View Full Version : My Girlfriend's Birthday Chalet Happenings
12-09-2006, 08:11 PM
I am here to share some of my real life stories. Hope all bros enjoy it. This real life stories is about my gf celebrating her birthday in a chalet that i booked for her and it was 3 days 2 nights and there were some great happenings there as well. :p Please do know that she is now no more my girlfiend.
1 Month before my girlfriend's birthday, my girlfriend was already bugging me to open a chalet for her and to make her happy so i did open a chalet for her but i told her on a condition which was the first day and night, we will invite her friends over to celebrate her bday but i told her the 2nd day and night, we must not have any friends around and only the two of us having our romantic times. And she agreed.
Finally the day of her birthday arrived and the day before we already bought all the food stuff and i also bought alot of alcohol so that can drink. So the whole afternoon we were preparing all the stuff and i even got to go and collect the birthday cake. Soon it was evening time and one by one, her friends and my friends are arriving. And we all started to bbq and start to open the alcohols and beers and start to eat and drink and talk cock sing song as well. Soon it was around 10pm and i took out the birthday cake and all sang happy birthday and blow out the candles. After that continue the eating and drinking and talking.
Soon it was 12mn already and one by one all leaving the chalet, left my 2 brothers(not real brothers), my girlfriend and me in the chalet. So we seat down and started to play dai dee, very common game but nothing else to do so play. Loser have to drink, as my girlfriend keep on losing and she keep on drinking and drinking and at around 3am, she was totally drunk and she even vomitted, i had to bring her to the tiolet and she was like a baby where i got to strip her naked and shower her and clean her up, finally managed to put her on the bed and she was sleeping. Suddenly my brother came to ask me whether he can have my gf, then i said what you mean, then he smack my head and said he wants to fuck my girlfriend. To me brothers are very important somemore this girlfriend, i was only playing only, not serious at all. So i agreed and 1 of my brother immediately lie down beside my girlfriend and he was touching her all over and started to strip her naked, my girlfriend was totally drunk and i guess she though it was me and she even start to french with my brother and soon my brother was fingering her and she was moaning softly. She was so drunk that she even lick my brother's nipples and even suck his cock and soon my brother cannot take it already and started to put his cock inside her pussy and pump her so hard that she was moaning very loudly and finally my brother cummed and shot his cum all over her stomach.
After that my brothers left and i help my girlfriend clean up again and then sleep beside her.
This is the end of PART 1, i will continue with PART 2 which will be the happening of the 2 day at the chalet. Hope all bros like this real life story of mine. You mean think i am very heartless and to play her, but i am just sharing here.
Hope all bros enjoy this PART 1. Thanks alot bros. :)
12-09-2006, 08:16 PM
Wah lau u sure or not? Can intro me such lobang or not. Heehee:D
12-09-2006, 08:37 PM
Wah lau u sure or not? Can intro me such lobang or not. Heehee:D
bro devil069, i also hope i can intro such lobang to you. But that was the past already and just sharing out to all bros.
But if next time got such lobang i will invite you to go. Hehe! :D
12-09-2006, 08:48 PM
Where is part 2?
12-09-2006, 08:53 PM
wat an unlucky gf u have there.Even just play play also not right to do such a thing.But if u r happy and proud abt it then good for u.
12-09-2006, 09:28 PM
wat an unlucky gf u have there.Even just play play also not right to do such a thing.But if u r happy and proud abt it then good for u.
I am not proud of it bro Shuang_Jie_Gun, but i was just sharing my real life stories to all bros.
I also don't know why i got zapped, but i nevermind as what i am doing is just sharing with all bros. zap or up me also nvm. :)
Just hope all bros will continue to enjoy my other parts. :cool:
12-09-2006, 09:49 PM
Bro, I guess its just that some of them think that it is kind of ungentlemanly to let your brother do it to your gf.
I know the view on brotherhood, the closeness and going through thick and thin but to do that to your gf was not right though it didnt warrant a zap from me.
Nevertheless, do treat your woman/gf/wife with respect, they are with you coz they feel for you. They see something in you which appeals to them. They put their outmost trust in you. So do give them that in return too.
That might have sounded naive but that is how i feel.
12-09-2006, 11:41 PM
I am not proud of it bro Shuang_Jie_Gun, but i was just sharing my real life stories to all bros.
I also don't know why i got zapped, but i nevermind as what i am doing is just sharing with all bros. zap or up me also nvm. :)
Just hope all bros will continue to enjoy my other parts.
I am totally disgusted by your irresponsible actions! Just hope that someone don't do that to your sisters or wife-to-be! :D What goes round come around!
12-09-2006, 11:54 PM
I still dun think u r doing the right thing unless you got your gf approval. Nevertheless to be your bro is very luck and to be your gf, it would be fxxking sad case.
12-09-2006, 11:59 PM
bro devil069, i also hope i can intro such lobang to you. But that was the past already and just sharing out to all bros.
But if next time got such lobang i will invite you to go. Hehe! :D
Hahaha I will remember that k. Meanwhile enjoy yourself in this jungle:D
13-09-2006, 12:00 AM
One word to said about this guy for letting his girl to be fuck by another guy just because your friend are more valueable than the one provide for you need time to time without any complain.Asshole :mad: You should be zap by more gd SBF here and be kick out of this site asshole:mad:
13-09-2006, 12:43 AM
wow.. sure would like to b ur bro.. :p anyway great of u to share ur experiences with us.. hope to hear more soon..
13-09-2006, 12:52 AM
wow.. sure would like to b ur bro.. :p anyway great of u to share ur experiences with us.. hope to hear more soon..
hahaha, are you sure you want to be his brother?
He is allowing his so called good brothers to do it RAW? Good luck man :D
13-09-2006, 01:07 AM
u are lucky yr girlfriend didn't know.if she know,she might sue yr brother for rape or anyway being yr brother also very XIN FU hor.:D
13-09-2006, 01:39 AM
respect a bit la.. girls not playthings..
but then again to each his own..
continue ur story soon. ;)
13-09-2006, 01:50 AM
I am here to share some of my real life stories. Hope all bros enjoy it. This real life stories is about my gf celebrating her birthday in a chalet that i booked for her and it was 3 days 2 nights and there were some great happenings there as well.
Bro, frankly speaking, i dun feel horny or shiok abt this story. In fact, i feel sad and pity the girl, and did not even enjoyed reading in detail of how ur bro bonked her:( . Even if u r juz playing with the girl, and maybe she is a 'anyrider' slut, that's doesnt means u can do this 2 her. She is still somebody's daughter. I'm not trying to act like a saint here. I also have 'play play' girlfriends b4, but i still treated those girlfriends well. U should try 2 hint at her at bonking with ur bro,do some dirty talks and maybe she will agree if she also play play with u.
I never intend to zap u and i WILL NOT zap u. As u said, this was your past story. Who's doesnt has a past anyways. But pls, dun repeat anythings bad again. Trust me, get the girl's permission and u may get more than u bargained!!! :D
I pity your gf for having a bf like you... such despicable lowlife... There's nothing proud of this act of yours and i personally condemm you...
13-09-2006, 02:49 AM
:eek: I dun noe what to say... good or bad or horney
Guess its:-
Good - for your bro who screwed her (how come no threesome meh?)
Bad - for your x-gf (not good la she drunk do this kind of thing, but maybe she also horney)
Horney - not for me la
Its just my opinion ah, and do post more of your story man :D
13-09-2006, 02:49 AM
a neat contribution and effort, maybe you can put this as fiction since it can be a turn off when you think of it.
13-09-2006, 07:19 AM
frankly speaking, people like you are equivalent to animal. even though you are not true to your gf but you shouldn't do such thing. what do you mean brother is more important. i think you are still very young. please wake up your idea and stop writing your "true" life stories. :mad: :(
13-09-2006, 08:29 AM
Threadstarter i dunno your chalet, GF & bro stuff isit true bo.But come to think of it. It's already in the past, but some bro here always like to read the story like reading newspaper thus emotionally invole a bit too lah(dun tell me bo hoh) Cos when i m a newbie i also read with great enthusiat too. But as time fly by who care anymore!
Btw guys this is cyberworld & threadstarter is just trying to post some juicy stories for us to read after that imagine & fantasy liao den go home look for CO or FL to release our hard day stress tio bo?:D
So cliffhanger looking forward to your next installment for us bro here to enjoy. But dun ever do such thing like in your story now & in future to your GF or CO hoh! Cheers :)
13-09-2006, 08:56 AM
If the story is really true..u really r an assHole..Pity the ger....imagine u r that ger and i call mine frenz to fuck u..
13-09-2006, 10:01 AM
Ass hole your next generation will be treated the same way ..........there will be KAMA, bro. This is not the right things to do.
13-09-2006, 10:40 AM
One of the taboos of brotherhood is you don't screw your brother's wife or gf. Can't believe you let your brother screw yours.
13-09-2006, 11:02 AM
Can't u guys read with a open mind & dun think so much in it? Oops did i talk too much need to zap me again? If yes pls leave your nick so i will up u instead :D :D
13-09-2006, 11:28 AM
The whole story is contradicting so it cannot be true.
1) She was naked after the shower and how could his bro strip her again?
2) If u ever make love with a drunk women. She will not lick you go give u a BJ without knowing who she's doing.
Total crap. And if it is true. No wonder his rep is in the red.
13-09-2006, 11:35 AM
Part 1 is already kinda sick..
Brothers yes.. But to share GFs with brothers regardless I serious about the girl is a big NO NO to me..
Not very interested in the stroy.. But some bros here might be.. enjoy..
13-09-2006, 11:36 AM
The whole story is contradicting so it cannot be true.
1) She was naked after the shower and how could his bro strip her again?
2) If u ever make love with a drunk women. She will not lick you go give u a BJ without knowing who she's doing.
Total crap. And if it is true. No wonder his rep is in the red.
If she is drunk she knn can't keep her legs up nor sit up let alone to lick n suck......MOAN LOUD......o pls.....dead fish got no sound maybe hardened nipple which is norm
13-09-2006, 11:40 AM
read the story with interest .....and finally sum up .... unscrupulous "brudder" coaxing another naive brudder (PEER PRESSURE)into friends lidat who needs enemies.....:(
so guys ....wise up ...certain things just simply CANNOT SHARE .......
nebertheless , still wanna read Part II ley......whahahahahahaha:p
13-09-2006, 11:47 AM
Brothers, leave off this guy. He shared an entertaining story with us all.
Don't be so quick to judge on the truth or if what he did was right or wrong.
Relax, enjoy the story - I did - and encourage more. Keep your negative comments to yourself, they don't encourage.
Bro, I look forward to part 2
13-09-2006, 11:48 AM
I guess this fellow bro have threaded on the land mine.
Samsters here are horny but letting others bonk ur gal fren or spouse have angered many bros here as this is a very real scenario and can happen to anyone of us.
Like the gahment says:"The Threat is real" and the fear is close to us.
Frankly I feel disgusted also but let's just read and move on, which I have commented on some issues and some bros ask me to move on.
This chalet story may be real as I personally experience that in the younger days, many so call pai kias like to organise BBQs and gatherings in chalets(pai kias like self proclaim AST, 18, 369, 21 that kind of SS wannebes). It is actually an opportunity to mass orgy to bonk the female members in the gang. Those gals were coaxed to drink lots of beer and alchol, (which never runs out of supply). When they were tipsy the action begins. first fellow will strip her and bonk first and others are outside fiddle her other parts. As the gals are not drunk and awake, they response cos they njoyed the sex. One night can easily bonk 6 gals for a guy and many of them young and Ah Lian so they do mind so many guys up them in 1 night, in fact they enjoyed it !!! After that, they will actually stick to 1 of the guy members(the hiong and good looking one and he will have exclusive bonking rights to the Lian).
So the chalet story sounds kinda real oso....
Please do not zap me if you don't like what I write, I am just sharing stories.
13-09-2006, 12:01 PM
Whether real or fiction, all sinful family members here enjoy zapping you after reading. Go on with your sinful story, and all samsters have the rights also to zap you if they don't approve your sin. Good luck.
13-09-2006, 12:23 PM
This chalet story may be real as
Please do not zap me if you don't like what I write, I am just sharing stories.
i have heard of this b4 also. not me, but my friend. they all went to the chalet and actually take turns to F the girls when they are drunk. they term it as " pai lo tee":o
13-09-2006, 03:03 PM
rape charges for your "bro" who did her.
abetting rape charges for u and the "bro" who didnt do anything, i suppose.
karma will come to u, and hopefully, if u didnt go to jail, i hope nothing happens to u. cos your daughter will suffer for u.
knn, PSLE coming lah. spend more time on your studies, and stop watching your dad's porn stash.:mad:
13-09-2006, 03:20 PM
Relax, enjoy the story - I did - and encourage more. Keep your negative comments to yourself, they don't encourage.
Bro, I look forward to part 2
Hey Shanghai-guy, hope you are not encouraging other brothers to share out their girlfriends without their permission hor!
Commercial sex is very cheap and you can get it easily in Singapore at any time. If you cannot afford it, go PCC. Don't enjoy others at the expense of girl who thought that you are trustworthy. I despise fuckers that take advantage of the weaker sex:D
13-09-2006, 03:27 PM
Are points really that impt to you brudders & sistas out there?
I mean, c'mon! why are there are so many people here who share a bit of story and wait so long to share the next installment. All these while hoping and hawking for people to up points before sharing part two?
Pls advise?
13-09-2006, 03:58 PM
Are points really that impt to you brudders & sistas out there?
Points are not important here, but it will help you to get lobangs and contacts for FL and other good staff. Hence building up your points is a good idea. Some will not share contacts with you if u have low rep points.
My 2 cents
13-09-2006, 04:05 PM
Yo, i hope this is not going to be a war zone. Just hope everyone who disagree with this guy's doing can cool off. Just let the guy writes what he wants to lah. Whatever the content maybe, true or not, there's not need to kick up a fuss. Living life in Spore is stressful enough. Loosen up lah. i believe this forum is for us to lighten up ourselves. :D
13-09-2006, 04:16 PM
I am not proud of it bro Shuang_Jie_Gun, but i was just sharing my real life stories to all bros....
I pity your ex-gf, and I pray for your soul... hrmm... wait, I don't think you deserve my prayers :mad:
13-09-2006, 05:55 PM
hello bros, i know that i will kena deduct pts but i have to say this.
this forum is just a forum. for pple to share story and swap views. whther rite or wrong who are we to say? i believe everyone has different views.
i find it funny that pple will read and up pts of bros who go and seduce other pple wife, gf, husband etc but will deduct pt for this. pple can say wah this guy share his wife/gf with other guys (hotwife-ing by bro peter pan etc) and it is so hot and happening...can intro to me not etc and yet pple say this bro is wrong. well i can understand the theory of "date rape" and some would say that this is no different from a date rape but it actually is some what different. however, isn't this the same as the bro who share story saying that his ex-gf who is married mistook his frd for him and his frd wife mistook him for his frd when all 4 were slightly drunk in a dark rm?
bros. i believe that while we can question his actions and morality, i believe that we should just let the threadstarter tell his story lah. lest we all seem to contradict what we say when we encourage other bros in their story-telling...
13-09-2006, 06:00 PM
I am here to share some of my real life stories. Please do know that she is now no more my girlfiend.
Suddenly my brother came to ask me whether he can have my gf.... To me brothers are very important somemore this girlfriend, i was only playing only, not serious at all. So i agreed and ....pump her so hard that she was moaning very loudly and finally my brother cummed and shot his cum all over her stomach.
Let other ppl touch your gal and fuck her in front of u and you are still so proud of it !! :mad:
It's really unlucky of your gf to have a bf like you.
Lucky she no longer w u.
13-09-2006, 06:02 PM
i find it funny that pple will read and up pts of bros who go and seduce other pple wife, gf, husband etc but will deduct pt for this. pple can say wah this guy share his wife/gf with other guys (hotwife-ing by bro peter pan etc) and it is so hot and happening...can intro to me not etc and yet pple say this bro is wrong. well i can understand the theory of "date rape" and some would say that this is no different from a date rape but it actually is some what different. however, isn't this the same as the bro who share story saying that his ex-gf who is married mistook his frd for him and his frd wife mistook him for his frd when all 4 were slightly drunk in a dark rm?
There's a difference between deceit and a willing partner... this joker is really a lowlife that will sell his gal's body and live on soft rice and be proud of it !!
*shake head*
Actually which is worst :
1. the threadstarter who let others fuck his drunk gf,
2. or the bro who is so horny cannot control urges must upped another bro's gf.
13-09-2006, 07:42 PM
<<After that my brothers left and i help my girlfriend clean up again and then sleep beside her.>>
You are the worst scum on earth. Even a pimp is better than you. If I meet people like you I will trash you till they suck your friends prick.
13-09-2006, 08:48 PM
:mad: pls respect girl ba...i dun think she deserve tis way ba...even u dun love her or wat..u oso canot ask ur bro to do tis diffcult to be frenz u noe,we can be frenz is god fated if she get to be ur GF,so i think it even more diffcult den been hope u dun do tis again..juz leave her if u dun love her...u noe wat is one day she realli touch ur heart and u love her u feel when u noe ur bro fuck her b4 rite..think stop here...
13-09-2006, 09:08 PM
*shake head*
Actually which is worst :
1. the threadstarter who let others fuck his drunk gf,
2. or the bro who is so horny cannot control urges must upped another bro's gf.Both also @#$%& :mad:
Bittersweet Guy
14-09-2006, 12:43 AM
Soon it was 12mn already and one by one all leaving the chalet, left my 2 brothers(not real brothers),....... So i agreed and 1 of my brother immediately lie down beside my girlfriend..... After that my brothers left and i help my girlfriend clean up again and then sleep beside her.
Hmm... the other brother there only squeezing his own balls while watching the actions? :rolleyes:
She was so drunk that she even lick my brother's nipples and even suck his cock
If she can lick and suck when she was so drunk, cant imagine what will happen when she is sober! :D
14-09-2006, 01:36 AM
this kind of thing u also want to share.....there is nothing nice about it and u feel very proud?
its someone's daughter alrite
14-09-2006, 01:37 AM
this kind of thing u also want to share.....there is nothing nice about it and u feel very proud?
its someone's daughter alrite....can u image your own daughter kanna a guy like u as a bf.....
14-09-2006, 02:10 AM
To the thread started: If this story is real, I think your gf has had a jerk boyfriend. Brotherhood u may have preached. But is this the way u treat ur so called brothers? Jus imagine how much that gf of urs is going thru when she finds out just for you to type these few hundred words. Well, this is my first post here and thanx to u I started my first post since I joined nearly 1 year ago. And if it is a fake story. U shud be zapped for mentioning its real! Aniway true or made up, I think ure jus fucked up.
14-09-2006, 02:30 AM
I whipped out my cock and start to masturbate...but when reached the part about your "bro" fucking her...i kinda sian....maybe i guess i am just not that open at all...
14-09-2006, 03:00 AM
I whipped out my cock and start to masturbate...but when reached the part about your "bro" fucking her...i kinda sian....maybe i guess i am just not that open at all...
so late still so HORNY:D ..can always watch porn mah.....heheehehhe
14-09-2006, 03:05 AM
I can share things with my bros but definately not sharing my girl wherethe i like her or not.
How would u feel if you are drunk and she ask some guys to f*** ur back side.
ewww.. i feel disgusted by tat story. if any one of my bros said tat to me, i would definately screw his a*s b4 he can even finish e sentence.
Juz imagine if that gal is your daughter... :mad:
Would you like to hear that your daughter's fren to take turn F her! OMG!
Big Sexy
14-09-2006, 10:18 AM
dude.. you and your friend can be charge with RAPE!
now that you have confessed the crime.. all that is needed is for SAM to send your IP to the relevant authority together with your message and you can wash your ass clean clean and get ready to get whip. Got the message? you are lucky sam doesnt reveal IP addreses..but mind you there are ways to check IP addresses.
i really cannot comprehend people coming here boasting about their silly sex crime/experience... ego, ignorance or pure dumb i wonder.
This real life stories is about my gf celebrating her birthday To me brothers are very important somemore this girlfriend, i was only playing only, not serious at all. So i agreed and started to put his cock inside her pussy and pump her so hard that she was moaning very loudly and finally my brother cummed and shot his cum all over her stomach.
14-09-2006, 10:47 AM
Bro Big Sexy,
Just wanna say high !! Your avatar never fails to bring a smile to my face when I C u posting.:D
14-09-2006, 10:55 AM
Agree totally with Big Sexy. If your gf has willingly consented to having sex with your brudders in a sober state, that is her perogative. Your brudders have taken advantage of her in a state that she is drunk! What you have done is criminal and is very unfair to your ex-gf.
dude.. you and your friend can be charge with RAPE!
now that you have confessed the crime..
14-09-2006, 11:20 AM
If she is drunk she knn can't keep her legs up nor sit up let alone to lick n suck......MOAN LOUD......o pls.....dead fish got no sound maybe hardened nipple which is norm
i forgot... u are the bonk king of prawns and fishes!:D
14-09-2006, 11:51 AM
Hi all bros,
Ever since posting the first line of the thread, the threadstarter seems to disappear into thin air. I guess it will be rather useless to flame him now. Although he seems to claim that it is a true story, there are still some doubtful points. A girl after vomiting will likely have a strong smelly stench and his brother can still french her. I wonder how is he bathed the girlfriend when she is dead drunk. If any of you tried to carry someone who is dead drunk, you all will understand how hard it will be to maintain the person in balance. Threadstarter mentioned there are 2 bros in the room If one of it is upping his girlfriend, what is the other one doing? Just purely watching??? Again, I might be wrong and perhaps the threadstarter is only bring a story. Just my HO
14-09-2006, 11:58 AM
Part 2 leiiii...
I'm still waiting.
Whoo Hoo. Knock Knock...
14-09-2006, 04:47 PM
dude.. you and your friend can be charge with RAPE!
now that you have confessed the crime.. all that is needed is for SAM to send your IP to the relevant authority together with your message and you can wash your ass clean clean and get ready to get whip. Got the message? you are lucky sam doesnt reveal IP addreses..but mind you there are ways to check IP addresses.
Bro, the crime he had committed is not just RAPE! He can also be charged for using the computer with the intent to induce a RAPE crime.
bro devil069, i also hope i can intro such lobang to you. But that was the past already and just sharing out to all bros.
But if next time got such lobang i will invite you to go. Hehe! .
Check out this,4136,113488,00.html? of a 42 year old Hong Kong businessman facing charge of using computer with intent to commit crime.
INSPIRED by a foreign news report he had read, a 42-year-old Hong Kong businessman went online and posted an invitation to like-minded men to take part in impromptu gang rapes.
'Each time, one of the gang (members) will rape the female from behind and others will render assistance and act as lookouts... That'll be great! This modus operandi has its origin in South Africa, now (it has) spread to the UK. I really hope it can be organised in HK!' said, Johnny Chan (above) in his 13 Aug posting on -- THE SUN HK
The message, which was posted on the Gossip section of's message board last year, drew more than 100 responses within days.
And while many of these expressed disgust at the proposition, there were also many interested parties, reported Apple Daily.
Alarmed by the possibility of the flash mob actually coming true, some concerned readers called the police.
In the first prosecution of its kind, Johnny Chan Sek-ming pleaded not guilty yesterday to two charges of outraging public decency, and two other charges of using a computer with intent to commit an offence.
The married man who runs a restaurant in Hong Kong admitted to being the author of the offending postings, but claimed they were 'merely a joke'.
19-09-2006, 10:53 AM
I think the treadstarter should clarify to us whether this story is REAL or just your FANTASY.
Feel sian everytime somebody starts a short story, the next 5 pages is filled with debates. Wouldn't it be better if they create another thread that says "Should you let your brother fuck your GF?"
19-09-2006, 01:10 PM
Hi threadstarter,
I feel disgusted after reading the story.
Since, I am entitled to zap or up in this forum, I have decided to zap you with 2 humble STK points after I regain my power.
So, I will zap you tomorrow. :D
19-09-2006, 01:28 PM
Its inhuman to do such a thing to a friend,(even though not girlfriend)!this guy is worse than an animal....I supposed he shared his friends' girlfriends too!U ought to be in jail,I do not have much points and power,or else I'll zap u all the way.....idiot!
19-09-2006, 01:35 PM
wow.. sure would like to b ur bro.. :p anyway great of u to share ur experiences with us.. hope to hear more soon..
Bro..u want to be his bro? Be prepare your share your gf..;)
19-09-2006, 01:47 PM
As I contemplate to deal you the moral high-hand, I have to admit I'm rather disturb by your ignorance. It is one thing to play a woman - because she is afterall a consciously willing party. But deciding it is OK for your so called "brother" to fuck your girlfriend while she is intoxicated is shocking to say the least.
While I will not zap your points (there's not much to zap anyway), I urge that you reflect on your actions and thank your lucky stars you're not charged and put away to prison.
Most importantly, I hope you have learnt your lesson and not let something like this happen again because you might not get away the next time round.
19-09-2006, 01:51 PM
Suddenly my brother came to ask me whether he can have my gf, then i said what you mean, then he smack my head and said he wants to fuck my girlfriend. zee lah..scare the bro whack him up if he dun let the bro up the really a failure in life man.. :D
19-09-2006, 04:53 PM
the threadstarter let his "bro" do his gal...damn jialat liaoz...
budden the so-called "bro" can actually ask to bonk her...i think is more f'ed more can "smack" the thread starter on the head and tell him "i wanna do her"...if my bro...before he can smack me...i make sure he sucking his own balls liaoz....
19-09-2006, 04:59 PM
threadstarter, u better not get drunk with your so call "bros" one day, u know y,your fucking bunch of desperate bros might just pull down your pant and fuck your dirty ass if they cannot find any girl to rape! Knn!
19-09-2006, 05:24 PM
Bro..i think u r a dammn fucker.. next time let ur so called brothers fuck ur wife or ur sister better rite.. i dun think you respect women.. she is your girl friend after all..
19-09-2006, 05:30 PM
Suddenly my brother came to ask me whether he can have my gf, then i said what you mean, then he smack my head and said he wants to fuck my girlfriend.
The above scenario are now put into conversation mode for more graphic understanding as follows:
*Fellow brotherhood approached threadstarter.*
Brotherhood : "Oi, cheebye whom I consider friend only bcoz of your lubangs, your girl tulan leng hai ler, I wanna have her."
Cheebye loser : "Dear gangster brother whom go through die die situation wit me before, coz of my negative 100 intelligent bar, I dun understand your simple request ler."
Brotherhood *face fuck threadstarter a couple of times* : "Oi, cheebye loser, I mean I wanna fuck her lun la, you cheebye low brain loser!"
Cheebye loser : "Dear gangster brotherhood, since you are such a mighty bully whom I look up to I will let you have my girl coz I've got no morals. In case you will ask me 20 years down the road, yes, you can fuck my 10 year old daughter too if you like. In fact, I would like you to fuck me too if you dun mi..."
*Brotherhood cuts cheebye off with another back slap on Cheebye's face*
Brotherhood : "Aiyo, stfu la, so cheong hei!!! I want to fuck your gf now la! Keep +++in like I would listen. Like that also dun understand, go eat shit la!" *Shoves cheebye to the toilet who then proceeded to eat feces.*
*Brotherhood proceeds to ravaged the gf*
*After the act, Brotherhood pulled Cheebye's face out of the toilet bowl.*
Brotherhood : "Okay! I had a satisfying bonk. Now go clean up my cum, shit or whatever I left on her and proceed to sleep next to her so that she won't know what happened and charge me with rape tomorrow... oh yeah, I'll take up your offer on your daughter too OK??"
Cheebye : "Ok brotherhood. You dun even need to ask bcoz you are my die die gangster bastard brother (not real brother), and I will also prepare a hotel room with jacuzzi and ..."
*Brotherhood interrupts cheebye with another slap*
Brotherhood " Aiyo, teach you so many times also never learn, Dun be so cheong hei la! I tu lan liao, was thinking of fucking your gf another round but now steam also die, I am going home la! You stay here and act dumb la!"
*Brotherhood left and Cheebye proceed to clean up bf and sleep next to her.*
End of story. No Part II coz Part II is abt the daughter and the brotherhood which will only happen in another 10 years time.
:D I can't help it! The statement was so retarded, I just have to write the above up hahaha!!! No offence! Haha!
19-09-2006, 05:44 PM
haha..that is funny !! Rem to continue the daughter with his bro story hor..
19-09-2006, 06:12 PM
Story ended....
20-09-2006, 09:25 AM
Hahahaha.......BRO Klzombie, I tnink you are a damn fucking good writer,go write a book about this fucking cbf and better still if you can draw his fucking coward expression in graphic!!! This is going to be hot selling title of the year...even at $50 a copy I will also buy and support you man......hahaha...
23-09-2006, 11:25 AM
I guess this fellow bro have threaded on the land mine.
Samsters here are horny but letting others bonk ur gal fren or spouse have angered many bros here as this is a very real scenario and can happen to anyone of us.
Like the gahment says:"The Threat is real" and the fear is close to us.
Frankly I feel disgusted also but let's just read and move on, which I have commented on some issues and some bros ask me to move on.
This chalet story may be real as I personally experience that in the younger days, many so call pai kias like to organise BBQs and gatherings in chalets(pai kias like self proclaim AST, 18, 369, 21 that kind of SS wannebes). It is actually an opportunity to mass orgy to bonk the female members in the gang. Those gals were coaxed to drink lots of beer and alchol, (which never runs out of supply). When they were tipsy the action begins. first fellow will strip her and bonk first and others are outside fiddle her other parts. As the gals are not drunk and awake, they response cos they njoyed the sex. One night can easily bonk 6 gals for a guy and many of them young and Ah Lian so they do mind so many guys up them in 1 night, in fact they enjoyed it !!! After that, they will actually stick to 1 of the guy members(the hiong and good looking one and he will have exclusive bonking rights to the Lian).
So the chalet story sounds kinda real oso....
Please do not zap me if you don't like what I write, I am just sharing stories.
Bro,i tink u maybe dun like so call pai kia ba...not every gang or ppl is like tat...coz who dun bad in young..but not all gang do tis not abt gang ting,it own thingin..dun u tink so..if tat guy wanna bonk tat girl,he will tink of alot of idea to bonk tis girl..if he or she dun wan,u oso canot do anything mah...
23-09-2006, 11:36 AM
Although we bros at SB loves sex,but its more to commercial sex, not this kind of "brotherhood".
I think Big boss will not agree to what you have did too.
But anyway kind of yuo to share but shame on your doings! hope you can think better next time.
Btw, If i were you, I would have slapped your bro that nite for his indecent proposal liao.
Ask yourself,in the 1st place, that "bro" of yours, is not showing respect to you.
Wake up lah!
23-09-2006, 11:45 AM
to the threadstarter, i hope u burn in hell.
23-09-2006, 01:12 PM
non-stop live firing, macam like isreal-lebanon
23-09-2006, 04:07 PM
Although we bros at SB loves sex,but its more to commercial sex, not this kind of "brotherhood".
I think Big boss will not agree to what you have did too.
But anyway kind of yuo to share but shame on your doings! hope you can think better next time.
Btw, If i were you, I would have slapped your bro that nite for his indecent proposal liao.
Ask yourself,in the 1st place, that "bro" of yours, is not showing respect to you.
Wake up lah!
Real men don't slap, they punch.
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