View Full Version : How much tips $ is good ?
18-07-2016, 03:36 PM
Wondering if bros here pay tips for a good + clean massage ?
I do tip but just $10 - for a good 90 min massage - with no special. Unsure if im the generous lot....
At times when i try a new MP with hardworking masseuse of above average skill - i tend to tip more than $10 first visit - sometimes $20. Most masseuse provide better services in my return visits.
Bros pls share your experience + the norms of tipping practice.
18-07-2016, 04:11 PM
If ml provide good clean massage to my liking normally I'll tip $10 if I intent to look for her again..
18-07-2016, 04:13 PM
Same here. Sometimes 10 dollar tips abd rtm may get you something more the next time round.
18-07-2016, 04:42 PM
to each his own and how much u are prepared to part from your wallet lo bro :p lol
as long as there are no special, $10 should be good but with good teasing then maybe $20 lo :D
anyway I upped u for a good thread bro :D heehee......
18-07-2016, 04:49 PM
The best tip and compliment to the WL is your RTF. While tipping for good service is understandable, it may create the false impression or modus operandi for the girl to expect that from every bros that visited her.
It may also create the situation like the girl performance or her face may turn black if no tip was provided or even your current dilemma, to give or not to give, if give how much.
18-07-2016, 05:20 PM
good massage + hardworking attitude with no special that makes full use of the duration to ease my muscle ache, i usually tip $10.
If they offer GQ then no extra tips as I see it as tips already.
What I dont like is go 60mins, real massage 40min and 20min is spent on skiving by giving pure light brushing 'teasing' on lower body. Usually no tips.
18-07-2016, 05:46 PM
to each his own and how much u are prepared to part from your wallet lo bro :p lol
as long as there are no special, $10 should be good but with good teasing then maybe $20 lo :D
anyway I upped u for a good thread bro :D heehee......
w teasing means you allowed to tease her ? or she tease you... :))))
18-07-2016, 06:51 PM
Bro u are very kind.
TQ for crediting my thread + upp me. U get my humble 39 today 👌
to each his own and how much u are prepared to part from your wallet lo bro :p lol
as long as there are no special, $10 should be good but with good teasing then maybe $20 lo :D
anyway I upped u for a good thread bro :D heehee......
18-07-2016, 06:55 PM
To me, a lot depend on the service level render by the Masseuse. In general, $10-20 is a good start for a purely decent massage. For services "beyond the call of duty", there is already an unspoken standard being established eons ago ... :p
18-07-2016, 06:59 PM
I thought tipping is rather uncommon......
Im glad most samsters AGREE clean massage gals deserve tipping. They are the hardworking lot.
As these ML do NOT earn $ from any extra services - they deserve a humble tip from customers who appreciate their clean services.👌
18-07-2016, 11:50 PM
There was once when i went to a mp that is famous for their teasing. First time after my massage i tip the massue $10 and rmb her name. The next time i went, i purposely put my hand beside my head when i face down. Thus when she stand infront of me to massage my back, my hand will rub against her pants. From there i slowly touch her bottom with her pants. I squeeze afew times on her butt and she is okay with it. I also did touch abit of her inner thigh. In the end i do not have enough cash to tip her. Only tip her $10 and request to add her in wechat. She gave the name but dis not add me back. Will go back again for the 3rd visit to try again.
19-07-2016, 03:16 AM
I thought tipping is rather uncommon......
Im glad most samsters AGREE clean massage gals deserve tipping. They are the hardworking lot.
As these ML do NOT earn $ from any extra services - they deserve a humble tip from customers who appreciate their clean services.
I concur. Tips usually $10 (max $20) to the deserved ones for motivation.
Once in a while with an honest compliment at the end of session, it truly make them happy & feel appreciated as well, no doubt :)
19-07-2016, 10:59 AM
Agreed with bro Nitefalcon + Isaah -
RTM is the best flattery for hardworking masseuse.
Word of compliments to MLs after a good massage session is to recognize MLs good attitude + skillful works - helps them to remember you well 🤗🤗🤗
The best tip and compliment to the WL is your RTF. While tipping for good service is understandable, it may create the false impression or modus operandi for the girl to expect that from every bros that visited her.
It may also create the situation like the girl performance or her face may turn black if no tip was provided or even your current dilemma, to give or not to give, if give how much.
19-07-2016, 11:06 AM
For CLEAN massage places i tend to tip $5-10 without MLs asking...depending on my wallet content.
I hear from many MLs if they do Not request for tip - they get Nothing from 90% customers.
For Clean hardworking MLs - perhaps we should learn to TIP PROACTIVELY 😉
Personally for me,
Good, hardworking ML and/or teasing - $20
Teasing with stroking of shaft (but not finishing) and/or autoroam - $30
HJ and/or Teasing + autoroam + chemistry- $50
19-07-2016, 07:09 PM
For bros who gave their honest opinions abt tips - Thank You indeed 🙏
My second question : will you tip good service masseuse - even if she does Not hint or request for it ?
Wondering if bros here pay tips for a good + clean massage ?
I do tip but just $10 - for a good 90 min massage - with no special. Unsure if im the generous lot....
At times when i try a new MP with hardworking masseuse of above average skill - i tend to tip more than $10 first visit - sometimes $20. Most masseuse provide better services in my return visits.
Bros pls share your experience + the norms of tipping practice.
19-07-2016, 07:42 PM
Personally, I'll still tip even if they do not request for it. I feel it'll serve as extra motivation for them and is a validation of the effort they put in. :)
For bros who gave their honest opinions abt tips - Thank You indeed 🙏
My second question : will you tip good service masseuse - even if she does Not hint or request for it ?
I will only tip if i intend to rtm, if not only on exceptional cases when she shows really good attitude.
20-07-2016, 11:08 AM
I agree w sparky.
Many MLs with good service + attitude do NOT ask for tips - this group deserves some kind of rewards.
A humble $10 tip + RTM would be the best validation of their effort 👍👍👍
Personally, I'll still tip even if they do not request for it. I feel it'll serve as extra motivation for them and is a validation of the effort they put in. :)
20-07-2016, 11:17 AM
For bros who gave their honest opinions abt tips - Thank You indeed 🙏
My second question : will you tip good service masseuse - even if she does Not hint or request for it ?
Yes, told her it's for buying her lunch & said see her next time:)
20-07-2016, 12:35 PM
For bros who gave their honest opinions abt tips - Thank You indeed 🙏
My second question : will you tip good service masseuse - even if she does Not hint or request for it ?
Tips of $10 ~ $20 is what I give in appreciation of their effort in giving me a good massage.
It's no easy feat trying to pamper someone's body for a full 60 or 90 minutes. I tried massaging someone once or twice and in 10 ~ 15 minutes... I am aching all over and need a massage.
20-07-2016, 01:41 PM
indeed crackpod.
pampering some else's body is TOUGH - its an ART :D
Tips of $10 ~ $20 is what I give in appreciation of their effort in giving me a good massage.
It's no easy feat trying to pamper someone's body for a full 60 or 90 minutes. I tried massaging someone once or twice and in 10 ~ 15 minutes... I am aching all over and need a massage.
20-07-2016, 05:28 PM
Thats very NICE of you.
Surely hardworking MLs appreviate that 😄
We learn to be BETTER CUSTOMERS - if we expect BETTER service providers.
Yes, told her it's for buying her lunch & said see her next time:)
21-07-2016, 12:49 AM
Yes, told her it's for buying her lunch & said see her next time:)
Same here. For good ones, usually just place it in her hands before leaving, saying the extra $$$ is a treat for her meal & will return next time seeking for her service again. That will indirectly prompt her that it's her personal tip & as a gratitude gesture for her good service, which in turn will motivate her to maintain/ or may even try to improve her skill further if indeed see me again in future.
21-07-2016, 12:52 AM
It's no easy feat trying to pamper someone's body for a full 60 or 90 minutes. I tried massaging someone once or twice and in 10 ~ 15 minutes... I am aching all over and need a massage.
That's absolutely true. No argument on that.
21-07-2016, 01:07 PM
BRO - a very GOOD FR DISCLAIMER to your sign off. I like :D
The best tip and compliment to the WL is your RTF. While tipping for good service is understandable, it may create the false impression or modus operandi for the girl to expect that from every bros that visited her.
It may also create the situation like the girl performance or her face may turn black if no tip was provided or even your current dilemma, to give or not to give, if give how much.
21-07-2016, 01:08 PM
indeed crackpod.
pampering some else's body is TOUGH - its an ART :D
I can only give you 6 humble points as tips. Have a great day.
21-07-2016, 06:10 PM
Bad attitude masseuse showing black face when no tip was given.....
getting common these days 😩☹ - such reaction backfires on otherwise happy customers.
The best tip and compliment to the WL is your RTF. While tipping for good service is understandable, it may create the false impression or modus operandi for the girl to expect that from every bros that visited her.
It may also create the situation like the girl performance or her face may turn black if no tip was provided or even your current dilemma, to give or not to give, if give how much.
21-07-2016, 06:24 PM
Wondering if bros here pay tips for a good + clean massage ?
I do tip but just $10 - for a good 90 min massage - with no special. Unsure if im the generous lot....
At times when i try a new MP with hardworking masseuse of above average skill - i tend to tip more than $10 first visit - sometimes $20. Most masseuse provide better services in my return visits.
Bros pls share your experience + the norms of tipping practice.
Hi bro, if you're talking about 100% clean massage, it depends on how the joint works. Some share rent and pocket whatever they earn - so they'll appreciate you coming back as a regular VERY MUCH. No need to tip (also, if you start tipping then you'll need to tip forever, and risk disappointment when you don't tip). However, if they're working for a boss and just take a basic salary, tips would be very much appreciated. $10 is more than sufficient, $20 is very generous (for a 90 min massage). They will already be very happy if every customer tips at least $10.
21-07-2016, 07:23 PM
For clean, good attitude, i always tip $10.
For teasing massage, i start with $10-$30, depend on how far can we go.:p
i like teasing massage.
21-07-2016, 07:27 PM
Agreed w elmo if masseuse is an Employee staff - she deserves 1 more reason to be tipped.
I also believe partner / lady boss loves to be tipped too....everyone loves REWARD to validate her hardwork 👍
Hi bro, if you're talking about 100% clean massage, it depends on how the joint works. Some share rent and pocket whatever they earn - so they'll appreciate you coming back as a regular VERY MUCH. No need to tip (also, if you start tipping then you'll need to tip forever, and risk disappointment when you don't tip). However, if they're working for a boss and just take a basic salary, tips would be very much appreciated. $10 is more than sufficient, $20 is very generous (for a 90 min massage). They will already be very happy if every customer tips at least $10.
21-07-2016, 07:31 PM
Thanks senior RAV
for your kind generosity towards hardworking teasing MLs.....
For clean, good attitude, i always tip $10.
For teasing massage, i start with $10-$30, depend on how far can we go.:p
i like teasing massage.
22-07-2016, 10:44 AM
Good thread for samsters 😉
Agreed w elmo if masseuse is an Employee staff - she deserves 1 more reason to be tipped.
I also believe partner / lady boss loves to be tipped too....everyone loves REWARD to validate her hardwork 👍
22-07-2016, 12:09 PM
Been wondering about tipping standards too.
Most of them get half of what you paid for at the counter. The tipping is on top of that. I guess 10 to 20 bucks is quite generous if service is good .
Gonna up you for this thread
Wondering if bros here pay tips for a good + clean massage ?
I do tip but just $10 - for a good 90 min massage - with no special. Unsure if im the generous lot....
At times when i try a new MP with hardworking masseuse of above average skill - i tend to tip more than $10 first visit - sometimes $20. Most masseuse provide better services in my return visits.
Bros pls share your experience + the norms of tipping practice.
22-07-2016, 05:37 PM
Good masseuse deserve a tip - as manual kneading + tapping + pushing is a physically demanding labour job 😰
As 1 bro put it....proper CLEAN massage is so tiring + demanding - that local NTU scientists recently invented a robot masseuse to take over therapist's hard job 😨
I recall this ROBOT masseuse (therapist) performs a massage function which few MLs can match.....minus the teasing + conversation - Of course 🤖🤖🤖
Been wondering about tipping standards too.
Most of them get half of what you paid for at the counter. The tipping is on top of that. I guess 10 to 20 bucks is quite generous if service is good .
Gonna up you for this thread
22-07-2016, 05:50 PM
$10 per hr is enough
$20 per hour is remarkable
More than that is spoiling the market :D
22-07-2016, 06:32 PM
I tend to agree with Bluegender 😆
$10 per hr is enough
$20 per hour is remarkable
More than that is spoiling the market :D
23-07-2016, 10:28 AM
Glad to know we have many generous Samsters - many do tip $10 or more - WITHOUT dedicated MLs asking 👍
To me, a lot depend on the service level render by the Masseuse. In general, $10-20 is a good start for a purely decent massage. For services "beyond the call of duty", there is already an unspoken standard being established eons ago ... :p
23-07-2016, 11:36 AM
$10 per hr is enough
$20 per hour is remarkable
More than that is spoiling the market :D
agree with you bro...$10 should be enough.
23-07-2016, 04:47 PM
The day will come when human therapists are replaced by ROBOT therapists 😱
Till that happens - let us be kindly generous to good MLs for small tips 👌
Good masseuse deserve a tip - as manual kneading + tapping + pushing is a physically demanding labour job 😰
As 1 bro put it....proper CLEAN massage is so tiring + demanding - that local NTU scientists recently invented a robot masseuse to take over therapist's hard job 😨
I recall this ROBOT masseuse (therapist) performs a massage function which few MLs can match.....minus the teasing + conversation - Of course 🤖🤖🤖
23-07-2016, 05:15 PM
think i will tip $10 for very good service and get name, phone number to RTM
if got teasing, $20-$30
if got HJ, $30-$50
23-07-2016, 07:16 PM
The day will come when human therapists are replaced by ROBOT therapists 😱
Till that happens - let us be kindly generous to good MLs for small tips 👌
i don't think robot san replace in this line.
as for me, like to go massage because..... tough by girls (syt/milf).:p
you know the feeling lar...:D
if not, just buy a massage chair will do lor...
23-07-2016, 08:08 PM
U meant : magical "touch" by gals .....😆
i don't think robot san replace in this line.
as for me, like to go massage because..... tough by girls (syt/milf).:p
you know the feeling lar...:D
if not, just buy a massage chair will do lor...
23-07-2016, 08:11 PM
I think keeping the 10% n 15% rules will not go wrong
23-07-2016, 09:10 PM
IMHO it depends on what kind of MLs are u tipping. For the easy going ones they'll accept any amount u tip them, $10~$20 shud b enuf, and they're grateful for your tip, and generosity.
For the money face MLs nothing is enuf, u tip them $10 they xpect $20, u tip them $30 they xpect $50, where got enuf one?
I regret to say that most of the SYTs & prettier MLs fall under the money face category..
24-07-2016, 06:39 PM
Agreed with your take.
99% hardworking MLs are plain faced Jane - Not sweet look SYT or some Jap Korea lookalike......
Plain faced Jane deserves your generous tips surely :p;)
IMHO it depends on what kind of MLs are u tipping. For the easy going ones they'll accept any amount u tip them, $10~$20 shud b enuf, and they're grateful for your tip, and generosity.
For the money face MLs nothing is enuf, u tip them $10 they xpect $20, u tip them $30 they xpect $50, where got enuf one?
I regret to say that most of the SYTs & prettier MLs fall under the money face category..
25-07-2016, 02:33 AM
Agreed with your take.
99% hardworking MLs are plain faced Jane - Not sweet look SYT or some Jap Korea lookalike......
Plain faced Jane deserves your generous tips surely :p;)
Think i can click well wif the plain faced Jane coz i am a plain faced Joe myself :) ..
The Jap/Korean lookalike SYTs generally gv me the impression that they see me no up la :mad: ..
25-07-2016, 02:48 AM
Appreciate TS started this interesting and helpful thread.
As a regular for massage, me and my kakis have a rule on tipping regardless our spending power.
Nothing for standard or below, hard sell, no rtm.
10 bucks for hard working, teasing, or prepare to rtm.
30 bucks for hj with or without gq.
For hj, I always mentioned to ml that 30 is my standard price. This is to prevent inflation. Imagine I am seeing the same ml 2 to 3 times a week.
I don't really like other services beside hj. Unless the ml offers without my consent, with no extra charge.:D
25-07-2016, 12:02 PM
bro - i see your have loads of "Charisma" ...:p
Well done - for keeping inflation in check.
Upp you today :D
Appreciate TS started this interesting and helpful thread.
As a regular for massage, me and my kakis have a rule on tipping regardless our spending power.
Nothing for standard or below, hard sell, no rtm.
10 bucks for hard working, teasing, or prepare to rtm.
30 bucks for hj with or without gq.
For hj, I always mentioned to ml that 30 is my standard price. This is to prevent inflation. Imagine I am seeing the same ml 2 to 3 times a week.
I don't really like other services beside hj. Unless the ml offers without my consent, with no extra charge.:D
25-07-2016, 02:38 PM
$30 for HJ........your MLs have been very very kind 😆 - care to share via pm ?
Appreciate TS started this interesting and helpful thread.
As a regular for massage, me and my kakis have a rule on tipping regardless our spending power.
Nothing for standard or below, hard sell, no rtm.
10 bucks for hard working, teasing, or prepare to rtm.
30 bucks for hj with or without gq.
For hj, I always mentioned to ml that 30 is my standard price. This is to prevent inflation. Imagine I am seeing the same ml 2 to 3 times a week.
I don't really like other services beside hj. Unless the ml offers without my consent, with no extra charge.:D
25-07-2016, 05:14 PM
bro - i see your have loads of "Charisma" ...:p
Well done - for keeping inflation in check.
Upp you today :D
$30 for HJ........your MLs have been very very kind 😆 - care to share via pm ?
Bros, started chionging since the day my little John got harden. Skin kanna rub till thicker so never feel pai sei to express myself to mls, in the polite way. Most kakis did the same and are running smoothly;)
We are not cheapo but think again, even big stores are doing the "match the price" business, what market rate we are talking about? Is just a deal between two willing parties.
Thanks bro Saffron for upz. Bro Badd, check your pm..
25-07-2016, 07:51 PM
Very charismatic bro. Kudos 👌
Bros, started chionging since the day my little John got harden. Skin kanna rub till thicker so never feel pai sei to express myself to mls, in the polite way. Most kakis did the same and are running smoothly;)
We are not cheapo but think again, even big stores are doing the "match the price" business, what market rate we are talking about? Is just a deal between two willing parties.
Thanks bro Saffron for upz. Bro Badd, check your pm..
26-07-2016, 04:35 PM
Agreed with nothing that 10-15% is good.
Many Clean Diligent MLs are happy with $5 tip ie. 10% of $50 / 60 min session.
As they do NOT ask for tip $- they told me MORE THAN 90 % customers do NOT tip .... sigh 😔😕😌
I think keeping the 10% n 15% rules will not go wrong
26-07-2016, 09:37 PM
Very charismatic bro. Kudos 👌
Brother..... Thank you for see me up hor:D
27-07-2016, 01:10 PM
How true is it that MOST bros won't tip any $ - if ML does not request (or hint) ???
Agreed with nothing that 10-15% is good.
Many Clean Diligent MLs are happy with $5 tip ie. 10% of $50 / 60 min session.
As they do NOT ask for tip $- they told me MORE THAN 90 % customers do NOT tip .... sigh 😔😕😌
28-07-2016, 02:10 PM
upp thread - for sharing + caring :D
How true is it that MOST bros won't tip any $ - if ML does not request (or hint) ???
28-07-2016, 10:09 PM
shop dun pay salary, tell the gals to avoid those
Lan lan they hv to pay salary
Boyscott all cruel boss.
Ppl park charge 40dlr,pr hr masg
Boss still pay comissioN.
Customers pay tips too.
29-07-2016, 10:59 AM
Spa owners who do Not follow the Employment Act to pay staff salary - should NOT deserve samsters support 👎
shop dun pay salary, tell the gals to avoid those
Lan lan they hv to pay salary
Boyscott all cruel boss.
Ppl park charge 40dlr,pr hr masg
Boss still pay comissioN.
Customers pay tips too.
29-07-2016, 12:54 PM
most of the ML are expecting tips from experience unless u go to those reflexology joints at PPC or complex which are competitive
recently I visited a massage joint in the west side.
This ML has many follow up customers as she really do her job well. she shared with me that one of her customer asked for her contact so that he can make booking again . She told him off to look for other ML because no tips:eek:
29-07-2016, 04:11 PM
most of the ML are expecting tips from experience unless u go to those reflexology joints at PPC or complex which are competitive
recently I visited a massage joint in the west side.
This ML has many follow up customers as she really do her job well. she shared with me that one of her customer asked for her contact so that he can make booking again . She told him off to look for other ML because no tips:eek:
Will any samster support this lousy attitude ML ???? I certainly will NOT 😨
29-07-2016, 06:49 PM
Tipping is not part of SE Asia culture
Unless it's for extra service, i dun tip
30-07-2016, 11:12 AM
For an HONEST opinion - you deserve my 18 points 👍
Other samsters - feel free to give me your opinions.
Tipping is not part of SE Asia culture
Unless it's for extra service, i dun tip
30-07-2016, 03:40 PM
Where need to give tips in Singapore?
If give extra and special service, she never ask, i also never give
why need to give? when already pay for the service
Go ang moh country, u don't give tips, you will get scolding, not extra service
30-07-2016, 06:01 PM
I believe tipping is a privilege and not an entitlement. That said, everyone here have their own standards and level of acceptance to what service they have to offer or provide. Thus there is no minimum sum or "must tip" culture in the service provided.
I believe the service they provide should cater to individual needs in order to maximise the tipping system.
That is my opinion and have a good day everyone.
30-07-2016, 06:37 PM
Robbens bro
Thank u for yr honest feedback.
No offence to anyone but wonder what the rest think - is bro Robbens in the majority or minority group of NO-TIP customers ???
Where need to give tips in Singapore?
If give extra and special service, she never ask, i also never give
why need to give? when already pay for the service
Go ang moh country, u don't give tips, you will get scolding, not extra service
30-07-2016, 11:24 PM
As one of the bros here have mentioned in the page before this, $30 is indeed my go-to rate as well. Likewise, I personally feel that this is to keep inflation in check. It requires a bit of bargaining, but at the end of the day, its a win-win for everybody.
Just a quick tip for those wondering how its done: Add in a bit of charisma, :p and with some confidence, admit to the ML that this $30 would last yourself less than 5 mins (as most MLs don't like to risk management catching them in 'action'). Of course, on your own part, try to accommodate and release no longer than 8-10 mins. From my experience, those MLs experienced in hjs can finish a regular man off within minutes.
31-07-2016, 10:49 AM
Bro i think u are talking abt $30 fee (not a tip) for a 5 min HJ......
you have to be a darned GOOD NEGOTIATOR 👍
As one of the bros here have mentioned in the page before this, $30 is indeed my go-to rate as well. Likewise, I personally feel that this is to keep inflation in check. It requires a bit of bargaining, but at the end of the day, its a win-win for everybody.
Just a quick tip for those wondering how its done: Add in a bit of charisma, :p and with some confidence, admit to the ML that this $30 would last yourself less than 5 mins (as most MLs don't like to risk management catching them in 'action'). Of course, on your own part, try to accommodate and release no longer than 8-10 mins. From my experience, those MLs experienced in hjs can finish a regular man off within minutes.
31-07-2016, 12:02 PM
Bro i think u are talking abt $30 fee (not a tip) for a 5 min HJ......
you have to be a darned GOOD NEGOTIATOR 👍
Yes you are right. Its a fee instead of a tip! Try it out and let us know if it works. Remember, don't forget to smile :)
Note: at $30, obviously one loses out a lot of privilleges in terms of roaming. But hey, at the end of the day, we eat chilli crab just for the crab, the man tou is just a side dish
31-07-2016, 02:19 PM
this is a very interestingly "PRACTICAL" man thinking - by auxillaire :p
Yes you are right. Its a fee instead of a tip! Try it out and let us know if it works. Remember, don't forget to smile :)
Note: at $30, obviously one loses out a lot of privilleges in terms of roaming. But hey, at the end of the day, we eat chilli crab just for the crab, the man tou is just a side dish
01-08-2016, 10:38 AM
Robbens bro
Thank u for yr honest feedback.
No offence to anyone but wonder what the rest think - is bro Robbens in the majority or minority group of NO-TIP customers ???
AGREED that Tipping is cultural - Singapore being part of SE ASIA does Not have a tipping culture.
Its like anti littering culture + keep to your left on escalators campaign - CULTURE CAN change for the better- starting from this SBF forum 🤗
Hope more samsters recognize + REWARD Clean hardworking MLs 🖒
01-08-2016, 01:32 PM
Think 10-20bucks tip for a good 1.5hr massage is quite reasonable, especially since I'm quite big sized and I always pity the poor girl who has to rub my back for 1.5hrs. it's also abt 15-20% liddat which is comparable to tipping rates in US
01-08-2016, 03:35 PM
Thats very KIND of you Tempura - surely yr MLs appreciate your tips well 😆
Think 10-20bucks tip for a good 1.5hr massage is quite reasonable, especially since I'm quite big sized and I always pity the poor girl who has to rub my back for 1.5hrs. it's also abt 15-20% liddat which is comparable to tipping rates in US
01-08-2016, 04:59 PM
The best form of reward for the honest and hardworking ML is by giving her repeat business .
01-08-2016, 06:18 PM
Bro TQ for your opinion - many honest MLs should be most happy for repeat businesses 😆
The best form of reward for the honest and hardworking ML is by giving her repeat business .
02-08-2016, 10:37 AM
Herald TQ for your sound opinion.
remember one man's meat is another's poison - as expounded by senior OSAMA BIN LADIN 🤗🤗🤗
I believe tipping is a privilege and not an entitlement. That said, everyone here have their own standards and level of acceptance to what service they have to offer or provide. Thus there is no minimum sum or "must tip" culture in the service provided.
I believe the service they provide should cater to individual needs in order to maximise the tipping system.
That is my opinion and have a good day everyone.
02-08-2016, 06:01 PM
Any further comments regarding tipping culture shall be welcome 😆
Tipping is not part of SE Asia culture
Unless it's for extra service, i dun tip
03-08-2016, 06:34 PM
Very generous bro - very generous comments 😆
think i will tip $10 for very good service and get name, phone number to RTM
if got teasing, $20-$30
if got HJ, $30-$50
03-08-2016, 08:21 PM
Tipping is not an Asian culture...
Maybe in western countries :p
But good service deserves good compensation :D
08-02-2017, 04:20 AM
Bro $30 for yr regular HJ is value for money....can pm ?
Appreciate TS started this interesting and helpful thread.
As a regular for massage, me and my kakis have a rule on tipping regardless our spending power.
Nothing for standard or below, hard sell, no rtm.
10 bucks for hard working, teasing, or prepare to rtm.
30 bucks for hj with or without gq.
For hj, I always mentioned to ml that 30 is my standard price. This is to prevent inflation. Imagine I am seeing the same ml 2 to 3 times a week.
I don't really like other services beside hj. Unless the ml offers without my consent, with no extra charge.:D
08-02-2017, 08:00 AM
Normally if I received a good massage with teasing and did not take up the GQ proposal, I will tip $10-$20 to compensate the ML.
07-03-2017, 01:22 PM
wow....very generous Bro here - KUDOS ;)
Normally if I received a good massage with teasing and did not take up the GQ proposal, I will tip $10-$20 to compensate the ML.
07-03-2017, 04:36 PM
i never tip in singapore unless got release :D
i return favor with frequent RTMs
07-03-2017, 07:19 PM
Kudos OysterLover - upp 42 power :)
Frequent RTM to same MP / MLs is the Best compliment for hardworking clean MLs - in my opinion ;)
i never tip in singapore unless got release :D
i return favor with frequent RTMs
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