View Full Version : 10 taboos to avoid during the 7th month Ghost Festival
10-08-2016, 08:45 PM
Have seen an article talk about "10 taboos to avoid during the 7th month Ghost Festival". Whether u believe or not is up to individual. just sharing.
The seventh month marks the Ghost Month in the Chinese calendar, and as Singaporeans and a multi-racial country, we are accustomed to the ritual of burning offerings. Also referred to as the Hungry Ghost Festival, the Chinese believe during this time, the souls of the dead roam the earth.
According to custom, the ghosts can get up to mischief if ignored, so all sorts of offerings are made during this period. Hence, the Taoists and Buddhists burn hell money and paper offerings, such as cars, watches and jewellery to appease their deceased family members – taking care of their material needs even in the afterlife.
But that’s not all, there are also some things you should and should not do as both good and evil spirits will be roaming around.
Even if you don’t believe in the supernatural, it might be wise to take heed to these beauty superstitions passed down by the older generation. Better safe than sorry, right?
1. Don’t wear red clothes
As red is one of the colours known to attract ghosts, we would advise you against wearing Red during this month to avoid getting their attention.
2. Refrain from wearing black or dark nail colours
Traditionally, only the dead have nails that are black. Black nails may lead the spirits to think that you are one of them and may lead you back to hell as well.
If you really love your dark nail colours, consider adding some brighter colours to avoid making it look too dark!
3. Don’t cut your hair at night
This custom used to be more applicable in the past when electricity was absent. You can imagine that a haircut can be quite dangerous if done in the dark.
To avoid ghosts from causing any accidents, haircuts are generally discouraged once night falls.
4. Don’t leave your clothes out to dry overnight
They say that ghosts will “try on” the clothes and infiltrate your homes when you bring the clothes in.
5. Don’t keep long hair, especially if it covers your forehead.
It is believed that a human’s yang energy is focused on the forehead. If you cover your forehead with your hair, your yang will decrease and the probability that you will meet spirits will be higher.
Keep your forehead as bare as possible so the light from your forehead can shine bright and ward off the spirits.
7. Do not take pictures in the evening
Unless you want to see something spooky photobomb your selfies.
8. Avoid getting engaged or married in the 7th month
Other than the fact that 7th month is regarded to be inauspicious, it probably would be quite spooky if “extra guests” turned up for your wedding.
9. Avoid swimming
You may have heard of horror stories when experienced swimmers get their legs “pulled” by an unknown presence underwater… and breaking free only at the last minute!
Even if you don’t believe in ghosts, well, we think it is still better to be safe than sorry.
10. And of course, don’t stay out late
Ghosts are at their strongest at night, as the yin energy from the moon increases their power.
Avoid going out late at night as they may just follow you home and “disturb” you while you are out!
10-08-2016, 08:59 PM
So many things we cannot do this month.
10-08-2016, 09:09 PM
Another one is don't whistle. especially at night.
been told this since young.
Ddog wore red jogging just now prob caught tons attention :eek:
10-08-2016, 10:09 PM
ya dun fuck in the dark.. moaning makes them tiko n see u fuck. :D
ya dun fuck a girl with long hair covering her face.. if not they possess her n fuck u back.
10-08-2016, 10:43 PM
ya dun fuck in the dark.. moaning makes them tiko n see u fuck. :D
ya dun fuck a girl with long hair covering her face.. if not they possess her n fuck u back.
OMG wtf hahaaha :D
11-08-2016, 07:08 PM
ya dun fuck in the dark.. moaning makes them tiko n see u fuck. :D
ya dun fuck a girl with long hair covering her face.. if not they possess her n fuck u back.
So we have to fuck in the day time ?
11-08-2016, 09:25 PM
don't masturbate near banana tree
11-08-2016, 09:38 PM
don't masturbate near banana tree
then masterbate the banana? hehehe
Abbie Mayo
11-08-2016, 09:53 PM
then masterbate the banana? hehehe
Upped sir 7 for exchange
Shoot To Target
11-08-2016, 09:55 PM
then masterbate the banana? hehehe
9 shoots upped for exchange
11-08-2016, 11:20 PM
then masterbate the banana? hehehe
then the banana spirit will be shiok and give you winning number to 4d/toto
12-08-2016, 01:26 AM
i am not a believer in all of these stuffs as i find it not logical. as there is ghost roaming around every single day not only seven month. so are we suppose to follow these stuffs throughout the year. just to let you know when i was young i kick all the offering that they offer around my estate and throw rubbish into bins that they burnt offering.
12-08-2016, 03:23 AM
then the banana spirit will be shiok and give you winning number to 4d/toto
banana spirit ? i only said shake the banana but u said the spirit will be shiok? isnt banana spirit a female? :D she will have 3 big sweat drop from head...nim niang wu lanjiao meh?LOL
12-08-2016, 04:17 AM
i am not a believer in all of these stuffs as i find it not logical. as there is ghost roaming around every single day not only seven month. so are we suppose to follow these stuffs throughout the year. just to let you know when i was young i kick all the offering that they offer around my estate and throw rubbish into bins that they burnt offering.
You're right except for one important point. There's no ghost.
You're right about it being illogical.
How's a ghost suppose to eat food offerings?
You mean food got soul or food got ghost so the ghost can eat? If ghost can eat, might as well go five star restaurant to eat.
& when you burn things, all of it reaches ghost?
So everything that was burnt or destroyed by fire go to ghost? When hiroshima was destroyed, it goes to which ghost?
All these are superstitious bs invented to con uneducated ppl hundreds of years ago.
A shame stupid ppl here actually thinks its real.
Exchange points is real ma?
12-08-2016, 04:25 AM
There are many stupid people here who say just because you don't see ghosts, doesn't mean they don't exist. Or they claim they can 'feel' ghosts.
Hey dumb fcuks! Scientists cannot see black holes but know they exist. There's a big difference between that n a made up thing like ghosts, elfs, unicorns etc..
Exchange points exist ma?
12-08-2016, 10:34 AM
then masterbate the banana? hehehe
Sure very shiok.
12-08-2016, 10:47 AM
Have seen an article talk about "10 taboos to avoid during the 7th month Ghost Festival". Whether u believe or not is up to individual. just sharing.
3. Don’t cut your hair at night
This custom used to be more applicable in the past when electricity was absent. You can imagine that a haircut can be quite dangerous if done in the dark.
To avoid ghosts from causing any accidents, haircuts are generally discouraged once night falls.
4. Don’t leave your clothes out to dry overnight
They say that ghosts will “try on” the clothes and infiltrate your homes when you bring the clothes in.
5. Don’t keep long hair, especially if it covers your forehead.
It is believed that a human’s yang energy is focused on the forehead. If you cover your forehead with your hair, your yang will decrease and the probability that you will meet spirits will be higher.
Keep your forehead as bare as possible so the light from your forehead can shine bright and ward off the spirits.
7. Do not take pictures in the evening
Unless you want to see something spooky photobomb your selfies.
8. Avoid getting engaged or married in the 7th month
Other than the fact that 7th month is regarded to be inauspicious, it probably would be quite spooky if “extra guests” turned up for your wedding.
9. Avoid swimming
You may have heard of horror stories when experienced swimmers get their legs “pulled” by an unknown presence underwater… and breaking free only at the last minute!
Even if you don’t believe in ghosts, well, we think it is still better to be safe than sorry.
10. And of course, don’t stay out late
Ghosts are at their strongest at night, as the yin energy from the moon increases their power.
Avoid going out late at night as they may just follow you home and “disturb” you while you are out!
Answered in red.
12-08-2016, 11:53 AM
I would advise all Bros and Sistas that the Chinese 7th month is a cultural thing, faith and beliefs etc. This is not about being logical or superstitious. We just need to respect each beliefs and values which makes us different from each other. Buddhist called the 7th Month as Mi Lan Peng Hui, Taoist take it as Hell Gate is open etc.
Cheers and have a wonder 7th Month!
12-08-2016, 12:33 PM
Sure very shiok.
Similar thoughts here.
12-08-2016, 01:31 PM
banana spirit ? i only said shake the banana but u said the spirit will be shiok? isnt banana spirit a female? :D she will have 3 big sweat drop from head...nim niang wu lanjiao meh?LOL
you are right........ then it must be huntu tek tek....... the banana is the nipple.......
12-08-2016, 01:45 PM
Heard of,
cannot cut finger nails at night?
last year, i noticed that geylang was very deserted at night.
all the tiko gui went home.
12-08-2016, 01:57 PM
jialat, at night cannot play pokemon Go liao ....
12-08-2016, 03:39 PM
Sadfa, no need convince us ppl here there is no ghost.
Try convincing the construction sites in singapore no need to pray during seventh month. Do report here which construction site ppl actually listens to you. If not, dont come here to keep preaching your believe when you cant even convince construction workers.
12-08-2016, 03:49 PM
Heard of,
cannot cut finger nails at night?
also cannot masturbate after cut finger nails
12-08-2016, 03:55 PM
also cannot masturbate after cut finger nails
Can dig pussy?
12-08-2016, 03:55 PM
also cannot masturbate after cut finger nails
So many things cannot do.:D
12-08-2016, 03:57 PM
So many things cannot do.:D
One month save money.
12-08-2016, 04:19 PM
Can dig pussy?
should be safer to dig pussy after cut finger nail right? rough dig with finger nail might injure the pussy......... also....... whose pussy?
12-08-2016, 05:25 PM
should be safer to dig pussy after cut finger nail right? rough dig with finger nail might injure the pussy......... also....... whose pussy?
After cut nails pls file nicely.. Smoothen the edge before fingering!
12-08-2016, 06:51 PM
Dun think too much abt it. We are not them so we dunno how they would behave. Maybe they laugh at our stupid ideas abt them..aiya 7 month or not we just live our lives as per normal.
12-08-2016, 07:02 PM
I would advise all Bros and Sistas that the Chinese 7th month is a cultural thing, faith and beliefs etc. This is not about being logical or superstitious. We just need to respect each beliefs and values which makes us different from each other. Buddhist called the 7th Month as Mi Lan Peng Hui, Taoist take it as Hell Gate is open etc.
Cheers and have a wonder 7th Month!
You mean yu lan peng.盂蘭盆
12-08-2016, 10:02 PM
so really....... can masturbate or not? can dig chee by or not?
12-08-2016, 10:07 PM
so really....... can masturbate or not? can dig chee by or not?
Cannot masturbate or cannot dig cb is not in the taboo list. So think shld be ok bah.
Big Sister80
12-08-2016, 10:07 PM
After cut nails pls file nicely.. Smoothen the edge before fingering!
7 added for trade
12-08-2016, 10:11 PM
As i hv mention whether u believe got ghost or not or believe the taboo or not is up to individual. We respect each other views or belief n no need to criticise each other.
12-08-2016, 10:12 PM
You mean yu lan peng.盂蘭盆
8 points upped for exchange
13-08-2016, 12:11 AM
As i hv mention whether u believe got ghost or not or believe the taboo or not is up to individual. We respect each other views or belief n no need to criticise each other.
Respect? OIC.....
Never thought of that
So if your sister's or daughter's future husband, whos a grown man BTW spend all his money n time looking for ghosts in haunted houses in spore. Will you respect him n let him marry yr relative??
So if Your subordinate who needs to take leave constantly cos he says he's 'possessed' & you need to cover him n he gets paid while you do his work. Will you respect him?
So if Your friend tells you his 'master' 'treated' his wife of spirits in her body by intense one on one 'praying' sessions in private n his wife always looks satiated after every session. Now his 'master' says your friends teenage daughter needs the same treatment. Will you lend him money so his womenfolk can be fcuked? And do you respect him?
Very easy to say motherhood pc statements like 'respect' hor. But difficult to apply. Or not so difficult if you really know what's tolerance acceptance n not garbagements bs multiracial crap.
People like you learn all this from garbagement but you don't know what it means cos they teach you very superficial things so you can be bent to their will.
Don't believe? Try applying for job with garbagement or do work with garbagement, n after confirmed you'll get the job, spend yr time talking intensely with the boss about ghosts, djinns n how god is a space alien n you'll see how they 'respect' your beliefs of ghosts n how tolerant they are. Confirm you won't get the job. Why leh??? Where's the 'respect'?
Respect somemore.
Exchange points need respect ma?
13-08-2016, 01:32 AM
I would advise all Bros and Sistas that the Chinese 7th month is a cultural thing, faith and beliefs etc. This is not about being logical or superstitious. We just need to respect each beliefs and values which makes us different from each other. Buddhist called the 7th Month as Mi Lan Peng Hui, Taoist take it as Hell Gate is open etc.
Cheers and have a wonder 7th Month!
It's a traditional historical cultural thing but there's no truth behind it. If a foreigner ask you about it, that's the most accurate description.
This is not fcuking PA website or initiative.
Learn to be able to see through rhetoric n bs.
Learn what's tolerance and what can be said n shouldn't b said. Unlearn wad you learned from garbagement.
And btw hor garbagement don't believe in bs like ghosts also hor. So don't need to b afraid.
Exchange points is traditional ma?
13-08-2016, 01:36 AM
Sadfa, no need convince us ppl here there is no ghost.
Try convincing the construction sites in singapore no need to pray during seventh month. Do report here which construction site ppl actually listens to you. If not, dont come here to keep preaching your believe when you cant even convince construction workers.
Your statement disparages, looks down on construction workers. I assure you some or most of them are smarter than some cocks here like uncle Aaron who believes in every ghost you can think of. Banana spirits, djinns, burger king etc.
Exchange points look down on people ma?
13-08-2016, 05:41 AM
i guess it is time to close this thread
13-08-2016, 08:18 AM
Respect? OIC.....
Never thought of that
So if your sister's or daughter's future husband, whos a grown man BTW spend all his money n time looking for ghosts in haunted houses in spore. Will you respect him n let him marry yr relative??
So if Your subordinate who needs to take leave constantly cos he says he's 'possessed' & you need to cover him n he gets paid while you do his work. Will you respect him?
So if Your friend tells you his 'master' 'treated' his wife of spirits in her body by intense one on one 'praying' sessions in private n his wife always looks satiated after every session. Now his 'master' says your friends teenage daughter needs the same treatment. Will you lend him money so his womenfolk can be fcuked? And do you respect him?
Very easy to say motherhood pc statements like 'respect' hor. But difficult to apply. Or not so difficult if you really know what's tolerance acceptance n not garbagements bs multiracial crap.
People like you learn all this from garbagement but you don't know what it means cos they teach you very superficial things so you can be bent to their will.
Don't believe? Try applying for job with garbagement or do work with garbagement, n after confirmed you'll get the job, spend yr time talking intensely with the boss about ghosts, djinns n how god is a space alien n you'll see how they 'respect' your beliefs of ghosts n how tolerant they are. Confirm you won't get the job. Why leh??? Where's the 'respect'?
Respect somemore.
Exchange points need respect ma?
Bro, dun get agitated leh. Whether garbagement or not, maybe if one day some see IT then will know the ans. Anyway i RESPECT ur view.
13-08-2016, 08:20 AM
i guess it is time to close this thread
Bro if u think is time to close this thread, i RESPECT ur view too.
13-08-2016, 08:42 AM
Let me clarify. I started this thread is to just share an article. I am not here to make pple believe or agree to it. U can read the article, u believe it or think u got more to share, then share it. If u dun believe then is fine too, as u hv our own view, u can just simply ignore this thread, no need to come in to read further. Think no need to keep "arguing" who is right or wrong. Each has their own view n thinking. I respect every one view here.
13-08-2016, 08:58 AM
Bro if u think is time to close this thread, i RESPECT ur view too.
i am not against ur topic but here is about for Adult Discussions about SEX :D
13-08-2016, 11:02 AM
Cannot masturbate or cannot dig cb is not in the taboo list. So think shld be ok bah.
wah...... ok la........ i better go and masturbate the banana and get winning number from banana spirit liao!....... huat ah!!!!!!
13-08-2016, 11:19 AM
Let me clarify. I started this thread is to just share an article. I am not here to make pple believe or agree to it. U can read the article, u believe it or think u got more to share, then share it. If u dun believe then is fine too, as u hv our own view, u can just simply ignore this thread, no need to come in to read further. Think no need to keep "arguing" who is right or wrong. Each has their own view n thinking. I respect every one view here.
no need to clarify la bro. say whatever you please. some people like to talk about traditions/behaviour, some people like to talk about belief systems, some people like to masturbate near banana tree during 7 month to get winning 4d/toto numbers. all the replies here make it all the more interesting....... :)
13-08-2016, 11:22 AM
wah...... ok la........ i better go and masturbate the banana and get winning number from banana spirit liao!....... huat ah!!!!!!
Once start cannot stop leh...if not they masterbate u every night.. Till u dry haha
13-08-2016, 01:41 PM
i guess it is time to close this thread
From taboo to funny...:D
Bro hokkienguy, may have to wait until 1Sep when it is finally over.
i guess it is time to close this thread
Bro hokkienguy, up you 11 points.
Bro hokkienguy, may have to wait until 1Sep when it is finally over.
13-08-2016, 09:41 PM
why up my point? i stress leh
but thanks
13-08-2016, 10:33 PM
Once start cannot stop leh...if not they masterbate u every night.. Till u dry haha
dun worry, wun dry one....... after masturbate banana tree, masturbate coconut tree....... then pluck one coconut and drink the water........
13-08-2016, 10:43 PM
Thanks for sharing to TS.
Anything in particular that is sex-related?
14-08-2016, 05:16 AM
where to find banana tree in singapore. been looking for one as i want to know whether there is such thing as banana spirit or just myth
14-08-2016, 09:24 AM
Then what happens to those who killed you,
eg. You were killed in accident due to a drunkened driver,
so, the ghost comes to drunkened driver house to haunt him?
14-08-2016, 10:41 AM
then what happens to those who killed you,
eg. You were killed in accident due to a drunkened driver,
so, the ghost comes to drunkened driver house to haunt him?
因果报应如影随行:d 因果报应絲毫不爽
14-08-2016, 01:24 PM
因果报应如影随行:d 因果报应絲毫不爽
my Translator apps K.O.
kindly present in england...:D. THANKS.
14-08-2016, 03:16 PM
my Translator apps K.O.
kindly present in england...:D. THANKS.
karma is like a shadow following u! a grain of sand also need to pay back!
14-08-2016, 11:08 PM
where to find banana tree in singapore. been looking for one as i want to know whether there is such thing as banana spirit or just myth
Of course no spirit la. That's just fairy tale cooked up to bluff morons like uncle Aaron.
If have, those plantations in phillipines n Malaysia with hundreds n thousands of banana trees will have hundreds of spirits liao n one banana will cost $100 cos very few people will do the job.
Those ppl who believe this shit really gong n embarassingly stupid. Like uncle Aaron.
Spirits can exchange points ma?
14-08-2016, 11:57 PM
Then what happens to those who killed you,
eg. You were killed in accident due to a drunkened driver,
so, the ghost comes to drunkened driver house to haunt him?
Wahlan................ speechless sia.
Why don't you ask them.
I don't mean ask those mass murderers but ask those drunk drivers or workers who killed ppl in industrial accidents.
I bet they'll fcuk you upside down.
Normal people Will be traumatised by taking a life n here you are asking them got ghost visit you bo?
Most of them will tell you ji siao simi! Already so jialat and you ask these shit??
The rest will fcuking slap you.
Please Don't rub salt in peoples wounds la
Exchange points leave you speechless ma?
15-08-2016, 03:33 PM
There are many stupid people here who say just because you don't see ghosts, doesn't mean they don't exist. Or they claim they can 'feel' ghosts.
Hey dumb fcuks! Scientists cannot see black holes but know they exist. There's a big difference between that n a made up thing like ghosts, elfs, unicorns etc..
Exchange points exist ma?
wah lan eh........... such irony.......... hahahaha.........
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