View Full Version : Be wary of your possessions
23-10-2006, 02:05 PM
Dear Bros..
Please watch out for your belongings when you cheong!
This is a true story and it happened to me... I was along GL Lor 16 (the one with the LBs) one night around 11.30pm (2 months ago). Was approached by a LB who is a Singaporean (believe to be malay). Settled on the price and went to 1 of those rooms for rent..
Upon entering the room, paid the LB, stripped went to bathe, went back to bed and got a decent BJ and HJ from the LB. after cumming, went to shower again.. once i got out of the shower, the LB said that she had something on and quickly left the room. That aroused my suspicion. I checked the pocket of my shirt that was hanging on the door and realised that a$50 dollar note was missing... I quickly put on my clothes and rushed out to find that she had totally disappeared. What made matters most was when I dug my hands into my trouser pocket, realized my hand phone was gone too. Borrowed the phone at the reception counter, tried to call the number thinking that she could not be that quick.. but too bad the phone oredi turned off... I roamed the entire GL, and even went to desker and Orchard Towers to see if can run into her, but no such luck. Heard from the reception counter guy that the LB walked out briskly from the room and quickly hailed a nearby cab..
When asking around with someother LBs, was told by them that the Thai LBs are in SG to make money and dare not do such things, and that the locals are usually the dishonest ones... I dont wanna generalize cause i know some good locals such as natasha... but my point is dont bring your possessions when u go cheong FLs. Best if you can just bring enuf cash and lock the rest in your car. If not, make sure your trousers stay in your sight... I know it may be rude to the WL/FL/LB, but better to be safe and sorry....
My phone was brand new SE W810.. so i guess it was a real expensive lesson to learn.... Take care bros
23-10-2006, 02:17 PM
Very sorry to learn of your loss.
Just be careful next time.
23-10-2006, 02:23 PM
thanks bro sniperboy..
Will practice what I preach and take extra precaution. just wannas share with others so they don fall into complacency.... Will up u tomo as i used up my quota today.. feel free to do the same. cheers and happy holiday man!
23-10-2006, 07:53 PM
this is very common during the golden age of desker where the lbs are free to roam along the streets. usually done by the thai n indo lbs. have inside info on how they do it and how to prevent it which until now i still practice it when i visit desker. but i would say no lbs from desker does it now but still better safe than sorry. 1 trick is that in the room, they will ask u to hang ur pants n stuff on the door. then u will bong them missionary with ur back against the door. the door can be open from outside and their partner outside can just stick in their hand n take ur stuff. also, some of the rooms have holes on the wall which are covered up by a pieces of woods. some of the holes allow hand to come in from the other room to take ur belongings. that why i always put my pants with my wallet on the floor away from the door n any holes on the wall. but now is rather safe so no worries :)
Sorry to hear about that bro.....
Usually i would go with a buddy to bonk...if CAT 40/80/150 need to worry...but FL, pass my possesions to my buddy and ask him "wait" for me...:D
There's this hotel beside Champagne i think at L16...that one is good...everywhere mirror in the room and the bathroom is transparent so can see every vicinity of the room. ;)
24-10-2006, 01:41 AM
yea true. LOR18 5th level ~ i saw a couple of girls counting money... i tot they counting how much they earn... guess is SG malays as the way they talk.. end up i saw a few guy running up~ believe to be OKT... asking them cash n some hp stuff.... jsut becareful when having sexsion.
have a nice day gl hf.
24-10-2006, 01:27 PM
Yep, agree that the thai LBs are more professional and they tend not to take your money and run.. Had previously tried 2 Thai Lbs and had no such problems.. Guess local Lbs in geylang are freelancers and more street-wise. That is why I don't take local Lbs from geylang but if have to, will try Changi...
24-10-2006, 02:33 PM
i think the best practise is just bring the exact amount then put everything else in the car or what.
24-10-2006, 04:31 PM
My phone was brand new SE W810.. so i guess it was a real expensive lesson to learn.... Take care bros
if you didn't have the desire the show off with some fancy expensive phone, this would never have happened.
My phone is an old used Nokia8250. Chances of someone stealing it are close to zilch.
24-10-2006, 05:45 PM
Sammy is right, as long the phone able to call and received will be good.
Anyway sorry should know what happen, maybe next time you check your belonging first before letting her leave.
It don't look nice, but is safe :)
25-10-2006, 10:51 AM
ya la bros... too trusting..
anyway, to set the record straight, the phone was always in my trouser pocket.. never once did i take it out.. this probably means she rummaged thru it when i was showering... sigh... all the contacts were lost. including the various WLs and FLs... so guess just gonna start accumulating again.... but thanks to all the bros for their advice
25-10-2006, 02:24 PM
Bro randyboy73, so sorry to learn from your loss, and thanks for warning us too.
angie II
25-10-2006, 09:36 PM
My phone is an old used Nokia8250. Chances of someone stealing it are close to zilch.
wahsei boss.. got Nokia8250 show off leh.. i oso kept same model as spare.. :p
brudderr Camry38.. u hoseibo? long time no c u at link exchange plaza liao.. :D
25-10-2006, 10:11 PM
if you didn't have the desire the show off with some fancy expensive phone, this would never have happened.
My phone is an old used Nokia8250. Chances of someone stealing it are close to zilch.
if u have no phone chances of someone stealing it is 0.:D my phone is the ericson 688. u give ppl $ to steal they also don wan.:cool:
25-10-2006, 10:56 PM
if u have no phone chances of someone stealing it is 0.:D my phone is the ericson 688. u give ppl $ to steal they also don wan.:cool:
This one is antique keep few more years price can go up. Fucker u zap me till now i -1
27-10-2006, 05:42 PM
if you didn't have the desire the show off with some fancy expensive phone, this would never have happened.
My phone is an old used Nokia8250. Chances of someone stealing it are close to zilch.
u nev know, sometime old phone is better then no phone. they might still take.
27-10-2006, 08:07 PM
ya lor... we have to be really wary of our possessions at all times...
27-10-2006, 10:10 PM
if you didn't have the desire the show off with some fancy expensive phone, this would never have happened.
My phone is an old used Nokia8250. Chances of someone stealing it are close to zilch.
Does it really matter what model phone you have?
A thief is a thief and there is no excuse for it.
Let's all not have nice things since thieves can't control themselves /sarcasm.
Sorry to hear it OP... good warning for all.
28-10-2006, 01:44 AM
if u have no phone chances of someone stealing it is 0.:D my phone is the ericson 688. u give ppl $ to steal they also don wan.:cool:
are u sure or not.. i think u no phone... every time call u sms u u never ans..
28-10-2006, 01:59 AM
if you didn't have the desire the show off with some fancy expensive phone, this would never have happened.
My phone is an old used Nokia8250. Chances of someone stealing it are close to zilch.
WTF?? Got money cannot buy good phone meh? Like that call showoff ah? Walao eh, Boss, you fucked up leh. CCB.:D
29-10-2006, 09:58 PM
My phone is an old used Nokia8250. Chances of someone stealing it are close to zilch.
Boss, mine N3210. Very very safe. ;)
29-10-2006, 10:11 PM
This happened some time ago too:
I was at the junction near L8 when I saw a crippled but young Malay limping on chasing a group of 3 LBs. He was saying loudly 'He take my money'. They were not running but rather walking very fast.
Wonder why is this trend amongst LBs? Dun tell me guys(or ex guys) have a higher tendency to steal?
BTW I did not follow them thereafter. e
29-10-2006, 10:43 PM
This one is antique keep few more years price can go up. Fucker u zap me till now i -1
i where got zap u? i only get my clones to zap u.:D
31-10-2006, 12:04 AM
IMHO, GL freelancers are more "dangerous" in the sense that they more likely to steal from you.
I prefer Desker Rd cos the Thai LBs there are there to make a living and would avoid any trouble. My 2 cents worth.
31-10-2006, 09:46 AM
Actually should better to bring ur clothes to the bathroom or hang in the bathroom before and after session is better. Could ask the WL to bath with u too.. Can watch her movement at the same time watch out your belongings and also admire the girl's body.
Just my 2 cents. :)
01-11-2006, 04:31 PM
lets not generalize.. some local LBs are very nice honest ones... maybe just my luck to kena from the joker.... appreciate the bro who said that its not the model of the phone... my stupid phone was in the pocket all the time, so i guess, she must have been emptying my pockets when i was in the shower. lucky never take my car keys.. otherwise more terok! :(
09-11-2006, 04:57 PM
Dear Bros..
When asking around with someother LBs, was told by them that the Thai LBs are in SG to make money and dare not do such things, and that the locals are usually the dishonest ones...
You are right, Thai ppl dare not do it they are here working for the money only the stupid sinkee ppl dare to do it.
Also this shows that you are not smart enough, take care.
Gold Finger
12-11-2006, 09:31 PM
I have similar problem with a China street walker in HK, near Temple street couple of years back. She brought me back to her rented room and we got together in the shower. Mid way someone knock on the door and she left for a few seconds to answer. Came back and said its her friend who thought she is free. Quickly checked after shower and everything was there - phone, wallet.. After bonking reached for the wallet to take money for her. I remembered I had about HK$800 but discovered only left with $400. Did not realised that she had actually stolen some notes from my wallet during the time she left me in the shower! From then on, I never left my wallet out of sight even when I go to the toilet.
A very good point is never to bring anything expensive when go bonking.
12-11-2006, 10:14 PM
u nev know, sometime old phone is better then no phone. they might still take. can sell in Sungei Road flea market for $10
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