View Full Version : I did not see that coming..
30-06-2016, 12:14 PM
This story is complete fiction based on some real life events. Names have been changed.
Have been blissfully married to my wife for 12 years, her best friend who stays near us visits often and has 2 daughters of whom I am their god-dad. Her husband and I get along quite well with our love for sci-fi, cars and music. So it was always a good fit as we did not have kids of our own, we welcomed the laughter of the girls in our home.
The girls came over regularly, especially since my wife and I worked from home, they would pop by just after they finished school, sometimes we would go pick them up from school to our place. The liked to use our indoor pool which was heated and they have spent many an hour in that pool swimming and with me watching over them as they grew up.
The younger of the two is called Zoe a fearless, vivacious gung-ho type who is always up for anything. The older one Carol is more quiet and reserved and took me longer to get to know. Both girls call me god-pa. When we first met all those years ago, Carol was 5 and Zoe 3. I have watched Carol grow into a fine woman and Zoe not far behind.
To be honest, I fell for Carol from day one, she was exquisite and very attractive even then. But as I was her god-pa, I really did my best not to have any naughty thoughts about her.
30-06-2016, 12:37 PM
To be honest, I fell for Carol from day one, she was exquisite and very attractive even then. But as I was her god-pa, I really did my best not to have any naughty thoughts about her.
Carol was always long and lean, had legs that stretched forever. It was a privilege for me to watch her grow up. I would be there for her at swim meets, at ballet and her net-ball games. Seeing her grow from an ungainly child into this self-confident woman, made my heart ache. I was torn with pride coming from the father bit and the scandalous thoughts from wanting her perfect body.
I still remember the day I filled in for her dad when she was taking swimming lessons, she was 12 then, she started late, but boy did she have raw talent. I remember having to hold her afloat, her clinging on to me because she thought she would drown, her budding breasts squished against my torso. All too distracting for a grown man... and leading me to thoughts I should never have had in all honesty.
But I kept it cool.. really really cool. I loved her, as my daughter and did not think to act on anything. It was sheer torture sometimes, but just to have her around, it was worth it. I knew her dad would kill me if he ever knew.
Zoe and I had a more normal relationship in the sense that I always saw her as my baby girl and never once did I have any thoughts about anything untoward. Zoe has always liked me to give her tummy rubs, it was god-pa tummy rub rub.. and she would climb on my lap and sit there while I rubbed her tummy. Obviously this became awkward as she grew older, but she still insisted and her parents did not mind, so she would come to me and lie with her head on my lap and ask for tummy rubs. I would oblige and that was all I thought about that. Zoe would lie there and purr like a kitten.
30-06-2016, 01:16 PM
Things took a turn when on Carol's 15th birthday, her dad suddenly passed away. We were all really shocked by the incident and it left Yvonne, my friends wife devastated. As our house was quite large, my wife invited Yvonne and the girls to stay with us during this difficult time. I was out numbered in the house 4 to 1.
Though I have to say I did not mind. All 4 gorgeous women/girls to share a house with. Initially we were more concerned about taking care of the girls and their mother, we did all the usual, settling them in, helping with funeral preparations, etc. It was only the week after the funeral that my mind was able to wander.
I am the one that normally does the washing in the house as I am particular with how I sort clothes etc. So without much thinking I gathered my own clothes and my wife's and was heading to the laundry when Yvonne piped up behind me..
Yvonne: Hey houses100 I see you are doing the laundry, could I trouble you to help with ours as I am too drained to do so.
Without thinking I said: sure thing, let me finish my load and I will do yours.
30-06-2016, 02:21 PM
Good start bro, pls continue :)
30-06-2016, 02:42 PM
Camping here! :D
30-06-2016, 04:49 PM
Chop seat .
30-06-2016, 04:51 PM
Without thinking I said: sure thing, let me finish my load and I will do yours.
Beep... beep...beep. The washing machine signaled the end of my wash cycle. I got up took out the clothes and hung them out to dry in the sun. I then went back inside the house to look for Yvonne.
I knocked on her door...
Houses: Yvonne, ready for your load..
Yvonne: Sure thing come in..
I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. Yvonne's body was half turned away from me, forming a very nice silhouette. She was only wearing a very thin house dress which has become transparent with the sunlight behind her. No bra, perky breasts and pokey nips all showing, flat stomach.. my jaw dropped. Yvonne still had the body of a 20 something year old.
Yvonne bent down to retrieve the girls clothes and hers from the laundry basket on the floor, as she bent down to pick up the basket, her house dress rode up her bum to give me a peek at her pink panties. Nothing special, just your plain pink panties, but as you all know. This is the sort of view that starts the imagination going. As I looked on I mouthed a silent thank you...
She turned back and handed me the laundry basket and stepped in closer to give me a peck on the cheek.
Yvonne: Thanks Houses..
As she did so, her breast brushed against my forearm.. how much more could one endure.. I quickly bade a hasty retreat and went to do her laundry.
30-06-2016, 05:14 PM
Yvonne: Hey houses100 I see you are doing the laundry, could I trouble you to help with ours as I am too drained to do so.
Without thinking I said: sure thing, let me finish my load and I will do yours.
hahaha i laughed abit when i imagined Yvonne calling the main character houses100 :D
30-06-2016, 07:16 PM
Chop seat .
What did seat do to you? :mad:
01-07-2016, 09:39 AM
Without thinking I said: sure thing, let me finish my load and I will do yours.
Beep... beep...beep. The washing machine signaled the end of my wash cycle. I got up took out the clothes and hung them out to dry in the sun. I then went back inside the house to look for Yvonne.
I knocked on her door...
Houses: Yvonne, ready for your load..
Yvonne: Sure thing come in..
I opened the door and stopped dead in my tracks. Yvonne's body was half turned away from me, forming a very nice silhouette. She was only wearing a very thin house dress which has become transparent with the sunlight behind her. No bra, perky breasts and pokey nips all showing, flat stomach.. my jaw dropped. Yvonne still had the body of a 20 something year old.
Yvonne bent down to retrieve the girls clothes and hers from the laundry basket on the floor, as she bent down to pick up the basket, her house dress rode up her bum to give me a peek at her pink panties. Nothing special, just your plain pink panties, but as you all know. This is the sort of view that starts the imagination going. As I looked on I mouthed a silent thank you...
She turned back and handed me the laundry basket and stepped in closer to give me a peck on the cheek.
Yvonne: Thanks Houses..
As she did so, her breast brushed against my forearm.. how much more could one endure.. I quickly bade a hasty retreat and went to do her laundry.
Good story! Waiting for next episode.
01-07-2016, 10:58 AM
As she did so, her breast brushed against my forearm.. how much more could one endure.. I quickly bade a hasty retreat and went to do her laundry.
With the big basket in my hands I slowly walked to the laundry which was located on the ground floor at the rear of the house, we had a big laundry as my wife liked it big, she wanted space to hang clothes inside should it rain etc. We had lots of bench space and I absent mindedly placed the basket on the bench space in the laundry and started to sort clothes. My mind still lingering on the incident with Yvonne before. To say my shorts did not feel a bit tight was an understatement, it was the first time in over 12 years I had felt another woman's breast.
I was doing my usual sorting routine separating the whites and the colours. Without looking I picked up the next item of clothing from the basket and could feel it was not cotton, but lacy. Looking down, I saw that it was a pair of panties, but too small to be for Yvonne. They were also pink and had a small stain on the crotch area. Without thinking I immediately put that part of the panty to my nose and took a big whiff. The smell was heavenly, it was then that I realized Carol kept her physical hygiene well, she used perfume down there and she also cleaned well, there was barley a smell of urine but more importantly, there was a sweet musky smell of her.
It was only then that I began to go over the clothes that I had sorted to find all the lingerie and sorted them into three piles according to their sizes. There was a pile for Zoe, a pile for Carol and one pile for Yvonne. I noticed that Yvonne and Carol both had a perchant for expensive underwear. Carol liked Calvin Klein and Yvonne liked to wear Eres by Chanel.
There were three piles of lingerie there, over seven days worth of them. Every perverts dream.
Very nice story bro, please continue :)
01-07-2016, 03:32 PM
Good story! Please continue bro :)
01-07-2016, 04:11 PM
can't wait for the next part bro!
01-07-2016, 04:43 PM
Digging trenches and building bunker :D
01-07-2016, 05:05 PM
There were three piles of lingerie there, over seven days worth of them. Every perverts dream.
My mind was almost jammed just thinking of all the things that I could do. I was almost frozen with indecision. Who should I start with? Then taking a deep breath, I decided to catalogue my find. I whipped out my phone and started taking pictures of all of the lingerie there.
When I had finished, I had over 75 pictures on my phone. I knew all the sizes of their breasts, their panty's, I knew colour and material preference and brand. Try as I might, I was still drawn to Carol's pink lacy panties. They were lacy tanga's from Calvin Klein and as though I was caught in a trance, I was doing everything in auto pilot. I had noticed that this one had crotch lining which was not sewn so that there was a "pocket" in which I could place my ever hardening little bro. It just made sense at that time, it was the closest place to Carol's womanhood I would get to for a long time. I took another one of her pantys and put that to my nose and inhaled as I began the slow rhythmic pumping all of us guys are familiar with.
The scent from her panty sending jolts of electricity to the pleasure centres of my brain. Which in turn sent signals to my ever growing member, I must have been the hardest and the biggest I have been in a long time. My penis filling the stretchy pouch of her panty which was my "love cave". I was slowly increasing the pace, faster and faster till the point of no return.
I was so lost in the moment that I did not even think to pull out from her panties, but unloaded a weeks worth of cum into them, they seeped into the cotton crotch lining and through the lace front. All the while, I was whispering her name and groaned as I came.
01-07-2016, 05:12 PM
Great stuff bro, more please!! :)
01-07-2016, 05:13 PM
All the while, I was whispering her name and groaned as I came.
As I came down from my high, it suddenly dawned on me what I had done. At first I panicked, but then realized I was about to do the laundry. No problems then, I used another one of Carol's panty's to clean my penis and purposely used the cotton crotch lining part.
Even after all that, I was still semi-hard as there was a mountain of lingerie in front of me still. I had a quick smell of Zoe's but as they were still normal cotton panty's, I quickly moved on to Yvonne's. She smelt sweet too, like Carol, like mother like daughter. She too used perfume and she too smelt sweet and musky but stronger if you can understand?
Her scent awakened my one eyed snake again and for the second time I was in autopilot mode jerking away in Yvonne's panties and smelling another pair.
Again, I exploded into the crotch of the panty, leaving another huge deposit, it was as though I did not come the first time at all.
I quickly wiped myself clean with another pair of Yvonne's panty, using the crotch area as well, then resorted the laundry into the colours, the whites and the blacks. I loaded the whites first and set the machine.
Just as I reached the kitchen, Yvonne came down.
01-07-2016, 05:33 PM
Just as I reached the kitchen, Yvonne came down.
I gave a start as I was still feeling guilty for what I had done.
Yvonne: You ok Houses?
Houses: Yes, you just startled me that is all.
Yvonne: Thank you for helping with the laundry. I really appreciate it.
Without another word, she came over and gave me another hug, she was still braless wearing the same house dress. I felt every curve of hers meld into my body as she hugged me. I returned the hug of course but kept my hands at a very gentlemanly place at the small of her back. Without warning, she burst into tears.
Loud, uncontrollable wails, and her eyes became like leaky faucets tears running down them like a waterfall. She gripped onto me harder, her breasts squashing themselves against my chest.
I was caught in a hard place, between trying to keep my arousal down and trying my best to comfort her.
Thankfully, my wife came down at that time and she took over from me. Not before she noticed the slight bulge in my pants. She led Yvonne away and gave me a frown as she was doing so.
I innocently gave her a "what?" look. I could see her eyes dart down to my nether regions. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked to the study.
01-07-2016, 07:49 PM
Very nice TS, camping for more :)
01-07-2016, 08:47 PM
Digging trenches and building bunker :D
Filling your trenches and taking down your bunker
01-07-2016, 10:42 PM
I innocently gave her a "what?" look. I could see her eyes dart down to my nether regions. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked to the study.
I was in the midst of altering some architectural drawings, when I heard the beep..beep..beep of the washing machine. I made my way to the laundry and unloaded the whites and hung them out to dry in the sun, I put the coloured clothes in next.
This left me with the black set of clothes, as I could still hear Yvonne sobbing away and my wife consoling her, I got itchy fingers again and started to look for black lingerie. I found Yvonne's easily, there was a pair that I was immediately taken to. It was a microfibre one, it was nice to touch, I picked it up, put it to my nose, that was when I realized that it had a whole load of dried nectar on the crotch panel. Obviously Yvonne must have masturbated in them recently as the scent was very strong. I just kept smelling them.
It was again doing a number on my little bro which rose again for the third time that morning. No way I was going to pump this one out, I needed some human contact. I wondered if my wife was up to doing anything with Yvonne in the house. I reluctantly put Yvonne's panty aside and made my way to the living room.
Yvonne was a mess, she was sitting on the sofa, eyes as puffy as can be, her legs were crossed but her house dress was pulled tight across her thighs, giving me a good view of her pink panty. I took a seat opposite my wife and Yvonne and asked if everything was ok?
Yvonne: *muffled between sobs* yes, better now..
My wife: give her a bit more time, it is still very raw for her
Houses: Yes, I know. Was just asking.
All the while my eyes never left that pink triangle between Yvonne's legs. I took a cushion to cover my excitement. My wife then suggested we should get out of the house for some fresh air. I said the laundry is not done yet. Still have another load to go.
Yvonne piped up saying it was ok we could leave it till we got back, as she really needed some fresh air.
Houses: Then its settled, why don't we go change and we can catch some lunch by the beach?
Yvonne: Great idea, I could use the sun.
My Wife: lets go... shooing everyone up the stairs
As it so happened, my wife shooed my directly after Yvonne. It was a sight to behold, her shapely hips swaying in front of me. Causing a lump to catch in my throat. As the hem of her house dress bounced up and down as she climbed the stairs, I got peeks of pink.
I could not wait to get my wife into our bedroom...
01-07-2016, 10:47 PM
Very good story, support TS :)
01-07-2016, 11:22 PM
Very good story, support TS :)
Agree, will be waiting for update :)
01-07-2016, 11:29 PM
pitching tent here :)
02-07-2016, 12:56 AM
Nice story bro, pls continue...
02-07-2016, 02:06 AM
got a feeling i'm gonna like this :)
02-07-2016, 02:52 AM
TS please keep cumming!!
02-07-2016, 03:15 AM
Well written story :)
02-07-2016, 04:57 AM
Setting up camp here.
02-07-2016, 11:46 AM
I could not wait to get my wife into our bedroom...
The moment the door to our room was closed, I made a grab for my wife.
My wife: why so frisky today?
Houses: have not had it for a long time.. I need to release.
My wife: not now.. we have guests in the house?
Houses: It's only Yvonne, the girls are at school. Just a quickie?
Reluctantly she agreed and just took off her clothes and lay there waiting for me. I began to kiss her, then moved to her ear lobes and then to sucking her breasts but as soon as I tried to go further south, she would stop me.
My wife: No.. its dirty.
After some time trying.. I finally gave up and just did the deed, missionary position. I was amazed at the amount of cum that was still deposited on my wife's tummy as I pulled out.
We had a quick shower and changed.
My wife was never the adventurous type for sex, she was very plain and vanilla, only missionary position. I did not realize this till we got married, but everything else was fantastic, but yes, sex was boring. She did not like oral, either on me or to be performed on. So it was just straight missionary sex. It was only after a few years into our marriage that I found out her dislike for sex. She had been abused by her uncle when she was 12, he had come to stay with their family because he was in trouble, and he used to molest her every chance he got. When she told her mother, she got slapped by her saying that she was the one trying to cause trouble.
I really do feel for my wife, and that is why I have never pushed for much more. I have always harboured anger against her mum since I knew.
Upon coming down, we found Yvonne already waiting for us so we all piled into the car and set off for the beach.
02-07-2016, 12:22 PM
Upon coming down, we found Yvonne already waiting for us so we all piled into the car and set off for the beach.
Yvonne and the girls stay stretched out to a month.. then two months, I would be given the keys to Yvonne's house, to do periodic checks and boy did I have fun. Obviously I would take the opportunity to look through the lingerie drawers of all the girls. It felt weird at first, stepping into their house. Pictures of Yvonne and the kids and her husband everywhere, it was as though everywhere I walked through the house, I was being watched.
In their bedroom there was their wedding picture above the bed, I swear his eyes followed me around the room. Looking at me tentatively open Yvonne's lingerie drawer. It was stuffed full. She had two drawers, one for panty's and the other for bras. I have to confess, I am a panty man, so I would always go through those first. Mind you it was a big drawer 90cm wide and 60cm deep filled to the brim with panties.
I went through them and picked out a few that I liked from the bottom of the drawer as they were probably not worn recently and might not be missed and kept those for myself. I then again proceeded to catalogue all her lingerie. Including brand and bra size. By the time I had finished, it was over an hour and some 450 pictures later.
By that time, there was no stopping me. I had to see what both Zoe and Carol had. So I did the same, went in each of their rooms, both were adorned differently, Zoe's was vibrant full of colour, her stuffed toys sitting on the shelf behind her bed, her desk, still in disarray as she had left it. Zoe's room was that of your typical 12 year old, nothing that would draw your attention. A quick look and I found what I was looking for, she did not have much. In her drawer, I found her training bras and a handful of panties. I dutifully catalogued each one and picked one for a souvenir.
I saved Carol for last as she was my crush. Entering her room gave me a surreal experience, a sense of being in a place you are not supposed to be, a thrill, even though I had been in there many times, this was the one time, I was there to do a dastardly deed.
Stepping into Carol's room, it was pink everywhere, her bed cover, her sheets, her pillows, all shades of pink. Even her desk was pink. She had a pink carpet on the floor and the room smelt of roses. I had gotten Carol some rare rose essential oils from one of my trips overseas, she used it every day as an aroma oil. The faint scent still lingered after all this time. As soon as I had stepped into the room, time seemed to stand still. I took my time just taking everything in. I sniffed the pillow she slept on, I touched the desk she used. There were clothes on the floor in a pile in the corner, I looked through them, found her used panty which I pocketed for a keepsake. ( I would later put that into a ziploc bag just to try and keep the smell longer.. ) I repeated what I had done with Yvonne and catalogued all her lingerie. It came up to about 200 pics. I also took one or two souvenirs.
By the time I had finished, over 2 hours had passed. I did not know where the time went, but I knew the girls would be wondering where I was so I made a quick exit and headed back home.
02-07-2016, 01:34 PM
Keep going TS :)
02-07-2016, 02:08 PM
Nice story TS!!
02-07-2016, 02:11 PM
Great story ! looking forward for more!:)
02-07-2016, 04:39 PM
Interesting story.... pls continue TS :)
02-07-2016, 05:59 PM
Awesome story!!!
02-07-2016, 09:51 PM
She was only wearing a very thin house dress which has become transparent with the sunlight behind her. No bra, perky breasts and pokey nips all showing, flat stomach.. my jaw dropped.
Lovely view :)
03-07-2016, 11:46 AM
Lovely view :)
It sure is..
03-07-2016, 12:07 PM
By the time I had finished, over 2 hours had passed. I did not know where the time went, but I knew the girls would be wondering where I was so I made a quick exit and headed back home.
I made a quick detour on the way home to get some cakes and pastries from the french bakery enroute.
The moment I opened the door..
My wife: How come you took so long?
Houses: Decided to make a stop for these and just did a through inspection on Yvonne's house..
As I said those words, I put the box of cakes and pastries on the table..
My wife: Oooh.. my favourite. Thanks dear..
Gives me a peck on the left cheek.
Yvonne: Thank you for checking my house and the cakes.
Gives me a peck on my right cheek.
Now that was a bit awkward. Right in front of my wife. I know they are both good friends, almost like sisters, but still felt weird.
I excused myself to go back to the garage giving some excuse that I wanted to go look for something. I went to my "man cave" which was a small room at the rear of the garage where I kept all my "treasures" this room was always locked and because of the way I had arranged the storage, it was mostly hidden from view that my wife does not notice it.
Once inside I take out my "treasures". I label them and put them away for use at a later date. I make my way back to the living room where I am confronted by two women with their mouths stuffed full cakes.
Houses: Hey leave some for the girls. (Meaning Carol and Zoe)
So just like that Yvonne and the girls became part of our family. Things were comfortable and it was all going well. Work was good, business was good. Another few months on from there, I came back one day from a client meeting to be confronted by the two women again.
My wife: Dear, we have something to discuss.
Houses: What do you mean we?
My wife: Yvonne and I want to discuss a matter with you.
Houses: Oh. I am sure it will be ok if you are ok with it. (I said to my wife.)
My wife: Just wait to hear us out.
Yvonne: Yes, please hear us out.
Houses: Ok. What is up?
My wife: Was thinking that since Yvonne cannot bear to go back to her place, that they put it up for rental and she and the girls can move in with us.
Houses: Where are we going to fit all the furniture?
My wife: Yvonne and I have already discussed it. She will leave her furniture at her place and rent it out fully furnished, she will have all her clothes taken here and all of her items like pictures, sculptures etc. Our garage is big enough to store their stuff.
She was not wrong there, we had a 6 car garage but only 3 cars at the moment, so plenty of space.
Houses: As long as you leave me space for the sports car you always said I could get.
My wife: Hmph.. sports car.. helping Yvonne and the girls is more important.
Typical woman speak. But as you know happy wife, happy life. So I agreed with the proposal and that was that. Yvonne asked for help to move her stuff, I arranged for a removalist to do so.
Yvonne: Can I ask one more favour?
Houses: Sure.
Yvonne: Can you help me with the move I still cannot bear to go back to the house.
Houses: Okay I guess.. (there goes a weekend..)
Just as we finished the "discussion" the girls appeared from the indoor pool. Both were wearing one piece swim suits. Zoe's was black but showed off her body well. She was developing nicely I thought to myself. Carol was wearing a light blue one piece which showed camel toe and raisins on top. If the two ladies were not there, I would have drooled with a puddle of saliva on the floor. As they were both used to me, they did not bother to cover up and both came running over to say hello. I got two very wet hugs. Not to say that I minded in the least.
03-07-2016, 12:49 PM
Nice update, please continue :)
03-07-2016, 01:16 PM
Nice update, please continue :)
You are whose de clone ah?
03-07-2016, 01:36 PM
You are whose de clone ah?
Kambing & Ayam crossbreeding. After this clone gets decimated, I wonder what will it be next :D
03-07-2016, 01:37 PM
Anyway to bro Houses100, support your story. Can't wait for the next installment :)
03-07-2016, 01:41 PM
You are whose de clone ah?
Don't bark up the wrong tree lah ... look at those nicks with low posts (<10) and high points (40 to 70)
03-07-2016, 02:45 PM
Anyway to bro Houses100, support your story. Can't wait for the next installment :)
Thank you. Next update soon.. OC around.. kekeke
03-07-2016, 03:05 PM
Please update soon :D
03-07-2016, 04:55 PM
I got two very wet hugs. Not to say that I minded in the least.
Those were the two best hugs of my life. I felt both sexy bodies pressed hard against mine, Carol's more developed breasts pressed into my lower ribs, I had my hands hugging her and just at the point between where her swimsuit meets her hip, so I was technically getting some feel of her soft flesh. With Zoe on the other side, her body plastered to me and my hands on her back holding her close. I tried not to think any naughty thoughts and tried very hard not to move my hands too much.
It was a hug that seemed to last for ages and I was not complaining.
Yvonne: Girls! You got your god-pa all wet.. just look at him.
That was true though, my linen shirt and pants were soaked through and as I was wearing a white shirt and beige pants, by the time the girls pulled away, you could make out my the skin tones of my abs beneath my shirt and the dark grey undies I was wearing that day.
I looked down at myself and made a hasty exit to get changed.
Yvonne calling after me: Sorry about that..
Houses: Not to worry, it is a small matter.
I came back down all refreshed and changed into more comfortable shorts and a polo shirt.
Shortly the two girls came down to join us adults in the living room, Zoe took up her usual place, head resting on my thigh and asking for tummy rubs. This became a ritual with us and I just absent mindedly rubbed her tummy. Zoe pulled a throw over herself and she then slipped my hand under her T-shirt with out letting Yvonne, Carol or my wife see.
03-07-2016, 05:59 PM
Camping to nice story!
03-07-2016, 08:09 PM
Camping to nice story!
camping too :)
very nice story
03-07-2016, 08:41 PM
nice~~~ :)
03-07-2016, 08:46 PM
Very good story ... more please :)
03-07-2016, 11:46 PM
Camping to nice story!
Yes, camping too :D
04-07-2016, 12:02 AM
Confirm must camp here
04-07-2016, 03:52 AM
Yes, camping too :D
Same here as well
04-07-2016, 05:31 AM
Enjoy rubbing Zoe's tummy, but don't forget to update :D
04-07-2016, 12:38 PM
Zoe pulled a throw over herself and she then slipped my hand under her T-shirt with out letting Yvonne, Carol or my wife see.
That first touch of skin on skin sent jolts through my nerve endings to my brain. Zoe has a flat stomach and really really smooth skin. I was rubbing her tummy and everytime I would stop for a while because my hand got tired, she would make a tsk sound and I would continue. At first I was rubbing horizontally back and forth, but Zoe I guess had other ideas and started moving my hands vertically up and down.
I obliged the change in direction, but was very careful not to go to far up or down. On one of the upstrokes, Zoe's hand bumped mine and I went higher than expected and accidentally brushed against the starting buds of her underboob. I tried to keep a straight face so no one else would notice. Zoe turned to face me and gave me a small very quick wink. Did I just imagine that or did Zoe actually give me a wink? It happened all so fast.
We were all chatting away in the living room when all of a sudden, we hard a loud rumble come from Carol's tummy.
Carol: Oops! heheh..
Yvonne: Are you hungry dear?
Carol: A bit.
My wife: lets go out for dinner then as we have not got anything ready yet.
Houses: Sure thing. (Using this as a good excuse to extricate myself from Zoe to go change)
Dinner was a casual affair at the club. The girls ordering fried chicken and we adults ordered some dishes to share. The girls then wanted to go bowling and as it was a friday with no school the next day, we did.
It was hard for me to concentrate on bowling a good game with 4 beautiful temptresses infront of you. Zoe was wearing flared shorts and everytime she bowled, you could almost make out the bottoms of her undies as her shorts swayed with her bowling motion. Carol was wearing short cut jean shorts and that left nothing to the imagination. Her butt cheeks showing prominently everytime she bent down.
Fighting for attention were both my wife who wore tight jeans which accentuated her lovely figure and Yvonne who wore a mini-skirt which was a tease in itself everytime she would bowl. You could almost swear that you could see her white undies. I knew they were when because we got 2 lanes and she would skit opposite me and I don't know whether it was on purpose or carelessness, but she flashed me a couple of times.
Hey.. I am not complaining.
04-07-2016, 12:54 PM
Hey.. I am not complaining.
Time passes fast when you are having fun. Though I have to say having the guests with us, it was hard for me to get any action from my wife. The most I would get is a quickie and even then.. it was just that. I guess I got my "excitement" from the things happening around me when Yvonne and the girls were there.
Before you knew it 2 years had passed, Carol had finished her "O" levels and Zoe was in Sec 2. Yvonne was more emotionally stable, even though she still could not go back to the house. I always wondered why. Everytime some thing came up with the house, she would always ask me to handle it.
I guess one time curiosity got the better of me and I asked Yvonne about it. Initially she was reluctant to talk, but after much pestering on my part, she relented and dropped a bombshell.
04-07-2016, 02:39 PM
Hey.. I am not complaining.
Time passes fast when you are having fun. Though I have to say having the guests with us, it was hard for me to get any action from my wife. The most I would get is a quickie and even then.. it was just that. I guess I got my "excitement" from the things happening around me when Yvonne and the girls were there.
Before you knew it 2 years had passed, Carol had finished her "O" levels and Zoe was in Sec 2. Yvonne was more emotionally stable, even though she still could not go back to the house. I always wondered why. Everytime some thing came up with the house, she would always ask me to handle it.
I guess one time curiosity got the better of me and I asked Yvonne about it. Initially she was reluctant to talk, but after much pestering on my part, she relented and dropped a bombshell.
Wow.. I got a feeling something exciting or juicy is coming up! Thanks for the frequent update TS!
04-07-2016, 02:42 PM
What a nice story!! More updates please:)
04-07-2016, 04:11 PM
I guess one time curiosity got the better of me and I asked Yvonne about it. Initially she was reluctant to talk, but after much pestering on my part, she relented and dropped a bombshell.
Yvonne took a seat on the sofa and began telling me her story.
This happened about a year before Mark my husband died. Yvonne began to say that she thought that things were going well with her family, her life and her husband. The girls were doing well, they had us as really good friends. Then without warning, things just seemed to take a turn for the worse.
There would be times when Yvonne came home and she said she could smell a different perfume in the air. But she could not be sure, it was a very strong scent and when she confronted Mark about it, he was just say that it was a new air freshener. Mark would proceed to bring out an air freshener and it would smell very similar to the perfume. Yvonne then thought no more about it. Until Carol said that she found a strand of red hair on her pillow.
04-07-2016, 04:24 PM
Ah ha, something fishy!!
05-07-2016, 05:42 PM
Until Carol said that she found a strand of red hair on her pillow.
Carol said that her bed smelt of a funny smell and when Yvonne went to check it out, she found more strands of red hair and stains on the bedsheets. Some of which she said looked like blood.
Yvonne changed and washed Carol's sheets that night. But did not say anything to Mark when he came back.
It was only then that I realized that her happy life was not so happy.
Houses: So how long has this been going on?
Yvonne: This? For quite some time, I think it first started after Carol was born, I was still quite bloated from the birth and not into making love as I was very sore down there still. He would pester me to give him blow jobs when Carol was asleep, once he even tried to do it in my anus!
Houses: Ah. So how did you end up having Zoe?
Yvonne: Don't tell her, but she was an accident. Mark came back one night after his boozing and drinking and basically raped me.
Houses: What?! He did that!!??
Yvonne: Yes, all I could do was just wash myself. I have not felt so dirty since.
Houses: So it was only the one affair?
Yvonne: No, there have been many. I finally caught him with the woman with the red hair doing it in Carol's bed. She was Carol's swim coach.
Only when Yvonne said that did I put two and two together. Yes, Carol had a swim coach with red dyed hair, you would not notice it most times because she kept it under a swim cap. But there was that one time after class, she took off the cap and I happened to see it. Wow, she was a looker I thought and for the short, brief moment, I was envious of Mark.
Yvonne: He was doing it in the doggie position and grabbing her breasts, he did not see me or hear me as I was watching through the door which was left adjar. He probably did not even think I would be back home at that hour, but I came back to get some files I left at home for work. How could he? Our daughters swim coach! She was only 19 and she was wearing her swimsuit.
05-07-2016, 05:42 PM
more coming soon, sorry for the slow updates as OC is around a bit and work is a bit heavy.
05-07-2016, 05:51 PM
more coming soon, sorry for the slow updates as OC is around a bit and work is a bit heavy.
No worries bro, well written story :)
05-07-2016, 07:20 PM
Great story TS, more please! :)
05-07-2016, 08:26 PM
Excellent piece of work!!!
06-07-2016, 11:49 AM
She was only 19 and she was wearing her swimsuit.
Yvonne: He was pounding away at her, savagely and grabbing her by the waist as he thrust. He then turned her over and did it missionary style, it was then that I saw that her swimsuit was actually Carol's. My mind was reeling from the sight before me, her moans, his grunting. It was all too much for me, but somehow could not find it within me to move away. I watched till the bitter end, when he came in her, he was not wearing any protection, and I saw his cum, leak from her vagina as he pulled out and made her suck him clean.
At this point, I was actually aroused by the story and had taken a cushion to hide my excitement. I tried my best to pay attention to Yvonne and to console her.
Yvonne: I left the house quietly and kept these things in my heart as I knew the girls loved their dad. But in Carol's swim suit? Really? I threw that swimsuit away and Carol has been asking why as it was her favourite. He took her virginity, I am sure of that too. How did I not see this one?
Houses: So sorry Yvonne. Sometimes you just want to believe they can change...
Yvonne: But he promised after the last time. He promised on his knees begging me to take him back, to give him one last chance.
Houses: Sorry but how many times has this happened?
Yvonne: I know of at least 5 incidents. The last time, I got my dad involved and he said that he had a good chat with Mark, and that he would break him if he broke my heart. If it was not for my dad, Mark would not be where he was. I feel so betrayed by that man. The worst part is, after the accident, the police returned me some of Marks personal belongings, amongst them was his mobile phone. When I went through the phone, there were so many videos, pictures of him with other women, some too disgusting to even mention!
I was thinking in my head, I wonder if the phone is still around? I know it was bad of me, but I sure did want to have a look now that all this talk has gotten me curious.
Houses: So who was the first?
Yvonne: One of the office ladies working with him at that time.
Houses: How did you find out?
Yvonne: One night, there was a call to the house, when I picked up the phone, there was a drunk lady at the other end of the line, she was screaming obscenities at me. I said to her you must have gotten the wrong number, she yelled back, Mark is mine! Then she hung up. I asked Mark about it when he got back that night, he said she was just drunk and that she had a crush on him but he did not do anything. I still trusted him at that time so let it go. But a few more things happened that made me suspicious.
Houses: ....
Yvonne: Over the next few months, I would get phone calls at work and when I pick up, I could hear breathing on the other end of the line, but no one was talking. Then on one of those phone calls, the person spoke in a disguised voice, I know.. I know.. and hung up.
Yvonne: The worst part came when I heard Zoe screaming into the phone a few weeks later, you hateful woman... I hate you. See if you dare... I will call the police. And Zoe slammed the phone down. When I asked her what it was about, she said some lady said she knew where she and che che were studying and that if we were not careful, she would kidnap us. That same day, I got a call from one of my girl friends, saying they had seen Mark and another woman smooching at a cafe. This then confirmed my suspicions.
06-07-2016, 12:06 PM
This then confirmed my suspicions.
Yvonne: When Mark came home that night, we had a huge fight, I confronted him, he denied, then when I brought up the threats to our children, he broke down and confessed, saying it was a momentary lapse, that me not wanting to have sex with him and him being sexually frustrated led to all these things happening. I screamed at him saying I wanted him to fix this, for this psycho woman to stop harassing our family. I asked him whether he had done it, he said not yet. Only kissing and holding hands. He said he would take care of it. I believed him.
Houses: woah.. did not think he had it in him, he seemed like such an upstanding guy.
Yvonne: He was when we first met, all those years ago, he was the goody nerdy type with muscles. It was when he started working with his firm that things started to change, he started to objectify women more, something which he did not do before, the changes were gradual, a comment there, a lingering look elsewhere, a small touch where he should not have.
Yvonne: Soon it had progressed further, he was more adventurous in bed, which I initially thought was a good thing, till he took it too far, he wanted to try all sorts of weird stuff like bondage, anal sex, role play, he even bought me a costume to wear on one of our sessions, me giving in then only served to encourage him more, once he even tied me up while I was sleeping and stripped me leaving me naked on the bed. He even dripped hot candle wax on me. I could see he was getting more perverted. Wondering where he got his ideas from, I did a history search on his computer, he was watching porn. I could not believe it. This nerdy guy who was always so gentlemanly... but I came to accept his change in sexual preferences and thought why not, it would keep things interesting. But he always wanted to do the things I was most uncomfortable with. He even tried to arrange a swing session with other couples.
Houses: he what!?? so did you?
I had a full on boner by then, but thankfully the cushion kept it a secret from Yvonne.
Yvonne: After much persuasion, I went, but we did not do anything, except watch other couples swap partners and do the deeds, Mark seemed to be engrossed in this and he really wanted to participate, but I did not want to and the rules are that it has to be consensual. So we were allowed to stay and watch. I kept pestering him to leave as I was not comfortable. He made me stay till almost the end. The last straw was when one of the couples, invited Mark to join in and he did not hesitate. Can you imagine what it is like for me to see him being fondled and kissed by another woman?! It was too much for me and I dragged him out of there crying. He was mad at me, he said I was a prude and no fun at all. This was a year into the marriage, Carol had yet to be born. I just cried myself to sleep that night wondering what happened to my husband and marriage?
06-07-2016, 01:48 PM
Go on leh!!
Wah lau!
It's like im jacking off and then have to change the blue VCD to watch part 2.
Bro, thanks for your wonderful story... more about Yvonne getting butt fucked please?
06-07-2016, 03:29 PM
Please continue TS .... damn good story :)
06-07-2016, 05:39 PM
Support bro houses100's story!!
06-07-2016, 06:08 PM
Support bro houses100's story!!
Same here as well
07-07-2016, 03:56 PM
Support bro houses100's story!!
Thank you. Sorry today no update. Work is very busy. Will try to do so later if OC not around. Thank you again for the encouragement!
07-07-2016, 04:17 PM
Thank you. Sorry today no update. Work is very busy. Will try to do so later if OC not around. Thank you again for the encouragement!
Sure bro :)
07-07-2016, 04:33 PM
Same here as well
Me supporting too!! :)
07-07-2016, 05:49 PM
I just cried myself to sleep that night wondering what happened to my husband and marriage?
Houses: So did it get worse after that night?
Yvonne: It was hell the year before Carol was born. Things just escalated and it was as if the man I fell in love with just disappeared before my eyes. He was in to all the perversions that he saw watching porn. Like I said before, he came back one night and wanted to do it with me in my anus!
Yvonne: I fought him hard that night as I did not want to do so, but he was still stronger than me. It was so humiliating. I was watching TV in bed waiting for him to come home. As usual he came back drunk as a skunk. He reeked of alcohol. I could see the lipstick stains on his collar, he must have been out drinking at one of those bars again. Entertaining clients he called it. I pleaded with him many times not to go, to stay home and keep me company. But he said that I did not satisfy him any more.
Houses: I never realized it was that bad. You both seemed like such a happy couple.
Yvonne: He was always very good at acting, so much so that my father would fall for his lies so many times. As I was saying again, he came home that night. He was so out of it. He Was making a lot of noise as he came up the stairs, crashing into the wall, cursing and swearing. He kept calling for me, but I did not want to answer, I had switched off the tv. When he entered the room, I pretended to sleep. I pulled the covers over my head and hoped he would not disturb me. He flopped onto the bed and began snoring and I thought that I was safe that night. Little did I know what was coming later.
Houses: You mean he actually did something?
Yvonne: Yes. It must have been sometime in the early hours of the morning, I heard Mark moving. I thought he was going to the toilet, but he turned towards me and started grabbing my ass. He was very rough, very forceful. He then pulled back the covers and started to kiss my breasts through the negligee that I was wearing. I remember thinking it was a dream at first, but then when he bit on my nipples, it gave me a start and woke me up with a fright. I remember feeling his entire weight on me. It was suffocating. I tried to push him off, but in my groggy state, I was not strong enough. He over powered me easily and used the chord of my negligee robe to tie my hands up. I still remember the words he said, they were so chilling.
Houses: What did he say?
Yvonne: Now you will know what it means to be my bitch.
Houses: Nearly choking on my saliva. What!
Yvonne: Yes, he really did say that. It sent chills down my spine. I was terrified as to what was going to happen. He started to kiss me on my lips, he tried to push his tongue in, but I bit him. He retaliated by slapping me across my face. I was seeing stars by then. I was a sobbing mess, begging him to stop, to return to being the man I married. He just said, I am the man you married. My mind was filled with despair. He basically ripped my negligee into two, exposing my breasts and all I had for a covering were my lace night shorts. He took his time with me. Like some deranged mad man.
Listening to all this, I was revolted and aroused at the same time. I was rock hard, and I felt a slight tinge of guilt before my hormones got the better of me.
Houses: An so what happened after that?
Yvonne seemed eager to tell her story as if, that was this weight she was letting down. I on the other hand was only none too eager to listen to this sordid story. I egged her on.
Yvonne: He turned me over faced my face to the bed and had me in a kneeling position with my ass in the air. He was like a man possessed. Mauling my boobs, I don't know when he bought it, but before I knew it, he put some KY gel on my pussy and shoved in this huge dildo which was rotating and gyrating in all directions at once. I did not want to feel anything, I tried so hard to will myself not to. But that thing in me, touched my g-spot and it got me wet and very horny. I let out the smallest of moans. That is when he pressed further, with his sick acts. He whipped out his dick and shoved it in my face and asked me to suck. I smelt cum and pussy juice on that dick of his and knew he had done it with some whore. I was revolted by the thought of having to suck him. I turned my face away.
07-07-2016, 05:52 PM
sorry OC back.. will continue soon.
07-07-2016, 05:59 PM
Interesting story TS, please update soon
07-07-2016, 06:03 PM
sorry OC back.. will continue soon.
Thanks for the update bro
07-07-2016, 08:04 PM
Interesting story TS, please update soon
Feel the same way too :)
07-07-2016, 10:57 PM
Waiting for updates too :)
08-07-2016, 08:10 AM
I was revolted by the thought of having to suck him. I turned my face away.
Yvonne: It was no use, he grabbed my hair and turned my face toward his filthy penis again. The stench was unbearable. Slowly bit by bit, I could see my face inching closer and closer to that penis. He put the tip against my lips but I clamped them shut. But that dildo that he had inserted at that time gave me such a big orgasm that I had no choice but to open my mouth as I gave out a long loud moan as the waves of pleasure crashed over me. He took his chance and stuffed his penis into my mouth all the way to my throat. I cannot describe the feeling, between gagging and pleasure.
Houses: Mark was quite the sick person I see. Again, I am so sorry you had to endure all of that.
But I was certainly not sorry to hear the story.
Yvonne: Sigh.... as I came down from my high, he continued to pump and pump my mouth, he continued for several minutes all the while the dildo in my pussy is building me up to another climax. As I was hitting my climax, he pulled the dildo out and shoved his penis in. I was horrified, knowing he had unprotected sex with someone else, I was worried about disease etc. But as I was cuming, it was hard to resist him as he ravished my pussy. He was brutal, animalistic, not giving me a chance at all. He was hard and fast and without warning, I felt the most searing pain. He had put the head of his penis into my anus.
You could see Yvonne was distraught by this time as she was describing the encounter.
Houses: It's ok if you don't want to continue...
Yvonne: Give me a minute.. I do want to continue. It unburdens me of this deep dark secret.
Takes a deep breath..
Yvonne: I was screaming for him to stop, begging in between his thrusts which winded me. The pain was searing. But he did not stop, to make it worse, he jammed the dildo back in my pussy. Between its gyrations and his ravishment of my anus, I came another time. By this time, I was spent, I was too weak to even put up any form of resistance, I just lay there, with my butt in the air and took his ravishment. All sane thought had gone out of my mind, I retreated into another place, it all went blank and the next thing I knew, I could hear him grunting.. and I felt his hot seed spill into my anus. He left his penis in there till it shrunk and as he pulled it out, his sperm flowed down toward my pussy. He took out the dildo and watched the sperm flow toward my pussy, he scooped as much of it in as possible. For someone who had already cum before, there was a lot. After scooping it into my pussy, he replaced the dildo, I was powerless to stop him. He left it in there till morning. I forgot how many more times I came, but he never took it out, he just rolled over and fell asleep. Thankfully it ran out of battery and as I turned on my side to rest, it came out. But the damage was done, the deed was done... that was the exact time, I became pregnant with Carol.
08-07-2016, 01:56 PM
TS must be having an erection when Yvonne described the action
08-07-2016, 02:49 PM
TS must be having an erection when Yvonne described the action
you selective reading? he did have a hardon. haha
08-07-2016, 03:05 PM
Nice update, more please :)
08-07-2016, 05:58 PM
Nice story! support support...
08-07-2016, 09:45 PM
Camping for updates :)
09-07-2016, 12:12 AM
Camping here.....
09-07-2016, 04:29 AM
Anymore update bro?
09-07-2016, 12:21 PM
that was the exact time, I became pregnant with Carol.
Houses: What?! You mean both times, the pregnancy was not planned and you were raped?!
Yvonne: Basically yes.
Houses:... I am speechless.
Yvonne: It is true. Mark was really a monster.
Houses: But why did you not seek help? Tell someone?
Yvonne: Who would believe me? He was such a good actor till my dad believed him and said I was making things up..(she began to cry again.. )
I put my arm round her and patted her back in comfort. But in truth, I was struggling inside, between feeling anger and hurt for my friend and being turned on by Yvonne's description of events. I struggled whether I would push her on.. I got up to get her a glass of water from the kitchen being very careful not to let her see my tent. When I came back I was fully convinced to drop my probing, but alas, the dark side just took over.
Houses: So you mean even after Carol, Mark continued to abuse you?
Yvonne: Yes, so many things, so many times.
Houses: I am here for you if you need a listening ear. Did you want to stop?
I was hoping against hope this ploy would not backfire on me. And I was relieved that Yvonne chose to continue.
Yvonne: No, I want someone to hear the whole story so that I do not have to carry this burden alone. Or rather, I do not have to feel so alone.
Houses: Your secret is safe with me.
It sounded so cliche to me, but it gave Yvonne the push to go on.
Yvonne: After that night, I lived in fear of Mark coming home. I even tried to ask my mum to stay with us for a while, and during those times, Mark was the model of a doting husband. He came home early, took us out for dinners, he even opened the car door for me. My mum was duly impressed and remarked to me one day that I had gotten a good catch. If only she knew. I thought in my heart.
Houses: You never told your mum?
Yvonne: Mark had her charmed and wound around his little finger. She was always singing his praises. What could I say? There were no bruises to show. What was I going to complain about that Mark was deviant in his sexual fantasies and preferences and that I had a sore pussy?
Houses: ...
Yvonne: The moment mum left, Mark started again and my world was plunged back into hell. Did you know that Mark was doing all those things to me right up to the time that Carol was born? He did not care one bit about how it would affect the baby or my comfort, he just continued. About a year after Carol was born, he came home one day early from work, this surprised me and he even cooked me dinner, but little did I know it was all part of his sinister plan.
Houses: What happened?
Yvonne: He said he just felt like it, to go back to when we first got married. He wanted me to be happy and I fell for that hook line and sinker. About an hour after dinner I felt sleepy and told Mark that I was going to lie down to rest. I did not know then that he had spiked my cocktail. My head was so heavy and I could barely keep my eyes open. I passed out in the guest bedroom as I could not make it upstairs. He even came to check on me and I thought then, how sweet.
Yvonne:.. (sobs... ) when I finally woke up, it was early morning. I was wondering why I felt so sore down there. I then realized that my clothes were removed and I was only in my panty which felt cold wet and clammy down there. I tried to get up but fell back into bed immediately as the room was spinning a little. As I lay in bed, I realized that there were dried fluid stains on my breasts and body. The whole room stank of sex and there were a lot of dried stains on me. My stomach heaved and I felt like retching.. and I crawled to the guest ensuite toilet. I emptied the contents of my stomach into the toilet bowl.
Houses: OMG!
But again this story from Yvonne was turning me on. It did not help me that she was sitting there in a sheer top with a short skirt that just barely covered her pubic region as she was sitting on the sofa. The sight of her lacy bra and occasional flashes of her panties did a number on my little bro again. It was agony sitting there not being able to release.
Yvonne: When I was finally able to stand, I removed my panties and threw them into the bin and took a long hot shower. I dried myself and wrapped myself in a house robe and went to get a drink in the kitchen, as I was walking to the kitchen, I happened to walk past Marks study and noticed that there was a camcorder on his desk and it was plugged into his computer. Curiosity got the better of me and I went in to take a look.
09-07-2016, 12:22 PM
Thank you to all my supporters, will update again tomorrow, got to take care of the OC. Have a great Saturday!
09-07-2016, 12:34 PM
Thank you for updates.
09-07-2016, 01:12 PM
Thank you for sharing story.
09-07-2016, 01:18 PM
Thank you bro!looking forward to your updates
09-07-2016, 06:06 PM
Thank you bro!looking forward to your updates
Same same bro ;)
09-07-2016, 09:15 PM
Thank you to all my supporters, will update again tomorrow, got to take care of the OC. Have a great Saturday!
Thanks for your updates bro. You have a good weekend too :)
09-07-2016, 11:05 PM
Great story TS :)
10-07-2016, 01:01 PM
Curiosity got the better of me and I went in to take a look.
Yvonne: I shut the door behind me as I entered the room. I took a seat at Marks desk. Seeing that the camcorder was attached to the computer and the computer was still on, I touched the mouse and the the screen came on. On it I saw that Mark had been playing a video. I just clicked on play and was horrified when it started playing.
Houses: What was on the video?
Yvonne: I saw myself. I way lying in the guest bedroom with the clothes I had on the night before. I then saw Mark coming over to try and wake me, but I was out cold. He shook me, he prodded, called my name. Nothing. No response from me. I wonder what he used to knock me out. He then turned and clapped his hands together with glee. I saw him walk out of view of the camera. Then I heard the door bell ring. I hear other voices. I can make out three male voices excluding Marks. The next thing I see is Mark and three men surrounding me. All but Mark are wearing ski masks so I cannot tell who they are. Mark then asks them to feast their eyes as he slowly undresses me. I watch in horror as my dress comes off. Then my bra and my panties leaving nothing to the imagination.
Houses: I am shocked.. (but in actuality, I really also wanted to see what Yvonne was describing in the video, I wondered for the longest time what she would look like naked, even though I had my eyes on Carol, Yvonne was still one very sexy MILF)
Yvonne: There I am stark naked infront of strangers and Mark is organizing it! His perversion knows no bounds! It was bad enough that I was abused by him, he is now bringing others to abuse me. What happened!? How can someone change like that?
I gave Yvonne a minute to calm down... she took a deep breath and continued her story.
Yvonne: I see Mark groping my body. My breasts, my pussy, pushing a finger in while I am still dry. He then brought out numerous dildos and vibrators and turned them on. He handed them to each of the men in the room and asked them to go ahead and use them on me. The first guy steps closer to my body, he puts the vibrator against my right nipple while he is groping my left. He asks whether he can suck my nipples and Mark says to go right ahead. So there I am, passed out with this man sucking my nipples and titillating them with the vibrator. Mark tuns on the big gyrating and rotating dildo he used on me before and puts a good amount of gel on in, he pulls my legs apart so my pussy is on show for them and starts to introduce the tip of the dildo into my pussy before long, the whole length is in and Mark puts my panties back on so as to hold the dildo in place while it is ravishing my pussy. I see the other two guys hang back as they are a bit timid, but with encouragement from Mark, they slowly step forward.
Yvonne: I see one slowly touch the inside of my calf and run his hand up to my pussy, feeling my pubic region through my panty. He then slips his hand under the panty to get a better feel. As I am already wet from the dildo, he scoops some of my juices up and tastes it. The other guy also comes forward and does the same thing, but he puts his hand inside my panties and rubs my clitoris. I can see I am getting turned on more even though I am knocked out. My body is responding to all these stimuli. The guy who has been sucking my nipples moves up to kiss my neck and gives me a wet one on the mouth, he tries to stick his tongue in but I don't think he was very successful. Mark is already naked, his dick standing proud. He gets some of my flowing juices and coats his dick and starts to push his dick into my mouth, but I think it was a bit painful so he stopped. I see the other guys getting naked also. Their dicks are all varied in size, the largest one is about 7 inches and the smallest is about 5.5, but thick. I sit there in a daze watching this nightmare unfold. I don't want to look but my eyes are still glued on the screen.
Houses: You know you can stop if it is too hard to go on.. (praying in my heart she will continue.. )
Yvonne: Mark by this time, removes the dildo from my pussy and replaces it with his dick, but he shoves the dildo into my anus instead. The other guys are either busy sucking my nipples and playing with my boobs or using my hands to stroke their dicks. Soon my hands are coated in pre-cum and they are smearing it on my breasts and my lips. I am grossed out by the scene but I am comatose in the video. I am not moving. I want to scream. Mark is pumping away and gives a final grunt and he comes deep in my pussy, he pulls out and gets the camcorder to do a close up of my pussy with his cum leaking out. One of the guys then mounts me and squishes my boobs together and uses it to do bring himself to an orgasm, his semen shooting out covering my breasts and some hitting my lower chin and neck. It trails down my neck to my boobs like a white liquid snake.
By this time, Yvonne's story has gotten me very horny and so wanting of release. But I had to sit there and be her friend and show concern. It was really doing a number on my sanity. Not forgetting I am eyeballing her panties and can still see her lace bra cupping her assets.
10-07-2016, 01:11 PM
Not forgetting I am eyeballing her panties and can still see her lace bra cupping her assets.
Yvonne: One of the guys asks Mark is he can fuck me. He says ok. He proceeds to take Mark's place and pushes his full length in, oblivious of Mark's semen, using it as a lubricant. He lifts my legs onto his shoulders to get better entry and pumps fast and hard. He cums in me and again Mark takes the camera to film the cum leaking out of my pussy. Someone scoops some up and smears it across my lips and tries to put some into my mouth. The last guy takes his place and turns me over and does me doggie style choosing to empty his cum on my backside. It slowly slides down my butt, toward my pussy, some leaks into my pussy. They turn me over and admire their work. I was then thinking it was over, but turns out they were only taking a rest. They went for about 4 hours according to the video. That is how I got cum on me everywhere, they must have fucked me in the pussy and my anus and breast fucked me again. I felt like such a cheap whore when I finished watching the video. I sat there and I sobbed. That was also the time I got pregnant with Zoe. Till today I am not entirely sure whether she is Mark's. As I am sitting there, I hear a voice from the doorway, so you have seen the video....
10-07-2016, 03:45 PM
Keep going TS... :)
10-07-2016, 04:40 PM
Keep going TS... :)
Yes please do :)
10-07-2016, 04:44 PM
Nice story. Thanks for sharing :)
10-07-2016, 06:34 PM
Love the update bro
10-07-2016, 08:25 PM
Nice update TS. Please continue...:D
10-07-2016, 10:25 PM
Thanks for sharing story
11-07-2016, 12:01 AM
Very nice!!! more please ;)
11-07-2016, 04:17 AM
Great update bro :p
11-07-2016, 12:35 PM
Sorry today may not update depends. Workload was heavy. If I can I will post update tonight or tomorrow. Thank you for the support!
11-07-2016, 01:08 PM
Thanks for the update houses100. Will wait patiently for your next update.
11-07-2016, 09:02 PM
I hear a voice from the doorway, so you have seen the video....
Yvonne: His tone was chilling, sinister even. I just froze in my tracks. He approached me. His hands pushing down on my shoulders. He brought his face close to mine and sniffed. You smell fresh he said. Unlike how I left you. I turned around violently and pushed him away. I was screaming at him! How could you!! We have out daughter upstairs. What if something happened to her? Why did you do this to me???!!! Is that all I am to you now? Something to use? I cannot remember how long I was screaming at him, I threw everything I could find at him, even the camcorder, it smashed into his cheekbone, causing a large cut.
Houses: Ah so that is the scar that I have seen. Now I know how it happened. You so fierce.
Yvonne: Don't kid. I was just really upset at that time. I did not know what else to do. I just destroyed the evidence that was going help me. I crumpled onto the floor in a heap and wailed. Mark came over and he picked me up and said silently.. now are you done? I have more things instore. I looked at him in disbelief. How? Why? He had become a monster, but I felt powerless to do anything, I was trapped in a nightmare. All I heard from him was I just need to get ahead.. I said what? Get ahead? Yes, he said, my clients were going to sign a big deal for me and it would boost my standing in the company, but they wanted a night with you. Don't worry, it was all for the betterment of our family. For our daughter. I knew you would not agree, but I did not want to lose the contract. So I did what I did. He said all of this calmly, matter of factly. All I could do was stare.
Houses: Mark really did that? He really did all those things? I find it hard to believe..
Yvonne gave me a look, it was somewhere between pleading and disbelief.
Houses: Sorry, sorry.. I just find this all so over the top. It is almost like it is out of some sort of porn story.
Yvonne: At least you did not have to live through it.
Houses: I am truly sorry this happened to you. Is this why you don't want to go back to the house?
Yvonne: Yes, he did many horrible things to me there. The evidence was on his computer, but I do not have the password.
Houses: What?! You mean its still on his hard drive?
Yvonne: Yes.
My mind was spinning on how I could access this information. I knew Mark's computer was here in the garage, but I did not know until now, just what treasure it contained. I kept my composure, but made a mental note to go look for it later.
Houses: How are you feeling? Better?
Yvonne: Yes, there is still more to tell. But I am feeling tired.
By this time, my wife had come home, she went up stairs to change and came back down to join us.
Yvonne: Can we talk more at a later date?
Houses: Sure. I won't tell.
We chatted normally, the description of the events that Yvonne had gone through seemed almost like a dream fading into nothingness. From talking to Yvonne now, you never would have guessed the events she went through.
Very good update, please continue :)
12-07-2016, 03:14 PM
Nice story houses 100 !!! SG SHADES IF GREY!!! :cool:
12-07-2016, 04:03 PM
"I did not see that coming.."
Don't tell me she killed her husband?
12-07-2016, 05:07 PM
"I did not see that coming.."
Don't tell me she killed her husband?
You will just have to wait and see..
12-07-2016, 05:24 PM
Support TS for a wonderful story :)
12-07-2016, 05:24 PM
From talking to Yvonne now, you never would have guessed the events she went through.
The next few months flew by in a blur, I did my usual dastardly things, having access to so many items of lingerie. I even managed to buy some duplicates and I would use these to swap, usually I would cum in the crotch and wet them an leave them to dry and replace them. It is always a rush to find they have been worn and returned for "washing". To think Carol and Yvonne have been walking around the whole day with my dried semen rubbing against their pussies. Quite a turn on.
I was quite enjoying having a houseful of women being the only guy. A lot of my guy friends envied my position I even caught a few of them eyeing Yvonne and Carol at some of our mahjong nights. I warned them off saying all my property, can look cannot touch. They would tease me mercilessly as we played mahjong. I remember once Yvonne was drinking with my wife when I was having one of these mahjong nights and she came in to say good night, she was wearing a thin cotton house dress but with bra and panties under, as she was quite tipsy, she tripped going out of the room and landed on her knees with her butt facing us. The hem of her house dress flipped up exposing her juicy butt and her stretched baby pink panties covering her puffy lips. I am sure the guys got an eye full. It was so good for me that the rest of the night they were distracted thinking about Yvonne's butt. I made a killing at mahjong that night. I brought the girls out for a treat the next day, including Zoe and Carol.
In my free time, I had taken the hard drive out of Marks computer and was attempting to access the information that was on it. Some files were protected and some were not and there were thousands of pictures. I made sure to copy what I could for myself whilst still trying to break the protected files. Even from what I could see, Mark was doing it with quite a few different women. The youngest, was a teenager going JC.
She was not an overtly pretty girl, but a sweet one, she had a baby face with dimples when she smiled. She would have been about a 34C cupper thought. With body stats around 34/25/35 quite and hour glass body, she was not tall standing about 1.58m. More on the round side than toned and fit. But she had such fair skin and pink nipples. The video that I found was one of her and Mark at the St Regis hotel. You could tell from the decor and the surrounds. Boy did this guy have expensive tastes. I wonder how he could ever afford it?
The film started with her standing in the middle of the hotel room, she was still in her JC uniform, she was giggling like any school girl does I guess. You could see her walking all over the room, looking at the lavish surrounds. She ran to the window, looking out, saying she could see the city. Mark just kept filming. Then she said something that surprised me, thank you daddy for this. It is so nice of you. I could hear Mark say, what are you going to do to thank daddy? As the camera focused on her again, she gave a coy smile and a come hither look and put her hands to the zip of her skirt and said I know what daddy wants and began to slowly unzip her skirt, inch by agonizing inch the zip came down, till finally you could see her white cotton panty.
12-07-2016, 05:30 PM
till finally you could see her white cotton panty.
She slowly let the skirt fall and turned around showing her round butt which filled her panties nicely, stretching them out. You could hear her say, daddy, do you like? Yes was all I heard from Mark. She turned around and peeking between her shirt hem was her mound, it was bushy and unshaven as you could see her pubic hairs strain against the white cotton fabric. She slowly began to unbutton her blouse, till it was just hanging off her shoulders, revealing her 34C cups. Her bra was straining to contain them. Her nipples protruding through the soft stretchy fabric of her sports bra.
You knew Mark was making a beeline for her as the camera showed these breasts getting larger and then out of focus as he began to kiss her, all you saw were the sides of her white thighs as Mark kissed her. All you could her were two people having a hard tongue fight. It sounded wet and sloppy. Then the angle of the picture changed again, as Mark pushed her to the bed.
12-07-2016, 06:12 PM
can't wait for next instalment
12-07-2016, 06:53 PM
can't wait for next instalment
Hehe same here :D
12-07-2016, 06:57 PM
fucking solid story. singapore really have loads of good storytellers.
13-07-2016, 10:21 AM
fucking solid story. singapore really have loads of good storytellers.
Thank you!
13-07-2016, 12:38 PM
as Mark pushed her to the bed.
The camera angle moved again and from the view, I think it was mounted on a tri-pod. It was looking down on the girl and you could see her in her sports bra and her panties. Mark came into the picture again and he immediately went for her pussy. The girl can be heard saying no daddy dirty, I have not showered yet, to which Mark replied I do not care. I want your scent. He proceeded to attack vigorously with his tongue till it left a wet spot on her panties which made them translucent, you could see her pubic hairs clearly. It was a small bush. Unkempt.
Mark slowly used his mouth to pull the panty downwards, little by little exposing her busy mound. She could be seen trying to keep them on, mock holding on to them and saying no daddy, this is so dirty. Mark was insistent. Finally pulling the panty down past her vagina. You could make out the pink folds of fresh pussy. The moment he did so, he buried his nose in there and took a deep breath. I want to savour your smell he said and daddy wants to taste your womanhood. At this she looked away shyly like a newbie to sex, you could see her cheeks blush red.
Mark's pussy diving must have lasted at least 30 mins or more, I can't quite remember, as I was fast forwarding some parts, during that time, she must have cum at least 4 times. It was so cute, the first time she came, I just had to pause the video and just look at that face. It was scrunched up, eyes tight shut, her mouth open, head back, hands clutching the sheets as her body arched backwards, her bosom heaving upwards, nipples straining to break free from their restraints. She must have been in this position for a good few minutes as Mark continued his assault on her clit and vagina. It was a sight to behold. Her little uhnnghh un un un sounds were also music to my ears.
When Mark finally moved away, you could see that his face was covered in liquid and the sheets were wet. She was a squirter and and big one. She just lay there, exhausted and you could hear Mark taking off his pants. When he came back into view, he was totally naked and he reached for her bra, pulling it upwards to release her C cuppers. They plopped out with a bounce and jiggled as they settled down. Her nipples were small raisins but brownish in colour. It had been a long time since I last saw a nubile body and at that moment, I really envied Mark.
13-07-2016, 12:56 PM
I really envied Mark.
He began his second assault on her, this time it was her breasts, he kneaded them, squeezed them, licked them, groped them, massaged them. They were like two pieces of dough in his hands. Getting worked which ever way. In no time at all her moans started coming, filling the room. He was a monster to her, he squished her boobs together and gave her a breast fuck, he then brought out his favourite dildo, the one I had seen him use on Yvonne, he turned it on and lay it on her breasts, Mark then quickly impaled her without warning with his penis, causing her to let out a scream of pain, omg, she was a virgin! As he moved to replace his penis with the dildo, you could see the blood as it covered his penis. The then took out another smaller vibrator and turned that on too and shoved it into her anus after putting some KY gel.
As he did not give her any advance warning, she jumped as the cold metal head of the vibrator touched her anus, she was not prepared and she struggled to refuse its entry. In the end, Mark took off her bra and tied her hands together and shoved that vibrator into her anus inch by inch, her face was a contortion of emotions between ecstasy from the gyrating, vibrating dildo to pain from the insertion of the vibrator. She could be heard in a soft voice, daddy no.. please daddy no..
Mark being the bastard that he was did not care, and continued on. She lay there, accepting her fate. He then returned to breast fucking her and when her mouth was wide open from one of her many orgasms, he shoved his penis fully down her throat and kept it there. She gagged from the size and length as well as the taste of her blood as Mark began to fuck her mouth, soon the length of his penis was a gooey slobbery mess of her saliva and his precum. All you could hear were mpphmm, mmmmph.. sounds.
He quickened his pace and finally unloaded in her mouth for the first one, as he pulled out he purposely let his cum drip onto her face, down her body as he moved his penis to smear some cum on her nipples. The camera then went blank for a while and came back on again. In this scene, she was wearing a one piece swimsuit, Mark had pulled the sides intowards the middle of her chest to reveal her breasts and he had pulled the crotch aside so he could fuck her. He slowly inserted his penis and you could still see some residual blood stains around her vagina as Mark inserted his penis for round two. He contorted her in ever which way, doing missionary, doggie, reverse cowgirl, cowgirl and finally came in her. When he pulled out she freaked out again, when she found out he had cum in her. Daddy! She said, I thought you were not going to do that!!! What if I get pregnant?
Mark replied.. I have the morning after pill with me, take one of those and it should be ok. As he said this he threw a pill towards her. He really was a bastard.
The camera kept on recording, you could see her getting up to have a shower. After she came out, she was looking for her panties but could not find them. Daddy did you take my panties? Yes came the reply. It is my keep sake. And like that they left the hotel, with her going home commando.
I really had a lot of time to sort through the girls lingerie, and Marks stuff and between the two. It was a lot for me. It was not until I managed to open the password protected folder that I got another really big shock.
13-07-2016, 01:43 PM
Is it some fantastic wincest?
Mark is a sicko that died a goooood life!
13-07-2016, 05:23 PM
Wonderful updates TS.... please continue soon
13-07-2016, 05:24 PM
Nice write-up.
New camper.
13-07-2016, 06:25 PM
Thanks for all the encouragement.. will post soon OC around.
13-07-2016, 07:13 PM
camping for more!! :D
13-07-2016, 10:20 PM
Maybe TS will find some videos of Yvonne in the hard disk :)
14-07-2016, 02:08 AM
Camping too :D
14-07-2016, 04:19 AM
Setting up tent as well :D
15-07-2016, 04:52 PM
Good de. Keep Cummings
15-07-2016, 05:24 PM
ups for more to cums!
15-07-2016, 05:34 PM
Setting up tent as well :D
Looks like we are the same :D
15-07-2016, 08:36 PM
It was not until I managed to open the password protected folder that I got another really big shock.
I clicked on the folder called special. It was password protected, you do not know how long I spent just trying to crack that folder. I tried everything, from birthdate, to car plate number, in sheer desperation, I put in Yvonne's particulars, Zoe's, Carol's, just when I was about to lose hope, I keyed in Carol's IC number, bingo, it unlocked!
In it was simply another folder marked Carol.
I was torn, I did not know what to do. Have of me screaming to open the folder, the other half saying, no buddy, its your god-daughter you are talking about. There I was stuck in indecision, with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on another. Both screaming in my ears. On one side it was OPEN!OPEN!OPEN! and on the other CLOSE!CLOSE!CLOSE! Carol, the one thing I have been longing for all this while. But then.. but then.. I was still deliberating when I heard a car pull into the driveway, it was Yvonne. I hurriedly copied the contents of the folder to my hard drive in a secret folder of mine and shut down the computer.
I certainly did not want Yvonne finding out what I had done.
Just a short teaser.. will write more tomorrow morning. Sorry for the absence, I injured my ankle and needed to go see the doctor. Have a wonderful Friday night.
15-07-2016, 08:46 PM
Hope your ankle is not serious bro
15-07-2016, 11:03 PM
Great story TS!!
15-07-2016, 11:15 PM
Hope your ankle is not serious bro
Thank you for the concern, it has been on going since my car accident in Jan. I was rear ended while stationary by a taxi.
16-07-2016, 04:51 AM
Thank you for the concern, it has been on going since my car accident in Jan. I was rear ended while stationary by a taxi.
Do take care bro, rest more
16-07-2016, 10:14 AM
Do take care bro, rest more
Thanks! Will try to.
16-07-2016, 10:59 AM
I certainly did not want Yvonne finding out what I had done.
As I said before, there were quite a few folders that were password protected. I was also curious to get into those. In the end, I decided on opening the folder marked Carol. Does not mean its contents are not kept. It was an exercise in self restraint. Boy was it hard. Would I ever cave into the temptation? I hope not.
I switched the screen to show work that I was doing and pretended to read emails. Yvonne called out as she entered the house and I greeted her back. Before long, she was standing at the door way of my study.
Yvonne: Hey, how was your day?
Houses: Okay, just catching up on some work stuff. What have you been up to?
Yvonne: Went shopping today for new lingerie and some swim suits.
Houses: You have a tonne of lingerie and you got some more?
Yvonne: You noticed huh?
Houses: Hard not to when I am doing the laundry.
Yvonne: Those were from the days of Mark, I need to make a fresh start. I have dumped all my old ones into the trash bin.
My mind was racing at that. I quickly made a mental note to check the trash before I put it out to be collected.
Houses: What!? All of it?
Yvonne: Yup, all of it. If you promise to keep a secret I will tell you something.. (giving me a cheeky smile...)
Houses: I already keep your secrets.. what did you want to share?
Yvonne: I went out today commando and bought new lingerie.
Houses: No bid deal.
Yvonne: You don't get it I WENT OUT TODAY COMMANDO.
The light bulb finally turned on in my head.
Houses: You mean even like right now?
Yvonne: Yup. It was quite exciting.
Houses: Hey wait, I thought you were the conservative type? From all the stories you have been sharing. You do not seem like the one to do something like that.
Yvonne: Well, I dunno, I was feeling frisky today and a little unloved. I know I got lots of stares from the guys at the mall.
Deciding to be cheeky myself, I shot back..
Houses: My admiring looks are not enough huh?
Yvonne: (giving me a coy smile) only sometimes.
Houses: Sigh.. so under appreciated!
Yvonne: there there.. (and she came over an planted a big kiss on my lips)
Don't ask me what happened, but my arms wrapped around her and pulled her close not letting her go, we had a good tongue fight for about 10 minutes before breaking it off for some air.
I looked at her and she looked at me. My arms still around her waist. I could swear I smelt her sex.
Houses: What was that?
Yvonne: A kiss.
Houses: What was that?
Yvonne: You tell me...
Houses: I am sorry, I did not mean to.
(yeah right I did not.. hearing all the stories, with the girls all being visually stimulating, no sex from the missus, I was horny as.)
Yvonne: You sure felt like you wanted it.
Houses: Did you?
Yvonne: I have not kissed a man since Mark died. At least not of my own volition.
Houses: Erm.. what now?
Yvonne: Shut up and kiss me again.
With that she leaned in and I went into autopilot. It was a sensual, slow steamy kiss, unlike the ones I get from my wife which are more circumspect, quicker. Yvonne kissed me like her life depended on it. Yet, it was unhurried, she ran her hand through my hair, caressed the sides of my face, I felt guilty and pleasure all at the same time, pleasure because for me, it has also been the longest time since I had someone caress my face as gently as Yvonne did, it is a small thing, but it unlocked a yearning within me for a more passionate kind of love making. Yet, my mind was screaming at me not to do this to my wife.
I have to confess that, I failed that day. My hands had minds of their own, the slid down her waist to cup Yvonne's butt, I finally got to squeeze them. I played with them, kneaded them, as I was doing so, I was grabbing more and more of her skirt so that it was rising higher and higher, exposing her knees, her thighs and finally, I had bare butt in my palms. (silently thanking Yvonne for going commando..)Her smell was intoxicating to me then, her sex, just a few centimeters from my hands. I adjusted myself so that I could explore her vaginal folds, she was already wet and glistening. I went in search of her clitoris and stimulated it till it was round and protruding standing tall, all of a sudden, I pushed my index finger into her love hole. This caused Yvonne to gasp loudly, thankfully there was only the two of us at home. As my finger went in, I used it to feel out her vaginal walls, applying pressure as I pulled out at the same time using my thumb to stimulate her clit.
Above, the tongue fight continued, it was slow sensual, my mind was having a hard time trying to do two things at one as I was enjoying this kiss way more than I should have. The pumping actions of my finger getting faster and faster and I curled my finger so that it would apply more pressure to her gspot area. I could not take it any longer and broke the kiss, pushing my chair back so that my face was level with her pussy, I dove in without waiting for an invitation, being rewarded with a long moan when my tongue licked up her love juices from between her folds. I alternated using my mouth and tongue, sucking her clit and tongue lashing her pussy. My hands made themselves useful as I reached under her blouse and held her breasts for the fist time, my thumbs circling her nipples which were already standing in their full glory. I used my right hand to alternate massaging and groping her boobs while my left hand held her pussy to my mouth so she could not get away.
I was licking and sucking furiously so much so that Yvonne came, but I did not let go and continued to suck and swallow and lick until Yvonne, came again, and again and again. I did not stop till I felt her come for the twelfth time. By that time, the floorboards below my desk were all wet with her leaking juices and my face and hair looked like I had just had a bath. I continued to lap up her juices.
Yvonne: Houses.. enough.. enough.. (she panted and finally collapsed on me)
She just sat on my lap and took me into an embrace, me being still horny, lifted her blouse to suck on her nipples. We stayed like that for a while before she got up.
Yvonne: Looks like we have some cleaning to do.
Houses: (sheepishly) yes, looks like we do.
Yvonne: Thanks for that I really needed it.
Houses: Glad I could help. What does that make us now?
Yvonne: Really really good friends.
With that she got up and went to her room, leaving me to clean up the mess.
16-07-2016, 11:40 AM
More please!! :D
16-07-2016, 02:59 PM
Finally got your hands on Yvonne :)
16-07-2016, 03:03 PM
Finally got your hands on Yvonne :)
90% my little bro no action.. sigh.. :(
16-07-2016, 03:07 PM
I am here following your updates
16-07-2016, 03:55 PM
90% my little bro no action.. sigh.. :(
Better than nothing, mai hiam la :D
16-07-2016, 04:22 PM
Awesome story!!! pls update soon TS ...
16-07-2016, 05:21 PM
I am here following your updates
Means a lot bro, you write an awesome story..
possible to share those 'videos' (if any)? hehe
17-07-2016, 01:22 PM
With that she got up and went to her room, leaving me to clean up the mess.
I had just finished cleaning the mess when wifey came back. That was a very close call. Thankfully, I opened the windows to air my study otherwise that scent of sex will surely put my wife on alert. That night I was obviously very frisky seeing as I did not get any in the afternoon. I had my wife in a doggie position, something she does not do very often as she does not like it, but for me it is the best position as I love to grope her ass when I am making love to her, it is just the softest and most supple still, too bad my wife is not adventurous when it comes to love making. Still I pumped hard and fast and finally released my load in her pussy. I always enjoy the sight of semen leaking out of a pussy. I just sat on the bed looking at the trail of semen dripping from my wife's pussy. Finally I had some release. Still I wondered what it would have been like with Yvonne.
The next day, my wife had already gone to work, Yvonne was still at home, I came down to find her in the kitchen. I went up to hug her from behind but got a shock.
Yvonne: Houses.. what are you doing?
Houses: Erm after what we did yesterday, you jump at this?
Yvonne: What did we do yesterday?
Houses: You know.
Yvonne: No I don't know. What did we do?
Houses: Erm didn't you tell me you had gone commando to go shopping for lingerie?
Yvonne: Going commando, whatever gave you that crazy idea. I never go commando.
Houses: You mean you don't remember at all what we did?
Yvonne: No.
Houses: You kissed me. (Half lie. I kissed her too.. )
Yvonne: I did what!?
Houses: You kissed me.
Yvonne: No way. I would not do such a thing to your wife or jeopardize our friendship like that.
Houses: You really don't remember?
Yvonne: All I remember is coming back from shopping, saying hi to you in your study and then I woke up on my bed in the evening feeling very tired and having stomach cramps.
Houses:... come let me make you some breakfast then, hopefully you will feel better.
Yvonne: Are we ok?
Houses: What do you mean?
Yvonne: Us? our friendship? You are not mad at me or anything?
Houses: No, not mad, just puzzled. But we are ok.
Yvonne: Don't tell your wife ok?
Houses: Why would I?
That was really something that blew my mind, how could she not remember the steamy kiss, me eating her out? Either she is a really good actress or something else is afoot. This really messed up my brain. Also left me quite worried.
17-07-2016, 03:21 PM
With that she got up and went to her room, leaving me to clean up the mess.
I had just finished cleaning the mess when wifey came back. That was a very close call. Thankfully, I opened the windows to air my study otherwise that scent of sex will surely put my wife on alert. That night I was obviously very frisky seeing as I did not get any in the afternoon. I had my wife in a doggie position, something she does not do very often as she does not like it, but for me it is the best position as I love to grope her ass when I am making love to her, it is just the softest and most supple still, too bad my wife is not adventurous when it comes to love making. Still I pumped hard and fast and finally released my load in her pussy. I always enjoy the sight of semen leaking out of a pussy. I just sat on the bed looking at the trail of semen dripping from my wife's pussy. Finally I had some release. Still I wondered what it would have been like with Yvonne.
The next day, my wife had already gone to work, Yvonne was still at home, I came down to find her in the kitchen. I went up to hug her from behind but got a shock.
Yvonne: Houses.. what are you doing?
Houses: Erm after what we did yesterday, you jump at this?
Yvonne: What did we do yesterday?
Houses: You know.
Yvonne: No I don't know. What did we do?
Houses: Erm didn't you tell me you had gone commando to go shopping for lingerie?
Yvonne: Going commando, whatever gave you that crazy idea. I never go commando.
Houses: You mean you don't remember at all what we did?
Yvonne: No.
Houses: You kissed me. (Half lie. I kissed her too.. )
Yvonne: I did what!?
Houses: You kissed me.
Yvonne: No way. I would not do such a thing to your wife or jeopardize our friendship like that.
Houses: You really don't remember?
Yvonne: All I remember is coming back from shopping, saying hi to you in your study and then I woke up on my bed in the evening feeling very tired and having stomach cramps.
Houses:... come let me make you some breakfast then, hopefully you will feel better.
Yvonne: Are we ok?
Houses: What do you mean?
Yvonne: Us? our friendship? You are not mad at me or anything?
Houses: No, not mad, just puzzled. But we are ok.
Yvonne: Don't tell your wife ok?
Houses: Why would I?
That was really something that blew my mind, how could she not remember the steamy kiss, me eating her out? Either she is a really good actress or something else is afoot. This really messed up my brain. Also left me quite worried.
人格分裂? Split personality??
17-07-2016, 03:41 PM
Bipolar disorder after the trauma she faces from the rape. She regresses to the condition where she cannot accepts the rape.
17-07-2016, 06:20 PM
人格分裂? Split personality??
Probably she felt guilty, so the best thing is to act as though nothing happened
17-07-2016, 07:05 PM
getting interesting! keep it coming TS~
17-07-2016, 07:40 PM
This really messed up my brain. Also left me quite worried.
The next few months went by uneventfully, the usual things happening. Me I got that whole bag of lingerie that Yvonne put in the trash. I made sure I kept it in a very secure place to be enjoyed at will. These were all mine to keep. Needless to say, I had many pleasurable times with her underthings.
Soon it was the holiday season and my wife wanted to go to Osaka again to eat the Yakkiniku at Dontonburi. There is a particular shop there that we frequent whenever we visit Osaka it has a charcoal grill and serves wagyu meat at a reasonable price. We always make it a point to go at least twice when we are there.
As we were booking our flights and hotels, my wife asks, shall we ask Yvonne and the girls along? I pretended to be against the idea, but secretly jumping for joy. In the end, I reluctantly agreed to let my wife ask Yvonne and the kids along. Of course she said yes, and now the trip was a mini tour group of 5.
I was wondering in my heart whether Yvonne would try anything while we were in Japan. So the trip was set, we were to leave the following week, it was going to be in December so it would be cold, they girls went out to get new thermal wear, I would just reuse my old stuff. Besides, I did not feel the cold that much so it really did not bother me. I made all the other necessary arrangements, including a van to pick us up from the airport to transfer to the hotel, I also pre-purchased three wifi devices so that we all could be connected on our holiday.
On the evening of the departure day, we all headed to the airport for dinner after checking our bags in at the SQ counter. The girls wanted to have Carl's Jr burgers and we trudged all the way there for that, then went through customs to the departure hall as the women and the girls wanted to wander around the shops. I just told them I would wait at the SQ lounge and for them to come find me when they are ready as it was still early and our flight departed at around midnight. I showed my boarding pass to the ground staff and proceeded to the lounge to get a nice scotch to relax and chill.
17-07-2016, 08:36 PM
Support TS for good story :)
17-07-2016, 08:47 PM
TS will have the chance to go spring bath with all the girls :D
well written, keep the great work, just register this to show some support
18-07-2016, 12:29 AM
Nice trip to Japan... am sure you will really enjoy... ha ha
Wagyu place in Osaka.... sounds good.... do share..
18-07-2016, 01:49 AM
TS will have the chance to go spring bath with all the girls :D
That would be interesting :)
18-07-2016, 05:12 AM
Probably she felt guilty, so the best thing is to act as though nothing happened
Seems like it
18-07-2016, 08:43 PM
Any more updates TS?
19-07-2016, 02:03 PM
Any more updates TS?
akan datang. OC around much more lately so hard to update.
19-07-2016, 06:10 PM
akan datang. OC around much more lately so hard to update.
Looking forward to your update TS :)
19-07-2016, 06:11 PM
人格分裂? Split personality??
Seems like it, hmm
19-07-2016, 11:14 PM
I showed my boarding pass to the ground staff and proceeded to the lounge to get a nice scotch to relax and chill.
It was around 10.30 that the girls all came looking for me. Zoe jumped onto my lap and sat there pulling my arms around her. Carol took the seat opposite and Yvonne sat next to her and my wife sat beside me. Yvonne and my wife went to get drinks and snacks and we waited to board the plane. Somewhere in between, Carol left to use the toilet and that just left Zoe and me sitting there. On the pretext that she felt a bit cold, she used my jacket as a comforter and pulled it over her hiding my hands. She them took my hand and slipped it under her t-shirt asking me to rub her tummy.
Before long, it was time to board the plane and we made out way to the gate. As my wife and I were seated in business class and Yvonne and the girls were in economy, we split up as we boarded the plane. My wife and I settled into out seats and were offered refreshments, we both took the champaigne and waited for the plane to push off. I was doing a quick recce. The business section for that flight was quite empty, only two other passengers besides my wife and myself. There were 4 stewardesses in business, one was in a purple kabaya. Rare to see one flying so long. As they served hot nuts, my wife said a quick ouch! I turned to her to see what happened and she had cut herself on the jagged edge of the nut bowl. The purple came to attend straight away and offered $100 voucher to my wife on the spot. Not bad free inflight shopping.
I have been wanting to be part of the mile high club for like forever and I was trying very hard to persuade my wife to do it with me. She was as usual very conservative and did not want to. The most I have gotten is getting jerked off under the blankets with her using the linen wipes swiped from the toilet to soak up the semen to be disposed of later.
The captains voice came over the PA system informing us that we will be taking off soon, we settled back into our seats for the overnight flight to Osaka. I as usual was looking for the latest movies to watch, my wife just went to freshen up and had the bed made so that she could sleep. I never like sleeping on the plane, at most I can only sleep for an hour or so at a time. I asked for a bailey's and some more nuts and settled down to watch the movies.
About half way through the flight, I saw one of the cuter stewardesses take her over night bag into the toilet with her. After she had come out, I asked for some sweets and went to use the toilet. After latching the door and doing my business, I was washing my hands and about to throw the towel into the bin when I noticed that something sheer was caught at the mouth of the push open bin, it was flesh coloured. I grabbed the tip and pushed the mouth of the bin down and started to pull out this thing, it was what I thought it was. A pantyhose, but the bigger surprise was that it contained a panty in it. I opened it up to find the smallest of bloodstains on it, it was originally gross to me, but then instinct overcame me and I had to take a whiff of her womanly parts. She smelt nice, bar the faint iron smell of the blood. As it was a pair of very nice victorias secret red lace panty, I decided to keep it and put it into an airsick back which I then flattened and put into my bag. I always wonder what they wear under their sarong kabaya. Now I know.. hehehe.
I made a mental note to get her name as she walked pass during breakfast. I wish I could say I was joining the mile high club, but sadly it was not to be. I did spend sometime chatting to the purple as not many people were awake during the late night/early morning hours. We exchanged numbers.
The remainder of the trip was uneventful as we arrived in Osaka at around 6am. We deplaned and went to get the luggage and check through customs. The minivan I ordered was waiting for us at the arrivals and we spent the next hour and a bit driving to the hotel from the airport. I always like to see a city wake up, so was enjoying the seeing the sun come up and seeing the city coming to life. As we drove past the bay, I saw the familiar Wangan express way sign. I would like to drive that one day. We reached the hotel and checked in and arranged to meet at noon for lunch.
As there were a couple of massage parlours near the hotel, I told my wife I would prefer a massage and went out after she fell asleep. Having been going to Osaka often, I have my usual haunts and went in search of my favourite masseuse.
20-07-2016, 02:46 AM
Nice update, hope to read more soon :)
20-07-2016, 04:23 AM
Thanks TS for the fantastic story. Looking forward for more update.
20-07-2016, 04:35 PM
Very nice story, waiting for updates too :)
20-07-2016, 04:49 PM
TS go couple massage with Yvonne!! :D
21-07-2016, 01:50 AM
TS go couple massage with Yvonne!! :D
They massage each other? :)
21-07-2016, 05:23 AM
They massage each other? :)
That would add good spice :D
21-07-2016, 09:24 AM
I have my usual haunts and went in search of my favourite masseuse.
Went a few streets over from where the hotel was and I came to the massage parlour. I went up a flight of narrow stairs to be greeted by a familiar face.
Houses: Aki san, long time no see.
Aki: Houses, Ohaio! Welcome back, nice to see you again.
Houses: Is my favourite masseuse around?
Aki: Hai! Let me get her for you. Your usual?
Houses: Yes, just arrived and am very tired. Need a good relaxing massage.
Aki: Hai! Please follow me.
I follow Aki down another corridor and she leads me into a room, she goes through the usual procedure of getting me to change, and lie on the massage bed. I normally request the bed as I am not a fan of the tatame floor. After getting out of my clothes and changing into the disposable underwear, I lie face down on the bed waiting for my masseuse.
Knock, knock.
Koko: Can I come in?
Houses: Hai! Dozo!
Koko: Houses san, have not seen you in a long time.
Houses: Been busy with work. Genki desu ka? (How are you?)
Koko: Genki desu. Good!
Koko: Relaxing massage?
Houses: Yes.
Koko is actually half jap half Thai, more Thai looking than Jap, she has olive skin and nice big eyes but is a small pocket dynamo. She stands only 1.49m tall. But boy can she massage. I still remember the first time I got her, it was an eye opening experience for me. I had just been let down by the hotel spa as they double booked and called to inform me, of course I got compensated, but I really wanted to get a good massage then, that is how I came to this place as it was not far from the hotel. I had seen it in one of my exploration journeys around the hotel.
Koko was the only one available, when I first saw her, I wondered if she was up to the task, I am not big mind you but am pretty solid from years of basketball, tennis and tkd training. My own masseuse in Singapore says my back is like rock not skin.
Anyway, she began the massage and it started innocently enough, she had good strength, gave me a good foot massage before moving up my legs, nice long strokes, soothing with enough pressure. This was putting me to sleep until she reached my bum.
21-07-2016, 11:54 AM
Best ur back
21-07-2016, 11:59 AM
That would add good spice :D
Not only spice, got steam too :D
21-07-2016, 12:04 PM
Nice story bro, keep going :)
21-07-2016, 08:53 PM
Well written story.... keep going TS :)
22-07-2016, 11:45 AM
This was putting me to sleep until she reached my bum.
The long strokes coupled with the right pressure was really putting me to sleep, this together with the fact that I had just had a long over night flight with no sleep, I was nearly nodding off.
Once she finished with the butt massage, she put back my disposable underwear to its original position, no more wedgie. I though she was then going to cover my lower half with the towel, what she did next woke me up fully. She reached into the elastic of my underwear and started to give my butt a good massage, she roamed everywhere, her fingers even grazing my anus and my scrotum sac. It was nice having this done for you by a pretty woman. I lay there on the tatame mat enjoying. She did this for a good part of about 20 mins, but I was not complaining. She finally stopped and covered my lower body with the towel, but I was already having a semi-hardon. She then proceeded to knead the knots out of my back and she was very good. I cannot tell you the last time my back felt so supple.
Then she asked me to flip. I was sporting a minor tentage but she either pretended not to notice or disregarded it altogether. She went on with her massage, giving me a really solid foot massage and then working her way up my legs, whilst massage my thigh area, I felt her fingers graze my pubic region a few times. I just lay there with my eyes closed. Then she shifted position and got round to the side of my body and gave me a tummy massage, one of my favourites and very relaxing. Quite standard so far. She then kneels down by the top of my head and starts to massage the shoulder and chest area and my upper arms, I don't really know what happened, but as she reached to massage my torso, her body was over me and her breasts directly in my face, covered by her uniform, but still in my face as she massaged, she moved up and down and all the while, her boobs were squashing in my face, not big mind you but still squashing in my face, I just lay there enjoying her boobs pressing against my face through the soft fabric of her uniform.
When the massage was over I was very sad. But told myself had to come back again. This is how I became a regular whenever I went to Osaka.
That night I wanted to go for another massage after a day of sightseeing and shopping with the girls, as my wife does not like massage, I went alone again. I thought that Koko would be there, but she was not, was quite disappointed, but the masseuse that attended was also quite cute, her name was Amy. This time I got the table, and from the get go she was already teasing me.
Amy: You follow me.
Saying that she took my hand and led me to the massage room. In my mind I was like huh? Hold hands? Interesting.
Amy: You change (in her broken english)
Houses: Ok.
Amy: I come back soon and she blew me a flying kiss.
I just stood there stunned, I was thinking in my mind, she is very cheeky.
I got myself into my birthday suit with the disposable underwear on and lay on the table. Amy soon returned to massage me and she was very flirty, saying things like if I loose a little bit of weight I would be very handsome etc. She was also much more touchy than Koko. She really teased my little bro. When massaging my legs, she was going very far down the inner thigh, she also gave my butt a good massaging. She lingered slightly longer on the upstrokes from in between my thighs. I was like, I am saving this place for future uses.
Of course I flirted back. After she turned me over, I said:
Houses: Anatawa totemo utsukushi desu. (you are very beautiful)
This made her blush and she was even more friendly with me, she came round and gave me a peck on my cheek, I turned and kissed her back, this caused her to blush even more. She then went back to massage my legs and calf and as her body was angled towards me, I tested the water by running my hand along her thigh, no response, she just adjusted to give me better access. I was playing with her thigh for a while, then decided to get bolder, running my hands to her butt, she had a nice butt, firm, but round, I had a good grope of both cheeks and playfully slid my hand inbetween them a few times, I could feel the heat of her pussy. But sadly the closest I got with Amy was feeling her panties reaching in through her uniform and playing with her pussy on the outside.
All in all not bad for a bit of relaxation thrown in with some fun. Being a married guy for so long, it has been the longest time since I touched another woman like that. I just enjoyed it.
During that trip, the next few days I had either Amy or Koko depending on when I went. Both allowed me to roam and touch in the end and on my last day there on the trip then, Koko did something I never expected. It was around 7pm when I went, I was due to catch the midnight flight back to Singapore so decided to go for one last massage. That time for some funny reason, my wife decided to come for a foot massage. I was like sian. But could not say anything. Koko led me to the room with the massage table and my wife was led to another room at the opposite end of the massage parlour.
Koko: When you leaving?
Houses: Today.
Koko: I am very sad today.
Houses: Why?
Koko: You not coming back.
Houses: I come back every year, I promise to come visit you.
On hearing this, she really perked up.
Koko:Ok you promise?
I just nodded my head. She disappeared and I got changed and soon she was massaging me with those long strokes that I liked. When she got to my butt region, she disappeared again and when she came back she was holding a pair of scissors in her hand, I was panicking in my head going like what the!!!?? She then reached for the elastic band of my underwear and cut the elastic.
Koko: Too tight cannot massage easy.
I just lay back down and she started the massage again. She was really going for it today. I know she felt my balls on more than one occasion. She lingered on the butt massage very long as well. She then finished massaging my back and when she turned me over, the towel was only covering my nether regions. She pointed to my chest and my nipple and said..
Koko: My small. Not nice.
Houses: Show me.
She then did what I never expected, she pulls aside her top and shows me her boobs. I did what any guy would do, went straight for them, so here I am in a massage parlour, wife nearby and I am sucking on my first pair foreign boobs since I got married all those years ago. Koko let out a small moan as I continue sucking. She sees that I have a tentage forming and her small hands reach for my cock and she starts to play with my little brother through my underwear. He keeps growing in size and soon is pushing this disposable underwear till it is very tight for me. At this time, I had already pulled her in for a kiss and we were having a good tongue fight. I was too horny to think straight, I reached down to her pussy area and started stimulating her through her uniform. As the tightness of the underwear was unbearable I pulled them off my little bro, there he was standing in his full glory, Koko was tentative at first but in no time resumed her stroking and playing with my little bro. It soon became a contest as to who could make the other come first, I was jilling her away and she was pumping me. In the end, we both came at the same time as my cum spurted into her hands and I felt her body stiffen against mine as we were locked in a passionate kiss.
We just sat there on the table in each others arms for a while and then she asked clean or bath? I said clean as I knew I still wanted her to touch me a bit more. She gave my little bro a good clean and my body as well. I met my wife in the waiting room and we both said goodbye to the owner and I gave Koko a flying kiss as I left, unseen by my wife. It felt weird going back on the plane knowing you got a happy ending massage from a straight establishment. I was definitely going to look forward to more visits.
22-07-2016, 11:53 AM
Nice update TS :)
22-07-2016, 07:29 PM
Very nice story, camping here liao :)
22-07-2016, 09:52 PM
Camping here for updates.....
Cheers :D
22-07-2016, 10:43 PM
Only HJ, no other specials? :D
23-07-2016, 06:14 AM
Only HJ, no other specials? :D
Maybe in the next installment?
23-07-2016, 10:52 AM
Maybe in the next installment?
That's a possibility
23-07-2016, 03:38 PM
Very nice story, camping here liao :)
Same here, camping too :D
23-07-2016, 11:36 PM
Thank you for the support guys. OC around so will update tomorrow hopefully.
23-07-2016, 11:38 PM
Thank you for the support guys. OC around so will update tomorrow hopefully.
Thanks bro for writing good story :)
24-07-2016, 01:12 AM
Will check this thread tomorrow :D
24-07-2016, 01:22 AM
Will check this thread tomorrow :D
Me too!!! :D
24-07-2016, 02:20 AM
I was definitely going to look forward to more visits.
This is how I find myself back in her capable hands again after another year away. She is even better than I remember her. Koko, taking even more sensual strokes and massaging me just the way I like, in no time, I am asleep on the table from the lack of sleep on the plane and from her efforts.
Before you know it I am asked to flip over and she starts with a really good foot massage which puts me right back to sleep. I start dreaming and in my dream Koko is taking off her uniform and standing there in red underwear, she is wearing a g-string and a lace bra, she comes towards me and goes inbetween my legs. She playfully teases my little bro by brushing her hand across it every time she reaches the top of my thighs. In no time, he is awake and standing up.
She takes her time with me. Caressing my scrotum with one hand and playing with my little bro with her other hand, she is crouching over my body and just manages to suck my nipples. I am in heaven and give a small moan. Then she proceeds to lick me all over, and goes lower and lower past my navel and finally her mouth is hovering over my little bro. She pulls down my underwear and he springs to attention, the angry head demanding attention. Koko does not hesitate, and gives him a little peck. She then swirls her tongue around the head, causing me more pleasure. I arch my back a little as I try to push my little bro into her mouth.
I need not have worried though as she tenderly takes him into her mouth and starts to suck, it was a nice and warm feeling, at the same time using her hands to play with my balls. I reached down in to caress her and my hand comes into contact with something. This jolts me from my dreamlike state to find Koko in between my legs, giving me a blow job. But she still has her uniform on. I pretend to be asleep a bit longer and let her continue sucking, it was such a heavenly feeling. In the end, I could not take it and opened my eyes only to be greeted by her staring straight at me with my little bro in her mouth, he was wet with her saliva and she gave me a smile. I beckoned her to stop and come to me and I indicated I wanted her to remove her uniform, she hesitated for a while, then got off the bed and locked the door. She then came back to my side and stepped out of her uniform, she was wearing white panties and a normal bra, I wasted no time in getting the bra off and was busy sucking her nipples again, her breasts seemed to have grown since I last sucked on them a year ago.
As I wanted to go further than the last time, I tried my luck.. I reached for the elastic waist band of her panties and pulled them aside to feel her pussy lips for the first time with my bare hands. They were small and flower like, very delicate in feel, and very wet. I searched for her clit and gave that a rub for a few minutes, this caused Koko to just stop and cling to my arm. Her face scrunched up as a wave of pleasure hit her nerve centre. She in turn let out a moan.
She was about to go back to sucking my little bro when I pulled her onto the table and positioned her in a 69. She understood my action immediately and began to suck. I in turn began to eat her out. Her pussy was odourless, and her juices tasted slightly salty sweet. But did not have that urine taste. I was straining my tongue for all it was worth, trying to reach deeper and deeper into her love tunnel. Again it was a contest to see who would get who off first. As it was my first time back I did not want to push things so I was content with her sucking me off and me being able to eat her out. In the end, I lost as my little bro could not take it anymore and started twitching, on feeling this, Koko clamped down and started sucking even harder as my sperm raced into her mouth, I could feel the semen fill her tiny mouth and engulf my penis but Koko did not even let up, she just swallowed and kept on going, till every last drop was in her tummy. I was spasming and shaking as she drained me dry. She then turned around and come to lie down beside me for a cuddle. I spent the last 30min of my massage in her embrace, not saying much. This was the best massage ever. Before I left, I asked for her panty as a keep sake and she grudgingly agreed.
She cleaned me up and I got dressed, left her a nice tip, even though you are not supposed to, I did, which she took. I gave her a hug in the room before she left to get my tea and took my time getting dressed. Once out, Aki was there.
Aki: Did you have a good massage?
Aki's face was a mixture of genuiness and a hint of a I think I know what you did look. She gave me an impish grin. Which I returned.
Houses: Yes, it was sugoi!
Aki gave a giggle at my feeble attempt at Japanese. I chatted with Aki and Koko for a while then made my way back to the hotel, but not with making another appointment first.
24-07-2016, 09:31 PM
Nice story, please keep going TS :)
Great update, wonder if finally found exploit Yvonne on and off mode
25-07-2016, 06:01 AM
Support this thread as well
25-07-2016, 02:13 PM
Support this thread as well
Same same bro
26-07-2016, 02:42 PM
Thank you for the continued support. Will update tomorrow.
26-07-2016, 02:52 PM
Bro hiuses100 wasted you not born in the west you could have been a novelist or a script writer earning millions !!!!!!:)
26-07-2016, 03:24 PM
Thank you for the continued support. Will update tomorrow.
Waiting for updates..... continue supporting :)
26-07-2016, 04:06 PM
Thank you for the continued support. Will update tomorrow.
Shall wait for it also
26-07-2016, 09:36 PM
Waiting for updates too :)
26-07-2016, 10:54 PM
Bro hiuses100 wasted you not born in the west you could have been a novelist or a script writer earning millions !!!!!!:)
Thank you for your kind words.
27-07-2016, 12:16 PM
I chatted with Aki and Koko for a while then made my way back to the hotel, but not with making another appointment first.
As I stepped out into the street in the bright noon sunshine, I heard a voice calling me from behind.
Yvonne: Houses!
It was Yvonne and the children, apparently they only took a short nap and decided to go exploring as my wife was zonked out. In their hands were quite a few bags of shopping already.
Zoe and Carol: Hi godpa!
Houses: Hi sweethearts. What have you both been up to?
Zoe and Carol: Shoes! We got shoes!
Apparently they had already started on their fetish. Zoe and Carol had walked to the Nike store nearby the hotel and they lifted up two bags each of shoes for me to see. Amongst their bags I also spied some Skechers bags so they must have bought quite a few pairs. And we were not even in Osaka one day. I sure hope they have excess luggage.
Houses: Yvonne, none for you?
Yvonne: Yes, me too.. they are in the bags the girls are carrying.
Houses: You have to slow down, we have only been here like 4 hours and you have already shopped up a storm! Are you about ready for lunch?
Yvonne, Zoe, Carol: Yes! We are starving.
Houses: You mean you went to Nike and missed Shinshaibashi?
Yvonne: The girls made a beeline for Skechers and Nike.
Houses: Ok, lets go get my wife and we can see about getting some food.
I helped with a couple of bags and as we approached the hotel, the doorman said welcome back! We made our way to the rooms which were all adjoining and I went to see about waking my wife after I had put the bags down in Yvonne's room. Lying on the bed were her clothes she had worn on the plane and amongst them I spied her red lacy knickers.
Houses: Sexy stuff you wear.
Yvonne: (blushing) stop teasing me.
And we wonder who was the bigger tease, but I did not remind her of what she had done. I got my wife up and ready and in about half an hour, we were all trooping out of the hotel in search of food. We decided to take a taxi to Namba Parks as there were quite a few eateries there and it was an interesting space which was part building, part sculpture, part park. We located a restaurant that served nice soba noodles and settled down to eat.
After lunch, we walked around the shops at Namba parks and across to Takashimaya. This one was huge, it was much bigger than the Taka in Singapore by about triple the size. So many levels and so much shopping to be had, the girls went crazy. Whilst walking around, I noted some restaurants I might want to try and kept them in mind. There was nothing I really wanted to purchase so I just followed around with Zoe clinging onto me like a little koala. I did not mind as I followed her to her whims and fancy. Eventually the girls agreed to split up, my wife going with Yvonne and Carol and leaving me with Zoe.
27-07-2016, 12:21 PM
Support TS for this story.
27-07-2016, 01:25 PM
Nice story TS, support :)
27-07-2016, 04:09 PM
can't wait for the next part!
27-07-2016, 08:37 PM
More rubbing of Zoe's tummy :D
27-07-2016, 09:34 PM
Wonderful story!!
Camping for more :)
27-07-2016, 11:21 PM
More rubbing of Zoe's tummy :D
LMAO hahaha :D :D
28-07-2016, 04:56 PM
my wife going with Yvonne and Carol and leaving me with Zoe.
Houses: Sweetheart, is there anything you want to do?
Zoe: Get some thing to munch? Feeling kind of hungry.
Houses: How about some waffles at Mason di gigi?
Zoe: Sounds great!
Houses: Waffles it is then.
Mason di gigi make the best maple waffles, the rest of the flavours are so so, but it is a popular spot with the locals and I get to see some eye candy hopefully.
We arrived at Mason di gigi and were ushered to a spot upstairs as we said we were eating in, I got to follow behind the waitress who had a nice shapely butt. Could make out the outlines of her panties as she led the way up. The little things I do to give myself pleasure. Sigh. We were given a seat at the long counter table as there was no space else, but as it was only Zoe and I, we did not mind.
We sat down and I asked for some water for the both of us.
Looking at the menus I asked Zoe what she would like to drink/eat? In the end, I ordered the maple waffles and Zoe ordered the strawberry ones. We also ordered some hot chocolate.
Whilst waiting for the food to arrive, we just sat there chatting.
Zoe: Godpa, can I ask you a question?
Houses: Sure, what is it?
Zoe: When we get back later, can you give me a tummy rub?
Houses: Sure, but you are getting to an age where it is not quite appropriate for me to do so. Besides, why do you like it anyway.
Zoe: Daddy used to give me tummy rubs.
Houses: But why do you like to put my hand on your tummy under your shirt?
Zoe: Daddy used to lift my shirt up and rub my tummy, it just felt nice.
On hearing the last sentence, my curiosity perked up.
28-07-2016, 05:00 PM
stopped at just the part that makes people curious! TS really gd at cock teasing
28-07-2016, 07:31 PM
stopped at just the part that makes people curious! TS really gd at cock teasing
Same as those HK/Taiwan drama :D
28-07-2016, 07:51 PM
On hearing the last sentence, my curiosity perked up.
Houses: What do you mean that daddy used to do it?
Zoe: He used to come into my room to wish me good night, he would often sit on the side of my bed and talk to me for a while. I used to ask for tummy rubs. Daddy initially used to rub my tummy through my shirt, then one day, he slipped his hand under my shirt and started to massage my stomach area. He would often move up and down and brush the underside of my boobs but I still had my training bra on. Then about a year after doing this, he would reach under my bra and touch the flesh of my breasts.
Houses: You never told your mum?
Zoe: No. Mum does not know.
Houses: How come?
Zoe: Dad was always spending more time with Carol, so when he finally spent some time with me, I was not about to let that time go. I wanted my daddy's time.
Houses: Did he do more?
Zoe: About a month before daddy died, he would play with my nipples and he once reached inside my panties.
I was very shocked at the news. Zoe was 13. I did not realize the kind of horrors that went on in that house. Did Yvonne know anyway I wondered. Sometimes mums have a way of knowing.
Houses: Did your daddy hurt you?
Zoe: I felt uncomfortable when he had his hand in my panties but he made me feel sooooo good. Then I felt like I wanted to pee and I think I did.
What the??!!! He fingered Zoe to an orgasm. His own daughter, but then I am guilty of the same thoughts, I was yet again torn between fascination and guilt. I was supposed to be her godpa.
Houses: Ok lets not talk about these things.
Zoe: Godpa?
Houses: Yes? What is it?
Zoe: Do I still get tummy rubs from you?
Houses: Anytime you want.
I said that a little too enthusiastically I think, but Zoe did not catch on. By that time, the food had come and we started to tuck in.
Houses: What shall we do after?
Zoe: Can we go back to the Nike store? I want to buy some shorts and shirts for gym.
Houses: Sure thing honey.
I was determined to show Zoe the kind of father's love that she should receive. I hope I was strong enough.
28-07-2016, 10:55 PM
niceee. more more. but lets pray he dont up a minor!
29-07-2016, 11:45 PM
I was determined to show Zoe the kind of father's love that she should receive. I hope I was strong enough.
After our little soiree, we headed out to the Nike shop for Zoe to pick out some fitness wear. Along the way, we bought some tidbits for later. She also wanted to go to Lawsons to get some of the mochi ice-cream that I was telling her about. As we walked Zoe slowly slipped her hand into mine and held it. It was a weird feeling having her hand there, but she looked at me with such trust that I was at that moment overwhelmed with love for this little girl.
Zoe: Godpa?
Houses: Yes?
Zoe: Can I just call you daddy instead?
Houses: Of course it would be such an honour.
Right there, there was a bond between Zoe and me, and we continued walking like that to the Nike store. As we reached the store on Chome, the staff welcomed us into the store. Zoe was quickly about her business of looking for fitness wear. After selecting a few outfits, she headed off to the changing room, pulling me with her.
Houses: Honey I don't think it is appropriate for me to be in the room with you, why don't you try the stuff on and come out and show me?
Zoe thought about it and agreed. Thus set in motion my very own fitness fashion parade of Zoe's outfits. I have to say she is developing nicely. She looked very sexy in some of them, which I was going to veto. But she gave me puppy dog eyes and my heart melted. She then realized that there was Nikeid at this store and she was wanting to get a pair custom made. She enquired about the shoes and was informed by the staff that she needed a local Japanese address otherwise they were not able to do it. She was so disappointed. I told her, give me a minute. I made a phone call to one of my friends in Tokyo, asking if they could assist, which they gladly did. So I got them to SMS me their contact information and exact address as I did not have it on me. Using that, Zoe was able to custom a pair of air max shoes with a lunarlon sole and animal print upper. She was over joyed as I sat there and watched the whole process of her choosing the customization for her shoe. Occasionally she would turn around and ask me for my opinion.
The escapade at the Nike shop took quite some time and we were done around 6pm. We decided to head back to the hotel to see if the others were already back as we agreed to meet for dinner at 6.30pm.
Upon reaching the hotel, we were welcomed back by the doorman and we proceeded up to our rooms. As Zoe did not have her room card, she came over to my room instead.
30-07-2016, 01:18 AM
Camping here and support TS for good story :)
30-07-2016, 05:33 AM
Nice update, pls carry on
30-07-2016, 12:14 PM
Do continue bro
30-07-2016, 12:37 PM
As Zoe did not have her room card, she came over to my room instead.
I excused myself once we got to the room to use the toilet and freshen up. I took a shower and changed into a new set of clothes as the shower was attached to a walk in robe and it was shielded away from the room, it was easy to do. After I had finished, I came out to find Zoe lying on the bed fast asleep, apparently the days adventures had tired her out. As I reached to tuck her into bed and pull the comforter over her, she woke up, in a sleepy voice she said, daddy, can you hug me for a while.
Houses: Sure thing scoot over.
Zoe then moved over slightly on the bed to make space for me. I looked at the clock, 6.30pm and the other girls are not back yet. Oh well, it was a holiday no point stressing.
As I settled myself down on the bed, Zoe snuggled close and buried her head in my chest and took a deep whiff.
Zoe: You smell nice daddy.
Houses: Its because I just had a bath silly girl.
Zoe: I mean, I like the cologne you are using. It is comforting for me. Can I get my tummy rubs now?
Houses: Ok.
With that Zoe pulled the comforter over the both of us and placed my hand on her tummy as she settled into the crook of my hand, hugging me. Somewhere along the line, we must have both fallen asleep waiting for the girls to return. I was woken up by a flash of light and I could just make out the "click" sound of a mobile phone camera.
I peeled my eyes open to find Yvonne, Carol and my wife looking at the both of us. It was Carol's camera that took the photo.
My wife: Wake up sleepy heads, we are famished and would like to get some dinner now.
Houses: What time is it?
Yvonne: Close to 8.30pm.
Houses: Thought dinner was supposed to be 6.30pm.
My wife: Erm.. we got carried away with shopping.
Houses: So just how much shopping did you do?
As I looked around the room, I saw lots of bags of stuff. I wondered what they had bought.
Yvonne: What did you do with Zoe?
By this time Zoe was up and she pipped up from under the covers, her hair all disheveled.
Zoe: Daddy took me to eat waffles and then to the Nike store where I got some outfits and even customised my own Nikeid shoe!
Carol: You did what?! How?! I thought that you needed a local address for that!
Apparently Carol had known about this but did not tell Zoe as she could not get them as well.
Zoe: Daddy called his friend who agreed to help.
Carol: No fair.. I want a pair too!
Zoe: Serves you right for not joining us.
As she finished her sentence, Zoe stuck her tongue out at Carol who then threw a cushion from the couch at Zoe.
Carol: Godpa, can you help me get a pair please!! Pretty please with a cherry on top?!
Zoe: Don't think so. You should have come with us.
Carol: Ohhhhhh.... hmph!
Houses: I will see what I can do.
Carol: Yay!
Yvonne: Wait a minute.. what did I just hear you call Houses?
Zoe: Daddy.
Yvonne: Daddy!????
Zoe: Yup. I have decided to adopt godpa as my "real" daddy.
Carol: Sucker upper..
Zoe: I got Nikeid shoes you don't..
Carol: Hmph.. not that interested.
Houses: Really? Ok, then, I shan't ask my friend.
On hearing this Carol was immediately on the other side of me, half pulling at my arms and half hugging me her boobs pressing into me.
Carol: Godpa... please... please..
Laughing, I said, we will see.
Houses: Ok, what are we going to do for dinner? I am starving!
My wife: Lets take a taxi down to Dontonburi and see what calls?
With that we allowed the girls sometime to freshen up and we all headed for dinner.
30-07-2016, 02:50 PM
Very good story, please update again :)
30-07-2016, 03:17 PM
Great story bro!
Camping here for continuation
30-07-2016, 03:20 PM
A great story. Very well written
30-07-2016, 03:22 PM
A great story. Very well written
Well said bro, will be camping here :)
30-07-2016, 04:44 PM
stil camping here
31-07-2016, 01:05 AM
Thank you for all the support. I will update tomorrow. :)
31-07-2016, 03:14 AM
Great story. Can't wait for more. Thanks TS :)
31-07-2016, 03:49 AM
Thank you for all the support. I will update tomorrow. :)
Will log in tomorrow, thanks TS :)
31-07-2016, 06:11 AM
With that we allowed the girls sometime to freshen up and we all headed for dinner.
We caught a taxi to Dontonburi and went to Matsuzakagyu Yakiniku. We ate up a storm being so hungry, I had a few high balls as I did not need to drive and Yvonne and my wife had a wine to share. We ate a lot of food that night, staying there for over 2 hours as we continued to order plate after plate of food. The girls, Zoe and Carol were ravenous, eating 3 bowls of rice each. I never knew such skinny girls could have such an appetite. It was about 11.30pm when we finally stumbled out of the restaurant.
As we were stuffed to the brim, we decided to walk further down to a little fruit shop that I know. If you take tazemonbashi bridge, you won't miss it, it is just a little past the river after you cross the bridge. The fruit seller there speaks very little English, but his fruits are quite fresh. I was looking forward to buying some strawberries. We reached the shop in the nick of time as he was about to close, upon seeing me he greeted me warmly as he recognized me. I told him I wanted 2 boxes of strawberries and he quickly packed it up for me together with some apples and said present. I paid him and thanked him for them and we continued our slow walk back to the hotel.
We got back to the hotel around 12.15am after a short walk. I always enjoy walking in Osaka as you feel safe there and no body bothers you much. The air is surprisingly clean for a city and all you breathe in is the cold fresh air of winter. We bade our goodbyes and good nights at the door to our rooms and set about settling in for the night. I was actually a little disappointed as I could not get in another massage before I slept. But then there was always tomorrow.
I was about to doze off at around 1.30am when the phone rang, I was wondering who could it be disturbing us so late a night. I groggily answered the phone.
Houses: Hello?
Yvonne: Hi! Are you asleep yet?
Houses: Ermm... not any more.
Yvonne: Was wanting to go to Lawsons to get some snacks and munchies as I still am not sleepy, will you accompany me?
My wife by that time was stirred awake and asked me who it was. I said it was Yvonne.
My wife: What does she want?
Houses: She wants to go to Lawsons and wants me to go with her.
My wife: Better you than me, besides you are the only guy here.
With that she turned around and went back to sleep.
Yvonne: So can you or not?
Houses: I really don't want to.
Yvonne: Then, I shall go by myself.
Houses: Better not. Okay, okay...
I reluctantly agreed.
Houses: Meet you at the lift lobby in 5 min.
I got out of bed and got dressed and by the time I got to the lift lobby, Yvonne was already there.
Houses: Lets go (I grunted)
She linked her arms around mine and said...
Yvonne: Sure thing hubby.
I turned to give her a questioning look.
Houses: Hubby??
Yvonne: Yup, hubby, since you are now Zoe's daddy, so you will be my hubby.
Houses: My wife how?
Yvonne: She will be fine with it, we spoke about it already.
Houses: Huh? What???!!! When???
Yvonne: We had the whole day remember?
Houses: So what was the consensus?
Yvonne: I could call you hubby if I wanted since we are all one big family. You do realize that your wife and I are very close?
Houses: Erm.. what else?
Yvonne: You will find out in time.
With that she dragged me towards the lift and we headed to Lawsons.
31-07-2016, 06:31 AM
With that she dragged me towards the lift and we headed to Lawsons.
Yvonne had her arms linked around mine as we took the short walk to Lawsons. She took her time looking at little nick nacks and munchies to buy. In the end, she filled up a basket with some drinks, biscuits and some rice crackers. I was about to head straight back to the hotel when Yvonne put her hand on my arm to stop me.
Yvonne: Can we go for a walk?
Houses: You realize what time it is right?
Yvonne: Please, I have not done something like this in the longest time. For tonight pretend to be my hubby and just walk with me. It is a nice night and there is a moon in the sky.
Houses: Was this part of the agreement with my wife?
Yvonne: Let's just go, shall we? (giving me a coy smile)
I have to confess, up till now, she was really confusing me, after that incident in my study and then her blowing so cold it was freezing the day after, I did not know what to make of anything. I was really bewildered.
Houses: So does this have anything to do with what happened in my study?
Yvonne: That never happened..
Houses: Yvonne, square with me, stop playing games.
She bit her lower lip and tilted her head just a little to one side as she turned to face me, her face showed that she was considering her response.
Houses: Lets just go back to the hotel, its late and I am tired and don't have time to play games.
I started to walk...
Yvonne: Wait.. houses..
I stopped and half turned as Yvonne caught up to me.
Yvonne: Alright, alright. I do remember that day. But I felt guilty for doing that to my best friend. It's just that I have not had a man touch me so tenderly and lovingly as you did that day in the longest time. You know what Mark put me through and there is more than what I shared. He was brutal to me. Maybe we can just be friends with benefits? I know from talking to your wife, she is not a big fan of love making and I now from her you are always rearing to go.
Houses: You share that much huh? What else has my wife told you...
Yvonne: Everything.
My eyes narrowed and I gave her a suspicious look.
Yvonne cupped my face in her hands and said don't frown, you look fierce. Without warning, she planted a kiss on my lips and ran in the opposite direction of the hotel. I stood there dumbfounded as I watched her run up the street. Then my senses kicked in and I chased after her. When I finally caught up, she just held my hand.
Yvonne: Can we take that walk now?
I was led around like a lamb to the slaughter. It was a strange feeling, taking a romantic moonlight walk in a foreign city with a woman who is not your wife. Yvonne put her head on my shoulder and draped my arms around her and we wandered aimlessly like that for about half and hour. Finally when she was too cold, she decided to return to the hotel.
As we neared the hotel, she disentangled herself from me, but continued to hold my hand. We went up in the lift and it was a steamy ride up. We shared a passionate kiss and I was feeling her up through her clothes. When we got to our level, we just stayed in the lift lobby making out, I managed to reach a hand under her blouse and was playing with her boobs as we continued to make out. The sound of the service door opening quickly brought us back to our senses as we quickly adjusted ourselves and began to walk towards our rooms just as the night butler was rounding the corner with an order of food.
Night butler: Good morning sir, madam.
Yvonne/Me: Morning.
As he walked away and we towards our rooms, Yvonne gave a little giggle. She planted another really wet kiss on me before spiriting away into her room, leaving me alone in the corridor staring at her closed door as its thud resounded in the hallway.
31-07-2016, 06:50 AM
leaving me alone in the corridor staring at her closed door as its thud resounded in the hallway.
I slept fitfully that night, images of me getting found out by my wife running through my head, I awoke the next day and could hear the shower going as my wife was already up. I stumbled into the washroom and my wife said:
My wife: Hurry up, we are supposed to meet the girls and Yvonne in 15mins.
I just disrobed there and got into the shower with my wife.
My wife: What are you doing?
Houses: Taking a shower with you.
My wife: Can't you wait?
Houses: You said we have 15mins.
I just took the soap from her an began to soap her back, I hugged her from behind and washed her front, paying quite a lot of attention to her nipples and her pussy. I made sure I got her aroused and I could feel her nipples harden. I then ran one hand down towards her pussy, past her trimmed bush and began playing with her clit. I was rubbing her bud as she feebly protested.
My wife: Honey.. don't. Ahhh.
I continued my assault on her kissing her neck and licking her ear lobes at the same time. When I felt that she was lubricated enough, I bent her forward and pulled her towards me, impaling her pussy on my little bro.
My wife: Hmmm... ahhh.. enn.
I started with slow strokes and gradually built up a momentum. I turned her around and sat on the edge of the bathtub and had my wife straddle me as I continued to pump. She was bouncing up and down, up and down her moans filling the steamy washroom. I kept going until I felt that familiar feeling building up in my balls, I erupted into my wife as she squirted and spasmed as she reached her own orgasm. This was the first time in a long time since she had done so. When we had finally caught our breath, she staggered weakly to clean herself up and get ready and I followed shortly after.
Our antics meant that we got to the breakfast room late and Yvonne and the girls were already waiting.
Zoe: Daddy!
As she came and gave me a hug. I walked with my arms around Zoe to the table reserved for us. Carol was there and bade us good morning as did Yvonne.
I have to say seeing Zoe in her new Nike outfit did give me a hardon, she had chosen to wear her Nike gym pants, which stretched nicely over her curves and you could see her VPL. She wore leggings to keep her legs warm and her new Nike shoes. On top she wore a tight hugging long sleeve top which showed off her budding boobs nicely. For some funny reason that day, she chose to sit on my lap the whole of breakfast which gave me a boner which was hard to hide. I knew she could feel it, but she just sat there, pretending nothing was wrong and was making small talk with me and getting me to feed her breakfast.
Carol just sat opposite us and gave her sister a glare the whole time at breakfast. Little did I know that this was the start of a rivalry for my affections. Carol played it cool, like it did not bother her, but sitting opposite her, I could see the turmoil of emotions as they fleetingly flashed across her pretty face.
Once breakfast was done, we decided to give ourselves about half and hour to freshen up before we headed out to see Osaka Castle.
Awesome update, wondering 3P or wife approved sexual encounter with Yvonne?
So Yvonne don't have memory lose, oh
31-07-2016, 01:27 PM
Nice update building up....really cock teasing...
31-07-2016, 02:18 PM
camping all the way.. :D:D:D
31-07-2016, 02:19 PM
camping all the way!:D:D
31-07-2016, 06:56 PM
Nice update, please continue :)
31-07-2016, 07:06 PM
Nice update building up....really cock teasing...
Yes i like the way the story is put :D
31-07-2016, 08:50 PM
Yes i like the way the story is put :D
Thank you. Trying my best.
31-07-2016, 11:39 PM
looking forward to next update :)
01-08-2016, 06:49 AM
looking forward to next update :)
Same here as well
01-08-2016, 09:06 AM
Good write out.. had been enjoying reading, thanks TS :)
01-08-2016, 10:03 AM
Very good story TS, pls cont...
01-08-2016, 12:33 PM
Camping for updates :D
01-08-2016, 01:36 PM
Very well written TS :)
01-08-2016, 03:43 PM
Waiting for update!!
02-08-2016, 07:08 PM
Once breakfast was done, we decided to give ourselves about half and hour to freshen up before we headed out to see Osaka Castle.
Once we got to the main lobby of the hotel, I got the doorman to hail us a taxi to Osaka castle. He dropped us off at the taxi stand just off Umemachi-sugi and we walked the rest of the way along the park grounds to Osaka castle. Even through it was cold, we stopped for ice-cream along the way and a few other tidbits.
We took a leisurely walk through the park surrounding the castle and stopped often to take pictures. When we finally did get to the courtyard just before the entry to the castle, you really could have a good look at it. It was well maintained and looked impressive in the winter morning sun. The girls grabbed Yvonne's purse and rushed off to buy tickets for all of us through the automated ticketing machine.
I was just having a good look around the courtyard and there were many food vendors there and made a mental note to try some stuff once we were done touring the castle.
All in all we spent nearly the whole part of the late morning and some part past lunch wandering around the Castle. At one of the levels, you could rent costumes to dress up in and take pictures, the girls both clamoured to do so and insisted that I get a costume as well. Yvonne and my wife stood there watching with amusement whilst guarding our stuff. I was dressed as a samurai and the girls as geishas. We took pictures of the girls together in various poses but for some funny reason they each wanted to take pictures with me alone. It was only after that was done that they agreed to take one with me together. I found that rather odd, but played along.
After changing out of our costumes, Zoe just slipped her hand into mine and started walking with me that way. Carol was with Yvonne and my wife but she kept casting glances towards Zoe and I.
As Zoe really had a love for Japan, she was engrossed in all the museum exhibits that could be found in the castle, taking her time to look at them and read through them. Carol on the other hand was getting impatient to get to the top of the castle where you could have a look at the surrounding scenery. Carol kept bugging Zoe to hurry up. The more she bugged, the slower Zoe took. In the end, I said I will catch up with the rest and stay with Zoe while she wanders.
Yvonne, my wife and Carol started off up the stairs with Carol looking back more than once. She had a strange look on her face and I did not know what to make of it.
Zoe: Now I have you all to myself.
Houses: You should not be so hard on your sister.
Zoe: Why not? She always had daddy's attention.
Houses: Now you have mine, but there is something there that maybe you should go easier on your sister?
Zoe: What things?
Houses: (regretting my big mouth) somethings, just be easy on Carol ok?
Zoe: Oh very well then. (And just grabbed my hand and started walking again.)
Zoe sped up her pace and soon we too were heading up the stairs towards the top of the castle. As you reached the top, you caught sight of the sun shining through the open air deck around the top part of the castle, you could actually walk out there and look around Osaka. I was just fortunate that Zoe chose to follow behind a lady wearing a short skirt, as she got to the top floor and turned, her skirt flew up giving me a glimpse of her red panty through her sheer panty hose.
02-08-2016, 08:09 PM
Fantastic story TS :)
03-08-2016, 01:23 AM
Fantastic story TS :)
Agree, camping here! :)
03-08-2016, 01:46 AM
Looks like Carol is jealous :D
03-08-2016, 02:05 AM
camping for more updates! :D
03-08-2016, 06:01 AM
Do continue pls
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