View Full Version : help needed!!
04-10-2017, 05:10 PM
my husband and I are in early 30s, we've been married for couple of years and I realised that we our sex life are unhealthy. I couldn't find sex enjoyable with him and I could felt tat he had the same feeling like I do. Is there anything i could do to help our sex life getting better.. anyone could suggest?
04-10-2017, 05:27 PM
Maybe its because you have low sex drive. Or you are not physically attracted to your husband anymore. The solution depends on what the problem is.
my husband and I are in early 30s, we've been married for couple of years and I realised that we our sex life are unhealthy. I couldn't find sex enjoyable with him and I could felt tat he had the same feeling like I do. Is there anything i could do to help our sex life getting better.. anyone could suggest?
I recommend you talk heart to heart with him, ask him what's wrong
04-10-2017, 06:33 PM
Let me spend sometime being intimate with you to find out wheres the problem coming from n then take it from there. PM me ur wechat.
04-10-2017, 06:49 PM
I recommend you talk heart to heart with him, ask him what's wrong
Agree, is there something that's missing? Or both are too stress out at work? There is more to life than work. Perhaps, it is time to go for a holiday to rediscover yourselves. There need to be a balance. Or are you both living with other family members at home who may be dividing both your time n attention?
Do settle this quickly by having a talk about both of you before things get worse
04-10-2017, 06:50 PM
change the pattern on how you do sex with him.
get the kinky side of both of you to come out.
04-10-2017, 07:07 PM
change the pattern on how you do sex with him.
get the kinky side of both of you to come out.
Why change pattern when you can change partner? :p
04-10-2017, 07:10 PM
I couldn't find sex enjoyable with him and I could felt tat he had the same feeling like I do.
The problem is could you find sex enjoyable with other men? or just him? :o
04-10-2017, 09:34 PM
Why change pattern when you can change partner? :p
cos change partner may get disease if you are not careful
04-10-2017, 10:00 PM
Many toys online & costumes at taobao and aliexpress.
Spice it up ! ;)
04-10-2017, 10:04 PM
eating the same dish for several years confirm will get bored.
you can try go overseas to relax and come out different style of presenting the same dish.
05-10-2017, 06:40 AM
my husband and I are in early 30s, we've been married for couple of years and I realised that we our sex life are unhealthy. I couldn't find sex enjoyable with him and I could felt tat he had the same feeling like I do. Is there anything i could do to help our sex life getting better.. anyone could suggest?
You didn't really give enough information for us to help. Did you enjoy sex before? What changed? What is the reason you or him don't enjoy it anymore?
05-10-2017, 07:22 AM
my husband and I are in early 30s, we've been married for couple of years and I realised that we our sex life are unhealthy. I couldn't find sex enjoyable with him and I could felt tat he had the same feeling like I do. Is there anything i could do to help our sex life getting better.. anyone could suggest?
It has just got boring fucking the same guy the same way year in year out.
Time to expand your circle of sexual partners. There are numerous swinging groups that you can join.
05-10-2017, 09:00 AM
ts take the following:
1. honestly talking to your partner, discuss the issue openly
2. wear sexy dress when facing your partner
3. learn new skills, change your sex position and using sex toys
4. consulting with marriage experts
5. engage 3rd parties for sex acts like mmf or mff
6. full swing outside together with your partner
7. look for sexpleasure yourself and bye marriage
05-10-2017, 04:11 PM
Maybe its because you have low sex drive. Or you are not physically attracted to your husband anymore. The solution depends on what the problem is.
I've nv rejected whenever he wants, instead he is the one who reject me when I want.. as times goes by, it's kinda sick of asking him or tease him for sex
05-10-2017, 04:14 PM
I suppose my guys doesn't find me skillfully enough as after all he is the one guy I had it with. I start to think tat he probably had his sex crave outside as how would a guy would reject female?
had been talking to him but his ans was nowadays is busy etc.
05-10-2017, 06:06 PM
how would a guy would reject female?
Quote from Perfect Stranger (2007)
Ro: [on hearing Mr Hill is cheating on his wife] I don't get it. Mrs Hill is pretty. I mean, she's really pretty.
Gina: Show me a beautiful woman, I'll show you a man who's tired of fucking her.
05-10-2017, 06:14 PM
I suppose my guys doesn't find me skillfully enough as after all he is the one guy I had it with. I start to think tat he probably had his sex crave outside as how would a guy would reject female?
had been talking to him but his ans was nowadays is busy etc.
I have not posted for a very long while.. but here goes.
My assumption:
- no kids?
- both works?
Possibilities of you:
- not keeping in shape?
- still very conservative coz he is your 1 n only
I will not go into possibility of him coz that's just too cruel.
05-10-2017, 06:26 PM
I've nv rejected whenever he wants, instead he is the one who reject me when I want.. as times goes by, it's kinda sick of asking him or tease him for sex
I guess I’m in the same position as yours, however I’m a guy
05-10-2017, 09:24 PM
I've nv rejected whenever he wants, instead he is the one who reject me when I want.. as times goes by, it's kinda sick of asking him or tease him for sex
You might have to strongly consider the fact that he is 'eating outside' hence have his needs taken care of. i find it hard to believe that a man would reject sexual advances from his other half.
05-10-2017, 09:29 PM
you have been eating the same carrot and find it tasteless. Now you question yourself if indeed that is how the carrot taste. find another carrot and have a bite. if it taste better, than you known your carrot has turn bad.
05-10-2017, 09:49 PM
Invite in a M or F to see whats missing in ur own marriage.
05-10-2017, 11:05 PM
you have been eating the same carrot and find it tasteless. Now you question yourself if indeed that is how the carrot taste. find another carrot and have a bite. if it taste better, than you known your carrot has turn bad.
After eating carrot will fuck like rabbits? :D
06-10-2017, 10:30 AM
I suppose my guys doesn't find me skillfully enough as after all he is the one guy I had it with. I start to think tat he probably had his sex crave outside as how would a guy would reject female?
had been talking to him but his ans was nowadays is busy etc.
You could try reading picture guidebooks together with him and searching the Internet for ideas, eg. Kamasutra or Tantric sex.
06-10-2017, 01:37 PM
I suppose my guys doesn't find me skillfully enough as after all he is the one guy I had it with. I start to think tat he probably had his sex crave outside as how would a guy would reject female?
had been talking to him but his ans was nowadays is busy etc.
sis try to get some sexy or porn video and watch together with him ...
if you need those videos ... just a pm away :D
07-10-2017, 07:03 PM
What is the longest period you did not have sex with him?
Usually if the guy does not touch you for a long time, it means something wrong with him already.
Either he got some diseases or he is seeing someone else secretly.
If you wish to save this marriage, maybe need to put in more efforts to see how to save it.
I suppose my guys doesn't find me skillfully enough as after all he is the one guy I had it with. I start to think tat he probably had his sex crave outside as how would a guy would reject female?
had been talking to him but his ans was nowadays is busy etc.
Get hold of this book for guidance. Sex should be enjoyable for both partners.
extracted from book:
You don’t have enough time for sex. I get it. After a busy, stressful day of work, kids, meals, soccer practice, homework and identifying the source of the weird smell coming out of the fridge, it’s unrealistic to think you’re going to fall into bed and suddenly want to make mad, passionate love. After all, you know you have to get up in a few hours and do it all over again (the work and kids stuff, that is, not the mad, passionate love stuff). Sleep feels like a luxury, so sex feels like something between a fond memory and a chore. But what if instead of being an afterthought–something you’ll get to eventually once the rest of life gets out of the way or a task you’re just too damn tired for–sex became something you went out of your way to make time for, something you got excited about, something that was a reward rather than another item you never seem to get to on your to-do list? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Stop for a second (you’ve got at least one free second, don’t you?) and think
about other things in your life that you go out of your way to make time for.
Things you eagerly anticipate, that make you feel relaxed and calm, and that
you’re never too tired for.
What about something like a pedicure? A lovely indulgence, no? Pedicures make you feel pampered, cared for and relaxed.
Because you know this, you make time for them, schedule them and look
forward to them. Are you ever too tired for a pedicure?
Granted, sex can require a little more exertion than a pedicure, but do you see what I mean? The end result makes up for any prep work. And you, big guy, you may not like to relax with a nice facial or back waxing, but maybe you love to get out on the squash court once or twice a week. So you carve time out of your week by scheduling it.
You make sure you have all the gear you need. You look forward to it. Squash
requires a lot more energy then sex, but you’re never too tired for it, are you? In fact, after a good, sweaty game of squash you probably feel more energized, relaxed and good about yourself, right?
In other words, no matter how busy or tired you are, you make time for the
things you really want to do.
Remember when you were first dating? You wanted to have sex all the time.
And you constantly wooed each other to get it. You planned dates. You did
special things for each other. You made each other feel desirable, admired and cherished all the time because you wanted to have sex. You wanted to have sex all the time because it made you feel desirable, admired and cherished. See how that works? Pretty neat, huh?
You want to have sex with your partner, so you put effort into making her feel sexy and, lo and behold, she wants to have sex with you, and then because she wants to keep having sex with you because you make her feel so sexy, she puts effort into making you feel sexy, which makes you want to keep having sex with her. It all kind of makes you feel sexy, doesn’t it?
Sadly, once you’ve both been satisfactorily snagged and settle into your
relationship, the wooing tends to slow down if not stop completely. And, not
surprisingly, without the wooing, the desire for sex slows down too.
If you want to find the time for sex, you have to make sex something you
both look forward to and are excited about, like pedicures or squash. Once you create the want, you’ll be surprised how motivated you are to find the time for sex.
Sex will change from something you never seem to get to (not sexy) to
something you really look forward to and make time for (very sexy). So let’s return to your original claim: You don’t have time for sex.
Now, I’d like you to take another second or two (c’mon, I know you’re busy, but you can take a couple more seconds) and rephrase that sentence: You aren’t making the time for sex because, perhaps, if you were honest with yourself, you’ve lost the want or (if you’re craving sexier language) the desire for sex that came so easily early in the relationship.
But here’s the good news: Creating desire doesn’t take as much time as you
might think, just a little conscious daily effort. It’s like that old saying: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you create want and desire? One sexy thought, one kind gesture, one passionate kiss, one hot date at a time.
Let me use another analogy. Say you want to lose ten pounds. You carry that
goal around with you every day but you can’t seem to find the motivation to do anything about it.
One day you decide to walk instead of taking the bus. You feel good. You feel motivated. The next day, you pack a few healthier snacks. You forgo the chips while watching TV.
One morning, you notice your pants are a little looser. Woohoo!
This motivates you even more. You take things up a notch by adding a little jogging or using a set of weights every night.
Finally, one morning, you step on the scale and you’re ten pounds lighter. Instead of being overwhelmed and ultimately defeated by focusing on the end goal, you started by doing little things every day.
The more success you had, the more motivated you became, which helped you make more of an effort by adding new challenges. The next thing you knew, you were having more sex, I mean, you’d lost the ten pounds. And it just took a little bit of time every day.
Like wanting to lose ten pounds, “finding more time for sex” is a vague and
overwhelming goal. What do you mean by “sex” anyway?
If you suddenly do find yourselves with a two-hour or even a ten-minute chunk of time for sex, it’s going to be hard to suddenly flip on the “sex” switch if there hasn’t been any buildup of desire.
So let’s start by focusing on simple ways to create desire in each other, the baby steps (or elephant bites if you like) that will motivate you and get you back on track to wanting, and ultimately finding time for, sex, be it a quickie, a longie or all the wonderful things in between.
“But I don’t want sex to feel like losing ten pounds,” you say, balking.
“That’s not hot. Besides, when we first dated, we didn’t have to put any effort
into desire. It just happened. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other. And sex was always spontaneous. We’d be groping in the cab on the way home from the restaurant and barely in the door before we were naked and doing it on the hallway floor.”
Right. Can I let you in on a wee secret?
All that sex you had in the beginning may have been super-hot but it wasn’t truly spontaneous. No, really. Think about it. You had each other in a constantly heightened state. You flirted endlessly. Each kiss was full of meaning and intensity. Every time you got naked, it felt as if you were seeing the other person’s body for the first time.
When you were apart, you were thinking about the last time you were together and anticipating the next time, probably planning what you’d wear, what you’d say, where you’d have sex and what new things you might try. And when you finally reconnected, you “spontaneously” couldn’t keep your hands off each other. Well, duh.
You may not have felt like you were working at seduction and creating anticipation, buildup and, ultimately, desire, but you were. All the time. It just didn’t feel like work.
After you’ve been coupled for a while, you start to spend more time thinking about the fact that he didn’t pick his socks up off the very hallway floor where you were having sex in the early days. Or that she’s wearing the same
comfy sweats she wore in front of the TV last night. All of which pretty much
dulls desire if not kills it.
The more romance you create and the more you seduce one another in small
ways every day, the less it will feel like work. You’ll reignite the anticipation,
excitement and longing you once felt.
Sex will start to feel spontaneous again because you both really want it. And you’ll miraculously find time for sex because it’s easy to make time for something you both really want to do. It’s that simple.
I’m going to give you lots of ideas to jump-start desire and get your sex life
back on track, whether you have five minutes or five hours.
Some suggestions may feel awkward at first, especially if your sex life feels a bit rusty. But eventually not only will sex feel natural again, the positive results will motivate you to take things up a notch.
Just start by promising to devote five minutes a day to connecting sexually with your partner, and it will have a ripple effect. It’s like getting out for a short run.
Once you get in the habit and realize how good it feels, you’ll want to devote more time to it. Before you know it, you and your partner will be motivated to devote entire evenings or even a whole weekend to sex. It will become something you eagerly seek out rather than another chore on your to-do list.
With this book and a little effort, you’ll be having better sex … in no time.
It’s About Time …
Get Naked
Hands On
Time to Go
Appendix A: Toys
Appendix B: Troubleshooting
07-10-2017, 09:44 PM
Get hold of this book for guidance. Sex should be enjoyable for both partners.
extracted from book:
bro more extraction please, and take your time :D
08-10-2017, 07:30 AM
I suppose my guys doesn't find me skillfully enough as after all he is the one guy I had it with. I start to think tat he probably had his sex crave outside as how would a guy would reject female?
had been talking to him but his ans was nowadays is busy etc.
Guys are visual animals. They are turned on by what they see. So put in effort to make yourself desirable. Sexy underwear, make up, brush your hair, perfume etc helps. Even the way you behave & speak matters. For example I like it when my partner behaves in a sultry & bitchy way.
As for skills, like others suggested, read & watch videos to learn.
Busy is just an excuse.
And contrary to what women believe, men dont bang anything with a vagina. They must desire the woman to want to bang her. Some men's threshold are higher, some are lower.
08-10-2017, 08:07 AM
It has just got boring fucking the same guy the same way year in year out.
Time to expand your circle of sexual partners. There are numerous swinging groups that you can join.
About to say the same thing.
08-10-2017, 08:37 AM
my husband and I are in early 30s, we've been married for couple of years and I realised that we our sex life are unhealthy. I couldn't find sex enjoyable with him and I could felt tat he had the same feeling like I do. Is there anything i could do to help our sex life getting better.. anyone could suggest?
ask him to learn my ninja move:D
but he might want to try it on other girls.:D
its friken deadly.
guaranteed to make any girls happy
tony cool
08-10-2017, 09:28 AM
Your husband outside should have other girl that why he rejected you .:rolleyes:
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