View Full Version : $250 an hour ladyboys and why
05-10-2006, 09:48 PM
Bros, there's been a lot of positive and negative interest in the ladyboys that charge $250 + or - per hour. I'm just providing some feedback from both sides so everybody can better understand the situation.
First the ladyboys side - They reason that they have to charge that price because:
1. They have to go to where the customer's hotel is usually. Here they have to pay for taxi and a trip to and fro on average takes up an hour.
2. They go all out to dress up, this means longer time to make up, do their hair etc. Again time lost.
3. When they get there they're expected to perform more than the usual BJ and FJ. Head to toe catbath, french kissing, footjobs, cum on body, sometimes cum in mouth and sometimes some customers want to be screwed and so on. Since they're on hormones getting this isn't easy but they try to please.
So basically they can can spend 3 hours or more; (sometimes customers aren't punctual) and be paid one hour's work. Whereas for those that also work at Rowell or Geylang they could get $200 or more for 3 hours (peak time) and yet don't have to waste so much time dressing up etc.
On our point of view:
1. We pay $30 or maybe $50 max per shot of between 20 to 30 mins at Rowell, Geylang or even Changi. We can afford to go more often.
2. If we don't require such a high level of service and just want to get off short and sharp this is ideal.
I haven't covered everything so please let's hear your opinion.
This is my suggestion for those that want something in between.
Try a few trans. Choose one that you're comfortable with and you've taken a few times, make a deal with her in person. Sometimes asking personally makes things easier. Don't do this on the phone or worst still if she doesn't know you. Trust me it will not work.
Negotiate a fee of maybe $80 to $100 an hour and say what you want special but do it at her usual working place so she doesn't have to travel or specially do herself up just for you. Also,don't be too demanding, they're only human like you and me.
BTW, some ladyboys have been getting calls asking for ridiculous things from people they dont know. It got to the point where one ladyboy switched off her phone the whole night. In the end genuine customers couldn't get through.
So, over to you bros or even sistas- Let's hear what you've got to say.
06-10-2006, 01:55 AM
OMG? :eek: :eek: really ah?
06-10-2006, 08:43 AM
I guess Bro dickrick is makin a good point here. But as a person with low income i still feel that 250$ an hour is very steep. Overall it depends on what kinda of satisfaction you get for that precious one hour. It will be very subjective, but if you only get an SOP action, i guess 250 dollars is far beyond cheap.
But i would understand their situation. Some of them might not be getting any customer in a stormydays.
so again indeed " time is money" and "no money no honey"
I guess im not ready to blow that amount of money yet. maybe one day i own an oil company, iill treat yo'all.
Btw .. how to recognize wanda from rowell ? want to try her. hoho
06-10-2006, 08:45 AM
Bros, it is really sad when you spend time on posting a subject which a lot of bros have spoken about and debated about and some guy who hasn't got the guts actually zaps you. On top of it saying that it was lame and full of shit!
I have asked for opinions and had hoped that others would express an opinion. I have not asked anybody to agree with me. I have provided both sides of the argument, I had hoped for some intelligent debate. If this is the quality of feedback then in future nobody else will start fresh threads or post any constructive comments. :mad:
06-10-2006, 09:55 AM
Sorry to hear that you got zapped bro dickrick. I agree with bro caelen, pple with us who earn peanuts can't really afford such "luxury" goods. Though I believe that the more you pay, the greater service you get, but for $250? That's really quite steep. I always felt that this kinda pricing is "farang" pricing coz unlike to us asians, $250 seems quite normal and affordable to caucasians or those "expats". Maybe they're rich thus willing to splurge on "higher quality entertainment".
For me, i'll rather go for cheap screws coz i believe in quantity over quality. Firstly, paying 8 installments of $30/$40 doesn't give me as much heartache as a $250 one-time payment (If I can afford 8 $250 shots and not feel a pinch, that'll be great!). Secondly and obviously, I get 8 shots rather then 1 great shot. Also, i can experience the variety of services from different labyboys and pray that I can unearth some gems.
Like what bro dickrick says, it's better to try out and identify your favourite trans, book an hour or so with her and enjoy your 60 mins of uninterrupted bonk. Cheaper than $250, yet higher sextifaction then your usual rowell romp.
I appeal to all trans loving to join in our discussions in the various tranny thread and share their experiences and views.
Bro caelen-abramovich, i'll be waiting for ur treat! maybe can get 10 x $250 for a mass orgy! :D I think we'll probably end up with torn-up ass ourselves, haha!
06-10-2006, 12:36 PM
i think different tea suit different peop. its like some peop will spend $500/hr for escort while i just spend $40 for 25min in Lorong 6. different peop got different spending power. who knows when i got bigger spending power i will upgrade:D
08-10-2006, 09:19 PM
The question for me is whether Im getting wat Im paying for? If he/she can guarantee top service than Im fine. What can be more fustrating after the bonk(pocket burnt)you feel cheated.
09-10-2006, 06:41 PM
$250 per hour?is it Jolin-lookalike?Slim,sweet & sexy like the image in Mr Q MTV?:D
09-10-2006, 08:49 PM
The question for me is whether Im getting wat Im paying for? If he/she can guarantee top service than Im fine. What can be more fustrating after the bonk(pocket burnt)you feel cheated.
Top service is kinda relative for me, for example, like me im quite easy to please. I went to VC site and called some of them to nego the price. So far the lowest i can get from there is $150 for 2 hour. well dunno what kinda service they can provide me with.
Im not a huge fan of unsafe sex. so if I should pay more for a BBBJ or CIM... well i dun think so. i enjoyed some intellectual talk that is what turns me on i guess.
But i agree that frustration comes after you got a lousy service and paid 250 dollars for it. Any bro had this kind of treatment before? So far the Lbs that i met will do their best to accomadate you. i would say they are more professional than normal ladies of course in general.
Cheers !
09-10-2006, 10:46 PM
For me, income not big, max I pay is 50 bucks for good looker and good service.
And for sure no rush, can take time and a bit friendly. Maybe give 2 shot?
All those ppl pay $250 maybe peiseh to go Rowell, maybe too low class for them or scared their friend see them. Even if I kena 4D I dun think I will. I can go for normal one 7 times somemore still got beer money. :)
10-10-2006, 10:13 AM
thanks for clearing some lights for why $250 for the "out-calling"
anyway.. like most say, to generalise. if you are want more "private" show, more time, more service. guess you have to pay.
likewise, if you dun mind being "caught" going into the gate (most likely will not happen) a safe quickie, $30 is actually quite a good catch.
like all business positioning. there are high-ranges products/services and low ranges but it also does solve your needs
its all depends on if you can afford a BMW but most can only afford a KIA
10-10-2006, 11:01 AM
hmm for me i guess its the same as i go the the ang pai $40 thais and the normal $150 malaysian, cos dunno the ang pai in there. i find that the $40 thais are better then the $150 ones. just that the $150 ones can spend longer time inside.:o
10-10-2006, 09:04 PM
its all depends on if you can afford a BMW but most can only afford a KIA
not even a KIA .. hahhaha .. i ride my little yellow bicycle, makes me even hotter... kakakkaka ...
10-10-2006, 09:13 PM
hmm for me i guess its the same as i go the the ang pai $40 thais
i have to agree with this point,the cat 40 thai gals may not lose in terms of looks & svc hor,thank God me found a regular which is making me contended enough to save me from looking for other bonks. =)
12-10-2006, 05:55 AM
Bros, it is really sad when you spend time on posting a subject which a lot of bros have spoken about and debated about and some guy who hasn't got the guts actually zaps you. On top of it saying that it was lame and full of shit!
Bro dickrick, dun lose any sleep over it, I up you for your constant contributions and dedication to LB threads ;)
12-10-2006, 06:07 AM
Bro dickrick, dun lose any sleep over it, I up you for your constant contributions and dedication to LB threads ;)
Ya! Ya! Bro Dickrick, don't loose any sleep over such morons.
This is a forum where we try to contribute constructive information for all bros and yet once a while an idiot comes along and writes nonsense and flames you. Why bother with such people, they are just sick.
Do not bother even to reply them, and they will die a natural death.
I am with you all the way for your contributions.:)
12-10-2006, 06:49 AM
i have to agree with this point,the cat 40 thai gals may not lose in terms of looks & svc hor,thank God me found a regular which is making me contended enough to save me from looking for other bonks. =)
so who the one make u so content???:D
12-10-2006, 11:59 AM
i have to agree with this point,the cat 40 thai gals may not lose in terms of looks & svc hor,thank God me found a regular which is making me contended enough to save me from looking for other bonks. =)
ya. me too. but sometime its frustrating that the regular ORD from the scence and got to search for another one.;)
12-10-2006, 05:55 PM
so who the one make u so content???:D
someone sweet from the Land Of Smiles. =)
12-10-2006, 05:58 PM
ya. me too. but sometime its frustrating that the regular ORD from the scence and got to search for another one.;)
yes,this my 3rd one liao,missed the last 2 thou.It's not easy to find someone whom u can click with when the urge arises. :)
13-10-2006, 08:45 AM
yes,this my 3rd one liao,missed the last 2 thou.It's not easy to find someone whom u can click with when the urge arises. :)
ya man. go in and have the best time of your life. shes knows what u like and do it. slowly and no rush. best if can communicate.:D
13-10-2006, 02:16 PM
Don't waste time thinking over the $250 LB. Firstly, whatever reasons given, they are damn expensive, and will not gurantee that they are hospitable.
Secondly, most of them, in fact all of them do not reply to your calls and messages. Either they are too busy or they will only reply to a foreign number as most LB lovers in this area knows that the cost should not exceed $50 for a good one.
My reconmendations is to get a good local, Indo, Malay, Chinese and Thai included from Rowell, CV or Lor 16 and be happy.
Even OT is not worth the money compared to these. LBs
14-10-2006, 11:34 AM
Secondly, most of them, in fact all of them do not reply to your calls and messages. Either they are too busy or they will only reply to a foreign number as most LB lovers in this area knows that the cost should not exceed $50 for a good one.
My reconmendations is to get a good local, Indo, Malay, Chinese and Thai included from Rowell, CV or Lor 16 and be happy.
Even OT is not worth the money compared to these. LBs
Actually I cannot understand why they have this lack of courtesy. On the one hand they want the big money but on the other they don't want to communicate with potential customers. No doubt they get a lot of nuisance calls, but so does any other business! Sometimes it's difficult to understand these people! :confused:
14-10-2006, 01:57 PM
Actually I cannot understand why they have this lack of courtesy. On the one hand they want the big money but on the other they don't want to communicate with potential customers. No doubt they get a lot of nuisance calls, but so does any other business! Sometimes it's difficult to understand these people! :confused:
Bro Dickrick
I will try to give an understanding to this. I met a few lbs before and ask them why they never reply my msgs ( im using either indo singapore or Australian no).
The thing is most of them are using prepaid service. and 1 overseas sms could cost them 50 cents .. which is quite heavy if you think about it. Yes they do receive a lot of nuisance call and smses. But normally for overseas calls they will still accept but for overseas smses they will not sound very courteous..
There are some Lbs i know .. really really being sincere and nice and when i asked for their services normally i give them something extrra to cover their bill or something ..
I have tried to use 250 dollars service. hmmm i felt more freedom when im doing it because of the ambience and with no fear of rushing..
my 20 cents worth .. cheers bro !
14-10-2006, 10:44 PM
Bro caelen, yes I understand if an SMS costs 50 cents to send it's an expensive thing. But here I think bro Goldwing 1800 and myself were referring to local numbers which costs 5 cents if you use prepaid cards. Anyway, I put it down to the non commercial attitude they take sometimes. Not much point trying to explain to them, I guess.
So to summarise the points brought up so far...
Basically the argument for the bros is clearly that they prefer the short quickies as being better value. They are also saying that if you want the privacy and extras that the $250 service is the way. (The other factor to note is that you may not get what you expect for this money and end up on the losing end.)
Seems to be the combination would be to take a regular one from your favourite spot and do a deal if you want long time pleasure.
As for further ladyboy's point of view, I did invite a Filipino LB to comment on this thread but didn't get a reply.
Anyway many thanks for the support and points of the bros here. It is gratefully acknowledged. Happy bonking bros!
15-10-2006, 04:41 AM
I have tried to use 250 dollars service. hmmm i felt more freedom when im doing it because of the ambience and with no fear of rushing..
Bro, did u have to book a room or did they come to your place? For me, I have always wanted to try the higher-end priced service but not sure if it's worth extra :rolleyes: ..I usually patronise LBs from Rowell Rd or pick up from IRC.
15-10-2006, 06:23 PM
Bro aces68, jus being kaypoh here. You usually book a room as the ladyboys are not comfortable going to a non-hotel location if they don't know you very well. They do fear being robbed etc.
For us who are used to Rowell and tried a particular ladyboy, you can roughly gauge whether "she" has the potential to go further. If you don't know the ladyboy, it can be a gamble as you could burn 250 bucks plus hotel room costs at one go.
15-10-2006, 10:41 PM
Kindly pass contact to Singrakthai he loves his ladyboys:D
16-10-2006, 03:22 AM
bro dickrick, thanks for the advice
31-01-2007, 12:24 AM
the equation should be:
top service, beautiful LB = high price
no complaints..if its too pricey for u go to another ladyboy...there are a lot in the market im sure...
one reason i think for LBs like me is we have a target market which are caucasians who can easily afford that kind of money PLUS i personally dont wanna fuck 5 men for 500 SGD and would rather have 2 or max of 3 men for 500 makes sense ryt?
plus in the long run my shelf life lasts longer cause i dont overexert myself so QUALITY versus QUANTITY applies for me...
and it is also true most LBs are more highy maintained than women...hormones, surgery, updating their wardrobe etc...
31-01-2007, 04:33 AM
Bro Rick,
F... those guys who try to be too clever. Afterall, you have asked for feedbacks so that all can benefit.You have contribuited constructively over the years on a subject you know well, and I say to you Guru Dickrick...keep them coming.
27-02-2007, 02:47 PM
Dear Brothers
Please allow me to share my experience with you.
1) I wanted to have some fun today and searched the website for shemales in Singapore.
2) Found this Filipino one named "Laika"; very nice description in her website. Emailed her and told her I am local Singaporean and wanted her services. She replied that it cost S$150 including use of her room in Bencoolen Street hotel.
3) When I sms her and agreed, she told me that her price is $250 and that the $150 was a typo. I told her that I could not afford and she quickly changed her price back to S$150. Wah, I already no kick cos she tried to fleece me.
4) Even so, I said I would wish to see her but she now stopped replying to my sms. I think she has a bad attitude cos she tried to cheat me but failed and now she is keeping silent.
My humble contribution so that our brothers here do not get the same trick from her. Thank you.
28-02-2007, 01:21 AM
Dear Brothers
Please allow me to share my experience with you.
1) I wanted to have some fun today and searched the website for shemales in Singapore.
2) Found this Filipino one named "Laika"; very nice description in her website. Emailed her and told her I am local Singaporean and wanted her services. She replied that it cost S$150 including use of her room in Bencoolen Street hotel.
3) When I sms her and agreed, she told me that her price is $250 and that the $150 was a typo. I told her that I could not afford and she quickly changed her price back to S$150. Wah, I already no kick cos she tried to fleece me.
4) Even so, I said I would wish to see her but she now stopped replying to my sms. I think she has a bad attitude cos she tried to cheat me but failed and now she is keeping silent.
My humble contribution so that our brothers here do not get the same trick from her. Thank you.
Last time i try the other filipino 'Martina' also $150 but in her hotel at geylang. I think $150 is the standard price for one hour..
28-02-2007, 04:14 PM
Last time i try the other filipino 'Martina' also $150 but in her hotel at geylang. I think $150 is the standard price for one hour..
Yes true, try the same 'girl' Martina standard price sgd$150.
And she use her own room in geylang. so incl room and cd :p
01-03-2007, 12:02 AM
Yes true, try the same 'girl' Martina standard price sgd$150.
And she use her own room in geylang. so incl room and cd :p
But i felt kana con by her stat stated on her wedsite, she seems to be bigger size hor? Not those slim and sexy type.. Figure so so only...But 'her' dick very hard. maybe still very young
02-03-2007, 02:42 PM
But i felt kana con by her stat stated on her wedsite, she seems to be bigger size hor? Not those slim and sexy type.. Figure so so only...But 'her' dick very hard. maybe still very young
totally again!! not fat but big size....
Bro, if you have any GOOD find pls intro. THANKS :D
Ah Dez
02-03-2007, 03:37 PM
Bros, there's been a lot of positive and negative interest in the ladyboys that charge $250 + or - per hour. I'm just providing some feedback from both sides so everybody can better understand the situation.
First the ladyboys side - They reason that they have to charge that price because:
1. They have to go to where the customer's hotel is usually. Here they have to pay for taxi and a trip to and fro on average takes up an hour.
2. They go all out to dress up, this means longer time to make up, do their hair etc. Again time lost.
3. When they get there they're expected to perform more than the usual BJ and FJ. Head to toe catbath, french kissing, footjobs, cum on body, sometimes cum in mouth and sometimes some customers want to be screwed and so on. Since they're on hormones getting this isn't easy but they try to please.
So basically they can can spend 3 hours or more; (sometimes customers aren't punctual) and be paid one hour's work. Whereas for those that also work at Rowell or Geylang they could get $200 or more for 3 hours (peak time) and yet don't have to waste so much time dressing up etc.
On our point of view:
1. We pay $30 or maybe $50 max per shot of between 20 to 30 mins at Rowell, Geylang or even Changi. We can afford to go more often.
2. If we don't require such a high level of service and just want to get off short and sharp this is ideal.
I haven't covered everything so please let's hear your opinion.
This is my suggestion for those that want something in between.
Try a few trans. Choose one that you're comfortable with and you've taken a few times, make a deal with her in person. Sometimes asking personally makes things easier. Don't do this on the phone or worst still if she doesn't know you. Trust me it will not work.
Negotiate a fee of maybe $80 to $100 an hour and say what you want special but do it at her usual working place so she doesn't have to travel or specially do herself up just for you. Also,don't be too demanding, they're only human like you and me.
BTW, some ladyboys have been getting calls asking for ridiculous things from people they dont know. It got to the point where one ladyboy switched off her phone the whole night. In the end genuine customers couldn't get through.
So, over to you bros or even sistas- Let's hear what you've got to say.
Don't get it...
you mean, a real prositute, don't need take taxi, don't make up, dress up, get screwed, cim, fuck anal and get weird demands??
A session with a woman,man or watever species.... is not on what is done before the session... but wat is DONE during the session and the duration of the session.
The logic of your taxi and make up, looks funny...
my wife starts works at 9am... she wakes up at 6am to wash up, make up looks good, wear nice clothes and do her hair.
So does her boss pays for her makeup time??
NO.... her pay starts from 9am, tats it.
250 for a session , is a bit off, but each to his own... some feels that they are worth 250, so let them be.
u can't afford a 250, then go for a 100....
04-03-2007, 10:00 PM
Don't get it...
you mean, a real prostitute, don't need take taxi, don't make up, dress up, get screwed, cim, fuck anal and get weird demands??
A session with a woman,man or watever species.... is not on what is done before the session... but wat is DONE during the session and the duration of the session.
The logic of your taxi and make up, looks funny...
my wife starts works at 9am... she wakes up at 6am to wash up, make up looks good, wear nice clothes and do her hair.
So does her boss pays for her makeup time??
NO.... her pay starts from 9am, tats it.
250 for a session , is a bit off, but each to his own... some feels that they are worth 250, so let them be.
u can't afford a 250, then go for a 100....
Bro, the comparison here is actually between a trans in Rowell and one from a web site. Sometimes they work "both sides of the street". Also, my comparison is feedback from a trans, hence I said from the trans point of view.
Their reasoning is for one customer the taxi fare is $X, whereas if they go to work at Rowell where they can get many customers the taxi fare is also $X.
When they dress up for a web site "escort" price job they dress and make up much better - Expensive dress, more elaborate makeup etc plus they bring along extra lingerie, stockings, toys, leather clothing if you request. (This I can confirm) So the preparation is different.
As for the prostitute getting screwed, as I mentioned in my post, at Rowell the service package is basic. There's no way they will cater to fetishes or weird demands at $30. Furthermore, how much can you do in the 20/25 min time frame?
04-03-2007, 11:33 PM
Bros, it is really sad when you spend time on posting a subject which a lot of bros have spoken about and debated about and some guy who hasn't got the guts actually zaps you. On top of it saying that it was lame and full of shit!
I have asked for opinions and had hoped that others would express an opinion. I have not asked anybody to agree with me. I have provided both sides of the argument, I had hoped for some intelligent debate. If this is the quality of feedback then in future nobody else will start fresh threads or post any constructive comments. :mad:
Don't worry too much about those arse holes, I know you have a vast experience with LBs and I am sure I am not the only one who appreciates you for sharing your experience with us. Keep it coming, Bro!!! Pardon the pun.
13-03-2007, 02:00 AM
can you asking for Lb.... trannys...if they go brazilian waxing... they pay male or female for pre-ops??????:confused:
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