View Full Version : Please info.. Ang mo escort!!

14-05-2016, 02:25 PM
Dear all my dearest friend in this forum,

Does anybody knows where to find ang mo( Caucasian/Europe girl ) in kuala lumpur? because i am going to KL in JUly..thank you.,

Really needs ur help ..

14-05-2016, 11:22 PM
Plenty of girls advertising on Craigslist/Backpage, mostly from Eastern Europe: Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine etc. They might claim to be Spanish/Italian to get extra bookings, but it's a lie. They tend to tour around SE Asia and stay in each place 1-2 weeks.

Extremely high rates though, expect RM 800 for 1 hour, or RM 4000 overnight. Can't comment on the service as every girl is different! In my opinion, just go for the Viet/Thai/Indo/Pinoy girls, much cheaper and friendlier.