went after her and caught her. I pushed her and she fell on the bed.

Clare: what are you doing!

I could hear fear in her voice, but I did not answer.

I went on top of her, pinning her down by straddling her body. As she was facing me, her hands was flailing at me. I turned her on her back and grabbed hold of both her hands, tying them up together.

Clare: LET ME GO!

She shouted at me, but I did not respond to her.

The rain continued to patter loudly on the rooftop and the windows.

She was still face down on the bed. I reached below her tummy and unbutton her shorts, pulling it down together with her thongs. Of course, she continued to fight and I received a kick to my legs. I managed to get everything off her. With her hands tied to her back, her movements were restricted. I took 2 straps and fought her legs and tied her legs to each of the leg post of the bed. Her legs are now spread out wide. Once secure, I went back to her hands.

Again I straddled her, released the initial strap that I used. I grab one of her hand, leaving the other still underneath her, and tied it to a post. Once secure, I did so for the other hand.

She was now literally in a X position with all 4 limbs tied to the bed post. Both of us were panting heavily from the scuffle.

Clare: what do you want?!
Me: I want to fuck you.

I said coldly. I went over to the bag a got out a blindfold. I covered her eyes shut with it and applied shaving cream to her pubic region as stubble was already going out from there. I took a shaver and shaved her clean.

Finally, I stood there and admire my work. I look at her. Her nipples were erected and her pussy was now smooth.

24-12-2015, 12:49 PM
Nice! Ricky is sick...

24-12-2015, 01:54 PM
Please continue TS :)

24-12-2015, 03:09 PM
Clare: Let me GO! LET ME GO!

she started to shout. I took her thongs, the one that I just removed from her, and stuffed it in her mouth, gagging her. now, there were only muffed noise coming from her.

Clare: leemmme ummmplmemmeeee rrrroogoooo...

She pulled on the restrainer on her wrists. I could see that her skin was red. I went to the side of the bed. I spoke in a warning tone.

Me: Listen, Stop pulling.

She stopped and stared at me.

I went back to the bag and took out a butterfly looking vibrator as well a masking tape. I went to the bed between her legs and sat down. I used my hands and touch her folds, they were dry. She tried to squirm away, but she was restrained and the only movement she could do best is to try to jerk away when I touched her.

I spread her vagina lips with my fingers, exposing her clit. I carefully put the body of the vibrator on it and used the masking tape to tape up the vibrator across her pubic region. I made sure that the masking tape was not covering her love hole. Once it is securely in place without me requiring to hold it, I started the device to medium speed. I saw her body jumped at the kickstart of the device and her hips started slaming on the bed, hoping get the thing off her, but to no avail.

I left her there, and went to the bag. I took out 2 nipples clamp, and went over to her naked body. she saw the clamps and was trying to move her body further away from me. I sat down slowly, showing her the clamps. Her eyes showed anger to me.

Her nipples were already erected, either from the cold air or she was turned on, I do not know. But because of their erection, it was easy to pinch them with the clamps.

Clare: ummm....rrrrrrrr

only muffed sounds escaped from her.

Now, with her pussy bandaged together and her nipples clamp, I decided that her pussy needed additional help.

I went and grab a dildo. It was not the one that I bought, but a very large one. I showed her, and I saw horror from her eyes.

I took some lubricant and apply it carefully on the dildo, making sure that it is fully covered. I walked over between her legs. I could see her thighs were trying to close, but the straps around her ankles prevented that.

Glistering juices was already coming out from her love hole from the stimulation of the vibrator. As this dildo is quite large, the additional lubricant will definite help the entry.

I place the tip of the dildo on her pinkish hole. She tried moving her bottom away, but no matter where she go, she is still within a 10cm radius from it. I grab her thigh with one hand and push her down onto the bed, then once again put the tip of the dildo to the entrance of her love hole. I slowly push it in.

Clare: uuuuggggmmmmmmm.....

I heard her made some noise, unsure if it is pleasure or pain. getting in was a little difficult. She was very tight and the device spreaded her love canal fully. I could tell that she never had such a monster entering her before.

Inch by inch, without giving her a break, I stuffed all 8 inch of the dildo into her.

24-12-2015, 03:58 PM
Jin jaliat lei, lucky it's just a story :eek:

24-12-2015, 03:59 PM


It started raining heavily when they arrived at a hotel in Bencoolen. I was drenched to my skin on the little motorbike which I loaned from my buddy earlier in the morning. I have been trailing Clare and Ricky since they left her block at 10 this morning.

My heart sank a little when i saw them checking into the cheap hotel.

Isn't her boyfriend supposed to be rich. Why did he choose to check into such a run down place? I would have expected Ritz Carlton or something like that..

TS, don't mind I join in with the story-telling. Having read 8 pages of yours so far, i felt inspired.:D:D

24-12-2015, 04:33 PM


It started raining heavily when they arrived at a hotel in Bencoolen. I was drenched to my skin on the little motorbike which I loaned from my buddy earlier in the morning. I have been trailing Clare and Ricky since they left her block at 10 this morning.

My heart sank a little when i saw them checking into the cheap hotel.

Isn't her boyfriend supposed to be rich. Why did he choose to check into such a run down place? I would have expected Ritz Carlton or something like that..

TS, don't mind I join in with the story-telling. Having read 8 pages of yours so far, i felt inspired.:D:D

Good try mate. But thats not how it will be. Lol.

24-12-2015, 04:34 PM
Jin jaliat lei, lucky it's just a story :eek:

Yup. Its just a story. :)

24-12-2015, 04:52 PM
more more more

24-12-2015, 04:54 PM
Isn't her boyfriend supposed to be rich. Why did he choose to check into such a run down place? I would have expected Ritz Carlton or something like that..

No time to wonder too much. I saw both of them walking into the elevator and decided to take quick bold steps ahead so that I could see which floor they stopped at. Quickly, I entered the next available elevator.

I got out at the same level and started to walk along the narrow corridor; trying to listen out for any traces of the couple who probably checked in for a quick afternoon bonk. I thought I heard a muffling noise from one of the room on the left but could not quite make out what it was as the rain continued to pour even harder. Could it be Clare? :(

24-12-2015, 04:54 PM
I could see clares' eyes were teary.

But thats what got me excited. Really excited. I removed my clothings and sat down on the bed besides her.

Me: let me teach you what sex really is.
Me: what you know is rubbish.
Me: absolute rubbish.
Me: the first time we did, was disgustingly lousy.

She turned her head and stared at me.

Me: haha....

Pull the nipple clamps. Her nipples followed in the motion, her breasts being pulled. As they reached their maximum elasticity, the clamps came off. She squeezed her eyes shut.

Clare: ooommmmppphhhfff...

I laughed again and went back to the bag and collected a lighter and a candle. I lit the candle and allowed it to burn. She turned her head to see what i was doing. When she saw the candle, she shook her head vigourously.

I brought the candle over her nipples, taking care not to let the flaming part touch her erected nipples.

When the first drop of wax hit her areola, her body jerked from the hot wax.

Clare: eeeeeemmmmmmm....

Looking at the wax on her boob, i continued to drip more one her, attempting to cover her nipple with the wax.

I went to the other and did the same. By the time both nipples and areola were covered with waxes, she was sobbing. Tears flowed down her cheeks. I have no compassion for this and instead it turned me on further.

I went back to the dildo, which had since be ejected a little by her vagina, i inserted it in again, this time not so gently. Then i pulled it out swiftly. I repeated the movements in rapid tempo.

I could see her lips very stretched and her juices flow out in gushes, trying to assist in lubricating her. She had since stopped sobbing and i heard a different sound wmitting from her.

Clare: ummmm... ummmm....ummmm....
Me: haha... you see, you are enjoying it.

I continued to invade her hole with the giant thing. But my hands are getting tired.

Suddenly, her legs pushes her hips upwards.

Clare: ooooommmmmmppppphhhhhffffff.....

She had came with my exploration. My hands had lost the dildo because of ther sudden movement, but the vibrator had continued to hum. I am sure she had a vagina as well as a clitoris orgasm. Her hips stayed in the air, gyrating.

I switched off the vibrator and her legs buckled, leaving her hips to fall back on the bed. She was breathing heavily and her eyes were closed.

24-12-2015, 04:56 PM
Isn't her boyfriend supposed to be rich. Why did he choose to check into such a run down place? I would have expected Ritz Carlton or something like that..

No time to wonder too much. I saw both of them walking into the elevator and decided to take quick bold steps ahead so that I could see which floor they stopped at. Quickly, I entered the next available elevator.

I got out at the same level and started to walk along the narrow corridor and trying to listen out for any traces of the couple who probably checked in for a quick afternoon bonk. I thought a heard a muffling noise from one of the room on the left but could not quite make out what it was as the rain continued to pour even harder. Could it be Clare? :(

Dude. You should grab your own thread as i believed you have potential to tell you own story as well.

24-12-2015, 05:01 PM
TS, thanks for the compliment - just helping to build the suspense and hype up the adrenaline for all the voyeuristic readers..

Well ..i shall stop here and let you continue. Captivating story so far.

24-12-2015, 05:31 PM
Very interesting story so far ....... pls continue :)

24-12-2015, 05:44 PM
wow, poor clare kena bondage from ricky.....scenes from shade of forty appearing.....

24-12-2015, 06:14 PM
Sam to the rescue?
Merry christmas and thanks for the great story.

24-12-2015, 06:21 PM
Sam to the rescue?
Merry christmas and thanks for the great story.

Too late ..anyway..Clare already cum in bondage
I leave it to TS to continue..may be get Sam in for a threesome instead.:p:p

24-12-2015, 10:21 PM
Hooked to this thread :D
Please continue TS

24-12-2015, 11:10 PM
Happy holidays to all.

25-12-2015, 12:15 AM
Happy holidays to all.

Merry X'mas to you too
How I wish I could spend X'mas with Kat (dreaming of her pokies) :p

25-12-2015, 12:24 AM
merry Xmas!

25-12-2015, 12:40 AM


25-12-2015, 01:13 AM
Bro Pusslover,

Merry Christmas!!!!

25-12-2015, 05:10 AM


Very nice :D

25-12-2015, 09:41 AM
I pulled the dildo out out her love canal, not too gently. When the thing was ejected fully, I could see her hole slowly closing back. But because she was so stretched, it did not fully closed and a small opening remained. White thick fluid flowed out of it.

I took a Gspot dildo and anal beads from the bag, and slowly insert the new dildo into her. She was no longer resisting my invasion. She just laid there, fighting spirit deflated. As the dildo went in, her body started with slight jolts of spasm. I started the vibrator again to the maximum speed in tandem.

Clare: oooooohhhhhh.... eeeeeeee..................

she started to squeak uncontrollably. As sudden as I started the vibrator, I off it and pull the dildo out of her. All her bodily reactions stopped. She did not look at me any more. Her eyes were closed and she was still breathing heavily. I am sure if I removed the gag, she would be panting.

I lubricated the anal beads, and slowly insert it into her anus.

Clare: aaaaaahhhh.....nooooooooooooo

With her backdoor being attacked, she started to struggle again as she was not used to it. I started the vibrator again. The feeling was too much for her, and she stopped struggling as ecstasy again took over. I got the beads pass her sphincter and left them there. Again, I took the Gspot dildo and inserted into her pussy.

Now she was attacked in both hole, as well as the vibrator. Her body is unable to take it as I drove the dildo in and out of her. In and out, In and out.

Clare: ummmmmm.....ummmmm....

I felt that it was time. I released the dildo and went to remove the gag from her mouth. The undies was totally drenched in her saliva. I waited for her to shout, prepared to stuff it back into her mouth.

Clare: ahhhhh....ahhhhh....ahhhh....

She was more involved in her body reactions rather than screaming for me to release her. I went back to the dildo and started my assault again.

Clare: aahaahhhhhh.... ahhhhhh.... UGHRRRRRHHHHH.....

Soon, her hips started thrashing around wildly, as if she was in throes of pain, but instead, it was another orgasm.


With my hands unable to continue holding onto the dildo, the only thing that continued in her orgasm building was both the vibrator and the beads. I let her continue her trashing for a little longer before I switched off the vibrator.

Previously during our first time fucking together, she was not screaming, but now, it was as if her life depended on her voice. She was very vocal now. I have broken this aspect of her, which I am pleased.

She laid there panting, eyes looking at me, no longer with anger, but with lust. I capped myself and as I position over her, she shut her eyes tightly and turn her head away from me. I laughed.

I removed the vibrator from her and paste the masking tape with the device on her wax-caked breast. holding the based of my cock, I moved my tip, tracing her lips.

Clare: ummmmm.... ummmmm......

Her eyes were still closed but uncontrollably, sound of lust escaped from her.

Without further prompting, I buried my dick into her love tunnel in one swift motion. She was already well lubricated and also stretched. There was no resistance.

I moved my hips and started the vibrator.

Clare: ahhhhhh.....

I rammed her hard and fast.

Clare: ohhhhhhh .... UGHHHRRRRHHHHH.....

With one hand, I squeezed her boobs and fondled her nipples.

Clare: URGGHHH....... UGHHHHH..........

The frequency of her scream were so often now that I felt as if I was a conductor, with the hum of the vibrator, her screams, the piaking sound of our fucking, and the slurping sound of my dick in her wet pussy, forming the music of my orchestral.

BReaking her made me very horny. I am unable to last very long. Her hips was also pushing upwards at me, as if straining to be fucked. Soon, my manhood quiver, and without pulling out, I exploded myself in her. As if she could feel my manhood, and she came at the same instance.

Clare: UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..................

I took out my fast deflating sword, and removed the condom. I carefully took a plastic bag from my bag and put the used item inside. I went to the toilet to wash and clean up.

When I came back to her, she was already exhausted from her multiple orgasm. She had already lost the will to resist, but more like just going with the flow of what I did. She just lay there, eyes closed, still panting.

Next I went back to collect all the items that I have used, the large dildo, the candle, the vibrator, the masking tape, the anal beads, the GSpot dildo and put everything into the plastic bag.

Once satisfied, I wore my clothes, collected both bags and went out of the room. I went downstairs and ensured that there is no one hanging around in the lobby, before I walk to the counter. I put 2k on the desk and look at the guy, staring at him to make sure he got my message.

Me: GO up to the room, and help to release the girl. If you touch her, I will make sure that you get deported back home.
Me: Take the money and remember.

He looked at me with a quizzing look, but he just nodded his head.

I left the hotel.

25-12-2015, 09:59 AM

I went up to the room. The guy had just passed me so much money. It's more than my 3 months pay. I do not even know why he asked me to release the girl. I don't even know what he means.

I opened the door and walk into the room.

I saw the girl that he was with earlier, tied to the bed, naked.

I went closer, her eyes was closed, as if sleeping. I could see there were waxes on her breasts. I looked at her. Her legs were spreaded wide open and her pussy was still wet with juices.

My cock throbbed against my pants. I wanted to touch her, but the guy mentioned that he will get me deported, but I was lusting for her earlier and now she is served on a platter to me.

I reached forward and buried my face in her pussy, licking and tasting her juices. Feeling her soft pussy lips with my tongue, I also inserted my finger into her hole and fingered her. I saw her eyes opened, and she saw me, and then started to scream.


I continued to lick and fingered her even though she was screaming. Soon, I felt her legs quivered, and her pussy squeezed my finger.

Clare: ahhhh........ohhhhhh..... ahhhh......UGHHHH...

Her hips gyrated up and down on the bed. I moved away from her pussy. I considered to fuck her, but I thought about the guy's threat, and I decided not to.

When she stopped moving, I stood there looking at her. She was staring at me, panting.

Clare: Release me. If not, once I get out, I make sure the police will get you.

I heard the word police, got me a little afraid. Quickly, I went to release both straps from her legs. But her hands are still tied, I had touched her pussy earlier, but have not touched her boobs yes. I went over to her side, grabbed her boob, and she hissed.

Clare: Stop touching MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Sorry, I need to go over there.

I could tell that she was very angry but had not choice because I was her saviour. Finally, I release her hands as well.

She got up and chased me out of the room.

25-12-2015, 10:00 AM
Fantastic. Can submit d script for filming

25-12-2015, 10:19 AM
Fantastic stroy, thank you.

25-12-2015, 11:02 AM
I tot crystabel story was sad but I think this is the winner for 2015! T.S please carry on....

25-12-2015, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the Xmas update :D

25-12-2015, 02:40 PM
I tot crystabel story was sad but I think this is the winner for 2015! T.S please carry on....

R u serious? Tis s sadder than crystabel's story? Wow

25-12-2015, 10:31 PM

I received a msg from Clare, asking me to go to Bencoolen hotel now. She said she needed help. I got there as swiftly as I could. It was still raining and the roads were slippery but I did not have time to ponder as she sounded extremely urgent.

As I arrived, I saw the guy at the counter and he was asking me to stop, but I ignored him and went up to the room number that she had given me.

After 3 knocks, she opened the door. I had a shocked when I saw her. Her hair was wet and in a mess. Her eyeliner was smudge, obviously she was crying. She was only wrapped in a towel.

She let me in and walked slowly to the bed. AS there was no chair, I sat down besides the bed and saw the straps around the posts. I looked at her, not sure what to say. She was looking on the floor. Finally, after 10mins, I opened my mouth and spoke softly.

Me: Clare, are you ok?

She had no expression.

Me: Clare?

SHe turned and looked at me. I could see pain and sorrow in her eyes.

Me: What happened?

Suddenly she hugged me and cry. I was shocked, but then as a man, I felt her breasts on my chest. I just put my hands on her shoulders and let her cry. When she stopped, she spoke, mumbling.

Clare: I.... I .... was humiliated....
Me: Are... you.... errrmmm... rape?
Clare: I don't know how to put it..... but I don't know if I was raped.....

She started to tell her story and I just sat there listening to her. When she completed her story, I actually had an erection as I was imagining all the stuffs that she said.

Me: errrm.... were you consensus when he....errrmmm.... put it in you?
Clare: I don't know.... but I wasn't resisting.....

She started to cry again and lean on my shoulder. I just put my arms around her shoulder as well.

Me: Errrrmm.... I also don't know....
Me: do you want to go to the police?
Clare: NO!
Me: errrmmm....

She looked at me with a fierce look on her eyes.

Clare: They wont believe me. He left no evidence!
Me: I think they will get his semen and do a test.
Clare: He used a condom. They wont find anything....
Clare: and... and.... I did not resist.....

She spoke softly.

Clare: It was consensual......

She looked down on the floor.

Clare: but I feel so dirty after that! and so humiliated!
Clare: We cant call the police.
Me: There should be security camera around.
Clare: It wont show anything. He was holding my hand and leading me to the room. It's no use.
Me: The counter guy?
Clare: He wont say anything as well. He touched me also. and it's my word against his...

She sounded dejected.

Clare: Sam, I just need you to be here. I don't dare to call my other friends. But I know you will understand.
Me: ok. You ok to go?

She looked at her soiled under garments.

Clare: You told me you stay alone?
Me: ya.
Clare: Let's go to your place first. I cant go home like this.

25-12-2015, 10:36 PM
Bro, ur story is good and im following them now.
Will login to see whether there's any update or not.

Please continue the story as im sure alot of bros around are feeling the same as me!

25-12-2015, 11:38 PM
Bro not enough updates, I can't wait.... Lol

26-12-2015, 02:35 AM
more pls!!

26-12-2015, 06:32 AM
Fantastic. Can submit d script for filming

Exactly bro

26-12-2015, 09:52 AM
Cannot let ricky 'get off' so easily....

26-12-2015, 12:12 PM
Bro not enough updates, I can't wait.... Lol

Let TS have a rest lah .... he already update very often :D

26-12-2015, 01:18 PM
I watched her took her clothes and went into the toilet. For a moment, I was hoping she would change here. However, she left her undergarments around, I took her undies and took a whiff. It smell like saliva. Her bra look trampled on. I decided not to collect them and left them on the bed.

Clare came out shortly. I could see her pokies from her white spaghetti blouse. She did not bother to cover them. She looked much better when she opened the door earlier. She had straightened her hair and had a look of determination on her face.

Clare: Let's go.
Me: Ermm... one thing, I am riding today and it's raining.
Clare: you have a spare helmet?
Me: Yes. In the compartment.
Clare: Let's go. I don't want to be in this room longer.

WIth that, we made our way out, leaving her lingerie behind. At the counter, the guy shouted good bye to her, but she ignored him.

I ran to the bike to open the compartment and took out the spare helmet. She joined me, and was soak to the sink. Her blouse was translucent, as if she had joined a wet T-Shirt contest. Her nipples were visible from her blouse, like 2 beacons on the open sea. A car drove by a sounded his honk.

We wore our helmet, and I rode to my place. By the time we arrived in the carpark, we were both drenched.

We got to my place without further incident.

Even though I lived alone, I took care of my place and I was glad it was not in shambles when she came.

She stood at the doorway in the living room, not moving.

CLare: Arent you going to pass me a towel?
Me: Oh....

I went to grab a towel and one of my T-shirt and shorts and pass to her.

Me: the bathroom is over there.

She went to the bathroom and I heard the water running before I went to change out of my wet clothes.

She came out soon, with the towel bundled on top of her head, like a turban. Automatically I looked down at her unprotected pokies. I realised that I should have gotten her a white Tshirt rather than this brown one. Unsurprisingly, she did not bother to cover up. Sex or embarrassment was not in her line of thoughts now.

Clare: Do you have a hair dryer?

I passed it to her and went to bath. As I exited the toilet, the sky was already dark and the rain had stopped. She was still drying her hair, and she looked beautiful just sitting cross legged on the floor.

Me: You wait here, I go get dinner ok?
Clare: let's go together.
Me: Your clothes is still very wet... it's ok. I can grab it for you.
Clare: where your wardrobe?
Me: In the room.... why?

Without answering me, she went into my room and opened my wardrobe. She basically ransack it and took out a pair of house and shorts from my sec school.

Clare: I think they should fit.

She ushered me out of the room to try on them. When she re-open the door, she looked like a student from my sec school. But the T-shirt was tight and stretched across her B Cups pushing her nipples out, causing the pokies to be more apparent. I laughed.

Clare: what?!
Me: Hey, you are not wearing anything underneath, and the T is too tight. You go out like this, the coffee shop uncles will follow us home. hahaha.....
Clare: You don't have a mirror in your room. How am I supposed to know.

I took out my phone and snap a picture of her.

Clare: oh dear..... let me search again....

She messed up even more of my wardrobe, and finally she came out with a black printed singlet that I got from Thailand.

Clare: this is the smallest I could find. Let me try on this.

The next time she opened the door, she was in my singlet, but much better as it was black and the prints camouflage her pokies. They could only be seen from the side. She was still wearing the old pair of shorts.

Clare: I think this is ok. Take a picture.

I took and showed her. She is comfortable with it and we made our way out.

26-12-2015, 01:19 PM
Ricky's gonna get it from Sam soon

26-12-2015, 01:25 PM

I went home after I fucked Clare. I was careful to leave nothing behind. Anyway, she did not reject me when I was forcing myself onto her. I am confidence that she would not call the police. But even so, I have nothing to fear.

The only one I was afraid of was the foreign worker on the desk. I called the hotel. He assured me that he did not touch her and she left about 5pm. There was a guy that went off with her.

I wondered who he was. Probably her friend or something like that. I am not too bothered once I confirmed that she had taken no further action.

I got changed and prepared for a function later tonight. I wonder if there are any upcoming young models at the event.

26-12-2015, 01:55 PM

I wanted to go to the coffeeshop opposite my place, but she wanted to go to further, to tebing lane. We stood by the bike and was having a debate.

Me: the coffeeshop here is fine.
Clare: No. I want to eat Popeye....
Me: But it's going to be crowded there, especially it's Saturday.
Clare: I don't care.... I want to eat Popeye.
Me: MAybe we should get a delivery order?
Clare: No. We are already downstairs and you are riding.

I suddenly feel like we are having a couple debate.

Me: But... you are....
Clare: I know, but I want to go.....
Me: errrmm.....
Clare: I want to take a walk by the river after dinner.
Me: ok.... ok....

Earlier when going to my place, even though she was leaning on my back, but because it was raining and I was cold and wet, my focus was on the road to get us back safely. But now, without the rain, I rode slowly, feeling her body against my back. Every time I brake, I could feel her bare boobs resting on my back. I had an erection throughout the journey there.

We arrived, ordered and sat down to have our food. Surprisingly, it was not crowded. The patrons were not too bothered with us and I did not noticed anyone realised that she was braless.

We took a seat inside the restaurant at a corner seat and started eating. Everytime she bend down to take a sip from her drink, her singlet opened a little and I could see her fair cleavage against her black top.

Once we are done with dinner, we made our way to the riverbank and started walking. There were some couples along the way. but mostly only the 2 of us.

Clare: sam....
Me: ya?
Clare: thanks for everything.
Me: I didn't do much....
Clare: thanks for coming down today.
Me: don't worry about it.

We kept quiet and walk a few more steps.

Clare: Earlier, I felt dirty, humiliated and angry.
Clare: now, I don't feel so anymore.
Clare: I feel more peaceful and calm....
Clare: It's all thanks to your presence.

I nodded and continue walking by her side. She stopped and turned to look at me.

Clare: Even though what he did, it was consensus at the end of the day. I could not do anything to him and allowed him to ..... to..... insert into me....
Me: He is your boyfriend.....
Clare: Do you find me a slut?

I shook my head.

Clare: I know that you have slight liking for me....

I wanted to speak but she put a finger over my mouth.

Clare: after what happened, have you changed your opinion of me?

I shook my head.

Clare: Do you find me dirty or cheap?

I held her wrist and took away her finger. Instead I placed my finger on her mouth.

Me: let me speak.
Me: Yes, I have feelings for you. And I still have. I just want to protect you and look after you.
Me: whatever happened is of no fault of yours.
Me: do not reprimand yourself.
Me: he is your boyfriend and tricked you into it. So it's not your fault.
Me: I do not think you are a slut or is dirty. I think you are a fantastic person.

Finally I stopped and looked at her. There were tears in her eyes. I opened my arms and she leaned forward to hug me.

Clare: Thanks Sam.... Thanks for everything....

We kept quiet for a moment, before she release me. I wiped her tears off her eyes and gave her a peck on her forehead, before giving her a smile. She smiled back and lean forward to kiss me on the lips. Just a gentle peck, nothing lustful or erotic about it.

She then grabbed my hand and holding hands, we started to walk back towards the restaurants area.

26-12-2015, 03:07 PM
Great story, keep it coming

26-12-2015, 04:43 PM
Very good story ... well done TS :)

26-12-2015, 06:31 PM
I can't wait action from Sam. Where are you TS? Don't hang it there. Please do constant updates like your other story.

26-12-2015, 08:36 PM
I can't wait action from Sam. Where are you TS? Don't hang it there. Please do constant updates like your other story.

because the support is not that good for this story :D

26-12-2015, 08:38 PM
Says who....

Supporter here !
ups u !

26-12-2015, 09:36 PM
more pls more!!

26-12-2015, 09:42 PM
slow and steady ts.... just lighting the firewood here....

26-12-2015, 09:52 PM
We rode back leisurely back to my place, loving the feel of her braless tits behind my back. We got some beers from the 7-11 near my place.

Once back home, she changed back to the earlier large Tshirt that I provided and the baggy shorts. She sat down in front of the sofa and switched on the TV and motioned me besides her. We started to drink our beer while watching TV.

She put a pillow on my lap and lay her head down on it. My left arm was free, and I just put it around her waist, not daring to get near her privates as we just got together and her afternoon ordeal.

I wonder what's her feeling now. I guess must be confused.

Half way through, she fell asleep. I sat there thinking, it was between Clare and her boyfriend. Technically speaking, they had not broken off and he is still her boyfriend. I am the third party currently. I wonder if I should do anything at this point in time. I decided not to.

She turned in her sleep and was lying face up. I could see her breasts and they were very tempting for me to grab it. But I did not. I just sat there, not moving, afraid to wake her.

About an hour later, I adjusted her and as I need to relieve myself. Slowly, I put the pillow on the sofa with her head on it. Luckily, she did not woken.

When I came back, she was still sleeping. Her legs were close, but her shorts had moved up her legs, exposing me her pussy. The one that I saw when I peeped from her window. The one that I always imagine. That night, the lightings were poor. But now she was just there, for me to see and enjoy.

I made sure that she was still sleeping before I squatted down to have her look at her private region. I could see that it was rather reddish, perhaps sore from this afternoon. Not something that turn me on, I got up and look at her sleeping form. I decided between waking her or carrying her into the room.

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me, giving me a fright. As she got up, one side of her collar drop down the shoulders of her supporting hand, offering a short view of her cleavage. She rubbed her eyes cutely.

Clare: sorry... I fell asleep...
Me: It's ok... should you let your parents know if you are staying out?
Clare: oh ya....

I took the armchair as She called her parents. After she hung up, she looked at me with sleepy eyes. Then she went back her phone again and text something before standing up and stretching herself, stretching her top back and offering a good look of her pokies.

Clare: ok... done....
Clare: Anyway, I text him and told him that I am ending the relationship.
Clare: Let's go sleep. Do you have a bed in your guest room?

I shook my head.

Clare: oh.... then I just take the sofa.
Me: no... no.... you take my room. I'll just sleep on the sofa....
Clare: nope... it's your bed.... I cant make you sleep here.
Me: you are the guest.... I also cant make you sleep here.

She thought for a moment.

Clare: ok, let's go in a sleep on your bed.
ME: huh?
Clare: but nothing funny.

She giggled. She held her hand out for me. I off the TV, and lights and we made our way to the room.

Luckily mine was a queen size bed, and there were ample space. She took on side and I took the other. In order not to let her misunderstand, I put the bolster between us. She laughed and removed it.

Clare: no need for this. I trust you.....

With that, she shut her eyes and slept. I lay there thinking about the many events of the day for myself, before falling asleep.

26-12-2015, 10:41 PM
Bro Pusslover

Thanks again for your great job.camping here for more.

We rode back leisurely back to my place, loving the feel of her braless tits behind my back. We got some beers from the 7-11 near my place.

Once back home, she changed back to the earlier large Tshirt that I provided and the baggy shorts. She sat down in front of the sofa and switched on the TV and motioned me besides her. We started to drink our beer while watching TV.

She put a pillow on my lap and lay her head down on it. My left arm was free, and I just put it around her waist, not daring to get near her privates as we just got together and her afternoon ordeal.

I wonder what's her feeling now. I guess must be confused.

Half way through, she fell asleep. I sat there thinking, it was between Clare and her boyfriend. Technically speaking, they had not broken off and he is still her boyfriend. I am the third party currently. I wonder if I should do anything at this point in time. I decided not to.

She turned in her sleep and was lying face up. I could see her breasts and they were very tempting for me to grab it. But I did not. I just sat there, not moving, afraid to wake her.

About an hour later, I adjusted her and as I need to relieve myself. Slowly, I put the pillow on the sofa with her head on it. Luckily, she did not woken.

When I came back, she was still sleeping. Her legs were close, but her shorts had moved up her legs, exposing me her pussy. The one that I saw when I peeped from her window. The one that I always imagine. That night, the lightings were poor. But now she was just there, for me to see and enjoy.

I made sure that she was still sleeping before I squatted down to have her look at her private region. I could see that it was rather reddish, perhaps sore from this afternoon. Not something that turn me on, I got up and look at her sleeping form. I decided between waking her or carrying her into the room.

She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at me, giving me a fright. As she got up, one side of her collar drop down the shoulders of her supporting hand, offering a short view of her cleavage. She rubbed her eyes cutely.

Clare: sorry... I fell asleep...
Me: It's ok... should you let your parents know if you are staying out?
Clare: oh ya....

I took the armchair as She called her parents. After she hung up, she looked at me with sleepy eyes. Then she went back her phone again and text something before standing up and stretching herself, stretching her top back and offering a good look of her pokies.

Clare: ok... done....
Clare: Anyway, I text him and told him that I am ending the relationship.
Clare: Let's go sleep. Do you have a bed in your guest room?

I shook my head.

Clare: oh.... then I just take the sofa.
Me: no... no.... you take my room. I'll just sleep on the sofa....
Clare: nope... it's your bed.... I cant make you sleep here.
Me: you are the guest.... I also cant make you sleep here.

She thought for a moment.

Clare: ok, let's go in a sleep on your bed.
ME: huh?
Clare: but nothing funny.

She giggled. She held her hand out for me. I off the TV, and lights and we made our way to the room.

Luckily mine was a queen size bed, and there were ample space. She took on side and I took the other. In order not to let her misunderstand, I put the bolster between us. She laughed and removed it.

Clare: no need for this. I trust you.....

With that, she shut her eyes and slept. I lay there thinking about the many events of the day for myself, before falling asleep.

26-12-2015, 10:53 PM
Support for TS ..... :D

26-12-2015, 11:22 PM
Thanks for the quick update ts. Appreciate u updating the thread so frequently.

26-12-2015, 11:25 PM
because the support is not that good for this story :D

I'm your #1 supporter! Love your stories. I keep checking every hr lol

26-12-2015, 11:33 PM
because the support is not that good for this story :D

Eagerly waiting for the sensual & erotic love making episode of Sam & Clare.

26-12-2015, 11:36 PM
Keep on going TS! Love your stories, been an avid follower..even read your old stories haha thanks for all the effort & prolific writing :)

26-12-2015, 11:48 PM

THe next morning, I was still sleeping when I felt my blanket being pulled away from me. I woke up trying to grab hold of my blanket.

Clare: haha... wake up lazy head, your other head is already awake.... haha..

She pointed to my morning glory. I tried to hide it but without a blanket, I put my pillow on my lap.

I looked at her, she had already bathe and her hair was wet and she was only wrapped in my towel. The towel was short and I could see a lot of her legs. It did not help my hardon. it just got harder.

Clare: Go and wash up and we either go out to have breakfast or we order delivery. I am hungry.

With that, I quickly made my way to the toilet, hearing her laughing behind me at my lame attempt to hide my erection.

After we came out, we wanted to call the delivery, but it will take an hour. She decided against it, and wore the same clothes she wore last night; the printed Singlet and my secondary school shorts.

We left my place hand in hand and started to walk to the coffeeshop. Last night, because it was already dark, it was not so obvious that she was not wearing a bra. But this morning, with the sun already up, her bouncy boobs was visible to anyone that notice her.

At the coffeeshop, I noticed that the lustful guys were all salivating when they saw her. Their eyes never left her boobs. Luckily, she crossed her legs when she sat at the table, and they would never know that she is also naked beneath her shorts.

I felt a tinged of jealously as well as horniest. I realised that with all the attention she had, it also made me feel proud to hold her hands. However, we still have not gotten intimate, and that will make me anticipate for the day even more. I know not to rush her after what had happened yesterday.

After breakfast, she wanted to shop at some of the neighbourhood shops.

Me: errrm... you sure you want to continue walking?
Clare: why? I need to get some clothes. I have none now.
Me: errmmm... I think a lot of people looking at you....
Clare: oh... but no choice.... my clothes is still not dry. I need to get something.

To end the debate, she hug my arm, pressing her breast into it, and pulled me along to the shops.

As there were not much to shop for, she just got a $5 beige bra and granny style panties, and also a set of T Shirt and shorts, before making way back to my place.

arriving at my place, she changed into those, and asked me to send her home.

26-12-2015, 11:53 PM

I met a up coming model at the dinner last night. I wanted to get her to bed, but my mood was spoilt by the message I received from Clare. She wanted to end the relation.

So far, only I dump girls. Not the other way round. She got me rather angry about it, and I only send the model home after the event.

I wanted to make sure she suffer for the indignity she caused me.

I need to think about it and before deciding on what I will do, and then letting her go.

26-12-2015, 11:56 PM
thanks bros for all your support.

Like I mentioned, I will continue on the story because of the support I received. Also, the updates will be slower as this is more complicated, unlike the previous that I had written.

Hopefully will be a good one.

27-12-2015, 01:14 AM
Thanks TS, please continue with the story :)

27-12-2015, 02:05 AM
Bro Pusslover,

Thank you very much for your hard work.

27-12-2015, 06:02 AM
i keep refreshing to read

Clare is a real slut, act innocent nia

so fast wan to up colleague

27-12-2015, 08:04 AM

THe next morning, I was still sleeping when I felt my blanket being pulled away from me. I woke up trying to grab hold of my blanket.

Clare: haha... wake up lazy head, your other head is already awake.... haha..

She pointed to my morning glory. I tried to hide it but without a blanket, I put my pillow on my lap.

I looked at her, she had already bathe and her hair was wet and she was only wrapped in my towel. The towel was short and I could see a lot of her legs. It did not help my hardon. it just got harder.

Clare: Go and wash up and we either go out to have breakfast or we order delivery. I am hungry.

With that, I quickly made my way to the toilet, hearing her laughing behind me at my lame attempt to hide my erection.

After we came out, we wanted to call the delivery, but it will take an hour. She decided against it, and wore the same clothes she wore last night; the printed Singlet and my secondary school shorts.

We left my place hand in hand and started to walk to the coffeeshop. Last night, because it was already dark, it was not so obvious that she was not wearing a bra. But this morning, with the sun already up, her bouncy boobs was visible to anyone that notice her.

At the coffeeshop, I noticed that the lustful guys were all salivating when they saw her. Their eyes never left her boobs. Luckily, she crossed her legs when she sat at the table, and they would never know that she is also naked beneath her shorts.

I felt a tinged of jealously as well as horniest. I realised that with all the attention she had, it also made me feel proud to hold her hands. However, we still have not gotten intimate, and that will make me anticipate for the day even more. I know not to rush her after what had happened yesterday.

After breakfast, she wanted to shop at some of the neighbourhood shops.

Me: errrm... you sure you want to continue walking?
Clare: why? I need to get some clothes. I have none now.
Me: errmmm... I think a lot of people looking at you....
Clare: oh... but no choice.... my clothes is still not dry. I need to get something.

To end the debate, she hug my arm, pressing her breast into it, and pulled me along to the shops.

As there were not much to shop for, she just got a $5 beige bra and granny style panties, and also a set of T Shirt and shorts, before making way back to my place.

arriving at my place, she changed into those, and asked me to send her home.

after go home wear these?


27-12-2015, 08:34 AM

braless photo for imagination

27-12-2015, 09:42 AM
after go home wear these?


Pussy lickin good bro... mind sharing who she is and more of her bro?

27-12-2015, 11:09 AM
Keep it up TS!

27-12-2015, 11:33 AM
after go home wear these?


Nice ..... shorts could be shorter though :p

27-12-2015, 01:52 PM
after go home wear these?


Please edit your quoted text. A wall of text quoted just to post a line??????

27-12-2015, 10:08 PM
love the story so far. pls continue bro!

27-12-2015, 10:11 PM

After I send Clare home, I left as she did not want to be out the remaining of the day.

As such, I went back home and even though Clare did not want me to pursue the matter yesterday, I was curious about the guy, Ricky. I decided to make some investigation on him. I had some friends who are very good at digging up details. Giving them the car plate number and his company and his name, very soon I received information from them.

Guy: Ricky
Age: 30
Place of residence: Bukit Timah xxxx condo
Father: CEO of xxx company

How they got the information is beyond me. One of them even gave me 2 reports that made me raise my eye brows.

1. There was a charge of battery but he was acquitted because of some untold reason
2. There was a suspect of illegal activities. No other information provided.

I started to wonder what illegal activities he was involved in. But somehow, again he got free.

I asked for the name of the victim of the battery case. A model name was provided to me with the company she is working in. Some how, I am always impressed by these guys. I guessed they really trawled the web for all these information.

Next, I went out and got a few things. A false moustache, some dark charcoal chalk for make up, and grey wig, and some tanning cream and a small cushion. I also brought along a cap and my dad's windbreaker.

I went to a toilet at beauty world, and did the make up. When I am done, I looked at the mirror. Even in close proximity, I looked like I am about 55 - 60.

I left my bike in the mall, bought some drinks and I took a bus to the condo. Without looking suspicious, I went to the security and pretended that I my son had just shifted into the vicinity and I had lost my way.

I stayed and chatted with the security while offering him a drink. Every time a car came in or out through the gantry, I took a peek if it is the Porsche. And I would casually asked the guy about each car a little. I had already planned out my lists of questions and mixed and match them differently so that when my target appear, it would not sound too suspicious.

I was glad that the guy was talkative and he does provide quite a bit of information. I hoped that I would not overstay my welcome before the Porsche appear. Luckily within 30 mins, he went out, and again I asked casually about the information. Once the information received, I waited for 1 more car to pass through before I made my way off.

I had gotten some information from the guard that cannot be provided by my friends from the web.

I headed back to the mall to collect to my bike, taking into account of what was revealed to me.

27-12-2015, 10:12 PM
love the story so far. pls continue bro!

I love the girl in the pic too. :D

27-12-2015, 10:21 PM

I woke up on Sunday morning, feeling horny. I know I just fucked Clare yesterday, but it's not enough for me. However, I am not interested in her today. SHe will have to wait.

I called up the model, Nicky, from last night. She was available to meet up in the afternoon for lunch. Basically, I know these type. She was already sticky yesterday evening, and I am sure she would be easy prey without me doing much.

I got her address and went out from my house to pick her.

28-12-2015, 11:02 AM
Do continue bro!! Checking back almost every hour for update:p

28-12-2015, 11:08 AM
I brought nicky out for lunch and then to taka shopping. She went straight to prada and i got her a bag. She was very happy.

She was a c cupper with long legs, about 1.7m in height.She was wearing a long tube dress today which covered her legs. Guys took a second look at her when we walked pass. But to me, she is just another toy for me to released my needs.

After that, we had nothing much to do. I decided to be very direct as she was already holding on my arm and not letting go of it. I am sure she knows my wealth and wanted to get something out of it.

Me: anything later?
Nicky: no. You have plans?
Me: want to go to ritz carlton?

She laughed.

Nicky: you are very direct, arent you?
Me: i dont believed in wasting time. How?
Nicky: ok. Lets go.

I drove there and checked in.

Once in the room, she turned and french me. Our tongues fought while i cupped her breasts. Its a long time since i had a c cupper.

I could feel her bra underneath her clothes. I pulled down her dress exposing her red black strapless bra.

My mouth left hers and i started to neck her. She removed my jeans in the meantime, leaving only my boxers on me.

I continued my decend, hands massaging her butt, and using my nose, i pushed her bra downwards. Her areola were big, and her nipples were those inverted types. Luckily they were light brown.

I used my tongue and touches them, coaxing them out from their inversion. They were soon wet with my saliva, and not sure whether from my licking or from the cold air in the room, they sprung out from their hidding place, erected.

With something to grab hold on, i suckle them.

Nicky: ooggguuuwhhooo....

I lead her towards the king size bed and pulled her dress down. She was now standing there with only her red matching g string and the bra around her waists. She removed the bra and throw it on the bed.

Still suckling her nipples, i lowered her on the bed. She removed my top and boxers in the process, exposing my manhood. So softly, she uses her manicured fingers and touches my tip and rub my precum against my helmet.

I started my kisses from her bosoms down towards her navel button, without leaving her fair skin. When i got to the waist band of her undies, i lowered it with my hands, exposing the rectangular shape of her neatly trimmed bush. Obviously she took care about herself.

I look at her folds, they were not protruding out. Surprised at my find, i push her flesh aside and her labia lips were the smallest i had seen before. They were glistering with her juices.

I uses my tongue and touched her clitoris, licking it in an up down motion.

Nicky: ummm....oooommmmppphfffff.....

Quite sure of her readiness, and because she is a bigger girl, i stick 2 fingers in to her love canal.

Nicky: ahhhhhh..... ahhhh...

She started to moan in conjuction to my fingering. Looking at her pretty face, i repositioned myself ontop of her and she automatically engulf my member into her mouth, deep throating me.

After a short moment, i dragged myself out of her mouth. Her suction was good and i have difficulty controlling. I did not want to waste and cum there.

I capped myself and got her on doggy style. I saw her hands moved beneath her body and spread her lips for me. Taking my member, i found my way into her leaking hole.

Nicky: arrrhhhhhh.....

I started the gyrating of my hips, giving my thrust to her. She thrust backwards to my rythms, grabbing her own breasts in the process.

Nicky: aaaarrrgggggghhhh....

I could feel her juices leaking on my thighs.

I pumped harder into her and she moaned even louder, especially when i slapped on her butt cheeks.

Nicky: faster.... faster.... i am coming.... faster....

She was panting and so was i. With her encouragment, i could feel my pressure buidling up.

When i was about to reach my climax, i removed my dick, took out the condom, and tiving a feel strokes, i cummed all over her butt cheeks.

She laid face down on the bed, exhausted. I laid down besides her, not bothering about the semen behind her.

I thought about clare.

28-12-2015, 02:52 PM
Clare or model, TS writing never fail to turn me on. Thanks

28-12-2015, 05:25 PM
Before TS update the next installment, lets have a poll:

Given a choice, will u choose to be

1)The rich bastard Ricky who uses women as his toy, fuck and dump


2)The guy with a humble background, Sam who is true to the one he loves and prepare to do many things for her

?? I will prefer to be (1), though bastard in ways he treat women, think most bros here choose the same as me, or am I wrong?:D

28-12-2015, 08:19 PM
watched Ip Man 3 last night - "what is most important are the people beside you"

Ending up as a lonely man on your death bed can be a possibility for those who choose (1); though choosing (2) does not necessarily guarantee you happiness ever after either..

So may be the trick is to find that delicate balance between (1) and (2) :D like Dr. J and Mr. H :p:p

28-12-2015, 09:42 PM
Before TS update the next installment, lets have a poll:

Given a choice, will u choose to be

1)The rich bastard Ricky who uses women as his toy, fuck and dump


2)The guy with a humble background, Sam who is true to the one he loves and prepare to do many things for her

?? I will prefer to be (1), though bastard in ways he treat women, think most bros here choose the same as me, or am I wrong?:D

Sorry i don't like polls. I want ts to continue.
Ts don't delay, I can't wait for more updates.

28-12-2015, 09:54 PM
Suddenly Nicky turned over and faced me, the semen dripping onto the bed. I was a little disgusted, but she took my limp dick into her mouth. She started to suck as well as using her lips in a sawing motion, massaging it. Within no time, I got hard again.

Once she saw that I was erected, she went over to the box of condom, peel one off and pop it into her mouth. She gently pull down my foreskin with her hand, and put her mouth over my helmet. With the skill of only a pro, she rolled the cap down all the way to the base of the shaft, fully capping me.

With me still lying on the bed, she mounted me, with her lanky legs around my ribcage. She bend forward to French me, sticking her tongue into my mouth. Slowly holding the base of my member, she stroke it against her lips, before lowering herself into me.

Nicky: ummmm......

She move back into a 45 degree angle, and started to raise her butt from my pelvic, and down again swiftly. She was facing me, riding me. Looking at her bouncy C Cups like 2 balloons in the wind. Automatically I reached out to grab them, squeezing and milking the boobs.

Nicky: arrrrhhhh...... arrrrrhhhhhhhh

However, her stamina was lousy, and she was soon exhausted.

She laid down besides me, and pulled me on top of her, without my dick leaving her love hold. With little awkwardness, we managed to get into the missionary positon.

However, she lifted her legs and put on my shoulders, preferring the wheel barrow angle. Her long legs turned me on very much, and as I penetrated her, I started to nibble at her calf which was around my face region. She grabbed both her boobs and started to play with her erected nipples.

Nicky: ARRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH........... faster....... FASTER...........

I could feel her tightening her vagina walls and every stroke that I thrust, was nearer to my second climax. Her hands left her boobs and started to play with my nipples, using her fingers to flick at them.

Me: EEnnnnnggghhhh.... eeeennnnnghhhhh......

I realised that I was making some noises as well. Mentally turned-on and with the additional teasing from her, I felt my second coming.

Me: I am cummmmmminnnngggggg..........aahhhhhh
Nicky: ohhhhhh...... RRRRGHHHHH................

This time I did not withdrew myself and continued pumping until I came into the condom.

After this, I am totally spent. I just lay down on her body without withdrawing myself, leaving the filled up condom in her, and feeling myself going limp.

She just hugged me while I laid there.

28-12-2015, 11:00 PM
Thanks TS!!!

28-12-2015, 11:19 PM
To fuck a model ..... my fantasy :D

29-12-2015, 12:34 AM


Clare told me to pick her up in the morning, just as I was about to leave my place. She told me she woke up late. I waited under her blk for her. She appeared about 2 minutes later, wearing a white round-neck blouse and a black tight short skirt.

Clare: Sorry, I was late.
Me: You are sure you are going to wear this?
Clare: Huh? Why?
Me: First, you white blouse could get stain. Second, with this skirt, you will get to show the whole world what's underneath.
Clare: But we are going to be late.

She was seriously more concerned about the lateness as she was still under probation.

Clare: Do you have a windbreaker or something?
Me: Yes, I brought one for you. But only one. You cant cover both.
Clare: I think I can sit nearer to you on the bike. Should be ok.

I rolled my eyes.

But I decided not to argue with her as indeed, we are running a little late. She wore the windbreaker, and sat really closed to me. I could also feel her inner tights clamping tightly to my gluteus muscle. She put her bag on her lap.

We arrived just in time to the office. With her habit that I know so well, Clare went to get her water bottle filled up, but this time she took mine as well.

We went about our daily tasks as usual, but she spoke to me a lot more since we were now together.

When she asked me for help on an email, I went over to her seat. I stood besides her while she was sitting down. She was pointing to some question on the email, but instead of looking at the screen, I was looking down at her opened blouse, able to see the white bra and cleavage. I formed a tent standing next to her.

Clare: Are you going camping?
Me: Huh?

Totally caught unaware by her sarcastic remark.

Clare: where are your eyes looking?
Clare: The question is here.
Me: haha... oh ya.... I forgot.... haha....

After I answered her question, I went back to my seat and did my own stuffs.

Just before lunch, I heard her rampaging through some bags between us. I turned my head to look at her and she was squatting down on the floor. As she was wearing a short skirt, I could see her G String between her legs, through the cavern, and the light colour of her pubic region against the lacy material. I turned my seat and bend down towards her skirt.

Me: What are you doing?
Clare: I was playing with my earrings and I think it dropped into one of these bags.
Me: Hey.... you are putting a show for the whole office. If Eric or Dave walk by, they will see what I am seeing.
Clare: Oh ya.

She moved her legs and knelt down. But now, I could look into her cleavage. I thought I saw a slight glimpse of her nipple through the tiny opening of her bra.

Clare: now they cant see....

She did not realised that the top is now opened. Earlier, her knees were blocking the top, but now with the knees not there, the top became opened. I sighed.

Clare: huh? can you help me to look for it? I cant be wearing only 1 side.

Before I could tell her about her blouse, someone spoke behind me.

Someone: What are you guys doing?

Clare looked up and I turned my head. Alex, the famous lustful guy in the office, was standing there. In my years in the company, I seldom speak to him as he was from the sales department and we almost never crossed path. In fact, our whole department seldom speak to him. I was quite surprised that he did not make any moves for Clare during the time she was here. I did not mentioned him to her previously because she was just a colleague to me then. And I did not get to tell her about him since Saturday as he had not come across my mind.

For a very brief moment, I saw him looked into her blouse, before his eyes looked at mine.

Me: Oh, we are looking for something.

His eyes left mine and looked at Clare's.

Alex: What are you looking for?
Clare: oh.... my earrings. I dropped them, and we are looking for it now.
Alex: Should I help you look for it as well?

Before I can speak, Clare spoke first.

Clare: sure, the more people, the higher chance we can find. thanks.

I saw his eyes went into her blouse again. I did not like that, but because the status between Clare and myself were supposed to be colleagues only, thus, I could not tell her directly about Alex's intention.

Clare went back to look into the bags. She offered me a box to search. He did not squat or knee down, but instead just bend at his waist, pretending to be searching, but in fact his eyes were looking into her blouse.

Most women does not know this, but even if their bra is of the exact size, when they moved their hands when their body is upright or slightly bending forward, the bra will change shape and from the side or top, the nipples would be visible to any onlooker.

This was exactly what happened to Clare. She was bending down slightly, peering into the bags, and rampaging through them. As she swept her hair back over her shoulders, so as not to obstruct her view, her round-neck blouse left her body, and form a deep cave. Even from my kneeling position, I could see the occasional view of her light brown areola and nipple. Alex has the grand stand seat in the house.

Some how, I wasn't pleased but also I felt an erotic sense of horniest rose in me. It was exciting for me for Alex to be able to view what I am seeing, especially with Clare totally oblivious to it, with her head down looking into the bags. I almost came in my pants then.

Clare finished searching the bag, and looked at me.

Clare: did you find it in there?
Me: errmmm... no...

She turned to look at Alex, I turned as well.

Clare: did you see it?
Alex: haha.... yup.... I saw it...
Clare: where?!
Alex: there.

He pointed to her heels underneath the table. The earring had fallen and bounced it's way to underneath it. I was surprised that his eyes actually left her cleavage and look at other places.

Clare: oh ya!

She waddle her way to the heel and retrieved the earring, before standing up. I stood up as well.

Clare: Thanks.....
Alex: any time.... haha.....

He went off. I wondered why he was here in our area.

I looked at Clare, and she was happily putting on her earring, and still did not know what had happened. I did not tell her for fear of making her feel that I am a prude.

Once she gotten her earrings in place, we went out for lunch.

29-12-2015, 12:56 AM
After lunch, there was nothing much as both of us focused on our stuffs. It just piled up continuously.

6pm came and went off. The rest of the office started to empty. Soon, it was already 8pm.

Clare: Sam dear, you hungry?

I looked up. She called me dear for the first time. I nodded.

Clare: dinner how?
Me: Oh! You missed your gym session!

She looked surprised, but her surprise turned into a frown. She squinted her eyes into small slits and looked at me.

Clare: how do you know that I have gym classes on Monday?

She stood up and walk to me, standing besides me.

Me: oh.... errrmm..... I see that you normally brought a bag in the past. but today you did not bring it.

Suddenly she smiled.

Clare: hahaha..... you looked so frightened! haha.....

My turn to frown.

Clare: I didn't know you took so much notice of me.... haha....
Me: you were sitting besides me....
Clare: then do you know what Eric or Dave does on Monday?

I kept quiet. I did not take notice.

She grab my face and gave me a peck on the cheek.

Clare: Thanks Dear. That's so sweet of you.

She released me.

Clare: are you done? I am hungry.
Me: Ok. done. Let's go.

We went for dinner nearby before I send her home.

29-12-2015, 01:26 AM

Clare told me to pick her up last night and so I arrived at her place earlier. She was already waiting for me at the carpark. She was wearing a windbreaker and a flare skirt.

I noticed that she had started changing her dressing as well. I think it was more of a subconscious change as she found herself looking prettier in such clothes. She is still conservative in many aspects.

Today, she brought an extra jacket as well. Once on the bike, she used the cardigan to cover her legs.

With no fear of her showing anything, we made our way to the office. At the carpark, she turned around from me and wore the cardigan.

After she came back to her seat from topping up her water, Alex came into our cubicle again. I wasn't too pleased with him invading our space as only Clare and myself shared the cubicle.

Alex: Hi morning Clare.
Clare: Good morning...

Obviously he wasn't speaking to me. I looked at him standing behind me speaking to Clare.

Alex: You available for lunch later?
Clare: Not really. I already have an appointment with my boyfriend.

I felt better hearing her words.

Alex: oh.... what about dinner?

He was persistence.

Clare: My boyfriend will be sending me home.
Alex: I see. Any time this week or next for lunch or dinner?
Clare: Sorry, but I am already attached.... thanks for asking....
Alex: haha... it's ok. Let me know if you need company for lunch... see you later.

He walked out of the cubicle. I looked at Clare and she gave me a wink.

I felt happier and went back to my work.

During lunch, even though it was a hot day, she did not removed her cardigan at all.

Again, we have to stay late. Once the last of our colleagues left for the day, she removed her cardigan. I did not noticed her as I was trying to rush to complete the stuffs so that we could go off soon.

Clare: Dear, I have a question.
Me: ok, 1 sec. let me finish this mail first.
Clare: ok.

When I complete, I walked over to her seat. She was facing the screen. She heard me and turn over, facing me.

I stopped in my tracks. Now I know the reason she was keeping her cardigan on the whole time. She was wearing a translucent top today. I could see her black padless bra underneath her top quite clearly, including her pokies.

Clare: Do you like this top?

I swallowed my saliva before nodding my head and then shaking it.

Clare: huh?

She looked blur.

Me: errrm.... it's a nice top. But.... but... it's not suitable for the office.....
Clare: ya.... that's why I was wearing my cardigan all the while today....
Me: no wonder....
Clare: so do you like it?
Me: yes..... it's nice.....

She smiled at me. Her dimples appeared and she looked sweet yet sexy.

Clare: Shall we go for dinner? you done?
Me: ya.....

we went to Rivervale mall had our dinner and I send her home. We frenched at her carpark for a short moment.

Clare: You mentioned this is your friend's bike?
Me: Ya.
Clare: when do you need to return it?
Me: end of the week.
Clare: oh....
Clare: ok... good night dear.... See you tomorrow.
Me: good night....

she went up. As I rode back, I considered getting a bike for myself. I had enough savings, and it's really more convenient for me as well.

I decided to get 1 by the weekend.

29-12-2015, 01:41 AM
thanks bro for the effort to update this so promptly.
i actually log in every few hrs to check for updates (even during work!) HAHA

29-12-2015, 02:30 AM
nice updates!

29-12-2015, 04:32 AM
Thanks for the updates :)

29-12-2015, 12:40 PM
The past 2 days were happy days for us. It seemed that the guy had disappeared from her life.

Every morning without fail, she would asked me to send her to work, then we would have lunch. We watched a movie on thursday after dinner and then i send her home.

I decided to purchase my bike on saturday and i asked her to accompany me for that day. I had browse some second hand bikes and a particular bike caught my interest.

Early saturday morning, i rode to her place. She was as usual, early, waiting at the carpark for me. She was wearing a white tube top and her tiny denim shorts with heels. I could her strapless white bra underneath.

Me: wow. You look beautiful.
Clare: lets go

We went for breakfast, then went down to look at the ducati 848 evo. As the bike was jn excellent conditions, i made the deposit on the spot. The seller mentioned that i could collect it on monday.

Me: ok done. Any where you want to go?
Clare: lunch?
Me: ok. Oh... by the way, i had washed your clothes. It's at my place. Do you want to collect it later?
Clare: then i suggest to do takeaway to your place.
Me: pizza delivery ok?
Clare: ok. We call now while we are going back at your place
Me: ok.

29-12-2015, 01:30 PM
Waiting for the action in Sam's place.

29-12-2015, 02:02 PM
On the way back to my place, it started to rain. We were drenched. As she was wearing only a white tube top, the material absorb alot of the rain and became heavy. She have to keep pulling it up as it was sliding down her torso.

Finally we arrived at my blk and we ran into the void deck. The tissues that i had was already wet and we just went up to my place like 2 person who had just been dunked in the pool. I could not help but to look at the droplets from her hair, trickling down her shoulders to her bosom.

I opened the door and we entered, closing the door behind us.

Me: you can grab some clothings in my wardrobe. Faster go and change.

She looked at the small pile of clothes on my armchair. I had not folded them yet.

Clare: i'll grab something from here. Dont want to drip everywhere.
Clare: dear, ok with you if i shower first?
Me: go...

She took a top, a shorts and a towel and went into the bathroom. I changed out my wet clothings in the living room and just grab another pair of shorts from the pile.

She took a really quick shower. The door of the bathroom opened as i just finished making 2 cups of hit tea for us.

Clare: faster. Your turn. Dont catch a chill.

I turned and saw her. She was wearing my lakers singlet, without a bra. I could clearly see her side boobs from the large opening of the sleeve. As it covered her bottom, i did not know if she was wearinf the shorts underneath. Automatically my cock got erected.

Clare: stop looking. Go and shower.

She push me into the bath and i took my shower.

As i was wearing my shorts, i heard the doorbell rang. I opened the toilet door and went out of the bathroom. I could see the main door clearly. Clare was opening the door, still in the same singlet. The delivery guy stood at the door with our order in his hand and looked her up and down.

Delivery: errmmm... mdm your order is here.
Clare: ok, hangon. Let me find the keys.

She turned away from him and saw me.

Clare: dear, wheres the keys?
Me: its in my bag on the sofa.

I started walking to the living room. As she was nearer, she bend down and started searching the bag. Her body was perpendicular to us, and from her bend position, the sleeves of the singlet open up. Both the deliver guy and myself could see her boobs from the side, and even her nipples.

I reached the sofa.

Me: let me do it.
Clare: ok

She straightened up. Half her side boobs was still exposed. I opened the gate and collected the items. She had since sat on the other armchair opposite the one that was piled up with clothes.

Delivery: $39 please.
Me: hangon.

I went over to my bag, took out the money and paid the guy. I closed the door after him and looked at her. I wanted again to comment on her exposure but i did not. I wondered if she does this at home as well. Thinking back on the day that i peeped at her through her window, i believed that she does so as well. Probably she had felt comfortable at my place to treat it as home. Her previous conservation dressing to the work place probably is because she does not feel that at home in the office.

I sat down on the sofa. She had switched on the tv and was watching it.

Me: dear should we eat first.
Clare: ok...

She leaned forward to the table and opened a box. I deliberately looked down the opened singlet. I finally had an unobstructed view of her nipples in close proximity. I could see that they were erected from the constant brushing against fabric of the loose top.

She looked at and saw me staring.

Clare: haha... the food is not there.

She passed me a slice of pizza. I took it and she took one herself, straightening up in her seat. She looked at me staring at her body.

Clare: make space for me...

She waved her hand and i shifted myself. She took the place where i vacated. While eating my pizza, i look down at her thighs, the singlet was rake up quite high, but i could still not catch a glimpse of what she was wearing below. Again she caught me looking and playfully put her hands on my cheek and turn my face towards the tv.

While we were eating, each time i turned my head towards her, she pushed my face back to the tv.

Very soon, we completed the pizza. I started to get up, but she put a hand on my thigh stopping me. She got up instead. As she bend forward to pack up the used boxes, the singlet rake up, displaying her butt to me. I could see that she was not wearing anything underneath. The hamburger shape of her pussy could be seen under her butt and between her legs.

She straightened up and took the stuffs into the kitchen.

29-12-2015, 02:24 PM
What a teaser!! More more more!!

29-12-2015, 03:00 PM
Bro Pusslover

Thanks for the update and your hard work .

29-12-2015, 03:35 PM
Lucky delivery guy!!! :D

29-12-2015, 05:22 PM
Lucky delivery guy!!! :D

Would be luckier if the singlet rake up earlier :D

29-12-2015, 05:31 PM
Clare knows how to tease :)

29-12-2015, 07:38 PM
Clare came out from the kitchen and sat besides me again. Knowing that she is bottomless underneath her singlet, it made me unable to concentrate on the tv.

My eyes keep drifting to her side boobs and also her legs. She cross her leg on the sofa, her right knee on top of my left. She put her hands on the area between her legs, pulling the shirt down, covering up.

My erected throbbing dick is already feel8ng the strain against my shorts. It is very obvious, but with her nonchalant attitude, i am not too sure if she noticed it.

I had not had a girl for the longest time. With her sittingjust besides me was very fustrating as i am not too sure if she was ready due to the incident that happened last week.

Confused and pent up, i just continue to take small peeks at her.

She straightened her legs and put on the coffee table, with the bottom of the singlet in between her mould. Then she crossed her hands underneath her boobs, with the singlet pushing towards the middle of her chest. More of the creamy side boobs appeared.

I am still undecided.

29-12-2015, 07:46 PM
Clare is a conservative slut
TS where are you? Faster update pls, don't stop the burning fire!

29-12-2015, 10:37 PM
Very story ... waiting for further updates :D

30-12-2015, 12:32 AM
More pls :D

30-12-2015, 12:36 AM
ts...good job

cont soon ok

30-12-2015, 05:42 AM
do continue TS, pls

30-12-2015, 09:19 AM
TS any breakfast update? I wanna read your update before upping my girl.

30-12-2015, 09:34 AM
Wah Geng lo TS. This is d first time a story that I will check daily man. Thanks to TS

30-12-2015, 09:52 AM
Clare put her legs on the floor and left her hand on my thigh close to my erected spear. Her hands did not move. But her fingers were tickling my inner thighs. Without warning, and even before i could react, i felt my dick quivered. I came in my shorts.

She felt it as well. Both of us look down at my cock. As i wasnt wearing briefs, we could see the dark spot forming on the shorts, getting bigger every second.

My premature ejaculation was due to the fact that i had not had a woman for so long. And with her teasing, especially with her final touch, caused me to release all the pent up needs i had over the years.

I quickly got up, grab another shorts from the pile of clothes and rushed to the toilet. I saw her face, a wide eye expression of surprise was plastered on it.

Sensory Sniper
30-12-2015, 10:00 AM
Clare put her legs on the floor and left her hand on my thigh close to my erected spear. Her hands did not move. But her fingers were tickling my inner thighs. Without warning, and even before i could react, i felt my dick quivered. I came in my shorts.

She felt it as well. Both of us look down at my cock. As i wasnt wearing briefsi, we could see the dark spot forming on the shorts, getting bigger every second.

My premature ejaculation was due to the fact that i had not had a woman for so long. And with her teasing, especially with her final touch, caused me to release all the pent up needs i had over the years.

I quickly got up, grab another shorts from the pile of clothes and rushed to the toilet. I saw her face, a wide eye expression of surprise was plastered on it.

She got give Ang Pao bro? Hahaha. Keep the stories cumming

30-12-2015, 10:06 AM
Support with my currypuff... :D

Please continue :)

30-12-2015, 10:21 AM
Bump up this thread, keep Cumming bro

30-12-2015, 10:42 AM
yeah Bump!

30-12-2015, 10:42 AM
When i came back to the sofa, she was smiling, her dimples showing. She was sitting down cross legged again.

Clare: what happened?
Me: nothing. I need to use the toilet.
Clare: oh... haha..

I know she was laughing at my lame excuse. I settle down besides her again. Before i knew it, she lay down on the sofa, head on my upper thigh, legs elavated on the handrest. The bottom of the singlet fell, exposing her pussy. She was clean shaven, probably with a razor as she did not go to the waxing saloon this week.

I could not see her lips but looking at the smooth skin of her v shape between her legs was enough to cause a reaction from me. My dick immeidately saluted to her.

As her head was just resting besides my manhood, the tent rose right in front of her eyes and she was grinning.

Without prior warning, she lifted her head off me, and with a hand, she pulled down my waistband. My uncircumsize dick came into view. After ensuring that the wasitband would not snap back in place, she held my dick in her hand and slowly lowered the foreskin exposing the reddish looking helmet inside.

With her lying on her side now, the opening of her sleeve had fallen open, fully displaying her right breast. I held her breast in my hand and uses my finger tip to touch her nipple. It was small, but good enough for me.

I continued watching her as she stick out the tip of her tongue and touch it against my cyclop, i watch her lick the tiny lips looking thing on my helmt. The feeling was heavenly.

Me: ahhhh.....

Very slowly, she lifted herself, and lowered her head on my dick. I could not see her face as her hair had fallen over. I swept her hair behind her ear so that i could look at the erotic view.

I could see her head bobbing up and down, my cock disappearing into her mouth.

Clare: sllluuurrrppppp....

With her sucking on my dick, her ass was in the air. If there is anyone looking from the kitchen of the neighbouring block, they would see her naked ass facing them.

I touched her butt and felt her smooth skin. She adjusted herself, enabling me able to reach her private area. My fingers move on without leaving her body, and finally found its target. I touched her opening and felt the wetness of her hole.

I use my middle finger and rubbed against her clit, spreading her juices evenly along the slit.

Clare: ummmm.....

She got up from her sucking and put her legs over my lap, sat facing me. She lifted the singlet over her head and let it drop on the ground. She was now naked facing me. I realised that her nipples were pinkish and not brown as i thought previously.

I lowered my mouth onto them. Once in my mouth, i sucked her boobs and used my tongue to play with the nipples. She held my shoulders and with her head leaning backwards, she pushed her boobs towards me.

Clare: ahhhh..... ahhhh....

My shorts had hidden my dick again when she stopped sucking. Now she pulled my shorts down, not fully, but only enough to expose my cock without the waistband boucing back in place.

She lifted her body off me. I see her fingers went underneath, she felt herself to make sure that she is wet enough, before grabbing the base of my cock.

She found the emtrance of her hole with my tip, and slowly lowered herself down, taking my manhood inch by inch, until her buttocks touched my thighs.

Me: wait.... wait... i dont have a condom at home.
Clare: sssshhhh.....

She put a finger on my lips, moist with her juices. I opened my mouth and she stick it inside. I sucked the finger.

With her straddling me, i put my hands on her butt, and she started to move up and down, fucking me.

Clare: arrrhhhh..... arrrrhhhhh....

Her voice was loud but i am not too bothered if my neighbour heard it. Luckily mine was the corner unit and there was no issue with anyone peeping through the windows.

She continued ridding me and i grabbed her bouncing breasts, cupping and squeezing them.

Clare: ahhhh.... ahhhh....
Me: wait! I am cuming!!! Wait!

I tried to get her off me, but she continued to ride. I felt my quiver and without her stopping or allowing me out, i shot into her.

Me: aaaaggggghhhhhh.... fuck.... shit.... aaaaggghhhh....

She laughed and continued moving up and down a few more times, pumping the remaining of my sperm out from my balls.

Finally she lifted herself up, allowing my deflating manhood out from her. My sperm flowed down her thighs and she took the singlet and clean herself.

Me: why didnt you stop?
Clare: its ok. We just go and get the pills now. Haha...
Me: will it work?
Clare: i dont know. This is the first time i did without a condom and first time i allowed anyone to come inside me.
Me: it was my first time as well for raw.
Me: but why?
Clare: dear, because i love you.

She caught me unaware. Before i could reply, she took a set of clothes from the pile and went into the kitchen naked.

I am not sure what to say.

30-12-2015, 10:43 AM
TS also know how to tease LOL. Whew so hot and steamy. Just finished I saved hundred dollars today LOL, no need to go out.

30-12-2015, 11:14 AM
I cleaned my cock coated with her juices. I did not want to waste a second pair of shorts today as i am the one doing my laundry.

Clare: sam...sam....can you come here?

I heard her calling from inside the toilet. I wore my shorts and went over.

Me: ya... i am here. Whats up?

The door opened. She was standing there all wet and naked. The shower was running.

Clare: see what is this.

She pointed at something on the floor out of my vision. Curious i took a step in, avoiding the spray of water. But she pulled me inside, under the shower. So much for trying to save my shorts and i gotten all wet as well.

Me: what is....

I did not get to finish my question as her mouth landed on mine, her tongue thrusted into me. Her hands went around my waist, pulling me close, bodies touching.

Then she took my hands and put them on her breasts. My dick rose for the 3rd time within 15mins. She felt it pressing against her tummy and she removed my shorts, letting it fall to the ground.

Clare: i knew you can do it.

She giggled and grabbed my shaft, stroking me.

Clare: you already came twice. I havent yet....

She giggled again.

She released me and turned around, putting her hands on the wash basin, sticking out her ass at me. I touched her bottom. Although the water was running, i could feel the slipperiness from her vagina. She was wet.

Using my fingers i spreaded her lips and placed my manhood at her entrance. She back up and i went into her without resistance.

In our standing doggy position, i held her waist and thrusted into her.

Clare: faster... dear... faster...

With her encouraging, i increased the speed of my probing. She started to moan simultaneously.

Clare: aaarrrrgghhhh..... faster.... faster...

With her command, i did as told. My manhood went in and out at incredible tempo. I could feel my tip hitting against something deep inside her.

Clare: aaaaagrrrrhhhh.....

Without stopping, i felt the walls of her vagina tightening against my cock, giving me more friction and more feeling.

Me: ahhhh... i cuming.....

She pushed herself back words in tandem with me vigourously.

Clare: UGGGGHHHHH..... UGHHHH.....
me: aaaarrggghhhh.....

I did not released her as i came into her. With my every splurt into her, she moaned louldy.


And then she collapsed on the floor of the toilet, sitting down. I was still standing there, with the last droplet of my cum dangling from the tip of my dick. She grab hold of my dick and suck it, taking in the last teardrop into her mouth.

Satisfied, she stood up and we showered before going back to the living room.

30-12-2015, 11:26 AM
Support with my currypuff... :D

Please continue :)

Favorite writer is here.. :D

T.S. is also good.

30-12-2015, 01:40 PM
Support with my currypuff... :D

Please continue :)

Bro waiting for your new story. Read from your blog, but then need to make purchase on the hidden portions. Me poor no money to buy. So can only read from sbf.

You inspired me to write. Thanks

30-12-2015, 01:48 PM
Nice story.. keep it going! :)

30-12-2015, 01:53 PM
She was wearing back the printed singlet and the other pair of shorts from last weekend.

Clare: lets go...
Me: where?
Clare: need to get the pills remember?
Me: oh ya...

We went to a nearby clinic and got the pills. The male patients at the clinic stared at her butt cheeks, imagining. The older female patients frowned at her. Even the doctor gave her a second look as she walked out the room and he gave me a wink.

We were walking to the provision shop when i received a text from my service friends. We used to go out alot together, playing soccer and watching soccer.

Joe msg: yo bro, tonight we are going your place for soccer.
Me msg: cant. My gf is here.
Joe msg: since when you have a gf? Dont talk cock la.
Me msg: serious. Its not convenient.
Joe: mike, tan and myself have no place to go. Mike's tv is spoilt.
Me msg: go to a pub la.
Joe msg: fuck you la. Pub expensive.
Me msg: bro really cannot.
Joe msg: tell you what. We just need the tv. You and your girl hide inside the room and dont come out. You can bonk your girl and we wont disturb.

I received another 2 texts from tan and mike. I decided to consult clare.

Me: dear my buddies want to come over tonight to watch soccer.
Clare: ok?

She tilted her head, unsure of my question.

Me: you ok with them around?
Clare: ya. Its your place. If you are ok then i am ok. If not convenient for me, then i could return home.
Clare: its fine with me.

She gave me an assuring smile. And i nodded.

Me msg: ok. Come over. Bring some drinks and snacks along.
Joe msg: steady bro. Will be there at 8pm. The game starts at 845.
Me msg: ok.

As it was already dusk, we went to get takeaway and went back to my place.

30-12-2015, 02:01 PM
TS thanks for the frequent update. I know many like me have been checking your thread frequently without disappointment. You n ikock have renew my fate with story writing.

As for Clare lets hope she is all cover up n not giving out half ball here n there. Happy holidays everyone.

30-12-2015, 02:24 PM
We got home and prepare to eat our dinner. As fate would have it, she spilled the soup on her singlet and she was pretty upset about it.

Clare: shit. Now i have nothing to wear.
Me: just wear my tshirt.
Clare: i dont want. Your friends are coming.
Me: if not then wear your spagehtti from last week.
Clare: dear, if you remember, my bra is still wet from the rain.
Me: oh ya....

I pondered about it. I know my friends are perverts. I should not have agreed to let them come over.

Clare: is the shop downstairs still open?
Me: the one that you bought the clothes from?
Clare: ya.
Me: they closed early.
Clare: what time are they coming?

I looked at my watch. Its already 730pm.

Me: let me asked them.

Me msg: bro you all come 9pm can?
Joe msg: wtf bro. The match would already started.
Me msg: something came up. I need to go out for a while.
Joe msg: oh come on.
Joe msg: why not you ask your gf to open the door for us and you go settle your stuff.
Joe msg: i am already halfway to your place.
Joe msg: better have someone to open up the door.

I looked up at clare.

Me: they are already on the way.
Clare: shit.

30-12-2015, 02:30 PM
Getting hooked to the story :D

30-12-2015, 03:33 PM
Clare going to expose to the guys? :D

30-12-2015, 05:16 PM
Me: why not i ride to your place and grab your clothes?
Clare: do you think my parents will let you in?

She rolled her eyes.

Clare: and i dont know your friends. I dont want to stay here alone with them.
Me: dear, then there is no choice.
Clare: nevermind. I'll think of something.

With that, she went to my room and started to ransack my wardrobe. I know better than to disturb her.

I carried the pile of unfolded clothes into the room and then washed the culinaries that are in the sink.

When i was done, i realised that she had closed the room door. The door bell rang.

I opened the door and 3 of them were standing there.

Friends: hey bro!
Joe : wheres you girl? Gone home?
Tan: aiya where go home one? She stay tonight to piak.

They all laughed and i open the gate for them. It had been a while since we metup.

Joe was my buddy in camp. Tan and mike were buddies. But all 3 of us were closed since the day we started our service.

Tan is a funny guy, but he is very direct with his words. He is always involved with some stuffs that he does not want to let us know. As he always tell us: aiya you all want to know for what? Know already give you troubles only. Dont know better.

So we all guessed he is involved in some illegal activites. But one thing, he is always very loyal towards us.

After entering the house, they were looking for clare.

Joe: bro, you really hide your girl in your room? Introduce her to us.
Tan: show le. Dont ngeow.
Mike: brother, we should try and knock down the door.

They laughed again.

Me: wait... she will come out later. You all settle down first. The match going to start.
Mike: oh ya... lets watch the match first.

They settle down and watch the pre match commentary and started to open a few cans of beer. Mike and joe were on the sofa that clare fucked me earlier. Tan was sitting on the floor in front of them.

I took the armchair and mingle with them.

30-12-2015, 07:44 PM
can never have enough of the updates! more more pls!

30-12-2015, 08:33 PM
Bro pussluver,

I have been a silent reader all these while. But seriously I think I should voice this out BRO U R ONE HELL OF A GOOD WRITER. You style of writing breathless. I believe that most of the bros here will agree with me. U make us refresh your page every hour to check for new updates. Also left me sleepless . I wake up in the middle of the night to empty my bladder and before I sleep I check your page if there is any updates. Man I really hate to think about this . what happen if you stop writing for some reasons what is going to happen to some of us. It is going to be a bad cold turkey without u story. Stay healthy bro and stay out of trouble WE NEED YOUR UPDATES ..........

30-12-2015, 08:41 PM
Bro pussluver,

I have been a silent reader all these while. But seriously I think I should voice this out BRO U R ONE HELL OF A GOOD WRITER. You style of writing breathless. I believe that most of the bros here will agree with me. U make us refresh your page every hour to check for new updates. Also left me sleepless . I wake up in the middle of the night to empty my bladder and before I sleep I check your page if there is any updates. Man I really hate to think about this . what happen if you stop writing for some reasons what is going to happen to some of us. It is going to be a bad cold turkey without u story. Stay healthy bro and stay out of trouble WE NEED YOUR UPDATES ..........

bro, thanks for your compliment. But don't check every hour, it's not healthy ;)

Anyway, Happy New Year to everyone.

30-12-2015, 09:19 PM
The match started and we were engrossed in it.

Without warning, I heard the sound of the door knob. All 4 of us turned our heads to the door. For me, it's more of what she will be wearing. For the 3 of them, they were curious of my girl.

The door opened. Clare was wearing one of my black work shirt, the top button was not done, and the bottom, hung loosely around her leg. I knew underneath the shirt, she was wearing the tiny denim shorts.

I introduced Clare to them and vice versa. They went back to concentrate on the game. With no place for Clare to sit, I let her sit on the armchair and I sat on the floor at her feet.

She crossed her legs on the armchair and turned her head to watch. I looked in between her legs at the denim shorts, and to my horror, I could see her the dark brown colour of her pussy lips. Not fully, but just a bit of flesh that is at the side. As the shorts was tiny, the middle piece of it is just a tiny strip. As long as she does not cross, it was fine, but she just did the unthinkable.

I looked at her, she was oblivious to it. I glance at my friends, but they were watching the match. I tap on her knee subtly and beckon to her using my eyes. I think she caught it and looked down. She put both her feet down on the floor.

The half time arrived. They started to speak to Clare.

Joe: Sis, how do you know Sam?
Clare: we are colleagues.
Mike: You got any sister to introduce?
Clare: haha.... no. But I got some friends who are single.
Mike: Steady. Next time.
Tan: Sam, your girl swee lei. Good.

She looked at me.

Clare: what's swee?
Me: He meant that you are pretty.
Clare: oh, thanks.

She blushed.

Joe: Sis, you drink?
Clare: ya.
Joe: help yourself.

He pointed to the carton of beer on the table.

Clare: thanks.

She leaned forward to take the can of beer. As she did so, the top of the shirt fell opened even though only the top button is not done. Definitely Joe and Mike saw her breasts and nipples, but because they took their degrees overseas, they are quite used to braless girl. Even so, I am sure they had a reaction in their pants. But because this is my girl, I know they don't feel too comfortable. They looked at each other and then at me.

I just shrugged my shoulders. Tan because he was sitting on the floor like me, he could not see anything and was unaware of what happened.

Clare got seated and passed me the can of beer.

Clare: Dear, can you help me to open? I scared I'll break my nails.

I helped her and they spoke about other stuffs. Her phone rang and she went into the room to get it.

Tan: Ay brother, your girl shorts too short lah, we are here. Not very nice. I try not to see your girl backside, but my eyes cannot stop. Ask her change to another one.

We all laughed. It's just so like Tan.

Me: Bro, she got no other shorts here. No choice. That's why I ask you all not to come.
Tan: wa lan why no shorts? You very poor?
Me: Nope. We were caught in the rain today. Her clothes all wet and she is wearing my shirt now.
Tan: You shi buey jialat lah. I can see her neh neh bounce bounce lei, like never cheng lai sar. Next time cannot lah. Get her some clothes at your house. Buey lun lei.

We all laugh again.

Joe: Tan, Sam girl, control yourself.
Tan: I know. Already control. but she put ball, even I don't want, automatic eyes sure see lah. just like Wolves put half ball to Arsenal, I sure eat.
Tna: brother, If not I go back now lah.
Me: bro, don't be crazy. Finish the match first.
Mike: Sam, there are 3 matches tonight. until 3am.
Me: what?! Come on, I need to sleep.

They laughed at me.

Tan: More like sio gan lah.
Joe: bro, if you need to, just do it. we are ok with it.
Me: You guys are really ass holes....
Mike: what are bros for.
Tan: But serious, can you ask her wear her bra?
Me: both bra and panties all wet. She does not have any extra.
Tan: like that how?

I sigh.

Me: if she put half ball, and you see, what can I do right?
Tan: Ok, I try not to, brother. But if I got see, no blame me, ok?
Me: I know.

Clare finished her call.

Clare: sorry, dear. It's my mum. I told her I'll be out tonight.

I nodded and she took her seat. The halftime talk was still on, and the 3 of them suddenly kept quiet and did not speak. When they did, they left Clare out of the conversation and all 3 did not dare to even look in her direction.

They were quite comical if I must say.

30-12-2015, 09:52 PM
Bro Pussluver

See what I mean, u are the man. Your style of writing really bring me into the play. I mean many a times I find myself totally engrossed in it like I am watching a live show with all the characters performing a meter away of me. Bravo man too marks to you bro keep it coming .....

30-12-2015, 10:45 PM
Bro Littlejoe,

Totally agree with you.....:)

Bro pussluver,

I have been a silent reader all these while. But seriously I think I should voice this out BRO U R ONE HELL OF A GOOD WRITER. You style of writing breathless. I believe that most of the bros here will agree with me. U make us refresh your page every hour to check for new updates. Also left me sleepless . I wake up in the middle of the night to empty my bladder and before I sleep I check your page if there is any updates. Man I really hate to think about this . what happen if you stop writing for some reasons what is going to happen to some of us. It is going to be a bad cold turkey without u story. Stay healthy bro and stay out of trouble WE NEED YOUR UPDATES ..........

30-12-2015, 10:54 PM
Bro pussluver,

I have been a silent reader all these while. But seriously I think I should voice this out BRO U R ONE HELL OF A GOOD WRITER. You style of writing breathless. I believe that most of the bros here will agree with me. U make us refresh your page every hour to check for new updates. Also left me sleepless . I wake up in the middle of the night to empty my bladder and before I sleep I check your page if there is any updates. Man I really hate to think about this . what happen if you stop writing for some reasons what is going to happen to some of us. It is going to be a bad cold turkey without u story. Stay healthy bro and stay out of trouble WE NEED YOUR UPDATES ..........

Totally agree as well. I check for updates at least 4 to 5 times a day LOL. TS style of writing is perfect for us especially the local slang. Its like reading a memory from my mind. Fantastic!!

31-12-2015, 08:44 AM
Bump up this thread

31-12-2015, 09:28 AM
Thanks bros for all the compliment. I just write the story as in how i think i would like to read it.

Glad you like it.

Updates coming soon

31-12-2015, 10:22 AM
Clare: why are you guys keeping me out of your conversation?

She was sitting on the chair with her arms crossed and feet on the ground. All 8 pairs of eyes turned to her. But no words came out from any of them. They turn their heads to look at each other, expecting each to say something.

Tan: sister, like that difficult la.

The guys laughed.

Clare: what? What so difficult?

She was confused. Tan looked at me.

Tan: brother, you say or i say?
Me: you tell her. It's between you all.
Tan: wa lan. You her boyfriend lei.
Me: it's fine. You tell her.

He showed me an irritated face. Then turned to her.

Tan: sister you no wear things inside, difficult for us. We see also wrong. Dont see also wrong. How?

It took a moment for her to understand his meaning. Then she looked at me and then back at the guys.

Clare: i think i know what you mean, but its circumstantial issues.
Tan: too chim la

Everyone laughed. Joe explained to him.

Clare: i try to be more careful. So dont worry about it.

They nodded and started to get her involved in the conversation as well. She held the shirt whenever she bend forward to get her drink and remembered to keep her legs on the floor.

Joe had brought a fair amount of the beers and there were still plenty when the first game ended. She had already drank 2 cans of it.

We were hungry and ordered macdonalds. The delivery came and we ate around the coffee table.

Before long, the next game started. I noticed that she started to forgetting to hold her shirt whenever she lean forward to get her beer. Her breasts could be seen again as i was now sitting on the sofa with mike and joe.

As it was a warm night, we started to perspire. But i only had 1 fan, and it wasnt helping.

Tan: brother, you really poor la. Only 1 fan in the house.
Mike: ya. I am sweating like a dog.
Me: you can go topless if you want.
Mike: sis, ok with you?
Clare: its ok.

With her agreement, the guys all removed our tops. She was in worse shape as the shirt was long sleeves. Even after tying her hair in a ponytail, i could see the sweat droplets running down her cheeks.

Me: dear you want to change to something more comfortable?

31-12-2015, 10:40 AM
She looked at me, and i realised that there is none.

Me: oh... sorry... i remembered..

We continued to watch the game. Her top was starting to show dark spots of perspiration on it. I could see that she is very uncomfortable.

Me: you want to go into the room?

My room was airconditioned. She shook her head.

I went over and helped her roll up the sleeves. And i unbuttoned one more button on the top. She looked at me and frown. I nodded that it is ok. But by opening the second button, the shirt opening came down to slightly below the middle of her breasts. Her braless cleavage could be seen.

I could see her sweat that had clustered in between the valley. I passed her the tissue from the table and asked her to wipe herself.

She took a quick glance at the guys and with their eyes focused on the tv, she wiped herself. We continued watching the match. She finished her 3rd can of beer during the half time.

31-12-2015, 11:11 AM
One of the team scored and the guys jumped up shouting as they had made some bets. Clare and myself remained seated. I saw tan nudged mike and mike nudge joe and then joe turned and and kick my leg, his head nodding in the direction of clare.

She was playing games on her phone, but because of placement of the buttons on her shirt and the wind blowing, the fan had blown off the right side of the shirt, even though the collar was still on her shoulder. Her bare right boob and nipple was exposed to all of us. I could see the nipple was erected. And she was totally not aware of it.

Me: dear...

She looked up from her phone.

Clare: huh?

She saw all of us looking at her.

Clare: what?!
Me: errrmmm.. your breast is visible....

She looked down and blushed.

Clare: oh!

She quickly adjusted her top back in place.

Clare: sorry....

The moment of ackwardness passed and its half time of the 2nd game. We took turns going to the toilet and waited in the kitchen.

Joe: bro your girl... errmmm...
Me: ya?
Joe: i mean... do you mind?

I know what he meant and thought for a moment.

Me: we are bros right?
Me: not that i dont mind, but i know you guys well enough. I trust you guys.
Joe: not that. Becareful when she is around others. She seemed too trusting of others.
Mike: i agreed. And she is quite hot. So look after her well bro. Other guys will take advantage of her.

I nodded.

Me: thanks...

Tan came out and we made our way to the living room. Clare was into her 4th can of beer and still playing with her phone.

Clare: did you guys betted on this game?
Tan: abit.
Clare: how much?
Tan: 15k

Her mouth dropped.

Clare: so much?
Tan: haha.... normal la. Support with us ok?

She nodded and put aside her phone as the 2nd half started

31-12-2015, 11:39 AM
Half way through the game, i could tell that clare was getting a little tipsy from the amount of beers she was drinking and also because the night was getting late. She seemed to be losing her inhibition. Each time she got her drink, she did not hold her top. And when she straighten back in her seat, she did not adjusted back the shirt, leaving half her breasts exposed barring the areola.

Their team scored another goal in the 80th min and they celebrated.

Joe: cheers...
Mike: cheers...

Clare collected her 5th can of beer. And after the sip, she sat down again.

Me: dear you ok?
Clare: ya. Just a little tired.
Joe: come lets change seats.

They swapped and mike sat on the floor with tan, leaving only clare and myself on the sofa.

She leaned on my topless body and rested her head on my shoulders. She adjusted her top and closed her eyes. She put a hand on my chest and started to play with my nipple. Her legs were close together, one on top of the other, on the sofa.

The guys were concentrated on the last 10mins of the match and were not bothered by us.

With my hand going under her right armpit, I cupped her boob from outside the shirt and played with her nipple. I could feel it getting erected and i softly pinched it with my finger.

31-12-2015, 11:50 AM
Wishing everyone a happy new year

31-12-2015, 12:02 PM
Wishing All here a Happy New Year, keep it Cumming TS

31-12-2015, 01:03 PM
Happy New Year TS :)
Love your story

31-12-2015, 01:55 PM
Bro Pusslover

Happy New Year to you too!!!!

31-12-2015, 03:11 PM
Happy new year bro