View Full Version : My favourite neighbour...

25-07-2016, 11:11 PM
Seeing how everyone here is writing up, allow me to have a go at it...

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A neighbourhood I call my own. For over 30 years I have stayed with my parents, I got married to my wife and picked an HDB apartment in one of the BTO projects. After waiting for a while, we got our keys and time came in so fast we were one of the first to move to our new estate.

As with most young couples (I deem myself young in a sense) balloting new BTO areas, Facebook groups were formed and a community was existent even before everyone has moved in. Prior to moving, I had thought of new friends I would make, not to mention the possibility of seeing some hot wives and maybe SYTs (some too juvenile yes, but still a thought - thoughts won't hurt right?)...

Glancing through some of the members of the group had made my thoughts wandered at times, but I knew that fantasies being fantasies, I would not think anything might happen, not to mention whether I would even dare to take action or lay a hand on any neighbour...well, I guess I had to keep my thoughts at bay.....

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......will continue once I have time available......

25-07-2016, 11:25 PM
1st camper reporting in

25-07-2016, 11:39 PM
2nd camper!! :D

25-07-2016, 11:59 PM
Camping too...

26-07-2016, 12:25 AM
Please continue TS

26-07-2016, 12:31 AM
Some neighbours are dressed for beo-ing :)

26-07-2016, 12:32 AM
4th camper

26-07-2016, 12:36 AM
Some neighbours are dressed for beo-ing :)

Better to be undressed? :p

26-07-2016, 01:59 AM
Better to be undressed? :p

Best to beo those not dress up in ur own units.

26-07-2016, 08:00 AM
Another supporter reporting here.

26-07-2016, 10:43 PM
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With all the hype surrounding the new home, my wife and I turned out to be the “pioneers” of the block - from what I knew there were only a few families that managed the renovation (or the lack of it) and moved in.

Many neighbours are friendly while some simply went on doing their own stuff and living their own world. Fulfilling my bit as one of those friendly neighbours, I extended help to our community as much as I could. Naturally I bonded with the couples that moved in around the same time as I did.

The first family I got to know was Christopher and Evelyn. They have two lovely daughters that inherited the bubbly nature of the mother and the friendliness of the daddy, though I would say they are naturally shy towards strangers. Chris works off-shore most of the time so I do see him at odd hours of the day, while Evelyn works as an Administrator during standard office hours.

I like fleshy women with a great rack and natural features, so it would come to no surprise that Evelyn caught my eye the first time I saw her. She is less fleshy than my wife, though she is shorter and has a pair of C cups (well, a guesstimate) boobs hiding under her clothes most of the time. She has a contagious smile and dimples to go with them, brightening up everyone’s day around her. I believe that is why Chris married her :D

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26-07-2016, 10:45 PM
Best to beo those not dress up in ur own units.

I prefer beoing thru the units of ladies wearing nightie or casual...clothing still gives some depth to imagination :D :D

27-07-2016, 12:13 AM
Waiting for updates :)

27-07-2016, 12:23 AM
Camping for part 3

27-07-2016, 11:24 AM
Please continue TS :)

27-07-2016, 11:41 AM
Camping here too :)

27-07-2016, 11:56 AM
Nice to have friendly neighbours :)

27-07-2016, 12:16 PM
Camping here now

27-07-2016, 01:05 PM
Camping for more!!

27-07-2016, 03:38 PM
Another neighbour story..,,totally love it....camping here

27-07-2016, 04:01 PM
TS please continue...

27-07-2016, 04:04 PM
clothing still gives some depth to imagination :D :D

Agree.Camp for your story.

27-07-2016, 05:23 PM
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The next couple I got to know was Gerald and Maybel. Unlike Chris and Evelyn, they have no kids but a young dog that Gerald often took for a walk. Gerald works as a property agent while Maybel is an executive in a financial institution. She keeps her figure well with regular yoga practices and indoor sports and has well-toned legs and a perky butt to boot. Though she does not flaunt her assets much in her workwear, I do get lucky when catching her in the lift after her workouts. She looks cold at first glance but can strike a conversation once the ice is broken.

Chris, being the friendly buddy of our lot often tries to organize dinner meetups and potluck. I do try to join them whenever possible in spite of my busy schedules and occasional overtime required of my job. This however incurred the wrath of my wife who felt I did not spend sufficient time with her...so while I would love to make use of whatever chances to steal glances and make small talk with the ladies, my opportunities are somehow limited.

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27-07-2016, 05:29 PM
Nice intro of your neighbours :)

27-07-2016, 05:52 PM
another interesting story, camping for more

27-07-2016, 08:47 PM
Camping too :)

27-07-2016, 09:41 PM
another interesting story, camping for more

Agree bro, me camping too :D

27-07-2016, 10:23 PM
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Soon we had more neighbours moving into the neighbourhood. Terry and Elise were next and they are tall by my standards. I wouldn’t say I am tall, but neither short by average - Elise is already at my height and easily beat it by an inch or so with the heels that she occasionally wore, though that is no trouble for Terry whom I believe is probably a few inches taller. Despite their towering presence, they are very nice people though Elise happens to be one that speaks off her mind in many things, though she usually realizes it quickly enough and apologizes. If there is a feature of Elise that caught my attention, it is none other than her long white legs which is no way unnoticeable. Legs are not usually my first criteria, but she does really have them to show off.

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27-07-2016, 11:14 PM
Another neighbour story..,,totally love it....camping here

Neighbour story always very interesting :)

28-07-2016, 08:11 PM
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There came this particular Saturday morning which I woke up early for no apparent reason since I did not need to work. I wore some clothes (I do have a habit to not wear my underwear but just a pair of running shorts if I am just going around the neighbourhood) and went downstairs in search of food. Not much of note since the lift is mostly empty but as I walked out of the lift lobby I saw Evelyn sitting on one side observing her daughters playing from a distance. She was wearing a running top (albeit oversized for her size, yes it seems weird since she is fleshy) and a skort bottom and running sneakers. As I approached her from the side I couldn’t help but notice her lavender-coloured bra (or sports bra, ain’t exactly sure) was sneaking out from the side of her top. She turned around when she noticed me and beamed her usual sunshine smile.

Evelyn: heyyyy! How’s your stay so far?
Me: so so lor...trying to get used to the silence at night as well as the random bugs flying and crawling…
Evelyn: eeek! Wah can don’t say such things anot? Around here also got a lot of worms leh...now I can feel them crawling all over...eeek!

She made some mock shivering movements. I saw her boobs bounce in the process and felt a tiny stir.

Me: ok ok I dun mention it. So what are you doing here?
Evelyn: oh, waiting for Chris to come down so we can have a walk and have breakfast. My girls are playing there (points at the direction of her girls).

The lifting of her arm made me verify that she was wearing just a normal bra...and not to say it is normal...it did have some form of floral patterns on it...I wasn’t sure I was growing an erection though, but looking down at myself it wasn’t obvious in any way.

Me: I see I see.
Evelyn: hey help me hold this.

She passed her phone to me while she turned to her handbag to search for something. The home screen on her phone shows a picture of her older daughter and herself hugging tightly. What caught my attention though was the amount of cleavage she was showing through her v-neck top! Oh man…

Evelyn: thanks thanks! (she took the phone back from me)
Me: that is a nice picture on your phone!
Evelyn: thanks! Cute right my daughter?
Me: yeah la, both also cute lah!
Evelyn: sure mah?
Me: yeah then? (gave her a look -.- )
Evelyn: you like what you see?
Me: huh? (took me a second to respond) yeah yeah, your daughter is really photogenic. Hey Evelyn I gonna go have breakfast liao, damn hungry.
Evelyn: oh ok, enjoy ah!

I walked away from the area quickly in an attempt to hide my rising manhood.

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28-07-2016, 11:03 PM
nice writing. neighbour stories can really get erotic

30-07-2016, 12:46 AM
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Walking away from the scene did help matters as I prevented some unnecessary embarrassment. I thought over it quickly and should have realized that I may have heard it wrongly. How could Evelyn have asked something like that? Or maybe I have thought too much and read it in my own perverse ways.

Just as I was walking to the neighbourhood coffeeshop and lost in thought, I saw a petite girl, sorry actually it’s a lady but she looked young if not for her blue blouse which looked set for workwear. Something about her struck me...like some sort of innocence radiating from her. I tried to ponder a little more but I realised she was smiling at me! Did I appear perverse???

???: Hey, are you Marcus?
Me: Eh yeah! Sorry you are?
???: I’m Lynette! The one that is currently moving in? We talked on Facebook yesterday!

Oh! Now I remember. What I saw on Facebook and in person is different...shit, those pictures did her little justice. She looked so demure, innocent and petite in flesh...and though I do not see much of her tits, somehow she had her way to capture my thought and soul...wow.

Me: Oh yeah! Nice to meet you officially!

I extended my hand and she returned the gesture and shook my hand. Nice small hands, I have to say...wonder how it feels like if...no no no, snap back to reality dude.

Lynette: So where are you going?
Me: To the coffeeshop for breakfast. And you? Going up your new place?
Lynette: Yeah!!! It’s so exciting to be moving in with such great neighbours like you helping out!

Guilt pangs hit me.

Me: Nah it’s nothing, really. If you need any help just ask if you don’t mind me helping anyway.
Lynette: Haha! You seem like a nice guy! I will when I need it!

I didn’t think “nice” is a good word to describe me.

Me: Okay, catch up with you later!
Lynette: Sure!

With quickened pace I walked off. Please don’t let me bump onto more female neighbours for now…

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30-07-2016, 01:08 AM
Very good story bro, please continue :)

30-07-2016, 05:31 AM
do continue bro

30-07-2016, 12:12 PM
Loved the update TS

30-07-2016, 03:28 PM
Camping for update :)

31-07-2016, 11:47 AM
TS where do you stay ? I come visit you .

31-07-2016, 12:00 PM
Camping here too!!

31-07-2016, 02:35 PM
Nice updates! Made me so eager to shift in to my new bto and be the mr nice guy going around helping out.

Up you some pts

31-07-2016, 03:58 PM
TS where do you stay ? I come visit you .

Cannot la....I tio sexposed then no more story for u all liao......

31-07-2016, 03:59 PM
Nice updates! Made me so eager to shift in to my new bto and be the mr nice guy going around helping out.

Up you some pts

Be nice guy or not, I believe in just being yourself! That's what's make us unique.

31-07-2016, 07:18 PM
Nice story bro!!

Sam JR
31-07-2016, 11:08 PM
Keep sharing.

31-07-2016, 11:20 PM
I don't have so chio and friendly neighbours :(

31-07-2016, 11:43 PM
Please continue TS

31-07-2016, 11:58 PM
I don't have so chio and friendly neighbours :(

Beauty is in eye of beholder...so far the ladies I have mentioned...I think no real chio one lor if I go by strictest sense but all of them have something about them that ppl will like... :)

31-07-2016, 11:59 PM
Please continue TS

Thx thx for all the support, I'll try la cos real life commitment :P

01-08-2016, 02:05 AM
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Maybe a hungry man makes a guy think excessively, now that I got my stomach full I was ready to go back home to follow up some of the small stuff that the renovations have left out. I do not know if I have some strange luck or misfortune that as I turned out to the main road, I saw yet another familiar figure.

Alan and Jessy (she prefers to be called Jes) are newlyweds that moved in just a bit after I did. Jessy was actually the first neighbour that I had met and it was not even in the neighbourhood. It just happened that on one occasion I was near her workplace and I suggested for a tea break meetup which she agreed to do so just under her office.

Jessy is your kind of sunshine girl. She is around 155cm in height, is rather slim and was wearing a V-neck top and a flared skirt when I met her. I would say she has a mix of beauty and cuteness. Her warmness is contagious and it would be hard for people to not have a good impression of her. One thing I noticed was that she seemed to love skirts or dresses as that is what I am spotting her wearing now...short skirts and dresses are often my nemesis. I quickened my pace and stopped beside her while she was waiting for the traffic light to work to her advantage.

Jessy: Hey Marcus! What a coincidence!
Me: yeah, there is certainly a fair bit of coincidences today.
Jessy: Haha! What’s that about?
Me: First I see Evelyn, then I see Lynette and now I see you.
Jessy: Oh! It must be your lucky day then! Or maybe it’s just a saturday which everyone is more free.

I would not think much as “lucky” in the same lines as “unfortunate”.

Me: Yeah, hey the lights have changed. Let’s cross.

I allowed her to cross the road first as the vehicles stopped, walking behind her a little to make sure she crosses the road fine. I picked my pace a little to walk on the side of the pavement closer to the road. She noticed my movement and looked at me with some appreciation.

Jessy: Wow, you are quite the gentleman eh?
Me: Eh?
Jessy: Your actions.
Me: What?
Jessy: You moved me to the side away from the traffic.
Me: Oh, that. That’s nothing.
Jessy: Not many guys do that nowadays.
Me: Ehm well, that’s just something I do and was taught for some time, similar to opening doors.
Jessy: I guess you have a good upbringing since that’s really a very nice thing to do! I am impressed!
Me: Ehm...hahahaa thanks thanks, I really don’t know what to respond at this point.
Jessy: So what’s your plans today?
Me: Overseeing some reno stuff. You?
Jessy: You still have reno stuff?
Me: Not really major, some patch work.
Jessy: Ah okay, I’ll most probably be going out with Alan once he is back from work.
Me: He works on saturdays eh?
Jessy: Sometimes, but what to do?
Me: Yeah, sometimes I need to as well.
Jessy: You are IT right?
Me: Yeah lo, the computer guy. And please don’t follow up with “can you fix my computer” even though I do have basic skills to do so.
Jessy: Awww...how did you know that?
Me: I get that question ALL THE TIME.
Jessy: Hahaha! That makes you the nice guy then!

Haiz...another misconception of me.

Me: Eh...ok lah. Hey, I need to make a turn to the supermarket. You can go ahead with your stuff first.
Jessy: Sure! See you around!

With that I switched my direction to the supermarket.

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01-08-2016, 06:42 AM
Loved the update TS :)

02-08-2016, 12:27 AM
My dear SBF readers so far, so who do you think is my favourite neighbour so far?

Evelyn - the bubbly, fleshy C-cupper with much to show for?
Maybel - toned professional, cold to the touch but warms up after?
Elise - tall, straightforward lady with creamy legs to die for?
Lynette - petite, sweet girlish lady whom men love to protect?
Jessy - the warm and sunshine lady who love dresses and skirts that shows her butt and legs?

02-08-2016, 12:55 AM
My dear SBF readers so far, so who do you think is my favourite neighbour so far?

Evelyn - the bubbly, fleshy C-cupper with much to show for?
Maybel - toned professional, cold to the touch but warms up after?
Elise - tall, straightforward lady with creamy legs to die for?
Lynette - petite, sweet girlish lady whom men love to protect?
Jessy - the warm and sunshine lady who love dresses and skirts that shows her butt and legs?

Any look-alike pics as examples? :D

02-08-2016, 01:03 AM
Any look-alike pics as examples? :D

At most only dress style lor...hahaha how to find lookalike ppl from the net sia

10-08-2016, 04:59 PM
Any further updates on your supermarket adventure ?

10-08-2016, 08:00 PM
More updates TS :)

10-08-2016, 11:30 PM
TS please continue your neighbour story!! :D

11-08-2016, 12:15 AM
Psps recently busy and also following neighbours to poke poke...I mean Pokemon Go...haha will update soon soon!

11-08-2016, 01:30 AM
Haha for a moment I thought you poke your neighbours liao :D

11-08-2016, 02:26 PM
My dear SBF readers so far, so who do you think is my favourite neighbour so far?

Evelyn - the bubbly, fleshy C-cupper with much to show for?
Maybel - toned professional, cold to the touch but warms up after?
Elise - tall, straightforward lady with creamy legs to die for?
Lynette - petite, sweet girlish lady whom men love to protect?
Jessy - the warm and sunshine lady who love dresses and skirts that shows her butt and legs?

I think you like them all . :p

11-08-2016, 02:27 PM
Psps recently busy and also following neighbours to poke poke...I mean Pokemon Go...haha will update soon soon!

Just remember don't poke too much . Bad for health .

11-08-2016, 04:45 PM
Any further updates on your supermarket adventure ?

Many downblouse incidents at supermarket :p

12-08-2016, 01:39 AM
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The week went on surprisingly uneventful since the Saturday that I bumped onto the many female neighbours (maybe I should mention them as “wives”...hahaha). Peace is good as that meant my mind is in a calming state and I will not lose attention to what I am supposed to be doing. Now, what am I supposed to be saying?

Oh yeah, it was another week before something worth mentioning happened. It was a peaceful evening and my wife had a company event so I’m pretty much stuck at home doing boring stuff. Then a call.

???: Yo Marcus, what you doing now? You at home?
Me: Hey Terry, wassup. Me ah, at home lor.
Terry: Come up leh, we got drinking session here.
Me: Who around?
Terry: Got James. Myself and Elise lo.

James and his wife Jessica had just moved in within the two uneventful weeks. Not much is known about the wife, though James appear to complain quite a bit about her even to his newfound friendly neighbours. I understand every family has its challenges so I would just take it with a pinch of salt.

Me: ok, since I nothing to do I come up ba. Need me bring anything?
Terry: no need, just bring yourself.
Me: haha sure man!

Being a good neighbour I brought a pack of peanuts up to Terry’s place.

By the time I arrived at their place, James was already tipsy and blaring and slurring. He looked visibly upset and complained about work and personal life in general, while Elise was listening him out and Terry closed the door behind me as I entered the house.

Me: Hey James, you seemed to be on a one-man party mission.

He turned to look at me. It felt like a death stare.

James: I see you brought something that can make me feel better. Why not open it?

I opened the pack of peanuts and my clumsiness caused it to spew over the table. My hand stretched out to gather it but James stopped me.

James: It’s okay man just eat it like this. Lup sup jiak lup sup tua!

I took a quick glance at Elise and she gave me a helpless face while James was busy munching. I settled down on one of the stools as Terry prepared a beer for me.

Terry: 来来来, bottoms up bottoms up!
Me: You siao ah? Fresh cold can you want me bottoms up? Unfair leh!
Terry: Who tell you so late come?
Me: Siah lah, you call me I come up liao hor!
Elise: 不要说没有啦,我这罐也是新的啦!
Me: Ok ok, lim lim lim…

All four of us finished our existing cans and Terry walked to the kitchen fridge and took more cans while James continued his rumbling. I took a short while to settle myself and noticed Elise was wearing a simple purple spaghetti top and pink cotton shorts that showed off plenty of her flawless milky white legs up to the side of her hips. It made me wonder if she wore any panties at all as it gave zero indication from the cutting of the shorts. Her top did not give a lot away as it did not expose herself way too much, but it felt like it was worn many times so it did went loose a little...she was straight in front of me so there was no opportunity to catch any possibility of a side boob view and I tried not to stare too obviously. Final conclusion for that moment was that I did not see any bra straps. Was she braless?

-- -- --

12-08-2016, 03:59 PM
My master asked me to learn more English.:D

12-08-2016, 05:05 PM
New camper.

TS, please continue. :)

13-08-2016, 12:50 AM
My master asked me to learn more English.:D

Need translation ah?

13-08-2016, 01:36 AM
Please continue TS :)

13-08-2016, 09:37 PM
Can't wait for Carol's juicy parts :D

13-08-2016, 09:38 PM
Can't wait for Carol's juicy parts :D

I mean I can't wait til TS reached Carol's juicy parts :D

13-08-2016, 09:42 PM
10 char

13-08-2016, 10:06 PM
I mean I can't wait til TS reached Carol's juicy parts :D

lol wrong thread. how to delete a post?

14-08-2016, 12:21 AM
lol wrong thread. how to delete a post?

I also dunno how, guess you can't. Anyway I know what you are talking abt :D :D :D

14-08-2016, 12:25 PM
lol wrong thread. how to delete a post?
You can delete yr post but not totally remove it altgt...by clicking on yr "edit" function...hope tat helps...nice 'teasing Zg' story from TS btw ;)...keep it going...:)..waiting to see how Elise's simple but provocative teasing dressing excites TS...& guys in general...whether she was braless, pantiless etc, etc...

14-08-2016, 01:35 PM
You can delete yr post but not totally remove it altgt...by clicking on yr "edit" function...hope tat helps...nice 'teasing Zg' story from TS btw ;)...keep it going...:)..waiting to see how Elise's simple but provocative teasing dressing excites TS...& guys in general...whether she was braless, pantiless etc, etc...

Seriously I thought James was too busy complaining he wouldn't have noticed that...or that he had a fair share of his stories...but that is another thing...

Thx for the support anyway :)

14-08-2016, 07:32 PM
Please continue TS :D

16-08-2016, 11:40 AM
Camping for more

16-08-2016, 05:18 PM
Nice to have pretty neighbours to ogle :)
Keep going TS...

25-08-2016, 01:34 AM
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I snapped out of my daydream (technically a “nightdream”) to avoid suspicion as all of us were literally listening to James’ stories and experiences. A few more cans of beers had past and it came to a point that it was obvious that James could not drink anymore.

Me: Hey James I think you have to go back bah...drink too much also no good leh.
Terry: Yeah man James, think I bring you up bah.
James: …
Me: I go up with you all?
Terry: No need lah, you just stay here bah. At least my height can bring him up...hahaha
Me: Wah lau eh you 人身攻击! Simi lan jiao!
James: No need trouble you lah. You provided peanuts liao.
Terry: Just stay around here, come back I drink more with you.
Me: I not as pro drinker as you leh.
Terry: (looking at James) let’s go let’s go…

With that, Terry managed to drag James off the couch and made their way outside.

Elise: Wah piang eh, 终于完了。
Me: Hahaha...挺难gao dim hor?
Elise: Yea lor, 怎么办?
Me: Aiya, 不用这样garang的嘛
Elise: Aiya...buddy ma, 有事不能解决只能听lor
Me: 你simi buddy...charboh lah,不用跟我们这些男人buddy的lah…

All of a sudden she put down her can of beer abruptly.

Elise: 喂,simi charboh tarboh eh, buddy is buddy okay?

As she was saying that, she kind of lurched forward and flapped her top back and forth, as though trying to tell me that there is no difference of sexes when it comes to listening to problems. What she is trying to show me though...is her A+ cup boobs through the opening...and I did not know if I imagined too much or was drunk but I could make out her erect nipples…

Me: ok ok ok! Wa zai wa zai, I know I know, no need like that show me one okay. I trying to say, we guys are okay one, complain complain nia...you no need so buddy with us, you also got husband to think one leh!
Elise: (leaned back to her previous position) Orhhh...then like this I understand lah. 不用担心lah, Terry ok one la...he know me that time already know I ah lian ah lian one leh~
Me: Yea, and I take now to know that.

Elise gave a playful punch on my arm.

Elise: Simi daiji...mai lai lah...I know 人不可貌相 right…
Me: This one I totally agree. Just now James like that you still can gao dim him, really need a bit of ah lian in you lor.
Elise: Whatttt!!! I very guai one okay...I didn’t ah lian on him hor...just patient like a puppy…

Huh? What? What kind of description is that?

Me: Simi puppy....puppy you give it food it run to you liao lah...I think for your case is give you beer then you run to me liao…

The next moment I knew, she launched an almost-empty can of beer at me which hit me. On my chest. It bounced off me, but not without spilling its contents.

On my sports shorts. Near my privates. And remember...in my neighbourhood, I do not wear underwear. Maybe it’s the alcohol and it’s making me cooler than usual.


I heard the gate open and I knew Terry is back. Good thing he is back, else I do not know what I’ll do to Elise.

Terry: Wah so happening ah?
Me: Wah piang eh your wife ah! MAKE ME WET!
Terry and Elise: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!

I left the couple to laugh while I excused myself to the washroom to clean up. Fortunately my sports shorts is partially waterproof so the beer did not wet myself much. What a strange sequence of events...after cleaning up, I came out only to see Elise chilling by the sofa.

Me: Oh, you all finish laughing liao ah.
Elise: Yea lah you lah, make us laugh until my boyboy wake up liao. Terry go pacify him liao.

You wouldn’t think a married couple with a 1 year old boy would behave this way. I didn’t.

Me: I think I should be going back home liao.
Elise: So fast ah?
Me: Simi fast, later I tio complain drink too much cannot sleep on my own bed hor.
Elise: 有这么严重吗?
Me: Yeah, cause I snore when I drink too much and sleep.
Elise: Oh. Haha...okay lah then 我不耽误你 liao lah.

She gestured for a hug which I complied. Now let me describe the scenario. Remember I mentioned Elise is actually tall for a lady? She is actually a little taller than me even without footwear, and the way she approached the hug made me unable to offer a buddy hug as she did not bend forward but instead walked straight to me. Not that I mind, but I was just trying not to give her weird ideas of myself...due to this, we hugged a little tight with her boobs pressing on my chest...and somehow for some reason, one of my hand was on her back and the other...on her butt. HER BUTT! WHAT AM I THINKING! Could you imagine the feeling on your hand on a perky butt separated by only a small cotton shorts? The softness with her warmth…....I realized I was thinking too much in a short moment and I withdrew at my earliest opportunity.

Elise: Wei wei wei...what you do ah?

Life froze for that second. Millisecond. Nanosecond. For a moment, I do not know if I should feign ignorance, create a stupid excuse or say something that a hot-blooded male would say.

I went against all weird odds and convention.

Me: 我在卡你的油。

I could not believe what I said. Shit.

Elise: HAHAHAHAHAHA! Simi SAI! 我没什么油给你卡啦!你回家卡你的油啦!

Amazingly I was off the hook.

Me: 不要这样讲啦。。。你有美腿leh!
Elise: 要不要?来来来

She turned to her side in a mock action to expose her sexy creamy leg...by now I can fully see her leg up to her hip bone and unless she is wearing a g-string I am pretty certainly she was naked inside...damn.

Me: Mai lai lah...wah lau later Terry kill me...but hor, I can consider.
Elise: (mock punch on my arm) SAI LAH! Go go go 走走走!!!

I took my leave from their place and went home. It was truly a strange night.

-- -- --

25-08-2016, 02:12 AM
Nice update :)
Support support...

25-08-2016, 04:05 PM
More please!! :D

25-08-2016, 05:39 PM
Lovely neighbours :D
Please continue bro

26-08-2016, 12:56 AM
Up to the hip bone and can't see any signs of undies, surely she is not wearing any :D

03-09-2016, 02:44 AM
-- -- --

Saturday. I woke up in the morning as usual but this time round I lay on the bed wondering about the events that happened the previous night. Seriously I did not think I imagined all these. It must have been real...or am I thinking too much?

Yes, I believe I was thinking too much into things.

Took a look at my phone and saw the usual conversations between my neighbours. Since most of my neighbours are married adults (and many with children), topics could come from all directions from renovations to kids to random topics. Chris happens to be one that loved to share wacky things, and this morning was no different. He went on sharing “adult-themed” articles that while I wouldn’t say that they were explicit, but they were more taken on a light note as everyone knows that Chris is much of a joker. He decided to post a ton of swimsuit photoshoot photos that he obtained from his friend for a magazine as he is a part of some amateur photography community.

James: Wah Chris, so early got ho liao ah.
Chris: Good things meant to share mah.
Me: I know lah, but this one public chat group leh, should give some respect mah.
Chris: Aiya just pictures only...everyone adults here, scared what?

At this moment, a notification appeared, showing that one of the members had left the group.

Me: WTF? See lah, you drove one person away liao.
Chris: Wah piang like that can blame me meh?
Elise: You don’t like that lah, later Evelyn take chopper chop you up then you know.
Chris: Aiya won’t lah, she know I like that since day one liao. Wife is wife, other woman is other woman, see don’t touch can liao.
Elise: Wah she so good ah? Not every wife like that one hor.
Chris: Then you leh? You will kill Terry meh?
Elise: Bo lah, he want see let him see lor. LET HIM SEE LOR.
James: Later Evelyn like Elise then you know.
Chris: Won’t lah, don’t worry. Already got daughter liao, scared I run where?
Elise: Wah I bo wei gong sia….zzz

The conversation went on to other topics. On a normal day I would just simply put this conversation on a backburner and possibly not bother about it at all...only to realize it does change my life that bit by bit…

-- -- --

03-09-2016, 11:07 PM
Please continue Ts

04-09-2016, 01:44 AM
Wa wish I have Elise as my neighbour :D

04-09-2016, 09:39 AM
Camping for more! :)

04-09-2016, 03:19 PM
Nice neighbours you have TS :)

04-09-2016, 03:39 PM
Wa wish I have Elise as my neighbour :D

U like tall ah lian types?

04-09-2016, 05:05 PM
U like tall ah lian types?

I like those types who are not shy to talk about adult topics :D

05-09-2016, 01:44 AM
I like those types who are not shy to talk about adult topics :D

She is just those type very straightforward no nonsense ah lian type...haha

05-09-2016, 02:29 AM
Nice story bro, pls keep going ... ;)

05-09-2016, 04:58 PM
More updates please! :)

03-12-2016, 02:00 AM
Just saw my favourite neighbour in OL attire...damnit want her so badly now...

...should I continue...?

03-12-2016, 03:05 AM
Just saw my favourite neighbour in OL attire...damnit want her so badly now...

...should I continue...?

Please do :D

03-12-2016, 08:59 AM
Please continue..

03-12-2016, 11:36 AM
Just saw my favourite neighbour in OL attire...damnit want her so badly now...

...should I continue...?

Please do continue TS.

03-12-2016, 01:44 PM
Just saw my favourite neighbour in OL attire...damnit want her so badly now...

...should I continue...?

Please continue :D

03-12-2016, 04:14 PM
..should I continue...?
Hell yes!:D

03-12-2016, 06:29 PM
Camping for continuation!

03-12-2016, 09:25 PM
Continue please :)

04-12-2016, 12:17 AM
Please continue!!

04-12-2016, 01:09 AM
Just saw my favourite neighbour in OL attire...damnit want her so badly now...

...should I continue...?

Please continue..

04-12-2016, 01:23 AM
Anymore updates?

04-12-2016, 11:40 AM
camping for updates

13-12-2016, 07:20 AM
Came across your thread. Do continue sharing; good & hot write up.