View Full Version : Nine Year's Dream Came True

Kok King
20-10-2006, 06:18 PM
I know some of our bro will comment that it is incorrect to have an affair with other people’s wife and it is unwise to have a fling with your subordinate; However, it is not so easy to control our self when this thing happen to us.

I am now having this kind of experience with Leng and this affair started 7 months ago. I know Leng when I was joining existing company as an assistant manager 9 years ago. At that moment, she is 28 years old and I am one year younger than her. She was one of my clerks at that moment and was promoted as an officer last year.

Frankly speaking, she looks quite ah lian to me when I first met her. That is why I did not really try to exploit her further. A few months later, I received her wedding photos and invitation card which I starts to have a special feeling with her. In fact, she looks pretty and sexy after dressing up. Even my girl friend is prettier than her, Leng’s C cup breasts caused my heart beat faster. I really regret that why I realize her good thing only after receiving her invitation card. Anyway, I also got married with my girl friend one year after her.

All these years, my feeling with her does not change. Leng looks even more prettier after getting married. Her breasts became D cup after her first and only kid. It is a tough job for me not to think wildly since we are in the same office. I tried to control my feeling in my heart and sometime I have to look for big breasts prostitute to release my desire.

While I was chit chat with her close friend beginning of this year, I knew her relationship with her husband is not so good after her husband injured in a car accident. After pretending “gaybo”, I found out that it is because of her husband can’t really satisfy her sexual needs after that accident. My evil thinking came across and waiting for a chance to satisfy her.

I have to stop here since Leng is waiting for me to fetch her back. Have a nice long holiday and I will continue later.

20-10-2006, 06:53 PM
waiting patiently for your story

20-10-2006, 07:05 PM
bro, waiting for your next part.

20-10-2006, 07:15 PM
Pls continue your posting after sending Leng home, and when you are home.....so that we bros can camp and enjoy over the weekend.....cheers and happy holidays to all.

20-10-2006, 07:18 PM
pls carry on your posting....

20-10-2006, 08:24 PM
yo brudder, hope u can write yr next installment over the holiday weekend..
already start to camp here liao :> cant wait~

Kok King
20-10-2006, 11:24 PM
Since I knew Leng has sexual problem with her husband, I was waiting for a chance to satisfy her. Just after this year Chinese New Year, our company was organizing Teambuilding Training for all department head and sub department head at Gunung Ledang Resort, Tangkak. I was one of them but Leng was not in the list; However, since some of the selected candidates are not able to attend this training, I proposed to include Leng as a substitute candidate and accepted by HR.

The 2 day 1 night training was scheduled on 25th & 26th of Feb. Since there is another 14 colleagues with us, I don’t really have a fix plan in my mind. Just see what will happen and hope I will have a chance to look after her.

The training started with warm up exercise follow by mountain trekking. On our way of mountain trekking, there were other activities or tests that we have to overcome. After that tiring training in the morning and boring theory training in the afternoon, we were given an assignment to discuss among the group members (4 members in a group). One of my members suggested to go to karaoke lounge after dinner and agreed by us.

After 2 hours of fun time, I noticed the other two members were still enjoying the song and drinks; Therefore, I took that opportunity to suggest to Leng why don’t we left and went back to my room since we still have to discuss the assignment given in order to present in next morning class room training. Leng agreed and we headed to my room.

Once in my room, everything still as normal and we have managed to rap up the assignment after some discussion. After that, I don’t know why I dare to ask her whether I can offer her a massage or not since she previously complaining here pain there pain. Surprisingly, Leng agreed. I started to massage her shoulder, arms, back and so on. Leng just closed her eye and lied on the bed relaxingly. While I was still massaging her back, Leng suddenly sat up and took off her T shirt and pant. I was shock and before I can say anything, Leng already unbutton my Bermuda. Leng whispered near my ear that she knew I need her now and she will need my service as well. How can I resist her request? This is what I dream for the past 9 years, isn’t it?

Very tire liao, continue next day.

21-10-2006, 12:14 AM
Camping here liao ...... My fantasy same as u le ......
Quick le ......

21-10-2006, 01:17 AM
Carry on the wonderful encounter, Bro Kok King :)

Have a great weekend

21-10-2006, 03:55 AM
Swee... Bro kok king, pls carry on... :D

21-10-2006, 11:45 AM
wow...... another campsite...... muz gather firewood liao......


21-10-2006, 02:17 PM
Ke ke ke,

Bro, this one really 7-year itch...happening only after married more than 7 years :)

Waiting to hear how you attacked the Ds...

21-10-2006, 02:25 PM
I know some of our bro will comment that it is incorrect to have an affair with other people’s wife and it is unwise to have a fling with your subordinate; However, it is not so easy to control our self when this thing happen to us..
While you're having "fantasies" with Leng, some one else is Probably having his time with your wife becos' you can't satisfy yr wife.
What goes around comes around...

21-10-2006, 02:35 PM
Do continue with the story. I'm camping here too. :D

21-10-2006, 04:16 PM
bro continus quick.......quick;)

21-10-2006, 04:24 PM
power lah bro... keep it cumming man...

21-10-2006, 04:33 PM
Nice..... When does the story get exciting...

azumi kawashima
21-10-2006, 04:48 PM
stim, bro! even b4 de gengchow part.

azumi kawashima
21-10-2006, 04:50 PM
can't wait 4 next post

Kok King
21-10-2006, 05:03 PM
While you're having "fantasies" with Leng, some one else is Probably having his time with your wife becos' you can't satisfy yr wife.
What goes around comes around...

Bro cereal killer,

Thank you for your advise but please rest assure because currently I still can handle them and fullfil their need. After having affair with Leng, I have almost stop cheonging in HC.

Kok King
21-10-2006, 05:09 PM
Sorry to all bros, just came back from shopping. Eventhough quite tire but still have to fulfill bors need lah. Power, power, I need some powers, hahaha.

Without hesitating, we french kiss while helping each other to take off her bra and our underwear. After some tongue fighting, I hold her hand and brought her to bathroom for pussy and cock washing. It is a very quick wash because my cock really can’t wait anymore after looking at her handful boobs.

I want to service her first so I led her to lie down on the bed and started to french kiss her again. While doing so, my left hand was busying on her boobs and right hand on her pussy. After some light massage on her sensitive vagina, her pussy was getting wet and she started to moan softly. I moved to the south and started to paint her pussy while both hands still massaging her boobs. I can felt that Leng has reached her first climax since her moan became louder and her legs started to cramp my big head. My little head is so tense which I need her to service me back by turning to 69 position. Leng was hesitating and told me she never tries bj before and she might hurt me. I told he just to do it slowly and gentle then should be ok. She obliges and follows what I said. The skill of course can not compare with those HC girls but still very shiok especially I was very high at that moment. A few minutes later, it is time for my little bro to penetrate her love hole. I started with the missionary style and let her took some a rest first. After less than 50 strokes, I knew the pressure was accumulating and I tried to hold it. Then, I asked Leng to turn over and I changed to doggie style. I penetrated her hard and deep like no tomorrow and finally unloaded into her. We both exhausted so lie on the bed like a dead dog. She suddenly sat up again like just now and scores me why I unloaded into her. I told her that I was too high and unable to took out my cock before shooting (I forgot to prepare any condom for that trip). I apology with her and promised that I will buy emergency contraceptive pill for her next day.

After about 1 hours of battling, it was almost 10pm. Leng wants to go back to her room before other colleagues find out. We put back our clothes after another round of shower, then I sent her back to her room and called it a day.

To be continue..

21-10-2006, 09:34 PM
Another nice and quick story , will camp here .

azumi kawashima
22-10-2006, 05:46 PM
CIP, smart bro!!! hihi!

22-10-2006, 06:27 PM
Very stimulating stories...please continue.

22-10-2006, 06:44 PM
great of you to share.. waiting to hear more.. :D

23-10-2006, 12:20 AM
dunno good or not but hope yr dream can last another good 9 years.

23-10-2006, 12:50 AM
Another good story... camping here for now

23-10-2006, 02:59 AM
Count me in, man

azumi kawashima
23-10-2006, 06:21 AM
set a bigger camp, bro. more members to come in.:p

23-10-2006, 07:43 AM
Good story bro.I too will be camping here. :D :)

23-10-2006, 02:37 PM
Bro Kok King. I juz hv a thot. Sure the thread would erotically spiced up if u able to include some pics (without face) of your Leng's D-titties. No offend hor. Juz a thot to make it more interesting. Pls drop this reply if u disagree. Cheers. :D

Kok King
23-10-2006, 03:51 PM
Bro wildbeast,

On your request, I will consult Leng first. if she agreed then I will post her breast's photo. Before that, just dun know why there is no one up my point even almost all bros comment nice story. :)

Back to our story.

When I met the other 2 members next morning, they told me they were drunk and went back to their room quite late. I told them I have completed the assignment for them and will be presented later. They appreciated it and offered Leng and myself a dinner after training. I happily accepted their offer.

The second day’s training was again quite boring which made me sleepy. Fortunately the consultant finished the training earlier at 4.00pm in order for us to drive back to JB. Leng and Tay (my male colleague) follow my car, so there was nothing happen until I sent Tay back to the office to pick up his car.

Once Tay got off my car, Leng asked me do I still remember that I owed her something. I was quite smart and understand what she mean, so I drove to a pharmacy and bought the emergency contraceptive pill, a bottle of mineral water as well as a packet of Durex for standby. The moment I passed the pill and mineral water to Leng, she took it immediately and finished the 500ml mineral water herself, left me nothing. I asked her should we have our dinner and second round before sending her back. Disappointedly she decline due to tire ness. Okay lah, I sent her back but I am sure I should able to unpack the Durex soon.

After coming back from Gunung Ledang’s training, we were busy with our day in day out work; However, after tasting Leng’s pussy, I already addict to it. In fact, I was always trying to lick and tongue fucking my wife which was rejected by her. Even I have been begging for hundred times, she just rejects oral sex due to hygiene issue. Really can’t understand.

Okay back to affair with Leng. After whole week working, my desires of making love with Leng came back. Did you ever tried to fuck your love one at your own office? I never and that was my first time.

Sorry bro, I have to stop here since my wife is back.

23-10-2006, 03:54 PM
dun say dun hv bro i up u liaoz. lucky. i also have fantasy abut ah lian colleague but i know got no chance...

23-10-2006, 04:12 PM
Cool! Bro Kok King. Hope u could successfully implant some "D"s here. Hee...:D

Upz u with my humble pts as encouragement cum appreciation. More juice pls...... Cheers.

Kok King
23-10-2006, 07:58 PM
dun say dun hv bro i up u liaoz. lucky. i also have fantasy abut ah lian colleague but i know got no chance...

Bro hardcoremayhem,

Thanks for your points. The affair between Leng and myself are partly our fate lah. If there is no car accident on her husband, I dun think I will have a channce or dare not to approach her. Anyway, it is still too earlier to say whether I am lucky or not. What happen if one day my wife or her husband find out? We will be in troble (touchwood).

Kok King
23-10-2006, 08:06 PM
Cool! Bro Kok King. Hope u could successfully implant some "D"s here. Hee...:D

Upz u with my humble pts as encouragement cum appreciation. More juice pls...... Cheers.

Bro wildbeast,

Thank you for your great points. Now I can't really concentrate to write my affair story since my wife may come in anytime. I will try when she is not around, promise.

As for Leng's photo, I will only able to meet her in office this coming Thursday. Let me check with her whether I can take her photo for this thread or not. I have to respect, right?

To all bros who have up me. Appreciate for your valuable points.

24-10-2006, 10:14 PM
Did u get your numbers right?
You are 27 and joined the company at 18 as an assistant manager?

24-10-2006, 10:42 PM
I like this "dream come true"...up your points bro!


24-10-2006, 11:41 PM
Waiting for your chapter on doing it in office

Kok King
25-10-2006, 12:01 AM
Did u get your numbers right?
You are 27 and joined the company at 18 as an assistant manager?

Bro thomas999,

I was 27 years old when I joined my company lah. You got it?

Kok King
25-10-2006, 12:31 AM
On that morning, I purposely told my wife that I will be late in order to rush out monthly report. In fact, I have completed the report the day before. I also purposely stay back late until my other subordinates went back which left Leng and myself alone. I invited Leng to my office and asked her to lock the door. She stood there for a while and then sat on the guest chair. The atmosphere was very quite until I broke the air.

Me: Leng, how do you feel after last Saturday night?

Leng: King, I appreciate what you have done on me which was a wonderful feeling; However, I feel a little bit guilty after that.

Me: I know. But I can’t control my feeling which I have kept it in my heart for the past 9 years. I think you will have the same feeling, aren’t you? (While saying, I walked over and hugged Leng from behind).

Leng: I do and I also know your feeling even before last Saturday. But both of us married and have our own kids.

Me: I know. But I also know you are not happy with your husband since 2 years ago. Aren’t you? We can satisfy each other and I promise that I will not going to bother you if your want to stop our special relationship in future. (While saying, I already unbutton her shirt and slip my hands under her bra. Leng remain quite and closed her eyes. I was guessing whether she was thinking or enjoying something).

Since she remains silent, I started to kiss her ear and continued rubbing her breasts. Leng finally melted and french me. I took off her bra, skirt and lacy panty. Then I carried and put her on my high back executive chair. I began to attack her D cup breasts with my mouth and hands. It was a very fantastic feeling which I have to repeat again and again.

After a couple minutes, I split her legs by putting them over the handle of the chair and then slowly move my mouth to her juicy hole. Her pussy was really wet which left a stain on my chair. Even the taste a little bit salty, I can’t stop myself from licking and sucking her pussy. At that moment, my shaft was going to burst liao so I quickly took off my clothes like Superman and this time I remember to put on the Durex that I bought earlier. After that, I started to ram her pussy in standing doggie style while my hands still quite busy. We were quite tire in that position after a few minutes. I requested to change to cowgirl style which I sat on the guest chair and Leng sat on my thigh facing me. It is very easy for Leng to insert my shaft into her wet pussy. She started the motion of up and down with my help of supporting her weight. After 20 to 30 strokes, I really can’t control anymore and shot in that position.

After cleaning our self with tissue, we put on our clothes and it was already 7.30pm. We did some washing and mouth rinsing in the toilet before we leaving the company. It is a very special sexperience in my life even without comfortable bed.

25-10-2006, 12:40 AM
Luckily, I waited for your tis chapter, ha ha

25-10-2006, 07:48 AM
Upped you for the good effort ......

25-10-2006, 09:09 PM
Bro thomas999,

I was 27 years old when I joined my company lah. You got it?

Sorry lah, I read your sentence wrongly.

25-10-2006, 11:34 PM
...I was quite smart and understand what she mean, so I drove to a pharmacy and bought the emergency contraceptive pill, a bottle of mineral water as well as a packet of Durex for standby.

Eh, singapore can get morning after pill in pharmacy? New policy huh ...

25-10-2006, 11:46 PM
Eh, singapore can get morning after pill in pharmacy? New policy huh ...

Guess the thread starter was too busy recalling his affairs that he has forgotten to inform bros here that the pharmacy is open by his father-in-law....

with that understanding....should not be a problem lor...


25-10-2006, 11:58 PM
for the campers ...


u can happily read it at office if ur office tracks or bans sammyboyforum.com

juz helping to consolidate the posts, dats all :D

26-10-2006, 01:48 AM
Bro hardcoremayhem,
Thanks for your points. The affair between Leng and myself are partly our fate lah. If there is no car accident on her husband, I dun think I will have a channce or dare not to approach her. Anyway, it is still too earlier to say whether I am lucky or not. What happen if one day my wife or her husband find out? We will be in troble (touchwood).

thanks for the points bro! i guess u r correct. some things are just fate. just enjoy while u can and touch wood every thing is ok until the end...and use condom or pill hor! :D

Kok King
26-10-2006, 09:22 PM
Bro wildbeast,

After discussing with Leng this morning, She refused to let me take her breasts photo and post into this thread. I have to respect her decision and I dun want to argue with her.

Sorry bro.

27-10-2006, 12:02 AM
Bro K.K. No issue here man! Pics are GOOD to have, if dun hv, then we gotta stay tuned to ur exciting writeups. Cheers bro!