View Full Version : The 4 queens who had it cumming
23-04-2018, 10:00 AM
:D :D can't wait for the update!
23-04-2018, 10:55 AM
Nice story bro TS.. setting up a tent here! Keep going bro..
23-04-2018, 05:29 PM
nice bro, keep the good work and update accordingly.
23-04-2018, 10:20 PM
keep it coming...............:D
24-04-2018, 12:22 AM
I woke up feeling very relax. I must have slept like a baby.
Turning to my left, Grey was not in bed. I figured he must have left the room already seeing the messy sheets and the hint smell of perfume in the room.
Checking my phone, I did not receive any reply from Jojo but was sure that my message had been delivered.
The blue tick function was not in existent yet.
I slowly unwrapped my bandage and went for a warm shower. Like every other guy, I was in deep thoughts regarding the incident last night.
I came out of the shower and saw I had a incoming call from Jolin, she mentioned that they were on their way to the office and was instructed once again by Mr Xu to take a day off.
Figuring I did not want to waste my day off, I took the chance to face time Alissa and we chatted briefly about our day.
Needless to say, she was shocked and hope that I would hurry back into her arms.
I got changed into my casual attire and headed down for my breakfast. Well even though we had free breakfast until 10am, I did not wanted to waste my stomach space and went for the local street stalls instead.
Right in the heart of Taipei 101, I must say I was visually entertained by local procrastinators regarding the government.
I don't exactly know the details but somehow or rather I think you guys might know what i am referring too.
Incoming call: Jojo
Jojo: Eh.. Where are you?
Lewis: Erm... walking around.. Nearby hotel only
Jojo: Feeling better?
Lewis: Yes I am.. My butt doesn't hurts. Only my arm.
Jojo: Ok
Lewis: Err... that's all?
Jojo: Mr Xu wants you to meet him at another location tomorrow. Not sure why
Lewis: Oh? Okok... Erm.. Where and what time?
Jojo: I don't know yet. He say he will let you know again.
Lewis: Orh... Ok.... Erm... dinner tonight?
Jojo: See how. Gtg bye
I shook my head as the line disconnected. Hopefully things will not be awkward when we see each other.
Nevertheless, Im kindda glad she called?
I made my way back to the hotel. I brought a really cool white T-shirt that had the word: ICE QUEEN and an animated female looking character below the wording.
They returned from the office.
Grey casually assumed that I was still not in good condition for dinner as they will be going out for Japanese food and it was better for me to stay put.
I silently protested by did not want to look like I 'chao-genged' to avoid going to work earlier. So i stayed put.
I had no choice but to order room service in case they come back and find me missing.
Grey came back into the room. He boosted about how shiok the food was and it was a pitied I could not join for dinner.
I was fucking bored and decided that nothing was going to happen tonight. Grey had already drifted off to sleep with the television still turned on.
Just when I was about to turn the television off, I received a whatsapp message from Jojo.
Eh, I brought something for you. U come out and take.
Ok 2 mins
I clenched my fist and silently did the victory sign as I got dressed in my casuals and took the present I had brought earlier for her.
She was waiting outside my room. Dressed in a black singlet, a black fbt shorts and her black flip flops.
Her hair was bun up and she allowed a portion of her fringe to rest on her forehead.
Lewis: Hi. I brought something for you too
Jojo: Huh? Really?
Lewis: Ya. Just nice we can exchange present
Jojo: Tsk.. So 'hao si', Nah for you.
I took the white plastic bag from her and handed over mine. I took a peek inside and was hoping I did see a packet of condom but I was wrong.
It was another roll of bandage and antiseptic cream.
She smiled as she unfolded the shirt.
Lewis: Ehhh this exchange not counted. Your present sibei turn off
Jojo: Hahaha! Who ask you buy for me, I also never ask you to buy
Lewis: Walao....... Now like that say la...
Jojo: Ok la. Lets head down for a drink at the bar. My treat alright?
Lewis: Hmmm sounds better
The bar concept was quiet and romantic. There wasn't too many people around for it was a Tuesday. I would say about 10 max
Me and Jojo was the only ones in our dressed down attire.
We took a corner seat facing each other and ordered 2 bottle of beer.
Jojo was sharing to me about her day and the local co-workers she had been assigned too. She was also boosting about the expensive lunch buffet the company had ordered in order to welcome them.
Sadly, I was not around.
Our second beer arrived.
Jojo face started to flush again. Like mine if I did mention.
She did not seem too uptight in telling me more about her family and her previous job experience.
She told me her mom was in terrible health and needed medical attention most of the time. This was also one of her main concerns that she had initially before coming here.
Lewis: Eh.. Don't mind I ask you.... Erm.. How come.. You so dislike your... dad?
Jojo: Tsk.. If not because of that woman.........
Lewis: What woman?
Jojo: Sigh.. My grandmother looked after my mom and nanny this woman when they were young. So basically they both are practically like sisters.
However, when she grew up, she moved back home to stay with her own family. Few years later, this woman came to visit my mom and my grand mother. That was when things started to go downhill.
This woman seduce my dad, bill, who was then my mom boyfriend. And further more, he wanted to break off with my mom and leave with her. But he stayed on because my mom told him that she was pregnant with me.
After I was born, he treated me like shit. Well he did not hit me. But he was more like an uncle then a father. Once, I even caught him having sex with this woman in my mother bedroom!
But I was too young and afraid.. So I kept quiet and did not tell my mom.
Lewis: Wa.... Ok.... Den?
Jojo: My mom knew that he did not loved her anymore. But she did not want me to be father-less. Therefore she did not cared if Bill loves her or not. She just did not want me to be from a broken family.
Lewis: Oh.. Sorry to hear.. So seems like your dad.. really like this woman alot ah?
Jojo: He's crazy over her. Everyday drinking.. Stay at coffeeshop... Work.. come home.. Don't even bother about us. I hated him
Lewis: Oh.. Chill la... Where's this woman now?
Jojo: I don't know. Have not seen her for years already.... Maybe married already.
Lewis: Oh ok.. Since your dad also move out alr.. Den ok la.. Chill ok..
Jojo: Ya... Lucky he move out if not i'll kill him.... My mother sick already also donno he knows or not.... Fuck la don;t talk about him.
Lewis: Ok... By the way.. What's this woman name?
Jojo: Tsk...
24-04-2018, 01:07 AM
lol! lucy!!!
24-04-2018, 05:13 AM
lol! lucy!!!
Hahaha, dun we all know Lucy.
24-04-2018, 08:29 AM
Lucy!!! And Bill
25-04-2018, 09:40 AM
keep it going! upped you humble 10pts
26-04-2018, 08:32 AM
Bro. Keep it cumming. Will up you later when I'm home.
27-04-2018, 12:17 PM
Thank you readers.
Next Long update: Sunday
Stay tune :)
29-04-2018, 12:01 AM
Thank you readers.
Next Long update: Sunday
Stay tune :)
not going anywhere.................:D
29-04-2018, 10:57 AM
Camping. Awesome story sia
30-04-2018, 01:31 AM
Thank you readers.
Next Long update: Sunday
Stay tune :)
Ts cheat my feelings again
30-04-2018, 10:35 AM
Ts cheat my feelings again
Ya man!!! i keep refreshing yesterday but nothing
30-04-2018, 12:52 PM
We chatted for awhile more before deciding to call the tab.
Jojo was walking towards the lift when I decided to do something cheeky.
I held onto her pinky while we waited for the lift. Jojo nervously looked around the lobby to make sure noone else was watching.
I can feel the goosebumps behind my back arising as well. This are all the signs that follows when you cheat.
We stepped into the lift and tab our access card.
Jojo turned around and touches her nose with mine.
I could even smell her facial wash. Maneuvering my hands behind her butt, I gave them a light squeeze and careless them while I continue to give Jojo Eskimo kisses.
My dick started to rise and was fully inflated by the time we got to our floor.
We bravely held hands while walking towards our room. Grasping every final second of time before we parted.
Jojo: Thanks for the present.. Rest well
Lewis: Yup.. You too. Goodnight
I could hear the snoring sounds from Grey the moment I opened the door. Going straight for the bathroom, my dick head was already filled with pre-cum as I closed my eyes to release myself.
Oi siao eh... Oi...
Wake up...
Faster wake up.. you meeting Mr Xu at 9am
I jumped out of bed to see Grey was already dressed for work. Running to the bathroom, he filled me in with more information as I struggled to get the toothpaste out.
He told me Ah Du will be fetching me to the location after he send them to work.
Lewis: Got time meh? KK you faster go now..
I quickly shaved, showered, made my morning coffee, went for a smoke in the balcony and got dressed.
I was sure to look fresh energized for the day. I was pondering to myself if i forgot to do anything else until my eyes met with the bandage across my bed..
Squeezing out the cooling gel and antiseptic cream that Jojo brought, I apply over my healing wounds.
Turning about 5 rounds around my arm, I sealed it tightly with the silver clasp and gently tuck its remains under the access.
I left the room and waited for Ah Du at the entrance.
Heyyyy brother! How are you? All good?
Lewis: Yes Ah Du.. I feel better.
Showing from my bandaged arm.
Ah Du: Hurry we got to go or we will miss the ceremony.
We boarded his MPV and were on our way to the location before Ah Du started to fill me up with the details.
Ah Du: We are going to Sung Shan Huei Temple my friend. Mr Xu is waiting for you there.
Lewis: What ceremony ? Why must i go?
Ah Du: Hahaha.. My friend.. Singapore got singapore gangster... Taiwan got taiwan gangster.. They hold their ceremony like elections over here! It is like..... change of leader.... Very big deal...
Ah Du: My friend.. There are 20 over cities in Taiwan... Each one has a leader in charge... Today, the ceremony.. Is for Taipei. A change of new leader.....
Lewis: Oh.. Den what issit got to do with me??
Ah Du: My friend... Of course you must go... You saved the leader of the Taiwan... Taiwanese biggest boss.. In charge of all the cities!
Lewis: Who??? Oh.... that old man??
Ah Du: His ah name is Feng ye! Your head will roll if you don't remember his name ok!
Lewis: Orh...
Sung Shan Tsu Hui Temple
We arrived at the temple. Is wasn't far off from the main road. One could expect the temple would be flooded with tourist and locals who come here for prayers.
I was wrong.
10 Black Limos and several other luxury cars were parked at the entrance.
Like entering a modern looking forbidden palace in China. Whereby the guards were not dressed in military clothing but in tuxedos.
The horses were replaced with Limos and Mercedes.
I braced myself as I stepped out of Ah Du vehicle which was only a fucking mpv.
Ah Du: Go inside the temple! Look for Mr Xu! Bye brother!
Ah Du quickly shut his door and the vehicle was off in lighting speed. It must have felt ashamed too and wanted to escape.
Walking up the steps, I was stopped by 3 'guards' who asked me a very familiar phrase in hokkien;
A phrase that shaped our green and beautiful city. A phrase that all Singaporeans used to get communication across to another. It was so powerful that could lead from having one small conversation among 2 individuals to escalate into a big meeting.
Some people use this phrase in their daily life.
Some people smile while using this phrase.
Most would frown.
Some people like myself would have the honor to receive this phrase when my motive is uncertain.
When my actions are doubtful.
When one Singaporean which to clarify a simple message across to another.
Seconds by seconds, Minute by minute, hour by hour.
Bringing us Singaporean closer to one another.
Li si te lo eh lang? (Which gang are you from?)
This was the catch phrase that was popular back in the 90s and early 2000 where all the singaporean gangster would constantly use.
Except, they forgot to add another phrase before saying ( Li se to lo eh lang?)
Then the song 'Million tears' played in my head as I quickly snapped out of my confusion and answered the question.
Lewis: Erm.. Mr Xu?
Before 3 guards could say anything, this glamorous dark queen came down the steps and waved them off. Dressed in her black heels, black overalls and dark ray ban shades.
Only the wave of the magician could yet again do this.
Good morning Lewis. Come.. We are expecting you.
We followed behind Tracy like an obedient puppy. My gut feeling tells me Tracy might be associated with one of the gang leaders here.
Stepping into the grand altar, I silently pray in my heart to the Buddha hoping to get blessing that I would make it out here alive.
The alter was flooded was black ants. Hundreds of them.
Like Moses opening the red sea, every direction that Tracy walked would open up a passage way for her to cross.
In the fore front, I could see there is a huge table right in the middle of the temple.
About 20 of the chairs were around the table to my estimation.
Most of them were taken up by elderly whom I suppose is gang leader for a city.
Fengye was taking the seat right in the middle. Did I mention he was also smoking his cigar in the temple?
I spotted Mr Xu helping himself at the mini buffet corner. Tracy led me directly to him.
Lewis: Good morning Mr Xu. I hope I am not late.
Mr Xu: Oh nono! Hahah young man! Come! Eat first eat first!
Tracy smiled and placed both of her hands onto Me and Mr Xu shoulders. Pulling us closer, she whispered;
Tracy: Ok boys. I need you all to behave later and wait for me until this is over. See you boys in abit.
30-04-2018, 03:11 PM
Hm... it seems like there will be lots of fun there at taiwan.
30-04-2018, 03:21 PM
Nice update TS :)
30-04-2018, 03:45 PM
bro update more le
30-04-2018, 06:59 PM
Will wrap this up within the next 2 months :)
Next update: Wednesday
30-04-2018, 08:53 PM
Nice story TS, support :)
Bro boobastic
Nice story. No hurry.
Up you 13 points.
Will wrap this up within the next 2 months :)
Next update: Wednesday
01-05-2018, 11:04 AM
Camping for next update .
01-05-2018, 01:08 PM
Very nice story , please continue TS .
03-05-2018, 11:55 PM
I was accessing the situation the whole time, Mr Xu kept himself busy with the buffet spread and the beers. I had one too many abalones to myself.
It was the first time I had abalones for buffet spread and i was so stoked. I was also amused that they hired a few waitress to keep the food and drinks coming.
At a temple.....
The discussion was in. Along with hundreds of the Taiwanese mafias, we watched the discussion intensively as if they were all ready to attack whoever that flips the table first.
I am telling you. It was a 'no joking' situation.
Voices from Fengye were the loudest. He was questioning the capability of having another male candidate to take over Taipei's land. Taking over the position of his uncle whom passed on few weeks ago. Fengye was sure that the nephew was going to follow his uncle footsteps.
This male candidate was called: Ba xiong
Several of his man behind him were ferocious looking like Ba xiong. Young, capable and full of aggression.
He had a significant scar under his chin that dragged from the stubs of his goatee until the mid section of his neck. No doubt he may had one too many fights.
He is the one i usually call: the one with the brawn man.
On the other hand, we have another candidate, the brain woman, Tracy.
She is young, witty, pretty, sexy, whatever the fuck you can think of, to revolutionize the entire army with brains.
She may not have brawn, but she can certainly charm her way in the forest and make all the tigers and lions follow her lead.
She is also bilingual like myself. Except she speaks American English and I speak a 'British - English'.
Fuck it. I speak pure Singlish cheebye.
Fengye wanted revenue outside of Asia. He idolize the states. Where weed, drugs, prostitution are keeping up with digital technology.
Like ordering your weed online. Your drugs on private server. Your woman on
He wanted the leader of Taipei to be smart, efficient, witty and IT-savy.
Not like the rest, not like Ba xiong
If it was 2008, no doubt Ba xiong would come the ladder and take the throne. But it is 2018. Where fingers move faster than fist.
Tracy has the edge.
All elders were to place their anonymous votes into the dragon bowl. Something like the voting process you watch on channel 5 ' survivor '.
All voters are to walk to the corner of the temple, write down their preferred candidate selection and drop the piece of paper into the bowl.
Voting is compulsory unless you are no longer breathing.
The long dwelling process of watching each and every elder walking to the corner and back was also intense.
Even the library could not match for the silence in the temple.
30 mins passed.
All voters were done voting. Fengye went over to the corner and brought the dragon bowl over.
With the cigar in his lips, he lifted the cover and took out the vote piece by piece.
A waiter, standing beside Fengye; shouted the vote.
Ba xiong, yi piao (1 ticket)
Tracey, san piao (3 tickets)
Ba xiong, shi piao (10 tickets)
Tracy, shi piao (10 tickets)
Tracey, Shi er piao (12 tickets)
Fengye: AH Hahahahah! Ah hahahaha! Congratulations Tracy. On becoming the first female leader of Taipei in the underworld! Hahahaha
Tracy: Thank you Fengye. Thank you all elders. I will do my best to serve the organization!
竹聯 WAN SUI !!!! (United bamboos huat ah!)
I followed suit and shouted HUAT AH!
The faces of Ba xiong and his army were furious. He stood up and walked right away.
The fleet of army followed suit and started to dissemble.
I walked up to Tracy and shook her hands.
Lewis: Hey! Congrats... I suppose this is a big deal. I am very honored to watch this live!
Tracy: Hehe! Calls for a celebration tonight?
Lewis: Hmmm... How about now? I have work tomorrow you know...?
Mr Xu: Ahahaha! Youngman... Don't worry don't worry. Come to work tomorrow anytime you like! Hahahahaha
Tracy: So.. I'll see you at flower dome tonight. 9pm.
Lewis: Hmm yea ok i suppose. Mr Xu, shall I go back to office now? It is not very nice of me to be here. Others will gossip
Mr Xu: ahahaha! Sure.. Go go.. hahaha...
Lewis: Thank you Mr Xu. I make a move first. Tracy, laters...
Tracy: Laters....
04-05-2018, 08:52 AM
Tracy: Laters....
bro boobastic please come clean, are you related to ilock or ilock in disguise???? damn, all the similarity.. :D:D
nonetheless thank you for the great story.. keep it coming please...
04-05-2018, 10:24 AM
bro boobastic please come clean, are you related to ilock or ilock in disguise???? damn, all the similarity.. :D:D
nonetheless thank you for the great story.. keep it coming please...
Sometimes it's better not to know who the captain of the ship is... just enjoy the ride and anticipate the captain of the ship to come out from his cabin and bid you goodbye :)
04-05-2018, 10:32 AM
Sometimes it's better not to know who the captain of the ship is... just enjoy the ride and anticipate the captain of the ship to come out from his cabin and bid you goodbye :)
Totally agree. Just enjoy the writer’s effort to write and share
04-05-2018, 10:51 AM
Sometimes it's better not to know who the captain of the ship is... just enjoy the ride and anticipate the captain of the ship to come out from his cabin and bid you goodbye :)
Totally agree. Just enjoy the writer’s effort to write and share
Alot of ILOCK's loyal supporters here waiting for his new work. We dun want a random toms, dicks or harrys hitch his ride without approval and then later he abandon the ship. Kudos for your awesome writing so far but long time readers hope ILOCK will not be offended..
IIRC he was offended once when ppl hijacked his thread.. if u really use his previous story without his permission, everyone of us can expect him to be pissed..
At the end, all readers hope to read good story and also hope awesome story writer wont leave this forum. :cool:
04-05-2018, 11:22 AM
Alot of ILOCK's loyal supporters here waiting for his new work. We dun want a random toms, dicks or harrys hitch his ride without approval and then later he abandon the ship. Kudos for your awesome writing so far but long time readers hope ILOCK will not be offended..
IIRC he was offended once when ppl hijacked his thread.. if u really use his previous story without his permission, everyone of us can expect him to be pissed..
At the end, all readers hope to read good story and also hope awesome story writer wont leave this forum. :cool:
Alright alright.......
I'll tell you.....
Loki died at the start of avengers infinity war......
Stay tune for the next update soon:)
04-05-2018, 04:55 PM
Sometimes it's better not to know who the captain of the ship is... just enjoy the ride and anticipate the captain of the ship to come out from his cabin and bid you goodbye :)
Aye aye captain.. Thank you n so looking forward to you next update.. Cheers
05-05-2018, 09:04 AM
Ok . Standing by for the next update .
05-05-2018, 11:07 PM
Camping for more updates on the 4 queens
05-05-2018, 11:13 PM
Nice la! Can't wait for next instalment.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Fengye wanted a piece of the sg business as well, then kena thwarted by James? Tracy is on James' side right? Can't wait to find out how this story pans out!
06-05-2018, 02:42 AM
Nice la! Can't wait for next instalment.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Fengye wanted a piece of the sg business as well, then kena thwarted by James? Tracy is on James' side right? Can't wait to find out how this story pans out!
Bro... it's jake. :)
06-05-2018, 06:56 AM
interesting and nicely written story TS, great share and please do keep it going.
08-05-2018, 10:57 AM
Bro... it's jake. :)
OOPS, my bad. Hahaha bro ilock a lot of stories, until get all the names confused
09-05-2018, 08:19 AM
OOPS, my bad. Hahaha bro ilock a lot of stories, until get all the names confused
Only got 3 mah.. James, Jake and Jim.. Jake and Kim only appeard 1 story each..
11-05-2018, 04:56 PM
Ah Du dropped me in the main entrance of the office. Walking into the main working station, Jojo spotted me and walked towards me showing me the hand sign that she was curious to know where did I went. I shook my head slightly and silently said: you don’t want to know woman… Tsk…
She then brought me to my manager in charge that smile brightly and welcomed me back to work. I spend the final few remaining hours in the office learning about processes and existing counterparts issue that I have to take note for the customer department team. Did I mention that they also have a mini pantry that was only the size of my toilet?
It still didn’t stop me from helping myself to the yummy pineapple tarts that were available.
Grey and Jolin was nowhere to be found. Jojo mentioned that they seem little closer to each other now ever since Monday night.
The night where I act like a white knight in shining armor.
Me and Jojo decided to leave the office first as Grey and Jolin was still nowhere to be found. Ah Du figured that there might be a perfect spot for us to dine.
He brought us to a 4 star hotel and told us that there was a pub and grill place perfect for couples. I could sense Jojo got abit uptight when he mentioned the word ‘couples’. Maybe it reminded her that this is Alissa’s bf she’s having couple dinner with. Still, we decided to proceed and was presently surprise by the cosy environment.
The lights around the open area were set to be perfectly dimmed with yellow lights and greenish plants.
The interior of the restaurant is designed to look abit old school but classy enough to set the mood for couple. Of course, it was a candle light dinner.
We ordered a bottle of red wine to go along with the cheap tenderloin that was available. Halfway through out the dinner, I felt the tip of Jojo’s toe brushing against my leg.
She was sitted in a cross leg position and I reckon it was unknown to her that she was doing so.
I stopped cutting my meat and looked at her. ‘You trying to … seduce me ah?’
She frowned her eyebrown and said, huh? Got meh?
Lewis: Den why you keep rubbing my leg?
Jojo: Oh !! Hahah im so sorry I thought it was the shaft of the table… sorry…
My little brother instantly woke up upon hearing the word shaft.
Very much my plan for her to rub my shaft with her foot instead, I said: hey.. looking at the rate we are drinking, I doubt we can finish the bottle?
How about a classic game of strip poker? Hahaha..
Jojo rolled her eyes and said: If you can find poker cards.. Im down… I nodded my head to show her that the idea was off since there wasn’t any poker cards around.
But secretly, I texted Ah Du to get me a set of poker cards and meet me at the front of the restaurant.
About 20 mins later, we had finished our main course and our mango sago dessert had just arrived.
Ah Du shocked Jojo by appearing behind her and placed the poker cards on the table.
I gave Ah Du a handsome $10SGD tip and he left.
Jojo (Shook her head and said): Im..speechless….. All this to get me to strip? Lol…
Lewis: No my dear… All this for playing with the wrong shaft…
Rules of the game:
(Strip, Dare or Drink *Half glass full* )
There are 13 different cards in the game as you might know.
(Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K)
The deck of the shuffled cards is placed facing down on the table. Every turn, a player can VERBALLY choose any 4 safety cards, excluding the card (ACE).
For example: Jojo chose 2,5,7,9
Once Jojo have VERBALLY chosen the 4 different cards, the top card from the deck will be overturned and revealed.
Should the top card falls within the category of Jojo’s selected cards, the player (Jojo) is safe and the dealer (Lewis) will do the penalty. However, should it falls outside of the selected cards; the player (Jojo) will do the penalty and the dealer (Lewis) will choose the punishment.
The player or dealer will switch position once a penalty is done.
Should Ace be revealed as the top card. Both dealer and player will do the penalty.
It was a simple game. In a long run, everyone’s a winner.
Jojo started the ball rolling and won the first 3 rounds.
I had to do (one dare and two strip down)
First dare, she dared me to light up my cigg in the restaurant, take a puff and bud it out without anyone noticing. How fucked up.
Two strip down. (My watch and my tie)
I won the fourth round and ordered her to chuck the half-filled glass.
She won the fifth round and ordered me to do the same.
(5 missed call from Grey) (2 missed call from Jolin)
The bottle of wine was empty. Only a handful of customer left. We were getting tipsier. I stripped everything down except for my work shirt and pants. Yes even my socks were out. Jojo still had her work attire on. Except for her…
Round 15.
11-05-2018, 05:09 PM
Tracy: So.. I'll see you at flower dome tonight. 9pm.
hmm i thought there was this?
11-05-2018, 05:38 PM
hmm i thought there was this?
Did you see the missed calls my Friend...... haha
11-05-2018, 06:54 PM
Nice update TS, pls continue!
13-05-2018, 11:21 AM
Can’t wait for next installment. Thanks T.S.!!!!
14-05-2018, 04:28 PM
Nice story bro, support!!
14-05-2018, 07:15 PM
Sorry if I update abit slow. Currently having exam period and working as well. Will solid solid update after exam period ! Stay tune
14-05-2018, 09:21 PM
Looking forward TS! Study hard now, update harder later!
15-05-2018, 12:13 AM
All the best for ur exam .. pass with flying colors
Lacy .. plain and push up colors ah .. haha
We will wait for ur solid solid stories after ur exam
15-05-2018, 10:55 PM
TS, good luck with your exams!! don't worry about the thread for now.. =)
17-05-2018, 01:03 PM
I hope TS exams are over by now . Missed his story .
17-05-2018, 02:03 PM
All the best in your exams.
17-05-2018, 02:53 PM
May you pass with flying colours :)
18-05-2018, 03:55 PM
Sent from the mobile client - Forum Talker
19-05-2018, 03:20 PM
Nice and juicy tread! Camping~
21-05-2018, 12:31 PM
great update, TS. please update accordingly and dont let us wait too long. lol
21-05-2018, 01:50 PM
Nice story, support for more! :D
21-05-2018, 04:36 PM
waiting for more juicy update TS!
26-05-2018, 01:47 AM
waiting for next chapter. update soon TS!
26-05-2018, 12:07 PM
Nice story, camping too!
27-05-2018, 05:22 PM
TS must be very stressed by his exams .
27-05-2018, 11:57 PM
TS must be very stressed by his exams .
I believe so .
28-05-2018, 12:01 AM
Will there be any updates soon ??
29-05-2018, 07:06 AM
Nice story, camping too!
29-05-2018, 03:05 PM
Tks for nice story.
30-05-2018, 10:07 PM
Will there be any updates soon ??
Exams still I believe?
30-05-2018, 11:07 PM
Hope TS do well for exam and come back fast! :p
31-05-2018, 12:50 AM
Have a nice day!
31-05-2018, 08:18 AM
Great story! looking forward to the next updates!
31-05-2018, 10:34 AM
Guess TS MIA!!!
03-06-2018, 02:58 PM
Round 15
(5 missed call from Grey and 2 missed call from Jolin)
She lost her round but still had her work attire, bra and panties on. It was obvious I could not remove her work attire in public. I was caught in between the cross road of removing her bra or panties.
I saw my phone lit up once again and decided to pick up the call from Grey.
Grey: Dudeee.. Where are you? We are now at flower dome and I believe you are expected here?
Lewis: Oh FUCK! OK GIMME 15 mins and I’ll be there!
*Hang up the phone*
I broke the news to Jojo. We quickly got dressed and I settled the bill while Jojo called Ah Du to pick us up. I was starting to feel alil tipsy and we didn’t even manage to finish the bottle. I hinted a smile to Jojo and frenched her hard on her lips while making our way down.
Violating her ass and whispering to her at the same time that I am still in favor of either removing her bra or panties, I felt that feeling of enraged adrenaline rushing to my manhood. We broke kisses upon reaching ground level.
We arrived upon the familiar grounds of city center. The alley that seems haunted above but chaotic beneath, I tipped Ah Du and left for the haunted building that is secured by the usual bodyguards.
Upon arriving at the basement, the Chinese techno music once again filled our ears as we eyeballed our way to the grand seats infront of the stage.
Grey and Jolinwere already engaging with each other in a very traumatic kissing session that still haunts me until today. Tracy and MrXuweren’t at the table. There were other familiar faces present which we had seen back in the office. I reckon the head count was 8 pax.
Feeling abit more daring, I held onto Jojo’s wrist as we made our way to the table.
I gently interrupted their kiss to announce my presence by tapping onto both their shoulder.
Lewis: Wa….. shiokshiokwey
Grey: Weyyyyyheyyy! Brother don’tkajiaoleh! Come come drink… you all late! Better drink!
(Since when I become your brother?)
Jolin: Hahhahaha! CB so late! Lai! Bo TA bo LAM PA! ( No bottoms up = no balls )
The Ah Lian that was hidden in Jolin started to revealed itself as I watched her shaking her head continuously to the music with her eyes closed, head slightly bowed and one arm lifted that proudly displayed the familiar logo that we all knew.
Legend says that you were also once a legend if you ever took a group photo that involves everyone showing the hand logo that compromises you to close your index and fourth finger with the rest of the gang while wearing a pair of colored skinny jeans or being in your school uniform.
I wasn’t part of the hearsay legend but was pretty sure Jolin is.
I positioned Jojo to sit in-between another female colleague and myself while I took the seat beside Grey.
The music started to die down and the dim shimmering lights begin to come on as the local emcee took the microphone and went up stage.
He thanked everyone for being around to celebrate the occasion that happen earlier in the morning.
The glamorous magician, ‘Tracy’, appeared from backstage and greeted everyone. Dressed in her silver bare back evening gown along with her killer heels, along with the rest of the audience, I too had my eyes visually feasted on her.
I could feel a panic attack while she was making her speech and had a 2 second eye contact with me. I subconsciously think that she might have felt a panic attack coming her way too. But she kept her modest looking posture and Queen like figure in relaying her clear message that their ‘so call’ business will move the country and organization forward with her on the throne along with the support of Fengye’s.
Her speech ended along with thunderous applauds from the audience and the DJ begin bringing the set back. She glamorously came down from the stage while our table took a stand and held our glasses high. Raising our glasses to our eye level and giving her a mark of respect, we all cling glasses and finished our drink.
Tracy then excuse herself to entertain other tables while Grey and Jolin carried on making out. Jojo seem alil tipsy by now as she leaned against the shoulder of the female colleague. I decided to fuck with Grey and whispered to his ear;
Brother… Want to play, play all the way.
I give you 100 buck$, you remove Jolin’s panties for me within 1 hour.
Grey immediately beam his eyes wide open as he turned and looked at me. I started to hesitate a little and remembered that he might sabotage me to Alissa.
I was wrong.
He went bonkers and shouted; ON!!!!!!
I was lucky that the music in the background muffled down his voice as I embarrassingly tried to look around the table but realize no one was paying attention to us.
He whispered into Jolin’s ears as she smiled and they both got up. I presumed he said ‘let’s find another spot to make out’.
Turning my attention to Jojo, I patted her signaled her to accompany me to the dance floor.
I was sure to pour her a neat round of whiskey to finish before we could leave the table.
We narrowed and squeeze past the crowd trying to find ourselves a less crowded spot to dance. I placed my hands on her hips while she turned her buttocks against my groin and sexily sway away to the music;
Ding dong song by Gunther
Oh~ you touch my tra la la
Hmm~ my ding ding dong
Deep in the night,
I’m looking for some fun
Deep in the night
I’m looking for some love
I was feeling her body up along with the music. I was sure to rhythm myself with the music as I took deep whiffs of her hair and motion my groin with her buttocks.
Tracy spotted us and decided to join in the fun. She came forth and used her index finger to push me away from Jojo. I sensed what was happening and decided to back off and let her do Jojo.
Tracy glides through Jojo’s motion as they paired up and combine their sexy dance move. I was in awe like watching a perfect combination of white and green snake dancing. (白蛇传) Both of their bodies were perfectly moving and groining each other. Like a rehearsed mini performance.
What did I do?
I watched them at the side like an 8 year old virgin waiting to cross the traffic light.
The crowded started drawing in closer and closer to us which eventually closes up the excess gap around them. I took over the role by being Tracy’s bodyguard and stood in-between them as they took turns to show me some love.
I could not decide which side to take. So I took on both. Resting both my palms on their buttocks, I swirled them around like spreading butter on bread.
I did a quick time check and remembered my bet with Grey.
Squeezing out for the desperate crowd, I went to the table only to find more colleagues making out.
Like wtf just happen?
Grey was back at the table holding up a grin on his face, one arm wrapped around Jolin with a whiskey on hand, he raised his eyebrows multiple times as I walked towards him.
Taking the seat beside him, he turned and faced me as he looked down at his pants pocket. Signaling me to pull out the remaining cloth that was half tucked into his right pants pocket, I doubled checked around my surrounding trying to make sure everyone else was not paying attention to us.
I quickly pulled out the remaining cloth was which black in color that shaped like a laced g-string and staffed it into my pocket. I took out my wallet, handed 100 bucks to him and left the table.
A quick and pleasant transaction.
Wiggling my way back to the dance floor, I slowly made my way back to the spot where I left Tracy and Jojo.
Tracy and Jojo were like 2 little devils dancing in circles. I never would have imagined both of them could get along. But seeing their hands on each other’s waist made the impossible happened and only made me hornier.
Grabbing both of their arms, I diverted them away from the crowd and brought them back to the table. With the sickest plan one could have in mind, I type the words on my phone and showed it to jojo:
Text message:
Time to return the favour. Remove your panties. NOW!
03-06-2018, 03:04 PM
To my loyal readers:
I am back after excusing myself for 2 weeks due to examination period. I did not MIA and don't plan to. I will update regularly and will wrap this story up as promised.
Meanwhile, enjoy the new update above.
03-06-2018, 03:22 PM
Nice update TS
03-06-2018, 05:00 PM
nice update bro!
03-06-2018, 05:36 PM
Camping for more updates :)
05-06-2018, 03:52 AM
Thanks for your update. :) Looking forward to the next.
05-06-2018, 01:49 PM
To my loyal readers:
I am back after excusing myself for 2 weeks due to examination period. I did not MIA and don't plan to. I will update regularly and will wrap this story up as promised.
Meanwhile, enjoy the new update above.
hahaha you the best!!
08-06-2018, 09:39 PM
Please update soon :D
08-06-2018, 10:19 PM
Please update soon :D
Any new story bro ilock? :)
10-06-2018, 02:58 PM
Hope to read some more soon .
10-06-2018, 05:08 PM
Yes indeed very nice story . Must support ! :)
10-06-2018, 05:10 PM
Thanks for sharing . :)
10-06-2018, 09:46 PM
Jojo threw me a sick smirk and wiggled her way around. I pretended to block her view by helping myself to somemore drinks hoping she could use the few seconds to wiggle her panties out. I felt a heart pounding sensation on my penis as it struggles to break out from my pants.
She quickly stuffed her panties into my other pocket and crossed her leg while she placed her hand on my lap. I controlled my inner urge to excuse to the bathroom to have a long sniff of my newly acquired treasure but have a sicker plan in mind.
I wanted my night to end with a bang
Even though I was feeling tipsy, I had to draft a quick plan at the back of my head. I knew Grey will be getting himself into Jolin’s pants tonight. I needed to make sure they don’t see me spending my night with Jojo or he’ll have something to use against me and sabotage my relationship with Alissa and I also needed to fuck Tracy without Jojo knowing.
I decided to make the first move by ending the night early.
Time check: 12:20AM
I poured 5 glasses of neat whiskey. Filling up about 30% of alcohol into the 4 cups and 10% of alcohol into my own cup, I added some water to hide the remainder 20% and offered a stand up toast to all of them.
Grey and Jolin heads back to the hotel.
Before Grey left, I saw him handing over his access card to Tracy. What is happening?
Situation just took a 360 turn.
I am now left with the only choice on hand to get something out of this situation. Grey and Jolin has headed back to the hotel. Jojo and Tracy have been making out for almost an hour. Tracy gave me $20000 Taiwan dollars and told me to find myself a sweet prostitute to bang while she offers to take Jojo back to the hotel room.
To be exact, $900 SGD.
My heart is now racing in a cab while I fight to get back to the hotel room first. Yes my plan has failed. My plan to make Jojo wear Jolin’s panties while I happily pull it off with my mouth is not happening. Tracy wants Jojo all to herself. I knew it... How could someone like her see something in someone like me?
She was a lesbian after all. A smart and powerful lesbian. Working her charm around me... Treating me especially nice. Inviting me to the night club again... All that manipulation to get into Jojo’s pants.
I should have known the danger I was putting Jojo into as the puzzles begin to solves itself. The flash back of Jojo making out with Sookie afew months ago.......
That explains!
Jojo might secretly be a lesbian too! That explains her ice queen attitude! Or is she just drunk? Fuck..
I am afraid to be chop and then fed to the dogs to stop Tracy but I was having a raging hard on at the same time. But... I need to protect Jojo don't I?
But how? I want to fuck her and protect her at the same time! I also want to fuck the person who wants to fuck her right now!
What do I do....?
I took out both Jolin’s and Jojo’s panties from my pocket.
I took a deep sniff at their panties to keep my brain juice alive.
I instantly felt very sick and very powerful at the same time.
I alighted at my hotel and ran to the counter at the front reception. I requested for an alarm clock and quickly made my way up.
I anxiously tap my foot while waiting for the lift to arrive.
Arriving at my level, I ran thru the hallway, dug out my access card, slot it into the panel and slowly open the door with my heart pounding like mad.....
Nobody is around.
I ran into my room, threw a fresh pair of underwear and my boxers into my bag pack. I set the alarm clock to 3.00am and placed it underneath the small cupboard. I shifted the cupboard all the way to the back of the room and placed it beneath the night light.
I had not much time left to think. Grabbing my black luggage, I place the luggage on the television console that was facing the bed. I took my phone out and activated the video recording function. I reckon I could get at least an hour of recording before my phone stopped recording due to low memory.
Phone Batt: 82%
Placing my phone horizontally, I lay it on top of the luggage handle to hold my phone still and covered the rest of the portion with my shorts. I reckon it did not look very obvious. I had to risk it.
Can you spot the camera?
Time check: 2.29AM
I double checked the image and ensured that I had a good recording view of the beds. I had an extra effort to clear my bed and left all unwanted staff on Grey’s bed to prevent them from using it. I lowered down the brightness to minimum on my phone and even muted my phone notifications.
Fingers crossed.
I pressed at the record function and quickly ran out of the room.
I ran to the lift and pressed the down button.
I can feel my heart bursting. This is the same feeling when you have a panic attack. The queen of Taipei is about to lesbian fuck the ice queen. I have 2 panties in my possession. I have a phone that is on record mode inside the room. I have $20000 TWD to find myself a prostitute.
What a fucking trip.
Sneaking out the lobby like a night crawler, I head straight for the bar, ordered a pint of stout to calm my nerves and settled down at the seat facing the hotel entrance. I will have a view of the coast when they arrive.
They are here.....
The white snake wrapping her arms around the waist of the other.... Jojo certainly look hotter when she is drunk..
Both of them looked drunk.. Happy.. Fuckable.. Horny... Amazing...
I subconsciously lowered my head down to prevent them from seeing me. Even when I knew they were quite intoxicated to look at my direction.
The kind of things you do that gets you paranoid.....
I believed the alarm clock went off.....
Finished my beer. Calmed my nerves. Checked into the budget hotel nearby. Smelled both panties and jerked myself off.
Drifted into sleep............................................. ..
11-06-2018, 11:46 AM
I will now always come back to read and support this great thread .
11-06-2018, 03:06 PM
Nice updates TS :)
11-06-2018, 03:18 PM
Great story with pics!!
11-06-2018, 07:18 PM
Nice update. Thanks T.S.
11-06-2018, 11:29 PM
good stuff.................waiting for your next installment......................
14-06-2018, 07:39 PM
Nice update bro.camping......
15-06-2018, 12:01 AM
Awesome story TS, LIKE! :D
20-06-2018, 09:25 AM
More TS more!
20-06-2018, 11:42 PM
3 more days to Singapore.
I jolt like electricity and was awake 1 min before my alarm went off. I reckon my body clock is severely screwed. It happened to me on afew occasions and I'm starting to think if I possess some sort of imaginary ability.
Even though I am tired, It seemed like my mind wants to accomplish more important things. Which is retrieving my phone to see the goodies....
I had a quick shower and wore back my rough clothes. They smelled like someone had pour a bottle of whiskey over and left to hang dry. I have to get my phone before I head back to the office.
I prayed to every goddess in Taiwan silently before I head back to the hotel. It's still early and I wasn't too sure if Tracy had left the room.
I am standing in front of my room. My heart is pumping like a race horse and countless of excuses and apologies are forming up in my mind.
Lewis: Ok lewis... you can do it... Just say you are back to change your clothes and quickly grab your phone when you have the chance...
Phew... Here goes nothing...
Knock knock knock.......
Knock knock knock........
I pressed my ear against the front door. Trying to make out any sounds from the inside...
I dug out my room card and continued praying....
I slowly opened the door and went heads in first. No signs of nothing..
I went inside and the smell of perfume indicated they might have left the room not too long ago. I wasn't exactly sure..
The bed was undone and I reckon room cleaning hasn't arrived yet. I looked my luggage and my phone was still there. Resting perfectly.
My heart raced even faster when I picked it up and pluck it into the wall charger. It was as though I am intruding someone else's privacy. Not just anyone..............
I waited for about 3-4 mins before my phone came back to life. I can see my thumb was shivering as I clicked my image gallery the retrieve the video....
It was fucking 2 hours long....
I took another deep breath as I lay on my bed. Sexually mind fucking myself on the warm sinful bed as I clicked play.
It was pitch black for 20mins...
The room light were lit. Jojo went towards to bed and instantly crash face down on the pillow.
The lights went off.
mmm..... se......mmm.... hhmm...
You slutty bitch .... mmmm.....
My dick was already at its highest point.
This went on for awhile until my alarm clock rung....
My heart went as fast as a cheetah..
The lights came back on.
I had a perfect view of Jojo... laying still on the bed.. A perfect view of her bare naked body. The perfect looking boobs.. The stubs of her pubic hair...
No prize for guessing who else I saw naked too.
Tracy had a much smaller frame as compared to Jojo and also had a chinese word tattoo that slap right on her ribcage.
I believe the word was 竹. Literal translated as Bamboo
It had few strokes in the chinese word therefore easily identified.
Tracy came back into the video and started to spread Jojo's leg apart. She went for the classic lip job and gave me a exclusive view of her asshole.
It was glorifying.
Something for your imagination
My view:
How it was like:
You got the drift.
Tracy went on to fondle Jojo's breast and Jojo had her hands wrapped around Tracy's slender body. FInger Fucking her love hole.. They were wet and moist.
Surprising no one came.
Such a pity. The sex went on for another 30mins until both of them fell asleep in each others arm.
It could have been possible if I were in it.
At the room... Both of them lay motionlessly with the lights on and the sheets up. My heart was still racing.....
Such a shame..
Such a bloody shame that I cummed on my sheets alone.
20-06-2018, 11:45 PM
Sorry had to keep it short. Mummy lewis wants the computer..
tbc on sat/sun
21-06-2018, 12:56 AM
Looking forward to Sat :)
21-06-2018, 04:16 PM
owe a long overdue fr for angel from bkg.
thanks bro jerry for allow me to advance booking this commando gem.
location: abit walk from nearest mrt but still not bad.
look/body 8.5/10 same as the photo shared on bkg tone like tanned chinese, abit of tummy but huge rack that look quite busty on her.
french:10/10 commando tongue fighter. the best ever yet. While waiting for our turn to shower, she start to play with my bro and caught me offguard by straight away forcing her tongue into my mouth.
BBBJ/CIM(Bonus): 10/10 Was sweating from the walking under the hot weather. While we were waiting for my turn to bath, instead of playing with her phone or idle chat, she straight away french me and play with my bro. after intense frenching, she go straight to bbbj and DT me ( i haven event took a bath yet!:eek:). The sight of the angelic face go down deep on me despite the fact i yet to bath and sweaty drove me high. combo with her subper skill, I couldnt stop her in time and end up CIM her:p she took it all in like a champ instead of shocked and not sure wat to do. slurping all up and give my bro couple of final check clear before spit into the bin.
fj: well being a 1shot man, spent my round on the once a lifetime bbbj experiences. cant rate any on this.
gfe: 9/10 SYT and horny girlfriend that you always desired.
21-06-2018, 06:52 PM
owe a long overdue fr for angel from bkg.
thanks bro jerry for allow me to advance booking this commando gem.
location: abit walk from nearest mrt but still not bad.
look/body 8.5/10 same as the photo shared on bkg tone like tanned chinese, abit of tummy but huge rack that look quite busty on her.
french:10/10 commando tongue fighter. the best ever yet. While waiting for our turn to shower, she start to play with my bro and caught me offguard by straight away forcing her tongue into my mouth.
BBBJ/CIM(Bonus): 10/10 Was sweating from the walking under the hot weather. While we were waiting for my turn to bath, instead of playing with her phone or idle chat, she straight away french me and play with my bro. after intense frenching, she go straight to bbbj and DT me ( i haven event took a bath yet!:eek:). The sight of the angelic face go down deep on me despite the fact i yet to bath and sweaty drove me high. combo with her subper skill, I couldnt stop her in time and end up CIM her:p she took it all in like a champ instead of shocked and not sure wat to do. slurping all up and give my bro couple of final check clear before spit into the bin.
fj: well being a 1shot man, spent my round on the once a lifetime bbbj experiences. cant rate any on this.
gfe: 9/10 SYT and horny girlfriend that you always desired.
Nice FR, Glade u enjoy your experience. But I think u posted on the wrong thread lol
21-06-2018, 08:55 PM
If only the fr was for Tracy or Jojo. LOL
Jay Chou
21-06-2018, 09:26 PM
If only the fr was for Tracy or Jojo. LOL
Up u bro. 😊
24-06-2018, 10:13 PM
I am half satisfied and confuse as I kept the video away in a safe folder. I took another shower and wore fresh clothes to the office.
After all, I haven’t exactly contributed much to my company ever since coming here.
I have only 2 days left to make amendments.
Keeping both of their panties away in my luggage, I reckon I’ll just keep them as part of my souvenir from this trip.
I went downstairs and video called Alissa while I waited for Ah Du to arrive. Trying to make up for the neglected time with her and to ease out my own tension. I also promised Alissa that we'll phone call tonight in order to keep my own sanity alive.
I reached office and Jojo was nowhere to be found. Grey dragged me out of the office and briefly updated me about the situation. He told me to keep my mouth shut and not spread any news about last night situation or our heads will both roll.
I laughed about it and assured him I have forgotten about it. Deep down, I feel bitter. Things were not suppose to end this way... I was supposed to have Jojo's and Tracy's love hole but instead I brought both bees into my nest and got kicked out from my own territory.
We got back into the office and jumped straight into 2 back to back meetings. I forced myself to pay extra attention to the meeting and wrote down some points that were beneficial for our company.
Grey and Jolin were acting lil strange. I can see some eye contact that was exchanged across the table. It was not the flirty kind. It was something else...
I had quick lunch by myself and got back to work immediately. Jojo’s still nowhere to be seen.
Ah Du came to pick us up and we had a quiet dinner by the local seafood place. I had 2 bottles of Taiwanese beers.
I finally received a text from Jojo.
Jojo: Where are you? Can you meet me at the bar by the hotel lobby?
Lewis: ok. See you in 15mins
I waited patiently at the same seat we took before. I did not know what to expect from her. I felt so turned on earlier seeing her making out with Tracy but the thoughts that were running thru my mind was otherwise. I had sour thoughts...I had expectations...
Jojo showed up casually. White shirt, jeans, normal shoes. No big wooha.
She broke a slight smile and ordered a glass of pina colada for herself.
Jojo: Hey... About last night.. I am just going straight to the point..... I didn’t know what came over me... I am supposed to have fun and all... But not that kind of fun.. I got confused and.... alcohol came over me..
Lewis: What? Alcohol came over you and you can sleep with someone else?
Jojo: What? No of cus not.. I mean... You are attached with Alissa... We had some things going on which is already wrong... Im having family problems... Im just... confuse..
Lewis: Confuse about what? Whether you are a lesbian or not...?
Jojo: Fuck you ok! Fuck you!
She grabbed her bag and storm out of the bar. I panicked and quickly left 1000 TWD on the table to pursue her. I tried to grab hold of her arm but she brushed me away and it was causing afew heads to turn. I knew I had fucked up but I am surprise I manage to fuck it up in 5 mins.
I tried to explain and said I was sorry but Jojo kept walking and walking...
I wasn’t very good with words so I kept following her behind.. I also missed 3 video calls from Alissa. Things are going down south for me.
Jojo came to a halt at 7-11 and got herself a pint of ice cream. She just quietly ate while she walking along the pavement leading back to the hotel. I just kept walking behind...
We arrived back to the hotel. I tried to apologize another time but was totally ignored by her.
She went back to her room and slammed the door behind me.
It was indeed a short and shitty day for me. Is this how we end? How am I going to face her from now on? Is she going to tell Alissa on me?
So many things dawn on me as I returned to my own room and took a long shower.
24-06-2018, 10:31 PM
Support nice story, and camping too
25-06-2018, 11:12 AM
TS should get another laptop for yourself .
26-06-2018, 12:32 AM
TS should get another laptop for yourself .
You can sponsor if you want . :)
02-07-2018, 12:05 PM
Patiently waiting for updates
03-07-2018, 10:14 PM
Do update soon TS
04-07-2018, 06:58 AM
Sure hope TS will update more soon, this story is nice.
08-07-2018, 09:28 AM
I like the way TS writes his story . I do hope he will continue soon .
08-07-2018, 09:49 AM
please share more ts, it's really nice story.
08-07-2018, 01:02 PM
please share more ts, it's really nice story.
Thanks and up you back. :D
08-07-2018, 07:44 PM
Great story, please keep going!
09-07-2018, 12:29 AM
What an awesome story , Hope to read more soon .
09-07-2018, 12:33 AM
Bringing out popcorn!
11-07-2018, 09:29 AM
Bringing out popcorn!
You probably need a lot of popcorn . :p ;)
11-07-2018, 02:28 PM
but, where is TS now ? missing in Taiwan ?
11-07-2018, 02:32 PM
but, where is TS now ? missing in Taiwan ?
I think TS went Russia to watch world cup,, haha
12-07-2018, 12:47 AM
You probably need a lot of popcorn . :p ;)
Anything wrong with that . ? :D
12-07-2018, 03:44 AM
I think TS went Russia to watch world cup,, haha
Hope not so TS can write more updates.
16-07-2018, 11:44 PM
I buy CROATIA fuck lose la sial!
Yea i was on a world cup fever man.....
Ok anyhoo.. story time
I went back to my own room. Type a super long apology msg to both Jojo and Alissa. It was so apologetic that I almost couldn't sleep the whole night.
Which woman did I truly want... ?
2 more days to go.
I woke up to 2 unforgiving text.
2 Text messages
Are you seriously that busy? You couldn't even spare awhile to webcam with me.. I hate it when here I am thinking about you and putting aside my own plans while you happily spend the night drinking with your colleague. Please be more serious about this and don't waste my time.
It's ok. I 'll be fine. night
I shook my head and went to take a warm shower. It's TGIF day. If you are unaware, the company schedule for Friday is half-day unlike Singapore where else usually it's a 5 or 5.5 day work week.
Pretty amazing.
I figured since I have been slacking in this whole entire trip, I figured the best way to end my journey is to feed the mouth of gossipers by stuffing their mouth with delicious fried youtiao and beancurd.
Ah Du made an effort to bring me to a local famous stall which serves up to 400 bowls of beancurd daily. I had to queue for 30mins at least to get 50 you tiao and beancurds.
Needless to say, I still had left over TWD from Tracy's bribe.
I made a detour to a local florist and brought 9 roses for Jojo to show my sincerity. Heading back to the office, I left the roses on Jojo's desk without battling an eye lid with her and announced the breakfast treat in the meeting room with the help of Mr Xu.
I could see Jojo had a surprise look on her face while I diverted the rest of the Taiwanese colleagues to the breakfast instead.
I spend the rest of the day sorting out the documents to be brought back and occasionally peeping at Jojo's feet which never fails to bring my wood up.
From my desk, the perfect angle would be tilting my head towards the left of my computer where I could catch a perfect glimpse of her crossed leg without getting caught. I could cum on her feet all night long......
ORD LO........
I mean... Pang kang lo....
We all thanked the office and took afew decent photos before we hopped into Ah DU's van. Our company pretty much arranged a decent one night farm stay where we can paint and fly our own lanterns as well as experiencing the local farmers night for our final night tomorrow.
It was 30KM away from the city.
We had to set out as early as 6am therefore I reckon tonight is gonna be a cosy dinner with just the 4 of us.
Meanwhile in the van.......
Jojo sat quietly beside me while Grey and Jolin were acting like secret lovebirds in front of us.
I gave her the saddest puppy dog look that I could bring out and request her forgiveness.
She gently held onto my hand, gave me a soft squeeze and said:
Only if you share the same room with me tomorrow.................
16-07-2018, 11:56 PM
Ah DU dropped us at our hotel and told us to be ready by 7pm.
Grey and Jolin parted ways with us for a planned shopping trip. Me and Jojo knew it was merely an excuse for them to check into another budget hotel opposite to fuck like rabbits.
Me and Jojo didn't had the 'talk'. Instead, we went on our final shopping at Xi Men Ding where we spend our rest of the afternoon like couples.
Holding hands... Occasional hugging... Almost kissing but never..... Almost had a discussion about giving me a handjob in the handicap toilet but also never....
Pretty decent. In fact, I was happy. Happy enough to ignore Alissa next msg after I replied:
Sorry baby. Let me make it up to you when i get back. xoxo
I didn't know what I meant but I wasn't affected as much as I would be.
The only thing that kept me going was a video that I plan to exclusively own when I get back and to have Alissa spread her legs for me and cummed like she had never experience.
I was a devil. To be honest. Still am............
Next update: Wednesday.
17-07-2018, 07:26 AM
Wow nice. any wait for next wed HAHAHAHA
17-07-2018, 03:34 PM
TS, no more France...please focus on ur Taiwan Trip update. lol
18-07-2018, 02:09 PM
Today is Wednesday . :)
18-07-2018, 05:00 PM
Today is Wednesday . :)
And tomorrow is Thursday ? :)
18-07-2018, 05:06 PM
Thanks a million for the updates . :)
20-07-2018, 05:23 PM
10pm after dinner
The night ended with light kisses and few beers by ourselves at the lobby bar.
Till date, the bar was the place where things happen. We always picked the same spot as usual. People like me are quite sentimental to little things like that.
We had a witness whom was the waiter that served us with a bigger grind on his face this time round.
And yes it was my first tip of the week just because he's cheeky.
Jojo and I wanted to move things back to the bedroom but we bummed into Grey and Jolin in the lobby.
Lewis: Wa so 'early' ah... go where?
Grey: shopping la Brother. Haha anyway can I speak to u for a moment? We let the girls go up first
Jojo: orh ok
We stepped outside our hotel and I had a smoke.
Lewis: so what's up?
Grey: erm.. it's like this... tomorrow.... can I sleep with Jolin instead?
Lewis: Wa den Jojo how? Sleep wit me meh?! Siao
Grey: no la Brother. Tomorrow I will request another room for u. That one I pay...
Lewis: oh.... ok la your wish boss
Grey: haha gum xia. And also don't spread rumour when u get back to office ok? I wanna see where things with Jolin go first...
Lewis: ok can
As you would expect, I secretly did a fist pump inside my mind. Tomorrow's the day.
Final day in Taiwan
I woke up feeling fresh and energised. I brewed myself a fresh cup of hot coffee and went to the balcony for a smoke. Looking over the skylines made me felt at ease.
Packed up and went down to lobby. Met up with the gang and waited for Ah Du to arrive.
Mini van arrived. Long hour trip ahead. Sat behind grey and jolin. Jojo fell asleep on my shoulders. Her hair smelled like jasmines. Ok I just made that up. That smell was erotic
Arrived at the farm.
We were greeted by a small community. Roughly 10 people whom worked there including the inn keeper whom is also the boss, Miss Jia.
They had a large hall for dinner and a mini bbq pit where it's useful as they have fresh water fishes from local suppliers whom traded occasionally for their plantation supplies. It is rare to see people still do trades without involving dollar and cents.
We were brought to our rooms. I felt abit disappointed to see the downgraded room from the luxurious room awhile ago but convinced myself that it's all going to be ok.
Yes I also killed a running cockroach on the way out.
We stuck accordingly to the initial plan where me and grey shared a room and jojo shared her room with jolin. I hinted grey to remember his promise and he gave me a dirty wink.
We changed into our comfortable clothing and the inn keeper proceeded to take us for the tour till 1pm.
20-07-2018, 07:21 PM
Nice update thanks T.S. & TGIF everyone :)
08-08-2018, 02:12 PM
TS no more updates?
08-08-2018, 02:27 PM
Nice story TS, do continue :)
08-08-2018, 07:26 PM
Awesome story …. camping for updates!
11-08-2018, 01:43 PM
Awesome story TS, camping for more
11-08-2018, 03:23 PM
Awesome story TS, camping for more
Agree with you bro, camping here too :)
11-08-2018, 04:24 PM
Really a nice story to read …. camping for more! :)
13-08-2018, 09:53 AM
The tour begin was some light refreshment that consist of mainly water, free hat, mini umbrella with a printed animal logo and a handheld fan. Close to the goodie bag we receive for NDP.
We pass by several mini plantation, housing farms where they kept funny looking goats which led to a Long stretch of path that directs uphill. The sun was hot as oven and we were roasted within few minutes into walk. Even had to abandon my ego and use the umbrella. The view was pretty greens looking from the mini top after 30 mins of trekking.
The view was even better with the heat that shines on everyone's cheek. Jojo's cheek naturally gave out 2 pinky blush which brings out the sunshine look she already had.
I secretly have another fetish for girls with that kind of cheek reaction. I want to smell them, kiss them, and maybe cum on them if I could.
Age was catching up with us as we had to rest for about 15 mins before we could slowly make our way back down. We took more group photos on the way down and headed for our second activity for the day.
Our second activity was painting. Each of us had to decorate our own lantern and write few wishes for good luck purpose. Me and Jojo shared a lantern while Jolin and grey shared another. The local kids from around had also joined in for the session. Jojo sounded most of the time playing with them and drawing on their lanterns. I could see the compassion she has for kids unlike towards adults where she only had one face. The resting bitch face. I'm beginning to fall for her... the signs were clear... it wasn't just about sex I was interested.
Tea break
Delicious pineapple tarts, hot sweet potato porridge and minced meat.
What more can I expect?
Legit fishing. Jojo and Jolin got themselves wet. Very wet
2 hours till dinner. We went back to our respective rooms to shower and change. I had to change my tower twice as there were some black stains on them. I'm pretty sure that towel were shared between humans and the animals. What can I expect?
Grey had reaffirmed his promise to open another room after dinner.
We met up with the girls in the lobby. The sweet smell of their wet hair certainly cause both of manhood to uprise. I felt Jolin had gotten abit bolder by wearing a blue tank top without bra. Only nipple sticker. The top simply couldn't not hide the bouncing motion and protruding tits. Jojo knew what was going on and elbowed me in my ribs. She knew what we were thinking.
Dinner was delightful were simply amazing bbq food, hot pot and plenty of beers. We were all in high spirits exchanging different cultural terms such as: knn, lanjiao, cb etc.
They way the Taiwanese cursed were pretty solid. We felt inferior. Like way more inferior.
Lantern flying, sneaky kissing, beer drinking.......
Tour guides and locals headed back to their huts.
Jolin and Grey decided to call it a night and retreated back to grey room. Grey headed over to me the new room keys and told me he'll leave my stuff in Jojo's room so I could collect later.
Jojo: see see see.... titties go already still see.. later better collect your stuff if not I throw into the farm.
Lewis: haha! I smell jealously? Aiya she wear until like that how to don't see? Bounce all night walao damn purposely!
Jojo: tsk
We cleared the leftover mess and took a slow walk back to our unit. We held onto each other as though it will be our final night together.
After tonight, no one knows what outcome there will be.
As we reached our inn, I spotted 2 black Mercedes Benz parked right in front of the lot. I thought to myself farm owners these day were getting richer. Jojo and I went back to her unit. As we opened the door, Tracy was sitting right in front of us.
Lewis: Tracy?!
I blacked out...
When I opened my eyes, jojo and i were tied to the corners of our bed. Jojo looked like she blacked out too.
I panicked and tried to scream through the towel that was stuffed deep into my mouth. All my efforts were useless! Only muffle sound managed to escape.
Tracy: i will not hesitate to cut you or her open if I have to get back my belongings! that's right! you stole it from me and you jolly well know this day will come!
What in the fuck did I stole from her? Jojo ? My mind was running wild and she wasn't making any sense!
Tracy: I thought highly of you but I was wrong... all men are indeed the same! Sex! Money! Fame! Lies!
..... wtf?!
I looked at her as though she had gone mad. I wanted to clarify further but decided to evaluate the situation before I put jojo at risk too.
What did I actually do that even I was not aware of it?
What did I took?
Surely it wasn't that video clip between her and jojo which she knew nothing about.
Just then, Tracy's bodyguard walked over and kicked my thigh.
I glazed at him at though he killed my parents and shifted my glaze to Tracy hinting her to take the damn towel out of my mouth.
Tracy. I don't know what the fuck you want. But we never took anything from you and don't intend to... if you don't set us free now, I will...
A dagger slap flew right across my cheeks. I could feel the raw heat burning on my skin.
Tracy: don't you play games with me.. I will slit you open! If this is not yours den who?!
She threw my key pouch towards me. A cute small passport size photo of me was still attached inside the transparent compartment. My house keys, office keys were all intact. I was stunned, puzzled and very confused.
There could only be one explaination.
13-08-2018, 12:39 PM
bro you are back to continue write up ,, i dont say story cause story happen on books and they are boring ,,
when the next write ,, come back soon
14-08-2018, 04:46 PM
oh damn... This grey must be offer with $$.
15-08-2018, 07:34 AM
Camping here for more updates to this nice sharing. :)
27-08-2018, 05:27 PM
TS not coming back, as he is still busy in Taiwan ?
27-08-2018, 05:52 PM
Camping for more
27-08-2018, 05:56 PM
An awesome story here TS, please update soon :)
27-08-2018, 07:08 PM
Love your stories, camping here for more, thanks TS!
28-08-2018, 02:40 PM
Thanks T.S. Can’t wait for next update.
28-08-2018, 04:45 PM
Thanks TS, do keep your story coming:)
28-08-2018, 08:09 PM
TS busy :mad:
29-08-2018, 07:16 AM
nice story TS! hoping for more updates to it.
29-08-2018, 08:44 AM
Haha thanks for understanding I'm busy. Will write up this week:)
Love you old bastards 👍🏻
31-08-2018, 06:06 PM
bro, finally you are back to alive. haha..
31-08-2018, 10:37 PM
TS, looking forward to your updates :)
05-09-2018, 05:24 PM
Hoping to read your updates
13-09-2018, 06:39 PM
Hmmm up so that ts can continue the stoties
17-09-2018, 07:33 AM
Haha thanks for understanding I'm busy. Will write up this week:)
Love you old bastards 👍🏻
this is a nice story, hope TS will give more updates soon.
17-09-2018, 08:30 AM
Lewis: so what the hell did I took ?!
Tracy came around the corners and squad in front of me. She was wearing a short skirt which showed a glimpse of her panties.. Singaporeans called it the classic Color tv.
Tracy: look... that thumbdrive you took contains information... information that is worth millions or even billions of dollars.. Anyone who set their eyes on the information inside.....
Will have their eyeballs gouged. BOTH of them!
So I'm warning you now...... hand them over or I'll spare no mercy! Do you under...
Lewis: fuck u ok! Even if you don't have brains at least use your ass to think! Would I still be here in a fucking farm if I had taken your thumbdrive?! Where should I hide it? In the fucking sheeps arse?!
Look around you Tracy! 4 of us came to the farm together! Where's grey? Where's jolin?! Huh! Where!?
Tracy looked taken aback for a min. She gave me a puzzling and yet angry bitch face which make me wanna ripe apart my binds and fucked her right there and then. But sadly I did not have enough muscle power to do that...
Tracy stood up and left the room with her bodyguards. I looked at Jojo and gave her a reassuring look..
Jojo just looked back at me as though she was gonna cry..
Tracy came back to the room and untie me.
Tracy: I give you 1 day Lewis. One day to find grey.. until den, your sweetheart will stay with me. Better be quick. My wolves gets hungry easily.....
Lewis: don't you dare..
Tracy: try me. Lewis. You know what I can do..
She went to her purse.. took out large amount of TWD and hand it over to me.
Here's $100000. ($4k plus sgd) You'll need it and all the luck you can get...
Now piss off. Clock is ticking.....
I angrily took the money and walked over to Jojo. I cupped her face and brushed her cheeks giving her another reassurance.
Lewis: I'll come back for you.. stay strong Jojo..
Time check: 1AM
I frantically run out of the farm. The road ahead was dark as fuck. I had no idea where I was and how I should start searching. The main road out to civilisation is at least 5KM out.
Time check: 1.30AM
Distance walked: 2KM.
No signs of humans or cars. I'm basically fucked if someone were to bang me over.
I am still slightly intoxicated.. I need sleep badly..
I need a transport out or I'm never gonna make it..
Time checked: 2.30AM
There's still no reception on my phone. Not even a single bar.
I had already lost count of how far I've walked. I have not seen the main road yet. I was on the verge of just lying down and sleep until I came across a local inn which still has lights on.
I went into the inn and was greeted by an old uncle. Around mid 60s
Inn keeper: 先生好。住几晚?( hello mister, stay how many nights? )
Lewis: 不要。这了到城市多远?(how far is the city from here?)
Inn: 很远啊先生! (very far mister!)
Lewis: 这里有 $5000. ($200 plus sgd) 带我去!( here's $5000. Take me! )
Inn: 好! 马上! ( yes! Right now! )
I drowned myself with ice cold water and went wash myself up. I dropped ah du a voice mail to meet me at the city and emphasise that it was urgent.
3 hours in.
The sky became brighter. The sun rises way earlier than what we usually experience in Singapore. Unfortunately I could not sigh a breath of relief as I stepped out of the car and took a smoke.
Ah du still have not gotten back to me. I searched for all flights returning to Singapore and there was only 3 for the day.
I looked around the big city and wonder where on earth they would run to..
I had no contacts on this mainland it seems like an impossible task. I don't have much option and time left...
I picked up my phone and looked for the person I did not wish to bother.
His name was sam.
Me and him go way back. He was an IT expert and would always help others in fixing their program or software everytime they crash. Sam would earn big bucks everytime he helped his client to hack into others phone. Several companies directors engaged him for his assistance. Well not in Singapore where the law is stricter and the population is the size of an ant against the ASEAN community.
Sam very much took flight after completing his national service in singapore as a guardsman and left to Taiwan for more opportunities.
Why did I not wish to contact him?
He has an ego and I certainly hate to owe someone like him a favour.
I dialed his number and paced myself around the streets.
Lewis: 喂。Sam? Hello? 喂?
Sam: 喂喂喂...... 喂 lan jiao ah wei.. simi dai ji gong
I briefly explained the situation to him and straight up offered him $1000 sgd to hack into Sam, Jolin and Mr Xu phone.
Why Mr Xu? Just a hunch that he's involved in assisting Grey.
Sam: wa so long no see don't have one cup of coffee ? Haha
Lewis: sam... I'll treat you as many cups as you want. I need this favour badly
Sam: done
Lewis: huh?
Sam: Yeap I said I'm done. You want to know their location?
Lewis: .............
Sam: this person.. xu.. he's at a private casino. Approximately 6km away from you. Hmm usually these casinos are owned by gangster..
& Grey.. he's .... oh. He's very near you.. in fact.. he's 1km away from you.
Lewis; where?!?!
Grey: temple.. Sung Shan Huei Temple.
Lewis: thank you! If you don't hear from me in an hour. Please call the police there.
Sam: lanjiao!
I hang up the phone and ran to the nearest supermarket where I purchased a cutting knife, some fruits and a bottle of water.
My journey to the temple begins..
17-09-2018, 10:52 AM
Finally updated after a Long break. Thanks TS
17-09-2018, 11:03 AM
Thank you for the update bro boobastic
17-09-2018, 11:41 AM
bro pls continue soon
story getting HOT HOT
17-09-2018, 05:36 PM
wow TS, story looks interesting now.
17-09-2018, 06:31 PM
Nice update TS :)
17-09-2018, 08:35 PM
Welcome back Bro TS!!!
17-09-2018, 08:41 PM
TS thks for the update
19-09-2018, 01:42 AM
Finally finish reading all, this is beginning to be exciting.
Ts, do update soon.
21-09-2018, 07:10 AM
Interesting story TS, will be great if you will continue with it.
big wood
21-09-2018, 11:31 AM
Lewis dont let us wait too long to reach the temple:D:D
26-09-2018, 01:21 PM
everyone praying to have the latest update.
10-10-2018, 10:17 AM
Wah bro dont slow down here man i damn intrigued now. This story seriously can fight with bro ilock one sia :eek:
10-10-2018, 12:11 PM
Lewis dont let us wait too long to reach the temple:D:D
Ya, had gone for quite some time already.
30-10-2018, 06:56 AM
TS, awaiting your return and updates!:D
31-10-2018, 07:21 PM
Very good story TS. Hope the next update comes soon! Cheers!
18-12-2018, 08:55 AM
Wonder where ts went.. 2 month no update le..
19-12-2018, 10:57 AM
Waiting waiting
19-12-2018, 11:05 AM
Awesome story, camping for updates too
31-12-2018, 03:32 AM
Ts, where have u MIA?
Hope u can be back to continue soon.
09-01-2019, 12:56 AM
Hmmm missed the stories
09-01-2019, 02:18 AM
Nice story, please continue.
09-01-2019, 11:07 AM
Waiting for updates
09-01-2019, 11:11 AM
Support nice thread!
04-05-2019, 11:33 AM
Alamak TS suddenly went missing for months
Pls come back and complete our agony!
Patiently waiting for continuation
07-05-2019, 05:28 PM
Very nice story, waiting for updates too
07-05-2019, 10:00 PM
Waiting for TS to come back and finish the story!!
07-05-2019, 10:04 PM
Steamy story with horny queens ... pls continue bro
16-05-2019, 05:36 PM
awaiting for TS...
17-05-2019, 12:57 AM
Good stuff, camping for more updates :)
17-05-2019, 01:53 AM
Good stuff, camping for more updates :)
Same here too
03-08-2019, 05:05 PM
TS , any plans to continue this story?
04-08-2019, 12:17 AM
Support for updates to this nice story too! :)
25-08-2019, 05:05 PM
Lending my humble support to ts to complete his story
25-08-2019, 05:49 PM
Agreed, very nice story. Please continue bro
25-08-2019, 09:16 PM
Camping for updates too!
03-09-2019, 12:19 AM
Wow! Unexpected ! Loyal supporters still going strong... I am very touched. And for that.. stay tune for my next update 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
03-09-2019, 02:44 AM
Wow! Unexpected ! Loyal supporters still going strong... I am very touched. And for that.. stay tune for my next update 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Looking forward …. thanks :)
03-09-2019, 05:13 AM
Wow! Unexpected ! Loyal supporters still going strong... I am very touched. And for that.. stay tune for my next update 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Thanks for sharing this nice story TS, look forward to your next updates.
03-09-2019, 08:27 AM
enjoyed reading your story, look forward to more updates. :)
03-09-2019, 05:54 PM
Nice story TS...... waiting for more updates
04-09-2019, 09:05 AM
this is a nice story, do keep the updates coming. :)
05-09-2019, 05:12 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this story TS.
06-09-2019, 05:28 PM
Abit about myself. I am currently working as a full time and studying as a part time student in one of the local university. No prize for guessing...
I have been missing for a year now. Since the fucked up role I accepted from the government. I never thought this role could fuck me in so many ways. I disappointed my families.. my readers.. my friends.. my Girlfriend...
But well, I became richer...
However, All the passion, all that dream I was chasing.. it all turned to dust... which brings me to my second story...
Now, where were we?
5th sep 2019
I sat down at a local cafe. Order my morning cup of coffee and pondered if I should continue writing since I have left for a year. I didnt even dare to log into sbf and read the comments section left here. I knew I disappointed many.
Some phrase in our life, we all have.
The past one year haven't been too kind on me. I had to battle with decisions that may affect the rest of my life. But now, I'm happier. Much happier.
As for my readers, I hope you'll still like what you read. The best I can do is to finish this up. Here goes nothing..
Journey to the temple
I took my groceries and left the supermarket. Seeing a couple of unattended bikes lying around the nearby Coffeeshop, I waited for an opportunity to strike. Hiding behind an old tree, I tilted my head slightly to see if the guys ahead were paying attention to their bikes while taking a smoke break at the Coffeeshop. I knew i wasn't fast enough to grab onto a bike and speed off without the rest catching up with me within seconds. I had to create a diversion as time wasn't on my side.
I was desperate. This is when I saw 2 teenage girls walking towards me. They were still in their uniform. Eating lollipops. Judging from my time it's either they were heading to school or they were skipping school. Typically, I can tell they were Taiwan mei mei. I went forward and asked them in Chinese.
Lewis: 小姐。要不要赚五千?(miss, want to earn five thousand ?)
They both looked at each other before looking at me and burst into laughter. I wasn't sure if it was an insult or it was a joke. Wasting no time, I took out $10000 TWD instead and passed to the lady whom was closer to me.
Lewis: 你只是要装紧张的样子。过去那边的大叔们,说帮帮忙! 你的朋友晕了过去! 然后带它们一起去后面就可以了。(you only need to act nervous, go over there to the uncles and asked for their help. Say your Friend has fainted and bring them behind to the alley will do)
Lewis: 你, 就是你。 装晕过去就可以了。you (points to the other Friend), only need to pretend to faint.
很简单对吗? (simple?)
Both of them looked at each other again and burst into laughter before saying 好好好。 (ok ok ok)
I hide behind the tree again and watched one of them headed for the alley while the other headed for the uncles. She literally ran to them and shouted 大叔!! 帮帮忙!我的朋友晕了!(Uncle help! My Friend fainted!)
All the uncles shouted: huh? 哪里哪里? 快带我们去! (where? Quick show us!)
They all went along with the mei mei that took the lead.. she quickly tried to glance over at where i was located to indicate she has done it.
I chanced upon the opportunity and ran towards one of the scooters that had the keys in slot.
My heart was thumping! The feeling was like dogs on your tail. With each step I took I felt my heart rate increase drastically.
I sat on the bike and had a quick final look at the spot where the uncles vanished before I quickly zoom off. I zoom down the street and made a quick pit stop at the corner of a driveway.
I asked a direction from a local before continuing my journey.
Sung Shan Huei Temple
I spotted Jolin standing outside the temple from afar and decided to go behind her. I called Sam to told him I was okay and might need his help later on.
The atmosphere was quiet. There were only sounds of large bells that dong and mumbling sounds of monk chanting that could be heard when I approached Jolin from behind.
I grabbed her waist with my left arm and covered her mouth with my power arm.
Shhhhhhhh.... it's me... it's me.. lewis.. please I beg of you not to scream..
Jolin struggled and struggled trying to break free from my grip. I strengthen my grip even tighter and purposely fall both of us to the ground. It was such time that I had to use the floor to my advantage as I was running out of strength.
Please! Please! I won't hurt you please stop struggling..
My pleads were emptied as she continues to struggle.
Jojo is dying! Fuck you! You hear me! Please! Listen!
That was when she came to a halt and nodded her head. I released my grip and Jolin struggles to catch her breath.
Jolin: Grey.... grey is inside... he .. he has.. thumbdrive...
Lewis: who? With who? Who he giving the thumbdrive to????
Jolin: Ba.... ba Xiong....
Who's that...?
Ohhhhhhhhhh. Oh fuck
Time check: 8AM
Hours remaining till flight back to sg (14HRS)
Jolin: Please.. I'm very afraid.. I just wish to go back please! Lewis! our flight is tonight i just want to leave here safely with grey! How???
Lewis: .... I.. i don't know what to say.. how long has grey went in? Why did you and grey steal something like that ?
Jolin: What ? The thumbdrive ? I don't even know what's inside! Ba Xiong gave us $50K Sgd each if we could steal it from Tracy and bring it to him...
Won't you have took the offer?!
Wouldn't you?!
Lewis: the thumbdrive..... it's worth millions of dollars! anyone who sees the information will have their eyes grudge out! Why the fuck! Of cus won't!!!!
Jolin eyes were about to spill out. She covered her mouth and shook in horror..
Jolin! this is not the type of usual political games you were always playing happily in your little fucking office along with your tiny little friends wearing heels and dresses..
It's with the mafia boss of taiwan.
Words cannot describe how powerful, powerful this lady is...
It's Tracy we're dealing with..
You still do it?!??!
Flashbacks starting occurring as I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. I started recalling what Tracy said she would do to jojo if I can't deliver...
I opened my eyes and silently stare at the clouds.. seeing the clouds moving steadily and overshadowing a partial of the buildings.. my eyes followed the clouds as they led me towards a direction that displayed a small sign just across where I was standing.
(蜜蜂园) bee garden
Lewis: Jolin. Do you want to save everyone?
Jolin turned and gave me a puzzled look..
I pointed towards the bee garden and said: there. Go there. Buy out the bees you can. Here. Take $40000 TWD with you ($sgd1800) Have the bees delivered to the farm where we stay by 5pm.
Also, I'll need you to buy bee repellant from them. I believe they have it. I need 4 cans. And 4 umbrellas.
Be very careful. Tracy's men are there. I don't know how many. If possible, go by side or back entrance. Do not go by the front entrance. Once you are there, I need you to place the repellent and the umbrellas by the little cupboard just outside room door.
Jolin: err... ok... may I ask..
No. Just do it...
Jolin's phone rang all of a sudden. I saw Ah Du name flashed as I went to grab her phone and pick the call up.
你在哪里?! (where are you?!)
I walked in from the front entrance of the temple. There were 4 men standing guard by entrance. I took along my water bottle and the fruits prepared earlier as though I was just another regular visitor. They were about to stop me when I took out my phone and pretended to make a call.
Lewis: 妈你在家好好休息。我现在在庙里帮婆婆请安。马上回来哦。 ( mom please rest at home. I'm helping grandma to please the Gods at the temple and will be back soon )
I quickly put my phone back as I purposely fumbled and tripped against the final step to the temple and drop my bag of fruits.
Both men hurried to help me with the fruits that rolled all over the place. They picked up the fruits one by one and gave the fruit a slight polish against their fine jacket before gathering them and placing them back into my plastic bag.
Lewis: 谢谢大哥。谢谢大哥。 my heart was thumping as I put on the most pathetic face I could.
They even brushed my clothes to remove the dust before patting my back as a sign of a filial child and allowed me to pass. I headed straight towards the main hall where visitors were gathered and placed my fruits in front of the Buddha.
Kneeling myself down in front of the gods, I had a quick scan around my surroundings before closing my eyes and prayed.
I got up and took a couple of joss sticks and lighted them up. I held the burning joss stick in my palms and walk around the temple. I am pretty sure they were in some room but the temple was far too big for me to carry out my search without looking suspicious.
Moving around in circles, I was sure to stop at every gods along the way before putting offering a joss stick. I knew there had to be a room that was out of side from the public. I slowly drifted away from the main hall into the kitchen area where the entrance of the kitchen leads directly to the back of the garden where the monks were praying.
All the monks were wearing yellow as they sat down and pray. My full view, there was just a man in tuxedo standing right outside another room directly opposite my position. It was awkwardly obvious as he stood out among all the other monks dressing whom were shining bright in color. I knew I had to get pass him.
I went back again to the main hall trying to look for a solution. It was when I saw a monks robe tucked neatly beside one of the gods.
I went closer to the deity and placed my joss stick in front of him and said a silent prayer.
Lewis: 菩萨保佑。菩萨保佑。对不起啊。我需要借一下。(buddha bless me. Sorry I need to borrow this for awhile)
I quickly looked around and took the robe chucking it underneath my shirt as I ran towards the toilet as though I was having a stomachache.
Fast hand fast leg, I removed all my clothes and put on the robe. I was clumsy in tying the knots they had on the robe. I did not know which string were suppose to go into which hole.
I ended up tying a Shoelace.
As I looked myself in the mirror to do my final touch up, i could not believe myself that I even bothered to style my hair trying to look good along with the robe.
When I realise..
Do not
06-09-2019, 05:57 PM
Very nice story, thanks TS
16-09-2019, 08:51 AM
I was in dilemma whether I should shaved my head completely or not. Either this way or I bash myself right inside the room.
I washed my face a couple more times to drown my thoughts as I contemplate further.....
Looking up at the mirror, I knew the gods had answered my prayer as Ba Xiong walked himself right into the toilet while he whistle happily and took a piss.
Glancing up and staring right into him on the mirror, I reckon his mind was too occupied that he didn't notice a man in a monks robe had hair. I took a another look at his backview through the mirror while he spread his legs and dropped his pants until his knee level. A strong way to flex his dick size but a wrong way in the same toilet as me.
Positioning my fingers as though I have a gun on hand, I curled my ring and pinky finger in disguise of a gun and walked towards him like what you would expect in a movie.
I positioned my finger pistol onto his butt cheek and said
Lewis: 啊啊啊。如果不想屁股开花,就不要动 (ah ah ah, if you don't want your backside open flower, don't move)
Ba Xiong: 他妈的。你是谁??没死过啊! (fuck, who are you? Never die before?)
Lewis: 我是谁,不重要。重要的是你屁股痒。很痒。拿了不应该拿到的东西。 (who am I is not important. Important is your backside itchy. Very itchy. Take what you shouldn't have took)
Ba Xiong: hahahah! 原来是她派你来的 (so she was the one who assigned you..)
Lewis: 东西在那里!? (where's the thumbdrive)
说!! ( say!) as I pushed my finger deeper into his butt cheeks..
He pointed downwards indicating it was inside his half dropped pants.
I tried to squad down and search for the pockets when he seize the opportunity and knock me down. I fall backwards and landed on both my butt cheeks like you would expect and he realised I wasn't armed..
Lewis: shit.....
Using my feet, I pushed myself away from him as I was on all fours. He quickly button up his pants and ran towards me as he tried to Attack me. However, I remember watching how the ufc fighters had their hands up while using their leg to kick away their opponent.
I tried. And I got beaten to a pulp.
He grabbed my feet as he pulled me towards him and stomp onto my stomach and chest. I tried to block his attacks but he wears at least a size 13 pair that every stomp of it felt like a 20kg dumbbell dropping on me.
I just kept kicking him away and trying my best to block his attacks. Everything happened too fast. He kept raining punches at me and shouting knnbccb. I reckon the gruelling 30 seconds punishment from him felt like 30 minutes until I heard a loud smack at the back of his head.
Ba Xiong immediately stood freeze as he space out for 2 seconds before collapsing.
Lewis: Ah du!!!!!!!
Ah du: 神经病啊!这是干嘛?!为什么打你?? (siao ah? What's happening why he beat you?)
Ah du held onto a wooden plank looking surprised that someone attacked me.
His surprised slowly turned into horror when he inspected the face closer.
Sttt..... ba...
BA XIONG?!?!?!
Wa cheebye......
Wa....siao liao...
limbei siao liao...
Cheebye sibei siao...
Siao liao...
Ah du dropped the wooden plank that carried a small visible trace of baxiong blood.
He leaned back against the wall and closed the door.
Ah du: 兄弟。。。我只是一个导游。。。你这个Chee bye 一来我就变成了杀手!! (Brother.. I only tour guide... you cheebye come only I become murderer)
Lewis: 不要说怎么多了!我们看快走!(don't talk so much! Let's get out of here)
I quickly went over to ba Xiong and pulled out the thumbdrive that was slightly smaller than a lighter and kept it in my pocket.
Me and ah du dragged him onto the toilet cubicle and closed the door.
Our hearts were racing like mad and we were sweating profusely like 2 old dogs.
We both went out and saw the ba Xiong Guards walking around the temple while attempting to make phone calls.
We tried to act as normally as we could and walked straight towards the unguarded exit.
Running down the flight of stairs, I firmly secured my pocket to prevent the thumbdrive from falling out. You know usually shit happens during critical moments.
We jumped into the van and the driver immediately drove up with lighting speed.
Me and ah du were dying to catch our breath even though it was only a short run.
Ah du: (breathing heavily) 大哥。。。
现在去那里?! (Brother now to where?)
Lewis: Farm..... farm house
17-09-2019, 08:47 AM
this is a nice story!
setting up my tent here to wait for more. :)
17-09-2019, 06:33 PM
Thank you n welcome back!
17-09-2019, 09:13 PM
Glad you are back. Nice updates.
17-09-2019, 11:20 PM
Enjoying this awesome story, nice share bro :)
17-09-2019, 11:51 PM
Thank you for the support. Stay tune next week:)
20-09-2019, 05:13 AM
Many thanks for sharing this story TS, it's very nice. Certainly look forward to more updates soon.
20-09-2019, 09:50 AM
Thank you for the support. Stay tune next week:)
Staying tuned …. thanks! :)
20-09-2019, 03:56 PM
Welcome back TS
21-09-2019, 08:17 AM
setting up my tent here for more of this story.
22-09-2019, 05:18 AM
Looking forward to your next updates to this story TS.
23-09-2019, 01:08 AM
Nice story. Been waiting for the updates.
In life we don't usually get what we want but we can choose to make the happiest choice.
23-09-2019, 01:46 AM
Amazing story, support this thread! :)
23-09-2019, 08:48 AM
I really like this story!
setting up my tent here for more updates. :)
23-09-2019, 10:35 AM
enjoyed reading your story, look forward to more updates. :D:D
23-09-2019, 09:52 PM
very nice story ts, hope to read more. :):)
24-09-2019, 06:21 AM
Interesting story TS, will be great if you will continue sharing it.
24-09-2019, 01:16 PM
great TS you are back to continue your write up
i dont say story cause it seem too real and as i read along
i can feel the real you in the write up
pls continue as soon as you can ,, can wait for next chapter
another thing for your real life,,
i want to wish you all the best for decision you made
24-09-2019, 05:16 PM
10AM (12HRS till flight back to SG)
I could sense that Ah du is still having anxiety Attack. I reassured ah du that Tracy will have our backs once the thumbdrive reached safely back into her hands. We drove up until I saw the Inn that I was at earlier at 2:30am.
Lewis: 这里停车休息一下。老板我认识的。 (stop the van and rest here for awhile. I know the inn keeper)
Ah du just looked at me with the face that shows he have nothing to lose anymore but to trust me.
I swore I almost laughed.
We got down the van and the inn keeper immediately recognised me from earlier. I wave to him another $5000 TWD and he immediately took the money and parked our vehicle at his backyard.
He gave us 2 room keys and told us to take a rest while he prepare some hot food.
I went straight into my room and blacked out for 5 hours.
3PM (7HRS till flight back to SG)
I fell off the building trying to save Jojo and instantly felt a jerk as i woke up from my horrible dream. I checked my phone and immediately went for a quick shower. I went over to Ah du room and knock couple of times on his door but there was no response. I went down and saw Ah du smoking by the corridor with the inn keeper.
Inn keeper: 老板! 睡的舒服吗?来试试我做的饭! (boss! How's ur sleep? Comfortable? Come try my cooking!)
I saw a spread on the table that he have prepared for us. Figuring it may be my last meal if things did not go well later, I should at least be a 'full' ghost instead of a 'hungry' ghost.
After we had our fills, I drew up the floor plan of the Farmhouse. Considering the fact that there are 2 ways into the farm house, I had to Ensure ah du meet with Jolin at the right timing. Before I left, there were 2 vans that belonged to Tracy. I'm unsure if she would call for more backup. There are 2 staircase by the lobby. One from the main door and one from the back door. I instructed ah du to get the back door keys from the farm house later and meet Jolin by the back of the Farmhouse. Through bribing to get the keys of course... regardless which country you'r in, money always makes the world go round.
I borrowed the inn keeper computer and make a backup file of the content in the thumbdrive and send the information to my email address. It was a zip file.
Zip file name: History
I'm pretty sure it's related to the gang history and not the module that you took in secondary school.
We discussed our plan for another 30 mins before proceeding to the farm house at 4pm.
4pm (6 HRS till flight to SG)
Ah du dropped me about 400M away from the farm house. I got off the vehicle and double checked my pocket to ensure the thumbdrive was still in possession.
Lewis: 兄弟。谢谢你。我一定报答你的。 (Brother, thank you. I will repay you my gratitude)
Ah du: 没事没事。注意安全兄弟! (no worries, be safe Brother)
I nod my head as he drove off and begin walking down the stretch. I held tightly onto the thumbdrive afraid that I could get ambush any second.
About 350m in, I saw not 2 vehicles, but fucking 20 vehicles all surrounding the farm house. I carefully approach the farm house and saw the staffs hiding at the dining house area. They all looked afraid and scared. Upon closer inspection, I saw the familiar guard that helped me with the fruits earlier in the morning.
It was one of Ba Xiong men.
The moment we came into eye contact, he shouted: 就是他!! 抓人! (it's him! Get him!)
I run towards the side of the dining area and grabbed the nearest thong I could find and fight them.
跑!快跑! (run! Hurry!) I yelled at the staffs!
There were 4 Guards running towards my direction as the staffs flee for their safety. The Guards attention was on me as they grabbed the nearest chair they could find and threw at me.
My thong was not solid enough.
It broke into 2 pieces as I used to the defend against the flying chairs.
I grabbed all the pots and pans that was lying around and threw back at them. It was chaotic like a WWE ladder table chair match. Except it was a double handicap match and I soon was cornered.
I raise both hands up to pledge my surrender and the guard from this morning came towards me and knock my head with a pan.
你!!! 跟我走! (you! Come with me!)
The 4 Guards dragged me on my fours as if I was floating in the air.
All because the cheebye thong not solid enough......
I got dragged all the way until the lobby as they escorted me up to level 2.
Surprising I saw the bee can repellants and umbrellas at the corner of the shoe rack outside the door.
I figured Jolin had place them there before Ba Xiong men arrived. Hats off to the marketing department for once.
The door swing opened as I saw everyone in the room.
Jolin, Grey, Tracy, Tracy men and Jojo.
Everyone looked like shit.
Lewis!!!!! Everyone shouted
Tracy: Do not give him the thumbdrive!!!!!
Waamp!! As a dagger slap flew across her cheek by Ba Xiong.
Baxiong: muhahaha.. 真的没死过 (never die before) 好一个年轻人。敢来我的地盘乱乱来!(young men, very good. Dare to make trouble on my turf!)
Ba Xiong really looked like a character from street fighter ( M Bison )
The Guards brought me to my knees as I turned my attention to Jojo.
I cringe my eye brows at Jojo and she gave me a slight smile and nodded her head to indicate she's ok.
I turned my attention to ba Xiong and said: 你要的东西我可以给你。 但是你现在就放他们走!
Ba Xiong turned and gave me a similar slap across my cheek. 你还敢跟我讨价还价? (you dare negotiate with me?)
好! 不要说我不给你机会!( ok! Don't say I never give chance!)
Ba Xiong sat down on the chair and upzipped his pants. Everyone got shocked.
He pulled down his underwear and revealed his dick.
We all knows what he wants.
你! 你! 你们两个! 过来!
(You and you! Come here!)
Grey and Jolin. Yes grey and Jolin.
They both crawl up towards him as ba Xiong continued laughing.
Ba Xiong: 玩的开心一点。 哈哈哈哈 !!! (Play with it happily! Haha!)
Jolin immediately understood and went forward and placed her trembling hands on his knees. She hesitated as her left hand held onto his big black cock accompanied by the surroundings of an Amazon forest. Her mouth slowly went towards his cock as she did her first lick.
She looked so fucking pitiful but every male in the room was sick and were filled with excitement as we feasted our eyes onto her. She took a couple more licks before his cock got harden. She then pulled down his foreskin and wrapped her mouth around his dickhead. I could only fantasied her tongue swirling around it. She went deeper as she tried to fit his cock all the way to deep throat position until her limit when she chocked.
Cuoorgg.. cuoorgg...
She then slowly found the right momentum as she slurp his dick with her eyes closed. I could clearly felt she is kind of enjoying it. Ba Xiong lay back against the chair as he placed both of his hands behind his neck and enjoyed the view of the marketing department leader sucking his dick.
Ssslurppsz...slurps... sslurrpps...
She then released his dick as her tongue went downwards to his balls. She placed one ball into her mouth as she sucked on it while the other hand helped to masturbate. The squiking sound produced as she rubbed his moist dick up and down continuously while munching deliciously around his ballsack.
Baxiong: arruggh... sibei siong! Hmm..siong!
Baxiong crunched his teeth and took a deep breath in as he closed his eyes. Jolin continued to masturbate him until you know he has reached his limit and was about to cum when ba Xiong men slapped grey at the back of his head and pushed his neck towards ba Xiong dick.
Grey had a mortified look and it was priceless.
Ba Xiong men: 射他!(shoot him!) hahaha
Jolin continue to pump vigorously until ba Xiong grip tighten and dropped his head backwards. Jolin skillfully took her last suck ; slurrrpppp!
she released his dick out and pointed towards grey face.
Cannons and cannons of cum were shot onto grey priceless face as everyone in the room begin giving a vomiting look.
Eeeewwwww !!! Everyone exclaimed !
Tracy had one hand on her neck as though she wanted to throw up. Jojo covered her mouth with both of her palms. Even Jolin gave a disgusted look as she saw cum shooting onto her lover face.
I vomited white foam.
Aasarggg!!!!! 爽ah!!!!!! (Shiok ah!)
Ba Xiong stood up and retracted his dick. He then gave a pad on grey head as though he was a gay puppet. Jolin wiped her mouth and gave a weird look.
I was pretty sure she might have enjoyed it actually.
Tracy took a small tower and threw it into grey face and said:
不要脸的变态! (shameless pervert)
She was absolutely disgusted. So was everyone.
Ba Xiong: 你们两个给我滚蛋! (you 2 can fuck off)
Jolin held grey up by his arms and left the room. I could not emphasis with words how he looked. Just picture how one would after being shot loads of cum on the face and can't do nuts about it.
I mean unless of course if some of my readers are gay. No offence if you guys could paint a better picture.
Seconds after the door shut, I could hear the sound of spray outside the room. I figured Jolin started using the repellant. I tried to distracted ba Xiong by shouting;
你现在是要干嘛?!( what do you want now?!)
Ba Xiong broke into another M bison laughter and he walk towards me as he gave me another dagger slap.
Ba Xiong: 年轻人。到你了..... hahahahaha
My heart starting racing as I turn to look at Jojo. Even she gave me the expression as though I had to resent to my faith.
I stood up, took out the thumbdrive and threw it towards ba Xiong direction.
Nooo!!!!!!!!! Tracy screamed and looked at me as though I killed her family.
This was when I shouted the magic word.
AH DU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tires were screeching as the vehicle ramped into our motel. The door swung open as ba Xiong men shouted
老板!!跑!!!!!很多蜜蜂!!(boss! Run! A lot of bees!)
Ba Xiong retrieved the thumb drive and went towards his men giving him a tight slap.
什么蜜蜂?!(what bees?!)
The sound of bees started buzzing downstairs as they got closer and closer. Until it was suspiciously close, one big shit load of a thousand bees swamped our room as everyone screamed and fought the bees off. I ran towards the door and gave ba xiong men a big boot down the stairs. I grabbed the cans of repellent and spray it everywhere.
I threw a can to Jojo and Tracy
Take the bee repellent!!!!!!!
Tracy men went forth and struggled to pin ba Xiong down as his men escaped the room. Tracy and Jojo continued spraying around them as they ran out of the room.
I could only manage to grab an umbrella and open it while shielding Jojo and Tracy down to the lobby. It was a shit loads of bees and they were all angry.
The adrenaline was rushing all over as I did not seem to feel any pain of their stings. I closed the door on ba Xiong and Tracy men as we ran down. I saw Ah du fighting off some of ba Xiong men as the bee army attacked everyone below. 20 vehicles didn't seem like they were powerful enough against the mighty swamp bees.
I reckon there is at least a thousand bees swamping around. I'm pretty sure our environment had a part to play as well.
Ah du shouted 快!!跑去那里!! (quick ! Run over there!) as he pointed towards the small lake by the side of road.
I pushed Jojo and Tracy to ah du and shouted 快带她们去! (quick bring them there!)
Ah du passed me the hotel lobby keys during the chaotic situation and hurried both ladies towards to lake.
I ran towards the dining house area and grabbed a large beer bottle. I tore up the used rug and fitted them into the bottle. The bees were still attacking me but I ignored the stings as I quickly grabbed a tin of oil and poured some into the glass bottle. I took my homemade Molotov and ran towards the lobby.
I was panting and fighting off the bees. Jojo was shouting my name as I looked across the lake to Ensure she and the others were fine.
I continued spraying the repellent all over as I ran into the lobby and lighted up my Molotov with my wind proof lighter. Thank god it was wind proof!
The glass almost immediately turned hot as my Molotov lighted up.
I ran up and throw the Molotov against the doors and ran back down. It was another huge mistake as the fire spread all over the doors which incited more bees towards me. I threw the bee repellant away and ran down the lobby. I forcefully shut the doors and locked them as I turned and ran to the back of the motel. Wave of smokes started polluting the motel as all the bees flew downstairs to where I was.
I ran towards the back of the motel and slam the door shut. I wanted to lock the door but I couldn't.
Too much fucking bees were swamping over me..
I continued running towards the lake and jumped right into the water.
Jojo and the rest dived down together with me as the bees swamp aroof of us.
It was about 30 seconds in and I swam up to the surface. I swam towards Jojo and gave her a big hug as we all watched the motel burned into flames.
Almost all of ba Xiong men already ran away. I could only see some of them still fighting off the bees.
Another fleet of vehicles came by the entrance. We all looked with horror at the fresh batch of gangster as they alighted the vehicle.
I had no more tricks up my sleeves. I thought this is it. We were all gonna die. We were all wet, tired and injured. Further more i just burned the motel down with ba Xiong inside.
I knew it's game over.
24-09-2019, 09:49 PM
Support good story :)
25-09-2019, 12:17 AM
Thank you everyone. I hope you fellows will continue to enjoy the rest of the plot. We are all working hard and living our daily lives. It's a pleasure that my thread is able to provide an additional 'activity' for you guys to look forward to at the end of the day. One request: open up your imagination and let your mind run wild for there's no limit to it. Stay fighting for Wednesday people
25-09-2019, 05:16 AM
really like this nice story, look forward to your next update TS.
25-09-2019, 08:52 AM
Thanks so much for sharing this nice story, camping here for more updates. :)
26-09-2019, 08:36 AM
really nice story TS, hoping for more updates soon.
26-09-2019, 03:12 PM
They all came out of their vehicles holding sticks and metal poles as they pointed angrily at us. A few men went down to drag us out of the lake. We were all too beaten to resist further.
Once they dragged us out, they rain blows on me and ah du with their weapons. I remember shielding my head with both my arms as the iron knocked against my bones. We curled up like a ball against each other. I didn't know how Long more we could last but definitely not long.
I could only hear the sounds of my bone cracking as they landed blows on my ears, my arms, my ribs. Everywhere!
I only knew my body could no longer take anymore hits. The sting injury from the bee started swelling up on both my arms and I felt like each blow on my skin seem similar to using a hammer to smash a pimple.
We groan in pain as we dig our heads towards our chest and covered our heads.
Jojo: STOP!!!... PLS! 不要在打了!!
Jojo begged as the men pulled her away from us..
Aruughj.!!..... ffffuckkkkk!!!'
20 seconds of continuous blow felt like 2 hours . I knew my body could no longer take it.I was about to black out of this when I heard another scream from Tracy.
LEONARD!!!!!!! 救命啊!!!
The rain of blows suddenly stop.
I was just lying down as I saw at least a hundreds of feets wearing white leather shoes running towards our direction.
One by one, Baxiong men collapse like black dominos as the group of men in whites dominated them.
This group of people were all in white. Like a game of 围棋 (WEIQI), the whites surrounded every single one of the men in black as they kneeled down with their hands on the back of their heads.
Men in white leader: 他妈的! ! ! KAN NI NA BU CHEE BYE! 谁敢跟 Tracy 姐过不去就是跟我们天道的人过不去!! ! ( who dares offend Tracy, also offend us members of the heaven way alliance !)
He looked so suave as he pointed his metal rod towards the crowd. The gel hair, dark sunglasses, gold chains around his neck, couple of tattoos on his wrist, and that toned facial feature that showed the outline of his jaw.
Definitely another taiwan boss leader that Tracy had alliance with.
He used his rod to point at me and ah du as he said: 快!带他们去医院!(quick send them to hospital!)
The men in white start bringing us up into their vehicle as they drove us away.
I'm pretty sure it was a white Mercedes.
Felt kinda similar to when I was drunk and flag a Mercedes taxi in Singapore as I knocked out cold on the way home.
I could only hear the reminds of commotions outside as I drifted into a deep sleep....
I woke up with tubes in me and machines by me.
I tried sitting up but could not gather enough energy to do so. Looking down, I was already dressed in the hospital gown. Turning my head, I saw Tracy, Jojo and the suave looking man through the glass panel.
They had their hands by their waist as they pace up and down.
Ah.. (the muffled sound from me)
I tried to call for them but my ribs hurts like hell. I pressed the button by the side of my finger and the light by the corner of the room turned green.
The light caught Jojo's attention as her eyes beam and she quickly ran into my ward.
Lewis! Lewis finally you are awake!
Jojo came by my side as she cried and held onto my shoulders.
护士!(Nurse!) 护士! (Nurse!) 他醒了!(he's awake!) yelled Tracy.
4am (flight time 10pm)
The doctor did several test on me to ensure I didn't suffer any head trauma or internal injury. Needless to say I missed my flight and got a few missed call from Alissa and my Uncle.
I'm pretty sure grey and Jolin had gotten back safely on the flight.
Ah du suffered a broken arm and rib as he was recovering in the other ward. I needed a few stitches on my ears and suffered just as much as Ah du, if not more.
I was still pretty much alive. They all gathered around me as the nurse wheeled me back into the ward after my test.
谢。。。谢。。你。。 (thank .. thank.. you) as I tried to shake the suave man hand.
suave man: 兄弟!没什么好谢的! Tracy the 朋友就是我们天道的朋友!(Brother! Don't mention! Tracy Friend is also our heaven way alliance Friend!)
Jojo eyes were still puffy from all the crying. My heart went completely soft as I looked at her face. I told her to call my Uncle and Alissa to tell them I'm okay.
Jojo expression changed alil when I mention Alissa's name. It seemed that part of reality struck....
Jojo nodded as she forced another smile before walking out of the ward.
Tracy: Leonard... 只是谢谢你。。。幸好有你在。。不然。。。 ( Leonard, thank you.. luckily you were around otherwise...)
Leonard: 要谢,就谢 Jake....... 是他通知了我们的..... (if you want to thank, thank jake. He informed us about your whereabouts )
Tracy smile widen as she heard his name. Her white teeth started showing and her cheek started to flush as she lowered her Chin down to hide her excitement.
Jake 这个傻瓜。。。。还算有我的心。( jake this silly fellow... still thinks of me)
Still in my pokka dotted hospital gown, I looked at both of them with my hands on my wheelchairs and said: .........
Who is jake ?
26-09-2019, 11:45 PM
Amazing story TS, support!
27-09-2019, 06:28 AM
really like your story ts! hoping for more updates.
29-09-2019, 06:22 AM
nice story TS, shall wait here for more installments of it.
02-10-2019, 06:58 AM
this is a nice story ts, waiting for more juicy updates.
02-10-2019, 10:45 PM
Tracy briefly looked at Leonard. Leonard smiled and nodded his head as though he approves of something.
I could tell from the smile Tracy had as though she reminisce a memory of this person.
She padded on my shoulder and said
Jake.. he's well... another fellow as silly as you...
2 weeks had passed.
Me and Ah du got discharged from the hospital at the same time. Tracy compensated ah du by offering him a job as a personal driver of hers.
She took the liking of this reliable man and the recommendation from me. Ah du happily accepted the offer as he is now being paid twice as much as he could earn before.
I visited Fengye before taking my leave. He looked like he's about to kick the bucket anytime soon. I'm pretty sure Tracy would be the one who calls the shot for a Long time to come.
Fengye told me that after Ba Xiong death, he had some troubles answering to the other members in the society. Nevertheless he ensured that there will be security covering me all the way until the airport. In case someone wants my head...
Me and Jojo bid goodbye to Tracy, mr Xu and ah du at the airport. It was briefly emotional as ah du swept his tears and said he'll come and visit me in Singapore.
I also wasn't sure if I saw Tracy winked at me or Jojo before we entered the gate. Till this day I fantasied about Tracy giving me a blowjob. Nevertheless I still had her 'video' with Jojo. It was something I would keep and bring with into my grave.
For the past 2 weeks, Alissa has been rather emotional. She called me almost every night to check on me. She even wanted to fly here and visit me but she was too busy to cope with the work on hand.
I felt rather guilty on the other hand as Jojo showered me with her love. She also gave me blowjobs at night when the Nurses weren't looking. On the other hand, alissa sended me a couple of her homemade masturbation videos to keep my little Brother active.
Even though I felt the effort from Alissa. A part of my interest towards her died down slowly... i just couldn't figure out how to leave Alissa without spoiling her friendship with Jojo.... both of them were equally on par. I admit I'm pretty much a lucky S.O.B to have 2 queens fighting over me..
Many would kill to be in my position. But whom have walked a mile in my shoe ? ...
All these thoughts lingered in my head for 5 fucking hours in the plane. I couldn't even catch a wink.
Touch down (Singapore)
Jojo woke up from her sleep. Her eyes like puppy and beautiful smile were something that I had longed for to see in a woman. I could get so use to seeing it every morning when I wake up.
If I woke up from a nightmare? No problem.
I only needed to turn around and lift up her shirt to suck her boobies to sleep.
She would cuddle me all night with the smell of flesh flower scent by her clothes.
I am sick. Or getting sick..
We held hands as we depart the aircraft. Jojo held onto my hands firmly without while trying to avoid eye contact with me. I could tell this was her way of treasuring what might seem last of our scandalous relationship. I had to be returned to the owner.
All the way till we had to insert our passports into the automated passport machines....
We took our respective luggage and walked towards the transparent departure door.
Jojo: so... this is it...
Lewis: erm...
Jojo: thank you for everything. I hoped you felt the same way I felt for you.... It's... been really wonderful..
Lewis: y.. yes.. it has jo...
Jojo: lets just carry on with our lives..... :)
Lewis: what do you mean jo..?
Jojo: nothing...
She smiled and turned away. I knew she was wiping a tear off her eyes.
Her head went down for 3 seconds before coming back up as she took a big deep breath in.... she confidently pushed her chest out and rolled her luggage towards the door....
I almost wanted to kill myself as my heart stopped....
But as I looked out, I could see my Uncle waving his hands to us...
Alissa was by his side....
03-10-2019, 12:38 AM
So very nice story, please continue soon :)
03-10-2019, 08:50 AM
TS, will this update mark the end of the story or will there be more? Certainly hope it's the latter
03-10-2019, 02:29 PM
TS, will this update mark the end of the story or will there be more? Certainly hope it's the latter
20% more to go ☺️ Wait for next update soon!
04-10-2019, 01:35 AM
What a nice story! Keep updating pls
05-10-2019, 05:19 AM
Thanks for sharing this story TS, look forward to your next updates.
06-10-2019, 09:28 AM
love this story! sure hoping there will be much more.
14-10-2019, 09:13 PM
Jojo hug alissa as they crossed path. My Uncle sling his arms around my shoulders as I updated him about our status with taiwan office.
Even though I didn't exactly contribute much, Mr Xu had generously speak of my achievements there. He obviously exaggerated my contributions as I had spend most of my time doing things I wasn't suppose to..
We all sat at a cafe for a meal and chatted like usual friends... Alissa held on to my hands the whole time. But Jojo was seemly unaffected by it. I felt abit awkward throughout the conversation but I didn't feel that she was feeling the same as me..
My Uncle offered to send us back home and gave us an unofficial 3 days off to rest and to do our presentation to our respective teams when we get back.
Me and alissa alighted at my home as we bid our goodbyes to them. I didn't know why but I felt like it was the last I'm going to see of Jojo....
My heart wanted to follow her home.. but I knew I couldn't. I had to break clean with alissa before moving on to Jojo.
But would Jojo accept me formally? As her Boyfriend? With the relations she had with alissa? Am I being a bastard..?
Then again whose to say I'm right or wrong to think this way...? Have you walked a mile in my shoe..? It's all easy to judge someone but when shit happens, you'll see..
Alissa helped me unpacked my luggage as I took a hot shower to dilute my thoughts.. i was surprise to see her already changed and lying comfortably on my bed.
She wore my army admin tee and a flower shorts that I had when I was in my teenage years. Both looked very oversized but cute on her.
I went to lay down beside her. I cup my hands on hers and pushed my nose towards her hair as the smell of her hair brought me back to the first time we cuddled....
Waves and waves of emotions came on me as I hugged alissa tighter. I closed my eyes and took another deep sniff...
Alissa slowly rubbed against my shorts and the fabric of it made me erect.. she looked up and her eyes longed for the overdue kiss that we were suppose to have.....
I went for the kiss and started to feel my erection at its best. I cupped Alissa's face gently and slowly went for a French kiss. I re-invaded her tongue that tasted like wine as she cupped her hand and rubbed my dick.
The fabric of my shorts were soft and baggy. I could feel my precum oozing out from my penis head. I went underneath her shirt that bore the logo of army. I cupped her soft mellows and placed my hands firmly on her breast.
Carefully leaving out her nipples in between my index and middle finger as I squeeze... I could feel the erection of her nipples as they tighten up and protrude like the tip of a eraser that was on top of a pencil head.
Alissa moaned increased as I continued grabbing her boob while missing out on her erected nipple. I flipped her on top of me and started grabbing her butt.
Feeling the tenderness of her cheeks.. both my index finger slowly went into her panties and was hit was a warm liquid sensation.
I gently rub the sides of her Vagina as they begin producing more liquid..
Alissa: mmmm... hh'mm... arrh....ah... mmhmm
I went in circular motion until my index finger cane closer to her clit.. I felt her shiver alil as though I had already hit her G spot.
I continued the circular motion of my index fingers until I hit her clit
Alissa: mfffffmm....a....h...... mm...
She continued frenching me even harder as her tongue flicker vigorously with mine.
I rubbed her wet clit for a good 2 mins before sliding down her shorts.... Alissa went down south and slide down mine. She cupped my dick and slowly retract my foreskin with her mouth...
She slide her mouth down and conquered the rest.....
& Till today, it was the best sex I ever had...
Day 1 on unofficial off
Alissa went to work and I went to eat breakfast with my mom. I spend the whole day collating my presentation.
Day 2 on unofficial off
I collated all the videos I had from Alissa, Rachel and picked the favourite video I wanted. I mixed it together with the video I had from Jojo and Tracy into a Long video.
And I watched... the 4 queens who had it cumming...
Day 3 on unofficial off
I opened my email and remembered that I had the file from tracy thumbdrive. I unzipped the folder and there were shit loads of documents in it.
Mostly in Chinese. There were also a few photos of some organisations I assume was gang related. I assumed it was no use for me and closed the folder leaving it where it is...
Day 4 back to work
I headed back to the office at 9am sharp. I I wore a nice suit and brought piping hot breakfast from Kallang mrt for my team.
I walked past the pantry and saw Jolin. She smiled and gave me a simple nod to acknowledge my presence. I smiled back too..
I walked to my table and saw Rachel. She smiled and gave me a hug. Welcoming my return to the team.
The rest of my team gathered around me and welcomed my return. Suddenly I felt like the most important man in CSO.
I returned the warm gesture but handing them out their breakfast.
Curry puff from nothing but the best, Old Chang Kees......
Well, I like old Chang Kees too....
My team leader brought me into a smaller meeting room where I had mentality sum up a good story of my taiwan trip. It was a mixture of work and ..... a little bit of fun?
Hmm.. I'll leave her out on that one..
My eyes roamed around the room to check for Jojo. Still there was no sign of her. I only manage to see grey chatting happily with alissa. It was like back to old days. Just that I wasn't too bothered by it anymore.
Uncle Chan then gathered everyone into the pantry area. Don't be surprise... my pantry could easily fit 200 people...
Uncle Chan: alright! First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our fellow colleagues that have just returned from Taiwan. Please give them a round of applause......
I have some good news.. and I have some bad ones...
Good news is... everyone will be getting their bonus 1 month earlier!
The crowd begin clapping and cheering while having loud discussions among themselves... people were engaged with each other and some didn't flinched but waited for the bad news...
Bad news is....
Jojo has tendered her resignation yesterday to settle her personal affairs. Therefore, she will not be involved in the presentation later...
My heart stopped for a min as I begin looking aimlessly at her desk.
It was already cleared out.
I started to think if this was truly what she wanted.. or if it was because it may be better for our situation..
I took out my phone to see the time...
Time check:
There was no message whatsoever...
I finished the presentation for the day and went for team lunch with my colleagues.
I tried calling Jojo but her cellphone was off.
I tried calling again but was still off. I got worried and went over to ask Sookie if she knew what happened.
She too does not know...
I told alissa that I was going home first to settle some stuffs and will see her tomorrow night at her place.
I took a cab to Jojo house.. i couldn't exactly remember which lift I had took the previous time... i tried to recall my foot steps the previous time I was here and continued walking.... I walked passed a hall that had an ongoing funeral and went to the lift lobby which seem more familiar to me.
I took the lift up to 5th level and walked up to the 6th story. I tried to recall the familiar environment but it doesn't seem like she stay at this level.
I went up another and another until 8th floor where I spot a half broken flower vase which reminded me of my previous incident outside her flat.
I went closer to inspect her unit and the door was shut. Her gate was also shut. What I saw next made my heart stopped....
There was a small square red paper beside her gate...
It could only meant in Chinese context that someone from this family has passed on...
I froze and recalled the funeral I walked passed downstairs..
I ran the stairs and went down immediately..
When I got to the 1st floor, I quicken my pace until I reached the hall that had the ongoing funeral...
I slowly approached the hall I saw quite a number of people sitting in a nonchalant manner.. it was easily 6 tables filled with people...
I went closer.. trying to glimpse the image of the dead person photo that was placed in the center of The Coffin.
It was a lady... the picture looked somewhat old.. like she was in her 50s but as if it was taken a decade ago.
I had a breather and went closer..
A few people sitting around the table near the hall way have already started watching me and were frowning..
And there she was....
Jojo....wearing a white crumpled tee that was meant for a funeral.
Sitting right by The Coffin...
Burning the offerings...
My jaw dropped as I recalled she had a Grandmother....
This... must be it... her grand Mother!
My eyes were set on her as I walked further in...
The people around the table carefully watched my movements as I paced steadily towards Jojo.
I could hear some chairs slide as I got closer to the area..
Everyone around the tables did not knew who I was..
Except for Bill. Jojo's Father.. the man who saved me..
He quietly nodded at me and walked towards the table.
I voluntarily took out a joss stick and lighted it. I offered my respect and parked my joss stick right in the middle as Jojo dad stood near me.
I went towards Jojo and sat beside her while having my arms wrapped around her shoulder. She didn't need to look at me.. she knew it is me..
She slowly rested her head on my shoulder... I could tell this was quite a lot for her to take in..
No one knew about it.
Not our colleagues. Not her boss.. and not best friends... not even me....
She chose to shoulder this herself...
I brought Jojo back to an empty table.. I scope a plate of food back for her... the eyes around some tables continued to have their eyes on me... I did not know why..
Maybe they were wondering if this fellow came here to makan free curry chicken....
Jojo did not have much appetite. Neither did she spoke to me since I arrived. Bill kept a close watch on us from his table..
Funny thing is there was a woman from his table that caught my attention.
She seemed to smiled at me whenever I looked across to Bill.
She looked stylish and didn't seem like she was here for a funeral. More like a fashion show I suppose.
Funny people of all sorts were around the table actually..
There's a bluff handsome looking guy in leopard prints shirt...
A skinny old man that looks like he's about to passed on...
A young looking girl who is somewhat attractive and was preoccupied with her phone...
Jojo: Hey... im going to the toilet.... help yourself with some food...
Lewis: orh... ok...
Jojo stood up and went towards the portable toilet.. I went outside the hall to ponder what might have happened when we came back from Taiwan.
I lit up my cig and blew my first string of smoke...
when a young man. Almost my age. Dressed in white t shirt and army cargo pants... with stains of chilli signs on his shirt.. came close to me... and did the same..
It was a moment of awkward silence...
Until I was about halfway in my smoke...
The man finally broke his silence..
He blew his string of smoke from his cig and said:
You must be Lewis....
I turned and looked at him.. trying to recall my memory if I had knew him from the army.... or maybe from sch... or cca club...
Lewis: Err... yes I... am.. but I don't think we have met.
No we haven't. And you may have something I want....
Anyway, I'm Jake... Jake Teo.....
The end.
5th sep 2019
I sat down at a local cafe. Order my morning cup of coffee and pondered if I should continue writing since I have left for a year. I didnt even dare to log into sbf and read the comments section left here. I knew I disappointed many.
But I decided to do it anyway...
22th sep 2019
I went to the same store and had my cup coffee. Partly because the lady selling chicken rice was hotter than other ladies you could find wearing OL clothing..
She was sweet and rugged at the same time.
Except, her husband chops the chicken harder whenever I had my eyes on her....
Whenever he chops the chicken, I swear the board felt more pain than the chicken..
Chicken rice man: Xuehua! Help me go buy cucumber... finishing already!
Xuehua: huh?! But I though we just ordered.....?
Chicken rice man: ya but now already finish... somemore you down here people cannot concentrate eating!
Xuehua chuckled as she knew what he was referring about.
It was me.
I quickly shifted my eyes back to my phone and carried on drinking Kopi while writing my second story. (I grew up and became a man)
The end( thank you ).
Special thanks to the man who made it possible: ilock (ilikeoldchangke)
My adventure as a hawker:
Big trouble in Little India:
14-10-2019, 10:07 PM
Thank you for the great write up.. Hope to read more of your work soon bro boobastic
14-10-2019, 10:33 PM
Great share TS, thanks a million! :)
14-10-2019, 11:09 PM
Sad to see Its the End
28-10-2019, 09:24 PM
Thank you T.S. for the amazing piece of work.
04-12-2019, 03:32 PM
Finally finished reading this. Looking forward to your future works TS !.
23-03-2020, 02:15 PM
Finally finished reading this. Looking forward to your future works TS !.
Thank you sir. Looking forward for ur next update on Rajah 😉
23-03-2020, 09:46 PM
Very nice story TS, cheers!
16-12-2021, 10:31 AM
Bros, any idea where is Jojo now ? Kinda missed her lei
Hi Bros! Thank you all for the support! It's been years since i wrote my last story! I believe and hope that my humble story will keep the forum sexciting! Apologies if my story line is bit draggy but i hope it will be worth the read! Please be patient as i promise to write alil every day!
4 Queens look alike-
Rachel: Looks like Yahui
Sookie: Looks like Paige Chua
Jojo: Looks like Rui En
Alissa: Looks like Tong Bing Yu
As this story is base on 80% facts and 20% fiction, the rest is up to your imagination!
16-12-2021, 07:24 PM
Awesome story TS, very well written :)
18-12-2021, 08:18 AM
Awesome story TS, very well written :)
Yes love it too here
Awesome story TS, very well written :)
Indeed my friend
19-12-2021, 05:46 AM
More updates coming soon TS?
19-12-2021, 06:56 AM
Always keep coming back to
19-12-2021, 01:37 PM
Hi everyone. I sincerely thank you guys for still reading this in 2021. 2021 has been a busy year. Everyone has been living humbly to tie thru this pandemic and staying low profile. I will be writing a story soon and hope you guys will enjoy it. Jojo , Sookie and Alissa are happily married and we have not stayed in touch for about 2 years now. I'm only in touch with Rachel. Nevertheless, I hope everyone continue to live well.
19-12-2021, 03:47 PM
Indeed my friend
Very true bro
19-12-2021, 04:08 PM
Always keep coming back to
Same here bro!
19-12-2021, 08:08 PM
Hi everyone. I sincerely thank you guys for still reading this in 2021. 2021 has been a busy year. Everyone has been living humbly to tie thru this pandemic and staying low profile. I will be writing a story soon and hope you guys will enjoy it. Jojo , Sookie and Alissa are happily married and we have not stayed in touch for about 2 years now. I'm only in touch with Rachel. Nevertheless, I hope everyone continue to live well.
Welcome back to continue writing your nice story.
Camping here for more juicy updates please.
19-12-2021, 11:54 PM
Great story bro, enjoyed reading it! :)
20-12-2021, 07:39 AM
Please continue with your Queens, cheers!
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