View Full Version : 3 old friends - a short tale of 2 guys + 1 girl

30-06-2016, 06:23 AM
This is a true account between me and 2 of my university friends (a guy and a girl). It happened about 6 years after our graduation.

2 years prior to our fateful encounter, I found a job & moved here for work. He too, found a job & moved here a year earlier, while she was pursuing her Master's Degree in Australia. At that time she already had a boyfriend, though it was a long-distance relationship. Her boyfriend, whom she would later marry, was our university friends as well.

She was only transiting in Singapore for one night and had said that she didn't want to stay in a hotel. So, she asked to stay over in my room. I was a bit hesitant to agree to her request because first of all, I knew her boyfriend in person and secondly, a few years back I discovered that he was kind of jealous that she was always warm towards me.

I asked her if her boyfriend knew about her plan, and she said yeah, he knew and was kind of pissed off about it, but she assured me that her boyfriend's worry was unfounded. :) Nothing would happen between me and her, right?

I decided to play along and welcomed her. I also informed my then super friendly live-in landlord that I would be inviting a female guest for the night. He didn't mind.

Afterwards, me & her decided to go for dinner. And halfway into our meal, somehow I thought that it would be less insulting to her boyfriend & make me feel less bad about myself, if we bring in another of our friend. In the event of any accusations, we would at least have a witness to our case. :D

So I called one of our friends, a guy whose characteristic is a bit on the feminine side, whom I was sure that she would love to meet again after so many years. We kind of suspected that he's gay, but he was never really open about it.

As the night grew, our conversations become crazy and crazier. We thought that it would be a better idea to go somewhere else, as the restaurant was closing down. All 3 of us then went for a walk by the river near Clarke Quay, holding hands .. like tele-tubbies. It was pretty fascinating to think about it. Her in the middle, with me and him on both of her sides.

We decided to go back to my place to continue our chitchat. It was still very innocent in the beginning, 3 old friends, just enjoying a good time... until we opened up the first of many bottles of wine.....

My room at the time has a nice city view from the 30th Storey, we were all sitting by my bed admiring the view. And I don't know why, that moment felt so so beautiful... that I had an urge to kiss them both.....

I remember telling them about that sudden burst of happiness that I experienced that very moment, I looked at her in the eyes. And her eyes were unmistakably burning with passion and glint of lust... and when she said "Come on! you boys must kiss me right now!!" ...

... the rest was history.....

<this part of the story may take some time to write, as it was quite hazy>

A funny thing happened the morning after, where my landlord might have seen my guy friend went to the common bathroom outside, to his surprise. Because he was expecting to see a female instead.

I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast, and my landlord asked me "How come it's a guy? I thought you told me it's gonna be a female friend, ?".. and I sheepishly answered... "Yes, that too. The girl is still inside my room"

My landlord's eye became wide-opened .. and to my relief, he was patting my back, with a big smile, as if wanting to congratulate me, cheerfully said "Oh my god, you're the man!! You're the man!! I can't believe this..."

I wanted to say to him that I couldn't believe it myself either that it happened ... but I kept quiet. :D


Now when I think about the whole event again.... it pretty much ruined our friendship. But what the hell, we only live once!!

My guy friend would later shied away from all of us, and the woman.... she would marry her same boyfriend 3 years later.

Her wedding parties were split into two parties, one is the Wedding Dinner, in his hometown and the other is a Pre-Wedding Cocktail Party at her hometown. Everyone was sent an early invitation, but she only invited me one week before the Cocktail party.

I knew that she knew that I need to make prior arrangements for my trip, if I were to attend the party at all.

I was super pissed off, because it actually meant that I wasn't supposed to be invited, but somehow she reconsidered.

I supposed we just have to remember that despite all this .... We did, had our own little COCK-tail party, many many years ago!! :D

30-06-2016, 07:46 AM
Nice and short story!!! thanks for the read bro! ;)

30-06-2016, 11:33 AM
Support and camp here.

30-06-2016, 04:51 PM
Truly indeed a good and short story to read. Thanks for sharing. :)

01-07-2016, 07:28 AM
Thanks for sharing.