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15-12-2016, 09:50 AM
Chapter 1

Kristy was having a bad day the sort of day that starts off bad and just gets worse. She was late for work for one thing, and she knew how fussy her boss was about tardiness. She’d also discovered upon opening the shed door that her push-bike had a flat tire, which did nothing to brighten her day. So when she ran across that busy road on this particular Monday morning, she wasn’t paying close enough attention to the traffic. Which would explain why, the bus clipped her shoulder and sent her spinning towards the sidewalk. At first she lay there too stunned to move, and seeing lots of people converging from all directions in their desire to help out, she attempted to get back on her feet. But raising her head didn’t even seem an option, and she was quickly told to lie still and that an ambulance had been called.

That’s all she could remember of the accident, in fact she didn’t even know what hit her. When she awoke she found herself in the hospital with her father sitting next to the bed. “Ah, you’re awake at last?” he said, leaning forward and taking her hand. “Hi dad, how long have I been here?” replied Kristy. “Two days, you had us all worried… Suddenly the doctor was there and interrupted Kristy’s father.

“I see you’ve decided to join us in the land of the living young lady. Now then, I have a few things to tell you, and then I’ll leave you alone. First of all your injuries weren’t severe in them selves, but the brain swelling after the initial impact was life threatening? We had to give you a new drug to control the swelling, otherwise you wouldn’t be here now,” said the Doctor, as he walked slowly around the bed. Kristy listened intently but kept hearing other sounds in the background. She ignored them, thinking they were probably the kind of ringing noises one gets when you bang your head. Soon after that Kristy was asleep again, and her father was being told she should be alright to leave in the morning. When morning did arrive Kristy was full of life and eager to get out of that stuffy bed.

She found herself feeling surprisingly alert and her hearing seemed to be acute in the extreme. She could hear a conversation from across the ward, between two nurses that sounded like it was taking place right next to her. Dismissing it as nothing more than sound travelling well, she got dressed and waved to her father as she left the ward and as he entered to pick her up. At this point her adventure began, because she was about to discover something that made her quite unique.

After climbing into the back of her dad’s car she heard him say. “This damned traffic’s going to be the end of me.” "Don’t worry about it dad, the traffic is always bad at this time of the day,” she replied, thinking he’d been talking to her. “Sorry love, were you talking to me?”
“Yes, I was just replying to what you said,” she replied, getting more comfortable. “I didn’t say anything darling, oh and make sure you buckle up. The last thing we want now is for you to bang your head again,” said her father. Kristy looked at him thinking he’s losing his mind, and would’ve dismissed it had the next incident not happened so quickly afterwards. Her father had just pulled out of the hospital when another car pulled up along side them. It had two young men inside, and one of them was staring straight at Kristy. He wasn’t talking, but she could hear his voice, as he took her figure in through the glass.

Christ, I’d love to fuck that. She’s got a perfect body.”Kristy couldn’t understand where the voice was coming from, because it sounded like the person was sitting next to her. She then heard her father once more, only this time she could see his face in the car mirror and he wasn’t talking. It didn’t take a genius to figure out from that point that she was over hearing their thoughts. At first this seemed like a bad thing, for she felt that perhaps people would think she was going mad. It wasn’t until she concentrated really hard that she noticed she could block these random thoughts entering her mind. After that event, she practices with every waking minute, and never told a soul. With a gift such as mind reading, the possibilities were endless.

A couple of days later and she was going back to work, and looking forward to using her newfound powers. She’d thought about how she could use her gift, and some very naughty thoughts had entered her head. For instance, she knew a couple of people at work who liked her, but she didn’t know how much. She worked in a chain of boutique stores and was responsible for the window displays. She loved her job and had to work closely with several young people, all of which had a different story to tell. When she arrived at work, her boss greeted her with a warm handshake. "Thank god you’re alright Kristy, when I heard about your accident later that day I sent some flowers, did you receive them?” he said, letting go of her hand. “Yes, thank you. That was very kind of you,” she replied, not wishing to sound ungrateful.

Kristy didn’t particularly like her boss, as he was a bit of an ass kisser. She’d seen him sucking up to his bosses on many occasions, and it always made her angry to think that that was how one got ahead in this world. Until now she’d kept her powers locked up, mainly because she had no desire to hear what her boss was thinking. That changed shortly afterwards though, as she found herself working along side one of her favourite employees. Kristy wore a short skirt and a tight blouse that day, both of which complimented her figure. She’d chosen that particular outfit on purpose, knowing that it always turned heads. "Pam, if you take that box into the store room, we’ll pick out the next lot of clothes that need to be displayed,” said Kristy, pointing to said box. “Ok,” was the short reply, as Pam picked the box up and entered the storeroom. Kristy now turned on her powers, and entered the storeroom behind Pam. Once inside Kristy climbed the sturdy ladder that was beside the shelves, and began her act. She knew that her skirt would ride up her thigh, and she also knew that Pam would be able to see her panties from the ground. That was when she over heard Pam’s first thoughts of the day.

“My god, I’d love to lick her cunt. She has such an incredible figure,” thought Pam. Kristy, couldn’t help herself, she could feel her panties getting wet, and with every emotion charged second she stood on top of that ladder, the thoughts of what Pam wanted to do with her were making her feel incredibly hot. After a couple more minutes Kristy decided to act out her desires, and came down the ladder. “I’ll be back in a minute Pam, if you could put these in the box, I just need to go to the toilet,” said Kristy, handing over the few garments she’d picked out whilst on top of the ladder. “Will do,” replied Pam, totally unaware of Kristy’s intentions. Shortly after that Kristy returned and again climbed the ladder, only this time Pam couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Kristy wasn’t wearing any panties, and her beautifully shaved pussy was clearly visible. Pam’s random thoughts were coming through loud and clear to Kristy.

“Oh my god, I think I’m going to cum. What should I do, I can’t take my eyes away. Does she know I can see her? Is she teasing me? My god I want to touch her. I so want to lick that beautiful soft cunt of hers,” thought Pam, discretely rubbing herself against the ladders edge. Kristy couldn’t take anymore, so she turned and placed a leg up onto the shelf beside the ladder making it more than obvious she knew exactly what she was doing.

“Do you want this?” she said, gently stroking her pussy lips with a single finger. Pam never needed any more encouragement, for in that instant she was climbing the ladder and burying her head between Kristy’s thighs. Kristy threw her head back as she felt Pam’s tongue licking her clit for the first time, and squealed when she felt a finger entering her womanhood. In that erotic charged moment she came, and felt the tongue lapping at her juices as she flooded her friend’s mouth.

“Oh god she tastes so sweet,” thought Pam, as Kristy pushed her hips into Pam’s face. Just then another mind could be heard, and at first it sounded like background chatter, but once she focused on the point of the sound she discovered the young sales rep spying from behind the next shelf. “Fucking hell, I always knew she was hot, but FUCK,” he thought, as he released his hardening cock and began to stroke it in time with the action before him.

Kristy smiled, and allowed Pam to continue as both of their thoughts started to overlap one another. “This woman is such a slut,” thought Pam, poking a finger in fast and hard as her tongue flicked the erect clit once again. "Christ I’m going to cum too quickly, and I haven’t got a way of cleaning it up,” thought the rep, as he began to ejaculate onto the floor.

Kristy could almost feel the sensations the rep was experiencing, and it intensified her next orgasm as Pam had introduced two more fingers into the game. Kristy slipped a hand beneath her own blouse and began to pinch her nipples, as well as rolling the hardened ends around with the palm of her hand. She sensed the rep leaving, and thought it was about time she stopped all this. Leaning down Kristy picked Pam up by her shoulders, and ushered her back down the ladder.

Once on the ground they kissed, and Kristy told her they’d have to continue this at a later date. After straightening their clothes they re-entered the boutique and returned to work. Kirsty had so enjoyed that moment, and knew that none of that would have happened if she hadn’t been able to read minds. As she thought earlier, the wonderful games she could play were endless.

The next day Kristy was assigned to another boutique in the chain, where she had to redress all the mannequins with the latest offerings.

15-12-2016, 09:52 AM

Most of the morning she worked alone, but during the afternoon when the store was quieter, a young man was assigned to help her finish the display off. She’d not met this Guy before and although she wasn’t into men in a big way, she decided to have a little fun with him.

Opening her mind to his thoughts, she quickly became aware that he was quite taken with her body. “I bet she wouldn’t look at me twice,” he thought, as he witnessed Kristy smiling at him. Kristy had removed her panties once again, and she intended to put on a show for the young Guy, just to make his day. The outside windows were covered in order to keep the display a secret until the unveiling, so Kristy only had one entrance to be concerned with. She positioned herself behind her assistant and bent down to play with the hem of the dress she’d been working on.

She didn’t need to see him looking to know he was, for she could hear every single thought. “Oh my god, oh shit I can see her pussy. Fuck that’s making me hard. What I wouldn’t give to fuck that sweet tight cunt right now. Oh wait until I tell the guys later on, they just won’t believe this,” he thought, never taking his eyes away from the show, “Christ my cocks straining, I’ve got to adjust myself,” he thought, quickly pulling his hardened cock straight. Kristy casually turned around and glanced at the impressive bulge in her assistants pants, and then un-noticed she unfastened two buttons on her blouse and asked him to help her.

“Hold this up for me Ricky?” she said, stooping down and pinning the dress behind the mannequin, fully aware that he could now see her voluptuous breasts. “Oh shit, now I can see her tits. I hope she doesn’t see my cock, it’s fucking bursting to get out,” he thought, pretending not to be uncomfortable. Kirsty turned her eyes towards the obvious bulge in his pants and deliberately moved around the dress and brushed it with her shoulder. She heard Ricky let out a squeal, but ignored it.

Ricky could now feel his hardness pressing against Kristy’s shoulder, and didn’t quite know what to do. “Oh fuck, surely she can feel that? If she keeps rubbing it like that, I’m going to cum,” he thought, beginning to squirm a little. Kristy suddenly had an idea, she would pretend to be pulling the dress down in order to make it tighter looking but at the same time she would rub him off. At first she couldn’t quite get into the correct position and then she managed it, and could feel his hardness pressing against her back. Pushing back slightly she tugged at the dress as Ricky held it in place and allowed her back to slide up and down his shaft.

“Oh no, oh fuck I’m going to cum,” he thought, reacting to Kristy’s command to hold the dress tightly. Just then he felt the explosive exit of his seed, filling his pants and slowly but surely running down his legs. “Um…I must just go to the toilet,” he said, letting go of the dress and rushing out. Kristy smiled to herself, and only just realised that she’d become wet from playing around. She so looked forward to further days, and all the adventures she’d find herself in.

15-12-2016, 10:46 AM
1st camper reporting!

Damn good story....pls continue!

15-12-2016, 10:54 AM
Camper reporting.

15-12-2016, 12:06 PM
Chapter 2

Kristy had been having a lot of fun with her newfound powers. She could block one mind and know what another was saying, which is just as well, for if she had no control she felt sure she’d go mad with all the random thoughts coming into her mind. She’d already had a bit of fun with her powers at work, and kept coming up with wild and new idea’s on what to do next.

On this particular day she wasn’t at work, for she had a couple of days off and had decided to sunbath in the back garden. It was pretty secluded in the yard, as the only house that over looked Kristy’s was about 20 feet away and directly situated at the back of her own. Lying down on the lie-low, she decided to unfasten her bikini top and lay on her stomach. It was a few minutes later that she realised a thought was entering her mind, but that it wasn’t from her. "I always love it when Kristy sunbaths,” came the thought, strong and clear. Kristy didn’t move, but was intrigued as to who it was. She guessed that it was coming from the neighbour’s house, but as there were 3 adult males living there, she didn’t have a clue which one it was. She heard another thought almost straight after that, concerning the binoculars he was using and how clear the zoom function worked.

At that point, she decided to give whoever it was a show. First she turned onto her back, allowing the bikini top to drop off the lie-low. That of course received an instant reaction from her observer. ”OH YESS...she’s got perfect breasts,” thought the admirer, totally convinced that she had no idea she was being watched. Kristy couldn’t help smiling, and decided to take it all a little further. As if without another thought, she gently removed her bikini bottoms, allowing them to drop to the ground. She then spread her legs a little knowing full well exactly what he was focusing on right now. ”Holy shit...oh Christ...she shaves her pubic hair and her cunt is beautiful,” he thought, “my cock needs to be in on this action,” came a second thought. Kristy sensed him holding onto his cock, and decided to make his day. Slowly but surely, she ran her right hand down her body and rolled a single finger around her clit. ”Please don’t stop you fucking little slut,” he thought, pulling at his hardness.That made Kristy feel extremely wet, and also like upping the stakes, for suddenly she was opening her pussy lips up with her left hand whilst penetrating it with the other. For a few moments, she almost forgot she had an audience, until she received his last thoughts of the day. ”I’m going to cum, oh fuck yes. I’m going to explode all over this wall...Ah,” he thought as his seed burst from the tip of his manhood. Kristy couldn’t see it, but there was nothing wrong with her imagination, for shortly after that she came herself. After sensing he’d gone to clean himself up, Kristy re-dressed and entered the house for a cold drink. She smiled as she realised just how much fun she could have with these new powers; it was almost like finding a totally new sexual position that only she knew about.

Her day was far from over though, as she’d been invited around to her friend’s house to meet her cousin from Sweden. So after taking the time to put on some make-up and a short dress, she was ready to go. When she arrived she found 3 other friends all talking with the new arrival. ”Ah, here’s Kristy,” said her friend Gina. The new comer turned at that point eliciting a friendly smile from Kristy’s mouth. Kristy was taken aback by her looks and incredible long soft hair that streamed down her back. She also caught her first thought of the day. ”My, she is very attractive, I’d like to get to know her a bit more,” was the thought. Kristy smiled and threw out her hand. ”Hi, I’m Kristy, pleased to meet you?” she said, expecting a name. ”Tamara!” replied the cousin, as she took hold of Kristy’s hand firmly.

Soon, they were all laughing and had entered the house to eat popcorn and generally mess about upstairs. With six young Ladies all in one bedroom, Kristy couldn’t help but pick up the thoughts that were emanating from everyone there. ”Tamara’s so fucking beautiful, I wish I had her tits,” thought Gina. ”If only they knew I was a lesbian,” thought Tamara, seemingly admiring everyone and Kristy in particular. That one thought made Kristy feel wet, and she decided to do something about it. She’d made love to each and everyone of the girlfriends in that room at one time or another, so she knew how they all felt about her. She also knew that not one of them would back down from a dare, so she put her plan into action. ”Let’s have a game of strip poker, I dare you all?” she said, making everyone pay attention. ”I’m up for it,” said Gina, followed closely by the rest of them.

Without further ado, Kristy picked up the cards and threw some pillows onto the floor in a circle. They all took that cue by picking a pillow and sitting down on it. Kristy then began to deal the cards, and a wicked thought came into her head. ”Let’s make this a dare challenge, in other words if anyone loses three hands on the trot they have to be dared to do something. If they fail in that dare, they have to remove all of their clothing,” said Kristy, to a thoughtful audience. They pretty much all agreed straight away to that one, but what they didn’t know was how easy it would be for Kristy to lose on purpose. In fact by the time they’d gone through the first three hands, it was Kristy who had lost all three. ”I bet you wish you hadn’t come up with the dare idea now?” said Gina, laughing. Kristy pretended to agree, but secretly she felt hot and ready for whatever dare they might throw her way. ”So, what are we going to dare her to do ladies?” said Gina, with a smug grin. ”I say she has to do something for each one of us, starting with our guest,” said Denise. "Like what?” asked Gina? ”Whatever you like, and with each request granted she should get an item of clothing back,” replied Denise. ”Well, I know what my dare for Kristy is going to be,” said Tamara. ”You might as well go first then, while the rest of us think up a suitable dare,” replied Gina. ”Okay. Um...Kristy...I dare you to please me in the most erotic manner you can think of,” continued Tamara. Kristy just smiled, and stood up. Walking over to Tamara she then knelt down between her legs and pulled them apart. Tamara looked shocked and felt hot both at the same time, and lay back as she felt Kirsty’s thumbs hooking themselves around the hem of her panties and pulling them down. The other girls never said a word, they were too busy watching the show and getting very wet.

Kristy pulled Tamara’s panties completely off and threw them behind her, she then pushed her back gently and spread her legs. Tamara let out a squeal of pleasure as she felt Kristy’s tongue darting in and out of her wet pussy. Her moans as Kristy pushed a finger inside were echoing around the large bedroom. At that point Kristy was receiving one thought after another, and it was more than enough to make her cum. ”Kristy is such a fucking tease, oh but what a beautiful sight. I so envy Tamara right now,” thought Gina. ”I want to strap-on that dildo of Gina’s and give Kristy a good fucking, she never fails to turn me on,” thought Denise. ”Right there, that’s it...oh god this woman is a devil, I’m going to cum again,” thought Tamara, as she placed both hands at the back of Kristy’s head and pulled her closer. ”Its no good, I’ve got to finger myself. She’s driving me nuts,” thought an excited Julie. Kristy was finding it hard to concentrate with all these thoughts going through her mind, but she knew what the others wanted and decided to give it to them. Suddenly she removed her own panties, and carried on licking Tam’s increasingly wet pussy. She knew exactly what would happen next, and she wasn’t wrong. Gina was the first to move, and she headed straight for her toy box, which was situated under the bed. Taking out a huge strap-on and tying it around her waist after slotting her end into her wet pussy she hurried back to the scene before them.

The only thought that Kristy could hear was Ginas. ”Get ready you little slut, I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll be screaming with pleasure,” thought Gina, as she grabbed Kirsty’s ass cheeks and plunged the strap-on easily into her damp cunt. The suction from entering and withdrawing made her end rub against her clit, which in turn spurred her on to faster speeds. The thoughts that entered Kristy’s mind next were almost too much to decipher, for everyone in that room suddenly wanted to be in on the action. She could sense them all removing their clothes, and the erotic thoughts emanating from each one of them just made Kristy wetter. The thoughts that made Kristy the happiest however, were coming from Tamara. ”My god, she’s making me cum again...oh...I love her tongue. Oh Christ they’re all joining in on the act. That’s it Julie, suck my nipple...ah…ah...I’m coming again. Look at Gina, she’s really plunging that strap-on in hard. Kristy’s face is aglow with passion, oh god she keeps sucking my clit in between her lips. Fuck...I can feel my juices running over her tongue, and she’s still lapping it up,” thought Tamara, as she came once again.

15-12-2016, 12:07 PM
Kristy was now in an ecstatic state, for as much as she enjoyed Tamara’s taste; the feelings that Gina’s thoughts were giving her as she repeatedly impaled Kristy’s pussy were just making her cum again and again. ”That’s it bitch...squeal. I want to hear you screaming with ecstasy, I want to hear you screaming that you’re coming. Fuck...you slut...you’re so wet it’s running down my legs! All the girls are going to lick your pussy dry, you lucky fucking bitch. That’s it...cum again, I want to see you begging for more,” thought Gina. Kristy’s mind was now becoming a blur of emotions, as she could feel her pussy gushing over Gina’s strap-on and all the other girls groping her ass and tits. In fact she’d never felt so exhilarated in her entire life, but sensed that something was wrong, for as she came for the umpteenth time she felt herself blacking out.

Seconds later she discovered herself lying flat on her back as all the girls licked, pinched, sucked and fondled her used body. Their thoughts were now of how exciting this had all been. Kristy could feel herself lying on a damp patch on the carpet, no doubt caused by her own juices. When everyone eventually stopped licking and touching her Kristy took in the thoughts that permeated the very air surrounding her. ”I thought I was horny, but this woman is insatiable,” thought Tamara. ”I never get bored of fucking Kristy,” thought Gina. ”I wish I was this popular,” thought Julie.

All these thoughts were making Kristy smile, and she looked forward to the coming months. If what had happened to her so far was any indication, she was in for a hell of an exciting ride.

15-12-2016, 04:34 PM
Please continue TS!

15-12-2016, 04:35 PM
Sounds familiar .

15-12-2016, 04:35 PM
Camping for more...

15-12-2016, 04:48 PM
Nice story bro, pls continue

15-12-2016, 07:30 PM
Very steamy!! :D

15-12-2016, 07:34 PM
getting horny reading this.

15-12-2016, 09:23 PM
Another camper here

15-12-2016, 10:05 PM
Wish I had her mind reading power too :D

15-12-2016, 10:10 PM
camper reporting! :D

15-12-2016, 10:33 PM
Very good story :)

16-12-2016, 05:25 PM
Very interesting story TS, pls update soon!!

16-12-2016, 08:21 PM
Camping here

17-12-2016, 12:09 AM
Do continue bro

17-12-2016, 04:05 AM
Do continue bro

Yes please do

17-12-2016, 09:34 AM
Yes please do

Yes pls continue

17-12-2016, 10:07 AM
Nice story bro! :)

17-12-2016, 11:34 AM
TS please update soon!!

17-12-2016, 01:49 PM
Camping too..

17-12-2016, 07:25 PM
Nice story, pls update soon!

18-12-2016, 06:16 PM
Sorry for long wait.....not well.....went hospital........
Now recuperating and hope to write more.....please up me more if can?

Chapter 3

As yet, Kristy hadn’t shared her newfound abilities with anyone else, for fear of being ridiculed. However, something was now happening that scared her, and she felt she needed to open up to someone and hopefully get help in doing so. A few days previously she had had an accident, and was given a new drug to control the swelling her brain had suffered in the impact. This drug had had a side effect, which she was sure the authorities were unaware of. It gave her the ability to read minds. After experimenting with this gift, she’d found that it improved her sex life a thousand fold. Now however, she was suffering from the most horrendous headaches. If it continued she felt sure she would go mad, so she made an appointment with her own Doctor and found herself waiting in the surgery to be seen.

”Kristy, the Doctor will see you now,” said the nurse, as Kristy felt a new headache coming on. ”Thank you,” she replied, getting to her feet and walking over to the Doctors office. Knocking once, Kirsty waited for the reply and entered upon hearing it. ”Hello Kirsty, take a seat. Now then, what seems to be the problem?” said her Doctor. Kristy wasted no time; she brought the Doctor up to date with what had been happening to her since the accident, in the hopes that the Doctor might have a clue as to how to proceed. At first the Doctor took all this information very sceptically, until Kristy told her several things. First, she informed her of her thoughts, and that quickly led to a very embarrassed Doctor, for she was thinking how sexy Kristy looked. Secondly, she named the new drug she’d been given at the hospital and that got her Doctors attention. ”Ah, the drug they gave you has been known to give several people bad side affects, although none quite as interesting as this one. Until recently I wouldn’t have known how to proceed in your case, mainly because this drug is so new. However, there has been a promising development with a codeine-based drug that’s been around for years. It apparently works wonders in controlling these headaches, and I’m going to give you a prescription, which I feel sure, will help,” said the Doctor confidently.

Kristy smiled, and then picked up another thought. ”Oh Christ, I hope she can’t read what I’d like to do with her,” thought the Doctor, as she handed over the printed prescription. Kristy just smiled, not wishing to embarrass the Doctor further, but couldn’t help noticing her for once. Oh, she knew that her Doctor was a good-looking woman, but until now she’d never thought of her as anything other than a Doctor. Kristy casually looked the Doctor up and down, noticing the tight skirt she was wearing and smooth freshly shaved legs. ”Oh my, she’s checking me out, I must act normally and try to control my thoughts,” thought the Doctor, pulling her skirt down a little to cover her knees.

18-12-2016, 06:22 PM

It was at that moment of intense thought, that Kristy discovered a new feeling. She could almost sense the Doctor’s pussy becoming wet, and after concentrating a little harder she suddenly saw the Doctor’s panties in her minds eye. A small wet patch was developing, and before she knew it Kristy blurted something out. ”I see you’re getting wet from thinking about me Doctor?” she said, to a reddening Doctor, who was suddenly crossing her legs. ”Oh Christ Kristy, that’s not fair. My thoughts should be my own, but what do you mean, you can see?” replied the Doctor.

”It’s strange, but all of a sudden I can see things in my mind that weren’t there before. I also realised that my headache’s completely gone, almost as if this is the next development in my powers,” said Kristy, trying to concentrate harder. Suddenly she could see the Doctor’s panties moving to one side, revealing a shaved and wet pussy. "Oh Kristy, what are you doing...oh god...how are you doing that?” said the Doctor, as she lay back in her chair. Kristy could see the Doctor’s clitoris and was somehow able to move it from side to side. She then merely wished for the Doctor’s pussy lips to part and that’s exactly what they did. The Doctor let out a gasp of pleasure, and almost unthinkingly she hiked her skirt up her thighs, revealing her pussy being played with, by unseen forces. Kristy couldn’t help herself from that point, for she could also feel what the Doctor was feeling. Her own pussy was getting extremely wet, and the more her mind manipulated the Doctor’s clit the more intense the feelings became. Yet, not once had she touched anyone physically, and from that point on the Doctor was lost in this erotic moment.

Her blouse buttons started to unfasten; as did the zipper on her skirt and she could feel forces at work removing these items. Once the blouse was on the floor, her bra unclipped releasing her breasts. She then felt her nipples being squeezed, and cried out with an unbelievable orgasm. Kristy had her eyes closed, but could see and feel everything that was happening to the Doctor, and she too lay back in her chair as the Doctor came in floods of passion. Opening her eyes, Kristy witnessed the Doctor’s pussy being moved, and the dampness that was running down her inner thighs. She then received an urge of importance, an urge to kneel down between the Doctor’s legs and taste her juices. When she did so, the Doctor cried out again, for her clit felt so sensitive to the touch. This was all too much for Kristy, for as she lapped at the Doctor’s moist loins she too started to cum in waves of intense passion.

Minutes later, Kristy stood up, looking down on a completely naked Doctor, who was sprawled over her chair and had her eyes closed. She then read her mind to find out what she was thinking of at that moment. ”I’m still coming, oh god this woman’s a devil. How can I share this with anyone else, they’d all think I’m losing it,” thought the Doctor, as she gradually re-opened her eyes. ”I would deny any of the things that have happened here today Doctor, this gift is too precious to allow others to probe and prod me about to gain the secret. So I strongly suggest you keep this to yourself,” said Kristy, straightening her own skirt before leaving.

She could sense the Doctor’s agreement, and knew that her secret was still a safe one. Kristy left the building feeling totally renewed and so looking forward to experimenting with her newfound abilities. In fact she already had a wicked idea, and one that she wanted to put into action straight away.

For sometime now, she’d been going to this small café a few blocks from where she lived and been aware that several models who came from an agency just around the corner frequented this establishment. She’d always wanted to get close to these people, as they had the kind of bodies she always dreamed about whenever she played with herself.

18-12-2016, 06:58 PM

When she arrived at the café, she found it almost empty and decided to order a coffee. Kristy knew that these girls would come along sooner or later and just kept watching the door. Almost an hour later and Kristy looked up to see f 4 of these models filing through the entrance. She was pleased that her favourite was one of them, as she had the kind of body that made women wet, and men as hard as rock.

They all ordered a coffee and sat at the back of the café, once seated Kristy began to focus on all their panties. Quickly discovering that two of the models weren’t wearing any, she then turned her back to them, making sure she didn’t give herself away and began to have a little fun. The first thing she did, was gently move each of their clits from side to side and listened as all four of them let out muffled sighs of both surprise and pleasure. Kristy could see in her minds eye that they were all shocked, but that none of them wanted the others to know what was happening to them. Kristy then spread all their legs and proceeded to do exactly the same to each one as she had the Doctor. The girls felt embarrassed, but couldn’t fight the feelings of intense pleasure that was present in each one of them. ”Is everything alright girls?” said the young waiter, as he brought their coffees over.

One of the models looked him up and down, and suddenly ran a hand over the bulge in his pants. He was taken by complete surprise and quickly backed away, only to feel his cock being squeezed gently as if by a pair of lips. All the girls’ garments then started to unfasten, and the waiter, watched as both his hardness intensified and the models breasts were all revealed to him. Kristy loved this, in her mind she could see all of these things happening, and could feel a lot of what she was doing to them. By now all 4 girls had given up trying to understand what was going on, and were pulling the waiter about between them. His clothes were removed physically, and he found himself sprawled on top of the table, as each one of the models kissed his body from neck to legs. When Kirsty sensed all four kissing his hardened cock, her first orgasm hit. She could feel that this young man was going to lose it, and sure enough, as their tongues passed over the tip and base, he started to ejaculate.

They were like vultures at that point, all licking and sucking him dry as another string of his seed arched over his chest. At no point during all of this did Kristy stop touching their clits with her mind, and the sounds of pleasure coming from that table were now echoing throughout the room. It was then that the owner of the café came in from the kitchen to find out what all the noise was about, and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Kristy decided to stop it all there, as she didn’t want them getting into any trouble.

The girls quickly straightened their clothing and redressed the waiter, before apologising to the proprietor and leaving. Kristy just smiled, before paying her bill and following the girls exit. She’d had enough fun for one day, and decided to go home. Yet she couldn’t help laughing inside, after all the naughty thoughts she was having came to the surface. The things that she could do with her friends and others that she’d always wanted to sex up. The possibilities were unbelievable, and she couldn’t wait to act upon them.

18-12-2016, 07:08 PM
Awesome story TS!! camping for more :D

18-12-2016, 08:31 PM
Chapter 4

Kristy returned home to find her Stepmother doing the washing up, and being informed that dinner would be at 6.00pm that night. Kristy couldn’t help notice her stepmother’s attractive figure as she passed her in the kitchen, and for a moment she had a few naughty thoughts. However, she realised that if she gave away her powers to her family, she’d be revealing the one secret that she never wanted to share. As yet, the only person that knew all of this besides Kirsty was her own Doctor, but she’d promised to keep quiet.

As Kristy lay on her bed that afternoon, she couldn’t quite shake the thought of her stepmother’s appearance. She’d been wearing a short skirt and tight top, which revealed both her ample breasts and her gorgeous figure. Before long Kristy was aware that these thoughts were actually making her wet, and she wondered if she should do something about it. At first she decided not to go there, but the more her mind imagined all the possibilities the wetter she got. In the end she got up from the bed and proceeded to the kitchen, where she found her stepmother still cleaning up. Kristy never said anything; she just sat down at the table pretending to read, but whenever her stepmother turned her back Kristy would try to focus on her panties.

At first nothing happened, and Kristy wondered why. The answer came after she’d been fantasising about her stepmother for a few minutes, for she started to get wetter. She quickly realised that that had happened in the Doctor’s surgery, so she now knew what triggered her powers. Suddenly she could see her stepmother’s tight panties rubbing against her pussy lips as she continually moved and bent down to clean up. Kristy grew very excited at that point, after establishing that her stepmother shaved her pussy. She could see two tiny lips rubbing gently together, and the sweetest little clitoris hiding behind her delicate folds of soft dark skin. Kristy’s stepmother was Puerto Rican whose name was Elsie, and Kristy had always gotten along with her from day one. Kristy’s thoughts now turned to pleasuring Elsie, but taking it slowly at first. Looking past Elsie’s panties once again, Kristy gently moved the soft folds of skin that covered her clit to one side and began to stimulate her little bud.

At first, Elsie just stood up and upon looking around she visibly blushed. Kristy smiled and continued the pleasuring, making sure that they never made eye contact. She then checked out Elsie’s breasts, and found her nipples hardening. She found that with a little concentration she could pull and manipulate both nipples at once, which she did.

At this point, Elsie could no longer concentrate on cleaning up, and let out a slight yelp as her pussy lips began to move around. Thinking that she must be alone, Kristy got up from the kitchen table and left the room. She stopped in the hallway, and could see in her minds eye everything that Elsie was doing and feeling. She now had her back to the sink, and was feverishly poking her pussy with a single finger. With her other hand she had hold of her left breast, and was squeezing it hard as these wonderful feelings continued to surge through her body. By now Kristy could feel her own juices running down her inner thigh, and just had to get in on the action. Without breaking concentration Kristy removed her own clothing, and took a deep breathe.

Stepping into the kitchen once again, she was pleased to see Elsie had both her eyes closed as she pleasured herself. Kristy managed to stand right next to her, before slipping a hand between her legs. Elsie opened her eyes in shock, only to be even more turned on by her stepdaughter’s naked condition. Suddenly, all the inhibitions that once ruled her behaviour now evaporated and she felt the need to touch and be touched.

18-12-2016, 08:36 PM

Pulling up her tight top up and removing it to reveal her perfect breasts, she met Kristy’s lips and they kissed for the first time. Kristy then bent forward and sucked a nipple past her lips, enjoying the feeling of Elsie’s hand gently holding the back of her head as she did so. She then began to kiss her way down Elsie’s body, until she reached that perfect pussy. Moving the wet lips with her mind she then began to lick her bud, which made Elsie cry out. She tasted bitter sweet, and Kristy couldn’t get enough.

Pretty soon Elsie was coming and Kristy was lapping her juices up, and at the same time she was poking a finger into the pussy before her, almost in an effort to scoop her juices out before they appeared. Once Kristy knew that she’d taken Elsie over the top she stopped and laid back onto the kitchen floor, before spreading her legs. Elsie opened her eyes and looked down to see her naked stepdaughter ready and waiting for the same kind of attention. Without hesitation, Elsie then knelt down onto the floor between Kristy’s spread legs, and slowly kissed the soft skin on her inner thigh.

When she reached Kristy’s pussy she poked a finger from both hands past her wetness and gently pulled her lips apart, before starting to lick her excited and erect clit. Kristy hadn’t stopped moving Elsie’s bud around with her mind, and felt the surge of her first orgasm as Elsie let out a cry. Elsie’s tongue lapped at Kristy’s juices, as Kristy arched her back with the intense feelings of pleasure coursing through her body. Just then they could both hear voices coming from the back door, and looked up to find Elsie’s husband and Kristy’s father walking through the door with two work mates. There was no way to cover up in time, and at first he never said a word. He was in too much shock, yet strangely aroused at the same time.

His friend’s jaws had remained open from the moment they’d spotted the pair so entwined, and it was Kristy who decided to keep this erotic charged moment going. Quickly picturing their cocks she set about stimulating each and everyone until they became erect, and then planted a suggestion in each of their minds that her stepmother was eager to be pleased.

By now her stepmother had risen from the floor, feeling totally humiliated and reaching for her clothes. ”My god man, your wife is so fucking hot,” said one of her husband’s workmates. That one comment made him move, because he was so turned on by what he’d seen. He just had to fuck his wife there and then. Kristy was still stimulating their cocks, and making them all extremely hot under the collar, until finally her father invited his friends to satisfy his wives needs. Kristy’s stepmother looked shocked, but couldn’t deny that the bulges she could see in each of their pants were making her feel wet.

Her husband grabbed her arm roughly, almost pleading to satisfy him and his friends, whilst Kristy stepped back and continued to play with them all, with her minds eye. After sitting down at the kitchen table, Kristy began to manipulate Elsie’s pussy lips again and sat back in the chair as the three men surrounded her stepmother. Elsie could be seen reaching out for two of the erect cocks as they came into view, and telling her husband to fuck her hard. He didn’t need to be told twice, for suddenly he was bending her over and pushing his hardened cock straight into her wet cunt. She moaned out loud as he plunged straight in and then she felt another cock touching her lips. Upon opening her eyes, she found one of her husband’s friends with his trousers down around his ankles and a large cock in his hand as he stroked her lips with it.
Elsie opened her mouth, allowing his cock into her throat, and began to suck with a passion.

”You slut…you’re fucking loving this aren’t you?” said her husband, as he pounded into her wetness with a lust he’d never felt before. Elsie just moaned out loud with her mouth full, as she eyed the other Guy stroking his cock while he watched the show before him. By now Kristy had sat back into the chair and was busily burying a finger into her wet pussy, as this gangbang continued.

She too was watching the lone Guy stroking his cock, and decided to help him by squeezing the end of his cock gently with her mind. To him it felt like a pair of lips sucking on his shaft and pretty soon he was shouting out that he was coming. When he did, it arched upward and landed squarely on Elsie’s cheek. She let out an appreciative moan, and began to feel the tell tale signs of the cock in her mouth beginning to jerk. Just then she could taste the salty man seed as it exploded into her mouth and throat. She could also recognise the sounds of her husband, as he was about to ejaculate.

When he did, she ground her hips onto his pulsating member, wanting to feel him filling her up with his man seed.

Then they all turned towards Kristy as they heard her coming in the back ground, and watched for a couple of minutes as she repeatedly thrust her finger into her moist womanhood. When she’d finished, Kristy quickly got redressed and left the room without saying anything. She felt nothing needed to be said, besides, she could tell by the satisfied looks of everyone there that they’d all enjoyed it immensely.

18-12-2016, 09:23 PM
Incredible power of Kristy! :D

18-12-2016, 09:40 PM
Chapter 5

Kristy was feeling quite happy the next day, and decided to visit her girlfriend Cricket at work. Cricket was a hairdresser; a damn good one and Kristy always sought her advice before doing anything with her hair.

On this day Kirsty’s mind was full of naughty thoughts, as she’d recently been given a gift after an accident. A gift that was changing her life in incredible ways and one that she’d managed to keep a secret. She’d found after being given a brand new drug (following the accident) that she could now read minds. Not only that though, for it seemed her powers had developed over the course of those few days into something that made her someone you shouldn’t trifle with. She could now move things with her mind, and it felt so exciting. She’d recently given her newfound powers a test run and found that whenever she stimulated other people in a sexual manner, she could feel their desires and needs.

At just that moment, the beauticians came into view, and Kristy froze. She could see Cricket kissing her boyfriend, and although Kristy knew Cricket was still seeing him now and again it still made her feel jealous. Ducking behind a wall, she hoped they hadn’t seen her and wondered what to do. Just then she could hear his motorbike starting up and realised he was going. After another minute, Kristy decided to head to the beauticians and try to forget what she’d seen. Cricket, who was smiling from ear to ear, greeted her at the door. ”You just missed Joe,” said Cricket, totally unaware of how Kristy thought of him. "Oh well, never mind,” replied Kristy casually. ”Is something wrong Kristy?” "No... Yes...no... Oh damn it I don’t know, I just get jealous when it comes to sharing you,” replied Kristy.

"Well, you don’t need to anymore, because I’ve just broken up with him. He says he wants to remain a friend, (yeah right) so we broke up amicably,” said Cricket. Kristy immediately read Crickets mind, and smiled after finding out that it was the truth. ”Oh that’s great news...but why? I thought you liked Joe?” replied Kristy excitedly. ”I did, but I fell in love with someone else,” said Cricket. At first this new info didn’t quite sink in, and Kristy visibly frowned until she picked up from Crickets mind that she was referring to her.

At that moment, Kristy could feel a tear welling up in her eyes and tried to hide the fact. ”You’re such a softie,” said Cricket with a smile, as she handed her a tissue, “now then, have you come to get your hair done?” ”Yes, I thought I’d better have a trim as I have a few split ends,” replied Kristy, stepping into the beauticians proper. ”Well, you’re in luck, my next appointment isn’t for another hour so take a seat and I’ll join you in a sec,” replied Cricket, indicating a swivel chair that she should sit on.

Kristy’s mind was racing now, for this news of the break up had come so unexpectedly. She wanted to celebrate, but how and when. Then she remembered her powers, and decided to use them on Cricket in way of thanks for making her so happy. When Cricket returned with a couple of clean towels, Kristy noticed what she was wearing for the first time.

18-12-2016, 09:41 PM

She was wearing a very short skirt with comfortable looking shoes, and wore a tight tee shirt, which made her look quite big up top. Around her skirt was a fancy looking silver and leather belt, which was clearly for decoration as opposed to holding anything up. ”Now then, you just want a quick trim? Is that correct?” said Cricket, as she noticed Kristy checking her body over, “behave yourself,” she added, watching the oh so innocent look on Kristy’s face as she looked up.

Kristy smiled and turned her back to sit in the chair proper, which gave her a wonderful view of Cricket in the mirror in front of her. She then felt Cricket’s hands sliding through her hair, trying to gauge the length. Kristy took a deep breath as Cricket’s hands lightly massaged her scalp, and for a moment she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensations. She then felt Cricket sliding her leg between her thighs, as she began to cut her hair. When she reopened her eyes, Cricket’s breasts were a mere six inches away. She could just make out the nipples as they caused indents in her tee shirt, and decided to act. She was already feeling quite horny, so she knew she’d have no trouble using her gifts.

First she concentrated real hard, and suddenly saw Cricket’s nipples clearly through her minds eye. She then went to work by gently squeezing them with her powers, and noticed how quickly they stood to attention. She also noticed Cricket looking around as if to find the door open, no doubt thinking the cool air was responsible for suddenly making her nipples harden. Kristy just smiled, and concentrated a little harder. She was now looking past Cricket’s skirt and panties whilst looking down, and could see that beautiful soft mound of skin that surrounded her pussy. Without messing about further, she suddenly pulled Cricket’s pussy lips to either side of her opening, which made her jump slightly. She then began to stimulate her clit by moving it around in little circles. Suddenly Cricket was rubbing her thighs against Kristy’s leg, undoubtedly assuming that her leg was responsible for giving her these feelings.

Kristy was now feeling extremely wet, and could see Cricket’s juices glistening at the ends of her soft lips. When she felt Cricket rubbing a little harder against her leg, she decided to spread her pussy open and really get to work. Now Cricket wasn’t sure what to make of this, for she suddenly felt both wanton and incredibly horny. ”Lock the door,” thought Kristy, sending the signal to Cricket’s mind.
Cricket quickly walked over to the door and locked it; she then pulled down the blinds and hurriedly returned to Kristy. After assuming the position between Kirsty’s legs once more, she felt her pussy stretching once again. Kristy then physically lifted up Cricket’s tee shirt and pulled it up and over her head. She then pretended to place her hands around the back to unfasten Cricket’s bra.

In reality she used her powers to unclip it, for she couldn’t quite reach. Once the bra fell to the floor, Kristy leaned forward and gently sucked a hardened nipple into her mouth. From the moment Cricket had resumed the position between Kristy’s legs, Kristy had gone to work on her pussy and couldn’t believe the remarks coming from her girlfriend’s mouth. ”Fuck Kristy, I feel so hot, you’re making me so god damn wet just by rubbing your leg,” said Cricket as she continued to rub her crotch against Kristy’s tight jeans. Kristy didn’t respond, instead she manipulated Cricket’s clit a little harder and faster, which in turn made Cricket cry out. ”Oh god I’m coming, whatever you’re doing don’t stop,” she screamed, as Kristy saw the juices flowing into Cricket’s panties with her minds eye.

18-12-2016, 10:25 PM
Nice story, more please!!

18-12-2016, 11:47 PM
Camping here..

19-12-2016, 12:18 AM
Cont'd 2

By now Kristy was feeling every bit as horny as Cricket and couldn’t help what she did next, for suddenly she stood up and pushed the semi naked Cricket back against the basin. With a combination of her powers and her own physical strength she lifted Cricket onto the side, and pulled up her skirt. Cricket was both surprised and a little unsure as to how Kristy had managed this, but decided the feelings that were coursing through her body were too good to ignore.

Looking down, Cricket watched Kristy almost tearing her panties off before starting to lick her moist pussy with a passion she’d never felt before. Unknown to Cricket however was the fact that Kristy was using her powers at the same time, and hitting the ‘G’ spot with some accuracy. ”Oh Kristy, my god I’m going to cum again,” she shouted, clutching the side of the basin as her legs spread up and open in the air. Kristy licked, lapped and sucked as Cricket’s intense orgasm hit home.

Kristy’s own panties were now getting wet and she felt she needed a release, but she just had to pleasure Cricket some more before that happened. Just then they both heard a motorbike pulling up outside the shop, and Kristy knew it was Joe returning for something. Her mind quickly raced at that point, as she decided to put her powers to the test.

Several things happened then, the first was the unlocking of the beautician’s door with her mind, followed by a signal to Joe that he should hurry into the shop and lock the door after him. She then intensified the feelings Cricket was receiving making her unworried or even concerned as to what was going on around her. Joe then entered and locked the door behind him, before stripping off his clothes, as something in his mind was telling him to.

In his clouded mind, he could see Kristy licking his ex-girlfriends pussy and hear Cricket’s screams as she once again started to reach yet another orgasm. This was all too much he simply had to be a part of this action. He then had an overwhelming desire to approach Kristy and take her from behind, and without another thought he did just that. Kristy allowed her jeans and panties to fall down and stepped out of them as Joe approached; she then readied herself as she felt his powerful hands clutching her buttocks. As she felt his hardened cock sliding into her well lubricated pussy, she returned her attentions towards Cricket once again and licked harder and faster than before.

Joe was able to watch Kristy performing cunnilingus through the large mirror on the wall as he continued to slam his cock into Kristy’s tight hole from behind. He also had this strange feeling he was being used, but that thought didn’t last long. Kristy looking back, as her tongue slid around her lips. She knew she was approaching that wonderful moment of release, and felt completely lost in the moment.

As she started to cum, she heard Joe’s groans of excitement and realised that he was on the verge as well. Suddenly all three were moaning out loud, and filling that small shop with sounds of sheer bliss. Cricket, whose nipples were harder than ever before came so hard, she felt faint. While Kristy’s legs almost gave way, as her own orgasm hit the spot and she could feel Joe’s Cock pulsating as he too came in streams of man seed. When they’d all come down from their own little clouds, everyone was too busy getting redressed to talk. Joe it seems had left his scarf, and once retrieved had this overwhelming desire to leave. Whilst Cricket couldn’t help staring at Kristy, wondering how on earth she suddenly became so good at giving head.

19-12-2016, 12:21 AM

Kristy knew this of course, because she read Cricket’s mind in order to evaluate what was going through her head. ”That was the most intense sexual experience of my life, but how did you become so good?” said Cricket, as she pulled her tee shirt back on. ”Oh I don’t know, perhaps it was the good news you gave me about breaking up with Joe,” replied Kristy with a grin.

‌”I’ll have to give you more good news in the future then,” said Cricket, with a grin, “that reminds me, did I hear Joe’s voice while you were servicing me?” ”No, you’re probably just remembering his moans as you came, thinking perhaps he was here,” lied Kristy, knowing full well that she’d successfully blocked that part of the scene from Cricket’s mind. "Anyway, I’d better get your hair trimmed young lady, or it’ll never get done,” said Cricket, finally feeling herself. Kristy sat back in the chair, wondering what her next sexual adventure would entail.

‌T H E E N D


‌Did you guys enjoyed this kind of story? Do you want more? Tell me your view....

19-12-2016, 04:11 AM
Thanks for the update TS

19-12-2016, 09:07 AM
Hi guys!

Check out my new short story @ https://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?p=15438065&posted=1#post15438065 It's very short which I wrote while resting last week.

Hopefully it can pass your taste of pleasures. In the meantime, if my power points can grow further, maybe I'll continue with much exciting & intriguing ones. Enjoy Guys, Cheers!

19-12-2016, 10:00 AM
Nice story TS