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07-05-2020, 12:57 PM
Visited TMFT to do some fact finding ...

Horizon temp counter at TMFT

Only 3trips weekly

CV19 Notes for Passengers

As for vouchers that you hv paid $28..
Extension hv to request BEFORE the Stated Expired date at the counter.

Operation hr

07-05-2020, 12:59 PM
MJ C19 notes

07-05-2020, 01:06 PM
Sindo CV19 notes

07-05-2020, 01:13 PM
MJ WARNING/Reminder to Sg travelers on self paid cost on Expenses ...

08-05-2020, 09:27 AM
MJ WARNING/Reminder to Sg travelers on self paid cost on Expenses ...

Seem bad for us...

08-05-2020, 09:28 AM
Sindo CV19 notes

That mean singaporean travelling there will have to apply for visa too ya.

08-05-2020, 09:37 AM
Seem bad for us...

Was chatting with my friend and showed him these images.

He is wondering how long more will this go.

He miss the caweks in TB and Batam. :p :p :p

No more fun for quite a while....

08-05-2020, 12:56 PM
Seem bad for us...

Yes bro, since early April, all foreigners wanting to go to Indonesia must obtain permission/visa from an Indonesian embassy, subject to approval, unless you are a KITAS holders

All pax entering into Indonesia are also required to show a doctor’s note stating that he/she is healthy...

08-05-2020, 05:55 PM
I Guess we can kiss Batam goodbye for this year. Among all the S.E.A countries, indonesia should be the second last country to open up given the scenarios now. When open up still need the 14 days quarantine so who can afford this requirement? The main killing point is the 14 days quarantine to and fro. Total 28 days.

09-05-2020, 06:35 AM
I Guess we can kiss Batam goodbye for this year. Among all the S.E.A countries, indonesia should be the second last country to open up given the scenarios now. When open up still need the 14 days quarantine so who can afford this requirement? The main killing point is the 14 days quarantine to and fro. Total 28 days.

Also don't forget Singaporean must pay for the full cost of quarantine upon returning to Singapore.

09-05-2020, 09:51 AM
Singapore advise on 1 meter social distancing. Taiwan is on 1.5 meter. I'll try to keep 1.5 meter at least. I remember in my last trip in Batam while taking the elevator up to the 5th floor of my room. The elevator was fully pack and i am the only person wearing a mask and "dog tag" on.

15th of March in Batam, at Grand Batam Mall 1st floor...hehehe... :D


Notice the crowd? How pack it is with an ongoing event.

Situation isnt as bad as claim tho. If there is a chance to allow me to do a analysis of my own, i would say that at this current point of posting, or even if i were to backdate the entire situation till 15th March 2020, situation on the corona epidemic in Batam is by far at least 2 lamp post better than in Singapore. (No need to believe what i say here,hehehe...)

Of course, this analysis is just my own perspective after looking at both side.

The setback in Batam is that once you get "it" (covid-19), the medical facilities there (in Batam) would have the least possible solution to help.

...continue from the 15th March trip posting...

On the 16th March 2020, my returned to Singapore from Batam...


Have to return by 2359 on 16th March 2020, or else will have to go to the so call 14 days "jail" aka SHN (stay-home-notice) w/o compensation.

The ferry was around 75% filled, i think (not as crowded as during CNY time tho,hehehe...). Mostly filled with Singaporean as i overheard lots of in-ferry people complaining. I was at the Business class seat and it was a little less than half filled. Hehehe...at least i still can take up 2 seats (1 for me and one for my haversack), nearest person was 3 seats away from me (seat beside my haversack was empty). He's lucky, he took that seat which was alcohol-cleaned by me. 7 out of 10 were mask-on and i was one of them. :D

Note : At the point of March 2020, the Singapore/Indonesia government has not compulsorily make its citizen to mask-up yet.

My little worry during my return trip was few were coughing rather vigorously and one of them were not wearing a mask. So i have to keep "cleaning the air" within my 1 meter radius me. Its an enclosed area and i will be in it for about an hour or so.

Image shows how much extend a single cough would go to affect others....but well, after more than a month after returning from Batam. Which is why i said in my earlier post, "all's well".


And hopefully remain well throughout this covid-19 epidemic. :p


The other small worry that i had during my Batam trip was in the elevator from the hotel, which was fully-packed. Batam has no business during the beginning March period? The hotel i stayed in was at least 75% full...bad choice. Very bad choice indeed.

I will come to my part of bad choice hotel later. :mad:

Wasnt an angry/bad trip but its not a good trip either ,due to covid-19 but still, while i am disappointed,i still considered myself lucky.

09-05-2020, 10:35 AM
Yes bro, since early April, all foreigners wanting to go to Indonesia must obtain permission/visa from an Indonesian embassy, subject to approval, unless you are a KITAS holders

All pax entering into Indonesia are also required to show a doctor’s note stating that he/she is healthy...

I see, like that have to wait for a few months when thing stablise then can go liao.

09-05-2020, 11:20 AM
I see, like that have to wait for a few months when thing stablise then can go liao.

Why worry so much!...is really up to each country and Singapore to agree on terms and conditions of travel...will be bi-lateral in nature...:)

Countries that build big modern airports and airlines...also countries that rely on tourists cannot tahan long without tourists coming in...:)

What is the point to travel if we just go a few days need to quarantine 14 days there and then back to Singapore quarantine 14 days again...:)

This is the best time to conserve resources for future...when we have cash money not worried these countries dun welcome our cash in future...:)

From the fatality rate of 1 to 5% it looks like covid-19 will be mild flu...not all will need to have ventilators...just isolate and recover...:)

When vaccine available I shall not be rushing to get the vaccine...you guys can jump queue ahead of me...:)

09-05-2020, 03:55 PM
Why worry so much!...is really up to each country and Singapore to agree on terms and conditions of travel...will be bi-lateral in nature...:)

Countries that build big modern airports and airlines...also countries that rely on tourists cannot tahan long without tourists coming in...:)

If you are below 40, need not to worry about Covid-19. The chances of death with Covid-19 is lower than strike a prize on 4D. With over 21000 cases in Singapore, only 20 deaths, none is below 40, less than the odds in 4D which is 23 out of 10000.

09-05-2020, 04:17 PM
If you are below 40, need not to worry about Covid-19. The chances of death with Covid-19 is lower than strike a prize on 4D. With over 21000 cases in Singapore, only 20 deaths, none is below 40, less than the odds in 4D which is 23 out of 10000.

Yes, you are right but unfortunately many of chongsters visiting Batam regularly are of the older age group. These older people can be severely affected by Covid19 and need to exercise due diligence and extra care when in Batam.

09-05-2020, 07:59 PM
2 more links for CV19 requirement details......

Indo Embassy in sg

10-05-2020, 02:36 PM
Why worry so much!...is really up to each country and Singapore to agree on terms and conditions of travel...will be bi-lateral in nature...:)

Countries that build big modern airports and airlines...also countries that rely on tourists cannot tahan long without tourists coming in...:)

What is the point to travel if we just go a few days need to quarantine 14 days there and then back to Singapore quarantine 14 days again...:)

This is the best time to conserve resources for future...when we have cash money not worried these countries dun welcome our cash in future...:)

From the fatality rate of 1 to 5% it looks like covid-19 will be mild flu...not all will need to have ventilators...just isolate and recover...:)

When vaccine available I shall not be rushing to get the vaccine...you guys can jump queue ahead of me...:)

Hahah not about rushing, is about sharing info and ownself anslysis

10-05-2020, 05:40 PM
Yes, you are right but unfortunately many of chongsters visiting Batam regularly are of the older age group. These older people can be severely affected by Covid19 and need to exercise due diligence and extra care when in Batam.

In this case just ban those who are 60 years old and above for travelling, not like now everyone get ban. At least this would not kill the tourism industry.

11-05-2020, 10:46 AM
In this case just ban those who are 60 years old and above for travelling, not like now everyone get ban. At least this would not kill the tourism industry.

Bro kbt7046, can tell us how often u visit Btm and on avg how much u spend per trip ?

11-05-2020, 01:20 PM
In this case just ban those who are 60 years old and above for travelling, not like now everyone get ban. At least this would not kill the tourism industry.

In the democratic society, do not think you can implement such a strict measure discriminating some section of the society. It will be easier to gradually ease travelling rights for all.

Black Page
11-05-2020, 05:35 PM
If you are below 40, need not to worry about Covid-19. The chances of death with Covid-19 is lower than strike a prize on 4D. With over 21000 cases in Singapore, only 20 deaths, none is below 40, less than the odds in 4D which is 23 out of 10000.

In this case just ban those who are 60 years old and above for travelling, not like now everyone get ban. At least this would not kill the tourism industry.

These two are among the most ignorant posts I have ever seen here.

1) Even under the optimistic assumption that COVID puts at risk only those above 40yo (which is not true), then young people (tourists, school kids, anyone) who gather in proximity (travel, go to pub, take MRT, spend the day at workplace, at school...) pass the virus one to the other, then go home, infect the rest of the family including parents and elders.
It is not gonorrhea, which you may get if you have random sex without condom, but will not pass to your mother.
Think about measle without any vaccination available. Reminds anything?

2) Even under the optimistic assumption that COVID has fatality rate of 1%, remember that in absence of social distancing and with full mobility (no lockdown) the virus spreads exponentially doubling every 3 days in a large population (stats of civilized countries where some testing is done).
This means that in a closely connected and densely populated area (Singapore is not Russia) without control measures in 2 months 1000 positive may become 2,000,000.

3) Even under the optimistic assumption that COVID kills only people above 50yo and only 1% of total infected, if you do nothing the target situation is 50% of world population infected (or just of Singapore, if you don't care of others), that is 1% of 3.5 billions dead, that is 35,000,000 people dead in one year (in absence of control measures). In WW2 they estimate that 70 millions died.
Are you prepared to see 30% of all elder people in Singapore (if you don't care of others) to die in 1 year? Do you have parents? Do you mind about them?

From the fatality rate of 1 to 5% it looks like covid-19 will be mild flu...not all will need to have ventilators...just isolate and recover...:)

4) COVID is not just a mild flu. I thought the same at the beginning, but I was sadly wrong. The fatality 1% applies when you can assist all those who need it with intensive care. How many intensive care beds are available in Singapore? How many isolating units? How many ventilators?
Can a country carry 1,000,000 COVID sick persons overwhelming the health care system in, say, one or two months?
The answer is NO, and that is why the economy is falling. Governments cannot just wait and see, and hope.
This COVID is nasty because one remains contagious for say one month, with or without symptoms, and many are contagious without showing evident symptoms. This causes very efficient propagation in the population.
Without social distancing and lockdown, in 1 month the hospital capacity of any country is overwhelmed, and people dies at home without even be counted (This happened in many areas of Italy and Spain, to mention two European countries. There are small towns in Northern Italy where the majority of elders disappeared, even before the alarm was raised at national level)

12-05-2020, 06:07 AM
Bro kbt7046, can tell us how often u visit Btm and on avg how much u spend per trip ?

Between $1500 to $2000, including 3 nights at Planet Holiday Executive Suite

12-05-2020, 07:06 AM
4) COVID is not just a mild flu. I thought the same at the beginning, but I was sadly wrong. The fatality 1% applies when you can assist all those who need it with intensive care. How many intensive care beds are available in Singapore? How many isolating units? How many ventilators?
Can a country carry 1,000,000 COVID sick persons overwhelming the health care system in, say, one or two months?
The answer is NO, and that is why the economy is falling. Governments cannot just wait and see, and hope.
This COVID is nasty because one remains contagious for say one month, with or without symptoms, and many are contagious without showing evident symptoms. This causes very efficient propagation in the population.
Without social distancing and lockdown, in 1 month the hospital capacity of any country is overwhelmed, and people dies at home without even be counted (This happened in many areas of Italy and Spain, to mention two European countries. There are small towns in Northern Italy where the majority of elders disappeared, even before the alarm was raised at national level)

Think I may not hv stated clearly....:)

First we need strict lockdown rules to control spread of covid-19 when there is no drug to cure...this is obvious...:)

When we followed hygiene rules and when there is cure means to say there will be available drugs to cure covid-19 then this covid-19 will be a mild flu...:)

Of course proven vaccine will be best option but I will not rush to inject when is newly available...:)

what happened now is the whole world is suffering pandemics due to unknown covid-19 and no cure yet...so what happened next may be long wait so nothing much we can do...:)

I can forget about visiting Batam and Balai for 2020...:)

12-05-2020, 10:18 AM
I can forget about visiting Batam and Balai for 2020...:)

Don't let coronavirus defeat us cheongsters. We will defeat them.

Especially for healthy senior citizens, you can continue to Cheong with peace of mind if you follow these rules and you should be safe to Cheong anywhere you like :-

The whole idea is to create a buffer between yourself and the virus at all times and so this is what you may do :-

(1) after check-in hotel, get a bottle of perfumed sanitising spray and spray all over your hotel room then leave your room for 30 minutes before re entering.

Subsequently don't allow anybody to enter your room except you and your cewek. Tell hotel no need to clean yr room except change towel and bedsheets.

(2) Always bring along a mask and disposable plastic gloves when outside. Mask must always be cleaned and sanitised whenever reach hotel room. Always wash yr hands after touching something. The best is always put on disposable hand gloves whenever outside and throw away this disposable gloves whenever u reach yr room.

Each time you reach your room, you must change and wash all your clothings, laundry don't cost much, this slight inconvenience is worth. Bath too or at least wash yr hair, face and hands with soap each time you reach hotel room.

As for me, I don't throw away my disposable mask if it's not damage. I reuse it by sanitising the mask with boiling water.

(2) wear mask and disposable gloves the moment you are outside. When no people around you may pull down your mask to breath.

(3) when outside, avoid touching yr face, mouth and eyes at all cost. If you must touch, then throw away yr disposable gloves ,put on a new disposable glove and then touch. After finishing, put on a new disposable glove.

(4) similarly ask yr cewek to do the same thing, pay her extra 100,000 ruppiahs as tips.

(5) once you observe all the above, have no fear when you visit shopping centres, when you visit cewek booking house , restaurants or food courts.

12-05-2020, 12:15 PM
Don't let coronavirus defeat us cheongsters. We will defeat them.

Especially for healthy senior citizens, you can continue to Cheong with peace of mind if you follow these rules and you should be safe to Cheong anywhere you like

Bro Soh,
I will not dispute you on your good practices and due diligence. However, the real danger is the ceweks themselves. How to ensure that these ceweks even if they are your regular mates are Covid19 free? That is no easy and fast way unless you also send them for testing and wait for the results. I suppose, we just have to take the chance besides exercising due diligence and good hygiene practices. Cheers.

12-05-2020, 01:11 PM
Unless, an effective vaccine is available, fucking cewek is a very risky business..more dangerous than HIV....we have to wait at least a year or more....to fuck with some ease.....

12-05-2020, 02:38 PM
Lol...thx 2 u, after start of tis circuit breakin time by garmen ,many old ppl sms we all ,sendin their thx 2 us 4 the musker, sanitizer, jap tag & UV light....lol...they no prepare b4 the circuit breaker ma.

Yes, i received one of those sms too.

Good to know we can be of "help" in our own tiniest way.

After flushing out most tourists and non-Indonesian, the price of mask in most parts of Indonesia and Batam has come down to a more acceptable rate of around 50k rupiah to 100k rupiah for a box of 50s,hehehe.... :D

i tink evry1 of us shld aldy got load up wit enough muskers & got it veri cheep durin early time & aso all the barang barang covid-fightin kit....lol :D

hv good time breakin circuit ya....lol

I guess, everyone should be loaded up. Must learn from Singapore Government one thing in this epidemic,....always be ready to spring back for a come-back.


I am preparing myself to go back to Batam. :D

Same old places but with new pasture,new ground, new culture.....to conquer. Not fogetting, its going to be a totally new ways to travel in Batam too. ;)

12-05-2020, 05:06 PM
Bro Soh,
I will not dispute you on your good practices and due diligence. However, the real danger is the ceweks themselves. How to ensure that these ceweks even if they are your regular mates are Covid19 free? That is no easy and fast way unless you also send them for testing and wait for the results. I suppose, we just have to take the chance besides exercising due diligence and good hygiene practices. Cheers.

I'll be heading back to Batam again as soon as both countries have remove the quarantine requirement. I believe that there is no 100% method to prevent getting infection of Covid-19, doctors and nurses who have been taking extra prevention still can get infection. This is fate and luck.

Black Page
12-05-2020, 05:14 PM
(5) once you observe all the above, have no fear when you visit shopping centres, when you visit cewek booking house , restaurants or food courts.
You forgot the most important point for man's and girl's safety (both will be afraid):

6) Wrap the cewek in PVC plastic transparent film (3 layers), leaving two small openings one at the mouth (for breathing, eating and other purposes) and one at the bottom side (again, for peeing and other purposes). Do not approach her at less than 1 meter before wrapping.

A 100k tip for this extra safety measure might be not enough, but health deserves some bigger expenditure on the trip.
Bro Nono can suggest where to buy big rolls of PVC film at the best price.
Or, maybe, the girl will request the guest to wear a "super-condom", that is a plastic bag all around his body, not just penis.

In my personal case, my best entertainment in Batam is going to Newton, P3 and Square. I am afraid that I can only dream all that, at least for one year (if not longer, who knows?)
We are all in deep shit, this is the truth.

13-05-2020, 02:13 AM
Between $1500 to $2000, including 3 nights at Planet Holiday Executive Suite

Is for once per month or per week, or once in 2 or few months ?

13-05-2020, 03:28 AM
Is for once per month or per week, or once in 2 or few months ?

Of course not once a week, who can afford going to Batam every week. I usually go to Batam twice in 3 months. Due to quarantine requirement if travel overseas, only been to Batam twice so far this year. Last time I went there was on March 7, returned on March 12. Don't know when can I go again. Also don't know when I got chance to go again, my favorite girl still there or not.

13-05-2020, 03:31 AM
You forgot the most important point for man's and girl's safety (both will be afraid):

6) Wrap the cewek in PVC plastic transparent film (3 layers), leaving two small openings one at the mouth (for breathing, eating and other purposes) and one at the bottom side (again, for peeing and other purposes). Do not approach her at less than 1 meter before wrapping.

Why so worry about Covid-19? Life is short, enjoy first. Even without Covid-19, you can also die with other type of disease. This is all fate and luck.

13-05-2020, 08:34 PM
All 3 cases arrived from batam

Quresh Singh Sandhu

Quresh arrived in Singapore from Batam on 17 March and was served with an SHN effective from 17 March to 31 March, according to the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

Instead of heading to his residence in Sembawang Drive, Quresh allegedly took public transport to Marina Bay Sands, where he worked as a security officer.

After leaving work on 18 March, he took public transport to his company’s lodging at Dunlop Street where he shared a room with three co-workers, said ICA. Between 19 March and 21 March, Quresh continued to commute daily to work via public transport.

His breach was discovered by ICA on 21 March, when enforcement officers visited his residence and found him missing.

According to his charge sheet, Quresh is accused of exposing others to the risk of infection by his presence, by visiting Little India MRT Station, Bayfront MRT Station, Marina Bay Sands, Rochor MRT Station and Snooze Inn at 28 Dunlop Street.

Quresh’s plead guilty mention has been fixed for 27 May.

Azhar Bin Khamis

ICA said that Azhar arrived from Batam on 26 March and was served with an SHN from 26 March to 9 April.

Instead of heading to his Tampines residence, Azhar allegedly spent the night with his sister in Serangoon.

On 27 March, he left his sister’s residence and spent the next few days in public areas at Harbourfront, according to ICA.

ICA officers visited Azhar’s Tampines residence on 5 April and found him absent. They located him at the Singapore Cruise Centre later that day.

Azhar faces one charge of failing to comply with the order without reasonable excuse. His case has been fixed for a pre-trial conference on the 19 May.

Zahari Samat

Zahari arrived in Singapore from Batam on 1 April and was served with an SHN from 1 April to 15 April.

The ICA stated that Zahari then proceeded to a rental address at North Bridge Road, instead of his declared place of accommodation at Ang Mo Kio.

The next day, he went to the ICA Building to inform an officer that he had provided an outdated address in his declaration and wanted to update the address where he would serve his SHN. ICA officers told Zahari to return to his North Bridge Road residence and to remain there for the remainder of the SHN.

However Zahari left his residence again on 8 April and was arrested by Central Narcotics Bureau officers at an open air carpark nearby.

He faces one charge each of leaving his Ang Mo Kio residence to go to North Bridge Road and of later leaving his North Bridge Road residence without reasonable excuse.

Zahari is expected to plead guilty on 27 May.

The authorities made serving an SHN compulsory for all who entered Singapore from 11.59pm on 16 March and with a travel history to any ASEAN country within the past 14 days. The two-week SHN required individuals to stay at their declared residences at all times.

From 11.59pm on 20 March, the requirements were extended to all individuals entering Singapore. From 11.59pm on 9 April, all individuals entering Singapore were also required to serve their SHN at dedicated facilities.

14-05-2020, 10:07 AM
You forgot the most important point for man's and girl's safety (both will be afraid):

6) Wrap the cewek in PVC plastic transparent film (3 layers), leaving two small openings one at the mouth (for breathing, eating and other purposes) and one at the bottom side (again, for peeing and other purposes). Do not approach her at less than 1 meter before wrapping.

Your suggested method will properly look like this:


kekeke.... :D :D :D

14-05-2020, 01:57 PM
Every morning, i will UV sanitize my whole office for at least 15 mins before stepping in,hehehe...followed by continously Sodium chloriting the air with humidifier thereafter. :D

Did the similar at home and around my block of lifts i stayed in too,hehehe...safety 1st.

got ever wonder 1 thg or no? if it's going 2 be mandatory 2 wear a mask in future btm trip, then go out with ger ger shopin tat time need 2 smoke how? :D

15-05-2020, 11:52 AM
got ever wonder 1 thg or no? if it's going 2 be mandatory 2 wear a mask in future btm trip, then go out with ger ger shopin tat time need 2 smoke how? :D

Bro, in the market now have this -


Cost only about $2-$5...want better quality? How about a leather woven zipper mask? ;)


That'll be about S$30. More or less.

The Rolls Royce of all zipper mask is this one.


That's about S$65.

So we can now all wear mask & smoke at the same time while traveling on foot around batam. :D

Got a better idea?


16-05-2020, 12:30 PM
So we can now all wear mask & smoke at the same time while traveling on foot around batam. :D

Got a better idea?


U heard of the study on smokers, were lesser likely 2 contract covid but once they get it, it'd be more serious?

The studies never really went deeper or not many wld wish to went deeper on it bcs of many underlying bad effects on smoking.


16-05-2020, 10:51 PM
got ever wonder 1 thg or no? if it's going 2 be mandatory 2 wear a mask in future btm trip, then go out with ger ger shopin tat time need 2 smoke how? :D

Singaporean can forget about going to Batam or any country for holiday this year. I believe no country will allow Asa anyone who is departure from Singapore enter their country. The virus control in Singapore is a mess, when other countries reopen their borders, Singaporean will remain blacklisted for very long time.

17-05-2020, 09:08 AM
Since CB, have t got chance to go back. Dono how things are. Heard many Malls all very quiet. Business very bad. Not sure about those entertaining places. Anyway, Ramadan now, let’s wait until after this virus thing is over . Damm... miss that place

17-05-2020, 12:22 PM
Since CB, have t got chance to go back. Dono how things are. Heard many Malls all very quiet. Business very bad. Not sure about those entertaining places. Anyway, Ramadan now, let’s wait until after this virus thing is over . Damm... miss that place

Businesses which heavily dependent on foreign visitors got the hardest hit, some hotels can't survive and will be closing down, many cewek will be leaving. Probably one or two ferry operators may also go bankrupt. Same thing will also happen to Singapore. I hope Singaporean can go to Batam again sometime in July, but chances is very slim, most probably September is the earliest.

17-05-2020, 05:22 PM
i aldy imagine brother nono left hand hold this abv....lol...

I try not to use alcohol base stuff tho, as it's flammable,hehehe....for what's stated (spraying mist).

...rite hand hold tis abv walk ard in btm....lol...

Alternate way/s is to use Sodium Chloride, and what i am using were diluted ones but strong enough to kill almost all virus/bacteria on touch.

Besides sodium chloride, Chlorine dioxide would be use as well, just that it should work as a sidekick together with mask on. And at the same time works as sanitizing the mask and clothes (inside closet) when i am inside room.

....& then he light a cigarette while waitin 4 taxi...5 mins later then tere is a human explosion....lol....follow by new aticle in btm pos came out nxt day say a sinkpaorean explode at hbb ferry terminal. :D

no need cockvid19 to kill u....u yr ownself kill yr ownself liao....lol :p

It is going to be a compulsory thing going to Batam with mask on at least for the next 1 to 2 years or at least till a vaccine is out which the so-called expert claim gonna take AT LEAST 1.5 years, hence why not just prepare the necessary precaution in advance.

I mean, i am gonna sterilize and "clean up" the hotel room in Batam anyway, be it covid or no-covid.


Used technology to help.

This UV lamp is wifi-controlled. Meaning i can connect it to hotel wifi, leave the room and while i am outside room, turn it on and let it run for 10 to 15mins before i step in again.

Upon checking inside the room, i will just manually turn it on and leave the room for a bit before re-stepping in again. Believe me, practically no virus will be able to survive inside the room once this "thing" runs for a mild 15mins.

Note : make sure no living thing is in the room when this thing is running, not even pets. This toy turn itself off automatically when a living thing is nearby.

Thats just for the room,turning it ever refreshing.

Save me all the trouble to even go wash the curtain, bedsheet, towel etc etc that are in the room,hehehe...thats just for the room. ;)

17-05-2020, 05:26 PM
Maybe u can swim to cheong there.

I look at this epidemic time period as a window of opportunity for my future trips in Batam. Imagine, the downturn in home pricing, exchange rate, fix deposit interest rate (for rupiah), more hungry girls equates better bargain/service etc etc. :p

Thats gonna be just my traveling to Batam.

Went over to NHM to try the noodle before the sg lockdwn. It's actually not bad & rather interesting. Not cheap.

i think all mee goreng there comes with a bit of chilli, or rather it's hw that would be cooked in their culture.

I doubt i am going back the same place to have that noodle anymore, unless i plan to impress others who happen to be traveling with me to Batam,hehehe....maybe can let those aunties/uncles try. :D

I woudnt mind if it's free tho,hehehe....

can't agree more with this when other's went off-topic, & as what u may have said before...

Just ignore...said that many times before, this is the internet world, nothing's really real except some of the provided information. The rest...in fact, most are talking about "another". Which usually leads to "he throw a stone at me"...and than i throw back, "he threw back again" and i throw back. This kind of story never ends. Not gonna those kiddy game as an adult,hehehe...you can imagine that kind of "game" played during childhood time?

There are just too many of such example/s all over the internet.

Black Page
17-05-2020, 10:24 PM
Believe me, practically no virus will be able to survive inside the room once this "thing" runs for a mild 15mins.

Save me all the trouble to even go wash the curtain, bedsheet, towel etc etc that are in the room,hehehe...thats just for the room. ;)

I hate to disappoint you, and I believe your good faith, but I think you are overconfident, in this and other posts.

1) Even assuming that UV can kill all viruses in 15 minutes (who told you so? are you sure? It depends on the power of the UV radiation!), the virus who is not directly hit by the UV light (shadowed by any obstacle as curtains, sheet folds, objects etc), will not be affected.

2) The virus travels by droplets in the air. If it deposits anywhere, it will deposit also in shadow.

3) When you travel, to Batam or anywhere else, the highest risk of contact with virus is NOT in your room because some plague-spreader has left humours on surfaces (think about house keepers?), but when you stay close to people. Masks will lower the risk, but the reason you travel to Batam is not to stay in room watching TV, but because you wish to be in close proximity with girls.

I am saying that if you go to Batam, when you will be permitted without incurring quarantine in and out, all those procedures will NOT decrease significantly the risk of getting the virus. The risk comes from elsewhere.

However, in this moment I am not sure that the presence of virus is lower in Singapore or in Batam, or in my country in Europe. Nobody really knows. My point is that the risk is not really dependent on where (we lack information) but on the number of close contacts we have with people.
Peak time MRT in Singapore is maybe not less dangerous than Newton...

18-05-2020, 02:39 PM
Of course not once a week, who can afford going to Batam every week. I usually go to Batam twice in 3 months. Due to quarantine requirement if travel overseas, only been to Batam twice so far this year. Last time I went there was on March 7, returned on March 12. Don't know when can I go again. Also don't know when I got chance to go again, my favorite girl still there or not.

If the circuit breaker period till 1 June does not extend again, means that spore economy will open up progressive in June to July and expected to be able to go overseas maybe in August or September.

However this will depend on the country's covid statistic and what measures it did to prevent the spread.

Spore will then have a bilateral discussion with the country garmen.

Noted msia did quite well in managing the pandemic and most likely msia will be the first country which spore will allow border crossing. However this is also subjected to whether msia allow their kastam to be open to spore or not. Their concern maybe on the dorm cases.

Indonesia on the other hand has high increases in the no. of cases, and border opening may likely drag to end of year or maybe next year.

Each country will need to open its economy within the country before allowing border crossing to another country

18-05-2020, 04:44 PM
1) Even assuming that UV can kill all viruses in 15 minutes (who told you so? are you sure? It depends on the power of the UV radiation!), the virus who is not directly hit by the UV light (shadowed by any obstacle as curtains, sheet folds, objects etc), will not be affected.
Elaborate on the power of the uv radiation. And the shadowed by any obstacles.

Do u really know exactly how this uv radiation thing works or u just quote from a source? It's very easy for ppl to quote from reliable sources, any idiots can do it. No colorful english argument, if u insist then we no need to continue further.

Black Page
18-05-2020, 06:28 PM
Elaborate on the power of the uv radiation. And the shadowed by any obstacles.

Do u really know exactly how this uv radiation thing works or u just quote from a source? It's very easy for ppl to quote from reliable sources, any idiots can do it. No colorful english argument, if u insist then we no need to continue further.

Beyond your intention, you support what I said. LOL!:D

Exactly because I DO NOT KNOW (neither Nono can know, I guess) what is the minimum lamp power required to kill, say, 99% of viruses in 15 minutes on the walls of a room, I warned Nono to be NOT SURE that his UV lamp can keep him safe. His intentions are good, but I warned him to be not overconfident in his UV lamp.
To be more precise, this measure depends on:
- the wavelength of the UV radiation;
- the emission power from the lamp (the actual power, which further depends on the lamp nominal power and on its gain and efficiency);
- and the distance of the surface from the source, which determines the power actually received per area unit (inversely proportional to the square of distance).
There is also the problem that higher power would be more effective to sanitize, but also to cause more damage in persons irradiated.

And about shadow, it is an obvious fact that in shadow there is no UV light, and therefore no sanitizing effect (assuming there is one). We do not need to be radio engineers to elaborate about the effect of shadow on light....
Ok, in simple words: shadow = no light. Is this clear enough?

18-05-2020, 06:59 PM
The effectiveness of this uv lamp may not be 100%, nothing is..most important is does it harm humans?

18-05-2020, 07:14 PM
The effectiveness of this uv lamp may not be 100%, nothing is..most important is does it harm humans?

The UV concept although workable is not feasible as the UV radiation required ought to be sufficiently strong to destroy the lifeless Covid19 virus and breaking it into ineffective fragments. Sanitizer and ordinary soap are more effective as used in good hygiene practices of hand washing and should be complemented by usage of face mask.

18-05-2020, 07:29 PM
This uv lamp is to sanitise room... Hope Nono sifu can enlighten us...
Is the radiation harmful to our body??, thanks...

Black Page
18-05-2020, 08:28 PM
This uv lamp is to sanitise room... Hope Nono sifu can enlighten us...
Is the radiation harmful to our body??, thanks...
Whatever is the type of UV lamp, you should NEVER be irradiated for more than few seconds. Think to UV lamps for tanning skin: how long you stay? and the skin cancer caused by long exposure just to sun?
UV causes damages to skin, and exposure should be always limited to short time.
Nono wrote it right: he switches it on when he leaves the room, not when he is inside.

Black Page
18-05-2020, 08:29 PM
The UV concept although workable is not feasible as the UV radiation required ought to be sufficiently strong to destroy the lifeless Covid19 virus and breaking it into ineffective fragments. Sanitizer and ordinary soap are more effective as used in good hygiene practices of hand washing and should be complemented by usage of face mask.
Well said!

19-05-2020, 12:07 AM
The Taiwanese boss of Formosa Hotel was well respected by all his employees, although he tends to be very strict on the hotel rules.

Over the years, he has transformed Formosa Hotel from a girl friendly hotel into a one station enjoy all service type of hotel. He has kept up with technology from time to time by providing the hotel rooms with many improvements, examples were:

News also reported that there are 3 options for the hotel management to consider:
1) Try to contact Jerry and persuade him to take over the hotel. So that the hotel continues to operate and employees can still work. It was known that this option cannot work as it was reported that Jerry had tried to borrow money from his taiwanese friend in Taiwan but was being rejected.

2) Propose to sell all existing hotel assets and the money to pay the employees salary based on years of service.

3) Since Jerry has already established a standard system of hotel operation, in fact the employee can follow the SOP to continue to run the hotel. Just need a company or individual who is willing to take over the business, everything can still run as per normal.

I was told by the Formosa staff that Jerry has appointed a local indonesian chinese from kalimantan to help him manage the business operation in Formosa hotel which means that he is the 2nd man incharge. So if this person manage to find a investor to take over the business, with his experience can help run the hotel business.

Alternatively if another hotel willing to take over the operation, Formosa can still operate..

I hope they can take option 3 but looking at the tourism business in Batam now, i highly doubt it could reap any profit at all.

Lots of hotel i knew in Batam were retrenching staffs. Yes, they dont take the pay-cut option becos the staff's salary were already not high. One particular hotel i knew took out 1/3 of its 100 over staffs.

Mainly shop/property owners w/o loans with bank will survive. ;)

Latest news about Formosa Hotel


Formosa Hotel asset was finally bought over by an investor for around Rp 2.7 billion which is about sing $270,000

All former Formosa hotel employees finally received pay from the sale of these assets on Sunday (8/3/2020) night.

Very sad, which means thats the end of formosa hotel. :(

No more taking over and No more restructuring of hotel operation.

Taiwanese Boss spent a lifetime building up his hotel empire and brought so much fun and joy to the customers like us and provided employment for the indonesian people for the past twenty over years...

Really miss Alisan KTV - Dreaming of the good old days where we can book a small KTV room and have a few cewek to accompany you the whole night singing, drinking to your heart's content before choosing the best cewek for short time in your hotel room...

Really miss the morning breakfast - the food there was fresh and the menu always changes on a daily basis. However, would rate the spread as above average as there were lots of variety and rather complete. It was value for money for a 3 star hotel standard.

Really miss Kings Massage - Some massage cewek had been working there for many years and they were all so familiar with how to provide a good massage for me.

This is the only massage shop where I get to know and learn about the different ethnicity and culture of the cewek in king massage like batak, madurese, melayu, balinese, javanese, sundanese, minangkabau, betawi, dayak, etc Most of them came from Java and Sumatra..

Some of the King's receptionist like Ms Betua from Medan and Ms Nonong from Jakarta have been there for about ten over years and they were all very nice and friendly.

Really miss the carpet room - Nice, cosy and spacious room with plenty of room facilities given that it was just a 3 star hotel. Nice fragrance from air freshener, plenty of TV channels and many others

Excellent hospitality from the staff - The receptionists (sinta especially), the bellboy, the waiters, the cashier, the security, the chambermaid all were amazingly friendly like made you feel like formosa is your second home :p

The reason why most of the formosa hotel employees work there for a long time was because firstly the boss was a good paymaster. Secondly they got above market salary. Thirdly it had provided a stable employment for them. Fourthly, the boss although strict but was also kind,understanding and flexible who allowed his employee to balik kampung during festive season or personal reason.

Nowadays there was not many one-stop enjoy all service hotel left in Batam unlike in Jakarta there are many like Classic hotel, Orchardz hotel, B Fashion Hotel, etc whereby most of these hotel housed a KTV, booking joint, nightclub, massage spa and all under one roof. Some even have naked dancers at the club, topless massage at the spa and striptease in the bar..

Hopefully in the near future, the nightlife in Batam can be as exciting as in Jakarta...:)

Retire Samsters
19-05-2020, 12:11 AM
Very hard to find a good boss.

19-05-2020, 12:55 AM
Since CB, have t got chance to go back. Dono how things are. Heard many Malls all very quiet. Business very bad. Not sure about those entertaining places. Anyway, Ramadan now, let’s wait until after this virus thing is over . Damm... miss that place


Video taken about one month ago in nagoya hill mall.

Most eateries at the upper floor, some shops and cinema all closed :(

No exhibition at the atrium of the mall..

Now the urge of going batam is very strong after prolong period of sexless life :o

In spore rite now, all geylang goldfish tank shops, massage parlour, freelancer, street walkers all are unavailable :)

Black Page
19-05-2020, 01:05 AM
All former Formosa hotel employees finally received pay from the sale of these assets on Sunday (8/3/2020) night.
Very sad, which means thats the end of formosa hotel. :(
No more taking over and No more restructuring of hotel operation.

Can you elaborate further? Why this means no more hotel? Selling the assets may not mean that the new investor could launch a new hotel, a.k.a. Formosa Baru?

Taiwanese Boss spent a lifetime building up his hotel empire and brought so much fun and joy to the customers like us and provided employment for the indonesian people for the past twenty over years...

Nobody can take this thought out of my mind, that the Taiwanese boss saw the future before others, and because of COVID closed everything to save his money.

I feel desperate as you. You really made an excellent summary of why we all love(d) Formosa. :(

19-05-2020, 08:38 AM
Yes they still open..
Vivo side still need to queue to go in yesterday afternoon(12hrs ago) as the supermarket n F&B still going strong.
As for Hbf side you can imagine like you are at HBB mall

I try to avoid going to malls whereby i need to register myself before entry.


Just too bad, Singapore already made it a compulsory thingy. Need to scan some QR thingy before entry.


Went over to Horizonfast ferry the other day, and they were closed.


Actually, i was there to buy liquid alcohol sanitizer (not those gel type). Unity there sells the better and cheapest version,hehehe....contain at least 70% ethanol alcohol and chlorhexidine gluconate, which would stays on my hand for a couple of hours and continue to prevent virus/bacteria from surviving on it. Especially when my hands start touching "things",hehehe....

(there's another brand that Singapore Changi airport is using but its too expensive now)

Another good method to keep myself as bacteria/virus free as possible. :D

Ha! You'll be surprise how much each box of mask cost in Batam without tourism now. :p

Want to make a guess? ;)

What i hear from the Batam girls were Indonesia online market place were selling at about 50k rupiah for a box of 50 masks.

Cheaper than the lowest i found in Singapore online market which i saw at S$11.90 for a box of 50 masks. But those were made in China, hence i arent buying,hehehe...

Look at such tremendous drop in face mask pricing over the recent few months. Luckily, i didnt over stock myself.

Batam apotek shops is selling at around 100k rupiah right now tho. ;)

Notice the big difference in pricing WITH and WITHOUT tourist?

The government’s main focus, or should I say initial focus, will be on the re-opening of travel with ASEAN itself...

Thank you for sharing.

My guess would be indonesia will be one of the last few countries who could open up itself again to the world again. Or whereby Singapore will allow Singaporean to travel to Batam Indonesia w/o the compulsory 14 days quarantine rule.

Singapore still have a long way to go, let alone Indonesia.

19-05-2020, 12:46 PM
Formosa Hotel asset was finally bought over by an investor for around Rp 2.7 billion which is about sing $270,000

$270K Thats a steal!:D

19-05-2020, 04:46 PM
nice story

Black Page
19-05-2020, 07:38 PM
Why the owner of the hotel never come SBF ask for investors. :confused:
If he can find 2700 samsters each pay $100, he can raise the 270k liao. :o
I would have participated. A dream comes true!
If am stakeholder of Formosa, every time Nono takes a room to enjoy with his girls and to develop complex business analysis at room desk on how to save 1% buying apples, I earn some cents.:cool:

19-05-2020, 09:22 PM
Singapore is in talks with other countries on whether travel restrictions can be lifted with safeguards in place.

If there are sufficient precautions such as COVID-19 testing before departure or upon arrival, Singapore is prepared to work bilaterally with countries and regions that are ready to put in place such safety measures, said National Development Minister Lawrence Wong on Tuesday (May 12).

Discussions on how to reopen national borders are ongoing, he noted.

“If these sorts of safeguards are put in place and agreed upon potentially, we can have green lanes for travelers to travel between countries,” said Mr Wong, who is also co-chair of Singapore’s COVID-19 multi-ministry task force.

"In these discussions, all countries are quite mindful and quite careful that we have to ensure that it's safe for us to have this exchanges, so therefore I think it's important for us to put in place safeguards both locally in our own country as well as in the partnering countries if we were to establish these arrangements."

The infection rates in countries, the types of precautions in place, the effectiveness of infection control and safe distancing measures, as well as the countries’ testing regimes will also be taken into consideration, said Mr Wong.

“There are multiple factors that we will take into account to ensure that even if you want to open up in a limited way ... it has to be done so in a safe way," he added.

19-05-2020, 10:19 PM
I wonder whether they talked to Indonesia or Malaysia...they prefer New Zealand and Australia..hehe!!!

Black Page
19-05-2020, 11:02 PM
If there are sufficient precautions such as COVID-19 testing before departure or upon arrival,
This is something often neglected and misunderstood even on newspapers: there is NO chance to do a reliable COVID testing on borders. If there was, why would we worried?
If there was unlimited capability of doing such a test, we would have solved the pandemic problem without a vaccine: test everyone every 2 weeks, then quarantine for anyone positive, borders closed. How many tests per day are needed in Singapore? In Malaysia? In China? do the math.

1) IGG/IGM testing tells you if someone developed antibodies, that is if he/she had contact with the virus weeks or days before. This is interesting, but does not say anything about whether he/she is presently sick and contagious.

2) The only suitable test is the test that checks the presence of virus, a.k.a. swab test. There are testing machines that allow fast testing in 15 minutes. Abbott (ID NOW, m2000) produces such machines in USA, for single or massive testing. There are several other brands. Then what is the problem? The testing capacity: how many tests per day a country can buy and carry out?

Consider that Abbott announces on their web site, as a major achievement, that they plan to achieve production of 50,000-70,000 tests per day. This is very little for a country as USA, with 300 millions people. The overall testing capacity of USA would not enough to eradicate the virus from Singapore. Just Changi was used to see 60,000,000 passengers per year, that is 160,000 per day. The overall testing capacity of USA would not be enough to test routinely all international passengers of Changi.

In conclusion: it is possible to test only suspects, and in many countries not even them. Too many.
Forget the possibility to test passengers on borders to allow or deny entrance. At best, they can check the temperature.

19-05-2020, 11:14 PM
Can you elaborate further? Why this means no more hotel? Selling the assets may not mean that the new investor could launch a new hotel, a.k.a. Formosa Baru?

I presume that when they said selling of the hotel assets were actually referring to the movable assets like sofa, dressing table, king/single beds, towels, TV, wifi router, fridge, table lamp, toiletries, gym equipment, KTV systems, dining table and chairs, kitchen utensils, electrical appliances, etc.

However those non-movable items aka fixtures & fitting like central air-con, bathtub, carpet, timber floor, furnishings will not be sold.

I think that if the investor who bought the assets wanted to take over the operation of Formosa 2.0, he would have signed a rental lease with the building owner. However nothing was mentioned about the contract agreement between the two parties.

Therefore there could be a possibility that the investor bought the assets and then sell the items to other hotel operators to make a profit. :)

Nobody can take this thought out of my mind, that the Taiwanese boss saw the future before others, and because of COVID closed everything to save his money.(

Taiwanese boss has signed a lease agreement which expires in Year 2021 with the owner of the building who was a Batam Chinese businessman .

He was an intelligent man who has the foresight about what covid -19 will bring to the economy therefore fast hand fast leg make a quick decision to "run road" to Taiwan to see if he could borrow some funds from his friends. But the result turn out to be negative and he had no choice but to give up Formosa and probably sacrificing his rental deposit placed with the owner.

If there was no covid-19, his business could have been able to sustain. He has 105 employees and lets say every month average salary per employee was 8 juta, then he will need to pay them 840 juta = S$84k per month

His overhead per month to run the hotel will be:
Employee salary (lucky no need pay cpf in batam)
Utility bills
Building rental
Vehicles installment
Food & Drinks
Maintenance cost for M&E equipments like pump, lifts parts, air-con service, lightings, etc

Over the years, he has invested the following:
Renovation of the rooms
Provide wifi service in all rooms
Enlarge the space at king massage
Tea story

Since Formosa Hotel has 110 room and lets say take the average of $70 per room per night. (some room cheaper, some more expensive)
He would have earned $70 x 110 rooms x 30 days = about S$230K per month. But that is provided that the occupancy rate is 100%..

However if covid 19 plus low season had caused the occupancy rate to fall below 50%, doubt that the business can sustain.. :(

19-05-2020, 11:19 PM
Very hard to find a good boss.

There is one good boss which you will surely love to work with..

Be your own boss :D

Aka self employed :p

20-05-2020, 01:05 AM
My guess would be indonesia will be one of the last few countries who could open up itself again to the world again. Or whereby Singapore will allow Singaporean to travel to Batam Indonesia w/o the compulsory 14 days quarantine rule.

Singapore still have a long way to go, let alone Indonesia.

Indonesia covid cases is far more serious than it has reported. There are many cases in indonesia was not reported according to news update.

Indonesia has a population of about 270 million compare to singapore of 5.6 million.

However the number of test carried out in indonesia is only 203k (pathetic low) compare to spore 246k (till date). According to statistic, the no. of cases and fatalities in indonesia was also on the rise.

Therefore the possibility that spore allowing border crossing to indonesia is very slim.

Before spore opens its border with another country, spore will evaluate the measures taken, no. of test carried out, covid 19 situation of that country before deciding on lifting the travel restriction with that country.

Also it takes both hands to clap means that even if spore allow travel to a particular country, that does not mean that country will allow spore residents to enter.

In the past, it was known that Indonesia garmen does not encourage indonesian to go overseas. (dont want money to flow out of the country)
Indonesia is the only country in this world that has imposed an exit tax for their citizen to leave the country. The exit tax aka fiscal (in bahasa indo) is 1 million rupiah. But then the tax was later been phased out. :)

We reckon that the earliest indonesia open its border will be when the world pandemic cases reduced substantially most likely will be end of this year to early next year..

20-05-2020, 02:43 AM
2) The only suitable test is the test that checks the presence of virus, a.k.a. swab test. There are testing machines that allow fast testing in 15 minutes. Abbott (ID NOW, m2000) produces such machines in USA, for single or massive testing. There are several other brands. Then what is the problem? The testing capacity: how many tests per day a country can buy and carry out?

Consider that Abbott announces on their web site, as a major achievement, that they plan to achieve production of 50,000-70,000 tests per day. This is very little for a country as USA, with 300 millions people. The overall testing capacity of USA would not enough to eradicate the virus from Singapore.
No point to know what instruments/equipments(ID now, m2000) Abott using. Employers when interviewing dun want to know that u got such great knowledge in such technologies. And the software user manuals is not just a couple of pages, a lot more. It contains ALL IN ONE PDF FILE the checklist reports, components, equipments drawings etc.

Also Abott can anyhow get a lowly educated worker lowly paid to operate such instruments/equipment. Technician can train the workers, no big deal even if they are not street-smart and poor hands-on or whatever.

It's good that u do a bit of research, however I will not be going in that direction. And i am not sure how the ID NOW, m2000 is useful. If u really want to mention it, then u need to provide a useful info. Not everyone here are from pharmaceutial background.

But if u want to write entertainment/jokes, then u can write more. More ppl will be interested bec these knowledge learnt in the end throw in the dustbin. No one would want to be hungry for knowledge for the sake of passion nowadays, since got economic uncertainties.

20-05-2020, 12:49 PM
I would have participated. A dream comes true!
If am stakeholder of Formosa, every time Nono takes a room to enjoy with his girls and to develop complex business analysis at room desk on how to save 1% buying apples, I earn some cents.:cool:


20-05-2020, 02:01 PM
This is the best time to conserve resources for future...when we have cash money not worried these countries dun welcome our cash in future...:)

Cannot agree more on this.

I kind of like the covid situation in Singapore right now and ever since they started the circuit breaker. Everything was within expectation and everywhere is so quiet, so much lesser people. Thats other then not being able to go to Batam (which is a real pain), the rest of it was pretty much alright for me.

I dont like crowded places, be it in Batam or in Singapore or anywhere else. I prefer less crowd, less people.

20-05-2020, 02:01 PM
...is about sharing info and ownself anslysis

I have been reading and analyzing. There's certainly some reason/s for everything.

I followed and learn from successful countries who manage to contain the virus before it hits hard on their people.

And some of them were :

1. Using UV lights to sanitize rooms and large scale places. I mean hospitals in successful countries were using this method (Singapore too), why not me?

2. Using food-base alcohol to sanitize blind spots, hands and body parts, even on objects. I shall share about its weakness later in another post. (food-base alcohol do not means no other chemical involved)

3. I use sodium chloride and chlorine dioxide to sanitize things, hands and body parts even on objects. Except this is a much cheaper version. I mean Taiwan's been using it for decades. I saw on news that Vietnam is also using it. And they were some of the popular successful countries i am learning from.

(二氧化氯 = sodium dioxide, not sodium chloride )



4. I have been to less crowded places since i step into Batam in 2020 and earlier. Places in Batam i frequent were often lesser ventured into (can be noted in my past post before covid started).

5. I have been encouraging aunties and uncles to wear mask during their trips with me to Batam since Feb/Mar BEFORE the Singapore government starts encouraging its people to do so during April 2020. i even give them ONE FREE pink color mask each,hehehe...remember? My 1st box of mask i bought in Batam during CNY2020 at 20k rupiah,hehehe... (i even got criticized by others for that)

In my own analysis, people were saying that countries who manage to contain the virus w/o much damages were because of their respective governing bodies. But base on my own analysis, its MORE becos of each respective country's CULTURAL BEHAVIOR.

Hongkong : There was some street demonstration before the epidemic whereby people were told NOT to wear mask in public places. Or they will be arrest as being one of those demonstrator who create havoc. Lots of mask were snap up back then and it came to good use later during the covid-19 epidemic.

Taiwan : Every household has at least some mask with them. And they were rather popular for NOT listening to their governing body. Their governing body told them not wear mask at 1st, they did the direct opposite and start snapping up the mask in shops. Their governing body were also popular for giving in to its people, hence their language later switch to encouraging members of the public to wear a mask. Even give household some free mask during a time when Singapore governing body were STILL discouraging its people to wear a mask.

Vietnam : I am no expert on their culture but what i know that this country, covid or no covid time...wearing a mask were part of their daily life. I have been to Vietnam few times during non-covid time, as a tourist. In the street, 8-9 out of 10 of its people had mask on.

Now, i look again at those countries who suffered major damages. I am not going to name them,just talking about their culture, their daily behavioral gesture etc.

1. They greet each other face touching face. Sometime with a light kiss on each other's cheek.

2. They tends to hug each other during greetings.

3. They worship human rights. They believe in freedom of speech, expression and behavior, even to the extend those freedom is going to affect another person's freedom.

Example : "i choose NOT to put on a mask EVEN if i am not well, what can you do?" in those countries.

4. With a good environment of freedom, many who are used to those environment would feel difficult to adapt to a very restricted environment like that of a social lock down.

5. Majority of the people in those countries believes in Science. And they worship an organization that were constructed with its basis base on science. One of them were called, WHO.

Remember, WHO says mask dont protect a person from getting coronavirus? (but nobody actually ask the question why is medical staff in hospital wearing one) And it says there were no evidence of human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus? They were proven to be wrong at a later time. But already so many governing bodies in the world took their words for it for a few months period.

6. In one of the most developed country who suffered many deaths, one box of 50s face mask can cost as high as 125 USD at Amazon during April 2020. Not many could afford that kind of price. How i wish to could be the one buying 20k rupiah mask from Batam and bring it to US to sell it at 100 USD,hehehe....just joking here. :D

All of the above were analysis of my own.

I engaged a bit of common sense before i execute my plans. I ask myself questions. i learned from successful case/s. And try NOT to jump into conclusion out of impulse.

a) Why are many hospital/malls/public places using UV sanitizing, even in their air conditioning system? And even for rooms and public walkway? I asked myself.

b) Alcohol sanitizer is flammable, Everyone knows, its chemical/s contain harms the human skin one way or another.

c) 99% of soap contains Sodium laureth sulfate (aka SLS), the exact same thing can be found in washing detergent. Is it harmful to human? Probably even your toothpaste has SLS too,hehehe...

(definitely can find one of the below ingredient/s in sanitizer/soap)

d) Sodium chloride can be a health risk factor, according to the internet. Not going to elaborate on this, but on my personal scale find this safest among most if not all soap/sanitiser. (safest herein do not mean not harmful)

e) Many types of UV rays in different strength are harmful to living things, especially so to micro-organism.

f) A Taiwanese lady got into an accident becos she was wearing a face mask while riding a motorbike and during her ride, the strong wind blew her mask to cover her eyes. Hence the accident. It also cause allergy reaction, bruises on the face and shortness of breath to some medical staffs and members of the public too.



So, EVERY known ways written above were sort of harmful. But hospitals and medical facilities were still using it as a form of protection/weapon against current covid-19 epidemic. So, i can safely say, its either the higher risk of contracting the virus OR getting humanly harmed. Its a choice.

I use all those above collected data to form my own analysis, so as to create the safest environment in my own way if i were to travel to Batam in the near future.

My conclusion is, a tools i have, use it appropriately in its correct way, it becomes a useful tool. Use it in the wrong way around, it may hurt. The MOST suitable way for myself when it is being use correctly (and follow appropriately by "tool's" instruction) is my very own BEST way/s,hehehe...and yes, i did some modification so it better suits me (shall share in later post). ;)

Learn from "successful" countries and engage some common sense.

Disclaimer note : My above analysis and whats written were opinion of my own, meant to serve as precaution solely for myself in my future trip/s to Batam.

27.05.2020 : Add-on to amend between sodium chloride and sodium dioxide.

Bro think you make a mistake...

二氧化氯 = chlorine dioxide(ClO2)
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) =氯化钠,
is in our common table salt 食盐

Thank you for pointing that out.

Yes, the mistake was kind of deliberate. Because when i search for sodium chloride, all the things in the online market on what i was looking for regarding sodium dioxide turns up. Kind of becoming a habit for me already,hehehe...

Look at what google translate gave me :




My mistake.

Shall amend my post by adding yours into it later on to rectify.

The correct word i need to use should be "chlorine dioxide effervescent tablets" instead, and in short, i actually mean CLO2 instead of sodium chloride.

20-05-2020, 02:33 PM
The testing of Covid19 is implemented in SG using the gold standard PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) method where a full laboratory setup is required.

Initially 2000 tests were conducted daily and were recently ramped up to provide 3000 tests daily for the foreign workers (FWs) in the dormitories and factory converted units and up to 5000 tests daily for citizens and others. The number of tests can be further ramped up to 40,000 daily if needed. Some 10% of the FWs were tested so far.

However, the number of tests are carefully calibrated so as not to overwhelm our medical services and facilities and the recent overloading of a lab severely restricted the number of daily tests.

The high percentage of + Covid19 results among the FWs severely stresses our medical services but fortunately most of these cases are asymptomatic, ie. displaying little or mild symptoms but require quarantine to prevent the spreading of Covid19 while others with symptoms are hospitalised. The asymptomatic patients are housed in specialised community facilities including cruise ships. The high no of such cases easily filled up the Superstar Gemini and Aquarius in about two days.

Luckily, the spread of Covid19 among the community at large is at a low rate.

So to summarise: Until the day we complete the testing and management of all FWs (another 80 - 90%), the main source of Covid19 cases in SG, the changes for people in SG to travel overseas remain slim.

20-05-2020, 04:15 PM
Singapore will gradually reopen its borders with safeguards in place to allow Singaporeans to conduct essential activities abroad and for foreigners to enter and transit through the country, the Ministry of Health said on Tuesday (May 19).

"We will do so in a careful manner with the necessary precautions and safeguards," the ministry said.

Singapore will exit the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" on Jun 1, and reopen in phases.

But the reopening of Singapore's borders will be "assessed and implemented separately from the timing of the three broad phases of re-opening" as the global situation remains "volatile".

"Singapore is currently exploring the possibility of piloting green lane arrangements with a few countries assessed to be at equivalent or lower risk of community transmission as Singapore, for which essential travel in limited numbers and with safeguards, could be conducted safely," the health ministry said.

The addition of positive cases of Covid-19 patients in Batam increased very significantly. As of Tuesday (5/19/2020), there have been 107 people who have been confirmed positive for Corona.

Batam Mayor HM Rudi said the 107 people were the sum of 78 Batam residents and 29 crew members of the Kelud KM ship (ABK) who were treated at the Galang Infection Special Hospital (RSKI). Overall, ABK KM Kelud has been declared cured.

"This figure is already huge, 58 people have recovered, 8 people have died, and 41 have been treated," said Rudi at Engku Putri when receiving assistance from BNI and Jasa Raharja, Wednesday (5/20/2020).

He concluded that the addition of Corona positive patients was not about the issue of food package assistance, but because Batam residents were not disciplined to follow the health protocol. Like using a mask and keeping a distance.

"Groceries have been given, so actually there is no reason not to eat, because from the beginning it has been said that we are unable to help," he said.

Even Rudi said based on reports from the Batam City Health Office, within the next 2-3 days the number of positive patients with Covid-19 will increase.

This is because some residents have rapid tests the results are reactive, and their throat swab samples are being examined.

"The possibility of increasing again," he said.

Even though two or three weeks ago, the number of positive patients in Covid-19 in Batam was still in the 30s. He said he was quite sorry because there were still people who were undisciplined.

"There are still those who are saklek, need to make activities, because it is a matter of dealing with God, I also know sir / mother, but we need to remember too, our duty is also to make people healthy," said Rudi.

Rudi again emphasized that the use of masks was very important, to break the chain of spread of Covid-19. Because based on studies, 60 percent of prevention is done with the use of masks.

"Wearing a mask prevents people from transmitting it, or contracting it," he said.

Rudi called on all parties to help the task force team handle the acceleration of Covid-19, because this problem cannot be handled by one party.

"If this is not the case, the Covid-19 issue is not finished," he said.

20-05-2020, 04:55 PM
Looking back, we can now better understand the recommendations made by some countries and authorities during the early days of Covid19 advising the general public not to wear face masks if well but only do so if sick.

There were good reasons for these advices as most face mask factories in China were closed for CNY and the pandemic appeared with little no warning catching most countries with pants down. There was also a general worldwide shortage of face masks and personal protection equipment (PPE) during the festive period at that time. The low stock of face masks and PPE stocks were also urgently needed by the personnel in the medical and front-line agencies. Also, the understanding of Covid19 at that time was flimsy with quite a proportion of the patients appearing not severely affected. Few experts knew anything about the disease and there existed asymptomatic patients displaying little or no symptoms. The situation was made worse when Taiwan, an important exporter, stopped the export of face masks and the subsequent mad rushes by people in China and elsewhere to grab and buy all stocks of face masks and PPE in medical stores worldwide.

Of course with the hindsight now, it is obvious that everybody should be using a face mask from day one. It is so easy to make this comment now!

20-05-2020, 05:11 PM
[QUOTE=fde83;20012788]Singapore will gradually reopen its borders with safeguards in place to allow Singaporeans to conduct essential activities abroad and for foreigners to enter and transit through the country, the Ministry of Health said on Tuesday (May 19).

"We will do so in a careful manner with the necessary precautions and safeguards," the ministry said.

Singapore will exit the COVID-19 "circuit breaker" on Jun 1, and reopen in phases.

But the reopening of Singapore's borders will be "assessed and implemented separately from the timing of the three broad phases of re-opening" as the global situation remains "volatile".

"Singapore is currently exploring the possibility of piloting green lane arrangements with a few countries assessed to be at equivalent or lower risk of community transmission as Singapore, for which essential travel in limited numbers and with safeguards, could be conducted safely," the health ministry said.

The addition of positive cases of Covid-19 patients in Batam increased very significantly. As of Tuesday (5/19/2020), there have been 107 people who have been confirmed positive for Corona.

Batam Mayor HM Rudi said the 107 people were the sum of 78 Batam residents and 29 crew members of the Kelud KM ship (ABK) who were treated at the Galang Infection Special Hospital (RSKI). Overall, ABK KM Kelud has been declared cured.

"This figure is already huge, 58 people have recovered, 8 people have died, and 41 have been treated," said Rudi at Engku Putri when receiving assistance from BNI and Jasa Raharja, Wednesday (5/20/2020). Quote]

The infection numbers in Batam appeared too good to be true. Maybe, an infection rates of few to 10 times the quoted figures is more realistic as most cases are asymptomatic not requiring hospitalisation but still infecting. Covid19 will not disappear so fast.
Visitors to Batam after the place is reopened should exercise good personal hygiene, masking and due diligence. Take care.

20-05-2020, 05:18 PM
Saw in some online market place that Batam Formosa Hotel is selling off its property for S$13 million.


Maybe later can go check with their management staffs if its true.

Just sharing.

Lucky never buy from formosa dealers at $13 mil. :D

$270k is a steal.

In the event if you or anyone needs to buy any mask, can buy in Batam. No need to buy in Singapore which is selling at sky rocketing price now.


Cost of 50 pieces in a box selling at Batam Penuin Top 100, Grand Batam Mall cost 20k rupiah,hehehe...there have been so much talk on TV now regarding price-hike of those mask. :D

* this message is probably too late by now,hehehe...probably all masks were sold out or be very expensive, if there is any left.

Just sharing.

U bought yr mask in btm during Jan cny but only post beginning feb 9th in sbf. :p

U guys were still discussing abt the hello kitty mask back then on 7th feb.

got mani versi sm more...sm time he will change different style. :D


hope all yr friends travel with u to btm are safe.

20-05-2020, 08:16 PM
Lucky never buy from formosa dealers at $13 mil. :D

$270k is a steal..

We define Fixtures as items attached to the property like central air-con, central water heater, timber flooring, doors, fitted carpets, light fittings, exhaust hood, fixed cabinets, integrated appliances, wirings, piping and other renovation finishes, etc

Whereas Fittings are items not attached to the property and movable like beds, cooking utensil, table&chairs, curtain, fridge, towels, bed sheets, sofa, table lamp, speakers, amplifiers, etc

Probably the formosa management was unable to sell the whole hotel assets (Fixtures + Fittings) over a long period of time, desperate in need of fund to pay employees' salary therefore had no choice but to sell the movable assets (Fittings) at S$27K.

So now the question is how to sell the Fixtures only without the Fitting. Unlikely a potential buyer will just buy the Fixture as it will not be complete for a hotel to operate and this may lead to even more difficult to sell. :)

Fittings are generally cheaper in cost while Fixtures is expensive as it requires labour, material and equipment to install. :p

If Fixtures + Fitting put up for sale at S$13 million and Fittings alone sold for S$27k, then it would be difficult to sell the Fixtures at S$12,973,000 :D

20-05-2020, 08:43 PM
Singapore will gradually allow travellers to transit through Changi Airport from Jun 2, as it prepares to ease some COVID-19 restrictions and reopen its borders.

"Stringent measures" will be put in place to ensure that the passengers remain in designated facilities in the transit area and do not mix with other passengers at the airport, said the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) on Wednesday (May 20).

Airport staff will also be required to wear personal protective equipment when interacting with passengers.

Existing precautionary measures, such as safe distancing, temperature taking for passengers and staff, will continue to be enforced, said the authority.

Currently, foreign passengers are only allowed to transit through Singapore if they are on repatriation flights arranged by their governments.

The Ministry of Health had said on Tuesday that Singapore will gradually reopen its borders with safeguards in place, to allow Singaporeans to conduct essential activities abroad and for foreigners to enter and transit through the country.

Airlines should submit their proposals for transfer lanes through Changi Airport, said CAAS.

It added that the proposals will be evaluated taking into account aviation safety, public health considerations, as well as the health of passengers and air crew.

"This is part of Singapore’s strategy to gradually reopen air transport to meet the needs of our economy and our people, whilst ensuring sufficient safeguards for safe travel," said the aviation authority.

Covid-19 cases in Riau Islands still growing. Significant case developments still occur in Batam City. Two cities in the Riau Islands namely Batam and Tanjung Pinang are still in red status. This makes the implementation of congregational prayers until the Eid al-Fitr 1441 Hijri prayers abolished in mosques and the field.

Statistically, the number of Covid-19 cases in Riau Islands as of May 20, 2020 is 140 cases. Of that number 83 recovered, 46 were treated and 12 died.

The following are statistics on the progress of the Covid-19 case in the Riau Islands and every District / City released by the Riau Islands

20-05-2020, 09:33 PM
With this high no. of cases in batam, those returnees on essential travels will continue to finance themselves 5 stars designated hotels for 14 days, hehe!!!!!

Black Page
21-05-2020, 01:38 AM
We define Fixtures as items attached to the property like central air-con, central water heater, timber flooring, doors, fitted carpets, light fittings, exhaust hood, fixed cabinets, integrated appliances, wirings, piping and other renovation finishes, etc

Whereas Fittings are items not attached to the property and movable like beds, cooking utensil, table&chairs, curtain, fridge, towels, bed sheets, sofa, table lamp, speakers, amplifiers, etc


If Fixtures + Fitting put up for sale at S$13 million and Fittings alone sold for S$27k, then it would be difficult to sell the Fixtures at S$12,973,000 :D

Your posts are always very informative. Thanks.
I have a comment though: both fixtures and fittings of Formosa are old and need a complete renewal, even after the recent remodeling.
If I want to start a new hotel, I would try to buy the naked building for a piece of bread, then invest in renewing most fittings. Only at that point, we can invest in fixtures and launch brand new Formosa 2 with credible chances to be one one of the best places to stay in Batam.
Because of COVID, maybe now the investment to buy the building can be small. It could be a long-term investment, for better times to come.
This is mainly my hope. What else could they do with the building? A mall??

21-05-2020, 01:56 AM



21-05-2020, 05:49 AM

lima lima 你妈 你妈? Bro, this is a Batam/Indon thread, not a Thailand thread ��



21-05-2020, 05:52 AM
Cannot agree more on this.

I kind of like the covid situation in Singapore right now and ever since they started the circuit breaker. Everything was within expectation and everywhere is so quiet, so much lesser people. Thats other then not being able to go to Batam (which is a real pain), the rest of it was pretty much alright for me.

I dont like crowded places, be it in Batam or in Singapore or anywhere else. I prefer less crowd, less people.

Same with me, I don't like crowded places, while I'm in Batam, I spend 20 hours out of 24 hours in my hotel room. Almost having every meal in room as well, heavily dependent on GrabFood or GoFood service. I hope the government of both countries could lift all travel restrictions soon. Not necessary whole Indonesia, just Batam and Tanjung Balai will do. Anyway Covid-19 cases is not high at this two islands. Majority of the cases are in Java Island

21-05-2020, 04:33 PM
I look at this epidemic time period as a window of opportunity for my future trips in Batam. Imagine, the downturn in home pricing, exchange rate, fix deposit interest rate (for rupiah), more hungry girls equates better bargain/service etc etc. :p

FD rate went south. Only 4.25%. As for cewek bargaining, hard to say. OKT may wish to recoup their losses. So prices may not be cheap. I still remember during late suharto downfall. Everything was cheap. Rupiah drop more than 10000 against S$. Harmony hotel only costs me $25 a nite. Cewek u can easily bok several for S$100. But after several mths, OKT, hotel boss, all raise their prices. Tats why i never like to see rupiah weaken. Prefer it to constant/stable. Those days where got cewek cost s$100??:rolleyes:

21-05-2020, 05:36 PM
MJ WARNING/Reminder to Sg travelers on self paid cost on Expenses ...

I choose to quote your whole post but hide the photo.

This is a very important reminder to all Singaporean friends now who wish to travel OUT of Singapore.

Looks like its going to take an awful long time before Singapore will lift such "ban". Medical cost in Singapore is like a atomic bomb when there are no subsidies and insurance coverage.

World MOST expensive country is not without some truth in it indeed. :(

That mean singaporean travelling there will have to apply for visa too ya.

Applying for Visa irregardless how troublesome is nothing compared to the aftermath of returning back to Singapore and be serve a 14+2 days self-paid quarantine in Singapore government facilities.

Hehehe...we are talking about burning at least a mere S$10k for just ignoring the travel advisories for once by heading to Batam. And thats not counting if one got caught positive with the corona virus. I think unless one is a millionaire or billionaire, otherwise most people couldnt afford to travel, at least for now. :D

Thats what the Singapore government wants, right?

21-05-2020, 05:36 PM
...continue from previous post on covid prevention during Batam travel....


Don't let coronavirus defeat us cheongsters. We will defeat them.

Raising my hand to agree with you on that. ;)

Especially for healthy senior citizens, you can continue to Cheong with peace of mind if you follow these rules and you should be safe to Cheong anywhere you like

One small rule you might have miss out, thats "social distancing".

Simply avoid crowded places whenever possible. One might not get the virus from the booked girl/s but might probably get it from the masses in a shopping mall/crowded places. The ratio is individually myself against one individually girl (or 2) versus myself against a whole shopping mall of people. The risk factor becomes higher. This is what it is like during middle March 2020...


Another thing i wish to add is "money", as in physical paper-like money and metal coins,hehehe...and i got that covered with my UV wallet/pouch which i might talk about on another post. I wouldnt risk using my credit card in a 3rd world country tho. The damage could well be more damaging "if" something goes terribly wrong. Contactless payment like Go-Pay, Grab-Pay etc can be a good choice tho.

Call me kiasu if you wish, but i am just working to cover myself, to be as safe as possible in ways i afford to do when i travel to Batam.

The whole idea is to create a buffer between yourself and the virus at all times and so this is what you may do :-

(1) after check-in hotel, get a bottle of perfumed sanitising spray and spray all over your hotel room then leave your room for 30 minutes before re entering.

Subsequently don't allow anybody to enter your room except you and your cewek. Tell hotel no need to clean yr room except change towel and bedsheets.

This is almost exactly what i did in my last few trips to Batam. I armed myself with alcoholic sanitizing spray and start doing what i need to do, covering practically every corner, every part of the carpet, ceramic walls and even towels, bath tub, toilet bowl, walls, curtain etc.

The only thing i didnt follow suit to your suggestion is NOT changing bedsheets, towel and pillow case. I ask the housekeeping staffs to change it, and before they step in, i sanitize their hands, bedsheets/pillowcase they are about to lay on my bed and the trolleys,hehehe...even whats below the sheets and pillow case. The housekeeping staffs probably think i was crazy,hehehe...now, back to the good and bad i faced during then.

The pro :

Ok, i might have successful sanitized almost the whole room, at least 90% of it, including cupboards etc (but not the ceiling).

Thats my 1st day in the room.

The cons : (and the problems i faced)

1. I have to get a sanitizer where i could take it scent. Remember, this is alcohol, it gets to my nose and lung, i get a bit of a breathing issue. And especially so when i choose to turn off air-con and windows to sanitize. Not for those with sensitive nose.

2. My fingers...it went clamp,hehehe...imagine the amount of times my fingers hit the spring spray. But luckily, on flat surface, i use a couple of alcohol wipes. Just like i did for my 2 way ferry seats. i am glad i brought alcohol wipes. Places i cant reach or detest to reach (eg. around toilet bowl, basin sink etc), i spray.

3. I CANNOT smoke for a good 30 min plus, fearing i might just light up and go flammable,hehehe...the air is filled with flammable alcohol with my room windows all closed up and air-con turned off. The bath room air ventilator is off too.

4. I may have use too much alcohol and this can cost, hence in my later part of my Batam trips, i switch to aerosol spray bottle. Technically, it saves me twice the amount of money as i am using less and covering a bigger range of area further away.



The humidifier you see in below link is what i would use for my sodium chloride water. And it is way cheaper than using alcohol sanitizing. Taiwan use it, Vietnam use it...they are some of the successful and more popular countries who manage to contain the virus in their countries with the least damages. I learn and took my knowledge from them.


Alcohol sanitizing is good, it kills virus on touch, but it does have it con. As in, i am talking about just sanitizing the room.

Before i can try sodium chloride mist sanitizing in Batam, Singapore already lock down. So i am trying it at home and office,hehehe....Less than S$4 gives me 1 liter of sodium chloride water to clean the air around me (to be exact, its actually less than S$2).

(2) Always bring along a mask and disposable plastic gloves when outside. Mask must always be cleaned and sanitised whenever reach hotel room. Always wash yr hands after touching something. The best is always put on disposable hand gloves whenever outside and throw away this disposable gloves whenever u reach yr room.

Each time you reach your room, you must change and wash all your clothings, laundry don't cost much, this slight inconvenience is worth. Bath too or at least wash yr hair, face and hands with soap each time you reach hotel room.

I have that same thought when i visit Batam during end February and during March 2020 too. But i find it a little hassle for the 1st initial usage.

At the beginning of my trip, i use those EA mask look-alike tag which i called them dog-tag which were made in Japan. A lot of news articles says its a stupid most waste money in the world. You wear it, virus stays a meter away from you etc. Its a bluff, according to those articles. But i got better use of it...i wear it when i am out. It does very little to no protection in open area tho.

But when i back inside my room, i put them inside my cupboard together with the clothes hung up i wore that day with the cupboard door closed. I believe it will kill the virus on my clothes if there are any. I wont be wearing those clothes for the next few hours, so its kind of auto-kill. I hung my disposable mask around it too.

To increase its virus-killing effect, i did a bit of modification. I add in this into the cupboard :


Take note that the above UV toy is only using UV LED which contains no mercury inside it (not a UVC lamp). So, it doesnt really emits ozone which will continue to sanitize after the UV lights has been turned off. This one's safer to use for a small area but took a longer time to do its work. However, i will need to spread my clothes in the closet evenly away each other to get the best effect.

As for me, I don't throw away my disposable mask if it's not damage. I reuse it by sanitising the mask with boiling water.

(2) wear mask and disposable gloves the moment you are outside. When no people around you may pull down your mask to breath.

(3) when outside, avoid touching yr face, mouth and eyes at all cost. If you must touch, then throw away yr disposable gloves ,put on a new disposable glove and then touch. After finishing, put on a new disposable glove.

I always wear that Japanese sanitizing "dog tag" around my neck and whenever i took off my mask, i have this plastic hook which i could hang my mask very close to it. Yes, it should sanitize the mask while i have my puff,hehehe....

I dont wear gloves tho. Too troublesome. I have a pen-like-looking spray bottle, loaded it with ethanol alcohol sanitizer that contains chlorhexidine gluconate and glycerin, so the sanitizer continues to "kill" even while its dried up for hours. Then again, make sure to wash your hands clean before eating tho (it has a little powdery oily feel during the handwash period).

Recently there is one brand which was use by Singapore Changi Airport :


Which claim to continue to kill for up to 3 months. What i read was if spray onto mask or an item, can last as many days up to a week even if you wash it daily. But this kind of thing needs to use a bit common sense. If spray on hands, definitely need to ash hands before eating, likewise for all chemicals. Then again, this thing from Changi airport is at least 8 times more expensive than most of my regular alcohol sanitizer, therefore i may be using in mainly on metallic doorknobs and my reusable cloth mask. Not on my hands nor body tho.

This SDST spray thing is just an option, but i have no plans to use this method much yet unless i can buy at lower price,hehehe...

(4) similarly ask yr cewek to do the same thing, pay her extra 100,000 ruppiahs as tips.

(5) once you observe all the above, have no fear when you visit shopping centres, when you visit cewek booking house , restaurants or food courts.

Now, to summarize up :

For Batam hotel room, i considered 2 methods of sanitizing :

1. UV sanitizing. It cleans the room conveniently and thoroughly with UV lights and ozone (after immediately after UV lights is off). Covering many blind spots which i cannot reach (claim to be able to cross small barriers too). Its also the cheapest method.

2. I did look into ULV cold fogging whereby a spray gun is needed. This one once loaded with sodium chloride water, truly covers almost every blind spot. BUT if i am going to carry with me a gun-like thingy through custom, i would likely be inviting trouble from both Batam and Singapore side. Plus point would be, i feel its safer than using UVC lights.

(gun itself cost about S$50-S$60 or so)


However, i did replace the ULV cold fogging with some smaller humidifier loaded with Sodium chloride water, bringing fogging to a lower level but with similar effect. And pen-spray bottle loaded with either alcohol or sodium chloride water.

ULV cold fogging or UV lights, both methods were cheap. Anyone and everyone could do it. Cold fogging with alcohol sanitizer is going to cost way more of course (i choose not to use that). The rest would be how convenient it is for myself to execute the 2 ways to sanitize my hotel in Batam.

Now that my Batam hotel room settled, we can come to personal one person scale when i move out of my room :

1. Mask on, for sure. Mandatory by law, i guess.

2. Carry a pocket nano atomizer loaded with sodium chloride water.

(this is in pocket size, about twice smaller than a cigarette box)

It can be use to sanitize the air around me, as well as my hands whenever i touch anything (eg, door knobs, etc). It can work either way, touch 1st then sanitize or sanitize 1st then touch.

3. Wear a sodium dioxide emitting "dog-tag". Served as a tiny bit protection plus sanitize my mask when i took it out for a smoke in less conjested public places.

4. Keep a pen-spray loaded with alcohol sanitizing solution in my pocket, to sanitize my hands and anything before/after i touch it. Or in case i forget to do so, can also touch now, sanitize later.

5. Keep some individually-packed wet alcohol tissue wipes with me, for in case i am in a rush and need to clean things up on a larger scale. (i cannot clean the dining table/chairs with all those spraying toy,right?) Did that in my last few Batam trips during March 2020.

6. Since my smaller-scaled humidifier is portable and rechargeable (not the pocket-size atomizer but more of handheld size type), i might just bring it along with me and turn it on wherever i go walking around. It might scare people around me tho,hehehe...who wears a bottle of "smokes" around and walk around with it?

6. Have a UV wallet/pouch to keep physical money in my pocket,hehehe...cool stuffs, but just a bit bulky. Therefore while traveling in Batam by foot, i often carry either a waist pouch or mini haversack slinging around my shoulder. At least for now, it will be use to store my wipes, humidifier, UV wand and UV wallet (pen spray and nano atomizer will be in my pocket).

(my UV wallet,hehehe...)

In my last few Batam trips, i pass lots of face mask, lots of alcohol wipes and some spray bottles loaded with ethano alcohol to the girls. And believe me, tho there are alcohol sanitizer in massage shop reception counter, the girls wont have a chance to use it nor would they have the habit of using it. Giving them the wipes and spray bottle would be different,hehehe...something uniquely different from others, something outstanding among their peers. The likelihood of them using it would be higher, or at the least higher than going to their shop's reception to press the sanitizer to sanitize their hands.

This method above is called, looking into their cultural behavior. Example, if i am a Batam Newton disco person, asking my girl/s to wear a mask while she is dancing is near impossible. BUT!! What if i gave her one of this...

(it's a rechargeable light up face mask with 4 to 7 flashing mode)


I am almost sure she will be more than willing to put it on,hehehe...cost about 170k rupiah tho. ;)

During this epidemic time,i have this mentality, when you are around me, and when you are safe, i will also be safer. When the girls are safe, then i can also be safer. That same theory works this way as well, when the girls are happy, i get better service too? And if service is rendered good later or if one choose to RTF when the girls are good. There will be rewards that are linked to the mask. A lighted charging USB cable...

(it should cost just a few S$)

Above said were just things i have done, plan to do and would do, when i am traveling to Batam in time to come.

Side note : A lot of things above were meant for other things in the market (eg,aerosol spray were actually made for salon hairdresser, and lighted-face shield were for beauty salon etc) but i have choose to modify it to be able to use it during this covid-19 epidemic.

I even made door sensor spray too, which i modify from -hose-watering plant/air cooling mist in my garden. Meaning if you step through my home door, sensor sense a presence and it stands spraying mist-like cold steam using sodium chloride water. I thinking to make a temperature sensor which should sound an alarm if a detected "presence" has a higher than normal human temperature.

(example only)

All these wont be talk about here, because i cannot bring those tools/equipment to Batam. Too much hassle but still, if i buy a home in Batam, i might just install them there. Thinking to run those toys on solar, and thats the challenge,hehehe...


(hereon, will be just pure joke, please do NOT take me seriously)

Shhh....i plan to sell bro Blackpage this toy for 200k rupiah if i got the chance to see him in Batam again. :D


If he finds the protection isnt enough, i may throw him a face shield for another extra 200k rupiah as well. And no, not this one...


...but this one. It will light up when connected to a smart phone.


Protection from droplets, at the same time help with getting rid of wrinkles. Killing 2 birds with one stone,hehehe...

Now, we can talk about a night time in Batam discotheque/Pub/KTV. Safer and outstanding among the other nightlife patrons,hehehe...believe me, i cook up some goggle and an entire whole PPE suit for discotheque protection but that will come later when the timing is seemingly right.

Hehehe....i am just joking only. This whole idea of this D-PPE aka Discotheque-Personal Protective Gear were meant to impress the Batam girls who frequent night spots. I rarely visit those places, so this is mainly talk-only for me. Still, i find this whole idea...pretty good? :p

21-05-2020, 06:58 PM
Nono , doubtless, sifu of all sifus, salute.....

22-05-2020, 03:47 PM
Nono , doubtless, sifu of all sifus, salute.....

Ya lo, really sifu zhong de sifu. Nobody can be better liao. I use both hand and leg to salute.

Sibei pun wu, sibei pun ok.

22-05-2020, 03:52 PM
Applying for Visa irregardless how troublesome is nothing compared to the aftermath of returning back to Singapore and be serve a 14+2 days self-paid quarantine in Singapore government facilities.

Hehehe...we are talking about burning at least a mere S$10k for just ignoring the travel advisories for once by heading to Batam. And thats not counting if one got caught positive with the corona virus. I think unless one is a millionaire or billionaire, otherwise most people couldnt afford to travel, at least for now. :D

Thats what the Singapore government wants, right?

Yes agreed. You are right, that what they want.

They know singapore medical facility good and indo alot rich people, can can sg see doctor so they will purposly implement this to earn indo and cause inconvience to singaporean. One stone kill 2 birds.

22-05-2020, 06:02 PM
Just wonder can Indonesians enter Singapore'now? We can still enter Batam but come back lockup, hehe!!!!

22-05-2020, 07:06 PM
(3) when outside, avoid touching yr face, mouth and eyes at all cost. If you must touch, then throw away yr disposable gloves ,put on a new disposable glove and then touch. After finishing, put on a new disposable glove.

(5) once you observe all the above, have no fear when you visit shopping centres, when you visit cewek booking house , restaurants or food courts.

WTF! You were the same asshole who told us u love to play RAW in balai and batam. Using your money to entice the girls to submit to your dangerous game of RAW SEX! Now you are teaching us to play safe? Bloody hypocrite!

Raw Is War
23-05-2020, 12:18 AM
Raw Is War. Wear CD to play safe.

23-05-2020, 06:22 AM
Raw Is War. Wear CD to play safe.

We know the risk each time we book a girl. But we play safe. Not like that asshole who love to brag. Telling us condom no pleasure. He love fucking RAW by rewarding those girls generously! Hero? But now come here and give tips how to protect from covid-19? What a fucking hypocrite moron!

23-05-2020, 02:05 PM
Just wonder can Indonesians enter Singapore'now? We can still enter Batam but come back lockup, hehe!!!!

and waste your own annual leave to quarantine/SHN at home for 14 days. not worth it.

24-05-2020, 11:53 PM
I hope the government of both countries could lift all travel restrictions soon. Not necessary whole Indonesia, just Batam and Tanjung Balai will do. Anyway Covid-19 cases is not high at this two islands. Majority of the cases are in Java Island

From what was reported in the news, Spore is unlikely to consider to open its border with Indonesia (as a whole country) so soon due to the following reasons:

1) No. of tests carried out in indonesia is very low given a high population in the country
2) Measures carried out is insufficient, e.g. lack of safe distancing measure & education on covid-19
3) Lack of enforcement, can see sight of groups of people gathering together in many places
4) Has a extremely high fatality rate.
5) Medical supplies, equipment and capacity is insufficient..

Currently, the no. of cases in Batam is still growing and Batam still in red status...

Even though if Spore willing to consider the Riau islands (Batam,Balai,Bintan,Batu) separately from the mainland, the Riau governor will still need to take instruction from the federal garmen in Jakarta, therefore there will be many restriction or consideration involve. :)

25-05-2020, 12:53 AM
Singapore will gradually reopen its borders with safeguards in place to allow Singaporeans to conduct essential activities abroad and for foreigners to enter and transit through the country, the Ministry of Health said on Tuesday (May 19).

"We will do so in a careful manner with the necessary precautions and safeguards," the ministry said.

Before spore open its border to another country, it will first consider the ASEAN countries first before considering the rest of the world.

The following are the few countries (except indonesia & philipine) that spore may consider lifting travel restriction :

1) Malaysia - Below are the reasons:

i) Msia is one of the highest recovery rate country in the world

ii) Close border early to prevent spread

iii) Do not allowed inter-state travel. E.g. Johorean not allowed to travel to Melaka

iv) Impose enhance CMO lockdown to those area which is infected badly or extremely high no. of cases

v) Strict enforcement on safe distancing, wear mask and many other precautionary measure. (Msia deputy health minister got fined for not wearing mask in one occasion)

vi) Set up road block to prevent unauthorised travel and set 10km limit

vii) The health ministry is monitoring very closely on the situation.

viii) Connected to its closest neighbour in geography, economics and ties of kinship..

2) Thailand, Myanmar, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - low no. of cases

3) Taiwan, Hongkong and China - low number of cases and good safety measures.

Taiwan - It has learn its lesson from the sars outbreak last time and now they have better knowledge than many other countries how to prevent the spread of the virus.

Hongkong - No doubt it is very densely populated, but hongkongers used to wear masks whenever they go, so the likelyhood to catch the virus is slim.

China - The garmen imposed very strict lockdown and strict enforcement in areas with large no. of cases. :)

25-05-2020, 01:50 PM
Most importantly, the quarantine restrictions, countries may allow you to enter but lock you up in hotel room at your expense.....no body would like to travel this way....

25-05-2020, 05:32 PM
Before spore open its border to another country, it will first consider the ASEAN countries first before considering the rest of the world.

The following are the few countries (except indonesia & philipine) that spore may consider lifting travel restriction :

1) Malaysia - Below are the reasons:

i) Msia is one of the highest recovery rate country in the world

ii) Close border early to prevent spread

viii) Connected to its closest neighbour in geography, economics and ties of kinship..

China - The garmen imposed very strict lockdown and strict enforcement in areas with large no. of cases. :)

You believe their gov checked everyone? Low rates? Even singapore gov so strict yet there are local case Everyday. In short there is no way to keep this virus out, until some cure or vaccine is found, if not it is almost impossible to shut this virus scare

25-05-2020, 05:34 PM
And China( Hong Kong included after China took over), u think they are virus free? IMHO, liars . Their numbers don’t make sense

25-05-2020, 07:06 PM
Abt the same time last mth, u were already prepared & u went Batam prepared. :D


The girls in HY now thanked me for those face mask i brought to them.

Good to know that.

At least, you know they are as safe as possible now. No need to fight for mask or pay high price for them during the peak codvid period.

At this point of time, they should be back to hometown right? :p

Awaiting for u to organize yr next trip to Batam.

Will have to see when Singapore/Batam is opening up, as i have lots of Batam trips in the pipeline....uncles and aunties were already grumbling about not being able to travel and were complaining about the lockdown (especially uncle curry rice and his family).

By the way, uncle curry rice, uncle coffeeshop and uncle dumplings still business as usual.

I am preparing to be very busy once this thing is over and be ready to keep "ourselves" every safest possible. Each Batam trip, carefully planned and organized to try to create the BEST possible fun for every individual/group.

25-05-2020, 07:12 PM
got ever wonder 1 thg or no? if it's going 2 be mandatory 2 wear a mask in future btm trip, then go out with ger ger shopin tat time need 2 smoke how? :D

For me, i just walk away from the crowd and crowded place, took off my mask and then smoke.

Most of the places i am at while in Batam werent crowded to start with. And during this period of epidemic, Singapore is like the Batam i visited few months ago (in terms of the number people in the street).

Got a better idea?


This is a good idea,hehehe...but the thing is that mask in the photo is too ugly, so if i have to do it, i might probably swap the mask from my disposable ones to the zip up type and then start smoking.

Leather-ed ones are too expensive to have. Not worth buying. Maybe can ask the seamstress in Batam to make one? ;)

The studies never really went deeper or not many wld wish to went deeper on it bcs of many underlying bad effects on smoking.


Those were bias studies.

I am sure smoking sure to have something good but the thing is, the bad under almost every human sight outweigh the good many fold hence those studies possibly ends up bias.

25-05-2020, 07:16 PM
1) Malaysia - Below are the reasons:

i) Msia is one of the highest recovery rate country in the world

ii) Close border early to prevent spread

iii) Do not allowed inter-state travel. E.g. Johorean not allowed to travel to Melaka

iv) Impose enhance CMO lockdown to those area which is infected badly or extremely high no. of cases

v) Strict enforcement on safe distancing, wear mask and many other precautionary measure. (Msia deputy health minister got fined for not wearing mask in one occasion)

2) Thailand, Myanmar, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos - low no. of cases

3) Taiwan, Hongkong and China - low number of cases and good safety measures.

Taiwan - It has learn its lesson from the sars outbreak last time and now they have better knowledge than many other countries how to prevent the spread of the virus.

Hongkong - No doubt it is very densely populated, but hongkongers used to wear masks whenever they go, so the likelyhood to catch the virus is slim.

China - The garmen imposed very strict lockdown and strict enforcement in areas with large no. of cases. :)

i dont think they close early because at critical time, they sure gathering inside palace for the appointment of new PM and at critical time their PM can play rota prata by resigning and become interim again.
They still have many illegial banglaka not sure is it tasted a not, number of recovery not sure accurate a not. raya they still can gathering

Big country not easy to control. Still take some time and way to go

Thailand & Vietnam
In fact i think both are doing quite well especially Vietnam waiting for restriction to lift to travel there again.

Taiwan and Hongkong
Hongkong. Need to alway depend on China. isist they do not belong to china. They manage well but what the point of managing well and every day also riot who will dare to go.
Taiwan, they did well but not familiar so no comment.

25-05-2020, 07:42 PM
...continue from pr/ezgif-2-95, but it does have it con. As in, i am talking about just sanitizing the room.
effect. my mask very close to it. Yes, it should sanitize the mask while i have my puff,hehehe....

I dont wear gloves tho. Too troublesom mask, lots of alcohol wipes and some spray bottles loaded with ethano alcohol to the girls. An's reception to press the sanitizer to sanitize their hands.
the same time help with getting rid of wrinkles. Killing 2 birds with one stone,hehehe...
visit those places, so this is mainly talk-only for me. Still, i find this whole idea...pretty good? :p

Wearing this disposable plastic gloves will save you a lot of headache in fighting against coronavirus.

25-05-2020, 08:34 PM
WTF! You were the same asshole who told us u love to play RAW in balai and batam. Using your money to entice the girls to submit to your dangerous game of RAW SEX! Now you are teaching us to play safe? Bloody hypocrite!

Well said. fark raw no problem but come virus all of a sudden must protect self. GAK JELAS.

25-05-2020, 10:42 PM
You believe their gov checked everyone? Low rates? Even singapore gov so strict yet there are local case Everyday. In short there is no way to keep this virus out, until some cure or vaccine is found, if not it is almost impossible to shut this virus scare

When spore evaluate the situation of the individual country, some criteria are infection rate, types of precautions in place, effectiveness of infection control, distancing measures, no. of test done, etc

I reckon that bolehland stand a high chance to be in the list of country in which the travel restriction with spore to be lifted.

Although Msia do not have a very low transmission rate in the country, however no. of test carried out till date is about 513k which is twice as much as indonesia merely 256k, given that msia population is 32 million compare to indonesia 270 million. Can refer to detail statistic figure:

Spore - Every one million population, no. of test carried out 50,365

Malaysia - Every one million population, no. of test carried out 15,883

Indonesia - Every one million population, no. of test carried out 940

Although in real life situation, the actual no. of cases in both countries could be even much much more due to lack of test facility. But more importantly it is the official figure reported.

Furthermore, Msia has shown that it has done a lot to prevent the spread of the virus like strict enforcement can be seen everywhere in msia, CMO lockdown has been extended several times, the recovery rate was also higher than infection rate, inter-state travel restriction, etc.

But there was one very important fact that Msia might be given priority to qualify for the lifting of travel restriction is that spore and msia are all the time connected by geography, economics and ties of kinship.. (both countries have families and relatives across the two countries)

Remember when the pandemic not so serious that time in March 2020, spore came out with a border control measure chart that indicate spore residents (citizen & PR) who visit Malaysia and return by land and sea are not required for the SHN unlike visiting other ASEAN country need to serve SHN at home. :)

25-05-2020, 11:06 PM
And China( Hong Kong included after China took over), u think they are virus free? IMHO, liars . Their numbers don’t make sense

China the world most populous country 1.44 billion, has been reporting daily no.of cases mostly less than 20 cases, this makes it hard to believe since the virus claim to be originate from there but it is still a mystery...:p

China did inform one month ago that they mis-reported the no. of cases due to lack of co-ordination because they were all busy handling the virus issue.

The foreign department spokeman said that they did not lie on the no. of cases, it is just that there was some more cases have not been co-ordinated therefore did not report the most updated status.

But Trump don't believe..:D

Later the figure of no. of cases in the website has been adjusted.

25-05-2020, 11:26 PM
..... I use sodium chloride and to sanitize things, hands and body parts even on objects. Except this is a much cheaper version. I mean Taiwan's been using it for decades. I saw on news that Vietnam is also using it. And they were some of the popular successful countries i am learning from....

(二氧化氯 = sodium chloride)
Bro think you make a mistake...

二氧化氯 = chlorine dioxide(ClO2)
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) =氯化钠,
is in our common table salt 食盐

26-05-2020, 10:42 AM
Wearing this disposable plastic gloves will save you a lot of headache in fighting against coronavirus.

Fuck lah. Seems like you afraid of headache than death. You should be teaching everyone safe SEX. Put on CONDOM. But you encourage cheongsters to play RAW!

26-05-2020, 10:45 AM
China the world most populous country 1.44 billion, has been reporting daily no.of cases mostly less than 20 cases, this makes it hard to believe since the virus claim to be originate from there but it is still a mystery...:p

China did inform one month ago that they mis-reported the no. of cases due to lack of co-ordination because they were all busy handling the virus issue.

The foreign department spokeman said that they did not lie on the no. of cases, it is just that there was some more cases have not been co-ordinated therefore did not report the most updated status.

But Trump don't believe..:D

Later the figure of no. of cases in the website has been adjusted.

You believe every word of chicom?

26-05-2020, 10:46 AM
Well said. fark raw no problem but come virus all of a sudden must protect self. GAK JELAS.

That one indonesian say munafik

26-05-2020, 10:49 AM
Fuck lah. Seems like you afraid of headache than death. You should be teaching everyone safe SEX. Put on CONDOM. But you encourage cheongsters to play RAW!

Think your msg was well received...if you continue to attack his post then will become like malicious....:)

Pls dun make this thread or any thread war zone...readers dun like personal attacks...:)

26-05-2020, 11:51 AM
3. They worship human rights. They believe in freedom of speech, expression and behavior, even to the extend those freedom is going to affect another person's freedom.

Example : "i choose NOT to put on a mask EVEN if i am not well, what can you do?" in those countries.

wat u sayin remnds me of 1 of our fav guy says...lol...



i purplely censor face off de, so is no intention 2 offend ani1 or talk polyticks here.

my message is ani1 wan 2 die in btm is their ownself business, i no wan 2 die so young....lol...mai sell fish & get other ppl aso involve,so i've my ownself sorlution.

4 me, if i go btm, i'd go pulau galang there ask sai kong or dan ki. they porably gif me 1 of tis...


...or tis...


...sm time even ask me burn 2 ashes, then 3 bowl water boil until 1 bowl & then drink it....lol...they say would prevent cockvid wor....u believe or no? :D

tis 1 is my ownself's PPE wen i go btm nxt time....lol


swee boh....lol...tis 1 is my specification. u've ur ownself prevention of cockvid in btm, i aso have mine....lol :p


keep 1 or 2 of abv given by pulau galang sai kong or dan ki & then every morning wake up tat time chant...virus virus go away 10 times....sure safe 1....lol...

jus 4 laugh nia....no offence intend 2 ani brother here hor, ass i onli intend is 2 liven the mood here. :D

all have nice monday ya....lol...oh, & wish all malay or no malay belated selamat hair raya aso.

26-05-2020, 01:19 PM
So we can now all wear mask & smoke at the same time while traveling on foot around batam. :D

Got a better idea?

wa! tis 1 sibei ugley lei...lol...but it's good attention catcher if i walk ard wit it in btm. All my ger ger in btm surely laugh until cig aso drop out if they see young uncle me wit tat masker....lol :D


another jus 4 fun post frm me. :p

26-05-2020, 03:38 PM
Is the radiation harmful to our body??, thanks...

Thank you for your interest,i was thinking if i should answer your question with another question. But i chose not to.

My answer :

Yes, UV radiation is as harmful to our humanly body as wearing face mask ,using soap and alcohol sanitizing solution. Every kind of tools/equipment has its pros and cons.

I engaged a bit of common sense before i execute my plans. I ask myself questions. i learned from successful case/s. And try NOT to jump into conclusion out of impulse.

a) Why are many hospital/malls/public places using UV sanitizing, even in their air conditioning system? And even for rooms and public walkway? I asked myself.

b) Alcohol sanitizer is flammable, Everyone knows, its chemical/s contain harms the human skin one way or another.

c) 99% of soap contains Sodium laureth sulfate (aka SLS), the exact same thing can be found in washing detergent. Is it harmful to human? Probably even your toothpaste has SLS too,hehehe...

(definitely can find one of the below ingredient/s in sanitizer/soap)

d) Sodium chloride can be a health risk factor, according to the internet. Not going to elaborate on this, but on my personal scale find this safest among most if not all soap/sanitiser. (safest herein do not mean not harmful)

e) Many types of UV rays in different strength are harmful to living things, especially so to micro-organism.

f) A Taiwanese lady got into an accident becos she was wearing a face mask while riding a motorbike and during her ride, the strong wind blew her mask to cover her eyes. Hence the accident. It also cause allergy reaction, bruises on the face and shortness of breath to some medical staffs and members of the public too.



So, EVERY known ways written above were sort of harmful. But hospitals and medical facilities were still using it as a form of protection/weapon against current covid-19 epidemic. So, i can safely say, its either the higher risk of contracting the virus OR getting humanly harmed. Its a choice.

I use all those above collected data to form my own analysis, so as to create the safest environment in my own way if i were to travel to Batam in the near future.

My conclusion is, a tools i have, if use it appropriately in its correct way, it becomes a useful tool. Use it in the wrong way around, it may hurt. The MOST suitable way for myself when it is being use correctly (and follow appropriately by "tool's" instruction) is my very own BEST way/s,hehehe...and yes, i did some modification so it better suits me (shall share in later post). ;)

Learn from "successful" countries and engage some common sense.

Disclaimer note : My above analysis and whats written were opinion of my own, meant to serve as precaution solely for myself in my future trip/s to Batam.

Hope that helps to answer your doubts.

Nono wrote it right: he switches it on when he leaves the room, not when he is inside.

When tools and equipment were use in its right way, it is safe (and useful). If they were use in the wrong way, it just another useless tool/equipment.

Just like my encounter in Batam, at the Grand Mall whereby the security guard uses a contactless thermometer to take my temperature. I have about 35 degree Celsius temperature. He let me in. My girl who is with me has about 32 degree Celsius temperature, he also let her in. No question asked,hehehe...

In the security guard's mind, he will think both of us have no high fever. But he's not wrong either. Maybe and perhaps he's just tired of scanning thousands of people walking in and out of the mall. :D

26-05-2020, 03:42 PM
I hate to disappoint you, and I believe your good faith, but I think you are overconfident, in this and other posts.

This is a good reminder. Not to be overly-confident. Hence i need to trend carefully when borders eventually open up.

Perhaps i have to be EVEN more careful?

I choose to skip the UV sterilizing discussion part because i already made my point in other post/s. It's a choice. My choice.

A plate of chicken rice has x amount of calories online, it may not mean all chicken rice stall sells them with that same amount of calories. Sometime one will need to use his/her own judgement to evaluate a situation if things would eventually work out.



Everything has its strength and weakness, just like everyone doing their own precautions during their travel to Batam.

3) When you travel, to Batam or anywhere else, the highest risk of contact with virus is NOT in your room because some plague-spreader has left humours on surfaces (think about house keepers?), but when you stay close to people. Masks will lower the risk, but the reason you travel to Batam is not to stay in room watching TV, but because you wish to be in close proximity with girls.

No one, i believe will be able to stay inside their hotel with their girls round the clock. They have to go out somehow, to eat, to board the ferry, to collect their meals/room key/boarding pass, get some entertainment,to get a girl into their room from somewhere etc. The whole thing about this covid prevention thingy is more about trying to keep myself as safe, as possible (in Batam).

Mask is becoming like condom nowaday,hehehe...no one's comfortable wearing it. But it serve some % level of protection. Yes, just like condom dont cover anyone 100% from virus/bacteria as well (not even close to 98%). i am not saying its protection isnt 100%, so we shouldnt use them...nothing really is 100% but even if it doesnt, most are going to in one way or another needs those "protection",arent it?

I am not just implying solely on mask/condom alone.

However, in this moment I am not sure that the presence of virus is lower in Singapore or in Batam, or in my country in Europe. Nobody really knows. My point is that the risk is not really dependent on where (we lack information) but on the number of close contacts we have with people.
Peak time MRT in Singapore is maybe not less dangerous than Newton...

In Singapore, everyone taking the MRT have to wear a mask. In fact, anyone who steps out of home...needs to put on a mask, by law. Its now punishable by law thing if one dont wear a mask in public places in Singapore.


Therefore, in Newton...it is also advisable to put on a "condom" aka mask, to keep up with that particular certain % level of protection. Yes, its a hassle but why not turn a hassle into something trendy? Something that can bring some added "advantages".


All were just but a matter of habit.

Every % level of safety counts in an epidemic.

Hehehe...and by the way, the mask above and below cost around a juta.


...and claim to have more than 90% BFE too. (Bacteria filtration efficiency)

Not selling to you. :p

26-05-2020, 10:08 PM
Your posts are always very informative. Thanks.
I have a comment though: both fixtures and fittings of Formosa are old and need a complete renewal, even after the recent remodeling.
If I want to start a new hotel, I would try to buy the naked building for a piece of bread, then invest in renewing most fittings. Only at that point, we can invest in fixtures and launch brand new Formosa 2 with credible chances to be one one of the best places to stay in Batam.
Because of COVID, maybe now the investment to buy the building can be small. It could be a long-term investment, for better times to come.
This is mainly my hope. What else could they do with the building? A mall??

I believe that the chances to convert the existing building to a mall is unlikely to succeed due to the following reasons:

1) Centrepoint mall beside formosa was quite popular during the 90s and early 2000s. However the tenants there gradually move out of the mall until the building became deserted.

The main reason was because there was fierce competition from the largest mall in batam Nagoya Hill Mall which was built around that period (Year 2007) and it was so crowded and visited by many local people and tourist due to its strategic location. But partly also due to the trade mix in centrepoint mall not attractive enough.

Any new mall opening nearby must be prepared to compete with the hugh and popular nagoya hill mall.

Lucky Plaza business can sustain till now because their electronics / mobile phone (cewek used to call ha pay) was comparatively cheaper than nagoya hill mall shops.

2)The building owner may find it easier to look for another hotel operator to rent the existing building as the building is already equipped with all the rooms, structures, facilities, m&e services, etc.

On the other hand, to operate the building as a mall will require plans submission to authority for the change of use of the building and also very difficult to look for shop tenants at this covid crisis period.

In conclusion, my wish is the same as you. Hopefully in the near future, another hotel operator could take up the building (either rent or buy over) and start to operate like Formosa Baru. Recruit back all the formosa former staff including the massage/ktv/reception/restaurant staff and carry out some minor refurbishment to the rooms and that will be perfect. :p

Formosa location is centralised and unbeatable, makan place is a stone’s throw and can reach all the booking joints within walking distance. Travel Agency shop for buying cheap 2 way ferry ticket also nearby and many people like to use Formosa as a base to cheong too. :)

26-05-2020, 11:33 PM
You believe every word of chicom?

所谓 信者有 不信者无! (kalo kamu percaya ada, gak percaya gak ada loh!)

IMHO there is no benefit for china to under-report the no. of cases to the WHO. Many media and western countries always comment that Chicom lack human rights. But that could also be the reason for its effective control of the pandemic.

On the contrary, western countries believe in human rights and freedom, and that could be the reason why it was very difficult to control the situation there.

Chicom imposed stricter rules during lockdown as compare to other asian countries and their citizens were warned to comply strictly wearing masks and social distancing measures. Unlike the Hongkies, the chinese citizens are generally more obedient to their garmen.

Chicom has many intelligent people who were educated in western countries and they managed to transform china into the world second largest economy. Over this past 30 over years, it has brought 90 over percent of its population from poverty to middle class, this is something no other country in the world can achieve. :eek:

Not to forget that the hanyu pinyin and the simplified chinese written form (简笔字) that we use daily was also invented by the chicom. :p

I am not praising them but it is a fact that they have the capability to control the pandemic which is apparent when they sent their medical team to italy, malaysia, congo, etc to help them to fight the virus and donated large quantity of medical supplies and equipment to those countries.. :)

Black Page
27-05-2020, 12:18 AM
In conclusion, my wish is the same as you. Hopefully in the near future, another hotel operator could take up the building (either rent or buy over) and start to operate like Formosa Baru. Recruit back all the formosa former staff including the massage/ktv/reception/restaurant staff and carry out some minor refurbishment to the rooms and that will be perfect. :p
If they also hire back Sinta, a dream will come true :D

Formosa location is centralised and unbeatable

27-05-2020, 06:27 AM
wa! tis 1 sibei ugley lei...lol...but it's good attention catcher if i walk ard wit it in btm. All my ger ger in btm surely laugh until cig aso drop out if they see young uncle me wit tat masker....lol :D


another jus 4 fun post frm me. :p

Thanks for sharing the fun photo.

If this type of cawek is found in Batam in those booking joints, I think she is above average already.

Maybe I have not seen that many pretty caweks....

Or maybe the prettier ones already have bookings before I arrived...

I would consider this one to be pretty good.

Just my 2 cents worth.


27-05-2020, 11:14 AM
Bro think you make a mistake...

二氧化氯 = chlorine dioxide(ClO2)
Sodium Chloride (NaCl) =氯化钠,
is in our common table salt 食盐

Thank you for pointing that out.

Yes, the mistake was kind of deliberate. Because when i search for sodium chloride, all the things in the online market on what i was looking for regarding sodium dioxide turns up. Kind of becoming a habit for me already,hehehe...

Look at what google translate gave me :




My mistake.

Shall amend my post by adding yours into it later on to rectify.

The correct word i need to use should be "chlorine dioxide effervescent tablets" instead, and in short, i actually mean CLO2 instead of sodium chloride.

Amendment done :


I didnt amend all words, just add your post and mine in.

27-05-2020, 12:59 PM
In my last few Batam trips, i pass lots of face mask, lots of alcohol wipes and some spray bottles loaded with ethano alcohol to the girls. And believe me, tho there are alcohol sanitizer in massage shop reception counter, the girls wont have a chance to use it nor would they have the habit of using it. Giving them the wipes and spray bottle would be different,hehehe...something uniquely different from others, something outstanding among their peers. The likelihood of them using it would be higher, or at the least higher than going to their shop's reception to press the sanitizer to sanitize their hands.

This method above is called, looking into their cultural behavior. Example, if i am a Batam Newton disco person, asking my girl/s to wear a mask while she is dancing is near impossible. BUT!! What if i gave her one of this...

(it's a rechargeable light up face mask with 4 to 7 flashing mode)


Same here, been doing just that & i like what u said, 'when other ppl's safe, then can i be safer'.

I like it even more when u said when the girls are safe, then i also be safer. Other of her clients can be safe as well.

No wonder u & friends were giving out lots of mask, sanitizer, alcohol wipes & hello kitty spray bottles out in Btm. :D

以战养战,brilliant strategy!

Using a battle to nourish another battle.

During this epidemic time,i have this mentality, when you are around me, and when you are safe, i will also be safer. When the girls are safe, then i can also be safer. That same theory works this way as well, when the girls are happy, i get better service too?

Happy girls = better service.

27-05-2020, 08:08 PM
Indonesia government will enter the first phase of a “new normal” era on 1 June by allowing industries and service providers to resume their operations in accordance with the newly announced COVID-19 health protocols.

This is the first of five phases implemented by the Government in its effort to prevent further economic crash in the country amid the pandemic.

Next, the Government will gradually allow schools and public places to re-open while ensuring they abide to the health protocols in place.

The COVID-19 health protocols was announced by the Ministry of Health on last Saturday (23 May) under the regulation number ‘HK.01.07/MENKES/328/2020‘, focusing on workplace operations upon resumption.

The protocols stipulate that the COVID-19 prevention and measurement actions in the workplace must be strictly followed by the management as well as employees; such as to not treat personnel who tested positive as a stigma, to report any employee who shows COVID-19 symptoms to medical personnel, to implement physical distancing at least one meter between employee, to avoid late shift for an employee over 50, and to arrange worker who is essential to work or able to do the work from home.

Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on Taxation of KADIN – the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Herman Juwono embraces the issuance of the health protocols by the Ministry of Health to help to recover the country’s economy.

“It is not easy for sure because it is a health protocol. But the point is that either employers, workers, or the public can understand it,” said Mr Herman to detikcom on Tuesday (26 May).

Meanwhile, the following step will be to re-open shopping malls on 8 June.

This phase will involve hundreds of military personnel from the national army and police force. They will be deployed to a number of shopping malls and public places to ensure that the health protocols are followed.

According to the Commander of the National Army Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, this will be implemented in four provinces – DKI Jakarta, West Java, West Sumatera, Gorontalo – and also at several cities/regencies nationwide.

“This [step] will be carried out in four provinces and 25 cities/regencies. The object will be the places where the people commute, malls, local markets, tourism sites. Based on the data from four provinces and 25 cities/regencies, we will carry out the disciplinary in 1,800 objects,” he noted.

Previously, it was reported that an infographic showing the timeline of the “new normal” era has been circulating among the public.

This timeline shows that it would come into effect on 1 June, and is expected to complete by the end of July or early August.

Secretary of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Susiwijono confirmed the authenticity of the timeline, stating that it is derived from a preliminary study by his Ministry based on the studies and the Government’s policies before, during, and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The goal is to resume all economic activities by the end of July or in August while conducting regular evaluations until the vaccine is found.

He added that his Ministry will share the full results to the public once it is finalised.

Batam - New Normal, or the new life order will be run by the government. This is to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many things must continue to be carried out with the new normal order.

Acting Governor of the Riau Islands, Isdianto as well as Chairman of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Kepri held a joint meeting with the regional leadership communication forum (Forkopimda), and the head of the city / regency.

The opening of economic activities, schools, campuses and offices during the Covid-19 pandemic needs to be done by adapting the new normal order. New normal will be implemented in a number of areas where the transmission rate is below one percent of the population.

The government realizes that Covid-19 cannot be eliminated, just like any other pre-existing disease. But Covid-19 can be controlled, the way to implement the correct health protocol.

Therefore, New Normal activities will be monitored by strict health protocols, and there will even be sanctions for those who violate them.

This was agreed at the Regional Leaders Forum Meeting (Forkopinda) of the Riau Islands Province in the context of discussing the acceleration of Covid-19 in the city of Batam, together with the Governor and Mayor of Batam, Wednesday (05/27/2020) in Batam.

"We will reopen economic activities and other activities, but with strict health protocols and sanctions," said Isdianto.

The form of sanctions said Isdianto would be handed over to the mayor and district head respectively according to the needs of the region and known to the governor.

"Our goal is that the community's economy will not be paralyzed because the Covid-19 pandemic is unclear when it will end. So we carry on normal activities again but with a new version," said Isdianto.

The return to normal economic activity is called Isdianto by the term issued by WHO, namely New Normal.

The Riau Islands is currently preparing a new normal scenario to adapt to this Covid-19 pandemic.

That way, Isdianto hopes that business activities in the Riau Islands can continue, so that the pace of the economy continues to move.

He emphasized that strict health protocols were absolutely obeyed, such as temperature measurements before entering offices and academic areas, people who used masks, the distance to hand washing soap and hand sanitizers in various locations would become a common sight before vaccines actually was found.

"Traders in markets, malls, houses of worship that do not comply with the Covid-19 protocol, will be sanctioned as closed and prohibited from selling for several days. And other forms of sanctions that will be adjusted to the conditions of their respective regions," said Isdianto.

Still in an effort to accelerate Covid-19, continued Isdianto, the Riau Islands will open an office and Covid-19 Task Force Post in Batam.

The aim is to assist the Batam Government in accelerating the handling of Covid-19 given that 54 percent of the Riau Islands population are in Batam City and also as an anticipation if a neighboring country opens a lockdown.

"In the next few days the task force office will operate by placing as many as 23 medical personnel, security personnel from the Regional Police and Korem and several other supporting staff needed," he said.

27-05-2020, 08:36 PM
Thanks, bro, for a very clear picture of situations in Indonesia and batam....hahaha! for most of us, we are interested only in when both countries allow no quarantine for borders crossings.....

28-05-2020, 07:58 PM
Thanks, bro, for a very clear picture of situations in Indonesia and batam....hahaha! for most of us, we are interested only in when both countries allow no quarantine for borders crossings.....

Won't be before 2021, China is to be blame

29-05-2020, 05:40 PM
Won't be before 2021, China is to be blame

Correct. From Wuhan.

29-05-2020, 07:02 PM
Think your msg was well received...if you continue to attack his post then will become like malicious....:)

Pls dun make this thread or any thread war zone...readers dun like personal attacks...:)

I only reply to his post twice. Either Batam or balai thread. Because most of the time i cheong these two places. Do not wish to have people like him not playing safe sex and affecting everybody health. If i have the intention to troll and attack his post i would have done it all over thread. I did not tick him off at Wuhan thread or any other thread. In fact i do not with to reply his thread anymore. I think u are being over reacted.

I intend to warn bros here again. This guy not just play RAW. But he also insulted Christians and Muslims. Some time ago over at Balai thread he told everyone he had fetish for RAW sex. On top of that, he also have fetish asking girls to wear the tudung and also would be fun if can masturbate the girl with a CROSS! This guy is sick. One senior bro highlighted his post and this sicko was zapped. No respect for others belief.

Anyway I was zapped. Comment was "stop it". Just doing a favour here by warning bros about him. No other bad intention. Good luck to whoever cheong with him. I will stop posting or reply to his post. Respect you as a Mod.

30-05-2020, 10:01 AM
Anyway I was zapped. Comment was "stop it". Just doing a favour here by warning bros about him. No other bad intention. Good luck to whoever cheong with him. I will stop posting or reply to his post. Respect you as a Mod.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for alerting the uninitiated on the danger of RAW SEX. However, this is not the only way for getting HIV/AIDs and STIs. Any unprotected sex in the form of raw sex, kissing, cunnilingus, anilingus and sucking of the breasts or other body parts and cavities carry some risks of infecting the sex partners with HIV/AIDs or even STIs. There is no 100% safe sex! As a matter of fact, safe sex is usually used to describe methods aimed at preventing pregnancy. Completely safe sex will imply the complete abstinence of sex!

The condoms, dental dams and female condoms are some devices that can be used in a harm reduction strategy at reducing the risk of HIV/AIDs and STIs transmissions but conveniently only the male condoms are commonly used. Additionally, partner selection and low-risk sex behaviour are also helpful towards safer sex.

As a matter of fact, most cheongsters do practise some form of safer sex but are always adventurous to take some risks when the small head takes control during the deeds. Cheers and enjoy safer sex!

30-05-2020, 10:10 AM
Trust mod to monitor and control any offensive sensitive to religions, politics, under-aged, etc...:)

Read the forum for fun and please do not believe 100% what you read...do your own research...many keyboard warriors can type whatever since all were anonymous..:)

I believe more than one nick talking about raw sex here and please read for fun...nobody can confirm or verify anything...:)

If anything you do not like to read, pls skip...if you find anything offensive pls pm me...mod will sure take a look at it...:)

Mod welcomes all forums with nice juicy sex stries...rather than tcss and reply....:)

30-05-2020, 10:33 AM
Latest news about Formosa Hotel


Formosa Hotel asset was finally bought over by an investor for around Rp 2.7 billion which is about sing $270,000

My sincere thanks to you for sharing this news. At the least, i know not to bear too high a hope for the return for Formosa Hotel.

Now, i guess i will be counting my ornament from Formosa Hotel over the past years,hehehe... brings back many good memories.

Shall create my new "formosa" favorite room in Batam soon. It would be a third type of room. Number one place is Formosa, number two, i dont wish to name. Number three, will be in Utama hotel. The rooms stinks with smoke, thats their key weakness. But i will solve that issue in time to come. There is also a number four which i am also working on as well.

Altogether, i have 3 other hotels that can come close to Formosa now.

Formosa Hotel for Pubs, KTV, massage shops and provision shops all under one roof with shopping mall nearby. Utama hotel also have,hehehe...once i am done, i will keep bro Blackpage updated on which room to take. I think he might just like it, since its walking distance from Newton (no more than 10 mins walk, i think).

All former Formosa hotel employees finally received pay from the sale of these assets on Sunday (8/3/2020) night.

Very sad, which means thats the end of formosa hotel. :(

No more taking over and No more restructuring of hotel operation.

At this point of time, no one would dare took over the hotel in whole. Hotels rely heavily of tourist and with covid not resolve, most if not all hotels in Batam are suffering with many workers in that industry retrenched etc...

Shall go there to loiter around even if its closed down tho,hehehe...

Taiwanese Boss spent a lifetime building up his hotel empire and brought so much fun and joy to the customers like us and provided employment for the indonesian people for the past twenty over years...

Boss is aging, his son got his own good career...its about time he go around playing with his grandson instead.

Really miss Alisan KTV - Dreaming of the good old days where we can book a small KTV room and have a few cewek to accompany you the whole night singing, drinking to your heart's content before choosing the best cewek for short time in your hotel room...

Over the recent last few years, there are happy hours too. And Happy hours also got girls...just lesser.

My friends who frequent there might have trouble seeking China, Vietnamese and Thai girls now,hehehe...to bring to their respective room. :D

Really miss the morning breakfast - the food there was fresh and the menu always changes on a daily basis. However, would rate the spread as above average as there were lots of variety and rather complete. It was value for money for a 3 star hotel standard.

3 star hotel with 4 star breakfast. The chef cooks well.

I ranked the taste, its variety, skills in making each type of dish and its food quality in Formosa Hotel number 2 in Batam. Yep, i am comparing with the likes of I-Hotel, Harmoni Hotel, Swiss-bel etc. I am no eat to live person, hence my rating can be quite different from many,hehehe...

Really miss Kings Massage - Some massage cewek had been working there for many years and they were all so familiar with how to provide a good massage for me.

This is the only massage shop where I get to know and learn about the different ethnicity and culture of the cewek in king massage like batak, madurese, melayu, balinese, javanese, sundanese, minangkabau, betawi, dayak, etc Most of them came from Java and Sumatra..

Some of the King's receptionist like Ms Betua from Medan and Ms Nonong from Jakarta have been there for about ten over years and they were all very nice and friendly.

I think King massage has got to be BEST place of this hotel. Many didnt know, we as guest of the hotel , one can use the sauna room and gym for FREE. Ok, ok...i believe not many will go gym-ing during their holidays. BUT what about sauna and steam room? And then have the massage girls sauna-ing with you or even my booking girls (be it individually or in group of girls), and then followed by....hehehe...need i say more? I can practically do "anything" in the sauna room because NO ONE ever use it. I practically own it...hehehe...

If there is anything worth remembering for me in Formosa Hotel, its definitely King Massage ranked in its top 3. Of course, i did share about this in the past...just didnt go into too much details,hehehe...and yes, i did that on purpose. Formosa Hotel's King Massage sauna and steam room isnt the only place i had "my kind of fun" tho.

Really miss the carpet room - Nice, cosy and spacious room with plenty of room facilities given that it was just a 3 star hotel. Nice fragrance from air freshener, plenty of TV channels and many others

Hehehe...i dont miss the carpet, but i miss my 4 favorite rooms. There are only 5 of such "special rooms" in the whole of Batam. Those 4 rooms were my personal KTV room, my theater, my massage room, as well as discotheque,hehehe....i can practically rot inside those rooms 24 hours a day w/o stepping out of it.

I feel like a prince in those rooms, will girls peeling off the grape skin to feed me, getting bbbj while working on a desk, and a morning wake up alarm of yet another bbbj. I was so being pampered by the entire environment.

I created another few more such rooms in hotel alpha, but still it isnt as good as its originals (if Formosa room is 10/10, i will rate hotel alpha's room 9/10). Now i am working to create more in Utama hotels and later at hotel bravo,hehehe...so much to do in Batam.

Excellent hospitality from the staff - The receptionists (sinta especially), the bellboy, the waiters, the cashier, the security, the chambermaid all were amazingly friendly like made you feel like formosa is your second home :p

Actually i feel they are friend types of friendliness. Meaning to say, i feel those sincerity. I could feel those friendship bound there. Thats not every service-oriented workers can bring to their customer.

An example :

In most other hotels in Batam, i feel like i am in Singapore's Mcdonald cashiering counter when i was about to order my food. They will often usually say... "Welcome to Mcdonald"..."May i have your order please?"...and when those words came out from their mouth, they werent even looking at you, not even in the direction of the customer or me. And at most time were doing something else, when those words blurted out.

(this above dont happen just once or twice, it happens so much often the scene has been engraved in my mind over the last few decades)

I dont feel "welcome" at all, not a single bit...i feel they just want to take my order just to get rid of me at that point of time. It feels so robotic, like a robot programme to do the job. I dont see commitment in their work. They work becos they have to, and thats it...nothing else. I am like the "enemy" of the staffs working there,hehehe.... :D

In Formosa, its entirely different...simple gesture like "hello sir","hi sir"..."good morning sir". OR a simple raising of their hands to show sign of "hello", a simple smile with nodding head...i can feel those sincerity that i was genuinely welcome and they really likes to have me present in the premises. To them, its not a job...its more like a career (i guess).

One can easily feel they are happily committed to their work. And they even feel proud of it. If the entire hotel premises can make feel that, there must be something the management or the boss has done right.

The reason why most of the formosa hotel employees work there for a long time was because firstly the boss was a good paymaster. Secondly they got above market salary. Thirdly it had provided a stable employment for them. Fourthly, the boss although strict but was also kind,understanding and flexible who allowed his employee to balik kampung during festive season or personal reason.

Thats right, Formosa boss is strict and engaged himself on a micro-management style of work (he goes through every of the hotel's department single-handedly). And while he pays his employee higher than market rate, his expectation of them is also very high. Not everyone is suitable to work with that kind of boss.

I hear the above from those who has resigned from the hotel and choose to work with other hotels in Batam. A few years in those hotels after they resigned from Formosa, they were still there. it means they were quite alright with other hotels.

Nowadays there was not many one-stop enjoy all service hotel left in Batam unlike in Jakarta there are many like Classic hotel, Orchardz hotel, B Fashion Hotel, etc whereby most of these hotel housed a KTV, booking joint, nightclub, massage spa and all under one roof. Some even have naked dancers at the club, topless massage at the spa and striptease in the bar..

Hopefully in the near future, the nightlife in Batam can be as exciting as in Jakarta...:)

Hehehe... Alishan KTV reminds of BS in Geylang some donkey years ago. Cheap and good entertainment. Then again, when it comes to MP,KTV and pub (in terms of girls and their playability)...Utama hotel is still not a match to Formosa....yet. ;)

Note that when i talk about playability, i am talking also about paying less to enjoy the best the entertainer/s could provide.

Apple cost S$1, i choose to pay S$0.50 for it. Goes without saying S$100 can definitely buys one at least ONE apple. But i am just not that guy who is willing to pay S$100 for an apple.

And Formosa Alishan KTV and King Massage were just some of those places that i can S$0.50 for a apple. :p

However the number of test carried out in indonesia is only 203k (pathetic low) compare to spore 246k (till date). According to statistic, the no. of cases and fatalities in indonesia was also on the rise.

This is actually quite true and the above statistic you shown were after about 2 months whereby Singapore is close to ending the circuit breaker. Truly is pathetically low.

In the past, it was known that Indonesia garmen does not encourage indonesian to go overseas. (dont want money to flow out of the country)
Indonesia is the only country in this world that has imposed an exit tax for their citizen to leave the country. The exit tax aka fiscal (in bahasa indo) is 1 million rupiah. But then the tax was later been phased out.

Even at that, its not easy for Indonesians to get themselves the passport they need to travel out of their country. Lots of money and hassle involved, otherwise it would take super long time to process.

We reckon that the earliest indonesia open its border will be when the world pandemic cases reduced substantially most likely will be end of this year to early next year..

Thats what i would have deduce too. It will likely be either end of 2020 or beginning 2021. Which is why i am looking forward to CNY 21,hehehe... :D

30-05-2020, 10:38 AM
U bought yr mask in btm during Jan cny but only post beginning feb 9th in sbf. :p

U guys were still discussing abt the hello kitty mask back then on 7th feb.

Let's not forget that the 1st case of coronavirus in Singapore was on 23rd January 2020. CNY 2020 is on 25th January.

I only start buying up mask starting beginning Feb in Singapore, tho my 1st box was on Jan 2020 during CNY time. And when Batam side runs low on mask, i switch side, buy from Singapore and send what i bought to Batam.

Back then, and until today. I have not met with situations where i cannot find cheaper mask until beginning of April (few days before circuit breaker and few days after). I need to say this, Singapore has no lack of mask. What is lack is NOT cheaper but good quality mask where the hospital and medical center could use.

The mask given by the Singapore government and those mask we bought 50s in a box be it in Singapore or Batam, were mostly different types of mask which the hospitals in Singapore were using. Hospitals were looking at 3M brand N95 mask, not those most mask members of the public were buying.

I start switching my focus to UV lights, alcohol sanitizer, aerosol spray, atomizer and Sodium chloride or dioxide tablet/water only around 15th March (just before the return-from-Batam SHN thing starts), after i feel the situation is starting to get bad. And by the start of circuit breaker, my stocks and equipment were up and running.

Stay at home, nothing much to do, so start building new toys like below :


Except i attached the misting foundation on my front door instead. Am still working on the sensor tho,hehehe...and been failing.

Like the water splashing festival in Thailand, we were having fun spraying each other with sodium chloride water,hehehe... the spray bottle were actually meant as a aerosol hair mist spray.

After covid-19, maybe can use whats remain of those toy for my parent's plant watering system,hehehe...

31-05-2020, 09:07 PM
2. I did look into ULV cold fogging whereby a spray gun is needed. This one once loaded with sodium chloride water, truly covers almost every blind spot. BUT if i am going to carry with me a gun-like thingy through custom, i would likely be inviting trouble from both Batam and Singapore side. Plus point would be, i feel its safer than using UVC lights.

(gun itself cost about S$50-S$60 or so)


However, i did replace the ULV cold fogging with some smaller humidifier loaded with Sodium chloride water, bringing fogging to a lower level but with similar effect. And pen-spray bottle loaded with either alcohol or sodium chloride water.

ULV cold fogging or UV lights, both methods were cheap. Anyone and everyone could do it. Cold fogging with alcohol sanitizer is going to cost way more of course (i choose not to use that). The rest would be how convenient it is for myself to execute the 2 ways to sanitize my hotel in Batam.

Instead of cold fogging in yr btm room, has hot water vapor steam fogging occur to u before?

It's quite a good way as well ,cos boiling steam should be the most safest. No need for any extra chemical. :)

I like it even more when u said when the girls are safe, then i also be safer. Other of her clients can be safe as well.

No wonder u & friends were giving out lots of mask, sanitizer, alcohol wipes & hello kitty spray bottles out in Btm. :D

以战养战,brilliant strategy!

Using a battle to nourish another battle.

That guy is often in the verge of self sustaining while in btm. :rolleyes:

31-05-2020, 10:27 PM
https://i.ibb.co/FHDnYsv/Capturez.png (https://ibb.co/nPLR132)
https://i.ibb.co/6XrGQwb/Capturezz.png (https://ibb.co/bbQYtmL)
https://i.ibb.co/q7FvQ2d/Capturezzz.png (https://ibb.co/Gn3qSr0)
https://i.ibb.co/VgBjDDp/Capturezzzz.png (https://ibb.co/m9zDttF)
https://i.ibb.co/QYxHgLv/Capturezzzzzz.png (https://ibb.co/HG9PS6T)
https://i.ibb.co/G0WQZ7R/Capturezzzzzzzz.png (https://ibb.co/yX6Fz0q)
https://i.ibb.co/w6C5JvB/Capturezzzzzzzzz.png (https://ibb.co/q19T0Z7)
https://i.ibb.co/pP4RZy7/Capturezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.png (https://ibb.co/H2GxYdS)

Black Page
31-05-2020, 10:57 PM
once i am done, i will keep bro Blackpage updated on which room to take. I think he might just like it, since its walking distance from Newton (no more than 10 mins walk, i think).
I eargerly wait for your updates.
After 10 years in Formosa, since I am forced to change now I wish a room with king-size (4 persons) jacuzzi. Any one in Nagoya?

Ok, ok...i believe not many will go gym-ing during their holidays. BUT what about sauna and steam room? And then have the massage girls sauna-ing with you or even my booking girls (be it individually or in group of girls),

Now I want to make you mouth watering. There is a number of swinger clubs in Europe and elsewhere, equipped with large sauna and steam room.
My favourite in Paris was Moon City (you can Google it). I say WAS, because with COVID around I will not have the opportunity to travel abroad or visit any such places for a long time, I am afraid.
I visited it a few times with a horny married lady who lives in Paris (and writes me unexpectedly not more than once a year). There is a large steam room, where anything goes, if there are couples or a horny lady who likes multiple attention (if you are alone and only guys around, well, better be quiet and leave).

Hehehe...i dont miss the carpet, but i miss my 4 favorite rooms. There are only 5 of such "special rooms" in the whole of Batam.
I hope you can detail this by PM. I am very interested to hear your knowledge!

In Formosa, its entirely different...simple gesture like "hello sir","hi sir"..."good morning sir". OR a simple raising of their hands to show sign of "hello", a simple smile with nodding head...i can feel those sincerity that i was genuinely welcome and they really likes to have me present in the premises. To them, its not a job...its more like a career (i guess).
Fully agree. That is the difference from "second-home" and "business hotel".
When I asked something to guys at reception of Harmony or I-Hotel, I really had the impression to be served at McDonald. You named it.

01-06-2020, 10:57 PM
Won't be before 2021, China is to be blame

Correct. From Wuhan.

Sources said that the virus may not originate from wuhan. Some said maybe from US or other country..:eek:

News reported about the russia submarine without physical contact with the outside world for months but yet there are confirm case of the crew member inside the submarine.

Therefore there was a possibility that the covid -19 existed way before the outbreak at wuhan...:)

01-06-2020, 11:06 PM

During the pandemic, China kindness and support by sending free medical supplies and ventilators to many countries including the United States (New York).

The Americans turned to China for help...:eek:

01-06-2020, 11:30 PM
Indonesia government will enter the first phase of a “new normal” era on 1 June by allowing industries and service providers to resume their operations in accordance with the newly announced COVID-19 health protocols.

Batam - New Normal, or the new life order will be run by the government. This is to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many things must continue to be carried out with the new normal order.

Acting Governor of the Riau Islands, Isdianto as well as Chairman of the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Kepri held a joint meeting with the regional leadership communication forum (Forkopimda), and the head of the city / regency.

The opening of economic activities, schools, campuses and offices during the Covid-19 pandemic needs to be done by adapting the new normal order. New normal will be implemented in a number of areas where the transmission rate is below one percent of the population.

The government realizes that Covid-19 cannot be eliminated, just like any other pre-existing disease. But Covid-19 can be controlled, the way to implement the correct health protocol.

Therefore, New Normal activities will be monitored by strict health protocols, and there will even be sanctions for those who violate them.

Finally indonesia followed spore & msia to implement the phase of the new normal.

Every citizen is expected to practise this routine lifestyle until a vaccine is found which include social distancing, wear mask, scan app for contact tracing, no large gathering allowed, no shaking hands, etc.

However if wait till the covid pandemic to be completely over then to restart the economy, may cause unforeseen consequences because it has become a worldwide problem unlike the short term sars or ebola outbreak in certain region only.

What is more worrying is that as reflected in the covid statistic that the number of cases in most countries are still growing which implies that the curves of those countries still have not been flattened yet..despite the pandemic has been ongoing for the past 4 over months :eek:

Indonesia or maybe Batam cannot afford not to restart its economy or else the effects caused by the unemployment may be more damaging than the pandemic as bread & butter is essential for survival…:(

The new normal will also change the way people do their business from analog to digital and offline to online. Retail shop business may find difficult to sustain due to strong competition from online business. The pandemic has caused the reduction in buying power of the shoppers. :)

02-06-2020, 06:00 AM
Finally indonesia followed spore & msia to implement the phase of the new normal.

Every citizen is expected to practise this routine lifestyle until a vaccine is found which include social distancing, wear mask, scan app for contact tracing, no large gathering allowed, no shaking hands, etc.

However if wait till the covid pandemic to be completely over then to restart the economy, may cause unforeseen consequences because it has become a worldwide problem unlike the short term sars or ebola outbreak in certain region only.

What is more worrying is that as reflected in the covid statistic that the number of cases in most countries are still growing which implies that the curves of those countries still have not been flattened yet..despite the pandemic has been ongoing for the past 4 over months :eek:

Indonesia or maybe Batam cannot afford not to restart its economy or else the effects caused by the unemployment may be more damaging than the pandemic as bread & butter is essential for survival…:(

The new normal will also change the way people do their business from analog to digital and offline to online. Retail shop business may find difficult to sustain due to strong competition from online business. The pandemic has caused the reduction in buying power of the shoppers. :)

Asian governments simply coward, scare of this and that, over 30,000 people have die of Covid19 in Italy and yet the Italian government has opened up the border, Italian can go for overseas trips for leisure. Covid19 may never disappear and not contain able. So why worry so much, freedom and enjoying life should be priority

02-06-2020, 06:57 PM
On 29 May, Singapore and China agreed on a ‘fast lane’ to allow essential travel between the countries.

30 May, news surfaced that such talks are ongoing with several other countries like Australia and Malaysia as well.

While discussions are currently inconclusive, the prospect of more ‘fast lanes’ opening soon may hint at things returning to normal.

According to The Straits Times (ST), Trade and Industry Minister Chan Chun Sing disclosed the information in a press conference today (30 May).

He revealed that Singapore is discussing with the following countries about establishing “green lanes” for travel:

New Zealand
South Korea
Like the agreement with China, the allowance will only be for business and official purposes.

Of course, Singapore won’t go through with the plan until all countries have agreed on their Covid-19 protocols.

Instead of executing measures independently, Mr Chan said that countries will have to coordinate their quarantine orders to avoid unnecessarily long containment periods.

If they don’t, travellers could end up being tested or quarantined multiple times.

Authorities are also observing the health situation in each country closely.

Apparently, the aforementioned countries aren’t the only ones Singapore is in talks with.

Mr Chan stated that discussions are ongoing with as many countries as possible, on a mutual basis.

When these discussions will conclude is unclear, but we hope that more good news will emerge soon.

As Singapore reopens our economy after ‘Circuit Breaker’, developments like these are encouraging signs of our nation’s steady recovery.

Let’s take the changes day by day, and comply with government advisories, so we can eventually curb Covid-19 infections.

Batam City Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Management released 12 positive patient increments, so the cumulative total of Covid-19 positive patients in Batam City reached 140 people.

Head of the Batam Task Force, Muhammad Rudi, said the addition of this new case was based on the findings of a new case (imported case) and the results of contact tracing from the HOG Eden Park and Palm Spring clusters in Batam City.

"In total there were 12 people were added, consisting of 8 women and 4 men," Rudi said in a press release.

For patient number 129 in Batam City is a 68-year-old man, he is known to be the father of patient number 102 Batam City. So it is still incorporated into the HOG Eden Park cluster.

Then his wife also carried out a throat swab examination, and was confirmed positive, thus also joining the HOG Eden Park cluster. This patient was determined as patient number 130 in Batam City.

The next patient was an 8-year-old boy, his mother a member of the HOG Eden Park church. After a throat swab examination was done on both, and the result of the boy was confirmed positive, while the mother was confirmed negative. Thus, he was determined as patient number 131 in Batam City.

"His mother has taken a second swab sample, just waiting for the results," said Rudi

Then go on patient number 132 Batam City, who is a 20-year-old woman. He is the sister-in-law of patient number 100, who is a member of the Palm Spring cluster.

While patient number 133, Batam City, is a 4-year-old girl. It is known that his father passed away, with a history of cough accompanied by fever, and then his father was determined as a Patient Under Supervision (PDP). Until now, it has not been included in any cluster.

Furthermore, patient number 134 of Batam City, is a 44-year-old woman. He is the older brother of patient number 124 Batam City. And patient number 135 Batam City, is a 21-year-old woman. He is a family of twins.

The next patient is patient number 136 of Batam City. She is a 45-year-old woman. He attended the prayer of the late Ian Alexander, a family belonging to the Palm Spring cluster.

Two hearse drivers in Batam tested positive for corona. Both are known to have taken the body of Ian Alexander to the funeral. Patient number 137 in Batam City is a hearse driver, a 33-year-old male.

Another hearse driver was also confirmed positive, and was determined as patient number 139 Batam City. A 29-year-old man, at that time he was tasked with carrying the body of Ian Alexander.

The next patient was 138 patient in Batam City, a 43-year-old woman. He is known to have attended the condolences meeting of the Ian Alexander.

Finally Patient number 140, Batam City, is a 13-year-old girl. He is the biological child of patient number 134 of Batam City.

A number of airlines operate at Hang Nadim Airport, Batam City. One of them Lion Air since June 1, 2020

Director of the Hang Nadim Airport Business Agency, Suwarso said, since June 1 2020 Lion Air has opened four flight destinations from Batam.

"Lion air has begun to air, from Batam there are four destination routes, Surabaya, Medan, Cengkareng and Singkep," Suwarso said, Tuesday (2/6/2020).

Lion Air provides mandatory requirements for air travel by attaching results of a non-reactive rapid test, a certificate of freedom from symptoms such as influenza, and filling out an electronic health alert card (e-HAC) before leaving.

In addition, prospective passengers are also required to show a letter of assignment according to the agency, a certificate as required.

At present there are 3 airlines that have aired from Hang Nadim Airport, namely Garuda Indonesia, Citilink and Lion Air with a total of 7 destination routes.

Cengkareng, (Garuda, Lion, Citilink),

Kualanamu (Citilink, Lion Air),

Surabaya (Citilink, Lion Air),

Singkep (Lion Air),

Palembang (Lion Air),

Pekanbaru (Citilink)

Padang. (Lion Air and Citilink)

"Citilink had opened yesterday, then stopped. But yesterday, simultaneously with Lion, it opened on June 1, 2020," Suwarso said.

For flight hours at Hang Nadim Airport open from 08.00 WIB until 18.20 WIB.

"That morning's flight from Lion Air to Kualanamu, and Citilink's last flight to Cengkareng," he said.

A party allegedly was held at the Foodcourt Pacific Hotel, Jodoh, Batuampar, Batam on May 26, 2020, evening. Parties with a disc jockey (Dj) appearance are filled with sensual parties and booze.

Everyone seemed to sway and dissolve in joy. The party with the theme "Miss U Party" took place without interruption. Without reprimand even if it looks without the slightest health protocol.

This incident is being viral in a number of social media in Batam. Both on Facebook, WA groups and other social media.

Seen in the party, a number of tables filled with visitors without masks, keep their distance and others. Even though Batam is still in a pandemic and a ban on gathering.

Tens of people or even hundreds of people were seen enjoying the party.

Pacific Hotel Foodcourt Management denied holding a party with the appearance of a disc jockey (Dj) and a liquor party on Tuesday (5/26/202). According to him it was not true that circulated on social media.

A Foodcourt management, D, said that the activity was not like that that took place on social media. According to him, his party has followed the rules of the health protocol from the government.

"What is circulating in social media does not exist and we are also surprised there are people who suddenly make up stories on rich social media posts and we know the rules that are prohibited by local governments," he said.

According to D, his party is quite knowledgeable about what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. Including by following the advice of the Batam City Government.

"We keep our distance. And that's not true at all," he said.

So far in Batam, around 110 people have tested positive for Covid-19. Around 42 people recovered, while those who died reached 10 people.

Almost all economic sectors were affected by the Corona virus pandemic (Covid-19). Whether it's from the industrial sector, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), tourism and others.

One example is the night entertainment spot for tourists in the tourist area of ​​Kampung Bule, Jodoh, Batu Ampar, Batam City. This area has been closed since Batam City was designated as a red zone of the Covid-19 outbreak transmission.

Not only are the bar or pub owners affected, but hundreds of workers in this tourist area also feel the pain of no income. They claim they are no longer able to survive if the place to find their money is still closed, even though the government plans to re-open the place of entertainment on 15 June.

"We are totally closed, so our income is zero. As for daily needs, keep going, we also have families and children to support, "said Chairman of the Bule Family Village (KBF), Richa Rahman told Batam News , Monday (6/01/2020).

Thus, the woman who is familiarly called Icha also hopes that the Mayor of Batam and the Head of Batam Tourism Office to immediately open a business there in the near future.

"Our situation is very difficult, it is difficult to eat everyday. If we wait until June 15, we will no longer be able to, "Icha said pleading.

The same thing was also conveyed by one of the workers in one of the bars in Bule village, Tina (25). He admitted during these two months, since the Batam City government closed his place of work, his income was completely absent.

"To survive, we have been waiting for free food distribution. Savings are there, but yes, because there is no income, it's getting drained, "said Tina.

Luckily her husband also works, so it can be a little easier to buy daily necessities.

"If you expect help like this, you sometimes need to have enough. I hope this outbreak will finish quickly and be able to work again, "Tina hoped.

02-06-2020, 08:25 PM

During the pandemic, China kindness and support by sending free medical supplies and ventilators to many countries including the United States (New York).

The Americans turned to China for help...:eek:

American will be better with donald thrump

02-06-2020, 09:26 PM
Hahaha!!!! I think , Indonesia is the last country singapore will talk to about mutually open the borders.....but very strange, Singapore has the highest nos of cases in the Asean countries.....no reasons can deny this fact....

02-06-2020, 09:31 PM
During the pandemic, China kindness and support by sending free medical supplies and ventilators to many countries including the United States (New York).

The Americans turned to China for help...:eek:

They must be disillusioned to think tat chicom could rescue Americans.

45 million died in Mao's Great Leap Forward, Hong Kong historian says in new book


Black Page
02-06-2020, 10:28 PM
A over 30,000 people have die of Covid19 in Italy and yet the Italian government has opened up the border, Italian can go for overseas trips for leisure.

This is not true for the moment. Many countries DO NOT allow people from Italy, or from highest risk areas there, to enter without quarantine, or not even to enter!
I can firmly state that this is very wise. The number of cases in Nothern Italy is understimated, and even so much higher than in most countries in Asia. People from Europe or other countries, where the virus has highest incidence, should NOT be allowed travel to other areas.
This virus is not disappearing alone, but just limited by safety policies. Mobility is one of the most impacting factors in an epidemic. Relax safety, and it explodes. Pure math.

03-06-2020, 01:29 AM
FD rate went south. Only 4.25%. As for cewek bargaining, hard to say. OKT may wish to recoup their losses. So prices may not be cheap. I still remember during late suharto downfall. Everything was cheap. Rupiah drop more than 10000 against S$. Harmony hotel only costs me $25 a nite. Cewek u can easily bok several for S$100. But after several mths, OKT, hotel boss, all raise their prices. Tats why i never like to see rupiah weaken. Prefer it to constant/stable. Those days where got cewek cost s$100??:rolleyes:

Hehehe...a long long time ago, semi-detach landed homes in Jakarta cost only 2 to 3 juta. Thats what my parents told me (they used to worked there for decades) and i was just a kid back then. Same theory applies when Singapore massage cost S$20 per hour about 25 years ago? HDB flat cost around S$8k during my grandparents time. :D

No one can stop inflation...let's say there is a never-before catastrophe disaster today happens to Indonesia, the price may come down for a while, but it will STILL goes up on a later time after those disaster/s clears up.

Since i cant change anything (or much) except to move ahead time and earn more. i can mainly make full use of whatever current situation i see, to try to take some advantage/s out of it. Some of them were better exchange rate, lower home prices and when FD drops, interest in loan were also lowered,not forgetting property prices too. Per pop drops to as low as 150k to 200k rupiah in my last trip to Batam (March 2020),hehehe...thats according to some of my friends. ;)

Can always bypass OKT in Batam too, to get lower price if one knew of a certain few girls who could offer better and good services. Can earn more who wish to earn less while serving the same customer? Its all about trial and error, hence i am always learning while in Batam.

03-06-2020, 01:31 AM
Yes agreed. You are right, that what they want.

Nothing is perfect, as many things are not what it seems to be in appearance.

Example, do you think washing hands with soap/sanitizer regularly helps with keeping the coronavirus at bay? Answer can always be yes and no.


CDC Says Coronavirus Mainly Spreads Through Person to Person Contact, Not Contaminated Surfaces

Yes, it helps. I am sure but to what kind of extend? Thats why i kept saying, its just as good/bad as using mask, UV, Sodium chloride/dioxide water etc.

They know singapore medical facility good and indo alot rich people, can can sg see doctor so they will purposly implement this to earn indo and cause inconvience to singaporean. One stone kill 2 birds.

At least Singapore is learning from Taiwan now (even when they didnt says it out loud). I heard that they are now having vending machines for face mask, NRIC even and odd digits entry to wet market, QR scan entry to malls/places that has big crowd etc. :D

Sometime, i will often think backward. If Singapore's administrator/s has some foresight and cable to turn back the clock and knew about the covid situation in advance, will the about 300k of foreign workers in the construction industry's situation who got hit hard by coronavirus have be better off? I highly doubt so. Thats becos the core problem not resolved, thats their living space too close aka overly crowded.

I tried putting myself in their shoe.Under the hot sun in Singapore, doing construction at work site, and wearing a mask for like 9 hours a day? Who could take that,hehehe... (army boys no count,hehehe...)

Their plight while at work might have been worse than those nurses and doctors in hospital/medical facilities handling covid-19 patients.

Next, is the living space in Singapore. We were lucky SAF personel need not have to suffer the same situation as like the construction foreign workers (both their living quarters has many similarity). The key problem, in my own analysis lies with spacing, followed by the rest like,hygiene, mask, sanitizer and all that. "Hell" is too congested.

What i learned and analysis, i shall put them to good practice in my next travel to Batam. Avoiding mass gathering,crowded places as much as possible. And if Permata Indah were to return,hehehe...i probably skip that joint. For now, i probably skip JV Happy 8 and its like but go to places like blue moon,Kupu Kupu, Sri Kandy etc.

Just sharing.

03-06-2020, 08:32 AM
American will be better with donald thrump


Americans and Dotard tDumb have to suck Xi's chinese cock

03-06-2020, 10:27 AM
Nothing is perfe can always be yes and no.
Sometime, i will often think backward. If Singapore's administrator/s has some foresight and cable to turn back the clock and knew about the covid situation in advance, will the about 300k of foreign workers in the construction industry's situation who got hit hard by coronavirus have be better off? I highly doubt so. Thats becos the core problem not resolved, thats their living space too close aka overly crowded.
blue moon,Kupu Kupu, Sri Kandy etc.

Just sharing.
The problem how come in spore suddenly so many Indian foreign workers infected (at least 25,000 infected) with the coronavirus is because they are dirty, they have hack care attitude, they don't obey rules and laws, they lie, they are double headed snake, they back stab, they pretend and they love to exaggerate. There are many other foreign workers in spore but all is OK except those from Bangladesh, India ,Ceylon, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

My Indian friend mother went to India and upon her return back to singapore, she curse and swear that she won't go back India again because she said India is a damn dirty country.

03-06-2020, 12:04 PM
The problem how come in spore suddenly so many Indian foreign workers infected (at least 25,000 infected) with the coronavirus is because they are dirty, they have hack care attitude, they don't obey rules and laws, they lie, they are double headed snake, they back stab, they pretend and they love to exaggerate. There are many other foreign workers in spore but all is OK except those from Bangladesh, India ,Ceylon, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

My Indian friend mother went to India and upon her return back to singapore, she curse and swear that she won't go back India again because she said India is a damn dirty country.

I am also surprised. Recent infection rates show 0.3% in the general community at large but about 30% among the foreign workers staying in the dormitories and factory converted units. The infection rate among the foreign workers is about 100 times larger than that of the community, a fact not easily comprehensible without some detailed research. Ok, the dormitories are crowded, lack facilities with cleanliness another important factor. We need to also consider the lifestyles and social values of the foreign workers.

Looking at Hong Kong with dense housings and their crowded cage-up living spaces and shared facilities, we are unable to find similar infection rates.

I think lifestyles and social values of the foreign workers need further addressing and let's hope that the new, better designed and more costly dortories will not drastically increase the overall cost for the rest of us.

03-06-2020, 06:26 PM
The problem how come in spore suddenly so many Indian foreign workers infected (at least 25,000 infected) with the coronavirus is because they are dirty, they have hack care attitude, they don't obey rules and laws, they lie, they are double headed snake, they back stab, they pretend and they love to exaggerate. There are many other foreign workers in spore but all is OK except those from Bangladesh, India ,Ceylon, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

My Indian friend mother went to India and upon her return back to singapore, she curse and swear that she won't go back India again because she said India is a damn dirty country.

Yes, indians are farking dirty. There's already got bangala saying they purposely want to be infected by covid. Cos no need to work, still can have salary and free foods and lodging, somemore the place they stay is much better than their current dorm.
Furthermore, they are stubborn. They don't listen to anyone, they still want to gather around and talk cock sing song.

04-06-2020, 02:08 AM
The problem how come in spore suddenly so many Indian foreign workers infected (at least 25,000 infected) with the coronavirus is because they are dirty, they have hack care attitude, they don't obey rules and laws, they lie, they are double headed snake, they back stab, they pretend and they love to exaggerate. There are many other foreign workers in spore but all is OK except those from Bangladesh, India ,Ceylon, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

My Indian friend mother went to India and upon her return back to singapore, she curse and swear that she won't go back India again because she said India is a damn dirty country.

Reasons are simple.
1. The dormitories are very crowded, ~12 people per room. If one person gets infected others in the dormitory community will get the virus too. And then it'll spread at geometric rate. Simple math. You go and stay in similar arrangement chance will be higher for you to get infected too.

2. Rate of infection for workers living outside of dorms are not that high. Yes most of them are also of same nationalities. Why? Because they are not living in large communities.

3. Government is doing extensive testing in dormitories and hence more cases are being detected. In reality most of those cases are very mild, not even noticeable unless tested. Let government do such extensive testing among residents of expensive condos you'll be surprised how many such cases are discovered. There are huge number of carriers of the virus, some are known, others are not. Virus doesn't choose certain people of nationalities but hate mongers do. And I know many rich Singaporeans and expats who don't practice safe lifestyle at all. They are all at risk like it or not.

4. Why government is doing so extensive testing in dormitories but not in condos? Reason is simple too. Those workers are the people who are doing all the work for rest of the people. They are essential for the country and it is important to keep them healthy. The rich people are not really doing much real work. So if they get sick there won't be much impact on economy.

So instead of talking nonsense think with logic.

04-06-2020, 04:56 AM
A very boring kiddy speech. YawnZZzz......

Reasons are simple.
1. The dormitories are very crowded, ~12 people per room. If one person gets infected others in the dormitory community will get the virus too. And then it'll spread at geometric rate. Simple math. You go and stay in similar arrangement chance will be higher for you to get infected too.

2. Rate of infection for workers living outside of dorms are not that high. Yes most of them are also of same nationalities. Why? Because they are not living in large communities.

3. Government is doing extensive testing in dormitories and hence more cases are being detected. In reality most of those cases are very mild, not even noticeable unless tested. Let government do such extensive testing among residents of expensive condos you'll be surprised how many such cases are discovered. There are huge number of carriers of the virus, some are known, others are not. Virus doesn't choose certain people of nationalities but hate mongers do. And I know many rich Singaporeans and expats who don't practice safe lifestyle at all. They are all at risk like it or not.

4. Why government is doing so extensive testing in dormitories but not in condos? Reason is simple too. Those workers are the people who are doing all the work for rest of the people. They are essential for the country and it is important to keep them healthy. The rich people are not really doing much real work. So if they get sick there won't be much impact on economy.

So instead of talking nonsense think with logic.

04-06-2020, 10:08 AM

Americans and Dotard tDumb have to suck Xi's chinese cock

hahahah. miss out the word "not" be better

06-06-2020, 12:17 PM
For me, i just walk away from the crowd and crowded place, took off my mask and then smoke.

nw day, tose expert are start telling evry1 to wear a mask wen hving sex....lol


to be safer frm corona virus...lol

looks like it'll be a new normal in btm soon. :D


tis time is jus my thots....lol

& i tink it'll be quite fun 2..... :p

07-06-2020, 02:06 AM
Previously, it was reported that an infographic showing the timeline of the “new normal” era has been circulating among the public.

Batam - New Normal, or the new life order will be run by the government. This is to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic. Many things must continue to be carried out with the new normal order.

Indonesia die die dont lock down, worried the poor will suffer and economy will fall.
So start PSBB, movement restriction. But not efficient.
More and more indon getting the virus, economy and ppl suffered.
Now start New Normal, save economy, not longer save life, take it as those fated to get the virus, ya get it, those fated to die, just die lor...
People in Batam now start live like 'Normal', like Covid-19 never Exist.
All KTV in batam fully open now, by mid June, everything will open up, include open up for covid-19..

09-06-2020, 12:28 AM
American will be better with donald thrump

Respect the ppl's choice. It's the freedom of choice that makes the ppl suffer.

nw day, tose expert are start telling evry1 to wear a mask wen hving sex....lol


to be safer frm corona virus...lol

looks like it'll be a new normal in btm soon. :D

It means it's safer that way, not 100% safe.

Read in the news from TW that 2 person, face to face both wearing mask reduce chances of getting the virus by up to 70%.

Aren't the sex trade considered as essential services? :D

09-06-2020, 12:07 PM
Same with me, I don't like crowded places, while I'm in Batam, I spend 20 hours out of 24 hours in my hotel room. Almost having every meal in room as well, heavily dependent on GrabFood or GoFood service.

No need to always stay in room, next time try to stay in Hotels that are near Food Court, booking girl joints, and MPs. I enjoy my girls "hand-feeding" me with peeled grape, food etc,hehehe... i dont have grab food or go food apps on my mobile phone. All grab-food/Go-Food based meals were order via my girls phone instead.

i simply lie back and get fed,hehehe...and enjoying the "no hand services" from the girls.

Just sharing my Batam experience.

Anyway Covid-19 cases is not high at this two islands. Majority of the cases are in Java Island

I agreed with this.

What i hear is, a lot in Batam were traveling to Jakarta to seek medical help when Singapore closes their door. The only problem that worries me were the people's "ignorance". Medical staffs are ok, but their volunteer/security people has very little knowledge on the use of medical equipment as far as covid-19 is concern.

Today if anyone ask me what the odds of catching the coronavirus comparing Batam and Singapore. I would say Batam is safer than Singapore. Common sense, Singapore is so congested (try peak hours on public transport,malls etc) and Batam has way much lesser congestion. Same piece of land area, with about 4 to 5 times lesser people. The number of non-Singaporean and non-PRs in Singapore is already more than the whole Batam's population,hehehe...

09-06-2020, 12:09 PM
Wearing this disposable plastic gloves will save you a lot of headache in fighting against coronavirus.

Adding on to your idea :


Above has to be use together with your recommendation. Or can also use with the below :


Have the above on hands is good in a way as it can/may double as condom (not asking anyone to use that but only if there is no other option/s). Another usage it does is for "fingering",hehehe...see, one stone now can kill 3 birds. Not expensive. Dont have to carry so many things around with me while in Batam.

i strongly recommend the 2 options below :

I dont wear gloves tho. Too troublesome. I have a pen-like-looking spray bottle, loaded it with ethanol alcohol sanitizer that contains chlorhexidine gluconate and glycerin, so the sanitizer continues to "kill" even while its dried up for hours. Then again, make sure to wash your hands clean before eating tho (it has a little powdery oily feel during the handwash period).

Recently there is one brand which was use by Singapore Changi Airport :


Which claim to continue to kill for up to 3 months. What i read was if spray onto mask or an item, can last as many days up to a week even if you wash it daily. But this kind of thing needs to use a bit common sense. If spray on hands, definitely need to ash hands before eating, likewise for all chemicals. Then again, this thing from Changi airport is at least 8 times more expensive than most of my regular alcohol sanitizer, therefore i may be using in mainly on metallic doorknobs and my reusable cloth mask. Not on my hands nor body tho.

This SDST spray thing is just an option, but i have no plans to use this method much yet unless i can buy at lower price,hehehe...

1. An ethanol alcohol sanitizer that contain chlorhexidine gluconate and glycerin, but do remember to wash hands before you start using your hands/fingers to pinch on food.

2. Or the SDST spray. This one stays on objects for a long time (up to 3 months on metal and on material like cotton/cloth last about a week or so, base on daily wash) but it doesnt stay long on hands, especially after you wash it with soap. Its rather expensive but its still an option.


(can do the same on a new mask/cotton gloves/T-shirt etc too)

My body,or what i wear (mask/shorts/pants/shoes etc) has been covered with either one of the above 2 before i step out,hehehe...come back no need wash immediately, just sterilize at my own time (with sodium dioxide/chloride) will do.

The box of gloves you post is good for eating crabs,hehehe...i have the 200 pieces box version which i got it for aunties and uncles in their Batam trips some times ago. They are mostly in the food industry, hence most have seen/use them before.


Be reminded that the virus spreads through air borne via aerosol (气溶胶传播). And most who caught the virus didnt get it from surface but through people to people contact.


I didnt say this, the news above did. Which i think thats why many countries who has culture to greet each other with body-to-body contact has a higher tendency to catch it more than those who doesnt.

Now, i look again at those countries who suffered major damages. I am not going to name them,just talking about their culture, their daily behavioral gesture etc.

1. They greet each other face touching face. Sometime with a light kiss on each other's cheek.

2. They tends to hug each other during greetings.

3. They worship human rights. They believe in freedom of speech, expression and behavior, even to the extend those freedom is going to affect another person's freedom.

Example : "i choose NOT to put on a mask EVEN if i am not well, what can you do?" in those countries.


Watch the news everyday, i dont look at what the news say, i look at the news background to observe the people in it. I notice Asian countries have the tendency to wear mask, other countries "not very much". Those "not-very-much" countries mostly have super high rate of corona-virus.

My target is the air,hehehe...thats where most of my "enemies" were at.

Clean the "body" 1st, clear a safe-zone and the area's air...then move in.

Keep a safe distance, "attack" using aerosol misting, "mass destruct" to clear a bigger pathway using UVC (at least once), defence via self-disinfecting coating. My strategy,hehehe....


Recently, i device another new method, thats to create a air-curtain while wearing mask.


Stock hasnt arrive Singapore, but it will soon (less than 80k rupiah,hehehe...). I wish to test if the fan is strong enough and if the solar works on just lights,and not directly under the sun. I hear review the solar works on torchlight too, but i prefer to own one and test it out on my own. Just to be sure.

Once i find out it works, it is going to be another new tools for me during my walks in Batam.

Just imagine this, i am wearing a mask, i wear a cap like the above photo with a built-in fan, it creates an air curtain blowing on my mask. Even if i am a meter to 2 away from you, and you sneeze or cough directly at me, do you think the aerosol droplets can reach my nose/mouth/face? Hehehe....

Anyway, the fan cap is going to useful for many mask-wearer. Summer time, weather hot, and top it up with a mask. The heat is doubled. But with this toy (cap fan), it helps to reduce the heat and make wearing a mask more comfortable, arent it? Beside just keep myself cool, it also blew away droplets away from my mask which loiter on air too.

One stone kills many birds,hehehe... :D

PS : i am buying the zip-up mask soon,hehehe...

10-06-2020, 01:33 PM
looks like it'll be a new normal in btm soon. :D


tis time is jus my thots....lol

& i tink it'll be quite fun 2..... :p

To me, it'll be something new for me to try. Ugly girl can also become not-ugly anymore with mask on. :D

Can use some funny mask instead.

Respect the ppl's choice. It's the freedom of choice that makes the ppl suffer.

In olden days, some wise men says, 得民心,得天下...not applicable to today's society. Today is, 能蛊惑民心者,得天下.

What i see is the people make the wrong choice & start blaming.

Hope after all these ordeal, the people were still able to correct the wrong choice they made.

What i hear is, a lot in Batam were traveling to Jakarta to seek medical help when Singapore closes their door. The only problem that worries me were the people's "ignorance". Medical staffs are ok, but their volunteer/security people has very little knowledge on the use of medical equipment as far as covid-19 is concern.

Today if anyone ask me what the odds of catching the coronavirus comparing Batam and Singapore. I would say Batam is safer than Singapore. Common sense, Singapore is so congested (try peak hours on public transport,malls etc) and Batam has way much lesser congestion. Same piece of land area, with about 4 to 5 times lesser people. The number of non-Singaporean and non-PRs in Singapore is already more than the whole Batam's population,hehehe...

Sometime i'd think, if getting the 16 days quarantine in batam would be better. :p

The concern i have is, if kena quarantine in batam, don't know can quarantine inside hotel or not? Or must die die stay at P Galang quarantine ctr. :D

Black Page
10-06-2020, 06:37 PM
The concern i have is, if kena quarantine in batam, don't know can quarantine inside hotel or not?
I doubt that, even considering the most casual Indo-style government regulation, quarantine may include nights spent at disco, pubs, and KTV.

10-06-2020, 06:52 PM
Hahaha!!!!! I second that. !!!!

11-06-2020, 06:03 AM
To me, it'll be something new for me to try. Ugly girl can also become not-ugly anymore with mask on. :D

Can use some funny mask instead.

In olden days, some wise men says, 得民心,得天下...not applicable to today's society. Today is, 能蛊惑民心者,得天下.

What i see is the people make the wrong choice & start blaming.

Hope after all these ordeal, the people were still able to correct the wrong choice they made.

Sometime i'd think, if getting the 16 days quarantine in batam would be better. :p

The concern i have is, if kena quarantine in batam, don't know can quarantine inside hotel or not? Or must die die stay at P Galang quarantine ctr. :D

If can be quarantine in hotel, doesn't mean that can enjoy fucking girl in hotel room. Singaporeans who returning from overseas are being quarantine in 4 star hotels here, but no visitor allow in the room.

11-06-2020, 02:39 PM
All KTV in batam fully open now, by mid June, everything will open up, include open up for covid-19..

Yes, yes Om. Now new normal started as PSBB just ended in the beginning of June. MP are opening too, time to visit.

Batam- New Normal era life is being designed by the Government to be implemented in several agencies and regions that are considered ready.

This is directly related to the readiness and new ways of adaptation for the community to continue their normal activities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

New Normal will change the way of life of Indonesian people. The days will definitely be different from previous times. The goal, of course, is to avoid and break the chain of the spread of the corona covid-19 virus.

Now, in order to stay safe and protected from Covid-19 when on the move during New Normal, consider the items that need to be in the bag below.

1. Hand Sanitizer

The first item that needs to be brought is a hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer can be used as a substitute for cleaning hands when water and soap sources are far or limited.

Hand sanitizer is claimed to kill germs up to 99.9 percent. Use hand sanitizer after interaction with other people or items that have a high risk to transmit Covid-19.

In addition, you can also spray the hand sanitizer on the device before use. Spray hand sanitizer on the keyboard, mouse, touch pad, to your mobile screen.

2. Wet Wipes

The second item that needs to be in the bag during activities when New Normal is a wet tissue. Wet tissue is also claimed to kill various pathogenic substances that stick to the palms.

Wet tissue contains chemicals such as alcohol which can kill bacteria and viruses by denaturation methods. This method is known as a term for destroying the structure of proteins in bacterial and viral cells that can cause disease. So, using a wet tissue after spraying hand sanitizer does not hurt to prevent Covid-19 transmission.

3. Masks

Covid-19 transmission is claimed to occur through coughing, sneezing, and saliva, or what is often called droplets. Therefore, to avoid this, always use a mask when on the move outside the home.

There is always a substitute mask in the bag if the mask used is deemed dirty enough. Masks that are recommended for community use are cloth masks that can be washed and reused so that it is more economical and practical.

4. Dry Wipes

One thing that is no less important to carry when on the move is dry tissue. Dry tissue can be used after you wash your hands using running water and soap thoroughly.

Bringing your own supply of dry tissue in a bag is much safer to prevent Covid-19 transmission. This can also be useful when some public places only provide water and soap for washing hands.

After using dry tissue after washing hands, dispose of the tissue in a safe place such as the trash can provided. Avoid storing dirty tissue in your bag. Because, this will only make your personal belongings can be contaminated with various bacteria, germs, to viruses.

5. Cutlery

Using personal items also does not hurt when doing activities as usual at the time of New Normal. One of them is by bringing your own cutlery.

That way, you can reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission. In addition, you can also avoid various diseases that threaten health when sharing goods with others such as tuberculosis to herpes.

The thing to remember is to immediately wash your cutlery when finished. Dirty cutlery will trigger various germs and bacteria to nest in your dining area.

6. Worship Tool

Using worship tools together may be reasonable before the Covid-19 pandemic occurs. However, this is actually also not justified. The reason is, the use of goods together can also increase the risk of transmission of various infectious diseases.

Prepare your worship tools in a bag before you move on when New Normal. This will reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission. If necessary, wash and replace your religious equipment as often as possible after it is used in public places.

7.Vitamins or Fresh Fruits

The next thing that needs to be taken during activities when New Normal is a vitamin. You can bring vitamin supplements or fresh fruits that contain various vitamins.

This is done to keep the body's immune system so it is not susceptible to various diseases until Covid-19. If you bring fresh fruit, try to cut it at home. So you can consume it directly.

8. Water

The last thing that needs to be brought is water. Always provide water in your personal bottle every day. Water can maintain your immune system. Therefore, avoid consuming drinks that contain caffeine and excess sugar when doing outdoor activities.

In addition to meeting the needs of fluids in the body, bringing your own water bottle can also reduce the production of plastic waste which is always increasing worldwide.

11-06-2020, 06:04 PM
Yes, yes Om. Now new normal started as PSBB just ended in the beginning of June. MP are opening too, time to visit.

Batam- New Normal era life is being designed by the Government to be implemented in several agencies and regions that are considered ready.

Yes, they are ready, to close one eye or both eyes.
By right indonesian enter batam from singapore should have a health proof of negative result on Covid-19, and 14days Quaranrine at the assigned place.
But actual facts is indonesian can just took a ferry to batam, just fill up an health card and check for fever. Thats all.
When the locals read on the community spread reports, they laughs.
Coz they know its not true. Actual no. Is so much higher then that.
School in batam already closed for months and will reopen only at Aug, but likely will extend to Dec.
Education department knows the facts of the numbers infected.
On an island almost like spore size with population much much lesser then singapore but at this moment daily community spread much higher then singapore. Thats need to worry.

Tak guna untuk new normal di batam klu org asing ga bs masuk batam, economi tetap ga jalan.. jadi sihhh... diam diam.. Ga boleh lapor banyak yg kena corona.. :o :D

11-06-2020, 06:41 PM
It is quite sad.....not opening, no livelihood, hungry, opening means deaths...I think we can forget going to batam soon, Vietnam , Thailand, are the two countries we may be allowed to go without coming back and lockup...

12-06-2020, 12:29 AM
Ever since 1995 when i first step into batam until now, i been encouraging ppl to go batam, even until now.
And i believed soon, batam will open up for foreigner.
But this time, really need to be extra caution.
A lady selling donut can infected many in Seraya,
An infected family can go around shopping mall infecting others.
Hot spot now in Bengkong and batu ampar and many other area.
Many got rejected by hospital becoz they show Symptoms of covid.
Some positive but ask to go back becoz they are not ill.
Many locals thinks once they wear a mask, they become PJ Mask and 东方不败, end up positive.. social distance never exist in batam :o

Talk so much, but i still hope can go batam soon.. :D:D

12-06-2020, 12:41 AM
It is quite sad.....not opening, no livelihood, hungry, opening means deaths...

Try imagine if singapore infected rate keep raising during curcuit breaker and suddenly authority says KTV and Pubs all can open now :eek:
What does it show.. :rolleyes:

12-06-2020, 02:47 AM
Country so small, everyone so near each other. Ofcos got case.

12-06-2020, 03:40 PM
Good day friends ,

Slowly shopping mall have open up and massage points as well. Thai and Sakura massage have open up last week or so around NagoyaHill. whereas those around BCS also have open up.

Most resto in shopping mall are up and running since last week but areas where singaporeans or tourist go to still not open yet like A2 or J8.

By mid of june hopefully all will be back to normal.

Black Page
12-06-2020, 05:42 PM
By mid of june hopefully all will be back to normal.
Hopefully by mid of June the virus will be disappeared, all Samsters will win lottery and be awesome rich, all become Executive Director of the companies where they work, and go to Batam every weekend to relax and spend some pocket money. :rolleyes:

12-06-2020, 05:52 PM
U can rest assure so long vaccine not found, it wont be back to norm.:(

12-06-2020, 06:31 PM
Good day friends ,

Slowly shopping mall have open up and massage points as well. Thai and Sakura massage have open up last week or so around NagoyaHill. whereas those around BCS also have open up.

Most resto in shopping mall are up and running since last week but areas where singaporeans or tourist go to still not open yet like A2 or J8.

By mid of june hopefully all will be back to normal.

thanks for the situational field report. :cool:

Black Page
12-06-2020, 06:41 PM
U can rest assure so long vaccine not found, it wont be back to norm.:(
The virus is rampant, Formosa is closed and will never be back, their staff is dispersed, I will not stomp my feet on the land of Batam for a long time: now my life is empty! :(:( :mad::mad:

12-06-2020, 07:13 PM
Haha!!!! We may lose one year of our lives because of this virus...we are only existing not living now...Mankind is being punished for the sins they have committed.....
Hope by next year, we will live again....fuck like no tomorrow...hehe!!!!

12-06-2020, 07:58 PM
thanks for the situational field report. :cool:
Am stuck here due to lockdown.... But still better than being CB in Sin City. The least is we can still move around but be careful always. Mix with people you know not just anybody and stay safe always. Safe distance and do not touch common doors or escalators rail.
The number of infected people are very subjective here.... Till Today there are more than 150people infected but there are more which have not shown any synptoms of cov19. Until they fall sick than they will be reported if positive or not.

12-06-2020, 08:17 PM
Hi penguin, you are lucky stuck in batam, here in Singapore, very boring..no visit by your friends, male or female...but in batam to fuck or not to fuck is a big question????? Hehehe!!!!

12-06-2020, 09:37 PM
Hi penguin, you are lucky stuck in batam, here in Singapore, very boring..no visit by your friends, male or female...but in batam to fuck or not to fuck is a big question????? Hehehe!!!!

Do not know whether they are lucky or not. Many others are stuck in neighbouring countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand without means of coming back during the CB period. Also, unsure whether these people can continue with their adventurous lives with the constant fear of being infected by Covid19, health reasons and the need to pay for the treatment.

It is probably better to enjoy the visit when things are more settled.

12-06-2020, 10:03 PM
Hi penguin, you are lucky stuck in batam, here in Singapore, very boring..no visit by your friends, male or female...but in batam to fuck or not to fuck is a big question????? Hehehe!!!!
Agree bro... But my family have been worried thou..... But thats life..... Take it simple and be positive.... Stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy. Take care dear friends.

12-06-2020, 10:13 PM
Yes, Wherever you are now, just take one day at a time, take care and be safe. Just wait this out, nothing will last forever. By year end , we will rock and roll...take care, Bros......

Black Page
12-06-2020, 11:07 PM
Recently, i device another new method, thats to create a air-curtain while wearing mask.

Scaring. This fan is conveying a continuous air flow from up down right straight to the face, thus conveying many more air (and potentially infected droplets) in dangerous vicinity of the potential entry points (mouth and nose).

I really advise you to forget all this arsenal of exotic gadgets, the UV, the ozonizers, etc. etc. What really matters is:
1) stay away from people who have no mask
2) wash wash wash hands (gloves are irrelevant, as you will not be infected through the skin, but bringing the hands -with gloves or not - to the mouth)
3) good luck!

13-06-2020, 08:39 AM
I really advise you to forget all this arsenal of exotic gadgets, the UV, the ozonizers, etc. etc. What really matters is:
1) stay away from people who have no mask
2) wash wash wash hands (gloves are irrelevant, as you will not be infected through the skin, but bringing the hands -with gloves or not - to the mouth)
3) good luck!

Best is lie low at the moment. Only when its really essential then go Btm. Again definition "essential" depend on individual.:D

13-06-2020, 04:11 PM
Lucky you,hehehe...which is why i chose to take business class if i am going during weekend. Aunties and uncles too.

Do keep in mind that from 14th to 22nd of March is school holiday, hence expect even more people going to Batam.

I already have a dozen aunties and uncles cancelling their Batam trips, hence end up with some extra ferry coupons. In case you guys want it, just let me know.

And in order to encourage more aunties and uncles to join me to Batam, i have done the following preparation. (trying to keep them the safest possible from viruses since they were mostly over 60)

1. I will be bringing my non-contact key-chain thermometer along,hehehe...not the gun-type which is rather bulky.


Not forgetting some CR2032 coin batteries as well. By the way, this key-chain thermometer thingy is super accurate, i tested it myself...hehehe...but the price to pay is high battery consumption rate.

I look back yr post on 13 mar, looks like u were already in the "new normal" at batam since b4 mid mar 2020.


Good to see u guys went prepared & back to sg safe. :rolleyes:

13-06-2020, 10:08 PM
Yes, Wherever you are now, just take one day at a time, take care and be safe. Just wait this out, nothing will last forever. By year end , we will rock and roll...take care, Bros......
Thank you bro. You too take care.

14-06-2020, 11:56 AM
Hi bro penguin, Take care , be safe.....We shall be back!!!!! Hahahaha!

14-06-2020, 12:50 PM
Is Batam open for tourists?

14-06-2020, 01:05 PM
Can anyone advise on the practice now for Indonesian returning to Batam and Singaporean heading to Batam?

Is 14 stay home required in Batam or have to send to quarantine camp at pulau gelang??

14-06-2020, 01:23 PM
Do we still have to go to the embassy in Singapore to get the visa? How many days allowed to stay in batam?...remember , when you come back , you have pay for your quarantine in hotel,for 14 days!!!!

14-06-2020, 04:30 PM
wat u sayin remnds me of 1 of our fav guy says...lol...



i purplely censor face off de, so is no intention 2 offend ani1 or talk polyticks here.

my message is ani1 wan 2 die in btm is their ownself business, i no wan 2 die so young....lol...mai sell fish & get other ppl aso involve,so i've my ownself sorlution.

This is one reason why i make known to myself (like a reminder),thats "if you are safe,then i will be also be safer".

On the street, my work place or within my living premises, when i see someone without a mask, i smile and offer them one. They will usually thank me for it. So far i have given out no less than 20 mask away.

Most time, it is because they forget to wear mask when they step out of house. i save them the trouble of going back home to get one and back again.

Instead of hammering them down sarcastically or report them to relevant authority, i use another approach. I would often joke with them, "i help you save S$300",hehehe...which is the fine in Singapore for not wearing mask (1st time offender fine). They will sometime joke back saying, "i will buy you a drink once circuit breaker is over",hehehe...see, make friends, not enemy. Help one another and not reprimand.

Make wearing mask fun!

What i did in Singapore, i do the same or similar in Batam too.

wa! tis 1 sibei ugley lei...lol...but it's good attention catcher if i walk ard wit it in btm. All my ger ger in btm surely laugh until cig aso drop out if they see young uncle me wit tat masker....lol :D

I bought one too, and it attracted some attention from smoker at smoking point near my office. I manage to sell few away,hehehe....i think this might be a good approach for use in Batam.

The mask cost only about 32k rupiah,hehehe...thank you for your suggestion.

Now i also awaits my lighted mask. :D

14-06-2020, 05:02 PM
looks like it'll be a new normal in btm soon. :D


& i tink it'll be quite fun 2..... :p

Fun meh? Cant french. Cant see her high and hear her scream.:D

15-06-2020, 07:21 PM
ALL TRAVELLERS ENTERING & LEAVING SINGAPORE FROM June 18, 2020 to be tested for Covid-19, must pay for testing
Covid-19 tests will cost up to S$200 each, and SHN stays at designated facilities will cost S$2,000

All travellers entering Singapore will be tested as part of a host of new precautionary measures announced that will kick in starting Wednesday, June 17, at 11:59pm, Singapore's Ministry of Health announced on Monday, June 15.

Mandatory testing (S$200) for all inbound travellers, & SHN at govt facilities (S$2,000) for non-S'porean/PRs
These arriving travellers, regardless of citizenship status, will all be required to bear the up to S$200 cost of their Covid-19 swab tests, which will be done a few days before the end of a mandatory 14-day Stay-Home Notice (SHN) period at a designated community testing facility.

Individuals will be notified of their test appointments via SMS, and are required to avoid public transport in travelling to and from their testing locations.

In addition, those arriving here from June 17, 11:59pm onwards who are not Singaporeans or Permanent Residents will have to bear the cost of their SHN periods (S$2,000 inclusive of GST) if they are required to spend them at government-designated facilities.

Given the risks of asymptomatic cases, this measure is all the more necessary, the ministry said.

The 14-day SHN period rule has been in place for all inbound travellers who are Singaporean, PRs and long-term pass holders here since March 21.

The authorities will monitor the results of the tests and may make adjustments to the testing requirements over time.

Exceptions to self-pay SHN requirement: Arrivals from Australia, Brunei, HK, Japan, Macao, China, NZ, S. Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam
There are exceptions to the rule of having to spend one's SHN period at a designated facility at personal cost, however.

All travellers entering Singapore from Wednesday, June 17, 11:59pm, and who were in Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mainland China, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam in the last consecutive 14 days prior to their entry, will no longer have to serve their SHN at dedicated SHN facilities:

Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents may serve their 14-day SHN at their place of residence.
Long Term Pass holders may serve their 14-day SHN at a place of residence that they or their family members own or are sole tenants of, or in suitable accommodation such as a hotel, at their own cost.

All serving SHN to adhere strictly to requirements
Here's what won't change, though: all persons serving SHN must remain in their location of residence at all times.

They will continue to be subject to close monitoring of their whereabouts, through electronic monitoring as well as physical spot-checks.

Strict enforcement action will be taken against those who breach the requirements of the SHN.

accommodation such as a hotel, at their own cost.

All serving SHN to adhere strictly to requirements
Here's what won't change, though: all persons serving SHN must remain in their location of residence at all times.

They will continue to be subject to close monitoring of their whereabouts, through electronic monitoring as well as physical spot-checks.

Strict enforcement action will be taken against those who breach the requirements of the SHN.

Singapore to facilitate re-entry of more Long Term Pass holders in coming weeks
Notwithstanding the above changes, all Long Term Pass holders will continue to require prior government approval before entering Singapore.

As the global and local health situations improve, the government has gradually increased the number of entry approvals given to Long Term Pass holders, especially those with deep roots to Singapore or have exigent circumstances.

The government says it expects to be able to facilitate the re-entry of more Long Term Pass holders in the coming weeks.

They will also study how to facilitate business travel, in particular for professionals based in Singapore who need to travel frequently as part of their work, with the necessary safeguards.

But for now, the government is not yet allowing short-term visitors, except those coming in under the Green / Fast Lane arrangements (starting with China, and eventually covering more countries/regions), or with special prior approval.

Charges for Covid-19 test & stay at designated SHN facility
Just to recap, here are the charges for Covid-19 swab tests and for 14-day stays at the dedicated SHN facilities:

Covid-19 test for persons under SHN

Up to S$200 (inclusive of GST)
14-day stay at dedicated SHN facility S$2,000 (inclusive of GST)

All Singaporeans and residents of Singapore are still advised to defer all travel abroad, however.

But essential business and official travel will be permitted under Green and Fast Lane arrangements.

MOH encourages everyone to check its website for the latest Covid-19 updates, as Singapore’s border measures are likely to evolve with the changes in the global situation.

15-06-2020, 11:30 PM
Can anyone advise on the practice now for Indonesian returning to Batam and Singaporean heading to Batam?

Is 14 stay home required in Batam or have to send to quarantine camp at pulau gelang??

First, as far as I know, tourist or day trippers are not allowed. Those with KITAS can still come into batam with provision of medical letter from hospital stating of cov19 status. Still checking the current requirement. You can check with ferry operator as youust have fulfill few criteria before you can buy a ferry ticket. Please check with them in SGP. Same here in batam they will ask you first of the requirement.

15-06-2020, 11:38 PM
COVID-19: Changes to travel restrictions as Singapore moves into Phase 2 of reopening


Singapore's Phase 2 of reopening also involves international travel. From Jun 18, all incoming travellers will have to be tested for the coronavirus. Screening will take place several days before the end of a mandatory 14-day Stay-Home Notice. The travellers will have to pay for these tests.


Singapore's COVID-19 restrictions will be eased again on Jun 19, with the start of Phase 2 of reopening. The Government said community infection rates have been stable, while the situation in large clusters and migrant workers' dormitories has also stabilised.

16-06-2020, 10:54 AM
Fun meh? Cant french. Cant see her high and hear her scream.:D

Ya, new trend but cannot see and heard their moaning expression and cannot french will seem a bit sian liao

17-06-2020, 05:23 AM
First, as far as I know, tourist or day trippers are not allowed. Those with KITAS can still come into batam with provision of medical letter from hospital stating of cov19 status. Still checking the current requirement. You can check with ferry operator as youust have fulfill few criteria before you can buy a ferry ticket. Please check with them in SGP. Same here in batam they will ask you first of the requirement.

Most likely Indonesia will open the borders for short term visitors much earlier than Singapore. Even Singaporeans are allow to go to Batam again, with quarantine requirements in place, few will be going there for short trips.

18-06-2020, 08:36 AM
First, as far as I know, tourist or day trippers are not allowed. Those with KITAS can still come into batam with provision of medical letter from hospital stating of cov19 status. Still checking the current requirement. You can check with ferry operator as youust have fulfill few criteria before you can buy a ferry ticket. Please check with them in SGP. Same here in batam they will ask you first of the requirement.

Thank you. Guess will keep trying to extend my wife's svp here then.

19-06-2020, 11:25 PM
Thank you. Guess will keep trying to extend my wife's svp here then.

Thats the best. Do not move back until both sides agree to open up as normal... Like in january till 16 march. Here in batam is back to new normal liao..... We still need to becareful n behave in a new normal mode. Stay safe stay heppi stay healthy.

20-06-2020, 05:36 PM
This method above is called, looking into their cultural behavior. Example, if i am a Batam Newton disco person, asking my girl/s to wear a mask while she is dancing is near impossible. BUT!! What if i gave her one of this...

(it's a rechargeable light up face mask with 4 to 7 flashing mode)


I am almost sure she will be more than willing to put it on,hehehe...cost about 170k rupiah tho. ;)

lol...u've jus given me new ideas of wat 2 buy 4 all my ger gers in btm liao....lol...& onli cost ard 50k ea ,so no expensive....lol :p


mus b fair,every ger ger in btm mus've 1....lol :D

20-06-2020, 08:07 PM

mus b fair,every ger ger in btm mus've 1....lol :D

Ya, agreed with u with such cool innovation

24-06-2020, 04:41 PM
Fun meh? Cant french. Cant see her high and hear her scream.

ya, u r rite brother...then i nxt time go btm mus innovasi a bit more liao....lol


ask em wear a bit can see, a bit can no see kind of mask. Can see a bit , can no see a bit is call ,SEXY...1 look see evry thg liao like tat no shiok, ppl call it pornography....lol...wil bcum borin over time....lol

Ya, agreed with u with such cool innovation

Lol...the world move, i move aso...lol


if i no move, the world stil move....lol...mani gers in btm like 2 b different frm other peer gers. Ta's wat sm of the indo btm gers in bigo live tells me wen i tere....lol :D

i jus help em stand out frm the rest inside my rm so i can enjoy my ownself. :p

25-06-2020, 10:26 AM
Lol...the world move, i move aso...lol


if i no move, the world stil move....lol...mani gers in btm like 2 b different frm other peer gers. Ta's wat sm of the indo btm gers in bigo live tells me wen i tere....lol :D

i jus help em stand out frm the rest inside my rm so i can enjoy my ownself. :p

Haha, maybe should invert. If horny, light out itself to show signal liao.

or when bonking, penetrate will light out :p :D

25-06-2020, 12:27 PM
ask em wear a bit can see, a bit can no see kind of mask. Can see a bit , can no see a bit is call ,SEXY...1 look see evry thg liao like tat no shiok, ppl call it pornography....lol...wil bcum borin over time....lol

Since u have such innovation while in batam, let me give u more ideas to fulfill your fetish the next time u are there! :D


The rest below were just samples of what u can look fwd to. :D

(i'll hide the rest to avoid complaining ppl)

Sexy vs Sexual!!





Got lights, got neh neh....got milk too. :p

25-06-2020, 08:42 PM
ya, u r rite brother...then i nxt time go btm mus innovasi a bit more liao....lol


This one acceptable. Can see abit here and there. Hopefully when shes high and breathless she just pull away the mask.:D

26-06-2020, 02:04 PM
ya, u r rite brother...then i nxt time go btm mus innovasi a bit more liao....lol


ask em wear a bit can see, a bit can no see kind of mask. Can see a bit , can no see a bit is call ,SEXY...1 look see evry thg liao like tat no shiok, ppl call it pornography....lol...wil bcum borin over time....lol

These type better wear below then on top

28-06-2020, 12:50 AM
Same here, been doing just that & i like what u said, 'when other ppl's safe, then can i be safer'.

I like it even more when u said when the girls are safe, then i also be safer. Other of her clients can be safe as well.

No wonder u & friends were giving out lots of mask, sanitizer, alcohol wipes & hello kitty spray bottles out in Btm. :D

以战养战,brilliant strategy!

Using a battle to nourish another battle.

Since we are all going to need to wear mask and to battle the epidemic, at least for the whole of this year and who know, the next year too. We can all do it in better, more fun way.

On the whole, i just try my best to understand the culture of the people i approach. I remember one of my China Chinese friend once told me before that while she was working in Japan, during CNY time, her boss start distributing out to the hundreds of Chinese workers there each a pair of Pear and an alarm clock,hehehe...the workers face all there turned soured.

Pear = 梨子

Clock = 钟

Pear in the Chinese word sounds like "separation = 离", while clock sounds like "终" meaning separation in funeral or death.

The Japanese boss has no ill intention, as far as what my friend knew. Just lack understanding of the Chinese culture.

In Batam, i keep myself as safe as possible in my own ways, just like i did in Singapore. Another way to keep myself safe is to keep my environment and the people around me safe.

Instead of cold fogging in yr btm room, has hot water vapor steam fogging occur to u before?

It's quite a good way as well ,cos boiling steam should be the most safest. No need for any extra chemical.

I did.

They can be dangerous if not careful. In order for hot steam to reach far, some amount of pressure is required and if that pressure went out of control, its going to be very damaging.

The effect would be just as good as using alcohol when it comes to reaching out to hidden corners. It doesnt covers every corner. On top of it, to maintain it at 100 degree celsius of killing strength at all time, the steam needs to go close to the object to sterilize. The further way, the higher the pressure needed.

I dont wish to wet the whole Batam hotel room nor would i wish that the room be infest with fungus in my future stay there.

Heat steaming sterilizing is too troublesome and time consuming for me.

I must have in mind that i am in Batam looking for a good holiday, i need the room to be well-sterilized and cleaned thoroughly. And in the fastest most easiest way/s, balancing between safety and my convenience (hopefully fun too,hehehe...).

28-06-2020, 03:02 PM
ferry companies must be very jialat

28-06-2020, 08:08 PM
For bros who are still holding any type/s of the Horizonfast Ferry ticket that are expiring soon. DO NOT throw them away.

Taken from Horizonfast ferry website

They are now auto extended.

I try to book a ferry ticket to go to Batam tomorrow and return on Tuesday, the system tells me i need to pay S$100 for it. :D

28-06-2020, 08:33 PM
Hi Folks,

Long time never come in here....Hope everyone is well and ok.
was really thinking of visiting batam at the beginning of the year after CNY.
but was trying to assess the situation as the virus swept Europe/US.

then CB started....:(

Anyway, think won't be going anywhere for at least this year...sad.

In case any of you thinking why there are so many ppl out on the streets and malls after Phase 2 starts....simple reason coz the usual vacations are OFF. Can't even go JB.
We are stuck in this island for the time being.

Not a bad thing coz many shops need our biz and money.

In the meantime, everyone please stay safe, avoid crowded places and most importantly wear a mask when you are outdoors.

30-06-2020, 12:55 AM
For bros who are still holding any type/s of the Horizonfast Ferry ticket that are expiring soon. DO NOT throw them away.

Taken from Horizonfast ferry website

They are now auto extended.

I try to book a ferry ticket to go to Batam tomorrow and return on Tuesday, the system tells me i need to pay S$100 for it. :D

I have a few more horizon ferry ticket horizon voucher that given by the restaurant...can i.still use them?But expire date already over..

30-06-2020, 01:47 AM
I have a few more horizon ferry ticket horizon voucher that given by the restaurant...can i.still use them?But expire date already over..

Write to horizon to extend it due to covid
If they want to retain customer and do the right thing, they will

30-06-2020, 11:09 PM
Anyway, think won't be going anywhere for at least this year...sad.

In case any of you thinking why there are so many ppl out on the streets and malls after Phase 2 starts....simple reason coz the usual vacations are OFF. Can't even go JB.
We are stuck in this island for the time being.

Not a bad thing coz many shops need our biz and money.

In the meantime, everyone please stay safe, avoid crowded places and most importantly wear a mask when you are outdoors.

At least we are not confined to our homes..that was so boring and my eyes are getting tired from all the screen time.

01-07-2020, 01:01 AM
For those who dont mind to serve SHN in SG, i think should be able to go Batam soon.

On 23rd June, i told my wife in batam, i received info that Indonesia will open up for foreigner, if the province declared in Green Zone.

On 27th June, news came out.


But my wife told me, too bad Batam still in Black Zone. Not in the list.
We still cant meet.
I told her, dont worry, i give one week, Batam will declare Green Zone.

Today news came out.


Suddenly hosay liao, no more red and black zone :D

01-07-2020, 12:09 PM
Thanks, bro ndnd, Good news for those who have wives in Batam...my many wives also waiting for me, Hehehe!!!!
Called horizon, the girl said I had to ask the Indo embassy...
How many days we can stay in batam if we get the visa?
Hope Bros here can share the information...
Bro ndnd, please keep us posted about your journey back to kampung...thanks...

01-07-2020, 01:20 PM
Anyway, think won't be going anywhere for at least this year...sad.

too risky to go within this year

01-07-2020, 04:54 PM
For those who dont mind to serve SHN in SG, i think should be able to go Batam soon.

On 23rd June, i told my wife in batam, i received info that Indonesia will open up for foreigner, if the province declared in Green Zone.

On 27th June, news came out.


But my wife told me, too bad Batam still in Black Zone. Not in the list.
We still cant meet.
I told her, dont worry, i give one week, Batam will declare Green Zone.

Today news came out.


Suddenly hosay liao, no more red and black zone :D
Thks for update.
Believe that you hv all the necessary doc like itas,itap,nikah.

For people like me holding a "Tourist" statue still long way to go.:(

01-07-2020, 04:55 PM
Thanks nono! Really appreciate your info. Stay safe!!!

01-07-2020, 05:03 PM
Think the 1st priority when open ...
Must quickly go to get the Retirement Temporary Stay Permit(ITAS-Lansia)
As I look through the requirement this should be the easiest and simple path.

Any advice from bros would be deeply appreciated.

01-07-2020, 06:31 PM
Suddenly hosay liao, no more red and black zone :D

Om gk semudah untuk warga asing msk batam, kalo kenal org keje di imigrasi lg gampang. Hehe

Anyway once in batam don't forget to bring your "wive" to PLAY PARK: DRIVE IN CINEMA :D it was fun watching a movie outdoor at night while getting a bbbj inside a car.

01-07-2020, 08:35 PM
I eargerly wait for your updates.
After 10 years in Formosa, since I am forced to change now I wish a room with king-size (4 persons) jacuzzi. Any one in Nagoya?

Updates would have to wait until Singapore reopens its border with Batam (w/o the 14 day quarantine restriction from Singapore).

4 person in jacuzzi, not likely to happen in Batam (3 nude girls one naked guy,hehehe...). Well, even tho it almost happen before in Newton Spa. Where they have the massage girls and GROs (i think), who would go into the hot pool to serve their customer/s drinks etc. Too bad, that kind of service didnt last very long. Not even long enough for me to talk about it.

Newton Spa closed down.

(Photo taken on 14th May 2015 by me)
(place already closed down, so hope mod/admin don't mind the phone no. on the photo)

Now I want to make you mouth watering. There is a number of swinger clubs in Europe and elsewhere, equipped with large sauna and steam room.
My favourite in Paris was Moon City (you can Google it). I say WAS, because with COVID around I will not have the opportunity to travel abroad or visit any such places for a long time, I am afraid.

Grrgh....!! Why didnt they have this type in Batam... :eek:

Many non-Batam regulars here wouldnt mind paying a much higher price for better service when they lack the time to recce around Batam,hehehe... :D

Dreaming on one day Batam can be like that,hehehe...

I hope you can detail this by PM. I am very interested to hear your knowledge!

The 4 or 5 rooms is inside Formosa hotel. Since Formosa has closed down, there is nothing further to share unless we are talking about replacement rooms in another hotel,hehehe... i am looking into Utama hotel tho (which is near Newton, less than 10 mins walk), clearing up the cigarette stench etc. And via PM, i will share more about Hotel Alpha when you are about to reach Batam (you can play hide and seek with girls, as room is more than doubled Formosa's room at less than its price). The hospitality level there is almost equivalent to Formosa.

Hotel Bravo would be too far to the places you often goes to. It just got revamp, aka taken over by another hotel organisation hence i have no chance to test-drive during this covid situation yet.

Fully agree. That is the difference from "second-home" and "business hotel".
When I asked something to guys at reception of Harmony or I-Hotel, I really had the impression to be served at McDonald. You named it.

Utama Hotel staffs do not give me "Mcdonald" impression tho (most stayer there are regulars). And that is one of those few hotels that arent so mechanical in Batam. The frontline receptionist TRIES to give me that impression (Mcdonald style service) becos i am new faces to them, but from my observation, i knew they werent cut out to match "McDonald",hehehe... :p

Just sharing.

02-07-2020, 12:07 AM
Anyway once in batam don't forget to bring your "wive" to PLAY PARK: DRIVE IN CINEMA :D it was fun watching a movie outdoor at night while getting a bbbj inside a car.

I begin to miss my usual nite drive around Jodoh, nagoya area, different kind of fun. @1-3am ga ada kerjaan cari cewek ngobrol :D
BCA Jodoh area, Seraya area, BNI penuin the strech of nite stall, nagoya siang malam area, all my favourite spot to visit in mid nite.

02-07-2020, 12:20 AM
Thks for update.
Believe that you hv all the necessary doc like itas,itap,nikah.

For people like me holding a "Tourist" statue still long way to go.:(

Now just wait for Pak Rudi to declare Batam as Green Zone and apply to Central Government to reopen Batam for tourist.
Once that happened, will be no more 14 days Quarantine in Batam, most is need to show a negative result for Covid-19 or swab test on the spot upon arrival. Slowly that can be excuse also..

Indonesian since weeks ago enter batam, no need quarantine, no need swab test, only fill up a health card, thats all, simple and easy..

02-07-2020, 12:25 AM
Thanks, bro ndnd, Good news for those who have wives in Batam...my many wives also waiting for me, Hehehe!!!!

This period is a good chance to see how faithful are all those Wives/Wifey/Simpanan/GF, to us :p:p

02-07-2020, 12:27 AM
Quick Pak Rudi!! Sent the letter. Udah antri ni. Byk udah tunggu mau msk. :D

Batam - The Mayor of Batam, Muhammad Rudi asked for special services for Covid-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests carried out for every person passing by at an international port.

This is done in preparation for the opening of the international entrance, following the city of Batam has entered the yellow zone. "Our target is that the port can be opened," said Rudi, Tuesday (6/30/2020).

Rudi said Batam City had 3 PCR machines, so according to him there was a chance that one machine would be used for swab testing for everyone at the port.

Based on Circular Letter of the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid-19 Handling, everyone traveling abroad is obliged to carry out PCR tests if they do not bring a negative swab certificate from the country concerned.

"So we want to sit with the BTKLPP, if there is a suspect, swab can be immediately taken immediately and checked," he said.

But he wants that the PCR test can be done quickly, and does not need to queue for days to find out the results. If necessary, said Rudi, the results can be known in a matter of hours.

"I want one hour to finish, or if possible 5 hours, so it won't be long to wait, if this is only known after 3 days," he said.

If the preparations have been made and Batam has become a green zone, of course Batam can submit a letter to the Singapore Government to open an international port.

"If we make it to Singapore, there must be an agreement to do it according to the procedure," he said.

02-07-2020, 12:58 AM
Quick Pak Rudi!! Sent the letter. Udah antri ni. Byk udah tunggu mau msk. :D

Udh tunggu ya Mas, ayuk sini... :D
Semua udh siap..
Sanitizer and Social Distance all ready untukmu.. Aman.. :D




02-07-2020, 01:08 AM
Who miss PingPong bola :p


02-07-2020, 11:58 AM
Thanks, bro ndnd, For your up to date info....you mean now we can just buy the ferry ticket and board the ferry as usual to batam... Only to be tested at the ports in batam...or we have to wait for the green light?
Singapore will never waive the SHN...but now free for Singaporeans but have to pay $200 for test at the end of quarantine.....

02-07-2020, 12:06 PM
Sorry ndnd, I thought that is for foreigners also.....we just wait for the green light......green light can be manually changed if faulty, Hehehe!!!!

03-07-2020, 10:51 AM

Batam - The Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, admitted that he had established communication with the Singaporean Foreign Minister, Vivian Balakrishnan to announce that the Riau Islands (Riau Islands) were ready to receive tourists.

"Earlier I also called Vivian, because Lagoi (Bintan), they were ready to receive tourists," Luhut said after a limited meeting at Nongsa Point Marina, Batam, Riau Islands, Thursday (2/7/2020).

From the results of these communications, Luhut explained that the Singapore Government can open international shipping lanes for tourism activities after the General Elections in their countries have been held. Please note that the elections in Singapore will be held on July 10, 2020.

"It was mentioned earlier, wait for the election to be over, they (the Government of Singapore) will see," he said.

The Lagoi tourist area dares to accept tourists after seeing the development of the Covid-19 case in Bintan which has almost zero cases. Not only the Lagoi tourist area, other areas such as Nongsa are also ready to receive tourists. "Earlier I was also asked that here (Nongsa) also enter (open shipping)," he explained.

Regarding foreign workers (TKA) who began to enter Indonesian territory, Luhut said that the international entrance had begun to be opened in stages. With notes, still pay attention to the country of origin of the TKA.

"Depending on where it comes from, it does exist, may, apply health from the country that we approve," he said.

Not only for foreign workers, Luhut added that foreign tourists can also enter the country. For Singapore and Malaysia, there are no problems, because according to him the Covid-19 case in that country has started to go down.

03-07-2020, 11:55 AM
Thanks, bro ndnd, good news!! But the return journey....14 days SHN is a problem, hehehe!!!!!

03-07-2020, 01:35 PM

Batam - The Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, admitted that he had established communication with the Singaporean Foreign Minister, Vivian Balakrishnan to announce that the Riau Islands (Riau Islands) were ready to receive tourists.

Jadi semua bisa dibuka. Batam, TBK juga.:D

03-07-2020, 06:43 PM
Not only for foreign workers, Luhut added that foreign tourists can also enter the country. For Singapore and Malaysia, there are no problems, because according to him the Covid-19 case in that country has started to go down.

Masih ribet OM, manpir sebentar Di hotel, kalo positive. Ngongkrong dlm hotel :D Harus bwk rapid test :D

Batam - Hotels in Batam City are ready to become quarantine locations for foreign nationals (foreigners) entering the country. Everyone from abroad must carry out a swab test with PCR.

The Head of the Culture and Tourism Office of Batam City, Ardiwinata, said that there were already several hotels that said they were ready to be quarantined.

"Once the circular from the central task force comes out, and the guardian's direction to be immediately followed up, then we immediately coordinate with the hotel manager. Thank God, quite a lot of hotels volunteered," said Ardi, Friday (07/03/2020).

Hotel management claimed to be ready to support the government in carrying out new life adaptations (new normal).

As a preparation, officers at the hotel have also been given training on health protocols. Among other things how to receive guests to spray disinfectant.

"Now it is being trained. We are working with the Indonesian Hotel and Restaurant Association (PHRI) and the Batam City Health Service," he said.

If the foreigner does not bring a PCR test result from the country concerned with a negative Covid-19 test, then the foreigner will undergo a PCR test in Batam.

While waiting for the results of the tests to come out, the foreigner must be quarantined at a hotel or inn recommended by the local government.

"To get a recommendation, there are several conditions that must be met by the hotel. Among other things, ensure that one room is filled with one guest, except for married couples. Then the flow is prepared directly from the port to the inn room so there is no need to check in in the lobby," he said.

03-07-2020, 08:37 PM

Anyone here miss this :D

04-07-2020, 10:22 AM

Batam - The Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, admitted that he had established communication with the Singaporean Foreign Minister, Vivian Balakrishnan to announce that the Riau Islands (Riau Islands) were ready to receive tourists.

"Earlier I also called Vivian, because Lagoi (Bintan), they were ready to receive tourists," Luhut said after a limited meeting at Nongsa Point Marina, Batam, Riau Islands, Thursday (2/7/2020).

From the results of these communications, Luhut explained that the Singapore Government can open international shipping lanes for tourism activities after the General Elections in their countries have been held. Please note that the elections in Singapore will be held on July 10, 2020.

"It was mentioned earlier, wait for the election to be over, they (the Government of Singapore) will see," he said.

"Depending on where it comes from, it does exist, may, apply health from the country that we approve," he said.

Not only for foreign workers, Luhut added that foreign tourists can also enter the country. For Singapore and Malaysia, there are no problems, because according to him the Covid-19 case in that country has started to go down.

Zhun bo, a bit scary sia

04-07-2020, 10:56 AM
looks like it'll be a new normal in btm soon. :D


tis time is jus my thots....lol

& i tink it'll be quite fun 2..... :p

Yes, it will be fun for now, how about after some time later, how do you plan to have sex in Batam? Wear a scuba diving suit and have sex in sea water? :D

Vaccine is the key solution, i guess (for those who hasnt gotta the virus). For now, its the virus versus me...and my girls,hehehe... :p

Respect the ppl's choice. It's the freedom of choice that makes the ppl suffer.

They chose their own President.

And they have a few more months to repent.

Most likes to blame others, rarely themselves.

It means it's safer that way, not 100% safe.

Read in the news from TW that 2 person, face to face both wearing mask reduce chances of getting the virus by up to 70%.

Aren't the sex trade considered as essential services? :D

Heading for short trip/s to Batam, Malaysia JB or other nearby countries would be near impossible until a vaccine is out (at least in the next couple of months or so).

Since short trips arent that possible, i am planning a long one instead.

Counting my annual leaves and my off-in-lieu now,hehehe...those who knew me would know, i can afford months of "not-at-work" from work. Or maybe just use the hotel room as my office,hehehe... :D

But i have to plan it in a way that those annual leave gets reset back to normal once i use it. So it dont get down to zero after i use it.

China sells a lot fake or "unqualified" products during the pandemic. For those who getting UV light can test using this method.


Every precaution i could thought of has its strength and weakness. Understand each method's strength and its weaknesses, before i could use other ways to cover its weakness.

Since i am already here, i will just share what i had said earlier, or sort of overturn them with "my method" 's weakness.

UV lights -

The Strength :

It covers a larger area of destruction on air, and with ozone, it covers most area that were hidden off after the UV has been turned off.


It also kills mites and some other insects too. The killing effect is rather good.


Every good has its bad too and below were its bad.

The Weakness :

The weakness is also its strength. UV lights harms human as much as it would harm bacteria and viruses. Use it with care,making sure no human comes close to the lights or be looking directly at the lights while its on. On other word, this is not meant for prolong usage in any household.

I would usually have it on and leave the room and then be back after an hour/a day or so later. So as to allow ozone to continue sterilizing. Opens up the window to allow to dead virus/bacteria to clear away once i am in. I use a rechargeable UVC lights, so in other word, i can only use it for 15 mins or so, then i will need a 2 to 3 hours of charging. This is good and bad and as you can see, i can only use it for a mere 15 mins, and then i have to charge it to use it again. This kept me from using it over and over again for a single time, hence this cool-off period provide some level of safety for myself. One day max is twice or it becomes a hassle (and hazardous).

There are also many kind of UV lights in the market. The more powerful ones can be quite huge using a strengthen lamp. I bought those but in much smaller size.

Another important thing to note here is with UVC device that could create/emits ozone, beside leaving the room, it would be good to keep the room's window a little open up. I think i did mention before, as much as UVC is harmful to human, the created ozone does the similar too. And i think its more dangerous. Hence a more thorough sterilizing using UVC light which creates ozone, one may need to stay away from that room for longer period of time. And dont forget to open the windows wide open to allow evey "dead air" out of the room, at the same time allowing fresh air to comes in.


Thats safety precaution.

Lastly, UVC lamp has a rather short life span. My last one last me about a little more than 3 months.

04-07-2020, 03:30 PM
Zhun bo, a bit scary sia

Dun worry Bro, i can ask mandra bring you to his favourite Dukun.
After some chanting, the dukun will help you put on a mask and rub some sanitizer on your hand, and you will be very safe :D :D

04-07-2020, 07:07 PM
I begin to miss my usual nite drive around Jodoh, nagoya area, different kind of fun. @1-3am ga ada kerjaan cari cewek ngobrol :D

Jam segitu masih siang Om. Byk kupu2 belum kluar :D 1am to 3am still early for batam. :D

06-07-2020, 01:51 PM
Dun worry Bro, i can ask mandra bring you to his favourite Dukun.
After some chanting, the dukun will help you put on a mask and rub some sanitizer on your hand, and you will be very safe :D :D

Hahahah, that guy still exist???

08-07-2020, 12:11 PM
Singaporeans still advised to defer all travel abroad, minister says



Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakhrisnan has rejected the Indonesian government’s request to reopen the city state’s borders to the tourist areas of Bintan and Batam in Riau Islands, which have been closed for months due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Indonesian Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Pandjaitan phoned Balakhrisnan during the former’s visit to Batam on Thursday, requesting the latter open Singapore's borders that serve as entry points to Bintan and Batam. He said the Singaporean minister agreed to review Indonesia’s request after Singapore’s general election, which will be held on July 10.

In a statement issued by the Singaporean Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday, the minister confirmed having had a phone call with Luhut a day earlier.

However, Balakhrisnan said Singapore was “gradually re-opening our borders in a progressive and calibrated manner while ensuring the health and safety of Singaporeans and our international visitors.”

“Presently, Singaporeans are still advised to defer all travel abroad,” Balakhrisnan went on to say.

He added both ministers had agreed on the importance of keeping up positive bilateral cooperation amid the COVID-19 pandemic, although “the call did not go into any specific discussions on tourism exchanges and cooperation.”

Singapore’s borders were closed in March to short-term visitors, which had impacted tourism and the economy in Riau Islands, which depends largely on tourists from Singapore. Malls in Batam have been a lot quieter than usual, as ferry operators serving the Batam-Singapore route have reduced the number of trips due to plummeting passenger numbers.

The province, with more than 1,000 islands, places second for foreign tourist arrivals in Indonesia, after Bali. It attracted 2.59 million international visitors in 2019, almost half of whom – or 47 percent – were from Singapore.

08-07-2020, 01:49 PM
What is this? Reopen borders? I don't think Singaporeans are not allowed to go to batam....but the 14 days quarantine that deters people going...Batam should let us stay more than 1 month...then they will decide to go or not....

10-07-2020, 08:57 PM
Hear news the indonesia zenghu no money till they now wana tax online biz liao to find money ..

What i hear from the girls (who read the news) in btm is that indo gov has set aside x trillions of rp to distribute to its ppl during covid but only less than 20% reach them. :cool:

11-07-2020, 02:46 PM
What i hear from the girls (who read the news) in btm is that indo gov has set aside x trillions of rp to distribute to its ppl during covid but only less than 20% reach them. :cool:

The government relief package is give out sembako (worth PR 350k) + cash Rp 250k, make up to Rp600k to each registered family/household, for 3 occasions/batchs. Total Rp1.8juta for the 3 occasions.

Sembako refer to nine essential culinary ingredients: rice, sugar, eggs, meat, flour, corn, fuel, cooking oil and salt.

But often not all the 9 items and cash were received. Mostly just a small amount of essential culinary given. Depend on the district head / Pak RT.

Many ppl in batam living alone, without a core family / not origin from batam / did not registered with Pak RT with KK (kartu keluarga) on their stay, will not received the relief package. Coz will not count as a residents of that district, even living in that district, (没报户口).

11-07-2020, 02:48 PM
Hahahah, that guy still exist???

He upgraded, now driving a 7 seater Toyota Avanza

11-07-2020, 04:48 PM
What is this? Reopen borders? I don't think Singaporeans are not allowed to go to batam....but the 14 days quarantine that deters people going...Batam should let us stay more than 1 month...then they will decide to go or not....

has to be responsible. if kena come back spread we cannot afford another CB.
SG was too soft in the early stage of covid and did not close border early that's why so jialat.

11-07-2020, 05:07 PM
has to be responsible. if kena come back spread we cannot afford another CB.
SG was too soft in the early stage of covid and did not close border early that's why so jialat.

No really, the Covid19 situation was nicely controlled until the government decided to compensate the foreign workers (FWs) 100S$ daily if they are infected with Covid19. This resulted in a explosion of Covid19 cases among the FWs, an infection rate of >30% as compared to 0.3% in the general community. As long as these FWs are quarantined and released when they are tested ok, we should have no problem.

Just wait to see the final number of Covid19 cases here when all FWs are tested in another two months.

11-07-2020, 05:09 PM
has to be responsible. if kena come back spread we cannot afford another CB.
SG was too soft in the early stage of covid and did not close border early that's why so jialat.

There wouldn't be another CB. SG already in dying state. 100B, how to recover? Economy cannot go full throttle, how to return the 100B? Now, Sg will have to co-living with the covid virus for now until vaccine is make available to all.

13-07-2020, 10:21 PM
The Square's live band can now perform in Galang :D


15-07-2020, 10:45 AM
Counting my annual leaves and my off-in-lieu now,hehehe...those who knew me would know, i can afford months of "not-at-work" from work. Or maybe just use the hotel room as my office,hehehe... :D

But i have to plan it in a way that those annual leave gets reset back to normal once i use it. So it dont get down to zero after i use it.

Put me in the Q list too. :D

Every precaution i could thought of has its strength and weakness. Understand each method's strength and its weaknesses, before i could use other ways to cover its weakness.

UVc is good nw because the corona virus just went airborne!! :eek:


Most facts are from some expert scientist who holds evidence of the virus being airborne.

15-07-2020, 11:10 AM
No really, the Covid19 situation was nicely controlled until the government decided to compensate the foreign workers (FWs) 100S$ daily if they are infected with Covid19. This resulted in a explosion of Covid19 cases among the FWs, an infection rate of >30% as compared to 0.3% in the general community. As long as these FWs are quarantined and released when they are tested ok, we should have no problem.

Just wait to see the final number of Covid19 cases here when all FWs are tested in another two months.

I also heard that some of these workers tried to be infected with it so that don't have to work and still get paid and free meals and treatment.

Black Page
15-07-2020, 05:20 PM
UVc is good nw because the corona virus just went airborne!! :eek:
Most facts are from some expert scientist who holds evidence of the virus being airborne.

Actually the article you cite says:
"Airborne transmission unlikely to be big driver of Covid-19, says expert"
and explains what and why.
Nothing new, however.

Black Page
16-07-2020, 05:52 PM
I also heard that some of these workers tried to be infected with it so that don't have to work and still get paid and free meals and treatment.

Did you hear that in USA recently some stupid folks, mainly students apparently convinced by the Word of Trump & Associates that COVID is not such a serious threat (or is even a hoax), are organizing "COVID parties", where one is known to be sick and the others bet money, which goes to the first who gets infected. :eek:
There is no limit to stupidity.

17-07-2020, 01:06 AM
Batam - Batam City Covid19 task force team released 4 cured patients Thursday, July 16, 2020. Today there is no confirmation of the addition of new cases in Batam.

Cumulative cases are at 267 with a cure rate of 231 cases, as many as 12 cases have died. With the recovery of these 4 patients, there are currently 24 positive patients with Coona-19 corona in Batam City

In the daily recapitulation of the Gugas team, from the swab test chart there are currently 10 swab samples awaiting test results. The potential for additional cases is the results that will come out later.

Since the Covid19 case was first discovered in March 2020, the task force team through BTKL-PP has tested 2,577 swab samples to date. This means that the 2,300 samples examined were negative.

At present a number of locations in Batam are spelled out in the green zone. This can be seen from the distribution map of Covid-19 in Batam.

A number of patients in care were residents of Batu Ampar (3 people), Batu Aji (4 people), Sagulung (6 people), Bengkong (4 people), Lubuk Baja (7 people).

Batam City Task Force Team.

Other subdistricts currently have no positive status of Covid19 patients, even Batam City Subdistrict which has the most cumulative cases of Covid which is 70 cumulative cases, reportedly there are no citizens who are patients at this time, the article 66 patients previously recovered and 4 cases died.

The Daily Chairman of the Batam City Covid-19 Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling, Amsakar Achmad said that so far the handling of Covid-19 was able to be controlled. In fact, he said, seven sub-districts have become green zones because there are no more positive patients.

"Thank God, this is all our hard work. Hopefully the other five sub-districts will also become green zones, ”said Amsakar during a friendly meeting with the people of Galang District, Thursday (07/16/2020).

To make all sub-districts in Batam enter the green zone, he said, of course more intensive treatment must be done so that the remaining patients recover soon. In addition, residents were also asked to remain vigilant so that the transmission of Covid-19 could be stopped. "Keep implementing the health protocol. This is our shield so that it is not infected, "he said.

To note, as many as seven districts in Batam have entered the Covid-19 green zone. The seven districts included in the green zone are Bulang, Galang, Belakangpadang, Batamkota, Nongsa, Seibeduk, and Sekupang. While six other districts are still in the yellow zone.

"Five yellow zone districts, because there are still patients in care, for Batuampar District there are still three patients, four Batuaji people, six Sagagong people, four Bengkong people, and seven Lubukbaja people," he said

17-07-2020, 10:46 AM
Scaring. This fan is conveying a continuous air flow from up down right straight to the face, thus conveying many more air (and potentially infected droplets) in dangerous vicinity of the potential entry points (mouth and nose).

The toy arrived, but i think its useless. It only works with direct sunlight.

Its now a white elephant. Any, paying a few dollars to just try it out. I win some, i fail some. UV is good, air sanitizing on ULV fogging is just as good.Face mask would be must-have (and must-wear). So mean time, i am just keep as that,hehehe...as nothing else works better.

Better to be safe,then sorry.

I am sure everyone knows, once you got the virus...a vaccine would not be as useful (comparing to those who hasnt got it yet).

Again definition "essential" depend on individual.:D

I tried buying something from Batam 2 months ago (May 2020) and it took a little more than a month to reach Singapore (reached around end of June 2020). The whole deal took longer than i try to buy from China (about between 1 week to 12 days).

I am so used to buying my daily necessities (in batam) and surprisingly, there are few things ONLY Indonesia has it. Singapore dont.


Lasegar and Larutan Cap Kaki Tiga,hehehe... :D



So no choice, can only order from online. Cost 2 to 4 times the usual price compared to Batam. :(

17-07-2020, 02:02 PM
Even though, zero cases in batam, we are not allowed to enter batam, unless have a kitas, and the 14 days lockup....
We may have to forget about batam, and wait for the vaccine.
Those without the kitas, have to leave by end of the month....

18-07-2020, 06:21 AM
Even though, zero cases in batam, we are not allowed to enter batam, unless have a kitas, and the 14 days lockup....
We may have to forget about batam, and wait for the vaccine.
Those without the kitas, have to leave by end of the month....

Actually Covid-19 situation in Singapore is much serious than most Asean countries, although Indonesia has more cases than Singapore, but Indonesia only has 304 cases per 1 million population while Singapore has 8108 cases per 1 million population, Indonesia is 2648 times bigger than Singapore, even Batam alone is twice as big as Singapore, so chances to get infected with Covid-19 in Singapore is actually much higher than in Batam and other part of Indonesia. So I believe that the main reason for Singapore government reluctant to allow Singaporean for going to Batam for short trip is not mainly because of pandemic, this is just excuse. I believe the main reason is because service sector in Singapore has been hit hard by the pandemic, especially during CB period, so the government does not want Singaporean to spend money overseas. As tourists from overseas can't come into Singapore at the moment, service sector currently heavily dependent on local consumption to survive, if the government allow Singaporean for going to Batam or JB now, it will be another hit to local service sector, more retailers will be out of business. So even vaccine is available now, Singaporean would still won't be allowed for travelling overseas for holiday until lical service sector has recover substantially, I predict that this won't be happening until 2023. So expect long waiting time. By that time, Batam would be totally different, Balai will be dead, like another Batu.

18-07-2020, 02:01 PM
Today if anyone ask me what the odds of catching the coronavirus comparing Batam and Singapore. I would say Batam is safer than Singapore. Common sense, Singapore is so congested (try peak hours on public transport,malls etc) and Batam has way much lesser congestion. Same piece of land area, with about 4 to 5 times lesser people. The number of non-Singaporean and non-PRs in Singapore is already more than the whole Batam's population,hehehe...

LOLOLOLOL.....u r so damn rite nw.....lol :D

little bit common sense go long way sia....u reli can go work as pt-time fortune teller liao....lol :p

i agree btm safer 2.....lol

UVc is good nw because the corona virus just went airborne!! :eek:


Most facts are from some expert scientist who holds evidence of the virus being airborne.

tis 1 mus agn use common sense liao....lol...

got 'expert' say face mask no useful against cockvid wen it first starts first few mths....lol

got expert say cockvid no human 2 human spread during start....onli say aerosol spread later on....lol...even go 2 create sm new cheena word tat cannot be found in ani cheena dicktionary call wat 'qi nong jiao chuan bo'....lol

nw this veri same EXPERTS say can human 2 human spread by air borne but is not a big driver of cockvid-19....lol.

i use my ownself kar cheng 2 tink aso knw la....how can air borne transmission virus spread b less contract transmissive than aerosol spread....lol....

i tink i aso got read sm where, on-surface contract of the virus aso not veri high....lol....like tat means wat?

airborne spread no a big driver 2 contracting the cockvid-19....on-surface contact aso the same....lol...onli aerosol spread of the virus is??? :confused:

& no 4get hor....aerosol spread aka 'qi rong jiao chuan bo' is a newly invented verse hor.....previously no found in ani dicktionary one lei....lol :D

so sm time read news aso mus use common sense de. No wonder mani ppl read tose news until their ownself countries got so mani cockvid cases. Result of too much science facts, & too little common senses engaged. :D

wait a min, tere got 1 canadian guy in canada who say 'wear mask will bound 2 make u sick'....lol.... at 1.14 of vid. So much education, so little common sense. :p


i post the vid is no racist hor, jus wan bring a message is wear mask no make anybodi sick de. :rolleyes: