View Full Version : My personal true exp

26-08-2016, 12:21 AM
Hi everyone , I am silent reader for more than 3 yrs. having been silently watching all the actions . Thought I can share and my experiences hope you all will enjoy my exp. I am 6 feet tall male and fit but not six pack though :(.

Chapter 1.
With my female colleague . This happened when I was intern during my uni. She was married . Her body was so good and juicy 36 which I had been playing for a while . Wow when I think of it even now blood is flowing down . I am more interested to express how we started and sex ofcourse like everyone else .
But how I / she seduced me is what will more interesting .
Let me know if I can continue .....

26-08-2016, 06:16 PM
TS, waiting for the next chapter.

26-08-2016, 09:01 PM
Another supporter here.

26-08-2016, 09:36 PM
3rd to support .

26-08-2016, 09:44 PM
Good start, please continue ...

26-08-2016, 09:49 PM
camping here to support :D

26-08-2016, 10:14 PM
Another camper!! :D

26-08-2016, 10:31 PM
TS, we have been patience enough to wait for 3 years, get it on and start writing.

26-08-2016, 10:47 PM
Pls continue!

27-08-2016, 08:07 PM
Camping to new story :)

27-08-2016, 08:31 PM
:p sharing is caring, thank you! :p

27-08-2016, 08:57 PM
all ears here... please.

KIng's Order
27-08-2016, 09:53 PM
Hope you do not disappear .

27-08-2016, 10:57 PM
Hope you do not disappear .

Hahaa hopefully

28-08-2016, 08:20 PM
It was a computer firm where I had the opportunity to work . It was normal start like anyone one else I was concentrating on my work . The lady let's call her A she was kinda boss secretary .on one of the eve of public holiday no one was there in the office. It was me and A and another lady who is on her 50s I usually call her aunty. We all were talking in a room and joking about lot of things. Topic went on to how to keep ourself fit. How to protect each part body. Ofcourse nothing about private parts. Aunty has suggested she has a liquid which will clean ears. I expressed my interest to try the liquid, luckily aunty had that with her on the day. I said I will lay my body on the table while sitting on the chair. Aunty poured some liquid on the ears after few minutes when I wiped it I felt it was good. When my ears were cleaned I told aunty it is good, on hearing my result A was interested to try it out. Aunty was about to pour the liquid that's when her phone rang. Aunty started to answer and A lay down on the table . I took the liquid and pour on her ears . A was wearing a dress which was showing ample amount back. Accidentally I touch few times her back which pouring the liquid. No reaction from her. the liquid has to be kept it ears before wipe it off so she had to continue in the postion for few minutes . I gained some courage and touched her neck gold chain and said nice design. She said yes and she loves it. I deliberately ran back of my hand slowly on back of neck in the process of touching the chain. There was a shiver in her body I knew it is postive sign but I did not have anymore courage to proceed further. ..... Exciting incident coming soon

28-08-2016, 08:55 PM
I posted my second part don't know where it gone. WTF I used mobile to type it took me more than 30 mins

29-08-2016, 10:51 AM
I posted my second part don't know where it gone. WTF I used mobile to type it took me more than 30 mins

Your second part came out already . You need to post more to get out of moderation .

29-08-2016, 12:04 PM
I posted my second part don't know where it gone. WTF I used mobile to type it took me more than 30 mins

At this speed, u will be in moderation for quite some time, post longer and more often.

29-08-2016, 12:11 PM
Please continue TS :)

29-08-2016, 12:12 PM
keep posting and dun stop!!!

29-08-2016, 12:14 PM
At this speed, u will be in moderation for quite some time, post longer and more often.thank you for the infor, will speed up the posting .

29-08-2016, 12:39 PM
Camping for more!!

29-08-2016, 12:47 PM
Good start!! Please continue TS

29-08-2016, 10:16 PM
After that incident we got closer. Nothing much happened except seducing look and smile from her. I was not courgeous enough to take it future .
One fine day in the evening around 7 pm was closing all my works from a meeting room.
Someone opened door it was A
She was standing http://www.masterfile.com/image/en/614-06719662/Woman-checking-outside-shower-door
She was standing like this. Her left hand was holding the door half body was inside.
A: not leaving home what are you doing alone ? Every left home.
Please note no one else in the office :)
I could not hear properly what she said I went close to her to listen what she said .
Me : sorry what did you say ?
She repeated
Me: closing all the work for tomorrow's client meeting.
A: I thought you are doing something else alone .
Me : what ????
I saw she was wearing new bracelet like this


30-08-2016, 08:07 AM
Me : what ????
I saw she was wearing new bracelet like this
I held the bracelet between thumb and index finger and said
Me: is this new ? Nice and trendy
A: you seem to track all my ornaments
Me: not like it is good and appealing.
A: pout her togue and said I could sense you are tracking not only ornaments
I considered as invite and gained some courage.
Pushed the bracelet back a bit it touched her
Me : what ????
I saw she was wearing new bracelet like this boobs
She was stunned and stare at me . The stare took the shit of out of me . So many thoughts started to run in my mind . What will happend if she tells everyone . What will happen to my career. Etc etc
There was pin drop silence for a minute
She didnot move though from her position.
I am still holding bracelet but did not push.
Me : sorry it was accident I did not mean it
A: no reply
Me: I did not mean it.
A: smiled
And moved away from the position and started walk towards exit door.
I started to walk behind her and said. (No one was in office)
Me: sorry it was an accident . Please say something atleast scold me I am worried what will happen to me and my future.
After pestering these words for few times
A: your future is safe
Me: not angry!
A: I said you are safe
Me: does it mean you are not angry
She smiled at me
I got bolder from her smile
Me: can this accident happen again
A: 🤔
Me: can !
A: I don't know
Guys must be knowing the meaning of I don't know from a girl
Me: please tell me yes or no I want it hear from the horse mouth
A: no reply and smiled
By this time she reached the exit door and said
A: I am leaving bye bye

30-08-2016, 09:35 AM
Another supporter here :cool:

30-08-2016, 12:33 PM
She was standing exactly like this .

30-08-2016, 04:17 PM
Nice story and pics :)

30-08-2016, 04:37 PM
camping here!!

31-08-2016, 01:53 AM
A: bye bye I am leaving
Nothing much happened in the next morning. I was waiting I will get a chance to speak to her.
Around 5 pm on that day happen to have some private time with her as the boss asked to collect info from some of us.
By the way it was small firm. Doing most of the business from other countries. Back to the incident
She came to my desk asked few info about some stuff.
No one was in either side of my desk.
Held her bracelet again between my index and thumb
Me: are you angry ?
A: if I was angry you won't be sitting here now
Me: u like what happened
A: smile
Me: can I do it again ?
She didnot answer but pout her tongue and went toward the small pantry
I followed her in a short distance
She was searching something in the pantry
Went behind and hug her my hands were around her waist.
Between she was not slim nor fat either she had perfect body
She did not object
I was afraid that someone will come as there was an aunty in the office. I guess boss would've left by that time from the way A was reacting.
I move away from her.
A: go to your place
Me : why ?
A: do what I say
I went to work station and couldn't do anything. Heart was pumping so fast.
She came to my work station around 6 pm
I guess aunty had already left the office
I could sense she was relaxed now.
A: I am leaving home .
Me; why so early ? Can you go late like yesterday
A: can't stay late I have my family
I did not have courage to ask or so took a piece of paper and wrote
Can you come early to office ?
Because my office starts after 9 30 people usually come around 9 20 am
A: when? What time ?
I wrote in the paper 8 am ? Or 8 30 am ?
A: I can come 8 30 am
My mind was saying what can you do in 30 Mins
I wanted to be safe not to play until 9 30 am
My mind was saying atleast something is better than nothing.
Next morning I reach office around 8 am no one was ther it was empty
FYI my office did not have any cctv and it was small firm. It was rented in a space about 5 room flat.
Time was 8.30 .......... My heart was pounding .......

31-08-2016, 01:57 AM
Please continue TS

31-08-2016, 02:06 PM
She came in at 8 35.
The way she walked in showed that she is more excited.
She went to pantry to drink water I am not sure she noticed me.
I went behind her hugged wrapping my hands around her waist.
She had water in mouth. She knows it's me .
She laid her head on my shoulder .
Me: I am thirsty too give me some water
I kissed her sucked some water from her mouth she understood what I wanted she initially hesitated but eventually succumb to my action.
I drank water and started to French her . She was getting high started to moan. Me: come with me
And pulled her to toilet.
She was wearing 43731 something like this
She didnot reject
Once inside the toilet I started frenching with lot of tongue actions. The way she enjoyed showed she was longing for it.
I roam my hands outside of her shirt. I was in hurry as I don't have much time.
Unbuttoned first few and attacked those big melons over her bra.
I tried unhooking bra she did not allow
A: we don't have time
Pop one nipple out and sucked it. She started to moan I inserted 2 fingers in her mouth to stop the moan.
I wanted touch the pussy and feel them my other hand went down on her pants she tried to push it away.
Me: just want to touch and feel . Quick one
She allowed me to unzip only
I could feel she was already wet and dripping.
To be continued

31-08-2016, 04:28 PM
Keep going TS

31-08-2016, 10:27 PM
could feel she was already wet and dripping.
. Somehow forced my hands inside her pantry. She was wet and it was so think .
A: ahhhh ahhhh ahhh issahhhh
Insert my middile finger increased my speed starightaway due to time constraint.
She was still moaning even though I insert my other hands finger in her mouth.
I insert 2 finger. With the fast action with in few mins she pushed my hands
A: can't take it can't take it
Me : cuming?
A she pushed my hands out of her pussy. I assume she might have cummed.
Removed my fingers from her mouth too.
A: can't take it anymore I am already cuming
Me: so early ?
A: long time never cum
I asked her to touch my bro who is already bursting out of my pants
She touched outside. We both saw time it was 9:05
A: we continue later
I was disappointed but still conscious that we are in office
One last kiss with lot of tongue action . I checked outside no one was there I went out first and silently to my seat .
Exciting things coming

31-08-2016, 10:44 PM
Bro, dun mind can paragraph it, kinda of hard to read. The way you write also very exciting..

31-08-2016, 10:49 PM
Bro, dun mind can paragraph it, kinda of hard to read. The way you write also very exciting..
Bro this is my first ever post and I am using my mobile to post episodes. That is the reason this kinda posting. I will improve bro.

01-09-2016, 12:47 AM
I was still thinking about the morning actions . It was felt like eternity before I meet her. People here might think why I am not going out with her for lunch why I am not meeting her outside the office etc etc. if you are thinking so you would get answer along the way.
Met her around 3 pm. Since the whole day she is with boss doing some stuffs.
Me: Shall we meet for dinner today?
A: no cannot I have my family to take care
Me: you don't have kids right ?
A: but I have husband
Me: he is not working ?
A: don't ask about that
Me: then how? I did not get my share today?
A: be patient you will be rewarded.
Me: how ? When ? Where ?
A: even i want more
that made my blood towards the nether region. She receive a call to her mobile she walked away attending the call.Around 5:30 pm she met me again as she was leaving home.
A: be here at 8 am tomorrow
Me: wow. Feel like stripping you now.
A: be patient. Don't ever try to reach me of call on my mobile.
Me: why any problem?
A: I don't use mobile while in home. My hubby will be checking my Mobile.
Me: ok I won't take care see you tomorrow
Immediately I went searching for the aunty to provoke and get some news about A. Luckily aunty was getting ready to go home. I somehow started some topic to aunty and got to know that A is going through a rough patch at home. I did not probe further and create any doubts.
That night was the longest night I had to wait. Sharp at 8 I reached office.she reached around 8:05. She called me once she reach office to my mobile.
I did not attend the call instead went straight to panty expecting her there any moment. Once she step in attaked her lips straightaway. She was equally pushing her tongue in my mouth and that made me to long for breath. Wow this lady is longing for more. She was wearing a dress today. It was easy for me to access her bottom. I went straight to her pussy and running her clits. She started to moan . It became heavier
Me: don't make loud noice
A: hmmmm
After few mins she was dripping . I made her to sit on the one of the pantry table and removed her panty she did not reject . Went down on her . I was literally sucking her pussy. She was moaning hmmm ahhhhh hmmmmm ahhhhhhh. I started to push me tongue in and out of her love hole. She was getting higher and higher .
A: stop stop I can't take in anymore
Me : cuming?
A: smile, wanna service you .
Me: finally I am being serviced
She hit me in my arms
She feels my brother now outside of my pants.
Me: bro expects your mouth
A sat a dinning chair and took my small bro out of my boxer .
A: wow rock hard
Me: credit goes to you. Not here.
I pulled her to the toilet. Once inside she took small bro in her mouth her bj skills was so good. She started to suck my balls omg that was heavenly feeling. This lady knows how to handle balls. Her sucking speed was good enough for me to build my sperms. She gave me one of the best bj I ever had.
Me: Enough enough I want to feel your pussy
A: have condom?
I was already prepared for it.took a condom and gave it to her. Skillfully she peel it off and put me condom.i Pushed her to doggy and inserted my lil bro in her hole. Her hole was giving my lil bro enough tightness. I was thursting her in full force she was moaning and said
A: ahhhhh hmmmm omg it so good.waiting for a long time
A: want more faster and faster
I was banging her with all my force . Could not change any posture due to space constraint.
My cum is building up in the mean time she was squeezing my lil bro with her pussy. In next thurst she gasped in ecstasy. She came . Love juice was flowing in her legs . I was also about to reach my climax . After few more thursts I came fully in the condom.
I Legs started to shiver and same for her too .
A: best fuck after so many years
Me : best ever bj and best ever pussy juice I drank
She hit me on my arm
A: u naughty
This entire love action was
Lasted about 45 mins we finished before 9 am . She helped me to clean and I wiped her wet patch in her pussy.
A: I Have to wash you go now.
as usual I went fist to my work space . After 10 mins she came over to my desk

01-09-2016, 01:50 PM
waiting for more

01-09-2016, 09:16 PM
as usual I went fist to my work space . After 10 mins she came over to my desk
Me: thank you for the heavenly bj. I was out of the world
A: stop it
Me: I haven't see you full. Today was in hurry though
A: be happy with what you get . Pout her tongue
Me: can we meet somewhere else ? Possible baby
A: from when I became your baby
Me: this morning just now. You don't like to be called like that ?
A: no no no it's a nice feeling you call Me like that when we alone
Me: you haven't answered my previous question
A: let me tell you but be ready anytime.
Others started to come in for the day. She quietly went to her work desk. Next few days just flirting here and there but no action because she said she cannot leave from home early that will create unnecessary problems. She had shared me what her real problem at home is. I never text or call after office hours.
We comeTo office early once in a week and have fun it just another
Sex which I am not keen to write.
Few weeks later I was on mc. She called me and said she is coming to meet me during the lunch as I stay 10 mins from the work place. I made up my mind that today I am gonna eat her full. Never seen her naked before . It's all bits and pieces.she know my landlord don't stay at home in the day time . I have told her in out earlier conversation.
She came around 12:10.
Me: welcome baby how long you are gonna be here
A: I told boss I am going for extended lunch asked for permission till 2 pm.
Me: wow I have you for 2 hours can't beleive
After taking penadol I was feeling better and the excitement that she is coming also made me stronger
As she was removing her footwear I went behind and hugged and started to kiss her neck. I wanted to make use of this day. I Used my tongue sensually playing on her earlobe. My Hands also slowly moved updat da
A: anyone at home
Me : no answer
A hit on my head and
A: anyone at home
Me: I am all for you . No one
A: how are you have you taken medicine ?
Me: I am good and feeling better
With that I pulled her to my room once inside my room we both were in too much her to eat each other. We were kissing and loads of tongue actions which was sending all my blood to my nether region. I was feeling her books over her dress. It was big not enough for me for one hand. While kissing I removed her back zip and she swaying and helping me to remove it off. We parted from kissing she made sure her dress is secured and won't get crushed due to our love war. .......

posting from mobile is hard. Bear with me fellows

04-09-2016, 12:20 PM
Bro do please use laptop to post if you have one. By the way enjoy reading your story .

04-09-2016, 05:58 PM
It was big not enough for me for one hand. While kissing I removed her back zip and she swaying and helping me to remove it off. We parted from kissing she made sure her dress is secured and won't get crushed due to our love war. ......

She is now with her bra and panty. She had enough fat all the parts . She is not skinny, fat either. French her again with loads of tongue action while kissing my hands we caressing her butt.
She had sexy back. I was squeezing her but my hands were inside her panty. Squeezing her back . I enjoy squeezing butts . My hands moved up removed hook of her bra reveling those big papayas. Wow this is the first time seeing her like this. She had brown nipples.i bury my head between them. Naturally I started to suck one nipple and took other nipple between index and thumb screwing it . She let out moan.

Her hands unbuckle my shorts went straight to my little bro. It was already hard but not rock hard though. She stroked it and it was getting harder and harder.i made her lie on her bad and I put a pillow under her waist went down to hee pussy. It was smelling so nice I attacked clits both hands were screwing her nipple. Her moan was getting heavier and heavier. I insert my tongue in and out of her pussy. She was hhhhhhhh aghhhhhhh hmmmmmmm.
She suggested to go for 69. I removed my cloths off .
Her sucking as usual was amazing and she did something to my balls which sent shock to my body......

05-09-2016, 12:41 AM
Nice story, please continue soon

White Cloud
05-09-2016, 03:39 PM
Nice story, please continue soon

Yes I agree it is a very nice story .

06-09-2016, 12:49 AM
Yes I agree it is a very nice story .

Thank you bro I will keep up the speed. Sorry for now tied up too much by office work. Will continue to post regularly asap.

06-09-2016, 10:21 AM
nice effort...keep up.!!

07-09-2016, 01:24 AM
Her sucking was so good specially her skill at balls were something words can explain.
She was enjoying to core because my tongue was attacking her clits. She was wet and sometime I have to mention her pussy juice was thicker I don't know why. This I came to know as I came to know more women in my life.
We enjoyed this postion for a while
A: baby I need your dick .
Me: wow calling me baby for the first time
A: I want you in me. Tear me off.
Me : u Naught girl always want more.baby can I do raw . I will take it off on time
A: no. Never I am leaving now
While talking this we part from 69. And I was squeezing her boobs.
I gave a condom again she skillfully opened and in one motion put it on my rock hard bro.
I moved her to missionary postion and started slow motion. She's was saying hmmmmm agg. Want you baby. Etc etc can't remember what else she told ha ha ha. After 2 mins my pumping speed has increased and she her morning was louder now. After few mins pumping she suggeste me that she wants to control. She went on to cow Girl her movement was skillful. I was biting her nipples and massaging them. Aaaaaaaaa hmmmmmmmmmm ahaaahhhhahahahahha was the sound from her mouth after about 5 mins I felt her pussy grip was stronger. After few seconds her movement stopped. I took over the control and went on to doggy I could feel that lubricant was more. I did not know she cum already . I was holding her boobs and pumping harder and harder for 5 mins and finally came. I could feel the happiness and satisfaction in her face.
We finisher well with in time she spoke to me about lot of her family problems and situations. After 15 my bro was soon harder and we had another round before I send her off to office.
After that event we have been having regular sex until I complete my intern and after intern also for few months until
She got pregnant offcourse not by me. It wAs by her husband . I did not ask how she solved all her issues. never did her raw.

Thank you all the bros who supported me in my first posting.

I have lot to share.

Can I start chapter 2 scandal with my student. Bit of intro about her
First of all this did not take place in sg.
I was teaching computer language in a private institute. Where this happened . My student was a post graduate who came to learn some computer language.

Bro and sis let me know if you want me to pen down !!!!!!!!!

07-09-2016, 04:36 AM
Please continue bro

07-09-2016, 07:13 AM
Pitching my tentage for more.......:p:D:cool:

07-09-2016, 01:53 PM

Bro and sis let me know if you want me to pen down !!!!!!!!!

Sure.....nice to read an adventure ....

07-09-2016, 06:01 PM
Camping here..

08-09-2016, 02:04 AM
Let me call her S. Since her name starts with S, she was one of my students . She is around 160 and she was 27. She was not my student initially. The institute where I worked was a big an renowned institute to take up computer related stuffs where I worked for an year before I moved to a MNC for something else.
It happened one day during my lunch me and my colleague about 5 of us chatting about lot of stuffs and the talk moved to toward prank call. I told them I never experience and boast that I will never give up for a prank calls.
To be continued .....

09-09-2016, 05:45 PM
After lunch we all back to normal work. I checked my mobile during break and found a unknown number. Saying hey handsome. Immediately I knew someone is playing with me . I did not reply I wanted to find out who is playing with me. I went back to my class room and continue to lecture.
I narrow down my suspect and wanted to confirm who is playing me with after confirming it was one of my colleague who borrow mobile from one of the students to prank me. I replied to number saying "I know who you are better luck next time". After our classes I spoke to my colleague who is a good friend of mine and she accepted that she was one who did like that. I did not bother to ask whose number it was ......
Later in the evening I was watching tv at my place . I received another text from the same number Hi
I was thinking that my friend is playing with me again.
Immediately I called to that number . Other side was a sweet voice and it was not my friend ......

14-09-2016, 04:17 AM
Other side was a sweet voice and it was not my friend ....
let me call this girl as S. she is in mid 20 average height is about 160cm. She is having great assets. her boobs are 34B brown nipples. rest of this chapter is how we became FB until she got married. she is a student of my friend who borrowed her mobile to prank me.
me: who is this
s: your friend
me: i dont have any friend with such a sweet voice:p
s: huhhh
me: back to question who is this
s: guess. you know me u have stared at me manytimes.
since she is one of the cutest looking girls students in the institute everyone was having eye on her i also had the same.
while this convo is going on i wanted to findout who is this exactly. i know it is one of the students from the institute.
at this moment i dont know her name. i narrow down to 2 cute girls .
me: are u from the xxxx batch?
s: yeah
me: what was ur dress today?
she :green ......
me: yeah i know you now
at this moment i know who this girl is. i wanted to be very safe not to flirt since she is from my friends batch. i dont want to spoil the good name i have had so far.
i talk to her in general without any flirting. about her course and how it is going and etc etc.this conversation lasted about 5 mins.
from that day onward she started to text me in the evening. i replied and nothing happened for a week or so.
in the meantime she will not smile or talk to me during the daytime. she kept herself in the same way before the incident took place. i wanted it that way.
after week i thought she is trustable. she txt me that eveing
me: anyone know that we txt and chat daily?
s: no one
me: why u did not tell me
s: why should i ?
me: where are we heading to?
s: i am not looking for bf.
she told me that her family is very strict and they dont want to see her with a guy. they want her to concentrate on her studies first before she is committing to anyone.
s: lets be friends
me: who wouldnot like to have such cute and sweet friend
i guess this where my flirting started
s: me sweet?
me: your voice is sweet how do u i know u sweet or not without tasting lol
just joking dont take is seriously.
s: i dont . u dare to taste me.
me: why not i bite and taste u. Then i can say how sweet ur.
this convo became hotter.
S: lets see how u bite
me: dont cry later and complain mummy that i bite u
s: i wont
me: then be ready oneday i will bite u to taste
s: where?
me : i wont say where it depends on my mood.
..........................to be continued

14-09-2016, 02:33 PM
Nice story.

TS, please continue. :)