View Full Version : How I started my crazy fantasy

20-06-2016, 02:56 PM
Hi there first time writing please pardon me.
Here goes!!!
It was year 200.... I was 19 n serving my ns in blue uniform,drinking n clubbing was a normal thing for us ns men.but personally I was into snooker n pool n yes we gambled on the games we played.number ball was my forte n if u guys know the game potting bonus was the best fastest way to get money haha
I frequent snooker salon near East Coast or Katong n I'm a average player but I choose my kakis so most of the time I win if not hoe to survive ns!!
It was a weekend n I was playing snooker at Katong n at the basement level there were lan shops around,as I just arrived I was smoking there n a couple there caught my eyes as they were quarrelling n I heard the gal saying if no money then dun go bet with ppl just play table punch can already.hearing these I knew the guy must have lost his bet playing snooker n asking the Gao for money.
I lighted my second stick because the gal was busty but she is a little on the bah bah side but her face look good too. After awhile I saw the gal pass $100 bucks to the guy n told him to play properly cause its her last $100.
When the guy was leaving I quickly followed him into the lift n we arrived at the snooker salon. I was wondering who he was playing with cause I knew most of the regulars there (the good n bad players).so the guy was with his Frens playing number ball but I saw a familiar face with them n he winked at me so I knew he was the one chopping them of their money.
I will have initials for the other important ppl in the thread.i went over to my Frens n we were playing until I saw S came up n sit there holding the cards for B. But S face was black cause I believe B was still losing money.An hour passed n I saw them go punch table n my Fren came over n told me he won 3 hundred plus from them saying they were not even near his standard.
B Frens heard the comment n came over n make noise saying play bigger la!! My bro B haven go all out cause playing small n he never bring his personal cue,(apparently B was the best player among them) troubles like these was common in snooker salons but they were making too much noise n I knew this was not their territory so I step forward (wanted to act in of S ) n told them "got money then say la min we play is $5 a point for one on one".
After like 3 mins B spoke up "u (pointing to me) see u here next sat at 10pm". Being young n arrogant I told him "I only play when I see cash!!" N I stole a glance at S n she was looking in my direction too. Hehe

21-06-2016, 08:25 PM
First to support . :)

21-06-2016, 08:28 PM
Second to support :D

22-06-2016, 12:11 AM
1st to camp and support :D

22-06-2016, 04:19 PM
Hope TS continue with the story .

22-06-2016, 06:42 PM
1st to camp and support :D

Same here as well

22-06-2016, 11:05 PM
TS pls continue

23-06-2016, 02:39 AM
Camping here too :)

24-06-2016, 01:51 PM
So sat came n I was there waiting for him to come n sadly all I saw was a bunch of ah Beng n ah Lian but S was no where to b found n I was quite disappointed.
But I still wanted to win money n also my ego,we agreed on best of 7 frames I shall not bore u with the details of the game but I was leading all the frames cause I knew he was no match for me on the day I saw him play number ball.
I wacked him 4-0 n it was time to count my winnings,B went to pay for the table n I was there accumulating the points that I had won total its was about 200 points( cannot rem the details cause it was too Long ago).
I saw all B Frens taking out n counting their money n when B came over he told me he was short of $80.
My reaction was "Wah lao" told u must have cash rite but I mentioned that u can pay me next week when u come over... At this moment S walked in n took out 2 fifty bills n pass it to me,I was stunned by her dressing n just stood there for like 10 secs. She was wearing a very transparent blouse n mini skirt. She was wearing a black bra inside n my eyes was fix on her breast.
When I came to my senses I told her
Me: no I Wun take a lady's money!
S: just take it n please dun bet with my dar again!
Me:nah it's just $80 bucks he can pay me back next time when I see him.(I could tell B was embrassed from his body language.
S: the money I will leave it on the table take it or leave!
As S was turning ard n leaving my camp mate walked in n he was asking S
CM: hey where u going dressed up until so nice
S: no la going club later come here with my bf they playing snooker leaving now.
CM: Wah Lao u play him ah!! ( pointing to me) he is a hustler n no bets he dun play Wan lei haha, so ur bf lose or win?
S: lose a little Lor nvm not much money also.
CM: aiya u Rich lady Ma so u think it's little.
B: (face damm black) dar lets go it getting late.
So the whole group without taking the $100 from the table n my camp mate walk over n ask me y they look more like coming for a fight?
So I told him the story n ask him more about S.

24-06-2016, 04:19 PM
How Long is needed for the post to b loaded

24-06-2016, 07:01 PM
How Long is needed for the post to b loaded

You are still under moderation, so it will take a while. Make a few more posts and you'll be out of moderation :)

24-06-2016, 08:53 PM
TS please continue.... support your story :)

24-06-2016, 09:34 PM
Do continue TS

25-06-2016, 06:20 PM
Over the next few days I followed my CM to play counter strike n was hoping to see S but I really suck at Lan game so whoever was in my team keep scolding me haha.
Finally my patience paid off n I saw S walking thru the door in a polo t n shorts,from wat I gathered she was quite a good player cs n Dota(I never played Dota before.The moment she walked I went towards her n ask her
Me: hey I still haven pay u back the $20 bucks...
S: erm ok pass me Lor
I handed one hundred bucks to her n told her that I dun Wan to take gal money
Me: ur bf can pass me when he has the cash.
S: nah it's ok just give me my $20 he is my bf we dun count such money between us
But I was persistent n was holding the money in her hand( at least got chance to touch her hands hehe)
She relented n said
S: I will ask my bf to pay u
Me: how about I collect the money from u when ur bf has it?
S: huh?? How u going to collect the money from me I dun even know u n I think it's the first time I see u here.
Me: ( I stretch out my hand n intro myself ) hi I'm .... Can we b Frens?
S: hahaha ( she was smiling ) well it's quite innovative of u,so how Long have u devised this plan?
Me: no it's onli natural cause all guys will Wan to be Frens with a pretty gal like u n if I could have ur hp number to contact u that would be best,so I dun have to camp here n wait for u
S: Wah u are really quite thicker skin first time talking to me then ask for my number,I'm attached u know!!
Me: aiya I ask for ur number so can collect the money from u n of course wanna b Frens with u,I know u r attached but I just wanna b Frens Ma.
S: u can get my number from CM,and drop me a text so I can call u when my bf is ready to pay u. N please dun bet with him again I know he is not ur match.
Me: not my match in wat? I gave her a smirk n went over to CM.


26-06-2016, 10:41 AM
Camping for next installment.

26-06-2016, 04:16 PM
camp n support here

27-06-2016, 01:46 AM
camp n support here

Camping here too!!

28-06-2016, 03:31 PM
The following week we exchanged sms (nothing dirty just finding out more about each other) n I found out she was into her second year of Uni n best thing ishe stay walking distance from my Hse. She lives in a semi d near me and has got a younger sis n her bf is a 'o' level holder who is selling used Hp in those Neighbourhood shops.
Me: hey S wanna go for supper since we live so near?
S: go where eat I'm putting on weight lei...
This is the first time we going out for supper alone cause usually it's one big group with her Lan Frens n my CM. her bf stays in the west n she stays in the east so sometimes they meet up onli over he weekend cause S parents dun really like B,but S does go over to his place to stay.
The reason I know so much is because I also encourage S that although B is ah Beng n dun earn much as Long as u both love each other can Liao. These are the reasons S parents dun like B.So S always said I'm a good guy although B does not know S is chatting with me every nite when she is at home.
S: wait just u n me ah? Weird lei I call cm see he wanna come out anot?
Me: he busy accompany his gf la,dun bother him la u scared of me meh?
S:no la just weird Ma...
Me: easy la come out with me alone a few more times then not weird Liao Lor
S: ok la then I meet u at ...... Eat Prata Lor
Me: never u wait for me outside ur Hse I be there in 10 mins.
Yeah!!! So I took my parents car n zoom off to her place.this was the first of our countless meetings alone...
after about 2 months of our phone calls n supper

28-06-2016, 10:05 PM
Keep going TS :)

30-06-2016, 01:26 AM
So we met up mayb about once or twice a week alone but nothing physical happened between us,but I could tell that S was getting really comfortable with me cause she would tell me about her quarrels with her parents n Sister n even about B.She does not like B to hang ard with his group of Frens but he insisted they were his brothers cannot dun contact them,also S has a bunch of sch mates who goes clubbing with her but I have never seen cause S said not very convinent for me to meet them as I dun really drink....
Late one nite at 0300 plus hrs S called me....
S: hey where r u? ( she sounds high)
Me: Huh.... I'm at home sleeping.... U Wan to eat supper ah?
S: no la I'm... I dun feel like going home yet can u come out accompany me?
Me: wru? I go find u Lor
S: I'm in cab on the way home... I meet u at ur Hse downstairs I reaching in 10'mins
Me: ok seeya!!
I knew something was wrong shud b quarrel with B,but newae I like it when she call me when she is feeling sad.
10 mins later.... I was in my pt kit with nothing underneath at the stone chair of my Blk n I heard a car pulling up..S came down n walked over to my side she was in a jeans n a normal black blouse,but when she turn n sit I saw that it was a bare back then stretch all the way down.there is no way she was wearing a bra immediately my bro stood at attention n I think I swallowed I huge gulp of saliva.S saw my reaction
S: come on u never see bare back before issit? See until like that....
Me: I seldom see u so sexy Ma,so y dun feel like going home?
S: I quarrelled with B,n I think I did wrong things...
Me: wat happened? U go ask guy for their number ah?
S: no la I'm not that desperate... But I.... If ur gf French kiss with a stranger in the club will u be angry ah?
Me: u say lei!! Of course will angry la ( im thinking y u not French kiss with me??) u got do anything else anot?
S:eh... Aiya dun say already la...
Me: say lei... U say halfway then dun to say my heart itchy Wan lei ( all these questions n ans was not help my hard on)
S: he touch my boobs... N....

30-06-2016, 03:56 AM
Enjoyed the update TS

30-06-2016, 10:17 AM
S: he actually tear off my nipple tape n touch my nipples...
Me: ur Frens lei? Y u never faster go find them?
S: they were all at the dance floor n he tried to put his hands inside my jeans,that was when I push his hands away n ask him to leave...
Me: then after that? He left?
S: nope.. He kept asking me to go back with him for a good time pulling my hands to his crotch area...
Me: then in the end how?
S: my Frens came back n I told ask them to ask him to leave then he walked away..
Me: Like that also can ah? How come I go clubbing dun have such encounter Wan?
S: I was in a bad mood n he was quite cute Ma,but now I really feel guilty...(my eyes were all over her boobs area but I cannot see anything cause she wearing black Colour..)
S look down at her blouse then looked up at me...
S: stop staring can? Can see meh?
Me: eh... No la cannot see that is I looking at it for so long Ma... Haha
S: then now how? I fee so guilty...
Me: wat exactly happen between u n B?
S: he dun let go clubbing n some more last nite he drink with his God Sister in hotel till morning all the way never ans or reply my sms until this morning then call mr back(tears were forming in her eyes)
Me: onli 2 of them?
S: ya cause he said his God Sister just broke up he need to accompany her...
S: u say la one guy n gal in hotel room drinking I dun believe nothing happen!
Me: mayb really nothing lei after all she is his God Sister Ma..
S: no way!! This god Sister have been in love with B for as Long as I know her n she hates me cause I'm B gf.
Me: but u also got no proof?
S: no need proof my instincts are the best edvidence!

30-06-2016, 10:45 AM
Me:then wat u wanna do now?
S: I also dunno... Wat should I do?
S n B have been together for ard 5 years but on n off they have broken off n patched up n most of the quarrels were because or S parents n $$$ issue.
B spend most of his money on gambling n drinking with his Frens,so most of the time they go out S is the one paying...
Me:go home sleep tml then think la now sit here also no use..
S: I dun wanna go home,my parents will nag at me again if they see me like that?
Me:.... Then how? U wanna come my house chat till morning?
S: ur Hse got beer?
Me: have la.. But u sure u still wanna drink? U can tahan anot?
S: aiya I ok Wan la lets go!!
I wasn't thinking much about S coming to my Hse but this is the first time she is coming up n it's like 4 plus in the morning Lor. My bro was at his full attention again.now I dun dare to stand up..
S: let's go lei, y u still sitting down?
Me:.. Eh let me smoke one more cig first can leg a little cramp...
S: ok Lor but I need to per lei..
Me: ok ok u go press the lift first.. I come in awhile
That 1 min I keep think about the ugly gals I met before n it really help my bro went down slightly n I walked towards the lift..
A little about my Hse. I'm usually home alone but my parents does drop by once or twice a week but they dun stay overnite cause they have another apartment in The Central part n they stayed there cause its nearer to their workplace n the best thing I get to use their car!!
Ding! The lift reach my floor n we got into my Hse
The moment we got in S rushed into my kitchen toilet.. Mean I went to my room n was busy keeping my dirty clothes when I felt a presence behind me.S was standing there holding a can of beer in her hands looking at me. I invited her into my room n we sat on the bed watching tv n drinking... After the first can I went to the kitchen for some more beer n had a smoke...
When I got into my room S was tucked under my blanket with her eyes closed... But I saw her jeans n blouse on the floor? OMG was she sleeping naked in my bed waiting for me???

30-06-2016, 11:13 AM
Enjoyed your update TS, pls continue :)

30-06-2016, 11:33 AM
It was really a hard decision to make.. my bro was telling me to get the blanket off n screw the hell out of her,but I have taken months to win her trust n honesty I really enjoy chatting with her...
Damm!! Wat should I do? My raging hard on was really not helping me.after about standing there for like 5 mins, I decided to go out n have a smoke,after my smoke break my bro was still hard n I decided to jerk off in the toilet.
Nope S did not come to the toilet n saw me jerking off haha.
After I released my armies, I went back to my room n S was still sleeping there,but I saw water marks on her pillow.
Me: S r u asleep? X5
No reaction from her at all so I went to the other side of the bed n lie down as well when I peek under the blanket I realised she was wearing my black t shirt n I assume she was in her panties. I was lying there watching hk drama about 20 mins later I heard weeping sounds coming from S.
So naturally I Whisper to her...
Me: cry it all out if u must dun keep it inside ur heart....
N the weeping became crying n by now S was lying on my chest n tears was coming down like waterfall.there was nothing much I could can onli pat her on her back n tell her everything will b alright when she wake up the next day...
Time check
It was about 5 am already n S has sort of calm down,the first thing she asked me was
S: am I attractive?
Me: of course u r!!
S: then y u never do anything to me when I was sleeping just now?
Me: huh? No la I dun Wan to take advantage of u in this kind of situation Ma

30-06-2016, 11:46 AM
Please continue ts

30-06-2016, 01:19 PM
S: dunno real or not or mayb u think I'm fat so never touch me at all, I dun believe cat see fish Wun eat...
Me:eh... Honesty I did thought about pulling the blanket away but after all u r attached Ma...
At this moment S starts weeping again... N in between sobs...
S: I dun believe B never touch his God Sister,every time I stay over at his place he will Wan at least 2 rounds then can sleep Wan. Some more 2 of them in hotel room drinking how can nothing happen??
I passed the tissues to S n tell her
Me: dun think so much Watever will b will b...
I went out for a smoke n told her to get some sleep it will b day break soon.
After I smoked n sms my officer I will b taking mc for the day I went back to my room n lie beside S. The blanket was was no longer covering her n she was onli in my t shirt n a lacy panties (no g string n tongs ) but the secne was enough to me hard again..
I ly down beside her our nose touching n I was wondering if she was asleep or testing me again
I gave her a peck on her lips but there was no response,so I use my hand n felt her butt no response either...just when I tot all was lost n was preparing to go toilet jerk off again I heard S mumbling...

30-06-2016, 01:57 PM
S: can u hug me to sleep...
I hugged her from behind n she lifted her head so that I can put my arms around her,my other arm was free n I was lying facing the ceiling. S turned over kissed me on my cheeks n pulled my other arm to hug her n my hand practically rested on her breast,all she said was
S: I trust that u r a gentleman...
So now my position was like I was spooning her n with my hand on her breast I realised my hand cannot cover her whole boob n my erection is coming again...
After about 30 mins it was ard 6am n I still could not fall asleep. My arm was getting numb n my other hand was on her hand n my erection was at its peak...I tried leaving my arm under her head then she turned ard n ask me
S: y u not sleeping?
Me: eh... My arm numb Liao... Can I take out for awhile?
S: ok ok sorry
Me: it's ok (after I lifted my arm I felt so much better)
The next thing I know S sat up n pulled my face to her n started frenching me n using her fingers to touch my nipples.
I of course did not resist n was fighting with her using my tongue,
S: touch me wherever u Wan make me feel loved can?
So I started feeling her breast n her hands were moving downwards trickling down my 6 packs.

01-07-2016, 05:08 PM
Hope you got condom on standby .

02-07-2016, 01:02 AM
Good story!! Plse continue :)

02-07-2016, 06:31 AM
Pls continue soon TS

04-07-2016, 02:12 PM
Once I got my hands on her soft n tender breast, my beast mode was on I took off her t shirt n my mouth went straight to the nipples.
It' was quite dark in my room I could not really see her face n reaction.but her moans was telling me to continue wat I was doing.
Her hands were stroking me thru my Shorts n we were at it for about 5 mins when I moved my hands down trying to reaching for her lovehole,immediately she held my hand n stop me telling me softly please not there...
I was too horny to listen to her so I just hold her mouth towards mine n let our tongues do the talking.my hands continue moving down n I just pulled down her lacy panties n I finally felt her bushy love hole,I inserted one finger in n she was stunned!! Keep trying to push my hands away,I removed my fingers n stood up...

04-07-2016, 02:28 PM
I stood up n looked at her n I could see that tears were feeling up her eyes again...I stroked her hair n told her
Me: It's ok if u r not ready I'm sorry
S: I.... I'm sorry...but how u going to settle this?(pointing to my huge bulge)
Me:erm.. It's ok I will be fine in awhile.
S: can u off all the lights first?
I off the lights n got on to bed beside her there was an awkward silence..she was still naked n my hardon was not going off,so I decided to make my moves again this time I licked her ears from behind n I heard her moan again and saying
S: pleas stop I'm getting really horny
Ho seh Liao!!
I continue licking her ears n I beginning spooning her with nothing between my bro n her love hole.i licked her faster n her moans were getting louder then in the midst of all the licking n moaning I pushed my bro into hr love hole n she shouted
S: wat r u doing!!!
I grabbed her n just continue pumping from behind,I know that was no going back now (at least till I shoot )

04-07-2016, 02:36 PM
Please continue!!!

04-07-2016, 02:39 PM
My bro went limp after 10 mins of pumping...my guilt took over all because she was no longer resisting me n no more moaning...
She was pratically crying n tearing were free flowing.i knew I had to stop n took out my limp dick...
Me: I'm sorry I just could not control myself anymore...
There was no reply from S n I walked out of my room for a smoke.. The sun had come out n I went to draw my curtains in case ppl walking pass see me naked.

04-07-2016, 06:05 PM
Nice update .... camping for more!

05-07-2016, 10:42 AM
After my smoke break,I went into the room n S told me
S: sorry technically I'm still attached I hope u understand...
Me: I understand... (In my mind I was thinking we do so much already just a little more will make any difference meh)
We just lied in bed n she told me about her n B. S n B have together since Sec sch but she herself have forgotten how many times they have broken up n patched back. S knows that B really love her but reality n love can b different at times. She know B will have no future if he hangs ard with his bunch of Frens but B simply cannot leave his Frens.
We dozed off soon after awhile n when I woke up it was 7 plus in the evening,I turned over n realised S was not in bed anymore.i rushed to the toilet n she was no where to b seen also feeling disappointed I went to wash up n was preparing to go out for dinner when I heard my main door opening.
I wrapped a towel n went out to see who it was( I tot my mum came over to visit me but usually she will call me first)
It's was S n her hands were full with packets of food,
S: yo u wake up already,come lets have our dinner
Me: ok I tot u left already,
S: no la I hungry n did not Wan to disturb u sleeping Ma.
I went to change into my boxers n came out wanting to help but S has already prepared the food on the table n was waiting for me onli.

05-07-2016, 10:55 AM
Me: Wah so much food how to finish?
S: ok Wan la I dunno wat u like so I bought a little of everything.
S: this meal I treat u for taking care of me last nite.
Me: haha I think u rewarded my eyes already.
S: man always like that!
Me: u stay here so Long no need call ur parents or anyone?(I testing to see she got call B anot)
S: ya I told my parents I studying at my Frens place.
Just then her hp rang
S: erm I'm now at a Fren place...
S: guy la last nite u all left me the Ang moh,he actually touch me inside the club Lor
S: no nothing happened...
S: really nothing happened la,ok la I having dinner now I call u later ok?
Me: B called u?
S: no la u think I will let him know I slept at a guy's place n a guy touched in club?
S: my Uni Frens who went clubbing with me last nite
Me: ok u mean they purposely left u with the guy?
S: ya kind of they never really liked B... The always wanted me to get some more decent.
Me: mayb B will b decent someday... U no need call him ah?
S: I think it's gonna b hard unless he leave his Frens Lor...I call him after we finish Lor .

05-07-2016, 11:22 AM
After we finished I told S I go bath then I will send her,off I went to bath n I pcc when I was in the toilet.when I came out S eyes were teary again n all she said was
S: can I stay here tonite ?
Me: sure y not I stay here alone.
I called my mum n told her I got Frens coming over n told her I will visit her a few days later.
Mum: u ah dun anyhow bring gals home n sleep ah...
Me: yes Mdm!
S: can I drink the beer in the frigde?
Me: sure help urself to Watever u see n get me a can also.
After about 4 cans of beer each S told me
S: I called him n the gal picked up the ph saying B is still sleeping... Y he never call me at all? When we make love at his place he will also sleep for a Long time.
Me: mayb they drink too much Ma..
S: cannot b Wan arrrg!!!
Me: relax lei I go get more beer...
I went to kitchen n smoke n get more beer...
The next scene I saw in my room made my jaws drop!!
S was masturbating herself n when she saw me at the door she did not stop

05-07-2016, 11:32 AM
Maybe ts xan give a name to all character.. rather than B, S, CM sometime abit confusing..

07-07-2016, 02:03 PM
I stood n stared at Serene for about 10 mins till I saw her shivering with her head backwards,she still had her fingers in her pussy n the other hand was on her breast... She was breathing heavily n I could see her breast going up n down.
It took her about 5 mins to calm down n she looked up to me n said
Serene: I'm sorry,I needed to release my stress n anger inside me.
Jack: Wao that is a good way to relive stress..
I moved behind her n started massaging her shoulders...
Serene: jack can I...
Jack: shhh let me finish my massage for u I promise u will feel better,if u Wan it to b more effective close ur eyes n relax.

07-07-2016, 02:37 PM
There was no reaction from Serene so I moved my hands to under ur armpits where I felt the sides of her breasts n slowly I cupped her breast with my hands massaging her breast.
Still Serene kept quiet n I took it as permission for me to explore further, I started tuning her nipples n rubbing my bro on her back, I'm sure she can feel my hardness but she was still keeping quiet.no moans or anything from her.
Jack: Serene I think it's better if we continue on the bed the floor is quite cold.
Serene:......(after about 10 secs) okay
I jack: come lie down with ur face facing down I help u relax.
So we shifted onto the bed with her face lying down,I proceed to massage her calfs slowly moving towards her thighs. Her thighs are a little big so I had to use 2 hands on one thigh while massaging her thighs I purposely move my hands near her pussy n every now n then I will "accidentally" brush against her pussy.( I tot I heard some muffled moans when I brushed against her pussy)
After about 15 mins,
Jack: serene can u move ur butt a little higher I cannot really massage ur thighs this way.
She straight away jacked up her ass n opened her legs more. She was practically in doggy style!!!but her face was still lying on my bed.
Serene: jack this position can u massage my thighs?
Jack: ya this position is good!!
I could see her pussy clearly n I took a whiff near her pussy, the smell was heavenly ( it's been a Long time since I smelt a pussy haha)
Jack: Serene r u ready? I'm going to start..
Serene: ya please continue...
I took off my boxers n stroke my bro n without warning I stuck my bro into her pussy n she was in a shock.
Serene: OMG wat r doing jack!!!!
Jack: I'm sorry I cannot control anymore I really.. Arrrg to re arrrg lease...
Serene: jack.. Orrrh no... Orrrrh
We did not change any position n I came after 15 mins of hard core pumping.
Jack: arrrg Serene I'm arrrrg coming!!!!
Serene: orrrh ja orrrrh ck hang orrrrh on for orrrrh another orrrrh min...
Orrrh orrrrh fuck orrrh
Serene: shoooot outside pleaseeeee orrrh orrrh orrrh
She was trembling n when I took out my bro her legs gave way n I shoot my armies all around her butt n back.
Her pussy wasn't really tight but the juices she produced was really a lot n there was lots of quash quash sounds when I was pumping her.
After I shoot i kissed her on her cheeks n went to smoke n clean myself up, when I returned to the room (I was thinking how to ask me to be my fuck buddy or explained that it's a nite stand) Serene was still in the same position with the dried sperms all over her body.
Jack: Serene r u ok? I'm sorry
Serene: Guys r all the same after fucking just throw the gal aside!
Jack:No I never meant it that way

07-07-2016, 02:56 PM
Serene: then wat r waiting for!!
Jack:erm... U Wan me to bath for u?
She turned around n held her 2 hands up
Serene: help me up.. N u better wash me clean clean
So I washed her up in the toilet,
Serene: do u always do this?
Jack: do wat?
Serene: do wat u did just now?
Jack: actually u r the first..( of course that was a lie)
Serene: then y u do it to me?
Jack:cause I really cannot tahan Liao...
Jack: then y u see u still continue touching urself?
Serene: cause I was about to cum n u had to come into the room
Jack: Wah Lao this is my room lei n u always masturbate in front of ppl meh?
Serene: (she was blushing) no la onli to Ben, he like to see me touch myself
(Which guy dun like to see gals touch themselves)
Serene: ur gf never show u before meh?
Jack: nope this also my first time see gals masturbate in front of me
Her mood changed suddenly n tears were feeing up her eyes...

07-07-2016, 03:18 PM
Please continue TS :)

07-07-2016, 05:15 PM
Camping for more updates :D

07-07-2016, 06:05 PM
Nice update .... camping for more!

Yes camping as well ;)

07-07-2016, 07:17 PM
Yes camping as well ;)

Me camping too :)

07-07-2016, 08:09 PM
Thanks TS for the multiple updates :)

07-07-2016, 10:17 PM
This is good reading! Keep going TS

08-07-2016, 11:05 AM
With tears in her eyes n between sobs...
Serene: what are we?
Jack: erm.... I'm not after a one night stand....
Serene: I still love Ben... But...I would not have done it with u if I have no feelings for u...
Jack:( I dun mind being ur fuck buddy I love those boobs of hers) will u tell him the truth?
Serene: will u accept ur gf having sex with another guy?
Jack: of course cannot la!! But we were making love not having sex😀,we made love cause we have feelings for each other.
Serene: I really dunno wat to do...I Wan to go home.....( tears flow freely down her face again)
Jack: ok u have a rest here first I go cook maggi then u finish then I send u home ok?
Serene: she just nods her head.
I was hoping for a round 2 after maggi then. I send her home. Haha I was really a bastard back then

08-07-2016, 01:09 PM
Test test test

08-07-2016, 01:16 PM
Unfortunately,things did not go as planned n after we had maggi I sent her home
Outside her Hse
Jack: will we meet up again?
Serene: I really dunno.. I will text u when I sort things out please give me some time.
Jack: okay no worries,newae I will respect ur decision.
I moved over n we frenched,I slowly kiss downwards towards her neck n left a faint curry chicken there.she felt wat I was doing n said
Serene: u r really thinking of possessing me ah?
Jack: I just wish we had met earlier.... Then things will b so much better for us.
Serene: please I really need time to sort things out. Thanks for sending me home.
With that she got down the car n just before she entered her Hse she looked back n wave good bye to me once more....

08-07-2016, 01:16 PM
Please continue TS :)

08-07-2016, 01:32 PM
I have not seen Serene for almost 2 weeks but on n off we did text n we never spoke about that day n I never asked her wat was her decision... We just text normally like Frens.i was with my armies Frens clubbing when they spotted a group of gals dancing away n beckon us to look at the gals
Army Fren: Oei Oei chio bu chio bu!!!
Jack: where?? Got guys with them anot?

08-07-2016, 01:46 PM
More please!! ;)

08-07-2016, 03:29 PM
Nice update TS :)

08-07-2016, 05:18 PM
I turn my head all I saw was a bunch of gals dancing on the dance floor among themselves.they were clearly enjoying themselves but the thing is I could not really see their faces cause it was too dark n they were quite far away.
Jack: eh go check them out lei,see they got table anot if not ask them come share with us la.
Army Fren:dun Wan la,so many of them ( there were about 6 of them in total).i pai seh lei...
Army Fren: eh jack u go la u thick skin n yan Dao Ma.

08-07-2016, 09:50 PM
Support TS to continue!!