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19-06-2016, 04:25 PM
After 3 years of marriage and 2 kids, our marriage life has become stale to the point that we do not have any sex anymore. Being a woman in her late twenties, I would say that I still need the weekly love making dose to keep myself satisfied. Excuses that the husband gave was always tired and no mood. Have I became u desirable to the point that he can no longer make love to me?

19-06-2016, 04:27 PM
He could be getting his needs attended to by someone else.

Have you noticed any suspicious behaviour recently?

19-06-2016, 04:28 PM
No. Even when we make love, he can no longer sustain as long as what he used to have.

19-06-2016, 04:51 PM
tough question to answer. supposing your hubby is slightly older than you, you guys should still be pretty active in bed given the young age.

perhaps its time to spice things up abit. go for a short weekend trip without the kids. go kinky etc.

19-06-2016, 05:00 PM
No. Even when we make love, he can no longer sustain as long as what he used to have.

as long u dun ask for too much n he ask take some

medication, that shd solve yr issue..

19-06-2016, 05:22 PM
After 3 years of marriage and 2 kids, our marriage life has become stale to the point that we do not have any sex anymore. Being a woman in her late twenties, I would say that I still need the weekly love making dose to keep myself satisfied. Excuses that the husband gave was always tired and no mood. Have I became u desirable to the point that he can no longer make love to me?

Late twenties woman very desirable...depends on how sexy or horny you are now...:)

as wife or friend can always be the initiator for sex...you could have DIY...if DIY also your darling dun give then maybe what boss said is true...:)

20-06-2016, 02:06 AM
Your pussy is loose

20-06-2016, 09:03 AM
Maybe he is stressed at work. As mentioned above try going away for a short trip and hopefully it will work out.

20-06-2016, 02:20 PM
I would say a staycation at sg if u cannot afford the time and availability (kids) for holis...

20-06-2016, 05:00 PM
How are two of you getting along other than your sex life?

20-06-2016, 07:08 PM
After 3 years of marriage and 2 kids, our marriage life has become stale to the point that we do not have any sex anymore. Being a woman in her late twenties, I would say that I still need the weekly love making dose to keep myself satisfied. Excuses that the husband gave was always tired and no mood. Have I became u desirable to the point that he can no longer make love to me?
I am not married, but do talk to your husband.. if things still dun work out or look for a sex therapist.
The society still views woman to be 相夫教子。With the sacrifices bestowed upon us,on us woman. While men has all the freedom they want.. I do have gal friends who r in the same situation like you.. some just keep quiet, endure.. some would break out of it and find other means to fulfil themselves... Just keep an open mind, but do keep in mind as well.
1) dun hurt your family,
2) dun hurt anyone in the process of seeking ur sexual satisfaction.
Hope this helps..

21-06-2016, 11:05 PM
Imo, woman should always take good care of herself.
Make yourself younger, healthier. Even if at the end of the day your hubby dont want you, you will still be a better person. For more infor, pm me. LOL...

But on a more serious note, you want your hubby to be be more passionate in love making huh, firstly you must go see yourself in the mirror, do you still look as attractive or not as b4. If your answer is yes, then go get some sex drugs and spike your hubby, if not, do something about yourself.

12-07-2016, 12:40 AM
Firstly, thanks for all the replies and advices. Contrary to what others have mentioned about unattractive or the initiative to initiate sex, I believe I have done a fair bit in initiating and I am still as attractive as ever. Maybe end of the day there are several factors that cause this marriage to fall apart. But whatever it is I can be self assured that I am actually done my part in being a good wife and mother. Since things have come to such I believe it is time to let go of all the unhappiness and pursue things that will make me happy. Better late than never.

12-07-2016, 07:59 AM
Firstly, thanks for all the replies and advices. Contrary to what others have mentioned about unattractive or the initiative to initiate sex, I believe I have done a fair bit in initiating and I am still as attractive as ever. Maybe end of the day there are several factors that cause this marriage to fall apart. But whatever it is I can be self assured that I am actually done my part in being a good wife and mother. Since things have come to such I believe it is time to let go of all the unhappiness and pursue things that will make me happy. Better late than never.

Well, I suppose you have higher sex drive than your husband which is normal. He probably could not satisfy you much, again, we do not know if he has a woman behind unless get caught red handed. As far as I am concerned there are different varieties of men out there in this world. After hearing your story I realize there are no such thing as perfect marriage. Both need to work the things out to make the marriage alive just like before. Otherwise, it will most likely end up in divorce and the kids going to suffer.

12-07-2016, 08:11 AM
Find a hobby, dress well feel good, keep urself busy.
Think positive , be positive , feel positive and be happy.
Soon he will get attracted by ur positive aura. Everything will slowly turns out well. If it doesn't, then fuck it and be happy

12-07-2016, 10:13 AM
It's not you, it's him.

12-07-2016, 11:35 AM
Find a hobby, dress well feel good, keep urself busy.
Think positive , be positive , feel positive and be happy.
Soon he will get attracted by ur positive aura. Everything will slowly turns out well. If it doesn't, then fuck it and be happy

Yup, agree with bro here.. Find something to kill this boredom..make sure you maintain your shape and you can go gym/yoga classes and all that (some times I find ladies in that attire attractive) it all starts from the mind.. And hopefully soon enough things will change for the better.. to a certain extend, it would be good to create the need in him.. Just like how marketing works.. They create the need in people to buy the product.. Applying a little bit of reverse psychology might be useful depending on the situation. If he's not keen to play with you today, you can always play with yourself. Given time, he might want to join in the fun with you!

Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts.

12-07-2016, 09:19 PM
Firstly, thanks for all the replies and advices. Contrary to what others have mentioned about unattractive or the initiative to initiate sex, I believe I have done a fair bit in initiating and I am still as attractive as ever. Maybe end of the day there are several factors that cause this marriage to fall apart. But whatever it is I can be self assured that I am actually done my part in being a good wife and mother. Since things have come to such I believe it is time to let go of all the unhappiness and pursue things that will make me happy. Better late than never.

I can make u happy


17-07-2016, 05:29 PM
Yes. Thanks for all the positive replies. You guys or girls have been very positive and encouraging. I have since picked myself up slowly and tried my best to move on. Doing evetything to make myself happy by dressing up and stuff. Guess end of the day there's nthg much left to do. Just fuck it and move on.

22-07-2016, 12:33 AM
Yes. Thanks for all the positive replies. You guys or girls have been very positive and encouraging. I have since picked myself up slowly and tried my best to move on. Doing evetything to make myself happy by dressing up and stuff. Guess end of the day there's nthg much left to do. Just fuck it and move on.

Although I'm not married with kids, but I've been staying under one roof with my bf for two years. At one time for nearly 8 months, initiating sex and actually getting it was like buying toto and trying to strike group one.

Apart from all that, I saw that he was working hard to make sure theres always food on the table and always tried to initiate conversation. After months of keeping quiet, I decided to talk to him about the issue. Of course it wasn't settled within a day. But soon enough, he came up with the idea of allowing me to have sex with another person other than him since he couldn't deliver. It's a win win situation for me as it was his fantasy and I was able to satisfy my needs.

Im not saying ask your husband if you could eat outside, but slowly talk about what is bothering you and what difficulties he is facing.

Communication is they key.

Sorry if I'm saying too much.

27-08-2016, 06:43 PM
No worries. I guess sometimes it also takes w hands to clap if u need to talk esp something that is bothering both parties. It always seems like my hubby is not willing to talk much. Anyway I am really slowly losing faith in this marriage. Not only abt the sex part but more like how we get along

28-08-2016, 02:04 AM
"What can I do to make your day better?"

ask your husband this simple question ...
and repeat...
and repeat...

29-08-2016, 02:41 PM
No worries. I guess sometimes it also takes w hands to clap if u need to talk esp something that is bothering both parties. It always seems like my hubby is not willing to talk much. Anyway I am really slowly losing faith in this marriage. Not only abt the sex part but more like how we get along
TS, is there any difference in both your lifestyle and his at that time and now. YES things may change as time past, however I guess it wouldn't come the such a stage where you feel that there is nothing more to look forward to.

Take Care.

30-08-2016, 10:42 PM
Sounds like you guys have deeper problems than sex and that is always the first marker for breakdown.

Before you throw in the towel, ask if you still love him and you'd want to save the marriage. Love is the mother of all solutions. Take some time off to think what has gone wrong since the first child. Something might have happened in these few years and only you will know.

We wouldn't be surprised if your husband has found another outlet to satisfy his sex cravings but please don't freak out as men are very different from women when we come to sex as it's a need than want. Most of us can differentiate a paid sex vs love-sex though it doesn't mean that we can be forgiven but there's hope to turn us around. So be patient and communicate but if his heart has left for another woman then it's time to move on but if you still love him then let him return to build a family together. Children can soften a man's heart as well.

Let's hear from you again.

31-08-2016, 11:45 AM
Both of you are too busy with work and taking care of the kids? Sometimes we may get too busy till there's no time for real conversation between couples except to discuss things like who's going to bathe the kids and who's going to put them to bed?

Have you considered both of you taking a leave from work, putting the kids with someone safe, and go for a one week vacation (only husband-wife trip, without the kids)?

It may rekindle the flame..

31-08-2016, 11:19 PM
Thanks for all the replies and positive comments. Yes maybe communication is the key. We haven't had much time to talk except when it comes to matters regarding the kids. Having a couple.vacation is quite out of the qns given that we have no one to help is out with the kids at all. Well for now just taking a step at a time. Hopefully time will heals everything.

04-09-2016, 08:54 PM
If really no choice, then go out to look for FB that without any strings being attach and keeping your marriage at the same time. If not don't want to feel being guilt of cheating or anything. Just look for hobbies and etc.

04-09-2016, 09:52 PM
Thanks for all the replies and positive comments. Yes maybe communication is the key. We haven't had much time to talk except when it comes to matters regarding the kids. Having a couple.vacation is quite out of the qns given that we have no one to help is out with the kids at all. Well for now just taking a step at a time. Hopefully time will heals everything.

Nice you talk to him but you both need "personal time" liao. Ang moh family even many years after marriage spend time only with wife but Asian culture always stuck with kids. send them to school or some other place and visit movie, do fun things lah. Ask him to take holiday also can

10-10-2016, 05:01 PM
I think your husband may be bogged down by all the work and life in general. Plus the need to take care of the kids once he gets back from work is adding to the stress. He may also be suffering in health, i.e., unable to keep up his stamina during sex, and therefore finds that taboo (and don't want you to know). Some male ego thingy. So the solution he has is to prevent you from finding out, and so having sex less often.

It is not that he does not love you, but rather, his libido is taking a dip. Perhaps he needs to recharge by going overseas alone. Or encourage him to take up exercise. Cook healthier food to boost his libido. Understand him more, listen to him more, nag less. Give him massage every now and then. Make him feel like a king. Not sure if these will help, but do let us know!

10-10-2016, 05:32 PM
TS I suggest you choose a good time than talk to him,there is sure to have a reason why it end up at this stage.Finding the right answer and work on it will be the best to salvage your marriage.Takecare and hope you can resolve your issue.:)

11-10-2016, 03:14 AM
Have a good talk with him, go for soft approach, don't force if he is uncomfortable. Most importantly be there for him. He may be feeling down. No need say much, give him a hug and ask him to let you know if there is anything you can do to make him feel good.

Sometimes men can be stressed with putting food on the table, being the perfect father, the perfect man for you. Whisper to him that it has been a few days he has not release, if he would want to release into your mouth via blowjob. Make him feel good. Reprogramme his mind to associate you with pleasure and good feelings. Kneel down and suck him. Make him feel Alpha. Empower him so he can be strong and go out to out food on the table.

At my darkest period worrying about putting food on the table, my wife chose to ignore me and hang out with her friends, when I have been there for her every time she is down. My 2cents.