View Full Version : Win the 10 Million CNY TOTO to Chiong More!

Lobang Power
21-02-2007, 12:53 AM
Hello fellow SB bros,

Are YOU Ready to be RICH?

Do you want to WIN it and chiong more "HOT" places?
Increase your chances of winning it with Honest Lotto System @ http://$$$$$$$.com/ljc9o

Check out the testimonials provided with fellow Singaporeans!

Visit Honest Lotto System @ http://$$$$$$$.com/ljc9o and order the system now!!!
Huat Ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lobang Power
21-02-2007, 01:48 PM
I was zapped by a few who don't dare to leave
their name behind.
If you don't believe in the program, then just
don't get it.
If you believe in luck in Toto, then don't get it.
If you believe in statistics, then you have to get it.

And please leave behind your name if you want to
zap me.
If you don't dare to be RICH, then at least have the courage
to be Brave.

Get the program, and if you don't strike anything, just
refund it. As simple as that.

21-02-2007, 08:57 PM
i want to zap you and i dare to say it.
but aiya cant be bothered, too many ppl on my up list.

Not all Singaporeans so easy to con la. Let a mathematics major tell you that there is no statistics for you to win the lottery. No amount of studying and researching can allow you to sure-win the lottery.

Except MY METHOD :D (see below)

21-02-2007, 08:58 PM
Heyo Bros

Are YOU Ready to be RICH?

Then follow my fool-proof method
1. prepare sufficient cash for bribery
2. corrupt all the important HQ workers in Singapore pools.
3. get cash and distribute.

or my alternative fail-proof sure-win guaranteed-plus-chop 100% method
1. Build a time travel machine
2. Go back in time
3. Buy the prize winning numbers

click on http://www.tohellwithscammers.com now to part with your hard-earned cash so that you can join me in my quest to win all the future lottery!

21-02-2007, 10:12 PM
this is one idiotic stupid post

22-02-2007, 01:14 AM


22-02-2007, 01:42 AM
Not all Singaporeans so easy to con la. Let a mathematics major tell you that there is no statistics for you to win the lottery. No amount of studying and researching can allow you to sure-win the lottery.

Lol i second that. If it was that easy, i would rather strive harder for my maths and major it and i can practice every dollar scamming trick i could think of. It's about luck at times dude. What's yours, can never be taken away, even if u wanted to :D

22-02-2007, 11:03 AM
True true.

If luck can be mathematically worked out, like a science, then there will be more rich people in the world.

Shades of Final destination ??? :D


i want to zap you and i dare to say it.
but aiya cant be bothered, too many ppl on my up list.

Not all Singaporeans so easy to con la. Let a mathematics major tell you that there is no statistics for you to win the lottery. No amount of studying and researching can allow you to sure-win the lottery.

Except MY METHOD :D (see below)

22-02-2007, 11:11 AM
was it becos threadstarter have to pay sam to advertise? :confused:

22-02-2007, 12:18 PM
if i win 10 million, i will buy a bloody red ferrari and lend it to all samsters to pick up girls in the disco. :D

22-02-2007, 12:26 PM
threadstarter, u obivously askin to be zapped. go find out where to post appropriately.

no one will bother if put them in the right place. if u r still lost, this is a topic meant for sex dicussion.

22-02-2007, 12:59 PM
so easy can get rich..why u bother to come here and sell? :rolleyes:

22-02-2007, 05:55 PM
True true.

And if anybody want points, without prejudice, just ask, and you may get it

and so i ask, may i get points? :D

btw, thanx to the bro who upped me and even the sis who gave me a grey card. i will include you in my share should i strike the 10m lottery after my research of the fail-proof method to win it.

meanwhile pls be patient while i clear my up list before i tend to you :)

22-02-2007, 06:17 PM
He he .. I did say "MAY GET IT" right ??

Now Dont wanna get zapped to death ... leaving me with no non-convertible points ...

Anyway, I will put you in the queue ..

And that makes me wonder if I should leave it in my signature or remove it ..

and so i ask, may i get points? :D

btw, thanx to the bro who upped me and even the sis who gave me a grey card. i will include you in my share should i strike the 10m lottery after my research of the fail-proof method to win it.

meanwhile pls be patient while i clear my up list before i tend to you :)

22-02-2007, 08:24 PM
And that makes me wonder if I should leave it in my signature or remove it ..

hehe you're a senior here marh.. can do as you please...
but new year can have new sig why not replace it with

And if anybody want points, without prejudice, just pur my lum par until i song song, and you may get it


22-02-2007, 10:24 PM
and so i ask, may i get points?

bro, i can give u one pnt. happy cny. :)

ps: no nid to up me back, i m happy wif my "yi lu fa". cheers.


23-02-2007, 08:46 AM
see his link lah..
the referral id is there..

www.honestlotto.com/?hop=lobangguru <<--- he is using the Affiliate Program by them to earn $$ lor..

can post only honestlotto.com but he post the long one for referrals.. say until so nice, share with us.. but actually using us as tools to earn $$..

P.S. if I know a sure-win method of winning.. which idiot will share.. you want the grand prize of $2 isit? cos the 10million shared by another 5 million fellow singaporeans.. LOL! :D

Lobang Power
23-02-2007, 10:30 AM
Even if 500 people here use the system,
it will not mean all 500 people will win the TOTO.
The mechanism and the beauty of the program
is only for those who have it.

You can speculate all that you want about the program,
it is because you don't know that you are speculating.
Like what I said before, if you don't like the program,
simply refund it, you will not lose anything, only some
of your SB surfing time.

Edited: Anyway, you have 7 more days to decide till
the 2nd March BIG day.
I don't think I want to post in this thread again, hopefully.

23-02-2007, 07:18 PM
bro, i can give u one pnt. happy cny.

thank you bro :D

may you have a happy n prosperous new year too :D

24-02-2007, 04:13 PM
Thank bro,
Post here to support you and put my nick in your guest list. The only point I would like to advise you is that SBF have more than 100K bro. Can your chartered 一艘豪华游艇 fretch so many bros or not. 100K X 130/90/2 = 1千300万. Just charter a star cruise, with 2000 bros + 2000 FLs will be good enough.
Remember, must buy toto ticket. :p

24-02-2007, 04:32 PM
To join in the fun for this thread.

From so many CNY toto draws, I know usually first prize always kena share by few people. Don't think can get 10 millions. So if I can win first prize with a million, I will offer those bros participated in this thread free bonking sessions for the month of March 2007. :D Any bros don't feel like bonking can opt for massage sessions instead. Bro sam are invited too!

Let win the 10 Million CNY TOTO to Chiong More. :p

24-02-2007, 04:33 PM
taking tis opportunity to wish all bros /sis LUCK in the 10 million draws ......:)

Lobang Power
02-03-2007, 11:25 AM
Are you Ready to WIN the BIG prize tonight??!!
Few more hours left!!

02-03-2007, 02:03 PM
bro lobang power

to prove that yr system works why nt u give us a few set of nos to bet on?


02-03-2007, 02:48 PM
Lai Arh! Tonight ToTo 10 millions! Huat Arh Huat Arh Huat Arh!

02-03-2007, 04:06 PM
Thank bro,
Post here to support you and put my nick in your guest list. The only point I would like to advise you is that SBF have more than 100K bro. Can your chartered 一艘豪华游艇 fretch so many bros or not. 100K X 130/90/2 = 1千300万. Just charter a star cruise, with 2000 bros + 2000 FLs will be good enough.
Remember, must buy toto ticket.

没问题,到时是中的话,我会到Clifford Pier安排一艘“郑和”大帆船去吃自由餐。全部我包!

老实说,看有没有人respond这条discussion thread就知道了,根本没有什么人来回答。所以,我不指望SBF会员来。来的人又怕police和pr ess偷偷上船来混水摸鱼。我敢办免费的function,但是有几个人敢来?


02-03-2007, 04:37 PM

没问题,到时是中的话,我会到Clifford Pier安排一艘“郑和”大帆船去吃自由餐。全部我包!

老实说,看有没有人respond这条discussion thread就知道了,根本没有什么人来回答。所以,我不指望SBF会员来。来的人又怕police和pr ess偷偷上船来混水摸鱼。我敢办免费的function,但是有几个人敢来?


有船上,我会来. 驶船要小心,不要撞到hump, 那就会chee pang lo....


02-03-2007, 06:18 PM
Yeah, thats right!

Pls post sets of numbers for Monday and Thursday and we will see whether the predicted numbers come out before you get us to buy the programme.

If it is accurate , then we will sign up for the programme.

One more thing, some affiliate programmes ask one to sell the product without the affiliate actually using the products.

One such example is alt.com, you can just promote the programme without becoming its members and post BDSM FRs there and paying for memberships.

Therefore, did you actually use lotto programmes first ? if so, write down the set of numbers for us to see and we will go and buy Toto for Monday. If really strike, then your reputation points will be going up and some bros will respect you as "God of Wealth."

Come on, write down the set of numbers for us to see.

02-03-2007, 11:36 PM
The numbers opened for Y2007 TOTO ANG BAO Draw are

5, 6, 16, 17, 28, 35. Additional number 14!!!

Only 2 winners for this year. Each person SGD5,256,818.00
GP2 each oso got SGD35,238.00
GP3 each got SGD1,225.00
GP4 each got SGD491.00

Me!!!! Tio 2 numbers nia. As good as TIO JIAK!!!!! :D

Hope better chance in Y2008 bah!!!!


03-03-2007, 12:34 AM
sigh....!!! bo luck leh.....onli tio 3 munbers....:o

03-03-2007, 02:35 AM
knn.....2 fellas won 5 Million each.....:eek:

That's a lot of money for bonking...

03-03-2007, 06:59 AM
When you have $5 million in bank account, your monthly interest will be $5000 +, then you will achieve financial freedom. No need to work, just go and bonk gals 2 or 3 times per week and still can go fine dining..

03-03-2007, 11:21 AM
wonder who are the 2 lucky fellas who won 5millions each... if i won it i can dun study n dun work liao everyday sian girls can liao :D

but nt bad la i bought $1 quick pick won $20 group 6 prize :D

03-03-2007, 11:31 AM
sigh....!!! bo luck leh.....onli tio 3 munbers....
U better than me. Me tio 2 numbers nia. kekeke

knn.....2 fellas won 5 Million each.....

That's a lot of money for bonking...

When you have $5 million in bank account, your monthly interest will be $5000 +, then you will achieve financial freedom. No need to work, just go and bonk gals 2 or 3 times per week and still can go fine dining..

More than enough to live comfortably.

wonder who are the 2 lucky fellas who won 5millions each... if i won it i can dun study n dun work liao everyday sian girls can liao

but nt bad la i bought $1 quick pick won $20 group 6 prize

Good for you. At least kena $20.
Talk abt study, if got 5mil, can consider go study then can sian the MMs in the class. wahahaha

03-03-2007, 12:00 PM
sigh....!!! bo luck leh.....onli tio 3 munbers....:o

Me also tio 3 numbers nia.:(