View Full Version : Scam
11-01-2016, 08:40 PM
For those who are hunting and tio trick, stop being so kum LAN. Most of the blood goes into lower body but that doesn't make u brain dead.
Don't make the rest of us sinkie Malu pls
11-01-2016, 08:52 PM
Typical Sgp media n police, many articles and warnings but no action taken :)
11-01-2016, 11:25 PM
Typical Sgp media n police, many articles and warnings but no action taken :)
I am wondering about that as well. Maybe some experts can tell is it really that difficult to trace where the money flows to? :confused:
11-01-2016, 11:28 PM
For those who are hunting and tio trick, stop being so kum LAN. Most of the blood goes into lower body but that doesn't make u brain dead.
Don't make the rest of us sinkie Malu pls
Haha well said la. Small head over big head.
See chiobu pic then steam alr. Although the pic can be taken off elsewhere
11-01-2016, 11:28 PM
I am wondering about that as well. Maybe some experts can tell is it really that difficult to trace where the money flows to? :confused:
Because not affecting their pocket so no action taken ..... private bookies were quickly traced and caught, or else will affect casinos and spore pools
12-01-2016, 12:09 AM
this one is common sense ba where got free lunch in this world de?
12-01-2016, 11:54 AM
there is no cure for stupidity! Furthermore being stupid, naive, and most importantly DAFT is our national talents!!!!!! :o
See even the master of scam say so already(see below)
12-01-2016, 11:56 AM
Thanks to our education system: always follow the book :D
12-01-2016, 01:23 PM
I am wondering about that as well. Maybe some experts can tell is it really that difficult to trace where the money flows to?
There are money mules involved as well. THey black mail u, or befriend you so that you help them transfer money. The law will group u as accomplice.
12-01-2016, 01:24 PM
Typical Sgp media n police, many articles and warnings but no action taken
Actually, that's the best way to address this issue. Educate the people not to fall for such tricks. When these con man find that they cant con, they will move on.
12-01-2016, 01:29 PM
For those who are hunting and tio trick, stop being so kum LAN. Most of the blood goes into lower body but that doesn't make u brain dead.
Don't make the rest of us sinkie Malu pls
Thank you for warning.
13-01-2016, 08:40 AM
keep this thread alive.
scammer dare to say she earning good money
in philipines
13-01-2016, 09:13 AM
How to have faith in humanity like this? The guy returned 30k to owner, one-off?
13-01-2016, 09:49 AM
pay on delivery of services is the best policy
13-01-2016, 01:30 PM
Actually, that's the best way to address this issue. Educate the people not to fall for such tricks. When these con man find that they cant con, they will move on.
The con men/women will always target your weak point.
13-01-2016, 02:03 PM
Got such thing as itunes credit in malaysia? Most of scams in Msia is deposit in bank.
13-01-2016, 03:32 PM
keep this thread alive.
scammer dare to say she earning good money
in philipines
Of course dare lah, hiding in a safe place :D
13-01-2016, 04:36 PM
It is always COD. other than that, don't believe.
13-01-2016, 05:11 PM
It is always COD. other than that, don't believe.
Fully agreed with this policy.
14-01-2016, 01:28 AM
It is always COD. other than that, don't believe.
U be surprised how many ppl actually switch of brain out of a sudden just because she sent them a certain hot pic that might not even be her. Or some god damn sob stories.
15-01-2016, 03:58 PM
keep this thread alive.
scammer dare to say she earning good money
in philipines
you read that article or watch that get real episode on cna ?? That pignoise scammer can afford big house and a car with all the money she scammed from sinkies yet sinkies everyday sit smrt/sbs slogging to pay off hdb !!! :(
19-01-2016, 05:33 PM
Here is a 40-minute documentary by Channel News Asia about scams in Singapore.
"Most Singaporeans are easy to fool." See timeline 00:56.
Singapore's Scammers
19-01-2016, 06:10 PM
Janice told GET REAL why Singaporeans are easier, more "gullible" targets for scammers like her both in and out of the country.
"Australians are quite difficult and snobbish, so I need to adjust to them a lot. I have to sound extra sweet and very loving, unlike Singaporeans. With them (Singaporeans), I can just say anything and they will easily believe me," said Janice.
love this quote
No worries, I have loads of money to throw.
20-01-2016, 02:01 AM
step into those second hand goods shop,
u are ready to be con.
$400 amplifier new can use for 4yrs.
$100 second hand amp may use for 3 mth,then konk.
22-01-2016, 11:46 AM
pay on delivery of services is the best policy
Agree, this is the best :)
22-01-2016, 05:06 PM
No worries, I have loads of money to throw.
And I have lots of time to bonk ..... you pay I bonk?
23-01-2016, 12:50 AM
I feel it's all boils down to one word "贪” which read greed. Don't greed and you will not be a victim of any scam.
Lucky draw, sex, high return loan/investment bla bla bla.
There are no free money in this world.
Just my 0.00001 cents worth.
23-01-2016, 12:56 AM
credit for sex ,scam , syndicate busted in china,
many arrested.
said. asia one new, newpaper
23-01-2016, 04:03 AM
This image has been resized.Click to view original image
两中国年轻农民操控,农村作为基地,成员不分昼夜轮班,43人诈骗集团通过微信设下情色陷阱,专挑狮城男色 诱行骗,涉及总金额达159万元。
《新明日报》多次报道微信情色骗局,警方前年共接获149起报案,去年首六个月却已有多达627起报案,总 金额达159万元。
杭州《都市快报》报道,新加坡警方在2014年10月至2015年3月间接获多名男性报案,称通过微信嫖妓 ,被要求购买支付宝预付卡等,调查后发现微信上这些“新加坡姑娘”其实都身在中国,联系上中国 公安部助查。
两国警方经过8个月的紧密追查,去年底捣毁一个大型诈骗集团,43人涉案,其中34名核心成员 落网。
SINGAPORE - Forty-three members of a fraud syndicate that tricked Singaporean men into paying for non-existent sexual services were arrested in China last month.
The syndicate was uncovered in a joint investigation by the Singapore Police Force and the criminal investigation department of China's Ministry of Public Security.
Victims in Singapore were cheated of about $1.6 million in 627 cases of credit-for-sex scams in the first half of 2015, police said.
Police investigations revealed that the culprits behind the scams operated from call centres based in China.
They deceived victims into paying money for non-existent sexual services through social media platforms.
China media reported that while the scammers posed as girls in Singapore, they were in fact operating from China.
First, they would flirt with the men on a messaging app such as Weixin, then they promised sexual services for a price and asked for the man's address.
They would ask to be paid in advance. Instead of a money transfer, they asked to be paid using Alipay, iTunes gift cards or other online payment modes.
The scammer then concocted a variety of reasons to ask for money without showing up. If the victim stopped paying, they resorted to threats.
One Singaporean victim had more than $10,000 extorted in this way, reported
In December 2015, the Chinese police conducted simultaneous raids at various locations in China and detained 43 members of a syndicate responsible for such scams.
Several computers, telecommunication devices and modems were seized.
Mr David Chew, director of the Singapore Police Force Commercial Affairs Department, said: "We appreciate the support from our Chinese counterparts in this joint investigation. The close cooperation between the SPF and the Chinese Police was instrumental in crippling this transnational criminal syndicate."
"We spare no efforts to clamp down on criminals who hide behind the anonymity of the Internet to prey on victims across borders," he added.
The syndicate may also have targeted Chinese victims in Australia, said reports quoting Chinese police.
Again ah, chiong also chiong with brain k.
23-01-2016, 08:04 AM
malaysia side many get caught too,
Taiwnese ,n prc ppl. Involved.
30-01-2016, 07:30 PM
For those who are hunting and tio trick, stop being so kum LAN. Most of the blood goes into lower body but that doesn't make u brain dead.
Don't make the rest of us sinkie Malu pls
Thank you for warning
12-02-2016, 11:49 PM
I cannot help but have to agree.
Janice told GET REAL why Singaporeans are easier, more "gullible" targets for scammers like her both in and out of the country.
Here is a 40-minute documentary by Channel News Asia about scams in Singapore.
"Most Singaporeans are easy to fool." See timeline 00:56.
The younger generation malaysian chinese are becoming more like singapore man.
malaysia side many get caught too,
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