View Full Version : Discreet & romantic place for diinner/supper?

17-01-2007, 11:20 AM
anyone knows of any dscreet & romantic place for diinner/supper? lets say we want to bring a girl out for a nice meal but don't want our gf, CO or family to bump into us... please share some suggestions. thanks :p

17-01-2007, 06:15 PM
if u suay, anywher oso can meet familiar faces. my fren went to a freakin ulu restaurant oso bumped into his gf's frens. therefore no suggestions.

17-01-2007, 06:38 PM
Book a hotel room, budget or high class... as your wish. Buy the food you want and eat in the room.
After dinner, still can continue 'dessert'

17-01-2007, 06:53 PM
there is tis place next to Changi Musuem...call Barks Cafe.....kinda secluded , but not too romatic.......got pool table
price is reasonable ....n best of all after dinner can proceed to parks nearby for XXX.....whahahahahah:)
all t best .....dun get caught yah:D

17-01-2007, 07:09 PM
Fisherman Village is pretty dark and if u get a small table in the far end, it's really romantic and safe. The price is gd and after dinner still can go stroll on the beach. Plus bonus is that it's quite far from almost everywhere so the chances r that place won't be a HIT list for most. Unless of cos, u know me lar :P

17-01-2007, 07:45 PM
i agree with some bros here. the best place is book hotel then order room service, cos you'll never know who's lurking around:cool:

17-01-2007, 08:54 PM
wine clubs at dempsey road,but now quite up and coming place liao...
nice and quiet and away from the bustling.

17-01-2007, 09:08 PM
there is tis place next to Changi Musuem...call Barks Cafe.....kinda secluded , but not too romatic.......got pool table
price is reasonable ....n best of all after dinner can proceed to parks nearby for XXX.....whahahahahah:)

bro,u regular patron of this cafe ar? :D

17-01-2007, 10:14 PM
bro,u regular patron of this cafe ar?

u knoe tis cafe oso......:eek: u regular oso :D
mayb , we can TRADE....hahahaha...tat would b nice

17-01-2007, 10:41 PM
how abt the yacht club??kinda out of the place for most people... :D

18-01-2007, 12:06 AM
raffles marina should be discreet for dinner... but its all the way in the west :cool:


18-01-2007, 12:17 AM
raffles marina should be discreet for dinner... but its all the way in the west :cool:


That's one of my favorite spot and moreover, you are stroll along pavement where the yachts are parked

18-01-2007, 12:31 AM
[QUOTE=block11;1812592]anyone knows of any dscreet & romantic place for diinner/supper?

Used to go to a nice place in Botanic Gardens next to the Ginger Garden.

I can't remember the name.

Its really romantic...usually patronised by "Ang Moh" so its quite safe if you don't want to bump into any "locals"

Must warn you... it's a little bit pricey;

Good luck!

18-01-2007, 01:41 AM
No such thing as discreet. Depends where you stay, and where your friends and relatives go hangput, so you avoid them. If a restaurant is discreet, it means no business and wanna close shop liao.

18-01-2007, 05:34 AM
No such thing as discreet. Depends where you stay, and where your friends and relatives go hangput, so you avoid them. If a restaurant is discreet, it means no business and wanna close shop liao.

Agree... Sillypore is such a small island, and u cant run away by bumping into frens, be it ur frens or his/her frens.

oh well well well... I do have a solution for u guys :D . If u r meeting a lady, tell ur CO that u r meeting an insurance/investment agent (NEVER mention the name). if ur CO's frens happen to bump into u and "DHL" to ur CO, just tell her that u were meeting the agent. so far... so good :p


18-01-2007, 07:09 AM
how abt the yacht club??kinda out of the place for most people... :DThe place is soso and the food is abit poor,if u got a yacht over there then it a different story.

18-01-2007, 10:21 AM
Fisherman Village is pretty dark and if u get a small table in the far end, it's really romantic and safe. ...it used to be, nowadays more and more people seem to know this place, and the lighting has "improved", so not so dark any more. But yes, you can still find some "good" spots if you know where they are :)

18-01-2007, 09:43 PM
Agree... Sillypore is such a small island, and u cant run away by bumping into frens, be it ur frens or his/her frens.

oh well well well... I do have a solution for u guys :D . If u r meeting a lady, tell ur CO that u r meeting an insurance/investment agent (NEVER mention the name). if ur CO's frens happen to bump into u and "DHL" to ur CO, just tell her that u were meeting the agent. so far... so good


Very interesting bro.

Once I went hold-hand shopping and makan with a gal (not CO) in broad daylight and I had to keep my eyes wide-wide open all the time fearing that will meet someone I know. Very exciting siah but can cause major heart attack wan. Then, after dat, tot about how to give excuse when kanna caught. I also tot of the insurance thinggy. Sounded logical to me, but honestly very difficult to convince ppl lah cos she wear so sexy, where got insurance agent wear until like dat wan. Luckily so far no need to use the excuse. Heng ah.

Wah, think back also got cold sweat man. :D

Appreciate if any other bro got any other good ideas to share how to provide cover story.


18-01-2007, 10:03 PM
Try hilltop @ Mt Faber v nice place, price also very affordable.:D

18-01-2007, 10:32 PM
The place is soso and the food is abit poor,if u got a yacht over there then it a different story.

haha ok la...all for the place..den nearby got the west coast hotel...hee

"can try Labrador park. there is a nice italian rest. open air concept... after a nice meal, can go to the dark dark park or dark dark car park for your activities"

wah tat one i tried but not v nice la(price alittle steep oso)...n tat place seems so eerie at night...haha

18-01-2007, 10:45 PM
thanks everyone for the suggestions and comments... i didn't expect such a good respond when i started this thread. i guess many of us are in the same situation... just need a nice place to relax and enjoy with someone special ;)

19-01-2007, 12:08 AM
[QUOTE=block11;1812592]anyone knows of any dscreet & romantic place for diinner/supper?

Used to go to a nice place in Botanic Gardens next to the Ginger Garden.

I can't remember the name.

Its really romantic...usually patronised by "Ang Moh" so its quite safe if you don't want to bump into any "locals"

Must warn you... it's a little bit pricey;

Good luck!

Les Amis is not just a "little bit" pricey

19-01-2007, 08:19 AM
HI bro,

i personally usually bring my girl to geylang for dinner. I think if someone spot me in geylang, usually girl dunno girl geylang(so less risk of being spot by girl that your CO or family know), man go there 80% is because of woman. So they also scare to be spot by other.

IF not can suggest one place near waterloo street, call Sercet Garden, a typical western style rest, dim in the rest also the rest is behind a big bush.


19-01-2007, 08:54 AM
... honestly very difficult to convince ppl lah cos she wear so sexy, where got insurance agent wear until like dat wan. ... Wah, think back also got cold sweat man....
Appreciate if any other bro got any other good ideas to share how to provide cover story.Cheers bro, anyone who kena caught like that, where got cover story one, finish liao! :D
good luck to you, and all of us...

19-01-2007, 01:17 PM
You can try Sembawang "Bottle tree village" near Sembawang park.

Bottle tree village is a resturant which sells seafood, new atmoshpere.

There is also a pub/rest on the way into "Bottle tree village".

The area there is quiet and pretty romantic.Set back...you need your own transport.

Can do a web search for the exact location.


19-01-2007, 02:16 PM
Agree... Sillypore is such a small island, and u cant run away by bumping into frens, be it ur frens or his/her frens.

oh well well well... I do have a solution for u guys :D . If u r meeting a lady, tell ur CO that u r meeting an insurance/investment agent (NEVER mention the name). if ur CO's frens happen to bump into u and "DHL" to ur CO, just tell her that u were meeting the agent. so far... so good :p


sekali your CO also want to follow.... LOL

19-01-2007, 11:29 PM
1. raffles marina (for reasons mentioned already)

2. broth bar and restaurant @ duxton hill
very romantic and quite secluded. not many people will be around there. customers are mostly ang mohs. be prepared to burn your pocket though... salad and wine can put u off by more than 60 bux

3. there's this restaurant at labrador park (sorry cant remember the name)
can consider. after dinner can stroll along tg belayer

4. tanah merah ferry terminal
not exactly a posh restaurant... but there is a small cafe there... can sit outdoors by the sea...

just my two cents worth of opinion

20-01-2007, 01:32 AM
4. tanah merah ferry terminal
not exactly a posh restaurant... but there is a small cafe there... can sit outdoors by the sea...

Just went there with my underground gf recently, quite discreet

20-01-2007, 04:16 PM
Just went there with my underground gf recently, quite discreet

i think it is a nice place... outdoors... by the sea... breezy...
cheap food...

discrete... although i think after this it might not be as discrete as before anymore... :D

20-01-2007, 05:09 PM
Very interesting bro.
Once I went hold-hand shopping and makan with a gal (not CO) in broad daylight and I had to keep my eyes wide-wide open all the time fearing that will meet someone I know. Very exciting siah but can cause major heart attack wan. Then, after dat, tot about how to give excuse when kanna caught. I also tot of the insurance thinggy. Sounded logical to me, but honestly very difficult to convince ppl lah cos she wear so sexy, where got insurance agent wear until like dat wan. Luckily so far no need to use the excuse. Heng ah.
Wah, think back also got cold sweat man.
Appreciate if any other bro got any other good ideas to share how to provide cover story.

Wow... u really got "ball"...!!! holding hands shopping at public places? no no no... too risky manz... if wanna hold hands, do it behind the closed door. not just holding hands, u can let her hold ur balls oso :D


GL joe
20-01-2007, 07:58 PM
4. tanah merah ferry terminal
not exactly a posh restaurant... but there is a small cafe there... can sit outdoors by the sea...


yeah, it's a very nice place..discreet level is there and can sweet talk the girl while enjoying the sea breeze:D

20-01-2007, 08:17 PM
4. tanah merah ferry terminal
not exactly a posh restaurant... but there is a small cafe there... can sit outdoors by the sea...

bro, thanks for the info... any idea what is the operating hours of this cafe? ;)

20-01-2007, 08:59 PM
If u r meeting a lady, tell ur CO that u r meeting an insurance/investment agent (NEVER mention the name).

:rolleyes: ......... Hmmmmmmmm ......... But also cannot every week meeting insurance / investment agent right :confused:

Cheers !!!

20-01-2007, 09:04 PM
If you know your family n friends don't have car, then can go to those places like bottle tree rest. where need car to go. Just my three cents :)

20-01-2007, 09:13 PM
Appreciate if any other bro got any other good ideas to share how to provide cover story.

Don't think there is any good solid excuse to cover up. My philosophy is DIE DIE DON"T ADMIT being there or sighted unless caught personally my GF / CO ......... :eek: ......... At least it works for me before.

Just to share a famous PRC quote and improvised quote :



坦白从宽 - 把牢底坐穿
抗拒从严 - 回家好过年

So which one you prefer :D

20-01-2007, 09:47 PM
Wow... u really got "ball"...!!! holding hands shopping at public places? no no no... too risky manz... if wanna hold hands, do it behind the closed door. not just holding hands, u can let her hold ur balls oso :D


Sometimes small brain take control lah, how to think straight when U got a SYT beside U? :D

Yep, it does take balls, dat is why so exciting mah. Better than sex ..... hehehehe


20-01-2007, 09:48 PM
:rolleyes: ......... Hmmmmmmmm ......... But also cannot every week meeting insurance / investment agent right

Cheers !!!

That is why must compile a list of excuses and cover stories mah. :)


20-01-2007, 09:50 PM
Another nice place is the Beaulieu House in Sembawang Park. Just next to the beach. Good place to jalan jalan after dinner.


20-01-2007, 10:29 PM

Les Amis is not just a "little bit" pricey

2 pax - $450

22-01-2007, 01:12 AM
........ Hmmmmmmmm ......... But also cannot every week meeting insurance / investment agent right

Agree... I do have a lot of frens who are insurance agents. so, it works for me... of coz, not week in and week out lah... :D

22-01-2007, 09:36 AM
depending on circumstances, there is no need to hide at times. I just had a most wonderful dinner with a new new colleague at Iguana along the Singapore River. took an outside table, in full view of everybody. If anybody ask me what am I doing?, "I'm helping my new colleague get to know the working environment in the company better mah. The office is not a very conducive place to explain some things, you know."
btw, her skirt wasn't very short that evening la, just a little bit above the knees, but the neckline wasn't bad, hmmm..... :D

28-01-2007, 08:51 PM
hmmm... how about driving into sentosa for dinner? many options of restaurants, beach bars, etc. should be discreet enough to eat there unless its a busy friday or weekend night :cool:

28-01-2007, 09:44 PM
[QUOTE=SexFreak;1817837][I]Don't think there is any good solid excuse to cover up. My philosophy is DIE DIE DON"T ADMIT being there or sighted unless caught personally my GF / CO ......... ......... At least it works for me before.

I agree with Bro SF. Once I went to movies with a girl when I told my OC i was going to my friend's place, in the end her bro-in-law and sister saw me in orchard and told her. I die die dont admit and even ask my friend and his CO to vouch for me. I also challenge her that how come her sis see me never come over and say hi? Lucky managed to smoke my way through.

But holding hands in public is a NO NO. If that day I was holding hands with the girl, really dont know how to spell the word "DIE" liao :D

A few places to recommend:

1) Secret Garden : www.mysg.com.sg
2) Villa Bali : www.littlebali.com
3) WildRocket: http://www.wildrocket.com.sg/
4) PS Cafe: http://www.pscafe.sg/

Enjoy :)

29-01-2007, 12:49 AM
Dinner in cable car, confirm nobody see as only you and her. But dunno if they still provide such service.

29-01-2007, 12:59 AM
Dinner in cable car, confirm nobody see as only you and her. But dunno if they still provide such service.

Remember they had such kind of candle light package during last year's Valentine's Day, you may wish to check it out this year

02-02-2007, 10:21 PM
scarlet hotel looks pretty good. wonder if their jacuzzi is public or private to the rooms one. :rolleyes:

14-11-2008, 01:29 AM
anyone knows of any dscreet & romantic place for diinner/supper? lets say we want to bring a girl out for a nice meal but don't want our gf, CO or family to bump into us... please share some suggestions. thanks :p

Errmm... how about a romantic candle-lit dinner by the beach...

After that a warm soak in the bathtub (with lotsa bubbles) and then cuddling under the sheets...

But of cos all these will have to be on a remote island far far away... :p

Then discretion will not be an issue :D

14-11-2008, 01:40 AM
Errmm... how about a romantic candle-lit dinner by the beach...

After that a warm soak in the bathtub (with lotsa bubbles) and then cuddling under the sheets...

But of cos all these will have to be on a remote island far far away... :p

Then discretion will not be an issue :D

Wa powerful, digging a thread from last year.... :D

14-11-2008, 11:41 AM
Errmm... how about a romantic candle-lit dinner by the beach...

After that a warm soak in the bathtub (with lotsa bubbles) and then cuddling under the sheets...

But of cos all these will have to be on a remote island far far away... :p

Then discretion will not be an issue :D

Recession time... cut cost.. Suggesting The Link or Cape Inn.. order take away from the restaurants around and maybe a bottle of red from the Link?

14-11-2008, 02:52 PM
Sunset cafe if i din get the name wrong. Its at Piccadilly Road its in Seletar Airport there towards the East camp. Very nice environment where u can c the sunset n aeroplane landing n taking off right IN FRONT of you. Study your street directory well before going, if nt u confirm cant find the place. So go before sunset. Cos there is no street lights at night. Total darkenss. ;)

17-11-2008, 07:36 PM
Errmm... how about a romantic candle-lit dinner by the beach...

After that a warm soak in the bathtub (with lotsa bubbles) and then cuddling under the sheets...

But of cos all these will have to be on a remote island far far away... :p

ohhhh.... that sounds gooood. much more than dinner huh? so when are you free? maybe we try this and see where it leads to :p :D

17-11-2008, 11:56 PM
ohhhh.... that sounds gooood. much more than dinner huh? so when are you free? maybe we try this and see where it leads to :p :D

Dinner is just the appetizer, the main course and dessert has yet to be decided :p

So where do you think this will lead to? Or rather, where would you want it to lead to? :D

18-11-2008, 12:15 AM
Try HILL TOP Restaurant at Jurong Bird Park...

Pretty discreet n have a dark watch tower...

Within budget... :)

18-11-2008, 02:03 AM
Bedok Blk 85 bak chor mee
2 person share 1 bowl, very sweet one.
Top off with a plate of orh-luak...(fried oyster omelette) and 2 BBQ chicken wings eaten with bare fingers..

then, you suck suck my fingers...i suck suck your fingers...
horny liao, then go home fuck like rabbits.

dammmmn lormantic..

18-11-2008, 02:09 AM
That sounds like those staged outdoor mass orgies in Japan :D

18-11-2008, 12:04 PM
I recently discovered this french restaurant at Kandahar Street called Le Pon De Vie which serves really excellent food and the place is rather discreet. Tel - 62388682. It is one of those Wine & Dine top restaurants but I think it is queit because the locale isnt that great. Good place to avoid CO.

20-11-2008, 05:07 PM
No place can be considered 100 percent safe. It all depends on your 'heng suay'. Personally I have spotted some acquantances with GF at the most unlikely of place on a few occassions. The only thing they are lucky that I have a tight mouth and bad memory.

26-11-2008, 09:54 AM
Dinner is just the appetizer, the main course and dessert has yet to be decided :p

So where do you think this will lead to? Or rather, where would you want it to lead to? :D

hehehe.... maybe to breakfast or lunch? :D :p

ken li
26-11-2008, 12:43 PM
The Jaan at Raffles City for dinner.

Great to get them in the mood. I once bumped into a bro who brought TWO chicks there by himself....

Very small place, requires reservations. Total of about 15 tables only so its quite discreet. But if you run into someone you know, you have nowhere to hide!

26-11-2008, 01:07 PM
The Jaan at Raffles City for dinner.

Great to get them in the mood. I once bumped into a bro who brought TWO chicks there by himself....

Very small place, requires reservations. Total of about 15 tables only so its quite discreet. But if you run into someone you know, you have nowhere to hide!

been there... ambience so so , food so so... and expensive... i would suggest Au Jardin at Botanic Gardens instead

27-11-2008, 12:58 AM
Wah seh...you very atas leh...Au Jardin sia....as if not expensive like that..
But good location lah...after finishing the meal, can jump into the bushes avoid paying and become Tarzan and Jane in the forest..

I also like The Olive Ristorante up Labrador Park. Food is not bad, reasonable price for such a rare ambience. Quiet, cooling and very lush surroundings cos it's a hill-park out there. After makan, can stroll down the wooden zigzag walkway to Lab park to enjoy sea breeze.

If want to hanky panky, also can. Just go into one of the tunnels there. Hahah be sure to find your way out hor...

04-05-2009, 01:33 PM
There's a few places that I can think of as of now:

1) Singapore Yacht Club - the restaurant/cafe inside
2) There's a seafood place at Labardor Park next to the City Beach Resort there.
3) some ulu country club restaurants/cafe
4) drive to JB and eat
5) tabao food and drive somewhere to eat like by the beach etc

I alway damn scared to bumped into someone I know when i go back with girls. worse still, if i bumped into wife. that one confirmed 'mati'