View Full Version : FengShui for Sex

17-02-2007, 11:21 PM

wonder if there is any fengshui/geomancy that is particularly for sex.
meaning in the year of 2007 pig, travel to certain direction for sex is better?, sex with certain animal sign is better?, refrain sex for certain animal sign should observed?, .....and so on.....

Pls advise if u know any.



18-02-2007, 10:28 AM

wonder if there is any fengshui/geomancy that is particularly for sex.
meaning in the year of 2007 pig, travel to certain direction for sex is better?, sex with certain animal sign is better?, refrain sex for certain animal sign should observed?

Sex in the room is advisable due to peepers on the loose.....

For better luck...sex with an animal known as Female is also advisable.. :D

18-02-2007, 10:39 AM

wonder if there is any fengshui/geomancy that is particularly for sex.
meaning in the year of 2007 pig, travel to certain direction for sex is better?, sex with certain animal sign is better?, refrain sex for certain animal sign should observed?, .....and so on.....

Pls advise if u know any.


You need http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/Pakua_with_name.svg/200px-Pakua_with_name.svg.png to find your way? :D

18-02-2007, 01:11 PM
You can ask bro cuteboy for advice..

He once said that having sex with ang-pai who animal sign is compatible with yours will be lucky in striking lottery..

18-02-2007, 01:23 PM
Sex in the room is advisable due to peepers on the loose.....
For better luck...sex with an animal known as Female is also advisable.. :D

I read somewhere that tigers borned in the year of 1974 should not indulged in too much sexual activities for this year. Don't know true or not...

ABC Mafia
18-02-2007, 02:14 PM
this year lucky sex activity is having sex in the mud like pigs :D

18-02-2007, 02:56 PM
meaning in the year of 2007 pig, travel to certain direction for sex is better?, sex with certain animal sign is better?, refrain sex for certain animal sign should observed

In the year of 2007 pig, it is advisable to start from mouth and travel down south for sex.
This will prevent unusual aftertaste when kissing later.

Sex with animal sign Homo Sapient is highly recommended.
Any other animal sign might bring bad fengshi and probably the SPCA to your doorstep.
Due to the Singapore government's review of the Penal Code and the westernly wind blowing wast, Homo Sapients with male signs is also not unlucky anymore although Homo Sapients will female sign is still highly encouraged.

People born between 1930 to 1988 should also refrain from engaging in too much sex when they have little money.
Money spent on condoms can be saved and any girl you bonk (ONS, gf or WL) also need to spend money.
Save it in your POSB and the tiger in white will reward you with a possible windfall (0.1% interest per annum)

19-02-2007, 01:53 AM
In the year of 2007 pig, it is advisable to start from mouth and travel down south for sex.
This will prevent unusual aftertaste when kissing later.

Sex with animal sign Homo Sapient is highly recommended.
Any other animal sign might bring bad fengshi and probably the SPCA to your doorstep.
Due to the Singapore government's review of the Penal Code and the westernly wind blowing wast, Homo Sapients with male signs is also not unlucky anymore although Homo Sapients will female sign is still highly encouraged.

People born between 1930 to 1988 should also refrain from engaging in too much sex when they have little money.
Money spent on condoms can be saved and any girl you bonk (ONS, gf or WL) also need to spend money.
Save it in your POSB and the tiger in white will reward you with a possible windfall (0.1% interest per annum)


You are quite rite....
Looking at the flying star for 2007, it is a yr of illness & sickness.

From the judgement made by some guru, Southern travel will be better than northern. that is true to what you say.
So coincident such that bombing in Thai occur again!

Actually, the new yr already started on 4 Feb.
That is the start of spring.
Shouldn't that day be the day to be the first to "plug" your burning incense in the Si Ma Lu temple?

Good luck to all!!!


19-02-2007, 03:36 AM
i only can give you advice if its the year of the dog. other than that, i have no idea.

19-02-2007, 03:38 AM
i only can advice you if its the year of the dog..

19-02-2007, 07:57 AM
U can check out the fengshui mag, selling at most mag stands. Think its by Lilian Too. Quite useful. Lets u in on info about flying stars, zodiac and other feng shui stuffs. Not very expensive either :)

19-02-2007, 10:11 AM

You are quite rite....
Looking at the flying star for 2007, it is a yr of illness & sickness.

From the judgement made by some guru, Southern travel will be better than northern. that is true to what you say.

thats only a preview of what the fengshui guru Dominion can advice.
For more detailed personal analysis on what to avoid and what is encouraged for gd luck, pls deposit $888 into my paypal account (accnt No. 5ex43va4m01) and pm me with your details such as how old you are, where you work at and as what, marital status, children etc, the more the better to analyze.

Alternatively, also can just up me for the same service, but readings will be shared to the public in this thread. :D

20-02-2007, 12:29 AM
thats only a preview of what the fengshui guru Dominion can advice.
For more detailed personal analysis on what to avoid and what is encouraged for gd luck, pls deposit $888 into my paypal account (accnt No. 5ex43va4m01) and pm me with your details such as how old you are, where you work at and as what, marital status, children etc, the more the better to analyze.

Alternatively, also can just up me for the same service, but readings will be shared to the public in this thread. :D



20-02-2007, 12:48 AM


bro call me master no use, i think you pur lan pa onli...
quick quick send your preferred method of payment to me and receive your readings. then you can get gd advice for the year of the fire-earth pig guaranteed to be of great use.

20-02-2007, 01:44 AM
avoid sex with females born after 1991

20-02-2007, 09:56 AM
thanx bro toweli3 for generous sharing. however i am commercial geomancer and not temple so cannot accept donations.

would you like to have a reading? if so pls pm with your details.

the year of the pig is a good year for sharing. It will bring good luck to you. What goes around comes around, so do not be too tight with your purse strings.
But remember, charity begins at home, so start appreciating your family members now. :)

20-02-2007, 10:23 AM
Ok get your reading this year...


20-02-2007, 11:13 AM

wonder if there is any fengshui/geomancy that is particularly for sex.
meaning in the year of 2007 pig, travel to certain direction for sex is better?, sex with certain animal sign is better?, refrain sex for certain animal sign should observed?, .....and so on.....

Pls advise if u know any.



Yeah, someone told me to be lucky this year, you must fuck as many pigs as possible.... Kekeke!

Brothers interested, please PM me for contact.
Because it is CNY, newbies also qualify:D

20-02-2007, 01:17 PM
That is the funny one... :D

20-02-2007, 01:18 PM
avoid sex with females born after 1991

This is a very good and important advice. :)

20-02-2007, 05:28 PM
I don't know much about these.....I can only say that you can practically have sex with any animal, but try not to do it with an elephant as you know how big and heavy they are.....:p

20-02-2007, 06:28 PM
Whoever do it with an elephant must be asking for trouble

22-02-2007, 01:05 AM
thanx bro toweli3 for generous sharing. however i am commercial geomancer and not temple so cannot accept donations. But remember, charity begins at home, so start appreciating your family members now.

22-02-2007, 01:09 AM
Yeah, someone told me to be lucky this year, you must fuck as many pigs as possible.... Kekeke!

这个没听说过。找个肖猪的女朋友,则可以改善。过多属猪性伴侣,不太好耶。感染性病的可能性很 高。

22-02-2007, 01:26 AM
hahahaha......thats the best laugh of the week! chio ka beng!:D

22-02-2007, 07:52 AM
I find that this is a good geomancy website: http://life.httpcn.com/sm.asp