View Full Version : REPORTED LISA's Shops to ANTI-VICE and SPF

04-06-2017, 09:22 PM
I was threatened by one of LISA's runners here in the thread, that he knows who I am and have my photo as well and will bash me up if he ever sees me outside. I have since reported the two branches of Perfect Beauty Center that operates without a valid Massage Establishment liscence to the Anti Vice and SPF. The address of the two branches are as follows: 1)PERFECT BEAUTY CENTER @ FU LU SHOU COMPLEX #03-20 2) PERFECT BEAUTY CENTER @ BURLINGTON SQUARE #01-06

04-06-2017, 10:16 PM
careful,many plc put cameranatndoor,
, just in case cus
Turn urgly after bad svc,

04-06-2017, 10:32 PM
I was threatened by one of LISA's runners here in the thread, that he knows who I am and have my photo as well and will bash me up if he ever sees me outside. I have since reported the two branches of Perfect Beauty Center that operates without a valid Massage Establishment liscence to the Anti Vice and SPF. The address of the two branches are as follows: 1)PERFECT BEAUTY CENTER @ FU LU SHOU COMPLEX #03-20 2) PERFECT BEAUTY CENTER @ BURLINGTON SQUARE #01-06

Bro u serious ar.. means i'm not the only one. This women is ridiculous somemore there is a person by the nick of perfect beauty now challenge me.. hope the SPF will look into it and get rid of such hooligan and barbarian action thinking that they own our country.

04-06-2017, 11:06 PM
Bro u serious ar.. means i'm not the only one. This women is ridiculous somemore there is a person by the nick of perfect beauty now challenge me.. hope the SPF will look into it and get rid of such hooligan and barbarian action thinking that they own our country.

How do they threaten and challenge you?
Cam share and show msg please?

04-06-2017, 11:18 PM
interesting, and AV needs to work harder now :D

05-06-2017, 12:20 AM
How do they threaten and challenge you?
Cam share and show msg please?

For this need to ask perfect beauty yourself and d******. I do not want to type everything out in main to totally tarnish their reputation. I'm not here to start a war only to share.

05-06-2017, 01:05 AM
the last thing a shady business will do is to threaten a customer.... :rolleyes:

05-06-2017, 01:24 AM
last time ,china man said want to break my leg ,arm....
threat too.
other plc, other shop

05-06-2017, 01:26 AM
u are right, all the way to find you this kind of thing.
i do the same thing before, a legal shop.
china man say want to break my leg ,arm....

I don't understand what you are saying, could you rephrased it? :confused:

05-06-2017, 03:04 AM
Realize this shop under attack by some of the brother here since last year.
Curious to know why? What have they done?

05-06-2017, 04:12 PM
Realize this shop under attack by some of the brother here since last year.
Curious to know why? What have they done?

This shop con alot of brothers here.. sound like a good catch giving free handjob and autoroam and at times blow job but at the same time they play with bro's emotion. They also use man's weakness when handling little brother throwing in for a second or third gal going in at the same time but most of the time charging half an hour or an hour but did not spending that kind of time giving an excuss of got another customer. This is due to the greed of the lady boss.

Another thing they handle wrongly is they like to use violance and threatening thinking that this is China where violance and their filthy little money can solve things.

05-06-2017, 04:16 PM
Walked passed today noon, shop still operating as normal, girls still standing outside touting for business, hmm... I guessed they are not afraid of the police? Should I call the reporters from shin min and Wanbao?

05-06-2017, 04:26 PM
I have been to this joint for many years, while not all ML here are good, so far I have not encounter any issues. As a chongster, one must always know that if you let your small head control your big head, then you just have yourself to be blame for any consequences.

05-06-2017, 05:24 PM
Walked passed today noon, shop still operating as normal, girls still standing outside touting for business, hmm... I guessed they are not afraid of the police? Should I call the reporters from shin min and Wanbao?

By all means if u feel this shop has done wrong n news worth reporting. Btw lisa already warn that she have installed camera outside her shop.. most probably knowing that there will be a raid coming soon so she can get ready her scapegoat.

05-06-2017, 05:52 PM
I tried this place few times already. For me they are still ok leh, atleast they did provide proper massage at market rate. And yes the ML will try to pursuit you to extend the massage session. But it still up to you to decide whether you want to extend or not, depend on how satisfied you are with their massage.;)
But agree that they need to improve in hygiene area. This is the area that make me seldom visit them.

Overall I feel they are a lot better than those $88 fake prostate massage shops. Those are really con shop that charge high price at same type of massage and service :rolleyes:

As for man fall into KC trap in MP/Spa, it happen everywhere every shops. No one force you to think that you are the special one in MP/Spa.:D