View Full Version : what kind of help can she get? anyone knows?
16-02-2007, 08:22 PM
anyone can advice this?
one of my childhood girlfriend broke up with her boyfriend sometime back.
She went to see him, and caught him smsing another girl saying "love you bla bla." My friend was upset and hot, so she grabbed his phone and threw it on the ground and slapped him.
her ex boyfriend responded by grabbing her around her neck and push her to the ground while holding her there and screamed at her. She has got bruises and cuts and scratches on her face, hands, and neck which really hurts.
She still has the sms which the ex send to her apoloising for his actions,
She went to the police to report it. And, this is what I can't understand, they took a statement, took photos of her injuries, and put it on file - but they refused to do anything further, isn;t this assault? can she do anything else?:confused:
16-02-2007, 08:33 PM
this is a civil sue... the blue boy will not handle unless there were serious example like rape or assault till admitted to hospital etc..if it only minor injury than they will advise the complainant to file for a civil sue if they want too..
16-02-2007, 08:47 PM
bro but i thought this is consider assult already??? he push her down and grab her neck?
bro iceage2, hv she go hospital for check up??
if hv with Dr report n police report can go for civil sue...(assault case)
lucky he never use any weapon or his flower:D
16-02-2007, 08:56 PM
The above scenario is classified under Sec 323 Cap 224 - Voluntarily Causing Hurt.
The Police does not have the power to investigate as it is under Civil Sue. Unless there is an order from the Magistrate for them to conduct an investigation.
16-02-2007, 09:07 PM
thanks to all the bros for your replies..
i will advise her to proceed with a civil case.
once again thanks. :)
17-02-2007, 12:43 AM
thanks to all the bros for your replies..
i will advise her to proceed with a civil case.
once again thanks. :)
My friend was upset and hot, so she grabbed his phone and threw it on the ground and slapped him.
eh.. not to pour cold water on your ,
if the guy reported that you friend did the above actions first.
does that mean your friend assulted the guy and he can get hold of a suit case against her ?
17-02-2007, 01:57 AM
My friend was upset and hot, so she grabbed his phone and threw it on the ground and slapped him.
eh.. not to pour cold water on your ,
if the guy reported that you friend did the above actions first.
does that mean your friend assulted the guy and he can get hold of a suit case against her ?
yes lor...already say civil suit ma....both side can tell their story and file a magistrate report lor....later who right or wrong after MIB investigate and let the court decide lor....
Cong Nguyen
17-02-2007, 02:19 AM
The above scenario is classified under Sec 323 Cap 224 - Voluntarily Causing Hurt.
The Police does not have the power to investigate as it is under Civil Sue. Unless there is an order from the Magistrate for them to conduct an investigation.
wah... bro... u sure memerize the panel code very well sia... lolz...
Bittersweet Guy
17-02-2007, 04:14 AM
Pardon me if I am wrong but feel that you shouldn't encourage your frd to pursue this issue. From my previous experience, the police and court wont really handles your case.... unless you have some "big shots" on your side.
There are tons of fights and assaults that happen everyday, regardless how it started and you really thinks the police really have the time to investigate every one of them?
If you really pursue this case, you might end up losing time + money and gains more frustration in order to give that bastard a..... warning letter? hmm.... Worth it?
Not trying to be a "pussy" here, but heroes sometimes only appears in the movies. If I am you, I will rather plot to blanket that bastard.... :p
17-02-2007, 06:12 AM
wah... bro... u sure memerize the panel code very well sia... lolz...
Bro....should be pEnal code ma.....not pAnel code leh!!!!:D
17-02-2007, 08:20 AM
Bro....should be pEnal code ma.....not pAnel code leh!!!!:D
Lucky he never mis spell as penis code !!!!! :D
17-02-2007, 09:43 AM
agree with what you say bro. i not trying to be a hero la, but she approached me for advice and i had nothing to offer mah, don;t know the law well.:o
so post here and hope bros here can advice :)
as for blanket party, no la, that will also be committing another offence liao.
Not trying to be a "pussy" here, but heroes sometimes only appears in the movies. If I am you, I will rather plot to blanket that bastard....
17-02-2007, 10:44 AM
, isn;t this assault? can she do anything else?:confused:
the police kayu force will only take action if the assault leads to injury that means she must have other then bruises, a broken bone some where then they called this I think...aggravated assault which is a criminal offence...other then that the best she can do is take civil suit against bf or ex bf by now and make him pay for her medical fee...but wats the point..filing civil suit means engagin lawyer end of the day lose more money...just like the shitty gov always like to say..lets move on...just hope next time she know any new bf eyes open bigger a bit...
17-02-2007, 10:45 AM
Bro....should be pEnal code ma.....not pAnel code leh!!!!:D
in SBF it is known as the PENIS CODE...:D
17-02-2007, 11:11 AM
the guy is definitely a loser to do this to a gal.i despise guys like him.puuii!! :mad:
boon huat
17-02-2007, 11:37 AM
hi iceage,
it seems that the police has classified the case as VCH as mentioned by bro cheri popper, and that they are not pursuing the case further. In any case, the police should have already advised ur friend on what to do, that is given her two forms:
a) medical form (white colour A3 size) and asked her to proceed to any GH for a medical examination asap to detail down her injuries,
b) Magistrate complaint form(white form A4 size), to file a complaint with the Magistrate at Sub Court, should she decide to pursue the matter further.
Regardless of whether she wants to pursue or otherwise, its best that (a) is done asap. Thereafter she can slowly consider whether want to pursue or not, if yes then proceed with (b).
What happens after (b) is done is that the magistrate will forward the file to police to establish the facts of the case and to report back to the Magistrate thereafter. Police cant take more than 6months to complete.
Once the magistrate receive the file with the facts established, he will then decide if a case is made up against the assailant. If so, then the Magistrate will advise ur friend what course of action to take. Mediation will be an option, failing which probably ur friend has to engage a lawyer to file a private summons against the assailant.
For VCH cases, as it is a non-seizable offence, the police do not ordinarily have the powers to investigate unless they have their Head Invest or DPP sanctions, empowering them to(certain criterias to adhere to). That's why the process gets a bit draggy in the sense that the victim has to go a step further by filing a Magistrate Complaint at the Sub Court(1st level Crime registry no.3).
Please note that filing a Magistrate Complaint is not the must-go option. Armed with the most important evidence, which is the medical report, the victim can go straight with engaging a lawyer and filing a private summons in court against the assailant.
Also in any point of time, if the case turns out to be one which is more severe and falls under a more serious section(seizable) then the police will take over the investigation. One such instance will be that after the medial examination, it was found that there was some grevious injuries such as broken bone etc suffered by ur friend (again subject to the qualifications defined under the relevant sections of the law).
Hope u get a clearer picture :)
17-02-2007, 12:11 PM
actually the police also give her a examination form(medical one, a few pages) and ask her to go and see doctor and let the doctor fill up the form, but then also told her that they cannot take actions. Don;t know why they give her the form.
sometime i felt that the man in blue never explain properly. Give her the form to let the doctor fill up and yet never tell her what she can do next. so she is also abit lost as to what to do next.
Glad that bros here have offered valuable advice.
honestly i think you guys are giving better advice than the man in blue
Many thanks. :)
17-02-2007, 01:09 PM
The above scenario is classified under Sec 323 Cap 224 - Voluntarily Causing Hurt.
there my commander goes again! haizzz, :D
17-02-2007, 02:05 PM
Just add my 2 cent worth....
Sympathise with your lady friend, but to pursue the matter will waste time and money, and not knowing whats the end result will be.
If there are no witnesses, then it her words against his words, since she threw the handphone, he could claim that he was provoked and thought that she is throwing the handphone at him, so in self defence, he push her...etc...
She may feel LL being 'bullied' but as some bros already said, just learn from this incident and open eye big big next time.
This is also not the era of 'pai kia' to pursue this matter, maybe console her out of her misery thoughts...
Toyota Honda
17-02-2007, 03:13 PM
anyone can advice this?
She still has the sms which the ex send to her apoloising for his actions,
She went to the police to report it. And, this is what I can't understand, they took a statement, took photos of her injuries, and put it on file - but they refused to do anything further, isn;t this assault? can she do anything else?:confused:
Bro/sis or whatever you are.. I just have a comment to make.. This is their own bf/gf problem.. Y u want to care so much?
I mean this is really personal thing. Even the police also don;t want to chup cos they understand its personal matter that should be worked out by both parties amicably.. So why still get yourself involved in this?
Besides, the girl is wrong in the 1st place for damaging the handphone, should the police do take that into consideration and charge the girl first?
Advice is.... Don't KPO.. Tell her to move on..
On the other hand, if you are the girl yourself, then I would still comment, Its your life...
17-02-2007, 03:18 PM
so post here and hope bros here can advice :)
Should be ..."and hope bros here can ADVISE."
"Advice" is a noun.
Would the magistrate really want to open this type of case at the expense of taxpayers...if the IO keep on calling the "related" parties get no response also LL?? (sure drag more than 6 months)
Based on what has been told..i do not think any magistrate would open up such case....
Kindly tell your friend to move on....a New Year begins shortly :)
17-02-2007, 06:22 PM
Please lah, snatch his phone and smashed it?
If any gal dares to do that to my new hp, i sure will give alex ferguson famous hair dryer treatment.
I believe that if she had not done it, the guy wld never touch her. All in the heat of moment.
17-02-2007, 09:21 PM
just some points to add to the already highly accurate and valuable replies from other bros.....
in VCH, a medical report MUST be done ASAP in order for the civil suit to in a positive position...
most civil suits end up nowhere unless there is a 3rd party independant witness....(can pretend to source for witness in public area and fake witness much better chances of winning)
in civil suits with regards to "fights" its always your words against helps if u are in a better position than the accused....e.g. better job, higher status, more educated...shallow as it seems, it does help
lastly, whilst it is not possible for the police to follow up on this sort of cases for prosecution, it is possible for the police to give a station warning to the accused on the charge of VCH. this point is from experience, hence pls do not refute this based on the fact that BY RIGHT the police cannot have any hand in the case.
17-02-2007, 09:44 PM
Bro, if she wants to pursue further, take it to court. Our coffee boys won't attend much to such issues, most they can do is to look into the case, nod and shake their heads, and pen off. Civil law defines relations between people. If you believe that you need to assert your rights against an individual or an enterprise, you must submit your case to a civil court.
The purpose of a civil trial is to resolve a dispute between yourself and another person. Those involve bodily injuries which she sustained as a result, yr friend may argue.
But afterall, this may be a moment of fury. If she doesn't want to be bothered with that bugger anymore, just drop it and tide over, and all will be well soon.
17-02-2007, 11:14 PM
actually the police also give her a examination form(medical one, a few pages) and ask her to go and see doctor and let the doctor fill up the form, but then also told her that they cannot take actions. Don;t know why they give her the form.
(Just an advice, ....)
First, must ask her what she want in compensation? Money? Legal Apologize in paper?....
If she decide to proceed to litigation action, she should not stop half-way.
But the proceed is stressful and time-wasting, especially if work.
If she is not prepared to take that stress and money-throwing, she should forget it.
Actually, she should call the police on the spot to take statement.
And proceed immediately for SGH examinations, may cost within $100.
Then, file a civil case by person or represent by "solicitor".
If file by person, might cost within $200. She had to proven to the Magistrate why her case should be further conducted & investigate.
Then, the white hair man will ask the police to further conduct the case. Then, IO (Investigation Officers) after finish several kopi will start to contact and certify if there is a charge to be make. Even so, I do not know what will she get in return?
If file by solicitor, it is easier to get WRITS OF SUMMON.
And she can ask for compensation like money, .....
Judging from your descriptions, it's seem that she only suffer superficial injuries. Then, she had to proved that these injuries make her life miserable. If she is a model/RQ/Stewardness, the losses can be income and potential income.....Also, the inability to lead her regular life cause the sight of the injuries cause psychology hurt & nightmares.
Being a female, she had better advantage.
But, the court will decide after listen to both side of story.
Lastly, the HP incident can be an advantage to her, depend how she write her statement.
Kong XI Fa Cai!!!!!
18-02-2007, 04:27 AM
I believe that if she had not done it, the guy wld never touch her. All in the heat of moment.
Assaulting someone in the heat of the moment is not a mitigation factor. The right of Private Defence of your property seized when the HP was out of the gal's hand. If the HP was still on the gal's hand when the assault took place, it might still be considered as exercising your right of Private Defence on your property.
18-02-2007, 04:31 AM
most civil suits end up nowhere unless there is a 3rd party independant witness....(can pretend to source for witness in public area and fake witness much better chances of winning)
That is strongly not advisable, this act itself constitute to an offence of Fabricating False Evidence and by putting this into the statement, the person can be charged for making a False Statement or submitting false information to the Police which carries a jail term.
If this happens, it will weight strongly against the person who had seek false witness in the case.
18-02-2007, 04:32 AM
there my commander goes again! haizzz, :D
There my sweetest Princess goes again! Haizzzz :D
18-02-2007, 06:35 AM
(Just an advice, ....)
"Advice" is a non countable noun. You cannot say "an advice". It's either "some advice" or "a piece of advice".
18-02-2007, 09:07 AM
did she broke up with her ex because of that or was it that she confront him after they brokeup and found that he is seeing another girl and so smash his phone?
either way, what kind of a man is her ex to hit a girl on the ground?
18-02-2007, 09:22 AM
"Advice" is a non countable noun. You cannot say "an advice". It's either "some advice" or "a piece of advice".
Should be ..."and hope bros here can ADVISE."
"Advice" is a noun.
Wow, didn't know Boss has such a good command of the English language. Pei Fu Pei Fu. Thanx for pointing out the mistakes :D
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