View Full Version : Beware of the gent's toilet @ CitiLink Mall!!
28-08-2006, 11:28 PM
Hi all samsters!
Pls be very careful the next time you go to the toliet @ citilink mall (Just opposite a shop selling chocolates.) That toilet seems to be a "gathering ground" or could be better said as "HUNTING GROUND" for the these stupid gays!!:mad:
Actually I wasn't aware of it till recently I being working around that area and as that was the nearest toilet, I begin to notice that the second and fouth cubicle was always occupied. Today, I happened to have a stomachache and when I reach that toilet, it was quite crowded as it was around 6pm. I managed to get into the third cubicle and I was thanking my lucky stars as well as doing my stuff till I look at the floor..... As that floor is the abit of reflective kind , i notice the joker on the second cubicle seems to be jerking himself off. Thats not enough, the fouth cubicle guy keep knocking on the side of the wall... I bochap him than he got more daring, he actually bent down and from the reflective floor, i could see what he is doing and i kicked the wall. Think he got a shock and turn back. but soon, he still dont give up, he threw a paper with some writings over, I looked @ it and it wrote: Hi, wanna me to perform a blowjob for you? that was the last straw, i kicked the wall and shouted, hey, you trying to be funny is it? the guy next door got scare and replied, not me not me. super pissed off!!!!
28-08-2006, 11:34 PM
Got report to the management or not????
i think outside the walkway to the toilet should hv cctv right?
28-08-2006, 11:37 PM
tis bunch of people used to go around the toilet at Raffles City, they will hang around the toilet cubicles waiting for opportunity. there r sometime 2 person sharing one cubicles and who know wat they r doing inside...:mad:
28-08-2006, 11:58 PM
Got report to the management or not????
i think outside the walkway to the toilet should hv cctv right?
Yah, the bloody cleaner was also inside. Yet he don't bother... I'm sure the cleaner knows about this 'thing' also.
angie II
28-08-2006, 11:59 PM
brudderr.. go 2 the female toilet.. confirm sure wont have such problem wan.. :rolleyes:
29-08-2006, 12:15 AM
Yah, the bloody cleaner was also inside. Yet he don't bother... I'm sure the cleaner knows about this 'thing' also.
then u should bring this matter up to the management... write in or call the news hotline.. i believe they will be interested to cover such juicy story!
29-08-2006, 12:16 AM
brudderr.. go 2 the female toilet.. confirm sure wont have such problem wan.. :rolleyes:
female toilet very often r very chance...
29-08-2006, 01:09 AM
i notice that the tiong bahru plaza's toilet on the first and fifth floor also like "gathering" places for gays. even noticed a young teenage boy (prob 15+ yrs?) who roam around and will purposely pee at the pee-basin right next to u even if the whole area is unoccupied :mad:
Nowadays seems like not just girls getting sexual harrassment, guys too. :rolleyes:
29-08-2006, 01:37 AM
wow lah leh. Na beh! now urine also cannot have peaceful mind. Hold too long, later can have bladder problem leh.Ask those gay go changi lah.:(
29-08-2006, 03:08 AM
nabay if the fucking gay dare to come near, i surely punch his fucking face..:mad:
29-08-2006, 03:15 AM
Bro, I sympathize you for such encounter... Nowadays these fucking gays are getting more and more daring liao. Must show them some colours.
When finish doing your business, you should lop your sai over the cubicle wall at the bloody gay. Hands dirty nevermind, your own sai so no hard feelings.... Go out and wash only...
But the gay who kena your sai... ho say liao. See how he gets out of citilink with shirt full of shit. Sure traumatized for life one :D
29-08-2006, 03:36 AM
But the gay who kena your sai... ho say liao. See how he gets out of citilink with shirt full of shit. Sure traumatized for life one :D
What if he has a fetish for shit? KNN, wait he knock and ask for more. :D
Anyhow, knew that place was strange, last time I went my gaydar picked up some vibes and never been there to take a leak again.
29-08-2006, 04:00 AM
he threw a paper with some writings over, I looked @ it and it wrote: Hi, wanna me to perform a blowjob for you?
brudderr.. go 2 the female toilet.. confirm sure wont have such problem wan.. :rolleyes:
Haha... If at female toilet and get such a note. It won't be a problem anymore. :D
29-08-2006, 06:41 AM
Haha... If at female toilet and get such a note. It won't be a problem anymore. :D
Bro let's take a step back & use your imagination for a while.....
If threadstarter saw from the reflective floor & it's a chiobu hiding in the gents wearing those "mini micro skirt" beside his cubicle & throw a piece of paper asking to bj for him now!!!! Den how????U think he will still kpkb....Think he will enjoy himself as much as possible 1st & maybe yup maybe if he's in a good mood on one fine day perhap he will be kind enuff to post & let us in on this lobang..... :D
Fire Fighter
29-08-2006, 06:44 AM
Is it the one beside 7-Eleven? Was there this afternoon and noticed a group of "guys" hanging out near the gents.
big dick
29-08-2006, 09:30 AM
female toilet very often r very chance...
then why i always bring my ger to the handicapped toiet.. more pricavy and can bonk inside there the whole day..:D
29-08-2006, 09:36 AM
hahaha....... i didn know that gays also like to smell ppls "sai":D
29-08-2006, 09:41 AM
Is it the one beside 7-Eleven? Was there this afternoon and noticed a group of "guys" hanging out near the gents.
this group of guys, anything special abt them? if guys dun hang out near gents, u suppose they hang out near the ladies? unless this group of guys appears to u as... ":eek: " gays...........
29-08-2006, 10:07 AM
This is news to be man! Did not realise guys are being peekaboo couple with indecent proposal nowadays ... I thought only gals are the victims ... Guess we are moving into a new era ...
BTW, Jean Denker (Class 95 DJ) mentioned over radio that she was being peekaboo while trying a pair of shoes in a mall yesterday afternoon. At that time she was wearing a very mini-skirt and sitting down facing the entrance of the shop trying the shoes. A man appeared and holding a camera phone infornt of her. She said she glared at him but appeared to be expressionless. She walked away within the shop and set down again, but the man still stood there with the hp. Anyway, I wonder why she did not confront him ... I wonder if the guy happens to be a samster here and he might post the shots here ... kekeke! ;)
29-08-2006, 10:35 AM
If threadstarter saw from the reflective floor & it's a chiobu hiding in the gents wearing those "mini micro skirt" beside his cubicle & throw a piece of paper asking to bj for him now!!!!
well in fact bro, i have just the lobang. she come with mini skirt and bj skills, and she's a medical student from nus, you want the toilet location? :D
29-08-2006, 10:42 AM
well in fact bro, i have just the lobang. 'How Lan' i got her foto + clip keke ai mai? keke:D
29-08-2006, 10:44 AM
hi bros,
Just to share my own experience, i thk was at this 2nd floor toliet at raffles, was peeing at the pee basin when this skinny looking SOB came beside me and commented how big my didi is, the worst part was when he offer me his special service, KNNB, so i turned ard at aim my pee at him. then zip up, ready to whack him, but he was too fast and run off liao.
KNN, bloody faggots cannot let you pee in peace, when did these ppl get so daring.
29-08-2006, 11:45 AM
Hi all samsters!
Pls be very careful the next time you go to the toliet @ citilink mall (Just opposite a shop selling chocolates.) That toilet seems to be a "gathering ground" or could be better said as "HUNTING GROUND" for the these stupid gays!!:mad:
Actually I wasn't aware of it till recently I being working around that area and as that was the nearest toilet, I begin to notice that the second and fouth cubicle was always occupied. Today, I happened to have a stomachache and when I reach that toilet, it was quite crowded as it was around 6pm. I managed to get into the third cubicle and I was thanking my lucky stars as well as doing my stuff till I look at the floor..... As that floor is the abit of reflective kind , i notice the joker on the second cubicle seems to be jerking himself off. Thats not enough, the fouth cubicle guy keep knocking on the side of the wall... I bochap him than he got more daring, he actually bent down and from the reflective floor, i could see what he is doing and i kicked the wall. Think he got a shock and turn back. but soon, he still dont give up, he threw a paper with some writings over, I looked @ it and it wrote: Hi, wanna me to perform a blowjob for you? that was the last straw, i kicked the wall and shouted, hey, you trying to be funny is it? the guy next door got scare and replied, not me not me. super pissed off!!!!
that happened to my frend at kino's toilet there too
29-08-2006, 11:52 AM
hi bros,
Just to share my own experience, .
KNN, bloody faggots cannot let you pee in peace, when did these ppl get so daring.
From experience, they like to hang around busy toilets. What I mean busy? MRT station toilets where there are lots of people peeing, or crowded places. I ever encounter once at Bishan MRT toilet. The place is full of people peeing. THis fucker come up to pee beside me. He looks drunk, then he look left and right. But somehow I feel strange. Then I notice His dick is standing up and he PCC! Fucker! Too many people around, so I finish and go off.
From that day onwards, unless there is really no choice, I rather pee in a closed cubicle.
These fuckers like to go crowded places and do funny stuff. Another encounter is at Millenim walk, quite a few years ago. THere is this old man at the urinal. I need to shit and so I go into the cubicles. After I finish, he is still there. KNN, give me a funny look. THen I notice his hands are moving at his dick's place.
Fucker! must be waiting for people to come and pee, then look at their dicks.
There are lots of funny people out there, just be on your guard. It is useless to get mad at them. Best is to ignore them. And try not to go to toilets that are full at peak hours.
29-08-2006, 11:52 AM
'How Lan' i got her foto + clip keke ai mai? keke:D
wow got clip somemore! must see lay... :D
29-08-2006, 11:53 AM
i notice that the tiong bahru plaza's toilet on the first and fifth floor also like "gathering" places for gays...
I kenna once at the fifth floor gents. A cheeko ah peh. He was loitering outside the toilet when he saw me walk in. The whole row of urinal bowls (got about 7/8) was empty. He had to pick the one right next to me! Never went to that toilet again.
29-08-2006, 12:01 PM
LOL. good thing i havent run into these pervs! :D
ah rat
29-08-2006, 12:27 PM
Dun mind I share my incident,I went to once of the toilet in Orchard.I saw a india cleaner outside,she follow into the toilet.So I decide not to use this toilet,thinking she going to wash the toilet.I decide to use another level toilet.Was surprise,she also follow me to that toilet.So,not nice to use longkar type,I use the cubicle(Squat type),I close the door.In fact I only wan to pee,but I saw her image from the relective floor.She try to peep.She thinking I doing business.In the end,I decide not to pee.I think this cheeko india cleaner never see lam par before. :D
29-08-2006, 01:12 PM
Ah rat bro which orchard mall toliet you go... let us know time limbay let her suck or shoot my wee wee at her...:D
29-08-2006, 01:16 PM
woo...jean, she is one chiobu of my type. beside jamie yeo and carrie i realli nv go n see much of other dj. rem once she was doing o/door stuff when she was still in 98.7 , i was passing by the marina sq and stared and her, she returned with a smile.
SWEET...too bad tt time still student no chance to tk foto of her. :rolleyes:
29-08-2006, 01:31 PM
Hi all,
This thread reminds me of the days i would 'meet' so many f**king gays in places like:
1) Swimming pool's toilets (just encountered another one at Yishun Safra when I was there with me OC)
2) Public toilets (the old Plaza Singapura, YMCA, NUS and now Citi Link Mall)
Personally, these are the 2 most common places i have encountered gays and like most, they'd daringly stare at you when you shower/change/pee aty the urinal, some even intentionally wink or brush themselves at you when the space was big enough for an elephant to walk through.
Most of the time, I'd give them the benefit of the doubt but when the staring gets too long for comfort, I'd shout very loudly to them (in the presence of others in the toilet), "Lu kua gau beh! Kua beh gau lu gan nin peh chu lai!" Of course, I'd feel somewhat embarassed later too but too angry at that point of time. Most time, the other party would make themself scarce pretty fast and some would even offer an apology.
I have nothing against gays, homosexuals, period. And I do have some good friends who belong to the 'dark side' but there must be a line drawn when they try their luck with the straight community here.
Just my 2cents worth.
29-08-2006, 09:06 PM
well in fact bro, i have just the lobang. she come with mini skirt and bj skills, and she's a medical student from nus, you want the toilet location? :D
hahaha such good lobang till now den recommend.....Think there will be ppl pm u for the location hoh.........;)
29-08-2006, 09:14 PM
it ever happened to me before..
at jurong mrt.
went to the toilet to shit.
buay tahan la..
then i came out
and i realise the guy at the urinal
was still there
(there werent many ppl.. of course i noticed his presense la)
then i walked out and so did he.
din really suspect anything la.
went to popular to buy stationaries
(i was still in school then and was in uniform!)
then this guy keep following me.
wherever i turn.. he'd follow.
then i left the place without buying anything
and he followed me stilll!
eventually he came up to me
and asked if i wanted to go home with him!!
dammit la..
i said no and walked away as fast as i could.
and the freaky thing was he followed!
i stood ard the bus queue and again he asked me if i was interested.
then i just looked ard for any buses that was leaving the interchange
and dashed up the bus at the very last second.
FINALLY managed to brush that motherfucker off.
too young to think of anything else la..
and boy was i shaky already by then!:eek:
29-08-2006, 09:41 PM
KNN, so many gay around in singapore liao, still so hard to find another asshole until gotta find target in toilet?:confused:
happen to me will straight throw my shit to him...
29-08-2006, 09:56 PM
sorry to say this but .. ive known about this for more than 2 years already. this has happened since 2004. got to know it from a friend of mine and a gay friend. he advised me not to go there unless die die urgent . thought you guys would have known about this .. qutie surprise to find that not much people know
29-08-2006, 10:07 PM
No wonder that day went to the toilet at citilink mall, got so many cubicles and yet only two available. The rest all locked up. Came up told my wife suspect it a gay paradise. Now think of ot farking disgusting.
29-08-2006, 10:13 PM
next time wen u r in ze cubicles, check ze partition walls on both sides ... dun b surprised 2 find holes @ 'strategic' locations ... :eek:
u may oso find dat ze doors of cubicles on both sides of n unused cubicle r curiously always closed ... :eek:
mi went 2 ze orchard mrt toilet once 2 do urgent big business ... of course mi was not amused wen mi saw dat all the parition walls hv holes in them ... luckily it was late @ nite ... about 12 midnite ... so ze place was absolutely empty ...
nowadays, mi will pick specific toilets ony unless ze business is real urgent ...
29-08-2006, 10:18 PM
she follow into the toilet.So I decide not to use this toilet,thinking she going to wash the toilet.I decide to use another level toilet.Was surprise,she also follow me to that toilet.So,not nice to use longkar type,I use the cubicle(Squat type),I close the door.In fact I only wan to pee,but I saw her image from the relective floor.She try to peep.She thinking I doing business.In the end,I decide not to pee.I think this cheeko india cleaner never see lam par before. :D
walau... didn't know she can be so tiko. ah rat are u also indian???
29-08-2006, 11:01 PM
I never did like the Citilink toilet anyway.
1) Floor is very reflective. i.e. highly polished marble if i remember correctly.
2) Huge gap between the partitions in the cubibles and the floor(Sides and front!).
3) Gaps between the door and the partition.
4) Urinals are poorly designed. i.e. highly exposed to the sides.
29-08-2006, 11:13 PM
dammit la..
i said no and walked away as fast as i could.
and the freaky thing was he followed!
i stood ard the bus queue and again he asked me if i was interested.
then i just looked ard for any buses that was leaving the interchange
and dashed up the bus at the very last second........
Bro, the way you pen your post is rather amusing ... It is just like a poem ... I can't stop laughing after reading it ... :D
30-08-2006, 05:31 PM
[QUOTE=DexDJ]Hi all,
This thread reminds me of the days i would 'meet' so many f**king gays in places like:
1) Swimming pool's toilets (just encountered another one at Yishun Safra when I was there with me OC)
2) Public toilets (the old Plaza Singapura, YMCA, NUS and now Citi Link Mall)
I also encounter a gay at Yishun Safra ( donno whether it the same Gay - around 20 some yr-old & not very tall, ard 1.60m)
I was lying bet the adult pool & kid pool sun tan & this gay start to get close to me & spray water onto me, keeping me cool.
At 1st, I thot this guy is friendly & dont care abt him... then he start to pull up a bit of my swimming trunk & spray water onto my Bro.
I shout at him to stop & swim off... inform the life guard there to look out for this gay... lucky he never follow me to the toilet...
Think got to be careful nowaday, or wear 2 underwear.... haha ...
30-08-2006, 05:39 PM
btw, anyone working ard Yishun area?
I working ard that area so every morning use the MRT toilet.
I notice that there is alway a Fat malay guy & pee a very long time & alway at the 2nd last urinal...
When he, at last finsh peeing, he will wash his cock at water tap...
Any Bro pass by, pls take note of this guy, alway in the Mrt toilet ard 7.10am..
30-08-2006, 05:42 PM
btw, anyone working ard Yishun area?
I working ard that area so every morning use the MRT toilet.
I notice that there is alway a Fat malay guy & pee a very long time & alway at the 2nd last urinal...
When he, at last finsh peeing, he will wash his cock at water tap...
Any Bro pass by, pls take note of this guy, alway in the Mrt toilet ard 7.10am..
30-08-2006, 08:40 PM
Bro, the way you pen your post is rather amusing ... It is just like a poem ... I can't stop laughing after reading it ... :D
hahaha indeed. now dat u mentioned, he really seemed to be writing a poem.
whenever i walk up Ann Siang Hill to Bliss Massage for a massage after a hard day...I will see supicious gay .......where else...but many walk up to the back entrance...digusting..
30-08-2006, 09:36 PM
Just ignore and move away lor. Me hot tempered but in this case, i boh chap. If u really notice, there are alot everywhere like raffles place, bugis junction etc etc.
30-08-2006, 09:53 PM
My 1st encounter was when I (ard 8yr old) in Primary school learning swimming in a pool and someone masturbated right in the pool smiling at me. I young & blur what to do. :confused:
The last encounter was yesterday in the bus, sitting besides me (coming 32yr old) this ah bei rubbing his legs against mine. So when he got up to alight, I kicked his heels and he fell and I smiled at him. :D
31-08-2006, 01:14 AM
Seem lik Sg has more gay or gay-ish ppl,,..including those entertainment circle...
Jus tak a look @ Hossan Leong..
ABC Mafia
31-08-2006, 01:17 AM
happen to me once, those gay really very fierce than me. i am a tattoo maniac and my face look like big time crook. and in bukit gomak mrt toilet, i was pee-ing in outside urinal some jackass also stand beside me and urine then he keep lookin at my penis. but i think he not gay la, just mental problem. so i faster ran off, lucky he didnt knock me out and rape me :rolleyes:
Commander Thire
31-08-2006, 08:58 AM
Anyone ever consider that these may be undercover cops who need to meet their quotas for arresting fagots?
Better yet! Inform on them to your authorities, the government has a zero tolerance for such activities.
31-08-2006, 10:47 AM
Geez... Hear of story of yishun safra! I really scares me. How am I going to bring my mei mei there to swim? I like the pool very much, espically the jacuzzi part. I think gays tend to avoid me as I stick to my mei mei all the time but only when she to changing and me go changing?
So scary! Oh man! I'm so mild temper man to get angry but I can get really piss instantly of someone do funny things to my mei mei! :D
31-08-2006, 12:49 PM
Just ignore and move away lor. Me hot tempered but in this case, i boh chap. If u really notice, there are alot everywhere like raffles place, bugis junction etc etc.
Very true. It happen anywhere. Gays are not sissy. Some do but majority not sissy.
Even in camp also. Don't think Commandos, Guards, Naval Divers are 'garang-garang', they can do crazy things (e.g. blow you suddenly when you are in shower, sneak their hands under the blanket to hj for you and etc.). They are well conceal and you can't even tell whether they are one or not.
Most gays are fine not pestering type. Kindly tell them you are 'straight and not gay'. Do not tell them you are 'straight'. It makes big difference. Usually, they won't hassle you one. They can be talked nicely, no need to bang anger on them.
Most people think they want to be gay which is not true.
I have encounter with gays but still alright. Don't know why...I always kenna this. I find that if you are holding hands with a girl, they won't approach you. To most extend, they will 'ruba-ruba' you when close to you (e.g. in the lift, escalator and etc.)
Even if I jogged in Sentosa, I also kenna disturbed. Followed me, followed my running pace. I stopped, he also stopped. I went toilet pee, also followed. It was very sickening! Later, then I knew I've jogged passed 'aj' group who frequent themselves in Sentosa beach playing beach ball game.
31-08-2006, 12:51 PM
Geez... Hear of story of yishun safra! I really scares me. How am I going to bring my mei mei there to swim? I like the pool very much, espically the jacuzzi part. I think gays tend to avoid me as I stick to my mei mei all the time but only when she to changing and me go changing?
So scary! Oh man! I'm so mild temper man to get angry but I can get really piss instantly of someone do funny things to my mei mei! :D
Don't worry lah, they won't "karr-jeow" you. They saw you with girl, unlike to do something bad one lah.
31-08-2006, 12:55 PM
Seem lik Sg has more gay or gay-ish ppl,,..including those entertainment circle...
Jus tak a look @ Hossan Leong..
Lots of local male celebrities. So many of them.
Lots of local male celebrities. So many of them.
Thomas Ong (saw in person), Xie Shao Guang, Bryan Wong, Chen Han Wei, etc. PM said of David Gan, but forgot to mention his success becos of many clients (rich, high society) who have same preference like him.
31-08-2006, 01:20 PM
Yah, the bloody cleaner was also inside. Yet he don't bother... I'm sure the cleaner knows about this 'thing' also.
perhaps d cleaner is 1 of dem......
wow bro sure a not i scare leh..i oso wking ard citilink n did use the tolite b4. but those tolite door always all close up wan leh .haha i tot so good seng li the tolite y always full now den i know:eek: wat happen.
31-08-2006, 09:30 PM
I saw this guy jerking off at the 4th floor of Penysula Plaza at City Hall inside the washroom. He purposely opened his door half and you can see his he is wearing a glove and jerking off inside.
Pretty disgusting.
31-08-2006, 11:00 PM
I saw this guy jerking off at the 4th floor of Penysula Plaza at City Hall inside the washroom. He purposely opened his door half and you can see his he is wearing a glove and jerking off inside.
Pretty disgusting.
Bro, that case might as well ask him wear a condom and jerk instead of wearing glove. kill 2 birds with one stone. his hand wont get dirty and he wont dirty the place!:cool:
03-09-2006, 03:03 AM
Ah.. since you guys are on this subject, ..
Be careful of Funan the it mall basement toilet @7pm......
International plaza also ....Freaking gay dude kept winking at me while I was rinsing my mouth in the toilet after my meal ...........
not to mention two guys using the same toilet ...cheeze!! :confused: :mad:
When finish doing your business, you should lop your sai over the cubicle wall at the bloody gay. Hands dirty nevermind, your own sai so no hard feelings.... Go out and wash only...
But the gay who kena your sai... ho say liao. See how he gets out of citilink with shirt full of shit. Sure traumatized for life one :D
04-09-2006, 04:14 AM
Pls be very careful the next time you go to the toliet @ citilink mall (Just opposite a shop selling chocolates.) That toilet seems to be a "gathering ground" or could be better said as "HUNTING GROUND" for the these stupid gays!!
What to do? IMF coming very soon leow... since they cant hang around the level 3 toilet inside Raffles City Shopping Center, they find make shift replacement lor... :rolleyes:
aiya, just give them the wide berth and "siam" la... respect them and they respect you ma... im sure as logical thinking people, we all know what is call respect, right? :cool:
04-09-2006, 06:24 AM
Oh my God!!!! I can't believe you are posting this... Brothers here are posting that they are the ones kenna harass be these gays and you posting like these gays are the victim???
You need to re-read this thread from Page 1, Bro... Or maybe you need to brush up your comprehension skill...
ok ok... perhaps you didnt get what i meant... my bad for not telling it in your face but like i said, we are all sensible adults... right? so whats wrong with giving them a wide berth? if that doesnt work, just walk up to the offending "alternative-sex-seeking individual", talk politely and state clearly your stand la... btw, they maybe gay but they human being too, it doesn't hurt to be nice. some of them are high flyers, dont make enemy with them lest you u really dont mind having one extra for the rest of your life la...
Learnt this from one of the laojiao Samster: "Always be nice, until you really don't have to be nice anymore."
Cheers~! :)
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